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Your name: Ajetunmobi, Olumayowa Date submitted: 01/24/2018

Title of article

Source of article:

Date of article:

Has the article been subject to peer review?

2. Summary page:

1. What was their health problem or what was being studied? What was the focus of the
study? (10 pts)

2. Describe the patients or other group (the subjects) in the study (10 pts).

3. Who was providing the care or conducting the study? (10 pts)

4. What was the setting for that care or the study? What were the findings of the study? (10

5. What were the authors’ recommendations? (10 pts)

6. How practical/useful is this information to a practicing nurse? (Please think in terms of

potential benefits versus harm, cost effectiveness, availability of support services, etc.)
(20 pts)

7. Complete this question: What I wonder is........? Explain. (20 pts)

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