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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


April 10 – 11, 2015
El Grande Residencia Hotel and Resort, Lipa City, Batangas

Miss Sally L. Mendoza

DepEd Batangas City conducted the 2015 Gender Sensitivity Training on April 10-11,
2015 at El Grande Residencia Hotel and Resort, Lipa City. The two-day training included GAD
activities spearheaded for the Division Office Personnel. It was participated by the Assistant
Schools Division Superintendent, Education Supervisors, Public School District Supervisors,
Accountant, Administrative Officers, Supply Officer, Administrative Aids, Education Program
Specialists, Senior Education Program Specialists and Utility Workers.

DepEd Batangas City Personnel thru the leadership of Dr. Donato G. Bueno, OIC-Schools
Division Superintendent, made the training meaningful and productive for each and every one.
Various activities were prepared and participated to promote camaraderie and to build strong
relationship without bias amongst DepEd personnel. Equal opportunity between male and female
employees was manifested on the games and activities participated in by a team or by an

The day began with an assembly of participants in the division office for short orientation
about the venue, accommodation, time of arrival and departure and vessels that would bring the
participants to and from the venue. After boarding the passenger jeepney, the participants headed
to El Grande Residencia Hotel and Resorts in Lipa City. The first jeepney arrived at 8:00 in the
morning, April 10, 2015. Two more jeepneys arrived few minutes after followed by a van with
other DepEd personnel riding in it.

A short program hosted by Miss Euna Briones and Mrs. Cristina Rivera was staged
commencing the training. The participants sang the National Anthem led by Miss Euna Briones
and offered an opening prayer led by Mrs. Cristina Villena. Dr. Sacoro Comia, CID Chief-
Designate, delivered her inspirational message. Dr. Vicky Fababier, SGOD Chief-Designate,
gave a bird’s eye view of the training. She acknowledged the effort of the GAD committee with
Mrs. Lisa Amoto, Education Supervisor, as its Focal Person; who is supported by the following
people: Mrs. Josefina Lagman (Accountant ), Dr. S. Comia, Dr. V. Fababier, Mr. Catapang ( ES-
Math-Elementary ) and Mr. Alon ( ES and Physical Facility Coordinator).
Mrs. Lagman instructed everyone to form a group through a game called, “the boat is
sinking”. The game made everyone laughed and giggled and tried hard to belong to a group
whether each knew the other or not. After several group trials five (5) groups of nine members
were formed and that was the beginning of all the activities for the entire day. Each group was
given color as their as TEAM names. They were Blue Team, Violet Team, Yellow Team, Orange
Team and Pink Team. The members of each group stuck together and aimed winning in every
game or activity. Male or female worked hard for the success of the group.

The first group activity after having comfortably introduced each other was the creation of
group logo and group yell/cheer. Two hours was allotted for this activity. Brainstorming was
evident in the four corners of the hall. “Everybody needed somebody” was the atmosphere at that
time. “ May I borrow this, may I borrow that”, phrase that echoed in the air. Everyone was
determined to bag the most coveted prize of all time: TO BE THE CHAMPION. The organizer
had a score sheet that reflected the achievement of each group in every game/activity. The group
with the highest score was declared CHAMPION. Gifts and surprises were prepared for the

Lunch break was declared and Dr. Comia announced that a resource speaker would have
his talk after lunch. The training resumed at 1:30 in the afternoon. Mrs. Amoto introduced the
resource speaker. The participants were fortunate for having Atty. Juan Manalo as speaker about
Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995. He deliberately discussed and explained some issues and
concerns about Sexual Harassment particularly in a workplace. The topic made the participants
attentive and interested. “Sexual harassment can be visual, verbal, physical and gesture,” he said.
The types of sexual harassment, types of harasser and true or false of sexual harassment were
his topics. He suggested that the division must have a CODI (Committee on Decorum and
Investigation); which should address issues on sexual harassment in a workplace. The
discussant ended his speech with a self-protection question against sexual harassment and
should asked oneself whenever situation came along the way, “Does it feel good or bad?”

An open forum followed after his talk. One participant asked the gravity of the text
message of an alleged other man/woman to a wife / husband as an evidence for sexual
harassment. Atty. Manalo replied that there is such a thing as communication privacy; that the
court would not acknowledge the text message as an evidence, but if the text message is from
an individual who is deliberately sending text message to harass, then the text message could be
a big deal of evidence. The participants were grateful to Atty. Manalo that he was awarded with a
certificate of recognition signed by Dr. Donato G. Bueno.

Afternoon snacks was declared. El Grande staff prepared tasteful meals that pleased
everybody’s appetite. Presentation of logo and cheers followed after the snack. The groups
spared time for the rehearsal of respective cheers. Excitement and jitters filled the air at that

The first group who presented the logo and cheer was PINK team. YinYang was the
concept of their logo. Yellow team had the equal arm balance as their theme for a logo. Blue
team presented a shell with pearls in it; orange team had the equal arm balance and human
figure, violet team had the boy and girl facing each other. Each group came up with the logo
appropriate for the theme of the training. The winners were declared immediately after the
presentation. The cheers was a repeat performance because judges had difficulty in declaring
the winner because every group uniquely performed each cheer. Winners in the Logo Making
category were: 1st – Orange; 2nd- Yellow; 3rd- Purple; 4th-Blue and 5th- Pink. Cheer performers
had fun and seemed to increase self-esteem after each show. Winners in the Cheer Category:
1st-Purple; 2nd-Blue; 3rd – Orange; 4th – Yellow; 5th –Pink.

The next games were all about team building and gender sensitivity. Tug-o-war using
bare hands and arms measured the flexibility and strength of both male and female. It also
demonstrated cooperation among members, techniques and strength as a team so as not to
stumble or fall down despite hardships and challenges.

“Luksong baka” is a game that shows sensitivity amongst members of each group. The
needs, strength and weaknesses of each member were discussed before the game began.
Strategies to win the game were planned and leaders assured the team of unison for a sure win.
Participants were all winners at their own right. Scores were ranked and added to previous scores
gained from other games. Dr. Comia untiringly cheered the players to go on and make each move
quick for the game was against the tick of the clock. The team who could finish the obstacle in
the shortest time would win the game. Violet Team ranked one in this game, followed by yellow
team, then orange team, rank four was blue team, pink team got the final rank.

Scores were given for each rank. Rank 1 is for 10 points; rank 2 is equal to 7 ; rank 3 = 5;
rank 4 is equivalent to 3 points and rank 5 got a score of one (1). Every team aimed for rank one
and that was the time when healthy competition sat in.

Games were spearheaded by Dr. Comia, Dr. Fababier, Mrs. Amoto, Mr. Alon and Mrs.
Lagman. After the “luksong baka”, Dr. Comia announced that the remaining time before dinner
was allotted to rehearsals of participants for the singing and dancing contest which were the
events for the evening. Each group selected their sanctuary for the rehearsal. Good thing that El
Grande had more than enough space for the huge number of participants. The groups were
discrete that they did not want a nemesis to peek on their production numbers. Dinner was served
at 6:00 in the evening. The sumptuous meal sufficed the appetite of the participants after a very
long day.

Mrs. Rhina I. Silva, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, delivered her message.
She kept reminding everyone the significance of teamwork and cooperation in the achievement
of success of Division of Batangas City. She also mentioned that positions or title that each holds
in the office are just but names because each plays vital role in the success of the Division of
Batangas City.

The night activities of fun, entertainment, camaraderie, collaboration and excitement

started at seven o’clock in the evening. Mrs. Lagman hosted the night activities. Singing contest
was staged. Each group had their best entry for the contest. The participants were serenaded by
those “songbirds” and got their feet to dance by the “popsters” and “rockers”. Party mood was
witnessed, groups cheered for their entry or contestant. That night was a night of revelation and
showmanship. “ New talents were discovered and soon be honed to perfection,” said every one.
Mrs. Cristina Rivera from the Orange Team grabbed the first place in this category giving the team
a perfect 10 in their scores. Mrs. V. from the Yellow Team ranked second, Purple team was in the
third rank, pink in the fourth rank and blue in the fifth rank.

Dancing contest followed the singing contest. Participants showcased their talents in cha
cha, boogie, foxtrot, jerk, body twerking and other dance steps existed on earth. Fun, smiles and
laughter were radiating in the hall. It was a blast. Everybody tried their very best to shine that
very night. The audience were excited and had their bet for the number one in that category. The
judges who were expert dancers on their own right enjoyed every performance and gave
appropriate scores for the deserving contestants. The Orange team got the first place, second
place for the blue team, third place for the Violet team, fourth place for the Yellow team and Pink
team made it to the fifth place.

Dr. Fababier solicited the participants’ impression on the trainings. They had unanimous
statement that the training made each and every one closer to one another; belonging; joyful;
humble; feel unique; stress-free and accommodating. The theme “gender sensitivity” heightened
the awareness of the participants on equality of opportunity for both male and female. The
participants became more cautious in dealing and communicating with the opposite and same
gender for they were given information on RA 7877: Anti Sexual Harassment Act. As a whole the
training was a success because it has met its objectives of building a strong team who is mindful
of the people creating the team.

Gifts were raffled to make the night more exciting and fun. Numbers were drawn from the
raffle and winners were given gifts by Mrs. Rhina I. Silva, Mr. Alon, Mrs. Amoto, Mrs. Lagman, Dr.
Comia and Dr. Fababier. Winners in the games and activities were also awarded with cash and
gifts. Cash and gifts were received by the Champion team, the Orange Team. Violet, Yellow, Blue,
and Pink teams who ranked 2nd , 3rd, 4th and 5th respectively received gifts minus the cash. Group
picture taking took place where everyone appeared serious or looked wacky.

Mrs. Amoto delivered her closing remarks and expressed gratitude to the participants and
called the night off as she bade good night to everyone. The participants went to their respective
rooms with big smiles in their faces looking forward to a hearty breakfast come morning.
April 10 – 11, 2015
El Grande Residencia Hotel and Resort, Lipa City, Batangas

Miss Briones and Mrs. Rivera of the

Accounting Department hosted the
opening program
Dr.Sacoro R. Comia, CID Chief-
Designate, shares her inspirational
message with the participants

inside the
function hall of
El Grande
Hotel and
Dr. Vicky Fababier, SGOD
DepEd Batangas City GAD Committee are busy preparing the hall for Chief- Designate, happily
the day’s activities as participants enthusiastically awaits for their gives the participants the
instructions bird’s eye view of the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

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