November 2006 Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission Newsletter

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news r e s cu e Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission

A Ministry of Rescue & Recovery

a publication of the Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission • Anchorage, Alaska

t hanksgiving
A Time To Be Thankful – A Time To Share
here did the time go? Has it been a whole year? It has!

W And I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your help
through the last year. Your prayers, financial support, in-kind gifts
and time volunteered to help with some of the many things that have to be done,
we are indeed thankful.

However, the day is drawing near, we are looking forward to the holidays
with just a little bit of apprehension. It seems like every year we do not know
until the last minute if we are going to have enough food and finances to have
a successful event. We open our Thanksgiving Banquet to the public, all are
welcome to come and enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. We want to have
enough food prepared for as many as come to have dinner with us. However,
we do not count success by how many we feed but by how many we are given
Larry Aldrich the opportunity to share the Gospel with—not only at the Chapel service but also
Program Director one on one by the staff.

David Williams So, I am asking for your help again to supply means (food and financial help)
Learning Center Administrator and we will be the outlet or administrator. If it were not for you and the Mission
many people would not have an opportunity to have a Thanksgiving dinner.
Donald Guynes Our dinner again will be a part of the “Great Thanksgiving Banquet” that takes
Kitchen Manager
place across the entire United States and sponsored by the local “Gospel Rescue
Randy Hess
Maintenance Supervisor Below is a list of the things we will need to provide a traditional Thanksgiving
Dinner. But we will also need some volunteer help. Listed in the Director’s
Larry O’Connor
Desk section is a list of volunteer opportunities.
Greg Mann
Scott DuFour
Roger Klein
(Dinner will be served Wednesday November 22 from 3 to 5:30 PM)
Client Supervisors
Lots and lots of turkeys *Stuffing Mix *Cranberry Sauce
David McKnight Green Beans *Dinner Rolls *Instant Mashed Potatoes *Onions
Van Driver Celery *Fruit Cocktail *Canned Sweet Potatoes *Corn
Marshmallows * Apple, Pumpkin and Pecan Pies
Shane Day




0 0
There was a time in computer As an instructor I will not be
software history when a program with them beyond their Learning
t e was purchased it came with a Center experience therefore they
da complete set of user manuals. In cannot be allowed to get in the
up the case of software suites like habit of relying on me to answer
e r
t s Microsoft Office or Lotus Smart their questions. The help files will
n Suite this meant eight to ten books be with them no matter where they
ce ill with all the information needed to are so they are encouraged to rely
n in d
W take full advantage of the programs on their learned ability in asking
r i
ea Dav capabilities and functions. The the computer how to accomplish a
l software companies finally came specific task.
to the realization they could save
money by packaging these same Our hope reaches beyond the
manuals in the help files rather then Learning Center. The lesson we
Asking The have them printed in book form. are teaching is you don’t have
The advantage for the end user is to know how to deal with every
Right Questions no matter where in the world they situation you’ll face in life. The
are the user manuals are available important skill is to know how
to them. to find and implement a solution
“Give a man a fish; you have fed to the problem with the resources
him for today. Teach a man to The idea then is to teach the available to you at the time. Asking
fish; and you have fed him for a student the process of finding the the right questions can make this
lifetime” - Author unknown information needed to complete process less frustrating.
the required task. This sounds
This thought is the foundation of easier than it is. Extracting
the teaching style employed here information from the help files Learning Center Wish List
at the Anchorage Gospel Rescue can be confusing. The user has to • Software
Mission’s Learning Center. Our be specific in their request. “They • Computers
students are encouraged not to ask have to ask the right question!” • Books
us how to solve a problem until Once the procedure is located the Gift cards to Barnes & Noble or
they have exhausted all possible help files leads the student to their CompUSA are a great way to donate
avenues open to them. When goal by providing step-by-step textbooks and software.
learning a new computer program instructions. Therefore the student If you have any specific questions
like Microsoft Word or Excel it only needs to be familiar with or concerns regarding our Learning
would be frustrating trying to learn what the programs capabilities are Center please feel free to contact
everything theses programs are our Learning Center Administrator
rather than how to do everything. David Williams. David can be
capable of doing. This frustration contacted by e-mail or phone.
can, and often does, lead to giving The student gets no assistance
up. Therefore we encourage our e-mail:
until they have tried every possible Phone: (907) 563-5603
students not to try to memorize but combination they can come up
to familiarize. with of asking the computer for
the needed information.
We invite you to visit us on the web or
drop us an E-mail with your comments

2 and suggestions
Through the workshops and Program is all about learning a
bible classes the men begin to new life style with Jesus Christ
experience what it feels like to at its center.
te fellowship with Jesus. Through
da this fellowship a personal It is about learning to cultivate
up h
am r ic relationship with Jesus Christ a personal relationship with
gr l d begins to form. During the year our Lord and Savior. It is about
ro y A they grow stronger physically realizing that we are weak in our
p rr and spiritually and they begin human condition and always
L a to realize their lives can be subject to fall into Satan’s traps.
different. This time, through However, if we let Jesus be the
the strength of Christ, they can Guide in our life, we can do
The Lie: handle the world. all things in Christ Jesus who
I Have Arrived! strengthens us.
One of the most tragic events
When dealing with addiction, witnessed by the staff is when I believe the Christian comedian
believing this lie “I have arrived” some of the men leave the Ken Davis says it best: “It is a
can be fatal. Program early confident they minute by minute, day by day
have the world by the tail. The walk with Jesus Christ.”
The men who come into the question then becomes whose
“NewLife” Recovery Program tail are they holding onto? There are so many warnings in
are usually at the end of their the New Testament about this
rope. They have either tried to Scripture tells us that Satan is false belief about having arrived
conquer their addiction in their the prince of this world, and he and about the “Destination
own strength or have tried to is about to take them for a ride. Sickness” we all face. We need
live a functional life with their He is very subtle and lets them to take heed, not grow weary
addiction. Once they realize all succeed for a while. Everything and lose heart. We need not to
hope is gone and the battle is is going great and before long faint and we need to keep our
lost, they come to the Anchorage they forget about the biblical eyes on the prize.
Gospel Rescue Mission, often teachings and their relationship
broken physically and always with Jesus Christ. Work, Family My earnest prayer is that God
broken spiritually. ect… takes first place in their gives us his steadfast spirit and
lives. Once they let down their that he will keep us alert to the
The peace and love they guards they become an easy traps and snare of the enemy. I
experience in the “NewLife” target for the enemy and he pray that we may not falter but
Recovery Program brings doesn’t miss. have the strength and the faith
healing to their bodies and to make that minute by minute
souls. As they learn about The “NewLife” Recovery walk with Jesus Christ our true
God’s forgiveness, His grace Program is not a silver bullet. It strength and refuge.
and His mercy their hope gets is not about working thru a one-
rekindled: year program. It is not about Scripture tells us He who is in
receiving a certificate because you is greater than he who is in
“Maybe I can get out of this cycle you complied with all the rules the world.” (1 John 4:4) That is
of addiction”! “Maybe there is and you stayed clean for one God’s Promise we need to stand
hope for a normal life!” year. upon it.

The “NewLife” Recovery

“Blessings to be Thankful For” “Special Need”
Ask, and it shall be given you; cost of snow removal we could no Ordinarily the Mission is blessed
seek, and ye shall find; knock, and longer justify the cost. Therefore with a steady influx of laundry
it shall be opened unto you: For we asked and the Lord provided as detergent and coffee. For reasons
every one that asketh receiveth; he always does. we don’t understand our supply
and he that seeketh findeth; and of these items has dropped off
to him that knocketh it shall be The Lord used a faithful couple dramatically.
opened. Matthew 7:7-8 who will remain anonymous as
his instrument in We would like to make a special
One of the reasons providing for our appeal to our supporters for theses
I love working at needs. We here at items. We have included a shopping
the Rescue Mission the Mission are list for your convenience. Just cut
is I’m surrounded grateful for the along the dotted lines and stick in
by people who not blessing this couple your pocket or put it in your purse
only read and teach has sent our way. and the next time you’re at your
God’s word but We were excited favorite market remember the
they believe it. One at the prospect of Rescue Mission.
of the things I don’t receiving a used
love so much about working at the plow so you could imagine our
Rescue Mission is once one need surprise to see a brand new plow
is filled there are ten more waiting donated. Thank you!
to take the title “most pressing”.
It doesn’t stop there! How could
it, after all, the Lord is involved
and he provides abundantly. We
had an article ready to publish in SHOPPING LIST
this month’s newsletter asking for
a new piano for our chapel. The
one we had was used seven days
Laundry Detergent
a week for the last fourteen years
and was ready to retire. Coffee

As an organization relying solely Before we could even ask the Lord _______________
on the generosity of our supporters provided the Mission with a new
we find ourselves in the position piano through the generosity of the _______________
of seemingly always having our congregation at Grace Brethren
hand out asking for something. Church of Eagle River. Thank
We struggle with, “Should we ask You!
for an item we need?” or “Should
we figure some way to make do _______________
without it?”
The Rescue Mission has needed
a snow plow for years yet we felt _______________
it wasn’t something we couldn’t
live without. As stewards of your
money and with the ever increasing

da ry

e l

we Blessed Privilege
ch o
e v.

We here at the Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission continue to be blessed by being able to minister
to the needs of so many. There are some sincere Christians that don’t see the need of an outreach to
the disenfranchised of our community.

Believe me when I say that a broad spectrum of society comes through our doors. It is not
impossible for any one of us to one day be, for any number of reasons, among their numbers.

We should remember the words of our savior who said:

”for I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger
and you took me in; 36I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in
prison and you came to me.” 37”Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we
see You hungry and fed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38‘When did we see You a stranger and
take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39’or When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to
You?’ 40“And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did
it to one of the lest of these My brethren, you did it to me.’
Matthew 25:35-40

Want you pray that we would continue to be able to minister to Jesus by helping the wounded
of our community. If the Lord would lead you to assist us in any way we would welcome your

’s t is
o r e t
ct B
re on Volunteers Needed To Help With
di .D
v Thanksgiving Dinner!
We are offering the following opportunities a day to be thankful
to help YOUR
Local Rescue Mission: What Does It Mean To You?
Our volunteer coordinator, Jeanne Lutz –Phone
278-9679, needs volunteers of individuals and Are you really thankful for the things that God has done for
families that can make the following commitments of you –for all of the blessings He has given you; are you even aware
time on Wednesday November 22nd 2006. that they came from God or do you think you have done it on your
own? Or, are you too busy to just pause a moment and reflect on
Team 1 – Prepare food and decorate facility
what you have and where you are now. Are you thankful for the
for the Thanksgiving meal – To be served on little things in life that you just take for granted? What if all of the
Wednesday November 22rd (Not Thursday). Need a blessings were stopped—because you never take time to thank Him
commitment of 4 consecutive hours beginning in the for all of the things that He does for you. When you look at other
morning. people that are less fortunate than yourself or see a person that is
homeless, do you stop and say, “but for the grace of God, there go
Team 2 –Serve the refreshments, meal, dessert I”?
and clean up of facilities at the close – Wednesday Please take time on this Thanksgiving Day and everyday to give
November 22rd (Not Thursday). Need a thanks to God. Let us become a thankful people.
commitment of 5 consecutive hours beginning in the We are thankful for you! Each day at the Mission we count our
afternoon. blessings as we see how God has touched your heart and you share
with us financially, with in-kind gifts and by volunteering to help.
Both teams require children to be a minimum of 8
years of age. God Gives Us More
Than We Deserve
Jeanne will do the scheduling of the teams. You God gives us more than we deserve
may reach her at her home telephone after 6 P.M. and And yet we still complain.
weekends or by leaving a message on her telephone We may frolic in the sunshine,
recorder. Please leave an evening number and But we scoff at the rain.
speak the number slowly. She will give you specific
details about team assignments and schedule your We take for granted many things—
time to work. We have so much you see,
That we forget how blessed we are
---------Think on This------- Because we are so free.
. . . .herein do I exercise myself, to have always a
conscience void of offense toward God, and toward We waste enough to feed the world
men. Acts 24:16 For what is poverty
To those who eat three meals a day
We try very hard to have a clear conscience toward
and live in luxury?
God, but what about toward man.
Bro. Don God gives us more than we deserve—
Enough that we should share

With those less fortunate than we
Who need someone to care.
Living Memorials
. . . .touch lives as they honor the memory
of loved ones and friends.
Lord, help me live from
day to day
In Memory of In such a self-forgetful way,
Esperanza M. Casas That even when I kneel to pray,
My prayer shall be for—others.
by Martha Cashen
Help me in all the work I do,
In Memory of To ever be sincere and true,
Rev. Ben Sherbahn And know that all I’d do for you
Must needs be done for—others.
by Janet A. Kincaid
William and Janet Bowman And when my work on earth
is done
In Memory of And my new work is Heaven is
Myrtle Sherbahn May I forget the crown I’ve won
by Gary Klawitter While thinking still of – others
Don and Charlotte Bettis --Charles D. Meigs
Paul and Evangeline Sherbahn Used with permission

Mary Miller
Urgently Needed
In Memory of Men’s Clothing
Evelyn Michou
HATS It is that time of the year again. The time that we
by Joe and Lillian Struchen PANTS really have need for
COATS warm clothing, especially coats
In Memory of JEANS and jackets, also men’s jeans or
Lawrence and Evelyn Michou SHIRTS work pants of any kind. So, as
by Will and Linda Butler GLOVES you replenish your wardrobe,
MITTENS please remember the Mission
SWEATERS with your old useable things.
UNDERWEAR Gloves, caps, socks, shirts,
In Memory of LONG JOHNS Underwear, sweatshirts,
Dean Thompson SWEATSHIRTS sweaters and long johns
by Wes Steele are all needed. Remember we never sell anything, it is
always given out freely to those in need and not just to our
clients but to anyone that comes to our clothing room.
Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission P.OB Box 230510 Anchorage, Alaska 99523-0510
Here is my support gift: For Credit Card Donations:
Food and Shelter: $_____ I would like to charge my total donation of $__________________
Facilities Maintenance: $_____
Check One: Visa M/C Am/Ex Discover
$46.25 For 25 Meals ______
$74.00 For 40 Meals ______ Card Number __________________________________________
$132.20 For 72 Meals ______
Exp. Date: ______/______ Signature _______________________
$277.50 For 150 Meals ______
______Other: All credit card information is kept in strict confidence
______ I Will Pray for this Ministry. Make checks payable to the Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission
You will receive a receipt.

Address: ______________________________________________
Please send this coupon with your donations.
Our Ministry of
Chapel Services for November
u e Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
e s c 1 2 3 4
r is to
Singers Team Church Church
the least 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
the last God’s
Abbott Loop
the lost Church Nazarene Church of God

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
God’s Church First Christian Sherbahn Sherbahn Lighthouse
Our supplies of these Place of God of
Assembly of
items is constantly in 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
need of replenishing Grace
In His Name
† Prayer Fellowship Team Assembly Church Church McCollum of God

† Paper Towels 26 27 28 29 30
New Light Hillside Attorney Change Shiloh
† 45 Gallon Trash Bags Community Baptist Greg Grebe Point Baptist
† Fresh Meat Church Church Church

† Coffee Special Chapel Services -Wednesday at 2:00 P.M.

† Bathroom Tissue November 22, 2006 “Special Guest Speaker’
† Laundry Soap
† Disposable Shavers STATEMENT OF FAITH
The Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission is a Non-Profit, Non-Denominational
† Cleaning Supplies
organization. We received NO municipal, state or federal funds. We are not a United
† Liquid Dish Detergent Way Agency. Your financial support and In-Kind donations makes it possible for us to
† Dinner Napkins provide for the poor, needy and homeless people in our community. Also, your donations
† Shampoo allow us to provide a Drug and Alcohol Recovery program. All Donations are fully tax
“URGENT” deductible. We will give you a receipt for your donation.

Anchorage Gospel
Rescue Mission Anchorage Non-Profit Org.

U.S. Postal

Board of Trustees Gospel c PAID

s Anchorage, AK
Permit # 290

Mark Soquet, President

Bob Collins, Vice President A Ministry of
(and acting treasure) Rescue & Recovery
Ed Shelton, Secretary
Enoch Adams
Brad Young

r es

P.O. Box 230510•Anchorage, AK•99523-0510•(907) 563-5603

Cliff Hodgins
Advisory Board:
Paul Kelly

Rev. Don Bettis, Exec. Dir.

Charlotte Bettis, Asst. Dir.

Association of Gospel ue
sc Missions
An association of Rescue Ministries

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