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Chapter One: Introduction to the Study

1.1 Background of the Study:

At the present time, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have revolved
into one of the most important parts in the modern age. The application of ICTs in education has
transformed the organization and delivery of teaching and learning in schools, universities and
other learning institutions. Throughout the past decades we all have realized that technology can
enhance literacy development, impact language acquisition, provide greater access to
information, support learning, motivate students, and enhance their self-esteem.
Mahendra Ratna campus, Tahachal has also lunched ICT program under Tribhuvan
University , FOE, as most of the learning institutions take measures to adopt and incorporate
ICTs in teaching and learning for better information access, better communication, synchronous
and asynchronous learning, improved cooperation and collaboration, cost-effectiveness ,
pedagogical development and to provide abundant opportunities for students to build or modify
their personal knowledge through the rich experiences that technology affords. Aligned with this,
the researcher is intended to evaluate feasible tools for E- Learning on students’ interest.

1. 2 Statement of the Problem

ICT (a branch of Technology) plays an important role in the development of knowledge

of students. Deployment of ICT in education has changed the way of conceiving and delivering
education. Due to its easy access, this type of education has become very popular all over the

In the past time, educational institutions have provided limited choice for students in
relations of the method and style in which programs have been conveyed. Students were forced
to receive what has been delivered. Nowadays many institutions are now generating competitive
edges for themselves through the selections they are offering to the students. The different type
of ICTs category helps to expand access to education, strengthen the relevance of education to
the increasingly digital workplace, and raise educational quality, by among others, helping make
teaching and learning into an engaging, active process connected to real life. Remembering this

Mahendra Ratna Campus, tahachal has also lunched ICT in 2073/74 education year to offer
students a different way of conceptual framework and teaching methods.

1.3 Objectives of the Study:

The objectives of this study are:

i. To investigate the involvement of ICT usage in everyday life especially for

educational purposes of the students of Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal.
ii. To find out what are the tools of ICT, students usually utilize for learning.
iii. To explore how frequent students use ICT in everyday life for learning purposes
and to investigate the how ICT improves students knowledge.

1.4 Research Questions:

The research questions or hypothesis of this study are:

i. Which ICT tools do the respondents usually use?

ii. What types of ICT tools do the respondents use for Internet access for learning?
iii. How do the respondents use ICT in their life?
iv. Which kind of environment would the respondents prefer for learning process?
v. Do respondents agree that ICT helps to educate both in formal and informal
vi. Do respondents agree that social media brings more positive effects on students?
vii. Do the respondents favor online open learning than traditional classroom
viii. Do the respondents agree that the application of ICT in teaching and learning is
very important to them as a student in the 21st century?
ix. How often do the respondents use ICT tools for educational purposes?

1.5 Expected outcomes of the Study:

The expected outcomes of this research may be;

i. Trends of ICT usage in everyday life especially for educational purposes of the students
of Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal.
ii. Types of using tools of ICT in day to day life .
iii. Students’ knowledge about ICT tools and usage.

1.6 Delimitations:
Delimitations of this study are:

The study will be confined to the following ‘boundaries’:

• Due to the new concept of using ICT in our education system, sufficient number of such
types of user and respondent are unavailable.

• Lack of well equipped accessories in our educational system.

• the total research process not exceeding a period of 3 months, and

• (possibly) not exceeding the financial grant awarded by M.R. Campus, Tahachal

1.7 Definitions:
ICT is an acronym that stands for Information Communication Technology. However,
there is no specific or definite definition of ICT due to the concepts, methods and applications
involved in ICT are continuously changing from time to time. According to Blurton (2002), ICT
is defined as “diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, create,
disseminate, store, and manage information”. Techopedia defines ICT to all the technology used
to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audio
visual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring

Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature


Weather the title of "E-learning" is newly concept to our concern, but in the case of
international global phenomena not so newfound. This chapter reveals the study what has
already been done in the field of our concern.

2.1 Empirical Review

2.1.1 Review of An Effective use of ICT for Education and Learning by Drawing on
Worldwide Knowledge, Research, and Experience: ICT as a Change Agent for Education

The paper entitled “An Effective use of ICT for Education and Learning by Drawing on
Worldwide Knowledge, Research, and Experience: ICT as a Change Agent for Education (A
LITERATURE REVIEW)” will presented by Noor Ul-Amin Syed Research Scholar,
Department of Education, University of Kashmir.

The purpose of this paper aims to bring together the findings and key points from a review of
significant part of the available literature associated with ICTs for Education and ICTs in
Education. This review set out to identify and evaluate relevant strategies in national and
international research and initiatives related to measuring and demonstrating the effective use of
ICT for education with regard to the teaching learning process; ICT and quality and accessibility
of education; ICT and learning motivation, ICT and learning environment, and ICT to enhance
the scholastic performance.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) have become commonplace entities in all
aspects of life. Across the past twenty years the use of ICT has fundamentally changed the
practices and procedures of nearly all forms of endeavour within business and governance.
Education is a very socially oriented activity and quality education has traditionally been
associated with strong teachers having high degrees of personal contact with learners. The use of
ICT in education lends itself to more student-centred learning settings. But with the world

moving rapidly into digital media and information, the role of ICT in education is becoming
more and more important and this importance will continue to grow and develop in the 21st
century. In this paper, a literature review regarding the use of ICTs in education will provided.
Effective use of ICT for Education, along with ICT use in the teaching learning process; quality
and accessibility of education; learning motivation. Learning environment. Besides, an overview
of the ICT and scholastic performance.

2.1.2 Review of The use of ICT in teacher training: Nepal's experience

The paper entitled “The use of ICT in teacher training: Nepal's experience'' ” will presented by
Usha Dixit , Director of National Center for Educational Development, Ministry of Education,
Nepal on 13th UNESCO-APEID, International Conference on Education and World Bank-
KERIS High Level Seminar on ICT in Education on
15-17 November 2009

The conclusion of this research will the use of ICT in teacher training in Nepal will initiated
with radio based distance education system in 1980. Its focus will to enhance the professional
capabilities of under SLC in-service primary teachers. Later on, in 1993, as per the Government
policy, every primary teacher will supposed to undergo 10 month training. The 10 month training
package will split into 4 modules of 2.5 month each of which the second and the third modules
were imparted through the distance mode. When Teacher Training Project will implemented in
2002 multi purpose media centers were constructed in Educational Training Centers with a focus
on media based teacher education system.ICT policy of the Govt is developed and ICT will
given a high priority in education, specially in teacher training. ICT labs are being developed in 5
development regions of the country and Master Trainers are being prepared. ICT can play a vital
role not only in meeting the local situation and coordinating inter-sectoral needs of
disadvantaged population but also in enhancing teaching learning environment and teaching
learning outcome.

2.2 Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework this study can be described as follows;

Chapter Three: Methodology

The study intends to investigate the perception of Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal’s
students regarding learning about ICT in their education. Thus, this study will determine whether
ICT is beneficial in education as well as useful for future needs. To achieve the aim of the study,
primary research is conducted. The descriptive approach will be used. This descriptive type of
research utilizes observations in the study. To illustrate the descriptive type of research, Creswell
(1994) guided the researcher as he stated “descriptive method of research is to gather
information about the present existing condition”. Research is conducted by questionnaires will
be used to collect quantitative data and will be analyzed to get the result of the study.

The present research will be based on the following methodological framework.

3.1 Research Method

This study will mainly focus on descriptive qualitative nature but study will taken qualitative and
quantitative perspective both. This study will attempt to explore impact of technology on
education at Mahendra Ratna Campus.

3.2 Research Design

In this study, the researcher will use direct observation and interaction with the respondent by
face-to-face interview and using question schedule.

3.3 Population and Sample

Population. Due to the concern area is Mahendra Ratna Campus, all students who are

studying in B.Ed. in I.C.T.E. and those who will new comers from same discipline will be the

population of this study. And so on concerned teacher will be population of this study,

Sample. Population of this study will not so huge, so all the population will be selected

in research as sample.

3.4 Sources of Data/Information

In this research primary and secondary sources of data will be both used. In this, primary data
were collected from the students through interview, question schedule and using e-mail with
respondent. So as on, secondary data will be taken from record profile of concerned students,
teachers and administration.

Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal will be the study area and data/information will collect from
their concerned.

3.5 Development and Validation of the Research Tools

For data collection, development and validation following types of tools were used,
 Interview form
 E-mail

 Question Schedule

 Discussion

3.6 Data Collection Procedure

Study will related to IT and impact of technology on education at Mahendra Ratna Campus. In
this regards, 3 phases will be proceed;
 I phase interview will organized and familiarized with respondent ,
 II phase, the details will collect from using IT, as e-mail and other concern. If required;
question schedule also provide to respondent.

3.7 Data Analysis

Data will analyze using simple descriptive measures, such as frequency distribution in the
case of quantitative data. Qualitative inputs were reviewed, categorized, analyzed and

The information will collect from primary and secondary sources and will tabulate at first
and comparatively analyzed. The study will mainly descriptive in nature and the data collected
will computerize by using MS Word and Excel program before analysis. The data were analyzed
qualitatively as well as quantitatively. The figures like; Pie charts, diagrams and tables were used
to interpret obtained data.


Most feasible tools for E- Learning

In the context of ICT studends of Mahendra ratna campus.




Submitted by:
Mr. Sanjaya Poudel
(Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal)
Tel: 9841-468467


Page No


1.1 Background of the study 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem 1
1.3 Objectives of the Study 2
1.4 Research Questions 2
1.5 Expected Outcomes of the Study 3
1.6 Delimitations 3
1.7 Definitions 3


2.1 Empirical Review 4

2.2 Conceptual Framework 7


3.1 Research Method 8
3.2 Research Design 8
3.3 Population and Sample 8
3.4 Sources of Data/Information 9
3.5 Development and validation of research tools 9
3.6 Data collection Procedure 9
3.7 Data Analysis 10

References 10

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