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Rapport Building

The key to good relationship by creating a

climate of Mutual Trust and understanding
What is Rapport?
 Rapport is an exercise to build relationship with
mutual respect, responsiveness and influence
 It is creating a climate of trust and understanding.
 It is an ongoing process of connecting with others
 Its an honest attempt to observe & understand
another person from their world
 A willingness to be open – it need not be an
 It is possible to have good rapport and still
strongly disagree
 It is not manipulation. It is a win-win strategy
Respect Values and Beliefs
 In order to build rapport you can respect
beliefs and values of others ~ though you
may not agree with them
 It’s a willingness to see others perspective
 You assume responsible for your
outcomes in rapport building
 You become flexible for rapport building.
Start with certain EBOE…… as a state of mind
Perceptual Positions
There are three perpetual postioning n NLP
It is an art of seeing events through the eyes of others
1st Position ~ yours:
 ‘the way I see it’
2nd Position ~ other persons
 ‘If I were you I would’
3rd Position ~ both:
 ‘taking into account both views it seems like
Others NLP tools that can help
 Thinking patters + filters
 Modeling
 Enriched communication
 Clean language
 Precision Questions
 Hypnotic language
 Neuro Logical Levels of Changes
 Anchoring
 Part Integration
 Well formed outcome
 Art of receiving and giving Feedback
It is to start with Matching
 People like those people who like them
 All of us have a natural ability/skill to match people
 All of us do this “naturally” many a time @ our
home, work and society
 It is matching Thinking pattern+ Language pattern +
Behavioural pattern of others
 It is matching Intention & Attention
 It is not about making others to match with us – Not
match fixing – I tis About ourselves – Being Flexible
in our thinking, language and behavior
How to start the Matching
 Think of situations you are in a rapport with
 What was your state of thinking, language and
 What were your core belief and values?
 Can you draw the same NOW
 It is entirely possible to match someone despite
you may not agree to some part you wish to
 Go to whole body listening Vs Listening Internal.
Where to start matching
 Language is an indicator of the thinking
and behaviour
 So you START with Language
 Both Body Language + Verbal Language
 5 parts of Body Language: Posture,
Movement, breathing, Voice and
 3 parts of Verbal Language: Verbal +
Auditory and Kinaesthetic
What to Pay Attention for matching
 Notice their posture, gestures
 Match with it / Do not copy!!!!!
 Mirror what they do – if they are sitting forward in
a chair you do the same, try to match the tone of
their voice (unless they are angry!!)
 Matching body posture, gesture and tone and
speed of voice when disagreeing or challenging
will maintain rapport
 Others often comment on feeling heard and
respected – take as an indicator / feedback
Take Charge
 Imagine being that person [ As it state]~
this does not compromise your beliefs and
values but helps to understand their world
 Be open to seeing things from their
 Draw & Use your natural skills and abilities
 Giving challenging feedback is entirely
possible with-out conflict!
Rapport - Summary
 Rapport is a relationship of trust and
mutual influence
 At the heart of managing people well
 People are the key assets of an
organisation or relationship
 Agreement does not guarantee rapport
 Having Rapport builds good relationships

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