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14, 2017


CESAR BENGZON VS FRANKLIN DRILON Tañada vs. Tuvera 136 SCRA 27 (April 24, 1985) 146 SCRA
446 (December 29, 1986)
208 SCRA 133 – Political Law – Veto Power of the President
In 1990, Congress sought to reenact some old laws (i.e. FACTS:
Republic Act No. 1797) that were “repealed” during the time of
former President Ferdinand Marcos. These old laws provided Invoking the right of the people to be informed on matters of
certain retirement benefits to retired judges, justices, and public concern as well as the principle that laws to be valid and
members of the constitutional commissions. Congress felt a enforceable must be published in the Official Gazette,
need to restore these laws in order to standardize retirement petitioners filed for writ of mandamus to compel respondent
benefits among government officials. However, President public officials to publish and/or cause to publish various
Corazon Aquino vetoed the bill (House Bill No. 16297) on the presidential decrees, letters of instructions, general orders,
ground that the law should not give preferential treatment to proclamations, executive orders, letters of implementations and
certain or select government officials. administrative orders.
Meanwhile, a group of retired judges and justices filed a petition
with the Supreme Court asking the court to readjust their The Solicitor General, representing the respondents, moved for
pensions. They pointed out that RA 1797 was never repealed the dismissal of the case, contending that petitioners have no
(by P.D. No. 644) because the said PD was one of those legal personality to bring the instant petition.
unpublished PDs which were subject of the case of Tañada v.
Tuvera. Hence, the repealing law never existed due to non- ISSUE:
publication and in effect, RA 1797 was never repealed. The
Supreme Court then readjusted their pensions.
Whether or not publication in the Official Gazette is required
Congress took notice of the readjustment and son in the General before any law or statute becomes valid and enforceable.
Appropriations Bill (GAB) for 1992, Congress allotted additional
budget for pensions of retired justices. Congress however did HELD:
the allotment in the following manner: Congress made an item
entitled: “General Fund Adjustment”; included therein are Art. 2 of the Civil Code does not preclude the requirement of
allotments to unavoidable obligations in different brances of the publication in the Official Gazette, even if the law itself provides
government; among such obligations is the allotment for the for the date of its effectivity. The clear object of this provision is
pensions of retired justices of the judiciary.
to give the general public adequate notice of the various laws
However, President Aquino again vetoed the said lines which which are to regulate their actions and conduct as citizens.
provided for the pensions of the retired justices in the judiciary in Without such notice and publication, there would be no basis for
the GAB. She explained that that portion of the GAB is already the application of the maxim ignoratia legis nominem excusat. It
deemed vetoed when she vetoed H.B. 16297. would be the height of injustive to punish or otherwise burden a
This prompted Cesar Bengzon and several other retired judges citizen for the transgression of a law which he had no notice
and justices to question the constitutionality of the veto made by whatsoever, not even a constructive one.
the President. The President was represented by then Executive
Secretary Franklin Drilon. The very first clause of Section 1 of CA 638 reads: there shall
be published in the Official Gazette…. The word “shall” therein
ISSUE: Whether or not the veto of the President on that portion
imposes upon respondent officials an imperative duty. That duty
of the General Appropriations bill is constitutional.
must be enforced if the constitutional right of the people to be
HELD: No. The Justices of the Court have vested rights to the informed on matter of public concern is to be given substance
accrued pension that is due to them in accordance to Republic and validity.
Act 1797 which was never repealed. The president has no
power to set aside and override the decision of the Supreme The publication of presidential issuances of public nature or of
Court neither does the president have the power to enact or
general applicability is a requirement of due process. It is a rule
amend statutes promulgated by her predecessors much less to
of law that before a person may be bound by law, he must first
the repeal of existing laws.
be officially and specifically informed of its contents. The Court
The Supreme Court also explained that the veto is declared that presidential issuances of general application which
unconstitutional since the power of the president to disapprove have not been published have no force and effect.
any item or items in the appropriations bill does not grant the
authority to veto part of an item and to approve the remaining
portion of said item. It appears that in the same item, the TAÑADA VS. TUVERA
Presidents vetoed some portion of it and retained the others.
This cannot be done. The rule is: the Executive must veto a bill
146 SCRA 446 (December 29, 1986)
in its entirety or not at all; the Executive must veto an entire line
item in its entirety or not at all. In this case, the president did not
veto the entire line item of the general adjustment fund. She FACTS:
merely vetoed the portion which pertained to the pensions of the
justices but did not veto the other items covering obligations to This is a motion for reconsideration of the decision promulgated
the other departments of the government. on April 24, 1985. Respondent argued that while publication was
necessary as a rule, it was not so when it was “otherwise” as
when the decrees themselves declared that they were to
become effective immediately upon their approval.


1. Whether or not a distinction be made between laws of general

applicability and laws which are not as to their publication;
2. Whether or not a publication shall be made in publications of
general circulation.


The clause “unless it is otherwise provided” refers to the date of


effectivity and not to the requirement of publication itself, which NOW, THEREFORE, I, CORAZON C. AQUINO, President of
cannot in any event be omitted. This clause does not mean that the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the
the legislature may make the law effective immediately upon Constitution, do hereby order:
approval, or in any other date, without its previous publication.
Sec. 1. Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the
“Laws” should refer to all laws and not only to those of general completion of their publication either in the Official Gazette or in
application, for strictly speaking, all laws relate to the people in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines, unless it is
general albeit there are some that do not apply to them directly. otherwise provided.
A law without any bearing on the public would be invalid as an
intrusion of privacy or as class legislation or as an ultra vires act Sec. 2. Article 2 of Republic Act No. 386, otherwise known as
of the legislature. To be valid, the law must invariably affect the the "Civil Code of the Philippines," and all other laws inconsistent
public interest eve if it might be directly applicable only to one with this Executive Order are hereby repealed or modified
individual, or some of the people only, and not to the public as a accordingly.
Sec. 3. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately after
All statutes, including those of local application and private laws, its publication in the Official Gazette.
shall be published as a condition for their effectivity, which shall
begin 15 days after publication unless a different effectivity date Done in the City of Manila, this 18th day of June, in the year of
is fixed by the legislature. Our Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty-seven.

Publication must be in full or it is no publication at all, since its ARNAULT V. NAZARENO, G.R. NO. L-3820, JULY 18, 1950
purpose is to inform the public of the content of the law.
Article 2 of the Civil Code provides that publication of laws must
be made in the Official Gazette, and not elsewhere, as a (En Banc)
requirement for their effectivity. The Supreme Court is not called
upon to rule upon the wisdom of a law or to repeal or modify it if OZAETA, J.:
it finds it impractical.

The publication must be made forthwith, or at least as soon as I. THE FACTS

The Senate investigated the purchase by the
J. Cruz: government of two parcels of land, known as Buenavista and
Tambobong estates. An intriguing question that the Senate
Laws must come out in the open in the clear light of the sun sought to resolve was the apparent irregularity of the
instead of skulking in the shadows with their dark, deep secrets. government’s payment to one Ernest Burt, a non-resident
Mysterious pronouncements and rumored rules cannot be American citizen, of the total sum of Php1.5 million for his
recognized as binding unless their existence and contents are alleged interest in the two estates that only amounted to
confirmed by a valid publication intended to make full disclosure Php20,000.00, which he seemed to have forfeited anyway long
and give proper notice to the people. The furtive law is like a before. The Senate sought to determine who were responsible
scabbarded saber that cannot faint, parry or cut unless the for and who benefited from the transaction at the expense of the
naked blade is drawn. government.

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 200 June 18, 1987

Petitioner Jean Arnault, who acted as agent of Ernest
PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF LAWS EITHER IN Burt in the subject transactions, was one of the witnesses
THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OR IN A NEWSPAPER OF summoned by the Senate to its hearings. In the course of the
GENERAL CIRCULATION IN THE PHILIPPINES AS A investigation, the petitioner repeatedly refused to divulge
REQUIREMENT FOR THEIR EFFECTIVITY the name of the person to whom he gave the amount of
Php440,000.00, which he withdrew from the Php1.5 million
WHEREAS, Article 2 of the Civil Code partly provides that "laws proceeds pertaining to Ernest Burt.
shall take effect after fifteen days following the completion of
their publication in the Official Gazette, unless it is otherwise
provided . . .;"
Arnault was therefore cited in contempt by the Senate
and was committed to the custody of the Senate Sergeant-at-
WHEREAS, the requirement that for laws to be effective only a
Arms for imprisonment until he answers the questions. He
publication thereof in the Official Gazette will suffice has entailed
thereafter filed a petition for habeas corpus directly with the
some problems, a point recognized by the Supreme Court in
Tañada. et al. vs. Tuvera, et al. (G.R. No. 63915, December 29, Supreme Court questioning the validity of his detention.
1986) when it observed that "[t]here is much to be said of the
view that the publication need not be made in the Official
Gazette, considering its erratic release and limited readership"; II. THE ISSUE

WHEREAS, it was likewise observed that "[u]ndoubtedly,

newspapers of general circulation could better perform the
function of communicating the laws to the people as such 1. Did the Senate have the power to punish the petitioner for
periodicals are more easily available, have a wider readership, contempt for refusing to reveal the name of the person to whom
and come out regularly"; and he gave the Php440,000.00?

2. Did the Senate have the authority to commit petitioner for

WHEREAS, in view of the foregoing premises Article 2 of the contempt for a term beyond its period of legislative session?
Civil Code should accordingly be amended so the laws to be
effective must be published either in the Official Gazette or in a 3. May the petitioner rightfully invoke his right against self-
newspaper of general circulation in the country; incrimination?

III. THE RULING appropriate auxiliary to is legislative function. It is but logical to

say that the power of self-preservation is coexistent with the life
to be preserved.
[The Court DENIED the petition for habeas corpus filed
by Arnault.]
But the resolution of commitment here in question was
adopted by the Senate, which is a continuing body and which
does not cease exist upon the periodical dissolution of the
1. Yes, the Senate had the power to punish the
Congress . . . There is no limit as to time to the Senate’s power
petitioner for contempt for refusing to reveal the name of
to punish for contempt in cases where that power may
the person to whom he gave the Php440,000.00.
constitutionally be exerted as in the present case.

Although there is no provision in the [1935] Constitution

3. NO, the petitioner may NOT rightfully invoke
expressly investing either House of Congress with power to
his right against self-incrimination.
make investigations and exact testimony to the end that it may
exercise its legislative functions as to be implied. In other words,
the power of inquiry – with process to enforce it – is an essential
and appropriate auxiliary to the legislative function. A legislative Since according to the witness himself the transaction
body cannot legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of was legal, and that he gave the [P440,000.00] to a
information respecting the conditions which the legislation is representative of Burt in compliance with the latter’s verbal
intended to effect or change; and where the legislative body instruction, we find no basis upon which to sustain his claim that
does not itself possess the requisite information – which is not to reveal the name of that person might incriminate him. There
infrequently true – recourse must be had to others who do is no conflict of authorities on the applicable rule, to wit:
possess it. Experience has shown that mere requests for such
information are often unavailing, and also that information which Generally, the question whether testimony is privileged
is volunteered is not always accurate or complete; so some is for the determination of the Court. At least, it is not enough for
means of compulsion is essential to obtain what is needed. the witness to say that the answer will incriminate him as he is
not the sole judge of his liability. The danger of self-incrimination
xxx xxx xx must appear reasonable and real to the court, from all the
x circumstances, and from the whole case, as well as from his
general conception of the relations of the witness. Upon the
[W]e find that the question for the refusal to answer facts thus developed, it is the province of the court to determine
which the petitioner was held in contempt by the Senate is whether a direct answer to a question may criminate or not. .
pertinent to the matter under inquiry. In fact, this is not and . The fact that the testimony of a witness may tend to show that
cannot be disputed. Senate Resolution No. 8, the validity of he has violated the law is not sufficient to entitle him to claim the
which is not challenged by the petitioner, requires the Special protection of the constitutional provision against self-
Committee, among other things, to determine the parties incrimination, unless he is at the same time liable to prosecution
responsible for the Buenavista and Tambobong estates deal, and punishment for such violation. The witness cannot assert
and it is obvious that the name of the person to whom the his privilege by reason of some fanciful excuse, for protection
witness gave the P440,000 involved in said deal is pertinent to against an imaginary danger, or to secure immunity to a third
that determination — it is in fact the very thing sought to be person.
determined. The contention is not that the question is
impertinent to the subject of the inquiry but that it has no relation It is the province of the trial judge to determine from all
or materiality to any proposed legislation. We have already the facts and circumstances of the case whether the witness is
indicated that it is not necessary for the legislative body to show justified in refusing to answer. A witness is not relieved from
that every question propounded to a witness is material to any answering merely on his own declaration that an answer might
proposed or possible legislation; what is required is that is that it incriminate him, but rather it is for the trial judge to decide that
be pertinent to the matter under inquiry. question.

xxx xxx xxx ARNAULT vs. BALAGTAS

If the subject of investigation before the committee is Citation: G.R. No. L-6749; 97 Phil. 358; July 30, 1955
within the range of legitimate legislative inquiry and the
proposed testimony of the witness called relates to that subject, Ponente: Labrador
obedience, to its process may be enforced by the committee by
imprisonment. Topic: Legislative investigation; may Senate hold a person in
contempt as a punitive measure.
2. YES, the Senate had the authority to commit
petitioner for contempt for a term beyond its period of
legislative session.

We find no sound reason to limit the power of the This was a petition for habeas corpus filed by Jean Arnault
legislative body to punish for contempt to the end of every against the Director of Prisons, Balagtas. Arnault was
session and not to the end of the last session terminating the
incarcerated pursuant to a resolution by the Senate finding
existence of that body. The very reason for the exercise of the
power to punish for contempt is to enable the legislative body to Arnault in contempt for refusing to disclose the name of a person
perform its constitutional function without impediment or with whom he transacted business in relation to a government
obstruction. Legislative functions may be and in practice are
purchase of of the Buenavista and Tambobong estates. The
performed during recess by duly constituted committees
charged with the duty of performing investigations or conducting circumstances of Arnault's incarceration are described in the
hearing relative to any proposed legislation. To deny to such companion case Arnaultvs. Nazareno (1950) which affirmed the
committees the power of inquiry with process to enforce it would
Legislature's power to hold a person in contempt for defying or
be to defeat the very purpose for which that the power is
recognized in the legislative body as an essential and refusing to comply with an order in a legislative inquiry.

Arnault eventually divulged that he had transacted with one Jess gave the amount of P440,000” and that the situation of petitioner
D. Santos in relation to the Buenavista and Tambobong deal. “has not materially charged since he was committed to prison”,
Upon further inquiry, the Senate, obviously not satisfied with clearly shows that the Senate believes that Arnault was still
Arnault's explanations, adopted Resolution No. 114. The title of trying to deceive them. The CFI on the other hand arrogated
the resolution states: unto itself to review such finding and held that Arnault
satisfactorily answered the questions of the Senate in its
investigation of the Buenavista and Tambobong deal.
TAMBOBONG ESTATES DEAL, AND ORDERING THE There is an inherent fundamental error in the course of action
DIRECTOR OF PRISON TO CONTINUE HOLDING JEAN L. that the lower court followed. It assumed that courts have the
ARNAULT IN HIS CUSTODY, AND IN CONFINEMENT AND right to review the findings of legislative bodies in the exercise
DETENTION AT THE NEW BILIBID PRISON AT of the prerogative of legislation, or interfere with their
MUNTINLUPA, RIZAL, UNTIL THE SAID ARNAULT SHALL proceedings or their discretion in what is known as the legislative
HAVE PURGED HIMSELF OF CONTEMPT OF THE SENATE. process. The Judicial department has no right or power or
authority to do this, in the same manner that the legislative
department may not invade the judicial realm in the
WHEREAS, the Senate holds and finds that the situation of the ascertainment of truth and in the application and interpretation
said Jean L. Arnault has not materially changed since he was of the law, in what is known as the judicial process, because that
committed to prison for contempt of the Senate, and since the would be in direct conflict with the fundamental principle of
Supreme Court of the Philippines, in a judgment long since separation of powers established by the Constitution. The only
become final, upheld the power and authority of the Senate to instances when judicial intervention may lawfully be invoke
hold the said Jean L. Arnault in custody, detention, and are when there has been a violation of a constitutional
confinement, said power and authority having been held to be inhibition, or when there has been an arbitrary exercise of
coercive rather than punitive, and fully justified until the said the legislative discretion.
Jean L. Arnault should have given the information which he had
2. YES. The legislature may hold a person in contempt or
withheld and continues contumaciously to withhold;
incarcerate him as a punitive measure.
WHEREAS, the insolent and manifest untruthful statements
Although the resolution studiously avoids saying that the
made by the said Jean L. Arnault on the occasions above
confinement is a punishment, but merely seeks to coerce the
referred to constitute a continuing contempt of the Senate, and
petitioner into telling the truth, the intention is evident that the
an added affront to its dignity and authority, such that , were they
continuation of the imprisonment ordered is in fact partly
to be condoned or overlooked, the power and authority of the
punitive. This may be inferred from the confining made in the
Senate to conduct investigations would become futile and
resolution that petitioner's acts were arrogant and contumacious
ineffectual because they could be defied by any person of
and constituted an affront to the Senate's dignity and authority.
sufficient stubbornness and malice;
The legislature has the power to punish recalcitrant witnesses.
This power is founded upon reason and policy. Said power must
xxx be considered implied or incidental to the exercise of legislative
power, or necessary to effectuate said power. How could a
The Court of First Instance ruled in favor of Petitioner Arnault
legislative body obtain the knowledge and information on which
and ordered his release.
to base intended legislation if it cannot require and compel the
ISSUE: disclosure of such knowledge and information, if it is impotent to
punish a defiance of its power and authority? The legislative
Whether or not Petitioner may be released from his Senate-
department should not be constrained to look to the courts
imposed incarceration.
whenever for every act of refusal, every act of defiance, every

1. Whether or not the CFI has the right to review the findings of act of contumacy with which it is faced.

the Senate.
The exercise of the legislature's authority to deal with the defiant

2. Whether or not the Senate may hold a person in contempt or and contumacious witness should be supreme and is not subject

incarcerate him as a punitive rather than as a coercive measure. to judicial interference, except when there is a manifest and
absolute disregard of discretion and a mere exertion of arbitrary
HELD: power coming within the reach of constitutional limitations.

YES. The Senate may continue to keep Petitioner incarcerated. The judgment appealed from should be, as it hereby is,
reversed, and the petition for the issuance of the writ of habeas
1. NO. In the first place, the CFI did NOT have the right to review
corpus denied. The order of the court allowing the petitioner to
the findings of the Senate. In the above quoted resolution, the
give bail is declared null and void and the petitioner is hereby
Senate in stating that petitioner “has failed and refused, and
continues to fail and refuse, to reveal the person to whom he

ordered to be recommitted to the custody of the respondent. SENATE OF THE PHILIPPINES VS EXECUTIVE
With cost against the petitioner-appellee. SECRETARY ERMITA

495 SCRA 170 – Political Law – Constitutional Law – Legislative

Branch – Question Hour – Constitutionality of E.O. 464
In 2005, scandals involving anomalous transactions about the
North Rail Project as well as the Garci tapes surfaced. This
prompted the Senate to conduct a public hearing to investigate
the said anomalies particularly the alleged overpricing in the
NRP. The investigating Senate committee issued invitations to
certain department heads and military officials to speak before
203 SCRA 767 – Political Law – Constitutional Law – The the committee as resource persons. Ermita submitted that he
Legislative Department – Inquiry in Aid of Legislation – When and some of the department heads cannot attend the said
not Allowed hearing due to pressing matters that need immediate attention.
AFP Chief of Staff Senga likewise sent a similar letter. Drilon,
It was alleged that Benjamin “Kokoy” Romualdez and his wife the senate president, excepted the said requests for they were
together with the Marcoses unlawfully and unjustly enriched sent belatedly and arrangements were already made and
themselves at the expense of the Filipino people. That they scheduled. Subsequently, GMA issued EO 464 which took effect
obtained with the help of the Bengzon Law Office and Ricardo immediately.
Lopa – Cory’s brother in law, among others, control over some
of the biggest business enterprises in the country including EO 464 basically prohibited Department heads, Senior officials
MERALCO, PCI Bank, Shell Philippines and Benguet of executive departments who in the judgment of the department
Consolidated Mining Corporation. heads are covered by the executive privilege; Generals and flag
officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and such other
Senator Juan Ponce Enrile subsequently delivered a privilege officers who in the judgment of the Chief of Staff are covered by
speech alleging that Lopa took over various government owned the executive privilege; Philippine National Police (PNP) officers
corporations which is in violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt with rank of chief superintendent or higher and such other
Practices Act. Contained in the speech is a motion to investigate officers who in the judgment of the Chief of the PNP are covered
on the matter. The motion was referred to the Committee on by the executive privilege; Senior national security officials who
Accountability of Public Officers or the Blue Ribbon Committee. in the judgment of the National Security Adviser are covered by
After committee hearing, Lopa refused to testify before the the executive privilege; and Such other officers as may be
committee for it may unduly prejudice a pending civil case determined by the President, from appearing in such hearings
against him. Bengzon likewise refused invoking his right to due conducted by Congress without first securing the president’s
process. Lopa however sent a letter to Enrile categorically approval.
denying his allegations and that his allegations are baseless and
malicious. The department heads and the military officers who were invited
by the Senate committee then invoked EO 464 to except
Enrile subsequently took advantage of the Senate’s privilege themselves. Despite EO 464, the scheduled hearing proceeded
hour upon which he insisted to have an inquiry regarding the with only 2 military personnel attending. For defying President
matter. The SBRC rejected Lopa’s and Bengzon’s plea. Arroyo’s order barring military personnel from testifying before
Claiming that the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee is poised to legislative inquiries without her approval, Brig. Gen. Gudani and
subpoena them and require their attendance and testimony in Col. Balutan were relieved from their military posts and were
proceedings before the Committee, in excess of its jurisdiction made to face court martial proceedings. EO 464’s
and legislative purpose, in clear and blatant disregard of their constitutionality was assailed for it is alleged that it infringes on
constitutional rights, and to their grave and irreparable damage, the rights and duties of Congress to conduct investigation in aid
prejudice and injury, and that there is no appeal nor any other of legislation and conduct oversight functions in the
plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of implementation of laws.
law, Bengzon et al filed a petition for prohibition with a prayer for ISSUE: Whether or not EO 464 is constitutional.
temporary restraining order and/or injunctive relief against the
SBRC. HELD: The SC ruled that EO 464 is constitutional in part. To
determine the validity of the provisions of EO 464, the SC sought
ISSUE: Whether or not the inquiry sought by the SBRC be to distinguish Section 21 from Section 22 of Art 6 of the 1987
granted. Constitution. The Congress’ power of inquiry is expressly
HELD: No, the inquiry cannot be given due course. The speech recognized in Section 21 of Article VI of the Constitution.
of Enrile contained no suggestion of contemplated legislation; Although there is no provision in the Constitution expressly
he merely called upon the Senate to look into a possible violation investing either House of Congress with power to make
of Sec. 5 of RA No. 3019, otherwise known as “The Anti-Graft investigations and exact testimony to the end that it may
and Corrupt Practices Act.” In other words, the purpose of the exercise its legislative functions advisedly and effectively, such
inquiry to be conducted by the Blue Ribbon Committee was to power is so far incidental to the legislative function as to be
find out whether or not the relatives of Cory, particularly Lopa, implied. In other words, the power of inquiry – with process to
had violated the law in connection with the alleged sale of the 36 enforce it – is an essential and appropriate auxiliary to the
or 39 corporations belonging to Kokoy to the Lopa Group. There legislative function. A legislative body cannot legislate wisely or
appears to be, therefore, no intended legislation involved. effectively in the absence of information respecting the
Hence, the contemplated inquiry by the SBRC is not really “in conditions which the legislation is intended to affect or change;
aid of legislation” because it is not related to a purpose within and where the legislative body does not itself possess the
the jurisdiction of Congress, since the aim of the investigation is requisite information – which is not infrequently true – recourse
to find out whether or not the relatives of the President or Mr. must be had to others who do possess it.
Ricardo Lopa had violated Section 5 of RA No. 3019, the “Anti- Section 22 on the other hand provides for the Question Hour.
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act”, a matter that appears more The Question Hour is closely related with the legislative power,
within the province of the courts rather than of the legislature. and it is precisely as a complement to or a supplement of the
Besides, the Court may take judicial notice that Mr. Ricardo Legislative Inquiry. The appearance of the members of Cabinet
Lopa died during the pendency of this case. would be very, very essential not only in the application of check
and balance but also, in effect, in aid of legislation. Section 22
refers only to Question Hour, whereas, Section 21 would refer
specifically to inquiries in aid of legislation, under which anybody
for that matter, may be summoned and if he refuses, he can be
held in contempt of the House. A distinction was thus made
between inquiries in aid of legislation and the question
hour. While attendance was meant to be discretionary in the
question hour, it was compulsory in inquiries in aid of legislation.

Sections 21 and 22, therefore, while closely related and CAMILO SABIO VS RICHARD GORDON
complementary to each other, should not be considered as
pertaining to the same power of Congress. One specifically 504 SCRA 704 – Political Law – Inquiry in aid of legislation –
relates to the power to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation, the public officers
aim of which is to elicit information that may be used for
legislation, while the other pertains to the power to conduct a On February 20, 2006, Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago
question hour, the objective of which is to obtain information in introduced Senate Res. No. 455 “directing an inquiry in aid of
pursuit of Congress’ oversight function. Ultimately, the power of legislation on the anomalous losses incurred by the Philippines
Congress to compel the appearance of executive officials under Overseas Telecommunications Corporation (POTC), Philippine
Section 21 and the lack of it under Section 22 find their basis in Communications Satellite Corporation (PHILCOMSAT), and
the principle of separation of powers. PHILCOMSAT Holdings Corporation (PHC) due to the alleged
improprieties in their operations by their respective Board of
While the executive branch is a co-equal branch of the Directors.” Pursuant to this, on May 8, 2006, Senator Richard
legislature, it cannot frustrate the power of Congress to legislate Gordon, wrote Chairman Camilo Sabio of the PCGG inviting him
by refusing to comply with its demands for information. When to be one of the resource persons in the public meeting jointly
Congress exercises its power of inquiry, the only way for conducted by the Committee on Government Corporations and
department heads to exempt themselves therefrom is by a valid Public Enterprises and Committee on Public Services. Chairman
claim of privilege. They are not exempt by the mere fact that Sabio declined the invitation because of prior commitment. At
they are department heads. Only one executive official may be the same time, he invoked Section 4(b) of E.O. No. 1 “No
exempted from this power — the President on whom executive member or staff of the Commission shall be required to testify or
power is vested, hence, beyond the reach of Congress except produce evidence in any judicial, legislative or administrative
through the power of impeachment. It is based on her being proceeding concerning matters within its official cognizance.”
the highest official of the executive branch, and the due respect Apparently, the purpose is to ensure PCGG’s unhampered
accorded to a co-equal branch of government which is performance of its task. Gordon’s Subpoenae Ad Testificandum
sanctioned by a long-standing custom. The requirement then was repeatedly ignored by Sabio hence he threatened Sabio to
to secure presidential consent under Section 1, limited as it is be cited with contempt.
only to appearances in the question hour, is valid on its face. For
under Section 22, Article VI of the Constitution, the appearance ISSUE: Whether or not Section 4 of EO No. 1 is constitutional.
of department heads in the question hour is discretionary on HELD: No. It can be said that the Congress’ power of inquiry
their part. Section 1 cannot, however, be applied to appearances has gained more solid existence and expansive construal. The
of department heads in inquiries in aid of legislation. Congress Court’s high regard to such power is rendered more evident
is not bound in such instances to respect the refusal of the in Senate v. Ermita, where it categorically ruled that “the power
department head to appear in such inquiry, unless a valid claim of inquiry is broad enough to cover officials of the executive
of privilege is subsequently made, either by the President herself branch.” Verily, the Court reinforced the doctrine in Arnault that
or by the Executive Secretary. “the operation of government, being a legitimate subject for
When Congress merely seeks to be informed on how legislation, is a proper subject for investigation” and that “the
department heads are implementing the statutes which it has power of inquiry is co-extensive with the power to legislate”.
issued, its right to such information is not as imperative as that Subject to reasonable conditions prescribed by law, the State
of the President to whom, as Chief Executive, such department adopts and implements a policy of full public disclosure of all its
heads must give a report of their performance as a matter of transactions involving public interest.
duty. In such instances, Section 22, in keeping with the Article III, Section 7
separation of powers, states that Congress may
only request their appearance. Nonetheless, when the inquiry in The right of the people to information on matters of public
which Congress requires their appearance is ‘in aid of concern shall be recognized. Access to official records, and to
legislation’ under Section 21, the appearance is mandatory for documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions,
the same reasons stated in Arnault. or decisions, as well as to government research data used as
basis for policy development, shall be afforded the citizen,
subject to such limitations as may be provided by law.
Read full text These twin provisions of the Constitution seek to promote
transparency in policy-making and in the operations of the
government, as well as provide the people sufficient information
NOTES: The SC ruled that Section 1 and Section 2a are to enable them to exercise effectively their constitutional rights.
valid. The rest invalid. Armed with the right information, citizens can participate in
public discussions leading to the formulation of government
On March 6, 2008, President Arroyo issued Memorandum
policies and their effective implementation.
Circular No. 151, revoking Executive Order No. 464 and
Memorandum Circular No. 108. She advised executive officials
and employees to follow and abide by the Constitution, existing
laws and jurisprudence, including, among others, the case
of Senate v. Ermita when they are invited to legislative
MARCH 28, 2013 ~ VBDIAZ
inquiries in aid of legislation.
G.R. No. 180643, March 25, 2008

FACTS: On April 21, 2007, the Department of Transportation

and Communication (DOTC) entered into a contract with Zhong
Xing Telecommunications Equipment (ZTE) for the supply of
equipment and services for the National Broadband Network
(NBN) Project in the amount of U.S. $ 329,481,290
(approximately P16 Billion Pesos). The Project was to be
financed by the People’s Republic of China.
The Senate passed various resolutions relative to the NBN deal.
In the September 18, 2007 hearing Jose de Venecia III testified
that several high executive officials and power brokers were
using their influence to push the approval of the NBN Project by
the NEDA.

jurisprudence. Second, the communications are “received” by a

Neri, the head of NEDA, was then invited to testify before the close advisor of the President. Under the “operational proximity”
Senate Blue Ribbon. He appeared in one hearing wherein he test, petitioner can be considered a close advisor, being a
was interrogated for 11 hrs and during which he admitted that member of President Arroyo’s cabinet. And third, there is no
Abalos of COMELEC tried to bribe him with P200M in exchange adequate showing of a compelling need that would justify the
for his approval of the NBN project. He further narrated that he limitation of the privilege and of the unavailability of the
informed President Arroyo about the bribery attempt and that information elsewhere by an appropriate investigating authority.
she instructed him not to accept the bribe. Respondent Committees further contend that the grant of
petitioner’s claim of executive privilege violates the constitutional
However, when probed further on what they discussed about the provisions on the right of the people to information on matters of
NBN Project, petitioner refused to answer, invoking “executive public concern.50 We might have agreed with such contention if
privilege”. In particular, he refused to answer the questions on: petitioner did not appear before them at all. But petitioner made
(a) whether or not President Arroyo followed up the NBN Project, himself available to them during the September 26 hearing,
(b) whether or not she directed him to prioritize it, and where he was questioned for eleven (11) hours. Not only that,
(c) whether or not she directed him to approve. he expressly manifested his willingness to answer more
He later refused to attend the other hearings and Ermita sent a questions from the Senators, with the exception only of those
letter to the senate averring that the communications between covered by his claim of executive privilege.
GMA and Neri are privileged and that the jurisprudence laid
down in Senate vs Ermita be applied. He was cited in contempt The right to public information, like any other right, is subject to
of respondent committees and an order for his arrest and limitation. Section 7 of Article III provides:
detention until such time that he would appear and give his The right of the people to information on matters of public
testimony. concern shall be recognized. Access to official records, and to
documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions,
ISSUE: or decisions, as well as to government research data used as
basis for policy development, shall be afforded the citizen,
Are the communications elicited by the subject three (3) subject to such limitations as may be provided by law.
questions covered by executive privilege?


The communications are covered by executive privilege 23 December 2008
The revocation of EO 464 (advised executive officials and 31JUL
employees to follow and abide by the Constitution, existing laws
and jurisprudence, including, among others, the case of Senate FACTS
v. Ermita when they are invited to legislative inquiries in aid of
legislation.), does not in any way diminish the concept of Petitioners in G.R. No. 179275 seek to disallow the Senate to
executive privilege. This is because this concept has continue with the conduct of the questioned legislative inquiry on
Constitutional underpinnings. the issue of “Hello Garci” tapes containing the wiretapped
communication of then President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and
The claim of executive privilege is highly recognized in cases COMELEC Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano, without duly
where the subject of inquiry relates to a power textually published rules of procedure, in clear derogation of the
committed by the Constitution to the President, such as the area constitutional requirement.
of military and foreign relations. Under our Constitution, the
President is the repository of the commander-in-chief, The respondents in G.R. No. 179275 admit in their pleadings
appointing, pardoning, and diplomatic powers. Consistent with and even on oral argument that the Senate Rules of Procedure
the doctrine of separation of powers, the information relating to Governing Inquiries in Aid of Legislation had been published in
these powers may enjoy greater confidentiality than others. newspapers of general circulation only in 1995 and in 2006. With
Several jurisprudence cited provide the elements of presidential respect to the present Senate of the 14th Congress, however, of
communications privilege: which the term of half of its members commenced on June 30,
2007, no effort was undertaken for the publication of these rules
1) The protected communication must relate to a “quintessential when they first opened their session. Respondents justify their
and non-delegable presidential power.” non-observance of the constitutionally mandated publication by
2) The communication must be authored or “solicited and arguing that the rules have never been amended since 1995
received” by a close advisor of the President or the President and, despite that, they are published in booklet form available to
himself. The judicial test is that an advisor must be in anyone for free, and accessible to the public at the Senates
“operational proximity” with the President. internet web page, invoking R.A. No. 8792.
3) The presidential communications privilege remains a qualified
privilege that may be overcome by a showing of adequate need, ISSUE
such that the information sought “likely contains important
evidence” and by the unavailability of the information elsewhere Whether or not the invocation by the respondents of the
by an appropriate investigating authority. provisions of R.A. No. 8792, otherwise known as the Electronic
Commerce Act of 2000, to support their claim of valid publication
In the case at bar, Executive Secretary Ermita premised his through the internet is a substantial compliance of the
claim of executive privilege on the ground that the constitutional requirement of publication.
communications elicited by the three (3) questions “fall under
conversation and correspondence between the President and RULING
public officials” necessary in “her executive and policy decision-
making process” and, that “the information sought to be NO.
disclosed might impair our diplomatic as well as economic Section 21, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution explicitly provides
relations with the People’s Republic of China.” Simply put, the that [t]he Senate or the House of Representatives, or any of its
bases are presidential communications privilege and executive respective committees may conduct inquiries in aid of
privilege on matters relating to diplomacy or foreign relations. legislation in accordance with its duly published rules of
procedure. The requisite of publication of the rules is intended
Using the above elements, we are convinced that, indeed, the to satisfy the basic requirements of due process.
communications elicited by the three (3) questions are covered R.A. 8792 considers an electronic data message or an electronic
by the presidential communications privilege. First, the document as the functional equivalent of a written document
communications relate to a “quintessential and non-delegable only for evidentiary purposes. In other words, the law merely
power” of the President, i.e. the power to enter into an executive recognizes the admissibility in evidence (for their being the
agreement with other countries. This authority of the President original) of electronic data messages and/or electronic
to enter into executive agreements without the concurrence of documents. It does not make the internet a medium for
the Legislature has traditionally been recognized in Philippine publishing laws, rules and regulations.

Given this discussion, the respondent Senate Committees,

therefore, could not, in violation of the Constitution, use its
unpublished rules in the legislative inquiry subject of these
consolidated cases. The conduct of inquiries in aid of legislation
by the Senate has to be deferred until it shall have caused the Issues:
publication of the rules, because it can do so only in accordance 1. Whether or not the scope of the system of rewards and
with its duly published rules of procedure. incentives limitation to officials and employees of the BIR
and the BOC violates the constitutional guarantee of equal
2. Whether or not there was an unduly delegation of power to
OTHER POWERS: OVERSIGHT fix revenue targets to the President.
3. Whether or not the doctrine of separation of powers has
ABAKADA GURO PARTY LIST VS PURISIMA been violated in the creation of a congressional oversight
undue delegation of power; separation of power
G.R. No. 166715 August 14, 2008
AASJS)1 OFFICERS/MEMBERS SAMSON S. ALCANTARA, 1. The Court referred to the ruling of Victoriano v. Elizalde
ED VINCENT S. ALBANO, ROMEO R. ROBISO, RENE B. Rope Workers’ Union, which states that “the guaranty of
GOROSPE and EDWIN R. SANDOVAL, petitioners, equal protection of the laws is not a guaranty of equality in
vs. the application of the laws upon all citizens of the State.
HON. CESAR V. PURISIMA, in his capacity as Secretary of
Finance, HON. GUILLERMO L. PARAYNO, JR., in his capacity The equal protection of the laws clause of the Constitution
as Commissioner of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, and HON. allows classification. Classification in law, as in the other
ALBERTO D. LINA, in his Capacity as Commissioner of Bureau departments of knowledge or practice, is the grouping of things
of Customs, respondents. in speculation or practice because they agree with one another
in certain particulars. A law is not invalid because of simple
Facts: inequality. The very idea of classification is that of inequality, so
that it goes without saying that the mere fact of inequality in no
Petitioners seeks to prevent respondents from implementing manner determines the matter of constitutionality.
and enforcing Republic Act (RA) 9335. R.A. 9335 was enacted
to optimize the revenue-generation capability and collection of The Court has held that the standard is satisfied if the
the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the Bureau of classification or distinction is based on a reasonable foundation
Customs (BOC). The law intends to encourage BIR and BOC or rational basis and is not palpably arbitrary. “
officials and employees to exceed their revenue targets by
providing a system of rewards and sanctions through the 2. To determine the validity of delegation of legislative power,
creation of a Rewards and Incentives Fund (Fund) and a it needs the following: (1) the completeness test and (2) the
Revenue Performance Evaluation Board (Board). It covers all sufficient standard test. A law is complete when it sets forth
officials and employees of the BIR and the BOC with at least six therein the policy to be executed, carried out or
months of service, regardless of employment status. implemented by the delegate. It lays down a sufficient
standard when it provides adequate guidelines or
Petitioners, invoking their right as taxpayers filed this petition limitations in the law to map out the boundaries of the
challenging the constitutionality of RA 9335, a tax reform delegate’s authority and prevent the delegation from
legislation. They contend that, by establishing a system of running riot. To be sufficient, the standard must specify the
rewards and incentives, the law “transforms the officials and limits of the delegate’s authority, announce the legislative
employees of the BIR and the BOC into mercenaries and bounty policy and identify the conditions under which it is to be
hunters” as they will do their best only in consideration of such implemented.
rewards. Thus, the system of rewards and incentives invites
corruption and undermines the constitutionally mandated duty of 3. Based from the ruling under Macalintal v. Commission on
these officials and employees to serve the people with utmost Elections, it is clear that congressional oversight is not
responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency. unconstitutional per se, meaning, it neither necessarily
constitutes an encroachment on the executive power to
Petitioners also claim that limiting the scope of the system of implement laws nor undermines the constitutional
rewards and incentives only to officials and employees of the separation of powers. Rather, it is integral to the checks and
BIR and the BOC violates the constitutional guarantee of equal balances inherent in a democratic system of government. It
protection. There is no valid basis for classification or distinction may in fact even enhance the separation of powers as it
as to why such a system should not apply to officials and prevents the over-accumulation of power in the executive
employees of all other government agencies. branch.
In addition, petitioners assert that the law unduly delegates the Rulings:
power to fix revenue targets to the President as it lacks a 1. The equal protection clause recognizes a valid
sufficient standard on that matter. While Section 7(b) and (c) of classification, that is, a classification that has a reasonable
RA 9335 provides that BIR and BOC officials may be dismissed foundation or rational basis and not arbitrary.22 With respect
from the service if their revenue collections fall short of the target to RA 9335, its expressed public policy is the optimization
by at least 7.5%, the law does not, however, fix the revenue of the revenue-generation capability and collection of the
targets to be achieved. Instead, the fixing of revenue targets has BIR and the BOC.23 Since the subject of the law is the
been delegated to the President without sufficient standards. It revenue- generation capability and collection of the BIR and
will therefore be easy for the President to fix an unrealistic and the BOC, the incentives and/or sanctions provided in the
unattainable target in order to dismiss BIR or BOC personnel. law should logically pertain to the said agencies. Moreover,
the law concerns only the BIR and the BOC because they
Finally, petitioners assail the creation of a congressional
have the common distinct primary function of generating
oversight committee on the ground that it violates the doctrine of
revenues for the national government through the collection
separation of powers. While the legislative function is deemed
of taxes, customs duties, fees and charges.
accomplished and completed upon the enactment and approval
of the law, the creation of the congressional oversight committee
Both the BIR and the BOC principally perform the special
permits legislative participation in the implementation and
function of being the instrumentalities through which the State
enforcement of the law.
exercises one of its great inherent functions – taxation.
Indubitably, such substantial distinction is germane and
intimately related to the purpose of the law. Hence, the

classification and treatment accorded to the BIR and the BOC

under R.A. 9335 fully satisfy the demands of equal protection. ACT AS BOARD OF CANVASSERS FOR PRESIDENTIAL
2. R.A. 9335 adequately states the policy and standards to ELECTION
guide the President in fixing revenue targets and the
implementing agencies in carrying out the provisions of the PIMENTEL vs CONGRESS
law under Sec 2 and 4 of the said Act. Moreover, the Court
has recognized the following as sufficient standards: “public ( Joint Committee of Congress to Canvass the Votes Cast for
interest,” “justice and equity,” “public convenience and President and Vice-President in the May 10, 2004 Elections
welfare” and “simplicity, economy and welfare.”33 In this [G.R. No. 163783. June 22, 2004]
case, the declared policy of optimization of the revenue- EN BANC
generation capability and collection of the BIR and the BOC
is infused with public interest. RESOLUTION
3. The court declined jurisdiction on this case. The Joint
Congressional Oversight Committee in RA 9335 was Facts:
created for the purpose of approving the implementing rules Petition for Prohibition. Pimentel, Jr. seeks a judgment declaring
and regulations (IRR) formulated by the DOF, DBM, NEDA, null and void the continued existence of the Joint Committee.
BIR, BOC and CSC. On May 22, 2006, it approved the said The petition corollarily prays for the issuance of a writ of
IRR. From then on, it became functus officio and ceased to prohibition directing the Joint Committee to cease and desist
exist. Hence, the issue of its alleged encroachment on the from conducting any further proceedings pursuant to the Rules
executive function of implementing and enforcing the law of the Joint Public Session of Congress on Canvassing.
may be considered moot and academic. Petitioner posits that with "the adjournment
sine die(w/o date fixed)
on June 11, 2004 by the Twelfth Congress of its last regular
session, [its] term ... terminated and expired on the said day and
the said Twelfth Congress serving the term 2001 to
2004 passed out of legal existence." Henceforth, petitioner goes
on, "all pending matters and proceedings terminate upon the
expiration of ... Congress.

WON the Joint Committee performing election canvass even
after the termination of congress’ session is constitutional.

Sec. 15. Art VI - The Congress shall convene once every year
on the fourth Monday of July for its regular session, unless a
different date is fixed by law, and shall continue to be in session
for such number of days as it may determine until thirty days
before the opening of its next regular session, exclusive of
Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. The President may call
a special session at any time. Contrary to petitioner's argument,
however, the term of the present Twelfth Congress did
not terminate and expire upon the adjournment sine die of the
regular session of both Houses on June 11, 2004.Section 15,
Article VI of the Constitution cited by petitioner does not pertain
to the term of Congress, but to its regular annual legislative
sessions and the mandatory 30-day recess before the opening
of its next regular session (subject to the power of the President
to call a special session at any time).Section 4 of Article VIII
provides that "[t]he
Term of office of the Senators shall be six years and shall
commence, unless otherwise provided by law, at noon on the
thirtieth day of June next following their election." Similarly,
Section 7 provides that"[t]he Members of the House of
Representatives shall be elected for a term of three years.
Consequently, there being no law to the contrary, until June 30,
2004, the present Twelfth Congress to which the present
legislators belong cannot be said to have "passed out of legal
existence. "The legislative functions of the Twelfth Congress may
have come to a close upon the final adjournment of its
regular sessions on June 11, 2004, but this does not affect its
non-legislative functions. In fact, the joint public session of
both Houses of Congress convened by express directive of Section
4, Article VII to canvass the votes for and to proclaim the newly
elected President and VP has not, and cannot, adjourn sine die
until it has accomplished its constitutionally mandated tasks. For
only when a board of canvassers has completed its functions is
it rendered functus officio. Its membership may change, but it
retains its authority as a board until it has accomplished its
purposes. Since the Twelfth Congress has not yet completed its
non-legislative duty to canvass the votes and proclaim the duly
elected President and VP, its existence as the National Board of
Canvassers, as well as that of the Joint Committee to which it
referred the preliminary tasks of authenticating and canvassing
the certificates of canvass, has not become functus officio

CASE DIGEST: ESTRADA VS. ARROYO; The Court defines a political issue as “those questions which,
ESTRADA VS. DESIERTO under the Constitution, are to be decided by the people in their
9:55 PM sovereign capacity, or in regard to which full discretionary
authority has been delegated to the legislative or executive
G.R. No. 146738 Estrada vs. Arroyo branch of the government. It is concerned with issues
G.R. No 146710-15 Estrada vs. Desierto dependent upon the wisdom, not legality of a particular
March 2, 2001 measure.”
The Court made a distinction between the Aquino
Estrada was inaugurated as president of the Republic of the presidency and the Arroyo presidency. The Court said that
Philippines on June 30, 1998 with Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as while the Aquino government was a government spawned
his Vice President. by the direct demand of the people in defiance to the 1973
Constitution, overthrowing the old government entirely, the
In October 2000, Ilocos Sur governor Luis “Chavit” Singson, a Arroyo government on the other hand was a government
close friend of the President, alleged that he had personally exercising under the 1987 constitution, wherein only the
given Estrada money as payoff from jueteng hidden in a bank office of the president was affected. In the former, it The
account known as “Jose Velarde” – a grassroots-based question of whether the previous president (president
numbers game. Singson’s allegation also caused controversy Estrada) truly resigned subjects it to judicial review. The
across the nation, which culminated in the House of Court held that the issue is legal and not political.
Representatives’ filing of an impeachment case against Estrada
on November 13, 2000. House Speaker Manny Villar fast- For the president to be deemed as having resigned, there must
tracked the impeachment complaint. The impeachment suit was be an intent to resign and the intent must be coupled by
brought to the Senate and an impeachment court was formed, acts of relinquishment. It is important to follow the succession
with Chief Justice Hilario Davide, Jr. as presiding officer. of events that struck petitioner prior his leaving the palace.
Estrada, pleaded “not guilty”. Furthermore, the quoted statements extracted from the Angara
diaries, detailed Estrada’s implied resignation On top of all
The exposé immediately ignited reactions of rage. On January these, the press release he issued regarding is
18, a crowd continued to grow at EDSA, bolstered by students acknowledgement of the oath-taking of Arroyo as president
from private schools and left-wing organizations. Activists from despite his questioning of its legality and his emphasis on
the group Bayan and Akbayan as well as lawyers of the leaving the presidential seat for the sake of peace. The Court
Integrated Bar of the Philippines and other bar associations held that petitioner Estrada had resigned by the use of
joined in the thousands of protesters. the totality test: prior, contemporaneous and posterior
facts and circumstantial evidence bearing a material
On January 19, The Philippine National Police and the Armed relevance on the issue.
Forces of the Philippines also withdrew their support for Estrada
and joined the crowd at EDSA Shrine. As to the issue of the peitioner’s contention that he is immuned
from suits, the Court held that petitioner is no longer entitled to
At 2:00pm, Estrada appeared on television for the first time since absolute immunity from suit. The Court added that, given the
the beginning of the protests and maintains that he will not intent of the 1987 Constitution to breathe life to the policy that a
resign. He said that he wanted the impeachment trial to public office is a public trust, the petitioner, as a non-sitting
continue, stressing that only a guilty verdict will remove him from President, cannot claim executive immunity for his alleged
office. criminal acts committed while a sitting President. From the
deliberations, the intent of the framers is clear that the
At 6:15pm, Estrada again appeared on television, calling for a immunity of the president from suit is concurrent only with
snap presidential election to be held concurrently with his tenure (the term during which the incumbent actually holds
congressional and local elections on May 14, 2001. He added office) and not his term (time during which the officer may claim
that he will not run in this election. to hold the office as of right, and fixes the interval after which the
several incumbents shall succeed one another).
On January 20, the Supreme Court declared that the seat of
presidency was vacant, saying that Estrada “constructively
resigned his post”. Noon of the same day, Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo took her oath of office in the presence of the crowd at
EDSA, becoming the 14th president of the Philippines.

At 2:00 pm, Estrada released a letter saying he had “strong and

serious doubts about the legality and constitutionality of her
proclamation as president”, but saying he would give up his
office to avoid being an obstacle to healing the nation. Estrada
and his family later left Malacañang Palace.

A heap of cases then succeeded Estrada’s leaving the palace,

which he countered by filing a peition for prohibition with a prayer
for a writ of preliminary injunction. It sought to enjoin the
respondent Ombudsman from “conducting any further
proceedings in cases filed against him not until his term as
president ends. He also prayed for judgment “confirming
petitioner to be the lawful and incumbent President of the
Republic of the Philippines temporarily unable to discharge the
duties of his office, and declaring respondent to have taken her
oath as and to be holding the Office of the President, only in an
acting capacity pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution.”

1.) Whether or not the case at bar a political or justiciable
issue. If justiciable, whether or not petitioner Estrada was a
president-on-leave or did he truly resign.

2.) Whether or not petitioner may invoke immunity from suits.



COMMISSIONERS, respondents.
NATURE: Certiorari under ROC 65. Action arising from a COA
Civil Liberties Union vs Executive Secretary disallowance
194 SCRA 317 – Political Law – Ex Officio Officials – Members
of the Cabinet – Singularity of Office – EO 284 FACTS
In July 1987, then President Corazon Aquino issued Executive  Office involved: National Housing Authority (NHA)
Order No. 284 which allowed members of the Cabinet, their  Officers involved: Officials of various Cabinet-level
undersecretaries and assistant secretaries to hold other departments who sat on the NHA Board as alternates
government offices or positions in addition to their primary of the Cabinet secretaries who were ex-officio
positions subject to limitations set therein. The Civil Liberties members of the NHA Board, by virtue of PD 757§7 (the
Union (CLU) assailed this EO averring that such law is NHA Law) [THE ALTERNATES].
unconstitutional. The constitutionality of EO 284 is being  Sep. 19, 1997 – In compliance with the ruling in Civil
challenged by CLU on the principal submission that it adds Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary, the
exceptions to Sec 13, Article 7 of the Constitution which Commission on Audit (COA) issued a memorandum
provides: stating that EO 284 had been declared unconstitutional
insofar as it allows Cabinet members, their deputies,
“Sec. 13. The President, Vice-President, the Members of the and assistants to hold other offices; and directing its
Cabinet, and their deputies or assistants shall not, unless designated auditors in all national government offices
otherwise provided in this Constitution, hold any other office to:
or employment during their tenure. They shall not, during said o immediately cause the disallowance of
tenure, directly or indirectly practice any other profession, additional compensation/remuneration given
participate in any business, or be financially interested in any to and received by government officials
contract with, or in any franchise, or special privilege granted by affected by the decision’s ruling on the
the Government or any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality multiple position rule
thereof, including government-owned or controlled corporations o effect the refund of such payments from the
or their subsidiaries. They shall strictly avoid conflict of interest time the decision became final on Feb. 22,
in the conduct of their office.” 1991
 Oct. 23, 1997 – NHA Resident Auditor Salvador
CLU avers that by virtue of the phrase “unless otherwise VASQUEZ thus issued a Notice of Disallowance
provided in this Constitution“, the only exceptions against against the payment of representation allowances and
holding any other office or employment in Government are those per diems to the Cabinet members who were ex-officio
provided in the Constitution, namely: (i) The Vice-President may members of the NHA Board and/or their alternates who
be appointed as a Member of the Cabinet under Sec 3, par. (2), actually received such payments.
Article 7; and (ii) the Secretary of Justice is an ex-officio member
of the Judicial and Bar Council by virtue of Sec 8 (1), Article 8. o The total amount disallowed was P276,000,
covering the years 1991-1996.
ISSUE: Whether or not EO 284 is constitutional.
 On behalf of the alternates who received the disallowed
HELD: No, it is unconstitutional. It is clear that the 1987 allowances and per diems, NHA Chairman of the Board
Constitution seeks to prohibit the President, Vice-President, Dionisio dela Serna appealed the disallowance on the
members of the Cabinet, their deputies or assistants from ground that the SC issued a resolution in the CLU case
holding during their tenure multiple offices or employment in the clarifying that the multiple position rule does not cover
government, except in those cases specified in the Constitution other appointive officials whose rank was Assistant
itself and as above clarified with respect to posts held without Secretary or lower; and that the alternates were all
additional compensation in an ex-officio capacity as provided by ranked Assistant Secretary or lower.
law and as required by the primary functions of their office, the
citation of Cabinet members (then called Ministers) as examples  Sep. 22, 1998 – COA denied the appeal.
during the debate and deliberation on the general rule laid down o COA conceded that the alternates were
for all appointive officials should be considered as mere indeed ranked Asec. and lower, but ruled that
personal opinions which cannot override the constitution’s they were sitting on the NHA board by virtue
manifest intent and the people’s understanding thereof. of authority derived from the office of the
Cabinet secretaries they were representing.
In the light of the construction given to Sec 13, Art 7 in relation As such they are mere agents and their right
to Sec 7, par. (2), Art IX-B of the 1987 Constitution, EO 284 is to receive benefits flows from their principals.
unconstitutional. Ostensibly restricting the number of positions Since their principals were barred from
that Cabinet members, undersecretaries or assistant secretaries receiving remuneration from the NHA under
may hold in addition to their primary position to not more than 2 the multiple position rule, so should the
positions in the government and government corporations, EO agents. The spring cannot rise higher than its
284 actually allows them to hold multiple offices or employment source.
in direct contravention of the express mandate of Sec 13, Art 7  The alternates filed the present petition with the SC
of the 1987 Constitution prohibiting them from doing so, unless
otherwise provided in the 1987 Constitution itself. ISSUE (HELD): W/N the disallowance of the remuneration for
the alternates of the ex-officio members of the NHA Board is
November 29, 2001 RATIO
 Under §7 of the NHA Law, the following Cabinet
Secretaries are mandated to sit in the NHA Board:
o Secretary of Public Works, Transportation,
and Communications
o Secretary of Finance
o Secretary of Labor
o Secretary of Industry
o Executive Secretary
o NEDA Director-General
petitioners, vs.

 While the alternates are not these officials, they are [ G. R. NO. 156982, SEPTEMBER 08, 2004 ]
their alternates, and still under §7, their “acts shall be NATIONAL AMNESTY COMMISSION, PETITIONER,
considered the acts of their principals”. VS. COMMISSION ON AUDIT, JUANITO G. ESPINO,
 CLU v. Executive Secretary is controlling: “The DIRECTOR IV, NCR, COMMISSION ON AUDIT, AND
prohibition against holding dual or multiple offices or ERNESTO C. EULALIA, RESIDENT AUDITOR, NATIONAL
employment under Section 13, Article VII of the AMNESTY COMMISSION. RESPONDENTS.
Constitution must not, however, be construed as
applying to posts occupied by the Executive officials FACTS:
specified therein without additional compensation in an
ex-officio capacity as provided by law and as required Petitioner National Amnesty Commission (NAC) is a
by the primary functions of said officials' office. The government agency created on March 25, 1994 by then
reason is that these posts do not comprise `any other President Fidel V. Ramos through Proclamation No. 347. The
office' within the contemplation of the constitutional NAC is tasked to receive, process and review amnesty
prohibition but are properly an imposition of additional applications. It is composed of seven members: a Chairperson,
duties and functions on said officials.” three regular members appointed by the President, and the
 On the term ex-officio: “The term ex officio means Secretaries of Justice, National Defense and Interior and Local
`from office; by virtue of office'. It refers to an `authority Government as ex officio members.
derived from official character merely, not expressly
conferred upon the individual character, but rather
annexed to the official position.' Ex officio likewise It appears that after personally attending the initial NAC
denotes an `act done in an official character, or as a meetings, the three ex officio members turned over said
consequence of office, and without any other responsibility to their representatives who were
appointment or authority than that conferred by the paid honoraria beginning December 12, 1994. However, on
office.' An ex officio member of a board is one who is a October 15, 1997, NAC resident auditor Eulalia disallowed
member by virtue of his title to a certain office, and on audit the payment of honoraria to these representatives
without further warrant or appointment. x x x” amounting to P255,750 for the period December 12, 1994 to
 On the right to receive remuneration for an ex June 27, 1997, pursuant to COA Memorandum No. 97-038.
officio position: "The ex officio position being actually
and in legal contemplation part of the principal office, it ISSUE:
follows that the official concerned has no right to
receive additional compensation for his services in the Whether representatives can be entitled to payment
said position. The reason is that these services are intended for ex-officio members
already paid for and covered by the compensation
attached to his principal office. It should be obvious that RULING:
if, say, the Secretary of Finance attends a meeting of
the Monetary Board as an ex officio member thereof,
he is actually and in legal contemplation performing the The representatives in fact assumed their
primary function of his principal office in defining policy responsibilities not by virtue of a new appointment but by mere
in monetary banking matters, which come under the designation from the ex officio members who were themselves
jurisdiction of his department. For such attendance, also designated as such.
therefore, he is not entitled to collect any extra
compensation, whether it be in the form of a per diem
or an honorarium or an allowance, or some other such There is a considerable difference between an
euphemism. By whatever name it is designated, such appointment and designation. An appointment is the selection
additional compensation is prohibited by the by the proper authority of an individual who is to exercise the
Constitution." powers and functions of a given office; a designation merely
 CAB: Petitioner officials who are on the NHA Board as connotes an imposition of additional duties, usually by law, upon
ALTERNATES of the Cabinet members and ex-officio a person already in the public service by virtue of an earlier
members of the NHA are prohibited from receiving appointment.
additional compensation. To rule otherwise would be
giving the alternates a better right than their principals.
The alternates cannot receive the compensation to Designation does not entail payment of additional
which their principals are not entitled to in the first benefits or grant upon the person so designated the right to
place. claim the salary attached to the position. Without an
appointment, a designation does not entitle the officer to receive
DISPOSITION: Petition dismissed. the salary of the position.

G.R. No. 88211 September 15 1989 SCRA 269
FACTS: G.R. No. 189028
Former President Marcos, after his and his family spent three July 16, 2013
year exile in Hawaii, USA, sought to return to the Philippines. 701 SCRA 269
The call is about to request of Marcos family to order the
respondents to issue travel order to them and to enjoin the FACTS: The National Artists Awards Committee. and the NCCA
petition of the President's decision to bar their return to the decided to team up and jointly administer the National Artists
Philippines. Award. There were three deliberations for determining the
nominees and on the final deliberation, a final list of four names
ISSUE: was agreed upon namely: Manuel Conde, Ramon Santos,
Whether or not, in the exercise of the powers granted by the Lazaro Francisco and Federico Aguilar-Alcuaz.
Constitution, the President may prohibit the Marcoses from
returning to the Philippines. They submitted this recommendation to the President.
According to respondents, the aforementioned letter was
RULING: referred by the Office of the President to the Committee on
Honors. Meanwhile, the Office of the President allegedly
Yes received nominations from various sectors, cultural groups and
individuals strongly endorsing private respondents.
According to Section 1, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution: "The
executive power shall be vested in the President of the Acting on this recommendation, a series of Proclamations were
Philippines." The phrase, however, does not define what is issued declaring Lazaro Francisco, Federico Aguilar-Alcuaz and
meant by executive power although the same article tackles on private respondents, Guidote-Alvarez, Caparas, Masa and
exercises of certain powers by the President such as appointing Moreno, respectively, as National Artists.
power during recess of the Congress (S.16), control of all the
executive departments, bureaus, and offices (Section Hence, the petition. All of the petitioners claim that former
17), power to grant reprieves, commutations, and pardons, and President Macapagal-Arroyo gravely abused her discretion in
remit fines and forfeitures, after conviction by final disregarding the results of the rigorous screening and selection
judgment (Section 19), treaty making power (Section process for the Order of National Artists and in substituting her
21), borrowing power (Section 20), budgetary power (Section own choice for those of the Deliberation Panels.
22), informing power (Section 23).
The Constitution may have grant powers to the President, it ISSUE: Whether or not the act of the President amounted to
cannot be said to be limited only to the specific powers grave abuse of discretion with regards to the violation of the right
enumerated in the Constitution. Whatever power inherent in the to equal protection
government that is neither legislative nor judicial has to be
executive. RULING: Yes. It should be recalled that one of the respondents
was disqualified to be nominated for being the Executive
Director of the NCCA at that time while respondents Masa and
Caparas did not make it to the preliminary shortlist and
respondent Moreno was not included in the second shortlist.

Yet, the four of them were treated differently and considered

favorably when they were exempted from the rigorous screening
process of the NCCA and the CCP and conferred the Order of
National Artists.

The special treatment accorded to respondents Guidote-

Alvarez, Caparas, Masa and Moreno fails to pass rational
scrutiny. No real and substantial distinction between
respondents and petitioner Abad has been shown that would
justify deviating from the laws, guidelines and established
procedures, and placing respondents in an exceptional position.

In view of the foregoing, there was a violation of petitioner Abads

right to equal protection, an interest that is substantial enough to
confer him standing in this case.


DENR VS DENR EMPLOYEES Blaquera vs. Alcala G.R. No. 109406, September 11, 1998
Posted by kaye lee on 12:43 PM Sunday, January 25, 2009 Posted by Coffeeholic Writes
G.R. No. 149724 [Alter ego of the President, Qualified Political Labels: Case Digests, Political Law
Agency Doctrine]
Facts: On Feb. 21, 1992, then Pres. Aquino issued AO 268
FACTS: which granted each official and employee of the government the
DENR Reg 12 Employees filed a petition for nullity of the productivity incentive benefits in a maximum amount equivalent
memorandum order issued by the Regional Exec. Director of to 30% of the employee’s one month basic salary but which
DENR, directing the immediate transfer of the DENR 12 amount not be less than P2, 000.00. Said AO provided that the
Regional Offices from Cotabato to Koronadal City. The productivity incentive benefits shall be granted only for the year
memorandum was issued pursuant to DENR Executive Order 1991. Accordingly, all heads of agencies, including government
issued by the DENR Secretary. boards of government-owned or controlled corporations and
financial institutions, are strictly prohibited from granting
Issue: productivity incentive benefits for the year 1992 and future years
Whether or not DENR Secretary has the authority to reorganize pending the result of a comprehensive study being undertaken
the DENR Region 12 Office. by the Office of the Pres.

RULING: The qualified political agency doctrine, all executive The petitioners, who are officials and employees of several
and administrative organizations are adjuncts of the Executive government departments and agencies, were paid incentive
Department, and the acts of the Secretaries of such benefits for the year 1992. Then, on Jan. 19, 1993, then Pres.
departments, performed and promulgated in the regular course Ramos issued AO 29 authorizing the grant of productivity
of business, are, unless disapproved or reprobated by the Chief incentive benefits for the year 1992 in the maximum amount of
Executive, are presumptively the acts of the Chief Executive. It P1,000.00 and reiterating the prohibition under Sec. 7 of AO
is corollary to the control power of the President as provided for 268, enjoining the grant of productivity incentive benefits without
under Art. VII Sec. 17 of the 1987 Constitution: "The President prior approval of the President. Sec. 4 of AO 29 directed all
shall have control of all the executive departments, bureaus, and departments, offices and agencies which authorized payment of
offices. He shall ensure that the laws be faithfully executed." productivity incentive bonus for the year 1992 in excess of P1,
000.00 to immediately cause the refund of the excess. In
In the case at bar, the DENR Secretary can validly reorganize compliance therewith, the heads of the departments or agencies
the DENR by ordering the transfer of the DENR XII Regional of the government concerned caused the deduction from
Offices from Cotabato City to Koronadal, South Cotabato. The petitioners’ salaries or allowances of the amounts needed to
exercise of this authority by the DENR Secretary, as an alter cover the alleged overpayments.
ego, is presumed to be the acts of the President for the latter
had not expressly repudiated the same.
Issue: Whether or not AO 29 and AO 268 were issued in the
valid exercise of presidential control over the executive

Held: The Pres. is the head of the government. Governmental

power and authority are exercised and implemented through
him. His power includes the control of executive departments as
provided under Sec. 17, Art. VII of the Constitution.

Control means the power of an officer to alter or modify or set

aside what a subordinate officer had done in the performance of
his duties and to substitute the judgment of the former for that of
the latter. The Pres. can, by virtue of his power of control, review,
modify, alter or nullify any action or decision of his subordinate
in the executive departments, bureau or offices under him.

When the Pres. issued AO 29 limiting the amount of incentive

benefits,enjoining heads of government agencies from granting
incentive benefits without approval from him and directing the
refund of the excess over the prescribed amount, the Pres. was
just exercising his power of control over executive departments.

The Pres. issued subject AOs to regulate the grant of

productivity incentive benefits and to prevent discontent,
dissatisfaction and demoralization among government
personnel by committing limited resources of government for the
equal payment of incentives and awards. The Pres. was only
exercising his power of control by modifying the acts of the
heads of the government agencies who granted incentive
benefits to their employees without appropriate clearance from
the Office of the Pres., thereby resulting in the uneven
distribution of government resources.

The President’s duty to execute the law is of constitutional origin.

So, too, is his control of executive departments.



Commercial Law – Corporation Law – Foreign Corporation – Petitioner National Electrification Administration is a GOCC
License Requirement created under PD 269. NEA is charged with the responsibility of
In 1996, Hutchison Ports Philippines Limited (HPPL)won a organizing, financing and regulating electric cooperatives
public bidding made by the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority throughout the country. Government employee salaries were
(SBMA). The project was to develop and operate a modern raised via a Joint Resolution of Congress, urging the President
marine container terminal within the Subic Bay Freeport Zone. to revise the existing compensation. This was made into a 4-
The SBMA Board of Directors already declared HPPL as the year program. In 1996, President Ramos issued EO 389 to
winner but later on, the Office of the President reversed the implement the final year salary increases authorized by the joint
decision of the Board and ordered a rebidding. In the rebidding Resolution. EO 389 called for a 2-tranche salary increase: one
however, HPPL was no longer among the qualified bidders. on January 1, 1997, and another on November 1, 1997.In
Eventually, HPPL filed a petition for injunction to enjoin SBMA January 1997, NEA implemented the salary
from conducting the rebidding. increases. However, they implemented such increase in a
single lump sum beginning January 19, 1997 (NEA accelerated
ISSUE: Whether or not Hutchison has the right to file an the implementation by paying the second tranche starting
injunction case against SBMA. January 1 instead of November 1). The Commission on Audit
issued a Notice of Suspension and Notices of Disallowance. The
HELD: No. The declaration made by the SBMA Board declaring Notices of Disallowance were appealed by NEA, but rejected the
HPPL as the winning bidder was neither final nor unassailable. COA en banc. The decision of COA was then challenged in the
Under LOI No. 620, all projects undertaken by the SBMA are Supreme Court.
subject to the approval of the Office of the President. Hence, the
Board of SBMA is under the control and supervision of the ISSUES:
President of the Philippines. Therefore, the declaration made by 1)
the Board did not vest any right in favor of HPPL.
Whether or not COA committed a grave abuse of discretion
Further, HPPL cannot sue in the Philippines. It is a foreign amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in disallowing
corporation registered under the laws of the British Virgin the increased salaries
Islands. It did not register here in the Philippines. –
HPPL cannot invoke that it was suing only on an isolated
transaction. The conduct of bidding is not an isolated Whether or not NEA is allowed to accelerate the
transaction. It is “doing business” here in the Philippines. The implementation of the salaries depending on the availability
Supreme Court emphasized that as a general rule, “doing” or of funds
“engaging in” or “transacting” business in the Philippines is a –
case to case basis. It has often been held that a single act or NO
transaction may be considered as “doing business” when a
corporation performs acts for which it was created or exercises HELD:
some of the functions for which it was organized. The amount or
volume of the business is of no moment, for even a singular act No, the Commission on Audit did not commit any grave
cannot be merely incidental or casual if it indicates the foreign abuse of discretion. Neither is NEA allowed to accelerate
corporation’s intention to do business. the implementation.
On NEA’s accelerated implementation
Participating in the bidding process constitutes “doing business”
because it shows the foreign corporation’s intention to engage The Court ruled that such acceleration was not in accordance
in business here. The bidding for the concession contract is but with the law. NEA claimed that RA8250 (GAA of 1997) was their
an exercise of the corporation’s reason for creation or existence. legal basis. However, such law was not self-
Therefore, HPPL has done business here without license. It executory. Budgetary appropriations under the GAA do not
cannot now sue in the Philippines without license because its constitute unbridled authority to government agencies to spend
participation in the bidding is not merely an isolated transaction. the appropriated amounts as they wish. Itemization of the
The primary purpose of the license requirement is to compel a Personal Services (the appropriation used by NEA) is prepared
foreign corporation desiring to do business within the Philippines after the enactment of the GAA, and requires the approval of the
to submit itself to the jurisdiction of the courts of the state and to President. The execution of the GAA is subject to a program of
enable the government to exercise jurisdiction over them for the expenditure to be approved by the President, which will be the
regulation of their activities in this country. basis for the fund release. No portion of the appropriations in the
GAA shall be used for payment of any salary increase, unless
authorized by law. Salary increases are subject to the approval
of the President.

In essence, the mere approval of Congress of the GAA does not

make the funds automatically available for spending
instantly. The funds must still be collected during the fiscal year.
NEA also argues, from Sec 10 of EO 389, that GOCCs are
exempted from the rule. The Court rejected this argument, for
only GOCCs with insufficient funds are exempted. There is no
rule that allows those with sufficient funds to accelerate their
schedule. There is no express or implied authorization. NEA
also argues that such acceleration was allowed in a Memo of
the Office of the President. However, SC pointed out that the
accelerated implementation is also allowed upon the approval of
the Department of Budget and Management, upon meeting
certain terms and conditions. NEA did not comply by seeking
approval from the DBM. The Court pointed out that NEA cannot
assail the authority of the President to issue EO 389. The
Administrative Code gives the President such power. Joint
Resolution 01 has also acknowledged such authority.
On the DBM’s approval of NEA’s proposed budget

Once the proposed budget was approved by the DBM, it is

submitted to Congress for evaluation and inclusion in the
appropriation law. This authorization does not include the
authority to disburse.
On the
President’s control of all executive departments

Art 7, Sec 17
“The President shall have control of all the executive departments,
bureaus, and offices. He shall ensure that the laws be faithfully

The Supreme Court held that

The presidential power of control over the executive branch
of government extends to all executive employees from
Cabinet Secretary to the lowliest clerk. This power is self-
executing and does not require statutory implementation. It
cannot be limited nor withdrawn by the Congress.

All other executive officials must implement in good faith the

President’s directives and orders. The case would not have
arisen had NEA complied in good faith with the directives and
orders of the President.

NEA’s reasons in disregarding the President were patently

flimsy, even ill-conceived.

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