January 2010 Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission Newsletter

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A Ministry of Rescue & Discipleship

A publication of the Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission † Anchorage, Alaska

Larry Aldrich
Operations Manager
Randy Hess
Maintenance Supervisor

Larry O’Connor
Roger Klein
Client Supervisor

David McKnight
Van Driver
T he holidays are over, the
greeting and salutations have
ended – we have closed the books on
and a warm bed, for their immediate needs. We
meet physical needs so that we may have an
opportunity to meet the spiritual needs of the
Solomona Talivaa 2009. The year end activities always people we serve; and we do take advantage of
Maintenance bring extra work and long hours but this opportunity.
it also brings extra blessings and a
Tom Ruggles nearness to God that only sharing and The staff does their very best to be an example
Kitchen Manager of their faith by their life-style, individual help
giving can bring. It was a glorious
and one on one sharing of their personal faith
Bill McCormick experience and we truly enjoyed
in Christ. Every night we have Chapel service
Donations every minute of it.
where the Gospel is presented to those present
David Williams I do not have the words or the ability by a local church and the people are given
Program Director to express my heart felt appreciation the opportunity to respond to an invitation to
to all of you who prayed, volunteered, commit their life to Jesus Christ.
gave your gifts-in-kind, and financial
support to the Lord through the Yes, Life Goes On at the Mission and we need
Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission your continued faithfulness to stand with us,
Serving this past year. We could not have especially with your prayers.

Anchorage accomplished the things we did

without your help. We meet physical needs
Since 1965 But after the celebration, Life Goes so that we may have the
On at the Mission. To the homeless
people that use our facilities,
opportunity to meet
Christmas is just another day for them spiritual needs
to be alone and lonely. Their need is
food and shelter the next day and the
day after that. So our responsibility
is to keep the doors open and provide
good nourishing meals on the table,
hot showers, clean clothing
o r ’s
ttis Whatever Happened To
New Year’s Resolutions?
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A Thing of The Past!

w hat ever happened to New Year’s resolutions? It seems like when I was a kid at home all of the old
folks (adults) would make New Year’s resolutions every year. Resolving to do or quit doing things
that were a detriment to their health. For instance, I am going on a diet, I am going to stop smoking
or I am going to exercise more and on and on. . . . they would go. However, in the last few years I have not heard
anyone make not even one New Year’s resolution. I think people stopped making them is because they knew they
were not going to keep them.

You know we Christians have stopped making resolutions too. I can remember when people would walk down the
aisle of a church and rededicate their life to the Lord and make some real heart felt resolutions to serve Him. But you
do not see that any more either. People are too busy; they do not have the time to serve God or will not give Him any
of the precious time that they have set aside for themselves. Their time is all allocated to something that they want
to do and serving God is not a part of it.
Folks we need to get our priorities straight and let God have part of our time to serve Him.

Think on This
Live Each Day For God
Don’t fret about tomorrow or live in yesterday.
Concern yourself with currant things and do your best today.
Tomorrow lies beyond the stars, beyond the sleeping sun,
And yesterday lies in the past and cannot be undone.
Live life in the present tense and wisely spend your time,
For time is such a precious thing you dare not waste a dime.

2 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrew 11:1 (KJV)
Living Memorials hymns that have such a warm and meaningful message in
their lyrics. Dr. Charles Stanley mentioned the one that I
. . . .touch lives as they honor the am going to share with you today. He also wondered why
memory of loved ones and friends. the church has gotten away from singing the old hymns of
In Memory of faith that really touch the heart. See if you remember.
Venice Anderson
by Rosalie E. Holcomb How Firm a Foundation
Marlin and Sabah Heim How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
In Memory of Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
Archie Boyles What more can He say than to you He hath said,
by Kay E. Muramoto To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?
In Memory of
Mickey Robert Dinsmore II “Fear not, I am with thee; O be not dismayed,
by John and Donna Poff For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid;
In Memory of I’ll strengthen thee, help thee,
Howard Fowler And cause thee to stand,
by June E. Fowler Up held by my righteous omnipotent hand.
In Memory of
Robert L. Hall When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,
by Bill and Jean Schwaab My grace all sufficient shall be thy supply;
In Memory of The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
Mike Howerton Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.
by Carol Howerton
Jeffery and Jean Sherman The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose
In Memory of I will not, I will not desert to his foes;
Chalmers Kellec That soul, tho’ all hell should endeavor to shake,
by Sharon Kellec I’ll never, no never, no never forsake!”
In Memory of
Stephanie Kinter In His Steps
by Martha Cashen
In Memory of Dwell not in the valley of despair,
Paul McLaughlin Waste not another day;
by Marge McLaughlin Arm yourself with faith and prayer,
And then be on your way.
In Honor of Yield not to temptation
Our Lord Jesus Christ Which leads your soul astray,
by Mrs. Fina Kiefer But focus on the light ahead
In Honor of And walk the narrow way.
David L. Cantor Your guide shall always lead you
by Cathryn L. Saario And shield you from harm’s way,
In Honor of But you must follow in His steps
Amon and Kathleen Johnson And listen and obey.
by Lamar and Louann His strength shall never fail you
In Honor of As you stop awhile to pray,
Rev. Floyd Titus For at the end of your journey
by Ronald and Marlene Bateman You will find a brighter day.
At the end of life’s great journey,
Heaven’s just a step away
Down Memory Lane For all who follow in His steps
And listen and obey
I have heard from so many of you that love the old hymns that Used with permission.
it thrills my heart to know that I am not alone in loving these

“For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us...
that you should follow in his steps.”
1 Peter 2:21 3
“God is G

“All the T
s to

My name is Lawrence Kulukhon; I was born in Nome,

Alaska on June 20, 1976 to Jones and Selma Kulukhon. I believe that there is a God out there that created us,
My mother passed away when I was 5 years old, so I but I have all these questions about why he dose what
was raised by my father all my life. My father taught he does, like why he made us to suffer and to hurt and
me a lot of important things such as hunting and how to have all these feelings. A lot of these feelings that
to survive in the wilderness. I grew up in a Christian we have hurt and some make us feel good. I have all
family and we went to church regularly and of course these questions and I guess that I have to wait till we
I went to Sunday school. I knew about God and Jesus see God to ask them.
while I was growing up, but it wasn’t until I ended up at
the Nome Youth Facility that I got saved and started my God has done a lot of work on me over the years, and
walk with the Lord. Just like any human I slid back and still working on me. He has changed a very bad man
started going the ways (in my eyes) to what I
of the world. am today. When I first
started my walk with
Just like everyday life the Lord I walked off
my walk with the Lord the trail and wasn’t
had its ups and downs, getting anywhere
and most of the time or anything. Now
it had its downs. The that I am here in
Lord is a great Lord the Anchorage
beyond our knowledge Gospel Rescue
and he is a forgiving Mission’s “NewLife”
Lord. My Dad would Discipleship Training
always tell us to “Love program I have
one another”. He is started my life with
the one that taught my the Lord again. Since
sisters and I the verse May 13, 2009 I have
from the Book of John noticed changes the
chapter 3, Lord has made in me
and also with the help of the staff and brothers here.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only son,
that who so ever believes in him WILL have everlasting On May 13th I began a friendship with a bunch of men,
life”. some leave and new ones came, each one of them I

And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree,
is the LORD’s: it is holy unto the LORD.
Leviticus 27:30
Good” kitchen’s

Time!” most wanted

Much like the FBI as soon as an item on our
am glad to call my brother in Christ. We all go through
spiritual struggles in life and we all need help through Most Wanted list is found there are many
these struggles. We need to turn to somebody and with more waiting to take the place of number
the help of the Mission I’ve learned to turn to God our one. We invite you to come down to the
creator. Mission and witness first hand the 350
He gave us choices and I know that a lot of the choices meals* we serve each day to those in need
that I made throughout life were wrong, but one thing in our fair city.
is for sure; in the end God is always there for me and he
will always be there for me waiting to take me home. The holidays are over but the people are still
I am so glad God placed me where I am now because I in need of food. We do a lot with a little and
am amongst men that I am GLAD to call my brothers in although the meals will get served without
Christ. In the seven months that I have been here I have these items it would certainly make life
learned a lot about my self through the Bible studies easier for us if we had them.
and the spiritual counseling and just being around men
I can relate to. I have learned that now more than ever
I need Christ in my life and so do my brothers. I have
1. 4 and 6 inch Restaurant Pans
had many friends and family that have failed me in the
past throughout my life, but the one person that hasn’t 2. 4 and 6 inch Restaurant Pans (perferated)
failed me is our creator God. If you put your trust and 3. Cuisinart Food Processor (Industrial)
life in him he will not fail you or cheat you, he will 4. Blender (Industrial)
make sure that in the end you come out clean. I am
5. Flat Grill (for stove top)
so thankful for the staff here at the Anchorage Gospel
Rescue Mission for all the time they spend helping us 6. Plastic Tubes with Lids
as well as taking care what goes on here. My prayers go (for donations, rice, flour, etc.)
to them and to all who donate to this place. 7. Knives for chopping & carving
8. Cook Shirts (white Lg & XLg)
I would like to end by saying to all my Brothers and
Sisters in Christ, God be with you always. 9. Pie Spatulas
10. Aprons
Lawrence Kulukhon 11. Wash station aprons (rubber)
Child of Christ
* average

“Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.”
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“No one woke me up, No one told me I was supposed craving to use drugs or alcohol?” Conventional wisdom
to, I forgot, everyone else is doing it”. This is just a dictates, today we will get many of these decisions
small sampling of the excuses I hear, day in and day out, wrong. Like Joshua we not only have to make the
from some of the men in our “NewLife” Discipleship decision we also have to accept the consequences of
Training Program. One of the most fundamental truths those decisions. For Joshua the choice to follow the
offered here at the Mission is found in the book of Lord meant he and his household had to trust God to
Joshua: provide for all their needs.

“And if it seems evil to you to serve the O LORD my God, in You I put my trust;
LORD, choose for yourselves this day Save me from all those who persecute me;
whom you will serve, whether the gods And deliver me, (Psalm 7:1 NKJV)
which your fathers served that were on the
other side of the river, or the gods of the What happens when the persecutor is… “US!”?
Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But
as for me and my house, we will serve the Unfortunately most of the negative consequences of our
LORD.” Joshua 24:15 (NKJV) decisions are self inflicted. In our mind’s eye we make
things far worse than they actually are. We intensify
My ears hear Joshua saying “it doesn’t matter what the pain our fear has generated and this can results in
everyone else is doing what’s important is what I’m our turning a simple mistake into a life altering crisis.
doing.” He chose to do the right thing. He didn’t I once had a Disciple standing in my office to give an
wait for someone else to tell him what to do. Had he account for a confrontation he had found himself in
decided to follow the crowed he most certainly would with a brother. 90% of the conflict among our Disciples,
not have chosen to serve the Lord. He knew it was in the overall scheme of things, is minor in scope and
his responsibility to make a choice regardless of what this one was no exception. This particular Disciple was
choice that would be. able to articulate his dilemma in a way, I suspect, is
common to most if not all of us. “I knew it was silly but
Joshua instructs us to choose for ourselves, “this day” I didn’t know how to get myself out of it.” I’ve found
whom we will serve. If we focus on “this day” alone myself many times in that situation. Once the process
it appears ordinary. In the course of this ordinary day has begun we often don’t know how to stop because
we have many decisions to make. They range from the pride takes over. Pride takes away the voice of reason.
insignificant, “what aftershave should I use today?” I wish I could say I was immune to this sickness but I
to those of great consequence, “should I give into this can’t. This disease takes over the second I stop trusting

If any of you lacks wisdom, lethimasGod,who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be
given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea
that is driven and tossed by the wind. - James 1: 5,6
Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission P.O. Box 230510 Anchorage, Alaska 99523-0510
Here is my support gift: For Credit Card Donations:
Food and Shelter: $_____ I would like to charge my total donation of $__________________
Check One: Visa  M/C  Am/Ex  Discover 
Facilities Maintenance: $_____
$46.25 For 25 Meals ______
$74.00 For 40 Meals ______ Card Number __________________________________________
$132.20 For 72 Meals ______
Exp. Date: ______/______ Signature _______________________
$277.50 For 150 Meals ______
______ I Will Pray for this Ministry. All credit card information is kept in strict confidence Make checks payable
to the Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission You will receive a receipt.
Address: ______________________________________________
Please send this coupon with your donations.

God to provide for all my needs. Something in my heart the way. I messed up. Unfortunately a lot of the men
tells me Joshua struggled with this just as we do. in “NewLife” don’t know how to mess up correctly.
When they mess up they want to give up. They do
The path of least resistance is to find someone else what they do best, “run away”. I call it pulling a
to assume the responsibility of our actions. We offer Jonah - Hearing from God and running in the opposite
excuses instinctively rather than out of need. How direction. What are we running from? What is God
pervasive is this instinct? I can only recall a few telling us?
instances when I woke a Disciple who was sleeping
late and before they were even partially conscious So then, those who suffer according to God’s
they responded, “No one woke me up”. They are then will should commit themselves to their faithful
offended when I respond, “It’s your responsibility not Creator and continue to do good. 1 Peter 4:19 (NIV)
Peter is saying the very same thing Joshua was saying
I have no choice but to raise my hand and cry “GUILTY” over 1,500 year before. It doesn’t matter what everyone
because I do the same thing and I don’t know how to get else is doing, serve the Lord, and trust he will provide
out of it when I find myself in the middle of whatever for all your needs. “His promises are real!”
situation has cause me to react badly. I do know it’s my
fault because I made a bad decision somewhere along

“A loving heart is the truest wisdom.”

Charles Dickens
Our Ministry of
age Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postal
pel PAID
Is To Anchorage, AK
Permit # 290
The Least Mission
The Last A Ministry of
The Lost
Rescue & Recovery
Re info@anchoragerescue.org
Our supplies of these
items is constantly in
news P.O. Box 230510•Anchorage, AK•99523-0510•(907) 563-5603
need of replenishing
return service requested
† Prayer
† Paper Towels
† 45 Gallon Trash Bags
† Fresh Meat
† Coffee
† Bathroom Tissue
† Laundry Soap
† Disposable Shavers
† Cleaning Supplies
† Liquid Dish Detergent
† Dinner Napkins
† Shampoo
The Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission is a Non-Profit, Non-Denominational
Anchorage Gospel organization. We receive NO municipal, state or federal funds. We are not a United Way
Agency. Your financial support and In-Kind donations makes it possible for us to provide
Rescue Mission for the poor, needy and homeless people in our community. Also, your donations allow
Board of Trustees us to provide a Discipleship Training program. All Donations are fully tax deductible. We
will give you a receipt for your donation.
Ed Shelton
(President) 2010 Chapel Services for January 2010
Bob Collins Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
( Vice President/treasure)
1 2
Mark Soquet First Calvary
Ralph Nobrega Presbyterian Baptist
Church Church
Rev. Bob Sloan
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Barbara Schmiedeskamp God’s Abbott Loop Wesleyan Anchorage Anchorage Calvary Anchorage
Emeritus: Place Community Nazarene Gospel City Baptist City
Church (Robert Durr) Singers Church Church Church
Cliff Hodgins
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rev. Willard Leisy God’s Church First Anchorage Christ Sherbahn Lighthouse
Advisory Board: Place of God Assembly of Church Community Evangelistic Christian
Prophecy God of Christ Church Team Fellowship
Paul Kelly (Shane Day)
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Rev. Don Bettis, Exec. Dir. Victory Sherbahn Anchorage University Sherbahn In His Name Skyline
Christian Evangelistic Native Baptist Evangelistic Sandy Church
Charlotte Bettis, Asst. Dir. Center Team Assembly (Tim Arquett) Team McCollum
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Member New Light

Change Point
(Greg Grebe)

ion off
Church Church Church Covenant Team


Missions Nightly Services

7:30 PM to 8:30 PM

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