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Dear Respondent,

The undersigned students are currently conducting a research entitled “Factos Affecting the Successes and Failures
of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bgy. San Miguel, Taguig City” as part of the requirements in Retail Management
course at The Fisher Valley College, Taguig City.

In this regard, may I ask your precious time in answering this questionnaire honestly and objectively as you can. Please
rest assured that all your answers to the questions will be treated by utmost confidentiality and will be used for academic
purposes only.

A simple token of appreciation will be given after answering all questions.

Thank you very for your time and cooperation.



1. Sex _____ Male _____ Female 2. Age _____ years old

3. Highest Educational Attainment _____ Elementary _____ College
_____ High School _____ Master’s/Doctorate
4. Work Experience _____ Less than 1 year _____ 6-10 years
_____ 1-5 years _____ 10 years and above
5. Type of Business:
_____ Sari-sari/Grocery Store _____ Food Service _____ Market (Fish/Meat/vegetable) Stall
_____ Hardware Supply _____ Computer Shop _____ Massage/Parlor Spa
_____ Educational/Tutorial Center _____ Remittance _____ Service and Repair Shop for Vehicles
_____ Dental/Optical/Medical _____ Pharmacy _____ Gadgets and telecommunications
_____ Travel Agency _____ Laundry Shop _____ Others, please specify, ___________
6. Number of Years of Business Operation: _____
7. Source of Capital
_____ Personal savings _____ Loans from banks
_____ Joint venture with friends _____ Loans from individuals
_____ Family investment _____ Others, please specify, ______________
8. Estimated Monthly Gross Sales Revenue: __________
9. Number of Employees: _____

Direction: For Part II-V, please incidcate your opinion on the statements by checking the appropriate boxes.

PART II MEASUREMENT OF PERCEIVED SUCCESS (1 – Strongly Disagree to 5 – Strongly Agree)

Measurement of Perceived Success 1 2 3 4 5

PS1 I am satisfied with the growth of net-income of the business.
PS2 I am satisfied with the time needed to reach break event point (payback period).
PS3 I consider my business successful.
PS4 I consider my business growing.

PART III CONTEXTUAL VARIABLES (1 – Very Unimportant to 5 – Very Important)

Contextual Variables 1 2 3 4 5
CV1 Marketing (e.g. distribution channel, potential market)
CV2 Technology (e.g. production machinery, supportin equipments, computer)
CV3 Capital access (e.g. capital availability to start and expand the business, alternative
sources of capital)
CV4 Information access (e.g. market information, information of source of raw material,
information on new design)
CV5 Social network (e.g. business association, business partners, helpful colleagues/
CV6 Legality (e.g. business permit, taxes)
CV7 Business plan (e.g. business feasibility study, expansion plan, plan product/service
CV8 Entrepreneurial readiness (e.g. managerial skills, decision making skills, communication
CV9 Government support (e.g. easiness to get business permit, funding scheme from
government, favourable policies)

PART IV ACTUAL CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS (1 – Strongly Disagree to 5 – Strongly Agree)

Actual Conditions of Business 1 2 3 4 5

CB1 Distribution channel of my products is already in place.
CB2 Market potential of my products is promising.
CB3 Searching for new market for my products is not so difficult.
CB4 Marketing of my products is well-planned
CB5 Existing technology suffices to support all production processes.
CB6 Existing technology supports innovation.
CB 7 Existing technology is easily maintainable.
CB 8 New technology to support innovativeness in the business is attainable.
CB 9 Existing capital is sufficient to maintain and expand the business.
CB 10 If needed, it is easy to get additional capital.
CB 11 I have accessible alternatives of capital sources if needed.
CB 12 I have access to information on market/consumer of my products.
CB 13 I have access to information on capital sources.
CB 14 I have access to information on technologies to support my business.
CB 15 I have access to information on raw material sources.
CB 16 I have access to information on government regulations that are relevant to my business
CB 17 I have reliable business network to run the business.
CB 18 I have many helpful colleagues/friends who support the business.
CB 19 I have professional affiliation/business association that supports the business.
CB 20 I have religious association that support my business.
CB 21 I have all permits to run my business.
CB 22 I fulfil all my duties as a businessman to government (e.g. paying taxes).
CB 23 I have a good business plan.
CB 24 All policies taken in my business are well-planned.
CB 25 I have good leadership skills.
CB 26 I have reliable managerial skills.
CB 27 I have decision making skills.
CB 28 I have good communication skills.
CB 29 Government support to my business is satisfactory.
CB 30 I got business permit and other permits easily and quickly.
CB 31 During running the business, I have no problems when having contact with government.

PART V OPINION ON THE FUTURE OF PHILIPPINE ECONOMY (1 – Very Low Expectation to 5 – Very High Expectation)

Philippine Economy Expectations in the Next Five Years 1 2 3 4 5

PE1 The economy of the Philippines will continue to grow.
PE2 More small businesses will be established.
PE3 Consumer demands such as food and electronic and household products will increase.
PE4 Government will increase its spending on infrastructures such as highways and schools.
PE5 Salaries of private employees will increase.
PE6 Salaries of government employees will increase.
PE7 The annual sales revenues and/or profits of business owners will gradually increase.
PE8 More jobs will be created for Filipinos.
PE9 Poverty level including hunger among Filipinos will decrease.
PE10 Foreign investments will increase.

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