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This is the documentation for the Scala standard library.

== Package structure ==

The [[scala]] package contains core types like [[scala.Int `Int`]], [[scala.Float
`Float`]], [[scala.Array `Array`]]
or [[scala.Option `Option`]] which are accessible in all Scala compilation units
without explicit qualification or

Notable packages include:

- [[scala.collection `scala.collection`]] and its sub-packages contain Scala's

collections framework
- [[scala.collection.immutable `scala.collection.immutable`]] - Immutable,
sequential data-structures such as
[[scala.collection.immutable.Vector `Vector`]],
[[scala.collection.immutable.List `List`]],
[[scala.collection.immutable.Range `Range`]],
[[scala.collection.immutable.HashMap `HashMap`]] or
[[scala.collection.immutable.HashSet `HashSet`]]
- [[scala.collection.mutable `scala.collection.mutable`]] - Mutable, sequential
data-structures such as
[[scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer `ArrayBuffer`]],
[[scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder `StringBuilder`]],
[[scala.collection.mutable.HashMap `HashMap`]] or
[[scala.collection.mutable.HashSet `HashSet`]]
- [[scala.collection.concurrent `scala.collection.concurrent`]] - Mutable,
concurrent data-structures such as
[[scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap `TrieMap`]]
- [[scala.collection.parallel.immutable `scala.collection.parallel.immutable`]]
- Immutable, parallel
data-structures such as [[scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParVector
[[scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParRange `ParRange`]],
[[scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParHashMap `ParHashMap`]] or
[[scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParHashSet `ParHashSet`]]
- [[scala.collection.parallel.mutable `scala.collection.parallel.mutable`]] -
Mutable, parallel
data-structures such as [[scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
[[scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParHashMap `ParHashMap`]],
[[scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParTrieMap `ParTrieMap`]] or
[[scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParHashSet `ParHashSet`]]
- [[scala.concurrent `scala.concurrent`]] - Primitives for concurrent
programming such as
[[scala.concurrent.Future `Futures`]] and [[scala.concurrent.Promise
- [[ ``]] - Input and output operations
- [[scala.math `scala.math`]] - Basic math functions and additional
numeric types like
[[scala.math.BigInt `BigInt`]] and [[scala.math.BigDecimal `BigDecimal`]]
- [[scala.sys `scala.sys`]] - Interaction with other processes and
the operating system
- [[scala.util.matching `scala.util.matching`]] - [[scala.util.matching.Regex
Regular expressions]]

Other packages exist. See the complete list on the right.

Additional parts of the standard library are shipped as separate libraries. These

- [[scala.reflect `scala.reflect`]] - Scala's reflection API (scala-

- [[scala.xml `scala.xml`]] - XML parsing, manipulation, and
serialization (scala-xml.jar)
- [[scala.swing `scala.swing`]] - A convenient wrapper around Java's GUI
framework called Swing (scala-swing.jar)
- [[scala.util.parsing `scala.util.parsing`]] - Parser combinators (scala-

== Automatic imports ==

Identifiers in the scala package and the [[scala.Predef `scala.Predef`]] object are
always in scope by default.

Some of these identifiers are type aliases provided as shortcuts to commonly used
classes. For example, `List` is an alias for
[[scala.collection.immutable.List `scala.collection.immutable.List`]].

Other aliases refer to classes provided by the underlying platform. For example,
on the JVM, `String` is an alias for `java.lang.String`.

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