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“Essay about Life”

―Life is beautiful and yet life is not a bed of roses. Though it is full of ups and
downs it has many facets of blessings and successes.
To some people, life is hard, cruel and merciless. These set of people see life as
punishment throughout their entire lives. They therefore resigned themselves to
fate, believing all is finished. To them, nothing that they do can ever be good.
They take delight in committing crimes and maiming others to avenge their ill-
fortune. They lost every sense of direction and most times, some of them go as
far as committing suicide, just to escape the injustice life has meted out to them.
But there are those who see life as a challenge, a channel of discovery and
innovation, a prospect for success and a gateway to wealth. To them life is
sweet, colourful and kind. No matter the situation these people find themselves,
they keep pressing on, believing in a cause, a cause to succeed and get the most
out of life. No wonder an adage says, ―Where there is life, there is hope.‖
The will to succeed or fail lies within an individual jurisdiction. You can live
life to the fullest with utmost satisfaction and fulfillment if you determine with
all your mind, body and soul to succeed. On the other hand, life can be
miserable to you if you take everything for granted and wait on fate to play
itself out.
Setting of goals and strategic plans that will strive no matter the odds which
may move against you is one of the basic things needed to get the best out of
life. These goals which must be result oriented, should be followed up
consistently even if things seem blurred or unyielding at first.
Also, the mind is the centre of everything. It controls your thoughts and beliefs.
A focused mind has never fail. A positive mind helps one to discover his talents
and potentials. Great men and women, both living and dead, had their minds
focused on something and nothing deterred them from achieving their dreams.
Each of them had a belief, should I say faith, which they held onto, they nurture
the belief, focused all their attention and live on it. And today, we have
benefited in one way or the other from their inventions and great ideas.
Life is a challenge. And for anyone to succeed in life, he must be ready to show
the stuff he is made of. He must be ready to sacrifice his time and build up his
mind frame toward success. What is happening in our environment should not
influence or affect us in our daily quest for success in life. Instead, we should
control the happenings around us.
Life is so easy, yet many people rush and miss what they want to achieve in life.
Don’t rush in life. Take one step at a time. Each step should be properly planned
before being launched. Steady, balance, mark and shoot. And before you know
it, the sky will become the beginning of your success.
All the great men of today, has one way or the other tasted the other side of life
but they did not cower. Instead, they were renewed to redefine their goals; they
ride on with faith, believing in their potentials, focusing their mind on
something, knowing fully well that in every black cloud there is always a silver
I take life to be very simple and do you know what? Life is to be enjoyed. What
about you?

Essay 1

Technology has highly evolved over time. In fact, nowadays almost everybody
has some sort of machine at hand, be it computers, cars, or even washing
machines. But although machinery was devised to benefit mankind, it has also
brought along many flaws to match. Firstly, when it comes to technological
equipment such as computers, disruption most often arises between the person
using the computer, and the household he or she is surrounded by, or living
with. For example, many old family traditions such as eating meals with your
relatives at the dining table seldom take place now that one of the family
members might be too busy working on his Mac. laptop. Thus, family values
and morals have changed in order to adapt to this technological age. Secondly,
having many kinds of machinery at hand is not only destroying family
traditions, but is also very harmful to our environment. Many people are
careless about allowing their car engines to run haphazardly, or leaving their
laptops on for long periods of time, however they do not seem aware of the fact
that all this energy and electricity consumption is dangerous to not only our
local environment, but to the world as a whole. Additionally, it is the over-usage
of machinery, big or small that is bringing our society ever closer to Global
Warming, and we must stop. As I mentioned in my introduction, technological
equipment was never programmed to damage nature per se, but to help people
all around the globe. Now that nuclear families aren’t as closely intact
compared to the 1950s or 1990s, technology has given us an alternative method
to keep in touch with our relatives thanks to computer applications such as
Skype, or even cell phone applications such as VIBER or WhatsApp.
Machinery has most definitely done wonders in our lives, and we as people
should be grateful to easily possess cars, and/or phones when poorer countries
do not even have the chance to. However, with all the advantages machinery
has brought to us all, I personally believe that possessing too many cars or
phones, or even consuming too much of their energy and battery, is beginning
to get out of hand and needs to be controlled.

Essay 2

It is true that medical doctors are health professionals whose roles are of great
importance in the society. They are usually educated and people generally look
up to them to take good care of their health issues. In fact, whether people live
or die depends to a very great extend on the doctors in charge of their health
situations, depending on how serious they are. Almost every one wants a doctor
that is vastly knowledgeable in the medical field, especially those with many
years of experience. Although I agree that the level of education of a medical
doctor is of much importance for a doctor to be regarded as a ―good medical
doctor‖, I am also of the opinion that that is not the only criterion for a doctor to
be regarded as a ―good medical doctor‖. Character and the integrity of the
person contribute to a large extend. I am also of the view that a medical doctor
should be a very responsible person in the society because alot of people tend to
emulate them. Young adults usually look forward to becoming medical doctors
in the future. That being the case, they tend to copy the behaviours of medical
doctors they know. The country where I come from, Nigeria, where the health
system has some issues, some medical doctors who lack good character and do
not care about their integrity can, because a patient does not have enough
money to pay their medical bills, walk away from a dying patient. During oath
taking, these doctors state that they will put patients first before any thing, but
some of them do not keep up with this. Although I agree that doctors in the third
world countries usually face some challenges, I am still of the opinion that when
it comes to saving a patient’s life, a good medical doctor should always swing
into action. In Canada, though I have stayed here for just a year, I think many of
their doctors can be regarded as ―good doctors‖ from the little I have seen. In
conclusion, I believe that a well educated doctor without a good character and
integrity and also without a passion to save lives is as good as a ―bad doctor‖
since, with his education but with love for money rather than love for his
patient’s lives, can still lead to the loss of lives

Essay 3

Traveling and visiting new countries can be an extremely thrilling experience. I

usually prefer to take guided tours to explore a new destination. By doing that I
get a chance to visit its most significant landmarks, get to meet tourists from
other countries and learn about the city’s most popular and authentic
restaurants. Upon joining professional excursions, tourists discover the
prominent cultural and historical buildings in cities, such as churches,
monuments, parks, and palaces. The tours are usually organized to cover most
of these important places. For example, when I visited Dubai last year, I joined
the ―Big Bus Tour‖ to explore this amazing city. While visiting the Dubai
Musuem, I learned that this chief city was only built sixty years ago. Haven’t I
taken such a guided tour, I wouldn’t have known this fact about this metropolis
city. The other reason to prompt me in taking tour buses is the opportunity to
meet other tourists. sharing the experience and spending time together gets you
close to other people from different nationalities. This in return provides you
with the chance of learning about other cultures and maybe building frienships
with them. As an example, while touring in Mexico two years ago, I was
acquainted to tourists from various cultures and learned a lot about each other.
Another important factor to encourage me on taking bus tours is learning about
the city’s most popular restaurants. Although brochures and flyers usually
contain such information, yet tour guides who live in they cities recommend
more authentic local places. As an example, one of the best meals I tried was at
a local restaurants in Mexico City where the guide advised us to go. It was a
meal to remember. In conclusion, taking professional excursions is worth the
cost of it. You get to visit all the salient landmarks, learn about other cultures
and get familiar with popular restaurants.
Essay 4 : Working Part-time Jobs

Part-time jobs are very common nowadays. I, myself, work part-time since I
have to go to school part-time as well. I think a lot of people opt for working
part-time because of time flexibility and we would still be able to attend to other
things that are important in our day to day living. A clear advantage of having
several part-time jobs is for people to be developed in the different areas where
they are working. If one has several jobs, he or she will be able to meet several
people and supervisors that will expose them to different challenges and
learnings. Another advantage of having several part-time jobs, is an opportunity
to find out what you really want as an occupation in life. This may be a stepping
stone for you to be able to discover yourself more in terms of your abilities and
skills. Lastly, I think having several jobs will make you earn more money than
having a full-time job. This is because in a full-time job, you are only entitled
for a specific number of hours at work and sometimes, employers don’t give
overtime pays. The disadvantage on the other hand, is that most of the part-time
jobs do not offer benefits to its employees. Also, you have to adjust with your
workmates from one workplace to another. It will also be difficult if you have
two or three jobs in a day and you don’t have your own car. Commuting from
one workplace to another can be very exhausting. In conclusion, I would say
that I’m in favor of having several parttime jobs rather than one full-time job.
My decision is mainly in line with my current situation. I need to go to school
and at the same time, work for my family. Having part-time jobs will be very
beneficial for me since I can arrange my schedule with my employer. Also,
based on my own experience, I enjoy meeting and working with people from
different walks of life. I was able to gain friends which I think is very essential
to be able to adapt easily in a country that is different from yours

Essay 5

With the developement of our society, people’s lifestyle change from day to
day. It has become more common for people to have different part-time jobs.
Compared this trend with before, some people start wondering whether it is
good or bad for people to have many jobs at the same time. However, in my
opinion, I think part-time job is a double sides sword. It has its own advantages
and disadvantages. For some people, part-time jobs provide them an oppotunity
to do things they are actually interested in. Also, it offers the possibility to earn
more money at the same time. But for other people, part-time jobs are time-
consuming and they cost many energy to do so many jobs at the same time
period. The most important advantage of part-time jobs is that they provide an
oppotunity for people to try different things. Taking my brother as an example,
he works in a bank as a teller, but he has seen many videos about bartender, so
he decides to be a bartender at night. This job extends his sight and provides
him a chance to fulfill his dream. Speaking of dreams, part-time jobs also offer
people a chance to earn more money. Part-time jobs are the best path for
someone who needed money. Although it takes time, people could still benefit
from the work they did. In our society, many people take part-time jobs in order
to make enough money to pay bills or pay for their kids tuition. However, as we
all know, it takes time and energy to do so many jobs. This is the most
disadvantage of part-time jobs. People get tired and stressed because of their
work. They don’t have time with families. All they want to do is finishing the
job and sleep. If a father takes several part-time jobs, it may influence on his
children. His children may lack of love and they may become a workacholic
person in the future. Taking all these factors into account, we may draw a
conclusion that part-time can do good things in your life, but it can also destroy
your time in life. We may have to think about what are we pursuing in our lives
before we bury into the work. Money is important, but family and life are much
worth for us. Time is not coming back

Essay 6

I agree the government policy of all of the citizens should learn two foreign
languages. The world is getting more closer than before. It is very easy for us to
travel to another country. Students can go to another country for study. Business
man can find a parnet from other country to improve thir business. Also, there
are more and more information can find on the internet. All of these are base on
languages. There are more and more students travel to another country for
study. They travel to another country because they want learn other language. If
the students can speak more languages, then they can talk to someone easier,
and also can learn more. Also, they can make some friends easily. These are the
advantages for learing more languages. International business is getting
common. There are more and more companines located in whole world. If the
boss of the company can speak more than one language, then the boss can find
some parnets from different countries, then the boss can have a successful
business easily. Learning two languages is also good for the people who is
working. There are more and more information can find on the internet. Some
people will translate the information into their language. But sometimes they
will lose some important information. If we can know other language, then we
can find more resources for the information, and also more detail. Learning
more languages can also learn more knowledges. Learning two or more
languages is good for us. We can go to other country for study, boss of the
company can try to improve the company becomes a international company,
and also we can learn more on the internet. There are the advantges of learning
more than one languages. So I agree the government policy of all of citizens
should learn two foreign languages.

Essay 7

It is widely accepted that most people want their doctors who had graduated
famous university and well-educated. It is associated with people’s life directly
being treated perfectly. However, there are more important factors which affect
people’s condition in the hospital. The first thing is ability of explaination about
patient’s condition and progress. Whenever we are being admitted to the
hospital, we are usually afraid of our next step. Besides, after we experienced
big operation or procedure, we want to know our current state and how to cope
with the future. Even though the doctors are very knowledgeble and skillful,
most patients feel scare when they do not being supported by doctor’s
explaination. Secondly, doctors should be warm. It is very important to treat the
patient’s inner side. It could be huge encouragement people those who are
suffer with incurable disease. We can not live without human beings. By time
goes by, our society have changed like factory. To sum up, doctors who are
living in modern society, should have warm heart and treat the patient like their

Essay 8

People say that water is the original energy. We can see it everywhere and we
use it everyday It seems like everything need water. for their life, as energy of
large number Water always play a good role in our world. We use water clean
the clothes , people need drink water to be energy for them., Sometimes Water
of river and ocean can be a transportation to help people transport the woods we
need the good role everyday. for everyone as the most important energy. But
everything has two sides. Water also has the bad side sometimes like when the
rain keep a long time as usual of the beginning it will be a disaster to break
people’s nomal life and houses. If we didn’t cherish water environment They
will turn dirty and become pollution then we couldn’t drink it. At last. Water
give us life and available to use we should grateful for it. and save water
everytime Trying to protect water clean.

Essay 9:

Alot of people and any body in the world can’t life with out water, Because
have many reson to this why. I will try to informaiton some reson in this topic.
The first reson since build on development in the life the water is availbilty
Because that is very important to life and do anything in this life. The water is
avilbilty ander the land and come in the sky also the god is who put the water in
the world. Should to safe this source. Althou from alot of this Source in the
world. the water have many advantages the flower and the animal used this
Source every day. the secund thing alot of people life with water in home and
when we need clean something and used it in the day or every day that is good
for them and all of all the water we can’t any body life without water. I hope the
TV. and news peaper watch or write something for learn the people who can
safe the water.

Essay 10

Safety Sun The sun in summer very hot on diffenert city. Safety sun ware
sunglasses with cap because the broblem eyes with haedeache. Keeb the liett
colore the t.shert don’t ware the durek colore because the liett colore wiathe and
yallow don’t keed or save hot suning.the durak colore black this. is save hot
suning. summer a’everybady go to sea because this is cold sea. in baeche
everybody ware tank with shoret. After swimming in sea don’t sit in sun
because the durek skin. The safety after swimming keeb shawer in batheroom.
because sea in more solg the solg keeb the durek skin.

Essay 11:

I definitely agree that modern life is easier than life in the past. The increased
use of technology, rising standards of living, and improved healthcare have
combined to make our lifestyles, at least in the first world, luxurious compared
to lifestyles of the past. By examining three specific examples—personal
computers, The Lion in Winter, and vaccines—this essay will demonstrate that
this improvement has, indeed, taken place.
In the first place, technological advances have created new ways to take care of
mundane tasks quickly and easily. For example, the majority of Americans now
have their own personal computers. This is an amazing advance: with
computers, we can complete tasks, from banking to ordering groceries, that
would have taken hours even a few decades ago. Word processing is common,
making the spread of information much easier to achieve, and education is
available to all for free through online courses and information that would have
been all but unattainable for many up until the end of the twentieth century. The
sheer amount of access that we have to services and knowledge through these
machines has made life extraordinarily easier.

Secondly, our standard of life has changed through advances in engineering,

architecture, travel, and even textiles. Looking at a film like The Lion in Winter,
while by no means historically perfect, does show how even everyday things
were more difficult almost a thousand years ago. Set in the 1100s, the film
shows King Henry II having to break ice from his water bowl to get water to
wash his face—something that hot and cold running taps have long since saved
us from. The queen has to travel to see her husband by a long boat journey,
which would be almost unthinkable today. Finally, the entire royal family, even
though they are royal, is wrapped in encumbering furs. Looking at what was
once the highest standard of living, compared to the average first world standard
of living today, we can see how much easier progress has made our lives.
Finally, we no longer live in fear of many common diseases that once crippled
or maimed large populations, making their lives much harder. For example,
polio used to strike many people, in some cases making it difficult for them to
walk, such as Franklin D. Roosevelt, who used a wheelchair. The invention of
that vaccine in the 1950s, as well as numerous other vaccines, has created a
situation in which we no longer have to suffer unnecessarily. This is most
certainly an improvement over the past.

In conclusion, life today is definitely easier than life in the past. Though it is
easy to read stories of nobles and kings of history and romanticize them, their
lives were almost certainly more uncomfortable than our lives are. Nevertheless,
there are many places in the world where laptops, modern conveniences, and
vaccines are rarely found; I hope that current generations will work together to
make life easier for everyone, now that it is possible to do so.


My enthusiasm for nursing and research first took root and flourished from a
visit to Jamaica. In 2007, after being separated from my father in Jamaica for
most of my life, I had the privilege and honor of meeting my grandmother who
by this time was up in years. My grandmother was living in an impoverished
rural area that had no roads or no source of medical care. When I saw my
grandmother's weak, frail body, I thought to myself "What access would my
grandmother have to good quality health care?" I asked grandma "Where is the
nearest hospital?" and grandma replied, "It's about forty miles away child." It
was that moment on I began to realize a desire to engage in a profession that
focused on the area of helping sick people in poverty areas. Upon my return to
the United States, I made the initiative to start a new direction in my life to
pursue a career in healthcare.

In 2008, I decided to become a Certified Nurse Assistant to test my interest.

After completing my certification in nurse assistant, I was able to do a lot of
hands-on work with sick patients and analyze what the Registered Nurses do in
the hospital setting. For instance, a typical day in my job consists of interacting
with patients from taking their vital signs to just being a listening ear for
comfort. One of the most notable things that taught me patience while working
at the hospital was a time I helped a patient get dressed. I had to learn to be
present and stop fretting about how long it was taking. She could sense when I
was watching the clock and getting antsy. For her, being able to button her shirt
was vital to her sense of wellbeing and empowerment in the aging process. It
was a small thing, but it meant a lot to her. Looking back on my five years
commitment working as a Certified Nurse Assistant, I still have more to
contribute and offer to fulfill my intellectual curiosity in the profession. I feel
like I've learned the ingredients of what it takes to be a good nurse such as
having a good sense of humor, patience, and working under stress, but above all
having a loving spirit.

One of my interests of hobbies where I found common values of a nurse is my

fascination for songwriting. I have been writing pop alternative music for five
years and became engaged writing my feelings when I experienced my first
breakup. I went from dabbling in music to loving the craft. I bought my first
songwriting book, Taylor Swift: Secrets of a Songwriter and devoted a
considerable amount of time learning the pros and cons of how one of my
favorite songwriters wrote her music. The book was armed with songwriting
tips and creative ways to learn how to write pop songs. I was amazed at how
words can change a person's mood and thought to myself "I can be just as good
as Taylor Swift." Taylor Swift always knew how to touch people hearts with
simple metaphors and vivid words. Furthermore, I enrolled in taking
songwriting lessons and came to an understanding of how music can also be the
best medicine.

I chose to pursue a career in nursing after following a circuitous path. Within

the last five years, I spent preparing myself working closely in the hospital and
having the joy of writing music. This has shown me the importance of
dedication and acceptance. I have been able to experience uncertainties,
challenges, and plain old hard work similar to that faced by nurses. But like the
nurses in the hospitals, I can find happiness and satisfaction in helping people
through medicine. Despite all the hardship nurses face, I want to help people
every day, especially in poverty areas. Practicing medicine is something worth
stress and long hours. Furthermore, what I have learned is to always remember
to see any situation as if the roles were reversed. Sad to say, my grandmother
has since passed away. I know she will be proud of the path I have chosen to
help others and she will always be in my thoughts as I follow my goal of
becoming a nurse.


Most of the time, the introduction speech for interview should last for
around 30 seconds to 5 minutes. It should not be more than 5 minutes. ―First
impression is the last impression‖ – This adage holds a lot of significance
for interviews. Make sure you include all the important points that a
potential candidate should convey to the interviewers. Start with a polite
greeting like Good Morning/Evening and then proceed for your introduction.

Good Morning Sir. I would take this opportunity to introduce myself in

brief. I am Mr. David Irwin from Florida. I have completed my schooling
from St. Xavier’s School (Mention your score) and I have completed my
B.Tech from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Mention your score).

(Mention the most important achievements, they are also included in your
curriculum vitae)

As a short term goal, I am looking for an opportunity to grow my career with

a reputed organization like yours. My vision in life is to make something big
in life and bring laurels to the organization I work with. It would be an
immense pleasure for me if I am given this opportunity. I believe that there
is something to learn from everyone and that is my biggest strength. I like to
take up challenges and take the lesson from my mistakes. I am a
perfectionist and I strive for excellence.

I am a fresher but I would surely adapt to the work environment and put in
100% to enhance my knowledge and skills. I believe in myself and I am
confident that nothing is impossible if we work really hard for it.

That is my brief introduction. I am grateful for giving me this opportunity to

introduce myself

I’m Akshaya from Chennai doing my final year engineering in Information

Technology. I did my schooling in school-name, secured 87% and feel
privileged to pursue my engineering in this prestigious institution.
I’m a passionate, optimistic & dedicated woman who takes up responsibilities
with utmost enthusiasm and see to it that I complete my tasks and assignments
in time. I’ve a great amount of perseverance to achieve my goal. My optimistic
and planned approach in things I do is what driving me towards my success.
As how I strive for perfection in things, I expect the same from others as well. If
things go out of control or go way out of track, I go an extra mile and contribute
my efforts, in getting things done in time.
I love music – a good inclination towards Carnatic & a little of western. I do
selectively read books mostly fiction & fantasy – Harry Potter, Narnia kind of,
some cartoons occasionally too!
I come from Tamil Brahmin family born in Delhi and brought up in the multi-
cultured, multi-cuisine flavours of Chennai. I’m the only daughter of my
parents. I’ve an elder brother who is currently working in company-name and he
has been my Wikipedia for everything under the sky. He inspired me in literally
everything I do. I, being in IT derive knowledge and inspiration from him, as he
is the source of constant support & help in all spheres of my life.
Well, that’s it!

Vietnamese Culture.

The mere mention of Vietnam immediately brings to mind its troubled past and
a brutal war that was fought there for nearly three decades. But, in reality
Vietnam is a beautiful country covered by tall mountains, open plains, deep
valleys and cultivated green fields. The country is also home to dense jungles
and rainforests filled with exotic plants and animals. It is also a place of unique
customs, traditions and superstitions that are still practiced in the urban cities
and simple villages. The lack of understanding of these customs and culture has
occasionally cause friction between the Vietnamese and Americans. To
understand the culture of Vietnam is to understand the Vietnamese people.


Vietnam is a country that guarantees religious freedom in its constitution.

Religion has a deep influence on Vietnamese culture and the Vietnamese
concept of life. The attitude towards life, death, and the world beyond is greatly
affected by the religions of the Vietnamese people. There are three traditional
religions among the Vietnamese people: Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism.
All three have existed for centuries in Vietnam.
The predominant religion in Vietnam is Buddhism. It is practiced by 55% of the
population. Buddhism was introduced into Vietnam under the Chinese
domination, and can be traced back to the second century B.C. It has since
remained the dominant religion in Vietnam and a major cultural force. The
great majority of Vietnamese people regard themselves as Buddhists but not all
of them actively participate in Buddhist rituals at the pagoda.

Buddhism originated in India and means the “Enlightened One.” According to

Buddha, man was born into this world to suffer. The cause of suffering is the
craving for wealth, fame, and power that brings about frustration and
disappointment. In order for man to be free from suffering he must suppress its
ultimate cause, the cravings. Man must not become attached to anything and
live a life full of virtue, according to the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path
teaches that there are eight “right” ways to live a virtuous life. These “right”
virtues are views, thoughts, conduct, speech, livelihood, effort, mindfulness and
meditation. A man‟s fate in this existence is determined by what he has done in
his previous existence. This is the law of Karma, or cause and effect.
Accordingly, a man‟s soul does not perish at death, but reincarnates into
another existence and this process goes on and on. The Buddhist‟s goal is to be
freed from the circle of reincarnation and reach Nirvana, which is a state of
complete redemption and supreme happiness. Theoretically, any person may
become a Buddha by suppressing his cravings and following the Eightfold Path.
Those who actually attain the status of Buddha are rare.

Confucianism is more of a religious and social philosophy than a religion in the

traditional meaning of the word. It has no church, no clergy, and no Bible.
Confucianism advocates a code of social behavior that man should observe so
that he may live in harmony with society and attain happiness in his individual
life. There is little concern about death, the world beyond, and spiritual feelings
in this religion. Confucianism was introduced into Vietnam as early as the first
century, during the Chinese domination.

Confucius, the founder of this religion, stressed the goal of the individual was
the improvement of the moral self. Confucius believed that in order to rule the
world, one must rule one‟s country; in order to rule the country, one must rule
one‟s family; and in order to rule the family, one must have control of oneself.
The improvement of the moral self is the cornerstone of Confucianism.
Confucius also believed that man is born with an essentially good nature, which
becomes corrupted by his contact with society. In order to improve his moral
self and regain that original good nature, with which he was born, man must
practice the five cardinal virtues that are benevolence, propriety, loyalty,
intellect, and trustworthiness.

Taoism also has had a deep imprint on the way of life for the Vietnamese
people. Lao Tse (600-500 B.C.), was the founder of Taoism. He advocated a
philosophy of harmony between man and man and also between man and
nature. To achieve the desired state of harmony, all forms of confrontation
should be avoided. The virtues of simplicity, patience, and self-contentment
must be observed. By non-action and keeping away from human strife and
cravings, man can reach harmony with himself, other people, and the universe.
Lao Tse believed that man could only find the right path by probing the inner
self and quiet meditation. Taoism was created as a religious philosophy, but the
followers of Lao Tse transformed it into a religion with church and a clergy
involved in communicating with deities, spirits, and the dead. Taoist clergymen
also claimed they could cure illness, alleviate misfortune, and predict the future.

Taoism was also introduced into Vietnam during the Chinese domination
period. By the time Vietnam recovered its independence, it had become one of
the main religious faiths of the Vietnamese people. It also became a source of
inspiration for poets and writers.

There are several addition religions that are practiced by the Vietnamese
people, including Roman Catholicism. But, regardless of their religion, most
Vietnamese continue to practice ancestral worship.


The traditional clothing style of the Vietnamese people is called the “ao dai”,
which is pronounced „ao yai‟ in the south, but „ao zai‟ in the north. This is a
traditional style dress that is worn by both women and men in the country.
Although trends in fashion have brought changes to the traditional ao dai in
terms of materials, style and western influence, the ao dai has remained a
historic article of clothing for the Vietnamese.

Ao dai is traditionally the women‟s national dress of Vietnam. Traditionally

every ao dai is custom made to achieve a contoured fit of the upper body that
creates a flattering look. The woman‟s dress is full-length with both sides slit
open from the bottom up above the waist. This forms both a front and back
panel. The dress is then worn over a wide style of pants that brush the floor and
are usually black or white in color. Even with the whole body covered in
clothing the style makes it comfortable and offers the wearer freedom of

The Vietnamese men also wear a similar form of traditional dress. It is also
called an ao dai, but difference is that the man‟s dress is only knee length and is
looser fitting around the upper body. The ao dai is worn less by the men and is
often reserved for ceremonies and special occasions.

The dresses are made in many different styles with variations of collar design
and button configuration. The color of the ao dai is meant to represent the
wearer‟s age and status. Young girls wear pure white outfits symbolizing their
purity. As they grow older but are still unmarried they will wear dresses in soft
pastel colors. Only married women wear their dresses in strong, rich colors.
The colors of the ao dai are no longer as rigidly controlled, but certain colors
were once reserved for the public officials of Vietnam. For example, the color of
gold was reserved only for the Emperor of Vietnam who wore the ao dai with an
embroidered dragon. Purple was the color reserved for high-ranking
mandarins. While those mandarins of lower rank wore the color blue.


Vietnamese cuisine has been influenced from its occupation by France and
China, as well as by traders from India. For example, the Wok and chopsticks
were introduced to Vietnam during the Chinese invasion. French bread was
introduced during the France‟s colonial rule of the country and can still be
found in markets in the Southern end of the country. The geographic makeup of
the country is also responsible for different regional cuisine‟s. In North
Vietnam, The Red River Delta surrounding Hanoi provides rice for its residents.
The Mekong Delta, centered by Ho Chi Minh City, in the south, produces rice
plus a wide variety of fruits and vegetables both for itself and central Vietnam.

Because of this, dinning in Vietnam differs greatly between the north, south and
central regions of the country. Multiple dishes with contrasting flavors, varied
textures, and exotic ingredients, with heavy reliance on rice, vegetables and
noodles are commonly found anywhere in Vietnam. Some meals are
supplemented with side dishes of pork, poultry and seafood. But, there are two
main ingredients that will be found on any table within the country. First, rice
plays an essential role in the nation‟s diet and is a main staple throughout
Southeast Asia. Secondly, no meal is complete without a bowl of fresh
vegetables and herbs

Noodles also make up a large portion of the daily food intake in all of Vietnam.
They are eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner, in homes, restaurants and can
even be purchased at roadside stands. Noodles are eaten wet or dry, in soup or
as a side dish. They come in different shapes and thicknesses and are made
from wheat, rice and beans.

In the North, colder climate limits the variety of spices, as well as vegetables
and fruits that are available, and as a result, the food is lighter, and less spicy-
hot than that of the Central and Southern regions. For spices, North Vietnamese
cooks rely on black pepper rather than hot chili peppers used in the South. Due
to its proximity to the border of China, North Vietnam reflects more Chinese
influence than Central or South Vietnam. For example, stir-frying and soy
sauce rarely appear in Vietnamese dishes elsewhere in the country. In the South
soy sauce is replaced by fish sauce, made from fermented sardines. However,
fish sauce is an ingredient found in Vietnamese cooking throughout the entire
country. Residents of the north also use more beef with their dishes, which was
most likely picked up from the Mongolians during their 13th century invasions.
Seafood dishes are also less common here than in the South.

The Center, where Hue, the ancient capital of the Vietnamese kings is located,
features a very spicy cuisine, which reflects the country‟s royalty and the
abundance of spices this region‟s mountainous terrain offers. Meals often
consist of small portions of many dishes placed on the table all at once. The
more vast the choices, the wealthier the household. But even the poorer families
are likely to have multiple dishes of simple vegetables. An abundance of fruit in
the area is also reflected at the table.

The South is hot and humid, and its fertile river delta makes it ideal for growing
a huge variety of vegetables, fruits, and livestock. During colonial rule, the
French introduced white potatoes, asparagus, tarragon, and shallots to this
region, they are still grown there today. Curried dishes are common in this
region and were influenced by Indian traders traveling west. Seafood is a
natural staple for people in the South because of the extensive shoreline.
Servings of food here are larger then those of Central Vietnam, but fewer will
appear on the table. Black pepper is also replaced by hot chili peppers for
added spice. The style of cooking is also less complex than that of central
Vietnam and is most likely influenced by neighboring Cambodia. Simmering is
the preferred method of cooking in South and Central Vietnam.


The Vietnamese have numerous national holidays and festivals, whose dates
mostly follow the lunar calendar. In addition, provinces hold their own festivals
and villages will hold their own rituals to honor the patron spirits of local
temples. But, the biggest and most important holiday for the Vietnamese people
is Tet, which is short for Tet Nguyen Dan, meaning, “feast of the first day.” Tet
is the celebration of the Vietnamese Lunar New Year. It is also considered
everyone‟s birthday. Since Tet is based on the lunar calendar, the holiday is
celebrated on the first new moon of the year, usually some time in the end of
January or early February. It is also the celebration of the changing from
winter to spring. Tet is a time for family gatherings, paying respects to deceased
ancestors and relaxing from all of the previous year‟s hard work. It is also a
time for everyone to be on their best behavior and wish each other happiness,
luck and prosperity. . Everyone behaves his or her best on this day because an
angry word could bring bad luck in the coming year.

Preparations for Tet begin several days before the actual holiday is celebrated.
This includes a thorough cleaning of the house, which is intended to rid the
family of bad fortunes and because it is believed that if you sweep on New
Year‟s day you will sweep away all your good fortune. Houses are also
decorated with flowers and fruit displays to symbolize rebirth and new growth.
Everyone buys new clothes and repays all of their debts so they can start anew
when the New Year begins. Traditionally, families place a bamboo tree in front
of their homes. The leaves are removed from the plant and the rest is wrapped
in red paper, to both bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.

At midnight on the first day, firecrackers are lit to welcome the New Year. Loud
gongs and the drumbeat of the dragon dance join with the sounds of fireworks.
The explosions are supposed to scare away the evil spirits that roam during this
time of the year. While, the gongs are meant to usher in the new. The first day of
Tet sets the tone for the rest of the coming year, a good day means a good year
ahead. The Vietnamese believe that the first person to enter their homes will
dictate the family‟s wellbeing and happiness for the rest of the coming year.
This custom is known as “Song Nha.” During the first day of the celebration,
people visit their parents and extended families with the continuous sounds of
fireworks and drums in the background. On the third day of Tet, families visit
the graves of their ancestors and leave gifts of their favorite food at ancestral

It is also a tradition to give small children little red envelopes, containing

money, called “li xi” for good luck. Families will also visit either a pagoda or
church, depending on their religion. But, the rest of the week is spent visiting
relatives and friends often exchanging gifts, eating and playing cards. Tet
festivals provide the Vietnamese community a chance to get together and
celebrate their biggest holiday and to pass on their culture to future

Religions, cuisine, attire and the Tet holiday describes only a few of the
regularly practiced customs and only touches upon the culture of the
Vietnamese people. The Vietnamese also have elaborate traditional wedding
ceremonies with symbolic foods and plants. Weddings are still sometimes
arranged with the bride and groom meeting for the first time on their wedding
day. Funerals are also very traditional and are accompanied by numerous
superstitions and rituals, like placing coins and rice in the mouth of the
deceased, burying the body in the families rear yard and then digging up the
deceased after three years. The list of traditions and and customs reaches back
to the birth of Vietnam. To understand the culture of Vietnam is to understand
its people.

Importance of Improving Education in Developing Countries

Most developing countries suffer with poverty and lack of health care and all
the other benefits many developed countries take for granted is because of lack
of education. Very few people in developing countries are literate. The majority
of the people in these countries can barely read, or write, their own names.
Rapid and continuous economic growth cannot be achieved, in a country, if less
than 40% of its occupants are illiterate. Take sub-Saharan Africa as an example.
According to sources, one in four children does not attend school. Out of those
who attend, one in three drops out before they have completed primary school.
If a country wishes to succeed economically, it has to do everything to improve
the education system. This essay will concentrate on why education is important
to improve the economy in developing countries.

One of the greatest benefits we get with education is improved health. People in
developing countries are totally unaware of the importance of good health. Very
few people understand the importance of personal hygiene! Many diseases are
caused by ignorant people who do things that make the diseases spread. For
example, diseases, such as, cholera or typhoid are waterborne diseases. These
diseases can be prevented if people didn’t drink contaminated water. Plus, these
people should also know that they are the ones contaminating the water. Yet,
even if they do understand the repercussions of contaminating the water and
drinking the contaminated water, they go and do it. This is ignorance. Proper
education can prevent this and improve health.

Proper education means higher wages and economic growth and a better way of
life. For example, each additional year a child spends schooling, will increase
his or her wages by 10%. Higher earnings automatically mean economic
growth. Besides, with higher wages, these people can have better lives living
comfortably and enabling their children to attend school and work at better
paying jobs so that they too, can live comfortable lives. For example, illiteracy
means few job opportunities are open for people once they leave school. This
can only improve with better education. Very few children in rural areas gain
the necessary education to earn higher paid jobs. This once again, brings them
back to the same predicament, where they are unable to support families and put
their children to work at an early age repeating the cycle.

Corruption and various other factors make the improvement of education in

developing countries a very difficult task. No government official wishes to
spend money on improving education. Instead, this money is put to other uses
or goes into the government official’s private accounts.

Better education mean better lives for its people. They are able to earn better
wages and live better lives. Education is the key factor to improving the
economy of developing countries. However, this is something very few
developing countries will see in the future. Although many governments
proclaim to improve education, it is a dream awaiting fruition without a ray of
sunshine. Whether it will happen and improve the plight of the people of
developing countries still remains to be seen.

Greece and its History

Greece is a country that has a long history that dates back to the 8th and 6th
centuries. The history of Greece is long and proud. It is a country that has
fought many wars and has come out victorious despite the problems. Although
Greece is experiencing many problems in the present day, it is obvious, this
country will come out victorious. After all, any country with such a long history
can survive just about anything life throws their way, right? This essay is not
about Greece today, it is about Greece and its history.

Somewhere around 55,000 BC people began to move into Greece. By 60,000

BC people began making their villages and farming for food. As the villages
grew larger, they evolved. Some villages had walls around them, there was a
market known as the ―agora‖, and a meeting place. Governments were formed,
laws were made and armies and taxes were formed. The Greeks believed that
each city state was protected by a god or goddess.

The largest city state, in Greece, was Sparta. Sparta was approximately 300
square miles of territory. There were also smaller cities. Each state’s economy
was based on agriculture and not trade. Therefore, land was precious to the
Greeks. The city states were ruled by wealthy aristocrats who monopolized the
best farmland. This meant the poor would always work for the wealthy and not
own anything. This caused problems within the people.

When this became a major problem, many would immigrate to other parts of the
country. As there was plenty of land, more and more people moved to various
other parts and formed their own colonies and villages. Before long, by the end
of the 7th century BC, there were more than 1,500 cities or colonies in Greece.
These new colonies were not ruled by wealthy noblemen. Instead, they were
quite self-sufficient and self-governing.
As with any country, when the population increases, there will always be
problems between the people. The same applied to Greece and its history.
Consumer goods production began and pottery, wine, metal work and cloth
introduced trading. Trading was a good business and made many people
wealthy even if they were not members of the aristocracy. These wealthy people
got together and with the aid of the hoplite soldiers, formed new leaders. Some
of these new leaders were as bad as the previous ones, while others were better
and made many contributions to Greece and its history. Whether it was a good
or bad leader, the rule did not last. Before long, the demokratia, the rule by the
people, was implemented.

Greece is home to many people of the arts. For example, the poet Homer,
sculptures, scientists and mathematicians, were all products of Greece.

Greece’s history cannot be summed up in one or two pages. It is a long history

that will take decades to cover. However, the history of Greece is something
every person should consider being knowledgeable about. After all, so much a
part of our history is shaped by Greece and its history.

Israel Palestine Conflict

Many continents around the world are always in a state of war. No matter who
or what tries to solve this problem, it is something that just does not seem to
resolve itself. So many lives are lost as a result of these conflicts between two or
three countries. One conflict that has been in the news since 1922 is the Israel
Palestine conflict. The Israel Palestine conflict has been going on for as long as
everyone can remember. In fact, this conflict has been going on since the
beginning of the 20th century. This essay tries to understand the reasons for this
conflict and the solutions that have been tried so far.

Israel is located east of the Mediterranean Sea, and is the only Jewish state in
the area. Palestine was conquered from the Jews, by the Romans, nearly 2,000
years ago. However, after the Romans were thrown out, Palestine was pushed
and shoved into different parts over time. For example, during one time it was
part of an Arab empire. Another time, it was part of the Muslim empire. By
1922, Palestine was a small part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. However, the
colonies were stripped down, during World War I, by the British and French.
The League of Nations stepped in at this point and decided 90% of the lands to
be Arab and the French and British to be its trustees. However, the Arabs were
not satisfied with this. They wanted Palestine to become a part of Arab country.
The Israel – Palestine conflict is on who gets what and how it should be

Although several wars were fought between the Jews and the Arabs, two major
wars stood out among them. These wars greatly reflect the borders that Israel
and Palestine are fighting over. One great war was fought in 1948, and the other
in 1967. The war waged in 1967 was important as this left control of the West
Bank and the Gaza Strip to Israel which was home to large Palestinian

The West Bank, today, is by the Palestinian Authority and is under Israeli
occupation. Gaza is controlled by Hamas, an Islam fundamentalist party. The
Palestinian Authority protects the settlers and enforces security restrictions on
Palestinian movement. Both the troops came to an understanding some time
back, but these peace negotiations failed in July and August of 2014 and the
Israel Palestine conflict escalated into a war of major proportions between Israel
and Hamas.

The conflict, which turned into a full-scale war, is not about to end anytime
soon. The Israelis and the Hamas are not giving in to any solution. They each
want a separate state. Although the ―two-state plan‖ came into effect
establishing Palestine as an independent state in Gaza, and most of the West
Bank, and the rest of the land to Israel, there is still conflict as this theory is
very hard to put into practice.

The only other solution to the Israel Palestine conflict is to make it into one
state where the entire land becomes either Palestine or Israel. Although this may
not sound like a good solution to many, it may just be the only resolution to
solving the Israel Palestine conflict.
Egypt – Then and Now

Egypt, as everyone knows, has a long history dating back to 3,100 BC. Thislong
and rich history is mainly due to the flowing of the river Nile, its natives and
outside influence. Most of the history of Egypt was a mystery to many until the
discovery of the Rosetta Stone, and the deciphering of hieroglyphics. Now,
many know and understand the long and rich history, mainly thanks to this.
Kings and queens abounded, better known as Pharaohs. The Egyptian
civilization was a very advanced one and many of these examples can be seen
today. However, there have been marked differences in various aspects of
Egypt, then and now. This essay is about some of these differences.

Firstly, one must look at the government and social structure of Egypt. In the
past, the Pharaoh was the leader and he was at the top of the social structure.
The nobles were below the Pharaoh and this consisted of people who worked
for him. The scribes and craftspeople came next. Farmers, servants and slaves
were followed by the scribes and craftspeople. All the decisions regarding the
running of the country and everything else in between was decided by the
Pharaoh. The country, during this time, was divided into two parts which
consisted of Upper and Lower Egypt. Before the death of the Pharaoh, a
pyramid was built for him and upon his death; he was mummified and placed in
the pyramid along with his possessions. Today, Egypt has approximately 69
million people. Today, it is a Republic and has been so since 1953. A president
is elected and a president can rule for two terms. Cairo is its capital.

The economic system of ancient Egypt consisted of handing over a part of their
profits from farming or manufacture to the Pharaoh. This was done as money
was not invented at that time. For example, farmers had to give a percentage of
their produce to the Pharaoh. Today, Egypt produces many things including
aluminum, chemicals, fertilizers, textiles and food products. Egypt also exports
cotton, oil and textiles among others.

Religion was very important to the ancient Egyptians. They believed in different
gods and goddesses. They also believed that the Pharaoh was a god too and they
also believed in the afterlife. The Egyptians spent their days building temples
for the gods and hoping that they too would move on to a comfortable afterlife.
Today, the main religion of Egypt is Islam and the main language is Arabic.
Egyptians celebrate Ramadan and stay off food and water for a number of
weeks. The living conditions of the people have also changed somewhat. While
the poor live in mud houses and work as farmers, the rich live in apartment
buildings made of stone and glass.

Many things have changed in Egypt when comparing it to the past. However, it
is still a country that has a rich history and a totally different way of life. Egypt,
although is no longer one of the most advanced countries in the world, still
stands out because of what the ancient Egyptians built and did.

The Root Cause of Low Employee Morale

Employees need to be happy and dedicated to their work and place of work in
order for the business or company to succeed. Any reason for the compromise
of their happiness and dedication should be looked into without fail, because
low employee morale is a major problem for any business. One of the leading
concerns, regarding unhappy employees, is reduced productivity. This can also
lead to poor customer service and employee retention. There are many things a
business can do to increase morale. This can be through raises, benefits and
bonuses etc. However, if the employee morale has not lifted even with these, it
is time to consider the root cause of low employee morale.

One of the outstanding reasons for low employee morale is the constant changes
in employee goals. This can really tax and stress out employees, especially the
ones who are trying to do a good job. The business should never tell their
employees one thing is an important goal and have them working diligently
towards that goal, only to change it for another. Employees need clear direction
and guidelines when it comes to meeting goals. They cannot do their job
properly if they are unsure about the goals and how to go about attaining them.

Confused employees are despondent employees. This will affect their morale. If
the manager is not clear in his guidance, the employees can go around in circles
trying to do a job they have no idea how to do. Confused employees perform
poorly. Being chastised for poor workmanship, when it is clearly not their fault,
can be the root cause of low employee morale. This is the manager’s task to
ensure the job description is clearly stated and that the necessary information is
provided on how to get the job done. Employees need to be trained properly to
do this. If an employee knows what he or she has to do and how to do it, the job
will get done faster and, as a result, the morale will be lifted.

Lack of communication between the management and the employees is also

another cause of low employee morale. Employees who are not encouraged to
speak their minds and express their ideas become despondent and this decreases
their morale. Management who refuses to hear any other problems the employee
might be having can also expect low employee morale in the workplace. If
management encourages employees to talk and communicate with management,
there is sure to be an increase in morale and work productivity.

Sometimes, management does not see talented employees. Sometimes an

employee may be over-qualified for a particular job. This results in frustration
and boredom on the employees’ part. Frustrated and bored employees will look
for alternative ways to be appreciated, and where his or her true potential can be
seen. They will start looking elsewhere for other jobs and will not do the jobs
they have been assigned to do. Therefore, management should look for a more
appropriate position for this employee. This will keep the employee happy in
the work place and the work place will benefit from a productive employee.

It is always necessary to consider the root cause of low employee morale before
considering anything else. This will save the business and boost sales and
increase the employee’s morale.

Business leaders have a hard task in front of them. They are the ones that guide
their employees to do the right thing and ensure that the business is profitable.
Business leaders are the ones who make the decisions and make sure they are
followed. They are the ones who manage their employees and try and get the
most out of them. No matter what the task they are called upon to perform, a
business leader’s success is based on a few factors. This essay is abotu some of
the factors that affect business leadership.

One of the most significant factors that affect business leadership is the leader’s
experience. Many leaders are selected for the purpose of leading their
employees simply because they were able to do so before because of their
experience and how this experience prepared them for it. Leaders need to have
experience in order to make tough decisions, think quickly, and motivate their
employees. They need to have the experience with effective communication,
build teams and direct project work. This experience is necessary as it improves
productivity and profitability. A new leader, who lacks adequate experience,
will be sent for seminars and workshops where leadership styles, techniques and
approaches are taught to them.

Business leadership also depends on the company’s organizational structure.

Some leaders, in a hierarchical organization, make most of the decisions. Some
do so without obtaining any input from their subordinates. Others do so by
obtaining feedback and making informed decisions. The effectiveness of the
operations depends on the support leaders get from their superiors too. This
means the strategic goals and objectives of the leaders should be in line with
those of the company. If this is not so, the necessary assistance may not be
given in order to succeed.

One of the jobs of a successful business leader is his or her ability to maintain
high levels of productivity for a long time. This depends on the employees’
attitudes, morale and performance. A good business leader knows how to ensure
the employees possess the proper skills and knowledge necessary to do the job.
This factor also enables the leader to delegate confidently. One of the most
salient factors that affect productivity is employees’ inability to understand
instructions. Another is job satisfaction. Successful business leadership is when
a leader is able to overcome all these obstacles in order to ensure long-term and
sustainable profits.

Values are another factor that affects business leadership. All leaders and
employees need to be united. This comes from a strong sense of commitment to
core values. Successful business leaders recognize the importance of the
employees recognizing core values. Plus, with this recognition comes the
adherence to ethical business practices. The values that the business promises to
uphold are adhered to when the business leader works towards obeying them
and ensuring that customers receive the best and nothing but the best from the

These are some of the factors that affect business leadership. All leaders,
whether of a small business or a Fortune 500 company should understand these
factors. With the proper understanding of these factors, they will be able to
better themselves and bring about sustainable growth for their business.
Health Issues of Developing Countries

Developing countries have many problems. One of these is the health of its
people. Health is an important thing for a productive life. Longevity,
satisfaction, independence all depend on how healthy a person is. Developing
countries, because of lack of funds and education, have many issues when it
comes to the health of its people. This essay will discuss some of these health

One of the most outstanding health issues of developing countries is chronic

disease. Almost one half of the world’s burden of disease is made up of chronic
disease. This along with infectious diseases makes the burden even heavier on
developing countries. Chronic diseases include heart disease, diabetes etc. What
makes these diseases prevalent in developing countries? Most often, it is the
lack of knowledge that is the primary cause of chronic diseases. People in
developing countries are uneducated. Very few get the education necessary to
make something of themselves in life. This is due to poverty. It is a vicious

The other health issue is infectious diseases. Infectious diseases include the
common colds and flus and other diseases which are passed down from person
to person. These are caused by microorganisms and symptoms of fever and
fatigue are common when afflicted with these diseases. Infectious diseases can
occur due to pollution and unclean atmosphere. Developing countries have
more infectious diseases than developed countries. This could be because of the
heavy garbage problems which can increase the risk of disease. Flies, bacteria,
fungi and other organisms can spread diseases which can cause an epidemic of
major proportions. For example is the dengue mosquito. Dengue breads in fresh
water. Found in tropical countries, the dengue mosquito thrives in fresh water,
and this, can be found in abundance everywhere. People, because of ignorance,
let water collect in various contraptions and, thus, the dengue mosquito breads
and causes infections.

Another health issue is HIV/AIDS. Although this virus has been reined in many
developed countries, it is still prevalent in developing countries. According to
sources, HIV/AIDS is still very active in nearly all of sub-Saharan Africa, and
in other 20 developing countries. More than 74 million people are HIV positive
and could dies from AIDS this year.

Sanitation challenges are another health issue of developing countries. Although

globally, public health has improved exponentially, it still remains one of the
greatest challenges facing developing countries. These sanitation challenges
cause great problems with local economic development and the efforts made to
reduce poverty. Although the mortality rate of children under the age of 5
declined quite a lot, it still remains a grave problem in developing countries.

Three of the developing countries afflicted with these health issues are China,
Africa and India. The vast population and the huge surface area of the countries
make it a difficult task to positively handle the health issues facing these
countries. However, it is something which every government should endeavor
to set to rights. With proper education and the implementation of laws regarding
health, these developing countries will be able to look forward to a healthier

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