Nearshore Dynamics and Coastal Processes Theory, Measurement, and Predictive Models by Kiyoshi Horikawa

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Nearshore Dynamics and Coastal Pro .. summary of the findings of the NERC program.
cesses: Theory, Measurement, and Predic- In this respect, the title of the original J apa-
tive Models, Kiyoshi Horikawa (e d.}, 1988, nese text (1985), "Coastal Environment Engi-
University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 522p. (15000 neering-Theory, Field Observations, and Pre-
Yen; approx. $115 US), ISBN 4-13-068138-9, diction of Beach Evolution," is much less
ISBN 0-86008-418-3. misleading than the title of the present (trans-
lated) version.
Recent advances in coastal research ha ve The utility of the book depends very much on
been both numerous and rapid, and the scien- the user's purpose. There is a strong bias
tific community has awaited anxiously the pub- toward the engineering literature since most of
lication of an updated replacement (alterna- the contributors are, or have been, affiliated
tive) for the standard reference text by Komar with engineering departments, and since much
(1976). While Horikawa's text is a welcome of the applied work derives from NERC studies
addition to the literature, it is not likely to sup- along heavily-structured coasts. Thus, from an
plant Komar's book as the premier source in the engineering standpoint, the book is probably of
field; rather, it will function best as a supple- great utility. From my standpoint, as a coastal
ment, primarily because of its unbalanced pre- geomorphologist, it is of peripheral interest: it
sentation. is neither comprehensive nor insightful into the
The book was written as an advanced refer- nature of nearshore dynamics and coastal pro-
ence for coastal scientists and engineers inter- cess. Although it enumerates the myriad stud-
ested in prediction of beach evolution. There ies that exist on specific topics, it never dis-
are five major sections: (I) Waves and Near- cusses them. For example, in the section on
shore Currents; (II) Beach Change and Coastal synthetic wave spectra (p. 39), the entire dis-
Sediment Transport; (III) Numerical Model of cussion of type 6 reads as follows: "Ochi and
Beach Topography Change; (IV) Prediction Hubble (1976) proposed a six-parameter spec-
Models of Shoreline Change; and (V) Field trum which can reproduce a bimodal spectrum."
Observations. The format was well conceived, In the section on wave theories, the reader
and there are numerous subheadings that make encounters a complete set of 34 equations for
the table of contents most useful as both a sum- the third-order solution to Cnoidal wave theory,
mary and a quick guide to locate specific infor- and is informed that higher-order solutions
mation. In contrast, the index is remarkably have been calculated on a computer. However,
short and of little use. There are numerous the validity of this theory to wave modeling on
illustrations, yet the majority tend to be graph- beaches, or how the added precision contrasts
ical in nature and saturated with information. wi th the crude character of other system
The production of the book is of good quality parameters are not addressed. The book's
(the pages are still in place and the spine is unbalanced nature is exemplified further by the
intact, despite my abuse), and the editing IOO-page presentation on wave theories (377
superb (the prose is not contorted, and no mis- equations), followed by a 2-page discussion on
prints were found, which is remarkable since longshore currents (4 equations). The sections
the book is translated from Japanese). on beach evolution modelling are presented
How good is the book? Two criteria were used similarly: an extensive presentation of model
to address this question: does the book meet its construction is generally followed by a compar-
principal aims; will the book be of use (and to ison of calculated and measured results, with
whom)? The principal aim, as stated in the Gen- little discussion of the source of errors or the
eral Introduction, is "to introduce the present model's broader applicability.
state of the art of beach evolution prediction." One significant contribution of this book will
Further, the book was to be self-contained and be a heightened awareness of the important and
comprehensive. However, Horikawa also states extensive research being conducted in Japan, of
that, "One of the important goals of the NERC which many workers in this sub-field are
(Nearshore Environment Research Center) Pro- largely ignorant. Unfortunately, except for the
gram was to publish a comprehensive reference classics, much of the non-Japanese literature is
book dedicated to the practical methods in pre- not described, which detracts from the book's
dicting beach evolution, as developed by the comprehensiveness. As a consequence, the
NERC Program." The book is successful in reader often finds the Japanese equivalent of a
accomplishing the latter goal, but not the for- model, to which hetshe) might ordinarily attach
mer, because it is little more than an extended other people's names. For example, in the sec-

tion on beach morphologies and change (p. 145), fringing the low lying coastal plains along 2,700
there is a beach-change model by Sunamura miles of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts from
(1985) that looks much like the conceptual southern Maine to Texas. The barriers totalled
model proposed by Wright, Short, and others 1.6 million acres and more than 63 million
from the Australian school (with only indirect Americans live within 50 miles of them.
mention of the latter work). Fortunately, the An introductory overview of the developed
bibliography is extensive; however, a signifi- barriers is given by the senior editor. This is
cant number of the citations are available in followed immediately by a paper on the 1982
Japanese only. Hence, as a primary reference Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) explain-
source for English-speaking countries, the text ing the new federal policy stance in not subsi-
is deficient. As a supplement, the text fares dizing future development on hazardous, unde-
well. veloped coastal barriers, which still account for
Horikawa has accomplished an immense task 18 percent of the total barriers. This paper pro-
by compiling the results of field and numerical vides an essential background to understand-
investigations undertaken under the auspices ing CBRA-related issues in the other papers.
of NERC and related Japanese studies, and he The rest of the volume is organized around
has served English-speaking coastal research- seven themes or sections, of which the first
ers well by making this information easily three sections account for more than half of the
accessible. However, because of the book's volume or 15 of the 27 papers.
strong engineering orientation, fraught with Of the four papers under the theme of geo-
theoretical and empirical relationships but graphical characteristics of coastal barriers,
lacking analysis and insight, my inclination three have a wide geographic coverage dealing
will be to pull Horikawa off the shelf only after with the classification of coastal barriers for
Komar is already on my desk. management, the effects of political fragmen-
tation on local management of developed
Dr. Bernard O. Bauer coastal barriers, and the population changes
Department of Geography from 1960-80. The fourth paper is on shoreline
University of Southern California changes with reference to the New Jersey bar-
rier coast.
In the section on planning and growth man-
Cities on the Beach: Management Issues of agement, there is a key paper on growth man-
Developed Coastal Barriers edited by Ruth- agement on developed barriers. This is followed
erford H. Platt, Sheila G. Pelczarski & Barbara by papers on barrier management at the local
K. R. Burbank, The University of Chicago, level (Collier County, Florida), a preliminary
Department of Geography, Research Paper No. management model based on 'regional multiple
224, 1987, 324 p., US$10, ISBN 0-89065-128-0 use, local single use' and suggested as an alter-
(paperback). native to the CBRA, the management experi-
ence of the National Parks Service, the 'camp-
(Available from the publisher at 5828 S. Uni- ground towns' of South Carolina Grand Strand,
versity Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637-1583, and the issues in estimating the economic
U.S.A.) aspects of beach recreation.
In January 1985 at Virginia Beach, Virginia, Three of the five papers in the section on
a conference with the same title as this volume shoreline management deal with dunes: the
was attended by researchers, government offi- Dune Management District concept (example
cials, citizen activists and students. From some from Fire Island, New York), a successful dune
75 papers, the editors have refined and edited restoration program (example from Mantolok-
27 papers for this volume. They regretted that ing, New Jersey) and dune management rec-
space did not permit the inclusion of several ommendations (New Jersey). The other two
more good ones. In a way, this volume would papers are on approaches to hazard analysis
therefore represent the very best or essential (example from Ocean City, Maryland), and atti-
from that conference. tudes towards coastal erosion (example from
The obvious target for this volume would be Carolina Beach, North Carolina).
those involved in the management of coastal The four papers in a shorter section on hazard
barriers in the United States. The term 'coastal management are exclusively on hurricanes,
barrier' is used broadly in this volume to reducing the impact before and after their
include the series of islands, spits and tom bolos occurrence. The papers are on evacuation dur-

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