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25 Jan 2018

BAHRAIN MEDIA ROUNDUP needed to step up their linked to tweets in which he

criticism. criticised Saudi Arabia and its
allies, including Bahrain, over
Bahrain, where the Shi'ite their military intervention in
Muslim majority is ruled by the Yemen war.
Bahrain human rights a Sunni Muslim royal family,
deteriorate as world looks has pursued a crackdown Rights groups fear for A statement released by a
away: activists on opposition activists since Bahraini activist Rajab's regional rights group, the Gulf
quashing 2011 protests health Center for Human Rights, the
Human rights in Bahrain have calling for democracy. World Organisation Against
deteriorated significantly International rights groups
Torture (OMCT) and the
in the past year because Authorities have closed said Thursday they fear for
International Federation for
international pressure on opposition political the health behind bars of
Human Rights (FIDH) said
the Gulf Arab kingdom has groupings, revoked Bahrain's most high-profile
the Bahraini government
weakened, activists said on dissidents' passports and activist, Nabeel Rajab,
had denied healthcare to
Thursday. arrested suspected militants. condemning the Gulf state
and "detained, imprisoned,
Activists say many arrests over its seven-year crackdown
tortured... or forced into
"Bahrain is now clearly sliding are for political reasons and on dissent.
exile" a number of prominent
in a new and very dangerous breach detainees' human
Rajab, a leading figure in dissidents.
direction with 37 people rights.
arrested yesterday alone," said 2011 protests that erupted
The organisations said Rajab,
Brian Dooley of U.S.-based Bahrain, where the U.S. in Bahrain, was sentenced
who has been hospitalised
Human Rights First. Navy's Fifth Fleet is based, to two years in jail last July
multiple times in recent years,
denies clamping down on for "disseminating rumours
had been advised not to take
"The fairly weak level of dissent. It says it faces a and false information" in
his medication over fears the
restraint that was there militant threat backed by television interviews critical
government had interfered
before has all but gone," he arch-foe Iran on the opposite of the government.
with the treatment.
said, adding that countries side of the Gulf.
influential in Bahrain such as He also faces a potential 15-
Read more year sentence in a second case Read more
the United States and Britain

by rights groups as part

of a yearslong crackdown
on dissent that has seen all
political opposition groups
disbanded and activists jailed
or forced into exile.

Dimitris Christopoulos,
Rights group fears for head of the Paris-based
detained Bahrain activist International Federation for
Human Rights, an umbrella
An imprisoned activist in group, expressed concern
Bahrain has been denied about Rajab’s health and safety.
adequate medical care and is
being held with extremists, “We have received alarming
putting his life at risk, a human credible reports about the
rights group said Thursday. reliability of the medical care
afforded to Rajab and we
Nabeel Rajab was sentenced have reasons to believe that
to two years in prison in his health conditions are not
July on charges related to treated in a very good way,”
TV interviews in which Christopoulos said at a press
prosecutors allege he conference in Beirut.
disseminated rumors and
false news about the situation “Our sources ... reveal that
in Bahrain in a way “that Nabeel’s safety is at risk and we
undermines the prestige of the fear for his life,” he added.
Read more
His imprisonment was seen

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