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e- Measurement Book
Measurement Book
• “Measurement Book” is an important
document in which measurements are
recorded for the work done by the
contractor, or for the materials received
at the site or services rendered
• MB belongs to the Division – and is
serially numbered recording to whom
issued, date of issue, etc (DEE/ SDO)
Measurement Book
• Contractor payments are made based on
the measurements recorded in the MB
• It is considered very important accounts
record and maintained very carefully and
accurately and form substantial evidence
in the court of law - should need arises
• Measurements are written legibly so
that transactions are readily traceable
Measurement Book
Recording of measurements
• Each set of measurements should
commence with entries
– Work Name as given in the estimate / agreement
– Work location
– Contractors Name
– Agreement Number and date
– Work commencement date
– Work completion date
– Measurement recording date
Measurement Book
• Format for the MB :
BOQ Item Nos Length Width/ Depth / Qty Remarks
No Description Breadth Height/
Measurement Book
Writing the MB Manually
• Item specification is clearly written
• Actual Measurements executed - length,
width, depth etc entered in the respective
• Quantity is then computed (executed)
• Possibility of errors are more since
Measurement Book
• After the measurements are taken, abstract is
prepared duly carrying forward the quantities
to the abstract MB
• Format for the abstract MB is
B Item Rate Up to Up to This month MB
O descr date bill previous bill Page
Q iptio bill No
N n Qty Amount Qty Amount Qty Amount
Measurement Book
Writing abstract:
• Agreement No and item description is written
in full
• Quantity of each distinct item of work done is
carried out from the detailed MB
• Details of quantities, rate for that item as per
agreement and arrive at amount of each item
• Full nomenclature and description should be
written for extra or substituted or any
additional item that is not covered in the
Measurement Book
Writing abstract: ….
• Neat recording of measurements
• Signature of the contractor- or his
authorized agent should sign in the MB
• Measurements are recorded in ink
• Bill is then prepared
Measurement Book
Preparation of bill:
• Both detailed and abstract MBs together
with the bill is submitted to the Division
office through special messenger.
• Arithmetical calculations and contents of
the bill is checked.
• Endorsement is made in red ink on the
abstract of Measurements giving
reference to the number and date of the
voucher payment
Measurement Book
• Since measurements are to be taken for
every item repeatedly - number of books
are maintained for each work occupying
huge space
• Measurements to be written legibly.
• Mistakes to be corrected crossing out
incorrect word or figures. Corrections
initialed by the correcting officer.
Measurement Book
• Entries should be continuous and no page is
left blank
• Blank pages if any should be crossed
• Entries are made on the site and no rough
work is accepted
• Document on which Payment is made should
invariably bear reference to the number and
page of the book in which the detailed
measurements are recorded
Measurement Book
• All completed and unutilized books should be
returned to the division office where a
register is maintained
• The used books should be preserved for ten
• Measurements should be recorded by the
Assistant Engineer and above and C/M by
higher officers
• All this work is tedious and time consuming !
e- Measurement Book
e - MB is the solution
• Measurements are repetitive and every time
specification has to be written spending huge man
hours – can be avoided
• Greater precision in computations and reduction
in human errors – can be achieved
• Increased productivity and efficiency - can be
• Monitoring by higher officials is possible
and fraud, if any, can be detected at the
early stage
e- Measurement Book
• Engineers can utilize thus saved time and
concentrate on quality as quality is casuality
• Pick up Specifications from the database
• Measurements recording mechanism is
transparent - officers can view, review and
monitor execution
• Save space in storage and tampering and loss
of records is avoided
• Monitor taxes and other deductions
e- Measurement Book
• Abstract can easily be prepared
• Bill can be generated quickly
• If connected to payment gateway transfer
of funds is online and quicker
• Higher authorities can keep watch works
progress, specifications, quantities
executed vs-a-vis the estimated quantity
since the same is available on line
e- Measurement Book
can also monitor
• Excessive deviations, if any, allowed by
filed staff without approval of competent
• Indiscriminate deviation in quantities
advantageous to the contractors during
execution of work due to wrong / over
recording of measurements can be
e- Measurement Book
• (Less) Quantity executed for Abnormally
quoted Low Rated items by the contractor
resulting result in undue advantage to the
• (More) Quantity of AHR items executed, during
execution since it results in undue advantage to
the contractor.
• Find out where variation occurred immediately
e- Measurement Book
• The measurements including hidden and high
rated items can be checked by senior officers to
avoid overpayment.
• Incomplete items paid on full rates or excessive
part rates allowed
• Instances of payments to contractor for various
items are made as per contractors quoted rate
even if the complete scope of the item is not
executed by the contractor and this results in
e- Measurement Book
• Identify part rates allowed were more than the
• Wrong payment of escalation : Escalation, at
times is paid based on provisional indices on
gross amount of bill without deducting cost of
materials issued by the Department. The above
result in extending undue benefit to the
• Escalation paid for period for which extension
of time was not granted
e- Measurement Book
• Recovery of IT and Works Contract Tax can be
• At times recovery is made on net amount after
deducting cost of stores/hire charges from
contractor’s gross payment.
e-MB is a great solution for effective
implementation of works

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