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Bulacan State University

City of Malolos, Bulacan


The College of Nursing implements a mandatory administration of a Grand

Return Demonstration (GRD) for every end of the semesters required for the course.
Grand Return Demonstration is a sequel and/or repeat demonstration of all procedures
the students had acquired and performed on the early part of the semester which by the
end of the subject proper necessitates a final evaluation from their respective clinical
instructors (CIs). GRD shall be composed of all the requisite nursing procedures
applicable for each year level.
The following procedures are recommended in the facilitation of the Grand
Return Demonstration:
Nursing Procedures
 Identify the list of all nursing procedures required for the specific year level.

 Evaluation tools for GRD shall be prepared per station or per cluster of
procedures in the mandated OBE (Outcome-Based Education) format.

Stations of Nursing Procedures

 The number of stations required shall be determined by the total number of
procedures to be performed divided equally per station if applicable

 Each station shall have a maximum of two (2) to three (3) nursing procedures
only to give ample time to the student to perform the task assigned.

 Clustering of procedures per station shall be the discretion of the team of faculty
for the GRD.

 Each station shall be prepared by the GRD team with the assistance of the
laboratory custodian ahead of time or a day before the GRD including all the
materials/equipments required and there shall be a label per station with the
name of the faculty assigned as the station officer.

 Each student assigned to perform procedures in a given station shall be only

given approximately 15 minutes to complete all the nursing procedures.

GRD Team
 For every section of nursing students that undergoes GRD, there shall be a GRD
team composed of faculty members with Related Learning Experience (RLE)

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Prepared by: Rhealeen C. Viray, RN,MAN
load for the specific year level in the given semester which will assume the
following roles:

- Facilitator. There should be at least one facilitator that shall be the

coordinator for the GRD who will be responsible for assigning students on
which station he or she will be performing the demonstration of
procedures. Evaluation tools for the GRD shall be managed by the
facilitator especially after each tool has been provided with corresponding
grades by CIs prior to its forward to a class adviser for recording.

- Station Officer. The number of faculty that shall serve as a station officer
depends on the total number of the procedures to be divided equally per
station. The station officer shall be responsible for conducting the GRD of
the student assigned in the given station as well as the computation of the
GRD grade per student on the evaluation tool/s. In addition, since
students are expected to perform all of the procedures during the first half
of semester it should be recommended that CIs will be more particular
only on specific steps where students showed up a poor performance
based on their checklist previously evaluated.
Note: The number of faculty required to be assigned as station officers
both depends on the total number of procedures to be performed and
number of students per section.

On the day of the Grand Return Demonstration, the student is expected to have
prepared and studied ALL the nursing skills and procedures required for the semester of
the year level and shall be:
 Wearing proper clinical uniform and shall display proper grooming. If in case a
student has a violation on uniform and grooming policies, the student shall NOT
be allowed to perform Grand Return Demonstration unless he or she has
complied in the uniform/grooming policy of the College of Nursing.

 Mandated to come on time for the GRD. In case a student came in late, he/she
will be performing last or after all the members of the class has performed the
tasks assigned. If a student has been absent, the Level Coordinator shall decide
on the procedures and whereabouts for conducting GRD for the said student.

 The student shall be called alphabetically by number X (number of student will be

equal to the number of stations) to enter the skills laboratory where the GRD
shall be held.

 Upon entry to the skills laboratory, each of the students shall be picking in a draw
lots of stations and procedures. And will be getting the evaluation tool for the
GRD station picked.

 After draw lots, the facilitator will ring the bell the first time that will signal the
students to go to their respective stations and another bell ring that will indicate
that they may start performing the assigned procedure with the station officer to
conduct the return demonstration.

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Prepared by: Rhealeen C. Viray, RN,MAN
 Each student to perform in a given station shall be allotted approximately 15
minutes to do the procedures with the station officer on post for evaluating and
grading the performance of the student.

 The third bell ring of the facilitator will signify the end of the 15 minutes allotted
time and the student shall leave the station and go to the next station if
applicable or if finished, will give the accomplished evaluation tool back to the

 Each student shall NOT be allowed to roam around the school premises after
his/her GRD is done.

 For other students waiting for their turn to be called inside the laboratory, they
shall be gathered in the nearest classroom so as to maintain an organized
callouts among them during the said activity.

 For students to picture out their activity, below is a sample GRD scheme/flow
patterned after the current structure of CON laboratory:

Scheduling for GRD

 To ensure an efficient and effective GRD among students, the Level Coordinator
(together with his/her faculty members whenever necessary) will decide on the
number of days GRD has to be conducted. Typically, the length of schedule
depends on the number of students and, number of nursing procedures and even
difficulty or technicality of each nursing procedure.
 The student is required to have at least a grade of 75% to pass the Grand Return
 Please see rubrics for grading criteria.

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Prepared by: Rhealeen C. Viray, RN,MAN

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