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Spectrum Beer’s Law 2.2.

0 Release Notes
February 2009

About this Document

This document provides the following information about Spectrum Beer’s Law 2.2.0:

1. What is new in Spectrum Beer’s Law 2.2.0

2. Bugs fixed in this release
3. Limitations of this release
4. Known problems in this release
5. Uninstalling Spectrum Beer’s Law 2.2.0

1. What is new in Spectrum Beer’s Law 2.2.0

This release is an update to enable Spectrum Beer’s Law to be installed to and run under
Windows XP with Spectrum v6 IR Spectroscopy software.

2. Bugs Fixed In This Release


3. Limitations Of This Release

Specified vs. Calculated Plots

The axes on the Specified vs Calculated plot can be configured to user preference. To change
the axes, type the following line in the [Spectrum Beers Law] section of your
pel_apps.ini file:
Calculated Vs Specified=YES
If this item is missing the plot is configured to Specified vs Calculated.
See Note with regards Spectrum ES pel-apps.ini encryption after Peak Labels.
Peak Labels
The format of the labelling of peaks is governed by the settings in Spectrum (Setup Options
Peaks tab). To change the settings :
• Close Spectrum Beer's Law.
• Change the settings on the Setup Options Peaks tab in Spectrum.
• Close Spectrum.
• Open Spectrum Beer's Law : the new settings are available.

If Spectrum is not available, the settings within the [Graph Builder] section of the file
\windows\pel_apps.ini can be edited. To change the settings in the file:
• Close Spectrum Beer's Law.
• Edit the following lines in the pel_apps.ini file :
"Peak Label Display=xxxx" (where "xxxx" is either "abscissa", "ordinate" or "both")
"Peak Selection=yyyy" (where "yyyy" is either "peak", "base" or "both").
• Save and close the pel_apps.ini file.
• Open Spectrum Beer's Law : the new settings are available.

Note: For Spectrum ES, you will need to delete and subsequently regenerate the encrypted
version of the pel_apps.ini file before reopening Spectrum or Spectrum Beer’s Law software.
o Delete the pel_apps.bci file in the \Windows directory
o As a PerkinElmer Administrator, run BCITranslate.exe from the \Program
Files\PerkinElmer\ServiceIR folder to regenerate the encrypted configuration
See Spectrum Administrator’s guide for more details.

4. Known Problems In This Release

Long Filename Support (BEBN5R7EGV)
The software does not support long filenames greater than 8 characters. Method names must be
limited to 8 characters. Spectrum files used for calibration can have longer filenames but these
names are translated by Windows as appropriate and are not easily identifiable.

5. Uninstalling Spectrum Beer’s Law 2.2.0

To uninstall Spectrum Beer’s Law select Spectrum Software from Add or Remove Programs and
click Remove. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Note: Spectrum Beer’s Law is a member of the PerkinElmer IR Spectroscopy Software family
including Spectrum, Spectrum Search, Spectrum Quant+, Spectrum QuantC and Spectrum
Procedures. ALL members of IR Spectroscopy Software will be uninstalled NOT just Spectrum
Beer’s Law

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