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IMAD ULLAH Village & P/O KOT District
Phone+923469105081 Charsadda, KPK
Objective To work in an organization where I ‘am able to contribute to the organization growth and
profitability with my skills and in turn get an opportunity to gain exposure and expertise that
would help me a strong successful carrier

MSc (Hons) Agriculture (Rural sociology) CGPA: 3.27/4.00 Agriculture University
Peshawar (2009-2010)

BSc (Hons) Agriculture (Rural Sociology) CGPA: 2.76/4.00 Agriculture University

Peshawar (2005-2008)
B.Ed. CGPA: 3.30/4.00 BKU Charsadda

PTC Marks: 627/900 AIOU (2014-2015)

FSC (Pre Medical) Marks: 497/1100 BISE Peshawar (2003)

SSC Marks: 403/850 BISE Peshawar (2000)

Work → Internship in Rural Support Program Centre Charsadda.

Experience → Six Months experience as Social Mobilizer in Benazir Income Support Program.
→ One-year experience as a Data Entry operator in LR& RDD, Charsadda.

1: Research on Parent’s Attitude Towards Female Education in District Charsadda

Computer Skills MS Office, Internet Surfing, SPSS (Statistical Package for social science).

Language Skill English, Urdu, Pashto

References: Will be provided on request

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