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The cam shaft and its related parts control the opening and shutting of the two valves.
The related parts are push rods, rocker arms, valve springs and tappets. It comprises
of a cylindrical rod running over the length of the cylinder save money with various
elliptical lobes distending from it, one for every valve. The cam lobes force the valves
open by pushing on the valve, or on some moderate mechanism as they rotate.

This shaft likewise gives the drive to the ignition framework. The camshaft is driven
by the crankshaft through planning gears cams are made as basic parts of the
camshaft and are designed in such an approach to open and close the valves at the
right planning and to keep them open for the fundamental length. A typical case is the
camshaft of an automobile, which takes the rotary motion of the engine and makes an
interpretation of it in to the reciprocating motion important to work the intake and
exhaust valves of the cylinders. In this work, a camshaft is designed for multi cylinder
engine and 3D-model of the camshaft is made utilizing modeling programming

The model made in master/E is foreign in to ANSYS. In the wake of finishing the
element properties, cross section and imperatives the loads are connected on camshaft
for three unique materials in particular aluminum alloy 360, forged steel and cast
iron. For that condition the outcomes have been taken has displacement esteems and
von misses stresses for the static condition of the camshaft. In the wake of taking the
aftereffects of static analysis, the model analysis and harmonic analysis are completed
one by one. At long last, contrasting the three distinct materials the best appropriate
material is chosen for the development of camshaft. Watchwords: Design; Analysis;
Cam Shaft; Multi Cylinder Engine




2.1 Internal Combustion Engine

2.2 Six-Stroke Engine

2.3 Additional Stroke

2.3.1 Recompression

2.3.2 Water Injection

2.3.3 Additional Power Stroke Expansion

2.3.4 Effect Of The Additional Two Strokes

2.5 Camshaft Parts

2.6 Classification Of Cam Mechanism

2.7 Cam Shape

2.8 Theoretical Framework


3.1 Introduction to CAD/CAM/CAE

3.2 Need for CAD, CAE & CAM

3.3 Introduction to CATIA

3.3.1 What Is CATIA?

3.3.2 Feature-Based

3.4 CATIA User Interface

3.4.1 Workbenches
3.5 Introduction to FEA

3.6 Introduction to Ansys

3.6.1 Generic Steps to Solving Any Problem in Ansys

3.6.2 Specific Capabilities of Ansys



5.1 Model Analysis

5.1.1 Structural Analysis Using Aluminium Alloy A360

5.1.2 Structural Analysis Using Forged Steel

5.1.3 Structural Analysis Using Cast Iron

5.2 Harmonic Analysis

5.2.1 By Using Aluminium Alloy A360

5.2.2 By Using Forged Steel




Cam is a mechanical part to transmit a coveted motion to a supporter by coordinate

contact. The driver is called cam and driven is called adherent. Cam mechanism is an
instance of a higher match with line contact. Camshaft is the Brain of the engine must
incorporate cam lobes, bearing diaries, and a push face to avoid fore and after motion
of the camshaft. Likewise camshaft can incorporate an apparatus to drive the
wholesaler and an offbeat to drive a fuel pump. Camshaft is controlling the valve
prepare operation. Camshaft is alongside the crankshaft it decides terminating request.
Camshaft is alongside the suction and exhaust frameworks it decides the valuable rpm
scope of the engine. Camshaft is utilized as a part of the engine for transfers motion to
channel and exhaust valve. On the off chance that transfer of motion isn't appropriate
then the stokes won't work in legitimate way.

Additionally it consequences for execution of engine. To make work of camshaft in

exact way. It is required keeping in mind the end goal to design a decent mechanism
linkage, the dynamic conduct of the segments must be viewed as; This incorporates
the gross kinematic motion and self-incited vibration motion. Dynamic models were
made to acquire knowledge into dynamic conduct of the framework preceding

These models were scientific devices used to recreate and foresee the conduct of
physical frameworks. They contain frameworks properties which are masses,
solidness constants, and damping coefficients. The car part has achieved a high
production limit in the most recent decades. Contingent upon this expanding limit, its
steady development is expected on the planet economy.

The monetary estimation of the work limit in the car area is extensive and this
demonstrates the car part is the sixth financial division around the world. The part has
an interrelationship with more than 300 unique fields. In this way, if there is any
breakdown in the primary or side businesses, the entire elements of the produced
autos are impacted. Then again, the disappointment analysis is an exceptional field of
concentrate for materials and mechanical engineers. On one side, the materials
engineer is planned to build up his/her observational and thinking aptitudes for the
comprehension of interrelationship between detectable highlights and properties or
execution. On the opposite side, the mechanical engineer contemplates on the
conceivable disappointment areas and sorts and measure of the existent stresslevels.
Many investigations have been done on the car disappointment analysis is that the
generally fizzled parts are from engine and its segments among the car
disappointments. This is trailed by the drive prepare disappointments. Among the
investigations on the engine part disappointments, the forecast of exhaustion
disappointment in a camshaft utilizing the split modeling strategy.

[A.S.Dhavale], [V.R.Muttagi] contemplated Modeling and Fracture Analysis of

camshaft to design great mechanism linkages the dynamic conduct of the segments
must be viewed as, this incorporates the scientific conduct of physical model. . For
this situation, introduction of two mass, single level of flexibility and multiple level
of opportunity dynamic models of cam supporter frameworks are contemplated.

The disappointment is happened as sudden crack at near diary area, where there is a
pressure focus. The primary reason of the crack is resolved as a casting deformity and
the camshaft of vehicles made from that specific arrangement of camshaft ought to be
supplanted. Additionally, nondestructive testing methods of the part provider ought to
likewise be enhanced as the imperfection can without much of a stretch be discernible
by standard nondestructive strategies.

[R.Mahesh],[Mali1],[D.Prabhakar] displayed Design Optimization of Cam and

Follower Mechanism of an Internal Combustion Engine for Improving the Engine
Efficiency. In this work an endeavor is rolled out to improvement the level face of
adherent to a bended face supporter, so the required point contact can be
accomplished. As line contact between existing cam and adherent mechanism brings
about high frictional misfortunes which brings about low mechanical effectiveness. It
is watched that the recurrence of vibration in the current and adjusted cam and
devotee mechanism remains relatively same. This shows change of the level face of
roller devotee to a bended face roller adherent mechanism brings about low frictional
misfortunes due point contact which brings about enhanced in mechanical
effectiveness of inner ignition engine by 65% to 70%.
Fig -1: Cam and cam shaft

1. Max lift or nose 2. Flank Opening clearance ramp 3. Closing clearance ramp 4.
Base circle 5. Exhaust opening timing figure 6. Exhaust closing timing figure 7.
Intake opening timing figure 8. Intake closing timing figure 9. Intake to exhaust lobe
Fig -2: Cam specifications

Computer movement of a camshaft working valves A camshaft is a shaft to

which a cam is secured or of which a cam frames a vital part. The camshaft was
first depicted in Turkey (dyarbakr) by Al-Jazari in 1206. He utilized it as a
component of his automata, water-raising machines, and water tickers, for
example, the castle clock. The camshaft later showed up in European
mechanisms from the fourteenth century. Among the main autos to use engines
with single overhead camshafts were the Maudslay designed by Alexander Craig
and introduced in 1902 and the Marr Auto Car designed by Michigan local
Walter Lorenzo Marr in 1903.

In inner ignition engines with cylinders, the camshaft is utilized to work poppet
valves. It comprises of a cylindrical rod running the length of the cylinder
manage an account with various elliptical lobes projecting from it, one for every
valve. The cam lobes force the valves open by pushing on the valve, or on some
middle mechanism, as they rotate.

An engine is a gadget which can changes one type of vitality into another shape.
In any case, while changing vitality starting with one frame then onto the next,
the effectiveness of transformation assumes a huge part. Regularly, the greater
part of the engines change over warm vitality into mechanical work and along
these lines they are called heat engine.

Heat engine is a gadget which changes the substance vitality of a fuel into warm
vitality and uses the warm vitality to perform valuable work. Subsequently, warm
vitality is changed over to mechanical vitality in a heat engine. Heat engines can
be arranged into two classes which is inside ignition engines (IC engines) and
outer burning engine (EC engines).


The six-stroke engine is a kind of inside burning engine in view of the four-
stroke engine, however with extra many-sided quality proposed to make it more
proficient and diminish emanations. As indicated by its mechanical design, the
six-stroke engine with outside and inside ignition and twofold stream is like the
real inner reciprocating burning engine.
Figure 2.1: Six-stroke engine

To abridge in graphical frame on Figure 2.3, there were illustrative valve lifts and
resultant delegate burning chamber weight follows are superimposed versus
wrench edge where the proposed exhaust recompression and water infusion are
unequivocally appeared.

Figure 2.2: Example of exhaust valve events and cylinder pressure for the six-stroke

An extra presumption that the recompression procedure is isentropic from State 1 to

State 2 yields the extra state property required by the State Postulate of
Thermodynamics for a basic compressible framework to decide totally the
thermodynamic properties at State 2. The work required by the recompression
procedure is along these lines known for a given wrench point shutting.
Figure 2.3: Pressure trace schematic for exhaust recompression and steam injection
Showing thermodynamic states

2.3.2 Water Injection

The personality of mass protection was utilized to liken the mass at State 3 to the
mass at State 2 and the mass of the infused water. Since the two properties of interior
vitality and particular volume are known at state point 3, the thermodynamic state is
extraordinarily decided. In this manner the temperature and weight toward the begin
of the extra power stroke are known.
2.3.3 Additional Power Stroke Expansion

Since there is no mass stream over the burning chamber control volume amid the
extension procedure and expecting that the recompression procedure is adiabatic. An
extra suspicion that the extension procedure is isentropic from State 3 to State 4
yields the extra state property required by the State Postulate to decide totally the
thermodynamic properties at State 4. The work yield from the extension procedure
can be computed.

2.3.4 Effect of the additional two strokes

The net work is the development work less the recompression work. The net mean
successful weight (MEP) of the early exhaust valve conclusion and water infusion
(the fourth and fifth strokes) is then controlled by partitioning the development work
of the fifth stroke less the pressure work of the fourth stroke by the displacement
volume. In spite of the fact that having the units of weight, the MEP is a measure of
the execution of any engine independent of size or volumetric displacement. Buildup
amid a development is for the most part unfortunate as a result of potential hardware
harm because of bead disintegration and furthermore in light of the resultant decline
in particular volume. An expansion in particular volume brings about attractive
development work.


There have assortment parts of the camshaft, for example, primary diary, lobes, and
finishes. The Main Journals hold the cam set up as it turns around. Cam course are
put around the primary diaries to keep the cam from harming the square if there
should arise an occurrence of glitch in the engine. The lobes make the cam's lift and
length. Lift is the separation the valve is open and length is to what extent the valve
will remain open. A case would be cams have a .429 intake lift and a .438 exhaust lift
and length of 203 degrees on the intake and 212 degrees on the exhaust. The intake
valve would be lifted .429" and remain open for 203 degrees of the cams pivot and
the exhaust would be lifted .438" and remain open for 212 degrees of the cams turn.
The backside of the cam has a rigging that turns the wholesaler of the engine keeping
the ignition timing tuned in to whatever is left of the engine, while the front of the
cam darts up the planning chain keeping the cam coordinated with the crankshaft.

The four-stroke process that happens in auto's engine is as per the following: intake,
pressure, control, exhaust. While the crankshaft's position, crankshaft's stroke and rod
length at last figure out where the cylinder will be in the cylinder at any given level of
pivot, the camshaft decides the position of the intake and exhaust valve amid every
one of the four strokes. An engine's camshaft is in charge of the valve timing in the
engine. Appropriate valve timing is basic for any four-stroke car engine to work at
most extreme proficiency.

At the point when the valves open, how high the valves open (lift), and for to what
extent they remain open (span) all decide the execution attributes of the engine. In the
execution ensemble, the camshaft is the conductor of valve occasions. It organizes
which instruments play (intake or exhaust valves), when they play (opening and
shutting occasions) and how uproarious they play (valve lift). For each activity, there
is dependably a response. From an execution angle, the speedier a valve opens and
achieves full-lift, the better. Why? Drive is specifically identified with how much air
and fuel can be full into the cylinder.

Air and fuel can't get into the cylinder unless the valves are open. Camshafts that
immediately open the valves are said to have a forceful projection profile.
Lamentably, the laws of material science oversee the most extreme measure of
conceivable valve increasing speed or "forcefulness." If the camshaft profile tries to
quicken the valve too quick, exorbitant wear or valve prepare issues can happen.
While restoring a valve to its seat, a camshaft by and by can't do this too quick or the
valve pummels into the valve situate (once in a while valves even bob off the seat).
Most present day cam designs enhance valve speeding up rates by designing
camshafts with uneven lobes.

It is required keeping in mind the end goal to design a decent mechanism linkage, the
dynamic conduct of the segments must be viewed as; This incorporates the gross
kinematic motion and self-incited vibration motion. Dynamic models were made to
acquire knowledge into dynamic conduct of the framework preceding assembling.
These models were scientific devices used to recreate and foresee the conduct of
physical frameworks. They contain frameworks properties which are masses,
solidness constants, and damping coefficients. The car part has achieved a high
production limit in the most recent decades. Contingent upon this expanding limit, its
steady development is expected on the planet economy.The monetary estimation of
the work limit in the car area is extensive and this demonstrates the car part is the
sixth financial division around the world. The part has an interrelationship with more
than 300 unique fields. In this way, if there is any breakdown in the primary or side
businesses, the entire elements of the produced autos are impacted. Then again, the
disappointment analysis is an exceptional field of concentrate for materials and
mechanical engineers.


We can characterize cam mechanisms by the methods of info/yield motion, the design
and plan of the supporter, and the state of the cam. We can likewise order cams by the
distinctive sorts of motion occasions of the adherent and by methods for an incredible
assortment of the motion attributes of the cam profile. The order of cam mechanism
depends on the figure:

1. Knife-edge follower (Figure 2.4a).

2. Roller follower (Figure 2.4b,e,f).
3. Flat-faced follower (Figure 2.4c).
4. Oblique flat-faced follower.
5. Spherical-faced follower (Figure 2.4d).
Figure 2.4: Classification of Cam Mechanism


There have assortment of cam shape, for example, plate cam, scored cam and end
cam. The idea of the plate cam is the devotee moves in a plane opposite to the pivot
of revolution of the camshaft. An interpreting or a swing arm adherent must be
compelled to keep up contact with the cam profile. This is a plate cam with the
devotee riding in a furrow notwithstanding the cam as indicated by the figure 2.5. End
cam has a turning part of a cylinder. The supporter interprets or wavers, while the
cam typically rotates. The end cam is seldom utilized due to the cost and the trouble
in cutting its form. The cams of the cam shaft are put thinking about the

i. Sequence of the power strokes.

ii. Timing at which the valve should open in relation to the piston position.
iii. Timing at which the exhaust valve should open in relation with the timing of
opening of inlet valve.
iv. Timing at which the other cylinder should start working

It is required keeping in mind the end goal to design a decent mechanism linkage, the
dynamic conduct of the segments must be viewed as; This incorporates the gross
kinematic motion and self-incited vibration motion. Dynamic models were made to
acquire knowledge into dynamic conduct of the framework preceding assembling.
These models were scientific devices used to recreate and foresee the conduct of
physical frameworks. They contain frameworks properties which are masses,
solidness constants, and damping coefficients. The car part has achieved a high
production limit in the most recent decades. Contingent upon this expanding limit, its
steady development is expected on the planet economy.The monetary estimation of
the work limit in the car area is extensive and this demonstrates the car part is the
sixth financial division around the world. The part has an interrelationship with more
than 300 unique fields. In this way, if there is any breakdown in the primary or side
businesses, the entire elements of the produced autos are impacted. Then again, the
disappointment analysis is an exceptional field of concentrate for materials and
mechanical engineers.

2.8 Theoretical Framework

[A.S.Dhavale], [V.R.Muttagi] examined Modeling and Fracture Analysis of

camshaft to design great mechanism linkages the dynamic conduct of the segments
must be viewed as, this incorporates the scientific conduct of physical model. . For
this situation, introduction of two mass, single level of flexibility and multiple level
of opportunity dynamic models of cam adherent frameworks are examined. The
disappointment is happened as sudden break at near diary area, where there is a
pressure focus. The fundamental reason of the crack is resolved as a casting deformity
and the camshaft of Vehicles produced from that specific arrangement of camshaft
ought to be supplanted. Likewise, non-ruinous testing strategies of the segment
provider ought to likewise be enhanced as the deformity can without much of a
stretch be noticeable by standard non-damaging methods.
[R.Mahesh],[Mali1],[D.Prabhakar] exhibited Design Optimization of Cam and
Follower Mechanism of an Internal Combustion Engine for Improving the Engine
Efficiency. In this work an endeavor is rolled out to improvement the level face of
adherent to a bended face devotee, with the goal that the required point contact can be
accomplished. As line contact between existing cam and adherent mechanism brings
about high frictional misfortunes which brings about low mechanical effectiveness. It
is watched that the recurrence of vibration in the current and changed cam and
devotee mechanism remains relatively same. This shows change of the level face of
roller supporter to a bended face roller adherent mechanism brings about low
frictional misfortunes due point contact which brings about enhanced in mechanical
productivity of inward burning engine by 65% to 70%.

1s.g.thorat, 2nitesh dubey, 3arvind shinde, 4pushkar fulpagare,5manish suryavanshi

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mitcoe, Pune2,3,4,5Mit College of
Engineering, Pune The objective of the undertaking is to design cam shaft logically,
its modeling and analysis under FEM. In FEM, 3heavier of cam shaft is gotten by
heavier the aggregate 3heavier of the elements to influence the cam to shaft strong at
all conceivable load cases. This analysis is an essential advance for settling an ideal
size of a camshaft and knowing the dynamic practices of the camshaft. At first the
model is made by the essential needs of an engine with the accessible foundation
information, for example, energy to be transmitted, forces acting over the camshaft by
methods for valve prepare while running at most extreme speed.

M. Shobha Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering IndoAmerican

Institutions Technical Campus, Anakapalle, AP,India. Analysis of Cam Shaft in
Automobiles Using Different Materials. In this undertaking, a cam shaft will be
designed for a 150cc engine and modeled through expert/engineer. Introduce utilized
material for camshaft is cast iron. In this work, the camshaft material will be
supplanted with steel and aluminum alloy. Structural analysis and model analysis will
be done on cam shaft utilizing cast iron, steel and aluminum alloy. Examination will
be improved the situation the three materials to confirm the better material for
camshaft. Modeling will be finished utilizing professional/Engineer programming and
analysis will be finished utilizing ANSYS. Zeyaullah Ansari1, Mohd Anwar2, Md
Yousuf Ahmed31,2,3 Asst. Teacher in Mechanical Department, Lords Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad. Finite Element Structural Analysis of
Automobile Camshaft. In the present work created Automobile camshaft
byNumerical Calculations there after it is arranged by using Modeling programming
PRO-E and CAE Analysis is done in ANSYS by varying material AL Metal Matrix
Composite (ALMMC) to inquire about the disfigurement, anxiety created on
camshaft. The examination will give the best way to deal with think us for the further
future work of camshaft. Watchwords: Design, Analysis, Pro-E, Ansys, IC Engines.

It is required keeping in mind the end goal to design a decent mechanism linkage, the
dynamic conduct of the segments must be viewed as; This incorporates the gross
kinematic motion and self-incited vibration motion. Dynamic models were made to
acquire knowledge into dynamic conduct of the framework preceding assembling.
These models were scientific devices used to recreate and foresee the conduct of
physical frameworks. They contain frameworks properties which are masses,
solidness constants, and damping coefficients. The car part has achieved a high
production limit in the most recent decades. Contingent upon this expanding limit, its
steady development is expected on the planet economy.The monetary estimation of
the work limit in the car area is extensive and this demonstrates the car part is the
sixth financial division around the world. The part has an interrelationship with more
than 300 unique fields. In this way, if there is any breakdown in the primary or side
businesses, the entire elements of the produced autos are impacted. Then again, the
disappointment analysis is an exceptional field of concentrate for materials and
mechanical engineers.

It is required keeping in mind the end goal to design a decent mechanism linkage, the
dynamic conduct of the segments must be viewed as; This incorporates the gross
kinematic motion and self-incited vibration motion. Dynamic models were made to
acquire knowledge into dynamic conduct of the framework preceding assembling.
These models were scientific devices used to recreate and foresee the conduct of
physical frameworks. They contain frameworks properties which are masses,
solidness constants, and damping coefficients. The car part has achieved a high
production limit in the most recent decades. Contingent upon this expanding limit, its
steady development is expected on the planet economy.The monetary estimation of
the work limit in the car area is extensive and this demonstrates the car part is the
sixth financial division around the world. The part has an interrelationship with more
than 300 unique fields. In this way, if there is any breakdown in the primary or side
businesses, the entire elements of the produced autos are impacted. Then again, the
disappointment analysis is an exceptional field of concentrate for materials and
mechanical engineers.

The Modern universe of design, improvement, fabricating so on, in which we have

ventured can't be envisioned without obstruction of computer. The use of computer is
with the end goal that, they have turned into an essential piece of these fields. On the
planet advertise now the opposition in cost factor as well as quality, consistency,
accessibility, pressing, stocking, conveyance and so on. So are the necessities driving
ventures to embrace present day method instead of neighborhood compelling the
businesses to adjust better strategies like CAD/CAM/CAE, and so on.

The Possible fundamental approach to ventures is to have brilliant products at low

expenses is by utilizing the computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer Aided
Design (CAD) And Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) set up. Facilitate many
devices is been introduced to streamline and serve the necessity CATIA, PRO-E, UG
are some among numerous.

This infiltration of method concern has pushed the makers to

i. Increase productivity
ii. Shortening the lead-time
iii. Minimizing the prototyping expenses
iv. Improving Quality
v. Designing better products

CAD: Computer Aided Designing (Technology to create, Modify, Analyze or

Optimize the design using computer.

CAE: Computer Aided Engineering (Technology to analyze, Simulate or Study

behavior of the cad model generated using computer.

CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing (Technology to Plan, manage or control the

operation in manufacturing using computer.
3.2 Need for CAD, CAE & CAM:

The use of CAD CAE and CAM have changed the over look of the enterprises
and created sound and standard rivalry , as could accomplish focus in lean time
and at last the product achieves showcase in assessed time with better quality and
consistency . By and large view, it has prompt quick approach and inventive


 Cut off of the designing time

 Cut off of the editing time
 Cut off of the manufacturing Time
 High & controlled quality
 Reduction of process cost.
 Consistency
 Maintenance of Universal accessing data


 Requires skilled operators

 Initial setting & assumption consumes time o Setting cost is more
 Over heads are high and
 Applicable if production is high


CATIA is a hearty application that empowers you to make rich and complex designs.
The objectives of the CATIA course are to show you how to fabricate parts and
gatherings in CATIA, and how to make straightforward illustrations of those parts
and congregations. This course concentrates on the key aptitudes and ideas that
empower you to make a strong establishment for your designs

3.3.1 What is CATIA?

CATIA is mechanical design programming. It is an element based, parametric strong

modeling design apparatus that exploits the simple to-learn Windows graphical UI.
You can make completely acquainted 3-D strong models with or without imperatives
while using programmed or client characterized relations to catch design plan. To
additionally clear up this definition, the italic terms above will be additionally

3.3.2 Feature-based

Like a get together is comprised of various individual parts, a CATIA archive is

comprised of individual elements. These elements are called highlights. While
making an archive, you can include highlights, for example, cushions, pockets,
openings, ribs, filets, chamfers, and drafts. As the highlights are made, they are
connected straightforwardly to the work piece.

Highlights can be named outlined based or spruce up:

1. Sketched-construct highlights are based with respect to a 2D outline. For the
most part, the outline is changed into a 3D strong by expelling, turning, clearing, or
2. Dress-up highlights are highlights that are made specifically on the strong
model. Filets and chamfers are cases of this kind of highlight.


The measurements and relations used to make a component are put away in the
model. This empowers you to catch design expectation, and to effectively roll out
improvements to the model through these parameters.

Driving measurements are the measurements utilized while making an element. They
incorporate the measurements related with the draw geometry, and in addition those
related with the element itself. Consider, for instance, a cylindrical cushion. The
distance across of the cushion is controlled by the breadth of the outlined circle, and
the tallness of the cushion is controlled by the profundity to which the circle is

Concentricity. This sort of data is ordinarily imparted on illustrations utilizing

highlight control images. By catching this data in the portray, CATIA empowers you
to completely catch your design expectation in advance.

Solid Modeling:-

A strong model is the most entire sort of geometric model utilized as a part of CAD
frameworks. It contains all the wireframe and surface geometry important to
completely depict the edges and faces of the model. Notwithstanding geometric data,
strong models likewise pass on their ―topology‖, which relates the geometry
together. For instance, topology may incorporate distinguishing which faces
(surfaces) meet at which edges (bends). This insight makes including highlights less
demanding. For instance, if a model requires a filet, you basically select an edge and
indicate a range to make it.

Fully Associative:-

A CATIA model is completely affiliated with the illustrations and parts or gatherings
that reference it. Changes to the model are consequently reflected in the related
illustrations, parts, and additionally congregations. Moreover, changes with regards to
the illustration or gathering are reflected back in the model.


Geometric requirements, (for example, parallel, opposite, flat, vertical, concentric,

and correspondent) build up connections between highlights in your model by settling
their positions as for each other. Also, conditions can be utilized to build up scientific
connections between parameters. By utilizing imperatives and conditions, you can
ensure that design ideas, for example, through gaps and equivalent radii are caught
and kept up.

3.4 CATIA User Interface:

Below is the layout of the elements of the standard CATIA application.

1. Menu Commands
2. Specification Tree
3. Window of Active document
4. Filename and extension of current document
5. Icons to maximize/minimize and close window
6. Icon of the active workbench
7. Toolbars specific to the active workbench
8. Standard toolbar
9. Compass
10. Geometry

Distinctive kinds of engineering illustrations, development of strong models,

gatherings of strong parts should be possible utilizing designer.

Distinctive kinds of records utilized are:

1. Part files: .CATPart

2. Assembly files: .CATProduct

3.4.1 Workbenches

Workbenches contain different devices that you may need to access amid your part
creation. You can switch between any essential workbenches utilizing the
accompanying two ways:
 Use the Start Menu.
 Click File >New to create a new document with a particular file type. The
associated workbench automatically launches.

The parts of the significant get together is dealt with as individual geometric model ,
which is modeled exclusively in particular record .All the parts are already arranged
and produced highlight by highlight to build full model

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was first created in 1943 by R. Courant, who used the
Ritz strategy for numerical analysis and minimization of variety analytics to acquire
inexact answers for vibration frameworks. Presently, a paper distributed in 1956 by
M. J. Turner, R. W. Clough, H. C. Martin, and L. J. Top built up a more extensive
meaning of numerical analysis. The paper focused on the "firmness and avoidance of
complex structures".

By the mid 70's, FEA was constrained to costly centralized server computers by and
large claimed by the flying, car, safeguard, and atomic businesses. Since the fast
decrease in the cost of computers and the extraordinary increment in processing
power, FEA has been produced to a mind boggling accuracy. Display day
supercomputers are currently ready to produce exact outcomes for a wide range of

FEA comprises of a computer model of a material or design that is focused and

examined for particular outcomes. It is utilized as a part of new product design, and
existing product refinement. An organization can confirm a proposed design will have
the capacity to perform to the customer's determinations before assembling or
development. Changing a current product or structure is used to qualify the product or
structure for another administration condition.In instance of structural
disappointment, FEA might be utilized to assist decide the design alterations to meet
the new condition.

There are for the most part two sorts of analysis that are utilized as a part of industry:
2-D modeling, and 3-D modeling. While 2-D modeling monitors straightforwardness
and enables the analysis to be keep running on a generally ordinary computer, it tends
to yield less precise outcomes. 3-D modeling, in any case, produces more exact
outcomes while giving up the capacity to keep running on everything except the
quickest computers adequately. Inside each of these modeling plans, the developer
can embed various calculations (capacities) which may influence the framework to act
directly or non-straightly. Straight frameworks are far less unpredictable and for the
most part don't consider plastic misshapening. Non-direct frameworks do represent
plastic disfigurement, and many likewise are fit for testing a material the distance to

FEA utilizes a mind boggling arrangement of focuses called hubs which make a
matrix called a work. This work is modified to contain the material and structural
properties which characterize how the structure will respond to certain stacking
conditions. Hubs are allocated at a specific thickness all through the material relying
upon the foreseen feelings of anxiety of a specific zone. Districts which will get a lot
of pressure for the most part have a higher hub thickness than those which encounter
almost no pressure. Purposes of intrigue may comprise of: crack purpose of
beforehand tried material, filets, corners, complex detail, and high pressure zones.

The work demonstrations like a bug catching network in that from every hub, there
stretches out a work element to each of the neighboring hubs. This web of vectors is
the thing that conveys the material properties to the protest, making numerous

It is required keeping in mind the end goal to design a decent mechanism linkage, the dynamic
conduct of the segments must be viewed as; This incorporates the gross kinematic motion and
self-incited vibration motion. Dynamic models were made to acquire knowledge into dynamic
conduct of the framework preceding assembling. These models were scientific devices used to
recreate and foresee the conduct of physical frameworks. They contain frameworks properties
which are masses, solidness constants, and damping coefficients. The car part has achieved a
high production limit in the most recent decades. Contingent upon this expanding limit, its
steady development is expected on the planet economy.The monetary estimation of the work
limit in the car area is extensive and this demonstrates the car part is the sixth financial
division around the world. The part has an interrelationship with more than 300 unique fields.
In this way, if there is any breakdown in the primary or side businesses, the entire elements of
the produced autos are impacted. Then again, the disappointment analysis is an exceptional
field of concentrate for materials and mechanical engineers.
It is required keeping in mind the end goal to design a decent mechanism linkage, the dynamic
conduct of the segments must be viewed as; This incorporates the gross kinematic motion and
self-incited vibration motion. Dynamic models were made to acquire knowledge into dynamic
conduct of the framework preceding assembling. These models were scientific devices used to
recreate and foresee the conduct of physical frameworks. They contain frameworks properties
which are masses, solidness constants, and damping coefficients. The car part has achieved a
high production limit in the most recent decades. Contingent upon this expanding limit, its
steady development is expected on the planet economy.The monetary estimation of the work
limit in the car area is extensive and this demonstrates the car part is the sixth financial
division around the world. The part has an interrelationship with more than 300 unique fields.
In this way, if there is any breakdown in the primary or side businesses, the entire elements of
the produced autos are impacted. Then again, the disappointment analysis is an exceptional
field of concentrate for materials and mechanical engineers.

It is required keeping in mind the end goal to design a decent mechanism linkage, the dynamic
conduct of the segments must be viewed as; This incorporates the gross kinematic motion and
self-incited vibration motion. Dynamic models were made to acquire knowledge into dynamic
conduct of the framework preceding assembling. These models were scientific devices used to
recreate and foresee the conduct of physical frameworks. They contain frameworks properties
which are masses, solidness constants, and damping coefficients. The car part has achieved a
high production limit in the most recent decades. Contingent upon this expanding limit, its
steady development is expected on the planet economy.The monetary estimation of the work
limit in the car area is extensive and this demonstrates the car part is the sixth financial
division around the world. The part has an interrelationship with more than 300 unique fields.
In this way, if there is any breakdown in the primary or side businesses, the entire elements of
the produced autos are impacted. Then again, the disappointment analysis is an exceptional
field of concentrate for materials and mechanical engineers.

It is required keeping in mind the end goal to design a decent mechanism linkage, the dynamic
conduct of the segments must be viewed as; This incorporates the gross kinematic motion and
self-incited vibration motion. Dynamic models were made to acquire knowledge into dynamic
conduct of the framework preceding assembling. These models were scientific devices used to
recreate and foresee the conduct of physical frameworks. They contain frameworks properties
which are masses, solidness constants, and damping coefficients. The car part has achieved a
high production limit in the most recent decades. Contingent upon this expanding limit, its
steady development is expected on the planet economy.The monetary estimation of the work
limit in the car area is extensive and this demonstrates the car part is the sixth financial
division around the world. The part has an interrelationship with more than 300 unique fields.
In this way, if there is any breakdown in the primary or side businesses, the entire elements of
the produced autos are impacted. Then again, the disappointment analysis is an exceptional
field of concentrate for materials and mechanical engineers.

It is required keeping in mind the end goal to design a decent mechanism linkage, the dynamic
conduct of the segments must be viewed as; This incorporates the gross kinematic motion and
self-incited vibration motion. Dynamic models were made to acquire knowledge into dynamic
conduct of the framework preceding assembling. These models were scientific devices used to
recreate and foresee the conduct of physical frameworks. They contain frameworks properties
which are masses, solidness constants, and damping coefficients. The car part has achieved a
high production limit in the most recent decades. Contingent upon this expanding limit, its
steady development is expected on the planet economy.The monetary estimation of the work
limit in the car area is extensive and this demonstrates the car part is the sixth financial
division around the world. The part has an interrelationship with more than 300 unique fields.
In this way, if there is any breakdown in the primary or side businesses, the entire elements of
the produced autos are impacted. Then again, the disappointment analysis is an exceptional
field of concentrate for materials and mechanical engineers.

It is required keeping in mind the end goal to design a decent mechanism linkage, the dynamic
conduct of the segments must be viewed as; This incorporates the gross kinematic motion and
self-incited vibration motion. Dynamic models were made to acquire knowledge into dynamic
conduct of the framework preceding assembling. These models were scientific devices used to
recreate and foresee the conduct of physical frameworks. They contain frameworks properties
which are masses, solidness constants, and damping coefficients. The car part has achieved a
high production limit in the most recent decades. Contingent upon this expanding limit, its
steady development is expected on the planet economy.The monetary estimation of the work
limit in the car area is extensive and this demonstrates the car part is the sixth financial
division around the world. The part has an interrelationship with more than 300 unique fields.
In this way, if there is any breakdown in the primary or side businesses, the entire elements of
the produced autos are impacted. Then again, the disappointment analysis is an exceptional
field of concentrate for materials and mechanical engineers.

It is required keeping in mind the end goal to design a decent mechanism linkage, the dynamic
conduct of the segments must be viewed as; This incorporates the gross kinematic motion and
self-incited vibration motion. Dynamic models were made to acquire knowledge into dynamic
conduct of the framework preceding assembling. These models were scientific devices used to
recreate and foresee the conduct of physical frameworks. They contain frameworks properties
which are masses, solidness constants, and damping coefficients. The car part has achieved a
high production limit in the most recent decades. Contingent upon this expanding limit, its
steady development is expected on the planet economy.The monetary estimation of the work
limit in the car area is extensive and this demonstrates the car part is the sixth financial
division around the world. The part has an interrelationship with more than 300 unique fields.
In this way, if there is any breakdown in the primary or side businesses, the entire elements of
the produced autos are impacted. Then again, the disappointment analysis is an exceptional
field of concentrate for materials and mechanical engineers.

An extensive variety of target capacities (factors inside the framework) are accessible
for minimization or amplification:

 Mass, volume, temperature

 Strain energy, stress strain
 Force, displacement, velocity, acceleration
 Synthetic (User defined)
There are multiple stacking conditions which might be connected to a framework. A
few cases are appeared:

 Point, pressure, thermal, gravity, and centrifugal static loads

 Thermal loads from solution of heat transfer analysis
 Enforced displacements
 Heat flux and convection
 Point, pressure and gravity dynamic loads

Each FEA program may accompany an element library, or one is developed after
some time. Some example elements are:

 Rod elements
 Beam elements
 Plate/Shell/Composite elements
 Shear panel
 Solid elements
 Spring elements
 Mass elements
 Rigid elements
 Viscous damping elements

Numerous FEA programs additionally are furnished with the ability to utilize
multiple materials inside the structure, for example,

 Isotropic, identical throughout

 Orthotropic, identical at 90 degrees
 General anisotropic, different throughout

Types of Engineering Analysis

Structural analysis comprises of direct and non-straight models. Straight models

utilize basic parameters and accept that the material isn't plastically twisted. Non-
straight models comprise of focusing on the material past its versatile abilities. The
stresses in the material at that point differ with the measure of distortion as in.

Vibrational analysis is utilized to test a material against arbitrary vibrations, stun,

and affect. Each of these occurrences may follow up on the common vibrational
recurrence of the material which, thusly, may cause reverberation and resulting
Weakness analysis causes designers to foresee the life of a material or structure by
demonstrating the impacts of cyclic stacking on the example. Such analysis can
demonstrate the territories where break engendering is well on the way to happen.
Disappointment because of weakness may likewise demonstrate the harm resistance
of the material.

Heat Transfer analysis models the conductivity or warm liquid elements of the
material or structure. This may comprise of a relentless state or transient transfer.
Relentless state transfer alludes to consistent thermo properties in the material that
yield straight heat dispersion.

Results of Finite Element Analysis

FEA has turned into an answer for the errand of foreseeing disappointment because of
obscure stresses by indicating issue territories in a material and enabling designers to
see the greater part of the hypothetical stresses inside. This strategy for product
design and testing is far better than the assembling costs which would accumulate if
each example was really constructed and tried.

Practically speaking, a finite element analysis more often than not comprises of three
central advances:

1. Preprocessing: The client builds a model of the part to be dissected in which the
geometry is separated into various discrete sub districts, or elements," associated
at discrete focuses called hubs." Certain of these hubs will have settled
displacements, and others will have endorsed loads. These models can be to a
great degree tedious to plan, and business codes strive with each other to have the
most easy to use graphical "preprocessor" to aid this somewhat dreary errand.
Some of these preprocessors can overlay a work on a prior CAD document, so
finite element analysis should be possible advantageously as a major aspect of the
computerized drafting-and-design process.

2. Analysis: The dataset arranged by the preprocessor is utilized as contribution to

the finite element code itself, which develops and tackles an arrangement of direct
or nonlinear logarithmic conditions where u and f are the displacements and
remotely connected forces at the nodal focuses. One of FEA's key favorable
circumstances is that numerous issue writes can be tended to with a similar code,
just by determining the fitting element composes from the library.

3. Post processing: In the prior days of finite element analysis, the client would pore
through reams of numbers produced by the code, posting displacements and stresses
at discrete positions inside the model. It is not entirely obvious essential patterns and
problem areas along these lines, and current codes utilize graphical showcases to help
with envisioning the outcomes. An average post processor show overlays hued shapes
speaking to feelings of anxiety on the model, demonstrating a full field picture like
that of photograph versatile or moiré test comes about.


ANSYS is universally useful finite element analysis (FEA) programming bundle.

Finite Element Analysis is a numerical technique for deconstructing a mind boggling
framework into little pieces (of client designated measure) called elements. The
product actualizes conditions that oversee the conduct of these elements and fathoms
them all; making a far reaching clarification of how the framework goes about in
general. These outcomes at that point can be introduced in classified or graphical
structures. This sort of analysis is ordinarily utilized for the design and improvement
of a framework extremely complex to break down by hand. Frameworks that may fit
into this classification are excessively intricate due, making it impossible to their
geometry, scale, or representing conditions.

ANSYS is the standard FEA showing device inside the Mechanical Engineering
Department at numerous universities. ANSYS is likewise utilized as a part of Civil
and Electrical Engineering, and also the Physics and Chemistry divisions.

ANSYS gives a financially savvy approach to investigate the execution of products or

procedures in a virtual environment. This kind of product advancement is named
virtual prototyping. With virtual prototyping procedures, clients can repeat different
situations to streamline the product some time before the assembling is begun. This
empowers a lessening in the level of hazard, and in the cost of incapable designs. The
multifaceted idea of ANSYS likewise gives a way to guarantee that clients can see the
impact of a design in general conduct of the product, be it electromagnetic, warm,
mechanical and so forth.

3.6.1 Generic Steps to Solving any Problem in ANSYS

Like taking care of any issue scientifically, you have to characterize (1) your answer
area, (2) the physical model, (3) limit conditions and (4) the physical properties. You
at that point take care of the issue and present the outcomes. In numerical strategies,
the principle distinction is an additional progression called work age. This is the
progression that partitions the mind boggling model into little elements that end up
plainly resolvable in a generally excessively complex circumstance. Underneath
depicts the procedures in wording somewhat more adjust to the product.

Build Geometry
Build an a few dimensional portrayal of the question be modeled and tried utilizing
the work plane co-ordinate framework inside ANSYS.
Define Material Properties
Since the part exists, characterize a library of the essential materials that make the
protest (or undertaking) being modeled. This incorporates warm and mechanical

Create Mesh

Now ANSYS comprehends the cosmetics of the part. Presently characterize how the
modeled framework ought to be separated into finite pieces.

Apply Loads

Once the framework is completely designed, the last assignment is to trouble the
framework with imperatives, for example, physical loadings or limit conditions.

Get Solution

This is really a stage, on the grounds that ANSYS needs to comprehend inside what
state (consistent state, transient… and so forth.) the issue must be unraveled.

Show the Results

After the arrangement has been acquired, there are numerous approaches to display
ANSYS' comes about, look over numerous choices, for example, tables, charts, and
form plots.



Structural analysis is presumably the most widely recognized utilization of the finite
element technique as it suggests extensions and structures, maritime, aeronautical, and
mechanical structures, for example, transport bodies, air ship bodies, and machine
lodgings, and in addition mechanical segments, for example, cylinders, machine parts,
and instruments.

Static Analysis - Used to decide displacements, stresses, and so on under static

stacking conditions. ANSYS can figure both direct and nonlinear static examinations.
Nonlinearities can incorporate versatility, stretch hardening, extensive avoidance, vast
strain, hyper flexibility, contact surfaces, and crawl.

Transient Dynamic Analysis - Used to decide the reaction of a structure to self-

assertively time-shifting loads. All nonlinearities specified under Static Analysis
above are permitted.

Clasping Analysis - Used to compute the clasping loads and decide the clasping
mode shape. Both direct (Eigen esteem) clasping and nonlinear clasping
investigations are conceivable.

Notwithstanding the above analysis writes, a few unique reason highlights are
accessible, for example, Fracture mechanics, Composite material analysis,
Fatigue, and both p-Method and Beam investigations.


ANSYS is equipped for both enduring state and transient analysis of any strong with
warm limit conditions to help set up beginning conditions. A consistent state analysis
additionally can be the last advance of a transient warm analysis; performed after
every single transient impact have reduced. ANSYS can be utilized to decide
temperatures, warm inclinations, heat stream rates, and heat motions in a protest that
are caused by warm loads that don't change after some time. Such loads incorporate
the accompanying:

 Convection
 Radiation
 Heat flow rates
 Heat fluxes (heat flow per unit area)
 Heat generation rates (heat flow per unit volume)
 Constant temperature boundaries

An unfaltering state warm analysis might be either direct, with consistent material
properties; or nonlinear, with material properties that rely upon temperature. The
warm properties of most material change with temperature. This temperature reliance
being apparent, the analysis winds up noticeably nonlinear. Radiation limit conditions
likewise make the analysis nonlinear. Transient estimations are time ward and
ANSYS can both explain dispersions and additionally make video for time
incremental presentations of models.


Steps Involved In Design

3d Catia part file

2d Catia sketch file

Cam shaft file

Cam shaft 3d design

Cam shaft design file

3d Cam shaft design file

A model analysis is ordinarily used to decide the vibration attributes (characteristic
frequencies and mode shapes) of a structure or a machine part while it is being
designed. It can likewise fill in as a beginning stage for another, more itemized,
dynamic analysis, for example, a harmonic reaction or full transient dynamic analysis.

Model examinations, while being a standout amongst the most fundamental dynamic
analysis writes accessible in ANSYS, can likewise be more computationally tedious
than a run of the mill static analysis. A lessened solver, using naturally or physically
chose ace degrees of opportunity is utilized to definitely diminish the issue size and
arrangement time.


Fig -4: Displacement of cam


Fig -5: Displacement of cam


Fig -6: Displacement of cam


Utilized widely by organizations who produce pivoting hardware, ANSYS Harmonic

analysis is utilized to foresee the maintained dynamic conduct of structures to reliable
cyclic stacking. A harmonic analysis can be utilized to check regardless of whether a
machine design will effectively conquer reverberation, weakness, and other hurtful
impacts of forced vibrations.

Chart -1: Natural frequencies of cam


Chart -1: Natural frequencies of cam

Table-1: In static analysis the accompanying is the displacement levels and feelings
of anxiety accomplished for 3 materials

Material Stress In N/mm2 Displacement In mm

Aluminum Alloy 360 73.1475 0.107326

Forged steel 103.398 0.44739

Cast iron 102.939 0.38768

Table-2: Modular analysis is done to decide the regular frequencies under connected
loads and five modes were drawn and noted frequencies and displacements for 3

modes aluminum alloy 360 forged steel cast iron

mode1 29.1927 31.0061 28.951

mode2 29.3719 31.4549 29.122

mode3 77.9079 82.7244 77.315

mode4 78.3563 83.9152 77.742

mode5 129.954 138.713 130.98

Table-3: In Harmonic analysis the stacking is conveyed at a recurrence running from
0 to 100Hz and after that the charts were drawn for displacement and recurrence. The
accompanying are the displacement levels achieved for 3 materials

Aluminum Alloy 360 Forged steel Cast iron

1.1 0.25 0.16

Harmonic 10%

0.52 0.13 0.1

Harmonic 25%

0.46 0.125 0.1

Harmonic 50%

Hypothetical estimations do to design the cam profile (utilizing displacement drawing

and cam profile drawing).Analysis was complete to assess the design utilizing
customary materials cast iron and forged steel. Material streamlining was complete to
supplant the customary material with new composite alloys. Static analysis is
completed to discover the displacement and worry because of loads and after that
modular analysis is done to decide the recurrence esteems because of its geometric
shape and material property (characteristic frequency's). The estimations of normal
recurrence should coordinate with customary camshaft. After model analysis dynamic
recurrence analysis was done to decide the displacements because of outer vibrations.
As per the outcomes got from the analysis aluminum 360 (uncommon review for
casting car parts) is the best decision for camshaft fabricating.

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