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Trinity Topics

The Newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church in Toledo, Ohio


Time for
Where do you
look for God?

Where does God

look for you?
litur g y & events Ourcombined
Our combined
summer continues
at 10:00
begins at
Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23; James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14- RACE FOR THE CURE
17; Mark 7:24-37 Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22; James 5:13-20; Mark 9:38-50
10a Parish Eucharist 8:15a 15-minute Runner’s Eucharist


RALLY DAY Job 1:1; 2:1-10; Hebrews 4:1-4; 2:5-12; Mark 10:2-16
Proverbs 1:20-33; James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-38 9a “Animal-free” Parish Eucharist
10a Parish Eucharist 10a Parish Eucharist & Blessing of the Animals


Proverbs 31:10-31; James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a; Mark 9:30-37 Job 23:1-9, 16-17; Hebrews 4:12-16; Mark 10:17-31
10a Parish Eucharist 10a Worship, Tree-planting & Picnic at Pearson

Ministry Fair set for September 13

Are you fairly new to Trinity, and want to get more involved? A long-time member, but don’t
know who to ask to become a reader? Newly retired, and want to do some church-based volunteer
work during the day? Somewhere in between? Come to church on September 13 and find out more
about the ministries available at/through Trinity.
Rally Day (traditionally, the Sunday after Labor Day) is the time when many churches officially
begin the program year. This year, we’ll be celebrating Rally Day with a Ministry Fair. Vestry Clerk
Karen Wabeke says, “This is a time more for education and discernment than recruitment.” So we
won’t twist your arm, drive slowly past your house, or call you repeatedly during dinner. This is a
time for you to find out about needs, time commitments, skills, gifts, and limitations.
Some of the ministries to explore:
Adult Formation Buildings and Grounds Hospitality Prayer Chain
Altar Guild/Sunday Choir/Music Ministries Lay Eucharistic Visitors Readers
Setup Children’s Formation Liturgical Assistants Social Justice
Arts/Textiles ministries Flower delivery Next-to-New Sunday Lunch Bunch
Bread Guild Greeters and Ushers Outreach Vestry

Do you want to help host a table? Are we missing your favorite Trinity ministry? Call Liddy at
the church.

Back to School, Back to Church

from the rector

My heart still runs on a school year calendar. This time of year I always feel a mix of wistful-
ness and anticipation for whatever the new year may bring. I have several neighbors who are
elementary and middle school teachers, and I have asked them what they like most about their
work. All of them have had the same answer: they love seeing students grow and change during
the year. We too will grow --and grow up-- with God in ways we did not plan, and the growth in
us will be good.

As we get back into a “school year schedule,” let’s see what we have to look forward to:

New Schedule: Instead of two ser-

vices, we will have one service at
10:00. We have experimented with this
schedule during the summer, and it
seems to work for most people. It will
also allow for a possibility of early for-
mation at 9:00 for those who want it,
and later formation, confirmation class,
and church committee meeting times
afterward. You can have all that and
still make it out to lunch at about the
same time as before! I realize it will
not be optimal for everybody. Give it
a chance.

Home room: We will retain the elements and style of the later service, while having a blend
of music and prayer styles that will represent traditions from both the early and the late service.
Again, we have done this during the summer, and it seems to be working. Keep talking and
working and playing and praying together.

Classes: You will play a big part in determining what classes we have this year. First, we will
have kitchen table talks in people’s homes and at church to hear what you think about spiritual-
ity and what you need from church to enhance and encourage your spiritual life. Books will be
dealt with as we go along. You may already have a few of the books, which can be found in that
great 66-book anthology known as the Bible.

Extra/Supercurricular activities: Want to learn about all of the wonderful ways you can get
more involved and help inside and outside of church? Come to the ministry fair during coffee
hour on September 13!

Supplies: There are only a few things you need to bring—a keen sense of curiosity, a willing-
ness to pray, and a little flexibility. And don’t forget that box of 64 crayons that you carry inside
of you. It’s perfectly fine if a few of them are broken.

A note from the school nurse: You will need a new pair of glasses! But don’t worry, these
won’t cost as much as the usual pair of no-line bifocals. These are a different kind of no-line
glasses: they allow you to see that there is no line between Sunday and the rest of the week, no
line between praying and worshipping on Sunday and bringing that same spirit of thanksgiving
and reflection and community life to your job, your friends, and your home life.


Making a Difference, Many Ways to Pray on Sept. 27—
congre gation/wor ld One Blanket at a Time Race for the Cure
Northwest Ohio’s 16th Annual Susan G. Komen
Most Sunday mornings you’ll find pre-
Race for the Cure will be held on Sunday, September
cut fleece ready to be tied in the Living
27. For years, Trinity has embraced this neighborhood
Room by 9:15. This is an opportunity be-
event by participating in many ways. We ask that
fore the worship service to make sleep
every member of the parish get involved in at least
sacks* for the Blanket Blitz project.
one of our Race for the Cure efforts:
Consider joining the group around the
Living Room table to “Talk & Tie”. Our only worship service on Race day is the
On the second Sunday of each month, Runners’ Liturgy at 8:15, and it takes place at the
there is also a mini-Blitz for an hour or so corner of Jefferson and Summit Streets. Attend and
after church. The first one yielded 6 com- help with this service; greet the folks who depend on
pleted sleep sacks. Join us on September us for prayer and communion before the race.
13 and October 11.
Run or walk the 5K race, or join the 1-mile
The final blow-out Family Fun Walk, starting around 9:00. More informa-
Blanket Blitz weekend tion and online registration (until September 16) is
is coming up next available at There’s even a
month, October 22-25. registration category for supporters who prefer to
“Sleep in For the Cure”.

*Sleep sacks are a new style of blanket Help with food at the corner of Washington
we’re making. One end is not cut or tied, and Huron, across the street from 5/3 Field:
which makes them faster to complete. Set-up (early risers) 6-9 am
Hand-out (those who enjoy chaos) 9-11 am
Clean-up (sleep in a bit later) 10:30-12:30
Lots of help is needed with this. Jill Snyder can set
you up.
Birthday Blessings Serve as hosts at Trinity from around 8:00 ‘til
noon, to direct people looking for our regular liturgy or
September 1 .............. Fred Miller just needing a bathroom or drinking fountain.
Michael Sage
September 4 .............. Bud Gartz Purchase raffle tickets for the 2009 Promise
September 5 .............. Robert Boes Quilt from Alice James or Jane Zohn.
September 7 .............. Thomas Greiner
Shirley Witt Wherever you are on that morning, pray for the
September 9 .............. Solveig Barnes Race participants and all those touched by breast cancer.
September 10 ............ Fred Sherman
September 14 ............ Lyndon Stygles
Robert Stygles
September 15 ........... Richard Gingher
September 16 ............ Thomas Webb, Jr.
September 17 ........... Ann Stranahan
September 18 ............ Mary Sage
September 21 ............ Nancy Paulas
September 24 ............ Jamille Jamra
September 25 ............ Suzanne Smitley
September 26 ............ Pat Crawford
September 28 ............ Mary Wabeke
September 29 ............ Ruth Oatis

Regional Diocesan Gathering to Blessing of the Animals Oct. 4
Discuss General Convention Trinity’s annual St.
Francis’ Day cele-
Regional meetings will be held across the diocese
bration on Sunday,
this month to share information from July’s General
October 4 will
Convention. The local gathering will take place on
welcome our animal
Wednesday, September 23 at 6:00pm at St. Andrew's,
companions as we
2770 W. Central Avenue. If you plan to attend, please
honor God’s other
RSVP directly to St. Andrew’s (419.473.1367) so that
creatures. There will
suitable space can be prepared.
be two services on
this Sunday: an
“animal-free” liturgy
at 9:00, and the
A Note from Susan Lowrey “animal-friendly”
10:00 service. Please remember that your pets must be
Treatment is done. Life is back to somewhat normal.
on a leash or in a carrier.
Practicing feeling cancer-free.
This year we will also be collecting donations of
Thank you, Trinity, for your love and prayers. dog and cat food (dry or canned) on St. Francis
Sunday which will be given to the Toledo Area
Susan Humane Society. If animals are part of your family,
please consider making a pet food donation in their
honor on this day.
Budget Update
Our income picture through July 31st shows that July YTD July YTD
we're behind in promised parishioner pledge donations 2009 Budget Budget Actual
by approximately $14,500. As always, you can help our Revenue
budget by staying current with your pledge.
Plate Offering 4,000 2,845 (1,155)

We have not had to use $37,000 in budgeted Trust Pledge Payments 79,083 64,575 (14,508)
Spending Policy dollars during this same time. The rea- Combined Investment
son is because we received an insurance check earlier Income 151,667 114,603 (37,064)
this year to cover major water damage that happened in
January. The work to correct that damage wasn't started Other Operating Income 583 294 (289)
until recently. We used the insurance dollars to cover
our cash expenses during the 1st and 2nd quarters, al- Total Revenues 235,333 182,317 (53,016)
lowing our budgeted Trust Spending Policy dollars to
stay in the Trust for potential earnings growth. Expenditures
Personnel 116,449 115,922 (527)
We've done well keeping our expenses within Buildings & Grounds 88,361 103,718 15,357
budget, except in Buildings & Grounds. We‘re over
Operations 18,142 16,156 (1,986)
budget in utilities and insurance. We’re also over
budget in contract services and repairs; snow removal Diocesan Assessment 24,218 19,729 (4,489)
and boiler/air conditioning service account for most of
that. Local Outreach 3,208 3,965 757
Programs 16,371 12,596 (3,775)
One bright spot on the expense side is our Nave Loan Interest Payment 19,600 7,113 (12,487)
Loan interest payment, which is $12,000 below budget.
Low interest rates have helped us tremendously. Total Expenditures 286,349 279,199 (7,150)

With heartfelt thanks for your continued service and

stewardship at Trinity,
Net Surplus/(Deficit) (51,016) (96,882) (45,867)
Jane Bueche, Parish Accountant

Trinity Sponsors Two Children at Emanuel Children's Home
The Outreach Committee has decided to sponsor two chil- Estrella (pictured at
dren at the Emanuel Children’s Home in Honduras on behalf of right) is a year older than
the Trinity community. The children are Jose David Meijia Her- David, being born on
nandez (David) and Estrella Nicole Cabellero Garcia. November 2, 2005. In
January 2007, when
Sponsorship of a child requires a financial commitment of Estrella and her two older
$25 per month. Sponsorship funds are deposited in the General sisters were brought to
Fund of the Home, which is used to purchase food, clothing the Home, all three were
and shelter for all the children living there. In order to avoid in need of medical care
favoritism, no gifts are forwarded to an individual child. Trinity from severe neglect and
used funds budgeted for outreach to sponsor David and abuse. Estrella is now
Estrella for a year. thriving. She is very out-
going, reaching out
David (seen here in a to play with every-
photo with Lucia Cooper’s one. She lives up to
granddaughter, Laura) is her name, which
one of the youngest children means “star” in Spanish.
at the Home. He was born
in Texas of Honduran par- Please send letters and cards to David and Estrella,
ents on November 5, 2006. especially on their birthdays and other holidays.
He and his sister were Feel free to tell them about yourself and your family.
brought to the Children’s The children love learning about their sponsors.
Home last December due to Their address is:
family conflicts. David is El Hogar de Ninos Emanuel
still adapting to life at the Apartado 716
Home, and spends most of Colonia Bogran
his time alongside one of San Pedro Sula, HN C.A.
the educators. He has a
very sweet but sensitive Above all, be sure to include David and Estrella in your
character. He is starting to participate in group activities and prayers. If you want more information about sponsoring a
some group outings. child, contact Lucia Cooper.

Lutheran Assembly Approves Ministries of Partnered Gays and Lesbians

From the Episcopal News Service

The 2009 Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) on August 21 approved
opening the ministry of the church to pastors and other church professionals living in committed same-gender rela-
tionships. The resolution, passed by a vote of 559 to 451, overturns previous church policy that prohibited the partici-
pation of gays and lesbians in church ministries unless they were celibate.

Discussions about human sexuality dominated the August 17-23 assembly in Minneapolis, the chief legislative
authority of the 4.6 million-member denomination. The assembly approved a resolution committing the church to
find ways for congregations that choose to do so to "recognize, support and hold publicly accountable life-long, mo-
nogamous, same-gender relationships." It also approved a resolution committing the church to respect differences of
opinion on the matter.

ELCA shares a full-communion relationship with the Episcopal Church, which asserted the openness of its ordi-
nation process to gays and lesbians (Resolution D025) and called for "generous discretion" for the blessing of same-
gender relationships (Resolution B012) at its July 8-17 General Convention in Anaheim, California.

Cross-Country Ride Supports the Stewart Academy Fall Collection
Fight Against Malaria Now that school is back in session for the
From the Episcopal News Service 2009-10 academic year, we’re collecting
hats, scarves, gloves and mittens for
On July 17, the last day of the 76th General Con- the students at Stewart Academy for
vention, eight Ohio cyclists riding to raise money and Girls. In past years we’ve collected
awareness for Episcopal Relief and Development's these items in January, but they are
fight against malaria, led by Ohio Bishop Mark needed much earlier. Any color is
Hollingsworth, departed Anaheim, California, riding welcome—the brighter the better! We’ll
in relay format around the clock. The team, along with gather them in to be blessed in mid-
three supporters, completed their 4,000-mile, 13-state November
journey on July 28 at the Episcopal Church Center in
New York.

"This is crazy enough to be really interesting," said Sunday School’s Goin’ to the
Bishop Hollingsworth. "Once we decided to do it, we
decided to do it for a cause." The "Riding for their Chapel
Lives" ride raised more than $35,000 for ERD’s
At the suggestion of Trinity parents and grandpar-
NetsforLife® program partnership, which provides
ents, we're going to move the Sunday School down to
insecticide-treated mosquito nets in 17 African
a new home in the Chapel and get it ready for the new
year. Extreme Makeover, Sunday School Edition is
planned for Sunday, September 20 from 11:30am –
2:00pm. Please pitch in to help with this Chapel
cleaning and moving workday.

Consider Serving Your Diocese

In every parish, gifted men and women serve on
Stephen Morrison/European Press Agency vestries, lead ministry projects, and commit
You can still make a donation to support the themselves to stewardship and the business of the
NetsforLife program through any of these Websites: church. Our parish communities become even stronger when these leaders have the opportunity to know one another and serve together in diocesan (Bishop’s Annual Appeal, ERD leadership.
Bike Ride)
The Diocese of Ohio is undertaking a broad search
for parish leaders who are ready to use their gifts as
diocesan leaders. In November, Diocesan Convention
delegates will elect new members of the Diocesan
Diocesan Convention Trustees, Standing Committee, Diocesan Council,
The 193rd Annual Convention of the Diocese of Ohio Episcopal Community Services, and the Cathedral
will meet on November 13-14 at Trinity Commons in Chapter.
Cleveland. On Friday, November 13, convention dele-
gates will spend the day doing community service pro- Please consider prayerfully whether you or others
jects. All convention business will be conducted on Sat- in your parish community are ready to give, grow and
urday, November 14. serve through diocesan leadership. You, and any
member in good standing of a parish in the Diocese,
If you’re interested in doing the business of the dio- can nominate consenting candidates to stand for
cese by serving as a diocesan convention delegate or election. The deadline for nominations is September
alternate, please contact Jeff Albright. 15. Nomination forms are available on the diocesan
website at

Kitchen Table Meetings to Discuss
NCD Survey Results Trinity’s Prayer Chain
Our Natural Church Development survey results Trinity has a group of members whose
identified “passionate spirituality” as Trinity’s weakest ministry is prayer. The Prayer Chain is a net-
quality characteristic, the area most in need of our work of approximately 15 parishioners who are
attention and nurturing. If we can strengthen this committed to praying on behalf of others,
characteristic, we can expect to increase our commu- recalling Jesus’ story of our need “to pray
nity’s health and growth. always and not to lose heart,” (Luke 18:1). The
Prayer Chain faithfully takes regular, prayerful
In order to begin this process, the Church Health action on behalf of the Trinity community, our
Team will host a series of Kitchen Table meetings this city and the world by lifting up specific requests
month. Gathering in small groups in people’s homes or and concerns.
at the church, we’ll be talking about what passionate
spirituality is, and why the opportunity to develop this If you want to ask for prayers from the
part of our faith lives has been identified. Prayer Chain, call Ginny Shafer in the Trinity
office. Your prayer request can be printed in the
Plan to attend one of the Sunday bulletin and in Topics (see the back
4 or 5 meetings (on different cover), or passed on to the Prayer Chain, or both.
days of the week, in differ- Prayer requests are emailed once a week to
ent parts of town) to share members of the Prayer Chain. If you want to
your thoughts on passionate commit to regular prayer as a member of the
spirituality. Why is this the Trinity Prayer Chain, call Ginny.
area we most need to grow?
Sign-up sheets are on the
piano beside the columbar-

We’ll be exploring ways

to nurture our spirituality in
Inching Toward God
the next year. Please pray Don't have a daily spiritual discipline? Check out
regularly for Trinity and for Forward Day by Day. It’s a booklet of 3 months worth of
our involvement in the NCD brief daily meditations reflecting on a Bible passage cho-
process. Our NCD prayer is printed below. sen from the lectionary readings.
These very short reflections are rich
in substance and offer a wide range
of viewpoints and experiences.
Each month’s meditations are writ-
Trinity’s NCD Prayer ten by a different anonymous au-
thor, so if one month’s reflections
Merciful Creator, we invite you to be with us don’t resonate with your mind and
here and now. As we embrace Natural heart, keep reading!
Church Development, keep us mindful of our
One brief reading per day can
purpose in this work – to empower your peo- provide a meaningful connection
ple, grow and strengthen your church, and glo- between your faith and your daily
rify your name. Fill us with your Spirit of Wis- life. Free copies of Forward Day by
dom and Truth as we humbly examine our- Day are available at church in both regular and large-
selves and our community. Help us to em- print format.
brace new opportunities for growth and im-
provement. Renew our energy, guide our If you prefer to get your daily dose of God’s good-
work, and lead us to new life in you; through ness online, add this address to your Favorites:
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Ramadan 2009: Day 1
Here is my prayer today:

God, Creator of all people, in this month when a bil- our loyalty to sacred teachings and traditions make us
lion people will observe Ramadan with fasting and disloyal to you or to one another. For in this age of
prayer, with devotional reading and with kindness to crushing financial debt, we all have a beautiful and liber-
the needy, may your Spirit be at work in the hearts of ating debt, Lord, to you and to one another: a debt of
Muslims, Christians, and Jews (who together make up love. For as Jesus taught us, the greatest command is to
over half the world's population) as well as people of love you with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength,
other faiths and no stated faith. and to love our neighbors - including those who con-
sider themselves our enemies - as ourselves.
May your gentle voice call us to move beyond our
tribal visions of a deity who loves "us" but hates "them." May your voice of goodness nourish in our hearts a
Help us to see you more truly as you desire that is even greater than the desire
are, a God who is pure light, rich in for food and drink. May you create in
mercy, whose mercy triumphs over us an insatiable hunger and thirst to
judgment, who knows us each by be filled to overflowing with your
name, and who graciously considers goodness - to everyone, Lord, but es-
us beloved, wherever we are from, pecially to the poor, the sick, the mis-
whatever our background, whatever understood, the rejected, the vulner-
labels we apply to ourselves or oth- able, the forgotten. For the common
ers apply to us. good, Lord, bring together those of us
who have all that we need and more,
May your voice of truth call us and unite us together with those in
to question the prejudices and mis- need, so that all will soon have
conceptions about you and about enough and more to share.
one another that we learned from
well-meaning but misinformed au- It is good, Lord, when people pray
thority figures, even when they and sing praises to your name. But
thought they were speaking in your how hollow are those words and
name. songs when we do not also honor you
by honoring one another. For how can
May your voice of peace make us we honor the God who cannot be seen
ashamed of our violence, hatred, fear, superiority, and when we dishonor our neighbor, made in your image,
resentment. And may your voice of courage inspire us who can be seen?
to walk in the way of reconciliation, even when that path
is dangerous and difficult. So, Creator and Provider and Sustainer of Life, Giver
of all grace, Source of justice and mercy, may your voice
May your voice of compassion teach us to see one be heard deep in my heart, and in the hearts of all people
another - and ourselves - with new eyes, your eyes. And on earth, this beautiful planet that displays your artistry,
so may we forgive one another where we have been hurt majesty, and power. Amen.
by one another; may we humble ourselves and admit the
truth where we have done the hurting; may we repent From an August 22, 2009 post on Brian McLaren’s blog, at
where we have chosen the small ways of revenge and
exclusion rather than your greater ways of reconciliation
and embrace.

May your voice of wisdom call us out from our vi-

cious cycles of self-destruction.

With your help, Lord, may we, who are faithful and
loyal to the different doctrines and traditions we learned
from our beloved parents and respected teachers, not let

September is Hunger Action Month
1 in 8. That's the number of Americans who will There’s a local Hunger Action Month event: on
struggle with hunger today. But equally striking is the Thursday evening, September 24, the Toledo Northwest
number of meals you can provide with even a small do- Ohio Food Bank will host its 4th annual Hunger Aware-
nation: 3-4 meals for every dollar given to a food bank. ness Interfaith Celebration at Our Lady of Lourdes
Catholic Church, 6149 Hill Ave. near Holland-Sylvania
This is Hunger Action Month, an effort sponsored by Rd.
Feeding America (formerly America’s Second Harvest)
to raise awareness of the ongoing fight against hunger, Two online anti-hunger efforts are no effort at all –
and to show people just how big a difference they can you click, and someone else donates and delivers the
make. food!

As the nation’s leading domestic

hunger-relief charity, Feeding Amer-
ica’s network of food banks supply
food to more than 25 million Ameri-
cans each year, including 9 million
children and 3 million seniors.

Feeding America
( will host events
across the United States this month
that directly benefit hunger-relief
efforts. They’re asking all of us to
take action against hunger in what-
ever ways we can. There’s something everyone can do
to help eliminate hunger. Here are a few simple, local Share a Little Comfort is a partnership between
ideas: Feeding America and Kraft Foods. Knowing the comfort
that a simple dish like macaroni and cheese can bring to
Food for Thought always needs peanut butter, jelly, tables across the country, Kraft is sharing that feeling
chips, pretzels and cookies for its Saturday lunch pro- with those in need with this campaign. With the click of
gram. If you’d rather give time than food (or both time a mouse, visitors to can
and food), people gather every Friday night at New Har- contribute one box of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese per day
vest Christian Church, 3540 Seaman Road in Oregon to to Feeding America, up to one million boxes.
prepare the lunches starting at
6:00pm and finishing up around The Hunger Site offers a way to help prevent hun-
7:30pm. Food sharing and rela- ger in mere seconds a day. With a daily click of the big
tionship building happen on Sat- yellow "Click Here to Give - it's FREE" button at The
urday mornings beginning Hunger Site (, visitors help
around 10:00am at the corner of provide food to those in need. Visitors to the site pay
Michigan and Adams Streets, just nothing; the food is paid for by the site's sponsors and
outside the Main Library and just distributed by Mercy Corps and Millennium Promise
a few blocks from Trinity. Volun- worldwide, and by Feeding America to food banks
teers are always welcome. throughout the United States. In 2008, visitor clicks
yielded more than 8.2 million pounds of staple food for
Feed Your Neighbor can always use donations of hungry people. Bookmark this site and click every day;
non-perishable food items and/or money. Bring the no spam will follow. On those days when you feel like
food to Trinity on Sunday mornings and put it in the one person can’t make a difference, your click here will
Feed Your Neighbor basket. Or make your check pay- make a difference.
able to Trinity Church, and write “Feed Your Neighbor”
on the memo line (then Trinity will keep track of these Hunger Action Month is a reminder to all of us to
tax-deductible contributions for you). become engaged in ending hunger in God’s world.

Who Would Jesus Friend?
by Lynette Wilson
Madison Avenue has long for Facebook in the first place was Redmond said Facebook is a
known that word of mouth is the to keep track of Episcopal things,” good way to “get better in touch
best advertising — a truth regularly she said in a telephone interview. “I with the lay community,” and
played out on Facebook, the online like it because when something gets likened it to the old days when
social networking site. posted it is sent straight to me, I “people went to the town square to
don’t have to go over and check. I pass information around.”
Brandon Mozingo, 32, of love my church and it’s very
Chattanooga, Tennessee, became a handy.” In a church as widespread as the
fan of the Episcopal Church on Episcopal Church and the Anglican
Facebook after noticing a friend It works like this: top stories Communion, it’s nice to hear
became a fan. The same with Ann posted to Episcopal Life Online and members’ voices in an open,
Redmond, 54, of Tallahassee, news posted to the Office of insightful dialogue, said Mozingo,
Florida, a member of St. John’s Communication’s News Line are who is also pursuing the priesthood
Episcopal Church and a singer in fed automatically to the church’s in the Episcopal Diocese of East
the choir. Facebook page by Real Simple Tennessee.
Syndication, or RSS. The article’s
As of August 16 the 2.2 million- headline appears on the main page. A drawback, however, Mozingo
member Episcopal Church had Clicking on the headline takes you said, is that people don’t always
7,455 Facebook fans. Another 883 to a “note.” The full article can be read the articles they post
people follow the Church on viewed by clicking on the “View comments on.
Twitter, the social network/micro- Original Post” link on the note
blogging online instant messenger. page. Fans of the page can also
share links, news stories, photos,
The Episcopal Church created a videos, etc. (News stories posted to
Facebook presence in early 2009 Twitter link directly to the story.)
and began sending “tweets” via
Twitter in April. Initially the Merer administers the site,
Facebook page saw a huge spike in which so far has policed itself, with
An article in which the Episcopal
fans, but adding new fans now fans respecting the open, unedited
Public Policy Network requested
trends toward gradual growth. dialogue approach, he said.
that Episcopalians support
Tweets from the recent 76th General
healthcare reform drew a record
Convention in July in Anaheim, Rex Tomb, 59, of Arlington,
number of responses: 95 people
California, spiked the number of Virginia, posts stories to the Episco-
“liked” the story and 89 people
followers on Twitter, said web pal Church’s Facebook page to
posted individual responses
producer Barry Merer. draw attention to the suffering and
ranging from “The Episcopal
persecution of Christians
Church should try spreading the
Elizabeth Apgar Triano, 45, of worldwide.
Gospels and should stay out of
Patterson, New York, became a fan
politics,” to “Every tax-paying
through Episcopal Café, an online “It [Facebook] provides
American should have affordable
source of aggregated Episcopal tremendous freedom,” Tomb said,
health care coverage.”

Facebook: Ginger Mortimer O’Connell, 60,

of West Virginia, said she follows
Twitter: the Episcopal Church on Facebook
Episcopal Life Online: because, she says, “I think it is the
most convenient way to be daily re-
minded that the church is a living
news, blogs, visual arts and adding that he sticks to posting
organism in transition.”
spiritual readings produced by the stories from credible news sources
Diocese of Washington. like the Washington Post, the
Christian Science Monitor, and —Lynette Wilson is staff writer for
“One of the reasons I signed up United Press International (UPI). Episcopal Life Media.

Trinity Episcopal Church U. S. POSTAGE
One Trinity Plaza Toledo, Ohio 43604-1585 PAID
Toledo, Ohio
Permit Number 529
Phone: 419.243.1231
Fax: 419.243.0920

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Serving Downtown Toledo since 1842.

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Parish Staff services

Elizabeth M. Hoster, Rector SUNDAYS 10:00 am, Holy Eucharist
Wayne F. Anthony, Associate for Music and the Arts
Susan Lowrey, Associate for Community Life HOLY DAYS as announced

Virginia Shafer, Executive Secretary
Jane Bueche, Parish Accountant
Bridget Blanchard, Organist


Parish Vestry Remember those for whom our prayers have been requested: Roxan Burke,
Jeff Albright, senior warden; Jason Rahe, junior
Joshua Cowan, Hank Coyle, Mary Figgins, Marie Harkey, Ronald Heider, Herb Landis,
warden; Karen Wabeke, clerk; Solveig Barnes, Lucia
Susan Lowrey, Gordon McIntosh, Rowena Meeks, David C. Nelson, Nancy Paulas,
Cooper, Jane Gomersall-Zohn, Jennifer Siebold,
Robert Romick, Jessica Snyder, Charlie Sturm and Mary Windsor; the children and staff
Sherre Owens Smith, Jim Zechman.
of Emanuel Children’s Home; those on death row, including Romell Broom, who is
scheduled to be executed by the state of Ohio on September 15; all victims of war and
Parish Offices violence; Sean and Nina Elliot, awaiting the birth of their first child; our new ministry with
Mon thru Fri, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Food for Thought and CaterMe.
Phone 419.243.1231 Fax 419.243.0920
Email: Prayers for those who have died: Kathleen Masters (Karen Landis)

Episcopal Diocese of Ohio

2230 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2499
vision & mission
Trinity is called to be a progressive, inclusive, creative urban faith community.
800.551.4815 216.771.4815
We will practice radical hospitality.
The Rt. Rev. Mark Hollingsworth, Jr., Bishop Ordinary
We will be engaged in the life of our city.
We will stand with those in need: the poor, the sick, the friendless, the marginalized.
Next-to-New Thrift Shop
We will actively invite all to experience and celebrate God’s living presence.
Mon & Thurs, 9:30 am – 3 pm;
Jeanne Mitchell, Manager We will journey together toward a Christ-centered life, pursuing personal ministries
that connect us to God, to one another, and to the world around us.

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