Features of Management Functions

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Pervasive __________is required a all the levels of management and in all the
departments of an organisation. The scope of _______differ from one
level to another.

Continuous ______ is a never ending function of management due to its dynamic

Process nature. According to changing conditions ____ changes. It can never
come to an end till the business exists.

Goal ______ is made to achieve desired objectives of business. _______

Oriented initiates action that would lead to desired goals quickly and

Efficiency _____ leads to accomplishment of objectives at the minimum possible

cost. It avoids wastages and ensures optimum utilisation of available
resources like men, money, material, methods and machines. It also
saves time, efforts and money of an organisation.

Dynamic _____ is done for future. Since future is unpredictable, _______ must
Function provide enough scope to cope with the changes in market demands,
competition, government policies etc…

Team Work Proper ______ brings team spirit in an organisation. It is combined

effort of employees that brings success for the organisation. ______
brings in proper guidance and motivation to achieve targets set by the

A process _____ is a systematic process which consists of various steps and

each step is an important tasks to be performed by the administrators
working at various levels of management.

Decision ________ helps in taking good decision for the organisation by the
making management. It increases he efficiency and effectiveness of
employees in an organisation.

Common ________ helps in achievement of common targets of the organisation

Targets and the employees towards the achievement of common goals set by
an organisation.

Essential at _____ function is performed by all the managers depending upon the
all levels nature of business, size of the company, qualification and skills of
managers, etc.

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