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Name: Chris Palmer

Faculty: Haskayne School of Business

June 2010 Monthly Report

Students’ Union Meetings

SLC 3-68 June 1, 2010 - Attended

SLC 4-68 June 15, 2010 - Attended

Haskayne Student Levy Committee -
Chair/Directors Application deadline was June 1st. Emails were sent to my email address
(, over the course of May, and were collected and forwarded to
Ashley Bradley on June 2nd. Myself and Ashley decided on a group of individuals
including Carmen Tsang, former SU Haskayne representative for Chair of the committee.

Operations & Finance Committee -

Operations and finance meetings were limited in both scope and occurrence this month
due largely to a number of conferences that the executives attended.

Faculty Work:

Meeting with Dean Waverman -

06/18/2010: Myself and VP Academic Alyssa Stacy attended a meeting with Dr. Leonard
Waverman, Dean of the Haskayne School of business. We discussed undergraduate
research, academic misconduct, along with some other issues including the undergraduate
Code of Ethics, and the pending clubs trailer renovations.

Campus Improvement Fund -

 06/09/2010: Meeting 1 with Susan Judd - I met with Susan to discus where the
funds would be released. The funds were originally proposed to be released to the
Presidents Circle, which Susan was unsure about. We came to the decision that
the funds would be better released to the Commerce Undergraduate Society as the
majority of the funds were to offset the cost of Business Day.
 Email exchange with Daniela Montgomery, President of the Commerce
Undergraduate Society -
o Daniela ensured that we would have time to speak at the faculty
orientation during orientation week.
o We also agreed that the CIF funds would be released to CUS with
reporting assistance from either myself or Ms. Bradley.
o Daniela informed me that she would bring the renovation funding shortfall
to the weekly CUS meeting on June 21st. We discussed alternative sources
of funding.
o I was asked numerous questions about the usage of the Business Day
Funding. I emailed Susan Judd and passed on this information to Daniela.
 06/23/2010: Meeting 2 with Susan Judd - A result of the questions asked by
Daniela, I met with Susan once again. We went through the proposal and verified
funding allocation
 Official cost quotation for funds trailer renovations was received on June 14th
2010 from Taryn Hodson on behalf of Jane Brown. This information was reported
to June 15th SLC.


GFC Caucus -
06/15/2010: Met prior to SLC to discus the June 17th General Faculties Council. Myself
and Ashley agreed that she would represent Haskayne students on the GFC. She was
unable to attend GFC Caucus, so I took notes on her behalf, with the intent of briefing her
on her duties/responsibilities/etc.

Secondary Suites Proposal -

06/24/2010: Attended a consultation on secondary suites alongside SU VP External
Hardave Birk.

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