Como Actualizar Angel v8 Por USB

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How to upgrade by USB

V8 Angel S2+T2+C

1 V1.1
1. Ready to U disk or TF card and format.

(U DISK be FAT32 format)

2. Download the new software package is copied to the U packing directory.

2 V1.1
2. Insert USB Disk with V8 Angel latest software,go to Settings menu.

04:34 ~

Monday, Jun 13

3. Select Other >>>>>>>System Update option,press OK key on remote.

* Settings
i Network Display

Android version:
4.4,2 System Update
Build number:
K0T49H.20160601 release-keys More Settings
Serial number:
MAC address:
Kernel version; Software version:
3.10.33 1.0.2
winsat@winsaMnost01 #19 Hardware version:
Tue Jun 7 15:38:09 CST 2016 002

3 V1.1

Choose the following software data information to update

5. If you need to delete user data,please tick Wipe Data and Wipe Media options by

remote control.
! U pdate& S ackup
U p d a te
O n lin e u p d a te

O nline u p date

W ipe Data

W ipe M edia

Tick Wipe Data and Wipe Media
m201 -ota-201 options to delete user data. Update
B a c k u p Y o u r D a ta _____

Backup Your Data Before Update Backu p

Restore Your Data

4 V1.1
6. Click Update option to start updating.

^ U p d a te & S a c k u p

Online update

O n lin e u p d a te
UpdatttL-ocuta Start OTA update
Wipe Data

Wipe Media Thie Action Can Not Be Interrupted When You Are
Updating, please backup you data. U p d a te S e le ct

Backup Your Data

C ancel U p d a te

7. Upgrade is shown in figure, note: do not power off, be sure to keep in mind.

5 V1.1
8. After finish update,box will go to boot guide screen,it means update successfully.

@ W e lco m e ^Lan gu age [H I S c re e n (^ N e tw o rk

W e lco m e to u s e our d e vice .
C lic k "Next" to se t up


Software version information

Network J Display Advanced

Android version:
4,4,2 System Update
Build number:
KOT49H.20160704 release-keys More Settings
Serial number:
MAC address:
Kernel version: Software version:
3.10,33 1.0.3
winsat@winsat-host01 #3 Hardware version:
Mon Jul 4 20:18:07 CST 2016 002

6 V1.1

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