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A Ministry of Rescue & Discipleship

A publication of the Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission † Anchorage, Alaska

Larry Aldrich

Operations Manager

Randy Hess
Maintenance Supervisor

Larry O’Connor
Roger Klein
Client Supervisor What Does It Mean To You?
David McKnight A Resurrected Christ—Do You Believed
Van Driver
It Really Happened?
Solomona Talivaa
Maintenance Some Do – Some Do Not!
Tom Ruggles

Kitchen Manager
hose that accept the Bible as the Holy Inspired, Inerrant Word of God believe it –
the rest of the people do not believe it. Some believe that Jesus was and is God’s
Bill McCormick Son – others do not. Some believe that He was virgin born and that His birth was
Donations a miracle – some do not. Some believe that he actually lived among men on earth without
ever committing a sin – others believe that He was just a teacher or prophet with no personal
David Williams relationship to God. Some believe He came to give himself as a sacrifice for man’s sin, shed
Program Director
His blood and died on the cross – others see His death as just another criminal that was put
to death. Some believe that God raised Him from the dead completing His plan of salvation
and giving believers real hope – others do not believe any part of the resurrection. Some
believe He is coming back to receive believers to Himself. That is why Paul wrote these
words of encouragement in I Corinthians 15:19, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ,
Serving we are of all men most miserable.”—Others do not believe in His return. They believe that
Anchorage your heaven or hell is right here on earth and that when you die it is all over. But, THANK
GOD, we have a risen living Savior that is going to return one day (and I believe it will be
Since 1965 very soon). We have this promise, which is just one of many, from the two men that stood
by Jesus as He ascended into heaven, “. . . .why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same
Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen
Him go into heaven”. Acts 1:11.

April Hallelujah! Christ Arose

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Yes, Jesus Is Alive!

he resurrection of our Lord and Savior ,
Jesus Christ should be the most significant
Are You In recovery?
event in the life of any Christian—except Usually we think of people with drug and /or alcohol
for their own salvation experience. The problems as being the only ones “in recovery.” But,
resurrection solidifies our faith, gives us hope and just what is recovery?
assures us eternal life with Him (because He lives, we
also shall live). Paul tells us in I Corinthians 15:19, The dictionary tells us that to recover means to reclaim,
“If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of rescue or regain something that we previously had.
all men most miserable”. He continues, “but now is Now, in a “spiritual sense, that means ALL of us are in
Christ risen from the dead”. Then Paul recalls the life recovery!
of Christ in I Corinthians 15:3-4, “how that Christ died
Man was created in the image of God, but because of
for our sins according to the scriptures; and He was
the sin of Adam, we have been separated from God.
buried, and He rose again the third day according to
When we receive the gift that Christ offers us in the
the scriptures”.
cross and resurrection we are made new again and
spiritually reborn. Praise the Lord!
I am so thankful that what the scriptures says happened
as they were prophesied and our hope for a resurrected So, in a real sense, all of us Christians are “in recovery.”
eternal life was made possible by Christ’s victory over We are all dealing with daily taking our crosses and
death. Yes, because He lives we will also live. Do you following Christ. We are ALL dealing with sin in our
have this hope? life that corrupts our communion with God. We are
ALL overcoming old thought patterns, old hurts and
The soon return of our Lord is at hand, it has been old habits.
promised and whether or not you believe it, it is
immanent—it is going to happen! Can we say with God’s offer of New Life in Christ Jesus makes true
John, “even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus”? If you RECOVERY possible for all of us. In essence, recovery
cannot say this or if you are not ready for His return, It is what the Christian life is all about. We are growing
is my prayer that you will get ready now—before it is in Christ (hopefully) and becoming more and more
eternally too late! formed into the image of Christ.
Bro. Don

2 and (Jesus) declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of
holiness, by the resurrection from the dead. Romans 1:4 (NKJV)
Living Memorials
. . . . touch lives as they honor the
memory of loved ones and friends. The “Old Hymns” how I do love them. Here is one
In Memory of that is a standard but I have not heard it in a very long
Venice Anderson time. It also kinda reminds me of Easter. See if you
by Marlin and Sabah Heim think so or see if you even remember it.
In Memory of
Julian Cases and
In The Garden
Consuels Garcia
by Martha Cashen
I come to the garden alone,
In Memory of
Betti Cuddy
While the dew is still on the roses;
Jay Hite And the voice I hear, falling on my ear,
Kit Crittenden The Son of God discloses.
by Mary Doppelfeld
In Memory of He speaks, and the sound of His voice,
Mike Howerton Is so sweet the birds hush their singing;
by Carol Howerton And the melody that He gave to me,
In Memory of Within my heart is ringing.
Arnie Howard
by Cynthia Howard I’d stay in the garden with Him,
In Memory of Tho the night around me be falling;
Norma Leach But He bids me go thru the voice of woe,
by Stephen and Janis Funke
His voice to me is calling.
Dudes Dames Square Round Dance Chorus:
In Memory of And He walks with me,
Dale Lindsey And He talks with me,
by Carol Lindsey
And He tells me I am His own,
In Memory of
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
Paul McLaughlin
None other has ever known.
by Marjorie McLaughlin

Old Friends Worth Thinking About!

Old Friends are not forgotten
Whenever they depart. Let your light shine before men, that they may see
They occupy a special place your good works, and glorify your Father which is in
Deep within the heart.
heaven—Matthew 5:16.
Years and years of memories
Do not quickly fade away. The Lord is near unto them that call upon Him in
The dreams you shared together truth—Psalms 145:18.
Are not lost in yesterday.

The pain of separation

But as it is written, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,
May linger for a night. neither have entered into the heart of man, the things
But joy comes in the morning which God hath prepared for them that love Him”—
When everything is bright. I Corinthians 2:9
Old friends are not forgotten
When new friends come along.
Jesus said, “If thou can believe, all things are possible
There is always room for someone new to him that believeth”—Mark 9:23.
To help you sing your song.

The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for
Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.
Matthew 28:5-6 (NIV) 3

ppy E
hat a wonderful time we have at the eat. Your love has given them respite! I wish you all
Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission at could experience the joy on a child’s face when they
Easter! Mrs. Charlotte is tireless in her are told they can take the Easter basket full of candy
efforts to make the Mission a place and stuffed toys with them when they go. For many of
where our homeless men, women, and children can these children it will be the first time they have had a
experience what Easter should be like at home. She basket of their own. Their faces change from disbelief
tries to provide, especially the children who spend the to absolute joy at having their very own Easter basket.
day with us, an atmosphere of warmth, joy, and love.

An atmosphere where all can enjoy a homemade meal here is also a Special Easter Service held
with all the trimmings. Yes this is a home cooked meal in our chapel for those who spend the day
because it has been prepared by our volunteer moms, here at the Mission. After all this is Easter
dads, daughters, and sons not unlike your meal at and therefore the story of Christ and the
home. They come to the Mission with a heart to serve resurrection must be told as a way to remind us all what
and find themselves being served with joy, love and a wonderful gift God has given to us all by breaking
gratitude from those who otherwise would have spent the hold death’s grip had on our lives. Christ has
the day alone and depressed. Thanks to all of you who risen and this has set us all free! While the service is
support this Mission in its quest to share love and hope under way the volunteers are busy cooking away in the
these men, women, and children are able to take a kitchen making sure the feast is just right. All the meals
precious pause in their lives and, just for a moment, here at the Mission are prepared with love but there is
not worry about where they will sleep or what they will something special about the Easter meal that brings out

4 ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified,
and the third day rise again.’ Luke 24:7 (NKJV)
our A-game. We all seem to try just a little harder on this Easter day.
Easter day. The significance of this day is not lost on

anyone here at the Mission. ll the staff along with the men in our
“NewLife” Discipleship Training Program

nce the service is over and the meal has been would like to take this opportunity to thank
enjoyed the men, women, and children who Mrs. Charlotte for all the things she does for
shared this day with us will disburse and us. She is tireless in her efforts to make sure our guest
go their separate ways. For those who are experience a taste of home. She also acts as a surrogate
fortunate enough to have a place to call home they will mother to all the men here at the Mission. There is not
carry the memory of Christ and his resurrection with a person here who does not believe they are loved by
them. For those who will be staying the night they will this wonderful woman. Her and Bro. Don will celebrate
shower and snuggle down in a warm bed with clean their 59th weeding anniversary at the end of this month
sheets as they reflect on Christ and his resurrection. . All of their sons, here at the Mission would like to
However for those who have no place to call home and wish them a happy anniversary and especially a Happy
was not among the lucky few able to get one of the Easter.
few beds available at the Mission they will be forced to David Williams
sleep out in the cold. I can’t say with any certainty they Program Director
will be able to reflect on Christ and his resurrection
through their misery. Because of our inability to provide
adequate bed space they need your prayers the most on

So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and
sat down at the right hand of God. Mark 16:19 (NKJV)
live with which parent. I finally went to go live
with my dad along with my brother and sister.
The funny thing is I swore I would “NEVER”
end up like my mother and father. The sad
e s reality is both my brother and I became severe
oni alcoholics. The saddest part of all this started
m pel when I was thirteen years old.
t o ep
s e K
te St
ev It is sad to think that I haven’t seen my brother
in 20 years, he lives in California and I live up
here in Alaska. He’s been in and out of prison
for robbery from his drug and alcohol abuse
and has messed his brain up enough to where
he can’t think straight for himself anymore.
I wasn’t doing much better. Granted I hadn’t
He Has Risen! been to prison, “yet”, however I had received
three D.U.I.’s prior to moving to Alaska in
September of 1990. My first D.U.I. came in
Look at God, he made man, yet He is so 1986 during the time when I was supposed
powerful He still lets us use our voices to to graduate High School. My next one came
move mountains. My mountain was so tall at in 1989 and I received another in 1990. When
one point that it casted a shadow over my life I moved to Alaska I was hoping things would
that made it even impossible to see the sun be different. I was wrong; nothing had really
rise. While growing up as a kid I struggled with changed inside of me. I received two more
watching my mother’s drinking and how it D.U.I.’S one in 2001 the other in 2007 making
affected me and my brother and sister’s lives. that five in all.
I look back and see how we use to hide in the
corner while she drank and started fights with
our father. There were other times where she
tried to kill herself, ounce right in front of us.
I felt so angry as a kid because even as a kid
I knew this was all wrong. After seeing the
difference between how my friends lived and
how I lived I blamed God for the unfairness
of life. The fighting got real bad when I was
seven years old. It got so out of hand one
times my dad threaten to kill my mother and
then himself. I hate to think it but there were
time when I wished he had done it just so that
I and my siblings could get some peace. In the twenty years I’ve lived in Alaska I’ve
been through nine treatment centers. Despite
After several more years they finally got a all the head knowledge I learned the longest
divorce. I suppose they thought things would I’ve been able to stay sober is three years.
get better, they didn’t. All they did was argue. Now that I think about it at least half of my
They fought over things like which child would time in Alaska has been spent in treatment

6 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me,
though he were dead, yet shall he live: John 11:25 (KJV)
We invite you to visit You can make your
us on the web or drop donations on our
us an e-mail with secure On-Line
your comments and donation page
suggestions @


Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission P.O O. Boxx 230510 Anchorage, Alaska 99523-0510
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struggling to stay sober. I suppose I’m more was able to see it doesn’t have to be a mountain
like my brother than I first thought. My prison that needs to be moved, when you choose to
has been self imposed. give yourself over to Christ. I’ve been recently
baptized on February, 13th and the conviction
This is my second time being homeless from of the Holy Spirit has been overwhelming, I’m
my disease and not knowing what to do with coming up on a year here now and through
my life. I entered the “NewLife” Discipleship the faith in Christ my mountain has become a
Training Program at the Rescue Mission. By hill and the light is shining down to where He
being here, learning to be a Disciple of Christ can nourish and let me grow Amen …
and helping others has started to humble me
and change my outlook on life. One of the
stories that best fits my attitude is the one
of Moses taking the Israelites into the desert
away from Egypt and out of slavery. They Don’t Forget The
still complained and grumbled after, through Rescue Mission
God, Moses was able to show them miracles, in your Will or Estate
but they were blind to them because of their
murmuring. That’s how my life has been until I

Through Him we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among
all nations for His name, among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ;
Romans 1:5-6 (NKJV) 7
Our Ministry of
age Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postal
pel PAID
Is To Anchorage, AK
Permit # 290
The Least Mission
The Last A Ministry of
The Lost
Rescue & Recovery
Our supplies of these
items is constantly in
news P.O. Box 230510•Anchorage, AK•99523-0510•(907) 563-5603
need of replenishing
return service requested
† Prayer
† Paper Towels
† 45 Gallon Trash Bags
† Fresh Meat
† Coffee
† Bathroom Tissue
† Laundry Soap
† Disposable Shavers
† Cleaning Supplies
† Liquid Dish Detergent
† Dinner Napkins
† Shampoo
The Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission is a Non-Profit, Non-Denominational
Anchorage Gospel organization. We receive NO municipal, state or federal funds. We are not a United Way
Agency. Your financial support and In-Kind donations makes it possible for us to provide
Rescue Mission for the poor, needy and homeless people in our community. Also, your donations allow
Board of Trustees us to provide a Discipleship Training program. All Donations are fully tax deductible. We
will give you a receipt for your donation.
Ed Shelton
(President) 2010 Chapel Services for April 2010
Bob Collins Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
( Vice President/treasure)
1 2 3
Mark Soquet Anchorage First Calvary
Ralph Nobrega City Presbyterian Baptist
Church Church Church
Rev. Bob Sloan
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Barbara Schmiedeskamp God’s Abbott Loop Wesleyan Anchorage Christ Calvary Anchorage
Emeritus: Place Community Nazarene Gospel Community Church City
Church (Robert Durr) Singers Church Paul S. Church
Cliff Hodgins
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rev. Willard Leisy God’s Church First Anchorage Sherbahn Sherbahn Lighthouse
Advisory Board: Place of God Assembly of Church Evangelistic Evangelistic Christian
Prophecy God of Christ Team Team Fellowship
Paul Kelly (Shane Day)
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Rev. Don Bettis, Exec. Dir. Victory Sherbahn Anchorage University First In His Name Skyline
Christian Evangelistic Native Baptist Evangelical Sandy Church
Charlotte Bettis, Asst. Dir. Center Team Assembly (Tim Arquett) Covenant McCollum Glenn
Church Herman

Member 25
New Light
Change Point

ion off
Community SDA (Greg Grebe) Baptist Baptist Evangelistic
Church Church Church Team

Gospel Nightly Services

7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Special Easter Service
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM


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