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SURVEY NUMEROLOGICSI Most adults in Mumbai work at home even after working hours, several times a week. Arcopol Chaudhuri finds out how WIRELESSLY
According to the Quality of Life Survey conducted smartphones and wireless data cards refuse to let us switch off from work CONNECTED
jointly by DNA - AZ Research, it was observed, that
overall in Mumbai, most adults work at home after
office hours about two to three times a week. The
pattern is strikingly similar across Mumbai its
suburbs and Navi Mumbai, except in Thane its the
story every day of the week. North Mumbai also
faces a similar dilemma, with respondents stating
that they had to take home work.
‘I’m totally restless until I’ve
checked all my unread e-mails’
(Sample size: 1200, SEC A/B, Age: 28-60 years,

The following pie charts represent how strongly Many working professionals who will
Mumbai has taken to working at home, even stare at the survey findings alongside MANAGE YOUR TIME BETTER
after office hours. They indicate the frequency will hope that their bosses are reading
every week when they have to be accessible for it as well. It’s obvious sometimes isn’t it Call it a professional SET YOUR TO-DO LIST
work, even at home. -if you’re overloaded with work, blame hazard, but
Siddhartha Sahni, A common mistake we end up
the boss. But before you pass the buck, doing is that we use our memory to
it would be worthwhile to examine your an advertising
list things to do. Bad idea. No
own lifestyle. professional is
matter how confident you think
We are now enmeshed in such a wire- among several you are about your memory,
less world that it has become difficult to Mumbaikars who always make a list of things to-do
switch-off from those around us. Simply find it difficult to once you arrive at work.
put, switching off from work has become switch off from Alternatively, plan it the evening
almost impossible. work. before, so you have a clear idea
Take Borivli resident Ankita Gaba, —Prakash Parsekar DNA what’s in store the next day.
Overall for example. She is a compulsive e-mail

28% checker. “I somehow feel restless till I

haven’t checked my last unread mail.
Even if there’s one-email notification on
my iPhone, I have to check it to read
Ask yourself and your team-
members which tasks need to be
executed first. Which ones will
what it’s about. Before I go to sleep at provide immediate results and
night, I want to ensure that there should which ones need to be kickstarted
be zero unread mails.” for long-term targets? A discussion
Gaba’s hyperactivity over e-mail is with your colleagues and
understandable. As a young entrepre- delegation of work in an
appropriate manner will give each
person an idea of what is expected
out of them for the day.


28% Take a break once in a while to

relax, but keep a count on how
many minutes you’re spending on
them. Smoking breaks need to
controlled especially, if it is at the
cost of important calls or
assignments. Tea breaks are
another nuisance — unless if you
neur in the digital media domain, she
use it as an opportunity to discuss
has to be prompt in her replies to make important matters with your team.
a certain impression about the way she
approaches. “I can’t ignore a work-re-
Navi lated e-mail which comes in late, even af- EAT ON TIME
ter 9pm,” she says. Ensure that you have your meals
Mumbai But the story of letting work follow on time. A stomach that’s fed well,
you on your Blackberry or your iPhone, helps in productivity at work.

28% or simply getting busy working on a

presentation once you’re home, is some-
thing that a lot of Mumbaikars identify
Control your gossip and chatter
with. The DNA’s Quality of Life survey
with colleagues. Can it wait? Does
shows that overall, most adults work at
it need to be discussed? These are
home, even after office working hours 2- questions you must ask before you
3 times a week. In Thane, this pattern is proceed to share what’s cooking in
visible on a daily basis. the neighbouring cubicle.
There are two sides to this story - one,
the fact that employers are providing
employees with options that enable con- liver.” to boast of. He admits, “I’ve tried organ- Meanwhile, there are also some like CONTROL FACEBOOK, TWITTER
stant connectivity (e.g. a Blackberry Achint Madhok (name changed), a ising my day to ensure that I finish my Krishnan, who feel that being unmar- While its great to be curious about
phone, wireless internet data card) and resident of Andheri, who worked at a 6:30pm, but it never happens. Mails have ried makes them prone to bear the what’s happening around the
Thane two, people are in-general becoming ob- publishing house, recalls being fired by to be replied to, presentations have to be brunt of such requests. “When you’re world, you’re not paid a fat pay-
cheque to be on Facebook all day.
25% sessed with devices and the wired world
it connects to.
The employer of Mulund resident Ma-
hadevan Krishnan, 28, has done the same
his employer since he wasn’t able to
complete an assignment from home. “I
was told that I should have done it, con-
sidering my company is paying for the
made, co-ordination with colleagues re-
porting to me- all these do take up my
time even after I’ve reached home.”
The inability to switch off has given
single, you’re considered available to
work on a weekend, or to attend office
on a holiday,” he says.
Women agree. Himani Patel, 24, who
A blanket ban will knock you out,
but in offices where these sites are
not blocked, limit your Facebook
and he is expected to be in the know of internet connection and cellphone bill. rise to new excuses at work. For example, is currently unmarried and works in and Twitter usage to certain hours.
e-mails sent after office working hours. I resigned that day, since I didn’t want to Hemen Jain (name changed), a resident an entertainment firm, feels that once
He recollects an incident when a senior remain wedded to my work, after office of Chembur, who plans to take a seven- she is married, she will inevitably have DEVELOP A HOBBY, GET A LIFE
colleague who doesn’t own a Blackber- hours, simply because they had given day leave in October, is going to tell his to devote more time for the family. “Be- Don’t make your work the centre
ry phone, was reprimanded because it me the means to do so.” employer that he’s travelling out of the ing in the content creation space, I’m of your existence. Develop a
was difficult to reach him over e-mail. But for 27-year old Bandra resident country and will be unavailable on phone required to co-ordinate with the editing hobby, read a book, watch a play
Krishnan says, “There are times when Siddhartha Sahni, a wired life is an oc- and e-mail. “In reality though, I plan to team, some of which happens through or a movie, meet new people.
the pressure is such, that one has to ex- cupational hazard. The advertising pro- relax at home and catch up on some read- the weekend. I live with my parents, so Devote time for your family and
ecute work even after coming home, be- fessional belongs to an industry, which ing and movies. If I tell them the truth, they understand, but things change friends.
cause the client needs it. Since we have like many others fields makes it clear my colleagues may still inundate me with once you’re married, right?”
the devices to do it, we are expected to de- that there isn’t a great social /family life e-mail and work-related requests.”

Inbox SUCH IS LIFEI Sudhir Shetty

Focus on the holistic

‘Keep some hours a day sacrosanct’
The reason why many of us
In response to ‘What’s your seem to be carrying work
Gone are the days HANDY TIPS
excuse for skipping breakfast back from office to home and where work was doing > Set clear expectations
today?’ (Speak Up, Sept 6) in the commute — is due to something and finishing with colleagues, co-
Your discussion about four major factors in my view. workers, clients and your
‘Healthy breakfast = produc- > The nature of products and
it. These days, it only bosses that certain hours
tive day’ in your esteemed work have changed. Gone seems that we are of the day are sacrosanct
daily, was a timely report. In- are the days where work abandoning work one and if work spills over then
deed, it is true that 42% adult was doing something and that would mean it would
Mumbaikars skip breakfast. reference to food we eat, we finishing it. These days, it
evening and picking it get done the next day. This
As the expert Dr Richa should look at the quality of only seems up the next morning. change would need to be
Anand says ‘time does not life in a holistic perspective EXPERT that we are Gautam Ghosh
driven by the leaders of
the organisation.
permit elaborate prepara- and the meals for the day in- VIEW abandoning
tions.’ However, it may be stead of one meal. Eating work one > People should give up the
noted that majority of the habits of adult Mumbaikars evening and picking it up A stock market profession- able 24/7. The unspoken as- illusion of control and the
adult Mumbaikars have is quite different, as noted by the next morning. Except al needs to track the Euro- sumption is that each mes- urge to keep everyone
heavy dinner on the previous your esteemed daily. for certain roles and in- pean, US and Far East mar- sage is urgent and needs to informed. Delegate work to
day. This leads them to skip Leena Martin, chief dietician, dustries, the rest of us who ket to understand how the be responded as soon as your people and trust them
the breakfast. So they don’t Holy Family Hospital and work in the private sector BSE will behave tomorrow. possible. to deliver. Coach them that
feel hungry in morning. With Medical Research Centre know that our competitive The laptop with the inter- > Failure of self-manage- they should escalate
success depends on the net connection is therefore ment: Many leaders lever- issues only after they have
softer aspects of work - rarely shut down except for age tools for micro-man- tried all their other options.
IFEEDBACKI mainly relationships. So an a couple of hours. The soft- agement, forcing subordi-
email that arrives at 11 pm ware or BPO business nates to keep them “in the
Have you managed to find a great work-life balance in the night or a customer leader manages employees loop” for every little deci- Gautam Ghosh is a manage-
despite being wirelessly connected 24x7? Tell us your phone call — even when one half of the day and sion and steps taken. Being ment consultant focusing on
story. Feel free to write in to us at you are stuck at Saki Naka clients in the other half. a control freak means nev- how organizations can use — needs to be answered. > Technology has become er really being in control of social technologies to commu-
> Work has globalised as well. better so that we are reach- your time. nicate internally.

Across 5 One sort of wood that’s without

flaws (5)
sudoku Download SUDOKU on your mobile for Rs 99 per game. SMS <SDK>to 57575. Only on
GPRS WAP enabled mobile sets.
1 Totals include fifty in squalid
accommodation (5) 6 Pest possibly slain in the garden How to Fill each of the blank boxes with the number grid from 1-9, and the
letter grid from A-I with no letters or numbers repeating in vertical,
8 One showing enthusiasm and (5) play
Crossword no 1722

unusual verve for the dance (8) 7 Prized inventor of dynamite (5) horizontal rows or 3x 3 grids. Do not repeat any letters in a line.
9 A number grow sick, get benefit 12 Showed the way out of a little Each puzzle has only one solution.
(5) difficulty (3)
10 Vet’s idea to provide a 13 Mother checks the water (3)
Yesterday’s solution

tranquilliser (8) 14 It proves wildly frolicsome (8)

11 Prepares to publish new diets (5) 15 Prepares for spring (8)
12 Youth in stable employment? (3) 19 New rents I introduce (6)
16 At last I have something for a 20 Groovy musical pipe (5)
salad (6) 21 The team’s points amount to 20 (5)
17 Have a lofty aim? (6) 22 Tinned beef like this is poison (5)
18 Ten cents is pointlessly stupid (3)
23 Pop’s executors? (5) Solution No: 1721
24 This sort of clue is included in the Across: 1 Anticlimax, 6 Acre, 10
French game (8) Naked, 11 Metronome, 12 Flatiron, 13
25 Sounds of relief of audible Misty, 15 Elapsed, 17 Monarch, 19
dimensions (5) Peerage, 21 Stops in, 22 Radii, 24
26 Rows about stray dogs (8) Aversion, 27 Novelette, 28 Alibi, 29
27 Lead a request for silence on the Earn, 30 Icing sugar.
meadow (5) Down: 1 Awns, 2 Take leave, 3 Cadet, 4
2 Sweetheart who finds romance
Immured, 5 Antonym, 7 Crops, 8
Everything, 9 Commando, 14
team speak up Brinda Majithia, Meghna Sharma and Nitin Kumar
finished (5,3) Temperance, 16 Spaniels, 18 Restoring,
3 Claim for support (8) GET IN TOUCH: Please email us your views at , or call on 022- 43888455 or post
20 Elastic, 21 Shebeen, 23 Dover, 25 feedback to DNA Wing, 1st Floor, Oasis Complex, Kamala Mills Compound,
4 Servant going to a dance (6) Stays, 26 Pier. PB Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013

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