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UNIFIED ENGINEERING Spring Semester 2002 Fluid Dynamics Previous Quiz Problems I (With School Solutions) NAME: SCHOOL SeLUTIONS UNIFIED ENGINEERIL ‘Spring Semester 2000 05/04/00 QUIZ Q7F Problem I (a) Describe the type of fluid flows to which the thin airfoil theory may be applied. Your answer should stress the physical properties of the fluid flow. (b) Describe the type of airfoils to which the thin airfoil theory may be applied. Your answer should stress the geometrical properties of the airfoils. Use diagrams to illustrate your answers. (©) Describe how lift is generated in the thin airfoil theory model. Use diagrams to illustrate your answers. © CZ) ANVISeD AUD — coemucuT oF VOLT] IS 2e20 «INCOMPRESSIBLE FLD — Deatsry 1s coMsrAKH eertrt—~—s—SszstsC=i‘C(‘UCiC‘iNizasCO‘iCEUC':isCizszsK'SséssisiN*ONOC*t * Meeormmayal FLOW — Flow WAS Zee vornecy “TWO -DIMbUSICNAL FLOW ~ FLONIIS INDEPENDENT OF THE LATERAL. Ho precios: 2 20, 4 OY TH AeFoILS — MEFOIL 1S REPLACED By MEO Camese LILE TER Seth HU Me COE vnc fe eee Vel SMALL AUGLE OF ATTACK, PLASG THE CHerD Ema" MASIMUM THiEEESS OF MieFOIL. Zo} MAKIN MEAN Caangee, REFERENCE 1 THE cltoeo Lule Xe 1 leamion of 2 APT HE LEAOWG EDGE MEASuLED ALONG THE ChOeD LINE N. i SCHoa SeLuTiaNs Unified Engineering Quiz Q7F Spring Semester 2000 05/04/00 Problem I Cc CC) WTHW Averet LMeEoe, LIFT 1S GeneeateD BY A DISTABUTION oF VORTIORY ALONG THE mck YA Dismuaunon p= VORTICEY won, que ¢ L=p,Ual = poe va ° Pog PERE STREAM Denisiny oF FLUID Un = FREE Sega vELocay T = cukcutarion) Wo = voenary osresuT + OF EQuVAinny clkoeD NAME: S¢cHogL SOLUTIONS UNIFIED ENGINEERING QUIZ Q7F Spring Semester 2000 05/04/00 Problem IL ‘The mean camber line of a thin airfoil is given by where c is the airfoil chord. (a) Calculate the angle of zero lift @, when the airfoil is at small angle of attack. (b) Write the correct expression (integrals) for the lift coefficient ¢, and the moment coefficient about the airfoil leading edge C,,, when this airfoil is at small angles of attack. Make ALL appropriate substitutions but do NOT evaluate the integrals. Include a sketch of this thin airfoil at small angle of attack. Show all details of your analysis and logic. T fav md 6 2 $l (BY (cso do - OL 0. a Wace) = 223 ext) ae O.21 qe = “cs (3x*-zex) _¢ a % = | (1-c0s8) = csn* = NAME: Sctoot_sotu7on< Unified Engineering Quiz Q7F Spring Semester 2000 05/04/00 Problem It de-\"* 5,2 . & eo 8 (3 (c-ase))"26(¢ (1-4se)) ) OZ) 2 PA [S S1-2easo-+c0ste)-c(1-ces0)] = 221) 0.75 (|- 20050 +0086) —[ + cose} CO) wey eos hel = en [_ oo 7S CaS *O @), en [ 0.25 — 0.506250 +0. 1 LET? ge 025, be -os0 Ae 07S” ( ancl 24 fa +beasord costo | an/o a TT = -4[ ae [arbeose +d este] as0-\de Se= 221 "(0 +A-b) on04(b -d) 8% +dssto) de WHEE! [fade 2A 7 =O J ca-byeosodo = (4b)sine|, = ("G-d)astede = b- | G+ sme \ = CbdE ar fea cs?ode =d[ sino- Ssinto] | =0 NAME: 3@toc_ SoLuTIonS Unified Engineering Quiz Q7F Spring Semester 2000 05/04/00 Problem Ii ou, =H a J arr + (b- -4yx- | 2 22 fa « th-$4) 22 (a-osb 405d) get (—0.25-05(-0.5¢) +0.5 (0.75) ) C4! (-0.25 +0.25-40.375) = (0.216.375) Yeo = 0.07878fe ® % = 2-0T9/c } @) cy = zee J Caan (ose-) dO Ce = Birk +f" “F La tbc0se teleos*e ] ¢ cxb-1)40 ® Cong, = Edo A, - “I nec noe IG), A Ay = > te ie [ °F (a+b ceso +deos*e) |do wv a LUT AIS Unified Engineering Quiz Q7F Spring Semester 2000 05/04/00 Problem I = 2 ganic A= Zl was oede aA = 2 " 2 [a+ bese +d cuss cosede rel Se AL= 2 c Ge pos cz01 de p @Q * OOF (x-e) 2 ver x= % B= Boat ach gis x 7(x'-1) le 10 NAME: SCHOOL sarumon UNIFIED ENGINEERING QUIZ Q7F Spring Semester 2000 05/04/00 Problem III (a) An undersea vessel has a hull diameter of 12 meters. Wings extending 12 meters from the hull on each side have a chord of 8 meters. What is the aspect ratio of the resulting wing? Support your answer with a valid physical argument. (b) How does the magnitude of the velocity induced by a vortex vary with distance from the vortex? © @) THE PETION cen HOLL. LW BETKEEN THE WkigS 1S oY DEFINITION IAQLOED nt Te WUE PAIFORM AREA. TH) PEGINI comeieunEs To TE CVECALL. wg Lier: Lo Murer PEVISEO A TRANSFORM SIMUAR TO THE JOUKOWSe | TRANSFOO, WWHCH SQUEEZES Ane ELUeriCH PUSEWAE who A Live Atel TUE Maloe AWS AND DIsme@uTES TS UPWASH BFREOIS dln A TAACE oF HE Wily. ] 2 2 b bon bs 7% ye RS se 7 x tat iz ae (B) THe prov saver Lan HOLDS “ NAME: SCHOOL. SOLUTION, I UNIFIED ENGINEERING QUIZ Q2F Spring 1998 : 03/05/98 Problem I The NACA 23012 airfoil has a theoretical lift coefficient of 0. .3, has a maximum camber at 15 percent of the chord, and has a maximum thickness of 0.12¢ where cis the chord. The equation for the mean camber line is: 2/e = 2.6595 [ (xle)> - 0.6075 (xe + 0.11471 (xe) ] for the region 0.0 $ x < 0.2025¢ and we = 0.022083 [ I - (x/c) ] for the region 0.2025e < x < 1.0000¢. For this airfoil, calculate the following: (a) cy ,(b) a, (angle of zero lift), and (c) , Fiese, dz Fikst, Fina a O.06£ y 2 0.2025¢ e a [a(£)*-2b(z) +4 0 -2025¢ Eye 1000C* ee -e ac. Were a= 26575 b= 0.6075 d= onary @= 0.022093 o COERDINATE TEANSFOEMATION * & (\-cose. x= § Ut ) HENCE * UNIFIED ENGINEERING QUIZ Q2F Spring 1998 03/05/98 Problem I NAME: SHool. SeLvrton) NOE. (We)? = mi ( |-20ese+ cose) — =: FeO kd 0 Iofoe CLASS LEcTVeE NOTES’ @© Co = r°( 2A,+A,) wc bh a, =- mall (Z), se- 40 © tae = E (Ay-A) Wieee: 1c Ax «- 4/"UO, 40 tL “(Ghent Ae al [(#), aszerde an Te OBTAL a eae i a [ [3 ta) i-2ene +cos@) -2b(Ly cose) +d |de 130° "ange 40 | UNIFIED ENGINEERING QUIZ Q Spring 1398 03/08/98 Problem I NAME: Scttegy SoLUon) 3 z 53.5° Aes Sf @ [313 )lI-20056 + c0s%)-2blL )lI-cose) 4 A. |usede 180° +f (-edeose de | 53.5% - 2) /sas° . AL= #)/ aL ALN I-20050-+ 08% )-2b64.)CI- cose) +d] os2ede (80° + (-e)coszede | 53.5? ce fT (° s° lwo? a-t £4) (A +Bcosp +Cceste de - ( ede | 53.5? AZ) (Axtese x Cesste )cesede—[" “ecawde | 535° A= 2] f (At Beas +Ceoste eeszede~ | ‘Se aszede | Aso NOTE de = xX- (Ag+ h,\ A= a 24 4a)=2 65751 3 -o.e07s-r4)147/) = 0.68 B = a(d- 2 ) = 2-457¢(0-o7s-bst0) = - 2-87 C = Ba = 3( 2098) = 2.0 onteDy ENGINEERING QUIZ Q: Spring’ 1398 03/05/98 Problem I NAME: ScHeyZ. sevorien) 4 KiHege: ee Ide = 6-4, g e, “usodp = sine | "= ane, sine, e 8 = 8, m8) _ § sete &% eo @ is cstede = SF + a ars _ 13 ~ sin’ ane e = % sine Fo s Costede = sine — 226 | eg ae! " 6 8, L aie ee = 5, wee f8nee)| | = 4 Sine) -£5niz e,) 6, 2 & 6, 5, Cosseopeyo = [tee (200% 040 =| [2us%e - cose |de ; e 2, = 2 [Sin6,- 51076 -376, + £1278, | —)sine,-sine, | in 82 8 pine eeseo d0 = | ste (zeus -vdo= | £2 este ~es'e Jo f 4, , . 2[ + Bone), 08%sine I} “18 on \" % @, lo 4 2 = 2) Be, Baalete), cs" 5n82 3g) _ 3sinl2ey)_ ak tia & 4 4 BB Te A 7 a ~) _ SintzZo,) 2g 2 “4 UNIFIED ENGINEERING 21 QUIZ Q2F Spring 1998 03/05/98 Problem I NAME: Scyepl. Salon) s Hence ye x . Be e : de= 314-095 = 241 * ° = > Joa ) 6, 7535" go tad = Sin 53's -sin@ 0.80 festde = sinige?-sins3.5 = ~0.50 * Bz0 —) suse 2 555° 7 we J cas'sse = Ly eee caessepe [ease = 38 ~~ 8.24.5 res 2 20.105 eee —— u . we 3 J, eos'tlp- 050 -OR! 2 0.62 ' ts ¥de = —0.80r OR = ~ . = aa 35" Sree ioe = Gs) = 0.48 ee} [ Steote mz Og 2875 os i cose 023(26) dp = 2[ 010 2a = Ite -dj = 040 wo? : a Se Seousivsde = - tie ony, a4 = O17; (PSecante 342 078) + _ eziew)} “LP +g e8@){ = 0 fy ve" (Kee elpraid _ -f093)_ Cau ko.30) + — } 84 _ 0B We stent a? 2y)- Zsa) - es base {% UNIFIED ENGINEERING QUIZ Q2F Spring 1998 03/05/98 Problem I NAME: SCHeylL SULYTOS 6 (07 i wsiecsize)de = 035 33.52 = THERE Ay=a— 45 (orld) esrhiaa) 4Q0¥ anes) (o-2d)iz.21) {= 2 A, = F [tosavese) ZEN 0.705) +2) 0.64) + (ozzy ato) f= 6.095 Ar = Zz] (0.68) (0.43 )— (2300.40) + (20. 48) 4a0t2)(-0.48)} 0. (53 SvBSTITUTIAG @) Cp = FE (2(4~0.03/) +0, ois) =n(2« +0 033) (b) a= x= (0.03) +3 (0.095)) = ~ 0.0/7 (¢ S ) Gory = al D.1SB-aops)= OFF NAME: SCitoL. SOLUTTaN. UNIFIED ENGINEERING QUIZ Q2F Spring 1998 03/05/98 Problem II Consider an aigplane that weighs 14,700 N and cruises in level flight at 300 knvhr at an altitude of 300m. The wing has a surface area of 17.0 sq. meters and an aspect ratio of 6.2. Assume that the lift coefficient is a linear function of the angle of attack and that ct, = - 1.2°. If the load distribution is elliptic, calculate (a) the value of the circulation in the plane of symmetry (Ty ), (b) the downwash velocity (w ; ), (C) the induced drag coefficient ( Co,) (d) the geometric angle of attack (6 ggg) and (e) the effective angle of attack (q.). Draw a diagram of the wing in the above situation, Draw a diagram of a section of the wing in the above situation. KUNE # CHoW, TABLE 3 AT h= 3km = See0m T= 45%) a= sz pa toixet A, = ki f= C909 Ks eg. KA 7 7 v3 FIRST CMLCUTE “THE SPMD, bt bee 5S =e2Km) CALCULATE Cy teonso? nf 3é00 @) cipcuanrn TZ ( euienc Lean). Bee wed ye 1) The Wes g _ AVEO 4.274) 08 ae 2 = er 2 tT, = 24.1 BS UNIFIED ENGINEERING QUIZ Q2F Spring 1998 03/05/98 Problem II NAME: Sciteo,. SoLurien) & ® Downwast VeLecry wy Te 24.) ee “= sp = 2 027) Ce) Mou F¢ . ©) WDE Deng comPaciEnt,Cp, = 2 _ @z74y ia @14X6.2) me lt aS = By95Ke A) Geomenic ' ANGLE F Mthck, % Age, = (I+ 2) 1 f(y — gee = (4) See (HVE Nez) r ° S = 3.32 Ge = 0.056 ©) EFFEAINE Aue OF AMCK yl = = — be Age egg = geo te = icy Us coy = 0053 — ils. = 0044" _ 2.52° Boone pn. Wink SECTION) NAME: = SCHEOL- SOLUTc/ 2 UNIFIED ENGINEERING QUIZ Q2F Spring 1998 03/05/98 Problem IIT Using complex variables, find (a) the stream function and (b) the velocity potential when the complex potential is wa=A(z+ bz) What must A be? What is b ? a > -coe wie) = Ace+E )= A(re“ tre ) eh _ Case esing “ue: A(rose +2 cose 4iA (vane ay sme) = o+iy @.. f= A (reose-+ feese) = Acose( +) () p= ACrsine - Ese) = Asine (r-#) a NOE: d= ¢ +h, = Arwese = Unio] Srey F2= AL cose —> Dovever FLOW tip = Bb Acese( | 4, 2) Ug = ie Aan (14 THES RESUT MATCHES FLOW OVE A ClecyLAt. CTNDER OF FADIUS Tab maly UNIFORM STREAM Use NAME: S B= WING SPA 5 PR = ASPECT RATIO q = Zeb pus B CATAL 2300) 2 / ft ~ 2 . oy (—\ (20 (0.0018) oy Gm (2ey “ 0.396 NAME: SCHeol ScLuTION UNIFIED ENGR QUIZ Q2F Spring 1997 03/06/97 Problem I ‘The mean camber line of a thin airfoil is given by: He =-k[a + be) + dine)? | where c=chord and k, a, b, and d are assumed known real constants. Find the following: @) + Eng, and (©) Gy - i CGB) esa ¢ (Aa-A) 4 (zAtAr) my 2 = weet” ee sae Beneath %=-KLatE)+d(t)y] i 2 anh d(%) dH) _ d(E) £ =2d sin? ames > Lb 2dl2 7 (4). wk {bade E] Geo [" (2): [recs -zdsme$ )do = 1k (db) T Hs (B),2aede = [He b-adsnt Jewspde = -Tkd/y (Bi ytrede = [os c-zban®® azote =o Unified Quiz Q2F NAME:_StH00L_ SoLuTiaal Spring 1997 00 NAMB Sena 3/6/97 Probem II SUBSTITUTING ° Age &rbark(d-b) = a+ktd-b) A,=-2-(-redh) = kd 4, =0 2 «=-4[ {C (4), do [ “A ) sede | ce ~ 4 [etd o)+ kde | “ ,,7 — 3k dle + kb LD Ome =F (eh) = -E (2) & Freed.) = mile re U-b)) red 1 4 Go PA +Gd-2b re SS NAME: S@He>L Sc. UT70n/ UNIFIED ENGR QUIZ Q2F Spring 1997 03/06/97 Problem Il Using complex variables, show that when the complex potential is w(z) = A(z + 1/2) -iBln(z), ‘here B is a real constant, the flow consists of a uniform stream past the circle r = 1, combined with circulation about the circle. What is A? What is B? we) = AC2+ $)-B ne zoyrel® wa) = A(re'? 2°) is ive’), ef = ewer ising ' O12) = A( ruse + ose) +60 46A (rsine — bsine) “i Boar = b+i i} ¢ we Alrsime - smb) -Bdar oR b2 bh +hrds oo @ = Arcose —> UNIFORM sTeZAU t a da = ABO Doveer A(vcose + +: cose) +BO " i Be —> Pale vo Te ABUT THE OR 1G wees =. = A eso |- i) Ug = te 2 Ase (1+ fp) +B EESUT MATES Flow OVER A CIRCULAR CYLINDER OF FADVS = 1, UNIFORM STREAM AS Un , AND VORTEX oF SIENGTH T= 2708. Prof. Harris, 33-406, ext. 3-0911, O2FL UNIFIED ENGINEERING QUIZ Spring 1996 For a particular airfoil section, the pitching moment coefficient about a point 1/3 chord behind the leading edge varies with lift coefficient in the following manner: 04 0.6 0.8 0.000 +0.02 40.04 diagram of the airfoil section. Find Cy. Eind the aerodynamic center. Show the location of the aerodynamic center on a AELOOYNAMIC, CENTER Nore Tar Can VareiES MWEMELY Went, HENCE dq __G.04)-b0.02) LULL x de py Coo 0.06 0.60 4-0-0. PloT THE ABE DATA 70 cB! Che ~ 0.04 Mav 20-10 233 Prof. Harris, 33-406, ext. 3-0911, Spring 1996 O2E.4 (8) An airplane with a wing planform area of 650 ft? and a span of 80 ft is flying at an altitude of 35,000 ft at a speed of 500 mph. The ambient temperature is 409°R. The density is 7.3810 S285, The gross weight is 52,000 Ib. Determine: C,, Cp,. ageo- ‘Assume an ideal elliptical lift distribution. ASSUME LEVEL, W/-ACeLERAED FLIGHT L=W 2 5Zcecks. G=- + . 52,000 : 104, 000 5 ZOOS GY ococrsey soon BE ys) Tatut* sistawe aestrio 104, 000 7 7 x howe. wso” 84 _ ogos 287.48 MO Z5-6NO Be 2 2 = b . & _ jes) (0.403)?( #0) THRE TR 14K B50) (BAI EO™ 162x007 ¥b.50x107 10. 53 oe Cp, = at ne sen, _ 10. 55 _ : % Blt x b4wo® 20.0%” = 0. 52dx00” =0,00524 — 2 2 geo = ZZ @% = Er sar] 640s) @l314) x - [1+ Shes (oes) _ 4.203)0.403) 0.435 feo @yts.14) = Tp.) aa rad %4., = 9.077 a

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