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Introduction and development

- the Chinese mathematics refers principally to the set of mathematical knowledge

developed in the former China. The first testimonies of mathematical problems in the
Chinese writings come from the 13th century B.C. The mathematical knowledge of the
Chinese was independent from the others.

Mathematical influence

- only from the expansion of the Islam the contacts between West and China became
sufficiently intense in order that there was established an influence of the mathematics
developed in China on the mathematics known in West.

- for this reason up to entered good the 17th century, there existed a mathematical
properly Chinese culture, which knowledge bases in ancient inscriptions, manuscript and
enclosed books.

The first notions

- the first mathematical notions date back of very ancient. From the beginning the Chinese
were possessing a system of decimal numeration very looked like to the current one.


- one can notice his influence in the Greek, Arabic and western mathematics.


- from the 3rd century B.C. the Chinese gave an original demonstration of the theorem of
Pythagoras, calculated the number π for approximation and solved on the ladies' board
the equations of the first degree.

– nevertheless seizure, the employment of the zero did not appear up to much later.
During the XIIth and XIIIth century, the Chinese algebra reached a brilliant brilliance.

2. The first mathematical work

- most likely the first mathematical Chinese work is Chou Pei Shuan Ching, is one of the
most ancient mathematical Chinese texts of the dynasty Zhou (1046 aC-256 aC)

On that it treats

- the book is dedicated to the astronomic observation and the calculation. Composed by
246 problems found by the Duke of Zhou and his astronomer and mathematician, Shang
Gao in whom every question has established his numerical response and the arithmetical
corresponding algorithm.

In order that it serves

- in him there is a demonstration of the theorem of Pythagoras for a triangle rectangle of

sides 3,4 and 5. Of the major square of side 7 and area 49 suppress four triangles
rectangles of the corners, which areas are equivalent to those of two rectangles of sides 3
and 4. What exceeds, 49-24=25, is the area of a square of side 5.
7. Geometry and algebra Algebra

The algebraic

-Chinese school reaches his height in the 13th century with the works of Quin Jiu-shao, Li Ye,
Yang Hui and Zhu Shi-jie that designed a procedure for the resolution of equations of top
degree called method of the celestial element or tian-yuanshu. This method nowadays is
known as method of mathematical Horner that lived through half a millenium later.


-Of the epoch of the first dynasty Have (206 B.C. even 24 A.D.) the agreement proceeds
Mathematics in nine Books. Later other mathematicians like Liu Hui (3rd century), Sun-zi
(centuries II-IV), Liu Zhuo (6th century) and others did contributions to this agreement.


-The development of the algebra in this epoch it is very big: systems of not linear equations,
sums of finite successions, utilization of the zero, Tartaglia's triangle (or Pascal) and
coefficients binomials as well as methods of interpolation that they developed in union of a
powerful astronomy.


-The most known and more important work of the history of China was 9 chapters neither on
the mathematical art which author does not know himself, nor time in the one that could be a


-It is known by the modification that Liu Hui did in the year 363, suffered several modifications
until in the year 1.084 it was stamped.


-Contains numerous solutions of problems of geodesy (part of the geology that of

mathematical form is busy with constructing maps) and survey (technology of measuring
lands), calculation of areas of the circle …

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