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FEU JD4202 Group 3: Aricheta, Bernardez, Calbe, Gabriel, Javier, Villaranda

Article 18-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | Atty. Patricia Cervantes - Poco

Universal Declaration of International Covenant on International Covenant on Domestic Laws Issues

Human Rights Civil and Political Rights Economic Social and
Cultural Rights
Article 18 Article 18 No equivalent Art. 133 of the Revised Separation of Church
1. Everyone has the right to 1. Everyone shall have the right Penal Code punishes and State
freedom of thought, to freedom of thought, blasphemy or acts
conscience and religion; this conscience and religion. This notoriously offensive to Nov 2013 – Carlos Celdran
right includes freedom to right shall include freedom to the feelings of the faithful disrupted a mass in the
change his religion or belief, have or to adopt a religion or in a place Manila Cathedral by
and freedom, either alone or belief of his choice, and devoted to religious shouting “Damaso” due to
in community with others freedom, either individually or worship or during the the Church’s opposition to
and in public or private, to in community with others and celebration of a religious the RH Law.
manifest his religion or belief in public or private, to manifest ceremony.
in teaching, practice, his religion or belief in worship, July 2015 – Issue on
worship and observance. observance, practice and Article 133. Offending the Iglesia ni Cristo (INC)
teaching. religious feelings. - The Minister, Isaias Samson Jr’s
2. No one shall be subject to penalty of arresto mayor alleged illegal detention
coercion which would impair his in its maximum period to which led to a rally in front
freedom to have or to adopt a prision correccional in its of the DOJ and in EDSA.
religion or belief of his choice. minimum period shall be
3. Freedom to manifest one's imposed upon anyone
religion or beliefs may be who, in a place devoted to
subject only to such limitations religious worship or during
as are prescribed by law and the celebration of any
are necessary to protect public religious ceremony shall
safety, order, health, or morals perform acts notoriously
or the fundamental rights and offensive to the feelings of
freedoms of others. the faithful.
4. The States Parties to the
present Covenant undertake to In Islamic Da’wah.
have respect for the liberty of Council of the
parents and, when applicable, Philippines v. Office of
legal guardians to ensure the the Executive
religious and moral education of Secretary, G.R. No.
their children in conformity with 153888, July 9, 2003,
their own convictions. the Supreme Court
FEU JD4202 Group 3: Aricheta, Bernardez, Calbe, Gabriel, Javier, Villaranda
Article 18-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | Atty. Patricia Cervantes - Poco

declared that freedom of

religion is accorded
preferred status by the
framers of the
fundamental law, well
aware that it is “designed
to protect the broadest
possible liberty of
conscience, to allow each
man to believe as his
conscience directs, to
profess his beliefs, and to
live as he believes he
ought to live, consistent
with the liberty of others
and with the common
good”. Without doubt,
classifying food products
as halal is a religious
function because the
standards used are drawn
from the Qur’an and
Islamic beliefs. By giving
the Office of Muslim Affairs
(OMA) the exclusive power
to classify food products
as halal, EO 46
encroached on the
religious freedom of
Muslim organizations like
herein petitioner to
interpret for Filipino
Muslims what food
products are fit for Muslim
consumption. Also by
arrogating to itself the
task of issuing halal
FEU JD4202 Group 3: Aricheta, Bernardez, Calbe, Gabriel, Javier, Villaranda
Article 18-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | Atty. Patricia Cervantes - Poco

certifications, the State

has, in effect, forced
Muslims to accept its own
interpretation of the
Qur’an and Sunnah on
halal food.

In Victoriano v. Elizalde
Rope Workers Union,
59 SCRA 54, the
Supreme Court upheld the
validity of R.A. 3350,
exempting members of a
religious sect from being
compelled to join a labor

The Supreme Court said in

Iglesia ni Cristo v.
Court of Appeals, 259
SCRA 529 that the
constitutional guarantee of
free exercise of religious
profession and worship
carries with it the right to
disseminate religious
information, and any
restraint of such right can
be justified only on the
ground that there is a
clear and present danger
of an evil which the State
has the right to prevent.


Article 19 Article 19 No equivalent Sec. 4 and 18, Art 3, 1987 Cyber-libel under the
Everyone has the right to 1. Everyone shall have the right Constitution Cyber Crime Law (R.A.
FEU JD4202 Group 3: Aricheta, Bernardez, Calbe, Gabriel, Javier, Villaranda
Article 18-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | Atty. Patricia Cervantes - Poco

freedom of opinion and to hold opinions without 10175)

expression; this right interference. Sec 4. No law shall be
includes freedom to hold passed abridging the Can I freely comment or
opinions without interference 2. Everyone shall have the right freedom of speech, of share on the alleged
and to seek, receive and to freedom of expression; this expression, or of the libelous statement
impart information and ideas right shall include freedom to press, or the right of the without committing libel
through any media and seek, receive and impart people peaceably to as long as I am not the
regardless of frontiers. information and ideas of all assemble and petition the original author?
kinds, regardless of frontiers, government for redress of
either orally, in writing or in grievances. Yes and no. The SC makes
print, in the form of art, or the distinction between the
through any other media of his Sec 18. (1) No person original post and a new post
choice. shall be detained solely by or comment “that creates an
reason of his political altogether new story.” In
3. The exercise of the rights beliefs and aspirations. such a case, “then that
provided for in paragraph 2 of should be considered an
this article carries with it special In ABS-CBN original posting on the
duties and responsibilities. It Broadcasting internet.” The SC cites an
may therefore be subject to Corporation v. imaginary situation: If
certain restrictions, but these Comelec, G.R. someone posts the blog,
shall only be such as are No.133486, January “Armand is a thief!” and a
provided by law and are 28, 2000, the Supreme Facebook friend “liked” or
necessary: Court declared that there “shared” the original
is no law prohibiting the comment, or commented
(a) For respect of the rights or holding and the reporting “Correct!” the latter merely
reputations of others; of exit polls. An exit poll is agrees with the original
a species of electoral statement and cannot be
(b) For the protection of survey conducted by held liable for libel. But if
national security or of public qualified individuals or the reader or Facebook
order or of public health or group of individuals for the friend or Twitter follower
morals. purpose of determining “does not merely react to
the probable result of an the original posting but
election by confidentially creates an altogether new
asking randomly selected defamatory story against
voters whom they have Armand like ‘He beats his
voted for immediately wife and children,’ then that
after they have officially should be considered an
FEU JD4202 Group 3: Aricheta, Bernardez, Calbe, Gabriel, Javier, Villaranda
Article 18-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | Atty. Patricia Cervantes - Poco

cast their ballots. The original posting on the

results of the survey are internet,” the SC says.
announced to the public, (Rappler, 2014)
usually through the mass
media, to give an advance
overview of how, in the
opinion of the polling
individuals or
organizations, the
electorate voted. The
freedom of speech and of
the press should all the
more be upheld when
what is sought to be
curtailed is the
dissemination of
information meant to add
meaning to the equally
vital right of suffrage.
Article 20: (1) Everyone Article 21 Article 8 1987 Constitution : EDSA I and II (People
has a right of peaceful The right of peaceful assembly 1. The States Parties to the Section 4. Article 3, No Power Revolution)
assembly and association. shall be recognized. No present Covenant undertake law shall be passed
(2) No one may be restrictions may be placed on to ensure: abridging the freedom of These two rallies were to
compelled to belong to an the exercise of this right other speech, of expression, or considered to be one of the
association than those imposed in (a) The right of everyone to of the press, or the right most powerful people
conformity with the law and form trade unions and join of the people peaceably to assembly in the world as it
which are necessary in a the trade union of his choice, assemble and petition the successfully overthrew two
democratic society in the subject only to the rules of government for redress of Philippine Presidents (Pres.
interests of national security or the organization concerned, grievances. Ferdinand Marcos and Pres.
public safety, public order for the promotion and Joseph Estrada). It was
(ordre public), the protection of protection of his economic Article 3, Section 8. The simple as a gathering of
public health or morals or the and social interests. No right of the people, people from all walks of life,
protection of the rights and restrictions may be placed on including those employed young and old to unite for
freedoms of others. the exercise of this right in the public and private one reason: To fight for
other than those prescribed sectors, to form unions, democracy and corruption in
Article 22 by law and which are associations, or societies the Philippine Government.
FEU JD4202 Group 3: Aricheta, Bernardez, Calbe, Gabriel, Javier, Villaranda
Article 18-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | Atty. Patricia Cervantes - Poco

1. Everyone shall have the right necessary in a democratic for purposes not contrary
to freedom of association with society in the interests of to law shall not be
others, including the right to national security or public abridged
form and join trade unions for order or for the protection of
the protection of his interests. the rights and freedoms of “No permit , no rally”
others; with re- enactment of
2. No restrictions may be Batas Pambansa bilang
placed on the exercise of this (b) The right of trade unions 880: The Public
right other than those which to establish national Assembly Act of 1985
are prescribed by law and federations or confederations Section 4 - Permit when
which are necessary in a and the right of the latter to required and when not
democratic society in the form or join international required - A written permit
interests of national security or trade-union organizations; shall be required for any
public safety, public order person or persons to
(ordre public), the protection of (c) The right of trade unions organize and hold a public
public health or morals or the to function freely subject to assembly in a public place.
protection of the rights and no limitations other than
freedoms of others. This article those prescribed by law and Section 5 – Application
shall not prevent the imposition which are necessary in a Requirements.
of lawful restrictions on democratic society in the
members of the armed forces interests of national security Section 12 - Dispersal of
and of the police in their or public order or for the public assembly without
exercise of this right. protection of the rights and permit - When the public
freedoms of others; assembly is held without a
3. Nothing in this article shall permit where a permit is
authorize States Parties to the (d) The right to strike, required, the said public
International Labour provided that it is exercised in assembly may be
Organisation Convention of conformity with the laws of peacefully dispersed.
1948 concerning Freedom of the particular country.
Association and Protection of
the Right to Organize to take 2. This article shall not
legislative measures which prevent the imposition of
would prejudice, or to apply the lawful restrictions on the
law in such a manner as to exercise of these rights by
prejudice, the guarantees members of the armed forces
provided for in that Convention. or of the police or of the
administration of the State.
FEU JD4202 Group 3: Aricheta, Bernardez, Calbe, Gabriel, Javier, Villaranda
Article 18-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | Atty. Patricia Cervantes - Poco

3. Nothing in this article shall

authorize States Parties to the
International Labour
Organisation Convention of
1948 concerning Freedom of
Association and Protection of
the Right to Organize to take
legislative measures which
would prejudice, or apply the
law in such a manner as
would prejudice, the
guarantees provided for in
that Convention.
Article 21 Article 25 No equivalent Sec. 13, Art.2, 1987 The non-passage of the
Constitution Anti-Political Dynasty
(1) Everyone has the right to Every citizen shall have the Bill
take part in the government right and the opportunity, Section 13. The State
of his country, directly or without any of the distinctions recognizes the vital role of Under Art 2, Sec 26. of the
through freely chosen mentioned in article 2 and the youth in nation- 1987 Constitution, the
representatives. without unreasonable building and shall promote Congress are tasked to
restrictions: and protect their physical, define what are political
(2) Everyone has the right of moral, spiritual, dynasties and pass a law
equal access to public (a) To take part in the conduct intellectual, and social about this issue however
service in his country. of public affairs, directly or well-being. It shall thirty years later the bill has
through freely chosen inculcate in the youth not been passed into a law.
(3) The will of the people representatives; patriotism and Many believe that such
shall be the basis of the nationalism, and opposition is because most
authority of government; (b) To vote and to be elected at encourage their of the Congressmen and
this will shall be expressed in genuine periodic elections involvement in public and Senators are from political
periodic and genuine which shall be by universal and civic affairs. dynasties themselves.
elections which shall be by equal suffrage and shall be held
universal and equal suffrage by secret ballot, guaranteeing Sec. 25, Art.2, 1987 Freedom of Information
and shall be held by secret the free expression of the will Constitution (E.O. No. 2, 2016)
vote or by equivalent free of the electors;
voting procedures. Section 25. The State shall President Duterte passed
FEU JD4202 Group 3: Aricheta, Bernardez, Calbe, Gabriel, Javier, Villaranda
Article 18-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | Atty. Patricia Cervantes - Poco

(c) To have access, on general ensure the autonomy of E.O. No,. 2 to provide full
terms of equality, to public local governments. disclosure of the
service in his country. government's records and
Sec. 26, Art.2, 1987 transactions, this is after the
Constitution FOI bill has been
consistently not passed in
Section 26. The State shall the Congress as a law.
guarantee equal access to
opportunities for public
service and prohibit
political dynasties as may
be defined by law.

Sec. 28, Art.2, 1987


Section 28. Subject to

reasonable conditions
prescribed by law, the
State adopts and
implements a policy of full
public disclosure of all its
transactions involving
public interest.

Art. 4, 1987 Constitution

Section 1. Suffrage may be

exercised by all citizens of
the Philippines not
otherwise disqualified by
law, who are at least
eighteen years of age, and
who shall have resided in
the Philippines for at least
one year, and in the place
wherein they propose to
FEU JD4202 Group 3: Aricheta, Bernardez, Calbe, Gabriel, Javier, Villaranda
Article 18-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | Atty. Patricia Cervantes - Poco

vote, for at least six

months immediately
preceding the election. No
literacy, property, or other
substantive requirement
shall be imposed on the
exercise of suffrage.

Section 2. The Congress

shall provide a system for
securing the secrecy and
sanctity of the ballot as
well as a system for
absentee voting by
qualified Filipinos.

The Congress shall also

design a procedure for the
disabled and the illiterates
to vote without the
assistance of other
persons. Until then, they
shall be allowed to vote
under existing laws and
such rules as the
Commission on Elections
may promulgate to protect
the secrecy of the ballot.

Sec. 1, Art. 5, 1987


Section 1. Suffrage may be

exercised by all citizens of
the Philippines, not
otherwise disqualified by
law, who are at least
FEU JD4202 Group 3: Aricheta, Bernardez, Calbe, Gabriel, Javier, Villaranda
Article 18-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | Atty. Patricia Cervantes - Poco

eighteen years of age, and

who shall have resided in
the Philippines for at least
one year and in the place
wherein they propose to
vote, for at least six
months immediately
preceding the election. No
literacy, property, or other
substantive requirement
shall be imposed on the
exercise of suffrage.

Republic Act No. 7160

(Local Government
Code of 1991)

Republic Act No. 9710

(Magna Carta Of

SEC. 11. Participating and

Representation. – The
State shall undertake
temporary special
measures to accelerate the
participation and equitable
representation of women
in all spheres of society
particularly in the decision-
making and policy-making
processes in government
and private entities to fully
realize their role as agents
and beneficiaries of
FEU JD4202 Group 3: Aricheta, Bernardez, Calbe, Gabriel, Javier, Villaranda
Article 18-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | Atty. Patricia Cervantes - Poco

The State shall institute

the following affirmative
action mechanisms so that
women can participate
meaningfully in the
implementation, and
evaluation of policies,
plans, and programs for
national, regional, and

(a) Empowerment within

the Civil Service. – Within
the next five (5) years, the
number of women in third
(3rd) level positions in
government shall be
incrementally increased to
achieve a fifty-fifty (50-50)
gender balance;

(b) Development Councils

and Planning Bodies. – To
ensure the participation of
women in all levels of
development planning and
program implementation,
at least forty percent
(40%) of membership
of all development councils
from the regional,
provincial, city, municipal,
and barangay levels shall
be composed of women;
FEU JD4202 Group 3: Aricheta, Bernardez, Calbe, Gabriel, Javier, Villaranda
Article 18-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | Atty. Patricia Cervantes - Poco

(c) Other Policy and

Decision-Making Bodies. –
Women’s groups shall also
be represented in
international, national, and
local special and decision-
making bodies;

(d) International Bodies. –

The State shall take all
appropriate measures to
ensure the opportunity of
women, on equal terms
men and without any
discrimination to represent
their government at the
international level and to
participate in the work of

(e) Integration of Women

in Political Parties. – The
State shall provide
incentives to political
parties with women’s
agenda. It
shall likewise encourage
the integration of women
in their leadership
hierarchy internal policy-
making structures,
appointive, and electoral
nominating processes; and

(f) Private Sector. – The

FEU JD4202 Group 3: Aricheta, Bernardez, Calbe, Gabriel, Javier, Villaranda
Article 18-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | Atty. Patricia Cervantes - Poco

State shall take measures

to encourage women
leadership in the private
sector in the form of

Chapter 4, Republic Act

No. 8371 (The
Indigenous. Peoples'
Rights Act)

Republic Act No. 9189

(The Overseas Voting

Republic Act No. 7941

(Party-List System Act)

AKBAYAN-Youth v.
Commission on
Election, G.R. No.
147066, March 26,

“In a representative
democracy such as ours,
the right of suffrage,
although accorded a prime
niche in the hierarchy of
rights embodied in the
fundamental law, ought to
be exercised within the
proper bounds and
framework of the
Constitution and must
properly yield to pertinent
laws skillfully enacted by
FEU JD4202 Group 3: Aricheta, Bernardez, Calbe, Gabriel, Javier, Villaranda
Article 18-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | Atty. Patricia Cervantes - Poco

the Legislature, which

statutes for all intents and
purposes, are crafted to
effectively insulate such so
cherished right from
ravishment and preserve
the democratic institutions
our people have, for so
long, guarded against the
spoils of opportunism,
debauchery and abuse.

To be sure, the right of

suffrage ardently invoked
by herein petitioners, is
not at all absolute.
Needless to say, the
exercise of the right of
suffrage, as in the
enjoyment of all other
rights, is subject to
existing substantive and
procedural requirements
embodied in our
Constitution, statute books
and other repositories of

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