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Quarter 3 Vocabulary

1. Armistice- an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time; a truce.

2. Bureaucracy – a body of unelected government officials.

3. Caste system –Social class system in India based on birth, wealth, and occupation

4. Colonization- Extending power and control from one country to other regions around the world

5. Demilitarized Zone - is an area where agreements have been made between parties to forbid military
activities in a specific area.

6. Dynasty - a series of rulers from the same family

7. Famine - An extreme shortage of food

8. Feudalism- a social system where a landowning lord has peasants working the land in exchange for

9. Innovations- a new method or idea

10. Karma- the effects that good or bad actions have on a person’s soul

11. Mandate of Heaven- the idea that heaven chose china’s ruler and gave him or her power.

12. Monsoon - is a seasonal wind in South and SE Asia that can cause extremely wet or dry seasons.

13. Partitian- being divided into parts

14. Reincarnation- the belief that souls are born and reborn many times, each time into a new body.

15. Ring of fire - An area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

16. Shogunate- an area of land ruled by a general in the Emperor’s name.

17. Silk road- is an ancient trade route that led to cultural interactions between Asia and the Mediterranean.

18. Subcontinent- is a large landmass that is part of a continent, but it has its own geographic identity.

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