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news r e s c u e Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission

A Ministry of Rescue & Recovery

A publication of the Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission • Anchorage, Alaska

What is a. . . . Gospel
Our Ministry is to,

“the Least,
the Last,

Christ our Creed—Love our Law. Under God, by His grace and through the Leadership
of the Holy Spirit a Gospel Rescue Mission is: an arm of the local church given to a soul
saving ministry among rejected and neglected people every-where. A home mission
station where Christianity is practiced every day of the year. It is a gospel oriented
agency dedicated to helping those people the church does not reach. Although we are
called upon to help a person meet material needs this is over-shadowed by meeting
spiritual needs and preaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all who will hear.
Yes, the Gospel Rescue Mission strives to set people on their feet. But, more important it
strives to start them walking with God.

In Love and Compassion the Gospel Rescue Mission points out that God’s grace (His
David M. Williams unmerited favor alone) recreates a life. This re-recreation is for men, women, young
Program Director people and children alike. This ministry gives evidence that God is no respecter of
persons. The proof of this is recognized in that “if any man be in Christ, he is a new
Larry Aldrich creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”. II Cor. 5:17.
Operations Manager
Some have found and others will find the Gospel Rescue Mission to be: A relief society…,
Randy Hess a work therapy program geared to helping a person become rehabilitated, a shelter for
Maintenance Supervisor those without a roof over their head…, a home for the homeless…, a friendly inn where
food is found for the body. The Gospel Rescue Mission endeavors to meet physical needs
Larry O’Connor of all who seek out its help in order that it may minister to their spiritual needs. Why this
Greg Mann image, this attitude, this approach? Because our Lord often identified with this type
Neil Givens of man or women or a child that would find their way to a Gospel Rescue Mission. He
Roger Klein even said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed me to preach
Donn Baker the gospel to the poor; He sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to
Client Supervisors the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. To
preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” Luke 4:18-19.
David McKnight
Van Driver The Gospel Rescue Mission remembers that our Lord set the pace and expects us to keep
Solomona Talivaa up by telling people everywhere that He said, “I am not come to call the righteous, but
Maintenance sinners to repentance”. Matt. 9:13.
John Lofquist
Donations (continued in Director’s Desk)

Curtis Scoggins


0 0
The reason we are not a drug and alcohol rehabilitation
center is because we do not teach the science of
addiction. There are those who believe science and
theology are mutually exclusive. I’m not one of them. I
believe science, regardless of the field, can do nothing
o k but point to the existence of a creator. Having said this I
lo s believe there is a science associated with addiction. The
r iam limbic system, neocortex, and other areas of the brain
ill all play an important role in our behaviors.
cl W
a id Pointing out the existence of the science behind

D av addiction is as far as we go. Thirty percent of our

program men remain clean and sober beyond two
years after graduation. This impressive number is not
a result of a rehabilitation or treatment program it is a
by product of a restored relationship with our savior.
In the end science, theory, speculation, and hypothesis
Dispelling a Few Myths evaporate in the presence of God. Once you have
restored your relationship with the Lord Jesus your
behavior changes.
I would like to begin this article by dispelling a few
myths. The Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission is not The reason we are not a Community Correctional
a drug & alcohol rehabilitation center. We are not a Residential Center (CCRC) is simply because we do
Community Correctional Residential Center (CCRC), not lock the doors nor are we under contract with the
and we are not a flop house for the chronic inebriate. Department of Corrections (DOC). Do we have men
and women who use our service on parole or probation?
What we are is a spiritual recovery program in service Yes! One of the tragic reality of this business is most
to disenfranchised, helpless, lost, and hurting people of our clients are ex offenders. The operative word
in the Anchorage community. Our aim is to restore here is ex. Once these men and women complete their
the severed relationship between the Lord and the obligation to the justice system we as a society have
individual. This severed relationship is at the root of allowed so many barriers to be erected they have little
chance of success. I don’t believe this has happened
most, if not all, problems faced by those we serve. out of spite but I do believe our fear has overridden our
In exodus 20:3 The Lord instructs “You shall have no
other gods before Me.” In Psalm 105:4 we are told Justice is a funny thing, if I demand justice I have to be
to “Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face prepared to receive justice. I once read a story about a
always.” Deuteronomy 6:5 commands us to “Love the young man who was brought before the famous civil war
LORD your God with all your heart and with all your general Robert E. Lee for some infraction of the camp
soul and with all your strength.” Psalm 65:30 says, “I rules. As he stood there trembling before the general
will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with the general said, “You don’t have to be afraid you’ll
thanksgiving.” All of this tells me we were created for find justice here.” The young man replied, “That’s what
one thing and one thing only, to be addicted to God! I’m afraid of.” The thought of God dispensing justice
It makes perfect sense to me. If we were created to be to me is terrifying. I know what I deserve but because
addictive beings it explains why we do the things we of grace I have been spared justice.
don’t want to do. When we turn our face from God
we have to find something to fill this compulsion to be We have to stop making it impossible for these men
dependent. That’s what an addiction really is, needing and women to move foreword in life. That’s why we
to rely on or trust in somebody or something for help or don’t discriminate against anyone at the Anchorage
support, especially in the area of our need to feel safe. Gospel Rescue Mission. If we did a lot of our problems
would evaporate. The new title 21 zoning being
There are a myriad of addictions to choose from. implemented turns any organization into a CCRC
Drugs, Alcohol, sex, shopping, gambling, co-dependent as soon as they accept someone who is on parole or
relationships, and food just to name a few. These are probation. The result is they are out of compliance with
all coping behaviors designed to temporarily deaden zoning regulations. Therefore they have to either shut
unwanted thoughts, feelings, and memories in order for their doors or discriminate. Our city code requires us to
us to feel normal or safe. discriminate? Say it isn’t so! I wish I could but I can’t.

Continued on page 7
t s
r r
e ye Mission Status Report
u s
s -M
at a
st o m

F ra
T h
I begin this month’s report recognizing the Mission’s Board of Trustees and Emeritus who live Paul’s words in
Ephesians 4:1. Collectively these six men have served this Mission for 133 years or an average of about 22 years
each. If these gentlemen volunteer about 5 hours a week in service to the Lord and this Mission; that’s about
260 hour a year each. Collectively for their 133 years, that’s about 34,580 hours of volunteer service from these
six men. Please pray for the Mission’s Board of Trustees and Advisory Board. These individual bear a heavy
responsibility and each needs the Lord’s support and your prayers.

Mission on the Move update. The Mission’s executive/professional staff and its Board are conducting an orderly,
deliberate thoughtful prayerful process of risk qualification, and future planning. The Rasmuson Foundation
stepped forward in January to offer leadership assistance. On April 1, 2008, the Mission hosts the Rasmuson
Foundation’s president Diane Kaplan and program officer Sammye Pokryfki for an initial get-acquainted meeting
and Mission tour. NewLife program director David Williams and Executive Director Bro. Don Bettis have put the
finishing touches on a final draft five-year plan; the focus of this plan is what the Mission needs to be to follow its
purpose and serve its constituency.

Mission on the Move volunteer request. Ladies and gentleman: If you or someone you know has a calling from the
Lord to step forward and volunteer to help, the Mission is ready to hear from you. From now through mid-May,
our objective is to compile a list of volunteers; then with that list in hand we will begin to parse out projects that
might interest you. Please call the Mission’s Assistant Executive Director Charlotte Bettis (or Miss Charlotte as the
NewLife men know her), and get your name on the list. Miss Charlotte’s phone number is (907) 563-5603 and her
fax number is (907) 563-3863. We are looking for people who would give from ½ hour to 10 hours a week for this

Prayer Requests: Please pray for the Lord’s help assembling a volunteer army. The Lord Needs You – An Army of
You, not just one or two. We—all of us together—each doing a little part will together accomplish a miracle. Join

Thank You: Attn Mission News reader/supporter S.R. (you know who you are): Thank you and your family for
volunteering a few hours of your time to research and email to me what other Missions are doing around the
country—like Children’s programs, Medical Clinics, Women’s Outreach and Clothes Closet. God Bless You for
your help! You are a good example to others who might spend a little time here or there to serve their Lord and His

The Love of Christ
on tt
im no I began to use drugs in earnest. This Rescue Mission has done wonders
st l K lifestyle affected every part of my for me. Part of what God is doing
te ae life. From my relationship with my in my life now is changing my
ich father to my work and everything desires. Those desires kept dragged
M in between. I know now that even me down. Now my desires are for
though there were plenty of times the things that not only will help me
My name is Michael Knott and I’m that should have killed me God kept but also to help the community.
27 years old. 15 of those 27 years me alive because he has a plan for
I had a big problem with drugs. I my life. I don’t know what it is right I’m interested in getting involved
started when I was 12 years old now but I believe that God brought in my church doing ministry work
by smoking pot and as I got older me to the “NewLife” Recovery like street evangelism or hospital
I got deeper and deeper in. I’m ministry or something along those
not proud of it but I’ve had my lines. Whatever it is I know it will
experiences with a lot of different allow me to spread the word of
substances. God and what he has done and is
doing in my life. In my job here
When I was 18 years old I ended at the mission I go out into the
up getting into legal trouble for the community and pick up donations
first time in my life. And though from so many different people and
that was my first and only felony business, at first it really surprised
I could not seem to get away from me but the more I get to know God
the misdemeanors. I ended up on the more he reveals himself to me
probation, and became a member the more I realize it is his love
of the rotating door plan with the program at the Anchorage Gospel shining through his children.
department of corrections. Rescue Mission to begin cleansing
me from the things he didn’t like When I graduate the program
As bad as I knew the drugs were and about my life. this summer and go back into the
the fact they kept me going back to community I want people to see
jail didn’t slow me down. As soon Romans 8:28 says, “All things the light of God shining through
as I got out I would go right back work together for good to those me. I plan on staying in the word of
doing the same old thing. When I who love God, to those who are God and to continue to grow in my
was 20 years old I was on house called according to his purpose.” loving relationship with my lord. I
arrest and on July 7 of 2001 my So I believe that god allowed me pray that everyone who knows the
grandmother died. Three days later to go through all that stuff so he Lord continues to do the same and
on July 10 my mother who was my could bring me out of it now so I for those who don’t know God I
best friend died, we buried both of would have an awesome testimony pray for them to realize the saving
them on the seventeenth. The next which gives him glory. grace and knowledge that is Jesus
day I turned 21. Christ lord and savior.
At that point my life was as low as There is no way I could begin to
It could get. Or at least I thought express my gratitude to God for God bless you all!
this was the bottom of my barrel. bringing me this far and now I can
honestly say that I’m no longer just
existing in this world, I’m living

now and I’m living for God. The
“NewLife” program here at the
Living Memorials Please Let Me
Reminisce, Again
….touch lives as they honor the memory Last month I printed two very old songs in this
of loved ones and friends. newsletter and I never heard from anyone if they
remember them. I was sure,
In Memory of “The Old Fashioned Meeting” would have been
Esperanza M. Casas remembered by some. But, maybe it was too old.
by Martha Cashen See if you remember this one.
In Memory of
George Hixon
by Lee and Carolyn Hollar God Leads Us Along
Kenneth and Maria Cobb In Shady green pastures, so rich and so sweet,
In Memory of God leads His dear children along;
Lowell and Betty Thorsness Where the water’s cold flow bathes
by Curtis and Trudy Lund The weary one’s feet,
In Memory of God leads His dear children along
George Whalen
by Edna Whalen Sometimes on the mountain where the
In Memory of Sun shines so bright,
A.J. “Whitey” Yurman God leads his dear children along;
by Mrs. J.A. Yurman Sometimes in the valley in the darkness of night,
God leads His dear children along.

Tho’ sorrows befall us and satan oppose,

faith and purpose God leads His dear children along;
Through grace we can conquer, defeat all our foes,
However dark may seem… God leads His dear children along.
Or steep the path I trod… Away from the mire and away from the clay,
I have no fear because I know… God leads His dear children along;
I have my faith in God… Away up in glory, eternity’s day,
I know He will not leave me or… God leads His dear children along.
Forget me in my need…
As long as I believe in Him… Chorus: repeat after each verse.
With every thought and deed… Some thro’ the waters, some thro’ the flood,
I may be foolish now and then… Some thro’ the fire, but all thro’ the blood;
And I may lose the way… Some thro’ great sorrow, but God gives a song;
But He is always at my side… In the night season and all the day long.
Wherever I may stray…
His guiding grace reminds me of…
The mercy He has shown…
your will
Have you prepared your will or planned your estate?
And in my deepest misery…
If not, you really need to attend to this matter soon.
I never feel alone…
Someone that you do not even know could be
I know my God is willing to…
appointed to handle these things for you when you
Forgive my every sin…
are gone and your personal possessions and valuables
As long as I have faith and I
could go where you may not want them to go. When
Sincerely try to win…
preparing your will or estate. please remember the
“Without faith it is impossible to please God”… Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission.
Hebrews 11:6

t t is What is a Gospel
or Be

re ct
on Rescue Mission… continued

e v
The staff at the Anchorage Gospel Rescue seek to glorify the Lord through their ministry. Jesus, looking over
the centuries of unborn put His blessings on this extension of the church ministry (Gospel Rescue Missions),
when He said, “the poor ye have with you always”. John 12:8. There will always be a need for the Gospel Rescue
Mission. This is true in spite of efforts on the part of men and governments to silence the Gospel.

There is an ever-increasing number of what sociologist term the “low bottom” people. You count then in every age
range; children, youth and adults. These are largely neglected because of moral, ethical, mental or physical stench
they raise. Many of these from the, “street of forgotten men”, in desperation turn to the Gospel Rescue Mission as
a last resort. Thus, ministering in the name of our lovely Lord the Gospel Rescue Mission seeks to reach them
for CHRIST who is the answer to their problems. The Gospel Rescue Mission does not ask, “Why are you here”
but rather, now that you are here turn what is left of your life over to Christ.”

In feeding or housing the unemployed or unemployable, the Gospel Rescue Mission helps to keeps some from
robbing or stealing or pursuing other lawless ways. So, this ministry has a part in protecting the community,
people, property and the person himself from doing something harmful and destructive.

To this service is linked the preaching of the Gospel. Sin is rampant in the world and in the mad procession there
are multitudes that never darken the sanctuary of any church. Some of these will be reached by the Gospel Rescue
Mission and every effort will then be made to guide them to the church. There they can take their place as
members of society

Did I Hear You Say….How Can I Have A Part….How can I Help?

You as a person, and your church a Christian community, can pray for your local Gospel Rescue Mission and
those in charge of its operation… you can with full assurance of being appreciated, participate in its service to
the homeless… become acquainted with the staff and share constructively its problems and burdens… also, you
may contribute financially or with-in kind donations. For definite suggestions on how you may help contact Larry
Aldridge, Operations Manager or David Williams Program Director at 563-5603.
Don Bettis

To visit our new travel page go to
or go to the Mission’s web page at
and click on the menu item Travel.

Continued from page 2 and ideas. It is so very important for each of you to
understand we cannot do what we do without you!
The reason we are not a flop house for the chronic
inebriate is because we don’t allow anyone who has
been drinking to stay at our facility. The reason we
don’t allow this is because intoxicated people take away
the safety of our other guest. Everyone deserves a safe Learning Center Update
environment what is provided here at the Anchorage
Gospel Rescue Mission is a safe healing environment.
We also believe it’s important to set boundaries and Neil Givens has been named as our new
standards. Our behavior is dictated by our character and
our character is rooted in our belief system. We refuse Learning Center Administrator
to compromise our beliefs because to do so places our
character at risk.
Look for Neil’s Learning Center Update
There are those in the community who believe we
enable the homeless population. To be fair we probably article in the May 2008 newsletter.
do when it comes to those individuals who choose to He will provide our readers with his
be homeless. Homelessness is, after all, a lifestyle that
requires no responsibility what so ever. As strange as it assessment of our needs in the Education
might seem to some this attracts a small percentage of
people. Do we then sacrifice all the other men, women, Department.
and children who rely upon the Mission for basic
necessities? Of course not! Are there some who get over Learning Center Wish List
on us because of our desire to help? Yes! However just
as our justice system would rather see a guilty man go • Software
free rather than have an innocent man go to jail. We at • Computers
the Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission would rather be • GED Textbooks
taken advantage of by those who use the system rather • Computer Textbooks
than deny those who rely on the system. • Compost ion Notebooks
I suppose the most important myth we would like to Gift cards to Barnes & Noble or
dispel an that is the ideal this is our Ministry. The bottom Best Buy are a great way to donate
line is this is your Ministry! All we do is oversee it on textbooks and software.
your behalf. We are open to comments, suggestion,
We invite you to visit us on the web or
drop us an E-mail with your comments
and suggestions
Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission P.O. Box 230510 Anchorage, Alaska 99523-0510
Here is my support gift: For Credit Card Donations:
Food and Shelter: $_____ I would like to charge my total donation of $__________________
Check One: Visa ˆ M/C ˆ Am/Ex ˆ Discover ˆ
Facilities Maintenance: $_____
$46.25 For 25 Meals ______
$74.00 For 40 Meals ______ Card Number __________________________________________
$132.20 For 72 Meals ______
Exp. Date: ______/______ Signature _______________________
$277.50 For 150 Meals ______
______Other: All credit card information is kept in strict confidence
Make checks payable to the Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission
______ I Will Pray for this Ministry.
You will receive a receipt.

Address: ______________________________________________
Please send this coupon with your donations.
Our Ministry of
Chapel Services for April
u e Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
e s c 1 2 3 4 5
r Is to
Nazarene Singers Fellowship Church of God
The least 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The last God’s
Abbot Loop
Assembly of
The lost Church God Church Fellowship
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
God’s Church Anchorage Christian Sherbahn Sherbahn Glenn
“URGENT” Place of God of Native Evangelical Evangelistic Evangelistic Herman

Our supplies of these Prophecy Assembly Church Team Team

20 21 22 23 24 25 26
items is constantly in Grace Sherbahn Attorney Calvary Evangelical In His Name Change
need of replenishing Victory
Greg Grebe Baptist

† Prayer 27 28 29 30
† Paper Towels New Light
† 45 Gallon Trash Bags Church Church Eagle River

† Fresh Meat Nightly Services 7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M.

† Coffee
† Bathroom Tissue
† Laundry Soap
† Disposable Shavers
† Cleaning Supplies STATEMENT OF FAITH
† Dinner Napkins The Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission is a Non-Profit, Non-Denominational
organization. We receive NO municipal, state or federal funds. We are not a United Way
† Shampoo Agency. Your financial support and In-Kind donations make it possible for us to provide
“URGENT” for the poor, needy and homeless people in our community. Also, your donations allow us
to provide a Drug and Alcohol Recovery program. All Donations are fully tax deductible.
We will give you a receipt for your donation.
Anchorage Gospel
Rescue Mission Anchorage Non-Profit Org.

U.S. Postal

Board of Trustees Gospel c PAID

s Anchorage, AK
Permit # 290
Ed Shelton
(President) A Ministry of
Bob Collins Rescue & Recovery
( Vice President/treasure) Visit us at:
Enoch Adams ue
Mark Soquet
r es

P.O. Box 230510•Anchorage, AK•99523-0510•(907) 563-5603

2823 E. Tudor Rd.
Anchorage, AK 99507

Rev. Willard leisy
Advisory Board:
Paul Kelly

Rev. Don Bettis, Exec. Dir.

Charlotte Bettis, Asst. Dir.

Association of Gospel ue
sc Missions
An association of Rescue Ministries

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