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1611 kjv

-Original- Sword of GΘD New Covenant

1 PETER 93
2 PETER 94
1 JOHN 95
2 JOHN 97

October 7, 2015



Jeff Macy- Translator. Jerusha, Josiah, Jodiah macy-Scribes. p.o. box #103 twin peaks ca 92391
1611 kjv Matthew † The historical record book of Jesus the country by another route. 13After they left, the Master’s
Anointed 1, genealogy of David, son of Abraham. Angel appeared to Joseph in dream & said, Wake up &
Abraham father of Isaac, & Isaac father of Jacob, & take the Baby & His mother. Escape to Egypt & stay there
Jacob father of Judah & his brothers, 3& Judah father of until I tell you. herod searches for the Baby to kill Him.
Perez & Zerah of Tamar, & Perez father of Hezron, & Hezron 14
When he woke up he took the Baby & His mother with him
father of Ram, 4& Ram father of Amminadab, & during the night & escaped into Egypt, 15& they stayed
Amminadab father of Nahshon, & Nahshon father of there until the death of herod. As it was said, was
Salmon, 5& Salmon father of Boaz of Rahab, & Boaz father completed by the Master through the Prophet, saying, Out
of Obed of Ruth, & Obed father of Jesse, 6& Jesse father of of Egypt, I called the Son of Mine. 16Then herod, realized
David the king, & David the king, father of Solomon whose that he had been tricked by the wise astrologers, & was
wife was once of Uriah’s. 7Solomon father of Rehoboam, & extremely angry. He ordered all the boys that were in
Rehoboam father of Abijah, & Abijah father of Asa, 8& Asa Bethlehem & in all its borders, from 2 years old & under,
father of Jehoshaphat, & Jehoshaphat father of Joram, & according to the time that he had accurately learned
Joram father of Uzziah, 9& Uzziah father of Jotham, & from the wise astrologers, executed. 17At that time, the
Jotham father of Ahaz, & Ahaz father of Hezekiah, 10& words spoken by Jeremiah, the Prophet, were completed
Hezekiah father of Manasseh, & Manasseh father of Amon, who said, 18Voices in Ramah were heard, & many loud
& Amon father of Josiah, 11& Josiah father of Jeconiah & cry’s. Rachel was crying for the male children of hers, &
his brothers, during the time of forced removal to Babylon. could not be comforted because they no longer existed.
After the forced removal to Babylon, & Jeconiah father 19
herod died & then the Master’s Angel appeared in a
of Shealthiel, & Shealthiel father of Zerubbabel, 13& bright light dream to Joseph in Egypt. 20It said, Wake up.
Zerubbabel father of Abiud, & Abiud father of Eliakim, & Take with you the Child & His mother & go into the land of
Eliakim father of Azor, 14& Azor father of Zadok, & Zadok Israel. For the 1 who was seeking the Child’s life has died.
father of Achim, Achim father of Eliud, 15& Eliud father of 21
Then he woke up & took the little Child & His mother to go
Eleazar, & Eleazar father of Matthan, & Matthan father of into the land of Israel. 22He was warned in a dream, & he
Jacob, 16& Jacob father of Joseph the husband of Mary, heard that Archelaus was king of Judea instead of herod,
from who Jesus was born, & means the Anointed 1. 17So all his father. So he was afraid to go there, leaving there to an
the generations from Abraham to David were 14 area in Galilee. 23They went & lived in a city named
generations, & from David until the forced removal to Nazareth so that what was said through the Prophet was
Babylon, were 14 generations, & from the forced removal completed. He would be called a Nazarene.
to Babylon to the Anointed 1, were 14 generations. 18Now 3 Also, in those days, John the Baptiser arrived & was
here is how Jesus the Anointed 1 was born: Mary, the speaking in the desert of Judea 2& saying, Repent, for the
mother of Him, was engaged to marry Joseph. Before they Ruler from Heaven is coming. 3For this is He who was talked
came together, a Baby from GΘD’s Spirit was found in her about by Isaiah the Prophet, who said, A voice will shout in
womb. 19But Joseph, the fiancé of her, & being righteous, the desert, Prepare the way of the Master, make His paths
was not willing to expose her publicly, planned to secretly straight. 4& this same John had his clothing from camel hair
release her free. 20But while he was thinking about these & a leather belt around his hips. & his food was locusts &
things, he saw the Master’s Angel in a dream, who wild honey. 5At that time, all Jerusalem & all Judea went
appeared to him, saying, Joseph, son of David, fear not to out to him, & all the area around the Jordan. 6& saying they
take Mary as your wife, for that which is in her was created were sinners, they were Baptized in the Jordan river by him.
by GΘD, His Spirit. 21& she will give birth to a Son & you will 7
But when he saw many of the pharisees & sadducees
call His name Jesus. For He will save His people from their coming to his Baptisms, he said to them, Children of vipers!
sins. 22Now this all happened so that it would complete Who showed you how to escape from the coming wrath?
what was spoken by GΘD through the Prophet, saying, 8
So produce fruits worthy of repentance. 9& do not think to
Be aware, the virgin with a Baby in her womb will have a say within yourselves, We have father Abraham. Because I
Son, & the name of Him will be Emmanuel, which means, say to you that GΘD is able to rise up Abraham’s children
GΘD is with us. 24Then Joseph woke up from his sleep did from these stones. 10& also the axe is already now laying at
as the Master’s Angel ordered him & took his wife. 25& did the roots of the trees. Truly every tree not producing good
not have sex with her until she had given birth to her fruit will be cut down & thrown into fire. 11I, truly Baptize
firstborn Son, & he called His name Jesus. under water those who repent. But after me comes He,
2 Now Jesus had been born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the mightier than I, who I am not able to even carry His sandals.
days of herod the king. Look, wise astrologers from the East He Baptizes those with GΘD’s Spirit & lightning. 12The pitch
arrived in Jerusalem, 2asking, Where has the King of the fork is in His hand & He will clean carefully His own floor, &
Jews been born? For we saw His star in the east, & have gather His own wheat into the storehouse. But the chaff He
come to worship Him. 3But, when king herod heard this, he will burn down with eternal fire. 13Then Jesus arrived from
was worried & all Jerusalem with him. 4So he gathered Galilee at the Jordan river to John, to be Baptized by him.
together all the high priests & religious teachers of the 14
But John stopped Him, saying, I need to be Baptized
people. He demanded from them, Where was the under You, & You come to me? 15But Jesus replied to him
Anointed 1 born? 5& they said to him, In Bethlehem of saying, Allow this now, for it is right for us to complete all
Judea. For it was written this way by the Prophet. 6& you, requirements. Then he did not prevent Him. 16& he Baptized
Bethlehem, in the land of Judea, are not the smallest of the Jesus. Instantly, rising up out of the water, they saw Heaven
leaders of Judea, for out of you, will come out a Leader, open for Him, & they saw the Spirit of GΘD coming down
who will shepherd My people Israel. 7Then herod secretly like a dove, & came on Him. 17& realize; a voice from
invited the wise astrologers, asking from them the exact Heaven spoke, This is My dearly loved Son, Who I AM
time the star shined. 8& sent them to Bethlehem. He said, delighted with.
Go search carefully for the little Baby & when you find Him, 4 Next, Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Spirit to be
report back to me so that I can also go worship Him. 9& tempted by satan. 2& He fasted 40 days & 40 nights.
after listening to the king, they went away & saw the star Afterwards, He was hungry. 3& then satan came to Him
which they saw in the East before them, until it came & saying, If You are the Son of GΘD, command so that this
stopped over where the Baby was. 10When they saw the stone will become bread. 4But He replied saying, It is
star, they rejoiced greatly with great happiness. 11They written, people are not to live by bread alone, but by every
went into the house & found the Baby with Mary, the word out of GΘD’s mouth. 5Then satan took Him up to the
mother of Him, & went down to worship Him. & they Holy City, & they stood on the top point of the temple, 6&

opened the treasures, offering Him gifts; gold, & it said to Him, If You are GΘD’s Son, throw Yourself down.
frankincense, & myrrh. 12& having been divinely warned in Because it is written, He will give His Angels orders about

a dream not to return to herod, they left into their own You. In their hands they will raise You up & Your foot will
never stumble over a stone. 7Jesus said to him, Again, it is Heaven’s Kingdom. 21You have heard that it was said from
written, Do not test GΘD Your Master. 8Again, satan took the beginning, Do not commit murder. But whoever
Him to a very high mountain, & showed Him all the murders, will be bound for judgment. 22But, I also say to you
kingdoms of the world & the glory of them, 9& said to Him, that whoever causes his fellow believer to be angry, will be
If You will bow down & kiss my hand, I will give to You all bound for judgment. But, whoever says to his fellow
these things. 10Then Jesus said to it, Get away from Me, believer insults, will be bound to the counsel, & whoever
satan! For it is written, worship GΘD your Master & only calls you a fool, will be bound into Hell’s fire. 23So if you offer
serve Him. 11Then satan left. & Jesus’s Angels appeared to a sacrifice gift at the altar & remember that your fellow
come & take care of Him. 12Now, when Jesus knew that believer has something against you there; 24leave your
John the Baptiser was arrested, He returned to Galilee 13& sacrifice gift before the altar there, & go away. 1st reunite
left Nazareth. He came to live in Capernaum, which is by with your fellow believer & then come offer your sacrifice
the sea, inside the borders of Zebulun & Naphtali. 14So this gift. 25Be agreeable with your enemy quickly, while you are
completed what was said by Isaiah the Prophet, who said, on the way with him, so the accuser will not deliver you to
The land of Zebulun & land of Naphtali, by the sea, on the the judge, & the judge to the officer, & you sent into prison.
other side of the Jordan, Galilee with the Gentiles: 16The 26
Truly I say to you, You will not leave from that place until
people living in darkness will see a great Light. & those you pay off the last bronze coin. 27You have heard from the
living in the land & shadow of death, Light has shined on beginning of times said, Do not commit adultery. 28But I say
them. 17After this, Jesus began to speak with authority & to you that everyone who looks towards a woman lustfully,
spoke, Repent, for the Ruler from Heaven is coming. 18As they have already committed adultery with her in their
Jesus walked beside the sea of galilee, He looked at 2 hearts. 29Also, if your right eye causes you to sin, take it out
brothers, Simon who is called Peter, & Andrew, his brother, & throw it from you. For it is better for you to lose 1 of your
who were throwing a net into the sea, because they were body parts, & not your whole body be thrown into hell. 30&
fishermen. 19& He called them, Come with Me, & I will make if your right hand causes you to sin cut it off & throw it from
you fishers of men. 20& they quickly left their nets to go with you. Because it is better for you to lose 1 of your parts, &
Him. 21& going on from there, He looked at 2 other brothers, not your whole body be thrown into hell. 31& it was said,
James, the son of Zebedee, & John, his brother, in the ship Whoever divorces his wife must give her a written divorce
with Zebedee their father, while repairing their nets. & He letter. 32But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife,
called them. 22They quickly left the ship & their father, to except for unfaithful sex, causes her to commit unlawful
join Him. 23Jesus also went around all of Galilee, teaching sex. & whoever in this case, marries her divorced, commits
in the churches, & speaking with authority the good news unlawful sex. 33Again, you have heard that it was said from
about the Kingdom. & healing every disease & every illness the beginning, Do not make false promises, but keep the
in the people. 24& the news about Him spread into all of promises to your Master. 34But I say to you, Do not promise
Syria. & they brought Him all their sick; suffering from at all, not even by Heaven; because it is GΘD’s throne.
different color diseases, & intense pains, tormented, & the 35
Not even by the earth. Because it is His feet’s footstool.
demon possessed, & lunatics, & paralyzed. & He healed Not even by Jerusalem, because it is the great King’s city.
them. 25& huge crowds went with Him from Galilee, & 36
Not even by your own head promise, because you are
Decapolis, & Jerusalem, & Judea, & from the other side of not able to make 1 hair white or black. 37Instead your word
the Jordan river. yes be yes, no be no. Anything more than this comes from
5 After looking at the crowds, He went up onto the evil nature. 38You have heard it was said, An eye for an eye,
mountain & when He sat down, His Disciples came near to & a tooth for a tooth. 39But I say to you, Do not revenge
Him. 2& opened His mouth to teach them, spoke: 3Happy against evil, instead whoever slaps you on your right jaw,
are the poor, the Ruler from Heaven is for their souls. turn the other to them also. 40& whoever wants to take you
Happy are those who regret their sins, for they will be to court & take your shirt, also give them your cloak. 41&
encouraged. 5Happy are the humble, for they will inherit whoever demands you to go 1 mile, go with them 2.
the earth. 6Happy are those who hunger & thirst for 42
Whoever needs, you give. & whoever wants a loan from
righteousness, for they will be satisfied. 7Happy are the you, do not turn away from them. 43You have heard it was
merciful, for they will receive mercy. 8Happy are the pure said, Love your friend & hate your enemy. 44But I say to you,
hearted, for they will see GΘD. 9Happy are the learn to welcome your enemies & pray for those who curse
peacemakers, for they will be called GΘD’s Children. you. Do good to those who hate you. & pray for those who
Happy are those persecuted for being righteous, the insult you & persecute you, 45so that you will be your
Kingdom of Heaven is for them. 11You will be happy when FATHER’s children WHO is in Heaven. For the sun He causes
they insult you, & persecute you, & say every kind of evil to rise on good & evil, & sends rain for the righteous & the
wicked lies against you because of Me. 12Rejoice, & be unrighteous. 46For if you love those who love you, what
extremely happy. For your reward is much in Heaven. For reward do you have? None! Even the tax collectors can do
these same reasons they persecuted the Prophets who that. 47& if you only welcome your fellow believers, how are
were before you. 13You are the salt of the earth. But if your you doing better? Not even the tax collectors do this way.
salt becomes tasteless, by who will be the salt? If you are 48
So you be perfect, just like your perfect FATHER, WHO is in
no longer useful, you will be thrown out, & trampled on Heaven.
under people. 14You are the light of the world. No city can 6 Beware of your giving. Do not do it in front of people
be hidden placed on top of a mountain. 15Not even a lit nearby to be seen by them. Otherwise you will get no
candle is put under a dry basket, except on top of a reward from your FATHER WHO is in Heaven. 2When you do
candle stand. & it shines for all those in the house. 16So you, give things, do not sound the trumpet in front of you as the
let your fire shine before people so that they will see your hypocrites do in the churches & in the streets so that they
good works. & it will glorify your FATHER WHO is in Heaven. will have glory from men. Truly, I say to you, they already
Do not think that I came to make the LAWS or the Prophets have their full reward. 3When you do give things, do not let
useless. I come not to make useless, but, to complete your left hand know what your right hand is doing. 4So that
them. 18For truly I say to you, Until Heaven comes to the your giving will be done in secret. Then your FATHER WHO
earth, not 1 letter or 1 stroke from the LAWS will disappear sees everything done in secret will reward you. 5& when
until everything is finished. 19So if anyone breaks the you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love
smallest of 1 of these commandments, & teaches people to pray standing in the churches & by the corners of streets
to do so, will be called the smallest in Heaven’s Kingdom. so that they will be seen when they pray by people. Truly I
But whoever will do them & teaches them, will be called say to you, they already have their reward. 6But when you

great in Heaven’s Kingdom. 20Because I say to you that pray, enter into your secret room & shut the door. Pray to
unless you overflow with righteousness, better than the your FATHER WHO is hidden. & your FATHER WHO sees in

religious teachers & pharisees, no way will you enter into hidden places, will reward you. 7Also, when you pray, do
not repeat the same things like the unbelievers. For they the reason for the Laws & the Prophets. 13Enter in through
think that in saying many words, they will be heard. 8So do the narrow gate, because the wide gate is wider, & the way
not be like them. Because your FATHER GΘD knows what that leads away to eternal destruction, & most are entering
things you need to have before you ask Him. 9So pray this in through it. 14For narrow is the gate, & straight is the way
way: Our FATHER WHO is in Heaven. Holy is YOUR NAME. that leads to real life, & few are those who find it. 15Beware
YOUR Kingdom come. YOUR will be done on the earth as of the false prophets who come to you in sheep clothing, &
it is in Heaven. Also, 11give to us today enough food for us, inside they are robbing wolves. 16Know them from their
& forgive us our sins. As we also forgive our sinners. 13But fruits. Can you gather grapes from thorns or figs from
do not bring us to trial, instead rescue us from evil. For YOU thistles? 17This is how: every good tree produces good fruit
are the RULER, & the POWER, & the GLORY for-ever. So be it! & a bad tree produces bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot
For if you forgive people of their sins, you will also be produce bad fruit, or a rotten tree produce good fruit.
forgiven by your Heavenly FATHER. 15But if you do not 19
Every tree not producing good fruit is cut down & thrown
forgive people of their sins, no your FATHER will not forgive into the fire. 20So then recognize them by their fruits. 21Not
your sins. 16& when you fast do not be like the hypocrites everyone who says to Me, Owner, Master, will enter into the
who look sad. For they do not clean their faces so that Kingdom in Heaven, except those doing My FATHER’s will,
people will see they are fasting. Truly I say to you, They WHO is in Heaven. 22Then on that day many will say to Me,
already have their full reward. 17But when you fast, anoint Owner, Master, did I not prophecy in Your Name, & in Your
your own head & wash your own face. 18So that you will not Name force out evil spirits, & in Your Name perform many
appear fasting to people, except to your FATHER WHO is miracles? 23& then I will say to them, I never knew you, go
hidden. & your FATHER WHO sees in hidden places, will away from Me, You are lawless. 24But anyone who listens to
reward you. 19Do not collect treasures on the earth for you My words, & does them, will be like a wise person who
where moths & rust destroys, & where thieves break in or builds their house on top of rocks; 25when the rain comes
steal them. 20But you collect treasures in Heaven where no down, & the floods come, & the wind blows, & slams it, but
moths, or rust can destroy. & where thieves cannot break their house will not fall. For their foundation is on top of
in & cannot steal them. 21For where your treasures are, rocks. 26But anyone who hears these words of Mine, & does
there also will be your heart. 22The light of the body is the not do them, will be compared to a foolish man who built
eyes; so if your eyes are clear, your whole body will be well his house on the sand. 27When the rain comes down & the
lit. 23But if your eyes are evil, your whole body will be dark. flood comes, & the winds blow, & slams their house also will
So then if the light that is in you is dark, How deep is that fall down, & its fall will be violent. 28& when Jesus had
darkness?! 24No-one is able to serve 2 masters; for either finished His words, those in the crowd, were amazed by His
they will hate 1, & love the other, or 1 will be held onto, & teaching. 29For He was teaching them with real authority,
the other will be hated. You cannot serve GΘD & riches. & not like their religious teachers.
So then I say to you, Do not worry about your life; what to 8 When He came down from the mountain, large crowds
eat or what to drink. Not even what your body wears. Is went with Him. 2& noticed a leper came to worship Him
your life not more than food & its body clothing? 26Look at saying, Master, You are powerful, if You want, you could
the birds of the sky, your Heavenly FATHER feeds them, for cleanse me. 3& Jesus reached out His hand to touch him
they do not sow, or harvest, or gather into storehouses, & saying, I want to. Be clean. & instantly his leprosy was
are you not much more valuable than them? 27Then how cleansed. 4& Jesus said to him, Be careful, do not tell
can you, by worrying, are able to add 1 length to your own anyone, except go show yourself to the priests, & bring a
lifetime? 28& why worry about clothing? Notice the lilies of sacrifice that Moses instructed as evidence for them. 5&
the field, how they grow greater. They do not get tired or when He entered into Capernaum, a centurion came
spin. 29& yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his near to Him, begging Him, 6saying, Master, my servant is
glory was clothed like 1 of these. 30So if GΘD clothes the lying at home, paralyzed, & suffering terribly. 7& Jesus said
grass of the field today & tomorrow it is thrown into the to him, I will go heal him. 8Then the centurion replied
furnace, do not have little faith, you are much more saying, Master, I am not worthy that You would go under
important. 31So do not worry, saying, What will I eat? Or my roof. Instead, only say a word & my servant will be
what will I drink? Or what will I wear? 32For all these things healed, 9because I am also a man under authority. I have
the pagans pursue. This your Heavenly FATHER knows that soldiers under me & I say to one, Go, & he goes. & to
all these things are needed. 33Instead 1st search for GΘD’s another, Come, & he comes. & to my servant, Do this, & he
Kingdom & HIS approval, & all these will be given to you. does. 10After hearing this, Jesus was impressed & said to
So do not worry about tomorrow’s things, for tomorrow will them, Truly I say to you, I have not found this much faith
worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. from anyone in Israel. 11& I say to you that many from the
7 Do not judge, so that you will not to be judged. 2By East & West will come & will sit down with Abraham, &
whatever judgment used to judge, you will be judged, & Isaac, & Jacob in Heaven’s Kingdom. 12But many of their
with whatever tool used to measure, will be the tool used children will be thrown out of the Kingdom, out into
for you. 3& why look at the twig that is in your fellow darkness, where they will be crying & grinding their teeth.
believer’s eye, but do not notice the beam that is in your 13
Then Jesus said to the centurion, Go. Because you have
own eye? 4Or how can you say to your fellow believer, believed, for you it will happen. & his servant was healed
Allow me to remove the twig from your eye & see, when during that same moment. 14& when Jesus went into
there is a log in your own eye? 5Actor! 1st remove the beam Peter’s house, He saw his mother-in-law lying sick with a
out of your eye, & then you will see clearly to remove the fever. 15& He touched her hand, & her fever left, & she got
twig out of your fellow believer’s eye. 6Do not give things up & served them. 16When evening came; they brought
that are Holy to dogs, or throw your pearls in front of pigs in Him many with evil spirits. & He forced out the spirits with a
any way or they will walk all over them with their feet, & word, & healed everyone sick. 17This is how He completed
turn to attack you. 7Search & you will find. Knock & it will be what was prophesied by Isaiah the Prophet who said, He
opened for you. Ask & it will be given to you. 8For everyone takes away illnesses, & removes our diseases. 18Then Jesus
who searches will find. & whoever knocks, it will be opened realized that a large crowd was around Him, He ordered
for. & whoever asks will receive. 9Or is there a man who is to leave to the other side. 19& 1 religious teacher came
with you; if their son asked for bread, would he give him a near to Him saying, Teacher, I will join with You wherever
stone instead? 10Or if he asks for a fish, a snake would be You go. 20& Jesus said to him, The foxes have holes & the
handed to him? 11So then if you, who have a sinful nature birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Mankind has
know how to give good gifts to your children, how much nowhere to lay His head. 21& another Disciple of His said to

more your FATHER, WHO is in Heaven, will give good things Him, Master, allow me 1st to go & bury my father. 22& Jesus
to those who ask Him? 12So then everything, if you want said to him, Join Me, & leave the dead to bury their dead.

people to do for you, so then also you do for them, this is 23

When He entered into a ship, His Disciples followed Him.
& beware a powerful whirlwind storm happened in the they laughed at Him. 25So when the crowd who had
sea so much that the ship was hidden by the waves, but entered in had been sent out, He took hold of her hand &
He was sleeping. 25& His Disciples came to wake Him up the girl got up. 26Then His fame went out into that whole
saying, Master, save us. We are going to be destroyed! land. 27& Jesus left from there. 2 blind people followed Him
He answered them, Why are you fearful? Such small faith! & called out saying, Have mercy on us, David’s Son. 28So
Then He got up, & rebuked the wind & the water, & there when He came into the house, the blind people came to
was great calm. 27& the men admired Him saying, Where is Him & Jesus said to them, Do you believe that I am able to
He from? Since even the wind & the water obey Him. 28& do this? They said to Him, Yes, Master. 29Right then He
when He went to the other side, into the gadarenes area, touched their eyes, saying, Because of your faith, so be it
He met 2 possessed by evil spirits, coming out of the tombs. for you. 30& their eyes were opened. & Jesus warned them
No one could pass by that way. They were very violent. strictly, saying, See that no-one knows about this. 31But
Beware! They cried out, saying, What are You, GΘD’s when they left, they told the news in all that land. 32As He
Son, going to do with us? Have You also come here before was going out I noticed a mute man was brought to Him,
time to torment us? 30& there were many pigs, a herd possessed by an evil spirit. 33& the mute man spoke after
feeding far away from them. 31& the evil spirits begged the evil spirit was sent out. & the crowds were amazed
Him, saying, If You send us out, send us away into that herd saying, Never has this been seen in Israel. 34But the
of pigs. 32So He said to them, Go away! & they went out pharisees said, He sends out the evil spirits by the ruler of
away into the pigs & they saw all the herd rush down the the evil spirits. 35& Jesus walked all around the cities & the
steep place into the lake, & died in the water. 33& those villages, teaching in their churches, speaking with authority
who that fed them ran away & went into the city to the good news about the Kingdom, & healing every
announce everything, & about those possessed by evil disease & every sickness. 36Now when He saw the crowds,
spirits. 34& Jesus saw everyone from the city coming out to He felt sorry for them because they were tired & worn out
have meeting with Him. But when they saw Him, they like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then He said to His
begged that He would go away from their land. Disciples, Truly the harvest is much, but, the workers are
9 & He stepped into a ship to cross over. & when He came few. 38So request to the harvest Master that He will send out
to His own city 2noticed they also brought Him someone workers into His harvest.
paralyzed lying on a bed. & when Jesus saw their faith, He 10 & He called His 12 Disciples to Himself. He gave them
said to the paralytic, Cheer up child, You have been power to send the evil spirits out & to heal every disease &
forgiven of your sins. 3& notice, some of the religious every sickness. 2& the names of the 12 Apostles are these:
teachers were saying to themselves, This is evil speaking. 4& 1st Simon, who is called Peter, & Andrew, his brother, &
Jesus already knew their thoughts, so He said, Why do you James the son of Zebedee, & John his brother, 3Philip, &
think evil in your minds? 5For which is easier to say, Your Bartholomew, Thomas, & Matthew the tax collector,
sins are forgiven, or to say, Get up & walk? 6But, I did so that James, the son of Alphaeus, & Thaddaeus, 4Simon the
you would know that the Son of Mankind has the power of Zealot, & judas of iscariot, who also betrays Him. 5These 12
authority on earth to forgive sins. Then He said to the were the appointed. They were sent out by Jesus who
paralytic who had risen, Pick up your bed, & go to your instructed them, saying, Do not go onto Gentile’s roads. &
house. 7& he got up to go to his house. 8So when the do not enter into a Samaritan city. 6But instead go to the
crowds saw this, they were amazed, & glorifying GΘD, lost Nation of Israel’s sheep. 7Go & speak with authority that
Who had given this kind of authority to a man. 9& as Jesus Heaven’s Kingdom is nearby. 8Heal the sick, raise up the
went out from there, He saw a man sitting at the toll booth dead, cleanse the lepers, send out the evil spirits. Freely
named Matthew & said to him, Join Me. He got up & you have received, freely you give. 9Do not bring with you
followed Him. 10& while He was eating inside the house, at gold, or silver, or copper, in your money belts, 10or a bag
the table, were seen many tax collectors, & sinners, who for your trip, or 2nd clothes or shoes, except a staff, for the
came & sat down, & were eating at the table with Jesus & worker is worthy of his food. 11& whatever city or village you
His Disciples. 11Except, when the pharisees saw this, they enter into, search out who in it is worthy & stay there until
said to His Disciples, Why is your teacher eating with tax you go out of it. 12& when you enter into the house, wish it
collectors & sinners? 12When Jesus heard this, He said to well. 13& if the house truly is worthy, send your peace within
them, The healthy do not need a doctor, but those who are it. But if it is not worthy, then take back your peace. 14If
sick do. 13So go learn, I want what mercy is & not sacrifices. anyone does not receive you or listen to your words, leave
I came not to invite the righteous, but sinners to repent. out of that house or city, & shake off the dust from your feet.
Then the disciples of John the Baptiser came to Him, 15
Truly I say to you, It will be more tolerable in Sodom &
saying, Why do the pharisees & we fast often, but Your Gomorrah’s land on the day of judgment than for those
Disciples do not fast? 15Then Jesus said to them, Can the cities. 16Realize, I send you off as sheep in the middle of
children in the bride chamber be sad as long as they are wolves. So then be wise like serpents & innocent as doves.
with the bridegroom? But the day will come when the 17
But, beware of these people, because they will deliver
bridegroom will be taken away from them, & then they will you into courts & they will whip you severely in their
fast. 16& no-one puts a new piece of cloth on old clothing, churches. 18& you will also be brought before leaders & also
otherwise that patch would tear it away from the clothe, & rulers because of Me to testify to them. 19But, when they
make the tear worse. 17No-one puts new wine into old hand you over, do not worry how or what to say. It will be
wineskin, because otherwise the leather skin would break, given for you what to say at that moment 20because you
& the wine would spill out, & the wineskin destroyed. So will not be the 1 talking, but your FATHERS Spirit, who will
they put new wine into new wineskins & both are saved. speak through you. 21& fellow believer will betray fellow
As He was speaking to them about these things, I saw a believer to death. & father’s children will go against
leader come to Him; knelt down, saying, that his daughter parents, & cause them to be killed. 22& you will be hated
had now died. However, if He came, & laid His hands on by everyone because of My name. But, those who endure
her, then she would live. 19Jesus & His disciples got up & to the end, they will be saved. 23So, when they persecute
followed Him. 20& He noticed a woman who had been you in a city, escape to the next. For truly I say to you, You
bleeding for 12 years came from behind to touch the edge will not complete Israel’s cities until the Son of Mankind
of His cloak. 21For she thought inside herself, If only I touch comes. 24No disciple is above their teacher or servant
His cloak, I will be healed. 22Because of this, Jesus turned & above their master. 25The disciple that has become like His
looked at her, saying, Daughter, have courage for your Teacher, & the servant like His Master, is enough. If the
faith has healed you. & the woman was healed from that head of a house is called satan, how much more his

hour. 23& later Jesus arrived into the leader’s house. & when relatives? 26For nothing is hidden which will not be revealed
He saw the flute-players & the crowd making noise, 24told or hidden which will not be known. So do not fear them.

them, Leave, because the girl is not dead, only sleeping. & 27
What I tell you in darkness, speak in the light. & whatever
you hear in your ear, announce on the housetops. 28& do judgment day. 25After Jesus said this, He said, I praise You,
not fear from those who kill the body. But the soul they FATHER, Master of Heaven & earth for You hide these things
cannot kill. More you should fear HIM WHO is able to from the wise & intelligent, & reveal them to children. 26Yes,
destroy both soul & body in hell. 29Are not 2 small birds sold FATHER this way happens because it is good in Your site.
for a brass coin? & 1 of them will not fall to the ground 27
Everything has been given to Me by My FATHER. & no-one
without your FATHER knowing? 30& even the hairs of your knows the Son except the FATHER, or anyone knows the
head are all numbered. 31So do not fear, you are worth FATHER except the Son & whoever the Son wants to reveal
more than many small birds. 32For everyone who will Himself to. 28Come to Me, all who are tired & heavy loaded,
publicaly claim Me in front of people, I will also claim them & I will give you rest. 29I will take your heavy load on Myself
in front of My FATHER, WHO is in Heaven. 33But, whoever will & your souls will find rest. & learn this about Me, that I am
deny Me before people, I will also deny them before My gentle & humble in heart. 30Because joining Me is better &
FATHER, WHO is in Heaven. 34Do not think that I came to My load is light.
spread peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace, 12 At this time, Jesus traveled on the Sabbath through the
instead a sword. 35For I came to cut into 2; a man against cornfields. & His Disciples were hungry & they began to pull
his father, & a daughter against her mother, & a daughter- off ears of corn to eat. 2The pharisees saw this & said to Him,
in-law against her mother-in-law. 36& people’s enemies will Look what Your Disciples are doing! This is not lawful to do
be their relatives. 37Whoever loves a father or a mother on the Sabbath. 3Then He said to them, You have not read
more than Me is not worthy of Me. & whoever loves a son what David & those who were with him did when they were
or a daughter more than Me, is not worthy of Me. 38& hungry? 4How he entered into GΘD’s temple, & he ate the
whoever does not take their cross, & go with Me, is not bread from the sacred bread which was not legal for him
worthy of Me. 39Anyone that keeps their life will lose it. & or for those with him to eat? Was it not factually for the
anyone that loses their life for Me will keep it. 40Anyone that priests only? 5Or have you not read in the law, that on the
accepts you, accepts Me, & anyone that accepts Me, Sabbath the priests in the temple violate the Sabbath & are
accepts Who sent Me. 41Anyone who accepts a Prophet in innocent? 6& I say to you that 1 here is greater than this
the name of a Prophet, will receive a Prophet’s reward. & temple. 7& if you had known what this means; I want mercy
whoever accepts a righteous person in the name of a & not sacrifices; you would not have condemned the
righteous person, will receive a righteous person’s reward. innocent. 8Truly the Son of Mankind is Master even of the
If anyone gives 1 small cup of cold water to drink, in a Sabbath day. 9Then He left from there & went into their
Disciple’s name only. Truly I say to you, they will never lose church. 10& they saw a person whose hand was paralyzed.
their reward. & they questioned Him so that they could accuse Him,
11 & afterwards when Jesus had finished giving orders to saying, Is it legal to heal on the Sabbath? 11& He said to
His 12 Disciples, He left that place to teach & spoke with them, Which 1 of you men here has 1 sheep, & if it falls into
authority in their cities. 2When John heard inside the prison a hole on the Sabbath, would not grab it & lift it up? 12So
the things done by the Anointed 1, he sent 2 of His Disciples, then how much more valuable is a person than a sheep?
saying to Him, Are you the expected 1, or should we Then it is allowable on the Sabbath to do good. 13Right then
expect another? 4& Jesus replied & said to them, Go, He said to the man, Reach out your hand. & he reached it
report to John what you see & found out: 5The blind see & out & was healed, as healthy as the other. 14After this, the
the lame walk. The lepers are cleansed & the deaf hear, & pharisees went out & held a meeting against Him, about
the dead are raised. & the good news is being spoken to how they could kill Him. 15& Jesus left there knowing this, &
the poor. 6& happy are those if they are not offended by huge crowds went with Him. & He healed them all. 16& He
Me. 7& as they were traveling, Jesus began to speak to the warned them not to reveal who He was. 17So that it would
crowds about John. What did you expect to see when you complete what was spoken by Isaiah the Prophet, who
went out into the wilderness? A staff shaking by the wind? said, 18Look, My servant, Who I have chosen, My loved 1.
Or did you go out to see a man dressed in fine clothes, the For He delights My soul. I will place My Spirit in Him & He will
fine clothes kings are seen wearing in their palaces? announce righteousness to the nations. 19No, He will not be
Anyways, what did you see out there, a Prophet? Truly, & I heard in the streets arguing or shouting His voice. 20He will
say much more than a Prophet to you. 10For this is who it not break off a broken staff. & a smoking clothe, He will not
was written: Realize, I will send My messenger before your press out until He brings justice to victory. 21& in His name
faces, who will prepare Your way before You. 11Truly I say the nations will trust. 22This time a mute & blind person
to you, No-one born by a woman has risen up greater than controlled by evil spirits was brought to Him, & that one was
John the Baptiser. Yet the smallest in the Kingdom of healed, so that the blind & mute could see & speak. 23& all
Heaven is greater than him. 12& from the days of John the the crowds were amazed & said, Is this not the descendent
Baptiser until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been of David? 24But when the pharisees heard this, said, He
attacked by violence, & violent people claim it. 13The cannot send out evil spirits unless by satan, the ruler of evil
Prophets prophesied & the Mosaic laws were for everyone spirits. 25& Jesus knew their thoughts. He said to them, Every
until John came. 14& if you will learn this, he is who Elijah kingdom divided against itself is ruined, & every city or
meant would appear. 15Anyone with ears understand this. house divided against itself will not stand. 26& if satan sends
So this generation is like little children sitting in the satan out he is divided against himself. Then, how can his
markets, & call out to their friends, 17saying, We played kingdom last? 27& if I send out the evil spirits by satan, who
flutes for you, but you did not dance. We mourned for you, do your sons send them out by? So they will be your judges.
but you did not cry. 18For John appears to not eat or drink, 28
But, if I send out spirits by GΘD’s Spirit, then GΘD’s
& you say, He has an evil spirit. 19The Son of Mankind arrives Kingdom has come to you. 29Or how can anyone enter into
eating & drinking & you say, Look at this Man; a glutton & a a powerful house & steal their property unless they do not
drunkard, friend of tax collectors & sinners. But wisdom 1st tie the powerful up, & then they can pillage their house.
shows who is righteous! 20Then He began to criticize the 30
Whoever is not with Me, is against Me. & whoever is not
cities in which He had done the most miracles, because close with Me, is scattered. 31During your life, I say this, All
they did not repent. 21Trouble for you chorazin! Trouble for of people’s sins & evil words can be forgiven, but whoever
you bethsaida! Because if I had done the miracles that I says evil words against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32& if
did in you in Tyre & Sidon, they would have repented long anyone says something against the Son of Mankind, it can
ago in sacks & ashes. 22Yet I say to you, Tyre & Sidon will be be forgiven. But whoever says anything against the Holy
better off than you on judgment day. 23& capernaum; you Spirit; it will not be forgiven, not in this world or in the 1 to
will not be lifted up to Heaven. You will be brought down to come. 33Either the tree is good & its fruit is good or the tree

hell, because if the miracles which had happened in you is bad & its fruit is bad. For by its fruit, the tree is known.
had taken place in Sodom, it would still be there today. 24& 34
Children of poisonous snakes. How are you able to say

I say to you that Sodom’s land will be better off than you on good things? You are evil! For your mouth speaks out of
what is inside your heart. 35A good person produces good & receive them. 21But they did not have roots in them. It was
from the good treasure out of their heart. But an evil person just temporary. When trouble or harassment comes
produces evil out of their evil treasure chest. 36& I say to you because of these Words, they fall immediately. 22& those
that every careless word that is said to people, they will be scattered on thorns; these are those who hear the Words,
responsible for those words on judgment day. 37For by your but the worries of this world & the deceit of riches choke
own words you will be righteous. & by your own words you the Words out, & they become fruitless. 23Except the seeds
will be condemned. 38Then some of the religious teachers scattered on the good soil; these are those who hear the
& pharisees responded to Him saying, Teacher, we want to Words, & who truly accept them. & they will produce fruit:
see a sign from You. 39But He answered them saying, This some 30x, & some 60, & some 100. 24Another parable He
evil generation & adulterers want a sign, & a sign will not explained to them, saying, The Kingdom of Heaven is like
be given to them except the sign of Prophet Jonah’s. 40For a man planting good seed in his field. 25So while the people
just as Jonah was in the belly of a whale 3 days & 3 nights, slept, their enemy came & planted weeds by each of his
so will the Son of Mankind be in the heart of the earth 3 wheat, & then left. 26& when the plants grew up & produced
days & 3 nights. 41Nineveh’s people will rise up in judgment fruit, then the weeds also appeared. 27& the servant of the
with this generation & will condemn it. Because they landowner came to him saying, Sir, did I not plant good
repented with an announcement by Jonah, & look, greater seed in your field? So then, where did the weeds come
than Jonah is here. 42A queen from the South will rise up in from? 28& he said to him, the enemy did this! & the servant
the judgment with this generation & will condemn it. For she said to him, So then, do you want me to go gather them
came from the end of the earth to hear the wisdom of up? 29He said, No, do not gather the weeds, because then
Solomon, & look, greater than Solomon is here. 43& when you would uproot the wheat with them. 30Allow both of
an evil spirit leaves from people, it travels through dry them to grow together until the harvest. & in the harvest
places, searching for rest, & finds none. 44Then it says, I will season, I will say to the harvesters, Gather 1st the weeds &
return into the human body from where I came from & it bind them into bundles to burn them. But gather the wheat
arrives to find them empty & clean & organized. 45Then it together into my barn. 31Another parable He presented to
goes & gets with itself 7 other spirits more evil than itself, & them, saying, The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard
enters in & lives there. For, the final outcome of the person seed grain that a man took to plant in his field, 32which is
is worse than at 1st. & so will it be for this evil generation. 46& truly the smallest of all planted seeds that you grow. & it is
while He was speaking to the crowds, He saw His mother & larger than any garden plant. & so when it becomes a tree,
His brothers standing outside wanting to talk to Him. 47Then the birds of the sky come & live in its branches. 33Another
someone said to Him, Look, Your mother & Your brothers parable He said to them; The Kingdom of Heaven is like
are standing outside wanting to talk to You. 48But He leaven which a woman took & mixed in 3 measures of flour
replied to say, Who is My mother & who are My brothers? until all of it had yeast, causing it to rise. 34Everything Jesus
He reached out His hands towards His Disciples, & said, said to the crowds were in parables. But He never spoke to
Look, My mothers & My brothers. 50For whoever will do My them without a parable, 35so that this completed what was
FATHER’s will, who is in Heaven, these are My mothers, & said by the Prophet, who said, He will open His mouth with
brothers, & sisters. parables. He will speak about things hidden away since
13 & that same day, Jesus went out of the house & sat the foundation of the world. 36Then Jesus sent the crowds
down by the seashore. 2& huge crowds gathered together away. He went into a house, & His Disciples came to Him,
with Him, so many that He went into a ship to sit down. & saying, Make the weed field parable clear to us. 37So He
all the crowds on the shore stood up. 3He spoke many replied & said to them, The 1 planting the good seed is the
things with parables & said, Consider, a seed planter went Son of Mankind. 38& the field is the world. & the good seeds,
out to plant seeds. 4While he was planting seeds, some fell these are the children of the Kingdom. & the weeds are the
on the path, & the birds came & ate them up. 5& others fell children of the evil one. 39& the enemy who planted them
on rocky soil where there was not much soil, & immediately is satan. & the harvest is the end of the world. & the
they grew up because they did not have deep soil. 6But the harvesters are Angels. 40Just like the weeds are gathered &
sun rose & they were burned. & because they did not have burned in the fire, this is how it will be at the end of this
roots, they dried up. 7& others fell on thorns, & the thorns world. 41The Son of Mankind will send out His Angels. & they
grew up & choked them. 8& others fell on good soil. & truly will gather all those causing sin, & those disobeying GΘD’s
their fruit produced some 30x, & some 60x, & some 100x. laws out of His Kingdom. 42& they will be thrown into a
Those, who listen to what they hear, will understand. 10The furnace of fire. Where there will be crying & grinding teeth.
Disciples came to Him, & said, Why do You speak in 43
Then the righteous will shine out like the sun in their
parables to them? 11& He replied to them, Because you FATHER’s Kingdom. Those who hear, listen to understand.
have been allowed the secrets of Heaven’s Kingdom to 44
Again the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that was
know, but the same was not given to them. 12For whoever hidden in a field that a person finds hidden. & the joy of it
has, they will also be given overflowing, & whoever has not, causes them to leave running & sell everything that they
even what they have, will be taken from them. 13So this is have, & buy that 1 field. 45Also the Kingdom of Heaven is
why I speak with parables to them. Since seeing they do like a person who trades; searching for a precious pearl,
not see, & hearing they do not listen or understand. 14& they 46
& when they found 1 very precious pearl, they went away
complete the prophecy of Isaiah, which said, By hearing, to sell everything as much as they had, to buy it. 47Again
you will hear, but you will not realize. & seeing you will see, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a fishing-net, that was thrown
but you will not understand. 15For these people’s hearts are into the sea; & caught all kinds, 48which, when it was full,
hard. & their ears are too dull to hear, & their eyes have was lifted up & set down onto the seashore. The good was
closed. If not they would see with their eyes & with their ears collected into a container, & the bad were thrown out.
they would hear. & with their hearts they would understand 49
This is how it will be at the end of this world; the Angels will
& turn to Me, & I would heal them. 16But happy are your go out & will separate the evil from between the righteous.
eyes because they see. & your ears, because they hear. 50
& they will throw them into the furnace of fire, where they
For truly I say to you, that many Prophets & righteous will be crying & grinding their teeth. 51Jesus said to them,
people wanted to see what you see, & did not see them. & Do you understand all these things? They replied to Him,
to hear what you hear, & did not hear them. 18So now you Yes, Master. 52& He said to them, Because of this, every
get to hear the parable about the seed planter. 19Anyone religious teacher who is discipled into the Kingdom of
who hears the Words about the Kingdom & does not Heaven is like a man, the head of the house, who is getting
consider them, the evil one comes & takes what was things out of his new treasures & old. 53& when Jesus had

planted on their hearts away. These are the seeds that finished these parables, He left there. 54& when He arrived
were scattered on the path. 20& the seeds on the rocky into His hometown, He taught them in their church. So

ground; this is those who hear the Words instantly with joy, much that they were amazed & they said, Where did this
1 get this wisdom & the miraculous powers from? 55Is this elders tradition? For when they eat bread they do not
not a carpenter’s Son? & is not His mother named Mary & wash their hands. 3He replied, & said to them, Why do you
His brothers, James, Joseph, Simon & Jude? 56& are His also break GΘD’s commandment, because of your
sisters not all with us? Where did this Man get all these tradition? 4For GΘD commanded: Honor your father &
things from then? 57& they were offended by Him. & Jesus mother. & anyone who speaks evil about their father or
said to them, A Prophet is not honored in their own mother will die by death. 5So that you can profit, you say,
hometown or in their own house. 58& because of their Anyone can say to their father or mother, that whatever
unbelief, He did not do many miracles there. gifts given to the temple instead of for them, is better, 6&
14 At that time, herod antipas, the governor, heard about they will not be honoring their father or their mother. You
Jesus’s fame. 2& he said to his servants, Is this John the void GΘD’s commandment because of your tradition.
Baptiser? Is he risen from the dead, & this is the reason 7
Hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied divinely about you, saying,
miraculous powers are working in Him? 3For herod had 8
These kinds of people honor ME with their lips, but their
John arrested, chained up, & put him in prison because of hearts are far away from ME. 9& their worship to ME is fake,
herodias, his brother philip’s wife. 4Because John had been pretending to teach the commandments to people. 10Then
saying to him, It is not legal for you to have her, 5so she He invited the crowds to Him. He said to them, Listen &
wanted him killed. She feared the crowd because they understand; 11it is not what enters into a person’s mouth that
considered him as a Prophet. 6So when herod’s birthday makes them dirty, except what is spoken out of their
party came, herodias’s daughter danced in front of herod, mouth, this is what dirties a person. 12After this His Disciples
& it pleased him. 7Because of this, he promised with a came near to say, Did you know that the pharisees who
covenant to give her whatever she wanted. 8But she was heard this were offended? 13But He replied saying; Every
forced by her mother to say, Give me John the Baptiser’s plant that was not planted by My Heavenly FATHER will be
head here on a plate. 9& the governor was sad because pulled up. 14Leave them alone. They are blind guides of the
of this promise, but he ordered those sitting with him to give blind. & if blind lead, both will fall down into the pit. 15&
it to her. 10So his orders were sent; John’s head was cut off Peter asked Him to explain this parable to him. 16So Jesus
in the prison. 11& his head was brought on a plate, & was said, Are you still without this knowledge, & 17do you not yet
given to the girl, & she brought it to her mother. 12& his understand that everything that goes into the mouth goes
disciples came to take the body, & buried it, then went to into the stomach, & is sent out into the toilet? 18& things
tell Jesus. 13& when Jesus heard this, He left there by a ship going out of the mouth, come from out of the heart, & also
to a private place, this time alone. & when the crowds make the person dirty. 19For out of the heart comes out evil
heard about this, they went to Him on foot out of their thoughts; murder, sex with another person’s wife, sex
cities. 14When Jesus came out, He saw a huge crowd, & felt outside of marriage, theft, false testimony, evil speaking.
sorry for them, so He healed their sick. 15When evening 20
These are the things that make a person dirty. But eating
came, the Disciples went close to Him & said, This place is with unwashed hands does not make a person dirty. 21Then
a wilderness, & the time is late already. Send the crowds Jesus left there. He returned to the Tyre & Sidon area. 22&
away so that they will go into their villages & buy noticed a Palestine woman from the same area had come
themselves food. 16But Jesus said to them, They do not out. She yelled out saying, Have mercy on me, Master, Son
need to go away. You give them food to eat. 17& they said of David! My daughter is ill, possessed by an evil spirit. 23But
to Him, We do not have anything here except just 5 loaves He did not say a word to her. & His Disciples came to Him
& 2 fish. 18So He said, Bring those here to Me. 19He ordered requesting, saying, Set her free because she yells out
the crowds to sit down on the grass. Then He took the 5 behind us. 24But He replied saying, No, I was sent only for
loaves & the 2 fish, & He looked up to the sky praising GΘD the lost sheep of Israel’s people. 25Then she came to
& broke the loaves into pieces, & He gave them to the worship Him saying, Master, help me! 26But He replied
Disciples; & the Disciples to the crowds. 20Everyone ate & saying, It is not right to take the children’s food & throw it to
were full. & they picked up the remains of the left overs, & dogs. 27& she said, True, Master, but even the dogs eat from
12 large baskets were filled. 21& about 5,000 men, besides the crumbs that fall from their master’s table. 28So Jesus
women & children had eaten. 22& immediately, Jesus replied to her saying, Wow! Woman, great is your faith! So
insisted that His Disciples step into the ship, & go ahead of be it for you as you wanted. & her daughter was healed at
Him to the other side, while He sent the crowds away. that exact moment. 29& Jesus left from there going along
After sending the crowds away, He went up onto the the sea of galilee. & He went up onto the mountain & sat
mountain that evening by Himself to pray. & He was alone down there. 30& huge crowds came to Him bringing with
there. 24But the ship was now in the middle of the sea being them mute, crippled, lame, blind, & many others. & they
tossed with waves, because the winds were hostile. 25So set them down at His feet & He healed them. 31So many
during the 4th guard watch of the night, Jesus went towards that the crowds admired Him when they saw the mute
them, walking on the water. 26& when the Disciples saw speaking, the crippled made whole, the lame walking, &
Him walking on the water, They were worried, saying, Is this the blind seeing. & they glorified the GΘD of Israel.
a spirit? Then they screamed out in terror. 27Immediately 32
Afterwards Jesus called His Disciples to Him to say, I feel
Jesus spoke to them, & said, Cheer up, it is I. Do not fear. sorry for the crowds because they have stayed with me 3
& Peter replied to Him, saying, Master, if it is You, days already & have nothing to eat. & I will not send them
command me to come to You on the water. 29& Jesus said, away without food, or else they could faint during their
Come to Me. & he came down from the ship, & Peter travel. 33& His Disciples said to Him, Where can we find
walked on the water to go to Him. 30But when he saw the enough food in this wilderness, so that we can feed this
powerful wind, he was afraid, & started to sink. He yelled huge crowd? 34So Jesus said to them, How many loaves do
out, saying, Master, save me! 31Right away, Jesus reached you have? & they said, 7, & a few small fish. 35Then He
out His hand & rescued him, & said to him, So little faith, ordered the crowds to sit down on the ground. 36& He took
why did you doubt Me? 32After they stepped into the ship, the 7 loaves & the fish & said, Thanks. & broke them & gave
the wind stopped. 33Then those in the ship came to worship them to His Disciples & the Disciples to the crowds. 37&
Him, saying, You are truly GΘD’s Son! 34& after crossing everyone ate & were full. & they picked up the remaining
over, they went into the land of Gennesaret. 35The people leftovers of food, 7 full baskets. 38& there were 4,000 men,
of that area recognized Him, & they sent a messenger to besides the women & the children who ate. 39& He sent the
all the surrounding region. & they brought to Him everyone crowds away & walked onto a ship, & went to the
who was diseased. 36& they begged Him so that they could Magdala coast.
just touch His cloak’s edge. & as many touched it were 16 & the pharisees & sadducees came to tempt Him. They

healed. demanded that He show them a sign from Heaven. 2He

15 Then the pharisees & religious teachers came to Jesus replied & said to them, When evening comes, you say if

from Jerusalem, saying, 2Why do your Disciples break the the sky is red; good weather. 3& in the morning, if the sky is
red & cloudy; today a storm. Hypocrites, you can decide would come 1st, & restore everything. 12Also, I tell you, that
the sky covered with clouds, but you cannot the sign of Elijah has already come, & they did not recognize him, but
these events? 4A wicked & adulterous generation they did to him whatever they wanted. In this same way,
demands a sign, but they will not be given a sign, except the Son of Mankind will also suffer by them. 13This time the
only Jonah, the Prophet’s sign. He left them & went away. Disciples thought that He was speaking about John the
His Disciples went to the other side, but they had forgotten Baptiser. 14& when they came to the crowds, a man came
to bring food. 6& Jesus said to them, Beware & watch-out near & kneeled down to Him, saying, 15Master, have mercy
for the yeast of the pharisees & sadducees. 7So they on my son, for he is very sick & crazy, for he falls often into
thought about this by themselves saying, Because we did the fire, & often into the water. 16So I brought him to Your
not bring enough bread. 8But Jesus knew this, said, So little Disciples, & they could not heal him. 17Then Jesus
trust. Why discuss this by yourselves because you did not responded by saying, Wow unbelieving & corrupt
bring enough bread? 9Did you not yet understand or generation, how long will I be with you? How long will I
remember the 5 loaves for the 5,000, or how many baskets suffer with you? Bring him near to Me. 18& Jesus rebuked the
you picked up? 10Or the 7 loaves for the 4,000 or how many evil spirit, & it came out of him, & the child was healed at
baskets you picked up? 11Why did you not understand that that moment. 19Then the Disciples came to Jesus privately
I was not speaking to you about bread? Beware of the to say, Why could we not send it out? 20& Jesus said to
yeast of the pharisees & sadducees. 12Then they them, Because of your unbelief, for truly I say to you, if you
understood that He said to not beware of the yeast in have belief like a mustard seed, you can say to this
bread, but of the teachings of the pharisees & sadducees. mountain, move from this place, & it will move, & nothing
When Jesus arrived in the area of caesarea philippi. He will be impossible for you. 21& this kind will not go out,
asked His Disciples saying, Who do people say that I, the except by prayer & fasting. 22& while they stayed in galilee,
Son of Mankind, Am? 14& they said truly: John the Baptiser, Jesus said to them, The Son of Mankind will be betrayed
& others, Elijah, & some others, Jeremiah or 1 of the into people’s hands, 23& they will kill Him, after the 3rd day
Prophets. 15& He said to them, Who do you say I am? 16& He will be raised up. & they were extremely sad. 24& when
Simon Peter replied, saying, You are the Anointed 1, the they came to capernaum, those who collect silver tax
living Son of GΘD. 17Jesus replied, & said to him, Happy are coins came to Peter & said, Your Teacher does not pay a
you, Simon Barjona. Because flesh & blood did not reveal silver tribute coin! 25He replied, Right! & when he came to
this to you, but My FATHER, WHO is in Heaven. 18& I say also the temple, Jesus prevented him, saying, What do you
to you, that you are Peter, & by you the rock, I will build My think Peter? Who do the kings of the earth collect customs
Church & the gates of hell will not overpower it. 19I will give or tributes from? From their own children, or from
you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. & if you chain foreigners? 26Peter replied to Him, From foreigners. Jesus
anything up on earth, it will be chained up by Heaven, & if said to him, So then the Children are free! 27But, so that we
you free anything on earth, it will be freed by Heaven. do not offend them, you go to the sea, & drop a hook, & lift
Then He ordered His Disciples, so that they would not tell up the 1st fish that comes up. & when you open its mouth,
anyone that He is the Anointed 1. 21From then on Jesus, you will find a silver stater coin. Take it
began to explain to His Disciples that He had to go to & give it to them for Me & you.
Jerusalem & suffer many things, & be killed by the 18 During this time, the Disciples came to Jesus, saying,
sanhedrin elders, & high priests, & religious teachers. & He Who will be the greatest in Heaven’s Kingdom? 2So Jesus
would be resurrected the 3rd day. 22Peter took Him privately called a little child to Him, & stood that one up in the
& began to rebuke Him, saying, Master, far be this. No, I will middle of them, 3& said, Truly, I say to you, if anyone does
never allow this to happen to You. 23But He turned to Peter not change & become like this little child, they will never
saying, Get behind me satan! You are a trap for Me, for enter into Heaven’s Kingdom. 4So then whoever will
your understanding is not those of GΘD’s, but those of humble themselves like this little child, the same will be
humans. 24Then Jesus said to His Disciples, If anyone wants greater in the Kingdom of Heaven. 5& whoever will receive
to come follow Me, they must deny themselves, & lift up 1 like this little child, in My name, receives Me. 6But
their cross & join Me. 25For this reason, whoever wants to whoever causes 1 of these little ones who believes in Me
save their life, they will lose it. But, whoever loses their life to lose faith, they would be better off with a large millstone
because of Me will find it. 26For what will a person profit if hanging around their neck, & they were drowned in the
they gain the whole world & lose their soul? Or what will a deep sea. 7Trouble for the world because of the
person give in exchange for their soul? 27For the Son of temptations of sin! It is necessary for temptations to
Mankind will come in the glory of His FATHER, with His happen, but misery to the person who causes the sin to
Angels, & then He will reward each according to their happen. 8If your hand, or your foot causes you to sin, then
works. 28Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here cut it off & throw it away from you. You are better off
who will not taste death until they see the Son of Mankind entering into real life crippled or lame, than having 2 hands
rising in His Royal power. or 2 feet, being thrown into eternal fire. 9& if your eye
17 & after 6 days, Jesus took Peter, & James, & John his causes you to sin, remove it & throw it away from you. It is
brother, privately with Him, & led them up on a high better for you to enter into real life 1 eyed, than being
mountain. 2& He transformed in front of them, & His face thrown into hell’s fire with 2 eyes. 10See with your eyes, do
shined like the sun, & His cloak became as white as a star. not insult 1 of these children. For I tell you that their Angels
& they saw Moses & Elijah appear, talking with Him. 4Then from Heaven all see My FATHER’s face WHO is in Heaven.
Peter began to speak, saying to Jesus, Master, it is good for 11
For the Son of Mankind has come to save those from
everyone to be here. If You want, we can make 3 tents; 1 being destroyed. 12What do you think about this case?
for You, Moses 1, & Elijah 1. 5While he was still speaking, they There was a man with 100 sheep, & 1 of them got lost… will
realized a bright cloud gave them shade. & realize a voice he not leave the 99 on the mountain & go search for the
out of the cloud, spoke, This is My greatly loved Son, in Who lost 1? 13& if he finds it, truly I say to you, that he rejoices
I Am pleased with, listen to Him! 6& when the Disciples about it more than about the 99 that did not get lost. 14In
heard this, they went down on their faces, & were this same way, it is not your FATHER’s will WHO is in Heaven,
extremely afraid. 7So Jesus went near to touch them, & that 1 of these children be destroyed. 15& if your fellow
said, Get up, & do not be afraid. 8& when their eyes looked believer sins against you, go explain this to them; between
up, they saw no-one, except only Jesus. 9Afterwards, as you & them alone. If they listen to you, you have regained
they went down off the mountain, Jesus ordered them, your fellow believer. 16But if they will not listen, then take
saying, Tell no-one about this vision until the Son of with you, 1 or 2 more, so that by the testimony of 2 or 3

Mankind has risen from the dead. 10& His Disciples asked witnesses, every word will stand. 17& if a believer refuses to
him, saying, Why did the religious teachers say that Elijah listen to them, talk to the church people. & if they also

must come 1st? 11Jesus replied, & said to them, Elijah truly refuse to listen to the church people, they are to become
a pagan & a tax collector to you. 18Truly I say to you, have sex outside marriage. Do not steal. Do not false testify.
whatever you chain up on earth, will be chained up in 19
Honor your father & mother. & you love others nearby like
Heaven. & whatever you free on earth, will be free in yourself. 20The young man said to Him, All these I have kept
Heaven. 19Again I say to you, that if 2 of you agree together from my young age. What else do I need? 21Jesus said to
on earth about anything, that if they ask, it will happen for him, If you want to be complete, go sell what you have, &
them from My FATHER WHO is in Heaven. 20For where 2 or 3 give it to the poor. Then come join Me & you will have
are gathered together in My Name, there I am in the treasures in Heaven. 22Instead the young man heard what
middle of them. 21Then Peter came to Him saying, Master, He said went away upset, for he had many properties.
how many times can a believer sin against me, & I forgive 23
Then Jesus said to His Disciples, Truly I say to you, that the
him, up to 7x? 22Jesus said to him, I say to you not up to 7x, rich have difficulty entering into Heaven’s Kingdom. 24&
but up to 70x7! 23Because this Kingdom of Heaven is like a again I say to you, It is easier for a camel to enter through
human king who wanted to make final decisions with his a needle hole, than the rich to enter into the Kingdom of
servants. 24& when he started to make final decisions, 1 GΘD. 25When His Disciples heard this, they were very
who owed a countless amount of coins was brought to him. shocked, saying, So then, who can be saved? 26Jesus
But he was not able to repay it. His master commanded turned His eyes & said to them, With mankind this is
that he be sold, & His wife, & children, & all that he owned, impossible, but with GΘD all things are possible. 27Then
to repay it. 26Then the servant went down to kiss his hand, Peter replied, saying to Him, Realize; we have left
saying, master have patience with me & I will repay everything & joined You. What will we get? 28So Jesus said
everything to you. 27Then the master of that servant felt to them, Truly I say to you, that you who have joined Me,
sorry for him & freed him, & forgave what he owed. 28But when the Son of Mankind sits down on His glorious throne
that same servant went out to find 1 of his fellow servants within the recreation, you also will sit on 12 thrones, judging
who owed him 100 roman coins. & grabbed his neck, the 12 tribes of Israel. 29& everyone who has left behind
choking him, saying, Pay me everything you owe. 29Then houses, or land, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or
his fellow servant went down by his feet begging him, brothers, or sisters, for My name, will receive 100x, & will
saying, Have patience with me, & I will repay you inherit eternal life. 30But many 1st, will be last, & last 1st.
everything. 30& he was not willing, instead he went there & 20 The Kingdom of Heaven explained is like a person who
threw him into prison, until he paid what was owed. 31So owns property who went out early in the morning to hire
when his fellow servants saw what had happened before, workers for his vineyard, 2agreeing with the workers for a
felt very upset, & went to clearly tell their master everything roman silver coin a day, then ordered them into his
that had happened. 32So then his master called for him, vineyard. 3He went out near the 3rd hour, & he noticed
saying to him, Wicked servant, I freed you from everything others standing at the market doing nothing. 4& he said to
owed after you begged me. 33Was it not right for you to also them, I will pay you whatever is right, you also go into my
have mercy on your fellow servant as I also had mercy on vineyard. 5Again he went out about the 6th & 9th hours,
you? 34His master became angry & gave him to the jail doing the same. 6About the 11th hour he went out, & he
torturers until he could repay all that he owed. 35This is also found others standing doing nothing, & said to them, Why
what My Heavenly FATHER will do to you, if from your heart, do you stand here all day doing nothing? 7They said to him,
you do not forgive every believer of their sins. Because no-one has hired us. He said to them, You also go
19 & when Jesus finished saying these things, He left from into my vineyard & whatever is right, you will receive. 8So
Galilee, & came to the coast of Palestine, past the jordan when evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his
river. 2& huge crowds went with Him & He healed them manager, Call the workers & pay them their wages, starting
there. 3& the pharisees went near to Him, & tempted Him, from the last to the 1st. 9& those who came near the 11th
asking Him, Is it legal for a man to divorce his wife for any hour, were each given a roman silver coin. 10But when the
reason? 4& He answered them saying, Have you not also 1st came, they thought that they would receive more, but
read that He who made them at the beginning, made them each was also given the same roman silver coin. 11& when
male & female? 5& said, For this reason a man will leave they received it, they complained against the property
behind his father & mother, & be glued to his wife, & the 2 owner, 12saying, These last have worked 1 hour, & you have
become 1 body. 6So then, they are no longer 2, but 1 body. treated them equal to us, & we have worked the most,
So what GΘD has joined together, no human tear apart. during the day’s burning heat. 13Then he replied to 1 of
They asked Him, Then why did Moses order to give a them, saying, Friend, I did not wrong you. Did you not
written divorce scroll, & to set her free? 8He said to them, agree with me for a roman silver coin? 14So take what is
Because of your hard hearts, Moses allowed you to free yours & go. My will is to give the last, the same as I did for
your wives, but from the beginning it did not happen this you. 15Is it against the law for me to do what I want with
way. 9But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except what is mine? Or are your eyes evil because I am good?
for sexual immorality, & marries another, commits unlawful 16
In this way, the last will be 1st & the 1st last for many are
sex, & whoever marries her, who is divorced, commits invited, but few are favored. 17As Jesus was going up to
unlawful sex. 10His Disciples said to Him, If this is the case, Jerusalem, He took the 12 Disciples privately alone, on the
that man has to be with his wife, it is not always better to way, & said to them, 18As I go up to Jerusalem, realize also,
get married. 11He also said to them, Not all men succeed the Son of Mankind will be betrayed to the high priests &
who this order is given to besides these; 12For there are religious teachers, & they will sentence Him to death. 19&
eunuchs, who were born this way from their mother’s they will hand Him over to the crowds to be mocked, &
womb, & there are some eunuchs who were cut off by whipped severely, & crucified, & on the 3rd day, He will rise
mankind, & then become eunuchs, others have made up. 20Then the mother of Zebedee’s sons came near with
themselves eunuchs for Heaven’s Kingdom. Those that her sons to ask something from Him, & kissed His hand. 21&
have the ability to succeed, go forward with it. 13Then there He said to her, What do you want? She said to Him, Say that
were little children brought to Him to worship Him, also to my 2 sons will sit down, 1 of them by Your right hand & 1 by
lay His hands on them & the Disciples rebuked them. 14So Your left hand in Your Kingdom 22But Jesus answered
Jesus said, Do not send the little children away or prevent saying, You do not know what you ask. Are you able to
them from coming to Me, the Kingdom of Heaven is for drink the cup that I will drink from, & be baptized; the
these kind. 15& He laid His hands on them. & He traveled on baptism that I will be baptized with? They said to Him, We
from there 16& noticed someone came near & said to Him, are able. 23So He said to them, Truly you will drink My cup
Honorable Teacher, what honorable thing can I do so that & be baptized with the baptism that I am to be baptized
I will have eternal life? 17& He said to him, There is nothing with: But to sit by My right hand, & by My left hand, is not

honorable except 1, GΘD is honorable. & if you want to Mine to give, but My FATHER’s, WHO prepares it. 24& when
enter into real life, guard the commands. 18So he asked the 10 heard this, they were angry with the 2 brothers. 25So

Him, Which 1’s? Jesus replied to him: Do not murder. Do not Jesus called them to Him, saying, You know that the
leaders of non-believers use power over them, & their to them, Then I will not tell you by what authority I do these
greatest use authority over them. 26But it is not to be this things. 28What is your opinion about this? A man had 2 sons
way with you. If anyone wants to become the greatest of & he went to the 1st & said, Son, go work today in my
you, they will become your servant. 27& if anyone wants to vineyard. 29He replied, & said, No, I will not, but afterwards
be 1st within you, they will be your servant. 28Even the Son he repented & did go. 30Then he went to the 2nd to say the
of Mankind did not come to be served, but to serve, & to same thing & he answered, Yes sir, & did not go. 31Which of
pay with His life, the ransom price, for many. 29As He was those 2 did the father’s will? They said to Him, The 1st. Jesus
going out of Jericho a huge crowd joined Him. 30& they said to them, Truly I say to you that the tax collectors & the
saw 2 blind sitting by the road, who heard that Jesus was prostitutes will go into the Kingdom of GΘD before you.
passing by. They yelled out, saying, Master, have mercy on 32
For John came to you with the way of righteousness & you
us, David’s Son. 31But the crowd rebuked them, so that they did not believe him, but the tax collectors & the prostitutes
would be silent, except they yelled out even more, saying, believed him. When you realized this, you did not repent
Master, David’s Son, have mercy on us, 32So Jesus stopped afterwards & believe him. 33Listen to another parable: There
& called out to them, saying, What do you want Me to do was this 1 property owner who planted a vineyard &
for you? 33They said to Him, Master, open ours eyes to see. placed a fence around it. Next dug a place for a tub in it.
Jesus felt sorry for them & touched their eyes, & instantly & built a fortified tower, & rented it out to farmers, & went
they looked up, & they joined Him. into a foreign country. 34& when the season for fruit was
21 & when He came near to Jerusalem, they stopped at near, he sent his servants to the farmers to get the profit
the mountain of olive trees on bethphage. Then Jesus sent from them. 35But the farmers grabbed his servants & beat 1,
away 2 Disciples, 2saying to them, Go into that village stoned 1, & killed 1. 36Again, he sent different servants more
before you, & immediately you will find a young donkey than the 1st time, & they did the same to them. 37& lastly, he
tied. Untie it, then bring to Me. 3& if anyone says something sent to them his son, saying, They will respect my son. 38But
to you, say that the Master needs to use it. & immediately when the farmers saw his son, they said to themselves, This
they will allow it to go. 4& all this happened so that it would is his inheritor, come, kill him now, so to get his inheritance.
complete that which was spoken by the Prophet, who 39
& they grabbed him, & slayed him, & threw him out of the
said, 5Tell this to Jerusalem’s descendants, Look, the King vineyard. 40As soon as the owner of the vineyard comes,
comes to you gently mounted on a donkey, yet a young what will he do to those farmers? 41They said to Him, He will
male donkey. 6& the Disciples went & did just as Jesus badly destroy those wicked ones, & will rent out his
instructed them. 7& they brought the young donkey, & laid vineyard to other farmers who will give him the profits in
their cloaks on it, & He sat on them. 8& massive crowds their seasons. 42Jesus said to them, In the Holy writings, did
spread their cloaks along the way. Others cut down you never read, The stone that the builders rejected, this
branches from the trees, & spread them out along the will become the chief corner? This is the Master’s doing & it
way. 9& the crowds that went in front. & those following is wonderful in our eyes. 43This is the reason I say to you, the
yelled out, saying, Save us! David’s Son, praise to the Kingdom of GΘD will be taken from you & given to people
Master, the highest name! Come save us! 10But when He who produce fruit. 44& whoever falls on this stone will be
entered into Jerusalem, everyone in the city shook with broken into pieces, but whoever it falls on, it will grind them
fear, saying, Who is this? 11& the crowds said, This is Jesus, to powder. 45When the high priests & pharisees heard this
the Savior from Nazareth of Galilee. 12& Jesus went into parable, they also knew that He was speaking about them.
GΘD’s temple, & threw out all those that sold & did 46
They wanted to arrest Him, but they feared the crowds
business in the Temple, & turned over the money changer’s because they considered Him just like a Prophet.
tables, & the seats of those selling doves. 13& He said to 22 & Jesus explained again, speaking to them with
them, It is written, MY Temple will be called a prayer parables. He said, 2The Kingdom of Heaven is like a king
Temple, but you have made it a hiding place for thieves. who prepared a marriage for his son, 3& he sent out his
& blind & lame came near to Him in the Temple, & He servants to invite by name those to the wedding. & they
healed them. 15When the high priests & religious teachers decided not to come. 4Again, he sent out other servants,
saw the wonderful things that He did, & the children saying, tell those who were invited: Realize, I have
speaking loudly in the temple, & saying to David’s Son, prepared my festival, my bulls, & my fatlings are killed, &
Save us, they were outraged, 16& said to Him, Do you hear everything is ready. Come to the wedding festival. 5They
what they are saying? & Jesus said to them, Yes, have you did not care & went their way: Truly, some to their fields, &
never read: Out of the mouths of children & breast feeding others to their businesses, 6& the rest took his servants &
babies, I have prepared praise? 17& He left them behind, shamefully abused them, & killed them. 7& when the king
& went out of the city towards Bethany, & He slept in the heard this, he was enraged & sent out his army to kill those
open there. 18Now in the early morning, as He was going murderers, & burned down their city. 8Then he said to his
back into the city, He got hungry. 19When He saw a fig tree servants, The wedding is prepared, but those invited were
along the way, He went to it, but found nothing within it, not worthy. 9Now go out to the roads, & whoever you find,
except only leaves, & said to it, Never again grow fruit from invite to the wedding. 10So those servants went out to the
this, ever! & instantly the fig tree dried up. 20& when the roadways, & gathered together all, as many as they found,
Disciples saw this, they wondered, saying, How did the fig both bad & good, & the wedding was filled with those sitting
tree dry up so fast? 21& Jesus replied, & said to them, Truly I down. 11When the king entered in to see those sitting down,
say to you, if you have faith, & do not doubt, you will not he also saw a person who did not have wedding clothes
only do this to a fig tree, but also, if you say to this mountain, on. 12So he said to him, Friend, how did you enter in here
lift up & be thrown into the sea, it will happen. 22Anything, without wedding clothes? But he was speechless. 13Then
you ask; whatever in prayer, believe, & you will receive. the king said to his servants, Chain his hands & feet. Take
& when He went into the temple, the high priests & him away & throw him into outer darkness, where there is
sanhedrin elders of the people came to Him as He was crying & teeth grinding. 14For many are invited, but few are
teaching, & said, By what authority do You do these things picked. 15After the pharisees went & crafted a plan so that
& who gave You this power? 24Jesus replied, & said to they could trap Him with His words. 16So they sent out their
them, I will also ask you 1 question, which, if you tell Me, I students with the herodians, to say to Him, Teacher, we
will also tell you, by what authority I do these things. 25The know that You are true, & teach the proper godly way with
baptism of John’s: Where was it from, Heaven or from truth. You also do not worry about any person because
humans? & they reasoned with themselves saying, If we You do not consider the outward appearance of people.
say, from Heaven, He will say to us, Then why did you not 17
So then, tell us Your opinion. Is it lawful to pay tribute tax’s

believe him? 26But if we say, From humans, we fear the to caesar or not? 18Since Jesus knew their wickedness, He
people because everyone believes John is a Prophet. 27& replied, Why do you pretenders test Me? 19Show Me a

they answered Jesus, saying, We do not know. & He said tribute tax coin. So they brought Him a roman silver coin.
& He said to them, Whose image is this & inscribed title? greater, the gold, or the Temple that makes the gold Holy?
They said to Him, caesar’s. Then He said, For this reason, 18
& if anyone promises by the altar, it is nothing? But
give back to caesar the things of caesar’s, & to GΘD, the whoever promises by the sacrifice that is on it, owes it?
things of GΘD's. 22After hearing this, they were impressed, 19
Godless & blind! Because which is greater, the sacrifice,
& gave up, & went away. 23That same day, the sadducees or the altar that makes the sacrifice Holy? 20So then
came near to Him saying, No resurrections happen. & promises made by the altar are promises by it, & by
demanded Him, 24saying, Teacher, Moses said, if someone everything on it. 21& so whoever promises by the Temple,
dies without having children, his own brother will marry his promises by it, & by the divine power in it. 22& whoever
wife, & raise up children for his brother. 25So there were 7 promises by Heaven, promises by the Throne of GΘD, & by
brothers with us, & the 1st married & died, without children, the 1 who sits down on it. 23Trouble for you religious leaders
so his wife went to become his brother’s. 26The same thing & pharisees. Hypocrites! You give 10% garden mint, cumin
happened to the 2nd, & also the 3rd, down to the 7th. 27& last seed, & anise spice, but have abandoned the most
of all, the wife also died. 28So then, in the resurrection, important of the Laws; justice, mercy, & truth. These are
whose wife will she be? For all 7 were joined with her. necessary to do, & also do not abandon the others. 24Blind
Jesus replied & said this to them, You lead those who do guides, who strain out a gnat, & drink a camel. 25Trouble for
not know the Holy writings, or the power of GΘD, to sin. 30For you religious teachers & pharisees. Hypocrites! You clean
in the resurrection, no-one will marry or be married, but the outside of cups, & the plates, but inside your filled from
they will be like GΘD’s Angels in Heaven. 31Also, about the pillaging & hunger for power. 26Blind pharisees, 1st clean
resurrecting of the dead; have you not read what GΘD what is inside the cup & plate, so that the outside of them
spoke to you saying, 32I am the GΘD of Abraham & the will also be clean. 27Trouble for you religious teachers &
GΘD of Isaac & the GΘD of Jacob? GΘD is not god of the pharisees. Hypocrites! You look like whitewashed tombs,
dead, but of the living! 33& when the crowds heard this, which truly appear beautiful outside, but are full of dead
they were amazed at His teachings. 34But when the people’s bones, & of every kind of uncleanliness inside,
pharisees heard that the sadducees were silenced, they 28
so that you also look outwardly righteous to people, but
gathered together with the sadducees against Him. 35So 1 inside you are full of deceit & wickedness. 29Trouble for you
of them who was also a lawyer, tested Him, & demanded religious teachers & pharisees. Hypocrites! Because you
saying, 36Teacher, which is the greatest commandment of built the tombs for the righteous Prophets, & honor their
the Laws? 37& Jesus said to him, Love GΘD your MASTER tombs with ornaments, 30& say, If we were there in those
with all of your heart & with all of your soul & with all of your days of our fathers, we would not have joined in with them
mind. 38This is the 1st & greatest commandment. 39& the 2nd during the blood of the Prophets. 31So then you testified that
is like it, Love others as you would yourself. 40With these 2 you are children of those who murdered the Prophets. 32&
Commandments, all the Laws, & the Prophets hang on. you are completing your part just like your fathers.
While the pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked 33
Snakes, born from vipers! How can you escape being
them, 42saying, What do you think about the Anointed? sentenced to hell? 34Watch, I will send to you Prophets, wise
Whose Son is He? They said, King David’s. 43He said to them, people, & scribes, & because of you, some will be killed,
So then why did David in spirit, call him Master, saying, 44My others crucified, others whipped by yourselves in your
Master said to me, I, your Master, will make your enemies churches, & persecuted from town to town. 35Because of
your footstool. Sit down by My right hand, by Me, until then? this all the righteous blood poured out on the land will
So then, If David called Him Master, how can He be his come on you, from the blood of righteous Abel, up to the
son? 46& no-one was able to respond to Him a single word, blood of Berechijah’s son, Zachariah, who was murdered
or brave enough to ask Him questions anymore during this between the temple & the altar. 36Truly I say to you, all this
day. will happen to your generation. 37Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
23 Then Jesus spoke to the crowd, & to His Disciples, which murders the Prophets, & stones those sent to them.
saying, The religious teachers & the pharisees sit on How I have often wanted to gather you children together,
Moses’s seat. 3So then do everything carefully, what they just like a hen gathers together her chicks under her wings,
tell you to observe & do, but do not follow along after their but you were not willing. 38Look at your houses being
works, for they say, but do nothing. 4& because they put on deserted. 39For I say to you, you will not see Me from when
heavy loads that are difficult to carry, & put them on I leave until, Praise He who comes in the name of the GΘD,
people’s shoulders, but will not move them with 1 of their is called out.
fingers. 5Because every work they do is for people to see; 24 When Jesus went out of the temple, & His Disciples
they make extra-large leather verse boxes on themselves, came with Him to be shown the temple’s structure. 2&
& glorify their clothes edges, 6& they love the head of the Jesus said to them, Look at all of this. Truly I say to you, not
table at dinners, & the 1st seats in the churches, 7& greetings 1 of these stones will remain here on another stone that will
in the public places, & to be called by people, my master not be demolished. 3& as He was sitting on the mountain of
teacher. 8But you are not to be called teacher, because olive trees, the Disciples came to Him privately asking, Tell
you have 1 Anointed Master, & all of you are fellow us, when will these things happen? & what will be the sign
believers. 9So do not call anyone of yourselves on earth of your return, & end of the world? 4& Jesus answered them
your father, because there is 1 FATHER, yours, WHO is in saying, Carefully observe, so no-one will lead you to sin.
Heaven. 10Also, do not be called master, for you have 1 5
For many will come in my character, saying, I am
Anointed Master. 11So your greatest will be your servants. anointed, & will cause many to sin. 6You will hear of wars &
Since whoever lifts themselves high will be made low. But rumors of wars. Be aware of this & do not worry. Because
whoever will humble themselves, will be lifted high. 13But all of this must happen, but the end will not be yet. 7For
trouble for you religious teachers & pharisees. Hypocrites! nations will rise up against nations, & kingdoms against
Because you shut closed Heaven’s Kingdom in front of kingdoms. & there will be famines, plagues, & also
people. You will not even go in yourselves. You also send earthquakes throughout the world. 8So then all of these
those away who are trying to get in. 14Trouble for you, begin the birth pains. 9Then you will be handed over to be
religious teachers & pharisees. Hypocrites! You devour persecuted & killed. & you will be hated by all nations
widow’s property, & for show make long prayers. Because because of My Name. 10& then many will be deceived to
of this, you will receive extreme punishment. 15Trouble for sin, & will betray each other, & will hate each other. 11&
you religious teachers & pharisees. Hypocrites! You travel many fake prophets will rise up, & cause many to sin
land & sea to gain 1 newcomer, & when they are gained, 12
which will cause wickedness to multiply. & the love of

you make them 2x worse a hell child of yours. 16Trouble for many will become cold. 13But whoever will endure to the
you blind guides, who say, Whoever promises by the end, they will be saved. 14& this good news of the Kingdom
Temple, it is nothing, but whoever promises by the gold in will be spoken with authority as a witness to the whole

the Temple, owes it. 17Godless & blind! Because which is world, & to all nations, then the end will come. 15Truly when
you see the wretched idolatry spoken about by Daniel the bridegroom is coming, go out to meet him. 7At that time all
Prophet, standing in the most Holy places; read carefully to the virgins woke up, & got their lamps ready. 8& the foolish
recognize this. 16Then those in Judea escape away into the said to the wise, give us some of your olive oil, for our lamps
mountains. 17Those on the housetops, do not go down to have gone out. 9But the wise replied, saying, No, there will
take anything out of your house.18& those in the field, do not be enough for us & you. Instead, go to those that sell, &
not return back to pick up your clothes. 19& trouble for those buy some yourself. 10So they went to buy it; & the
who have a baby in their belly, & for those breast feeding bridegroom came, & those prepared went with him to the
during these days. 20So pray to GΘD so that your escape wedding party, & the door was locked. 11Afterwards when
will not be during winter, or during the Sabbath. 21For in the other virgins also came, they said, Owner, Master,
these times will be great suffering, in a way, never open up for us! 12But he replied, saying, Truly I say to you, I
happened since the beginning of the world, for this time, or do not know you. 13Be cautious because you do not know
will ever happen again. 22& if these days were not the day or the time that the Son of Mankind is coming. 14For
shortened, no-one could possibly survive, but for the exactly as a person is about to travel into a foreign place
chosen, these days will be shortened. 23During this time if will call his own servants, & trust them with their possessions,
anyone says to you, Look here or there is the Anointed, do 15
so according to each person’s true ability they are given
not believe them. 24For false anointed, & false prophets will talents; 5 to 1, & another 2, & another 1, & then traveled to
rise up, who will also perform great signs & miracles so a foreign place. 16So the 5 talents person took & traveled to
powerful, they will lead even the chosen to sin. 25Realize: I trade with it, & they made another 5 talents. 17& also the 1
have predicted this for you. 26So if anyone says to you: that received 2, they also gained another 2. 18But the
Look, he is in the desert, do not go out. Look, he is in a person who received 1, went & dug it into the ground,
secret place, do not believe it. 27For exactly like the hiding his owner’s silver coin. 19& after a long time, the
lightning can be seen from the East & the West, so also will owner of those servants came back, & talked with them
be the coming of the Son of Mankind. 28Wherever the dead about accounts. 20So the 1 that received 5 talents, came
are, this is the reason vultures are gathered together. near & brought another 5 talents, saying, Owner you gave
Right after the suffering of these days, the sun will be me 5 talents: Look! I have gained another 5 talents more.
darkened, & the moon will not give its light, & the stars will 21
& his owner said to that 1, Well done, good & trustworthy
fall from the sky, & the powers in the universe will be thrown servant! You were trustworthy with little, you will be placed
down. 30So then a bright shining sign of the Son of Mankind over much. You have brought joy to your owner, enter in.
will be seen in the universe, & then all the people of the 22
& also the 1 that received 2 talents, came near to say,
earth, who had been suffering, will see the Son of Mankind Owner, you gave me 2 talents: Look! I have gained 2 more
coming on the clouds from Heaven with power & much talents besides those. 23His owner said to that 1, Well done,
glory. 31& He will send His Angels with a great trumpet good & trustworthy servant! You were trustworthy over little,
sound, & they will collect together His chosen from the 4 you will be placed over much. You have brought joy to
winds from the farthest end of earth to the other end of the your owner, enter in. 24Then the 1 that received 1 talent,
earth. 32Now learn a parable from a fig tree: When its came near to say, Owner, I know that you are a tough
branches become soft & grow out leaves, you know that man, harvesting where seeds are not planted. & you
summer is near. 33In this same way, when you see all this, gather fallen scattered grain, so that you will not waste
know that it is near by the door. 34Truly I say to you, this grain. 25I was afraid & went to hide your talent in the ground:
generation will not be near when all these things are Look! Here is yours. 26But the owner replied saying to him,
happening. 35This universe & ground will go away, but My Wicked & lazy servant! You knew that I harvest where
words will never go away. 36& about that day & time, no- seeds are not planted, & do not waste fallen scattered
one knows, not even the Heavenly Angels, but only My grain anywhere. 27It was necessary for you to put my silver
FATHER. 37So exactly just as the days of Noah were, so also coin into the bank, & when I returned I would have
will the coming of the Son of Mankind be. 38Because received my own with interest. 28Now take away that talent
exactly like in the days that were before the flood, they from that 1, & give it to the 1 that has 10 talents. 29For
were eating & drinking, marrying & giving in marriage, until everyone who has, will also be given overflowing. But from
the day that Noah entered into the ark. 39& they did not those that hold on, will lose even what they have; 30& the
know until the flood came, & took them all away. So also useless servants will be thrown out into darkness, where
will the return of the Son of Mankind be. 40When this there will be crying & grinding teeth. 31& when the Son of
happens, 2 will be in the land, 1 will be taken, & 1 other left Mankind comes in His glory, & all the Holy Angels with Him,
behind. 412 will be grinding at the mill; 1 will be taken & 1 then He will sit on His glorious throne. 32& all human races
other left behind. 42Be cautious! For truly you do not know will be brought together before Him. & He will separate
what time your Master will come. 43& know this; that if a them 1 from another, just like a shepherd separates the
homeowner knew when to watch for a thief coming, he sheep from the goats. 33So He will place the sheep by His
would guard & would not allow his house to be broken into. Right Hand, but the goats away to the left. 34Then the King
For this reason, you also be ready, since you do not know will say to those by His Right Hand, Come here now!
when the Son of Mankind will appear. 45So then, whoever Celebrate with praises! Inherit the Kingdom prepared for
the owner has placed in charge over his household you from the foundation of the world from My FATHER: 35For
servants, & gives those in need proper amounts of food, are I was hungry & you gave Me food. I was thirsty, & you gave
wise faithful servants. 46Happy is his owner who returns to Me a drink. I was a stranger & you took care of Me in your
find that servant doing so. 47Truly I say to you that he will home. 36Naked, & you clothed Me. I was sick & you took
place him over all his property. 48But if that servant is care of Me. I was in prison & you came to visit Me. 37Then
wicked & says in his heart: My owner has delayed the righteous will respond to Him, saying, Master, when did
coming, 49& begins to beat his fellow servants, also eats & we know You were hungry, & feed You, or thirsty, & give
drinks to get drunk. 50The owner of that servant will come You a drink? 38& when did we know You were a stranger, &
on a day when no-one expects, & during a time that is not take care of You, or naked & clothe You. 39& also when did
known, 51& will cut him in 2, & place his parts with the we know You were sick, or in prison, & come to visit You?
pretenders, where will be crying & grinding teeth. 40
Then the King will reply, saying to them, Truly I say to you:
25 Then the Kingdom of Heaven is like 10 virgins who took As much as you did for 1 of the smallest of My believer’s,
their lamps, & went out to meet the bridegroom. 2& 5 of you did it for Me. 41Then He will also say to those on the left
them were wise, & 5 foolish. 3Those that were foolish took hand, Leave Me! Go away doomed into eternal fire

their lamps, without taking olive oil with them. 4But the wise prepared for satan & his angels! 42For I was hungry & you
took olive oil in their containers with their lamps. 5But the gave Me no food; I was thirsty, & you gave Me no drink. 43I
bridegroom took a long time, so everyone fell asleep. was a stranger & you did not take care of Me in your home.

Then at midnight an uproar happened! Look, the Naked, & you did not clothe Me. Sick & in prison, & you did
not come to visit Me. 44Then they will also answer Him, FATHER if it is possible pass this cup of Mine past by: yet not
saying, Master, when did we know You were hungry, or as I will, but as Yours is. 40& He returned to the Disciples &
thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, & did found them sleeping, & said to Peter just like this; So you
not help You? 45Then He will reply to them, saying, Truly I not able to stay awake with Me 1 hour? 41Stay awake &
say to you, when you did not do for 1 of the smallest of pray so that temptation will not enter into your mind. Truly
these, you did not do for Me. 46& they will go away into the spirit is zealous, but the body is weak. 42Then a 2nd time
eternal torment, but the righteous into eternal life. He went away from them again to pray saying, My FATHER
26 & when Jesus had finished all these words, He said to His if this cup is not able to pass by Me unless I drink it, Your will
Disciples, 2You know that after 2 days there will be a be done. 43When He returned, found them sleeping again:
Passover sacrifice, & the Son of Mankind will be arrested to for their eyes had closed. 44& again He went away from
be crucified. 3Then the high priests & the religious teachers, them to pray a 3rd time, saying the same words. 45After He
& the elders of the people gathered together in the high returned to His disciples He also said to them, Sleep
priest named caiapha’s court-yard. 4& they discussed normally now & rest!? See the time has now come & the
schemes with each other, so that they could arrest Jesus & Son of Mankind is being betrayed into the hands of sinners.
murder Him. 5& they said, not during the holy day, so that 46
Get up! Go look, My betrayer is coming near. 47& while
there will not be a riot by the people. 6While Jesus was in He was still speaking saw Judas, 1 of the 12 coming, & with
Bethany in simon a leper’s house, 7as He was sitting at the him a large crowd with swords & staffs, sent from the high
table, a woman came to Him carrying an alabaster vase priests, & the sanhedrin elders of the people. 48So the
of very expensive perfumed oil, & poured it down on His betrayer himself gave them a sign saying, Whoever I kiss,
head. 8But His Disciples saw this, were upset saying, Why He is the 1, arrest Him. 49& right away he came to Jesus
destroy this for? 9For this perfumed oil could have been sold saying, Rejoice Master, then kissed Him. 50& Jesus said to
for much, & given to the poor. 10Jesus knew this, said to him, Friend, the time has arrived. Then they came to grab
them, Why do you bother this woman? For she has done a Jesus with their hands & arrested Him. 51& saw 1 of them
beautiful work for Me. 11For you will always have the poor with Jesus drew his sword, reached out & cut off a high
with you, but you will not always have Me. 12For this reason priest’s servant’s ear. 52Then Jesus said to him, Put your
she poured perfumed oil on My body; she did it to prepare sword into its place, for everyone that uses a sword will be
My body for burial. 13Truly I say to you, wherever this good slayed by a sword. 53Do you think that right now I am not
news is proclaimed in the whole world, also what this able to call for My FATHER, & HE will give beside Me more
woman has done, will be told to remember her. 14Then 1 than 12 legions of Angels? 54In this way, truly the Holy
named Judas Iscariot of the 12, went to the high priests, writings will be completed, so this must happen. 55During
saying to them, What will you give to me, & I will give Him this time Jesus said to the crowd, You come out as against
to you? & they made a deal with him for 30 silver coins. 16& a thief with swords & staffs to arrest Me? I sat down daily
from that time on he looked for a good time to betray Him. with you, teaching in the temple, & you did not arrest me.
On the 1st day of unfermented bread, the Disciples came 56
But all this happened so that the Holy writings of the
to Jesus saying to Him, Where do You want us to prepare Prophets would be complete. During this time all the
the passover sacrifice for You to eat? 18& He said, Go into disciples deserted Him, escaping safely. 57& they arrested
the city to a stranger, & say this to him: The Teacher says, Jesus taking Him to caiaphas the high priest, where the
My time is near, make the Passover at your house with my religious teachers, & the sanhedrin elders were gathered.
Disciples. 19& the Disciples did just as Jesus instructed them 58
Also Peter followed far behind Him, up to the high priests’
to, & prepared the passover sacrifice. 20So when evening court-yard, going in to sit down with the servants to see the
came, He sat down with the 12. 21While they ate, He said, outcome. 59& the high priests & the sanhedrin elders, & their
Truly I say to you, that 1 of you will betray Me. 22They were whole council were seeking false witnesses against Jesus,
extremely sad & each of them began to say to him, to put Him to death. 60& many came to be questioned to
Master, is it I? 23& He replied saying, Someone who dipped find false witnesses, but yet they found none. Afterwards,
their hand in this bowl with Me, will betray Me. 24Truly the finally 2 false witnesses, arrived 61to say, He said this, I have
Son of Mankind will go as it was written about Him, but the power to destroy GΘD’s temple, & rebuild it in 3 days.
trouble for that person by who the Son of Mankind is 62
The high priest stood up & said to Him, You do not answer
betrayed: It would be better if that same person was never what these witnesses testify against you? 63But Jesus stayed
born. 25Then Judas the betrayer began to speak saying to silent. & the high priest began to speak, saying to Him, I
Him, My Master, is it I? He said to him, You said it. 26As they demand You promise now by the living GΘD, that You tell
were eating, Jesus took bread & blessed it, broke it & gave us if You are the Anointed 1, the Son of GΘD. 64Jesus said
it to His Disciples & said, Take to eat, this is My body. 27& He to him, You said it, & I say to you right now, you will see the
took a cup & was thankful, giving it to them saying, All of Son of Mankind sitting by HIS right hand with power, & will
you drink from it. 28Because this is My blood of the New come on a cloud from Heaven. 65Then the high priest
Covenant, that will pour out for many, for the forgiveness of ripped his cloak saying, this is blasphemy! You heard this
sins. 29& I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine blasphemy, what other witness do we need to find now?
until that day when I drink it fresh with you with My FATHER’s 66
What do you think? & they answered him & said, He is
royal power. 30Then they sang praises to Him, as they went guilty to die. 67Then they spit on His face, & they punched
out to the mountain of olive trees. 31After this Jesus said to Him, & they slapped Him, 68saying, Prophecy to us, the
them, All of you will desert Me this night, for it is written, The Anointed, who is it that struck you? 69While Peter sat down
Shepherd will be slayed, & the flock of sheep will scatter. outside by the court-yard doors, & a young servant girl who
But after I rise from death, I will go before you into Galilee. was in charge of the doors came to him saying, You were
Then Peter replied to Him, saying, even if everyone also with Jesus of Galilee. 70But he denied this in front of
deserts You, I will never desert You. 34Jesus said to him, Truly everyone saying, I do not know what you are saying. 71So
I say to you, that during this night, before the rooster crows, he went out to the larger gateway, & another saw him
you will deny me 3x. 35Peter said to Him, Even if I must die saying to him there, This guy was also with Jesus the
with You, I will never deny You. Also all the Disciples said Nazarite. 72& again he denied it with a promise that he did
the same. 36Then Jesus went with them to a field garden not know the Man. 73& after a little while someone standing
named Gethsemane, & said to the Disciples, Sit down here nearby came to Peter & said, Truly you are also 1 of His,
until I come back from praying farther away. 37Then He because your accent clearly makes who you are. 74Then
took Peter & the 2 sons of Zebedee, beginning to be sad & he began to curse & promised, I do not know the Man, &

very troubled. 38At this time He said to them, My soul is immediately a rooster crowed. 75& Peter remembered
extremely sad, to the point of death: stay awake here & Jesus’s words that He said to him, Before a rooster crows,
keep watching with Me. 39Then He went a little further away you will deny Me 3x. Then he went out upset crying.

from them, & went down forward & He prayed, saying, My

27 When morning came, all the high priests & religious Him with the religious teachers & sanhedrin elders saying,
elders of the people gathered against Jesus to put Him to 42
He healed others, but He is not able to heal Himself. If He
death. 2& they chained Him up, & lead Him away to be is Israel’s King, He will come down now off that cross, & we
judged by Pontius Pilate the roman governor. 3Then Judas, will believe Him. 43He trusts in GΘD, HE will rescue Him if HE
who had betrayed Him, saw that He was condemned, wants Him, for He said that He is GΘD’s Son. 44& a thief who
repented, returning the 30 silver coins to the high priests, & was also being crucified with Him insulted Him the same
religious elders, 4saying I sinned by betraying innocent way. 45Then from 12noon until 3p.m. there was darkness over
blood. & they said, Why do we care? You appeared to see the whole land. 46Then at 3p.m. Jesus’ voice yelled out loudly
us. 5Then he threw down the silver coins inside the temple saying, Eli, Eli, Lamasabachthani, that is, My GΘD, My GΘD,
Holiest of Holies, & went out to hang himself. 6& the high why leave Me surviving? 47& when someone standing
priests took the silver coins, saying, It is not lawful to put there heard Him say this, thought He called out for Elijah.
them into the temple donation room, since they were used 48
So right away 1 of them ran & took a sponge, & filled it
to buy bloodshed. 7They gathered & decided to buy a with vinegar, & gave it to Him on a staff to drink. 49But the
potter’s field, to bury foreigners in. 8Because of this the field rest of them said, Leave Him alone, see if Elijah will come
is called, a field of bloodshed to this day. 9So then to save Him. 50Jesus yelled out a loud sound again, then His
completed what was spoken by Jeremiah the Prophet, soul went out. 51& notice: The curtain of the temple was
said: & they took the 30 silver coins, the price valued, of ripped into 2 parts, from above to downwards, & the earth
Israel’s Son of Mankind’s value, 10& paid it for the potter’s quaked, & the stony ground was split open. 52& the tombs
field, just as my Master planned in order.11& Jesus stood in were opened, & many dead bodies of Holy people who
front of the roman governor, & the governor asked Him were sleeping, were risen up. 53So they came out of their
saying, Are you the King of the Jews? & Jesus said to him, tombs after they were resurrected, going into the Holy city,
You said it. 12But when He was accused by the high priests & appeared to many. 54Now a centurion & those with him
& religious elders, He did not answer. 13Then Pilate said to who were watching Jesus, realized that an earthquake, &
Him, Do you not hear how many testify against You? 14But other things happened, feared greatly saying, Truly this
He did not answer them even 1 word, so then the governor was GΘD’s Son. 55& many women were there watching
greatly admired Him. 15Now during the governor’s festival from far away, who went with Jesus from Galilee to take
was a custom to set 1 prisoner free, who the crowds care of Him. 56With them was Mary Magdalene & Mary,
wanted. 16& they had at that time a well-known prisoner, mother of James & Joses, & mother of Zebedee’s children.
named barabbas. 17So when they gathered together, 57
When evening came, a rich man arrived from Arimathea,
Pilate said to them, Which will you want me to set free? named Joseph, who was also Jesus disciple. 58He went to
barabbas, or Jesus, who is called the Anointed 1. 18For he Pilate, to ask for Jesus’s body: At once Pilate ordered the
knew that they had arrested Him because of jealousy. dead body be delivered to him. 59Joseph took the body to
Then he sat down on the judge’s seat, & his wife sent to wrap it together in linen cloth & clean it. 60& he laid Him in
him a message: Have nothing to do with Him, He is his new tomb that was cut into out of stone. He rolled a
righteous, I suffered much today in a dream, about Him. large stone to block the tomb’s opening, & left. 61& there
But the high priests & religious elders persuaded the was Mary Magdalene, & the other Mary sitting against the
crowd, so that they would ask for Barabbas, & kill Jesus. 21& tomb. 62Now the next day the high priests & pharisees
the governor asked, & said to them, which of the 2 do you gathered together with Pilate, to prepare a celebration
want me to free? & they said, Barabbas. 22Pilate said to festival, 63to remind him saying, Sir a deceiver could say
them, Then what to do with Jesus, who is called the that He is still alive after 3 days, He rose, 64& the last part
Anointed 1? The group said to him, Crucify. 23& the would be worse than the 1st part. Then they demanded the
governor asked, Why, what has He done wrong? Instead tomb be secured until the 3rd day, so that no Disciple could
they yelled out louder, saying, Crucify. 24& Pilate realized come at night to take Him away, & say to the people, He
that they were not helping, but instead causing a riot has risen from the dead. 65So Pilate said to them, Take a
uproar, took water to wash off his hands in front of the guard of soldiers to go with you, make it as secure as you
crowd, saying, I am innocent of this 1’s righteous blood, know. 66So they went to make sure the tomb stone was
you see this. 25Then all their people replied, saying, His marked with a seal, & left guards behind.
blood is on us, & on our children. 26Then he released 28 & after the 7th day of the sabbath week, at dawn, on
barabbas, & surrendered Jesus into their hands. They the 1st, Mary Magdalene & the other Mary came to see the
whipped Him severely, to crucify Him. 27Then their leaders’ tomb, 2& noticed a great earthquake happened because
warriors took Jesus with them into the praetorian, where GΘD’s Angel came down from Heaven to roll away the
they all met, massing around Him. 28Then they took off His stone from the entrance, & then sat down on it. 3& it’s look
cloak to put a dark red robe on Him. 29& forced a twisted was like lightning, & it’s cloak bright as snow. 4So the guards
together crown out of thorns on His head, & a staff in His shook in fear of it, & became lifeless like. 5For the Angel
right hand, & went down on their knees before Him, began to speak to the woman saying, You, do not fear, for
mocking Him, saying, Long live the Jew’s King, 30& spit on I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6He is not
Him, took the staff, & struck Him in the head. 31& after here: Because He has risen from the dead, just as He said!
mocking Him, they took the robe off of Him, & put His own Come look at the place where the Master was laying.
cloak on Him, & took Him away to crucify Him. 32They went 7
Now go quickly to tell His Disciples that He has risen from
out & found a man from cyrene, named simon, who they the dead, & realize He went before you to Galilee, where
paid to carry away His cross. 33& came to a place marked you will see Him. Realize what I say to you. 8So they left
off called Golgotha, which is known as skull place. 34They quickly, running to tell His Disciples the news from the tomb
gave Him sour wine to drink, mixed with bitter things: He with shock, & great joy. 9& as they traveled to tell His
tasted it, & did not want to drink it. 35They crucified Him, & Disciples, Jesus appeared & met them saying, Rejoice! &
cut His cloak into pieces to divide, by throwing stones on they came near to hold His feet & kiss His hand. 10Then Jesus
them. So they completed what was said by the prophet, said to them, Do not fear: Go tell My believers to go into
They will cut His cloak into pieces between them, & on His Galilee, & there I will appear. 11As they traveled, some of
cloak pieces they will throw the stones. 36& sat down there the guards went into the city to tell the high priest
to watch Him. 37& above His head, was this written reason, everything that had happened. 12So they gathered
THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS. 38At that time 2 robbers together with the religious elders & decided to bribe the
were crucified with Him: 1 by His right hand, & 1 by His left soldier with enough silver coins, 13saying, Say that His

hand. 39Those passing by spoke insults at Him, & shook their Disciples came at night to steal Him from you, while you
heads, 40& said to Him, Destroy the temple & rebuild it in 3 slept. 14& if this is heard by the governor, we will convince
days! Save Yourself: If You are GΘD’s Son, come down off him, & you will not have to worry. 15So they took the silver

that cross. 41& the same way the high priests also mocked coins, doing as they were taught. & this saying is spread by
the Jewish people to this day. 16& the 11 Disciples traveled they said to Him, Everyone is looking for You. 38So He said
up to Galilee into a mountain, where Jesus had planned to them, I go into the next town, because this is why I
to meet them. 17& when they saw Him, they kissed His hand, came, so that I can also proclaim there. 39He spoke divine
but 1 doubted. 18& Jesus came near to talk to them saying, truth in their synagogues & in all of Galilee, & sent out evil
All power has been given to Me in Heaven, & on earth. 19So spirits. 40Then a leper came to Him & kneeled down to Him,
now travel, teaching every race, to Baptize them in the & said to Him, If You want, You are able to make me clean.
name of the FATHER, & HIS Son, & the Holy Spirit. 20Teaching 41
Jesus had compassion & reached out His hand touching
them to keep doing everything, whatever I commanded this one, & said, I want to clean you. 42As He spoke, instantly
you: & know I Am with you always, even until the end of the leprosy disappeared from this one, & was cleansed.
the world, so be it! 43
He immediately warned him & sent him away. 44& said to
1611 kjv Mark † The beginning good news of Jesus the him, Beware, do not tell anyone, except go to show
Anointed 1, GΘD’s Son. 2As it was written by the Prophets, yourself to the priest. Also bring for your cleansing the
Realize, I will send My messenger before your faces, to things which Moses commanded for a testimony to them.
prepare Your way before You. 3In the wilderness a loud 45
But he went out 1st to many proclaiming & to report the
voice, Prepare the Master’s way, make His paths straight. news, so then Jesus was not able to openly enter into a
John did Baptize in the wilderness, & spoke the truth about city, instead was outside in desert places, & they came to
baptism repentance, to be freed from sins. 5& all the land Him from all directions.
of Judea, & Jerusalem who went out to him & confessed 2 & again He entered into capernaum after a few days, &
they were sinners; all were Baptized by him in the Jordan they heard that He was in a house. 2& immediately many
River. 6& John was clothed with camel hairs, & a leather gathered together, so then there was no more room, even
belt around his hips, & ate locust & wild honey. 7& spoke by the door. & He spoke the WORD to them. 3& 4 arrived
the truth saying, After me comes 1 mightier than me, carrying 1 paralytic to Him. 4So when they could not come
Whose sandal straps I am not able to bend down & untie. near to Him because of the crowd, they opened the roof
I truly Baptize you under water, but He will Baptize you with by removing the hatch where He was; lowering down the
the Holy Spirit. 9& it happened during these days, Jesus paralytic laying down on his bed. 5When Jesus saw their
came from Nazareth of Galilee, & was Baptized by John in faith, He said to the paralytic, Child your sins are forgiven.
the jordan river. 10& coming right up out of the water, 6
& there were some religious teachers sitting there, but
Heaven was seen open & the Spirit like a dove came down thinking in their minds, 7Why does He speak blasphemy this
on Him. 11& a voice came from Heaven, You are MY loved way? Who is able to forgive sins except only GΘD? 8&
Son, Who I AM delighted with. 12& immediately the Spirit led immediately Jesus knew in His Spirit, that they thought in
Him into the wilderness. 13& He was tempted by satan there themselves, said to them, Why do you think these things in
in the wilderness 40 days, & was with the beast, & the your minds? 9Which is better to say to the paralytic, Your
Angels took care of Him. 14Then after John was put in sins are forgiven, or to say, Get up, also lift up your bed &
prison, Jesus went into Galilee proclaiming the good news walk? 10But so that you know that the Son of Mankind has
about GΘD’s Kingdom, 15& said, The time to complete the power of authority on earth to forgive sins, He said to
things, & the Kingdom of GΘD has come, repent & believe the paralytic, 11I say to you to get up & lift up your bed, &
the good news. 16As He walked near the galilee sea, He go into your house. 12Immediately he got up & picked up
saw Peter & Andrew his brother throwing a net into the sea, his bed, & went out before everyone. So then all were
for they were fishermen. 17& Jesus said to them, Come here amazed & praised GΘD, saying, We have never seen
follow Me, & I will make you into fishers of humans. 18& anyone do anything like this. 13& He went out again near
immediately they left their nets, & joined Him. 19& going the sea, & all the crowds came to Him, & He taught them.
forward a little farther from that place, He saw Zebedee’s 14
As He was going by, He saw Levi, of Alpheus’s sitting at
sons, James & John his brother, who also were in a ship the toll booth, & said to him, Join Me. Then he got up &
repairing nets. 20& immediately He called them: & they left joined Him. 15& when He sat down in his house, many tax
their father Zebedee in the ship with the hired workers, & collectors & sinners also ate together with Jesus & His
went away behind after Him. 21Then on the Sabbath He Disciples, for also many had joined Him. 16When the
went into capernaum, & immediately entered into the religious teachers & pharisees saw Him eating with tax
synagogue to teach. 22So they were amazed at His collectors & sinners they said to His Disciples, Why is He
teaching, for He taught them with real authority, & not like eating & drinking with tax collectors & sinners? 17When
their religious teachers. 23But in their synagogue was a Jesus heard this, said to them, Those who are healthy do
person possessed by evil spirits, & he screamed out, not need a doctor, but those who are sick do. I came not
saying, Leave us alone! What are You Jesus of Nazareth to invite the righteous, but sinners to repent. 18& while the
to do with us & are You going to destroy us? We know who disciples of John & the pharisees were fasting, they came
You are, the Holy 1 from GΘD. 25So Jesus rebuked them, & said to Him, Why do the disciples of John & the pharisees
saying, Silence, & go out of him. 26& the evil spirits shook fast, but Your Disciples do not? 19Then Jesus said to them,
him, & screamed out with loud voices going out of him. Can the children of the Bridegroom fast while the
Then they were all amazed, so much that they asked Bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the
themselves saying, How can this be? What new teaching Bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. 20But the day will
is this? For what authority commands even the evil spirits, & come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them,
they obey Him? 28& immediately His fame went out to all & then they will fast during those days. 21Also no-one sews
around Galilee. 29& immediately when He left out of the on a new cloth patch to an old cloak. Otherwise, the new
synagogue, He went into the house of Peter & Andrew, one that is patched will tear the old one & make it worse.
with James & John. 30But Peter’s mother-in-law was laying 22
& no-one puts new wine into old wineskin, otherwise, the
down sick with a fever, & immediately they told Him about new wine would break the wineskin. & the wine would spill
her. 31He went & took her hand to lift her up, & immediately out & the wineskin destroyed. So, new wine must be put
the fever left her, & she served them. 32After it became into a new wineskin. 23On the Sabbath day, He & His
evening, while the sun was down, all were carried to Him Disciples traveled through the corn fields & began to pull
that had diseases, & those under the power of evil spirits. off ears of corn. 24& the pharisees said to Him, Look, why
So all the city was gathered together in 1 place at the are they doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath day? 25&
door. 34He healed many that had very bad diseases, & He said to them, Have you ever read what David did when
different sicknesses, & sent out many evil spirits, but did not he & those with him were hungry & had need? 26How he

allow them to speak, because they knew Him, He sent the went into the house of GΘD in the days of Abiathar the high
spirits away.35& early morning, while dark; He got up & went priest, & ate the bread which is not lawful to eat, except for
out alone to a deserted place, & prayed there. 36& Peter, the priest, & also gave it those with him. 27& he said to them,

& those with him, searched for Him. 37When they found Him, The Sabbath was made for mankind, not mankind for the
Sabbath. 28So then the Son of Mankind is Master of the choked them, so they produced no fruit. 8& others fell on
Sabbath. good soil & grew up to produce & grow fruit. Then some
3 & again He entered into the synagogue, & there was a produced 30x, & some 60x & some 100x. 9& He said to
person there with a paralyzed hand. 2During the Sabbath them, Those who listen to what they hear, will understand.
they watched Him, to see if He would heal him, so that they 10
& when they were alone with Him, the 12 asked Him
could accuse Him. 3Then He said to the person with the about this parable. 11& He said to them, You will be allowed
paralyzed hand, Get up in the middle. 4& He said to them, to know the secrets of the Kingdom of GΘD, but those
These Sabbath days: Is it legal to do good or to do evil, to outside, they get with parables. 12Since seeing they see,
save lives or to slay? But they were silent. 5He looked all but do not realize, & hearing they hear, but do not
around at them with anger & sadness at their hard hearts. understand, otherwise they would change & their sins
He said to the person, Reach out your hand. & he reached would be forgiven. 13& He said to them, You do not
out, & his hand was completely healed as the other. 6& the understand this parable? Because then you would
pharisees went out immediately to plan with the herodians understand all parables. 14The seed planter that scattered
against Him, so that they could kill Him. 7But Jesus returned the Words: 15So these were those on the path where the
with His Disciples to the sea. & large crowds followed Him Words were scattered, but when heard, satan came
from Galilee & from judaea, 8& from Jerusalem, & from immediately & removed the Words scattered on their
edom & the other side of the jordan river. All over tyre & hearts. 16& just like those that were scattered on rocky soil;
sidon, large crowds heard how many great things He did, these when they heard the Words, immediately received
& came to Him. 9So He told His Disciples to have a ship them with joy. 17But have no roots in themselves, so they
constantly ready for Him, so that the crowds could not are temporary. When trouble or harassment comes
crush Him. 10Because He healed many, as many as had because of these Words, they fall immediately. 18& those
diseases, so then they were pressing in on Him, so that they scattered on thorns; these hear the Words, 19but the worries
could touch Him. 11& when evil spirits saw Him, they fell of this world & the deceit of riches, & the desires of other
down before Him, & yelled saying, You are the Son of GΘD! things, chokes the Words & they become fruitless. 20Except
& He strongly rebuked them, so that they did not make these that were scattered on good soil: these hear the
Him known. 13& He went up into a mountain, & He called Words & receive them & produce fruit; some 30x, & some
those who He wanted, & they came to Him. 14& He made 60, & some 100. 21Next He said to them, Should a candle
12 to be with Him, also so that He would send them out to be put under a dry basket, or under a bed? No, except it
proclaim. 15& they had power to heal diseases & to send should be put on top of a candle stand. 22For there is
out evil spirits. 16& Simon He renamed Peter. 17& Zebedees nothing hidden, that will not be known, or happen in secret,
sons, James & John, James brother also were named except so that it will become known. 23Whoever has ears
Boanerges, which means, Sons of thunder. 18& Andrew & that listen, will understand. 24& He said to them, Consider
Philip, & Bartholomew, & Matthew, & Thomas, & James 1 what you hear: with whatever tool you measure, it will be
of Alpheuss’ sons, & Thaddeus, & Simon the Zealot, 19& used to measure you. & you who listen will be given more.
judas iscariot, who also betrays Him. Then He went into a 25
For whoever has, they will be given, & whoever that has
house. 20& the crowd came together again, so that He was not, will be taken from them, even what they have. 26& He
not able to even eat bread. 21When His close friends heard said, GΘD’s Kingdom is the same way. It is like if people
this, they went in to use their strength to get Him out, scatter seed on the ground. 27So while sleeping, it grows up
because they said He is by Himself. 22& the religious day or night, & the seed grows & produces, but they do not
teachers who came down from Jerusalem said, He is know how. 28For the earth produces crops from itself, 1st a
possessed by satan. So by the ruler of evil spirits, He sends stem, then an ear of corn, then complete ears of corn. 29But
evil spirits out. 23Then He called them to Him & spoke to when the crop produces, immediately He sends out the
them with a parable: How is satan able to throw satan out? curved blade, because the harvest has come. 30& He said,
Also if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom The Kingdom of GΘD can be compared with or like this: 31It
cannot possibly survive. 25So if a house is divided against is like a mustard seed grain, that when planted in the soil,
itself, that home cannot possibly survive. 26& if satan rises is the smallest of all the planted seeds that are on the earth.
up against itself & is divided, it cannot survive, otherwise its 32
But when it is planted, it goes up & becomes larger than
end would happen. 27No-one can enter into a powerful any garden plant, & makes large branches, so that the
house & steal their property unless they 1st tie the powerful birds of the sky are able to live under its shade. 33& many
one up, & then they can pillage their house. 28Truly I say to of these types of parables He spoke the Word to them, just
you, All sins & slanders can be forgiven from mankind’s so they could understand. 34But He never spoke to them
children, whoever they blaspheme. 29But whoever does without a parable. Except when they were alone, He
blaspheme against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. & explained everything to His Disciples. 35& that same day,
they will be bound, sentenced to be punished eternally. when evening came, He said to them, Travel over to the
Since they said He had an evil spirit. 31Then His mother & other side. 36Then He sent the crowds away. Then they took
brothers came & stood outside. They sent for Him, asking Him in. While He was in the ship & also there were other
for Him outside. 32Then the crowds sitting around Him also ships with Him, 37& a powerful whirlwind storm happened &
said to Him, Look Your mother & Your brothers are outside the waves rushed into the ship. So now it was full. 38& He
requesting You. 33& He answered them saying, Who is My was in the back upper part of the ship sleeping with a
mother or My brothers? 34He looked around those sitting pillow. So they woke Him up & said to Him, Teacher, Why
around Him & said, See My mothers & My brothers. 35For do You not care that we will be destroyed? 39He got up &
whoever will do the will of GΘD, these are My mothers, My rebuked the wind by saying to the sea, Be silent sea! Then
brothers, & sisters. the wind stopped raging & there was great calmness. 40&
4 & again He began to teach by the sea, & large crowds He said to them, Why are you so fearful? Why did you not
gathered together to Him. So then He went into the sea, to have faith? 41So they were terrified & said to each other,
sit down in a ship. & the whole crowd was by the sea on How did He do this? For even the wind & the water obey
the land. 2& He taught them many things with parables, & Him?
with His teaching said to them: 3Listen, consider, a seed 5 & He went to the other side of the sea, into the
planter went out to plant seeds, 4& while he was planting gadarenes area. 2When He came out of the ship,
seeds, truly some fell on the path, & birds from the sky immediately people with evil spirits met Him from out of the
came & ate them up. 5& others fell on rocky soil, where tombs, 3who lived there in the tombs & no-one was able to

there was not much soil. So immediately they grew up, tie up, or chain them. 4Because many times they had been
because they did not have deep soil. 6But when the sun bound with feet shackles & chains. But their chains were
rose they were burned, & because they had no roots, they broken by them, & their feet shackles broken into pieces.

dried up. 7& others fell on thorns, & the thorns grew up & Also no-one was strong enough to restrain them. 5So every
day & night they were constantly in the mountains & in the He began to teach in the synagogue. & many who heard
tombs, yelling out & cutting themselves with stones. 6When were amazed, saying, From where did this 1 get these? 3Is
they saw Jesus from far away, they ran & kneeled to this not the carpenter, the son of Mary, & the brother of
worship Him. 7& they yelled out loudly saying, What are You James & Joses, also Judah & Simon’s? & are His own sisters
Jesus, GΘD’s Son, of the highest, going to do with us? not here with us? & they were offended by Him. 4So Jesus
Swear by GΘD to not torture us. 8For He said to them, said to them, A Prophet is not without honor, except in his
Come out of the humans, you evil spirits. 9& He asked them, own hometown, & with his own blood relatives, & in his own
What are your names & they answered saying, Our names house. 5& He did not do any powerful miracles, except to
are legion; because there are many. 10& they begged Him lay His hands on a few sick, to heal them. 6& He was
much, so that He would not send them away to an empty surprised because of their unbelief, but He walked around
place. 11So there was a large herd of pigs on a nearby the town to teach. 7Next, He called the 12 & gave them
mountain feeding, 12& all the evil spirits begged Him saying, power over evil spirits, & began to send them out by 2’s.
Send us into those pigs, so that we can enter into them. 13& 8
& He ordered them so that they would not bring anything,
immediately Jesus allowed them & the evil spirits went out no bag, no food, no money in their belts for traveling,
& entered into the pigs. & the herd rushed down a steep except only a staff. 9But wear sandals, & do not put on 2nd
place into the lake. & about 2,000 were drowned in the clothes. 10& He said to them, If you enter into any house,
lake. 14& those that fed the pigs ran away & went into the stay there until you leave from that place. 11If anyone does
city & to the country to announce this. So they went out to not receive you, or listen to you, leave out of there, & shake
see what had happened. 15& they came to Jesus & saw off the dust under your feet, for evidence against them.
those that were possessed having a legion in them sitting Truly I say to you, It will be more tolerable in sodom &
& clothed, & in their right minds; & they were afraid. 16& gomorrha on judgment day, than for that city. 12& they
they saw what they were told about the demon possessed went out proclaiming to repent. 13& they sent out many evil
people & about the pigs. 17& they began to beg Him to go spirits & anointed many sick with olive oil, & healed them.
away from their land. 18When He stepped into the ship, the 14
& the governor herod antipas heard, because His name
no longer possessed people begged Him, so that they was well known. & asked if this was John the Baptiser risen
could be with Him. 19But Jesus did not allow them, & said to from the dead, & this is the reason He has miraculous
them, Go home to your friends & announce to them, what powers in Him. 15Others said that He is Elijah. & others said
great things the Master did to you, & compassion for you. that He is a Prophet, or like 1 of the Prophets. 16But when
& they went away & began to announce in decapolis, herod heard this, said, This is John, who I beheaded, he has
what great things Jesus did for them & everyone was risen from the dead. 17For herod himself sent out to arrest
amazed. 21Next Jesus crossed over again in a ship to the John, & also had him chained in prison for herodias, his
other side. A large crowd gathered together to Him, while brother philip’s wife, because he had married her.
He was by the sea. 22& I saw the ruler of the synagogue 18
Because John had said to herod, it is not legal for you to
coming named jairus, & when he saw Him, he went down have your brother’s wife. 19So herodias held a grudge
at His feet. 23He begged Him a lot saying, My little daughter against him & wanted to kill him, but was not able to. 20For
is about to die. Can You come & lay Your hands on her, so herod feared John, knowing he was a holy & righteous
that she will be healed & live. 24So He went with him & a man, & protected him. So he listened to him & his many
large crowd followed Him, & pressed against Him. 25& a things with joy. 21When a good opportune day came, a
woman, for 12 years who had been bleeding with blood, dinner was made for his nobles, & military commanders, &
& who had suffered much by many doctors, & because those most important in galilee. While herod was
of this she spent everything she had, but gained nothing & celebrating his birthday, 22then the daughter of herodias
instead she became worse. 27When she heard about Jesus, came in & danced, & it pleased herod & those eating
she came to the crowd from behind, to touch His cloak. together. The king said to the girl, If you ask me anything
Because she thought that if she could touch His cloak, you want, then I will give it to you. 23& promised with an
she would be healed. 29& immediately the flow of her oath to her, Whatever you ask me, I will give to you. Up to
blood dried up, & felt that her body was healed of her ½ of my kingdom. 24& she went out to her mother, What
disease. 30& Jesus immediately knew in Himself, that power should I ask? & she said, The head of John the Baptiser. 25&
had gone out of Himself, turned to the crowd & said, Who she came in right away with speed to ask the king, saying,
touched My cloak? 31& His Disciples said to Him, You know I want this: Give me now, the head of John the Baptiser on
the crowd is compressing You & You say, Who touched a plate. 26So the governor became extremely sad & those
Me? 32So He looked around to make it known who did this. eating together with him, because of his promise with a
& the woman feared & trembled knowing what had covenant; he would not refuse her. 27& immediately the
happened to her, came & went down before Him. & told governor sent out the executioner, commanding his head
Him all the truth. 34Then He said to her, Daughter your faith be brought. So he went away to cut off his head in prison,
has healed you, be healthy from your disease & travel with 28
& brought his head on a plate, & gave it to the girl, & the
peace. 35Later while He was speaking, someone came to girl gave it to her mother. 29When his disciples heard, they
say to the ruler of the synagogue, Why bother the Teacher came & lifted up his dead body, & placed it in a tomb. 30&
anymore, your daughter is dead. 36& immediately when the Apostles gathered together with Jesus, & told Him
Jesus heard these words spoken, He said to the everything, & what they did & explained what they knew.
synagogue’s ruler, Do not fear, only believe! 37& He let no- 31
& He said to them, Come alone by yourselves into a
one follow Him, except Peter, & James & John the brother deserted place, & rest a while. Because there were many
of James. 38& He went to the ruler of the synagogue’s coming & going, but they did not rest or have a chance to
house & saw the trouble, & those very sad, crying loudly. eat. 32& left into a deserted place privately by ship. 33When
He entered in & said to them, Why be troubled & cry? The the crowds saw them leave, many knew this, & so they ran
little girl is not dead, only sleeping. 40So they laughed to together on foot from there from all the cities. & they went
mock Him, & He sent them all out. He took the father & the in front of them & came together to Him. 34& when Jesus
mother of the little girl, & those with them & entered in came out, He saw many people & had compassion for
where the little girl was laying. 41& He took the little girl’s them, because they were like sheep without having a
hand saying this to her, Talitha koumi, which is interpreted shepherd. & He began to teach them many things. 35&
says, Little girl wake up. 42& immediately the little girl got up now the time became late. His Disciples came to Him to
& walked, for she was 12 years old. They were shocked & say, This is a deserted place & now the time is too late.

greatly amazed. 43Then He ordered them firmly, so that no- 36

Send them away, so that they will go away into their
one would know this, & said to give her food to eat. villages, & around their villages to buy themselves food; for
6 Then He left that place & came into His own hometown they have nothing to eat. 37Then He answered & said to

& His Disciples went with Him. 2The Sabbath day came & them, You give them food to eat. They asked Him, So we
go away to buy food with 200 denarius coins & give it to but into their belly, & it goes out into the toilet cleansing all
them to eat? 38But He said to them, Go & see how many the food. 20& He said, Whatever comes out of a person, this
loaves you have. They found out & said, 5 & 2 fishes. 39Then dirties a person. 21For from inside the human’s heart, comes
He ordered all the guests to sit down on the green grass. out evil thoughts; murder, sex with another person’s wife,
So they sat down in groups with 50’s & with 100’s. 41& took sex outside of marriage, 22lust, theft, greed, wickedness,
the 5 loaves, & the 2 fish. He looked up to Heaven praising deceit, envious eyes, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: 23All
GΘD & broke the bread into pieces. & He also divided the these evil things come out from inside, so dirtying the
2 fishes between His Disciples to give them to place in front person. 24From there He got up & went into the borders of
of everyone. 42So everyone ate & were full. 43& they picked tyre & sidon. & He entered into a house. He wanted no-
up 12 full baskets of broken pieces of bread & from the one to know, but He could not be hidden. 25For a wife
fishes. 44& those eating the food, were about 5,000 men. whose young daughter had an evil spirit, heard about Him,
Immediately after, it was necessary to get His Disciples came, falling down at His feet. 26But this woman was from
into the ship, so they could go over to the other side to a syrian nation, non-Jewish woman. & she begged Him so
bethsaida, while He sent the people free. 46After He sent that He would send the evil spirit out of her daughter. 27But
them away, He went up a mountain to pray. 47When Jesus said to her, The children are fed 1st, for it is not good
evening came, the ship was in the middle of the sea, & He to take the children’s food, & throw it to the dogs. 28So she
was alone on the land 48& He saw them struggling with answered this & said to Him, Yes Master, but even the dogs
rowing, because the wind was against them. & around the under the table eat from the children’s crumbs. 29& He said
4th guard watch of the night, He came to them walking on to her, Because you said this, the evil spirit is gone from
the water, & came near to them. 49When they saw Him your daughter. 30So she went into her house, to find out that
walking on the water, they thought it was a spirit & the evil spirit had left. & her daughter was laying on the
screamed out. 50For everyone saw Him & were troubled. So bed. 31& again He left from the tyre & sidon areas. He went
immediately He talked with them & said to them, Cheer to the galilee sea, in the middle of the decapolis area.
up, it is I. Do not fear. 51& He went up into the ship, & the 32
They brought Him a deaf & mute person. & they begged
wind stopped. & they were greatly amazed inside Him to put His hands on this 1. 33He took this 1 away from
themselves, more than understandable & wondered. 52For the crowd & put His fingers into the ears. He spit & touched
they did not understand how the food arrived, because his tongue. 34Then He looked up to Heaven groaned & said
their hearts were hard. 53After they crossed over & to him, Ephphatha, which means, open completely. 35&
anchored to the shore, they went into the land, immediately his ears opened & a bond loosened from his
gennesaret. 54When they came out of the ship, tongue, & he spoke correctly. 36& He ordered them, so that
immediately He was recognized. 55Those from around the they would not tell anyone, but the more He ordered them,
whole area began to run to carry those around on beds, even more they proclaimed it. 37& they were completely
who had diseases wherever they heard He was. 56& amazed saying, He does everything well. He makes also
wherever He entered into a village, or a city, or a country, the deaf to hear & the mute to speak.
they laid the sick by the streets so that they could call for 8 On this day the crowd was very large & had nothing to
Him. Whoever touched the border of His cloak, then those eat. Jesus called His Disciples to Him & said to them, 2I have
touching Him were healed. compassion on the crowds, because they have been with
7 & the pharisees & some of the religious teachers came me 3 days, & they have nothing to eat. 3& if I send them
from Jerusalem to gather together with Him. 2When they away without food to their homes, they will faint on the
saw some of His Disciples eating food with unwashed way, for some of them came from far away. 4& His Disciples
hands, they found fault. 3Because the pharisees & all the responded to Him, Where can anyone find food to feed
Jews did not eat unless they washed their hands up to their them here in wilderness? 5So He asked them, How many
elbows. They held the tradition of the elders. 4When they loaves do you have? & they said, 7. 6Then He ordered the
came from marketplaces, unless they washed, they did crowd to sit down on the ground. & He took the 7 loaves,
not eat. Also many others traditions held are: they washed giving thanks, broke them up & gave them to His Disciples
cups, & pots, & copper dishes, & tables. 5Then the to give, & they did give it the people. 7& they had some
pharisees & religious teachers demanded from Him, Why little fishes, & He thanked GΘD, also said to place those
do Your Disciples not live according to the tradition of down to them. 8So they ate & were filled. & they picked up
elders? Instead they eat food with unwashed hands? 6So 7 reed baskets of remaining leftovers. 9& about 4,000 had
He answered & said to them, Isaiah prophesied well about eaten, afterwards He sent them away. 10& immediately He
you hypocrites, for it is written, these people honor me with left into a ship with His Disciples, to go into the area of
their lips, but their hearts are far away from Me. 7He replied, dalmanutha. 11& the pharisees came out & began to
They worship Me with no purpose, teaching peoples question Him, demanding from Him a sign from Heaven, to
doctrines & commands. 8But you leave out GΘD’s tempt Him. 12& He groaned deeply with His Spirit & said,
commands, to keep the traditions of people. & many Why does this generation look for a sign? But, truly I say
others of these you do, like washing pots & cups. 9He also you, No sign will be given to this generation. 13He left them
said to them, Clearly you reject GΘD’s commands, so that & again stepped into the ship, to leave to the other side.
you can keep your traditions. 10For Moses said, Honor your 14
& they forgot to bring food, or even had any with them;
father & your mother. & anyone who speaks evil about their except 1 loaf of bread in the ship. 15& He ordered them,
father or mother will die by death. 11So you say, If anyone saying, Beware, watch-out for the yeast of the pharisees, &
says to their father or mother, that gifts offered to GΘD are the yeast of herod. 16So they thought about this by
better gifts than for them. 12& you cancel his further by themselves, saying, Because we did not bring enough
doing nothing for their father or their mother. 13Your tradition bread. 17Jesus knew this & said to them, Why do you discuss
makes GΘD’s word void, which you have commanded. & this because you do not have enough bread? Are your
you do many others like this. 14Then He called all the hearts still hard? Did you not yet consider or understand
crowds to Him, saying to them, Listen to Me everyone & that, 18you have eyes, yet did not see & you have ears, yet
understand. 15There is nothing outside the person that did not hear. But did you not remember 19how many
enters into them, that makes them dirty, except what goes baskets full of pieces you picked up when I broke apart
out of them. This is what dirties a person. 16Whoever has the 5 loaves for 5,000? They replied to Him, 12. 20Or when 7
ears to hear, understand this. 17& when He entered into a for 4,000. How many pieces filled up of baskets were
house, away from the crowds, His Disciples asked Him picked up? & they replied, 7. 21& He said to them, Why did

about this parable. 18So He said to them, Are you also you not understand these? 22& when He came to
without this understanding? Do you not understand, bethsaida, they brought a blind person to Him, & begged
everything from outside that enters into a person is not able Him to touch this 1. 23So He helped the blind person by the

to dirty them? 19Because it does not enter into their heart, hand, leading this 1 out of the village. Then putting His
hands on Him, spit in this 1’s eyes, asking this 1, Do you see him. So if any way You can have compassion on us, help
anything? 24He looked up & said, I see people like trees us. 23& Jesus said to them, If you can believe, all things are
walking. 25After this time He put His hands on this 1’s eyes, possible for those who believe. 24Then immediately the
& was made to look up: & was restored, & could see father of the child cried out loud, saying with tears, Master
everyone clearly. 26Then He sent him away to his house, I believe, help me to believe. 25& Jesus saw that the crowd
saying, Do not go into town, or tell anyone in the village. was running to them, He rebuked the evil spirit saying to it,
& Jesus & His Disciples went out to the caesarea philipi Speechless & deaf spirit, I command you to come out of
village. & on the way asked His Disciples, saying to them, him, & never enter into him again! 26It screamed & shook
Who do people say I Am? 28& they answered, John the him much, & came out. & he became lifeless like, so that
Baptiser, but also others Elijah, & others, 1 of the Prophets. many said, He is dead. 27Then Jesus took his hand & lifted
& He said to them, But who do you say I Am? & Peter him up, & he stood up. 28When He went into the house, His
answered saying to Him, You are the Anointed 1. 30& He Disciples asked Him privately, Why could we not send it
ordered them, so that they would not tell anyone about out? 29& He said to them, This kind will not go out, except
this. 31& He began to teach them that the Son of Mankind by prayer & fasting. 30Afterwards they left out of there, &
must suffer many things, & be rejected, & be killed by the passed through Galilee, & He did not want anyone to
sanhedrin elders, & high priests, & religious teachers. & after know. 31For He taught His Disciples & said to them, The Son
3 days be resurrected. 32& He spoke these words openly. of Mankind will be betrayed into people’s hands. & they
Peter took Him & began to rebuke Him. 33But He turned & will kill Him. After He is killed, He will be raised up on the 3rd
looked at His Disciples, rebuking Peter, saying, Get behind day. 32But they did not understand these spoken words &
Me satan. Because you do not know GΘD, but things of were afraid to ask Him. 33He came to capernaum & was in
humans. 34Then He called the people with His Disciples, to a house when He asked them, What were you discussing
say to them, Anyone who wants to follow Me, they must with yourselves along the way? 34But they were silent, for
deny themselves, & lift up their cross & join Me. 35For along the way they discussed who was greater with each
whoever wants to save their life will lose it. But whoever other. 35So He sat down, & called the 12 to Him, saying to
loses their life for Me, & the good news, these will save it. them, Whoever wants to be 1st will be everyone’s last &
For what person profits, if they gain the whole world, & everyone’s servant. 36Then He took a little child; standing
lose their own soul? 37Or what will a human give in Him up in the middle of them. & He hugged this 1, saying
exchange for their soul? 38For whoever is ashamed of Me to them, 37If anyone will receive 1 like this little child, in My
& My WORDS, in this adulteress & sinful generation; when name, receives Me. But if anyone does not receive Me,
the Son of Mankind comes in the glory of His FATHER, with does not receive Me & HIM who sent Me. 38& John
the Holy Angels, they will also be ashamed. responded to Him saying, Teacher we saw someone
9 & He said to them, Truly I say to you, that there are some sending out evil spirits in Your name, who did not follow us.
standing here, who will not experience death until they see So we told him to stop, since he did not follow us. 39But Jesus
Me rising with power to GΘD’s Kingdom. 2& after 6 days, said, Do not stop him, for no-one who is doing miracles in
Jesus took Peter, & James, & John alone with Him to lead My Name is also able to quickly speak evil about Me. 40For
them up on a high mountain privately, & He transformed in whoever is not against us, is on our side. 41For if anyone
front of them. 3& His clothes became shiny, extremely white gives you a cup of water to drink, in My Name, because
as snow, like no cleaner wool on earth can whiten them. you belong to the Anointed 1. Truly I say to you, they will
Elijah & Moses appeared with Him, & they were talking not lose their reward. 42But if anyone causes 1 of these little
with Jesus. 5& Peter began to say to Jesus, My Master, it is ones, who believe in Me, to lose faith, they would be better
good for everyone to be here. & we can make 3 tents; 1 off, if a millstone was hanging around their neck, & they
for You, 1 for Moses, & 1 for Elijah. 6For he did not know what were thrown into the sea. 43& if your hand causes you to sin,
to say, because he was terrified. 7& a cloud came over cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life missing parts,
them, giving them shade. & a voice came out of the cloud than to have 2 hands going into hell, into eternal
saying, This is My greatly loved Son, listen to Him! 8Suddenly fire.44Where their worm does not die, & the fire does not go
they looked around & did not see anyone anymore, out. 45& if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for
except only Jesus with them. 9Afterwards, as they went you to enter into life missing feet than to have 2 feet thrown
down off the mountain, He ordered them so that they into hell, into the eternal fire. 46Where their worm does not
would not tell anyone, until the Son of Mankind has risen die, & the fire does not go out. 47& if your eye tempts you to
from dead. 10& they kept this saying within themselves, sin, remove it. It is better for you to enter into the Kingdom
questioning each other what the rising from the dead was. of GΘD, having 1 eye than to have 2 eyes thrown into hell’s
& they asked Him, saying, Why did the religious teachers fire. 48Where their worm does not die, & the fire does not go
say that Elijah must come 1st? 12& He replied saying to out. 49For all these will be salted with fire, & every sacrifice
them, Elijah truly would come 1st to restore everything, & will be salted with salt. 50Salt is good, but if the salt becomes
that it was written that the Son of Mankind, must suffer many salt-less, what can you season it with? Have salt in
things, & be despised. 13Also I say to you, that Elijah has yourselves & be peaceful with 1 another.
already come, & they did to him whatever they wanted, as 10 He got up & went into the Judaean land by the other
it was written about him. 14When He went to the Disciples, side of the Jordan river, & the crowds gathered together
He saw a large crowd around them, & the religious with Him again, & He taught them again, as usual. 2& the
teachers questioning them. 15Immediately when the pharisees came to tempt Him, asking Him If it was legal for
crowd saw Him, they wondered greatly, so everyone ran a man to divorce his wife? 3& He answered them saying,
to welcome Him. 16& He asked the religious teachers, What What did Moses order you? 4& they said, Moses allowed us
did you ask them about? 17& 1 from the crowd replied to write a divorce scroll & set her free. 5So Jesus answered,
saying, Teacher I bring to You my son that has an evil saying to them, Because of your hard hearts, he wrote you
speechless spirit. 18Whereever we take him, he breaks this rule. 6But from the beginning of creation, GΘD made
things & he grinds his teeth, & foams, drying up his mouth. them male & female. 7For this reason a man will leave
So I spoke to Your Disciples so that they would throw it out, behind his father & mother, & be glued to his wife, 8& the 2
but they could not. 19& He replied this to them saying, Wow become 1 body. So then, they are no longer 2, but 1 body.
unbelieving generation, how long will I be with you? How 9
So what GΘD has joined together, no humans should tear
long will I suffer with you? Bring him near to Me. 20So they apart. 10Afterwards in the house, His Disciples asked Him
brought him to Him. When he saw Him, immediately the again about this. 11& He said to them, Whoever divorces

spirit shook him. & he fell to the ground rolling around & their wife & marries another, commits adultery against her.
foaming at the mouth. 21& He asked his father, How long 12
& if a woman divorces her husband & marries another,
has this been with him? & he said, Since childhood. 22& she commits adultery. 13& they brought little children to

often it throws him into a fire or into water, so that it can kill Him, so that He could touch them, & His Disciples rebuked
those who brought them. 14But Jesus saw this & was very be silent, except he yelled out even much more, David’s
upset, saying to them, Allow the little children to come to Son, have mercy on me! 49Jesus stopped, & ordered him to
Me, & do not prevent them, the Kingdom of GΘD is for these be called to Him. So they called the blind man, saying to
kind. 15Truly I say to you, Whoever does not receive the him, Be happy, get up, He called for you. 50So he got up to
Kingdom of GΘD like a little child, they will never enter into go to Jesus, throwing off his cloak. 51& Jesus answered,
it. 16He took them into His arms, & He laid hands on them, saying to this one, What do you want Me to do for you? &
blessing them. 17When He went out onto a road, someone the blind said to Him, Master, so that I can see. 52Then Jesus
came running. & they knelt down to Him, asking Him, said to him, Go, your Faith has healed you. & immediately
Honorable Teacher, what can I do to receive eternal life? he recovered sight & joined Jesus on the road.
So Jesus said to him, What honorable thing can I teach 11 & when He came near to bethpage & bethany in
you; Nothing is honorable, except 1, GΘD! 19You know the Jerusalem, at the mountain of olive trees, He sent out 2 of
commandments, Do not murder. Do not have sex outside His Disciples. 2& He said to them, Go into that village before
marriage. Do not steal. Do not false testify. Do not withhold, you. Immediately when you enter into it, you will find a
yet Honor your father & mother. 20& he answered, saying to young donkey tied, which no-one has sat on, untie it &
Him, Teacher, all these I have kept from my young age. bring it. 3& if anyone says to you, Why are you doing this?
So Jesus looked at him, loving him, & said to him, 1 you You say that the Master needs to use it, & immediately they
failed. Go sell whatever you have, & give it to the poor. You will allow it to go here. 4& they went & found the young
will have treasures in Heaven. Then come lift up the cross donkey tied by a door, outside at a street corner. & they
& join Me. 22Instead he was sad because of these words, untied it. 5& someone standing there said to them, What
going away upset; for he had many properties. 23Then are you doing untying the young donkey for? 6& they said
Jesus looked around, saying to His Disciples, For this reason, to that 1 just as Jesus had ordered, & they let it go. 7So they
the rich have difficulty entering into the Kingdom of GΘD. lead the young donkey to Jesus, & laid their cloaks on it. &
& the Disciples were shocked by His words. & Jesus replied He sat on it. 8& many spread their own cloaks on the road.
again, saying to them, For this reason it is hard for their & others cut branches from the trees & spread them on the
children, who trust in riches, to enter into GΘD’s Kingdom. road. 9& they went in front. & those following yelled out
It is easier for a camel to enter through a needle hole, saying, Save us, praise to the Master’s Name, who comes.
than for the rich to enter into GΘD’s Kingdom. 26& they were 10
Blessed is the Kingdom of our relative David that comes
greatly amazed, saying to themselves, Then who can be in the highest name, Master. 11& Jesus entered into
saved? 27Then Jesus looked at them, saying, With humans Jerusalem & into the Temple. He looked all around & now
it is impossible, except not with GΘD. For with GΘD all the time was late, so He went out to bethany with the 12.
things are possible! 28Then Peter began to say to Him, 12
& the next day He came from bethany hungry. 13When
Realize; we have left everything behind & joined You. 29So He saw a fig tree far away, with leaves, He went so that He
Jesus answered, saying, Truly I say to you, no-one who has could find something on it. But when He came to it, He
left behind houses, or land, or father, or mother, or children found nothing except leaves, for it was not fig season yet.
or brothers, or sisters, for My Name, & the good news, 30who 14
& Jesus spoke, saying to it, No-one will ever again eat fruit
will not receive now during this one’s right time, with those from this! & His Disciples heard this. 15So He went to
persecuted a 100x houses, & brothers, & sisters, & mothers, Jerusalem. When Jesus entered into the Temple, He began
& children, & lands. & in the world to come, eternal life. to throw those selling & buying in the Temple out. & He
But many 1st, will be last, & the last, 1st. 32& as they were turned over the tables of the money collectors, & the chairs
on the way going up to Jerusalem, Jesus went before of those selling doves, 16& did not allow anyone to carry
them, & they were amazed, & followed fearing. He took containers through the Temple. 17Afterwards He taught
the 12, & again began to teach them about what was them saying, Is it not written: MY Temple will be called by
going to happen to Him. 33Realize, we are going up to everyone, a prayer Temple? But you have made it a
Jerusalem. & the Son of Mankind will be betrayed to the robber’s hiding place. 18& when the high priests & religious
high priests & the religious teachers. & they will sentence teachers heard this, they looked for a way to kill Him. For
Him to death & they will hand Him to the crowds. 34& they they feared Him, because all the people were amazed at
will mock Him & whip Him, & spit on Him & murder Him. & His teaching. 19So when evening came, He went outside of
the 3rd day, He will rise up. 35So James & John the sons of the city. 20In the morning they passed by & saw the fig tree
zebedee came near to Him, saying, Teacher, we want You dried up from its roots. 21& Peter remembered saying to
to do what we ask for. 36& He said to them, What do you Him, Master look the fig tree that you cursed, dried up. 22&
want Me to do for you? 37& they replied to Him, Allow us so Jesus answered, saying to them, Have faith in GΘD. 23For
that we can sit, 1 by Your right hand, & 1 by Your left hand, truly I say to you, that if you say to this mountain, lift up &
by Your glory. 38But Jesus said to them, You do not know be thrown into the sea, & do not doubt in your own heart,
what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I will drink but do believe that what you said will happen, it will be
from, & be Baptized; the Baptism that I will be Baptized done for whoever said it. 24For I say this to you, Everything,
with? 39& they replied to Him, We are able. So Jesus said to whatever you want, pray believing that you will receive, &
them, Truly you will drink from the cup that I drink from & you will receive. 25& when you stand praying, if anyone has
be Baptized with the Baptism that I Am to be Baptized with. sinned against you, forgive them; so that your FATHER WHO
But to sit by My right hand, & by My left hand, is not Mine is in Heaven will also forgive you of your sins. 26But, if you
to give, but will be given to whoever it is prepared for. do not forgive, not even your FATHER WHO is in Heaven will
When the 10 heard this, they began to be very upset with forgive your sins. 27& again He came to Jerusalem. & as He
James & John. 42So Jesus called them to Him, saying, You walked into the temple, the high priests, & the religious
know that the non-believers think to rule over the people teachers, & the sanhedrin elders came to Him. 28& they
by using power over them, & their greatest use authority said to Him, By what authority do You do these things &
over them. 43But you do not be this way, instead anyone who gave You this power to do these things? 29But Jesus
who wants to become the greatest of you, they will be your answered, saying to them, I will also ask you 1 question &
servant. 44& if anyone of you wants to be 1st, they will be you answer Me, & I will tell you by what authority I do these
everyone’s servant. 45For even the Son of Mankind did not things. 30Was the Baptism of John’s, from Heaven or from
come to be served, but to serve, & to pay with His life, the humans? Answer Me. 31So they reasoned with themselves,
ransom price, for many. 46He went to Jericho. & as He was saying, If we say from Heaven, He will say, Then why did
going out of Jericho with His Disciples & many people; blind you not believe him? 32But if we say, From humans, we fear

bartimaeus, timaeus’s son, was sitting by the road, the people, because everyone believes that John is truly a
begging. 47When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, Prophet. 33So they answered, saying to Jesus, We do not
he began to yell out loud & say, Jesus, David’s Son, have know. So Jesus answered, saying to them, Then I will not tell

mercy on me. 48But many rebuked him, so that he would you by what authority I do these things.
12 After He began with parables saying to them, A man to my Master, Sit by my right hand, until when I make your
planted a vineyard & placed a fence around it. Next dug enemies your footstool. 37So then David himself called Him
out a place for a tub. & built a fortified tower, & rented it out Master, so how can He be his son? & the large crowd
to farmers, & went into a foreign country. 2When it was the enjoyed listening to Him. 38Then He said to them with His
season, he sent out his land worker servants to the farmers, teaching, Beware of the religious teachers, who love
so that they would collect from the farmers from the fruit of greeting in the public meetings & to walk in long clothing.
the vineyard. 3But they grabbed & beat him up, sending 39
& sit in the head of the table at dinners, & the 1st seats in
him away empty. 4& again, he sent to them a different the churches. 40They devour widow’s property, & for show
servant. & he was stoned, wounding him in the head, & he make long prayers. They will receive extreme punishment.
was sent away disgraced. 5& again, he sent another, & he 41
& Jesus sat opposite of the treasury, & watched how the
was also killed. & many others, beating & killing these. 6Yet people put money into the treasury & many wealthy put in
he truly had only 1 son, his most loved, last he sent him also much. 42Some poor widow came & threw 2 small brass
away to them, saying, They will respect my son. 7But those coins into it, worth 3/8 of a penny. 43Then He called His
farmers said to themselves, This is his inheritor, come kill Disciples to Him, saying to them, Truly I say to you, that this
him now, so his inheritance will be ours. 8& they grabbed poor widow threw more in than everyone else who threw
him, slayed him, & threw him out of the vineyard. 9So what into the treasury. 44For everyone threw into it from their
will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come & destroy extra, but these were thrown in from her poverty,
the farmers, & give the vineyard to others. 10Did you not everything that she had, all she had to live on.
ever read this Holy writing, The stone that the builders 13 When He went out of the temple, 1 of His Disciples said
rejected, this will become the chief corner? 11This was from to Him, Teacher see the quality of stones, & what quality
the MASTER & it is wonderful for our eyes. 12For they knew buildings. 2& Jesus replied saying to him, You see these
that He was saying this parable against them. So they great buildings, not a stone on another will remain, that will
wanted to arrest Him, but they feared the people, & left not be demolished. 3& as He was sitting on the mountain of
Him, to go away. 13After they sent to Him some of the olive trees, before the temple; Peter & James, & John, &
pharisees & the herodians, so that they could trap Him with Andrew asked Him privately, 4Tell us when will these things
words. 14When they came, they said to Him, Teacher, we happen? & what will be the sign when all these things will
know that You are true, & You do not worry about anyone. end. 5& Jesus began to answer them, Carefully observe, so
For You do not see the face of people, yet teach the way no-one will led you to sin. 6For many will come with my
of GΘD with truth. Is it lawful to pay tribute tax’s to caesar character, saying, I will come soon & they will cause many
or not? 15Give, or not give? Since He knew their deceit, said to sin. 7& when you hear of wars, & rumors of war do not
to them, Why do you test Me? Bring to Me so that I can see worry. Because these are necessary to happen, but the
a roman silver coin. 16So they brought it & He said to them, end will not be yet. 8For nations will rise up against nations,
Whose image is this & inscribed title? & they said to Him, & kingdoms against kingdoms. & there will be
caesars. 17Then Jesus replied, saying to them, Give back to earthquakes, & there will be famines, & troubles; these are
caesar the things of caesar’s, & to GΘD, the things of GΘD. the beginning of sufferings through-out the world. 9So know
& they were impressed with Him. 18Then the sadducees this yourself, for they will hand you to judges, & be beaten
came to Him, who said no resurrections happen. & in the churches. & you will stand before leaders & kings
demanded Him, saying, 19Teacher, Moses wrote to us, if because of Me, to testify to them. 10& the good news must
someone’s brother dies, & leaves behind his wife & leaves 1st be proclaimed to all nations. 11But when they arrest you,
behind no children, that his brother should take his wife & handing you over to them, do not worry about practicing
produce children for his brother. 20There were 7 brothers, & what to say. Because what to say, whatever, will be given
the 1st took a wife & died, leaving no children. 21So the 2nd to you at that moment. For it will not be you speaking, but
took her & died, neither left her children, & the 3rd the the Holy Spirit. 12& fellow believer will betray fellow believer
same. 22Also the 7th took her & left no children. Lastly the to death. & father’s children will go against parents, &
wife also died. 23So then, in the resurrection, when they rise, cause them to be killed. 13& you will be hated by everyone
whose wife will she be? For the 7 were joined with this wife. because of My name. But those who endure to the end,
& Jesus replied, saying to them, You lead those who do they will be saved. 14So when you see the wretched
not know the Holy writings, or the power of GΘD, to sin. 25For idolatry spoken about by Daniel the Prophet, standing
when they rise from the dead, no-one will marry, or be where it is not supposed to be; read carefully to recognize
married, but they will be like the Angels in Heaven. 26Also this. Then those in Judea should escape away into the
about the dead that will rise: Have you not read in the scroll mountains. 15& those on the housetops, do not go down or
of Moses, how in the bush GΘD spoke to him, saying; I, the enter into the house, to take anything out of your house.16&
GΘD of Abraham, & the GΘD of Isaac, & the GΘD of those in the field, do not go return back to pick up your
Jacob? 27He is not the GΘD of the dead, but the GΘD of clothes. 17& trouble for those who have a baby in their belly,
the living! So then, you are deceiving many. 28& 1 of the & for those breast feeding during these days. 18So pray to
religious teachers came, who heard them discussing GΘD, so that your escape will not be during winter. 19For
together, knew that He answered them well, asked Him, these days will be suffering, in a way as has never
Which is the 1st of all commandments? 29& Jesus answered happened from the beginning of creation, which GΘD
him, Listen Israel, 1st of all the commandments; that MASTER created until this time, or will ever happen again. 20& if our
GΘD is our 1 MASTER. 30So love GΘD your MASTER with all MASTER did not shorten these days, no human could
of your heart, & with all of your soul, & with all of your mind, possibly survive, but for the chosen, who HE chose, these
& with all of your strength. This is the 1st commandment. 31& days will be shortened. 21So during this time, if anyone says
the 2nd is like it, Love others as you would yourself. There to you, Look here or look there is the Anointed, do not
are no other commandments greater than these. 32& the believe them. 22For false anointed, & false prophets will rise
religious teacher said to Him, Well Teacher, you spoke by up, & they will give signs & miracles so powerful, they will
truth, for there is 1 GΘD & there is no other except HIM. 33& lead even the chosen to sin. 23But you carefully look.
to love Him with all of your heart & with all of your soul, & Realize: I predicted all this for you. 24& in these days, after
with all of your mind & with all of your strength, & to love this suffering, the sun will be darkened, & the moon will not
others like yourself, is greater than all the whole burnt give its light. 25& the stars will fall from the sky, & the powers
offerings & sacrifices. 34When Jesus knew that he answered in the universe will be thrown down. 26So then the Son of
wisely, said to him, You are not far from the Kingdom of Mankind will be seen, coming on a cloud with much power

GΘD. So no-one dared to ask Him anymore. 35While Jesus & glory. 27& then He will send His Angels, & will gather
was teaching in the temple, He spoke, saying, Why do the together His Chosen from the 4 winds from earth’s farthest
religious teachers say the Anointed 1 is the Son of David? parts to the farthest in the sky. 28Now learn a parable from

For David himself said by the Holy Spirit, The Master said a fig tree. When its branches have already become soft &
grow out leaves, you know that summer is near. 29In this Gethsemane, & He said to His Disciples, Sit down here,
same way, when you see these things happen, know that while I pray. 33Afterwards He took Peter, & James, & John
it is near by the door. 30Truly I say to you, that this generation with Him, then He began to be terrified & very troubled.
will not be near when all these things happen. 31This 34
Then He said to them, My soul is extremely sad, to the
universe & ground will go away, but My words will never go point of death: stay here & keep watching. 35Then He went
away. 32& about that day & time, no-one knows, not even a little further before them, going down to the ground. &
the Angels in the Heaven, or the Son, only the FATHER. prayed; If it was possible that this moment pass by from
Observe, be ready & pray. For you do not know when the Him. 36& He said, ABBA FATHER, everything is possible with
time will be. 34Just like a man traveling far away, leaving YOU. Pass this cup away from Me, yet, not what I will, but
his house, & gave authority to his servants, & everyone their what YOURS is. 37When He returned, & found them
work. Then ordered the gate guard to watch. 35So then, be sleeping, & said to Peter, Simon you sleep, can you not stay
ready. For you do not know when the owner of the house awake 1 hour? 38Stay awake & pray, so that temptation will
will come, late or midnight, or rooster crowing or early not enter into you. Truly the spirit is zealous, but the body is
morning. 36Otherwise he will come suddenly finding you weak. 39& again He went away to pray, saying the same
sleeping. 47So what I say to you, I say to everyone, be words. 40When He returned, He found them sleeping again:
ready! for their eyes had closed. & they did not know what to
14 After 2 days was the Passover sacrifice, also without answer Him. 41After He returned the 3rd time, He also said to
yeast. & the high priest, & the religious teachers schemed them, Sleep normally now & rest enough!? See the time has
how to arrest Him by deceit, to murder Him. 2But they said, come, the Son of Mankind is being betrayed into the hands
Not during the holy day, otherwise the people will be of sinners. 42Get up! Go look, My betrayer is coming near.
rioting. 3While in Bethany, in the house of simon a leper, as 43
& immediately, while He was speaking, Judas: 1 of the 12
He was sitting to eat, a woman came in, carrying an came, & with him a large crowd with swords & staffs, from
alabaster vase of very expensive nard perfumed oil, & the sanhedrin elders, & the high priests, & the religious
broke the vase, to pour it down on His head. 4& some were teachers. 44& he betrayed Him, giving them a sign, saying,
upset by this, & said, Why did you destroy this perfumed Whoever I kiss is the 1, arrest Him, & take Him away safely.
oil? 5For this could have been sold for more than 300 silver 45
& he came near immediately to Him, saying, Master
denarius coins & given to the poor. So they strongly Teacher, then kissed Him. 46So they grabbed Him with their
blamed her. 6& Jesus said, Leave her alone, why do you hands & arrested Him. 47& 1 of them standing near Him
bother her? She has done a beautiful work for Me. 7For you drew a sword, striking a high priest’s servant & cut off his
will always have the poor with you, & whenever you can, ear. 48& Jesus began to speak to them, You come out like
do good for them, but you will not always have Me. 8She you are against a thief, with swords & staffs to arrest Me?
did it to anoint My body, preparing it for burial. 9Truly I say 49
Truly I was with you daily teaching in the temple, & you
to you, wherever this good news is proclaimed in the whole did not arrest Me, but the Holy writings must be completed.
world, also what this woman has done, will be told to 50
Then everyone deserted Him, escaping safely. 51Except 1,
remember her. 10Then judas iscariot 1 of the 12, went away a young man joined Him, who had on a linen cloth around
to the high priest, to betray Him to them. 11When they his naked body & the young servants grabbed Him. 52& he
heard him, they were happy & promised to give him silver left the linen cloth behind, escaping away from them
coins. So he looked for a good time to betray Him. 12On the naked. 53& they led Jesus away to the high priest, & all of
1st day of unfermented bread, during the Passover the high priests, & the elders, & the religious teachers came
sacrifice, His Disciples said to Him, Where do You want us together. 54Also Peter followed far behind Him, up to the
to go prepare the Passover sacrifice, so that You can eat? high priests’ court-yard, & he sat together with the servants,
So He sent 2 of His Disciples, & said to them, Go into the & warmed himself near the fire. 55& the high priests, & the
city & you will meet a person carrying a pitcher of water, whole council were seeking witnesses against Jesus, to put
follow him. 14& wherever he goes in, say to the head of the Him to death, but found none. 56For many were brought to
house, The Teacher asks, Where is the dining room, where false testify against Him, but their witnesses were not
I can eat the Passover with my Disciples? 15Then he will matching. 57Then some stood up to testify falsely against
show you a large furnished upper room, already prepared, Him, saying, 58We heard Him say, I will destroy this temple
get us ready there. 16So His Disciples went out, & came into made by hands, & in 3 days, I will build another made
the city, finding it just as He said to them. & they prepared without hands. 59But even this did not match either of their
the Passover. 17& when evening came, He went with the testimonies. 60& a high priest stood up in the middle, asking
12. 18While they sat & were eating together, Jesus said, Truly Jesus, saying, You do not answer anything that these
I say to you, 1 of you eating with Me, will betray Me. 19& witnesses testify against You? 61But He stayed silent &
they began to be sad & said to Him, 1 after another, Is it I? answered nothing. Again the high priest asked Him & said
& others, Is it I? 20& He replied, saying to them, 1 of the 12, to Him, You are the Anointed 1, the Son of the Blessed. 62So
who dipped with Me in this bowl. 21Truly the Son of Mankind Jesus said, I Am, & you will see the Son of Mankind sitting
will go as it was written about Him, but trouble for that by the right hand side with power, & coming on a cloud
person by who the Son of Mankind is betrayed: it would be from Heaven. 63Then the high priest ripped his cloak, saying,
better if that same person was never born. 22As they were What other witnesses do we need to find? 64You heard this
eating, Jesus took bread & blessed it, broke it & gave it to blasphemy, what do you think? & they all condemned Him
His Disciples saying, Take it to eat, this is My body. 23He took to be guilty to die. 65& some began to spit on Him, &
the cup, & was thankful, giving it to them. & they all drank covered His face, & punched Him with their fist, & the
from it. 24& He said to them, This is My blood of the New servants struck with slaps to His face & said to Him,
Covenant, that will be poured out for many. 25Truly I say to Prophesy. 66While Peter was below in the court-yard, 1 of
you, I will not drink from the fruit of the vine again, until that the high priest’s young girl servants came, 67& saw Peter
day when I drink it fresh in the Kingdom of GΘD. 26Then they warming himself. She looked at him, & said, You were also
sang praises to Him, as they went out to the mountain of with Jesus of Nazareth. 68But he denied it, saying, I do not
olive trees. 27& Jesus said to them, Everyone will desert from know or understand what you are saying. & he went out of
Me this night. For it is written, The Shepherd will be slayed, doors to the courtyard, & a rooster crowed. 69& the young
& the sheep will scatter. 28But after I rise, I will go before you female servant saw him again, began to say to those
into Galilee. 29Then Peter replied to Him, Even if everyone standing nearby that, This is from Him. 70But he denied it
deserts You, yet I will not. 30Then Jesus said to him, Truly I again. & after a little while, those standing nearby said to

say to you, that this day during this night, before the rooster Peter again, Truly you are from Him, because you are also
crows 2x, you will deny Me 3x. 31But he said even more, If I from Galilee, & your accent is similar. 71& he began to curse
must die with You, I will never deny You. Everyone also said & to swear, I do not know this Man who you speak about.

the same. 32Then they went to that place named 72

So then a rooster crowed the 2nd time. Then Peter
remembered the words that Jesus said to him, Before a which was the day before the Sabbath. 43Joseph of
rooster crows 2x, you will deny me 3x. & thought about it, arimathea, an honorable sanhedrin member, who also
crying. expected the Kingdom of GΘD to come, entered in boldly
15 & immediately in the early morning the high priests held to pilate & asked for Jesus’s body. 44& pilate wondered if
council with the sanhedrin elders & religious teachers. & He had already died, & requested his own centurion, to
the whole counsel bound Jesus carrying Him away & took ask him if He was already dead. 45When he knew from the
Him to Pilate. 2& Pilate asked Him, Are You the King of the centurion, he gave the body to Joseph. 46& he bought
Jews? & He answered, saying to him, You said it. 3& the linen cloth, & took Him down, to wrap Him in the linen cloth
high priests accused Him of much, but He answered & laid Him in his tomb, which was cut out of a rock. & he
nothing. 4Then Pilate asked Him again saying, You do not rolled a stone before the door of the tomb. 47& Mary
answer anything? Look how many testify against You. 5But Magdalene, & Mary, mother of Joses, saw where He was
Jesus did not answer anything, so then Pilate admired Him. laid.
Now during the festival he would release 1 prisoner to 16 After the Sabbath past, Mary Magdalene & Mary the
them, whoever they asked. 7& there was 1 named mother of James & Salome, went to buy spices, so that
barabbas in chains, with other rioters; who had murdered they could anoint Him. 2& very early in the morning, during
during a rebellion. 8& the crowd began to yell out asking, the rising of the sun, the 1st of the week. They came to the
just as he had always done for them. 9So Pilate answered tomb. 3& they said to themselves, Who will roll away the
them saying, Do you want the King of Jews released to stone for us, from the door of the tomb? 4For it was very
you? 10For he knew that the high priests arrested Him great. & when they could see, they saw that the stone was
because of jealousy. 11But the high priests stirred up the rolled away. 5When they entered into the tomb, they saw
crowds, so that instead he would release barabbas to a young man sitting by the right side, clothed around with
them. 12& Pilate replied saying to them again, Then what a bright white long robe & they were terrified. 6& he said to
do you want me to do with who you call, The King of the them, Do not be terrified, you are seeking Jesus of
Jews? 13& they yelled again, Crucify Him! 14Then Pilate said Nazareth who was crucified. He has risen, He is not here,
to them, For what wrong has He done? & they yelled out look… the place where they laid Him. 7Now go away, tell
louder, Crucify Him!! 15So Pilate was willing enough to His Disciples & Peter that He went before you into Galilee,
release barabbas to the crowd, & gave Jesus into their where you will see Him, as He said to you. 8& they went out
hands, & they whipped Him severely, to crucify Him. 16& the quickly, running from the tomb. & they had trembled, &
warriors led Him away into the palace which is the were shocked, & said nothing to anyone, for they were
praetorian & they called the whole group around. 17Then afraid. 9So He rose early, the 1st day of the week. He
they clothed Him with purple cloth, & twisted together a appeared 1st to Mary Magdalene, who He had thrown out
thorny crown, to put around on Him. 18& began to greet 7 evil spirits from. 10She traveled, to tell those who were with
Him: Long live the King of the Jews. 19& they struck Him on Him, who were sad & crying. 11Even those who heard that
the head with His staff, & spit on Him. & went down, He was alive & was seen by her, did not believe. 12After
kneeling to kiss His hand. 20& after mocking Him, they took these things, He appeared in another form to 2 of them, as
off His purple clothes & put His own cloak on, & led Him out they traveled walking into a field. 13Even they went to
to crucify Him. 21& they paid someone, simon a cyrenian, announce to the rest, but they did not believe them.
father of alexander & rufus. He was passing by coming 14
Later He appeared to the 11, as they were eating. & He
from out of the field, so that he would carry away His cross. rebuked those with unbelieving & hard hearts, because
& they brought Him onto Golgotha place, which is they did not believe those who had seen Him after He rose.
translated; skull place. 23& they gave Him wine to drink 15
& He said to them, Go into the whole world, proclaiming
mixed with myrrh, but He did not take it. 24After crucifying the good news to everyone. 16Those who Believe & are
Him, they cut His cloak into pieces by throwing stones on Baptized will be saved, but those who do not believe will
them to decide, whoever would take them. 25Now it was be condemned. 17& these signs will be with those who
the 9a.m., & they crucified Him. 26& the inscribed accusation believe in My Name; sending out evil spirits, speaking with
title was written above Him, THE KING OF THE JEWS. 27Also new languages, 18lift up snakes. If they drink any deadly
with Him were crucified 2 robbers, 1 by His right hand, & 1 thing, it will not hurt them. & they will put hands on the sick
by His left hand. 28& the Holy writings were completed that & they will recover. 19Then truly after the Master spoke to
said, & He will be decided without law. 29Those passing by them, He went up into Heaven, & sat down by the RIGHT
spoke insults at Him, & shook their heads, & said, Wow You HAND of GΘD. 20& they went out to proclaim everywhere.
will destroy the temple & rebuild it in 3 days! 30Save Yourself The Master’s power was with them & confirmed their words
& come down off that cross. 31& also the high priests along with signs. So be it!
mocked Him the same way, saying to each other, with the 1611 kjv Luke † Since so many used their hands to put in
religious teachers, He healed others, but He is not able to order the events about what was done to make certain
heal Himself. 32The Anointed King of Israel come down off with us, 2as it was trusted to us from beginning, we were
that cross now, so that we will see & believe. & 1 being eye-witnesses, & servants of these words. 3I also decided to
crucified with Him insulted Him. 33When it was 12noon there exactly follow up on everything from the beginning, to
was darkness over the whole land until 3p.m. 34Then at 3p.m. write to you in order, honorable friends of GΘD. 4So that
Jesus’ voice yelled out loudly saying, Eli, Eli, you understand the sure truth about the words which were
Lamasabachthani, which is translated, My GΘD, My GΘD, taught. 5This happened during the days of herod, king of
why leave Me surviving? 35When someone standing judea, a priest named Zacharias, from abijah’s service. &
nearby heard it, said, Realize He called for Elijah. 36So 1 ran his wife from Aaron’s daughters, & her name; Elizabeth.
& filled a sponge with vinegar & put it on a staff giving it to 6
They were both righteous & blameless before GΘD,
Him to drink. But they said, Leave Him alone, see if Elijah will continuing with all the commands & decisions of the
come to take Him down. 37Jesus gave out a loud sound, MASTER. 7But they had no children, because Elizabeth was
then His soul went out. 38& the curtain of the temple was unfertile & they were both old in age. 8So when, while he
ripped into 2, from above to downwards. 39Now when a was a priest, before GΘD during the time of his service,
centurion who was standing away opposite from Him, saw 9
according to the custom of the priesthood, they threw lots
that yelling out, He gave up His soul. He said, Truly this Man to determine who burned incense, at the entrance into the
was GΘD’s Son. 40& there were also women watching from temple of the MASTER. 10& at this time of incense, a whole
far away. With those were Mary Magdalene & Mary, crowd of people were praying outside. 11Then a MASTER’s

mother of James the younger, & Joses & Salome, 41who Angel appeared to him, standing by the right side of the
also followed Him when He was in Galilee & to take care incense altar. 12When Zacharias saw it, he was troubled &
of Him, & many others that came up with Him to Jerusalem. was with fear. 13But the Angel said to him, Do not fear

& it had now become evening, when they prepared, Zacharias, because your prayer was heard. & Elizabeth
your wife, will give birth to a son & you will call his name & a son was born. 58& her neighbors & relatives heard that
John. 14& you will be happy, & extremely joyful & many will the MASTER had done great mercy for her, & they rejoiced
rejoice at his birth. 15For he will be great before the MASTER, with her. 59& on the 8th day when it came to circumcise the
& will never drink wine or alcoholic drinks. Also he will be child, they called him Zacharias after the name of his
filled with the Holy Spirit, even from out of his mother’s belly. father. 60Then his mother replied saying, No way, but he will
& many of Israel’s children, he will turn back to GΘD their be called John. 61& they said to her, there is no-one from
MASTER. 17& he will go before Him with the Spirit’s power your family that is named by this name. 62& so they
like Elijah, to return children’s hearts to their FATHER, & motioned signs to his father what he wanted to call him.
disobedient to righteous wisdom, making the people 63
So he motioned for a writing tablet, writing saying, His
ready for the Master. 18So Zacharias said to the Angel, name is to be John, & they all wondered. 64Then
According to what? For I am an old man & my wife is immediately his mouth & his tongue were free, & he spoke
advanced in age. 19& the Angel answered, saying to him, praising GΘD. 65& everyone living around them became
I am Gabriel, I stand before GΘD & was sent to speak to fearful & all these words were told throughout all of
you, & to bring you these good news. 20Now realize you will Judea’s mountains. 66& everyone who heard set in their
be silent & not able to speak, until that day this happens, thoughts thinking; so then, what kind of child will this be,
because you did not believe my words which will be because the hand of the MASTER’s is with him. 67&
fulfilled in the set time. 21While the people were waiting for Zacharias, his father was filled with the Holy Spirit &
Zacharias & wondered about his delay in the Temple, prophesied saying, 68Praise the MASTER, Israel’s GΘD,
when he came out he was not able to speak to them & because HE cares for & does redeem HIS people. 69& HE
they realized that he saw a vision in the temple. & he was raised up a salvation horn for us, from a descendant of HIS
motioning to them & remained speechless. 23& as soon as servant David. 70Just as HE spoke through HIS Holy Prophets’
his day of service finished, he went to his own house. 24& mouths from the beginning of the world. 71We will be saved
after this day, his wife Elizabeth conceived & hid herself 5 from the enemy, & by all the powers that hate us. 72By
months saying, 25that, The MASTER during this time did this showing compassion with our fathers & reminding us of HIS
for me, because HE looked at me to take away my shame Holy Covenant, 73a promise that HE swore to our father
with people. 26Also during the 6th month, the Angel Gabriel Abraham, 74to give us a Rescuer from our enemy’s power
was sent by GΘD to the Galilee city named Nazareth, 27to by His ministering without fear. 75By holiness & righteousness
a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, from before HIM everyday of our lives. 76Your child, will be called
David’s descendant & the virgin’s name was Mary. 28& the the most highest Prophet. For you will go before the
Angel came in to her to say, Rejoice you are favored! The MASTER’s face, to prepare His way, 77to give His people the
MASTER is with you, of women, you are favored. 29When salvation knowledge about the forgiveness of their sins.
she saw it, she was troubled by its words, & wondered 78
By the deep mercy of our GΘD, who towers from on high
about what kind of greeting this was. 30So the Angel said to has visited us. 79By bringing light to those sitting in darkness
her, Do not fear Mary, for you gained favor from GΘD. 31So & death’s shadow by guiding our feet into the way of
realize, you will conceive in your belly & give birth to a Son. peace. 80So this child grew & his Spirit became powerful. &
& you will call His name Jesus. 32He will be great, & be he was in the wilderness until the day he 1st appeared to
called the Son of the HIGHEST. & MASTER GΘD will give to Israel in public.
Him the throne of His ancestor David. 33& He will rule over 2 & later in those days, an order went out from caesar
the descendants of Jacob forever, & His Kingdom will augustus, that all of the people be recorded. 2This
never end. 34Then Mary said to the Angel, How will this be, registration 1st happened when cyrenius of syria was
since I did not have sex with a man? 35& the Angel governor. 3So everyone went to be registered, each into
answered saying to her, The highest Holy Spirit’s power will their own city. 4So Joseph also went up from Galilee out of
come into you, & will overshadow you. Therefore a most the nazareth city into Judea, to the city of David which is
Holy thing will also be born from you, He will be called called Bethlehem, because he was from David’s family &
GΘD’s Son. 36& realize your relative Elizabeth who was lineage, 5to register with Mary his engaged, being
called unfertile, she also has conceived a son in her old pregnant wife, 6so while they were there the days were
age, & this is her 6th month. 37For nothing said by GΘD is complete for her to give birth. 7So she gave birth, to her
impossible. 38& Mary said, I am the female slave of the firstborn Son & wrapped Him in a blanket. & laid Him in an
MASTER, so be it to me, according to your words. Then the animal feeder, because there was no place for them in the
Angel left from her. 39& so Mary got up that day, to leave 1st lodge. 8& there were in the same country shepherds
to the mountains with speed towards a Judean city. 40& camping in the fields, who kept watch over their flock that
she entered into Zacharias’s house & they welcomed night. 9& realize, the MASTER’s Angel came & stood by
Elizabeth. 41& even as Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, them. The MASTER’s glory shined all around them, & they
then the baby jumped in her belly & Elizabeth was filled were greatly terrified. 10So the Angel said to them, Do not
with the Holy Spirit. 42& she yelled out a loud voice & said, fear: For realize I bring you good news, which will be great
Favored are you of women, & blessed is the Fruit of your joy for all people. 11Because this day a Savior who is the
womb. 43& how can this happen to me that the mother of Anointed Master was born in the city of David to you. 12&
my Master has come to me? 44For realize as soon as the this will be a sign for you: you will find the Baby wrapped in
voice of your greeting happened in my ears, the baby a blanket, laying in an animal feeder. 13Then suddenly
leaped in my belly for joy. 45& blessed are those who there was a crowd of Heaven’s army with the Angel
believe because they will be completing what was said praising GΘD, also saying, 14Glory to GΘD in the highest &
from our Master. 46Then Mary said, My soul celebrates the on earth peace, good intensions for people. 15& later as
great MASTER. 47& my spirit rejoices with GΘD my SAVIOR. the Angels went away from them into Heaven, the
For HE looked on the lowness of HIS female slave, realize, shepherds said to each other, Now go up to Bethlehem, &
because from hereafter all generations will say I was see what was spoken about has happened, which the
blessed. 49Since HE did a mighty favor for me, & Holy is HIS MASTER made known to us. 16So they went quickly & found
NAME. 50& HE has mercy for those who fear HIM, from Mary & Joseph, & also the Baby laying in an animal feeder.
generation to generation. 51HE produces power with HIS 17
After they saw this, they made it known all around the
arm, HE scatters thoughts of the arrogant hearts. 52HE brings words that were told to them, about this Baby. 18&
down rulers from thrones, & lifts lowly up high. 53HE fills the everyone who heard wondered about what the words
hungry with good, & the rich HE sends away empty. 54HE that were told to them by the shepherds. 19& Mary kept all

helps the children of Israel to remember HIS mercy. 55Just these spoken words, thinking about them in her mind. 20&
as HE spoke to our father Abraham & his forever seed. 56So the shepherds returned to glorify & praise GΘD for
Mary lived with her about 3 months, then returned to her everything that they heard & saw, just as they were told.

own house. 57Now Elizabeth’s full time came, to give birth 21

& when 8 days were finished to circumcise the Baby, then
His name was called Jesus, the name by the Angel before vipers! Who showed you how to escape from the coming
He was conceived in her belly. 22& when the days of her wrath? 8So produce fruits worthy of repentance, & do not
purification according to Moses’ law was finished, they begin to say within yourselves, We have father Abraham.
brought Him to Jerusalem to present to the MASTER. 23Just Because I say to you, that GΘD is able to rise up Abraham’s
as it is written in the MASTER’s Law, that every first-born children from these stones. 9& also the axe is already now
male opening the womb, will be dedicated Holy to the laying at the roots of trees. Truly every tree not producing
MASTER. 24& to offer a sacrifice according to the MASTER’s good fruit will be cut down & thrown into fire. 10& the crowd
Law, a pair of turtledoves, or 2 young doves. 25& realize asked him saying, What should we do then? 11So he
there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simon. & answered & said to them, Whoever has 2 coats share with
this man was righteous & sincere, expecting relief for Israel, whoever does not have, & whoever has food do the same.
& the Holy Spirit was in him. 26& it was revealed to him by 12
Afterwards tax collectors also came to be Baptized &
the Holy Spirit, that he would not die before he saw the asked him, Teacher, what should we do? 13& He said this to
MASTER’s Anointed. 27Because of the Spirit he went into the them, Do not take more from those than you were
temple. & the parents brought in the Baby Jesus to do for ordered. 14After soldiers also asked him, saying, So what
Him according to the custom of the law. 28So he took Him should we do? & he said to them, Do not intimidate
up into his arms & praised GΘD by saying, 29MASTER, now anyone or accuse falsely, & be satisfied with your pay. 15&
allow YOUR servant to go in peace, according to YOUR the people hoped, & everyone considered in their hearts
words, 30because my eyes have seen YOUR Savior, 31who about John, whether he was the Anointed. 16John began
YOU provided to appear before all people. 32A Light to to say to everyone, I truly Baptize you under water, but 1
instruct non-Jews & glory for YOUR people, Israel. 33& mightier than I will come, Whose 1 strap of His sandal I am
Joseph & His mother were wondering about what was not able to even untie. He will Baptize you with the Holy
spoken concerning Him. 34& Simon blessed them, by saying Spirit & lightning. 17The pitch fork is in His hand & He will
to Mary His mother, Realize this Baby laying will fall & rise clean carefully His own floor, & gather the wheat, into the
within Israel: & for miracles to speak against many. 35& a storehouse. But the chaff He will burn down with eternal
long spear will go through your Own, this same living Being fire. 18& truly many other truthful teachings, he proclaimed
also, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. to the people. 19But herod the governor, was rebuked by
Also there was Prophetess Anna, the daughter of him, about herodias his brother philip’s wife & about all the
phanuel’s from Asher’s tribe, she was very old. She lived evil that herod had done. 20& added this over everything;
with her husband 7 years from her virginity. 37After she was that he locked up John in prison. 21& after all the people
a widow serving, fasting & praying night & day this way for were Baptized, also Jesus was Baptized by him, then He
84 years, not leaving from the Temple. 38& that moment she prayed & the Heavens were opened. 22& the Holy Spirit
came to give praise to the Master & spoke about Him to came down physically shaped like a dove on Him. & a
everyone who expected salvation in Jerusalem. 39& when VOICE came from Heaven saying, You are MY dearly
they finished everything according to the MASTER’s Law, loved Son, with You, I AM delighted. 23Now Jesus Himself
they returned into Galilee to their own city Nazareth. 40As was at the beginning of 30 years old; as was the Law, the
the Child grew & became strong, GΘD’s Spirit was with Son of Joseph, Heli’s son, 24Matthat’s son, Levi’s son,
Him, filling Him with wisdom & favor. 41& His parents traveled Melchi’s son, Janna’s son, Joseph’s son, 25Matthatis’s son,
to Jerusalem every year according to the Passover festival. Amos’s son, Naum’ son, Esli’s son, Nagge’s son 26Maath’s
& when He became 12 years old, they went up to son, Matthatias’s son, Shimei’s son, Joseph’s son, Judah’s
Jerusalem according to the festival custom. 43When this son, 27Joanna’s son, Rhesa’s son, Zerubbabel’s son,
day was complete, as they returned, the Child Jesus Shealtiel’s son, Neri’s son, 28Melchi’s son, Addi’s son,
remained behind in Jerusalem & Joseph & His mother did Cosam’s son, Elomodam’s son, Er’s son, 29Jose’s son,
not know. 44Because they thought He was in the group that Eliezer’s son, Jorim’s son, Matthat’s son, Levi’s son, 30Simon’s
went a day’s journey & they searched for Him within the son, Judah’s son, Joseph’s son, Jonan’s son, Eliakim’s son,
relatives, & those they knew. 45When they did not find Him, 31
Melea’s son, Menam’s son, Mattatha’s son, Nathan’s son,
they returned to Jerusalem to look for Him. 46& after 3 days David’s son, 32Jesse’s son, Obed’s son, Boaz’s son, Salmon’s
they found Him in the Temple, sitting in the middle of the son, Nahson’s son, 33Amminadad’s son, Aram’s son,
teachers also listening to Him, & they were asking Him Esrom’s son, Pharez’s son, Judah’s son, 34Jacob’s son,
questions. 47& everyone who heard Him were amazed with Isaac’s son, Abraham’s son, Terah’s son, Nahor’s son,
His knowledge & answers. 48When they saw Him, they were 35
Serug’s son, Reu’s son, Peleg’s son, Eber’s son, Salah’s
amazed. So His mother said to Him, Son why have You son, 36Cainan’s son, Arphaxad’s son, Shem’s son, Noah’s
done this to us? Realize Your father & I have been son, Lamech’s son, 37Methusalah’s son, Enoch’s son,
searching painfully for You. 49& He said to them, Why have Jared’s son, Maleleel’s son, Cainan’s son, 38Enos’s son,
you been searching for Me? Did you not know that I must Seth’s son, Adam’s son, GΘD’s Son.
be near the FATHER of Mine? 50& they did not understand 4 Now Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit returning from the
the words that He said to them. 51But He went down with Jordan River & was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. 2For
them, & came into Nazareth, & was obedient to them. & 40 days He was tested by satan. & during these days He
His mother kept all these words carefully in her heart. 52& did not eat anything until they were finished, afterward He
Jesus grew in wisdom & size, with favor from GΘD & was hungry. 3& then satan said to Him, If You are the Son
people. of GΘD, command so that this 1 stone will become bread.
3 & in the 15th year of tiberius caesar’s rule, Pontius Pilate 4
But Jesus answered to it saying, It is written that people are
was governor of Judea, & herod was governor of Galilee, not to live by bread alone, but by every WORD of GΘD.
& his brother philip was governor of Ituraea, & governor of 5
Then this satan lead Him up onto a high mountain, to show
trachonitis, & lysanis was governor of abilene. 2Annas & Him all the kingdoms of the world in an instant of time. 6&
caiaphas being high priests, when GΘD’s words came to satan said to Him, I will give You all this power & glory of
John son of Zacharias in the wilderness. 3So he went to the them; because it was given to me, & if whoever I want to
whole region of the Jordan river, proclaiming Baptism to give it to. 7If You will kiss my hand, then all will be Yours.
repent for the forgiveness of sins. 4Just as it was written in 8
Then Jesus replied, saying to it, Get away behind Me
Elijah the Prophet word’s scroll, said, A voice will shout in satan! For it is written, Worship GΘD your MASTER & only
the wilderness, Prepare the way of the Master, make His serve HIM. 9& it lead Him to Jerusalem & stood Him up on
paths straight. 5All valleys should be filled, & all mountains the highpoint of the Temple, & said to Him, If You are

& hills should be made low, & the crooked should be made GΘD’s Son, throw Yourself down from this place. 10Because
straight & the rough ways should be made smooth. 6& all it is written, He will give His Angels orders about You to
the living will see the savior of GΘD. 7Then he said to a guard You. 11So that in their hands they will raise You up,

crowd coming out to his Baptisms under him, Children of never will Your foot stumble over a stone. 12Jesus answered
saying to it, So also was said, Do not test GΘD your MASTER. done talking, He said to Peter, Launch out into the deep, &
& when satan finished all the temptations, it left from Him lower your nets to catch fish. 5But Peter replied saying to
until the right time. 14& Jesus returned with the power of the Him, Divine Teacher, we are tired because all through the
Spirit into Galilee & His fame went out throughout all night we got nothing, anyways with your words; I will lower
around the region. 15He taught in their synagogues & was down the net. 6After doing this, they enclosed a great
praised by everyone. 16& He went to Nazareth where He number of large fish, so their net broke. 7& they signaled to
was brought up. & as was His routine, He entered into the their partners that were on the other ship to come to help
synagogue on the Sabbath day, & stood up to read. 17& them. & they came & filled both the ships, so then they
the scroll of Prophet Isaiah was handed to Him & He began to sink. 8When Simon Peter saw this, he fell down at
unrolled the scroll finding the place where it was written; Jesus’s knees saying, Master go away from me, for I am a
The MASTER’s Spirit will be with Him, for He will be sinful man. 9For he was shocked & all who were with Him,
Anointed to bring the poor good news. He will be sent out by the catch of fish that were captured. 10& also so was
to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim forgiveness to Zebedee’s sons James & John who were partners with
captives, to restore sight to the blind, & to set the oppressed Peter. But Jesus said to Peter, Do not fear, from now on
free, 19to proclaim the year of the MASTER’s favor. 20He come catch people. 11When they brought their ships to the
rolled up the scroll, giving it back to an assistant & sat seashore, they left everything to join Him. 12After awhile He
down. & the eyes of everyone in the synagogue were was in another city & saw a man full of leprosy. When he
looking at Him. 21Then He began to say to them, Since this saw Jesus, he fell down to beg on his face saying, Master,
day completes this Holy writings in your ears. 22& everyone if you want, you could cleanse me. 13I want to clean you &
who witnessed this also wondered about the gracious He reached out His hand, to touch him. & instantly the
words that went out of His mouth, & they said, Is this not leprosy left from him. 14& He ordered him, Tell no one,
Joseph’s Son? 23So He said to them, You will surely ask Me except go away to show yourself to the priest, & about your
this comparison: Doctor heal yourself, As much as we cleansing, bring according to Moses commands, for
heard done in capernaum, also do here in Your own town. testimony to them. 15But even more fame was said about
& He said, Truly I say to you, that no Prophet is accepted Him spread. & large crowds came together to hear & be
in their own city. 25& I tell you the truth, before many widows healed by Him from their own weaknesses. 16After, He
were in Israel, during the days of Elijah, when the sky was withdrew Himself into the wilderness & prayed. 17& when on
closed for 3 years & 6 months: as there was a great famine the 1st day & while He was teaching, there were pharisees
throughout the whole land. 26But to none of them Elijah was & teachers of the law sitting nearby, who had come from
sent to, except into sarepta of sidon, to a widow woman. every town of Galilee, & Judea, & Jerusalem. & GΘD’s
& many lepers were in Israel during Elisha the Prophet. But power was with Him to heal. 18& realize, men carried a
none of them were cleansed except Naaman the syrian. person who was weakened on a bed, & asked to bring him
So everyone who heard this, were filled with anger in the in & lay him before Him. 19But when they could not find any
synagogue. 29They stood up & threw Him outside the city way to bring him in, because of the large crowd, they went
gates. & brought Him up to the edge of a mountain on up on top of the building. & lowered him down through the
which their city was built, to throw Him down. 30But He got roof door with his bed into the middle, in front of Jesus.
through the middle of them, to travel. 31& He went down 20
When He saw their faith, He said to this 1, Your sins are
to Capernaum, a Galilean town & was teaching them forgiven for you. 21& the religious teachers and the
during the Sabbath. 32& they were shocked at His pharisees began to think in their minds, saying, Who is this
teaching, because His words were with power. 33But in their that speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins, except
synagogue there was a person who had impure evil spirits GΘD alone? 22So Jesus knew their thoughts, answered,
& it screamed out with a loud voice, 34saying, Leave us saying to them, Why do you think in your minds? 23Which is
alone! What are You Jesus of Nazareth to do with us & are easier to say, Your sins are forgiven for you, or to say, Get
You going to destroy us? We know who You are, the Holy up & walk? 24But, so that you know that the Son of Mankind
1 from GΘD. 35But Jesus rebuked them, saying, Silence, & has the power of authority on earth to forgive sins. He said
go out of him. & the evil spirits threw him to the middle of to the paralytic, I say to you, Get up & lift up your bed, &
the ground going out of him but did not hurt him. 36So they go into your house. 25& immediately he got up in front of
were all amazed by this, & talked with each other, saying, them to lift up what he was laying on, & went into his own
What teaching is this? For with power & authority He house. 26Then everyone who took him back was amazed
commanded the impure spirits & they go out. 37& fame & glorified GΘD, & was filled with fear, agreed, We saw
about Him went all around to the regional places. 38& He supernatural things this day. 27& after this He went out &
got up from the synagogue to enter into Peter’s house. & visited a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the toll booth,
Peter’s mother-in-law was suffering from an extreme fever, & He said to him, Join Me. 28So he got up leaving
& they begged Him about her. 39So He stood over her everything behind to join Him. 29& Levi made Him a big
rebuking the fever, & immediately it left her, & she stood festival in his own house. & there was a large crowd of tax
up to serve them. 40Now the sun was going down, every- collectors & others that was sitting down with them.
one as many as had sicknesses of various diseases, these 30
Except their religious teachers & pharisees grumbled
were brought to Him, & He placed His hands on every-one against His disciples, saying, Why is He eating & drinking
of them; to heal them. 41& also many evil spirits went out of with tax collectors & sinners? 31& Jesus answered saying to
them screaming & saying that, You are the Anointed 1, Son them, Those who are healthy do not need a doctor, but
of GΘD. & He rebuked them, not allowing them to speak, those who are sick do. 32I did not come to invite the
because they knew He was the Anointed 1. 42& when it was righteous, but sinners to repent. 33& they said to Him, Why
daytime, He went to a deserted place. & the crowds do the disciples of John fast often & do prayers, & equally
searched for Him & came to Him & held Him, so He could these, the pharisees, but Yours eat & drink? 34Then He said
not leave from them. 43But He said this to them, Since I was to them, Can you make the children of the bridegroom fast
sent here, it is necessary for Me to announce the good while the bridegroom is with them? 35But the day will come
news of the Kingdom of GΘD to other cities also. 44& He whenever the bridegroom is taken away from them, then
proclaimed in their galilean synagogues. they will fast during those days. 36& He also spoke a parable
5 & this happened; As He was standing by the lake of to them, No-one puts a new patch on an old cloak,
gennesaret, the people pressed into Him to hear the otherwise, then the new 1 tears it & the piece that was from
WORD of GΘD. 2& He saw 2 ships placed nearby the lake, the new, does not match with the old. 37& no-one puts new

but the fishermen were gone from them, washing off their wine into old wineskin, otherwise the new wine would burst
nets. 3& He stepped into 1 of the ships, which was Peter’s, the wineskin & be spilled, & the wineskin destroyed. 38So
to ask him to put it out a little from the land. & He sat down new wine must be put into a new bottle, & both saved.

to teach the people from the ship. 4After, when He was

No-one who drinks old, also immediately wants new, for Do not condemn & you will not be condemned. Forgive &
they say, The old is better. you will be forgiven. 38Give & it will be given to you, a good
6 Now it was 2nd Sabbath after the 1st. He was traveling measure pressed & shaken together & overflowing will be
through the corn fields; His Disciples pulled off ears of corn given into your pocket, for the same measure that you
& ate it, by rubbing them in their hands. 2& some of the measure with, will be measured back for you. 39& He spoke
pharisees said to Him, Why do they do what is not lawful to a parable to them, Is it possible for blind to guide the blind?
do on the Sabbath? 3Then Jesus replied to them, saying, No way, both will fall into a ditch. 40A disciple is not above
Have you not even read that what David did when he was their teacher, but everyone trained will be like their
hungry & those who were with him? 4As he entered into teacher. 41& why look at the twig that is in your fellow
GΘD’s Temple, & also took to eat the sacred bread, & gave believer’s eye, but do not notice the beam that is in your
it to those with him, which was not lawful to eat except for own eye? 42Or how can you say to your fellow believer,
the priests only. 5& He said this to them, The Son of Mankind Brother allow me to remove the twig that is in your eye,
is also Master of the Sabbath. 6& on another Sabbath this when you cannot see your own beam that is in your eye?
also happened: As He entered into the synagogue & was Actor! 1st remove the beam out of your eye, & then you will
teaching, there was also a person whose right hand was see clearly to remove the twig that in your fellow believer’s
paralyzed. 7& the religious teachers & pharisees watched eye. 43For a good tree does not produce bad fruit or a bad
Him to see if He would heal on the Sabbath, so that they tree produce good fruit. 44For every tree is known by its own
could find an accusation against Him. 8But He knew their fruit, for from thorns you cannot gather figs, or from thorns
thoughts & said to this person who had the paralyzed gather its grapes. 45A good person produces good from the
hand, Get up & stand in the middle. So this one stood up. good treasure out of their heart. But an evil person brings
Then Jesus said to them, I ask you, is this lawful during the out evil from their own heart, evil treasure. For what their
Sabbath to do good or to do evil, to save lives or to slay? heart is full of, their mouth speaks from. 46So why do you
He looked all around them, then said to the person, call Me Owner, Master, & do not do what I say? 47But
Reach out your hand & this 1 did so, & the same hand was whoever comes to Me to listen to My words, & does them;
restored as healthy as the other. 11So they were filled with I will explain to you who they are like. 48They are like a
rage & talked together near each other about what to do person who builds their house & digs deep & puts their
to Jesus. 12& during this day, He went up to a mountain to foundation on top of rocks; when the floods come, the
pray & He was spending the whole night in prayer to GΘD. floodwaters slam against their house & it was not strong
& when it was daytime He called Disciples to Him & from enough to shake it, for it was founded on top of rocks. 49But
them He chose 12 that He also named Apostles: 14Simon whoever hears & does not do them, is like a person building
who He also renamed Peter, & Andrew his brother, James a house in the earth without any foundation, which the
& John, Philip & Bartholomew, 15Matthew & Thomas, James floods will slam against their house & immediately it will fall,
son of Alphaeus, & Simon was called the Zealot, 16Judas, & the ruin will be violent.
James’s & judas iscariot who also becomes a traitor. 17After 7 & after He finished all His spoken words to the audience
He went down with them to stand together with His of people, He entered into Capernaum. 2& some
Disciples at a level place. & also many crowds of people centurion’s servant, who was valuable to him; was badly
from all Judea & Jerusalem & the tyre & sidon by the sea, sick, about to die. 3& when he heard about Jesus, he sent
that came to hear & be healed from their diseases by Him. out to Him the sanhedrin elders of Jews, to ask Him, so that
& those bothered by evil spirits were also healed. 19& the He would come & heal his servant. 4So they came to Jesus,
whole crowd tried to touch Him, because power went out requesting Him instantly, saying, Do this because he is
from Him & healed everyone. 20& He looked up with His worthy. 5For he loves our nation & he built us a synagogue.
eyes at His Disciples to say, Happy are the poor, for the 6
Then Jesus went with them & He was not even far from the
Kingdom of GΘD is for them. 21Happy are those hungry house. The centurion sent a friend to Him, saying to Him,
now, for you will be fed. Happy are those crying now, Master do not trouble Yourself; for I am not worthy enough
because you will be laughing. 22Happy are you whenever for You to enter under my roof. 7For I myself am not even
people hate you & when they exclude you, & insult you & worthy to come to You, instead just say a word & my
expel your name out as evil, because of the Son of servant will be healed. 8For I am also a man appointed
Mankind. 23Rejoice during that day & jump, for realize, your under authority, who has soldiers under me & I say to one,
reward is much in Heaven. For their fathers did the same to Go, & he goes. & to another, Come, & he comes. & to my
your ancestors the Prophets. 24But trouble for you rich, servant, Do this, & he does. 9After Jesus heard this, He was
because you have received your comfort. 25Trouble for you impressed with him, & turned around, saying to the people
full, because you will hunger. Trouble for you that laugh that represented him, I say to you, I have not found so
now, because you will be sad & cry. 26Trouble for you when much faith in Israel. 10& those sent returning to the house,
everyone speaks praises to you, because they did the to find the servant that was sick well. 11& next after this; He
same thing to the false prophets; your ancestors. 27So I say traveled into a city called nain, & many of His Disciples
to you who listen, learn to welcome your enemies, do good went with Him, & many crowds. 12Now when He was near
to those who hate you. 28Those who curse you, speak well, the gate of the city, He saw there was a dead person
& pray for those who insult you. 29Whoever slaps you on the brought out; an only son of his mother. She was also a
jaw, also show them the other. & whoever takes away your widow & many people from the city were with her. 13When
cloak, also do not refuse your shirt. 30Also give to everyone the Master saw her, He had compassion for her, & said to
that asks you & takes away from you, do not demand it her, Do not cry. 14He went near & touched the funeral
back. 31So just as you want, so that people will do for you; coffin, & those carrying it stood still. & He said, Young man,
you also do the same for them. 32& if you love those who I say to you, Get up! 15Then he who was dead sat up &
love you, what good have you done? For even sinners love began to speak, & He gave him to his mother. 16&
those who love them. 33& if you only do good for those who everyone was afraid & glorified GΘD, saying that, A great
do good to you, what good have you done? For even Prophet has risen up within us, & that GΘD has looked after
sinners do the same. 34& if you lend money to who you HIS people. 17& this exciting news about Him went out into
expect to repay you, what favor will you get? For even all of Judea, & throughout the whole region around. 18&
sinners allow lending money to sinners, so that they get the disciples of John reported to him about all of these
repaid equally as much as was taken. 35Instead welcome things. 19John called to 2, some of his disciples, & sent them
your enemies, & do good, & lend money for nothing, & your to ask Jesus, Are You the expected 1, or should we expect

reward will be much, because you are children of the another? 20When the men came to Him, they said, John
MOST HIGH, for HE is good to those not expecting thanks & the Baptiser sent us out to you to ask, Are You the expected
those suffering. 36So you be merciful just as your FATHER is 1, or should we expect another? 21& during that same hour

also merciful. 37Do not judge so that you will not be judged. He healed many from their sicknesses & diseases, & evil
spirits, & many blind, He gave sight freely. 22Jesus replied, choking them. 8& others fell on good soil & grew up to
saying to them, Go, report to John what you saw & found produce 100x fruit. He said these things calling out, Those
out: that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are who listen to what they hear, will understand. 9& His
cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, & the good Disciples asked Him, saying, What does this parable mean?
news is proclaimed to the poor. 23& happy are those if they 10
& He said, You are allowed to know the mysteries of
are not offended by Me. 24As the messengers of John left, GΘD’s kingdom, but to the rest with parables, since seeing
He began to speak to the people about John. What to go they do not see, & hearing they do not understand. 11So this
to the wilderness to watch? A staff shaking in the wind? 25Or parable is about seeds being the WORDS of GΘD. 12& those
did you go out to see a man clothed in fine clothes, those on the path are those that hear them, but then the false
seen in glorious clothing & exist in luxury, that are in royal accuser comes to take the WORDS from their hearts, so that
palaces? 26Anyway, what did you see out there, a they will not believe & be saved. 13& these on the rocky soil,
Prophet? Truly, & I say much more than a Prophet to you. who when they hear receive the WORDS with joy. But these
This is who it was written about: realize, I will sent away have no roots, who for a while believe, but during
My messenger before your faces, who will prepare Your temptation fall away. 14& these that fell on thorns are those
way before You. 28For I say to you, there is no greater that heard. But go out to be choked by worries & riches, &
Prophet than John the Baptizer, born by a woman. Yet the desires, so they produce no fruit. 15Except these on the
smallest in the Kingdom of GΘD is greater than him. 29When good soil are those who with an honest & good heart hear
all the people & the tax collectors who were Baptized with the WORDS; keep them & produce fruit with patience. 16&
John’s Baptism heard this, they said, GΘD is just. 30But the not even a lit candle is hidden under a bowl or puts
pharisees & Mosaic lawyers themselves were not Baptized underneath a small bed, but they put it on top of a
by him, rejected against the will of GΘD. 31Then the Master lampstand, so that whoever enters can see the light. 17For
said, So I will compare these, the people of this generation nothing will be secret that will not be known, or hidden that
& to who they are like: 32they are like children sitting in the will not become known, except to become known. 18So
markets, & call out to each-other saying, We played flutes realize what you hear: for whoever has, they will be given,
for you, but you did not dance. We mourned for you, but but whoever that does not have, from them will be taken
you did not cry. 33For John the Baptiser came, not eating even what they think they have. 19Then His mother &
bread, or drinking wine, & you say, He has an evil spirit. brothers came to Him, but because of the crowd, they
The Son of Mankind arrives eating & drinking & you say, were not able to meet with Him. 20& someone announced
Look at this man; a glutton & a drunkard, friend of tax to Him, Your mother & Your brothers are standing outside
collectors & sinners. 35But wisdom shows everything, who is wanting to see You. 21He replied & said to them, My mother
righteous! 36& 1 of the pharisees requested Him, so that He & My brothers are those that hear the words of GΘD & do
would eat with him. & He entered into a pharisee house & them. 22& on 1 day this happened: He & His Disciples went
sat down. 37& realize: a woman in the city who was sinner, into a ship & He said to them, Go to the other side of the
knew that He was eating in a pharisee home, brought an lake. So they sailed away. 23But as they sailed, He fell
alabaster vase of perfumed oil. 38She was behind Him, near asleep & a hurricane came down on the lake, & they were
His feet crying. Then she began to wash His feet with tears, filled with water; in danger. 24So they went to wake Him up,
& wiped them off with her head hair. & kissed His feet & saying, Commander, Teacher, we are being destroyed.
anointed them with perfumed oil. 39Then the pharisee who Then He got up to rebuke the wind & then the raging water
invited Him, saw this, thought inside himself saying, If this stopped, & there was calm. 25But He said to them, Where
was a Prophet, He would have known who, & what type of is your faith? & they were afraid wondering, saying to each
woman that touched Him was; for she was a sinner. 40So other, So now what is this? For He even commands the
Jesus spoke, saying to the pharisee simon, I have wind & water, & they obey Him. 26& they sailed to the area
something to say to you. & he replied, Teacher, say it. of gadarenes, which is on the other side of Galilee. 27& He
There was a lender who had 2 that owed him, the 1 owed went out to the land, where He met some men from the
500 silver coins, & the other 50. 42They had nothing to repay city, who had evil spirits for a long time. & they did not wear
him with, so he forgave both. So now tell Me, which of them clothes & did not live in a house, but in the tombs. 28When
will love him more? 43Simon replied & said, I assume, that 1 they saw Jesus, they yelled out & fell down before Him &
he forgave the most. & He said to him, You chose correct. said with loud voices, What are You Jesus, GΘD’s Son of
Then He turned to the woman, saying to simon, See this the HIGHEST, going to do with us? We beg You do not
woman? I entered into your house, but you gave Me no torture us. 29For He commanded the evil spirits to come of
water for My feet. She has washed My feet with tears & the men. Because many times they arrested them &
wiped them dry with the hairs of her head. 45You did not guarded them, binding them with chains & feet shackles.
give Me a kiss, but since I came in this woman, has not But they broke the bands, controlled by the evil spirits, into
stopped kissing My feet. 46You did not anoint My head with the wilderness. 30& Jesus asked them saying, What is your
olive oil, but this woman anointed My feet with perfumed name? So they said, Legion: because many evil spirits had
oil. 47So I will say this to her, whose sins are many, will be entered into him. 31& they begged Him so that He would
forgiven. For she loved much, but to those who love a little not order them to go into the bottomless pit. 32& there was
little is forgiven. 48Then He said to her, Your sins are forgiven! a herd of enough pigs feeding on the mountain. So they
& those eating together, began to say within themselves, begged Him so that He would allow them to enter into
Who is this that also forgives sins? 50& He said to the woman, them, & He allowed them. 33Then the evil spirits went out of
Your belief has saved you, go in peace. the men to enter into the pigs, & the herd rushed down a
8 & later, afterward He also traveled throughout the cities steep place into the lake & drowned. 34& those that fed
& villages proclaiming & announcing the good news of them saw what happened ran away & went announcing
GΘD’s Kingdom. & the 12 were with Him. 2& a woman who this into the city & to the country. 35So they went out to see
was healed from evil spirits & sicknesses, called Mary what happened & came to Jesus & found the men from
Magdalene from Maath, who He sent out 7 evil spirits. 3& who the evil spirits came out sitting by the feet of Jesus
Joanna, chuza’s wife, herod’s manager & Susanna & clothed & sound minded; & they were afraid. 36& they also
many others who served Him from their own goods. 4Many saw what was announced to them, how those possessed
crowds came together throughout the cities & traveled to were healed. 37But the whole crowd of the gadarenes
Him. Then He spoke with a parable: 5A seed planter went area begged Him to go away from them, for they were
out to plant his own seeds. & while he was planting seeds, seized with great fear. So He went into the ship to return.

truly some fell on the road & were crushed, & the birds from 38
& the men from who the evil spirits came out of, begged
the sky ate them up. 6& others fell on rocky soil & grew up. to be with Him; but Jesus sent them away saying, 39Return
They dried up, because they had no moisture. 7& others fell to your own houses & describe how much GΘD has done

on the middle of thorns & the thorns grew with them, for you. So they went to announce throughout the whole
city how much Jesus did for them. 40& when Jesus returned saying, The Anointed of GΘD. 21& He warned,
to the people, they received Him happily; for they were all commanding them to not tell anyone that, 22saying, The
waiting for Him. 41& realize, a man came named jairus & he Son of Mankind must suffer many things & be rejected & be
was the ruler of a synagogue. & he fell down near Jesus’s killed by the sanhedrin elders, & high priests, & religious
feet, begging Him to enter into his house. 42For he had only teachers, & be resurrected the 3rd day. 23Then He said to
1 daughter who was 12 years old, & this girl was dying, but everyone, If anyone will come follow Me, they must deny
as he went the crowd pressed against him. 43& a woman themselves, & lift up their cross daily, & join Me. 24For
who had been bleeding for 12 years, who had spent all she whoever wants to save their life, will lose it. But, whoever
had to physicians, who could not heal by any way. 44She loses their life for Me, will save it. 25For what does a person
came from behind Him to touch the edge of His cloak & profit to gain the whole world & they be destroyed or lost?
instantly her flow of blood stopped. 45& Jesus said, Who 26
For whoever is ashamed of Me & My Words, the Son of
touched Me? & everyone denied it. Peter & those with Him Mankind will be ashamed of them, when He comes with
said, Leader, the crowd presses against You & from all sides His Own & FATHER’s, & the most Holy Angels glory. 27But,
& You ask, Who touched me? 46Then Jesus said, Someone truly I say to you, there are some standing here, who will
touched Me; for I know power went out from Me. 47When not taste death, until whenever they see the Kingdom of
the woman realized that she was not hidden anymore, she GΘD. 28& about 8 days after this was said, it happened,
came trembling & fell down before Him, announcing to when He took Peter & John, & James, to go up into a
Him before all the people; for what reason she touched mountain to pray. 29& as He prayed, the appearance of
Him & how she was instantly healed. 48& He said to her, His face became different, & His clothing white & shining
Daughter have courage, for your faith has healed you, like lightening. 30& they saw, 2 men talking with Him, who
travel with peace. 49Later while He was speaking; someone were Moses & Elijah, 31who appeared in glory, speaking
came to the ruler of the synagogue, saying to him, Since about His death, what He was going to accomplish in
your daughter died, do not trouble the Teacher. 50When Jerusalem. 32But Peter, & those with Him were heavy with
Jesus heard this, He spoke to him, saying, Do not fear, only sleep, but remained awake to see His glory, & the 2 men
believe, & she will be healed! 51But when He entered into standing together near Him. 33& as they left from Him, this
the house, He did not allow anyone to enter except Peter, happened: Peter said to Jesus, Master it is good for us to
& James, & John, & the father & the mother of the girl. 52& be here. So we will make 3 tents; 1 for you, & 1 for Moses, &
everyone cried & beat their chest in grief for her, but He 1 for Elijah, not understanding what they said. 34While he
said, Do not cry, she is not dead, only sleeping. 53& they was speaking this, a cloud came & gave them shade. & as
laughed at Him, to mock Him, knowing that she was dead. the cloud came to them, they feared. 35& a voice came
So He sent everyone else outside & took her hand, saying out of the cloud saying, This is MY greatly loved Son, listen
this out loud, Girl wake up. 55So her spirit returned & she to Him! 36After the voice had finished, Jesus was found only,
immediately stood up. & He commanded to give her food alone. & they kept silent & told no-one during those days
to eat. 56So her parents were shocked, but He told them to anything they saw. 37This happened on the next day; they
not tell anyone what happened. went down off the mountain, & many people met with
9 Then He called His 12 Disciples together, & gave them Him. 38& realize; a man from the crowd yelled out, saying,
power & authority over all evil spirits, & to heal diseases. 2& Teacher I beg You to look towards my son, for he is my only
He sent them out to proclaim the Kingdom of GΘD, & to child. 39& look; a spirit takes him & suddenly he screams out,
heal the sick. 3& He said to them, Take nothing for your & it shakes him with foam & bruises him, hardly leaving from
journey, not even a staff, or a wallet, or bread, or money, him. 40& I begged Your Disciples so that they would send it
or have 2 coats each. 4& whatever house you enter into, out, but they could not. 41& Jesus answered, saying, Wow
stay there, until you leave there. 5Whoever will not receive unbelieving & corrupt generation, how long will I be with
you, leave from that city, & shake off even the dust from you? Anyways, bring your son here. 42But as he was still
your feet, for evidence against them. 6So they left, traveling coming, the evil spirit threw him down & shook him. & Jesus
through the towns, proclaiming the good news, & healing rebuked the evil spirit & healed the child, & gave him back
everywhere. 7When herod antipas the governor heard to his father. 43& everyone was shocked by the great
everything that was done by Him, & he was confused, power of GΘD. While everyone wondered about
because through some said, John rose from the dead. 8& everything that Jesus did, He said to His disciples, 44You, put
by some, that Elias appeared, & others, that 1 of the old these sayings into your minds understanding, for the Son of
Prophets had risen. 9& Herod said, I beheaded John, so Mankind will be betrayed into the hands of people. 45But
who is this I hear these type of things about. So he wanted they did not understand this saying, & it was hidden from
to see Him. 10When the Apostles returned, they told Him as them, so they would not understand it. & they were afraid
many things as they had done. & He took them to get to ask Him about this saying. 46& they began to argue with
away privately into a deserted place; a city named each other, which of them would be greater. 47Jesus knew
bethsaida. 11When the people found out, they joined Him. the thoughts of their minds. He took a young child, & stood
& He received them; speaking to them about the Kingdom this one by Him. 48& said to them, Whoever will receive this
of GΘD & healed those needing healing. 12When the day child in My Name, receives Me. & whoever will receive Me,
got late, then the 12 came, saying to Him, Send the crowds receives HIM WHO sent Me. For whoever is the smallest
away, so that they will go into the towns & countries between all of you, will be great. 49& John responded,
around to lodge, & to get food; because we are here in a saying, Teacher, we saw someone sending out evil spirits in
deserted place. 13But He said to them, You give them food Your Name, so we prevented him, because he has not
to eat. & they said, We do not have more than 5 loaves & joined with us. 50& Jesus said to him, Do not prevent him, for
2 fish, but we should go buy food for all these people. 14For whoever is not against us, is for us. 51& this happened; when
there were about 5,000 men. & He said to His Disciples, Sit the time came that He would go up, He set His face firm,
them down by groups of 50’s. 15So they did this, & everyone while traveling to Jerusalem. 52& He sent messengers out in
sat down. 16Then He took the 5 loaves & the 2 fish, looked front of His face. & they traveled, they entered into a
up to Heaven, to praise HIM, & broke them into pieces, & village of samaritan’s to prepare for Him. 53But they did not
gave them to the Disciples to place before the crowds. accept them, because His face was traveling to
So they all ate & were filled. & picked up 12 baskets of Jerusalem. 54When His Disciples, James & John saw this,
remaining broken pieces from them. 18& after He was done said, Master, should we say, Fire come down from the sky
praying alone, His Disciples were with Him. & He asked & consume them, just like as Elijah did? 55But He turned, &

them, saying, Who do the people say I Am? 19& they rebuked them, saying, You do not know what spirit you are
answered, saying, John the Baptiser, but others Elijah, & in. 56For the Son of Mankind did not come to destroy
others that 1 of the old Prophets has appeared. 20& He said people’s lives, but to save them. & they traveled to another

to them, But who do you say I am? & Peter answered, village. 57& as they traveled on the way, someone said to
Him, Master, I will join with You wherever You go. 58& Jesus where he was, saw him, & had compassion. 34& went to
said to him, Foxes have holes & birds of the sky nests, but bandage his wounds, by pouring olive oil & wine, & placed
the Son of Mankind has nowhere to lay His head. 59& He him on his own animal, to bring him to an inn, & took care
said to another, Join Me. But he said, Master, allow me 1st of him. 35& on the next day he left, getting 2 denarius out to
to go bury my father. 60But Jesus said to him, Leave the pay completely to the inn keeper. & he said to him, take
dead to bury their dead, & you go proclaim the Kingdom care of him & whatever extra expenses, I will repay you
of GΘD. 61& also another said, Master, I will join you, but 1st when I return. 36So now, which of these 3 do you think was
allow me to say goodbye to my family. 62& Jesus said to a friend to him that was trapped by the robbers? 37& he
him, No-one who puts his hand to a plow, & looks back, is said, The 1 that did mercy. Then Jesus said to him, Travel &
useful for the Kingdom of GΘD. you do the same. 38Next this happened as they traveled:
10 & after these things, the Master also appointed another Then when He entered into a village, a woman named
70, & sent them out 2 by 2 before His face, into where every Martha welcomed Him into her house. 39& she had a sister
city & place that He was about to go. 2Then He said to named Mary, who also sat near Jesus feet, to hear His
them, Truly the harvest is much, but the workers are few. So Words. 40But Martha was too busy & concerned serving
pray to the MASTER of the harvest that HE sends out workers many, came by to say, Master, why do You not care that
into HIS harvest. 3Go, realize I send you out like lambs in the my sister left me to serve alone? Talk to her, so that she will
middle of wolves. 4Do not carry a money belt, or wallet, or help me. 41But Jesus replied saying to her, Martha, Martha,
sandals & welcome no-one along the way. 5& whatever you are worried & troubled about much. 42Only 1 thing is
house you enter into, 1st say, Peace to this house’s family. necessary, & Mary has chosen the right portion, which will
& if a son of peace is truly there, your peace will remain in not be taken from her.
it, otherwise it will return to you. 7Also remain in the same 11 & this happened: He prayed in a place in Paphos.
house to eat & drink from them, for the worker is worthy of When He stopped, 1 of His Disciples said to Him, Master,
their reward. Do not change from house to house. 8& also teach us to pray like John also taught his own disciples. 2&
whatever city you enter into & they receive you, eat what He said to them, Whenever you pray, say, Our FATHER WHO
food they place before you. 9& heal the weak in there & is in Heaven. Holy is YOUR NAME. YOUR Kingdom come.
say to them, The Kingdom of GΘD is coming to you. 10But YOUR will be done on the earth as it is in Heaven. Also,
whatever city you enter into, but they do not receive you, 3
give to us today enough food for us, 4& forgive us our sins.
go into the streets of it to say, 11Even the dust of your city For we also forgive everyone who sins against us. & do not
that is stuck to us, we wipe you off. Anyways know this; that bring us to trial, instead rescue us from evil. 5& He said to
the Kingdom of GΘD came to you. 12& I say to you that it them, Who of you has a friend & would travel to him at
will be more tolerable in that day for Sodom, than for that midnight, & say to him, Friend, lend me 3 loaves, 6for a
city. 13Trouble for you chorazin, trouble for you bethsaida! friend of mine during his travel has come to me, & I have
Because if these miracles happened in Tyre & Sidon that nothing to feed him. 7& from inside he also answered,
happened in you, they would have repented long ago, by saying, Do not trouble me. The door is already shut & my
sitting in sacks & ashes. 14Yet it will be more tolerable for children are with me in bed. I cannot get up to give
Tyre & Sidon at the judgment, than for you. 15& you anything to supply you. 8I say to you, even though he will
capernaum, which lifts yourself up to Heaven, will even be not get up to give him, even though he is his friend, yet
thrown down to hell. 16Whoever hears you, hears Me. But because of his persistence, he will get up to give him as
whoever rejects you, rejects Me & whoever rejects Me much as he needs. 9& I say to you, Search & you will find.
rejects HIM WHO sent Me. 17& the 70 returned with joy, Ask & it will be given to you. Knock & it will be opened for
saying, Master, even the evil spirits obey us by Your Name. you. 10For everyone who searches will find. & whoever
& He said to them, I saw satan fall like lightning from knocks, it will be opened for. & whoever asks will receive.
Heaven. 19Realize, I give you power to trample over snakes 11
Or a son asks for bread, which of you fathers, would give
& scorpions & over all the power of the enemy. & nothing him a stone? & Or even if a fish, would instead of giving him
will ever hurt you. 20Yet during this do not rejoice because a fish, give him a snake? 12Or also if he asks for an egg,
the spirits obey you, but instead rejoice because your would give him a scorpion? 13So then if you are bad
names are written in Heaven. 21At this moment Jesus’s Spirit natured, know how to give good gifts to your children, how
rejoiced to GΘD by saying, I praise YOU FATHER, MASTER of much more will your Heavenly FATHER give the Holy Spirit
Heaven & earth, for YOU hid these things from the wise & to those asking HIM? 14When He was throwing out an evil
intelligent. But YOU make them known to little children. Yes, spirit, because he was mute, this happened: the evil spirit
FATHER this way happens, because it is good in YOUR sight. went out & the mute spoke, so the people wondered. 15So
Everything was given to Me by My FATHER. & no-one some of them said, He sends out evil spirits by satan, the
knows who the Son is, except the FATHER or WHO the ruler of the evil spirits. 16& another tempted Him,
FATHER is except the Son & whoever the Son wants to demanding from Him a sign from Heaven. 17But He knew
reveal Himself to. 23& He turned to the Disciples saying, their thoughts, said to them, Every kingdom divided
privately, to them, Blessed are your eyes that see what you against itself is ruined, & a house against a house falls. 18&
see. 24For I say to you that many Prophets & kings have if satan also is divided against himself, how can his
wanted to see what you see, but have not seen. & to hear kingdom stand? Because you say I send out evil spirits by
what you hear, but have not heard. 25& realize: a mosaic satan. 19& if by satan I send out evil spirits, by who do your
lawyer stood up & tested Him saying, Teacher, what can I sons send them out? Because you say I throw out evil spirits
do to receive eternal life? So He said to him, 26How do you by satan. So they will be your judges. 20But if by a finger
know what is written in the Law? 27Then he answered, from GΘD sends out evil spirits, then the Kingdom of GΘD
saying, Love GΘD your MASTER with all your heart, & with has come to you. 21As long as 1 is powerfully armed, while
all your soul, & with all your ability, & with all your mind, & guarding his house, his property is safe. 22Unless when
you, others even as yourself. 28& He said to him, You someone stronger comes against him, defeating him, he
answered correct; do this & have true life. 29He wanted to surrenders; strips off all his weapons & takes his armor.
justify himself & asked Jesus, So who are those close by 23
Whoever is not with Me, is against Me. & whoever not
me? 30& Jesus answered saying, Someone went down from close with Me, is scattered. 24When an evil spirit leaves from
Jerusalem to Jericho, but robbers surrounded him, & people, it travels through dry places, searching for rest, &
stripped off his clothing, & they attacked, wounding him. & finds none, it says, I will return to my living place where I
they went away, leaving him remaining ½ dead. 31& by came from. 25& it arrives to find them clean & organized.

accident a priest came by that way. When he saw him, he 26

Then it goes & gets 7 other spirits more evil than itself, &
passed by to the opposite side. 32& also a levite priest did enters in & lives there. So the final of that person is worse
the same at that place, he came, saw him, & passed by to than at 1st. 27& when as He was speaking these things, a

the opposite side. 33But a Samaritan traveling, came by woman from the crowd raised up her voice, saying to Him,
Blessed is the belly that carried You, & the breasts that You uncared for in GΘD’s sight. 7Yet even the hairs of your head
sucked. 28& He said, So truly are those blessed who hear are all counted. So do not fear, you are much more
the WORDS of GΘD, & guard them. 29When the people important than many sparrows. 8& I say to you, whoever
were gathered together, He began to say, This is an evil does agree with Me before people, the Son of Mankind will
generation seeking a sign, but they will not be given one, also agree with before the Angels of GΘD. 9But whoever
except the sign of Jonah the Prophet. 30For just as Jonah denies Me before people, they will be denied before the
was a sign to the Ninevite people, so also will the Son of Angels of GΘD. 10& whoever speaks words against the Son
Mankind be to this generation. 31The queen of the south will of Mankind can be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes
be resurrected during the judgment with the men of this against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. 11So when they
generation & condemn them. Because she came from the bring you to the synagogues & rulers & authorities, do not
extreme end of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, be worried about how or what to defend, or what to say.
but look, greater than Solomon is here. 32The men of 12
For the Holy Spirit will teach you quickly during that same
Nineveh will be resurrected during the judgment with this time, what you need to say. 13& someone from the crowd
generation & condemn them. Because they repented with said to Him, Teacher, say to my brother to divide the
the teaching of Jonah. But look, greater than Jonah is here. inheritance with me. 14But He said to him, Person, who
No one lights a candle, to place it in a hidden place, or made Me a judge or divider for you? 15& He said to him,
under a dry basket, except on top of a candle stand, so Beware & guard against greed, because a person’s life is
that those coming in can see the light. 34The light of the not to be about overflowing with their possessions. 16Then
body is the eyes; so when your eyes are clear, your whole He spoke a parable to them, saying, The ground of a rich
body will also be well lit. But when you are evil, your body person was very fertile. 17So he thought within himself,
is also full of darkness. 35So make sure the light in you is not saying, What will I do, because I have nowhere to store my
darkness. 36So if your whole body is light, without having fruit? 18Then he said, I will do this; I will demolish my
any part dark, all will be light; like lightning from a candle, storehouses & build them larger, & I will gather my fruits &
gives you light. 37& as He spoke; a pharisee entered in to my goods there. 19I will say to my soul, soul you have many
ask Him to eat with him, & sat down. 38& when the pharisee goods stored for many years, rest, eat, drink, & rejoice.
saw that He did not 1st wash before breakfast, wondered. 20
But GΘD said to him, You are foolish, this night the soul of
& the Master said to him, Now you pharisees clean the yours might be demanded back from you, then whose will
outside of the cups & the plates, but inside you are filled be what you prepared? 21This is the way of storing up for
from pillaging & evil. 40Fools, did not HE that made the yourself, but will not be rich with GΘD. 22& He said to His
outside, made that which is inside also? 41Instead give Own Disciples, For I say to you, Do not worry about your life;
mercy inside, then everything will look clean to you. 42But what to eat or what put on the body. 23The life of yours is
trouble for you pharisees, because you give 10% garden more than food & its body, clothing. 24Notice the ravens, for
mint & medical rue, & all herbs. But abandoned justice & they do not sow, or harvest, who do not even have
the love of GΘD; these are necessary to do, also do not storerooms or storehouses, but GΘD feeds them. How
abandon the others. 43Trouble for you pharisees! Because much more valuable are you than the birds? 25& which of
you love the 1st seats in the churches & greetings in the you by worrying, are able to add 1 length to your own
public places. 44Trouble for you religious teachers & lifetime? 26So if you are not able to do a little thing, why
pharisees, hypocrites! Because you are just like hidden worry about the rest? 27Notice the lilies, how they do not get
graves, & the people walk over them not knowing. 45Then tired or spin. & yet I say to you, Solomon in all of his glory
some of the Mosaic law teachers, replied saying to Him, was not clothed like 1 of these. 28So if GΘD clothes the
Teacher, these sayings also insult us. 46& He said, Trouble for grass this being way today in the field, & tomorrow they are
you Mosaic law teachers also, because you load people thrown into a furnace; how much more you, with little faith?
with difficult burdens, but will not touch their burdens with 1 29
So you do not search what to eat or what to drink, & do
of your fingers. 47Trouble for you! Because you built the not worry. 30For all these things the nations of the world
memorial graves for the Prophets, but your fathers killed search for & your FATHER knows that you need these things.
them. 48Truly you testified that you allowed the actions of 31
But instead search for the Kingdom of GΘD, & all these
your fathers, because they truly killed them & you built their things will be given to you. 32Do not fear little flock, for it is
graves. 49For this reason the Wisdom of GΘD said, I will send your FATHER’s pleasure to give you the Kingdom. 33Sell
to them Prophets & Messengers, & by them, they will be what you have, & give to the poor. Make yourselves
killed & persecuted. 50So that the blood of all the prophets money bags that never become old in Heaven’s unfailing
poured out from the foundation of the world, will be treasury. Where no thieves come near or moths can
demanded from this evil generation. 51From the blood of destroy. 34For where your treasures are, there also will be
Abel down to the blood of Zacharias, who was killed your heart. 35Your loins should be protected & a candle
between the altar & the temple. Truly I say to you, it will be burning. 36So you be like people expecting their master to
demanded from this generation. 52Trouble for you Mosaic return from a wedding, so that when he comes & knocks,
law teachers: because you take away the keys to they will open for him immediately. 37Happy is the servant
knowledge & prevent those from entering in, you, who the owner comes to find watching. Truly I say to you,
yourselves will not enter in. 53After He said this to them, the that he will clothe them & make them sit down, & come
religious teachers & the pharisees began to terribly hate near to serve them. 38So if he comes during the 2nd watch,
Him & provoked Him to speak about further things. or comes during the 3rd watch, & finds them this way,
Planning to trap Him, so they searched to catch happy are those servants. 39& know this; that if a
something out of His mouth, so that they could accuse Him. homeowner knew what time a thief was coming, he would
12 When an unlimited number of crowd was gathered guard & would not allow his house to be broken into. 40So
together, so many they trampled each other; He began to you also be ready, for the Son of Mankind will come when
say to His Own Disciples, 1st beware of the yeast of the you do not expect. 41Then Peter said to Him, Master who
pharisees who are hypocrites. 2Because there is nothing do You speak this parable to; us or also to everyone? 42&
covered which will not be uncovered, or hidden which not the Master said, So then, whoever is faithful & a wise
be known. 3For whatever you say in darkness, will be heard manager who his owner has placed in charge over his
in the light. & whatever you speak into the ear in a secret household to give them proper amounts of food. 43Happy
room, will be announced from the roof top. 4So I say to you is his owner who returns to find that servant doing so. 44Truly
My friends, Do not fear from someone who kills the body, I say to you that he will place him over all his property. 45But

for after that they cannot do any more. 5I will teach you if that servant says in their heart: My owner has delayed
who to fear: Fear after killed, HIM, WHO also has power to coming; & begins to beat the servants & maid servants, not
throw into hell. Truly I say to you, fear this! 6Are not 5 only eating & drinking, but gets drunk. 46The owner of that

sparrows sold for 2 roman coins? & neither 1 of them is servant will come during a day when no-one is expecting
him & during a time when he does not know, & will cut him things, towards Jerusalem. 23& someone said to Him, Are
in 2, & place his parts with the unbelievers. 47So that servant there few saved? & He said to them, 24Struggle to enter
who knew their owners will & did not prepare or do through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will search
according to his will, will be beaten much. 48But whoever for & will not be able to enter. 25Whenever the Head of the
did not know & did do things worthy of wounds, will be house wakes up & shuts the door completely; & they begin
beaten little. For whoever is given much, from them much to stand outside & knock at the door, saying, Owner,
will be required & whoever is entrusted much, from them, Master, open for us & He will answer saying to you, I do not
more will be required. 49I came to set the earth on fire & know where you are from! 26Then you will begin to say, We
wish that it was already lit up. 50& I have a Baptism to be ate & drank with You, & You taught in our streets. 27But He
Baptized with & how I will hold to this, until it is finished. 51Do will speak; I say to you, I do not know where you are from,
you think that I came to bring peace on earth? I say to you, leave from Me all who do injustice. 28There will be crying &
No, but instead division. 52For from now on there will be 5 in grinding of teeth, when you look at Abraham & Isaac, &
1 house divided, 3 against 2, & 2 against 3. 53Father will be Jacob, & all the Prophets in the Kingdom of GΘD; because
divided against son, & son against father, mother against you threw them out. 29& others will come from the east &
daughter, & daughter against mother: mother-in-law west, & from the north & the south, & sit down in the
against her own daughter-in-law, & daughter-in-law Kingdom of GΘD. 30& realize: There are last, who will be 1st,
against her own mother-in-law. 54& He also said to the & there are 1st, who will be last. 31During the same day,
crowd, When you see a cloud rise from the west you some pharisees came to say to Him, Travel & leave from
immediately say, Here comes a storm, & however it so here, because herod will kill You. 32& He said to them, You
happens. 55& when the south wind blows, you say, There travel to tell that fox, Realize, I send out evil spirits & I do
will be burning heat, & it happens. 56Hypocrites, you know healing today & tomorrow, & the 3rd will be finished.
how to recognize the appearance of the sky & of the earth, 33
Besides, I need to walk today & tomorrow, & the next, for
but how can you not recognize these events? 57& yet, from no Prophet can die outside of Jerusalem. 34Jerusalem,
yourselves why do you not also decide righteousness? Jerusalem, which murders the Prophets, & stones those sent
When you go with your enemy to a ruler; on the way, give to them. How I have often wanted to gather together you
profit to be set free from them, so they will not force you to children, like as a chicken’s chicks under its wings, but you
the judge, & the judge deliver you to the officer, & the were not willing. 35Look at your houses being deserted. &
officer throw you into prison. 59I say to you, You will not truly I say to you, you will not see Me, from when I leave
leave from that place, until who you pay off the last small until, Praise He who comes in the NAME of GΘD, is called
bronze coin. out.
13 & some arrived at that time, to tell Him about Galileans 14 So as He went into the house of the pharisee ruler to eat
whose blood Pilate mixed with their sacrifices. 2& Jesus food & while they watched Him on the Sabbath. 2& realize
replied, saying to them, Do you think that these Galileans there was a person in front of Him suffering from water
were worse sinners than all the Galileans, because they swelling. 3& Jesus began to say to the teachers of Mosaic
suffered like this? 3I say to you, No, but if you do not repent, law & pharisees saying, Is it legal to heal during the
everyone will be destroyed like this. 4Or those 10 & 8 who Sabbath? 4But they were silent. & He held him to heal him,
the tower at Siloam fell on, & killed them. Do you think that then let him go. 5Then He began to say to them, saying,
they were worse sinners than all the people living in Which of you has a donkey or an ox, that falls into a hole
Jerusalem? 5I say to you, No, but if you do not repent, on the Sabbath & would not immediately lift it up? 6But they
everyone will be destroyed like this. 6He also said this were not able to reply against Him to these things. 7& He
parable: Someone had a fig tree planted in their own said a parable to those invited; noticing how they chose
vineyard & went to search for fruit on it, & found none. 7So the heads of the table, saying to them, 8When you are
he said to the vine worker, Notice, 3 years I have come invited by someone to a wedding, do not sit down at the
searching for fruit on this fig tree & found none. Cut it down, head of the table: In case more honorable than you are
why also make the ground useless? 8& he replied, saying invited by him, 9& whoever invited you & he comes to say
to him, Master, leave it alone this year also, until I dig & to you, Give this place to this 1. So afterwards, at that time,
scatter manure around it. 9At least truly it will produce fruit; you start going away shamed to the lowest place.
but if not, after that I will cut it down. 10& He was teaching 10
Instead whenever invited go sit down in the lowest place,
in 1 of the synagogues during the Sabbath. 11& realize, so that when whoever invited you comes to say to you,
there was a woman who had a spirit of weakness for 18 Friend go up higher: Then to you will be honored before
years. & she was bent forward completely & was not able those eating with you. 11Since whoever lifts themselves high
to lift up herself. 12When Jesus saw her passing by the will be made low, but whoever will humble themselves will
opposite side, He called her to Himself & said to her, be lifted high. 12Then He also said to whoever invited Him,
Woman, I will set you free from your sickness. 13& He laid When you make breakfast or dinner, do not invite your
His hands on her & immediately she straightened up, & friends, or your fellow believers, or your relatives, or rich
praised GΘD. 14& the ruler of the synagogue responded neighbors; otherwise they will also invite you in return & you
being very upset, because Jesus healed during the will be paid back. 13Instead when you have a festival, invite
Sabbath; said to the people, There are 6 days during which the poor, crippled, lame, blind, 14& you will be blessed, for
are necessary to work, so then during those come & be they cannot repay you. But you will be repaid at the
healed, but not during the Sabbath day. 15The Master resurrection of the righteous. 15When someone eating with
responded to him, & said, Hypocrite, do not each of you Him heard these things, said to Him, Blessed is whoever eats
during the Sabbath untie a donkey or an ox from a stall, & food in the Kingdom of GΘD. 16& He said to him, Someone
lead it away to water? 16Realize 18 years. & is it not made a great dinner & invited many. 17So he sent his own
necessary this being a daughter of Abraham, who satan servant at dinner time, to say to those invited, Come now
has bound, to free from this bond during the Sabbath day? for everything is ready. 18But every-one of them began to
After He said these things, all of His enemies were make excuses. The 1st said to him, I have bought land &
ashamed. & all the people rejoiced with all the glorious need to go & see it. I ask you to have me excused. 19&
things done by Him. 18& He said, What is the Kingdom of another said, I bought 5 pairs of ox; & need to go test them,
GΘD like & how to compare it? 19It is like a mustard seed I ask you to have me excused. 20& another said, I married
grain that a person put into their garden & it grew. & it a woman, so because of this, I am not able to come. 21So
became a great tree & the birds of the sky lived in the his servant came to report to his own master these things.

branches of it. 20& again He said, What is the Kingdom of Then the head of the house became angry, saying to his
GΘD like? 21It is like leaven, which a woman took, mixing servant, Go out quickly into the roads & streets of the city &
in 3 measures of flour until all of it was fermented. 22& He bring in the poor, & crippled, & lame, & blind here. 22& the

traveled through the cities & villages, teaching & doing servant said, Master it is as you ordered, yet there is still
space. 23So the master said to the servant, Go to the roads so many years I have served you & never neglected your
to travel, & fences & convince those to enter, so that my orders. Yet you have never given me a young goat, so that
house is full. 24For I say to you, that none of the men who I could rejoice with my friends. 30Instead as soon as this,
were invited, will taste my dinner. 25After a large crowd your son has come which destroyed your goods with
came to Him: & He turned to them saying, 26If anyone prostitutes, you kill for him the fattened calf. 31So he said to
comes to Me & yet does not love their father & mother & him, Son you are always with me & everything of mine is
wife & children & brother & sister & their own life less, they yours. 32& it is proper to rejoice & be happy. For this is your
also cannot be My Disciple. 27& whoever does not take up brother who was dead & lives again, & was lost & is found.
their cross & come behind Me, cannot be My Disciple. 28For 16 & He also said to His Disciples, There was a rich person
which of you plans to build a tower, without sitting down 1st who had a manager & this same 1 was accused, of even
to count the cost, if they have enough to complete it. 29No, wasting his goods. 2So he called to him saying, Why do I
otherwise after they set the foundation & are not able to hear this about you? Give an account of your
complete it, everyone who sees it, will begin to mock them; management; for you are no longer able to manage. 3Then
saying, That this person began to build & was not able to the manager said inside himself, What can I do, because
complete it. 31Or what king goes to fight a battle against my boss took away the management from me? I am not
another king, without 1st sitting down & getting advice; if he strong enough to dig. Begging makes me ashamed. 4I
is able to battle with 10,000, whoever is coming against know what to do, so that when the management is
him with 20,000? 32Otherwise, while they are still far away, removed, they will receive me into their houses. 5So he
he will send an ambassador to ask him for peace. 33So in called every-one of his boss’s debtors, saying to the 1st,
this same way, whoever of you that does not give up How much do you owe my boss? 6& he said, 100 baths, 8-
everything they have, cannot be My Disciples. 34Salt is 9 gallons of olive oil. So he said to him, Take your bill & sit
good, but if the salt loses its flavor, with what can it season? down quickly to write 50, 7lovely. Afterwards he said to
It is not even useful for the land or for manure; throw it out! another, & how much do you owe? & he said, 100 corus,
Whoever has ears to hear, listen. 10 to 11 wheat bushels. So he said to him, Take your bill &
15 & all the tax collectors & sinners were coming near to write 80. 8& the boss approved of the unjust manager
Him, to hear Him. 2But the pharisees & religious teachers because he had done wisely; for the children of this world
complained, saying, That this Man accepts sinners & eats are more thoughtful with their own people, than the
with them. 3Then He said this parable to them, saying, children of light. 9So I say to you, Make yourselves friends
Which of you men has 100 sheep & loses 1 of them, does with the unjust riches, so that when you fail, you will be
not leave the 99 in the wilderness, & go after the lost, until received into everlasting tabernacles. 10Whoever is
they find it? 5& when found, you lay it on your shoulders trustworthy with the smallest, will also be trustworthy with
rejoicing. 6When you arrive home, you call together friends much. & whoever is unjust with the smallest, will also be
& neighbors, saying to them, Rejoice together with me, for unjust with much. 11So then if you have not been trustworthy
I found my sheep that lost. 7I say to you that in this way, with the unjust riches, who will trust you with the truth. 12& if
there is joy in Heaven over 1 sinner who repents, than over you have not been trustworthy with other peoples stuff, who
99 righteous who do not have need to repent. 8Or what will give you your own? 13No servant is able to serve 2
woman has 10 drachma silver coins, if she loses 1 silver masters, for either they hate the 1 & love the other; or hold
coin, would not light a candle & sweep the house, & search to 1 & hate the other. You are not able to serve GΘD &
carefully until finds it? 9When she finds it, she will call her riches. 14The pharisees who were there & loved money,
friends & neighbors, to say, Rejoice together with me, for I when they heard everything; instead they mocked Him.
found the silver coin that I lost. 10I say to you that in this way, 15
& He said to them, You are those who justify yourselves
there is joy before the Angels of GΘD, over 1 sinner who before people, but GΘD knows your hearts! For exalted on
repents. 11& He said, A person had 2 sons: 12& the younger high with people is idolatry before GΘD. 16The Law & the
1 said to his father, father give to me, my part of your Prophets until John, since then the Kingdom of GΘD is
possessions that belongs to me, so he divided his goods. proclaimed & everyone forces things into it. 17But it is easier
& not many days after, the younger son gathered for Heaven & earth to disappear, than 1 stroke of law to
everything together to go away into a far off country. But disappear. 18Whoever divorces their own wife & marries
there he wasted his own possessions, living wastefully. another, commits unlawful sex. & whoever marries
After he spent everything, there became a severe famine someone divorced from her husband, commits unlawful
throughout that land, so he began to suffer need. 15Then he sex. 19& there was a rich person & he was clothed in fine
went to join 1 citizen of that country & he sent him into his purple linen, & lived luxuriously happy throughout his days.
fields to feed pigs. 16& he desired to fill his belly with fruit 20
& there was a beggar named Lazarus, who was put at his
that the pigs ate, but no-one gave him any. 17Then he gate full of sores. 21& he wanted to eat from the crumbs that
realized within himself, saying, How many of my fathers fell from the rich 1’s table, but the dogs would come & lick
hired workers have extra food left over, but I am dying from his sores. 22& when the beggar died, he was also carried
hunger? 18I will get up to travel to my father & say to him, away by the Angels to in front of Abraham. & the rich one
Father I have sinned against Heaven & before you. 19& I am also died & was buried; 23while in hell being tormented, he
no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like 1 of looked up with his eyes to see that Abraham was far away
your hired workers. 20So he got up to go to his father. When & Lazarus was in front of him. 24So he yelled out saying,
he was still far away, his father saw him & had compassion. Ancestor Abraham, have mercy on me & send Lazarus so
So he ran to him & hugged his neck to kiss him. 21But the that he will dip the tip of his finger with water, & cool my
son said to him, Father I sinned against Heaven & before tongue off; because I am being tortured in these flames.
you. & I am no longer worthy to be called your son. 25
But Abraham said, Child, remember that you during your
Instead the father said to his servants, Bring the best lifetime received your happiness, & similarly Lazarus was
clothes & put it on him. & place a ring on his hand & sandals bad, but now this 1 is comforted & you are tortured. 26&
for his feet. 23& carry in the fattened calf to kill it, eat & be against all of this, between us there is an impassible great
joyful. 24For this is my son who was dead, & lives again; he gap firmly set; so that whoever wants to cross over from this
was lost & is now found. So they began to be joyful. 25& his place to you, cannot; or can you cross over to us from that
older son was in the field & as he came to the house he place. 27So then he said, I beg you ancestor so that you will
heard music & dancing. 26So he called 1 of the servants & send him to my father’s house: 28For I have 5 brothers that
asked what this meant? 27& he said to him that, Your brother he could testify to them, so none of them will also come

has come & your father has killed the fattened calf, into this place of torture. 29Abraham said to him, They have
because he recovered him in good health. 28But he was Moses & the Prophets to listen from. 30But he said, No
angry & did not want to go in, so then his father came out ancestor Abraham, but if 1 went to them from dead, they

& begged him. 29But he replied saying to his father, Realize, would repent. 31So he said to him, If they do not listen to
Moses & the Prophets, they will not be convinced, or if 1 want to for a long time. But afterward he said within himself
appeared from the dead. these things; even though I do not fear GΘD & do not care
17 & He said to the Disciples, It is impossible for traps to not about people, 5yet because this widow brings me trouble;
come, but trouble for whoever they come by. 2They would I will avenge her justice, so that she will stop coming to me,
be better off if a millstone was hanged around their neck, which wears me out. 6So the Master said, Listen to what the
& they were thrown into the sea, than to cause 1 of these unrighteous judge said. 7& will not GΘD avenge HIS own
little ones to sin. 3Pay attention to yourself; but if your fellow chosen, who do cry day & night to HIM; yet is patient with
brothers sin against you, rebuke them. & if they repent, them? 8I say to you that HE does avenge for them quickly.
forgive them. 4Even if they sin against you 7x a day; Yet when the Son of Mankind comes, will He find faith on
returning to you to say, I repent, forgive them. 5& the the earth? 9& He also said this parable to some who were
Apostles said to the Master, Increase our conviction. 6So convinced in themselves, that they were righteous, &
the Master said, If you have faith like a mustard seed grain, despised everyone else. 102 people went up into the temple
& if you say to this sycamore tree, uproot out & plant into to pray, 1 a pharisee & the other a tax collector. 11The
the sea, it would obey you. 7Now which of you who had a pharisee stood to pray this by himself, GΘD, I thank YOU
servant plowing, or feeding, would say, that immediately that I am not like everyone else; robbers, unrighteous,
entering in from the field, Go sit down. 8No, instead you adulterers, or also like this tax collector. 12I fast 2x a week.
would say to that 1, Prepare whatever food & clothe I give 10% of everything that I own. 13But the tax collector
yourself to serve me, until I eat & drink. & afterwards you who stood far away, did not want to raise up, not even with
eat & drink these things. 9I do not think so, they would not his eyes to Heaven. Instead beat his own chest, saying,
consider thanks for that servant, because they did what GΘD be merciful to me, a sinner. 14I say to you, this 1 went
was commanded of them. 10So also, when you do anything down to his house showing more righteousness than the
commanded to you, you should say, Since we are other, because everyone who lifts themselves up will be
nonprofit servants; we do what our duty is. 11& when He made low, but whoever humbles themselves, will be lifted
happened to go to Jerusalem, He also traveled through up. 15& they also brought babies to Him, so that He would
the middle of Samaria & Galilee. 12& He entered into a touch them. When the Disciples saw this, they rebuked
village, 10 male lepers met Him there that stood far away. them. 16So Jesus called them to Him saying, Allow the little
& they raised their voices, saying, Jesus, Master, have children to come to Me, & do not prevent them, the
mercy on us. 14When He saw them, He said, Go show Kingdom of GΘD is for these kind. 17Truly I say to you,
yourselves to the priests. & as they left, they were made Whoever does not receive the Kingdom of GΘD like a little
clean. 151 of them when he saw that he was healed, turned child, will never enter into it. 18& a ruler asked Him saying,
back with a loud voice to glorify GΘD. 16& He fell down on Honorable Teacher, what can I do to receive eternal life?
his face, by His feet, giving Him thanks. & he was a 19
& Jesus said to him, Why do you call Me honorable? No-
Samaritan. 17& Jesus began to say, Did I not clean 10, so one is honorable except 1, GΘD. 20You know the
where are the 9? 18None have been found, returning to commandments, Do not murder. Do not have sex outside
give glory to GΘD, except this stranger. 19So He said to him, marriage. Do not steal. Do not false testify. Honor your
Stand up to travel, because of your faith, you are healed. father & your mother. 21& he said, All these I have kept from
& the pharisees demanded from Him, when the Kingdom my young age. 22When Jesus heard this He said to him, Yet
of GΘD would come. He answered them, & said, The you still lack 1, sell everything that you have & give it to the
Kingdom of GΘD does not come by observation. 21Or can poor, & you will have treasures in Heaven. Then come join
you say, Look here, or look there, because realize; the Me. 23Instead when he heard this, he became very sad, for
Kingdom of GΘD is inside you. 22Then He said to the he was very rich. 24After Jesus saw that he became very
Disciples, The day will come, when you will want to see 1 of sad, He said, How difficult is it for those who have riches to
the days of the Son of Mankind, but will not see it. 23& they enter into the Kingdom of GΘD? 25It is easier for a camel to
will say to you, Look here, or look there, do not go away go through the hole of a needle, than the rich to enter into
with or follow them. 24For exactly like the lightning that the Kingdom of GΘD. 26& whoever heard this said, So who
flashes from under the sky shines, to under the other part of can be saved? 27He said, With humans it is impossible; but
the sky; so also the Son of Mankind will be during His day. with GΘD it is possible! 28Then Peter said, Realize; we have
But 1st He must suffer many things & be rejected from this left everything behind & joined You. 29So He said to them,
generation. 26& just as it was during the days of Noah, so it Truly I say to you, There is no-one that has left a house, or
will also be during the days of the Son of Mankind. 27They parents, or wife, or children, or brothers, for the Kingdom of
were eating, drinking, marrying, giving to marry, until that GΘD’s cause; 30who will not receive way more during this
day Noah entered into the ark. & the flood came & time & in the eternal world to come life. 31Then He took with
destroyed everyone. 28Just like what happened during the Him the 12, to say to them, Realize we go up to Jerusalem
days of Lot; they were eating, drinking, buying, selling, & everything written by the Prophets about the Son of
planting, & building. 29But that same day, Lot left from out Mankind will be completed. 32For He will be given to the
of sodom, it rained fire & burning sulfur from Heaven, & crowds, & be mocked, & abused, & spit on, 33will be
destroyed everyone. 30It will be the same way, during that whipped & murdered, but the 3rd day He will rise from the
day, when the Son of Mankind is revealed. 31During that dead. 34But they did not understand these things & these
day those who are on the housetops, even with their stuff words were hidden from them, & they did not understand
in the houses, will not come down to take it away. & those its meaning. 35& when He was near to Jericho, someone
in the field, just like them do not return to go back. blind sitting by the road was begging. 36& he heard the
Remember Lot’s wife. 33Whoever searches to save their crowd coming by asked this, What is happening? 37So they
own life, will lose it, but whoever loses their own, will be announced to him that Jesus of Nazareth was coming. 38So
given life to them. 34I tell you, in that night, there will be 2 in he yelled for help saying, Jesus David’s Son, have mercy
1 bed; the 1 will be taken, the other left. 352 will be grinding on me. 39But those in front rebuked him, so that he would
together; the 1 will be taken, but the other left. 362 will be in be silent, except he yelled out even more, David’s Son,
the field; the 1 will be taken, but the other left. 37So they have mercy on me. 40Jesus stood still, & ordered him to be
responded, saying to Him, Where Master? & He said to brought to Him. When he came near He asked him,
them, Wherever the dead bodies are, there the eagles will 41
saying, What do you want Me to do for you? & he said,
be gathered together. Master, so that I can see. 42Then Jesus said to him, Look up,
18 & He also said a parable to them, It is always necessary your faith has healed you. 43& immediately he recovered

to pray & to not give up. 2He said, There was a judge in a sight & joined Him, praising GΘD. & everyone who saw this
city, who did not fear GΘD & did not care about people. gave praise to GΘD.
Also there was a widow in that same city, & she came to 19 & He entered to travel through Jericho. 2& realize a man

him saying, Protect me from my enemy. 4But he did not named Zacchaeus, who was also a commanding officer
of the tax collectors, that was also rich. 3& he sought to see enemies surround you, & press you from all sides. 44& level
who Jesus was, but he could not from the crowd, because you to the ground & your children in you, & they will not
he was short by height. 4So he ran in front to go up into a leave you with a stone on another stone, because you did
sycamore tree, so that he could see Him. For He was about not know the time of My Own visit. 45& He entered into the
to travel through that way. 5& as Jesus came to that place, Temple, beginning to throw out those selling & buying in it,
He looked up to see him & said to him, Zacchaeus, hurry, 46
saying to them, It is written, MY house is a prayer house,
come down, for I must stay at your house today. 6So he but you have made it a thieves’ den. 47& He taught daily in
hurried to come down & received Him as a guest rejoicing. the Temple, while the people’s top high priests & the
When everyone saw this, they complained saying that, He religious teachers, also sought to murder Him. 48But could
entered to stay with a sinner. 8So Zacchaeus stood, saying not figure out how to do it, for all the people listened
to the Master, Master realize that I will give ½ of my wealth closely to hear Him.
to the poor. & if I cheated money wrongfully from whoever, 20 During 1 of these days, this happened: He was teaching
I will give back 4x. 9& Jesus said to him, That this day the people in the Temple & was announcing the good
salvation has come to this house, because he is also a son news; then the high priests & the religious teachers came
of Abraham. 10For the Son of Mankind has come to search to Him with the sanhedrin elders. 2& they said to Him,
& to save the lost. 11After they heard these things, He saying, Tell us by what authority do You do these things, or
added saying a parable because He was near Jerusalem, who is giving You this power? 3But He answered saying to
& they thought that the Kingdom of GΘD was about to them, I will also ask you 1 question & you answer Me. 4The
immediately appear. 12Then He said, A noble person Baptism of John, was it from Heaven or from people? 5So
traveled to a faraway country to get himself a kingdom, they reasoned with themselves, saying, That if we say from
then returned. 13So he called his 10 servants to give them Heaven, He will say, Then why did you not believe him? 6But
10 pounds & said to them, Do business in anything until I if we say, From people, all the people will stone us; for they
come. 14But his citizens hated him & sent elders back to him are convinced John is a Prophet. 7So they answered, We
saying, We do not want this ruler over us. 15After this was do not know where from. 8So Jesus said to them, Then I will
complete, he returned after having received the kingdom; not tell you by what authority I do these things. 9Afterwards
then he ordered those servants to be called to him, who he He began to say to the people this parable, A man planted
had given the money to. So that he would know how much a vineyard & rented it out to farmers, then went into a
everyone gained doing business. 16So the 1st came saying, foreign country for a long time. 10When in the season, he
Master your pounds have gained 10 pounds. 17So he said sent a servant to the farmers, so that they would give him
to him, Prosper good servant; because you been faithful the fruit from the vineyard; but the farmers beat him,
with little, you will have authority over 10 cities. 18& the 2nd sending him away empty. 11& again he sent another
came saying, Master your pounds gained 5 pounds. 19So servant & they beat him also, & insulted him sending him
he also said to this 1, You will also be made over 5 cities. away empty. 12& again he sent a 3rd & they wounded him,
& another came saying, Master, look the pound of yours & threw him out. 13So the owner of the vineyard said, What
that I have preserved in a handkerchief. 21For I feared you, should I do? I will send my most loved son, they will
because you are a tough man: you pick up what you do probably respect him, when they see him. 14But the farmers
not set down, & harvest what you did not sow. 22So he said saw him, discussed with themselves saying, This is the heir,
to him, From out of your mouth I judge you evil servant. You come kill him, so that the inheritance will be ours. 15So they
knew that I was a tough man, picking up what I did not set threw him outside of the vineyard to kill him. So what will
down, & harvested what I did not sow. 23& because of this, the owner of the vineyard do to them? 16He will come &
why did you not give my money to the banker, so when I destroy these farmers & give the vineyard to others, But
came, I could have made my own with interest. 24Then he when they heard this said, This could not happen. 17So He
said to those nearby, Take from him the pound, & give it to looked at them saying, Why is this written then, The stone
him who has 10 pounds. 25So he said to him, Master he has that the builders rejected, this will become the head
10 pounds. 26For I say to you that, Everyone who has will be corner? 18Everyone who falls on that stone, will be broken
given to & from whoever that does not have, even what into pieces, & on whoever that it falls on, it will grind them
they have will be taken from them. 27But those enemies of to powder. 19Then the high priests & the religious teachers
mine, who did not want me to be king over them, bring during that same hour tried to arrest Him with their hands.
here & slay them before me. 28After these things were said, But they feared the people, because they knew that He
He traveled in front, going up to Jerusalem. 29& this spoke this parable against them. 20& they watched Him;
happened: as He came near to bethphage & Bethany, at sending out spies to pretend to be righteous themselves,
the mountain called, olives trees, He sent 2 of His Disciples, so that they could take His words to arrest Him to the
saying, Go into that village over there, as you enter; this is leadership, & authority of the governor. 21& they
where you will find a young donkey tied, which no-one has demanded from Him saying, Teacher we know that You
ever sat on, untie it to bring it to Me. 31& if anyone asks you, say & teach rightly, & do not select by the face; yet You
why are you untying it? Say to them this way, because the teach the proper way of GΘD truthfully. 22Is it lawful for us
Master has need for it. 32& they went away, to find it just as to give caesar tribute taxes or not? 23Since He knew their
He said to them. 33So they untied the young donkey. The trickery, He said to them, Why do you test Me? 24Show Me
owner of it said to them, Why are you untying the young a denarius silver coin. Whose image & inscribed title owns
donkey? 34So they said, The Master has need of it. 35& they it? So they answered saying, Caesar’s. 25Then He said to
lead it to Jesus & threw their cloaks on the young donkey, them, Accordingly give back to caesar, the things of
placing Jesus on top of it. 36As He traveled, they spread caesar’s, & to GΘD, the things of GΘD. 26& they were not
their cloaks along the way. 37& He came near, even now able to get ahold of His words before the people, so they
while going down the mountain of olive trees. The whole were impressed at His answer; remaining silent. 27After
crowd of Disciples began to rejoice, praising GΘD with some of the sadducees, who deny there is a resurrection,
loud voices, about all the power that they saw, 38saying, came near demanding of Him, 28saying: Teacher, Moses
Praise the King that comes in the name of the Master; said, if someone’s brother dies who has a wife, & he dies
peace from Heaven & glory from the HIGHEST! 39But some without children, that his brother will marry his wife, & raise
of the pharisees from the crowd said to Him, Teacher up children for his brother. 29There were truly 7 brothers &
rebuke Your Disciples. 40& He replied, saying to them, I say the 1st took a wife, died without children. 30& the 2nd took
to you, that if they were silent, the stones would yell out. 41& his wife & he died without children. 31& the 3rd took her even

as He came near, He saw the city, crying about it, 42saying just like the 7, also leaving no children behind & died. 32&
that, If you even truly knew, yet during this, your day, that last of all the woman also died. 33So then, in the
which belongs to you peace! But now will be hidden from resurrection, whose wife will she be? For 7 had married her.

your eyes. 43For this day has come against you & your 34
& Jesus answered, saying to them, The children of this
world, marry & are married. 35But whoever is judged worthy at the fig tree & all the trees, 30whenever, even now they
to attain this eternity & are resurrected from the dead, will put out leaves, you see knowing from yourselves that
not marry or be married. 36For they are not even able to summer is now near. 31& so when you see these things
die. For they are like Angels, & are Children of the happen, know that the Kingdom of GΘD is near. 32Truly I
resurrection; being Children of GΘD. 37& because the dead say to you, that this generation will not be near while all this
are resurrected, even Moses was made known at the bush, happens. 33The universe & ground will go away, but My
as he called the MASTER, the GΘD of Abraham, & the GΘD words will never go away. 34So yourselves be cautious,
of Isaac, & the GΘD of Jacob. 38So HE is not the GΘD of the otherwise your minds will be weighed down with
dead, but of the living! For they all live with HIM. 39& 1 of the headaches from drinking too much wine, & drunkenness,
religious teachers responded, saying, Teacher, You & cares of this life & that day will come to you unexpected.
answered right. 40& after that, they did not dare to ask Him 35
For it will come to everyone living on the face of the whole
anything. 41& He said to them, Why do you say the earth, just like a trap. 36So then be ready. Pray during all the
Anointed 1 is David’s Son? 42Yet David himself says in the right times, so that you will be judged worthy to escape all
Psalm’s scroll, The MASTER said to my Master, Sit down by these things about to happen, & to stand before the Son of
MY right hand, 43until I make Your enemies Your footstool. Mankind. 37& this time He was teaching in the temple & at
So then David called Him Master, how can He also be his nighttime. He went out to spend the night on the mountain
son? 45Then all the people heard Him say to His Disciples, called olives. 38& all the people came early in the morning
Beware of the religious teachers, who love to walk with to Him into the temple, to hear Him.
long robes & love greetings in the public meetings: & the 22 Now the festival of unfermented bread, was near
1st seats in the churches & the head of the table at dinners; called, The Passover sacrifice. 2& the high priests & religious
who devour widow’s property & for show make long teachers schemed how to kill Him, but they were afraid of
prayers. They will receive more punishment. the people. 3Then satan entered into judas, called iscariot;
21 He looked up & saw rich people throwing their gifts into who was with the number of the 12. 4So he went to talk with
the treasury. 2& He also saw a poor widow throw 2 small the high priests & guard captains of the temples; how to
brass coins into it. 3& He said, Truly I say to you, that this betray Him to them. 5So they rejoiced & agreed to give him
poor widow threw more in than everyone. 4For all those gifts money. 6& he promised & looked for a good time to betray
were thrown from out of their remaining to GΘD, but these Him to them, without the crowds. 7& the day of
were thrown in from her poverty; all she had to live on. 5& unfermented bread came with which the Passover lamb
some talked about the Temple, how it was beautifully must be sacrificed. 8& He sent out Peter & John saying, Go
decorated with stones & gifts. He said, 6These that you look to prepare the Passover sacrifice for us, so that we can eat.
at, the day will come during which not a stone will be left 9
& they said to Him, Where do You want us to prepare it?
on top of a stone that will not be demolished. 7& they asked 10
& He said to them, Look, when you enter into the city, you
Him saying Teacher, So then, when will these things will meet a man carrying a pitcher of water. Follow him into
happen? & as soon as what sign are these about to the house where he enters. 11& say to the owner of the
happen? 8& He said, Carefully observe, do not be led to house, The Teacher says to you, Where is the dining room,
sin, for many will come with My character that will say, I am where I can eat the Passover with my Disciples? 12& he will
coming soon & the time is coming soon. So then do not show you a large upper room already furnished there.
follow after them. 9& when you hear of wars & instability, do 13
They went & found it just as He told them. So they
not be terrified; for these are necessary to happen 1st, but prepared the Passover sacrifice. 14& when the time came,
the end will not be immediate. 10Then He said to them, He & the 12 Apostles sat down with Him. 15Then He said to
Nations will rise up against nations, & kingdoms against them, I want to have you eat this Passover with Me, before
kingdoms. 11& there will be great earthquakes, & famines, I suffer. 16For I say to you, That I will not eat with you again,
& plagues, & terrors throughout places, & great signs will until the Kingdom of GΘD is accomplished. 17Then He took
happen from the universe. 12But before all of these things the cup being thankful, saying, Take this yourselves & share
they will use their hands on you & persecute you; giving it. 18For I say to you, That I will not drink of this fruit of the vine
you to the churches & prisons, to bring you before leaders again, until the Kingdom of GΘD becomes known. 19& He
& kings because of My Name. 13& the result is for your took the bread giving thanks, broke it & gave it to them
testimony. 14So then make sure in your hearts, to not think saying, This is My Body that was given for you, do this to
before then how to defend yourself. 15For I will give to your remember Me. 20In the same way the cup was also after
mouth wisdom & what all of your enemies will not be able dinner. He said, This cup is the new covenant with My Blood
to deny or even resist. 16& you will also be betrayed by that will be poured out for you. 21Yet look, the hands of My
parents & fellow believers, & relatives, & friends of yours, & betrayer is with Me on this table. 22& truly the Son of
be put to death. 17& you will be hated by everyone Mankind will go as it was planned, but trouble for that
because of My name. 18But not even a hair from your head person by who He is betrayed. 23So then they began to
will be lost. 19In your endurance you will get your life. 20But discuss with themselves, which of them they thought would
when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you do this. 24& also there was fighting with them; which of them
will know that the devastation is near. 21Then those who are they thought was the greatest. 25& He said to them, The
in Judea, escape to the mountains. & those in the middle leaders of non-believers use power over them, & those who
of it get out. & those in the country, do not enter into it. use authority over them are supported. 26But you do not be
Because these will be the revenge days that everything this way, instead the greatest of you, they will become like
was written about, to be fulfilled. 23& trouble for those who the youngest & lead as a servant. 27For which is greater,
have a baby in their belly, & those breast feeding during whoever sits at the table or the servant? Is it not whoever
these days. For there will be great suffering on the land, & eats at the table? Yet I Am in the middle of you as a
anger against these people; 24they will even fall by the servant. 28& you are those who stayed constantly with Me
edge of a sword & be led away into each nation captive. during My trials. 29So I will arrange royal power for you, just
& Jerusalem will be crushed by non-Jews, until the human like My FATHER has arranged royal power for Me. 30So that
race time is fulfilled. 25& there will be signs in the sun, & the you will eat & drink at My table in My Kingdom, & sit down
moon, & the stars. & on the earth the sea & the waves will on thrones, to judge the 12 tribes of Israel. 31& the Master
roar; the people will be distressed with confusion. said, Simon, Peter, know that satan begs for you, to shake
People’s hearts will fail from fear & for expecting things to you like wheat. 32But I prayed for you, so that your faith will
come on the earth, for the powers of the universe will be not fail & when you return, strengthen your brothers. 33& he

shaken. 27So then they will see the Son of Mankind coming said to Him, Master, I am ready to go with You even into
on a cloud with much power & glory. 28When these things prison & to death. 34Then He said, I say to you Peter, The
begin to happen, rise up & lift up your heads, because your rooster will not crow before you deny 3x, that you do not

redemption is coming. 29& He said to them a parable, Look know Me. 35& He also said to them, When I sent you without
a money bag or a leather sack or sandals, did you need belonged to herod’s authority, sent them back to herod,
anything? But they said nothing. 36Then He said to them, who also was in Jerusalem by that time. 8When herod
Except now, whoever has a money bag & even a leather passed by the other side, saw Jesus, he was extremely
sack take it. & whoever does not have a sword, sell their happy, for he was wanting to see Him for a long while.
cloak & buy 1. 37For I say to you, because this was written, Because he heard many things about Him & hoped to see
it must still be accomplished by Me; & be counted with some miracles done by Him. 9So he asked Him with many
violators of the law. & for these things about Me to have an words, but He did not answer. 10& the high priests & religious
end. 38& they said, Master look, here is 2 swords, & He said teachers, accused Him forcibly. 11So herod with his army,
to them, That is enough. 39He went & traveled as usual to despised & mocked Him, threw around Him a shining robe;
the mountain of olives, & His Disciples also followed Him. sent Him back to Pilate. 12& during that same day, Pilate &
When He arrived at that place, He said to them, Pray to herod became friends with each other, for before both
not enter into temptation. 41& He left from them about a had been with hatred between themselves. 13So Pilate
stone’s throw away, & kneeled down to pray, 42saying, called together the high priests & the rulers, & the people;
FATHER, if YOU are willing, pass this cup of Mine by, yet not 14
saying to them, You brought this Man to me, as if He was
My will but YOURS be done. 43& an Angel appeared to Him leading the people to rebel. Realize, I have examined Him
from Heaven to strengthen Him. 44While He was struggling, before you, But have not found any fault in this Man; what
He prayed more intensely & His sweat became like large you have accused Him of. 15Yet, not even herod, for I sent
blood drops falling down to the ground. 45When He stood you back to Him, but realized, nothing was worthy of death
up from praying to go to His Disciples, He found them has been done by Him. 16So train Him, then release Him. 17It
sleeping from sadness. 46& He said to them, Why are you is also necessary to have 1 of them set free throughout the
sleeping? Stand up to pray, so that you will not enter into festival. 18& they all screamed out at once, saying, Away
temptation. 47While He was still speaking, a crowd was seen with this 1, so we set free barabbas; 19who was in a rebellion
& 1 of the 12 named judas went in front of them & came that happened in the city & for murder, was thrown to
near Jesus to kiss Him. 48But Jesus said to him, Judas, you prison. 20But then Pilate wanted to set Jesus free, called
betray the Son of Mankind with a kiss? 49Then those around again to them. 21But they shouted out, saying, Crucify,
Him saw what was happening said to Him, Master, should crucify Him! 22& he said to them a 3rdx, For what evil has He
we kill him with a sword? 50& someone from them struck the done? I find no reason for death with Him, train Him & set
servant of high priest, & cut off his right ear. 51& Jesus Him free. 23& instantly they urged with loud voices, calling
answered, saying, Leave him alone. Then He reattached for Him to be crucified. & the voices of theirs & the high
his ear, healing him. 52& Jesus said to high priests & captains priests overpowered. 24So Pilate approved what they
of the temple guards & sanhedrin elders that came to Him, asked be done. 25& he released the rebel & murderer that
Coming out like you are against a thief, with swords & was thrown into prison, free to them, who they wanted. &
staffs? 53I was nearby with you daily in the temple, yet you he allowed Jesus to their determination. 26& as they led Him
did not reach your hands out against Me. This is the hour of away, they seized a native of cyrene, simon, coming out
your power & darkness. 54Then they took Him, leading Him of the country, laying the cross on him; to carry it behind
away & led Him into the high priests temple. & Peter Jesus. 27& a huge crowd followed Him of his own people &
followed from far away. 55& they set a fire in the middle of women, who also beat their chest & cried for Him. 28But
the courtyard & sat down together. Peter sat down with Jesus turned to them, saying, Daughters of Jerusalem, do
them. 56But a young servant girl saw him sitting by the fire & not cry for Me, instead cry for yourselves, & for your
carefully looked at him saying, This 1 was also with Him. children. 29For realize, the day is coming, when this will be
But he denied it, saying, Woman, I do not know Him. 58& said, Happy are the unfertile, & the wombs that will never
after a little while another saw him, saying, You are also give birth, & the breasts that will never be sucked. 30Then
from Him. But Peter said to this person, I am not. 59& about they will begin to say to the mountains, Fall down on us &
1 hour later, another 1 boldly announced saying, Truthfully to the hills, hide us. 31For if they do this when the tree is
this 1 was also with Him. For he is also a Galilean. 60But Peter green, what will happen when it is dry? 32& 2 other criminals
said to this person, I do not know what you are saying. So were also led away with Him, to be killed. 33& when they
immediately while he was still speaking, the rooster came to the place called skull, they crucified Him, & the
crowed. 61Then the Master turned to look at Peter; & Peter criminals there; 1 truly by His right hand, & the other by His
remembered the words of the Master, how He said to him, left. 34& Jesus said, FATHER, forgive them, for they do not
Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me 3x. 62So Peter know what they are doing. & they divided His cloak, by
went outside crying, upset. 63The men holding Jesus throwing stones. 35& the people stood watching, but the
mocked Him, & hit Him. 64They blindfolded Him & hit Him in high priests also with them mocked Him saying, He saved
the face, & asked Him saying, Prophesy, who was it that hit others, save Himself, if He is the Anointed 1, the favorite of
You? 65& they said many other blasphemes to Him. 66& as GΘD. 36& their warriors also mocked Him, going near to Him
soon as it was day, the sanhedrin elders of the people, & & offering Him sour wine, 37by saying, If You are the King of
high priests, & religious teachers gathered together. & they the Jews, save Yourself. 38& an inscribed title was also
brought Him into their council saying, 67If You are the written above Him in Hebrew, Greek & Latin, & letters, This
Anointed 1 tell us! & He said to them, If I tell you, you will Is the King of the Jews. 39& 1 of the criminals hanging, spoke
not believe Me. 68& also if I ask you, you will not answer Me, evil to Him, saying, If You are the Anointed 1, save Yourself
or let Me go. 69Soon the Son of Mankind will sit by the RIGHT & us. 40But the other responded, rebuking him, saying, Do
HAND of GΘD, with power. 70Then everyone said, So then you not fear GΘD, because you are in the same
You are the Son of GΘD! & He said to them, You said that condemnation? 41& ours is truly justified, for we deserve to
I Am. 71& they said, Why do we still need witnesses? For we receive what we did, but this 1 did nothing wicked. 42Then
heard this from His mouth. he said to Jesus, Master, remember me when You go into
23 & the whole crowd of them stood up, leading Him away the Kingdom of Yours. 43& Jesus said to him, Truly I say to
to Pilate. 2& they began to accuse Him, saying, We found you, this day you will be with me in paradise. 44& it was
this: corrupting the nation & He refuses to give tribute to about 12noon & there was darkness over the whole land,
caesar, saying, He Himself is the Anointed King. 3& Pilate until 3p.m. 45& the sun was darkened, & the temple curtain
asked Him, saying, You are the King of the Jews? & He was split in the middle. 46& Jesus yelled out with a loud
answered him, saying, You said it. 4Then Pilate said to the voice, saying, FATHER, I trust My Soul into YOUR HANDS.
high priests & their crowd, I find no fault with this Man. 5So After saying this; breathed His last breath. 47When the

they were stronger, saying, Because He stirred up the centurion saw what happened, he glorified GΘD saying,
people, teaching throughout all of Judaea, beginning Truly this 1 was righteous. 48The whole crowd that was
from Galilee until here. 6When Pilate heard Galilee, he watching came together to see it was finished, beat their

asked if the Man was a Galilean. 7& knew that He chess & returned. 49& all of His friends & women who
followed Him from Galilee, stood far away; carefully 11 gathered together & those with them, 34saying that, The
watched this. 50& realize, a man named Joseph, who was Master has truly risen from the dead & appeared to Peter.
a sanhedrin member, but was a good, righteous man, 35
& they told the story about the road & how they knew
arrived. 51This same 1 did not agree with the counsel & Him when the food was broken. 36As they were saying
what they did to Him; was from Arimnatha, a Jewish city & these things, Jesus Himself stood in the middle of them &
who also expected the Kingdom of GΘD. 52This same 1 said to them, Peace to you. 37But they were terrified &
went to Pilate, to ask for the body of Jesus. 53& he took Him afraid thinking they were seeing a spirit. 38So He said to
down, wrapping Him together in linen cloth. After put Him them, Why are you troubled & why does doubt rise in your
in a tomb cut out of stone, where no-one had ever been hearts? 39Look at My Hands & My Feet, that it is I Myself:
laid before. 54& that day was for preparation & the touch & feel Me, & see that a spirit does not have a body &
Sabbath began to light up. 55& the women who came bones just as you see I have. 40After He said this, He showed
together with Him were also from Galilee; went to see the them His hands & feet. 41& while they were yet to believe
tomb & how His body was laid down. 56Afterwards they from joy & awe, He said to them, Do you have anything
returned, to prepare spices & perfumed oils. Then truly here to eat? 42So they gave Him a piece of cooked fish,
rested on the Sabbath, according to the commandment. also in honey. 43He took it & ate it in front of them. 44& He
24 Now early in the morning, the 1st day of the week; they said to them, These are the words that I said to you while I
& some others with them came to His tomb, carrying spices was with you, that everything was necessary to be
that they had prepared. 2& they found the stone was rolled completed, that was written in the law of Moses & the
away from the tomb. 3They entered in, but did not find the Prophets & the Songs about Me. 45Then He opened their
body of Master Jesus. 4& while they were confused about minds to understand the Holy writings, 46& said this to them,
this, they realized 2 men were also standing by them in This was written & so it was necessary that the Anointed
bright clothing. 5So they became terrified & bent their would suffer, & rise from the dead the 3rd day. 47&
faces to the ground. They said to them, Why search for the repentance & forgiveness of sins will be announced in His
living with the dead? 6He is not here, instead has risen, Name with every nation, beginning at Jerusalem. 48& you
remember what He told you while He was still in Galilee. are witnesses of these things. 49& realize, I will send the
He said that, The Son of Mankind must be betrayed into promise of My FATHER to you; so you stay in the city of
wicked human men’s hands & be crucified, but the 3rd day Jerusalem, until this power from Heaven is put on you. 50&
He will rise from the dead. 8& they remembered His words. He lead them outside up to Bethany & He lifted His hands
& they returned from the tomb to announce all these up to bless them. 51& this happened: while He was blessing
things to the 11 & all the rest. 10& it was Mary Magdalene, them, He left from them & was taken up to Heaven. 52They
& Joanna, & Mary, James mother, & the rest with them, worshipped Him & returned to Jerusalem with great
who told this to the Apostles. 11But their words seemed like outward joy. 53& they were constantly in the Temple,
nonsense to them & they did not believe them. 12But Peter singing & praising GΘD. So be it!
stood up to run into the tomb & leaned in looking. He saw 1611 kjv John † In beginning was the WORD, & the WORD
the linen clothes laying alone & left wondering by himself was with GΘD, & the WORD was GΘD. 2This was in the
what happened. 13& realize 2 of them were travelling that beginning with GΘD. 3Everyone was created by HIM, &
the same day to a village named emmaus, which was 7 without HIM not 1 thing became that HE did not finish. 4By
miles away from Jerusalem. 14& they talked with each HIM was life, & that life was the light of humans. 5& that light
other about everything that happened. 15& while they shines in darkness & that darkness does not understand it.
were talking & discussing things, Jesus Himself also came 6
There was a man sent from GΘD, whose name was John.
near to them. 16But their eyes were restrained, so that they 7
This same came as evidence so that to testify about the
would not know Him. 17& He said to them, What discussion Light, so that everyone through him, would believe. 8He
is this that you are having with each other while walking, & was not that light, instead so that to be a witness of the
are you sad? 18& the 1 who was named cleopas, Light. 9There was a true Light which lights every human that
answered, saying to Him, Are You the only 1 living in comes into the world. 10He was in this world, & this world
Jerusalem that does not know what has happen during was created for Him, but this world did not know Him. 11He
these days? 19& He asked him, What things? So he said to came to His own & His own did not receive Him. 12But many
Him, About Jesus of Nazareth Who was a mighty male did receive Him, those who believed in His Name, He gave
Prophet in actions & WORDS before GΘD, & all the people. power to become children of GΘD. 13They were not born
& also how the leader of our high priests condemned Him from His blood, or from His flesh, or from His human
to death & crucified Him. 21So we expected He was going pleasure, instead from GΘD. 14& the WORD became
to redeem Israel, but with all these things; truly today human, & lived with us, & we saw His glory, as the only
passes this same 3rd day since these things have glorious Son of GΘD; full of truth & favor. 15John was a
happened. 22But some confused women also from us were witness about Him, & spoke loudly, This is He Who I spoke
at the tomb early. 23They did not find His body & came was to come after me, Who was created before me,
saying they also saw a vision of Angels, who said that He is because He was before me. 16& also from His complete
alive. 24& some who were with us went to the tomb & found favor we have received everything because of favor. 17For
wrong doing, it was also as the women said, but they did the Law were given through Moses, truth & favor comes
not see Him. 25So He said to them thoroughly, Oh not through Jesus the Anointed. 18No-one has ever known
understanding & slow hearts to believe what all that the GΘD, only the Son, Who was in front of the FATHER; HE
Prophets said. 26Was it not necessary for the Anointed to leads Him. 19& this is the testimony of John while the Jews
suffer these things, then to enter into His glory? 27& He sent away the priests & Levites from Jerusalem, who
began from Moses & from all the Prophets, explaining to interrogated him, Who are you? 20& he admitted & did not
them in all the Holy writings about Himself. 28When they deny but admitted, I am not the Anointed. 21& they
came near to the village where they traveled to, but He questioned him, Who are you then, Elijah? & he said, I am
pretended to travel further. 29But they forced Him saying, not. Are you that Prophet? He answered, No. 22Then they
Remain with us, because it is near evening & the daylight said to him, Who are you, so that we can give answers to
is declining, so He entered in to stay with them. 30& this our senders. What do you say about yourself? 23He said, My
happened: as He was sitting down at a table with them, voice is a strong voice in the wilderness, to straighten the
He took a loaf, praised GΘD, & broke it to give to them. 31& Master’s road, just as the Prophet Isaiah said. 24& they were
their eyes were opened & they knew Him, then He sent from the pharisees. 25They questioned him & said to

disappeared from their sight. 32So they said to each other, him, If you are not the Anointed, not Elijah, & not that
Our hearts did not even burn in us as He talked to us along Prophet; why do you Baptize then? 26John replied to them,
the way & while He opened the Holy writings to us? 33& they saying, I Baptize in water. But 1 Who stood with you, Who

got up that same hour to return to Jerusalem. & found the you do not recognize, 27He is the 1 coming after me; Who
was created before me, Whose sandal strap, I do not the dove sellers, Remove these from this place, do not
deserve to untie. 28These things happened in Bethabara make My FATHER's house a trading place. 17& His Disciples
past the Jordan River where John was Baptizing. 29The next remembered that it was written, The zeal for YOUR Temple
day John saw Jesus coming towards him & said, Look, this consumes Me. 18Then the religious Jews responded & said
is GΘD's Lamb, Who takes the sins of the world away. 30This to Him, What sign can You show to our eyes, that You can
is Who I talked about, After me would come a Man, Who do these things? 19Jesus replied & said to them, This Temple
was created before me; for He is more honored than me. will be destroyed, but in 3 days it will be rebuilt. 20Then the
Even I did not know Him, except that He would appear Jewish said, It took 46 years to build this Temple building,
to Israel, so that is why I came to Baptize in water. 32& John but You will rebuild this Temple in 3 days? 21But He was
testified saying, I saw the Spirit come down from Heaven, speaking about the Temple of His Own Body. 22So when He
like a dove & remained in Him. 33I did not know him; but he was risen from dead, His Disciples remembered that He
sent me to Baptize in water & said to me, By whoever you said this to them: & they believed the Holy Writings & the
see the Spirit come down & remain in Him, this same is He WORDS that Jesus spoke. 23He was in Jerusalem at the
Who baptizes by GΘD’s Spirit. 34& I saw & testify that this is Passover during the festival & many believed in His Name,
the Son of GΘD. 35The next day John & 2 of his disciples as they saw Him do miracles. 24But Jesus Himself, did not
were standing again. 36& looked at Jesus walking & he trust Himself with them because He knew everything. 25&
said, Look, this is GΘD's Lamb. 37& his 2 disciples heard him did not need to have people testify about Him, for He
speak & they followed Jesus. 38& Jesus turned & saw them knew what was in humans.
following, said to them, What do you want? & they replied 3 & there was a man from the pharisees, his name was
to Him, Rabbi, which is translated, Teacher, where are You nicodemus, a Jewish religious leader. 2This same 1 came to
staying? 39He said to them, Come & see. They came & saw Jesus at night & said to Him, Rabbi, we know that You are
where He was staying & stayed with Him that day. & It was a Teacher Who came from GΘD; for no-one is able to do
about 4p.m.. 401 of the 2 that heard John, & followed Him these miracles that You do, unless GΘD is with them. 3Jesus
was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. 41This same found his replied & said to him, Truly, truly I say to you, unless
own brother Peter 1st & said to him, We found the Messiah, someone is born again, they cannot experience the
which is translated to the Anointed. 42& he lead him to Kingdom of GΘD. 4Nicodemus said to Him, How can old
Jesus. & Jesus carefully looked at him & said, You are Peter, people be reborn? They cannot enter into their own
Jonah’s son, you will be called the Cephas, which is mother’s belly & be born a 2nd time. 5Jesus replied, Truly,
translated, a rock. 43The next day, Jesus decided to go to truly I say to you, unless someone is reborn out of water &
Galilee & find Philip, & said to him, Join Me. 44& Philip was the Spirit, they cannot enter into the Kingdom of GΘD.
from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew & Peter. 45Philip found 6
Those born from the body are flesh, but those born from
Nathanael & said to him, We found the 1 in the law of the Spirit are with the Spirit. 7Do not wonder that I said to
Moses & the Prophets wrote about, Jesus from Nazareth, you, You must be born again. 8The wind blows where it
the Son of Joseph. 46& Nathanael said to him, Can wants to & you hear the sound of it, but you do not know
something good come from out of Nazareth? Philip said to where it comes & where it goes, so is everyone, who is born
him, Come & see. 47Jesus saw Nathanael coming towards from the Spirit. 9Nicodemus replied & said to Him, How can
Him & said about him, Look an Israelite who is truly not this happen? 10Jesus answered & said to him, You are
deceitful. 48Nathanael said to Him, Where do You know me Israel's teacher & you do not understand this? 11Truly, truly I
from? Jesus replied & said to him, Before Philip invited you, say to you that, I know what I say & testify to what I have
I saw you were under a fig tree. 49Nathanael responded & seen, but you do not receive Our testimonies. 12If I speak
said to Him, Rabbi, You are the Son of GΘD, You are the earthly things to you & you did not believe it, how would
King of Israel. 50Jesus responded & said to him, I said to you, you believe if I speak Heavenly things to you? 13& no-one
I saw you under the fig tree. Because you believe Me, you has gone up to Heaven; comes down from Heaven, except
will see greater things than these. 51& He said to him, Truly, the Son of Mankind, Who is from Heaven. 14Just as Moses
truly I say to you, this very moment, you will see lifted up the snake in the wilderness; so the Son of Mankind
Heaven open & the Angels of GΘD going up & going down must also be lifted up. 15So that everyone who believes in
to the Son of Mankind. Him, will not be destroyed, instead will have eternal life!
2 & the 3rd day, there was a wedding in Cana, Galilee, & 16
For GΘD so loved the world; that HE gave HIS only
the Mother of Jesus was there. 2& also Jesus & His Disciples created Son, so that everyone who believes in Him, will not
were invited to the wedding. 3They were short wine, so the be destroyed, instead will have eternal life. 17For GΘD did
Mother of Jesus said to Him, They do not have wine. 4Jesus not send HIS OWN Son onto the world to judge the world;
replied to her, Woman, My moment has not arrived yet, but instead so that the world could be saved, through Him.
what can I do for you? 5His Mother said to the servants, Do 18
Whoever believes in Him, will not be judged. But whoever
whatever He tells you. 6& there were 6 stone water jar does not believe, will already be judged. Because they did
containers for the Jews’ cleansing set there, leaving 2 or 3 not believe in the Name of the only Son of GΘD. 19& this is
spaces measured between these. 7Jesus said to them, Fill the judgment, because light came onto the world, but
the water jars full of water. So they filled them until high. 8& mankind loved darkness more than light, because their
He said to them, Now withdraw water out & carry it to the works were evil. 20For everyone who does evil hates the
wedding director’s table. So they carried it. 9& when the light & does not come towards the light, so that their works
wedding director tasted the water that was made into will not be exposed. 21But those doing truth, come to the
wine. He did not know where it came from, but the servants light, so that their work will be made known, for they are
who withdrew the water knew. So the wedding director working with GΘD. 22After this, Jesus & His Disciples came
sent for the bridegroom, 10& said to him, Everyone serves into the Judean area & He remained there with them, &
the good wine 1st, when they are drunk then the worse, but Baptized. 23& John was also Baptizing by aenon, near salim,
you have kept the good wine until now. 11This was the because there was much water there. So they came &
beginning of miracles Jesus did in Cana, Galilee, & made were Baptized. 24For John was not thrown into prison yet.
His own glory known, & His Disciples believed in Him. 12After 25
Then there was a debate by John's disciples with the
this, He & His Mother, & His Brothers, & His Disciples came Jewish about purifying. 26They came to John & said to him,
down to Capernaum, but they did not stay there many Rabbi, who was with you across the Jordan, & who did you
days. 13& the Jewish Passover was near, so Jesus went up witness? Look this same 1 is baptizing & everyone is coming
to Jerusalem 14& found in the Temple; ox, & sheep, & dove to Him. 27John responded & said, Mankind is not able to

sellers & the money changers sitting down. 15So He made receive anything, unless they are given it from Heaven.
a whip from a rope to drive out the sheep, the ox & all of 28
You, yourselves are witnesses of me, that I said, I am not
them out of the Temple, & poured out the money the Anointed 1, instead that I was sent before Him.

changer’s money & turned their tables over. 16& He said to 29

Whoever has the bride is the bridegroom, & the friend of
the bridegroom who stands & hears him rejoices joyfully your eyes & look at the fields; for they are already white to
because of the bridegroom's voice. So now this is my harvest. 36& whoever harvests receives rewards & gathers
complete joy. 30He must become greater & I must be fruit into eternal life, so that both the planters & harvesters
ranked lower. 31Whoever comes from above is above will rejoice together. 37For by this is a truthful saying,
everyone. Whoever is from the earth is earthly & speaks Another plants & another harvests. 38I sent you to harvest
from the earth. Whoever comes from Heaven is above all. what you did not do, others worked hard & you are
& what they saw & heard that he witnessed, but no-one entering into their work. 39& many of the samaritans from
received his testimony. 33Whoever receives His testimony, that city believed in Him through the speech of the woman
has sealed that GΘD is true. 34For whoever GΘD sent out, that testified; He told me everything, whatever I did. 40So
speaks the WORDS of GΘD; for GΘD gives the Spirit without when the samaritans came to Him, they asked Him to
measure. 35The FATHER dearly loves HIS Son, & gave remain near them & He remained there 2 days. 41& many
everything into His control. 36Whoever believes in HIS Son more believed, because of His WORDS. 42They also said to
will have eternal life, but whoever does not believe HIS Son the woman, For no longer do we just believe because of
will not see life, instead the anger of GΘD will remain your story, for we have heard Him ourselves & know that
against them. this is truly the Anointed, the Savior of the world. 43Now after
4 So then when the Master knew that the pharisees heard 2 days He left from there & went into Galilee. 44For Jesus
that Jesus was gaining & Baptizing more Disciples than Himself testified, that a Prophet has no honor in their own
John, 2& yet Jesus Himself did not Baptize, but His Disciples town. 45Then while He was coming into Galilee, the
did. 3He left Judea & went away again to Galilee, 4& it was Galileans received Him, knowing everything that He did in
necessary to go through samaria. 5Then He came to a Jerusalem during the festival, for they also went to the
samarian city named sychar, near the land that Jacob festival. 46Then Jesus came again to cana of Galilee,
gave to his own son Joseph. 6& Jacob's spring was there. where He made the water wine. & there was an officer
Then Jesus was tired from journeying & sat down by a well; whose son was sick in capernaum. 47When he heard that
it was about 12 noon. 7A woman came from samaria to get Jesus had come from Judea into Galilee, he went to Him
water out. Jesus said to her, Give Me a drink. 8For His & asked Him, so that He would come down & heal his son;
Disciples were gone away into the city to buy food. 9Then for he was about to die. 48Then Jesus said to him, Unless you
the samaritan woman said to Him, How is it that You are see signs & miracles, you will not believe. 49The officer said
Jewish, asking a drink from me, being a samaritan woman? to Him, Master, come down before my child dies. 50Jesus
For Jews do not associate with samaritans. 10Jesus replied said to him, Travel, your son is alive. So the man believed
& said to her, If you know the gifts of GΘD & who it is the words that Jesus spoke to him & traveled. 51& as he was
speaking to you, Give Me a drink; ask Me for living water now going down, his servants met him & announced
& I will give it to you. 11The woman said to Him, Master, I saying that, Your child lives. 52Then he asked from them the
have no bucket to get water with & this well is too deep, hour when he had gotten better, & they said this to him,
so then where do You have living water from? 12You are Yesterday at 1p.m. the fever left him. 53Then the father knew
not greater than our ancestor Jacob, who gave us this well that it was during the same moment, that Jesus said that
& drank from it himself; & his sons & his flock? 13Jesus replied to him, Your son is alive. Then he & his whole house
& said to her, Whoever drinks from this water will thirst believed. 54This was the 2nd next miracle Jesus did coming
again. 14But whoever drinks from the water that I give them, out of Judea into Galilee.
will never thirst for eternity, instead the water that I give 5 After this, there was the Jewish festival, so Jesus went up
them will become in them; a fountain of life water, to Jerusalem. 2He was in Jerusalem by the sheep gate pool
springing up for eternity. 15The woman said to Him, Master, that is named in Hebrew Bethesda, & has 5 porches. 3By
give me this water, so that I will not thirst or come here to these many, a large number of people; blind, lame,
get water. 16Jesus said to her, Go call for your husband & paralyzed, were laying down waiting for the moving of this
come here. 17The woman replied & said, I have no water. 4For an Angel came down at the right time into the
husband. Jesus said to her, You spoke truthfully, for you pool & moved the water, so then after the 7th movement
have no husband. 18For you have had 5 husbands & who of the water, whoever 1st stepped in, became healthy from
you have now, is not your husband, you said that truthfully. whatever disease they had. 5& a person was there who
The woman said to Him, Master, I know that You are a had been weak for 38 years. 6Jesus saw him lying down &
Prophet. 20Our ancestors worshipped on this mountain, but knew that he had already been there a long time, said to
Yours say that the place where worship is necessary, is in him, Do you want to be made healthy? 7The weak 1 replied
Jerusalem. 21Jesus said to her, Woman believe Me, to Him, Sir, so whenever the water moves, I have no-one to
because a time will come when you will not worship by this put me into the pool, so then while I go, another goes
mountain or in Jerusalem, worship the FATHER. 22You do not down before me. 8Jesus said to him, Get up & pick up your
know what you worship, we know what we worship, bed to walk. 9& immediately the man became healthy &
because salvation is from the Jews. 23But a time will come picked up his bed & walked. & on the same day was the
& now has, when the true worshippers will worship the Sabbath. 10So then the religious Jews said to the healed, It
FATHER in Spirit & in truth, for the FATHER also truly seeks this is the Sabbath day, it is not legal for you to carry your
worship to HIM. 24Worship GΘD in Spirit, so it is necessary to bed. 11He replied to them, The 1 that made me healthy,
worship HIM in Spirit & truth. 25The woman said to Him, I told me, Pick up your bed & walk. 12Then they interrogated
know that the Messiah is coming that is named the him, Which Man is this that said to you, pick up your bed &
Anointed 1, when He comes, He will make everything walk? 13& he did not know who the healer was; for Jesus
known to us. 26Jesus said to her, I tell you, I Am Him. 27Then escaped with a crowd that was in that place. 14Afterwards,
His Disciples came by there wondering because He talked Jesus met him in the Temple & said to him, Realize, you are
with a woman. Yet, no-one said, What did she want or, why healed; sin no more, otherwise something worse will
did You speak to her? 28Then the woman left her own water happen to you. 15The man went away & announced to the
jar & went away to the city & told the people, 29Come see religious Jews, that he believed it was Jesus that made him
a Man who told me everything as much as I did. Is this not healthy. 16& because of this, the religious Jews persecuted
the Anointed 1? 30So then they went out of the city & came Jesus & planned to kill Him, because He did this on the
to Him. 31& Afterwards, during between then; His Disciples Sabbath. 17& Jesus replied to them, My FATHER works even
asked Him saying, Rabbi, eat? 32But He said to them, I have now, so I work. 18Because of that, the religious Jews
no food to eat that you know of. 33Then the Disciples said to planned even more to kill Him, not only because He had

one-another, Did anyone bring Him food to eat? 34Jesus broken the Sabbath, but He also said, GΘD was His FATHER,
said to them, My food is to do the will of My SENDER, & making Himself like GΘD. 19Then Jesus began & said to
complete HIS work. 35I do not say to you there are still 4 them, Truly, truly I say to you, The Son cannot do anything

months & then the harvest comes. See, I say to you, Lift up by Himself, unless He sees something the FATHER does; for
whatever HE does, the Son also does these things the same Him King; He went back again onto a mountain, alone. 16&
way. 20For the FATHER loves the Son & shows Him everything as evening came, His Disciples went down to the sea. 17&
that HE does; & shows Him greater works than this, so that they stepped into a ship to go across the sea towards
you would wonder. 21For just as the FATHER raises up the Capernaum; & it was now dark & Jesus had not come with
dead & gives life, so the Son gives life to whoever He wants them. 18& a great wind was blowing the sea, stirring it up.
to. 22For not even the FATHER judges anyone, except HE 19
They sailed about 3 or 4 miles distance, then they saw
gave all judgments to HIS Son. 23So that everyone honors Jesus walking on the sea & He came near to the ship; &
the Son just as they honor the FATHER. Whoever does not they were afraid. 20So He said to them, It is I, do not fear.
honor the Son, does not honor the FATHER who sent Him. 21
Then they willingly took Him into the ship & immediately
Truly, truly I say to you that whoever hears My words & the ship was at the land that they were going to. 22The next
believes in My SENDER, will have eternal life & will not go day, the crowd that was standing on the other side of the
into punishment, but will move from death into life. 25Truly, sea, saw that there was no other boat there except that 1
truly I say to you that the time is coming & now will be, when His Own Disciples went into, & that Jesus did not enter into
the dead will hear the voice of the Son of GΘD & those who the boat together with His Disciples, & His Disciples went
hear will live. 26For just as the FATHER has life in HIMSELF; so away alone. 23& yet there came other boats from tiberias,
HE gave it to the Son to have life in Himself. 27& also HE has near the place where the Master gave thanks to eat
given Him the authority to do justice, because He is the Son bread. 24When the crowd saw that Jesus was not there or
of Mankind. 28Do not wonder about this, for the time will even His Disciples, they then walked into a ship & came to
come when everyone who is in the tombs will hear His Capernaum, to look for Jesus. 25& when they found Him on
voice. 29& those who did good will come out into the the other side of the sea, they said to Him, Rabbi, when did
resurrection to life, but those who did evil the resurrection You come here? 26Jesus replied to them, & said, Truly, truly
of punishment. 30I do not do anything on My own; as I hear, I say to you, You search for Me not because you saw
I judge & My judgment is righteous, for I do not seek My miracles, but because you ate from the bread & were filled.
will, but the will of the FATHER, My SENDER. 31If I testify about 27
Do not work for the food that disappears, instead for food
Myself, My testimony is not true. 32There is another who that remains into eternal life that the Son of Mankind will
testifies about Me, & you know that the testimony of that give to deliver you; for this GΘD the FATHER will seal. 28Then
witness about Me is true. 33John was sent to you & he they said to Him, What work can we do, so that we do
testifies to the truth. 34But I do not need testimony from GΘD’s work? 29Jesus replied & said to them, This is the work
people, Yet I say this so that you can be saved. 35He was a of GΘD; that you will believe in Who HE sent. 30Then they
burning & shining light; & you were willing to rejoice in his said to Him, What sign will You do, so that we will see &
light for a while. 36I have a greater testimony than John's. believe You, which You will work? 31Our ancestors ate
For the work that the FATHER gave Me to finish; the same manna in the desert just as it was written, HE gave them
works that I do, testifies about Me, that the FATHER sent Me. bread from Heaven to eat. 32Then Jesus said to them, Truly,
& the FATHER, HIMSELF who sent Me, testified about Me. truly I say to you, Moses did not give you bread from
Yet you have not ever heard HIS voice or seen HIS shape. Heaven, but My FATHER gave you the real bread from
& you do not have HIS words remaining in you; for the 1 Heaven. 33For the bread of GΘD is the 1 Who comes down
that HE sent to you, you do not believe. 39Search the Holy from Heaven & gives life to the world. 34Then they said to
writings, for in them you think you have eternal life, yet Him, Master, always give us this bread. 35& Jesus said to
these same testify about Me. 40& you will not come to Me, them, I Am the bread of life: whoever comes to Me will
so that you have life. 41I do not try to get honor from people, never hunger; believe in Me & you will never, ever thirst.
& I know that you do not have the love of GΘD in you. 43I 36
But I say to you that you have also seen Me & do not
came in My FATHER’S NAME, & you do not receive Me. If believe. 37Everyone that the FATHER gives Me, will come to
another came in their own name, you would receive them. Me; & whoever comes to Me, I will never send outside. 38For
How can you believe those who receive honor from one- I did not come down from Heaven to do My Own will, but
another, but do not search for the honor that is only from the will of My SENDER. 39& this is the FATHER's will to send Me,
GΘD? 45Do not think that I will accuse you to the FATHER, so that everything HE gave Me, I will not lose out of; but
your accuser is Moses, who you trust in. 46For if you they will be raised up at the last day. 40& this is the will of
believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about My SENDER, so that everyone who sees the Son & believes
Me, 47but if you do not believe his writings, how will you in Him, will have eternal life, & I will raise them up the last
believe My words? day. 41Then the religious Jews complained quietly about
6 After these things, Jesus went across the tiberias, Galilean Him, because He said, I am the bread that came down
sea. 2& a large crowd followed Him, because they saw His from Heaven. 42& they said, Is this not Jesus, the Son of
miracles that He did for the sick. 3& Jesus went up onto a Joseph, whose father & mother we know? Then how can
mountain & sat down there with His Disciples. 4& the He say that, He came down from Heaven? 43Then Jesus
Passover of the Jewish festival was near. 5Then Jesus looked replied & said to them, Do not complain quietly with one-
up His eyes & saw that many crowds had come to Him. He another. 44No-one can come to Me unless the FATHER that
said to Philip, Where will you buy food so that they can eat? sent Me, draws them. & I will raise them up the last day. 45It
& He said this to test him; for He knew what he was about is written by the Prophets, & everyone will all be taught from
to do. 7Philip replied to Him, 200 denarias silver coins of food GΘD. Then everyone that hears & learns from the FATHER
is not enough for them; so that each of them can take a will come to Me; 46for some have not seen the FATHER,
little. 8Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, 1 of His Disciples, said except Who is from GΘD, Who has seen the FATHER. 47Truly,
to Him, 9There is 1 little boy here, who has 5 barley loaves & truly I say to you, Whoever believes in Me, will have eternal
2 fish, but what are these for so many? 10Then Jesus said, life. 48I Am the bread of life. 49Your ancestors ate manna in
Make the people sit down. & there was much grass by this the desert & died. 50This is the bread that came down from
place. So then the people sat down, a number of about Heaven, so that anyone who eats from it, then will not die.
5,000. 11& Jesus took the loaves & gave thanks, dividing 51
I am the living bread that came down from Heaven. If
them to the Disciples, & the Disciples to those siting down anyone eats from this bread, they will live forever; & the
& the same for the fishes, as much as they wanted. 12& bread that I give is My body that I will give for the lives of
when they were full, He said to His Disciples, Gather the the world. 52Then the religious Jews fought with one-
remaining pieces of food, so that nothing is lost. 13So then another saying, How can this 1 give us His body to eat?
they gathered them & filled 12 baskets full of broken pieces 53
Then Jesus said to them, Truly, truly I say to you, Unless

from the 5 barley loaves that were left over. 14Then the you eat the body of the Son of Mankind & drink His blood,
people that saw the miracle that Jesus did said, This is truly you will not have life in you. 54Eating My body & drinking
a Prophet that has come into the world. 15Truly Jesus knew My blood has eternal life, & I will raise them up on the last

that they intended to come & carry Him away, to make day. 55For My body is truly food, & My blood is truly drink.
Whoever eats My body & drinks My blood, remains with HIM, for I am from HIM & HE sent Me. 30So then they sought
Me & I with them. 57Just as the living FATHER has sent Me & to arrest Him; but no-one put hands on Him, for His time had
I live with the FATHER; so eating Me will also live with Me. not yet come. 31& many of the people believed in Him &
This is the bread that came down from Heaven: not as said that, Whenever the Anointed comes would He do
your ancestors ate manna & died, whoever eats this bread more miracles than these, which this 1 has already done?
will live forever. 59These things He said in the synagogue, 32
The pharisees heard the crowds quietly discussing about
while teaching in Capernaum. 60So when many of His Him. & the pharisees & the high priests sent soldiers, so that
Disciples heard, they said, This is a tough teaching, who is they could capture Him. 33Then Jesus said to them, Yet I will
able to understand it? 61Jesus knew inside Himself that His be with you a little while, then I will go away to My SENDER.
Disciples quietly complained about this, & said to them, 34
You will look for Me, but will not find Me; & where I will be,
This offends you, 62then if you see the Son of Mankind go up you will not be able to come to. 35Then the religious Jews
to where He was before? 63It is the Spirit that makes the said to themselves, Where does He think He can travel to,
body alive, without, useless. The words that I speak to you that we cannot find Him? Will He not plan to travel to those
are Spirit & are life. 64But there are some of you that do not scattered with the gentiles, & teach the Gentiles? 36What
believe. For Jesus knew from the beginning who did not reason is this that He said, You will look for Me, but will not
believe, & who would betray Him. 65& He said, With this find Me; & where I will be, you will not be able to come to?
said, I say to you that no-one can come to Me, unless it 37
& during the last day, the greatest day of the festival,
was allowed to them by My FATHER. 66From this many of His Jesus stood up & spoke loudly saying, If anyone is thirsty,
disciples went back & did not walk with Him anymore. come to Me & drink, 38believe in Me just as the Holy writings
Then Jesus said to the 12, Will you not also go away? said; from His inner being, will flows rivers of living water.
Then Simon Peter replied to Him, Master, who would we 39
But He was speaking about this; whoever believes in Him
go away to? You have words of eternal life. 69& we believe would receive the Holy Spirit, for Jesus had not yet become
& know that You are the Anointed 1, the Son of the living glorified. 40So when many of the crowd heard this speech,
GΘD. 70Jesus replied to them, Did I not choose you 12, & 1 said, This is truly a Prophet, 41others said, This is the Anointed
of you is from satan? 71He spoke about judas iscariot of 1. But others said, For the Anointed will not come from
simon, for he was going to betray Him, who was 1 of the 12. Galilee? 42Did not the scriptures say, that the Anointed
7 & after this, Jesus walked into Galilee; for He did not want would come from the seed of David & from the city of
to walk into Judea, because the religious Jewish were Bethlehem, where David was? 43Then there was division
looking to kill Him. 2& the Jew’s feast of tabernacle was within the crowd because of Him. 44& some of them
near. 3Then His brothers said to Him, Leave from here & go wanted to arrest Him, but no-one put hands on Him. 45Then
into Judea, so that Your other Disciples can see the works the high priests, the pharisees, & soldiers came. & they said
that You do. 4For no-one does something in secret, yet they to them, Why did you not arrest Him? 46The soldiers replied,
want to be sought in the public. If You do these things, No Man has ever spoke like this Man. 47Then the pharisees
show Yourself to the world. 5For not even His brothers responded to them, Are you not also deceived? 48Has
believed in Him. 6Then Jesus said to them, My time has not anyone of the leaders or of the pharisees believed in Him?
yet come, but your time has already. 7The world will not 49
But these people who do not know the law, are cursed.
hate you, but it hates Me, because I testify this about it; it’s 50
Nicodemus, who was 1 of them, had come to Him at
works are evil. 8You go up to this feast, I will not go up to night, said to them, 51Our laws do not judge a person
this feast yet, because My time has not yet fully come. 9He beforehand, until we hear from them & know what they
said this to them while He stayed in Galilee, 10yet as His did. 52They replied & said to him, Are you not also from
brothers were going up, then He also went up to the feast, Galilee? Investigate & see that no Prophet has risen from
not clearly, but as in secret. 11Then the religious Jews Galilee. 53Then everyone went to their own houses.
looked for Him at the festival & said, Where is He? 12& there 8 & Jesus traveled to the mountain of olive trees. 2Early in
was much quiet debating within the crowd about Him; for the morning He again went into the temple & all of the
they truly said He is good, but others said, No, instead He people came to Him. & He sat down & taught them. 3& the
deceives the people. 13But yet, no-one spoke about Him religious teachers & pharisees lead a woman caught in
publically for fear of the religious Jews. 14& even now in the adultery to Him, & stood her up in the middle. 4They said to
middle of the festival, Jesus went up into the Temple & Him, Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of
taught. 15So the religious Jews were amazed saying, How committing adultery. 5So Moses ordered us in the law, this
does He know these writings, without ever learning them? kind be stoned; but what do You say? 6They said this to
Jesus replied to them & said, My teachings are not Mine, tempt Him, so that they would have an accusation against
but of My SENDER’s. 17If anyone will do HIS will, they would Him. But Jesus bent down with His finger & wrote in the
know about the teachings; whether they are from GΘD, or ground, pretending to not hear. 7As they continued to
I speaking from Myself. 18Whoever speaks about himself question Him, He unbent Himself up & said to them,
seeks their own glory; but whoever seeks the glory of HIS Whoever is sinless of you, throw the 1st stone at her. 8Again
SENDER, this 1 is true, & no injustice is in them. 19Did Moses He bent down & wrote in the ground. 9They heard this &
not give the laws to you, & not even 1 of you keep the law? were convicted by their conscience. & 1 left after another,
Why are you seeking to murder Me? 20This group replied & beginning from the oldest until the last. & Jesus remained
said, You have an evil spirit; who seeks to kill You? 21Jesus alone & the woman standing in the middle. 10Jesus unbent
replied & said to them, I did 1 work & everyone wonders. Himself up & saw nobody but the woman, & said to her,
Through Moses gave you this circumcision, yet it was not Woman, where are your accusers, nobody has
because of Moses, but from the FATHER; & you circumcise condemned you? 11& she said, No-one Master. & Jesus said
males on the Sabbath. 23If males, during the Sabbath to her, Not even I condemn you; travel & sin no more.
receive circumcisions, so that the laws of Moses would not 12
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, I Am the Light of
be broken; you are angry at Me, because I made a person the world; whoever follows Me, will never walk in darkness,
completely healthy on the sabbath? 24Do not judge by but will have the light of life. 13Then the pharisees said to
sight, instead judge justice righteously. 25Then some of the Him, You testify about Yourself; Your testimony is not true.
Jerusalem citizens said, Is this not who they are searching 14
Jesus replied & said to them, Even if I testify about Myself,
for to kill? 26& look He speaks fearlessly & they say nothing My testimony is true; for I know where I came from & where
to Him; do the rulers know that this is truly the Anointed 1? I go, but you do not know where I came from & where I go.
Yet we know this, where He is, but when the Anointed 1 15
You judge by the body, I do not judge this. 16Also If I

comes, no-one knows where He is? 28Then Jesus spoke judge, My judgment is truthful, for I am not alone, because
loudly in the Temple, & taught saying, You know Me & you My FATHER is also My SENDER. 17& it is also written in your
know where I Am. & I did not come from Myself, but My laws, that the testimony of 2 people is truth. 18I am a witness

SENDER, WHO IS real, WHO you do not know. 29But I know about Myself & the FATHER that sent Me, is a witness about
Me. 19Then they said to Him, Where is Your FATHER? Jesus existed. 59Then they picked up stones to throw at Him; but
replied, saying, You do not know Me & you do not know My Jesus hid Himself & went out of the temple, going through
FATHER. If you knew Me, you would also know My FATHER. the middle of them, so this is how He got by.
Jesus spoke these words in the temple treasury, but no- 9 As He left He saw a person blind from birth. 2& His Disciples
one arrested Him, because His time had not yet come. asked Him, saying, My Rabbi, who sinned, this 1 or his
Then Jesus said to them again, I will leave & you will look parents, because he was born blind? 3Jesus replied, Not
for Me; where I go you are not able to come & you will die this 1 or his parents sinned, but so that the work of GΘD will
in your sins. 22Then the Jews said, Will He kill Himself, be known with him. 4I must do the work of My SENDER while
because He said, Where I go you cannot come? 23He said it is day; night comes, when no-one can work. 5While I Am
to them, You are from below & I Am from above. You are in the world, I Am the world's light. 6After saying this, He spit
from this world, I Am not from this world. 24Then I said to you on the ground to make clay from the spit & spread the clay
that, You will die in your sins. For if you do not believe that on the eyes of him. 7& He said to him, Go wash in the Siloam
I Am, you will die in your sins. 25Then they said to Him, Who pool; which translated means, sent. Then he went away &
are You? & Jesus said to them, The same, I told you from washed himself, & left seeing. 8Then the neighbors that saw
the beginning. 26I have many things to say & condemn before that he was blind, said, Is this not the 1 that sat
about you, yet My SENDER is true & I say these things; what & begged? 9Others said that, This is him, but others said, he
I heard from HIM, to the world. 27They did not understand is like him; he said I am. 10Then they said to him, How were
that He spoke to them about the FATHER. 28So then Jesus your eyes opened? 11He replied & said, A Man named
said to them, When the Son of Mankind is lifted up, then Jesus made clay & spread it on my eyes, & said to me, Go
you will truly know that I Am. & I do nothing by Myself, but to the pool of Siloam & wash yourself. So I went to wash
just as My FATHER has taught Me, I speak these things. 29My myself & could see. 12Then they said to him, Where is He?
Sender is with Me & the FATHER has not left Me alone, for I This 1 said, I do not know. 13They brought him who used to
always do what pleases HIM. 30As He spoke this, many be blind to the pharisees. 14& it was the Sabbath when
believed in Him. 31Then Jesus said to the Jews that believed Jesus made the clay & opened his eyes. 15Then the
in Him, If you continue with My words, you are truly My pharisees again also questioned how he received sight &
Disciples. 32& you will know the truth & the truth will set you this 1 said to them, He put clay on my eyes & I washed
free. 33They replied to Him, We are Abraham's seed & were myself, & could see. 16Then some of the pharisees said, This
never slaves to anyone, why do you say that we will be Man is not from GΘD, because He does not guard the
free? 34Jesus replied to them, Truly, truly I say to you, That Sabbath. Others said, How can a sinful Man do such
whoever does sin, is a slave to sin. 35The slave will not miracles? So there was division within them. 17They said to
remain in the house forever, but the Son will remain into him again, What do you say about Him, since He opened
forever. 36So then, if the Son sets you free, you will be truly your eyes? & he said, Because He is a Prophet. 18Truly the
free. 37I know that you are Abraham's seed, but you look to religious Jews did not believe this about him, that he was
kill Me, because My words do not have room in you. 38I blind & recovered his sight, until they invited the parents of
speak what I have seen from My FATHER, & you do what the 1 that recovered sight. 19& they questioned them
you have seen from your fathers. 39They replied & said to saying, Is this your son, who you say that was born blind?
Him, Abraham is our father. Jesus said to them, If you were Then how does he now see? 20His parents replied & said to
Abraham's children you would do the work of Abraham. them, We know that this is our son & that he was born blind.
But now you seek to kill Me, a Man who told you the truth, 21
& how can he see now, we do not know or who opened
that I heard from GΘD, this Abraham did not. 41You do the his eyes, we do not know. He has enough age, ask him; he
works of your fathers. Then they said to Him, We were not can speak about himself. 22His parents said this, because
born from fornication, we have 1 father, GΘD. 42Then Jesus they feared the religious Jews; for the religious Jews had
said to them, If GΘD was your FATHER, you would love Me already agreed that if someone agreed that He was The
dearly, for I also came from GΘD; for I did not come from Anointed, they would be excommunicated. 23So this is why
Myself, but HE sent Me. 43Why do you not understand My his parents said, he has enough age, ask him. 24Then from
speech, because you are not able to listen to My words? them a 2nd time, called the man that was blind. & they said
You are from your father satan & you will do the lusts of to him, Give GΘD glory because we know this Man is a
your father; it is a murderer from the beginning. & the truth sinner. 25Then he replied & said, If He is a sinner, I do not
does not stay in it, because there is no truth in it. When it know; I do know 1 thing, that I was blind, now I see. 26& they
speaks lies, it speaks from its own self, because it is a liar & said to him again, What did He do to you? How did He
the father of itself. 45So because I tell you the truth, you do open your eyes? 27He answered them, I already told you &
not believe Me. 46Which of you finds sin with Me? So if I you did not listen to me, what will you listen to further? Will
speak the truth, why do you not believe Me? 47Whoever is you also not become His disciples? 28Then they insulted him
from GΘD, listens to GΘD’s words; because of this, you do & said, You are His Disciple, but we are Moses’s disciples.
not listen, because you are not from GΘD. 48Then the 29
We know that GΘD spoke to Moses, but this 1 we do not
religious Jews replied & said to Him, Did we not speak well know where He is from. 30The man replied & said to them,
that You are a Samaritan, yet You have an evil spirit? For it is a wonderful thing, because you do not know where
Jesus replied, I do not have an evil spirit, instead I honor He is from & He opened my eyes. 31& we know that GΘD
My FATHER, & you dishonor Me. 50& I do not seek My Own does not listen to sinners; but if someone is worshiping GΘD
glory; there is a searcher WHO also judges. 51Truly, truly I & does HIS will, HE will listen to this 1. 32From forever no-one
say to you, If anyone guards My words, they will never see has heard that someone has opened the eyes of 1 born
death. 52Then the Jews said to Him, Now we know that You blind. 33If He was not from GΘD, He could not do this thing.
have an evil spirit. Abraham & the Prophets are dead, but 34
They replied & said to him, You were born completely by
You say, If anyone guards My words, they will never sin & you teach us? & they forced him out the doors. 35Jesus
experience death. 53You are not greater than our father heard that they forced him outdoor & found him, saying,
Abraham who is dead & the Prophets are dead; who Do you believe in the Son of GΘD? 36He replied & said, Sir,
appointed You, Yourself? 54Jesus replied, If I honor Myself, Who is He, so that I will believe in Him. 37& Jesus said to him,
My honor is nothing. It is My FATHER that honors Me, who You have seen & know Him, & He is speaking with you. 38&
you say that HE is your GΘD. 55So you do not know HIM, but this 1 said, Master, I believe & worshiped Him. 39Jesus said
I know HIM. & if I say that I do not know HIM, I would be a to him, I came to this world to judge, & so that those who
liar like you, but I know HIM & guard HIS words. 56Your father do not see, can see & those who see will become blind. 40&

Abraham rejoiced to see My day, & he saw it & rejoiced. from the pharisees that were with Him, heard this & said to
Then the religious Jews said to Him, You are not yet 50 Him, We are not also blind. 41Jesus said to them, If you were
years & You have seen Abraham? 58Jesus said to them, blind, you should have no sin; but now you say that you

Truly, truly I say to you, Before Abraham was made, I see, so your sin remains.
10 Truly, truly I say to you, whoever does not enter through Master with oil & wiped His feet with her own hair, whose
the door into the sheep pen, but goes over from another brother Lazarus was sick. 3Then his sister sent to Him saying,
place, they are a thief & a robber. 2But whoever enters Master, realize your loved 1 is sick. 4When Jesus heard this,
through the door is the shepherd of the sheep. 3To this 1 the said, This sickness is not for death, but for the glory of GΘD,
guard opens the door for & the sheep hear his voice. & he so that the Son of GΘD will be glorified through it. 5& Jesus
calls his own sheep by name & leads them out. 4& when he also dearly loved his sister Martha & Lazarus. 6Even when
sends his own sheep, he leads in front of them, & the sheep He heard that he was sick, He truly remained 2 days still in
follow him because they know his voice. 5& they will never that place where He was. 7Then after this, He said to His
follow a stranger, but will escape away from them, for they Disciples, We are going to Judea again. 8His Disciples said
do not know the stranger’s voice. 6This same parable Jesus to Him, Rabbi, the religious Jews now seek to stone You, &
spoke to them, but they did not understand what He said You are going there again? 9Jesus replied, Are there not 12
to them. 7Then Jesus said to them again, Truly, truly I say to hours in a day? If someone walks during the day, they will
you that, I Am the door of the sheep. 8All, whoever are not stumble, because they see the light of this world. 10But
before Me, are thieves & robbers, but the sheep do not if someone walks during the night, they stumble, because
listen to them. 9I Am the door, if anyone enters in through there is no light with them. 11He said these things & after
Me, they will be safe, & can come in & out; & find food. that, He said to them, Our friend Lazarus is sleeping, yet I
The thief does not come except to steal & kill, & destroy. will travel, so that I can wake him up Myself. 12Then His
I came so that you can have life & have plenty. 11I Am the Disciples said, Master, if he is sleeping he is safe. 13For Jesus
Good Shepherd, the Good Shepherd places His life for the was speaking about his death, but they thought that He
sheep. 12But whoever is hired & not the shepherd, whose spoke about resting sleep. 14Then at that time Jesus openly
sheep are not his own; sees the wolves coming & leaves said to them, Lazarus is dead, 15but let’s go to him. I Am
the sheep, & runs away, & the wolves catch it to carry it happy for your growth, that I was not there, so that you will
away & the sheep scatter. 13& the hired 1 runs away believe. 16Then Thomas, that is called Didymus, said to his
because they are paid & do not care about the sheep. 14I fellow Disciples, Let us also go so that we can die with him.
Am the Good Shepherd & I know Mine, & I am known by 17
When Jesus came, He found he had already been in the
Mine. 15Just as the FATHER knows Me, & I am known & I also tomb 4 days. 18& Bethany was near to Jerusalem about 2
know the FATHER. & I place My life for the sheep. 16I have miles from it. 19& many of the Jews had come to Mary &
other sheep that are not from this sheep place, & I must Martha, to comfort them about their brother. 20Then as
also lead them. They will hear My 1 Shepherd voice & will Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went to meet
become only 1 flock. 17Because of this the FATHER dearly Him; but Mary sat down in the house. 21Then Martha said to
loves Me, for I will lay down My life, so that others can take Jesus, Master, if You were here, my brother would not have
theirs up renewed. 18No-man can take it from Me, yet I lay died. 22But because I know that even now, whatever You
it down from Myself. I have authority to lay it down Myself will ask GΘD, GΘD will give it to You. 23Jesus said to her,
& I have authority to receive it again. This command was Your brother will rise up. 24Martha said to Him, I know that
given from My FATHER. 19Then there was a division again he will rise up during the resurrection on the last day. 25Jesus
with the Jews because of these words. 20So many of them said to her, I Am the resurrection & the life, believe in Me,
said, He has an evil spirit & is crazy, why listen to Him? & even if dead; you will live. 26& everyone who lives &
Others said, These are not the words of someone believes in Me, will never die! Do you believe this? 27She
controlled by an evil spirit. An evil spirit cannot open the said to Him, Master, I truly believe that You are the
eyes of the blind. 22& this festival dedication happened in Anointed 1, the Son of GΘD, Who has come to the world.
Jerusalem & it was winter. 23Jesus walked into the temple, 28
After she said this, she went away & secretly sent for her
afterwards on Solomon's porch. 24Then the religious Jews own sister Mary saying, The Teacher has arrived & calls for
surrounded Him & said to Him, How long until you remove you. 29As soon as she heard this, she quickly got up & came
our doubt? If You are the Anointed 1 tell us boldly. 25Jesus to Him. 30& Jesus had not yet come into the village, instead
replied to them, I told you, but you did not believe the work He was still in the place where Martha went to meet Him.
that I do in My FATHER'S NAME, these testify about Me. 26But 31
Then the Jews that were with her in the house &
you do not believe, for you are not from My Sheep, just as comforting her, saw that Mary got up quickly. So they went
I said to you. 27My Sheep hear My voice & I know them, so out to follow her saying, She is going to the tomb, so that
they follow Me. 28I also give them eternal life & they will she can cry there. 32Then as Mary was coming to where
never be destroyed & not 1 will be pulled out of My hands. Jesus was, she saw Him; fell down at His feet, saying to Him,
My FATHER who gave them to Me, is stronger than Master, if You were here, my brother would not of died.
everyone. & no-one is able to pull them away from My 33
Then as Jesus saw her crying & the Jews coming with her
FATHER's hands; 30My FATHER & 1 to be. 31Then the religious crying, He groaned in the Spirit & was troubled. 34& He said,
Jews picked up stones again to stone Him. 32Jesus replied Where did you lay him? They said to Him, Master, come &
to them, I showed you many good works from My FATHER; see. 35Jesus cried. 36Then the Jews said, Look how much He
for which work do you stone Me? 33The religious Jews loved him. 37Some of them said, Is this not the 1 that is able
replied to Him, saying, We do not stone You for good works, to open the eyes of the blind & make it so that even this 1
but because You slander & because You are a human not of died? 38Then Jesus groaned again within Himself,
making Yourself like GΘD. 34Jesus replied to them, Is it not going towards the tomb & it was a cave. & a stone was
written in your laws; I said you are of GΘD’s? 35If HE said pressed against it. 39Jesus said, Remove the stone! Martha
they were of GΘD, by who the WORD of GΘD became the sister of the 1 dead, said to Him, Master, now he smells
known; & the Holy Words cannot be broken. 36You say bad, for he has been there 4 days. 40Jesus said to her, Did I
whoever the FATHER makes Holy & sends into the world, I not say to you, that if you believe, you will see the glory of
spoke, saying; I Am the Son of GΘD, so you blaspheme? GΘD? 41Then they removed the stone where the dead was
If I do not do the work of My FATHER, you will not believe laid. & Jesus looked up with His eyes & said, FATHER, I thank
Me. 38If I do, you will not believe Me, but believe the works, YOU because YOU hear Me, 42& I know that YOU always
so that you will know & believe that the FATHER is with Me hear Me. But because of this crowd that stands here, I say
& I with HIM. 39Then again they tried to capture Him, but he this, so that they will believe that YOU sent Me. 43After He
escaped out of their hands. 40& He went again away, said this, He shouted out a great voice, Lazarus come out!
across the Jordan River to the place where John 1st 44
& the dead 1 came out, his hands & feet were bound in
Baptized Him; & He stayed there. 41& many came to Him & linen, & his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to

said for John truly did no miracles, but everything that John them, Unbind him & allow him to go. 45Then many of the
said about this 1 was true. 42& many believed in Him there. Jews that came to Mary, & saw what Jesus did, believed
11 & a man, Lazarus, was sick from Bethany, the village of in Him. 46But some of them went away to the pharisees &

Mary & her sister Martha. 2& it was Mary that anointed the told them what Jesus did. 47Then the high priests, pharisee's
& sanhedrin elders gathered together & said, What do we this cause, I came to this event. 28FATHER, glorify YOUR
do, because this Man does many miracles? 48So if we leave NAME. Then there came a VOICE from Heaven, You have
Him alone, everyone will believe in Him. & the romans will glorified it & will glorify it further. 29Then the crowd standing
also come & take away our places & groups. 49& someone by heard it & said, Thunder happened. Others said, An
from them, caiaphas, was the high priest that same year, Angel spoke to Him. 30Jesus replied & said, This voice did
said to them, You do not know anything. 50Do not even not happen for Me, but for you. 31Now is this world's
consider that it will profit us that 1 Man will die for the judgment; now the ruler of this world will be forced out. 32&
people, so that the whole nation will not be destroyed. 51& If I Am raised up from the ground, everyone will be drawn
he did not speak this by himself, but being that year's high to Me. 33& He said this to make known what type of death
priest, he prophesied that Jesus should die for the nation. He would die. 34The crowd replied to Him, We have heard
& not only for the nation, but also so that He could gather from the law that the Anointed will live forever. Why do
together the scattered children of GΘD into 1. 53Then from You say that the Son of Mankind must be raised up, & who
that day, they conspired together so that they could is this Son of Mankind? 35Then Jesus said to them, There is a
murder Him. 54Then Jesus no longer walked freely with the little time the light will still be with you, walk while you have
Jews, instead went away from there to a country near the the light, so that darkness will not get you. For whoever
wilderness, to a city called Ephraim. & continued time walks in darkness, will not know where they are going.
there with His Disciples. 55& the Jew’s Passover was near & 36
While you have light, believe in the light, so that you
many came out of the country to Jerusalem before the become the children of light. Jesus said this & went away
Passover, to purify themselves. 56Then they looked for Jesus to hide Himself from them. 37He did many miracles in front
& said with one-another while standing in the temple, What of them, but they did not believe in Him. 38So that the words
do you think; that He will not come to the festival? 57& both of Isaiah the Prophet would be complete, that said,
the high priests & the pharisees gave orders, that if anyone MASTER, who will believe our instructions & who the
knew where He was, to make Him known so that they MASTER'S ARM will be known? 39Through this, they could not
could arrest Him. believe because Isaiah said again, 40Their eyes are blind,
12 Truly 6 days before the Passover, Jesus came to their hearts are hard, but they will also turn & I will heal
Bethany, where Lazarus that died was, who He raised from them. 41Isaiah said this when he knew His glory & spoke
the dead. 2Then they did make Him a meal there & Martha about Him. 42But yet many of the leaders believed in Him,
served them. & Lazarus was 1 eating together with Him. but because of the pharisees, they also did not say openly,
Then Mary faithfully took a pound of expensive perfumed so that they would not be excommunicated. 43For they
nard oil & anointed the feet of Jesus, & wiped His feet with loved the people's praise more than the praise of GΘD. 44&
her own hair. The house was filled with the smell Jesus yelled out & said, Whoever does not believe in Me,
of perfumed oil. 4Then 1 of His Disciples, simon's, judas does not yet believe in My SENDER. 45Whoever recognizes
iscariot, who was about to betray Him, said, 5Why did you Me, also recognizes My SENDER. 46I came to light up the
not sell this perfumed oil for 300 silver coins & give it to the world, so that whoever believes in Me will not remain in
poor? 6But he did not say this because he cared about the darkness. 47& if anyone hears My words & does not believe,
poor. Instead because he was a thief & had the money I will not judge them; for I did not come to judge the world,
bag; & took away whatever was thrown into it. 7Then Jesus but to save the world. 48Whoever rejects Me & does not
said, Leave her alone, she has kept this for the day of My receive My words, they have a JUDGE. The words that I
burial. 8For you always have the poor with you, but you will speak, these same will judge them on the last day. 49For I
not always have Me. 9Then many from the religious Jew’s do not speak from Myself, but the FATHER who sent Me, HE
people knew that He was there & came, not only for Jesus, gave Me commands; what to say & what to speak. 50I know
but so that they could also see Lazarus, who He had raised that HIS command is eternal life & whatever I speak, the
from the dead. 10But the high priests conspired to also FATHER said to Me, so then I speak it.
murder Lazarus. 11Because through him, many of the Jews 13 & before the festival of the Passover, Jesus knew that
went away & believed in Jesus. 12The next day, many His time was coming to leave out of this world to the
people came to the festival, when they heard that Jesus FATHER. He loved His own, who were in the world; loved
was coming to Jerusalem. 13They took palm tree branches them to the end. 2When dinner happened, satan already
& went out to meet Him, & yelled, Hosanna, blessed is the was put into the heart of Judas Iscariot of Simon’s, to
King of Israel, Who comes in the MASTER'S NAME! 14& they betray Him. 3Jesus knew that the FATHER gave everything
found Jesus a young donkey to sit down on, just as it is into His hand & that He had come from GΘD, & would
written, 15Do not be afraid Zion’s daughter, look your King leave to GΘD. 4He got up from dinner & put His cloak
is coming, sitting on a young donkey. 16& His Disciples did down, taking a towel & tied it around Himself. 5After this,
not understand these things at 1st, but when Jesus was He poured water into a washbowl & began to wash the
glorified, then they remembered that these things were Disciples feet, & wiped them off with the towel that He was
written about Him, & they would do this for Him. 17Then the wrapped with. 6Then He went to Simon Peter. & he said to
crowd that was with Him, when He called Lazarus out of his Him, Master, Why do You wash my feet? 7Jesus replied &
tomb & raised him from the dead were testifying. said to him, You will not know now, but you will know after
Because of this, the crowds also went to meet Him for this. 8Peter said to Him, You cannot ever wash my feet.
they heard He had done this miracle. 19Then the pharisees Jesus replied to him, If I do not wash you, you cannot have
said to themselves, Look at this, how do you profit any part with Me. 9Simon Peter said to Him, Master, not my
anything? See the world is following behind Him. 20& there feet only, but also hands & head. 10Jesus said to him,
were some greeks from them, that went up to worship at Whoever is washed, does not need it, or to wash their feet,
the festival. 21Then these came to Philip from bethsaida but is completely clean. & you are clean, but not all. 11For
of Galilee & asked him, saying, Master, we want to see He knew who would betray Him, so He this, You are not all
Jesus. 22Philip came & told Andrew, & again Andrew & clean. 12So after He washed their feet, & took His cloak, He
Philip told Jesus. 23Jesus replied to them, saying, The time sat down again. He said to them, Do you know what I have
has come, so that the Son of Mankind will be glorified. done for you? 13You call me Teacher & Master, so you said
Truly, truly I say to you, Unless a grain of wheat falls into well, for I Am. 14So If I Teacher & Master washed your feet,
the ground to die, it remains alone, but if it dies, it will bring you also need to wash 1 another’s feet. 15For I gave you an
up much produce. 25Whoever loves their own life, will lose example that you are to also do, as I have done for you.
it. & whoever hates their own life in this world, will keep it 16
Truly, truly, I say to you, servants are not greater than their

into eternal life. 26If anyone will serve Me, join Me & Master, or someone Sent, greater than their SENDER. 17If you
wherever I Am, there My servant will also be. If anyone know this, you will be happy if you do it. 18I don’t speak
serves Me, My FATHER will honor. 27My soul is now troubled about all of you. I know who I chose, but so that the Holy

& what do I say? FATHER, save Me from this event, but for writings will be completed; 1 who eats bread with me, will
lift up his heel against Me. 19I tell you now before it said to him, If someone loves Me, they will guard My words
happens, so that when it happens, you will believe that I & My FATHER will love them & come to them, & will stay with
Am. 20Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever receives whoever I them. 24Whoever does not love Me, does not guard My
send, receives Me, & whoever receives Me, receives My words. Yet the words that you hear are not Mine, but the
SENDER. 21Jesus’s Spirit was troubled when He said this, & FATHER’s, WHO sent Me. 25These things I say to you, will
testified saying, Truly, truly I say to you, that 1 of you will remain with you. 26But the Helper, the Holy Spirit which the
betray Me. 22Then the Disciples looked at each other, FATHER will send in My Name; it will teach you everything
doubting about what He said. 23& there was 1 of His & remind you whatever I said to you. 27Peace I leave you,
Disciples, who Jesus loved, leaning on Jesus’s chest. 24Then My peace I give to you, not as the world gives, I give to
Simon Peter signaled to him, asking about who He said it you; do not trouble your heart or be afraid. 28You heard that
would be. 25As he was lying on Jesus’s chest, said to Him, I said to you, I go away & will come to you. If you love Me
Master, who is it? 26Jesus replied, It is this 1 that I give this you would rejoice, because I said I go to the FATHER, for
to, after I dip a piece in. After He dipped in the piece, He My FATHER is greater than I. 29& I said this to you now before
gave it to simon’s, judas iscariot. 27& after the piece, satan it happens, so that when it happens you will believe. 30No
entered into him, then Jesus said to him this, You are quick. longer will I still talk much with you, for the leader of this
28& none sitting together realized that He was talking about world comes, & it does not have Me in him. 31But so that the
this to him. 29For some thought since judas had the money world will know that I love the FATHER. & just as the FATHER
bag, that Jesus said to him, buy what we have need of for ordered Me, so do I, stand up to go from here.
the feast; or that he should give something to the poor. 15 I Am the true vine, & My FATHER is the farmer. 2Every
After he received the piece, he went immediately out, & branch within Me that does not produce fruit will be
it was night. 31So when he went out, Jesus said, Now the removed, but everyone producing fruit, he prunes, so that
Son of Mankind is glorified; & GΘD glorified by Him. 32If it will produce more fruit. 3Now you are clean through the
GΘD is glorified by Him, GΘD will also glorify Him by words that I said to you. 4Remain with Me & I with you, just
HIMSELF; & will immediately glorify Him. 33Children, yet as the branch cannot produce fruit from itself, unless it
while I Am still with you, you will search for Me, & as I said remains with the vine; so unless you remain with Me, you
to the religious Jews; that where I go away, you cannot cannot. 5I Am the vine you are the branches. Whoever
come. So now I say to you, 34I give you a new remains with Me & I with them, they will produce much fruit;
commandment, that you love 1 another, as I loved you, so for without Me you cannot do anything. 6Unless someone
that you will also love 1 another. 35With this, everyone will remains with Me, they will be thrown out as a branch & dry
know that you are My Disciples, if you have love with 1 up. & they will be gathered together & thrown into the fire,
another. 36Simon Peter said to Him, Master, where do you & burned. 7If you remain with Me, & My words remain with
go? Jesus answered him, Where I go, you cannot follow Me you, whatever you want, ask, & it will happen for you. 8In
now; but you will join Me afterwards. 37Peter said to Him, this My FATHER is glorified, so that you will produce much
Master, why can I not follow You now? I will lay down my fruit, so you will be My Disciples. 9Just as the FATHER loves
life for you. 38Jesus replied to him, You would lay down your Me dearly, I also love you dearly, remain with My love. 10If
life for Me? Truly, truly, I say to you, A rooster will not crow, you keep My commands, you will remain with My love, just
until you have denied me 3x. as I keep My FATHER’s commands & remain with HIS love.
14 Do not trouble your hearts; whoever believes in GΘD, 11
These things I said to you, so that My joy will remain with
also believe in Me. 2In My FATHER’s house is many living you, & you will be full of joy. 12This is My command, that you
places, if not I would tell you, I go to prepare a place for love each other, just as I love you. 13No-one has greater
you. 3& if I go & prepare a place for you, I will return & take love than this, someone lays down their life for their friends.
you to Myself, so that where I Am, you will be also. 4& you 14
You are My friends, if you do whatever I command you.
know where I go & you know the way. 5Thomas said to Him, 15
I will no longer call you servants, because the servant
Master we do not know where You go & how can we know does not know what their master does, but I call you
the way? 6Jesus said to him, I Am the Way, the Truth & the friends, for everything that I heard from My FATHER, I have
Life, no-one comes to the FATHER except through Me. 7If made known to you. 16You did not choose Me, but I chose
you know Me, you know My FATHER also, & from this you & appointed you, so that you can go & produce fruit.
moment; you know HIM & will see HIM. 8Philip said to Him, & your fruit will remain, so that whatever you ask the FATHER
Master show us the FATHER & we will be satisfied. 9Jesus said in My Name, HE will give it to you. 17I command this to you,
to him, I have been with you a long time, but you do not that you will love one-another. 18If the world hates you,
know Me Philip? Whoever sees Me, sees the FATHER, yet know that they hated Me 1st. 19If you were from the world,
why do you say show us the FATHER? 10You do not believe the world would love its own. But because you are not of
that I Am with the FATHER & the FATHER with Me? The words the world & I chose you from out of the world; because of
that I speak to you, I do not speak from Myself; but the this, the world hates you. 20Remember the words that I said
FATHER lives with Me, HE does the works. 11Believe Me that to you, a servant is not greater than their Master. If they
I am with the FATHER & the FATHER with Me; but if not, persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they keep
believe Me for my works. 12Truly, truly I say to you, Whoever My words, they will also keep yours. 21But all these things
believes in Me, the works that I do & HE, greater than these they will do to you, because of My Name, for they do not
will be done, because I will go to My FATHER. 13& whatever know WHO sent Me. 22But if I did not come & speak to them,
you ask in My Name, this will be done so that the FATHER they would not have sinned, but now they do not have an
will be glorified in the Son. 14If you ask anything in My excuse about their sin. 23Whoever hates Me, also hates My
Name, I will do it. 15If you love Me, guard My commands. FATHER. 24But if I did not do the works with them, which no-
& I will ask the FATHER, & HE will give you another helper, one else ever did, they would not have sinned. But now
so that it will remain with you forever. 17The Spirit of truth that they also know Me & My FATHER, & both are hated. 25But so
the world cannot receive, because they do not see it, or that the written words would be completed in the Law,
know it. But you will know it because it will live near you & because they hated Me unjustified. 26But when the helper
be in you. 18I will not leave you parentless, I will come for comes, that I will send to you from the FATHER, the Spirit of
you. 19Yet a little while & the world will not see Me anymore; Truth which comes from the FATHER, it will testify about Me.
but you will see Me, because I will live & you will live. 20At 27
& you also will be witnesses, because you have been with
that day you will know that I Am with My FATHER, & you with Me from the beginning.
Me, & I with you. 21Whoever has My commands & guards 16 These things I said to you, so that you are not offended.

them, they are the ones who love Me. & whoever loves Me 2
They will excommunicate you, yet the time will come that
is loved by My FATHER, & I love them & will show myself to anyone who kills you, will think they did it for a service to
them. 22Judas, not iscariot, said to Him, Master why will You GΘD. 3& they will do these things to you, because they do

show Yourself to us, but not to the world? 23Jesus replied & not know the FATHER or Me. 4For I said these things to you,
so that when the time comes, you will remember that I told I came from YOU, & they believe that YOU sent Me. 9I pray
you them. & I did not say these things to you at the for them, I do not pray for the world; but for whoever YOU
beginning, because I was with you. 5But now I go away, gave to Me, for they are YOURS. 10& all of Mine is YOURS, &
before My SENDER & none of you asks Me where I go? 6But YOURS Mine; & glorified with them. 11& I will no longer be in
because I said these things to you, your hearts are full of the world any more. But these are still in the world. & I come
sadness. 7Yet, I tell you the truth, it is useful for you that I go to YOU Holy FATHER, keep through YOUR NAME those who
away. For if I did not go away, the Helper would not come YOU GAVE Me, so that they can only be just as US. 12While
to you; but if I leave, it will be sent to you. 8When it comes, I was in the world with them, I guarded them in YOUR
it will convict the world about sin, & about righteousness, & NAME; those YOU gave Me I watched, so none of them
about justice; 9about sin because truly they do not believe would be destroyed, but the Son will be completely
in Me, 10& about righteousness, because I will go away to destroyed, so that the Holy writings will be completed. 13&
My FATHER. & you will not see Me anymore. 11& about now I come to YOU & these things I said in the world, so that
judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged. they will have My complete joy in them. 14I gave them
I still have much to say to you, but you cannot handle it YOUR words, but the world hates them, because they are
now. 13But when it, the Spirit of Truth comes, it will guide you not from the world; just as I am not from the world. 15I ask
to all truth. For it will not speak from itself; but whatever it that YOU will not take them out of the world, but that YOU
hears, it will speak & make known to you what will come. keep them from these troubles. 16They are not from the
It will glorify Me, because it receives from Me, & will make world, just as I am not from the world. 17Make them Holy
known to you. 15Everything that the FATHER has is Mine, through YOUR truth; YOUR words are truth. 18Just as YOU
because of this, I said that it takes from Me & makes known sent Me into the world; I will also send them into the world.
to you. 16& a little while you will not see Me. Then again, a 19
& for them, I make Myself Holy, so that they can also be
little while & you will see Me, because I will go away to the made Holy through the truth. 20& I do not ask about only
FATHER. 17Then from His Disciples said to each other, What these, but also about whoever believes in Me through their
is this that He said to us, A little while & you will not see Me. words. 21So that everyone will be 1, just as YOU FATHER are
Then again, a little while & you will see Me; & because I will with Me & I with YOU; so that they will also be 1 with us, so
go away to the FATHER? 18Then they said, What is this that that the world will believe that YOU sent Me. 22& the glory
He said, A little while? We do not know what He said. 19Then that YOU gave Me, I gave them; so they will be 1, just as
Jesus knew that they wanted to ask Him, so He said to we are 1. 23I with them & YOU with Me, so that we will be
them, You search with each other because of this, I said, A complete as 1. & so that the world will know that YOU sent
little while & you will not see Me. Then again, a little while & Me, & love them just as YOU love Me. 24FATHER, I want that
you will see Me. 20Truly, truly I say to you, that you will cry & those who YOU also gave Me, be with Me where I will be,
mourn, but the world will rejoice. & you will be sad, but your so that they will look at My glory that YOU gave Me. For
sadness will be made into joy. 21When a woman is giving YOU loved Me before the world’s foundation. 25& righteous
birth she has pain, because her time has come. But when FATHER, the world does not know YOU; but I know YOU &
she gives birth to the baby, she does not remember the they know that YOU sent Me. 26& I made known YOUR
trouble anymore, because of the joy, of that 1 born into the NAME to them, & made it known, so that the love that YOU
world. 22& so you will now truly have pain, but I will see you love Me with; will be in them & I with them.
again & your hearts will rejoice. & your joy, no-one can 18 After Jesus said this, He went out with His Disciples over
take from you. 23& during that day, do not ask Me for the Cedron Creek, where He & His Disciples entered into
anything. Truly, truly, I say to you that whatever you ask the which there was a garden. 2& Judas who also was
FATHER in My Name, HE will give it to you. 24Do not ask for betraying Him, knew the place; for Jesus often gathered
anything in My Name, asking to receive, so that your joy together there with His Disciples. 3Then judas received
will be complete, until this time. 25These things I told you in warriors & soldiers from the high priests & pharisees; who
proverbs. But a time will come when I will not speak to you came there with lanterns & torches, & weapons. 4So Jesus
in proverbs anymore. Instead, I will make things known to knew everyone was coming to Him, went out, saying to
you simply about the FATHER. 26During that day, ask in My them, Who are you searching for? 5They answered Him,
Name, & I will not say to you that I will ask the FATHER for Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus said to them, I Am. & judas who
you. 27For the FATHER HIMSELF loves you, because you love betrayed Him, also was standing with them. 6Then as soon
Me & believe that I came from GΘD. 28I came from the He said to them, I Am, they went backwards & fell down to
FATHER, & will come into the world again. Then I will leave the ground. 7Then He asked them again, Who are you
the world & go to the FATHER. 29His Disciples said to Him, searching for? & they said, Jesus of Nazareth. 8Jesus
Realize, you are now speaking simply & not saying a replied, I told you that I Am. If you search for Me, then let
proverb. 30Now we know that You know everything, & You these go away. 9So that the saying would be completed,
do not need to ask anyone. By this we believe that you that said, From them who was given to Me, I never lost 1.
came from GΘD. 31Jesus replied to them, You just believe 10
Then Simon Peter had a sword, drew it & struck the high
now? 32Realize the time is coming now, & has come that priest’s servant, & cut off his right ear. & the servant’s name
you will scatter each to their own & leave Me alone. But I was malchus. 11Then Jesus said to Peter, Put your sword into
will not be alone, because the FATHER is with Me. 33These the sheath; the cup which My FATHER has given Me, will I
things I tell you, so that with Me you will have peace. With never drink it? 12Then the warriors & the soldiers of the
the world you will have oppression, but be courageous, I religious Jews took Jesus & tied Him. 13& led Him away to
will conquer the world. Annas 1st. For he was the father in law to caiaphas, who
17 Jesus said these things & raised His eyes up to Heaven, was high priest that year. 14& caiaphas was who advised
& said, FATHER the time has come to glorify YOUR Son, so the religious Jews that it was profitable for 1 human to die
that YOUR Son will also glorify YOU. 2Just as YOU gave Me for the people. 15& Simon Peter followed Jesus, & another
power over all living creatures, so that they would be given Disciple. & that Disciple was known to the high priest, &
eternal life, whoever YOU gave Me. 3& this is eternal life, so entered in with Jesus to the palace of the high priest. 16But
that they will know YOU the only true GΘD, & Jesus the Peter stood outside of the doors. Then another Disciple
Anointed, Who YOU sent. 4I glorified YOU on the earth. I came out, who was well known by the high priest & talked
completed the work that YOU gave Me to do. 5& now to the doorkeeper, & brought in Peter. 17Then the young girl
FATHER I glorify YOU, My Own glory which I had with YOU doorkeeper said to Peter, Are you not also from this Man’s
before the world existed. 6I have made YOUR NAME known Disciples? He said, I am not. 18& the servants & soldiers were

to the world of YOURS, & have kept YOUR words that YOU standing there, who made fire from coals, because it was
gave to Me. 7Now they know that everything, whatever cold. & they were warmed & Peter was standing with
YOU gave Me, is from YOU. 8For I gave them the words that them, also getting warm. 19Then the high priest asked Jesus

YOU gave Me. & they have received them & truly know that about His Disciples, & about His teachings. 20Jesus
answered him, I speak boldly to the world, I always taught Pilate said to them, Crucify your King? The high priest
in the synagogues & in the temples, where the Jews always replied, We have no king, except caesar. 16Then he
come together, & I said nothing in secret. 21Why do you ask surrendered Him to them. So they took Jesus & led Him
Me? Ask those who I spoke to, who heard Me; realize, they away to be crucified. 17& they carried His cross, going out
know what I said. 22After He said this, 1 of the officers to a place called skull, which is called Golgotha in Hebrew.
standing by, struck Jesus, slapping Him, saying, You answer 18
Where they crucified Him & 2 others with Him; on both
the high priest this way? 23Jesus replied to him, If I spoke sides & Jesus in the middle. 19& Pilate also wrote a title &
evil, testify about the evil; but if truth, why hit Me? 24Annas put it over His cross. & the writing was: Jesus of Nazareth,
sent Him away tied, to caiaphas the high priest. 25& Simon The King of the Jews. 20Then many of the Jews read this title,
Peter was standing & getting warm. So they said to him, because the place where Jesus was crucified, was near
Are you not also from His Disciples? He denied it & said, I the city. It was written in Hebrew, Greek, & Latin. 21Then the
am not. 261 of the servants of the high priests, was a cousin, religious Jews’ high priest said to Pilate, Do not write, The
whose ear Peter cut off said, Did I not see you in the garden King of the Jews, because instead; He said, I Am the Jew's
with Him? 27Then Peter denied it again, & immediately a King. 22Pilate replied, What I wrote, is written. 23Then when
rooster crowed. 28Then they led Jesus away to the palace their warriors crucified Jesus, they took His clothes & made
of caiaphas’s, & it was early. & they did not go into the 4 parts for each warrior. Except His cloak, & the cloak was
palace, so that they would not be defiled, so that they without sowing seams, from the top throughout. 24Then
could eat the Passover. 29Then Pilate went out to them, & they said to one-another, Do not split it, but throw stones
said, What criminal charge do you have against this Man. for it. So that the Holy writings will be complete that said,
They replied, & said to him, If He was not a criminal, we They will divide My clothing to themselves. But they will
would not have delivered Him to you. 31Then Pilate said to throw stones for My cloak. So the warriors did these things.
them, Take Him & you judge Him according to your law. 25
Now by the cross of Jesus stood His mother, & His mother's
Then the religious jews said to him, It is not lawful for us to sister, Mary of Cleophas, & Mary Magdalene. 26When Jesus
kill anyone. 32So that what Jesus said would be completed, saw His mother & the Disciple that He dearly loved
which He said they would make known, what kind of death standing by, He said to His Own mother, Woman, see your
He would die. 33Then Pilate entered into the court room son. 27Then He said to that Disciple, See your mother. &
again, & called Jesus, & said to Him, Are You the King of from that time, the Disciple accepted her as his own
the Jews? 34Jesus replied to him, Did you say this from mother. 28After this, Jesus knew that everything was now
yourself, or did others say this to you about Me? 35Pilate finished, so that the Holy writings would be completed,
replied, I am not even a Jew, Your race & the high priests said, I thirst. 29So a container full of vinegar was set there &
betrayed You over to me. What have You done? 36Jesus they filled a sponge with vinegar, & placed hyssop around
replied, My Kingdom is not from this world. If My Kingdom it & put it to His mouth. 30Then when Jesus received the
was from this world, My servants would fight, so that I would vinegar, He said, It is finished. His head bent down & gave
not be surrendered to the religious Jews; & My Kingdom is up His Spirit. 31Then, since it was preparation day for the
not from here now. 37Then Pilate said to Him, So You are a Sabbath; the religious Jews asked Pilate, For this is a great
King? Jesus answered, You said that I Am King. I was born Sabbath day, can we break their legs, so that none of the
for this & I came into the world, so that I could testify to the bodies can remain surviving on their crosses? 32Then their
truth. Everyone who is from the truth hears My voice. 38Pilate warriors came & broke the legs of the 1st & the other that
said to Him, What is the truth? After saying this, He went out was crucified with Him. 33But as they came to Jesus, they
again to the religious Jews & said to them, I find no fault saw He was already dead; they did not break His legs. 34But
with Him. 39& you have a tradition that I release to you 1 1 of their warriors speared Him; piercing His side, &
during the Passover, so then will you be willing to release immediately blood & water came out. 35& whoever saw,
the King of the Jews to you? 40Then they all yelled out witnessed this as evidence He was truthful. & they knew
again, saying, Not this 1, instead barabbas. Yet barabbas that He spoke truth, so that you will believe. 36For this
was a robber. happened, so that the Holy writings would be complete;
19 Because of this Pilate then took Jesus & scourged Him. His bones will not be broken. 37& again another Holy writing
Their warriors weaved together a crown from thorns & put says, They look at Who they pierced. 38& after this, Joseph
it on His head & clothed Him in a purple cloak. 3& they said, of Arimathea, who was a Disciple of Jesus, but hid for fear
Hail, the King of the Jews. & they struck Him with slaps. of the religious Jews, asked Pilate so that he could remove
Then Pilate again went out & said to them, Realize, I bring the body of Jesus. & Pilate allowed him. Then he came &
Him out to you, so that you will know that I found no crime removed the body of Jesus. 39& nicodemus, that came to
with Him. 5Then Jesus came out wearing the crown of Jesus 1st at night also came; brought a mix of myrrh & aloe;
thorns & the purple cloak, & he said to them, See this Man. about 100 pounds. 40Then they removed the body of Jesus,
Then, when the high priests & their soldiers saw Him, they & wrapped it in linen cloth, with the perfumes. As it was the
shouted saying, Crucify Him! Crucify Him! Pilate said to custom; religious Jews are to bury. 41& by the place where
them, You take Him & crucify Him, for I find no crimes with He was crucified, there was a garden. & in the garden, a
Him. 7The religious Jews replied to him, We have a law & new tomb that no-one had ever been placed in. 42So they
according to our law, He is due death, because He made laid Jesus down there, since the tomb was nearby,
Himself the Son of GΘD. 8Then when Pilate heard these because of the religious Jews’ preparation.
words, he was even more afraid. 9& again he went into the 20 & Mary Magdalene came on the 1st Sabbath day early,
courtroom & said to Jesus, How can this be? But Jesus gave while it was still dark, to the tomb & saw the stone removed
him no answer. 10Then Pilate said to Him, You do not talk to from the tomb. 2Then she ran & came to Simon Peter, & to
me? Do You not know that I have power to crucify You, & the other Disciple that Jesus loved; & she said to them, They
I have power to free You? 11Jesus replied, You do not have took the Master out of the tomb & we do not know where
any power over Me, unless it was allowed for you from they put Him. 3Then Peter & the other Disciple went out &
above. Because of this; whoever brought Me to you, has came to the tomb. 4So 2 ran together, but the other
greater sin. 12From this, Pilate sought to free Him; but the Disciple quickly outran Peter & came to the tomb 1st. 5Then
religious Jews yelled out, saying, If you let this 1 go free, you he looked down to see the linen strips lying down, but he
are not caesars' friend. Whoever makes themselves a king, did not enter in. 6Then Simon Peter, who followed him,
speaks against caesar. 13When Pilate heard these words, arrived & went into the tomb, & saw the linen strips lying
he led Jesus outside & sat down on the judgment seat, at down. 7& the cloth that was around His head, was not lying

a place called mosaic pavement, but in Hebrew: down with the linen strips, but wrapped together in 1 place
Gabbatha. 14& it was the preparation of the Passover & separately. 8Then the other Disciple that came to the tomb
about noon time. & he said to the religious Jews, Look, your 1st, also entered in & saw the shape; & believed. 9For they

King. 15Instead they shouted, Carry Him away, crucify Him! had not yet understood the Holy writing that He must rise
up from the dead. 10Then the Disciples went away back to them equally. 14This was now the 3rd time Jesus showed
their own. 11When Mary stood outside at the tomb, she Himself to His Own Disciples, after rising from the dead.
cried. & as she cried, she bent down to look into the tomb, 15
Then while they ate dinner, Jesus said to Simon Peter,
& saw 2 angels in white sitting down. 1 at the head & 1 at Jonas’s Simon, do you dearly love Me more than these? He
the feet, where the body of Jesus had laid. 13& they said to replied to Him, Yes Master, You know that I love You. He
her, Woman, why do you cry? She said to them, Because said to him, Feed My lambs. 16He said to him again a 2nd
they took my Master away & I do not know where they put time, Jonas's Simon, Do you dearly love Me? He said to
Him. 14Then she saw Jesus standing & turned her back Him, Yes Master, You know that I love You. He said to him,
to speak, because she did not realize that it was Jesus. Feed My sheep. 17He said to him a 3rd time, Jonas's Simon,
Jesus said to her, Woman, why do you cry? Who are you Do you love Me? Peter was sad because He said to him a
looking for? She thought that He was the gardener, 3rd time, Do you love Me? So he said to Him, Master, You
replying to Him, Sir, if You have removed Him, tell me where know everything, You know that I love You. Jesus said to
You put Him & I will take Him. 16Jesus said to her, Mary. She him, Feed My sheep. 18Truly, truly I say to you, when you
turned around saying to Him, Rabboni, which means were young you clothed yourself & walked wherever you
Master. 17Jesus replied to her, Do not cling to Me, for I have wanted to. But when you grew up you reached out your
not yet risen to My FATHER, instead go to My fellow hands & another clothed you, & brought you where you did
believers & say to them, I will go up to My FATHER & your not want. 19He said this to make it known how His death
FATHER, & to My GΘD & your GΘD. 18Mary Magdalene glorified GΘD. After He said this, He said to him, Join Me.
arrived, announcing to the Disciples that she saw the 20
Then Peter turned back to see the Disciple who Jesus
Master & He told her this. 19Then that same evening day, dearly loved had joined Him & that he was leaning on his
being the 1st Sabbath day, where the Disciples were chest at dinner. & he said, Master, where is Your betrayer?
gathered together & the doors were shut because of fear 21
Peter knowing this, said to Jesus, Master, what about this?
of the religious Jews. Jesus arrived & stood in the middle & 22
Jesus said to him, If I wanted him to remain until I came,
said to them, Peace to you. 20After He said this, He showed what is that to you? You follow Me. 23Then this saying went
them His hands & His side; realizing they were looking at the out to the fellow believers that this 1 disciple would not die.
Master, they rejoiced. 21Then Jesus again said to them, But Jesus did not say to them, He would not die, instead, If
Peace to you, just as the FATHER has sent Me, & I will also I wanted him to remain until I came, what is that to you?
send you. 22After speaking this, He breathed on them & 24
This is the Disciple that witnessed about these things &
said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit. 23Whatever sins you wrote this, so we know that His testimony is true. 25There are
forgive, theirs will be forgiven. Whatever sins you keep, also just as many other things that Jesus did. If I wrote
they will remain. 24But 1 of the 12, Thomas called Didymus, throughout every one down, I imagine not even the world
was not with them when Jesus came. 25Then the other itself, could not contain the written scrolls, truly.
Disciples said to him, We saw the Master. But he said to 1611 kjv Acts † Truly the 1st words, acts, oh Theophilus,
them, Unless I see the imprint of the nail in His hands & put about everything that Jesus began to do & also taught
my finger into the imprint of the nail; & put my hand into His 2
through the Holy Spirit, commanded the Apostles, who He
side, I will not believe. 26After 8 days, His Disciples were chose, until the day that He rose up. 3He also showed
inside & Thomas was with them. The doors were shut again, Himself alive after His suffering, by much plain evidences.
yet Jesus arrived standing in the middle & said, Peace to He was seen by them for 40 days & He talked about the
you. 27Then He said to Thomas, Reach out your hand & put Kingdom of GΘD. 4When He was gathered together with
it into My side, & do not be faithless, but believe. 28& them, commanded them, Do not leave from Jerusalem,
Thomas replied & said to Him, My Master & from my GΘD. instead wait for the promise of the FATHER that you heard
Jesus said to him, Thomas, because you saw Me, you from Me. 5For John truly water baptized, now you will be
believed. Blessed are those that have not seen, yet baptized with the Holy Spirit, not many days after this. 6Then
believe. 30& Jesus truly did many other miracles before His when they then came together, they said to Him, asking
Own Disciples, which are not written in this scroll. 31So these the Master if He would restore Israel’s kingdom at that time.
things were written, so that you will believe that Jesus is the 7
& He said to them, It is not for you to know the time or this
Anointed 1, the Son of GΘD. & whoever because of event that the FATHER decides with HIS OWN power. 8But
believing, will have life through His name. you will receive power, after the Holy Spirit comes into you.
21 After this, Jesus showed Himself to the Disciples again at & you will be My witnesses for Me, both in Jerusalem & in
the Tiberias Sea. & this is how He appeared. 2There were all of Judea & Samaria, & to the ends of the earth. 9After He
Simon Peter & Thomas, called Didymus & Nathanael from said these things, they saw Him rise up, & a cloud took Him
Cana, Galilee, & those of Zebedee's, & 2 others from His away from their sight. 10As He went up & they were looking
Disciples together. 3Simon Peter said to them, I am going carefully towards the sky, they realized 2 men were
fishing. They replied to him, We will also go with you. They standing by them in bright white clothing, 11Who also said
went out & into a ship immediately, & by that night they this, Men of Galilee why do you stand looking up into the
caught nothing. 4Now it was early morning & Jesus was sky? Jesus Who rose up from you into Heaven, will come as
standing on the shore; but the Disciples did not know that you have seen Him go into Heaven. 12Then they returned
it was Jesus. 5Then Jesus said to them, Boys, do you have to Jerusalem from the mountain called, Mount of Olives
any fish? They answered Him, No. 6So He said to them, that is near Jerusalem is a Sabbath day’s travel. 13& when
Throw the net to the right side of the ship & you will find they entered, they went up into the highest room, where
them. Then they threw it, but they were not able to drag it both Peter & James, & John & Andrew, Philip & Thomas,
in, because of the large number of fish. 7Then that Disciple Bartholomew & Matthew, James, Alpheus’s son, & Simon
who Jesus dearly loved, said to Peter, It is the Master. When the zealot & James’s Judas, were at. 14They all were
Simon Peter heard that it was the Master, he secured his constantly with 1 passion, & asking for prayer with the
fishers coat, for he was naked; & threw himself into the sea. women, & Mary the mother of Jesus & with His brothers. 15&
But the other Disciples went in a boat, for they were not during those days, Peter stood up in the middle of the
far from land, yet were about 100 yards dragging the net number of them being about 120 people & Disciples. He
with fish. 9Then as they came towards land, they saw said, 16Men, fellow believers, these Holy Writings must have
burning coals lying there & fish laying on them; & bread. been completed which the Holy Spirit through David’s
Jesus said to them, Bring in the fish, that you just caught. mouth said before about judas, who was the guide that
Simon Peter got up & dragged the net full of 153 large fish took them to Jesus. 17Because he was counted with us &

to the land, so many, yet the net did not break. 12Jesus said determined for this service. 18Truly this 1 got a field from the
to them, Come eat dinner. None of the Disciples were bold unjust reward & finished bursting open in the middle
to ask Him, who are You? They knew that it was the Master. forward, & all his intestines poured out. 19& this became

Then Jesus came & took the bread & the fish & gave it to known to all who lived in Jerusalem, so that field is now
called in their own language, aceldama, which means, not remain in the grave, or His body experience decay.
The field of blood. 20For it was written in the Psalm's scroll, 32
GΘD raised this Jesus up, who we are all witnesses of.
his farm will become deserted & no-one will live there. & his 33
Then He was raised up to the RIGHT HAND of GΘD &
other overseers will take it. 21Then it was necessary these received from the FATHER the promise of the Holy Spirit; He
men came together with us all the time during which the poured this out that you now see & hear. 34For David did
Master Jesus came in & went out from us. 22Beginning from not go up into Heaven, yet he said, The MASTER said to my
the Baptism of John until the day that He rose up from us, Master sit down by MY RIGHT HAND. 35Until I make whoever
it was necessary 1 of these be a witness with us of His Your enemies are, footstools. 36Truly everyone living in Israel
resurrection. 23& they stood up 2, Joseph called Barsabas know for sure, that GΘD made this same Jesus, of yours,
who was named Justus, & Matthias. 24& they prayed Who also was the crucified Master & Anointed. 37When
saying, YOU MASTER know everyone’s hearts, appoint they heard this, their hearts were broken & said to Peter &
which 1 of these 2 YOU choose 25to take a part of this the rest of the Apostles; Men, fellow believers, what should
service, & send out from which judas violated; to travel in we do? 38So Peter replied to them, Repent & be Baptized,
his place. 26& they gave their lots, & the stones fell on each of you in the Name of Jesus the Anointed, for
Matthias & he was assigned a place with the 11 Apostles. forgiveness of sins; then you will receive the gift of the Holy
2 & during the Pentecost day they were all completely 1 Spirit. 39For this promise is for you & your children, &
minded with each other. 2& suddenly there was a sound everyone that is faraway; for whoever GΘD our MASTER
from Heaven exactly like a mighty rushing wind, & filled all calls. 40& very many other words He testified & taught
of the house where they were sitting. 3& tongues like fire saying, Save yourselves from this crooked, stained
appeared to them & divided, setting down on each 1 of generation. 41Then they truly received his words with joy &
them. 4& they were all filled with the Holy Spirit & began to that same day were Baptized; adding about 3,000 souls.
talk with other languages, as the Spirit gave them 42
& they continued the Apostle's teachings & fellowship, &
pronunciations. 5& they were living with Jerusalem’s Jews, were breaking bread, & prayed. 43& they all became
dedicated men, from all of nations under Heaven. 6When respectful souls; & many miracles & signs were done by the
this sound happened, the crowd came together & were Apostles. 44& everyone that believed was together &
confused, because everyone heard them speak their own shared whatever they had, 45& sold their possessions &
language. 7& they were all amazed & wondered, saying property, & divided it to all of them; as much as whoever
to each other, Realize, are these that speak not all had need. 46& they continued daily with 1 mind in the
Galileans? 8So how do we hear every 1 of our own Temple & broke bread throughout houses, eating food
languages which we were born with? 9Parthians, & with joy, & feeling as 1; 47praising GΘD & had favor with all
medians, & elamites, & those living in mesapotamia, & the people. & the MASTER added to the church
Judea, & cappadocia, pontus, & asia. 10& also phrygia & throughout the day to keep them safe.
pamphylia, egypt & the libya parts throughout cyrene, & 3 & Peter & John went up into the Temple at 3 p.m., at the
foreigners of rome, & also gentiles to the Jewish religion, hour of prayer. 2There was a man who began lame from
cretes & arabians; we hear them speaking our his mother’s belly. & they carried him daily to place him at
languages, about the wonderful GΘD. 12& they were all the entrance to the Temple that was called beautiful, to
amazed & confused, saying to each other, What does this ask for charity from those entering into the Temple. 3Who
mean? 13& others mocked, saying that they are full of saw Peter & John about to enter into the Temple, asked to
sweet wine. 14Then Peter stood up with the 11 raising his get charity. 4& Peter looked at him with John saying, Look
voice loudly & said to them, Jewish men & everyone living at us. 5So he observed them, expecting to receive
in Jerusalem, be this known to you & listen to my words: something from them. 6Yet Peter said, I do not have gold
for they are not drunk, as you assume, for it is 9a.m. this day. or silver, but this is what I will give you; in the Name of the
Yet this is what was said by the Prophet Joel, 17& this will Anointed Jesus of Nazareth, Stand up & walk! 7& he took
happen during the last days, says GΘD, I will pour out from his right hand to stand & immediately his feet & ankles
MY Spirit on all the body, & your sons & your daughters will became strong. 8So he leaped up to stand & walked, &
speak by divine power. & your young will see visions & your entered into the Temple with them; walking & leaping &
old will dream visions. 18& truly on MY servants & on MY praising GΘD. 9& all the people saw him walking & praising
female servants, I will pour out during that day from MY GΘD. 10& they knew that it was the 1 that sat for charity at
Spirit, & they will speak by divine power. 19& I will give the beautiful gate of the Temple. & they were filled with
wonders in the universe above & signs on the earth below; wonder & amazement at what happened to him. 11& the
blood & fire, & smoke mist. 20The sun will turn to darkness & lame that was healed, held Peter & John. All the people
the moon to blood before that great & glorious day of the ran together to them at the porch, called Solomon’s, were
Master’s coming. 21& whoever will call the Master’s Name amazed. 12When Peter realized this, he answered for the
will be saved. 22Isralite men, hear these words. Jesus of people, Israel’s men, why do you wonder at this? Or why
Nazareth a Man from GΘD with you shown by power, & do you stare at us, as if our own power or Holiness made
miracles, & signs that GΘD did through Him in the middle him walk? 13The GΘD of Abraham & Isaac & Jacob. The
of you, as yourselves also know. 23This 1 was delivered by GΘD of our ancestors glorified HIS Child Jesus, Who you
the appointed purpose & of GΘD’s knowledge before this. delivered & denied Him in Pilate’s presence, the 1 he
He was arrested by wicked hands, taken away to be killed; decided to free. 14But you denied this Holy & innocent 1;
crucified. 24Who GΘD raised up, free from the pain of instead you asked for a murderer man to be freed to you.
death; because it was not able to hold Him under. 25For 15
& killed the Leader of Life, Who GΘD raised from dead,
David said about Him, I saw the Master always before me, who we are witnesses of. 16& through belief in His Name,
because He is by my right hand, so that I would not be this 1 was made strong, who you saw & knew. & the belief
overthrown. 26Because of this, my heart rejoices & my that is given by HIM, was given to Him to heal in all of your
tongue exalts Him. & my body still also remains with hope, sight. 17& now citizens, I also know that through ignorance
for You do not abandon my soul in hell, or give the Holy you acted just like your leaders. 18& what GΘD predicted
of Yours to experience destruction. 28You made the way to through all of the Prophets; the Anointed would suffer this
life known to me, filling me full of joy with Your presence. way, is complete. 19So now repent & convert for your sins
Men, fellow believers, I am allowed to speak to all of you to be washed away, so that a revival will come from the
freely about this ancestor David; because he died & is presence of the MASTER. 20& HE sent Jesus the Anointed
buried, & his tomb is with us to this day. 30So there was a before to announce to you. 21Who was truly from Heaven,

Prophet who also knew that GΘD promised him with an you must receive until the time of restoration, everything
oath, from the fruit of his loins, through his body the that GΘD said through all of HIS Holy Prophets mouths since
Anointed would sit on his throne. 31He predicted this, saying forever. 22For Moses truly said to the ancestors this: GΘD

about the resurrection of the Anointed; that His soul would your MASTER will raise up a Prophet to you from your
relatives like me; whatever he says to you, listen to him. 23& 33
& great power was given to the Apostles' testimony of the
every soul whichever does not hear that Prophet, will be resurrection of the Master Jesus, & great favor was with
destroyed from those people. 24& also all the Prophets from them all. 34Not even some began to need. For whoever
Samuel & after, whoever have also announced about this were owners of land or houses, sold them, to bring the
day. 25You are children of the Prophets, & the covenant price sold, 35& placed it at the Apostle’s feet. & they
that GΘD made with our ancestors, said to Abraham; & of divided it to everyone, as anyone had need. 36& Joses,
all the races of the earth, your seed will be blessed. 26GΘD who was nicknamed by the Apostles Barnabas, which is
raised up HIS Son Jesus, Who HE sent to you 1st, to bless you interpreted, son of encouragement, a Levite race of
by turning every one of you away from wickedness. Cyprus, 37sold land to bring the money. & he placed it at
4 As they were speaking to the people, the priests & the the unmarried Apostles' feet.
captain of the Temple guards, & the sadducees came to 5 But a man named ananias with his wife sapphira, sold
them. 2They were worried because they taught the land, 2& divided part of the value. The wife of his also saw
people, & announced against Jesus’s rising from the dead. this, & brought a part of it, placing it at the Apostle’s feet.
& they put hands on them, & put them into prison until the 3
But Peter said, Why has satan filled your heart ananias to
next day, for it was evening. 4& many who heard these lie to the Holy Spirit & divided part of the value of the land?
words believed, & the number of the men was about 5,000. 4
Was it not your own, & was it not sold in your power? Why
& this happened on the next day: their leaders & have you put this action in your heart? You did not lie to
sanhedrin elders & religious teachers, 6& annas the high people, but to GΘD. 5After ananias heard these words, fell
priest, & caiaphas & john, & alexander, & whoever were down, breathing out his soul. & great fear happened to
from the high priest realities, gathered together in everyone who heard these things. 6& the young men stood
Jerusalem. 7& they put them in the middle, asking, By what up to wrap him & carried him out to bury him. 7& it was
power or by what name have you done this? 8Then Peter about a 3 hour gap & his wife did not know what
filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, Leaders of the happened, entered in. 8& Peter began to say to her, Tell
people & Israel’s sanhedrin elders, 9if today we determine me if you sold the land for this much? & she said, Yes for
about good deeds of a weak person, by how this 1 was this much. 9Then Peter said to her, Because how you
healed; 10be it known to all of you & all the people of Israel, agreed together to test the MASTER’s Spirit; realize the feet
that by the Name of Jesus the Anointed of Nazareth, Who of those who buried your husband are at the door, they will
you crucified, Who GΘD raised from dead, by this 1, he also carry you out. 10So she fell down immediately at his
stands before you, healthy. 11This is the stone that was feet & breathed out her soul & the young men entered in
despised by your builders that has become into head of to find her dead, & carried her out to bury her by her
the corner. 12& there is no salvation in any other, for there husband. 11& great fear happened to the whole gathering,
is no other name under Heaven given for people, in which & to everyone who heard these things. 12& by the hands of
we must be saved. 13When they saw the courage of Peter the Apostles, were many signs & miracles happened with
& John, & understood that they were unable to read or the people. & they were all with 1 passion on Solomon’s
write people; they wondered but also knew that they were porch. 13& the rest, none, were not bold enough to get
with Jesus. 14As they looked at the healed man standing near them; instead the people respected them greatly. 14&
with them, they could not say anything against it. 15Yet they more believers were added to the MASTER, crowds of both
ordered them to go outside the assembly, while they men & women. 15So then they brought out the sick to the
discussed together with themselves, 16saying, What will we streets & laid them on beds & couches, so that even if the
do to these men? For that was truly an impressive miracle shadow of Peter came by would overshadow some of
done by them publically, for everyone who lives in them. 16& also a crowd came together from the cities
Jerusalem & we cannot deny it. 17But so that this does not around to Jerusalem, bringing sick & troubled by evil spirits;
spread any more with the people, threaten them to say no these same were all healed. 17& the high priest stood up &
more about this person in this Name. 18So they called them, all that were with him, which were the sadducees chosen,
to order them not to speak at all or teach in the Name of were filled with rage. 18& put their hands on the Apostles, &
Jesus. 19But Peter & John replied, saying to them, If it is placed them in public prison. 19But the MASTER’s Angel
righteous before GΘD to listen to you more than GΘD, you opened the prison doors by night & lead them out saying,
decide. 20For we are not able to say what we do not see & 20
Go stand & speak in the Temple to the people all the
hear. 21After finding nothing to punish them with, they words of this life. 21& they heard they had entered into the
threatened them further, then they let them go, because Temple early in the morning & were teaching. Then the
the people. For everyone glorified GΘD about what had high priest arrived & those with him, called the council
happened. 22For the man was more than 40 years old, with together. & sent all the sanhedrin sons of Israel & those with
who this miracle healing happened. 23When they were set them, to go bring them out of prison. 22But their servants
free, they went to their own, & reported whatever the high came to find them not in the prison, so they returned back
priests & sanhedrin elders said to them. 24After they heard, to report. 23Saying that, We truly found the prison shut with
they raised their voices to GΘD with one passion & said, everything secure & the guards standing outside in front of
MASTER GΘD, YOU made the universe & earth, & the sea, the doors. But we opened it, finding no-one inside. 24&
& everything that is in them. 25That through YOUR servant when the priests & the captain of the Temple & the high
David’s mouth said, Why do the pagan’s rage & their priests heard these words, they were confused about
people plan pointlessly. 26The leaders of this area arrived & them, how this could happen. 25Then someone came &
their commanders gathered throughout against the reported to them, saying, Because realize the men who
MASTER & against HIS Anointed. 27Because of truth against you put in prison are standing in the Temple & teaching the
YOUR Holy Child Jesus, Who YOU anointed. Both Herod & people. 26Then the captain of the temple with the guards
Pontius Pilate with non-Jews, & Israel’s people gathered went away to bring them without force so that they would
together. 28To do whatever YOUR power & YOUR purpose not be stoned; for they feared the people. 27& they
was already decided to happen before. 29& now MASTER, brought them to stand near the sanhedrin council. Then
look at their threats & give YOUR servants boldness to say the high priest asked them, 28saying, Did we not directly
YOUR WORDS, with everything. 30With YOU reaching out order you to not teach in this Name? & realize you have
YOUR HAND to heal, & signs & miracles be done through filled Jerusalem with the teaching of yours, & want to bring
the Name of YOUR Holy Child Jesus. 31After they prayed, this person’s blood on us. 29& Peter & the Apostles replied,
the place shook where they were gathered together & saying, We must obey GΘD more than people. 30The GΘD

they were all Holy Spirit filled. Then they spoke the WORDS of our ancestors raised up Jesus, who you slayed by
of GΘD with boldness. 32& the crowd who believed, were hanging on wood. 31GΘD raised This 1 up with HIS RIGHT
of 1 heart & soul. & not even 1 of them said some their HAND; Prince & Savior, to give Israel repentance &

possessions were their own, instead they were all sharing. forgiveness of sins. 32& we are His witnesses of these words,
& also the Holy Spirit, which GΘD gives to those who obey into Egypt. But GΘD was with him, 10& rescued him from all
HIM. 33When they heard this they were cut, & held council of his oppression. & HE gave him favor & wisdom in
to kill them. 34But 1 stood up in the sanhedrin council, a pharaoh king of egypt’s presence, & he put him
pharisee named Gamaliel a Mosaic Law teacher, commander over egypt & all his palace. 11& there was
respected by all the people, ordered to put the Apostles famine over all the land of Egypt, & canaan, & great
outside a little while. 35& he also said to them, Israelite men, oppression, & our ancestors found no vegetables. 12When
be cautious yourselves, what you are about to do to these Jacob heard there was wheat in Egypt, he sent out our
people. 36For before these days, theudas rose up saying he ancestors 1st. 13& during the 2nd time, Joseph was
was someone, who a crowd of about 400 men joined him, recognized by his brothers & Joseph’s family became
who was killed. & all, whoever obeyed him broke up & known to pharaoh. 14So Joseph sent out to call his father
were brought to nothing. 37After this judas of Galilee rose Jacob & with all of his 75 living family. 15So Jacob went
up during the days of registration, & drew away many down into Egypt, & he & our ancestors died there; 16&
people behind him; he also was killed & all, whoever carried into shechem & put in the tomb that Abraham’s
obeyed him scattered. 38& I say to you now, withdraw from money bought value, from the sons of emmor the
these people & leave them alone. For if this purpose or shechem’s. 17But when the time of the promise came that
action is from people, it will become nothing. 39But if they GΘD promised to Abraham the people had grown &
are from GΘD, we cannot break them, not ever do we multiplied in Egypt, 18until another king rose up in place that
want to be found even fighting against GΘD. 40& they did not know Joseph. 19This same was devious with our
listened to him. So they called the Apostles to beat them, race, oppressing our ancestors, making them force out
ordering them to not speak with the name of Jesus, & let their babies, so that they would not live. 20During this time
them go. 41& they truly went away from the presence of Moses was born, & was very handsome & raised in his
the sanhedrin council rejoicing, because they were worthy father’s house 3 months. 21& he was exposed outside,
to be despised for the sake of His Name. 42& they did not pharaoh’s daughter took him & raised him up for her son.
stop teaching & announcing Jesus the Anointed daily in 22
& Moses was trained in all of egypt's wisdom, & was
the Temple, & throughout houses. mighty with words & with works. 23& when he completed 40
6 & in those days the Disciples increased. There were years old, it rose in his heart to visit his fellow believers, the
secret debates; the Grecians were against the Hebrews, children of Israel. 24& saw 1 of them being hurt, defended
because their widows were neglected during the daily & revenged the oppressed, killing the egyptian. 25& he
food services. 2So the 12 called the crowd of Disciples to thought his fellow believers would understand that through
say, It is not proper for us to leave the WORDS of GΘD, to his hand GΘD would deliver them, but they did not
serve tables. 3So then brothers, look for 7 honest men of understand. 26So the next day he appeared as they were
yours full of the Holy Spirit & wisdom, who we can place fighting, to reunite them together in peace saying, Men
over this need. 4So we can continually pray & do the you are brothers, why do you wrong each other? 27But the
service of the WORD. 5& this speech before all the crowd other wrong doer shoved him away saying, Who placed
pleased them. & they chose Stephen, a man full of belief you leader & judge over us? 28Will you not kill me just as you
& the Holy Spirit. & Philip, & Prochorus, & Nicanor, & Timon, killed the egyptian yesterday? 29Then Moses ran away by
& Parmenas, & Nicolas a foreigner from Antioch. 6They put these words, & became a stranger in the land of midian,
these before the Apostles. After they prayed, they laid where his 2 sons were born. 30After 40 years were
hands on them. 7& the WORDS of GΘD grew & the number completed, the MASTER’s Angel appeared to him in a
of the Disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, & many of bramble bush flame of fire, in the wilderness of mount Sinai.
the priest's crowds were obedient to the belief. 8& Stephen 31
When Moses saw it, wondered at this sight. As he came
full of faith & power, did great miracles & wonders for the near to carefully see it, the MASTER’S VOICE was there for
people. 9& some from the synagogues that are called him. 32I, the GΘD of your ancestors, the GΘD of Abraham,
libertines, & cyrenaean, & alexandrians, & those from & the GΘD of Isaac, & the GΘD of Jacob. Moses became
cilicia, & asia, rose up to dispute Stephen. 10But they were terrified, & was not bold enough to observe carefully.
not able to resist the Spirit or the wisdom that he spoke. 33
Then the MASTER said to him, Take off your sandals from
Because of this they bribed men to say, We heard him your feet; for this place on where you stand, is Holy ground.
speak evil words against Moses & GΘD. 12& they stirred up 34
I see; I know the bad treatment of MY people who are in
the people, & the sanhedrin elders, & the religious Egypt, & I hear their groaning & came down now to rescue
teachers, & came to him to catch him, & lead him to the them. & here now I send you into egypt. 35This Moses who
sanhedrin council. 13& placed false witnesses to say, This they refused, saying, Who placed you leader & judge?
man will not stop speaking evil words against this holy GΘD sent this leader & liberator with the Angel’s help that
place & the Law. 14Because we heard him say that this appeared to him in the bramble bush. 36This same 1, lead
Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place, & will change the them out doing miracles & signs in egypts land, & through
customs which Moses gave to us. 15& everyone who was the red sea & into the wilderness for 40 years. 37This is Moses,
sitting in the sanhedrin council looked carefully at him, saw who said to the children of Israel, GΘD your MASTER will rise
his face as if the face of an Angel. up a Prophet for you from your countrymen like me: listen
7 Then the high priest asked If these things were this way. to him. 38This is who was in the gathering in the wilderness
& he said, Men, brothers, & fathers listen; the GΘD of Glory with the Angel that spoke to him at the Sinai mountain, &
appeared to our ancestor Abraham who was in our ancestors received the living words from to give us.
Mesopotamia, before he lived in haran. 3Also he said to 39
Who our ancestors would not obey, instead was pushed
him, Go out of your region & from your relatives, & come away. & their hearts turned back to Egypt, 40saying to
into the land that I will show you. 4Then he went out of the Aaron, Make us gods that will lead us. For this Moses who
land of chaldeans to live in haran. & after his father died led us out of the egyptian land; we do not know what has
there, he moved him into this land that you now live in. 5But happened to him. 41So they made a calf during that day
HE gave him no inheritance in it, not even a footstep. Yet & offered sacrifices to the false image, & rejoiced with the
HE promised to give it to him for a possession, & his seed work of their hands. 42Then GΘD turned away & allowed
after him, yet he did not have children. 6& GΘD said this so them to worship the stars of the universe. Just as it is written
his children would live in a foreign land & be slaves of them, in the Prophets scrolls. Israel’s living: you did not offer to me
& oppressed for 400 years. 7& the nation who they would slain beasts & sacrifices for 40 years in the wilderness, 43&
be slaves to, I will judge, said GΘD. & after these things, raised up the tent of molech & the star of your god

they will come out & serve me in this place. 8& HE gave him remphan, images that you made to worship them. So I will
the circumcision covenant. & so Isaac was born & he was remove you past babylon. 44Our ancestors had witnessed
circumcised the 8th day; & Isaac, Jacob, & Jacob the 12 the tent temple in the wilderness, just as HE arranged,

tribe founders. 9& the founders were jealous, sold Joseph saying to Moses, Make it according to the form that you
see. 45That our ancestors also received in turn, bringing it in of the MASTER; returned to Jerusalem & proclaimed the
with Joshua into the living place of the non-jews, who GΘD good news to many villages of the Samaritans. 26& the
drove out in front of our ancestors; until the days of David. MASTER’s Angel spoke to Philip saying, Stand up & travel to
Who found favor before GΘD & asked to get a Temple the south, by the way that goes down from Jerusalem to
tent for the GΘD of Jacob. 47Instead Solomon built HIM a Gaza which is wilderness. 27So he got up & traveled. &
Temple. 48But the MOST HIGH does not live in Temples realize a ethiopian eunuch man of great authority,
made by hands. Just as the Prophet said, 49Heaven is MY ethiopian queen candace’s; who was over all her
THRONE & earth is MY footstool. What Temple can you treasures & who had come to Jerusalem to worship, 28was
build ME, or where is MY place of MY rest, says the MASTER? returning. While sitting in his chariot, he also read Isaiah the
Have MY HANDS not made everything? 51Stubborn & Prophet. 29Then the Spirit said to Philip, go near & join him
uncircumcised hearts & ears, you constantly resist the Holy in his chariot. 30So Philip ran to him, heard him reading the
Spirit as your ancestors; you also. 52Which of the Prophets Prophet Isaiah, & said, asking, Do you really understand
did your ancestors not persecute? & they killed those what you are reading? 31& he said this, For how can I, unless
before who announced about the coming of the righteous someone guides me? & he invited Philip to come up to sit
1, who you have now become betrayers & murderers; with him. 32& the contents of the Scripture that he read was
who received the Laws delivered by Angels, & have not this, He was led like a sheep to be slaughtered & like a
kept them. 54When they heard these things, they were cut lamb is voiceless, before its shearer, so He did not open His
in the heart & they grinded their teeth at him. 55& he was mouth the same. 33In His humbleness, His justice was
Holy Spirit filled; looked into Heaven seeing GΘD’s GLORY removed; so who will lead His generation, because His life
& Jesus standing by the RIGHT HAND of GΘD. 56So he said, was taken from the earth. 34& the eunuch answered Philip
Look, I see Heaven open & the Son of Mankind standing saying, I ask you about who the Prophet speaks this, about
by the RIGHT HAND of GΘD. 57Then they yelled out loud himself, or about someone else? 35Then Philip opened his
voices, covering their ears & rushed at him with one mouth & began at that same holy writing, proclaiming
passion. 58& forced him outside of the city to stone him. & Jesus to him. 36& as they traveled along the way, they
they laid their cloaks down at a young man’s feet, a came to some water & the eunuch said, Look, water, what
witness named saul. 59As they stoned Stephen, he called prevents me to be Baptized? 37Then Philip said, If you
out & said, Master Jesus receive my soul. 60Then he kneeled believe with all of your heart it is allowed. & he replied
down, yelling out with a loud voice, Master do not place saying, I believe Jesus the Anointed 1, is the Son of GΘD.
this sin to them. After saying this he died. 38
So he ordered the chariot to stand still. & they both went
8 Even saul was supporting his killing. & during that day down into the water; both Philip & the eunuch, & he
there was great persecution against their gatherings that Baptized him. 39& when they came up out of the water, the
were in Jerusalem. & they were all scattered throughout MASTER’s Spirit carried Philip away. & the eunuch did not
the Judean & samaria regions, except the Apostles. 2& see him anymore, yet he traveled his own way rejoicing.
these loyal men carried Stephen away to bury him, & 40
& Philip was found at azotus; & traveled proclaiming
mourned greatly over him. 3& saul devastated the throughout all the cities, until he came to caesarea.
gatherings, entering throughout the houses & dragging 9 & saul still breathed threats & murder to the Disciples of
men & women, to deliver them to prison. 4Then truly they the MASTER, went to the high priest 2to ask from him a letter
scattered, going different places proclaiming the good to damascus, to the synagogues; that if he finds someone
words. 5& Philip went down to the city of samaria, being this way, both, being men or women, he could bring
proclaiming the Anointed to them. 6& the people paid bound to Jerusalem. 3As he traveled coming near to
attention to what was said by listening to him & seeing the Damascus, then suddenly shined all around him light from
miracles that he did, became unified under Philip. 7For evil Heaven. 4& he fell to the ground; hearing a voice say to
spirits yelled out loud voices, as they came out of many him, Saul, saul, why do you persecute me? 5& he said who
possessed, & many paralyzed & lame were healed. 8& are you Sir? & the Master said, I am Jesus, who you
there was great joy in that city. 9But before a man named persecute hard; your kicks sting. 6So he was afraid &
simon in the city used magic & amazed the samaritan shocked, said, Master what do you want me to do? & the
people, saying he was someone great. 10Who everyone Master said to him, Stand up & enter into the city, & you will
gave attention to; from smallest to the greatest said, This is be told what to do. 7& the men that traveled with him
the great power of GΘD. 11& to him they gave attention, stood speechless; truly hearing a voice, but seeing no-one.
because he had amazed them with magic a long time. 8
& Saul stood up from the ground. When he opened his
But when they believed Philip proclaiming this about the eyes, could see nothing. So they led him by the hand, to
Kingdom of GΘD & the name of Jesus the Anointed, both bring him into damascus. 9& he was 3 days without sight &
men & women were Baptized. 13Then Simon himself also did not eat or drink. 10& there was a Disciple in damascus
believed & was baptized, he continued with Philip. & he named Ananias. & to him the Master said in a vision,
was amazed watching the powerful miracles & signs, that Ananias, & he said, I know Master. 11& the Master to him,
were happening. 14When the Apostles that were in Stand up, travel on the street that is called straight, &
Jerusalem heard that Samaria received the words of GΘD, search in judas’s house; for named saul of tarsus, realize he
they sent to them Peter & John. 15Who came down to pray is praying. 12& he saw in a vision a man named Ananias
for them, so that they would receive the Holy Spirit. 16For it entering in & laying hands on him, so that he would recover
had not yet fallen on any of them, for they were only sight. 13& Ananias replied, Master I heard from many about
Baptized in the Name of the Master Jesus. 17Then they laid this man, how much evil he has done to YOUR Saints in
their hands on them, & they received the Holy Spirit. Jerusalem. 14& there he has authority from the high priest,
When Simon saw that through the Apostles laying on to bind everyone who calls Your Name. 15But the Master
hands, the Holy Spirit was given; he offered them money, said to him, Travel because he will be a chosen instrument
saying, Also give me this power, so that whoever I lay for Me, to declare My Name before the non-Jews & kings,
hands on, they will receive the Holy Spirit. 20But Peter said & Israel’s children. 16For I will show him how many things he
to him, Your money will be destroyed with you, because must suffer for My Name. 17Then Ananias went away &
you thought the gift of GΘD can be purchased with entered into the house, & laid hands on him, saying,
money. 21You will have not part or portion in this matter, for Brother saul, the Master Jesus appeared to you along the
your heart is not right before GΘD. 22So repent of your way that you came, has sent me, so that you can recover
evilness & pray to GΘD, so then your purpose of your heart sight & be Holy Spirit filled. 18& immediately, as his flakes fell

would be forgiven. 23For I know you are in bitter wickedness off from his eyes, so he recovered sight instantly, & stood
& unrighteous bondage. 24So simon responded saying, You up & got Baptized. 19When he received food, he became
pray to the MASTER for me that none of what you said strong. & Saul was with the Disciples in damascus some

comes on me. 25Then truly testified this & said the WORDS days. 20& immediately he was proclaiming the Anointed 1
in the synagogues, that this is the Son of GΘD. 21But all who because I have never eaten anything common or
heard him were shocked & said, Is this not the 1 who unclean. 15& the voice to him again from a 2nd time,
destroyed those who called on this Name in Jerusalem, & Whatever GΘD cleans, you do not consider common. 16&
came here so that he could lead them to the high priests this happened on 3 times. & the vessel rose up again into
chained? 22& Saul became more powerful & confused the Heaven. 17& while Peter was confused inside himself what
Jews that lived in Damascus, proving that this was the this vision that he saw would mean; & realize the men who
Anointed 1. 23& after many days, the religious jews took were sent from Cornelius, were standing before the large
council to kill him. 24But their plan against Saul was known. gate, asking for Simon’s house. 18& they called, asking if
& they watched the gates both day & night, so that they Simon that was renamed Peter, stayed as a guest there.
could kill him. 25So the Disciples took him at night, to lower 19
While Peter thought about the vision, the Spirit said to him,
him down by the city wall in a reed basket. 26When Saul Realize 3 men are searching for you. 20Stand up, go down
came to Jerusalem he attempted to join the Disciples, & travel with them, but do not doubt anything, because I
instead they were all afraid of him; not believing that he sent them. 21So Peter went down to the men who were sent
was a Disciple. 27But Barnabas took him, leading him to the to him from Cornelius saying, Realize, I am who you seek.
Apostles & described to them how he saw the Master What is the reason that you arrived for? 22& they said,
along the way. & that He spoke to him, & how he spoke Cornelius a centurion righteous man who also fears GΘD
boldly at damascus in the name of Jesus. 28& he was with & has good reports by all the nation of the Jews, was
them coming in & going out at Jerusalem. 29& he spoke instructed by a Holy Angel of GΘD to send for you in this
boldly in the name of the Master Jesus, & also disputed house, & to hear from your words. 23Then he invited them
against hellenists, instead they attempted to kill him. in to stay as guests. & the next day Peter went away with
When the fellow believers knew, they brought him down them & some fellow believers from joppa came with him.
to caesarea, & was sent away to tarsus. 31Then they truly 24
So the next day they entered into caesarea & Cornelius
held peaceful assemblies, constructing buildings waited for them. They called together his relatives & close
throughout all Judea, & Galilee, & Samaria. & they friends. 25As Peter was entering in Cornelius met with him &
traveled respecting the MASTER. & the encouragement of fell down at feet to worship him. 26So Peter raised him up,
the Holy Spirit multiplied. 32& this happened; as Peter saying, Stand up I am also a human. 27As he talked with
traveled everywhere, he also went down to the Saints that him, he entered in & found many had come. 28& he said to
lived in Lydda. 33& there he found a sick man named them, You know how it is unlawful for a Jewish man to join
Aeneas who was paralyzed, on a bed for 8 years. 34So or worship with foreigners; but GΘD showed me to call no-
Peter said to him, Aeneas, Jesus the Anointed 1 heals you; one common or unclean. 29So therefore I came without
stand up & make your bed, & he stood up immediately. contradiction when I was sent for, so I ask, what reason do
& all living in Lydda & Sharon that saw him, turned to the you ask for me. 30Then Cornelius said, 4 days ago I was
Master. 36& there was a female Disciple named Tabitha in fasting until this time, at the 3p.m. hour I prayed in my house.
joppa, which translated means gazelle, this 1 was full of & realized a man was standing before me in shining
good works & mercy that she did. 37During those days she clothing, 31& said, Cornelius your prayer was heard & your
became sick & died. After they washed her, they laid her good deeds are remembered before GΘD. 32So send to
down in an upper room. 38Lydda was near joppa & the joppa & invite Simon who called Peter, here. He is staying
Disciples heard that Peter was there. They sent to him 2 in the house of Simon, a tanner by the sea, who will come
men, to ask him to not delay to come to them. 39Then Peter to speak to you. 33So immediately, I sent for you & you have
got up to go with them, when he arrived, they led him into done well to come. So now we are ready before GΘD, to
the upper room. & all the widows stood beside him crying, hear everything commanded to you by GΘD. 34Then Peter
& showing how many clothes & cloaks dorcas had made opened his mouth to say, By truth I understand that GΘD
for them. 40Peter sent them all outside & kneeled down to does not discriminate. 35Yet in every nation, whoever fears
pray, then turned back to the body saying, Tabitha get up! HIM & does good righteous works, is acceptable to HIM.
Then she opened her eyes, sat up & saw Peter. 41& he gave 36
The WORDS that were sent to the Children of Israel,
her his hand to stand her up, & called the Saints & widows proclaiming peace through Jesus the Anointed 1, He is
presenting her alive. 42& this became known throughout all Master of everyone. 37The words that I say, you know are
Joppa, & many believed in the Master. 43After this published throughout all of Judea, began from Galilee,
happened, he remained many days in Joppa, with Simon after the Baptism that John proclaimed. 38Even as GΘD
a tanner. anointed Jesus of Nazareth with Holy Spirit power. & Who
10 & there was a man in caesarea named Cornelius, a traveled doing good & healed everyone oppressed by the
centurion from a detachment called Italian; 2dedicated & false accuser, because GΘD was with him. 39& we are all
feared GΘD with all his household. & He did many good witnesses that He did both in the land of the Jews, & in
deeds for the poor people, & constantly prayed to GΘD. Jerusalem, & where they crucified, killing Him on a cross.
He saw in a vision clearly, about 3p.m. of the day, an Angel 40
GΘD raised this 1 up the 3rd day, & He appeared openly
of GΘD came to him & said to him, Cornelius. 4When he in public. 41Not to all the people, but to witnesses chosen
looked at it, he became terrified & said, What is it Sir? & it before by GΘD to us, who ate & drank with Him after He
said to him, Your prayers & your good deeds for the poor rose from the dead. 42& He commanded us to proclaim to
went up for a reminder before GΘD. 5So now send men to the people, & to testify that it is by Him that GΘD
Joppa & invite Simon who called Peter. 6Who stays as a appointed, to judge the living & the dead. 43This 1 all the
guest with Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea, this Prophets testified that through His Name, whoever believes
1 will tell you what you must do. 7& when the Angel that in Him, will receive forgiveness of sins. 44While Peter spoke
spoke to Cornelius left, he called 2 of his household these words, the Holy Spirit fell on all who listened to the
servants, & a dedicated soldier who attended to him words. 45& from the circumcised who believed were
constantly. 8After he discussed everything to them, he sent amazed, whoever came with Peter, because on the non-
them to joppa. 9So the next day they traveled & came Jews also was poured out the gift of the Holy Spirit. 46For
near to the city, Peter went up to the roof to pray, about they heard them speak languages, & glorified GΘD. Then
noon time. 10& he became very hungry & would have they responded to Peter, 47Can someone refuse water,
eaten, but as they were preparing food he fell into a these were not Baptized, who have received the Holy
trance. 11& he saw Heaven open up & a vessel come down Spirit, also just as us? 48He also commanded them to be
to him, as a great linen sheet, 4 corners were tied & Baptized in the Name of the Master. Then they asked him

lowered down to the earth. 12In which were every 4 footed to stay some days.
animals of the earth, & wild animals, & creeping reptiles, & 11 & the Apostles & fellow believers that were throughout
flying birds of the sky. 13Then came a voice to him, Stand Judea, heard that the non-Jews also received the Word of

up Peter, kill & eat. 14But Peter said, By no means MASTER, GΘD. 2& when Peter went up to Jerusalem, those from the
circumcised opposed against him, 3because they said, because he thought he was seeing a vision. 10When they
You went to uncircumcised men & ate with them. 4So Peter traveled past the 1st & the 2nd guards, they came to the
began to be clearer in order, saying to them, 5I was in the iron gate that leads to the city, which opened for them on
city of joppa praying, & in a trance. I saw a vision, a vessel its own. & they went out continuing on 1 trail, & instantly
came down as a large linen sheet lowered down 4 corners the Angel left from him. 11When Peter was by himself, he
from Heaven & it came to me. 6I looked at it carefully & said, Now I truly know that the Master sent His Angel &
saw seeing 4 footed animals of the earth, & wild animals, rescued me from herod’s hands, & all the expectations of
& creeping reptiles, & flying birds of the sky. 7& I heard a the religious jewish people. 12Knowing both he went to the
voice say to me, Stand up Peter, kill & eat. 8But I said, By no house of Mary, the mother of John, called Mark, where
means MASTER, because never any common or unclean many were gathered together & praying. 13When Peter
thing has entered into my mouth. 9But the voice replied to knocked at the entrance of the gate, a young girl came
me again from Heaven, Whatever GΘD cleans, you do not to listen, named Rhoda. 14& when she knew Peter’s voice,
consider common. 10& this happened on 3 times. & she did not open the gate from joy, instead ran in to
everything rose up again into Heaven. 11& realized announce, Peter was standing before the gate. 15But they
instantly, there were 3 men already at the house where I said to her, You are crazy. & she confidently confirmed it
was, sent from caesera to me. 12& the Spirit said to me, Go was so. Then they said that It is his Angel. 16& Peter
with them, do not doubt anything. & also these 6 fellow continued knocking; when they opened & saw him, they
believers came with me, & we entered into this man’s were shocked. 17& he signaled to them with his hand to
house. 13& he announced to us how he saw an Angel keep silent, to describe to them how the Master had
standing in his house & it said to him, send men to joppa. & brought him out of the prison. & he said, Announce these
invite Simon who is called Peter, 14who will tell you by words things to James, & the fellow believers. & he left, traveling
with you & all of your house will be saved. 15& as I began to to another place. 18When it became day, there was not a
speak, the Holy Spirit fell on them, exactly as it came on us disturbance with the soldiers, about what happened to
at the beginning also. 16Then I remembered the Master’s Peter. 19When herod demanded him & did not find him, he
words, how He said, John truly Baptized with water, & you investigated the guards; ordering them to be killed. & he
will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. 17So then if GΘD gave went from Judea to caesarea to stay. 20& herod was very
them the gift equal & exactly as us, who believed in the angry with the tyre’s & the sidon’s. So they came to him
Master Jesus, the Anointed 1, so who was I to refuse GΘD? unanimously, & made friends with blastus, the king’s officer
When they heard these things, they were silent & glorified over the bed chamber. For they wanted peace, because
GΘD, saying, Then GΘD surely has given also to the non- their country was supported by their king’s country. 21&
Jews repentance to live. 19Now truly those scattered from herod planned a gathering day to put on royal clothing, &
the persecution that happened to Stephen traveled as far sat on his throne & talked to them. 22So the people
as phenicia, & Cyprus, & Antioch speaking the words to shouted, The voice of god & not a human. 23So instantly the
no-one except only Jews. 20& some of them were men of MASTER’s Angel struck him, because of this; he did not give
cyprus & cyrene, who entered into Antioch speaking to the GΘD the glory, breathed out his life & was eaten by worms.
greeks, proclaiming the Master Jesus. 21& the Master’s 24
& the WORDS of GΘD grew & multiplied. 25& Barnabas &
power was with them, many numbers believed & turned to Saul returned from Jerusalem to complete their ministry, &
the Master. 22& words about them were heard to the ears took along with them John, called Mark.
of the gatherings in Jerusalem, so they sent out Barnabas 13 & there were in the gathering some Prophets &
to go as far as Antioch. 23Who appeared & saw the favor Teachers in Antioch. Who both Barnabas & Simon called,
of GΘD, rejoiced & called for everyone’s hearts purpose black & light from cyrene & manaen, who grew up with
to remain with the MASTER. 24For he was a good man, & full herod the governor, & Saul. 2& they served the Master &
of the Holy Spirit & faith. & many people were added to fasted. The Holy Spirit spoke, Now separate to me both
the Master. 25Afterwards Barnabas went to tarsus to seek Barnabas & Saul, for the work that I called them. 3Then they
Saul. 26When he found him, he led him to Antioch. A whole fasted & prayed, & laid their hands on them, to send them
year after they had been gathering together in the away. 4Then being truly sent out by the Holy Spirit to go to
meetings, & many people were taught, then the Disciples seleucia, & from there they sailed away to cyprus. 5When
were called Christians 1st in Antioch. 27& during those days, they were in salamis, & they also had John to minister,
Prophets came from Jerusalem to Antioch. 28& 1 of them proclaiming the WORDS of GΘD, in the synagogues of the
rose up named Agabus, gave a sign by the Spirit, there was Jews. 6& they traveled through the island until paphos.
about to be a great famine throughout the whole earth, They found a sorcerer, false prophet, religious Jew; who
which also happened during claudius caesar. 29So each of was called barjesus. 7Who was with the governor Sergius
the Disciples, according to their abilities, were appointed Paulus, this 1 invited Barnabas & Saul, wanting to hear the
to send aid to the fellow Believers who lived in Judea. WORDS of GΘD. 8But elymas the sorcerer; for this is his
Who also did send it to the Elders through the hands of name translated, opposed them, wanting to corrupt the
Barnabas & Saul. governor from the faith. 9& Saul, Paul, who also was filled
12 & about that time, herod the king, used his power to with the Holy Spirit, & stared at him, 10saying, Oh full of all
oppress some of the gatherings, 2& killed James the brother lies & all wickedness, son of satan, enemy of all
of John, with a sword. 3When he realized that this pleased righteousness! You do not stop corrupting the true ways of
the religious jews, he also added Peter, arresting him. & the Master! 11So now, know the MASTER’s power will be
these were days of unfermented bread. 4& when he was against you. & you will be blind; not seeing the sun until the
captured, was put into prison; 4 guards of soldiers to guard proper time, & instantly mist & darkness fell on him. & he
him, intending after Passover to bring him to the people. walked around asking to be led by hand. 12Then the
So Peter was guarded in prison, but prayer was governor saw this happen, was amazed; believing about
happening constantly by the gatherings to GΘD for him. the teachings of the Master. 13Afterwards Paul sailed away
& when herod was about to lead him out, that same night from paphos, they came to perga, Pamphylia. Then John
Peter was sleeping between 2 soldiers, bound with 2 left away from them, returning to Jerusalem. 14When they
chains, & guards in front of the door guarding the prison. left from perga they went to Antioch, Pisidia, & entered
& realize the Master’s Angel arrived & light shined in the into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, to sit down. 15&
prison. & it knocked Peter gently in the side, waking him up, after the reading of the Laws & the Prophets, the ruler of
saying, Stand up quickly & his chains fell off from his hands. the synagogue sent for them saying, Men, brothers, if you

& the Angel said to him, Fasten yourself, & put your sandals are with comforting words, speak to the people. 16So Paul
on. So he did, & then it said to him, Put your cloak around stood up & signaled with his hand, & said, Men of Israel who
you & follow me. 9& he following it going out, & he did not fear GΘD, listen. 17The GΘD of this people of Israel chose

think that it was true, what happened by the Angel, our ancestors, & lifted up the people with those living in the
land of Egypt, & with high power HE lead them out. 18& disbelieving religious Jews stirred up the non-Jews minds to
about 40 year time, HE suffered with them in the wilderness. oppress against the Believers. 3So after a while, truly they
When HE destroyed 7 nations in the land of canaan, HE were speaking boldly for the Master that gave testimony
distributed the land to them by lots. 20& after these things, to the WORDS of His lovingness, & allowed signs & miracles
HE also gave them judges for about 450 years until Samuel to happen through their hands. 4But the population of the
the Prophet. 21Afterwards, they wanted a king, so GΘD city was divided, truly between those with the religious
gave them Saul, son of kish, a man from the tribe of Jews & those with the Apostles. 5& as there was an assault
Benjamin, for 40 years. 22After removing him, HE rose David by both the non-jews & with their religious leaders jews to
up to be king for them, who was also given a good report, treat them shamefully, & to stone them; 6they knew,
said, I found David, the son of Jesse, who did all of MY will, escaping to lystra & derbe, cities of lycaonia, & the region
a man towards MY OWN HEART. 23From this 1’s seed GΘD around it. 7& there they were proclaiming the good news.
according to HIS promise, raised Jesus, Israel’s Savior. 8
& a man sat down in lystra without feet strength, who was
John announced before His coming, the Baptism of lame from his mother’s womb, who had never walked. 9This
repentance to all the people of Israel. 25& as John 1 heard Paul speak, who stared at him & knew that he had
completed his course, he said, Who do you think I am? I faith to be healed, 10said with a loud voice, Stand up
am not, but know 1 comes after me, whose feet sandals, I straight on your feet. & he jumped & walked. 11When the
am not deserving to untie. 26Men, fellow believers, children people saw what Paul did, they raised their voices up,
of the family of Abraham & whoever in you who fears saying Lycaonistically, The god’s have come down to us
GΘD, to you the words of this salvation is sent. 27For those like humans. 12& they truly called Barnabas Jupiter, & Paul
living in Jerusalem & their leaders, did not know this 1, & the Mercury, because he was the lead speaker. 13& the priest
voices of the Prophets that read every Sabbath, they of Jupiter, who was in front of their city, brought bulls &
fulfilled condemning Him. 28& they found no crime of wreaths to the gates; wanting to sacrifice with the people.
death, yet they begged Pilate, to kill Him. 29& as they 14
When the Apostles, Barnabas & Paul heard this, tore their
finished everything written about Him, they took Him down own clothes; ran to the people, yelling out, 15& saying, Sirs,
from the wood, to lay Him into a tomb. 30But GΘD raised why are you doing these things? We are also men of similar
Him from the dead. 31Who was seen very many days, with feelings as you, announcing good news to you. Turn away
those of His who went up from Galilee to Jerusalem, who from these idols, to the living GΘD, WHO made the
are His witnesses to the people. 32& we proclaim to you universe, & earth, & sea, & everything that is in them.
good news, that the promise was to the ancestors. 16
WHO in times past, allowed all nations to walk in their own
Because GΘD fulfills this same for us, their children, to ways. 17& yet HE did not leave us without evidence, doing
raise Jesus up as it was written also in the 2nd Psalm, You are good, giving us rain from the sky & fruitful seasons, filling up
MY Son, this day I give birth to You. 34& because HE raised our insides with food, & prepared joy. 18& these words
Him up from the dead, no more decay will return. HE said hardly quieted the people, to not sacrifice to them. 19Then
for this reason, I will give you the trustworthy holiness of religious Jews arrived from Antioch & Iconium, &
David. 35Because of him, HE said also in another, Your Holy persuaded the people to stone Paul, & dragging him
1 will not know decay. 36For truly David served his own outside the city, assuming he was dead. 20As the Disciples
generation, by the will of GΘD; was laid to rest & added to surrounded him, he rose up to go into the city. & the next
his ancestors & knew decay. 37But Who GΘD rose up, did day he left with Barnabas to derbe. 21Also they announced
not experience decay. 38So be it known to you men, fellow the good news to that city, & taught many. They returned
Believers that through this 1 is proclaimed to you the to lystra, & iconium, & Antioch, 22to strengthen the souls of
forgiveness of sins. 39& by this 1, all who believe become the Disciples. Encouraging them to continue in the belief,
righteous, everything that you were not able to be & that it is necessary to have much troubles to enter into
righteous by the law of Moses from. 40So understand this, the Kingdom of GΘD. 23They appointed Elders for the
otherwise what was said by the Prophets will come on you. assemblies with prayer & fasting. They were placed before
So realize, haters will wonder & be destroyed; because I the Master, Who they believed in. 24Afterwards, they
worked miracles during your days, miracles that you did traveled through pisidia, arriving in pamphylia. 25After
not believe, even if someone explained it to you. 42When speaking the WORDS in perga, they went down into
the Jews went out of the synagogue, the non-Jews asked attalia. 26Afterwards, they sailed to Antioch, where GΘD’s
them to tell them these words for the next Sabbath. 43Now favor recommended the work to be completed. 27When
the synagogue was released, many of the worshiping Jews they arrived, & gathered the assembly together, they
& strangers, followed Paul & Barnabas. Who spoke to them, announced how much GΘD had done with them, & how
persuading them to continue in the lovingness of GΘD. HE opened the door of truth to the non-Jews. 28& they did
So the next Sabbath, almost all of the city gathered not remain there for a short time with the Disciples.
together to hear the WORDS of GΘD. 45But the religious 15 & someone came down from Judea, teaching the
Jews saw the crowd & they were filled with jealously, fellow believers, unless you do the circumcised custom of
blasphemed, & spoke against things said by Paul. 46Then Moses, you cannot be saved. 2Then Paul & Barnabas had
Paul & Barnabas spoke boldly, It was necessary that the no small uprising, & they discussed with them, deciding
WORDS of GΘD were said to you first, but when you Paul & Barnabas, & some others of them should go up to
rejected it, then you judged yourselves not worthy of Jerusalem to the Apostles & Elders about this debate. 3&
eternal life. See we have turned to the non-Jews. 47For this truly were sent out by the assembly, they traveled through
reason, the Master ordered us, You will be placed as lights phenicia & samaria, telling their conversions about the
for the non-Jews. You will exist to save to the ends of the Non-Jews. So they caused great joy to all the believers.
earth. 48When the non-Jews heard this, they rejoiced & 4
When they came to Jerusalem, they were welcomed by
glorified the WORDS of the Master. & however many the church, & the Apostles, & Elders. So they announced
believed, were accepted into eternal life. 49& the WORDS how much GΘD had done with them. 5But some of the
of the Master were shared throughout the whole region. pharisees believed that it is necessary to circumcise them;
But the religious Jews stirred up the worshippers & rose up to said they disagreed, & commanded to guard
honorable women. & the leaders of the city also stirred up the law of Moses. 6& the Apostles & Elders came together
persecution against Paul & Barnabas, & threw them out of to consider about this matter. 7After there was much
their region. 51So they shook off the dust from their feet discussion, Peter stood up to say to them, Men, believers,
against them, then traveled to iconium. 52& the Disciples you know that the original old days, GΘD choose us from

were filled with joy & the Holy Spirit. the non-Jews. By my mouth they would hear the WORDS
14 & this happened in iconium; they entered together into of the good news & believe. 8& GΘD knows their hearts,
the synagogue of the religious Jews, so to speak to many gave them the Holy Spirit as evidence, as also us. 9& there

crowds of both Jews & Greeks, would believe. 2But the is no difference between us & them, purified their hearts by
believing. 10So then, why now test GΘD, by putting a yoke the WORDS in asia. 7Arriving to mysia, they tried to travel to
on the neck of the Disciples, who not even our ancestors bithynia, but the Spirit did not allow them. 8After passing by
or us are able carry? 11Instead we believe through the mysia, they came down to troas. 9& vision appeared to
Master Jesus, the Anointed 1’s lovingness, they will be Paul in the night; a macedonian man was standing, &
saved just as us. 12Then the whole crowd kept silent, & called him, saying, Come over into macedonia to help us.
listened to Barnabas & Paul explain how many signs & 10
& after seeing the vision, immediately he was seeking to
miracles GΘD did with the non-Jews through them. 13& go into macedonia, instructing that the Master had called
after they kept silent, James replied, saying, Men, us announce the good news to them. 11Then sailed away
believers, listen to me. 14Simon explained how GΘD 1st from troas, they sailed straight to samothracia, & the next
looked at the races to claim from them a people for HIS day to neapolis. 12& from there to philippi; which was the
NAME. 15& to this agrees with the WORDS of the Prophets 1st part of the macedonia colony. & they were staying in
just as it was written, 16After this I will turn back & rebuild the that city some days. 13Also on the Sabbath day, they went
temple of David that fell down again. & I will rebuild it from outside of the city by a river, where prayer was not
the ruins of it, & I will set it up; 17so that the remaining people supposed to happen. & they sat down to speak to the
who might search for the MASTER, & all the races who call gathered women. 14& a woman named Lydia, a seller of
on MY NAME, says the MASTER, who did all of these things. purple fabric of thyatira city; a worshiper of GΘD, whose
GΘD made All HIS works well known from the beginning. heart the Master opened, came near to hear Paul speak.
For this reason my decision is; do not trouble those from 15
After she & her household were Baptized, she invited
the non-Jews who turned to GΘD. 20Instead write a letter them saying, If you determine me to be faithful to the
to them to abstain from pollutions of idols, & adultery, & Master, enter in & stay in my house. & they were
strangled animals & blood. 21For Moses originally from the compelled. 16After this, as they traveled to pray, a young
beginning, had the speakers throughout the city read in girl possessed with an evil spirit of fortune telling met them;
the synagogues every Sabbath day. 22Then this pleased who offered her owners much profit by foretelling. 17This 1
the Apostles, & Elders, together with the whole assembly, followed after Paul & them. She yelled saying, These
to send chosen men; Judas called Barsabas, & Silas, to people are servants of the highest GΘD, WHO announced
lead the men with the fellow believers from their own to the way of salvation to us. 18& she did this for many days,
Antioch, with Paul & Barnabas. 23They wrote letters by them so Paul was bothered, turned & said to the evil spirit, I order
as follows: the Apostles, Elders, & believers send greetings you in the Name of the Anointed Jesus, come out of her. &
to the believers who are from non-Jews throughout it came out that same moment. 19When her masters knew
Antioch, syria, & cilicia. 24Since we heard that some went that the expectation of their profits were gone, they seized
out from us, have troubled you with words, upsetting your Paul & Silas, leading them off to the assembly of the rulers.
spirits, saying, You must be circumcised & keep the laws, 20
So they brought them to the commanders saying, These
which we did not order. 25We assembled together to men are Jews causing trouble in our city. 21& teaching
unanimously send chosen men to you, with our dearly customs that are not lawful for us to accept or do, being
loved Barnabas & Paul. 26People give their lives over to the romans. 22So the crowd rose up against them, & the
Name of our Anointed Master Jesus. 27So we have sent commander tore off his cloak, ordering them beaten.
Judas & Silas, who will also tell you the same words. 28For it 23
After they put many wounds on them, they threw them
was determined by the Holy Spirit & to us to not impose any into prison, ordering the jailor to guard them securely.
greater burden besides these necessities: 29Hold off from 24
Who received this type of command, threw them into the
sacrifices to idols, & blood, & strangled animals, & inner prison, & secured their feet in the shackles. 25& at
fornication from what avoid yourselves; you will do well, be midnight, Paul & Silas prayed & sang praises to GΘD; the
strong. 30When they were truly dismissed, they went to prisoners also listened to them. 26& suddenly there was a
Antioch. When they gathered together a great number, great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison
they delivered the letters. 31After they read, they rejoiced was shaken & instantly all the doors were opened, & all
over the instructions. 32Both Judas & Silas, who were shackles were loose. 27& the jailor was woke up & saw the
Prophets themselves, also confirmed them & encouraged prison doors open, drew out a sword, he was about to kill
the believers with many words. 33After they did things there himself thinking the prisoners escaped. 28But Paul yelled out
a while, they were released with peace from the believers with a loud voice saying, Do not harm yourself, for we are
to the Apostles. 34But Silas was pleased to stay there. 35Paul all here. 29Then he called for a light & was terrified, falling
& also Barnabas spent time in Antioch teaching & down before Paul & Silas. 30After leading them outside
proclaiming the WORDS of the Master with many others asked, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? 31& they said,
also. 36& some days after, Paul said to Barnabas, Now Believe in the Master Jesus The Anointed 1, & you & your
return to visit where our fellow believers throughout every household will be saved. 32& they spoke to him & everyone
city that we proclaimed the WORDS of the Master; how in that household the WORDS of the Master. 33& he took
they are doing. 37& Barnabas considered taking along with them the same hour of the night; washed their wounds, &
them John, called Mark. 38But Paul did not think it was right he & all of his were immediately Baptized. 34& brought
to take this 1 along with them; who went away from them them into his house, setting food before them & rejoiced
from Pamphylia, & did not come with them to do the work. believing in GΘD, with all his household. 35& during that
Because of this dispute they separated from each other. day, the army commander sent sergeants, saying, release
& so Barnabas took Mark to sail away to cyprus. 40& Paul those people. 36& the prison warden announced this
chose Silas, recommended by the believers, who GΘD saying to Paul, The commander sent orders to free you, so
favored, to leave with. 41& they went through syria & Cilicia, now go in peace. 37But Paul said to them, They beat us
to strengthen the assemblies. publicly without a trial, being roman citizens thrown into
16 Then they came to derbe & lystra, & realize; a Disciple prison, & now they send us out privately? Truly not, instead
was there named Timothy, a son of a Jewish woman who have them come to lead us out. 38So the sergeants told
believed, but his father was greek. 2Which was reported by these words to the commander of the army. When he
the Believers at lystra & Iionium. 3This 1 Paul went with him, heard that they were Romans he feared. 39& he came to
& took to circumcise him. Because of the religious Jews speak to them & led them out, asking them to leave the
who were in that area; for they knew everything, that his city. 40After they left from the prison, they entered into
father was greek. 4& as they traveled through the city, they Lydia’s. When they saw the believers, they comforted
delivered the Laws to keep, decided by the Apostles & them & left.

Elders, who were in Jerusalem. 5& truly the assemblies were 17 After they traveled through amphipolis & apollonia;
solidified in their beliefs, & increased their numbers daily. they came to thessalonica, where there was a Jewish
After they traveled throughout phrygia, & the region of syngagoue. 2& as Paul was used to entering in with them,

galatia, they were prevented by the Holy Spirit to teach & for 3 sabbath days, discussed from the Holy Scriptures to
them. 3Opened & presented that it was necessary the pontus. Who recently came from italy, with his wife Priscilla
Anointed suffer & rise up from dead; & that this Jesus, Who came to them, because claudias ordered all Jews to
I announced to you, is the Anointed. 4& some of them leave from rome. 3& because he was of the same trade,
believed, & associated with Paul & Silas. & the many stayed with them & worked their trade, for they were
numbers of Greeks worshipped & the influential women, tentmakers. 4& he discussed in the synagogue to everyone
not just a few. 5But the unbelieving & jealous Jews took during the Sabbath, & persuaded the Jews & Greeks. 5&
some evil men, the hucksters, & gathered together when both Silas & Timothy came down from macedonia,
disturbing the city. & they assaulted the house of Jason to Paul was compelled by the Spirit, to witness to the Jews
bring them out to the people. 6When they did not find about the Anointed Jesus. 6They opposed & blasphemed,
them, they dragged Jason, & some fellow believers to the so he shook off his cloak, saying to them, Your blood is on
city rulers shouting, These who stirred up the roman empire, your own heads, I am clean from you now; I will travel to
have also arrived here. 7Jason received all of these & does the non-Jews. 7So he left from that place, entering into a
things against the laws of caesar saying, Jesus is another house named Justus’s, who worshiped GΘD, whose house
King. 8& they stirred up the people & the city rulers, who was connected to the synagogue. 8But Crispus the ruler of
heard this. 9After they held Jason & the others long the synagogue believed in the MASTER with all of his
enough, they freed them. 10So the fellow believers household. & many of the corinthians heard, believed &
immediately sent both Paul & Silas away at night to Berea; were Baptized. 9& the MASTER spoke to Paul during the
these same arrived, went into the synagogue of the Jews. night through a vision, Do not be afraid, but speak, & do
& these were nobler than those in thessalonica, who not be silent. 10For I am with you! So no-one will attack you
received the words with all eagerness, investigating the to harm you, for I have many of my own people in this city.
Holy Writings daily, if these things were so. 12Then truly many 11
& he continued living there a year & 6 months, teaching
of them believed; also honorable women & men that were the WORDS of GΘD with them. 12While gallio the governor
greek, not just a few. 13But when the religious Jews of of achaia, the religious Jews set up unanimously against
thessalonica knew that the WORDS of GΘD was Paul. & lead him to the judgment seat, 13saying that, This
proclaimed also by Paul in Berea, they also came there to stirs up men to worship GΘD in ways against the law.
disturb the people. 14So then the brothers immediately sent 14
When Paul was about to open his mouth, gallio said to
Paul away to travel by way of the sea. But both Silas & the religious Jews, So If it was truly an evil doing or wicked
Timothy stayed there. 15& they lead Paul, placing him in behavior, oh religious Jews these, I would support you. 15But
athens, until they received the orders from Silas & Timothy if it is a question about words, & names, & about your laws,
for him to come. So then they left. 16While Paul waited for you look into it; for I will be no judge of these. 16& he
them in athens, his Spirit burned with anger in him, seeing dismissed them from the judgment seat. 17& all the greeks
the city was full of idols. 17Then he truly disputed with the took sosthenes, the ruler of the synagogue with them, to
religious Jews & those worshiping in the synagogue, & in all beat him before the judgment seat. & gallio did not care
the daily market places with whoever he happened to about none of these things. 18& Paul still remained there
meet. 18& some philosophers of the epicureans & of the long enough, said goodbye to the Believers, sailing away
stoics, met him; & some said, What will this babbler say? into syria, & with him Priscilla & Aquila; sheared his head in
This 1 seems to be proclaiming strange gods. Because he cenchrea for he had a vow. 19& he arrived in Ephesus. &
proclaimed to them Jesus & the resurrection. 19& they he left them behind there, so he entered into the
seized him, leading him to areopagus saying, Are we able synagogue by himself to reason with the Jews. 20& they
to know what this new teaching by what you speak is? 20For asked him to remain a longer time with them; he did not
you brought some strange things into our ears. We want to agree. 21So they separated, saying, Goodbye, I must surely
know then what these things might mean. 21& all the make festival coming in Jerusalem. But I will return again to
athenians & foreigner living there, spent time in nothing you, if GΘD wills it, & sailed from ephesus. 22When he
else, except to say & hear something new. 22Then Paul landed at caesarea, going up was welcomed by the
stood on middle of areopagus peak, said, Men of athens, church, then went down to antioch. 23After he spent some
I see that you are superstitious with everything. 23For as I time, left traveling the region of galatia & phrygia, in order
traveled through & looked carefully at your devotions, I to strengthen all of the Disciples. 24& a Jew named apollos,
also found this inscribed, To an unknown god. So you do born in alexandria, a vocal speaker man that was powerful
not know who you are worshipping. I will tell you this. 24GΘD with the Holy Writings came to ephesus. 25This 1 was
made the world & everything in it, this is the MASTER of instructed the ways of the MASTER, & the Spirit was hot in
Heaven & earth, WHO does not live in temples made by him. He spoke & accurately taught exactly the things
human hands. 25No even by human’s hands are needed about the MASTER; they only knew about the Baptism of
to serve HIM anything. HE gave everyone life & breath, to John’s. 26& this 1 began to speak boldly in the synagogue.
everything. 26& made from 1 blood all the nations of & when they, aquila & priscilla heard, they took him to
mankind living on all the surface of the earth; determining them, & explained to him ways of GΘD more perfectly.
the seasons beforehand, & the limits of their living places. 27
When he was willing, traveled to achaia. The Believers
Seek the MASTER, if you truly search for & find HIM, yet HE wrote to encourage the Disciples to receive him. Who
is not far from every 1 of us. 28For with HIM we have life, & when he arrived was helped by many who believed
move, & exist, as 1. Also by your poets said, For we are also through lovingness. 28For he was mightily convinced by the
his same nature. 29So we are GΘD’s children, we should not Jews publicly showing him, through the scriptures; Jesus
think the nature of GΘD is similar to gold, or silver, or craved was the Anointed 1.
stone, even human thoughts. 30Then truly the time of not 19 & while Apollos was in corinth, Paul traveled through the
knowing has been ignored, now GΘD commands all upper parts, arriving in ephesus, & found some Disciples.
mankind everywhere to repent. 31For HE has established a 2
He said to them, Have you received the Holy Spirit after
day by which the world will be judged in righteousness, by believing? & they said to him, But we did not hear that
a man who HE appointed to show truth to everyone; He there was a Holy Spirit. 3& he said to them, Then for what
was raised from the dead. 32When they heard resurrected were you Baptized? & this they said, Into John’s Baptism.
from the dead, some truly mocked; & others said, We will 4
Then Paul said, John truly Baptized the Baptism of
hear from you, about this 1 next time. 33& so Paul left from repentance, saying to the people, so that they would
the middle of them. 34But some people joined together believe in Who was coming after him, that is, in Jesus the
with him & believed; from those were dionysius the Anointed 1. 5After they heard this, they were Baptized in

areopagite, & a woman named damaris, & others with the name of the Master Jesus. 6When Paul laid his hands on
them. them, the Holy Spirit came on them, & they spoke
18 & after these things, Paul went away from athens, languages & prophesied. 7& all the men were about 12. 8&

arriving in corinth, 2& found a Jew named aquila, born in he entered into the synagogue, speaking boldly for 3
months, discussing & persuading about the Kingdom of 20 & after the uproar stopped, Paul called to the Disciples
GΘD. 9But as some were hardened & disbelieved, spoke & greeted them, left to travel into macedonia. 2& he went
evil ways before the crowds, he went away from them, through these parts & many taught to them much, he
separating the Disciples who disputed daily throughout, in came into greece. 3& he did 3 months by the religious Jews
the school of 1 tyrannus. 10& this happened for 2 years, so were plotting for him he was about to sail into syria he was
that all who lived in asia heard the WORDS of the Master advised to return through macedonia. 4& accompanied
Jesus, both Jews & greeks. 11& GΘD did not do common him into asia Sopater of berea & thessalonians Aristarchus
miracles through the hands of Paul. 12So much that & Secendus & Gaius of derbe & Timothy & asia tychicus &
handkerchiefs or aprons from his skin, were laid on the sick trophimus. 5These went before waiting for us in troas. 6& we
& their diseases were removed from them, & the evil spirits sailed away from philippi after the days of unleavened
went out of them. 13But some of the religious jews bread & came to them to troas until 5 days where we spent
wandering, wanted to exorcist evil spirits; tried to call out 7 days. 7& on the 1st of the week the Disciples gathered
whoever had evil spirits in the Name of the Master Jesus, together to break food, Paul discussed to them was about
saying, We command you by Jesus who Paul proclaims. to go out on the next day & extended his words until
& they were 7 sons of sceva, a religious high priest jew, midnight. 8& were many torches in the upper room where
doing this. 15But the evil spirit replied saying, I know Jesus & they were gathered together. 9& sat down in a window a
Paul, but who are you? 16& the human in who the evil spirit young man named Eutychus he dropped with sleep falling
was in jumped them, & overpowered against them, so that down from the 3rd story & took up dead. 10So Paul went
they escaped out of that house naked & wounded. 17& this down laid on him & embraced him said, Do not trouble
became known to all the Jews & also greeks living in yourselves for his life is in him. 11So he went up, & broke
Ephesus. So fear fell on all of them, & the name of the bread, & ate, & they talked enough until to daylight, so he
Master Jesus was glorified. 18& many believed, came, went out. 12& they lead the living children & did not call
confessed & announced they were sinners. 19& many who measures. 13& we went on to a ship to set sail to assos, from
did sorcery brought their scrolls to burn them before that place about to take Paul up for he was appointed, so
everyone. & they counted the value of those & found out; about to himself to travel by foot. 14& as they came
50,000 silver coins. 20So they grew strong through all the together to us, to assos, they took up to come to mitylene.
WORDS of GΘD & became powerful. 21& as these things 15
Afterwards, they set sail to come to the next, opposite
were complete, Paul was moved by the Spirit to go chios, & the other to throw before to samos, & remained in
through macedonia & achaia, to journey to Jerusalem, trogyllium, the have to come miletus. 16For Paul chose to
saying that, I have been here. I must also experience rome. sail by ephesus that he was not made to spend time in asia,
So he sent 2 servants to macedonia, Timothy & Erastus, he if he hurried he was able to come to Jerusalem for the day
stayed a while in asia. 23& this time throughout there was of Pentecost. 17& from miletus, he sent to ephesus, to call
no small stir about travelling. 24For someone named the elders of the assembly. 18So as they came near to him,
demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver diana shrines, he said to them, You know from the 1st day, from that I
supplied no small business for the craftsmen; 25who also entered into asia, I became fleshly with you every time.
gathered the workmen about this type together. & he said, 19
Serve the MASTER with every modesty, & many tears, &
Men, you know that by this business, we are wealthy. 26& trials happen to me by the plots of the religious Jews. 20As
you see & hear that not only in ephesus, but almost all of they drew back nothing profitable, did I not announce to
asia, this Paul is convincing many crowds to turn away, you, & publicly taught you, & throughout houses.
saying that, There are no gods that are made with hands. 21
Testifying both to Jews & Greeks, repentance to GΘD, &
But not only this, our trade is in danger of becoming faith to our Master Jesus the Anointed 1. 22& now look, I go
worthless. Yet also the temple of the great goddess diana bound the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing meeting with
to no purpose, & her glory is also about to demolished. me by there. 23Save that the Holy Spirit witnesses every city,
Who all of asia & the world worships. 28When they heard, saying that bonds & affliction remains me. 24But nothing
they became full of anger & yelled out, saying, Ephesians, said, neither have my life dear myself, as finish my course
diana is great! 29& the whole city was full of confusion, & with joy, & the ministering that I received from the Master
captured Paul's Macedonian companions, Gaius & Jesus, testifying the gospel of the favor of GΘD. 25& now
Aristarchus, & Sosipater, they rushed unanimously into the look, I know that you all, by who I go teaching the Kingdom
theatre. 30Paul wanted to go out in to the people, but the of GΘD, see my face no more. 26Then you testify this day,
Disciples did not let him. 31& the leader of asia who was his that I pure from the blood of all. 27For not shunned, not
friend, sent him a message, instructing him to not go into declaring to you all the counsel of GΘD. 28Then beware
the theatre. 32Others truly then yelled out 1 thing, others yourselves, & all the flock, by that the Holy Spirit made you
different things, for the gathering was confused. & the overseer, to feed the church of GΘD, that purchased with
majority did not know why they came together. 33& they his blood. 29For I know this, that after my departure,
dragged Alexander forward from the crowd, the religious grievous wolves enter among you, not sparing the flock.
Jews forced him to the front. & alexander signaled with his 30
Also from yourselves, you people rise, speaking corrupt,
hand, wanting to defend himself to the people. 34But tearing away Disciples after them. 31So watch, remember
realized that he was Jewish, all saying in their language for that I did not stop warning everyone night & day with tears
about 2 hours yelling, Ephesians, diana is great. 35When the for 3 years. 32So now fellow believers, I entrust you to GΘD,
town clerk quieted the crowd, he said, Men of ephesus, & the WORDS of HIS loving-kindness that are able to build
because what person is there that does not know the city you up, & give you an inheritance with everyone Holy. 33I
of ephesus worships the great goddess diana, & that it fell have not desired anyone’s silver, or gold, or clothing. 34Yet
from zeus? 36Being so, these cannot be spoken against, you, yourselves know that these hands have served my
you need to be quiet & do nothing reckless. 37For you own needs & those with me. 35I taught you everything, so
brought these men, who are not church robbers or that you must work hard to help the weak, & remember
blasphemers of your goddess. 38So then if demetrius & the the WORDS of the Master Jesus, because He said, It is more
craftsman with him, truly have words against someone, a happy to give than to receive. 36After he said these things,
huckster; come forward & there are deputies, to accuse he kneeled down to pray with all of them. 37& everyone to
each other. 39But if you demand something about other weep enough & leaned on Paul’s neck, & kissed him.
things, it will be decided in lawful assembly. 40For you are 38
Mostly sad about the words that he spoke, because they
also in danger of being charged about this day’s would never see his face again. & they went with him to

insurrection, being no cause about not being able to give the ship.
a reason this crowd came together. 41After speaking, he 21 So after this happened, we withdrew, sailing away from
dismissed the assembly. them. We sailed directly going to cos, & the next to rhodes,

afterwards to patara. 2& they found a ship crossing over

into phenicia, entered in sailing away. 3& after discovering violence of the crowd, the soldiers had to lift him up. 36For
Cyprus, they went away on the left side, sailing to syria, & the crowd of the people followed after, yelling, Away with
landed at tyre, for the ship was unloading cargo there. 4& him! 37& as Paul was about to be brought into the barracks,
found the Disciples had stayed there 7 days, who said to he said to the commander, If it is lawful, can I speak to
Paul through the Spirit, to not go up to Jerusalem. 5& when you? & he responded, You know greek? 38So then, are you
we had finished those days, left to journey with everyone, not that Egyptian who before this day, stirred up & lead
wives, & children until we were outside of the city; then 4,000 outlaws out to the wilderness? 39But Paul said, I am
kneeled down on the seashore to pray. 6We wished each truly a Jewish tarus man of cilicia, not an unknown city's
other well, & entered a ship, & they returned to their own. citizen. & I ask you to allow me to speak to the people. 40&
& we finished our voyage from tyre, we went to ptolemais he allowed Paul to stand on the stairs, signaling with the
& stayed with them for only 1 day; wishing the fellow hands to the people to be silent, after it became very
believers well. 8& the next went with Paul, arriving at silent, he spoke the Hebrew language saying,
caesarea & entered into the house of philip the evangelist, 22 Men, brothers & fathers, hear my defense to you now.
who was from the 7, to stay with him. 9& this 1 had 4 2
When they heard that he was speaking the Hebrew
prophesying virgin daughters. 10We stayed there many language to them, they kept more silent. & he said, 3I am
days, & a Prophet named Agabus came down from truly a Jewish born man from tarsus of cilicia. Yet I was
Judea. 11& when he came to us he took Paul’s belt & tied raised up in this city, nearby the feet of gamaliel; trained
his own hands & feet, saying, This says the Holy Spirit, so will exactly according to the Law of the ancestors, was
the religious Jews in Jerusalem, tie the man that owns this zealous for GΘD, just as all of you are today. 4Who I
belt & give him to the hands of the non-Jews. 12& as we persecuted this way, even to death, putting in chains &
heard these things both of us & those living in that place, bringing into prisons, both men & women. 5As the high
begged him not to go up to Jerusalem. 13Then Paul priest also are witnesses of & all of the sanhedrin council
answered, Why do you cry & break my heart? For I am who also I received letters against the Believers from, &
ready to not only be tied up, but also to die in Jerusalem traveled into damascus, to bring them there being
for the Name of the Master Jesus. 14When he would not be chained into Jerusalem, to be punished. 6& as I was
persuaded, we quieted saying, The will of the Master be traveling near to damascus about noon, suddenly much
done. 15& after those days we packed to go up to light shinned around me from Heaven. 7So I fell to the
Jerusalem. 16& also the Disciples of caesarea, brought 1 ground & heard a voice say to me, Saul, Saul, why do you
Mnason of Cyprus, from who we stayed as guests, went persecute Me. 8& I answered, Who are you Master? & He
with us. 17When we came into Jerusalem, the believers said to me, I Am Jesus of Nazareth who you persecute. 9&
received us with joy. 18& the next day Paul entered with us those being with me also truly saw the light & were terrified;
to James’s, & also all the Elders arrived. 19After greeting but they did not hear the voice of Who spoke to me. 10& I
them, declaring to everyone what GΘD had done with the asked, Master what will I do? & the Master said to me,
non-Jews through his service. 20When they heard, praised Stand up to travel into Damascus, & there you will be told
the MASTER & said to him, you know Brother how many about everything that is appointed for you to do. 11& as I
10,000 of Jews there are that believe, & are all zealous for could not see from the glory of that light, led by the hand
the Law. 21& they are informed about you, that you teach by those being with me, I came to Damascus. 12& 1
every Jew that throughout the non-Jews to abandon Ananias, a man devoted thoroughly to the Law, who had
Moses’s, saying they do not have to circumcise children, good reports by all the Jews living there, 13came to me. &
or to walk the customs. 22So what is it then? The people he stood, saying to me, Believer Saul, receive sight, that
must come together, for they need to hear that you have same moment I looked up to see him. 14& he said, the GΘD
come. 23So do what we say to you; We have 4 men who of our fathers chose you. You will know HIS will &
have prayers to GΘD on them. 24Take these, purity with understand righteous, & you will hear the voice of HIS
them, & spend with them, so that they can shave their mouth. 15For you will be HIS witness to all mankind, what you
heads. & everyone will know that what was instructed saw & heard. 16So now what delays you? Stand up & be
about to you was nothing, but you, yourself also walks Baptized, to wash your sins away, calling the Name of the
straight, keeping the Law. 25& about the non-Jews who Master. 17& when I returned to Jerusalem, while I prayed in
Believe, we have written, determining: they do not have to the temple, I was in a trance, 18& saw Him saying to me,
keep none of these except, keep themselves also from Hurry & go quickly out of Jerusalem; for they will not receive
sacrificing to idols, & blood, & strangling animals, & sexual your testimony about ME. 19& I responded, Master, they
immorality. 26Then Paul took the men the next day to purify know that I was imprisoning & beating throughout
with them, entered into the Temple, giving the synagogues those who believed in You. 20& when the
accomplishment notice of the days of purification, until the blood of your witness Stephen was shed, I was also truly
offering was offered for every one of them. 27But when the standing there & applauded his own death, & held the
7 days were about to end, the religious Jews from Asia, saw clothes of those who killed him. 21& He said to me, Travel
him in the Temple, stirred up all the people, & put hands on for I will send you far away to the non-Jews. 22& they
him, 28Yelling out, Men of Israel, help, this man is teaching listened to him until this was said, then raised their voices
everywhere against all the people, & the Law, & this place; saying, Away with this type from the earth; for he is not fit
& also further brought in Greeks into the temple, & called to live. 23& they shouted & threw down their clothes, &
this Holy place common. 29For they had seen before with threw dust into the air. 24The commander ordered him to
him in the city, an Ephesian, Trophimus, who they thought be brought into the castle, saying to investigate by
that Paul had brought into the temple. 30& all the city was whipping him, so that he would know what reason they
stirred & began to run together, & seized Paul, dragging shouted against him. 25& as they stretched him with straps,
him out of the Temple, & immediately the doors were shut. Paul said to the centurion standing by, Is it was lawful for
So they were planning to kill him; a report went to you to whip a roman, & without trial. 26When the centurion
the commander of the soldiers, that all of Jerusalem was heard this, he went to report to the commander saying,
stirred up. 32Who immediately took soldiers & centurions, Realize what you are about to do, for this man is a roman
running down to them. When they saw the commander & citizen. 27So the commander came to ask him, Tell me if
the soldiers, the riot stopped beating Paul. 33Then the you are a roman citizen? & this said, Yes. 28& the
commander came near arresting him, & ordered him commander responded, My citizenship was purchased
bound with 2 chains, & demanded who he was & what with much money for. & Paul said, But mine born. 29Then

he had done. 34& some from the crowd shouted 1 thing, immediately they went away from him, those who were
some others, so he could not understand the truth for sure investigating him. & the commander also was afraid, after
because of the uproar; ordered him to be brought into the knowing that he was a roman citizen, & because he had

barracks. 35& when he arrived at the stairs, because of the bound him. 30& the next day, he wanted to know the truth,
what he was accused of, from the religious Jews; he freed day they allowed the horsemen to travel with him, then
him from his bonds & commanded the high priests & all of returned to the barracks. 33Who when they entered into
their sanhedrin council to appear, & brought Paul down to caesarea, delivered the letter to the governor & handed
stand before them. Paul over to him. 34& when the governor read it, he asked
23 As Paul looked at the sanhedrin council said, Men, from what region he was. Then he learned that he was
brothers, I am a citizen, with all a good conscience to GΘD from cilicia. 35I will hear you he said, when your accusers
up to this day. 2& the high priest ananias ordered those arrive also. Then he ordered him guarded in herod’s
standing by him to strike his mouth. 3Then Paul said to him, courtroom.
GΘD intends to strike you whitewashed walls! For you sit 24 & after 5 days, ananias the high priest went down with
judging me according to the Law & ordered me struck; the sanhedrin elders, & a speaker, tertullus, who appeared
breaking the Law. 4& those standing by said, You criticize to the governor against Paul. 2When he was called,
GΘD’s high priest? 5& then Paul said, I did not know tertullus began to accuse, saying, Through you we have
brothers, that he was the high priest for its written, Do not much peace & right actions happen for this race through
speak bad about the leaders of your people. 6When Paul your care. 3& we also accept it everywhere, most
knew that the 1 section was sadducees & the other honorable felix, with all thankfulness. 4& so that I will not
pharisees, he yelled to the sanhedrin council, Men, delay you more, I beg you to hear us; a few words, with
brothers, I am a pharisee, a pharisee’s son; about the hope your fairness. 5For we have discovered this man a plague
& resurrection of dead I am questioned. 7After he said this, & stirs up insurrections with all of the Jews throughout the
there was conflict between the pharisees & the world & a leader of the Nazarene dissension. 6Who also try
sadducees; the crowd was divided. 8For truly sadducees to profane the temple; & who we arrest & judge according
say there is no resurrection or Angels or souls, but pharisees to our laws. 7But the commander lysias came with much
declare both. 9& there became great chaos. & the force, lead him away from out of our hands. 8Ordering his
pharisees religious teacher's section stood up to fight accusers to come to you to investigate him by yourself will
fiercely saying, We find nothing wrong in this man. So if the be able to know about all of these things that we accuse
Spirit or an Angel spoke, do not fight against GΘD. 10When him of. 9& the religious Jews also agreed, confirming these
there was much conflict, the commander feared Paul be were so. 10Paul, after the governor signaled to him to speak
torn into pieces by them if he did not order the soldiers to replied, I know you have been a judge of many years for
go down to seize him by force from the middle of them, so this race. I defend for myself confidently. 11It is possible to
he was brought into the barracks. 11& the next night, the understand, because there are not more than 12 days,
Master stood by him saying, Have courage Paul; for as you from when I went up to Jerusalem to worship. 12& no-one
testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify to found me in the temple disputing with someone or
Rome. 12When it became day, some of the religious Jews conspiring with people, not in the synagogues, or even in
joined together. They vowed to death, saying, not to eat the city. 13They cannot prove anything about me, what
or drink until they kill Paul. 13& there was more than 40 who they accuse me of now. 14But this I confess to you, that
did this conspiracy. 14Who came to the high priest & after the way which they called dissension, in this way; I
sanhedrin elders said, we vowed ourselves a curse, to not worship THE GΘD of our ancestors, believing everything
eat anything until we have killed Paul. 15So now you with written in the Law & the Prophets, 15having hope in GΘD,
the sanhedrin council inform the military commander that WHO they themselves also allow, that there is about to be
he bring him down to you tomorrow, as you intend to a resurrection of dead, both Righteous & unrighteous. 16&
investigate about him. & we before he comes near will be by this I exercise myself to always have a conscience to
ready to kill him. 16When Paul’s sister's son heard they were not offend GΘD & mankind. 17So after many years, I came
going to ambush, he went & entered into the barracks to to bring donations to the poor for my nation, & gifts. 18& by
tell Paul. 17So Paul called 1 of the centurions to say, Bring some of the religious Jews from asia, found me purified in
this young man to the commander; for he has something the temple, not with crowds, not with disturbances. 19Who
to tell him. 18Then truly he took him, bringing him to the must be present before you & accuse, if anyone holds
commander & said, Paul the prisoner called me, against me. 20Or else these same here speak, if they found
requesting to bring this young man to you, who has any wrong in me, while I stood before the sanhedrin
something to tell you. 19Then the commander took his hand council. 21Except about voice that I yelled once while
& went away privately to ask what is it that you have to tell standing with them that was about the resurrection of
me? 20& he said that, The religious Jews decided to ask dead, I am investigated by you this day. 22After felix heard
you, so that you will bring Paul down tomorrow into the these things, knowing more exactly about this properly, he
sanhedrin council; so that they could investigate about delayed them saying, When lysias the chiliarch
him more exactly. 21Truly you do not trust them for planning commander comes down, I will decide about you. 23& he
to ambush him by more than 40 men of theirs, who vowed ordered a centurion to guard Paul & have both rest, but
to themselves to death to not eat or drink until they killed prevent none of his own to serve or come to him. 24& after
him. & now they are ready, expecting a promise from you. some days, felix arrived with his wife drusilla, being Jewish,
So then the commander released the young man to go, he sent for Paul & listened to him about the belief of the
ordering, Tell no-one that you disclosed these things to me. Anointed. 25So he discussed about righteousness & self-
Then he called some; 2 centurions saying, Prepare 200 control, & the judgment to happen. Felix became terrified,
soldiers, & 70 horsemen, & 200 archers to travel to caesarea responded, Go now, when I have a proper time, I will call
at 9p.m. this night. 24& provide animals, so that Paul will be you. 26& he also hoped that money would be given to him
mounted safely to felix the governor. 25He wrote a letter by Paul, so that he could free him, because he often sent
containing this printed: 26Claudius lysias, the honorable for him, to talk with him. 27But felix, after 2 years were
governor, felix wishes you well. 27This man was arrested by completed, felix successor porcius festus, wanted to gain
the religious Jews & was about to be killed by them. favor with the religious Jews, also left Paul in chains.
Learning that he is a roman, I came with an army to rescue 25 When festus entered the region, after 3 days he went
him. 28& I wanted to know the reason with they accused up from caesarea into Jerusalem. 2Then the high priest &
him, I brought him out into their sanhedrin council. 29Who I the 1st of the religious Jews made it known they were
found accused for questioning their customs, but had no against Paul & asked him, 3asking for favor towards them,
charges deserving death or chains. 30When it was so that he would send him to Jerusalem; to make an
disclosed to me; by the religious Jews were about to plan ambush along the way to kill him. 4Then truly festus replied,

against this man, I immediately sent to you, ordering his Paul will be guarded at caesarea & he was about to go
accusers also to speak before you the accusations against there soon. 5Then he said this, Whoever is able, go down
him. Good bye. 31Then truly the soldiers as they were given with you to accuse this man, if there is any wickedness in

orders, took Paul, lead him by night to antipatris. 32The next him. 6But he spent more than 10 days with them, going
down into caesarea, the next day he sat down on the them. 11& I punished them often throughout every
judgment seat, ordering Paul brought. 7When he arrived, synagogue, forcing blasphemes, & extremely raged
the religious Jews who had come down from Jerusalem, against them, persecuting them even to foreign cities.
stood around & brought many severe complaints against 12
Where as I traveled to damascus, with authority &
Paul, that they were not able to prove. 8He defended permission from the high priests. 13At midday leader, I saw
himself that nothing was against the law of the religious along the way a light from Heaven, more bright than the
Jews, or against the temple or against caesar; anything sun, shining around me & those traveling with me. 14& we
sinful. 9But festus wanted to gain favor, benefited the Jews, all fell down to the ground. I heard a voice speak to me &
responding to Paul, Will you go up to Jerusalem to be said in the Hebrew language, Saul, Saul, why do you
judged there about these before me? 10& Paul said, I am persecute Me? The kick of yours is hard, it stings. 15& I said,
standing at caesar’s judgment seat, where it is necessary Who are You Master? & He said, I Am Jesus who you
for Jews to be judged, as you know I did nothing wrong. persecute. 16Instead rise & stand up on your feet, for I
For if I truly did wrong & committed something deserving appeared to you for this purpose; to make you a servant &
death, I will not refuse to die. But if there is none of what witness, both of what you have seen & that I appeared to
these accuses me of, no-one can deliver me to them. I call you. 17Selecting you from My Own people & the non-Jews,
caesar. 12So then festus talked together with the council, who I now send you to. 18To open their eyes, to turn them
replied, You call caesar? To caesar you go. 13& between a from darkness to light & the power of satan to GΘD, those
few days, leader agrippa & bernice came to caesarea, to who receive forgiveness of sins & inheritance with those
welcome festus. 14& after they had been there many days, who are made holy by faith that is in Me. 19From which,
festus communicated about Paul's cause to the leader, leader agrippa, I was not disobedient to the Heavenly
saying, there is a man remaining in chains behind by felix; vision. 20Instead 1st announced to those in damascus &
about who, when I was in Jerusalem, the high priest & the Jerusalem, & to all the coasts of judaea, then to the non-
sanhedrin elders of the Jews informed me, asking justice Jews to repent & turn back to GΘD, to do works worthy of
against him. 16To who I replied, that it is not the way roman repentance. 21For this the religious Jews arrested me in the
citizens do to anyone to die, before that the accused Temple to try to kill me. 22Then from GΘD's help, I stand to
have, both the accuser before their face, & the this day, to witness to both small & great, saying nothing
opportunity to defend themselves about the accusation. except what the Prophets & Moses spoke about to come.
Then they came here, I did not delay, the next day I sat 23
That the Anointed suffered, He would be the 1st
on the judgment seat, commanded the man to be resurrected from the dead, to show the light to the people
brought. 18Against who the accusers stood, did not bring & the non-Jews. 24After he defended this, festus said with a
accusations that I expected. 19Instead they had 1 debate loud voice, Paul, you are crazy, much studying turned you
against him about their religions, & about 1 dead Jesus, crazy. 25So he said, I am not crazy most honorable festus,
who Paul said was alive. 20& I doubted about this question, instead I speak out words of truth & self-control. 26For the
asked if he was willing to go to Jerusalem, to be judged leader knows about these things, with who I also speak
about this there. 21But Paul called to be kept for an boldly, for I am persuaded that none of these are hidden
investigative decision by the emperor. I ordered him from him; for this was not done in a secret place. 27Leader
guarded until when I could send him to caesar. 22Then agrippa, you believe the Prophets. I know that you believe.
agrippa said to festus, I will also hear the man myself. & he 28
Then agrippa replied to Paul, You almost persuade me to
said, I will hear him tomorrow. 23Then the next day, agrippa become a Christian now. 29& Paul said, I hope praying to
& bernice came with much show, & entered into the GΘD, not only you, but also everyone who heard from me
hearing place, & also with the commanders & important this day become, both some here & with many later, as I
men of the city. & festus ordered Paul lead out. 24So festus am except these chains. 30After he spoke these things, the
said, Leader agrippa & all the men present together with leader, the commander, & bernice, & those sitting with
us, see this 1 is about who all of the population of the them stood up. 31When they went back to talk with one-
religious Jews have met with me, both in Jerusalem & here another saying, This man did nothing worth death or
shouting, He must not live longer! 25But I found he chains. 32Then agrippa said to festus, This man could have
committed nothing worthy of death & from himself called been freed, if he did not call for caesar.
for the emperor, I decided to send him. 26Who I have 27 & when they decided, we sailed into italy. They gave
nothing for sure to writing about sir, so I bring him out before both Paul & other prisoners to someone named Julius, an
you leader agrippa, so that after investigation is done, I will emperor centurion squad. 2& entered an adramyttium
have something to write. 27For it seem to me unreasonable ship, intending to sail along the coasts of asia, aristarchus
to send a prisoner & not also make the accusations known a macedonian of thessalonia, was with us. 3& also the next
about him. day we landed at sidon. & julius kindly handled Paul,
26 Then agrippa said to Paul, You are allowed to speak for allowed him to go to his friends to get care. 4& from there
yourself. So then Paul reached out the hand, to defend we sailed away, sailing close by cyprus, because the wind
himself. 2I consider myself blessed, leader agrippa, to be was opposite. 5& we also sailed across the sea of cilicia &
able to defend myself this day before you about Pamphylia, coming to myra of lycia. 6& there the centurion
everything that I am accused of by the religious Jews. 3I found an alexandria ship sailing to Italy, putting us into it.
know you are especially an expert with all customs & 7
& we sailed slowly for many days & with difficulty came to
debates throughout the religious Jews so I ask you to hear cnidus, the wind did not allow us. We sailed by crete along
me patiently. 4Truly my way of life from when I was a youth salmone. 8& with difficulty sailed past it, coming to a place
that happened to me from the beginning was with my called beautiful harbor, near what was the lasea city.
race knew all the religious Jews in Jerusalem. 5Who knew 9
After long enough time passed & sailing was now
me before from the beginning, if they would testify that dangerous, also because the fasting arrived now. Paul
throughout the most exact group of our religion, I lived as warned, 10saying to them, Sirs I realize that this sailing is
a pharisee. 6& now I stand judged, for the hope of the about to be with injuries & much damage, not only the
promise made by GΘD to our ancestors. 7For what our 12 load & ship, but also of our lives. 11& the centurion believed
tribes intended, to serve day & night, hoping to come, the sailing captain & the ship owner, more than the words
about that hope; leader agrippa, I am accused by the from Paul. 12& the harbor was not fit for winter, most also
religious Jews. 8Why dispute this incredible thing with you, if advised to leave from there, if somehow it was possible to
GΘD raises the dead? 9I truly thought with myself then, it is arrive in phenice, to pass the winter, a crete harbor;

necessary to do many things opposite to the name of Jesus looking toward the southwest & northwest. 13When south
of Nazareth; 10that I also did in Jerusalem & many of the wind blew gently, they thought to use it, raised up anchor
Saints I locked up in prison, having received authority from to set out; sailing close by crete. 14But not long after,

the high priests. When they were killed, I approved against poured in throughout it a hurricane wind, called
euroklydon. 15When the ship was carried away & could not with a fever, & bleeding bowels, who Paul entered in &
survive the wind, they gave up. 16& sailed past a small prayed, laying hands on him to heal him. 9So because of
island called clauda, we had to be strong to get the boat this others who also had diseases on the island, came &
ready. 17That we lifted up, using the help of the lower ship were healed. 10Who also honored us with many honors,
supports & fearing to not get stuck below into the sand, when we set sail, they supplied to us our needs. 11& after 3
untied the sails, so we were driven away. 18We were months, we sail away in an alexandrian ship, staying there
extremely tossed by the hurricane, so the next day for winter on the island marked, castor & pollux.
lightened by throwing the goods overboard. 19After the 3rd 12
Afterwards landed at syracuse, we remained there 3
we threw with our own hands the tackle of the ship. 20& days, 13from where we navigated, arriving at rhegium. &
not even the sun or star for many days was visible & no after 1 day, the south wind blew. The next day we went to
small winter was on us, all hope remaining of being saved puteoli; 14where we found fellow believers, who wanted us
was taken away. 21But after fasting long, Paul stood in the to stay teaching with them for 7 days, & so we went
middle of them to say, Oh men, you truly should have towards rome. 15From that place, the believers heard
taken my advice to not set sail from crete & both got these about us, came to meet us as far as appius's town & the 3
injuries & losses. 22So now I advise you to be happy, for taverns; which Paul gave thanks to GΘD for, gained
there will be no loss of life from you, except the ship. 23For courage. 16& when we came to rome, the centurion
an Angel of GΘD, who exist & who I serve stood near me delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guards. But
this night, 24saying, Paul do not fear, you must stand near Paul was allowed to stay by himself with a soldier guarding
caesar, & realize GΘD has favored for you everyone sailing him. 17& after 3 days passed, Paul called together 1st the
with you. 25So men be happy, for I believe GΘD so that it religious Jews. When they came together he said to them,
will be as what was said to me. 26& we must fall down to an Men, brothers, I did nothing against the people or customs
island. 27& as the 14th night came, we were carried by the of our ancestors. I was delivered a prisoner from Jerusalem
adriatic sea throughout midnight, the sailors thought that into the hands of the romans. 18Who investigated me, were
they were near a coast. 28So they threw a lead line, finding willing to free me, because there was no crime of death
it 120ft deep went further to throw a lead line again & with me. 19When the religious Jews disputed it; I called for
found it was 90ft deep. 29& so they feared somehow to go caesar so that to not accuse my own nation. 20So for this
into a rocky place, they would throw 4 anchors from the reason I called to see you & speak to you, for this, the hope
back wishing for the coming day. 30As the sailors were of Israel I am chained with these chains. 21& they said to
about to escape from the ship & lowering down the boat him, We did not receive letters from judea about you, or
into the sea, pretending they were about to throw out any reports from some of the coming believers that came
anchors from the ship's forward part; 31Paul said to the or spoke anything bad about you. 22But we want to judge
centurion & the soldiers, Unless these remain on the ship, from you what you think; for surely about this sect is well
you cannot be rescued. 32Then the soldiers cut the ropes known that everywhere it is spoken against. 23They
of the boat off & let it fall down. 33& while this day appointed him a day so many could come to him into his
happened Paul thought, calling them all together to eat lodging, who he declared testifying the Kingdom of GΘD,
food saying, This day is the 14th day you have fasted, persuading them about Jesus, both from the Laws of Moses
taking nothing. 34So now I ask you to take food, for this is for & the Prophets, from morning until evening. 24So some truly
your health, so not any of your hairs fall from the heads of believed the WORDS & others did not believe. 25Since they
yours. 35After he spoke this & took bread to give thanks to did not agree with each other, they were sent away after
GΘD before everyone, then he broke it to eat. 36Then they Paul spoke this, The Holy Spirit beautifully spoke through
all became happy; also took food. 37& there were 276 Isaiah the Prophet to our ancestors, 26saying, go to these
individuals lives on the ship. 38After they ate enough food, people & say, hearing but will & never understand, &
they threw the grain out into the sea, to lighten the ship. seeing you will see, but never discover. 27For the hearts of
& when it was daytime, they did not recognize the region, these people are hard & their ears are dull, & their eyes are
but discovered a creek, with a shore to which they closed. Otherwise they could see with their eyes & hear
considered if it was possible drive the ship into. 40So they with their ears, & understand with their hearts & be
removed the firm anchors, allowing them into the sea, converted, & I would heal them. 28So be it is known to you
together while loosening the ship's rudder ropes, & lifted up that the salvation of GΘD will be sent to the non-Jews, &
the main-sail to the wind, holding on towards the shore. 41& they will understand it. 29After he said this, the religious Jews
it went down in between 2 water outlets, driving the ship left to have much discussion with themselves. 30& Paul lived
into the beach ground. & the ship's front part stuck completely 2 years in his rented house. & he accepted
remaining unmovable, & the back was destroyed by the everyone who entering into it, 31proclaiming the Kingdom
force of the waves. 42& the soldiers advice was to kill the of GΘD & teaching about the Anointed Master Jesus, with
prisoners, so some would not swim out to escape. 43But the all boldness freely.
centurion willingly protected Paul, preventing them from 1611 kjv Romans † Paul a servant of Jesus the Anointed 1,
their will, & commanded those able to swim, to jump down called an Apostle, was appointed to the good news of
1st out to land; 44& the rest, whoever else on planks & others GΘD, 2WHO promised before by HIS Prophets in the Holy
with something from the ship. & so it happened, that Writings; 3about HIS Son Jesus the Anointed 1 our Master,
everyone was rescued to land. Who came from David’s seed through flesh. 4Defined the
28 So we were saved, when we knew that the island was Son of GΘD with power, according to The Spirit of holiness,
called melita. 2& the foreigners did not show us just a little by resurrecting Him from the dead. 5By Who I received
love, for they lit a fire to accept all of us, for it was raining loving-kindness & was commissioned, I obeyed with belief
& because of the cold. 3When Paul gathered sticks to all nations for His Name, 6with who you are also calling
together & set them on the fire, a viper came from out the Jesus the Anointed 1. 7All that are in rome, dearly loved of
heat, seizing onto his hand. 4& as the foreigners saw the GΘD, called Saints, grace to you & peace from GΘD our
venomous snake hanging from his hand, they said to each FATHER, & Master Jesus the Anointed 1. 8Truly 1st I thank my
other, Surely this man is a murderer, who escaped the sea; GΘD through Jesus the Anointed 1 for you all, that your
vengeance did not allowed him to live. 5Then he truly faith is proclaimed throughout the whole world. 9For GΘD
shook off the venomous snake into the fire, felling no harm. is my witness, who I serve with my spirit with the good news
& they watched him about to swell or suddenly fall down of HIS Son, that without stopping, I do mention about you
dead. After they watched for a long time & realized no in my prayers always; 10requesting, if somehow, for a while

harm happen to him, they changed their minds saying, He to prosper by the will of GΘD to come to you. 11For I long
is a god. 7& in the same location was the leader of the to see you, so that I can share with you some spiritual gifts
island named publius, who received us as guests, kindly for to strengthen you. 12So that I will be comforted together

3 days. 8& the father of publius became laying down sick with you, by the mutual faith of both you & me. 13& I do not
want you to be ignorant believers, because I plan to come 16
On the day whenever GΘD judges the secrets of
to you. But was prevented here until, so that I can have mankind by Jesus the Anointed 1, according to my good
some fruit with you also, even after with other non-Jews. 14I news. 17Realize, you are called a Jew, & remain in the law,
exist to owe both greeks & foreigners, both wise & unwise. & glory with GΘD; 18& know HIS will & approve of the
So through me ready I am willing to bring the good news importance of the instructions of the Law, 19& agree
to you, those are in rome also. 16For I am not ashamed of yourself a light for darkness to guide the blind. 20A corrector
the good news of the Anointed 1; for it is power of GΘD to for the foolish, a teacher of babies, who have the form of
salvation, for everyone who believes, 1st Jews then also knowledge & of the truth in the Law. 21Then whoever
greeks. 17For by Him the righteousness of GΘD was teaches others, do you not teach yourself? You proclaim,
revealed by belief to faith; just as it was written, the do not steal, do you steal? 22You say do not commit sex
Righteous will live by faith. 18For GΘD’s anger is revealed outside of marriage. Do you commit sex outside of
from Heaven against all ungodly, & unrighteousness of marriage? You are disgusted by idols. Do you rob temples?
mankind, who hold the truth back in unrighteousness. 23
These who boast about the Law, by breaking the Law
Because GΘD is well known publically by them, for GΘD insulting GΘD? 24For the name of GΘD is blasphemed by
shows them. 20For the invisible things about HIM from the the gentiles, because of you as written: 25For circumcision
creation of the world, are clearly seen, & understood by truly benefits if you keep the Law, but if you are a
the things that are made, both HIS eternal power & divine lawbreaker, your circumcision becomes uncircumcised.
nature, so they are without excuse. 21Because when they 26
So if the uncircumcised keep the Law, will their own
knew GΘD, they did not glorify HIM as GΘD, or were uncircumcised not be counted for circumcised? 27& will
thankful, but foolish in their imaginations, & their foolish not the uncircumcised by nature, that fulfills the Law, will
hearts were darkened. 22Claiming to be wise, became judge you by the writings, even the circumcised violating
fools. 23Even changed the glory of the undecaying GΘD, lawbreakers? 28For they do not appear Jewish outwardly,
into images shaped to decaying humans, & birds, & four not even circumcised outwardly by flesh. 29Yet is secretly
footed animals, & reptiles. 24So GΘD also allowed them up Jewish inwardly & circumcised inside his soul, not in writings,
to impurity, by the lusts of their own hearts, disrespecting whose praise is not from humans, but from GΘD.
their bodies between themselves. 25Who changed the 3 So what advantage do the religious Jews have, or what
truth of GΘD into a lie, & worshipped & served the benefit is their circumcision? 2With everything, many,
creatures more than the Creator, who is praised forever. because this was the 1st truly trusted revelation from GΘD.
Amen. 26Because of this, GΘD allowed them up to 3
For what if some did not believe? Their unbelief would
disgraceful passions. For even their own women changed make the belief of GΘD useless. 4No way! But GΘD is true,
the natural sexual intercourse into those against nature. 27& & every human is a liar, as written; so that you might be
also equally the men abandoned the natural sexual justified in your words & overcome when you are judged.
intercourse of woman, burning with their own lust towards 5
& if our unrighteousness shows GΘD's righteousness, what
each other, men with men doing shamefully & receiving in can we say? I say about mankind, GΘD does not bring
themselves wrongly what was proper. 28& just as they did unrighteous vengeance. 6No way! Because how then
not think it was worth having GΘD in knowledge, GΘD would GΘD judge the world? 7For if the truth of GΘD
allowed them to think depraved things not proper things. increases by my life to HIS OWN glory, why am I still also
Filled with all unrighteous sex acts, wickedness, greed, judged as a sinner? 8& not as a blasphemer & as some say
desires to injure, emotions, jealousy, murder, arguing, that we teach to do evil, so that good will come; whose
deceits, bad character, gossipers, 30slanderers, haters of condemnation is justice. 9What then, are we better? No
GΘD, insulters, proud, boasters, inventors of evil, not at all, for we have already accused both Jews & non-
disobedient to parents, 31unintelligent, covenant breakers, Jews, all exist with sinners. 10As written, There is none
without natural affection, deal breakers, unmerciful; 32who righteous, no not 1.11There is none who knows, there is none
know the judgment of GΘD, that whoever commits such desiring GΘD. 12They are all avoiding, together becoming
things are worthy of death, not only do these, but have useless. There is none of them doing good, no not 1. 13Their
pleasure doing them. throats are open graves, their tongues are deceitful
2 So then you are without excuse, O mankind, whoever serpent poison under their lips. 14Whose mouths are full of
you judge; for by which you judge others, you sentence cursing & bitterness. 15Their feet are quick to pour out
yourself, for you judge doing the same things. 2& we know blood. 16Destruction & trouble are along their way. 17& the
that the judgment of GΘD is according to truth, against way of peace they do not know. 18There is no fear of GΘD
doing such things. 3& really you do this, O mankind, you before their eyes. 19& we know that whatever the Law says,
judge those doing these things & do the same, how can it speaks to those in the Law. So that every mouth will be
you escape the judgment of GΘD? 4Or despise the silenced & the whole world will be judged by GΘD. 20For
abundances of HIS kindness & tolerance, & patience, through the work of the Laws there will be no flesh before
ignoring that the goodness of GΘD leads you to HIM, for through the Law is knowledge of sin. 21But now the
repentance. 5So according to your hardness & righteousness of GΘD without the Law is made known as
unrepentant hearts, store up yourself anger, against the witnessed by the Law & the Prophets. 22& the righteousness
day of wrath & revelation of the righteous judgment of of GΘD through belief in Jesus the Anointed for all, & all
GΘD. 6Who will give to everyone according to their works. who believe, for there is no difference. 23For all have sinned
Truly by constantly doing good work, will find glory & & fail the glory of GΘD. 24Becoming righteous by HIS
honor, & immortal eternal life. 8So from disagreeing & not lovingness, underserved through the redemption that is in
obeying the truth, instead obeying wrong passions & Jesus the Anointed 1. 25Who GΘD decided to sacrifice
anger, 9persecution & suffering will come on every human through faith in His blood for evidence of their own
soul doing evil, both Jews & non-Jews. 10But glory, honor & righteousness to let go of sins already committed with the
peace, to everyone doing good, to the Jews 1st, then the acceptance of GΘD; 26for evidence, now His
non-Jews. 11For is no favoritism of people with GΘD. 12For righteousness for them to be righteous, & show
as many as have sinned lawlessly, will also be destroyed righteousness of themselves who believe in Jesus. 27Where
lawlessly, & as many as have sinned with the Law, will be is boasting then? It is shut out. What about by Laws, works
judged by the Law. 13For not the hearers of the Law are will not, but by the Law of belief. 28So a person's belief is
righteous with GΘD, but the doers of the Law will become decided shown righteous without the works of the Law.
righteous. 14For when the non-Jews who did not have the 29
Or is GΘD of the Jews only & not also of the non-Jews?

Law, do the things in the Laws naturally, these who did not Yes, of the non-Jews also. 30Since 1 GΘD WHO will decide
have the law, are laws themselves. 15Who show the work of righteous circumcision by belief & uncircumcised through
the written law in their hearts, their own conscience testifies belief. 31Then do we void the Laws through belief? No way!

& their thoughts accuse, & or defend between each other. Instead we stand firm with the Laws.
4 So what do we say, Abraham our ancestor through the is the free gift. For if the sin of 1, many would die, much
flesh found? 2For if Abraham was righteous from works, he more is the loving-kindness of GΘD & the gift with favor, the
has glory, but not with GΘD. 3For what does the Holy 1 Man Jesus the Anointed 1, has exceeded for many. 16The
Writings say? Because Abraham believed GΘD, so he was free gift was not from 1 who sinned, but truly for the
counted to HIM as righteous. 4& whoever works counting judgment was by 1 to condemnation. But the free gift is for
their rewards will not be favored, but will still owe. 5But many sins to righteousness. 17For if 1 sins, death ruled by 1,
whoever does not work, but believes in Him who justifies much more will receive exceeding grace & the gift of
the ungodly, their belief is counted for righteousness. 6Just righteousness will rule in life through 1, Jesus the Anointed.
as David also said, The happiest of the people are who 18
So then as through 1 sin, condemnation to all mankind
GΘD decided were righteous without works; 7happy are into. & so through righteousness of 1, justification to all
those violators of Laws who are forgiven & whose sins mankind into life. 19For as by 1 person's disobedience many
covered. 8Happy are the men who the MASTER will not were made sinners; so also by the obedience of 1, many
count their sins. 9So these are blessed with the circumcised were made righteous. 20When the Law entered in,
or with the uncircumcised also. For we say that Abraham's because the sins increased, but where sin increased,
belief was counted for righteousness. 10So how was he grace overflowed. 21Because as sin rules by death, even so
counted, was it with circumcision or with uncircumcision? grace rules by righteousness to eternal life, through Jesus
Not in circumcision, but when uncircumcised. 11& he the Anointed 1 our Master.
received a sign of circumcision, the seal of the 6 So what will we say, to continue sinning so that grace will
righteousness of belief, he being uncircumcised; to who increase? 2No way! How can whoever dead to sin, still live
existed as ancestor of all who believe though in it? 3Or do you not know that whoever is Baptized with the
uncircumcised, through righteousness will also be counted Anointed Jesus, is Baptized with His death? 4So then we are
with them. 12& an ancestor of circumcision, of those not buried together with Him by Baptism in death, so that
only from circumcision, but who also walk the steps of exactly as the Anointed 1 was raised up from the dead by
belief of our ancestor Abraham, being uncircumcised. the glory of the FATHER, so we also with this new life. 5For if
For the promise that he would be an inheritor of the world, we have been united together in likeness of His death, we
not to Abraham, or his seed through the Law, but through also will be raised up from the dead; 6knowing that
righteous belief. 14For if those of the Law inherit, belief because our old human form is crucified, so that the
becomes useless, & the promise completely useless. 15For bodie's sin is destroyed, we are no longer slaves to sin. 7For
the Law decides punishment, for wherever there is no Law; death is free from sin. 8Now if we died with The Anointed,
not any violations. 16Through this from belief, that it is about we believe that we are also living together with Him. 9We
loving-kindness, so that the promise will be sure to all the know that the Anointed is raised up from the dead, death
seed, not only those from the Law, but also those from no longer has power over Him. 10For that He died. He died
belief of Abraham, who is the ancestor of all of ours. 17As it for sin once, & that He lives; He lives for GΘD. 11So you also
was written, I made you an ancestor of many nations, truly count yourselves as dead to sin, but alive to GΘD
before whoever believed in GΘD WHO revives the dead, through Jesus the Anointed, our Master. 12So then, do not
& calls things to be that were not. 18Who against hope, let sin rule in your mortal body, for you to listen to it in the
believed in hope, that he would become an ancestor of lusts of it. 13& do not use your body parts as unrighteous
many nations; according to the saying, From your seed will weapons to sin, instead use yourselves for GΘD, as living
be. 19& he was not weak in belief, did not consider his from the dead & your body parts as righteousness tools for
body, now dead; being about 100 years old, or the GΘD. 14For sin cannot rule you, for you are not under Law,
impotence of Sarah’s womb. 20& he did not doubt in the but under loveliness. 15Then what, will we sin because we
promise of GΘD by unbelieving, instead was bold, are not under the Law, but under loveliness? No way! 16Do
believing, giving glory to GΘD. 21& being convinced that you not know that whatever you serve yielding to obey,
what was promised, HE was possible to also do. 22& so it you are servants to whatever you obey, either sin to death,
was counted to him for righteousness. 23& it was not written or obedience to righteousness. 17But be thankful to GΘD
only for him, that it counted for him; 24but for also us, who it that you were servants of sin, yet you obeyed from the
will be counted, those who believe in HIM, WHO raised up heart, conforming to the teaching that delivered you; 18&
Jesus our Master from the dead. 25WHO sent Him for our was freed from sin, becoming a servant of righteousness.
sins, & raised up for our justification. 19
I say human, because of the weakness of your body; for
5 So being righteous by belief, to have peace with GΘD, just as you yield your limbs to serve uncleanness &
through our Master Jesus the Anointed 1. 2Through Who we violations to wickedness, so now yield your limbs to serve
also have access by faith into this good will with Who we righteousness to purity. 20For when you were servants of sin,
stand, & rejoice in expectation of the glory of GΘD. 3& not you were free of righteousness. 21So what fruit do you have
only, but we also rejoice in persecution, knowing that then during those things, you are ashamed of now, for the
oppression accomplishes patience. 4& patience, result of those is death. 22But now are made free from sin,
character & character, hope. 5& hope makes not & became servants to GΘD, you have your fruits to
ashamed, because the love of GΘD was poured into our holiness, & the result is eternal life. 23For the wages of sin is
hearts through the Holy Spirit that is given to us. 6For while death, but the free gift of GΘD is eternal life, through Jesus
we were still weak, at the proper time the Anointed died the Anointed 1 our Master.
for the ungodly. 7Because rarely for the righteous will 7 Or do you fellow believers not know, for I speak to those
someone die early for good, some even fear to die. 8But who know the Laws that the Laws rule over people, as long
GΘD shows HIS love to us, because while we were still as they live. 2For the married woman is tied by law to her
sinners, the Anointed died for us. 9Much more now by His living husband, but if the husband dies, she is untied from
righteous blood we will be saved from anger through Him. the Laws of her husband. 3So then if the husband is alive,
For if we were enemies reunited to GΘD by the death of becomes to another man, she is called an adulteress. But
HIS Son; much more we will be reunited by Him Alive. 11& if her husband dies, she is free from the Law, she is not an
not only this, but also glory with GΘD, through our Master adulteress by becoming to another man. 4So then my
Jesus the Anointed 1, by Who we now received the fellow believers, you are also dead to the Laws through the
exchange. 12Through this as a person enters into the world body of the Anointed, you become to another Who was
a sinner & death by sin; & so death is passed to all mankind, raised from the dead, so that we will bring fruit to GΘD. 5For
by who all have sinned. 13For until the Law sin was in the when we were in the flesh, the suffering of sin that by the

world, but sins were not being counted without the Law. Law affected with our members, brought fruit to death. 6So
Yet death ruled from Adam to Moses, even over those now we were delivered from the Law, which died by
who did not sin, after the likeness of Adam's violation, who holding, so that we will serve in newness of Spirit & not the

was the form of those to come. 15But not as the sin, so also oldness of writings. 7Then what do we say, is the Law sin?
No way! Instead I did not know sin except by the Laws. For would they also hope? 25But if we hope for what we do not
I also would not know lust, except the Law says, Do not lust see, we wait patiently for it. 26& likewise the Spirit also helps
for. 8But sin takes opportunities by the commands to do in our weakness; for we do not know what to pray as is
me every desire, for without the Law, sin is dead. 9& I was proper, but the Spirit itself asks for us with unspeakable
living without the Laws in the past, when the commands groans. 27& it searches the heart knowing what the purpose
arrived, sin revived, & I died. 10& the command that was to of the Spirit is, because it asks for the Saints, as to GΘD. 28&
live, I found was to die. 11For sin took opportunity through we know that everything works together for good for those
the commands to deceive me, & through it slayed me. 12So that love GΘD, being the invited, as to a purpose. 29For
also truly the Law is Holy & the commandments Holy, & who HE knew before & decided before to form similar to
righteous, & good. 13Then death was good for me? No the image of HIS Son, that He would be the 1stborn with
way! Yet sin that it would appear sin accomplished death many people. 30& who HE decided before these, HE also
in me by good; that sin by the commandments becomes called & who HE called these HE also justified; & who HE
exceedingly sinful. 14For we know that the Law is spiritual, justified, these HE also glorified. 31So what will we say about
but I am fleshly, sold by sin. 15For I do what I know not to; for these things? If GΘD is for us, who can be against us?
what I want that I do, I do not, instead what I hate this I do. 32
WHO truly did not spare HIS OWN Son, instead gave Him
& if I do this what I want not to, I agree that the Laws are for all of us. How will HE not with Him also freely give us
good. 17& now it is not I doing it, but sin living in me. 18For I everything? 33Who will come to accuse GΘD's Chosen,
know that in me that is in my flesh lives no good. For to want GΘD's innocent. 34Who condemns? The dead Anointed 1,
is present with me, but to do good I do not find. 19For what but also soon rose up, Who is also by the RIGHT HAND of
good I want, I do not, but bad nature that I want not, this I GΘD, Who is also speaking for us. 35What can separate us
do. 20& if this that I do want, it is no longer I doing it, but sin from the love of the Anointed 1: tribulation, or affliction, or
living in me. 21So then I found this principle, when I want to persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or a
do good, bad nature is present with me. 22For I rejoice with sword? 36As is written; for You we are killed all the days,
the Laws of GΘD, through the inner human. 23& I see counted as slaughtered sheep. 37Yet by all of these things
another principle with my body parts, attacking the victorious, through His love for us. 38For I am convinced that
principles of my mind by capturing me in the Law of sin, not death, or life, or Angels, or principalities, or powers, or
with those, being my body parts. 24I am a miserable man, things present, or things to come, 39or height, or depth, or
what will rescue me from the body of this misery? 25Give any other creature is able to separate us from the love of
thanks to GΘD through Jesus the Anointed 1 our Master. So GΘD, that is in the Anointed Jesus our Master.
then, the mind I myself truly serve the Law of GΘD; but the 9 I speak the truth with the Anointed 1, I do not lie, my
flesh, the law of sin. conscience witnesses to me by the Holy Spirit, 2that is why
8 Now then there is no condemnation to those with Jesus I have great sadness, & continual grief in my heart. 3For I
the Anointed 1; walking not by the flesh, but by the Spirit. wish myself was banned from the Anointed 1, for my
For the Law of the Spirit of Life with Jesus the Anointed 1, brothers, my relatives by flesh; 4who are the Israelites, who
has made me free from the law of sin & death. 3For the law were the adopted, & the glory, & the covenants, & gave
could not do with those that are weak because of the the Law to, & the ministers, & the promises. 5Who are the
flesh, GΘD sent HIS Son in the form of sinful flesh; & for sin fathers, & from who by their flesh, the Anointed 1 became
condemned sin in the flesh. 4So that the righteousness of over all; GΘD blessed forever, so be it. 6But not so because
the Law will be full with us, walking not by the flesh, but by the WORDS of GΘD lost effect, for they are not all Israelites
the Spirit. 5For being with the flesh, thinks about the flesh, that are from Israel. 7Or because they are all the seed of
but those with the Spirit, about the Spirit. 6For fleshly Abraham's children; instead with Isaac your seed will be
thoughts is death, but Spirit thoughts is life & peace. called. 8That is the children of the flesh, these are not
Because the flesh thinks hatred against GΘD; for it does children of GΘD; but the children of the promise will be
not obey the Laws of GΘD, for not even can it. 8& being in included seed counted. 9For these are the promised words,
the flesh, cannot please GΘD. 9But you are not in the flesh, according to this time will come, & Sarah will have a son.
but in the Spirit, if the Spirit of GΘD lives in you. So if anyone 10
& not only this, but Rebekah also had conceived by 1 of
does not have Spirit of the Anointed 1, they are not HIS. 10& our ancestors, Isaac. 11For those not yet born or even did
if the Anointed 1 is with you, the body is truly dead because any good or bad, so that the purpose of GΘD according
of sin, but the Spirit is life, because of righteousness. 11But if to the chosen to would remain not from works, but from
the Spirit raised up Jesus from the dead, lives in you that being called. 12Because HE said to her, The stronger will
raised up Jesus from the dead will also revive your mortal serve the weaker. 13Just as it was written, I loved Jacob, but
body, by HIS Spirit that lives in you. 12So then Believers, we I hated esau. 14Then how can we say, there is no injustice
are not bound to the flesh, to live by the flesh. 13For if we with GΘD? No way! 15For HE said to Moses, I will have
live by the flesh, will die. But if we kill it by the Spirit, the mercy for whoever I will have mercy for, & I will have
actions of the body, will live. 14For whoever is led by the compassion for whoever I have compassion for. 16So then
Spirit of GΘD, they are sons of GΘD. 15For you have not not who wills or runs, instead GΘD WHO has mercy. 17For
received the Spirit of slavery to fear again, but received the Holy Writings said about pharaoh, For this MYSELF, I
the Spirit of adoption, by which we speak loudly, ABBA, raised you up so that I could show MY power with you, so
FATHER. 16The Spirit itself testifies with our Spirit, that we are that MY NAME would be announced throughout all of the
Children of GΘD. 17& if the Children are also heirs, truly earth. 18So then HE has mercy with whoever HE wants to, &
inheritors of GΘD, & joined with the Anointed 1's whoever HE wants to, HE makes stubborn. 19So you will say
inheritance, if they suffer so that they will also be glorified to me, why does HE find fault, for who has resisted HIS will?
together. 18For I decided that the suffering at this present 20
So truly oh people, why do you reply against GΘD? The
time, is not comparable to the glory that will be revealed thing formed does not say to WHO formed it, why did YOU
to us. 19For the anxious expectation that creation waits for make me this way? 21Then the potter does not have power
is the appearance of the Son of GΘD. 20For the creation over the clay, from the same mass to make that thing truly
obeys vanity, but by obeying Him; with hope. 21Because into value, otherwise into dishonor? 22& if GΘD was willing
the creation itself also will be freed from the slavery of to show anger, & make HIS power known, carried with
corruption into the glorious freedom of the Children of much longsuffering, the things wraith fitted to destruction.
GΘD. 22For we know that all of creation groans together & 23
& so that HE could make known the abundance of HIS
feels pain until now. 23& not only, but ourselves also who glory to things, mercy for those HE prepared before to

have the 1st fruits of the Spirit, & we ourselves groan within glory? 24Even those of us who HE called, not from the Jews
ourselves, patiently waiting for the adoption; the only, but also from Non-Jews. 25As HE also said with Hosea,
redemption of our body. 24For we are saved by hope, but I will call MY people, those not MY OWN people & not

hope that is seen, is not hope; for what someone sees, why loved, loved. 26& this will happen in the place where it was
said to them, You are not MY OWN people, there they will be darkened, to not see, & bow down their back
be called Children of the LIVING GΘD. 27Isaiah also spoke constantly. 11Truly I do not say they stumbled so that they
loudly about Israel, If the number of the children of Israel would fall. No way! Instead their own sin; salvation to the
be as the sand of the sea, few will be saved. 28For HE will non-Jews, to provoke them to jealousy. 12& if the fall of
finish the WORDS, & quickly in righteousness, because the them enriches the world, & the failure of them, enriches the
MASTER will quickly do the WORDS on the earth. 29& just as non-Jews, how much more their own abundance. 13For I
Isaiah said before, If the MASTER of the Sabbath did not say to you non-Jews, truly as I am an Apostle for non-Jews,
leave us seed, we would have become like sodom & service honors my own. 14If somehow I provoke my own to
would have become like gomorrha. 30So what do we say? jealousy, then some of them might get saved. 15For if the
That the non-Jews who did not follow righteousness gained rejection of them restores the world, what will those receive
righteousness, & the righteousness that is from faith. 31But if not life from the dead? 16For if the 1st fruits are Holy, the
Israel mistreated the righteous Laws, did not become mass is also; & if the roots are Holy, so are the branches. 17&
righteous with the Laws. 32Why? Because they were not if some of the branches are broken off & you are an wild
about belief, but were about the works of the Laws; for olive tree grafted with the same, & made with roots &
they stumbled on the stones. 33Just as it was written, fatness of the olive tree; 18Do not boast to injure the
Realize, I placed stumbling stones, so rocks will stumble in branches. & if you boast to injure, you do not support the
Zion, but whoever believes in Him will not be dishonored. root, but the root you. 19Will you say then, The branches
10 Brothers, truly my heart's desire & request to GΘD for were broken off so that I might be glorified? 20Rightly for
Israel, is for them to be saved. 2For I witness that they have unbelief they were broken off & you stand by faith. Do not
zeal for GΘD, but not with correct knowledge. 3For they do be proud, but fearful. 21For if GΘD did not spare the natural
not know GΘD’s righteousness & sought to establish their throughout branches, somehow HE will not spare you? 22So
own righteousness, by not obeying the righteousness of realize the usefulness & decisiveness of GΘD truly falls with
GΘD. 4For the Anointed ended the Law for righteousness, severity, but to you is useful, if you continue to be useful,
for all who believe. 5For Moses wrote the righteousness that otherwise you will also be cut off. 23& those also who do not
came from the Law, that the person who did them, would remain faithless, will be grafted in; for GΘD is able to graft
live by them. 6But the righteousness from faith says this, Do them in again. 24For if you are cut off from the olive tree by
not say in your heart, who will go up into Heaven, that will nature & grafted against nature to the olive garden, how
bring the Anointed down? 7Or who will go down into the much more will these, the natural through grafting into their
bottomless pit that will lead up the Anointed from dead? own olive tree? 25For I do not want you fellow believers to
Yet what does it say? The WORDS are near you, in your not know this mystery, so that you will be wise by yourselves,
mouth, & in your heart, that is the WORDS of faith that we because from part blindness happened to Israel, until
announce. 9That if you confess with your mouth Master when the fullness of the non-Jews came. 26& so all of Israel
Jesus, & believe in your heart that GΘD raised Him from the can be saved, just as written, Coming from Zion the
dead, you will be saved! 10For the heart believes into rescuer, so they can turn ungodliness away from Jacob.
righteousness, & the mouth speaks out for salvation. 11For 27
For this is of my covenant to them, whenever, I will remove
the Holy writings say, Whoever believes in Him will not be their sins. 28Truly throughout the good news, enemies
dishonored. 12For there is no difference between the Jews because of you, & for the chosen well loved, the ancestors.
& non-Jews, for the same Master of all, has enough for 29
For the favor & invitations from GΘD is unchangeable.
everyone who is called, who calls Him. 13For whoever calls 30
For exactly as you were once also disobedient to GΘD,
the Master's Name will be saved. 14So how will they call to yet have now experienced mercy because of their
Who they do not believe? & how will they believe Who unbelief; 31Also so that these disbelievers, will also from
they do not hear? & how will they hear without any YOUR mercy, get mercy. 32For GΘD embraced everyone
proclaimers? 15& how will they proclaim if they are not with disobedience, so that everyone could have mercy.
sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those 33
Oh the abundance of both the wisdom & knowledge of
proclaiming peace; announcing goods news! 16Yet not GΘD, as unsearchable are HIS judgments, & HIS ways are
everyone obeys the good news, for Isaiah said, MASTER, unsearchable. 34For who knows the MASTER's MIND, or who
who will believe our story? 17So then belief is from hearing, will be HIS adviser? 35Or who has 1st given to HIM & gives
& hearing through GΘD's WORDS. 18But I spoke, did they back equally to HIM? 36For from HIM & by HIM, & with HIM
not hear? So at least their sound went out to the whole everything; the same be glorified forever, so be it.
earth, & their words to the ends of the world. 19& I said, Does 12 So I beg you brothers, by the mercy of GΘD, present
Israel not know? Moses 1st said, I will provoke you by not your body a living sacrifice, Holy, acceptable to GΘD, your
your race, a jealous nation to anger you. 20& Isaiah was logical service. 2& do not be conformed to this world,
bold & said, I did not find any seeking ME; it was known instead transform the renewal of your mind, that you will
openly, but they did not seek ME. 21But to Israel he said, All recognize what is good, & acceptable & perfect will of
day I reached MY hands out to disobedient & refusing GΘD. 3For I say, through the loveliness given to me,
people. everyone who is with you, do not think more higher than is
11 So I say, Did not GΘD reject HIS OWN people? No way! necessary, instead think moderately, as GΘD divides
For I am also an Israelite from the seed of Abraham, tribe everyone's measure of faith. 4For exactly as we have many
of Benjamin. 2GΘD did not reject HIS people that knew parts in 1 body, but not all the parts have not the same
before, or do you not know what is written said by Elijah? function. 5So we many are 1 body with the Anointed 1, &
How he discusses to GΘD against Israel, saying, 3MASTER, every 1's parts 1 another. 6& have different gifts, according
they killed YOUR Prophets & destroyed YOUR altars, & I to the favor given to us, if also prophecy, according to the
remain alone, & they seek my life. 4Yet what did GΘD proportion of faith. 7Or service, by serving, or to teach, by
answer him? I have for myself 7,000 people remaining, who teaching, 8or to encourage, by encouraging; to share, by
have not bent their knees to baal. 5So truly even now sincerity, to lead by caring, to be compassionate by
during this time there is also remaining accordingly chosen cheerfulness. 9Love, sincerely; hate evil, join good.
to loving-kindness. 6& if grace, then no longer from works, 10
Believers be loving to 1 another; value 1 another, show
otherwise loving-kindness is no more grace. But if from the way. 11Never be lazy, work eagerly; be hot in Spirit to
works, then it is no more grace, otherwise work is no more serve the Master. 12Rejoice in hope, endure during
work. 7What then? Israel has not obtained this what it oppression, continue in prayer. 13Share with the Saint’s
wishes for, but the chosen has obtained it, & the rest needs; eagerly be hospitable. 14Pray for who persecute

blinded. 8According as written, GΘD gives their soul numb you, pray, & do not doom. 15Rejoice with whoever rejoices,
eyes to not see, & ears to not hear, even to this day. 9& & cry with whoever cries. 16Be of the same understanding
David said, Their own table became made into a snare, & to each other. Do not think higher, instead submit humbly.

a trap, so to trap; as vengeance to them. 10Their eyes will Do not become conceited by yourself. 17Repay no-one
wicked for wicked. Be genuinely thoughtful before all meat or drink wine, or with anything that your fellow
people. 18If possible live in peace with all people. 19Dearly believer stumbles, or is offended, or made weak by it.
loved do not avenge yourselves, instead allow the place 22
Have your conviction to yourself before GΘD. Happy are
for wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is MINE, I will repay, those who do not judge what is allowed. 23& whoever
says the MASTER. 20So if your enemies hunger, feed them. doubts if they eat it, will be judged, because they are not
If they thirst, give them drink. For doing this you will heap from belief, & whoever is not from belief, is sinning.
burning coals of fire on their heads. 21Do not be defeated 15 So whoever is strong owes it to lift up the weaknesses of
by evil, but defeat evil with good. the weak, & not please ourselves; 2for every 1 of us pleases
13 Every soul obey superior powers, for there is no power those close by, for their good to build others up. 3For even
except from GΘD. & the powers that exist are placed by the Anointed did not please Himself, but just as written, The
GΘD. 2So then resisting the powers resists the plan of GΘD, blames of those insulting you, fell on Me. 4For as much as
& those opposing will themselves receive judgment. 3For was written before, was written for our instruction, so that
rulers are not afraid of good works, instead the wicked. through patience & encouragement of the Holy Writings
Then you will not be afraid of their power, do good & you we have hope. 5& the patient & encouragement GΘD
will have praise from these same. 4For they are servants of gives to you, to have HIS thinking towards each other,
GΘD to you for good, but if you do wickedness, be afraid. according to the Anointed Jesus. 6So that you will praise
For they do not wear the sword for no reason; for they are HIM with 1 mind & 1 mouth to glorify GΘD, the FATHER also
servants of GΘD, punishing wrath to whoever does of our Master Jesus the Anointed. 7So then accept each
wickedness. 5So then it is necessary to obey, not only other just as The Anointed also accepted us for GΘD’s
because of wrath, but also for conscience. 6For through glory. 8So I say Jesus the Anointed 1 was a servant of the
this you also pay taxes for they are GΘD’s servants; circumcision for the truth of GΘD, to confirm the promises
constantly about these things. 7Truly pay all the owed of the ancestors. 9Then the non-Jews will glorify GΘD for HIS
taxes, taxes for the taxed, respect for the respected, honor mercy, just as written, Through this, I will give praise to YOU
for the honored. 8Owe no-one anything, instead love each with the non-Jews, & they will sing to YOUR NAME. 10&
other; for whoever loves others completes the Law. 9For again HE said, rejoice non-Jews with HIS people. 11& again,
this, do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, do praise the MASTER, all Non-Jews, & all people praise HIM.
not false testify, do not covet, & if other commandments 12
& again Isaiah said, There will be a root of Jesse, & He will
are condensed in this saying, Love others of yours nearby rise to lead the non-Jews; in Him the non-Jews will trust. 13&
as yourself. 10Love does no wickedness to those nearby, so the GΘD of hope fills you all with joy & peace through
love completes the Law. 11& know that the time is now for believing, that you will remain with hope by the power of
us to rise up from sleep; for our salvation is now nearer than the Holy Spirit. 14& I am also convinced about you, my
when we believed. 12The night is almost gone & the day is fellow Believers, that you are also full of kindness, filled with
coming near, so put away the works of darkness & put on all knowledge, are able to also warn 1 another. 15&
the armor of light. 13Walk as proper in the day, not rioting & Believers, I write from this part more boldly to you, as to
drunkenness, not laying down & lustful, not debating & remind you, because of the loving-kindness given to me by
jealous. 14But put on the Master Jesus the Anointed 1, & do GΘD. 16I exist to serve Jesus the Anointed 1 to the non-
not provide for the lustful flesh. Jews, ministering the good news of GΘD, so that the
14 & take in the weak in faith, but not to argue, judging. offerings of the non-Jews will be acceptable, purified by
Truly whoever believes, eats everything & others weaker, the Holy Spirit. 17So that I have glorified with Jesus the
eats vegetables. 3Do not despise whoever does not eat, & Anointed 1; for GΘD. 18For I will not dare speak anything
those who do not eat, do not judge those who eat, for that, the Anointed 1 will not work through me, to make the
GΘD took them in. 4Who are you to judge another's non-Jews obedient by words & actions, 19by powerful signs
servant to his own MASTER; who will stand or fall. Yet they & wonders, by the power of the Spirit of GΘD; so that from
will stand for GΘD is able to stand for them. 5Truly whoever Jerusalem & around as far as illyricum, I completely taught
decides a day above another; & others decide every day, the good news of the Anointed 1. 20& this way I was
each in their own mind is convinced. 6To think the day is determined to announce the good news, not where the
directed to the MASTER, & those who do not direct the day Anointed 1 was known, so that I would not build on
to the MASTER; to eat, eating to the MASTER, for giving another's foundation. 21Yet just as written, Whoever was not
thanks to GΘD, & whoever does not eat to the MASTER & spoken to nearby, they will see, & whoever did not hear,
gives thanks. 7For none of us lives for ourselves, & no-one they will understand Him. 22For which also I have been
dies for ourselves. 8If both live, we live for the MASTER, & if detained from you. 23But now am not held any more in this
we die, we die for the MASTER. So if both live or both die, place, & have longed for many years to come to you.
we are the MASTER’s. 9For both of these things the 24
Whenever I travel to spain, I will come to you. For I hope
Anointed died, & was risen up & revived, so that He is both to see you traveling through, & accompanied there by
Master of the dead & the living. 10So why do you judge your you, when I am 1st filled partly with you. 25But now I will travel
believers? Or also why do you despise your believers? For to Jerusalem to serve the Saints. 26For it pleased the
we will all stand before the judgment seat of the Anointed. macedonians & achaias, to do some sharing for the needy
For it is written, I live, says the Master because every knee Saints who are in Jerusalem. 27It was good of them, & for
will bend to Me, & every tongue will confess to GΘD. 12So who they are owing. For if the non-Jews share their spiritual
then, every one of us will give an account about things, they also owe it to serve them with human needs.
themselves to GΘD. 13Then no more judging 1 another, 28
So after I complete this, & seal this fruit to them, I will go
instead judge this more, do not put a stumbling block, or a by you into spain. 29I know that when I come to you, I will
trap stick for believers. 14I know, & am persuaded by the come in the complete blessing of the Anointed 1's good
Master Jesus, that nothing is unclean by itself, but to who message. 30& I encourage you Believers through the
decides something is unclean, to that 1 it is unclean. 15& if Master Jesus the Anointed of ours, & for the love of the
your fellow believer grieves because of food, no longer live Spirit, join with me in prayers to GΘD for me, 31so that I will
to love feasts. Do not destroy him with your food, for who be rescued from the unbelievers in judea. & so that my
the Anointed 1 died for. 16So then your good will not be service that is for Jerusalem will become acceptable to
spoken evil against. 17For the Kingdom of GΘD is not food the Saints. 32So that I will come to you with joy by GΘD's will,
& drink, instead righteousness, & peace, & happiness with & with you together be refreshed. 33& the peace of GΘD
the Holy Spirit. 18For with these serves the Anointed 1, be with you all, amen.

pleases GΘD, & mankind accepts. 19So then seek after the 16 & I stand with you Phoebe, our sister, being a
peaceful things, & things to build each other up. 20For food deaconess of the gathering that is in cenchrea. 2So that
does not destroy the work of GΘD. All is truly pure, but it is you will accept her with the Master, a worthy Saint, & help

evil for mankind to eat by offending. 21It is not good to eat her with whatever work she needs from you. For she has
also been a protectress to many & to me. 3Priscilla & I did not Baptize any of you, except Crispus & Gaius.
Aquila, greets my fellow workers with the Anointed Jesus. 15
Otherwise some could say, that I Baptized in my own
Who for my life, risked their necks, who I not only gave name. 16& I also Baptized the household of Stephanas;
thanks, but also all of the gatherings of the non-Jews. 5& besides, I do not know any others I Baptized. 17For the
the gatherings in your houses, greets my much loved Anointed 1 did not send me to Baptize, but to announce
Epaenetus, who was the 1st fruit of Achaia to the Anointed the good news; not with wise words, otherwise the cross of
1. 6Maria greets you, who often worked hard for us. the Anointed 1 would become empty. 18For the teaching
Andronicus & Junia my relatives greet you, & my fellow of the cross would be truly destroyed, foolishness. But to us
prisoners, who are outstanding of the Apostles, who also that are saved, it is the power of GΘD. 19For written, I will
became with the Anointed before me. 8Amplias greets destroy the wisdom of the wise, & reject the understanding
you, my much loved with the Master. 9Urbane our fellow of the educated. 20Where are the wise, where are religious
worker with the Anointed, & Stachys my much loved, teachers, where are the debaters of this world? Has GΘD
greets you. 10Apelles greets you, accepted by the not made foolish the wisdom of this world? 21For this reason
Anointed 1. Those from Aristobulus greet you. 11Herodion, since then with the wisdom of GΘD, the world by its
my relative greets you. Those from the Narkissos's that are wisdom did not know GΘD. GΘD took pleasure by the
with the Master, greet you. 12Tryphena & Tryphosa, who foolish messages to save those trusting. 22& since then the
work hard with the Master, greet you. The much loved religious Jews ask for signs & the greeks seek after wisdom.
woman Persis, who works much for the Master, greets you. 23
But we proclaim the crucified Anointed 1, the religious
Rufus, chosen by the Master, & his mother, & my own, Jews truly are a trap, & to the greeks, foolishness. 24But to
greets you. 14Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, those who are called, both Jews & greeks; the Anointed 1's
Hermes, & the fellow believers with them, greet you. power of GΘD, & the wisdom of GΘD. 25Because the
Philologus & Julia, Nereus, & his sister, & Olympas, & all of foolishness of GΘD is wiser than humans, & the weakness
the Saints with them, greet you. 16Welcome 1 another with of GΘD is stronger than humans. 26For you see your fellow
a Holy kiss, the gatherings of the Anointed 1, greet you. believers, how not many are wise according to the flesh,
Now I call you Believers to observe those making divisions not many strong, no not many noble are called. 27Instead
& traps, at the teachings that you learned, & turn away GΘD chose the foolishness of the world, to disgrace the
from them. 18For these type do not serve our Anointed wise. & GΘD chose the weaknesses of the world, to shame
Master Jesus, but their own bellies, & by pleasing words, & the strong. 28& those born low & the despised of the world,
praises to deceive the hearts of the trusting. 19For your GΘD chooses, & those who are nothing, to become HIS.
obedience has gone out to everyone. So I am happy for 29
This way no flesh will be glorified before HIM. 30& of those
you; but I want you to be wise for your good & unmixed of you who are with the Anointed Jesus, Who from GΘD
with evil. 20& the GΘD of peace will crush satan under our makes us become wise, & righteous, & purified, &
feet. The lovingness of our Anointed Master Jesus is with redeemed. 31So that just as written, whoever boasts, boast
you, so be it. 21Timothy my fellow worker, & Lucius, & Jason, about the MASTER.
& Sosipater my fellow relatives greet you. 22I, Tertius 2 & Believers when I came to you, I did not come with
transcribed this letter, greet you with the MASTER. 23Galatia superior words, or wisdom proclaiming to you the testimony
is my guest, & the whole assembly greet you. Erastus the of GΘD. 2For I decided not to share anything with you
manager of the city & Quartus a Believer, greets you. 24The except Jesus the Anointed 1, this same also was crucified.
lovingness of our Anointed Master Jesus be with all of you, 3
& I was with you in weakness, & in fear, & in much
so be it. 25& WHO is able through my good message to you, trembling. 4& my words, & my proclaiming was not with
& the proclaiming of the Anointed Jesus, according to the persuasive words of human wisdom, instead with the Spirit
mysterious instructions, kept secret throughout the ages. & power. 5So that your faith would not be with people’s
But now it is made known. & by the Prophet's writings wisdom, but with GΘD’s power. 6So with wisdom speaks
according to the commands of the eternal GΘD, made perfectly, but not wisdom of this world, or of the leaders of
known to every nation for obedience of Belief. 27GΘD this world; which is useless. 7Instead I speak the mysterious
alone is wise, glorified by the Anointed Jesus, forever, so be wisdom with GΘD that GΘD decided to hide before the
it. Written to the romans from corinth, sent by Phoebe world for our glory. 8That none of the leaders of this world
servant of the gatherings in cenchrea. know, for if they knew, they would not have crucified the
1611 kjv 1st Corinthians † Paul called to be an Apostle of glorious Master. 9Yet just as it was written, No eye has seen,
Jesus the Anointed 1, through the will of GΘD, & Brother & no ear has heard, & has not entered into people’s hearts,
Sosthenes. 2To the church of GΘD which is in Corinth, what love GΘD has prepared for them. 10But GΘD has
purified by the Anointed 1 Jesus, called to be Saints, with revealed to us through HIS Spirit, for the Spirit searches
everyone in every place who call the name of Jesus the everything, even the deep things of GΘD. 11For who knows
Anointed 1 our Master, both theirs & ours. 3Lovingness to the person except the Spirit of the person in them? & so
you, & peace from GΘD our FATHER, & Master Jesus, the these of GΘD know nothing except the Spirit of GΘD. 12&
Anointed 1. 4I thank my GΘD always about you, for the we have not received the Spirit of the world, but the Spirit
lovingness of GΘD, which was given to you by Jesus the that is from GΘD, so that we will know the things given
Anointed 1, 5with everything that enriches by Him, by every freely to us by GΘD. 13What I also speak, is not with human
word, & all knowledge. 6Just as the testimony of the words of wisdom teachings, instead by the Holy Spirit
Anointed 1 was confirmed with you. 7So that you are not teachings, comparing spiritual to spiritual. 14But natural
lacking with any gifts, patiently waiting for the coming of people do not receive the things of the Spirit of GΘD, for it
our Master Jesus the Anointed 1, 8Who will also strengthen is foolishness to them. & they cannot know because they
you to the end, to be blameless during the day of our are spiritually examined. 15So the spiritual, truly examines
Master Jesus the Anointed 1. 9GΘD is faithful by WHO you everything, but HE is examined by no-one. 16For who knows
were called to fellowship with HIS Son Jesus the Anointed the mind of the MASTER that instructs Him? Yet we have the
1, our Master. 10Now I call you Believers by the Name of our mind of the Anointed 1.
Master Jesus the Anointed 1, that everyone speak the 3 & Believers I could not speak to you spiritually, instead as
same. So there will be no divisions with you, instead you be fleshly, as little children with the Anointed 1. 2I gave you milk
completely in the same mind, & with the same thoughts. to drink, but no food; for you were not yet able, & are still
For it has been made known to me about you, my fellow now not able. 3For you are still fleshly, for wherever there is
Believers, by those of Chloe's that there is arguing by you. jealously, & conflicts, & divisions, are you not fleshly, &

Now I say this, that every one of you said, I truly am of walking just as humans? 4For when someone says, I am truly
Paul, & I of Apollos, & I of Cephas, & I of the Anointed 1. 13Is of Paul, & another, I of Apollo, are you not fleshly? 5So then
the Anointed 1 divided? Paul was not crucified for you, or who is Paul & who is Apollo? Other than ministers by who

were you Baptized in the name of Paul? 14I thank GΘD that you believed, & as the MASTER gave to everyone. 6I
planted, Apollo watered, but GΘD grows. 7So then not 5 It is reported everywhere fornication is with you, & such
either are those planting something, or even those fornication, this same is not even mentioned with the non-
watering, instead GΘD grows. 8& whoever plants & waters Jews, that 1 would have his father’s wife. 2& you are
are 1, & each will receive their own reward according to prideful & have not even instead mourned, so that doing
their own work. 9For we are fellow workers of GΘD, you are this act would be removed from with you. 3For as I truly
GΘD’s field; GΘD’s buildings. 10According to the loving- went away bodily, but was present in soul have already
kindness of GΘD that was given to me, as a skilled master decided as though I was present, concerning this thing. 4In
builder, I have laid the foundation, & another will build it the name of our Master Jesus the Anointed, you gather, &
up. & everyone watch how HE will build it up. 11For no-one my soul together with the power of our Master Jesus the
else can lay the foundation that was laid, besides which is Anointed. 5To deliver such satan for destroying the flesh, so
Jesus the Anointed 1. 12& whoever builds on this that the soul will be saved in the day of the Master Jesus.
foundation, gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw; 6
Your boasting is not good; do you not know that a little
everyone's work will become known. For the day will yeast ferments the whole dough? 7So clean out the old
make it clear, because it will be revealed by fire, & the fire fermentation, so that you will be new dough, that you will
will test every kind of work it was. 14Whatever works remain be unfermented. For also our Anointed 1 is the Passover
that was built onto, they will receive rewards. 15Whoever's sacrificed for us. 8So then keep the Festival, not with old
work is burnt down, will suffer loss. But they will be saved, & fermented, or with evil ferment & wickedness, but with
so by fire this way. 16Do you not know that you are the unfermented purity & truth. 9I wrote to you in a letter, do
Temples of GΘD, & the Spirit of GΘD lives in you? not associate with the sexually immoral. 10But not by all
Whoever corrupts the Temple of GΘD, GΘD will destroy means the fornicators of this world, or the greedy, or
this 1. For the Temple of GΘD is Holy, which are you? 18No- robbers, or idolaters; because then you would need to
one deceive them-self, whoever of you thinks they are wise leave from the world. 11But now I write to you, do not keep
in this world, become a fool, so that they will become wise. company with, if someone is named a Believer is a
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with GΘD; for fornicator, or greedy, or idolater, or abusive, or drunkard,
written, HE traps the wise in their own cleverness. 20& again, or a robber; such as these, do not eat with. 12For why would
the MASTER knows the thoughts of the wise; that they are I judge those also outside? No you only judge within. 13But
useless. 21So then no-one glorify about people, for those outside, GΘD judges. But remove those wicked from
everything is yours. 22Even Paul, even Apollo, even Cephas, yourselves.
even world, even life, even death, even present, even to 6 Any of you dare, who has an issue against another, go
come, everything will be yours. 23& you the Anointed’s & to law before the unjust, & not before the Saints? 2Do you
the Anointed’s GΘD. not know that the Saints will judge the world? & if the world
4 So people count us as servants of the Anointed 1, & will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the
managers of the secrets of GΘD. 2& whoever remains are smallest? 3Do you not know that we will judge Angels? How
required as managers, so that some will be found faithful. much more things of this life? 4So then if you truly have
& to me it is the smallest thing to be judged by you, or by rulings about this life, settle them with those who are
humans daily, yet I do not judge myself. 4For I know nothing nothing in the church? 5I speak about your shame. Is it so,
of myself, yet my judge is the Master. 5So then do not judge that there is not wise with you? Not even 1 that is able to
anything before time, until when the Master comes. Then judge between his own Believers? 6Yet Believers go to the
whoever brings light to the hidden darkness's, & makes law with Believers that are also before unbelievers? 7So
known the intentions of the hearts, so then everyone will now there is truly, completely fault with you, because you
have praise from GΘD. 6& these things Believers, I applied go to the law with yourselves; why not instead be wrong?
to myself, & Apollos, for you, so that learning with us to not Why not instead be defrauded? 8Instead you do wrong &
think more than what is written, so that no-one is proud for defraud, & these things about your Believers. 9Or do you
1 against another. 7For what separates you from others? & not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom
what do you have that you did not receive? & if you of GΘD? Do not be deceived; not even fornicators, or
received it, why glorify as if you have not received it? 8Even idolaters, or homosexuals, or same sex abusers, 10or thieves,
now you are full, even now rich, you will have royal power or greedy, or drunks, or abusers, or robbers, will not inherit
without us, & really should have royal power, so that we will the Kingdom of GΘD. 11& some of these were you; but you
also have royal power together with you. 9For GΘD were washed, yet purified, yet are righteous by the Name
decided that the Apostles be shown last, as doomed to of the Master Jesus, & by the Spirit of our GΘD. 12Everything
death. For we will become a show to the world, & to is allowable to me, yet not everything helps; everything is
Angels, & mankind. 10We are foolish for the Anointed 1, but allowable to me, yet I will not be controlled by something.
you are wise with the Anointed 1. We are weak, but you 13
Food for the belly, & the belly for food, but GΘD will make
are strong; we are despised, but you are honorable.11& both of these useless. & the body is not for fornication,
until this time we hungered & thirsted, & were poorly instead for the MASTER; & the MASTER for the body. 14&
clothed, & punched, & homeless. 12& worked hard with our GΘD raised up the Master, & He will raise us up by His Own
own hands, were abused, we praised; persecuted, we Power. 15Do you not know that your bodies are parts of the
endured. 13Spoken evil about, we encouraged; we Anointed 1? So then do I take parts of the Anointed 1 to
became as filth of the world, wiping off everything until make part of a prostitute? No way! 16Or do you not know
now. 14Not writing these things to shame you, but as my that joining a prostitute becomes 1 body? For HE says 2 will
much loved children I warn. 15For if you have 10,000 tutors become into 1 body. 17& whoever joins the Master
with the Anointed 1, yet you will have not many founders; becomes 1 Spirit. 18Escape from fornication; every sin that
for with the Anointed Jesus I delivered you through the if a person does, is outside the body, but sexual sins are
good news. 16So then I beg you, become imitators of me. against your own body. 19Or do you not know that your
For this cause I sent to you Timothy, who is my much loved body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit in you that you have
child, & faithful with the MASTER. Who will remind you of my from GΘD, & you are not your own. 20For you were
ways that are with the Anointed 1, just as I teach redeemed with a price. Now glorify GΘD with your body,
everywhere in every assembly. 18& some have attitudes, as & with your Spirit which is GΘD’s.
though I will not come to you. 19But I will come to you soon, 7 & about what you wrote to me, It is admirable for a man
if the MASTER wills it, & will not know the speech of those to not touch a woman. 2But because of fornication,
with attitudes, but those with power. 20For the Kingdom of everyone should have his own wife, & every woman have

GΘD is not in speeches, but with power. 21What do you her own husband. 3The husband owes kindness to give the
want, to come to you with a rod, or with love & wife, & equally the wife to the husband. 4The wife does not
humbleness? own her body, instead the husband; & also equally, the

husband does not own his body, instead the wife. 5Do not
deprive each another, except if agreeing for some time, someone loves GΘD, they are known by HIM. 4So then
so that to rest for fasting & praying; afterwards come about the eating things sacrificed to idols, know that a
together again, so that satan cannot tempt you through false god is nothing in the world, & that there is no other
your self-control. 6& I say this about permission, not as a GΘD except 1. 5For if also there are gods mentioned,
command. 7For I wish all men were also as myself, but whether in Heaven or on earth, as there are many gods &
everyone has their own gift from GΘD, who are this way, & many masters. 6But for us 1 GΘD, the FATHER of us WHO, &
truly others are this way. 8& I say to the unmarried & widows, everything is for HIM; & 1 Master Jesus the Anointed 1, by
it is good for them if they remain even as I. 9But if they Who everyone is, & us by Him. 7Yet there is no knowledge
cannot self-control, get married. For it is better to marry in anything; for some consciences of the false god's even
than to burn. 10& to the married, I command, not I, but the now, eat as if it is sacrificed food to gods, because their
MASTER; wives do not leave from husbands. 11But if she consciences are weak, defiled. 8& GΘD did not command
leaves her husband; remain unmarried or return to favor us to provide meat; for not even if we eat are we greater,
with husband. & husbands do not send away wives. 12& the or if we do not eat lessor. 9But discern that this freedom of
Master says, not I to the rest, If any Believer has an yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the
unbelieving wife, & she is happy together to live with him, weak. 10For if someone sees you who has knowledge,
do not send her away. 13& wife who has an unbelieving sitting in an idol’s temple; will not the conscience of those
husband & he is happy to live with her, do not send him who are weak be bold to eat sacrificed food to idols? 11&
away. 14For the unbelieving husband is purified by the wife, by your knowledge the weak Believers will be lost, for who
& the unbelieving wife is purified by the husband; so then the Anointed died? 12When you sin this way against the
your children were unclean, but now they are Holy. 15But if Believers, & wound their weak consciences, you sin against
the unbelievers leave, let them leave. A Brother or Sister is the Anointed 1. 13For whatever food, if it offends my fellow
not bound by such as this; because GΘD called us to Believers, I will not eat the meat of the world, so that I will
peace. 16For what do you know wife, if you will save your not offend my fellow Believers.
husband, or what do you know husband, if you will save 9 Am I not an Apostle? Am I not free? Have I not seen Jesus
your wife? 17If not as GΘD divides everyone as the MASTER the Anointed our Master? Are you not my work with the
calls everyone, to walk this way, & so I order in all Churches. Master? 2If I am not an Apostle to others, but I am surely to
Anyone called to be circumcised, do not be you; for the seal of my commission, you are with the Master.
uncircumcised. Anyone called in uncircumcision, do not 3
My defense to those who examine me is this; 4Do we not
be circumcised. 19
Circumcision is nothing, & have privileges to eat & to drink. 5Do we not have
uncircumcision is nothing, instead keep GΘD’s privileges to lead a sister, a woman as also the rest of the
commands. 20Everyone remain in their same calling, that Apostles, & the Believers of the Master, & Cephas? 6Or do
they were called with. 21Whoever was called a slave, do only I & Barnabas not have privileges to work? 7Who goes
not worry about it; instead if you are able to become free, to war ever with his own soldier’s pay? Who plants a
use it sooner. 22For a slave called by the MASTER, is the vineyard & does not eat from the fruit of it? Or who feeds
MASTER's free person; also equally whoever was called a flock, & does not drink from the milk of the flock? 8Do I
free, is the Anointed 1’s slave, 23bought with a price, do not not say these things as a man? Or surely say not the Law
be slaves of humans. 24Believers, everyone that is called by also? 9For written in the Law of Moses, do not muzzle a cow
GΘD, remains with this 1. 25& about virgins, I have no treading, does not GΘD care about a cow? 10Or HE said it
commandment of the MASTER; so I will give advice, just as altogether for us? For written, because to plow is owed
I was given mercy by GΘD to be faithful. 26So I think that it plowing in hope; & to tread with hope, shares with his own
is good for the present troubles that it is good for mankind hope. 11If we sow spiritual things into you, is it great to reap
to be this way. 27Those bound to a wife, do not seek to be your fleshly things? 12If others share power over you, is it not
freed. Those freed from a wife? Do not seek a wife. 28But if better we? Instead we have not to use this power, yet
you also marry, you are not sinning, & if a virgin marries, she suffer everything, so that somehow not to cause difficulty
is not sinning. & these such in the flesh will have trouble, but of the good news of the Anointed 1. 13Do you not know
I try to spare you. 29But I say this, Believers, the time is short, that Holy workers eat from the Temple? Attendants of the
those remaining, that also have wives, be as though they altar, share the altar. 14& so the Master ordered,
have none. 30& those crying, as though not cried, & those proclaimers of the good news, live from the good news.
rejoicing, as though not rejoiced, & those buying, as 15
But I have not used any of these. & I have not written for
though not possessing. 31& use this world, as though not to these, so that it would be done for me. For it is much better
abuse; for the ways of this world will disappear. 32But I want for me to die, than that anyone accuse falsely for
you to exist without worrying. Unmarried care about those glorifying. 16For if I evangelize, there is no boasting. For it is
of the MASTER, how it pleases the MASTER. 33But married a necessary pressure in me, & trouble for me, if I do not
care about things of the world, how to please a wife. 34A announce the good news. 17For if I do this willingly, I have
wife is different than a virgin. The unmarried care for the a reward. But if unwilling, for economic gain is believed.
things of the MASTER that are Holy, both bodily & Spiritually; 18
What is my reward then? That when I announce the good
but married care for the things of the world, how to please message, I will announce the good message of the
a husband. 35& I say this for your own benefit, so that not to Anointed 1 for free, to not abuse my power with the good
put a noose on you, instead to be honorable, & devoted message. 19Because being free from everyone, I made
to the MASTER without distraction. 36But if anyone thinks to myself a servant to everyone, so that to gain more. 20For
himself to not behave with a virgin, & so needs to have, if the Jews, I became as Jewish, so that to gain Jews; those
she is past the ripe age, he is not sinning; plan what he under the Law, as if I was under the Law, so that to gain
wants, a wedding. 37& whoever stands strong in heart, those under the Law. 21For as the Lawless are without the
having no necessity, & has power over his own will, & has Laws; those not being Lawless to GΘD, but Lawful to the
decided in his heart to keep his virginity, does well. 38So Anointed 1, so that to gain the Lawless. 22To the weak I
then getting married is good, but not getting married, is become as weak, so that to gain the weak. I become
better. 39A wife is bound by Law as long as her husband everything to all, so that to save altogether some. 23& I do
lives; but if her husband dies, she is free to marry who she this for the good news, so that to become a partner with
wants, only if he is with the MASTER. 40But she will be happier them. 24Do you not know that runners in a race, all run, but
if she remains this way, according to my knowledge, & I truly 1 receives the prize? So run, so that to get it. 25&
have the Spirit of GΘD. everyone who competes is self-controlled. So then surely

8 & about eating things sacrificed to idols, know that to receive a perishable crown, but ours' imperishable. 26So
everyone has knowledge; knowledge makes proud, but then I do not run as unsure, so I do not box as beating the
love builds up. 2& if anyone thinks they know something, air. 27Instead I discipline my body, & control it, anyway

they know nothing yet as they need to know. 3But if possible for others, to not become unfit.
10 & Believers I do not want you to not know, that all our & the woman not even without a man with the MASTER.
ancestors were under the cloud, & all traveled through the 12
For just as the woman is from the man, so the man also by
red sea. 2& all were Baptized with Moses under the cloud the woman, & everything from GΘD. 13Judge by
& under the red sea. 3& they all ate the same spiritual food: yourselves, is it proper a woman prays to GΘD uncovered?
& all drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from a 14
Or does not nature itself teach truly to you that if a man
spiritual Rock that was with them, & that Rock was the has long hair, it is disgrace to him? 15& if a woman has long
Anointed 1. 5Yet with many of them GΘD did not think hair, it is her glory; for her hair is given for a covering. 16& if
good about, for they were slayed in the wilderness. 6& someone thinks to be argumentative, we have no kind of
these are our examples, for we cannot exist lusting for other way, not even the gatherings of GΘD. 17& I order this;
wicked things, just as they also lusted. 7Not even become I do not support that you do not come together for the
idolaters, just as some of them, as written, The people sat better, but for the worse. 18For you truly 1st came together
down to eat & drink, & rose up against to play. 8Not even in the gatherings, I heard there existed divisions within you,
fornication, just as some of them fornicated, & 320,000 fell & I partly believed some. 19For there must also be sections
in 1 day. 9Not even test the Anointed 1, just as some of within you, so that those acceptable will be known within
them also tested, & were killed by snakes. 10Not even you. 20So when you come together to 1 place, it is not to
grumble, just as some of them also grumbled, & were eat the Master’s dinner. 21For in eating, everyone takes
destroyed by the destroyer. 11& all these things happened before another for their own dinner; & those truly are
to them for examples; & were written for our warning, to hungry, & others get drunk. 22For do you not have houses
whoever the end of the world will come. 12So then be to eat & to drink in? Or do you think little of the Church of
careful stand thinking, so that to not fall. 13No temptation GΘD, & shame those who do not have? What to say to
has happened to you that is not common to humans. & you, to approve you in this? I do not approve. 23For I
GΘD is faithful, WHO will not allow you to be tempted more received from the Master that I also gave to you, that the
that you are able. Yet with the temptation will also make Master Jesus, the night in which He was betrayed took
you a way out to be able to endure it. 14For this reason my bread. 24When He gave thanks, He broke it & said, Take to
dearly loved run away from idolatry. 15I say to the wise; you eat, this is My Body that is broken for you, do this to
judge what I say. 16The cup of blessing that we bless, is it remember Me. 25Afterwards also the same way He sipped
not the communion of the blood of the Anointed 1? The the cup saying, This cup is the New Covenant with My
bread that we break, is it not communion of the body of blood; do this whenever you drink it to remember Me. 26For
the Anointed 1? 17For we many are 1 bread, 1 body; for all whenever as you eat this bread & drink this cup, you
share from 1 bread. 18Israel discern about the flesh; are proclaim the Master’s death, until whenever He comes.
those eating the sacrifices, not all sharing from the altar? 27
So then, whoever eats this bread or drinks a cup of the
What do I say then? That an idol is something? Or that Master is unworthy, is guilty of the body & blood of the
sacrificed to idols is something? 20Yet the things that the Master. 28So mankind examine yourself this way, then eat
non-Jews sacrifice, they sacrifice to evil spirits, & not to from the bread, & drink from the cup. 29For whoever eats &
GΘD; & I do not want you to become partners with evil drinks unworthy, eats & drinks judgment to themselves; by
spirits. 21You cannot drink the MASTER’s cup, & the evil not discerning the Masters body. 30Because of this many
spirit’s cup; you cannot share the MASTER’s table & the evil are weak & sick within you, & many die. 31For if we judge
spirit’s table. 22Or you will provoke the MASTER to jealousy! ourselves, we would not judge. 32When we are judged,
We are not stronger than HIM. 23Everything is right to me, disciplined by the MASTER, so that we will not be
yet not everything is good; everything is right to me, yet not condemned with the world. 33So when my fellow Believers
everything builds up. 24No-one seek for themselves, instead come together to eat, receive 1 another. 34& if someone is
for each other. 25Whatever is sold in meat markets to eat, hungry eat at home, so that you do not come together
they do not ask about it for their conscience. 26For the into judgment. & the rest I will order, whenever I come.
earth & the fullness of it, is the MASTERS. 27& if anyone 12 & about spiritual things, Believers, I do not want you
disbelieves, you invite & whoever decides to go; whatever unknowing. 2You know that you are non-Jews, led away to
is set before you, you eat, they will ask no questions for their dumb idols, as whoever led you. 3For this reason I will make
consciences. 28But if someone says to you, This is sacrificed this known to you, so that no-one speaking with the Spirit
food to idols, do not eat this for it was disclosed, & for of GΘD, says Jesus is banned. & no-one is able to say Jesus
conscience. The earth & the fullness of it, is the MASTERS. is Master, unless by the Holy Spirit. 4& there are divisions of
& I say conscience, not my own, instead for the others; gifts, but the same Spirit. 5& there are divisions of service,
for why is my freedom decided by another's conscience? but the same Master. 6& there are divisions of operations,
& if I lovingly share, why speak evil about, for what I give but it is the same GΘD, operating everything in everyone.
thanks. 31So if you eat or drink, or anything you do, do 7
But the display of the Spirit is given to each, for altogether
everything for GΘD's glory. 32Do nothing to offend, both to gain. 8For truly who is given by the Spirit, words of
Jews & non-Jews, & the gatherings of GΘD; 33Just as I wisdom; & others words of knowledge, by the same Spirit.
please however to everyone, not seeking my own 9
& others faith, by the same Spirit, & others the gift of
advantage, instead so that the most will be saved. healing, by the same Spirit. 10& others working miracles, &
11 Become imitators of me, just as I also of the Anointed 1. others prophecy, & others discerning spirits; & others
& I compliment you fellow believers, that you different tongue languages, & others interpretation of
remembered me in everything, & keep the traditional laws, tongues. 11& all these are effected by the 1 same Spirit,
just as I delivered to you. 3& I want you to know, that the distributing to each separately just as it wills. 12For just as the
head of every man is the Anointed 1, & the head of body is 1, & has many parts, & all the parts 1 body; being
women is the man, & the head of the Anointed 1 is GΘD. many are 1 body, so also the Anointed 1. 13So this reason
Any man praying or prophesying having his head by 1 Spirit we are all Baptized into 1 body, whether Jews, or
covered, dishonors his head. 5But any woman praying or non-Jews, or slave, or free; & all are watered into 1 Spirit.
prophesying with the head not covered, dishonors her 14
& because the body is not 1 part, but many. 15If the foot
head; for she is as 1 shaved. 6For if the woman is not says, Because I am not the hand, I am not from the body;
covered, or is cut short; but if it is shameful for a woman to is it not from out of the body? 16& if the ear says, Because I
be cut short or shaved, cover herself up. 7For a man truly am not the eye, I am not from the body; is it not from out
should not cover his head to be an image & glory of GΘD; of the body? 17If the whole body an eye, where the
& a woman is man's glory. 8For men are not from women, hearing? If the whole an ear, where the smelling? 18But now

instead woman from man. 9For man was not even created GΘD put the parts, every 1 of them in the body, just as HE
for the woman, instead woman for the man. 10Because of wills. 19& if they were all 1 part, where is the body? 20But truly
this a woman should have privilege on her head, through now many parts, but 1 body. 21& the eye cannot say to the

the message. 11Even so not even man is without a woman, hand, I have no need for you; or again, the head to the
feet, I have no need for you. 22Instead many more parts of church would rather speak 5 words with my own
the body seeming to be weak, are necessary. 23& of the understanding, so that I can teach others also, than 10,000
body that seem to be less important, these are placed words in unknown languages. 20Believers do not be
much more value around, & our shapeless have more children in understanding, instead with evil be children, but
excellent external beauty. 24& our shapely parts have no in understanding be mature. 21In the written Law that with
demands, yet GΘD mixed together the body, gave more foreign languages, & by other lips will speak to this people;
honor to those lacking. 25So there must be no divisions in yet they will not even listen to me, says the MASTER. 22So
the body, instead the members the same care for 1 then tongues are for a sign, not for those who believe, but
another. 26& if 1 member suffers, all the members suffer for faithless. But prophecy is not for faithless, but those who
together; if 1 member is honored, all the members rejoice believe. 23So if the same whole assembly comes together
together. 27& you are bodies of the Anointed 1, & members somewhere, & everyone spoke tongues, & unlearned or
in parts. 28& GΘD WHO truly places in the church: 1st unbelievers entered in, would they not say that you are
Apostles, 2nd Prophets, 3rd Teachers, afterwards Miracle crazy? 24But if everyone prophesizes, & 1 unbeliever or
Workers, next Healing Gifted, Helpers of Governing, unlearned enters in, is convicted by all, examined by all.
different Tongue Speakers. 29Not all are Apostles, not all are 25
& this way the secrets of their heart becomes known, &
Prophets, not all Teachers, not all Miracle Workers. 30Not all so will fall down on their face to worship GΘD; announcing
have the Gift of Healing, not all different Tongue Speakers? that the truth of GΘD is in you. 26How is it then Believers
Not all Translators. 31Yet burn with zeal for the more useful when you come together, each of you has a song, has a
gifts; & yet I will show you a more excellent way. teaching, has different languages, has a revelation;
13 If I speak the tongues of mankind & Angels, but do not everything be to build up. 27If someone speaks in unknown
have love, I appear to be sounding brass or a loud ringing languages, 2 or 3 at the most; & with 1 translator. 28So unless
cymbal. 2& if I have prophecy, & know all mysteries & all there is no interpreter, remain silent in gathering, & speak
knowledge; & if I have all faith, so that I move mountains, to them-self & GΘD. 29& 2 or 3 Prophets speak, & the others
but do not have love, I am nothing. 3& if I feed with all my decide. 30& if something is revealed to others sitting, the
possessions, & if I give my body to be burned, but do have next 1st remain silent. 31For you can all prophesy 1 by 1, so
love, I am nothing. 4Love is patient, kind; love is not jealous. that all will learn & all will be comforted. 32& Prophet Spirits
Love does not boast, is not proud, 5does not misbehave, are self-controlled Prophets. 33For GΘD is not confusing,
does not seek for itself, is not easily provoked; does not instead peaceful, as with all of the Saints gatherings.
consider evil, 6does not rejoice with injustice, but rejoices 34
Keep your women silent in the gatherings, for it is not
with the truth; 7protects everything, trusted with everything, allowed for them to speak; instead submit just as also the
confident with everything, remains with everything. 8Love Law says. 35& if they want to learn something, ask their own
never fails; but if prophecy, it will end, if tongues, it will stop, husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in
if knowledge, it will end. 9For we know in part, & prophesy the assembly. 36What, do the WORDS of GΘD come from
in part. 10But when complete perfection has come, then you, or come to you only? 37Whoever thinks they are a
from the parts will end. 11When I was a child, I spoke as a Prophet, or Spiritual, acknowledge that what I write to you
child, understood as a child, thought as a child; but when are commandments of the MASTER. 38But if anyone does
I became a man, I ended childish things. 12For now you see not know, they do not know. 39So then Believers, be zealous
by a mirror with uncertainty, but when face to face, until to prophesize, but do not deny speaking other languages.
that moment you will know part, but then you will know just 40
Everything be done honestly, & in order.
as I also know. 13For now continue in faith, hope, love, but 15 & Believers, I made known to you the good message
of these 3, the greatest of these is love. that I announced good news to you, that you also
14 Chase after love, & desire spiritual things, but even received, & by who stands. 2By which you are also saved,
more to prophesy. 2For speaking tongues, does not speak if you keep what good news words I announced to you,
to humans, but to GΘD; for no-one understands & the Spirit unless you believed without reason. 3For I gave to you 1st,
speaks secrets. 3But prophesying speaks to humans to build by which I also learned, that the Anointed 1 died for our
up, & encourage & comfort. 4Speaking languages builds sins according to the Holy writings. 4& that He was buried,
themselves up, but prophesying builds up the gathering. 5& & that He was raised up the 3rd day according to the Holy
I want you all to speak tongues, but more that you will writings. 5& that He appeared to Cephas, then of 12. 6After
prophesy; for greater to prophesy than speaking tongues, that He was seen by 500 Believers at once, from who the
unless if translated so that the gatherings can receive majority remain even now, but some are also laid to rest.
building up. 6& now Believers, if I came to you speaking 7
After that He was seen by James, then by all the Apostles.
tongues, what benefit for you, unless speaking to you 8
& last of all He was seen by me also, as I was wounding.
either by revealing, or by knowing, or by prophesizing, or 9
For I am the least of the Apostles, who is not worthy to be
by teaching. 7Yet more without life giving sound, whether called an Apostle, because I persecuted the gatherings of
a pipe, or harp, unless they give a difference in the musical GΘD. 10Because of GΘD's lovingness, I am what I am; & HIS
sounds, how can you know a pipe or a harp. 8For also if a lovingness for me, was not for nothing, instead I worked
trumpet gives unclear sounds, who will prepare for battle? hard, more than all of them. Yet not I, but the lovingness of
So you also, unless you give words by the language clear, GΘD that was with me. 11Then if I or they publically
how will what was said be known? For you will be speaking announced this way, & so you believed. 12& if the Anointed
into the air. 10Although there are many kinds of languages 1 proclaimed that He rose from the dead, how can some
in the world, yet none of them are meaningless. 11So then of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13& if
if I do not know the meaning of the language, it will be there was no resurrection of the dead, the Anointed did
speaking foreign, & speaking foreign to me. 12& so you, not rise. 14& if the Anointed 1 did not rise, then our
since you are zealous of Spiritual things, search so that you proclaiming is purposeless, & your faith is also purposeless.
overflow to build up the gatherings. 13About this speaking 15
& yet we are found false witnesses for GΘD, because we
unknown languages, pray so that it will be translated. 14For are witnesses of GΘD, that HE raised up the Anointed 1;
if I pray with unknown languages, my spirit prays, but my Who if HE did not rise up, so then the dead would not rise.
understanding is unknown. 15Why is it then? I pray with the 16
For if the dead do not rise up, not even the Anointed 1
Spirit & pray with the understanding also; I sing with the was raised. 17& if the Anointed 1 was not raised, your faith
Spirit & sing with the understanding also. 16Since if blessed is useless, you are still with your sins. 18So then the dead with
with the Spirit, how will those filling up the place of the the Anointed 1 are destroyed. 19If during this life only

unlearned, say so be it, by giving thanks to you, since they hoping in the Anointed 1, we are all miserable people.
do not know what you said? 17For you truly gave thanks 20
But now the Anointed 1 rose from the dead to become
well, but the others are not built up. 18I give thanks to my the 1st of those laid to rest. 21For since by humans will die, by

GΘD, I speak tongues more than all of you. 19Yet in the humans will also resurrect from the dead. 22For as with
Adam all die, so also with the Anointed 1 all will live. 23But I will stay in ephesus until Pentecost. 9For a big & powerful
each in their own order. The Anointed's first fruits, door opened for me, & many are opposing. 10& if Timothy
afterwards those of the Anointed’s, at His return. comes, see that he is with you without fear; for he does the
Afterwards the end, when He will have delivered to the MASTER’s work as I also do. 11No-one despise him; instead
Kingdom of GΘD, also the FATHER, when He will make all escort him with peace, so that he will come to me; for I
rulers, & all authorities, & powers useless. 25For He must rule expect him with the Believers. 12& about Brother Apollos, I
until whenever He places all enemies under His feet. 26The really encouraged him to come to you with the brothers,
final enemy will be destroyed to death. 27For everything will but he did not want to agree at all to come now, but will
be placed under His feet. But when it says that everything come when he has time. 13Be cautious, standing firm with
will be under Him, it is clear that everything accept HIM the faith, be brave, strong. 14Do all of your things with love.
under Him. 28& when everything is under Him, then the Son 15
& instruct your brothers to know the house of Stephanas,
Himself will also be under HIM, so that GΘD will be that it is achaia’s 1st fruits, & committed themselves to
everything to everyone. 29Since why do they Baptize for the ministry of the Saints. 16& so that you will obey such as they,
dead, if dead do not rise at all? So why Baptize for the & everyone help & work hard. 17& I am happy about the
dead? 30& why be in danger every hour? 31I rejoice by your arrival of Stephanas, & Fortunatus, & Achaicus; that what
glorifying that we have in the Anointed Jesus our Master, was missing from you, they have supplied. 18For they
dying daily. 32If according to people, I fought wild beasts in refreshed my Spirit & yours; so then acknowledge them as
ephesus; what benefit to me, if the dead do not rise? Eat such. 19The assemblies of asia greet you. Aquila & Priscilla
& drink for tomorrow we die? 33Do not be deceived; greet you much with the Master, with the gathering in their
wicked relationships corrupt good character. 34Wake up to house. 20All the Believers greet you; welcome each other
righteousness & do not sin; for some do not have with a Holy kiss. 21This greeting is of Paul, by my hand.
knowledge of GΘD, I say this to your shame. 35Yet some will 22
Whoever does not love the Master Jesus the Anointed 1,
say, How are the dead risen, & what body will come? be banned, come Master! 23The lovingness of Master Jesus
Fools, what you sow is not revived unless it dies. 37& what the Anointed 1 be with you. 24My love be with all of you
you sow, you do not sow that body to become, but naked with the Anointed 1 Jesus, so be it. 1st to the Corinthians was
grain to prepare wheat, or something else. 38So GΘD will written from philippi through Stephanas, & Fortunatus, &
give them a body just as it pleases HIM, & to every seed Achaicus, & Timotheus.
their own body. 39All flesh is not the same flesh, instead 2nd Corinthians † Paul an apostle of Jesus the Anointed 1
factually different flesh of humans, & different flesh of by GΘD's will, & Brother Timothy to the assembly of GΘD,
animals, & different fishes, & different birds. 40Also Heavenly that is in corinth, with all the Saints, who are in all achaia.
bodies, & earthly bodies; yet the glory of the Heavenly are 2
Lovingness to you & peace, from GΘD our FATHER, &
truly different, & those that are earthly different; 41different Master Jesus the Anointed 1. 3Praise GΘD, the FATHER of
glory of the sun, & different glory of the moon, & different mercy, & GΘD of all comfort, & FATHER of our Master Jesus
glory of stars. For stars move in different glorious ways than the Anointed 1; 4THEY comfort us during all our troubles,
other stars. 42So also is the resurrection of the dead, sown in that we can comfort those in trouble, by the comfort, that
corruption, is raised with incorruption. 43Sown in dishonor, we are comforted by GΘD. 5Because as the Anointed 1
raised up with glory; sown in weakness, raised up with suffered exceedingly for us, so our comfort is also
power. 44Sown a natural body, raised up a spiritual body. exceeded by the Anointed 1. 6& if troubled, it is for your
There is a natural body, & there is a spiritual body. 45& so is comfort & salvation, that is effective in enduring the same
written, The 1st human Adam became a living soul, lastly suffering, that we also suffer; if encouraged, it is for your
Adam into a living Spirit. 46Yet not 1st spiritual, instead comfort & salvation. 7& our hope for you is sure, knowing
natural, afterwards spiritual. 47The 1st human was made that you are as partners of the suffering, so also of the
from the earth soil, the 2nd human the Master was from comfort. 8For we do not want you Believers ignorant about
Heaven. 48Such as the earthy, these are also earthy; & such our oppression that happened to us in Asia. Because
as the Heavenly, such as this is also Heavenly. 49& just as we throughout we were weighed down beyond all measure,
wear the image of the earthly, we will also wear the image more than our strength, so much we were in despair even
of the Heavenly. 50& I say this brothers, that flesh & blood to live. 9Yet we had the death sentence in ourselves. So
cannot inherit the Kingdom of GΘD; not even the corrupt that we do not trust in ourselves, but in GΘD WHO raises up
will inherit incorruption. 51Realize, I will tell you a mystery; we the dead; 10Who delivered us from such a great death, &
will not all be laid to rest, but we will all be transformed 52in in WHO will deliver. We trust that HE will continue to still
moment, in an eye blink, at the last trumpet. For a trumpet deliver. 11You also together helped pray for us, so that favor
will sound, & the dead will be raised up uncorrupted, & we was given for us from many people; say thanks by many
will be transformed. 53For these corrupted must put on from us. 12For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our
incorruption, & these mortal put on immortality. 54& when conscience that with sincerity & GΘDly pureness; not by
these corrupted put on incorruptible, & these mortal put fleshly wisdom, but by lovingness of GΘD, we live in the
on immortality, then will happen the saying written, Death world, & especially for you. 13For we write nothing else to
is destroyed into victory. 55Death where is your sting? Grave you, than except what you read or know, & I hope that
where is your victory? 56& the sting of death is sin, & the you will know well even until the end. 14Just as you also
strength of sin is the Laws. 57But thank GΘD, WHO gave us know of us partially, that you are rejoicing, just as you are
the victory through our Master Jesus the Anointed 1. 58So also ours, on the day of the Master Jesus. 15Because of this
then my much loved brothers be firm, unmovable always confidence, I wanted to come to you before, so that you
overflowing in the work of the Master, knowing that your have a 2nd benefit. 16When I traveled by you into
troubles are not empty with the Master. macedonia, & came again out of macedonia to you, & to
16 & about the collection for the Saints, just as I ordered you escorted toward judaea. 17Then I considered if I used
the Galatian assemblies, so you also do. 2During the 1st light decision, or that my purpose was decided according
week, each of you put near themselves reserves, whatever to flesh, that by me would be yes, yes, & no, no? 18As GΘD
you prospered, so that there will be no collection then is faithful, our words to you was not yes or no. 19For the Son
when I come. 3& when I come whoever you approve by of GΘD, Jesus the Anointed 1 that proclaimed with you
your letter, I will send for them to bring your gifts to through us, by me & Silas, & Timothy, was not yes or no,
Jerusalem. 4& if they can benefit, travel also with me. 5& I instead with Him was yes. 20For however many promises of
will come to you, whenever I pass through Macedonia; for GΘD by Him are yes, & with Him truly, to the glory of GΘD

I will pass through macedonia. 6Be ready when I live & or through us. 21& HE established us with you with the
winter stay with you, so that you will escort me wherever I Anointed 1, & GΘD anointed us. 22HE also sealed us & gave
travel. 7For I will not see you now in along the way, but I the security of the Spirit in our hearts. 23& I called GΘD to

expect to stay some time with you, if the Master allows. 8& witness for my soul, so that to spare you, I did not come yet
to corinth. 24Not so that we rule your faith, but we are fellow 4
With who the GΘD of this universe blinds the minds of
workers for your joy; for faith to stand. faithless, otherwise the light of the glorious good message
2 But I chose this myself, not to come again to you in of the Anointed 1, who is an image like GΘD, would shine
sadness. 2For if I make you sad, WHO HE then is that makes to them. 5For we do not proclaim ourselves, instead Master
me glad, but if; I will make sad by me. 3& I wrote this same Jesus the Anointed 1, & ourselves your servants for Jesus.
to you, so that I will not come having sadness from those I 6
Because GΘD WHO spoke light to shine from out of
must rejoice to; having confidence with all of you that my darkness that shines in our hearts, to light the knowledge of
joy is for all of you. 4For from much oppression & distress of the glory of GΘD, with the face of Jesus the Anointed 1. 7&
heart, I wrote to you by many tears, not that you grieve, we have these treasures in earthly bodies that the superior
instead that you will know the love that I have much more power will be of GΘD, & not from us. 8Persecuted by
for you. 5& if anyone is sad, it does not sadden me, except everywhere, yet not distressed, we are without resources,
from part, so that I do not burden all of you. 6Enough of this but not without hope. 9Persecuted, but not abandoned;
sort of punishment, who is by very many. 7So that instead thrown down, but not destroyed. 10Always carrying in the
of you opposing, forgive & comfort, otherwise somehow body, the death of the Master Jesus, so that the life of Jesus
these type will be swallowed up with more sadness. 8So also will be known in our bodies. 11For we that live are
then I beg you to confirm publicly your love for HIM. 9For always surrendering to death for Jesus, so that the life of
about this I also write, that I know the proof about you, if Jesus is also made known in our mortal flesh. 12So truly
you are obedient to everything. 10& whoever forgives death effects within us, but life for you. 13& we have the
someone, I also; for to forgive someone who forgave it for same Spirit of faith, as written, I believe & so then I speak;
you, with the presence of the Anointed 1. 11So that satan we also believe, & so then we speak. 14We know that HE
will not take advantage; for we are not unknowing of its raised the Master Jesus up, will also us through Jesus be
intentions. 12When I came to troas for the Anointed's good raised, & will stand with you; 15for everything is for you, so
message, then a door opened for me from the Master. 13I that the exceeding lovingness through the many thanks
had no relief for my soul, I did not find Titus my brother, will exceed to the glory of GΘD. 16So then we do not fail,
instead I left them to go into macedonia. 14& thank GΘD instead even though our outside human decays, yet the
always when HE causes victory through the Anointed 1, & inside is made new also daily. 17For our easy pressure that
the fragrance of His knowledge becomes known through is momentary, works for us exceedingly more everlasting
us in every place. 15Since we are GΘD’s sweet fragrance burden of glory. 18We do not consider things seen, instead
of the Anointed 1 to save, & to those lost. 16These fragrance we consider unseen things; for the seen is temporary, but
death truly to death, & these fragrance life to life; & Who is unseen is everlasting.
enough for these things! 17For we are not like the many who 5 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle is
peddle the WORDS of GΘD for money: instead as with dissolved, we have a building from GΘD, a house not
pureness; instead as from GΘD, before GΘD we speak made with hands, everlasting in the Heavens. 2For in this
with the Anointed 1. we also groan, desiring to put on our house that is from
3 Begin to put together yourselves again. If not we must as Heaven. 3& if clothed, we will not be found naked. 4For also
some, letters of recommendations for you, or being in this tabernacle groan, burdened, not because we
recommendations from you? 2You are our inscribed written would be unclothed, instead clothed so that mortality
in our hearts, known & read by all people. 3Known that to would be swallowed up by life. 5& achieve for us this same
be letters of the Anointed 1 ministered by us, not written in thing; GΘD WHO also gave us the security of the Spirit. 6So
ink, but with the Spirit of the living GΘD; not in tablets of then we are always confident, knowing that while staying
stone, but in fleshly tablets of the heart. 4& this such trust we home in the body, we live apart from the MASTER. 7For we
have through the Anointed 1 to GΘD. 5Not that are walk by faith, not by outward sight. 8& we are confident &
enough by ourselves to decide something as by ourselves, more willing to live apart from the body, & be home with
instead our abilities are from GΘD. 6WHO also made us the MASTER. 9For which we also work to honor if either at
able ministers of the New Covenant, not a writing, but of home or living apart to be acceptable to HIM. 10For we
Spirit, for the writings kill, but the Spirit gives life. 7& if the must all appear before the judgment seat of the Anointed
ministering of death in writing's, engraved in stones was 1, so that each will receive that through their body as what
glorious within; so that the children of Israel could not look they did, whether good or bad. 11So then knowing the
into the face of Moses, because of the glory of his face, terror of the MASTER, we convince people; & are known to
would become empty. 8How not the ministering of the GΘD, & also expect to be known in your consciousness.
Spirit, be more glorious? 9For if the ministering of 12
For we will not show ourselves again to you, except to
condemnation be glorious, much more the ministering of give you glory occasionally from us, so that you have glory
righteousness excel in glory. 10For even glory is not glory in from appearances, & not just in heart. 13For if we are crazy
this way, unless the glory excels. 11For if not effective for GΘD, or if we are of sound minded, it is for you. 14For the
anymore, was glorious, much more that what remains is love of the Anointed 1 holds us together, we decided that
glorious. 12So then we have such hope speaking, using if 1 died for all, then we all died. 15& He died for all that live,
much boldness. 13& not just as Moses put a covering over no longer live for yourselves, yet He died for yourselves, &
his face so that the children of Israel could not look to the rose up. 16So then from now on we know no one, as with
end of what would end. 14Otherwise their minds hardened flesh, & even though we knew the Anointed 1 as flesh, but
for until those days remained the same covering was not now no longer know. 17So also whoever is with the Anointed
uncovered during the reading of the old covenant; what 1, becomes a new creation, old passes away; realize all
was done away with in the Anointed 1. 15But up to this day become new. 18& all are from GΘD, WHO reunites us to
when Moses is read, the covering lays on their hearts. 16& himself by Jesus the Anointed 1, & gave to us the ministry
whenever it returns to the MASTER, the covering will be of reuniting. 19Because even as GΘD was in the Anointed
removed. 17& the MASTER is Spirit, & wherever the MASTER’s 1, reuniting the world to HIM; not counting their sins to
Spirit is, there is freedom. 18But every one of our uncovered them, & placed to us the WORDS of reuniting. 20So as we
faces, reflect the MASTER’s glory, are transformed into the are representatives for the Anointed 1, just as GΘD called
same image of glory to glory; exactly as from the MASTER’s you by us; we ask by the Anointed 1, be united to GΘD.
Spirit. 21
For HE made Him to be sin for us, WHO knew no sin, that
4 By this, we have this ministry, as we have experienced we could become righteous to GΘD through Him.
mercy, we do not fail. 2Instead we gave up hidden things 6 & work together, we invite you also to not receive the

of dishonesty, not walking with trickery, or corrupting the lovingness of GΘD for nothing. 2For HE said, I listen to &
WORDS of GΘD; instead show the truth, placing ourselves accepted you during the proper salvation day, to help
together to every person's conscience, before GΘD. 3& if you; see, now is the right time, see, now is the salvation

our good message is also hidden, it is hidden from the lost. day. 3Allow nothing to stumble you with anything, so that
the ministry will not be blamed. 4Instead with everything everything, faith & words, & knowledge, & all eagerness, &
prove yourselves as ministers of GΘD, in much patience in from your love with us that to you overflow in this lovingness
persecutions, in needs, in disasters, 5in beatings, in also. 8I do not speak as to command, but by the eagerness
imprisonments, in pains, in sleeplessness, in fasting, 6in of others, & to test the sincerity of your love. 9For know the
purity, in knowing, in patience, in kindness, in the Holy Spirit, lovingness of our Master Jesus the Anointed 1, that He was
in sincere love, 7in truthful words, in GΘD’s power, in the wealthy for you He became poor, so that for you this
righteous weapons, the right & left hands, 8in honor & poverty would become wealthy. 10& with this I give advice,
dishonor, by defame & good reputation, as misleading & for this is profitable for you, who begun before; not only do,
true. 9As unknowing & knowing, as dying yet living, as but also wanting in a year. 11& so now accomplish the right
disciplined, yet not killed, 10as sad, yet always rejoicing, as actions, so that exactly as zealous determination, so you
poor, yet making many rich, as having nothing, yet own also accomplish from having. 12For if set before a foot is
everything. 11Corinthians, our mouths are open to you, our accepted according to what someone has, not
hearts are wider. 12Not straightened by us, but straightened according to not having. 13For not so that other are
by your own inside feelings. 13& for this reward, I speak as relieved & you burdened, 14instead from equality; now at
to my children, you also widen. 14Do not be unequally this time your surplus for their deficit, so that their surplus
joined with unbelievers; for what do righteous & also will be for your deficit, so that there will be equality.
unrighteousness share? & what does light contribute to 15
Just as written, Who has much, has nothing more, & who
darkness? 15& what agreement does the Anointed 1 have has little, lacks nothing. 16But thank GΘD, WHO gave the
with satan? Or what part does an unbeliever have with a same eagerness into the heart of Titus for you. 17That truly
believer? 16& what agreement does the Temple of GΘD he accepted the calling, & being zealous, self-chose to go
have with idols? For you are the Temples of the living GΘD, to you. 18& send together with him the brother, whose
as GΘD said, I live in & walk in them, & I will be their GΘD, praise is with the good message, throughout all the
& they will be my people. 17So then come out from the meetings. 19& not only, but also chosen by the gatherings
middle of them, & separate, said the MASTER, & do not to accompany with us united by lovingness which is
touch the unclean, & I will favor you, 18& will be a FATHER ministered by us to the glory of the same MASTER, & for your
for you, & you will be for my sons & daughters; said the zeal. 20Equiping the same, no one can blame us with this
ALMIGHTY MASTER. more than enough which is ministered by us. 21Preparing
7 So then hold these promises dearly loved, clean for excellence, not only before the MASTER, but also before
yourselves from all body & soul stains, complete Holiness in people. 22& we sent together with them our brother, who
fear of GΘD. 2Make room for us, we wrong no-one, many times proved zealous with many things, but now
corrupted no-one, take advantage of no-one. 3I do not much more zealous; who has much confidence for you. 23If
say to condemn; for I already said before, that you are in about Titus my partner & fellow worker for you, or our fellow
our hearts to die & live together with. 4My boldness is much Believers gatherings are representatives of the Anointed
about you. I glorify about you, filled with encouragement, 1’s glory. 24Truly show to them, & before to the meetings the
super joyful in all our persecution. 5For when we came into proof of your love, & our glorifying about you.
macedonia, our bodies had no rest; instead persecuted 9 For truly about the ministering to the Saints, it is enough
by everything without fights; inside feared. 6Yet GΘD for me to write to you. 2For knowing the eagerness of your
encouraged our depression, comforted by the arrival of mind, that glorifying about you to macedonians that
Titus. 7& not only just by his arrival, but also by the achaia was ready from a year ago, & by your zeal stirred
encouragement that you encouraged him with; reporting up many. 3& I sent the Brothers so that our glorifying would
to us your wanting, your crying, your zeal for me, so then I not be made empty for you in this share, so that just as I
rejoiced more. 8For I thought you became sad with the said you will be ready. 4That somehow if macedonians
letter, afterwards although I did not regret, it was to repent; come with me, & find you unprepared, so that we do not
for I realized that the 1 letter made you sad, even if for a say we are ashamed of you with the same confident
moment. 9Now I rejoice not that you became sad, but that glorifying. 5So then I thought it necessary to encourage the
you were sad to repent; for you were sad by GΘDliness, so brothers, so that to go before to you, & prepare in
that damage from us was not for nothing. 10For GΘDly advance your benefit, announcing before this to be
sadness works repentance for unregrettable salvation, but ready; so as a benefit & not just extortion. 6& I this, sowing
the sadness of the world works for death. 11For you realize thriftily also harvest thriftily; & sowing to benefit will also
this same sadness as from GΘD, how much important work benefit from it. 7Each just as their heart intends, not from
it accomplished in you; yet reasonable, yet outrage, yet suffering or from necessity; for GΘD loves a joyful giver. 8&
fear, yet desired, yet zealous, yet justified. In everything GΘD is able to exceed all lovingness to you, so that you
approve yourselves together to be cleared in this matter. always have all necessities with all overflowing for every
So though I wrote to you, I did not for to do wrong, or for good work. 9Just as written, HE scatters giving to the poor,
you to suffer, instead that our care for you before GΘD HIS righteousness remains forever. 10& supplies seed to the
would become clear to you. 13Through this we sower, & ministers bread for food, & multiplies your sown
encouraged in your comfort, & super more happy for the seeds, & increases the fruits of your righteousness. 11Made
joy of Titus, because his soul was refreshed from all of you. rich in all sincerity, with Who performs through us
For whatever glory to him about you, I am not ashamed, thankfulness to GΘD. 12For the ministering of this service,
instead as we speak everything to you with truth, even so not only is supplying the needs of the saints; yet
our boasting that is before Titus, becomes true. 15& his exceedingly also through much thankfulness to GΘD,
feelings is more for you, he remembers the obedience of 13
through the trials of this service glorifying GΘD for your
you all; how with fear & trembling you received him. 16So I acknowledged obedience to the good message of the
rejoice then that I have confidence in all of you. Anointed 1, & unified fellowship for them, & to all. 14& their
8 & Believers we make it known to you the lovingness of requests are for you, longing for you, for the exceeding
GΘD given for the macedonian gatherings, 2that during lovingness of GΘD in you. 15& thanks to GΘD for HIS
much oppression, that plenty of their joy, & their extreme indescribable gift.
poverty, exceed to the riches of their sincerity. 3Because 10 & I Paul myself instruct you through the gentleness &
through power I testify & beyond their ability freely choose; fairness of the Anointed 1, by Whose presence truly am
asking us with much encouragement, us to receive the humbled with you, but being away am bold for you. 2But I
lovingness, & the fellowship of the ministering to the Saints. ask do not be bold when I am near with confidence that I

& they did not just as we hoped, but 1st gave themselves think to be bold against some that consider us as walking
to the MASTER, then to us through GΘD’s will. 6For we according to the flesh. 3For walking in the flesh, we do not
invited Titus, so that just as he begun, so he would also finish fight according to the flesh. 4For the weapons of our wars

in you the same lovingness also. 7Yet just as you excel in are not fleshly, instead mighty GΘD to destroy fortresses.
Demolishing thoughts, & everything raised up against the shipwrecked; day & night I have been in the deep sea.
knowledge of GΘD, & capturing every thought for the 26
Traveling often in dangerous waters, danger of robbers,
obedience of the Anointed 1. 6So we have by readiness to danger by my own race, danger by non-Jews, danger in
avenge all disobedience, until your obedience is cities, danger in wildernesses, danger in seas, dangers with
complete. 7Do you see as to the outward appearance? false believers. 27In sorrow & hardship often, in
Whoever trusts they are the Anointed 1's to themselves, sleeplessness, in famine & thirst, in fasting, in cold &
consider this again, that just as they are the Anointed's, we nakedness often. 28Besides without those hostiles of mine
are also the Anointed's. 8For also if glorify some more about throughout daily, the care of all the gatherings. 29Who is
our authority that the Master gave us for building up, & not weak, have I also not been weak? Who is offended, have
for your destruction, do not be ashamed. 9So then I do think I also not been inflamed? 30If I must glorify, I will glorify that
how to possibly terrify you by letters. 10For truly letters speak of my weaknesses. 31The GΘD & FATHER of our Master Jesus
heavy & strong, but bodily presence is weak, & speeches the Anointed 1, Who is blessed forever, knows that I do not
meaningless. 11Considering this subject; that such as words lie. 32In damascus the governor of artes the king, military
are by our letters, when away, such actions also when we guarded the damascus city, wanting to capture me. 33But
are present. 12For we dare not of judge among ourselves, through a window in a basket I was lowered down, through
or compare ourselves with someone approving the wall & escaped his hands.
themselves; otherwise they measure themselves by 12 For it is really not an advantage for me to glorify. I will
themselves, & compare themselves by themselves, are not go on to visions & revelations of the Master. 2I know a man
wise. 13But we will never glorify about beyond, instead with the Anointed 1, 14 years before; whether in body, I do
according to the amount of the measuring tool, that GΘD not know, or outside of the body, I do not know, GΘD
distributed to us, an amount reaching even to you. 14For knows. This 1 was taken away up to 1/3rd of Heaven. 3& I
we do not reach out beyond our measure, not by know this 1 was human, if in the body or outside of the
ourselves to you. For we came this far to you also, with the body, I do not know, GΘD knows 4how he was taken into
good message of the Anointed 1. 15Not glorying about Paradise, & heard unspeakable words, that humans are
without measure, about others labor's; but have hope, not allowed to say. 5About such I glorify, yet about myself I
when your faith increases, greatness by you, according to will not glory, except with my weaknesses. 6For if I wanted
our influence for improvement. 16Bringing good news to to glorify, I would not be foolish, for I would speak truth. But
your farther regions, not glorying in others measurements I abstain, so no-one will think more of me who see me, or
to be prepared. 17& whoever glorifies, glorify about the hears something from me; 7& to not lift myself above the
Master. 18For whoever approves themselves is not revelation, given to me a pointed disability of the flesh, a
accepted, instead whoever the Master approves. messenger of satan that beats me, so not to become lifted
11 Wish you endure a little foolishness with me, & endure up. 8About this I begged for the Master 3x, to remove it
other things with me. 2For I am zealous for you with GΘDly from me. 9But He said to me, My lovingness is enough for
zeal, for joining you to 1 Man, to present you as a pure you; for my strength is made perfect in weaknesses.
virgin to the Anointed 1. 3But I fear that somehow, as the Happily much more truly glorify with my weakness, so that
snake deceived Eve through its craftiness, so your minds the power of the Anointed 1 will live with me. 10So then
could be corrupted from the sincerity that is with the willingly in weaknesses, in insults, in duties, in persecutions,
Anointed. 4For if it truly comes proclaiming another Jesus, in troubles for the Anointed 1; for when I am weak, then I
who we did not proclaim, or you receive another spirit, that am strong. 11I am foolish to glorify, you forced me. For I am
we did not receive, or another good message that we did due acceptance by you; for I am not behind the greatest
not receive, it could hold up. 5For I am not even counted Apostles, as if I am nothing. 12Truly the signs of an Apostle
less than the very 1st Apostles. 6But if also I am unlearned in were performed with all of you with patience, in signs &
words, but not in knowledge; yet in everything becoming miracles, & power. 13For how is it that you are less than
known to you. 7Or do I sin to humble myself, so that you are other gatherings, except that I myself was not a burden to
lifted up, because I proclaim to you the good news of GΘD you? Forgive me for this injustice. 14Realize a 3rd time I will
freely; robbing other gatherings, taking rations to serve prepare to come to you, & will not burden you. For I do not
you? 9While I was present with you, & lacking I did not seek from you, instead you; for the children do not owe to
burden anyone; because of my poverty, the Believers who gather for the parents, but the parents for the children. 15So
came from macedonia supplied me; & with everything I will happily spend & spend completely for your life,
kept to myself to not burden you, or to care for. 10Truth of though more I love you, less loved. 16But it is so; I did not
the Anointed is in me, nothing can stop me glorifying in burden you, instead being clever caught you craftily. 17I
these regions of achaia. 11Why because I do not love you? did not gain through anyone of them, who I sent to you. 18I
GΘD knows. 12& I also do what I do, so that to cut off invited Titus & sent with Titus a Believer. Did anyone take
opportunity those wanting opportunity, that in what glory advantage of you? Do we not walk in the same Spirit; not
is found also just as us. 13For these such are false apostles, the same footsteps? 19Again do you think that we defend
deceitful workers transforming themselves into apostles of for you? We speak before GΘD with the Anointed 1, &
the Anointed 1. 14& no surprise for satan itself transformed everything dearly loved, is for your building up. 20For I do
into an angel of light. 15So then it is no great effort if its worry that somehow when I come, I will not find you as
ministers transform as righteous ministers, whose end will be such willing, somehow arguing, jealous, angry, wanting
according to their works. 16Again I say, Do not anyone think power, defaming, whispering gossip, pride, disorderly. 21So
of me to be a fool, otherwise even as a fool, so that I when I come again, my GΘD will not depress me for you;
receive a little glory accept me. 17What I speak, I do not & I cry much for whoever is sinning already, & not repenting
speak as the MASTER, instead as with foolishness with this from their uncleanness, & fornication, & outrageousness,
confident glorifying. 18Since many glorify as to the flesh, I that they are doing.
will glorify also. 19For you suffer with fools gladly, being wise. 13 This 3rd coming to you; with the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses
For you suffer with whoever enslaves you, whoever strips every word will be established. 2I said before & predicted
your goods, whoever takes, whoever raises up, whoever as I was present the 2nd, & now away, I write to those
beats you in the face. 21I speak as to disgrace, as though sinning before, & all others, that whenever I come again, I
we are weak; but whenever someone is bold, they speak will not spare; 3since you seek proof of the Anointed 1
with foolishness? I am also bold. 22Are they Hebrews? I also; speaking to me, that for you is not weak, but powerful for
are they Israelites? I also; are they seed of Abraham? I also; you. 4For also though He was crucified by weakness, yet He

are they Anointed’s ministers speaking foolishly? I more; lives by GΘD's POWER; for we also are weak by ourselves,
in labor, much more; with wounds, much more; in prison yet live with Him by GΘD’s POWER for you. 5Examine
much more; in deaths often. 24By religious Jews 5x received yourselves, if you are in the faith; prove yourself, or do you

40 except 1. 253x beaten with rods, once stoned, 3x not know yourself, that Jesus the Anointed 1 is with you,
unless some of you are not approved? 6& I hope that you for they thought; communicated nothing to me. 7Instead
know that we are not unapproved. 7& I pray to GΘD, you realized that the good message of the uncircumcision was
do not do wickedness, not so that we appear approved, truthful, just as the circumcision was to Peter. 8For He
but so that you do good, & we might seem unapproved. powered Peter to Apostleship of the circumcision, also
For we do nothing against the truth, instead for the truth. powered me to the non-Jews. 9& also James, Cephas &
For we rejoice when we are weak, & you are strong; & we John, pleased to be pillars, knows the lovingness given to
also pray this to GΘD for your perfection. 10I write about me, they were given to me, & Barnabas the right hands of
these things being away, so when not present to use fellowship; so that to the non-Jews, & to the circumcision.
sharpness as to the POWER that the MASTER gave me to 10
Only so that to remember the poor, these same who I also
build up, & not to destroy. 11Lastly Believers be well, had to make a careful effort for. 11But when Peter came to
completely comforted, same thinking, live peacefully, & antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was to be
the GΘD of love & peace will be with you. 12Welcome blamed. 12For before some came from James he ate with
each other with a holy kiss. 13All the Saints wish you well. the non-Jews, but when he came he left, & separated
The lovingness of the Master Jesus the Anointed 1, & the himself, fearing those from the circumcised. 13& the
love of GΘD, & the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is with you remaining Jews dissembled also with him, so then
all. So be it. The 2nd to the Corinthians was written from Barnabas also got carried away with their hypocrisy. 14But
philippi of Macedonia, by Titus & Lucus. when I saw that they did not walk straight with the truth of
1611 kjv Galatians † Paul an Apostle, not of humans, not the good message, I said to Peter before all, If you being a
even by man, but by Jesus the Anointed 1, & GΘD the Jew live like non-Jews, & not the Jews, how do you know
FATHER, WHO raised Him up from the dead, 2& all the the non-Jews are to become Jews? 15We are natural Jews
Brothers with me, to the gatherings of Galatia. 3Lovingness & not sinners of the non-Jews, 16know that people are not
to you & peace, from GΘD the FATHER, & our Master Jesus justified by works of Law; except by faith of Jesus the
the Anointed 1, 4Who gave Himself for our sins, so that He Anointed 1. Also we believe in Jesus the Anointed 1, so that
could rescue us from this present evil world, as to the will of we become justified by faith in the Anointed 1, & not by
GΘD, also our FATHER, 5WHO is glorified forever, so be it. works of Law; for by works of Law no flesh will be justified.
Shocking that you are changing so quickly from your 17
& if seeking to be justified by the Anointed 1, find
calling in the lovingness of the Anointed 1, to another good ourselves also sinners, therefore is the Anointed 1 a servant
message; 7which is not another. Except there are some of sin? No way! 18For if we rebuild again the things that
that stir you up, & intent to corrupt the good message of were destroyed, we make ourselves violators. 19For through
the Anointed 1. 8If others than us, or an angel from Heaven, the Law, I am dead to the Law, so that I can live for GΘD.
announce good messages to you, from other good 20
Crucified with the Anointed 1, & I no longer live. But the
messages for you; they are to be banned. 9As we said Anointed 1 lives with me, & now this life in flesh, I live by
already, I say so again, If anyone brings good messages by Faith of the Son of GΘD, Who loves me, & gave Himself for
other good messages to you, from what you received; me. 21Do not reject the lovingness of GΘD; for if justified
they are to be banned. 10For do I obey mankind now, or through the Laws, then the Anointed 1 died for nothing.
GΘD? Or do I seek to please humans? For if I still please 3 Oh foolish Galatians, who seduced you, convincing you
humans, I should not be a servant of the Anointed 1. 11But I to not obey the truth, through whose eyes Jesus the
make known to you Believers, the good news Who Anointed 1 was written before, crucified with you? 2I only
announced to me, is not from humans. 12For I did not even want to know from you, did you receive the Spirit by works
receive it from humans, or taught, instead by revelation of of Law, or by hearing to Believe? 3Are you so foolish?
Jesus the Anointed 1. 13For you heard of my behavior Beginning with the Spirit, now perfected by flesh? 4Suffered
before, with the Jewish religion, that as I exceedingly so many things for nothing? Otherwise surely for nothing.
persecuted the gatherings of GΘD, & destroyed them; 14& 5
So then who supplied to you the Spirit, & works miracles
profited by the Jewish religion, more than my equals in age with you; from works of Law, or by believing what you
of my nation, being much more ambitious of the traditions hear? 6Just as Abraham believed GΘD, & it counted to him
of my ancestors. 15But when it pleased GΘD, WHO for justification. 7Then you know that those from faith, these
separated me from my mother's womb, & invited me by same are children of Abraham. 8& the Holy Writings saw
HIS lovingness; 16made HIS Son known to me, so that I would the future that GΘD would justify the non-Jews from faith;
proclaim Him with the non-Jews, immediately I did not announcing good news before to Abraham, from you all
consult with flesh & blood. 17I did not even go up to nations will be blessed. 9So then, those from faith, are
Jerusalem to the Apostles before me, instead I went into blessed with faithful Abraham. 10For whoever is of works of
arabia, & returned again into damascus. 18Then after 3 the Law, are under a curse: for written, Everyone is cursed
years I went up to Jerusalem to know about Peter, & that does not continue in all writings in the scroll of the Law
stayed with him 15 days. 19But I did not see others of the to do them. 11But because no-one is justified by the Law
Apostles, except James the Master’s brother. 20& what I before GΘD, clearly because the just live by faith. 12& the
write to you, realize before GΘD that I do not lie. Law is not from faith, instead the people doing them, live
Afterwards I came into the regions of syria & cilicia. 22& I in them. 13The Anointed 1 redeemed us from the curse of
was unknown by face to the Churches of Judea, that were the Law, became a curse was over us, for written, Cursed
with the Anointed 1. 23But they had only heard that he is everyone hanging on a tree; 14that the blessing of
persecuted us before, now proclaims the faith that he Abraham will come to the non-Jews, by Jesus the Anointed
before destroyed. 24& glorified GΘD with me. 1, so that we can receive the promise of the Spirit through
2 Then after 14 years, I went up again to Jerusalem with faith. 15Believers, I speak as to mankind, yet still mankind’s
Barnabas, taking Titus with us also. 2& I went up by a covenant, confirmed, no-one reject, or add to it. 16So the
revelation, & communicated to them the good message, promises to Abraham & his seed were said. & He did not
that I announced to the non-Jews, but in private so those say to as to the many seeds, but as to 1; & to your seed,
respected would not somehow I ran, or had run in Who is the Anointed 1. 17& I say this, Before the Covenant
emptiness. 3But not even Titus, who was with me, being a was confirmed by GΘD with the Anointed 1, the Law
greek, needed to be circumcised. 4& by false believers became 400 & 30 years after, cannot make to void these
secretly brought in, these same came by sneakiness to spy promises. 18For if the inheritance is from Law, no more from
out our freedom that we have in the Anointed 1 Jesus, so promise; but GΘD gave to Abraham by promise. 19Then
that they could bring us into bondage. 5Who we did not why the Law? Because of violations, it was added until the

yield to obey for even a moment, so that the truth of the seed came, Who it was promised to, appointed by Angels
good message would continue with you. 6But of these who in the hand of a Mediator. 20& the Mediator is not of 1, &
think they are something, whatever they were, made no GΘD is 1. 21Is the Law then against the promises of GΘD?

difference to me; GΘD accepts no human's appearance, No way! For if a Law was given that is able to give life, truly
justification would be from the Law. 22But the Holy Writings believe the truth? 8Deceptive persuasion is not from Who
includes all are under sin, that the promise by Faith of Jesus called you. 9Little leaven ferments the whole lump. 10I have
the Anointed 1 is given to Believers. 23But before faith confidence in you by the Master, that you will not think
came, we were protected under the Law, included into differently, but whoever troubled you, will burden
the faith about to become known. 24So then the Law was judgment, whoever they are. 11& Believers, if I still proclaim
our tutor to the Anointed 1, that we would be justified by circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution? So is the
Faith. 25After Faith came, we are no longer under a tutor. scandal of the cross useless? 12I even wish those who
For you are all Children of GΘD through Faith in the trouble you were cut off. 13For Believers, you were to
Anointed 1 Jesus. 27For whoever is Baptized into the freedom, not only freedom for an occasion to the flesh,
Anointed 1, puts on the Anointed 1. 28There are no Jews or instead by love to serve 1 another. 14For all the Laws are
non-Jews, there are no slaves or free, there are no males fulfilled in 1 thought, in this, Love yours close by as
or females; for you are all 1 in the Anointed 1 Jesus. 29& if yourselves. 15But if you bite & eat 1 another, do you not
you are the Anointed 1’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, & realize; it is shameless to destroy 1 another. 16& I say, Walk
inheritors as promised. in the Spirit, & you will not perform fleshly desires. 17For the
4 & I say that the inheritor, as long as they are a Child, flesh lusts against the Spirit, & the Spirit against the flesh; so
differs nothing of a Servant, being of the Master of all. 2But these oppose 1 another, so that you will not do things that
they are under tutors & managers until the appointed time you would want. 18But if the Spirit leads you, you are not
of the FATHER. 3Even so we, when we were children, were under the Law. 19& the works of the flesh that are known
slaves under the principles of the world. 4& when the are: adultery, fornication, lustful, shamelessness, 20idolatry,
completeness of the time came, GΘD sent out HIS Son to drugs, haters, arguers, jealousy, anger, selfish, dividers,
come from a woman, existing under the Law; 5to rescue heretic's, 21envy, murder, drunkenness, loitering, & these
those under Law, so that we can receive the adoption. 6& just as what I said to you before, just as I also said already,
because you are the Children, GΘD sent out the Spirit for that those doing such as these will not inherit the Kingdom
HIS Son into your hearts, calling loudly, ABBA, FATHER. 7So of GΘD. 22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
that you are no more a servant, but Children, & if Children, patience, integrity, kindness, belief, 23gentleness, self-
then an inheritor of GΘD through the Anointed 1. 8Then control; there is no Law against such. 24& the Anointed 1’s,
otherwise truly you do not know GΘD, slaves to nature are crucified the flesh with the affections & lusts. 25If we live
not GΘD's. 9But now you know GΘD, but are known more spiritually, also we walk spiritually. 26Do not become
by GΘD; why turn again to the weak, & lacking principles, conceited provoking each other, envying each other.
that again desire you to be a slave? 10You observe days, & 6 Also Believers if a person is overtaken in some sin; you
months, & occasions, & years. 11I am afraid somehow you who are Spiritual repair such in the spirit of gentleness,
will work hard for your laboring for nothing. 12Believers I beg considering yourself also that you not be tempted. 2Carry
you to become like me; for even as you did not hurt me at each other's heaviness's, & so fulfill the Law of the Anointed
all. 13& you know that through weakness of the flesh, I 1. 3For if anyone thinks they are something, being without
proclaimed good news to you before. 14& my temptation fault, they deceive themselves. 4& each prove their own
that was in my flesh you did not despise, or reject, instead work, & then they will have rejoicing in themselves alone,
received me as an Angel of GΘD, as the Anointed 1 Jesus. & not in others. 5For each carry their own service; 6&
Who then is the benefiter of you? For I witnessed to you, instructions in the WORDS to share all good instructions
that if you were able to you would have plucked out your with. 7Do not be deceived, GΘD is not mocked; for
own eyes to give to me. 16So how did I become your whatever a person plants, that they will also harvest. 8For
enemy, telling you the truth? 17They zealously affected you, planting for your own flesh, will harvest corruption of the
but not well; yet they want you excluded, so that you are flesh, but planting for the Spirit, will harvest from the Spirit
zealous for them. 18& it is good to always be zealous with everlasting life. 9& do not become tired of doing good; for
good things, but not only when I am present with you. 19My in your season you will harvest; if not given up. 10So then as
little children, who I feel the pains of birth again, until the we have opportunity, do good work for all, & mostly for the
Anointed 1 is formed in you. 20So I want to be present with family of Believers. 11See how much writings I wrote to you
you now, & to change my tone, for I doubt with you. 21Tell with my hand. 12Whoever wants to make a display with the
me do you want to be under the Law, do you not hear the flesh, they force you to be circumcised; only so that they
Law? 22For written, That Abraham had 2 sons, 1 by a slave- will not suffer persecution for the Cross of the Anointed 1.
maid & 1 by free. 23Yet truly the 1 from the slave-maid was 13
For they themselves are circumcised, do not keep the
born as to flesh, but the free by promise. 24These same are Law, but want you to be circumcised, so that to glorify with
symbolic: for these are the 2 covenants, 1 truly from mount your flesh. 14But no way, will I glorify, except with the Cross
sinai, born into slavery, who is hagar. 25For hagar is mount of our Master Jesus the Anointed 1, by Who the world was
sinai in arabia, & answers to Jerusalem, & which now is crucified for me, & I for the world. 15For with the Anointed 1
enslaved with her children. 26But Jerusalem is above free, Jesus neither circumcised has any power or
which is motherland of us all. 27For written, Rejoice unfertile uncircumcised, instead a new creation. 16& whoever walks
women who do not break, not tearing & crying, you will as to this rule, peace is with them, & mercy, & is with the
not feel pains of child birth; for the desolate have many GΘD of Israel. 17For now forward no-one trouble me, for I
more children than she having a husband. 28& we Believers endure in my body the markings of the Master Jesus.
as Isaac was, are Children of promise. 29But just as then, 18
Believers, with your Spirit, the lovingness of our Master
born as to flesh, persecutes those as to Spirit, even so now. Jesus the Anointed 1. To the galatians, written from rome,
Yet what do the Holy Writings say? Force out the slave- so be it.
maid & her son; for the son of the slave-maid will never be 1611 kjv Ephesians † Paul, Apostle of Jesus the Anointed 1,
an inheritor with the son of the free. 31So then, Believers, by GΘD’s will, to the Saints being in Ephesus, & faithful with
we are not children of slave-maids, but of the free. the Anointed Jesus. 2Lovingness to you, & peace from
5 So persevere the freedom that the Anointed 1 freed us GΘD our FATHER, & Master Jesus the Anointed 1. 3Praise
from, & do not be tangled again in a yoke of slavery. the GΘD & FATHER of our Master Jesus the Anointed, WHO
Realize, I Paul say to you that if circumcised, the Anointed blessed us with all spiritual blessing from Heaven with the
1 will not benefit you anything. 3& I testify again to every Anointed 1. 4Just as HE chose us with Him, before the
man circumcised, that they are debtors to do the whole foundation of the world; we are to be Holy & unblameable
Laws. 4The Anointed 1 is useless for whoever is justified by before HIM in love. 5Deciding before to adopt us by Jesus

Law; falls out of lovingness. 5For our Spirit patiently waits for the Anointed 1 to HIMSELF, for the pleasure of HIS choosing.
hope by righteous Faith. 6For with Jesus the Anointed 1, 6
To praise the glory of HIS lovingness that with Him we are
neither circumcised have any power, or uncircumcised, acceptable in the love. 7In Who we have redemption

but faith works by love. 7Run well, who hindered you to not through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, as to the wealth
of His loving-ness. 8Who HE overflowed for us with all Anointed 1. 5That in other generations were not made
wisdom & understanding; 9making known to us the mystery known to the sons of mankind, as it is now revealed to HIS
of HIS will, as for HIS pleasure that HE showed publically with Holy Apostles & Prophets by the Spirit. 6That non-Jews will
HIS Own. 10For administrating the fullness of times, summing be fellow inheritors, & belong to the same body, & joined
everything up with the Anointed 1, both those in Heaven, together by HIS promise in the Anointed 1, by the good
& those on earth, with Him. 11In Who we also obtain an message. 7Who I was made a Minister, as to the gift of the
inheritance, decided before, for the purpose to work lovingness of GΘD given to me, by the working of HIS
everything for the counsel of HIS will. 12We are to praise HIS power. 8To me, least of all the Saints, this lovingness was
glory, whoever hoped in the Anointed 1; 13in Who you also given to announce good news to the non-Jews, the
heard the WORDS of truth, the good message of your unimaginable wealth of the Anointed 1. 9& to make all see,
salvation. By Who you also believed, sealed you with the what the fellowship of the mystery is, from the beginning of
Holy Spirit of promise, 14that is security of our inheritance, for the world, hidden by GΘD, WHO created all, for Jesus the
redemption of the obtaining, to praise HIS glory. 15Through Anointed 1. 10That now the rulers, & powers in Heaven, will
this I also, heard about your faith in the Master Jesus, & love be known by the church, the many colors of GΘD's
for all the Saints. 16I do not stop giving thanks for you, wisdom; 11as to the eternal purpose that HE did through the
making mention of you in my prayers; 17that the GΘD of Anointed Jesus our Master. 12By Who we have boldness &
our Master Jesus the Anointed 1, the FATHER of glory, will access with confidence, through the Belief of Him.
give to you the Spirit of wisdom & revelation with 13
Therefore I want you to not be exhausted in my
knowledge of HIM. 18The eyes of your understanding shine, persecutions for you, which is for your glory. 14For this cause
you know what the hope of HIS calling is, & what the riches I bend my knees to the FATHER of our Master Jesus the
of the glory of HIS inheritance in the Saints is. 19& what the Anointed 1, 15from WHO the whole family in Heaven &
exceeding greatness of HIS POWER to us who believe, as earth are named. 16So that to give you as to the riches of
to the work of HIS MIGHTY POWER. 20That HE worked with HIS glory, to strengthen with power through HIS Spirit in the
the Anointed 1, raising Him from dead, & set Him down by persons soul. 17The Anointed 1 lives in your thoughts by faith,
HIS RIGHT HAND in the Heavens; 21& 1st rank of all powers, & so that you are rooted & grounded in love, 18to be able to
forces, & rulers, & every name, named, not only in this understand with all Saints, what the width, & length, &
world, but also to come. 22& put everything under His feet, depth, & height is. 19& also to know the love of the
& gave Him head over all of the gatherings, 23which are His Anointed 1, exceeds knowledge, that to fill you all up of
Body, the filling of all with everything. the fullness of GΘD. 20& He is able to do more than beyond
2 & you being dead to doing wrong & sin, 2by what you all that we ask or think, as through the power working in us;
walked before as to the times of this world; as to the ruler 21
to HIM be glorified in the gatherings by the Anointed
of the power of the air, the spirit now effective in the Jesus throughout all the generations forever, so be it.
disobedient children. 3With that we all also lived before in 4 So I, bound to the Master, beg you to walk worthily of the
the lusts of our flesh, doing the desires of the flesh, & of the invitation that you are called, 2with all humbleness &
mind, & were naturally angry children even as the rest. 4But gentleness, with endurance, putting up with 1 another in
GΘD being wealthy in mercy through HIS large love that love. 3Carefully keep the unity of the Spirit with the bond of
HE loved us, 5when we were dead sinners; made alive peace. 41 body, & 1 Spirit, just as you are called in 1 hope
together with the Anointed 1's lovingness you are saved, 6& of your calling. 51 Master, 1 Belief, 1 Baptism, 61 GΘD &
will be raised together, & sit together in Heaven with the FATHER of all, WHO is above all, & through all, & in you all.
Anointed Jesus. 7That in the times to come, HE will show the 7
& every 1 of us is given lovingness, as to the measure of
exceeding wealth of HIS lovingness in kindness to us the gift of the Anointed 1. 8Therfore taught: He ascended
through the Anointed Jesus. 8For you are lovingly saved to Heaven, to capture captivity, & to give gifts to mankind.
through faith, & that not by yourselves; the sacrifice of 9
After He went up, except that what happened; 1st He
GΘD's. 9Not from works, so that no-one will boast. 10For we went down into the lower part of the earth. 10He Who went
are HIS work, created with the Anointed Jesus to good down, is the same also went up higher above all of
works that GΘD prepared before; that we walk in them. Heaven, to complete everything. 11& He truly appoints
Therefore remember that you were once non-Jews in the Apostles, & Prophets, & Evangelists, & Shepherds, &
flesh, who were called uncircumcised by those called Teachers. 12For the equipping of the Saints, for work of
circumcised in the flesh made by hands. 12That at that time ministry, for building up the body of the Anointed 1; 13until
you were without the Anointed 1, aliens from the citizenship all come into the unity of the Faith, & the knowledge of the
of Israel, & strangers from the covenant of promise, having Son of GΘD, to complete humans, to the amount of
no hope & without GΘD in the world. 13But now with the maturity of the fullness of the Anointed 1. 14That we will no
Anointed Jesus, you who were once being far away are more be children tossed by waves, & carried around by
made near by the blood of the Anointed 1. 14For He is our every wind of teaching, by the dice playing of humans
peace, Who makes both 1, & destroyed the dividing wall. with trickery, wandering. 15Instead speak the truth in love,
Doing away with His flesh the hostility of the to grow everyone to Him, Who is the head, the Anointed 1.
Commandment Laws in Laws, so that to form in Himself 2, 16
From Who the whole body is joined together & put
1 new person, making peace. 16& to bring both back to together by every connection; supplying as to each
GΘD in 1 body by the cross, destroying the hostility in it, 17& measure with efficiency, to make the body grow for
came proclaiming joining peace to you, those far away & building up of itself in love. 17Therefore I say this & testify with
those that were ready. 18For through Him both have access the Master, you no longer walk as even the other non-Jews
by 1 Spirit to the FATHER. 19So now you are no longer walk in depravity of their minds. 18Their thinking is darkened,
strangers & foreigners; instead fellow citizens, the Saints, & being alienated from the life of GΘD, through the
the household of GΘD. 20Built up on the foundation of the ignorance that is in them, because of the stubbornness of
Apostles, & Prophets, Jesus the Anointed 1 Himself being their hearts; 19who are numb, giving themselves to
the corner foundation stone; 21by Who the whole building shameless lusts, to perform all profanities with greed. 20But
is framed together, growing into a Holy Temple with the you did not learn that after the Anointed 1. 21If you heard
Master. 22By Who you are also built together for a life with Him & were taught by Him, as truth is in Jesus. 22About your
GΘD through the Spirit. former behavior put it away, the old person who was
3 For this cause I Paul, am bound to Jesus the Anointed 1, corrupt as to the deceitful desires. 23& renew the Spirit of
for you non-Jews. 2If you heard of the management of the your mind. 24& put on the new person that as GΘD created

lovingness of GΘD that was given to me for you; 3that by for righteousness & true Holiness. 25Therefore put away
revelation made known to me the mysteries, as I wrote with lying, speak every truth with your own neighbors; for we are
some before, 4about which you read. You are able to members of 1 another. 26Do not be angry & sin, do not let

understand my knowledge with the mystery of the the sun go down while you are raged; 27or even give a
place to the false accuser. 28Theives no longer steal, but whether slave or free. 9& masters do the same to them,
work more hard with your hands, doing good, that you will resist threatening, knowing that your own MASTER is also in
have to give to those needy. 29Do not let any corrupt Heaven, & there is no favoritism by HIM. 10Lastly my fellow
communication go out of your mouth, instead if anything Believers, be strong with the MASTER, & with the power of
is good for the use of building up that gives lovingness to HIS might. 11Put on the whole armor of GΘD that you will be
the hearers, 30& does not grieve the Holy Spirit of GΘD, by able to stand against the trickery of the false accuser. 12For
which you are sealed for the day of redemption. 31All we are not against flesh & blood, instead against leaders,
bitterness, & wrath, & anger, & shouting, & evil speaking, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this
take away from you, with all depravity. 32& be kind to 1 world, against spiritual wickedness from the supernatural.
another, compassionate, forgiving yourselves, just as GΘD 13
Because of this, lift up the complete armor of GΘD that
through the Anointed 1 forgives you. you will be able to resist during the wicked days, & do all
5 Therefore be imitators of GΘD, as dear Children. 2& walk to stand. 14So stand fastening your hips with truth, & put on
in love, just as the Anointed 1 also loves us, & gave Himself the breastplate of righteousness. 15& put on your feet
for us, an offering & sacrifice to GΘD for a sweet fragrance. preparation with the good news of peace. 16Above all
But fornication & all uncleanness, or greediness, not be take the shield of Faith, by which to be able to extinguish
mentioned with you, as proper Saints; 4even obscenities, & all the fire arrows of the wicked. 17& take the helmet of
foolish talking, or jokes that are not proper, instead more salvation, & the sword of the Spirit, that is GΘD’s WORDS;
thankfulness. 5For know this, that no male prostitute, or 18
always pray everything by prayers & requests in the Spirit,
unclean, or greedy of gain who are idolaters, has any & carefully for this yourself, with all perseverance &
inheritance in the Kingdom of the Anointed 1, & of GΘD. requests for all Saints. 19& for me, that words will be given to
No-one deceive you with meaningless words; for by these me, to open my mouth boldly, to make known the
things comes the wrath of GΘD on the children of mysteries of the good message. 20For Who I am
disobedience. 7Therefore do not become participants with representing in chains, about with I speak freely, as I must
them. 8For you were once darkness, but now light in the speak. 21& that you will also know about me, what I do,
Master; walk as Children of light. 9For the fruit of the Spirit is Tychicus a dearly loved Brother, & faithful Minister with the
in all kindness, & righteousness, & truth. 10Proving what is MASTER, will make everything known to you. 22Who I will
acceptable to the MASTER. 11& do not have fellowship with send to you for the same thing, that you will know about
the unfruitful workers of darkness, but even more convict us, & to comfort your hearts. 23Peace to the fellow Believers
them. 12For it is shameful to even speak about what they & love, with Faith of GΘD the FATHER, & Master Jesus the
do secretly. 13But all are convicted, exposed by the light; Anointed 1. 24Lovingness be with our all loving Master Jesus
for everything is exposed by the light. 14Therefore HE said, the Anointed 1, with true sincerity. Written from rome to the
Wake up you sleeping & rise from the dead, & the ephesians through Tychicus.
Anointed 1 will give you light. 15Then see that you walk 1611 kjv Philippians † Paul & Timothy servants of Jesus the
exactly, not as fools, but as wise. 16Use the occasion, Anointed 1, to all the Saints with the Anointed Jesus, being
because the days are wicked. 17Therefore you do not in philippi, with the Elders & Deacons; 2Lovingness to you, &
become foolish, instead understand what the will of the peace, from GΘD our FATHER, & Master Jesus the
Master is. 18& do not get intoxicated by wine, which is Anointed 1. 3I thank my GΘD with every memory of you,
excessive, instead be filled up with the Spirit. 19Speaking to 4
always in every prayer of mine for you always making
yourselves psalms, & praises, & Spiritual songs, singing & requests with joy. 5For your fellowship in the good message
play music in your hearts to the MASTER, 20always giving from the 1st day until now; 6confident of this very thing, that
thanks for everything to the FATHER, GΘD, & in Name of HE WHO began a good work in you, will finish it until the
our Master Jesus the Anointed 1. 21Submit to each other in day of Jesus the Anointed 1. 7Just as it is righteous for me to
fear of GΘD. 22Wives submit to your own husbands as the think this about all of you. For I have you in my heart, both
master. 23For the husband is the head of the wife, even as in my chains, & the defense & confirmation of the good
the Anointed 1 is the head of the gatherings, & He is Savior news, you are all partners of my lovingness. 8For GΘD is my
of the body. 24Yet just as the gatherings are to obey the witness, as I desire for all of you, in sympathy of Jesus the
Anointed 1, so also the wives to their own husbands with Anointed 1. 9& I pray this, that your love will remain even
everything. 25Husbands love your wives, just as the more & more in knowledge, & all judgment. 10That you will
Anointed 1 also loves the gatherings, & gave Himself for examine, test that you are sincere, & without sin until the
them. 26That to purify them, with cleaning washing of day of the Anointed 1. 11Filled with fruits of righteousness,
water, with the WORDS. 27That to present to Himself glorious that by Jesus the Anointed 1 to glory & praise of GΘD. 12&
gatherings, not having spots, or wrinkles or any such things; I want you to understand Believers, that things that
instead that they will be Holy & faultless. 28So men owe it to happened to me, became known to progress more of the
love their wives, as their own bodies; he loving his wife, good news. 13So that my chains with the Anointed 1,
loves himself. 29For no-one ever hates their own flesh; but become known publically in all of the palace, &
nourishes & warms it, just as even the Master of the everywhere. 14& even more of the Believers with the
Gatherings; 30that are members of His Body, of His Flesh, & Master, have confidence by my chains, are bolder to
of His Bones. 31For this reason, a man leaves his father & speak the words without fear. 15Some truly proclaim the
mother, & is glued to his wife, & 2 will be 1 flesh. 32This is a Anointed 1, even through envy & arguing, & also some
great mystery, but I speak about the Anointed 1 & the through good intentions. 16Truly those proclaiming the
members. 33Besides, also every one of you throughout this Anointed 1 from promoting themselves, not sincerity, think
way love his wife as himself, so that then the wife will about adding persecution to my chains. 17But others from
respect her husband. love, know that I am laid out for the defense of the good
6 Children, obey your parents with the MASTER, for this is message. 18What for? Yet every way, whether outward
righteous. 2Honor your father & mother, which is the 1st showing, or truth; the Anointed 1 is proclaimed, & by this I
commandment with a promise. 3That it will be well with rejoice, yea, & yet I rejoice. 19For I know that this will result
you, & you will live long on the earth. 4& fathers do not in my safety through your prayers, even the supply of the
provoke your children, instead bring them up in the whole Spirit of Jesus the Anointed 1, 20as to my intense
training, & discipline of the MASTER. 5Servants obey masters expectation, & hope, that I will not feel ashamed; instead
as to the flesh, with fear & trembling, in sincerity of your with all boldness, as always, now also the Anointed 1 will
heart as to the Anointed 1. 6Not by service as people be magnified in my body, whether through life or by death.

pleasers, but as servants of the Anointed 1, doing the will 21

For the Anointed 1 to me is life, & to die advantage. 22& if
of GΘD from the soul. 7With kindness doing service as to I live in the flesh, this is fruit of my works, but what I prefer, I
the MASTER & not for humans. 8Knowing that whatever do not know. 23For I am puzzled by 2, having desire to

good someone does, they will receive from the MASTER, depart, & be with the Anointed 1; by far is much better.
But to stay in the flesh is necessary for you. 25& this 7
Yet whatever I gained for myself, these I counted losses for
confidence, I know that I will remain & continue with you the Anointed 1. 8But at least I count everything that exist
all, for your progress & joy of Faith. 26That your rejoicing will loss, & for the superior knowledge of the Anointed 1 Jesus
overflow in Jesus the Anointed 1, by my coming to you my Master; for Who I suffer everything, & consider what
again. 27Only behave appropriately as the good news of exists garbage, that I will gain the Anointed 1. 9& found with
the Anointed 1, that whether I come & see you, or if I am Him, not having my own righteousness, those from the Law,
away, I will hear about you; that you stand in 1 Spirit, only instead those through Faith of the Anointed 1, the
1 breath working together for the faith of the good news. righteousness from GΘD by faith. 10I know Him, & the power
& do not be afraid by enemies, which is truly evidence to of His resurrection from the dead, & the fellowship of His
those of their destruction; but for your salvation, & that is suffering, is confirmed by His death. 11If somehow I achieve
from GΘD. 29For to you is given favor for the Anointed 1, with the resurrection of the dead, 12not because I already
not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, attained, or am now perfect; but I pursue even if get
having the same type of battles as you see in me & now arrested for what I also possess by the Anointed 1 Jesus.
hear about me. 13
Believers I do not count myself to have attained, but 1
2 Therefore whatever comfort in the Anointed 1, whatever thing; I truly leave things behind, & reach forward in front,
comfort of love, whatever fellowship of Spirit, whatever 14
running through the goal marker, for the prize of the high
sympathy & mercy; 2you complete my joy, that you think calling of GΘD with the Anointed 1 Jesus. 15Therefore be
the same, having the same love, unified with 1 thinking. 3Do wise, whoever, perfect this thinking; & if anyone has
nothing as to selfish ambition, or conceit, instead humility, different thoughts, GΘD will also reveal this to you. 16Yet for
consider 1 another above themselves. 4Do not consider those that already attained, march with the same rule,
things your own, instead everything also for others. 5For thinking the same way. 17Believers be imitators of me, & aim
think this within yourselves, also what was within the to live this way, just as you have us for examples. 18For many
Anointed 1 Jesus; 6Who began under a form of GΘD, walk who I told you about often, & now tell you even
considered it not taking to be similar to GΘD. 7Yet emptied crying; are the enemies of the cross of the Anointed 1;
Himself, taking the form of a Servant, becoming in human 19
Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, & glory
form. 8& found out the ways as a man, lowered Himself, is with their shame, who think earthly things. 20For our
being obedient to death, even death of the cross. citizenship is in Heaven, from where we also patiently wait
Therefore GΘD also raised Him to the highest, & gave Him for the Savior, Master Jesus the Anointed 1; 21Who will
a Name above all names. 10That by the Name of Jesus transform our lowly bodies, that it will become similar to His
every knee will bend, in Heaven, & earth, & under the Glorious Body, as to the energy that He is even able to put
earth. 11& every tongue will profess that Master Jesus is the everything under Himself.
Anointed 1, to glorify GΘD the FATHER. 12Therefore my 4 Therefore my dearly loved fellow Believers, & greatly
dearly loved, just as always obey, not only as in my loved, my joy & crown; so stand firm with the Master, much
presence, but now much more in my absence; work for loved. 2I encourage Euodias & encourage Syntyche, to be
your own salvation with fear & trembling. 13For it is GΘD same thinking with the Master. 3& I ask you also, truly be
WHO works in you, both purposely & effectively for good unified together, help these same who worked together for
intentions. 14Do everything without grumbling & arguing. ME in the good message; with Clement also, & other of my
That you will be blameless & innocent Children of GΘD, fellow workers, whose names are in the scroll of life.
blameless in the middle of crooked & corrupted times. 4
Rejoice with the Master always, again I say rejoice. 5Your
Holding the WORDS of life, for that I will rejoice during the gentleness be known to all mankind. The Master is near.
day of the Anointed 1, that I did not run for nothing, or work 6
Worry about nothing; instead with everything pray, & ask
hard for nothing. 17Yet even if I offered on the sacrifice & with thankfulness, make your request known to GΘD. 7&
service of your faith, I am happy & rejoice with all of you. the peace of GΘD will rise above all understanding, to
& for this same cause also be happy & rejoice with me. guard your hearts & minds through Jesus the Anointed 1.
& I hope with the Master Jesus to send Timothy shortly to 8
Lastly, Believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable,
you, that I will also be encouraged to know your situation. whatever is righteous, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,
For I have no-one similar spirited, who will sincerely care whatever is of good report, whatever is moral, & whatever
about you. 21For everyone seeks their own things, not the is praiseworthy, consider these. 9These that you also
things of Jesus the Anointed 1. 22But you know the proof of learned & received, & heard, & saw in me, do. & the GΘD
him, that as a son of the Father; served with me in the good of peace will be with you. 10& rejoice in the MASTER greatly,
message. 23Therefore this I truly hope now to send, about that even now sometime your care for me will revive again,
me when I see fully. 24& I trust in the Master, that also I will about this you were also careful, but lacked opportunity.
come shortly. 25& I consider it necessary to send to you 11
Not that I speak about poverty; for I learned in whatever
epaphroditius, my Brother & fellow worker, & your situation I am in to be content. 12& I know humbleness, & I
messenger & servant of my needs. 26For since I was longing know how to have overflowing with everything; &
for you all, & was troubled, because you heard that he was instructed with everything also to full & hungry, both to
sick. 27For he was also sick near death, but GΘD had mercy overflow & need. 13I have power to do everything with the
on him; & not for him only, but also me, so that I would not Anointed 1 Who strengthens me. 14Besides you did right
have sorrow upon sorrow. 28Therefore I sent him sooner, so participating with my oppression. 15& you Philippians also
when you see him again, you will rejoice & also I will be less know that in the beginning of the good news, when I left
sad. 29So then receive him in the Master with all happiness, from Macedonia, no gatherings shared with me, as
& hold this value. 30Because for the work of the Anointed 1, concerning giving & receiving, except you alone. 16For also
he was near up to death, disregarding life, to supply your in Thessalonica, you sent once, & twice for my necessity.
lacking of service to me. 17
Not because I wanted a gift; instead wanting fruit to
3 Lastly my fellow Believers, I rejoice with the Master to write increase for your concern. 18& I have enough of everything
these same things to you, to me is truly not troublesome, & & overflow completely, receiving from Epaphroditius, the
for you is safety. 2Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, things from your sweet smelling fragrance, approved
beware of false circumcisers. 3For we are the circumcised, acceptable sacrifices to GΘD. 19& my GΘD will supply all
who worship GΘD in Spirit, & rejoice in the Anointed 1 your needs as to HIS wealth in glory, by the Anointed 1
Jesus, & have no confidence in the flesh. 4Although I also Jesus. 20& more glory to GΘD & our FATHER forever, so be
have confidence in the flesh, whoever others think to trust it. 21Salute every Saint with Jesus the Anointed 1; the

in flesh, I was more; 5circumcised 8 days old, from the Israeli Believers with me, welcome you. 22All the Saints salute you,
race, the tribe of Benjamin, Hebrew of Hebrews, as to the & mostly those from Caesar's household. 23The lovingness
Law, a pharisee. 6Throughout zealously, I persecuted the of our Master Jesus the Anointed 1 be with all of you, so be

gathering; as righteousness that is in the Law, blameless. it. Written to the philippians from rome, by Epaphroditus.
1611 kjv Colossians † Paul Apostle of Jesus the Anointed 1, things of the world, & not as to the Anointed 1. 9For with
by the will of GΘD, & Brother Timothy, 2to the Saints & Him lives all the completeness of a GΘDly body. 10& you
faithful Believers in the Anointed 1 in colosse; lovingness to are complete with Him, Who is the head of all principalities
you & peace from GΘD our FATHER, & Master Jesus the & powers. 11In Who you are also circumcised, circumcised
Anointed 1. 3Give thanks to GΘD & FATHER of our Master not with hands, by taking from the body the sins of flesh, by
Jesus the Anointed 1, always praying for you. 4We heard the circumcision of the Anointed 1. 12Buried together with
about your Faith in the Anointed Jesus, & the love for you Him in Baptism, by what you also will be raised together
to all the Saints. 5For the hope that is waiting for you in with through the Faith of the work of GΘD, WHO raised Him
Heaven, that you heard already in the WORDS of the truth up from the dead. 13& you were dead in sin, & the
of the good news, 6that has come to you; just as also to the uncircumcised of your flesh, were made alive together
whole world & is producing fruit, just as I also do in you, with HIM, forgave you of all sins, 14washed away the
since that day you heard & knew of the lovingness of GΘD handwritten violations against us, that were against us, &
in truth. 7Just as you also learned from Epaphras our dear removed them out of the way, nailing those to a cross.
fellow Servant, who is for you, a faithful Minister of the 15
Disarming principalities & powers, showing by example
Anointed 1. 8Who also simply made known to us your love boldly, defeating them by it. 16Therefore no-one judge you
in the Spirit. 9For this reason we also from that day heard; about food, or with drinks, or about respecting holidays, or
do not stop praying for you, & ask that you will be filled with new moons, or Sabbath days; 17that are shadows of things
the knowledge of His will, in all wisdom & spiritual to come, but the body is of the Anointed 1. 18No-one
understanding.10You walk worthily of the Master to always defraud you of salvation, by wanting you to be humble, &
please, producing fruit with all good works, & growing in worshiping angels, introducing you to things that are not
the knowledge of GΘD; 11strengthening you with all power seen, for these are nothing by their fleshly minds. 19& they
as to HIS glorious power, to all patience & endurance with do not have the head, from which all the body by joints &
joy. 12Give thanks to the FATHER, WHO enabled us to share bonds are supplied, & are held together, to grow the
the inheritance of the Saints in light; 13WHO rescued us from growth of GΘD. 20So then if you are dead with the
the power of darkness, & transfers us to the Kingdom by HIS Anointed 1 from the ways of the world; why live as in the
dear Son. 14In Who we have redemption through His blood, world's traditions; 21touch not, taste not, handle not 22that
the forgiveness of sins; 15Whose likeness is of the invisible are to perish all of those using, as to the customs, &
GΘD, 1st born of every creation. 16That for Him everything teachings of mankind? 23These same have worldly words
was created that is in Heaven, & that is in the earth, visible of wisdom in self-made religion, & humility, & neglecting
& invisible, whether thrones, or powers, or authority, or the body, not in any value to fill up the flesh.
principalities, or powers; everything was created because 3 Therefore if you were raised together with the Anointed
of Him, & for Him. 17& He is superior to everything, & with 1, seek upwards, where the Anointed 1 is sitting down by
Him all are united. 18& He is the Head of the Body, the the RIGHT HAND of GΘD. 2Think about things above, not
Members, Who is the beginning, the 1st born from the things on the earth. 3For you died, & your life is covered with
dead, that with everyone He is 1st. 19HE is pleased with Him the Anointed 1 to GΘD. 4When the Anointed 1, Who is our
that all fullness lives. 20& made peace through the blood of life, appears, then you will also appear with Him in glory.
His cross, by Him to reconcile all completely to HIS OWN, 5
Therefore slay your body parts that are on the earth;
by Him, whether those in earth, or those in Heaven. 21& you fornication, immorality, lusts, wicked nature, & desiring
that were once alienated & enemies desiring to do wicked what is idolatry. 6For these, the wrath of GΘD comes on the
works, but are now reconciled; 22with the body of His flesh children of disbelief. 7In these you also lived before when
by death, to present you Holy, & faultless, & blameless you lived in them. 8But now you also put away all anger,
before HIM. 23If you continue in the Faith firm & unmovable, wrath, evil, slander, blasphemy from your mouth. 9Do not
& are not moved away from the hope of the good lie to each other, take off the old person with its actions.
message that you heard, that was proclaimed to every 10
& put on the new, Who made you new in knowledge, as
creature that is under Heaven; that I Paul became a to the likeness of HE WHO created Him. 11Where there are
Minister for. 24Who I now rejoice in my suffering for you, & no Greeks, or Jews, circumcised, or uncircumcised,
am filled with poverty; the oppression for the Anointed 1 is foreigners, barbarians, slaves, free; instead the Anointed 1
in my flesh for His body, which is the gatherings. 25These I of all, & with all. 12Therefore put on as GΘD's chosen, holy
became a Minister as for the administration of GΘD, WHO & much loved; feelings of mercy, kindness, humbleness,
gave to me for you, to fulfill the WORDS of GΘD; 26the gentleness, endurance. 13Put up with 1 another, & forgive
mysteries that were hidden from the world, & from yourselves, even if some have faults with some, even as the
generations, but now are made known to HIS Saints, 27that Anointed 1 forgives you, so you also. 14& above all these
GΘD wanted to make known what the riches of the glory things, love, which is the uniting of completeness. 15Then
of this mystery is with the non-Jews; that is the Anointed 1 the peace of GΘD will rule in your hearts, to those who are
with you is the hope of glory. 28Who we proclaim, warning also called in 1 body, & be thankful. 16The WORDS of the
everyone & teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that to Anointed 1 lives in you abundantly with all wisdom,
present everyone complete with the Anointed 1 Jesus. teaching & warning those in strum Psalms, & praise Hymns,
Therefore I also work hard as to His efficiency that works & Spiritual songs, singing with lovingness in your hearts to
in me with power. the MASTER. 17& whatever you do in words or works, do
2 For I want you to know how much conflict I have about everything in the Name of Master Jesus, giving thanks to
you & those in Laodicea, & whoever has not seen my face GΘD & FATHER by Him. 18Wives obey your own husbands,
with flesh; 2so that their hearts will be comforted, joined as is proper for the MASTER. 19Husbands, love wives, & do
together in love & to all the riches full of confidence, not become irritated against them. 20Children, obey your
understanding to the knowledge of the mystery of both parents, through everything, for this is pleasing to the
FATHER GΘD, & the Anointed 1. 3In Who are hidden all the MASTER. 21Fathers do not provoke your children to anger,
treasures of wisdom & knowledge. 4& I say this, so that no- so that they become discouraged. 22Servants obey as to
one will deceive you with persuasive speeches. 5For if I am everything of your masters as to the flesh; not with service
also away in the flesh, yet I am with you in the Spirit, performed by master’s watching you, as people pleasers,
rejoicing & watching your character, & the stability of your but with sincerity of heart, fearing GΘD. 23& whatever you
faith in the Anointed 1. 6Therefore as you received the do, do from your soul as to the MASTER, & not for people;
Anointed Master Jesus, walk with Him. 7Be rooted & built up 24
knowing that from the MASTER, you will receive the

with Him, & made firm in the Faith, just as you were taught, reward of inheritance for serving the Master Anointed 1.
overflowing in it with thankfulness. 8Beware so no-one will 25
But whoever does wrong, will receive what wrong they
lead you away from the truth through love of philosophy & did, & there is no discrimination.

empty deceit, as to the traditions of people, as the 1st

4 Masters supply to servants righteously & equally, knowing proclaimed to you the good message of GΘD. 10You are
that you also have a MASTER in Heaven. 2Continue praying witnesses, & GΘD as Holy, & righteous, & blamelessly with
cautiously with the same in thankfulness. 3Praying together you to become Believers. 11Exactly as you know how we
also for us, that GΘD will open a door for us of words to encouraged & instructed, & testified to each 1 of you, like
speak the mystery of the Anointed 1 for what I am also a father of his children; 12so that you will walk worthily of
bound; 4that I can make it known, as I need to say. 5Walk GΘD, WHO called you to HIS Kingdom & glory. 13For this
in wisdom to those without to rescue those while you can. cause, we also give thanks to GΘD constantly, because
Your speech always be with lovingness, be wise know how you received GΘD's WORDS, heard from us, you did not
you must answer everyone. 7Always I, as Tychicus will make receive human thoughts, instead as truth is of GΘD's
it known to you, a much loved brother, & faithful minister, WORDS, which are also active with you Believers. 14For you
& fellow servant with the Master; 8who I will send to you for Believers became imitators of the gathering of GΘD in
the same thing, that he will know about you, & comfort Judea, being with Jesus the Anointed 1; for you also suffer
your hearts. 9With Onesimus a faithful & dearly loved the same by your own people, just as they are also under
brother, who is from you, to make known everything that is the religious Jews. 15& they killed the Master Jesus, & their
here to you. 10Aristarchus my fellow prisoner greets you, & own Prophets, & they persecuted us; & they do not please
Mark cousin of Barnabas, about who you received GΘD, & are against all people. 16They prevent us to speak
commands, if he comes to you, receive him. 11& Jesus, who to the non-Jews that they can be saved, to fill up their own
is called Justus, is from the circumcised. These alone are sins always. & the wrath will come against them at the end.
fellow workers for the Kingdom of GΘD, who have been a 17
But we Believers, are separate from you for a short time in
comfort to me. 12Epaphras, who is from you, a servant of presence, not in heart, are making more efforts to see your
the Anointed 1, salutes you, always battles for you in faces with much desire. 18Therefore we wanted to come to
prayers that you will stand to the end, & complete with all you, truly I Paul, once & twice, but satan prevented us. 19For
the will of GΘD. 13For myself has witnessed that he has what is our hope, or joy, or rejoicing crown; are you not also
much zeal for you, & those in laodicea, & those in before our Anointed Master Jesus at His coming? 20For you
hierapolis. 14Luke the dearly loved physician, & Demas are our praise & joy.
salute you. 15Welcome the Believers in laodicea, & 3 Therefore when we could no longer endure, we decided
nymphas, & the gatherings throughout his house. 16& when to remain in athens alone. 2So we sent Timothy our Brother,
this letter is read by you, make sure that it is also read in the & minister of GΘD, & our fellow worker with the Anointed
gatherings of laodicea, & that you also read those from 1's good message, to strengthen you & teach you about
laodicea. 17& tell Archippus, realize the ministry, that you your Belief. 3No-one be disturbed by these troubles, for they
received with the Master, that you complete it. 18These know that we are appointed for this. 4For when we were
greetings are by my hand Paul. Remember my bonds. also with you before, I told you that we would be
Lovingness be with you. So be it. Written from rome to the persecuted, & just as it happened & you know. 5For this
colossians, by Tychicus & Onesimus. reason, when I could no longer endure, I sent to know
1611 kjv 1st Thessalonians † Paul & Silas, & Timothy, to the about your Faith, so that if somehow the tempter tempts
gathering of thessalonica, with FATHER GΘD, & the you, then our labor could become for nothing. 6& now
Anointed Master Jesus; lovingness & peace to you from Timothy arrived from you to us, & brought good news to us
GΘD our FATHER, & the Anointed Master Jesus. 2We always about your Faith & love; & that you always have good
give thanks to GΘD for all of you, making mention of you memories of us, desiring greatly to see us, just as we also for
in our prayers. 3We constantly remember your works of you. 7Through this Believers, we are comforted of our
faith, & labor of love, & patient hope of our Anointed persecution & troubles by all of you by your Faith; 8that now
Master Jesus, before GΘD also our FATHER. 4Dearly loved we are refreshed if you stand firm with the MASTER. 9For
believers, know you are chosen by GΘD. 5That our good what thanks can we return to GΘD about you, for all the
message did not come to you in speeches only, but also joy that we rejoice for you, before our GΘD; 10night & day
with power, & with the Holy Spirit, & with much confidence; we pray exceedingly to see your faces, & complete
just as you know what type we were with you, for you. 6& whatever is lacking of your Faith. 11& GΘD HIMSELF also our
you became imitators of us, & the Master, receiving the FATHER, & our Anointed Master Jesus guide our way
WORDS with much persecution, with joy of the Holy Spirit. straight to you. 12& the MASTER will increase & overflow your
So that you are examples to everyone who Believes in love for one-another, & to everyone, even as we for you;
macedonia & achaia. 8For from you, echoed the WORDS 13
to strengthen your blameless hearts with holiness before
of the MASTER, not only in macedonia & achaia, but also GΘD, also our FATHER, by the presence of our Anointed
in every place, your belief in GΘD spreads out, so that we Master Jesus with all of His Saints.
do not need to say anything. 9For they announced about 4 Therefore further we ask you Believers & invite you by the
us, how great an entrance we have with you, & how you Master Jesus, just as you accepted from us, how you must
turned to GΘD from idols, to serve the LIVING & true GΘD; walk, & please GΘD, so that you will excel even more. 2For
& wait for HIS Son from Heaven, Who HE raised up from you know what commands we gave you through the
the dead, Jesus Who delivered us from the coming wrath. Master Jesus. 3For this is GΘD's will for your purification, for
2 For you fellow Believers know our entrance to you that it you to abstain from fornication. 4Each of you know to get
did not happen for nothing. 2Yet even suffering before & yourselves a wife by purity & honor; 5not by lustful desires,
abused, just as you know was in philipi. We speak boldly just as the non-Jews who do not know GΘD. 6Do not go
with our GΘD, to speak to you about the good message past & take advantage of your fellow Believer in any way,
of GΘD with much conflict. 3For our encouragement was because the Master punishes about all of these, just as we
not from deceit, or from impurity, or even by trickery. also said already, & confirmed to you. 7For GΘD does not
Instead just as we are approved by GΘD, trusted with the call us to impurity, but into purity. 8Therefore they do not
good message, so we speak not as to please humans, reject humans, instead GΘD, WHO also gives to us HIS Holy
instead GΘD; approved our hearts. 5For not at any time Spirit. 9& about Believer's love, you do not need me to write
with speech becomes flattering, just as you know, or show to you; for you yourselves are taught of GΘD to dearly love
greediness, GΘD witnessed; 6or even sought from humans one-another. 10For you also do it for all of the fellow
praise, or from yourselves, or from others, we could have Believers that are in all of Macedonia; yet we instruct you
been burdensome as Apostles of the Anointed 1. 7But we Believers to increase even more, 11& study to keep quiet &
were kind with you, even as a nurse cherishes her children. do your own things, & work with your own hands, just as we

So desiring for you, we decided to not only share the good announced to you. 12That you will live honestly for those
message of GΘD, but also our souls, because you are without, so you will lack nothing. 13& Believers, I do not want
dearly loved. 9For remember Believers, our labor & hardship you to not know about those sleeping, so that you will not

is for working night & day, not to charge any of you, we be sad, even as the others have no hope. 14For if we
believe that Jesus died & rose up, this way we also who Master Jesus will be glorified by you, & you by Him, through
sleep through Jesus; GΘD will bring with Him. 15For we say the lovingness of our GΘD, & the Anointed Master Jesus.
this to you by the MASTER's WORDS that we who live remain 2 & we ask you Believers, about the coming of our
for the return of the Master, will not come before those Anointed Master Jesus, & our gathering together to Him,
sleeping. 16For the Master Himself will come down from 2
that you do not be shaken of mind, or even be troubled
Heaven with a shout, with an Archangel's voice, & with a through your soul, or even by words, or even by letters as
trumpet of GΘD; & the dead with the Anointed 1 will rise from us; because the day of the Anointed 1 is coming. 3No-
1st. 17Then we who remain alive will be taken together with one deceive you by any way, for until a coming falling
those in the clouds, to meet the Master in the air; & so to away, & a man of sin is made known, the son of
always be with the Master. 18Therefore comfort one- destruction; 4who is against you & lifts himself up above
another with these words. everyone who is called of GΘD, or is worshiped. So that it
5 & about the time & the season Believers, you do not is like GΘD, sitting down in the Temple of GΘD, showing
need to have written to you. 2For you exactly know that himself that it is god. 5Do you not remember that while I
the day of the Master will come as a thief in the night. 3For was with you, I said these to you? 6So now you know to
when they say peace & safety; then suddenly destruction withhold, that it will be revealed in its time. 7For the secret
will come upon them, just as with womb pains & they will of lawlessness is already active, but now hold on until it is
not escape. 4But you fellow believers are not in darkness taken out of the way. 8So then the lawless 1 will be
that the day will find you as thief. 5You are all Children of revealed, who the Master will destroy, the Spirit of His
the light, & Children of the day; we are not of the night, or mouth, & will destroy it with the brightness of His coming;
even of darkness. 6So truly do not sleep as the others, 9
Who is coming after all of satan's powerful works, & signs,
instead watch & be sober. 7For they are sleeping; sleeping & miracles; lies. 10Also with all unrighteous deceived by the
in the night & are drunk, drinking in the night. 8But we are destroyer; for they also did not receive the love of the truth,
of the day, be sober, put on the breastplate of Faith & love, to save them. 11& because of this, GΘD will send them
& a salvation helmet of hope. 9For GΘD did not appoint us strong delusions that they will believe lies. 12That everyone
for wrath; instead to obtain salvation by our Anointed will be condemned who did not believe the truth, instead
Master Jesus, 10Who died for us, that if we watch or sleep, pleasured with unrighteousness. 13& we owe to always give
whether we are alive or sleeping, we will live together with thanks to GΘD about you Believers, dearly loved by the
Him. 11Therefore comfort 1 another, & buildup 1 another, MASTER, because from the beginning GΘD chose you to
just as you also do. 12& we ask you Believers, to know those be saved by purification of the Holy Spirit, & belief of the
working hard with you, & are over you with the Master, & truth. 14Who HE called you through our Good Message to
warn you. 13& consider them from very high with love for obtain glory of our Anointed Master Jesus. 15Therefore
their works; be peaceful with yourselves. 14& we ask you Believers, stand strong, & hold the instructions ordered
Believers to warn the disorderly, comfort the weak minded, which you were taught, whether by words, or by our letters.
support the weak, be patient to everyone. 15See no-one 16
& our Anointed Master Jesus Himself, & also our FATHER
revenges evil for evil to anyone, instead always pursue GΘD, they dearly love us; & give eternal comfort, & good
good, both for 1 another & for everyone. 16Always be hope by lovingness, 17to comfort your hearts, & strengthen
happy, 17pray constantly; 18give thanks with everything, for you by all good words & works.
this is GΘD's will with Jesus the Anointed 1 for you. 19Do not 3 Lastly Believers, pray for us, that the WORDS of the Master
extinguish the Spirit, 20do not despise Prophecy, 21test will run, & be glorified, also as with you. 2So that we will be
everything, hold onto good. 22Be away from all rescued from unrighteous & evil people, for not everyone
appearance of evil. 23& the GΘD HIMSELF of peace will believes. 3But the Master is faithful, Who will strengthen you
completely purify you, so your whole Spirit & soul, & body & guard you from evil. 4& we trust in the Master about you,
will be blameless for the coming of our Anointed Master that you also do, & will do what we told you. 5& the Master
Jesus. 24Trustworthy is HE WHO called you, will also do it. will guide your hearts to the love of GΘD, & to the patience
Believers pray for us, 26welcome every Believer with a holy of an Anointed 1. 6& we announce to you Believers in the
kiss. 27I charge you by the Master, to read this letter to all of Name of our Anointed Master Jesus, that you withdraw
the Holy Believers. 28The lovingness of our Anointed Master from every Believer who walks disorderly, & not as the
Jesus be with you, so be it. 1st to the thessalonians, was teachings that you received from us. 7For they know how
written from athens. you need to follow us; for we are not disorderly with you. 8I
1611 kjv 2nd Thessalonians † Paul & Silas, & Timothy, to the did not even eat from anyone's bread for free, instead I
gathering of thessalonica, with FATHER GΘD, & the worked with pains & sadness night & day, to not burden
Anointed Master Jesus; 2lovingness & peace to you from any of you. 9Not because we do not have power, but to
GΘD our FATHER, & the Anointed Master Jesus. 3We always give you examples to follow us. 10For even when we were
owe thanks to GΘD for you Believers, just as it is due with you, we told you, that whoever does not want to work,
because your faith increases exceedingly, & the love of cannot eat. 11For we heard some are walking with you
every 1 of you all to 1 another increases. 4So that we disorderly, not working, instead being noisy. 12& truly these
ourselves will glorify with you in the gatherings of GΘD, we message, & were called by our Anointed Master Jesus,
about your patience & faith, in all of your persecutions & that they work with quietness, to eat their own food. 13&
troubles that you will endure. 5Evidence of the righteous you Believers, do not get tired of doing well. 14& if anyone
judgment of GΘD that you will be judged worthy of the does not obey our words through this letter, note them, &
Kingdom of GΘD, for which you also suffer; 6whether it is do not associate with them, that they will be shamed. 15Yet
righteous of GΘD to repay those persecuting you. 7& for do not consider them as enemies, but warn them as fellow
you who are persecuted, will rest with us, when the Master Believers. 16& the Master of peace Himself will always give
Jesus appears from Heaven with His Mighty Angels, 8in you peace, everyone by every way. The Master is with you
flaming fire, giving vengeance to those who do not know all. 17This greeting of Paul, is of my hand that is marked by
GΘD, & did not obey the good message of our Anointed every letter I write. 18The lovingness of our Anointed Master
Master Jesus, 9who will be punished with eternal Jesus be with you all, so be it. The 2nd to the thessalonians,
destruction from the presence of the Master, & from the was written from athens.
glory of His Power; 10whenever He comes to be glorified 1611 kjv 1st Timothy † Paul an Apostle of Jesus the
with His Saints, & admired by all the Believers, because our Anointed 1 by the command of GΘD, & our Savior Jesus
testimony was believed during those days with you. 11For the Anointed 1, Who is our hope. 2Timothy a genuine Child

this we also always pray for you, that our GΘD will judge by belief, lovingness, mercy, peace; from GΘD our FATHER,
you worthy of this calling, & fulfill all wills of kindness, & works & Jesus the Anointed 1 our Master. 3Just as I instructed you
of Faith with power; 12that the Name of our Anointed to hold onto in ephesus, when I traveled into macedonia,

that you message some to not teach different teaching's.

& do not pay attention to stories, & endless genealogies, with everything. 12Deacons be husbands of only 1 wife, rule
that present questions rather than building up those in their children, & their own houses well. 13For good Deacons,
belief. 5& the end of the message is love, from a pure heart will get good grades, & much publicity in faith, which is with
& good conscience, & of sincere belief. 6Who some have Jesus the Anointed 1. 14I write these things to you, hoping
strayed, having turned to meaningless talk. 7Wanting to be to come to you soon. 15But if I delay, that you will know how
teachers of the Law, they do not understand or do what to behave in the houses of GΘD, which are the gatherings
they say, & not even about what they confirm strongly. 8& of the living GΘD, the pillars & supports of the truth. 16&
we know that the Laws are good, if someone uses it admittedly is the great mystery of GΘDliness; GΘD
properly. 9Know this that the Laws were not laid for the became known through the flesh, righteously in the Spirit,
righteousness, but for the lawless & disobedient ungodly, seen by Angels, proclaimed to the non-Jews, believed by
wicked, & worldly sinners, & father murderers, & mother the world, taken up into honor.
murders, murderers, 10male prostitutes, homosexuals, 4 & the Spirit speaks clearly that in the later times, some will
abductors, liars, false swearers, & whatever others against leave from the faith, turning to misleading spirits & evil spirit
good instructions; 11as to the glorious good rewards of the teachings. 2Speaking lies with acting, their own
blessed GΘD, WHO I trust. 12& I thank Jesus the Anointed 1 consciences burned insensitive, 3preventing marriage,
our Master, Who has empowered me; for He considered abstaining from meats that GΘD created to take with
me trustworthy, putting me into service, 13who being a thankfulness for Believers & those knowing the truth. 4For
blasphemer, & persecutor, & injurer before, but I everything GΘD created is useful, & nothing is unclean
experienced mercy because I did not know in unbelief. 14& taken with thankfulness. 5For it is purified through the WORD
the lovingness of our MASTER was overflowing with truth, & of GΘD & request. 6Believers remember this, be good
love, that is in Jesus the Anointed 1. 15Truthfull saying, & Deacons of Jesus the Anointed 1, educate the WORDS of
worthy of all acceptance, that the Anointed Jesus came faith, & good teaching, to whoever attends. 7But refuse
into the world to save sinners, who I was the most. 16Yet ungodly, & old woman stories, & train yourselves to
through this, I received mercy, that with me the most, the GΘDliness. 8For bodily exercise profits little, but GΘDliness is
Anointed Jesus showed all patience for a pattern, for those profitable for everything, having promise of life now, &
about to believe in Him for eternal life. 17& to the invisible about to. 9Truthful teaching, & it is worthy of all
COMMANDER, eternal, incorruptible, the only wise GΘD, acceptance; 10therefore for this we both labor & are
honor & glory forever, so be it. 18I message you Timothy, a defamed, because we trust in the living GΘD, WHO is
Child as to the prophecies before to you that you serve everyone's protector, especially Believers; 11announce &
with a good service for them. 19Have faith & a good teach this. 12No-one think nothing of your youth, instead be
conscience, who some reject about conviction, have an example to the Believers with words, with behavior, with
shipwrecked; 20who are hymenaeus & alexander, who I love, with Spirit, with faith, with purity; 13until I come
delivered to satan, that they learn not to blaspheme. carefully read, encourage, teach. 14Do not be careless
2 Therefore 1st of all I request prayers, come together, be with the gift of yours, which was given to you by prophecy,
thankful for every person; 2for kings & everyone that are in with laying on the hands of the Elders. 15Care for this,
authority, that we will live quiet & calm lives, with all dedicate yourself to this, that your progress will be known
GΘDliness & honesty. 3For this is good & acceptable before by all. 16Care for yourself, & to the instructions, continue in
GΘD our PRESERVER. 4WHO decides everyone's salvation, them; for doing this you will both save yourself, & those
& makes known the knowledge of truth. 5For 1 GΘD, & 1 hearing you.
reconciler between GΘD & humans, the man; Jesus the 5 Do not rebuke an Elder, instead treat them as a father;
Anointed 1, 6Who gave Himself as ransom for everyone's younger as brothers. 2The elderly woman as mothers,
own testimony in time. 7For what, I am an appointed younger girls as sisters with all purity. 3Honor widows who
messenger & Apostle. I speak the truth with the Anointed are truly widowed. 4But if some widows have children or
1, & do not lie, a teacher to the non-Jews in faith & truth. grandchildren, 1st learn to be supported by their own
Therefore be willing men, pray in every place, lifting up house, & repay their grandparents; for this is good &
Holy hands without any anger or doubt. 9Also just as this, acceptable before GΘD. 5& truly widows also left alone,
woman put on yourselves modest clothes, with respect & trust in GΘD, & continue asking, & praying night & day. 6But
self-control, do not braid your hair, or gold, or pearls, or she living in pleasure is living spiritually dead. 7& these things
expensive clothing; 10instead whatever women is proper, are ordered, that you will be blameless. 8But if anyone does
announces GΘDliness through good works. 11Women learn not provide for their own, & especially for their own family,
in silence with all obedience. 12& I do not allow woman to they contradict the faith, & are worse than unbelievers.
teach, or even have authority over a man, instead be with 9
Do not register a widow under 60 years old; being the wife
quietness. 13For Adam was formed 1st, next Eve. 14& Adam of 1 man, 10witness with good works, if she brought up
was not deceived, but the woman was deceived children, if she was hospitable, if she washed the Saints
becoming in violation. 15& she will be saved through feet, if she was trouble, if she followed after all good works.
childbearing, if she stays in faith & love, & Holiness with self- 11
But refuse younger widows; for whenever they feel sexual
control. desires against the Anointed 1, they will marry, 12having
3 True saying; whoever wants to be an Elder, desires good judgment, because they reject their 1st faith. 13& also
work. 2Therefore an Elder must be unarrest-able, a husband together will learn to become useless, wandering from
of 1 wife, sound minded, self-controlled, orderly, house to house; so not only useless, but also foolish talkers
hospitable, skilled teacher, 3not addicted to wine, not & nosey, not speaking necessary things. 14Therefore be
violent, not greedy for money, instead gentle, not a fighter, willing for younger women to marry, give birth to children,
not loving money; 4rules his own house well, has obedient manage family; give no-one an opportunity for adversary
children within all respectful. 5But if anyone does not know to slanderer. 15For some have already turned away after
how to care for his own house, how can they take care of satan. 16Whoever is faithful or believing, who has widows
the meetings of GΘD? 6No new convert, so that they do should help them, but do not burden the gatherings, that
not become prideful, falling into the condemnation of it can help true widows. 17Worthy Elders caring over others
satan. 7& he must also have good reports from those well, are worthy of double honor, especially those working
without, so that he does not fall into criticism, & the trap of with the WORDS & instructions. 18For the Holy writings say,
satan. 8In the same way, Deacons be honorable, not Do not muzzle a cow treading grain; & the worker is worthy
double-tongued, not having much wine, not greedy for of his own reward. 19Do not accept accusations against

money; 9holding the mystery of the faith in pure Elders, unless before 2 or 3 witnesses. 20Convict sinners
conscience. 10& these also are 1st tested, then they before everyone, that others will also have fear. 21I testify
become a blameless Deacon. 11In this way, wives be before GΘD, & the Anointed Master Jesus, & the chosen

honorable, do not be slanderous, be sober, trustworthy Angels that you observe these things without prejudice; do
nothing by favoritism. 22Do not put hands on anyone, or ended it by death; & shined life & immortality to light,
even be a partner of another's sin; keep yourself pure. through the good message. 11For what, I was placed
Drink not only water, instead use a little wine for your messenger & an Apostle, & a teacher of the non-Jews.
stomach, & your often sicknesses. 24Some people's sins are 12
For what cause, I also suffer these things; yet I am not
obvious to all, going before to judgment; & some also ashamed. For I know what I Believe, & am convinced that
follow them. 25In the same way, good works are also He is able to protect me with I am trusted with until that
obvious, & they cannot be hidden differently. day. 13Hold this sound pattern of speech, which you hear
6 As many slaves are under bondage, consider their own from me in faith & love that is in Jesus the Anointed 1.
masters worthy of all honor, that the name of GΘD & HIS 14
Excellent trust was given to you, kept by the Holy Spirit
instructions will not be blasphemed. 2So they will have that lives in us. 15Know this, that all these, which are
believing masters, do not despise them because they are phygellus & hermogenes in asia, turned away from me.
Believers; instead do more service, because they are 16
The Master gives mercy to the family of Onesiphorus, for
faithful & loved participators of the benefits. Teach & they often refreshed me, & are not ashamed of my chains.
instruct this. 3Whoever teaches differently & agrees not to 17
Instead he came into rome carefully seeking me, & found
the true WORDS of our Master Jesus the Anointed 1, & to me. 18The Master delivered him to find mercy from the
the teachings of GΘDliness; 4are prideful knowing nothing, Master during that day; & he served me many things in
instead are mental with questions, & arguers about words, ephesus, you know very well.
from which comes jealousy, debates, slander, evil 2 Therefore you my son, be strong in the lovingness that is
suspicions, 5useless disputes of corrupt minded people, & in Jesus the Anointed 1. 2& what you heard from me
deprived of the truth, thinking to gain is godliness; withdraw through many witnesses, these things are trustworthy
from such as these. 6But GΘDliness with contentment is faithful people, who will be able to also teach others. 3Truly
great gain. 7For we brought nothing into the world; clearly, you will suffer hardships as a good soldier of Jesus the
because we cannot carry anything out. 8So having food & Anointed 1. 4No-one involved in military service cares
clothing these things are enough. 9But those desiring to be about their life, that to please their commander. 5& if some
rich, fall into temptation & a trap, & many foolish & hurtful also suffer, they are not honored unless they suffer
lusts, which drown people into destruction & death. 10For legitimately. 6Farmers working hard, must be 1st
the love of money is the root of all evil, that some give participants of the fruits. 7Consider what I say, for the
themselves for, they have strayed from the faith, & pierced Master will give you understanding with everything.
themselves through with many sadness's. 11But you, oh 8
Remember Anointed Jesus is from the seed of David, was
people of GΘD, run from these, & run after righteousness, raised from the dead, as my good message; 9by what I
GΘDliness, Faith, love, patience, gentleness. 12Accomplish suffer hardships as a criminal until chained, but the WORDS
with the good gatherings of Believers, attain eternal life of GΘD are not chained. 10Through this, I endure
with those who are also called, & profess a good everything, for the chosen, that they will also obtain
agreement before many witnesses. 13I message you before salvation, that is in Jesus the Anointed 1 with eternal glory.
GΘD, WHO made all things alive, & Jesus Who before 11
Trustworthy saying; for if we die together with Him, we will
Pontius Pilate witnessed a good agreement. 14You guard also live together with Him. 12If suffer, we will also reign with
the spotless, unarrestable commandments, until the Him; if we deny Him, He will also deny us. 13If we disbelieve,
appearance of our Master Jesus the Anointed 1. 15Who in He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself. 14Remember
His Own time showed Who is blessed, & only Prince, the this to testify with the Master's presence, do not dispute
King of kings, & Ruler of rulers. 16Who only had immortality, about words to no use, for it would destroy the hearers.
living in the unapproachable light, no human has seen, or 15
Study to show yourself acceptable to GΘD, a worker
can see Whose honor & strength is eternal, so be it. 17I should not be ashamed of teaching the WORDS of truth
message the wealthy in this world, do not be proud, or high correctly. 16But avoid wicked empty discussions, for they
minded, or trust in uncertain wealth; instead in the living will increase to more ungodliness. 17& their words will have
GΘD, WHO gives us everything overflowing to enjoy. food like gangrene, who are hymenaeus & philetus.
Those doing good work are wealthy with good works, 18
Whoever deviated about the truth, say that resurrection
freely communicating. 19Storing up for themselves a good already happened, & destroy the faith of some. 19Yet,
foundation against the coming times, that to hold onto GΘD's foundation stands strong, having this Master's seal,
eternal life. 20Oh Timothy, guard what you are trusted with, HE knows they are HIS. & everyone that confesses the
turn away from ungodly discussions, & oppose false Name of the Anointed 1's Name, will leave
knowledge; 21that some announce, deviating from truth unrighteousness. 20& in a great house, there are not only
about the faith. Lovingness be with you, so be it. 1st to gold & silver utensils, but also wood & clay; & truly some for
Timothy was written from laodicea, which is the chief city honored, & some for dishonored. 21Therefore if someone
of phrygia pacatiana. thoroughly cleans themselves from these things, will be
1611 kjv 2nd Timothy † Paul, an Apostle of Jesus the equipment for honor, purified & useful, prepared for all of
Anointed 1 by GΘD's will as promised life, that is in Jesus the Masters good work. 22Also run away from youthful lusts;
the Anointed 1. 2Timothy very loved son; lovingness, mercy, & run after righteousness, faith, love, peace with those
peace from GΘD the FATHER, & Jesus the Anointed 1, our called to the Master from a pure heart. 23But reject godless
Master. 3I have thanks to GΘD, WHO I serve of our & stupid questions, know that they generate fighting. 24& a
ancestors with a pure conscience, as continually having Master's servant must not fight, but be gentle to everyone,
remembrance about you in my prayers night & day. 4I teach patiently. 25In gentle training of those opposing GΘD
desire to see you, remembering your tears, that I will be full that somehow they will be given repentance by knowing
of joy. 5I choose to remember the sincere faith that is in you, truth; 26& recover from the traps of the false accuser,
which 1st lived in your grandmother Lois, & your mother captured by it for its will.
Eunice; & I also convinced of this in you. 6Therefore I remind 3 & know this that in the last days, difficult times will come.
you, to rekindle the gift of GΘD which is in you, by the 2
For people will be selfish, love money, boasters, proud,
laying of my hands. 7For GΘD does not give us a fearful blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, wicked,
Spirit, but power, & love, & self-control. 8So do not be 3
unloving, deal-breakers, false accusers, without self-
ashamed of the testimony of our Master, or me His prisoner, control, fierce, despise good doers, 4traitors, reckless,
instead suffer hardship with the good message as to GΘD's arrogant, love pleasure more than loving GΘD; 5have a
power. 9Who saved us, & are called Saints not through our godly appearance, but denying the power of HIM; so

works, but through our own intentions, & lovingness; that avoid these. 6For from these type, are those sneaking into
was given to us by Jesus the Anointed 1, before the houses then captured, foolish women loaded with sins,
beginning of time. 10& is now made known by the taken away with various lusts. 7Always learning, but never

appearance of our Savior Jesus the Anointed 1, truly able to understand truth. 8So these are like janna & jambres
against Moses, so also these who resist the truth; corrupt easily angered, not a drunk, not a striker, not greedy for
people's minds rejecting about the truth. 9Instead they will money; 8instead hospitable, love goodness, self-
progress no more; for their foolishness will be made known controlled, righteous, Holy, strong, 9holding to the
to everyone, as theirs also was. 10But you conform to my trustworthy WORDS, as you were taught, that you will be
teachings of living life: purposeful, faithful, patience, able with healthy teaching, to both instruct & convict the
loving, enduring 11
persecutions, sufferings which disputers. 10For there are many disobedient & senseless
happened to me in antioch, in iconium, in lystra. These talkers, & mind deceivers, mostly from the circumcised;
type of persecutions I endured & from all of these, the 11
whose mouths must be stopped, who destroy whole
Master rescued me. 12& also everyone who lives GΘDly houses, teaching what is not necessary for shameful gain.
with Jesus the Anointed 1, will be persecuted. 13Yet evil 12
Someone of their own fortune tellers said, Cretans are
people & deceivers will increase even worse, deceiving & always liars, wicked beasts, lazy bellies. 13This testimony is
being deceived. 14But you stay with what you learned, & true, therefore rebuke them severely, that they will be
assure those knowing of what they learned. 15So that, from healthly in the faith. 14Do not give attention to Jewish
a baby knows the Holy Writings, which can make you wise stories, & people's commandments of people who turn
for salvation through faith that is in Jesus the Anointed 1. away from the truth. 15The pure are truly completely the
All Holy Writings are inspired by GΘD, & useful for pure, but the defiled & faithless, none is pure; instead even
instruction, for conviction, for correction, for training with their minds & consciences are defiled. 16They confess to
integrity; 17that the people of GΘD will be completely know GΘD, but their works deny HIM, are detestable &
equipped to do good works. disobedient, & to every good work they reject.
4 I truly testify before GΘD, & Master Jesus the Anointed 1, 2 & you speak what is proper, healthy teaching; 2old men
Who will judge the living & dead through His appearing, & are to be sober, honorable, self-controlled, healthy
His Kingdom. 2Proclaim the WORDS in present believers, loving, patient. 3Just as old women by behavior,
opportunities, when no opportunities; convict, rebuke, being holy, not false accusers, not slaves of too much wine:
invite everyone with patience & teaching. 3For there will be teach good things, 4that they teach young women to be
a time when they will not put up with healthy teaching, sober, to exist loving their husbands, to love their children,
instead after their own desires; teachers for their itching 5
self-controlled, pure, good house keepers, honorable,
ears. 4So they will truly turn their ears away from the truth, & obedient to their own husbands, that the WORDS of GΘD
they turn to stories. 5So you be calm with everything, will not be blasphemed. 6Just as young men are called to
endure hardships, do evangelist works to fulfill your service. be sober: 7through everything show yourself an example of
For I am now ready to be offered, & the time for me to good works, by teaching integrity, purity, honor, sincerity,
leave has come. 7I fought a good fight to the finish; kept 8
healthy speech cannot be condemned, that those
the faith. 8Lastly awaiting me is a crown of righteousness, opponents will be ashamed, having nothing wicked to say
which the Master, the Righteous Judge gave to me on that about you. 9Servants obey your masters, to be pleasing in
day; but not only me, instead everyone loving His everything, do not speak against; 10do not divide, but show
appearance. 9Make an effort to come to me quickly. 10For everyone useful faith, that they will honor the teachings of
demas abandoned me, now he loves the world & traveled GΘD our deliverer in everything. 11For the lovingness of
to Thessalonica; crescens to galatia, titus to dalmatia. GΘD saves, became known to every person; 12teaching us
Only Luke is with me, take mark to bring with you; for he is to deny ungodliness & worldly desires, live soberly & GΘDly
useful to me for the ministry. 12& I sent tychicus away to in this present world. 13Expect happily hope, & the glorious
ephesus. 13The cloak that I left in troas with carpus, when appearing of the great GΘD, & our savior Jesus the
you come bring the books, especially sheep skins. Anointed 1, 14Who gave Himself for us; that to redeem us
Alexander the coppersmith did much evil to me, the from all wickedness, & cleanse to possess for His Own
Master will revenge him for his actions; 15you also be on people, zealous for good works. 15Speak & teach these
guard, for he greatly opposed our words. 16With my 1st things, & rebuke with all authority, do not be despised by
defense, no-one came together to help me, instead anyone.
everyone abandoned me; I do not count it to them. 17But 3 Remind them to obey rulers & obey authorities, be ready
the Master stood beside me & strengthened me, that for every good work. 2No-one speak evil, exist without
through me the proclaiming would be known. & all the fighting, be gentle, showing every gentleness to all people.
non-Jews would hear & be rescued from the lion's mouth. 3
For we were also at times foolish, disobedient, deceived,
& the Master will rescue me from every evil action, & will served various desires & pleasures, lived with wickedness,
save me to His Heavenly Kingdom, Who will be glorified jealousy, hate, hating one-another. 4But after the kindness
forever. So be it. 19Welcome Priscilla & Aquila, & the & love of GΘD, our Savior of mankind appeared, 5not by
household of Onesiphorus. 20Erastus is living in corinth, but works of righteousness that we do, but by HIS OWN mercy.
trophimus is sick, remaining in miletus. 21Hurry to come HE saved us by recreation bathing, & renewal of the Holy
before winter. Eeubulus wishes you well, & Pudens, & Linus, Spirit; 6that HE richly poured out on us, through Jesus the
& Claudia, & all of the Believers. 22The Anointed Master Anointed 1 our Savior. 7We are made inheritors through
Jesus be with your Spirit; loving-kindness be with you, so be hope of eternal life that His lovingness justifies us.
it. 2nd to Timothy, appointed 1st overseer of the ephesians, 8
Trustworthy words & about these I will you confidently
was written from rome, when Paul was brought before confirm, that you believe in GΘD, be careful to practice
nero caesar for the 2nd time. good works; this is good & helpful for people. 9But avoid
1611 kjv Titus † Paul a servant of GΘD, & Jesus the foolish questions, & genealogies, & arguments, & legal
Anointed 1's Apostle through the faith of GΘD's chosen, & fights; for they are no gain & useless. 10People who follow
recognizing truth that is through GΘDliness; 2for false teachings, after 1st & 2nd warnings, reject. 11Know that
expectation of eternal life that GΘD cannot lie, promised these types are corrupted, & sin being self-condemned.
before the world began. 3& in HIS own time has made 12
When I send Artemas or Tychiucus to you, hurry to come
known HIS WORDS by proclaiming, that was trusted to me to me at nicopolis; for I decided to stay the winter there.
through the commandments of GΘD our SAVIOR. 4Titus a 13
Escort Zenas the lawyer & Apollos quickly, that nothing
genuine son through common faith; lovingness, mercy, fails them. 14& also learn ours to practice good works for it
peace from FATHER GΘD, & Anointed Master Jesus our is a necessary duty, that no-one is unfruitful. 15All that are
Savior. 5For this cause I left you behind in crete, that you will with me wish you well. Welcome those of ours in faith.
organize the things I left behind, & place elders from the Lovingness be with all of you, so be it. Written to Titus,

cities, just as I ordered you. 6Whoever is unaccused, the appointed 1st Elder of the gatherings of the cretians, from
husband of only 1 wife, has faithful children, not accused nicopolis of macedonia.
of rioting or disobedience. 7For an elder must be 1611 kjv Philemon † Paul, bound to Jesus the Anointed 1,

unaccused as a manager of GΘD, not self-pleasing, not & Timothy to our much loved Brother Philemon, & fellow
worker; 2& much loved Apphia, & Archippus our fellow obey the world's thoughts about what we speak. 6&
Soldiers, & the gatherings in your house. 3Lovingness & somewhere in some place testified saying, What humans
peace to you from GΘD our FATHER, & the Anointed 1 are remembering them, or the Son of Mankind that visit
Master Jesus. 4I thank my GΘD, making mention of you them? 7YOU made these same Angels lower to circle
always in my prayers, 5hearing of your love & faith that you around glorifying & honoring Him, & placed Him over; the
have towards the Master Jesus, & towards all Saints; 6that work of YOUR HANDS. 8YOU put everything under His feet,
the fellowship of your faith will become effective by for everyone is to obey by Him; nothing remains not under
knowing everything good that is in you with the Anointed Him. But now we see not everyone is obeying Him. 9& we
Jesus. 7For we have much thanks & comfort in your love, saw Jesus Who became lower than the Angels for some
because the sympathy of the Saints are refreshed by you time, through the suffering of death, gloriously crowned &
Brother. 8Therefore have much boldness with the Anointed honored; because of GΘD's lovingness, He tasted death
1 to command through you. 9Through love I call you more for everyone. 10For it was proper for Him, for which
to be like this old man Paul, now also be bound to Jesus everything, & for what all, every Child is led into glory; for
the Anointed 1. 10I invite you through my Son Onesimus, the Leader of their salvation be made perfect through
who was reborn by my bonds, 11that was once useless for suffering. 11For both to purify & those Holy are all from 1;
you; but now is useful to you & me. 12Who I am sending through which cause HE is not ashamed to call them fellow
back to you, that is of my tender mercy, so receive him. Believers, 12Said, I will proclaim your Name to MY fellow
Who I would have had with me, instead that for you will Believers in the middle of the gathering, they will sing
serve me in the bonds of the good message. 14But without praises to you. 13& again I will trust by Him, & again realize
your opinion I would not, that for your benefit, so you would I, & the Children that GΘD gave Me. 14Since the Children
not from necessity, instead through voluntary. 15For possibly are sharers of flesh & blood, He also similarly shared the
because of this, he went away for a time, so that you same, that through death He destroyed it, having the
would have eternity with him; 16no longer like a slave, but power of death that is the satan; 15& set these free,
above a slave, a much loved fellow Believer, especially to whoever through fears of death were always living bound
me, but much more to you, in both flesh & with the MASTER. to slavery. 16For truly He did not attain Angel form, instead
Therefore if you have me as a partner, receive him as me. attained Abraham's seed form. 17From which everyone
& if he wronged you or owes someone, put that on my owes Him to become similar Brethren, that He is a Merciful
account. 19I Paul written by my hand; I will repay it so that & Faithful High Priest to GΘD; to reconcile the sins of the
you do not say to him, that he owe me or to yourselves. people. 18For that with His suffering, being tempted, He is
Yes Believers, help me have joy of you with the MASTER, able to help those tempted.
you refresh my feelings with the MASTER. 21Convinced of 3 From which Holy Believers share the Heavenly calling,
your obedience, I wrote to you, knowing that you will also consider the Apostles & the High Priest of our profession of
do more than what I say. 22Also prepare lodging together Jesus the Anointed 1; 2Being faithful to WHO appointed
with me; for I expect that through your prayers, I be Him, as Moses was also with all of his household. 3For this 1
pleasant with you. 2You welcome Epaphras, my fellow is more worthy of glory than Moses, as great as the builder
prisoner with Jesus the Anointed 1: 24Marcus, Aristarchus, is, has more honor than the household. 4For every house is
Demas, Lucas, my fellow workers. 25The lovingness of our built by someone, but everything is built by GΘD. 5& Moses
Anointed Master Jesus be with your Spirit, so be it. Written was truly faithful with all of his household as a Servant, for
from rome to Philemon, by Onesimus a servant. evidence of his words. 6& the Anointed 1 as Son over HIS
1611 kjv Hebrews † GΘD many different times & in many HOUSEHOLD, whose house we are, if we hold onto the
ways spoke long ago to the ancestors by the Prophets. 2In confidence, & the rejoicing of the hope firmly until the end.
these last days, HE spoke to us by HIS Son, Who is appointed 7
Therefore as the Holy Spirit says, Today if you hear His
inheritor of everything, also for Who HE made the universe. Voice, 8do not harden your hearts as with irritation, through
Who being gloriously bright, & an instrument of His the days of temptation in the wilderness; 9where your male
foundation, & leads everyone by the WORDS of HIS ancestors tested ME, analyzed ME, & saw MY WORKS for 40
POWER; by Himself did purification for our sins, sat down by years. 10Therefore I was disgusted with that generation &
the RIGHT-HAND of the MAJESTY on high, 4being much said, They always stray in their hearts, & they did not
greater than the Angels, as an inheritor, a more excellent understand MY WAYS. 11As I promised in my anger that they
Name than them. 5For which of the Angels did HE ever say, would not enter into my rest. 12Believers see that there is not
You are my son, this day I created you? & again, I will be a some evil hearted unbelievers departing of you from the
FATHER to Him, & He will be a Son to ME? 6& again when LIVING GΘD. 13Instead encourage yourselves daily until
HE brought the 1st Born into the world, HE said, So all the what is called that day, so that none of you are hardened
Angels of GΘD worship Him. 7& to the Angels HE spoke, by sin's deceit. 14For we became partners of the Anointed
Angels of HIS are made Spirits, & Servants of HIS are flames 1, if we hold the beginning of confidence, stable until the
of fire. 8But to the Son, Your Throne of GΘD is forever, a Staff end. 15Teach for today if you hear His Voice, do not harden
for righteousness, the Staff of your Kingdom. 9You dearly your hearts, as with the irritation. 16For some heard were
love righteous, but hated wickedness, because of this, provoked, so not everyone came out of egypt with Moses.
GΘD your GΘD anointed you with olive oil; exalted above 17
But whoever HE grieved with 40 years; was it not the
sharers. 10& YOU MASTER, in the beginning founded the sinners, whose bodies fell dead in the wilderness? 18& who
earth, & the universe is the work of YOUR HANDS. 11It will be does HE promise to not enter into their rest, except those
destroyed, but YOU will remain, & everything will wear out, not believing? 19So we see that they could not enter in
like clothes. 12& as if a covering, YOU will fold it together, because of unbelief.
then made differently, but YOU are the same, & YOUR 4 Therefore fear a promise that you will be left behind from
years will not fail. 13& to which of the Angels did HE ever entering into HIS rest, so some of you might not fall short.
say, Sit by my right-hand until I make your enemies your 2
For also the good news was for us exactly as for others; but
footstool? 14Are they not all serving Spirits, sent out to the WORDS heard did not benefit them, for they did not
minister for those to be inheritors of salvation? unite together hearing with faith. 3For those Believing enter
2 Therefore we must be more careful to listen so that into rest just as HE said, As I promised in MY WRATH, that
nothing slips by us. 2For if the words spoken by Angels were those entering into MY REST, although the work existed from
stable, & all violations & disobedience justly gets penalties; the world's foundation. 4For HE spoke this way about a
how can we escape being careless of such great certain place on the 7th. & GΘD also rested on the 7th day

salvation, that 1st began spoken by the Master & made from all of HIS WORK. 5& in this same again; that they will
confirmed to us by His listeners. 4GΘD unites further enter into MY REST. 6Therefore since some remain to enter
evidence with both signs & wonders, & various miracles, & to HIM, yet before brought good news, did not enter in

gifts of the Holy Spirit to HIS OWN will. 5For Angels do not because of unbelief. 7Again HE appointed a certain day,
saying with David, This day after a long time, just as said, of the unchangeable purpose of HIS confirmed oath;
This day if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts. 18
that through 2 unchangeable things, by which it is
For if Jesus gave them rest, He would not afterwards talk impossible for GΘD to lie, WHO we have refuge to hold
about another day. 9So then the people of GΘD remain onto hope set before us. 19That we have as an anchor of
keeping the Sabbath. 10For whoever will enter into HIS rest, our soul, both security & stability, & to enter into the inner
they will also stop from their work, just as GΘD from HIS. curtain, 20where a forerunner is over us to enter; Jesus
Therefore be careful to enter into this rest, that no-one became High Priest forever, after the order of
falls with the same example of unbelief. 12For the WORDS Melchizedek.
of GΘD are living & active, & sharper than any 2-edged 7 For this Melchizedek king of salem, Priest of the most high
sword, penetrating even to separate both soul & also Spirit, GΘD, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of
both joints & bone marrow. & discerns thoughts & the kings, & blessed him; 2to who Abraham also divided
intentions of heart. 13So there is no hidden creature in HIS 1/10th of everything truly 1st; translated means righteous
SIGHT; & everything is naked, & opened to the eyes of HIM king, & after then king of salem, which is, king of peace.
to who we do to. 14We truly have a great High Priest, Who 3
Unknown father, unknown mother, no birth record, not
traveled to the Heaven, Jesus, the Son of GΘD; Powerfully even a beginning day or end of life; yet very similar to the
Acknowledges us. 15For you do not have a High Priest Who Son of GΘD, remains a Priest continuously. 4& consider how
cannot feel our weaknesses, & was tempted through great this man, who even the founder of 12 tribes of Jacob
everything similarly without sin. 16Therefore freely come to Abraham gave 1/10th of the plunder to. 5& these truly are
the Throne Seat of lovingness, that we can get mercy & from the sons of Levi, who received the Priesthood, have
lovingness in our time of need. command to receive tithes of the people as the Law, that
5 For every High Priest is selected from humans, appointed is their own brothers, & yet he came from the loins of
over the people to GΘD, that He will offer both gifts & Abraham. 6But his genealogy did not count from them,
sacrifices for sins. 2Who is able to have compassion for the received tithes of Abraham, & was blessed to have the
unknowing & deceived, since He himself was wearing promise. 7& without any dispute the lower ranked was
around weaknesses. 3& through this His duty, as over the blessed by the greater. 8& people here who die truly
people, so also for them to offer for sins. 4& no-one takes receive 1/10th; but there witnessed that he lived. 9& as I say
honor for themselves, instead are called by GΘD, also just this way speaking, Levi also who received 1/10th, tithed
as Aaron. 5So the Anointed also did not glorify Himself through Abraham. 10For he was still in the loins of his father,
becoming High Priest; yet HE said to Him, You are MY Son, when Melchizedek met with him. 11Then truly if perfection
this day I created You. 6Just as HE also said in another, You was through the Levitical Priesthood; for under it the
are Priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek. 7Who people received the Laws, what further need for another
during the days of His flesh offered up prayers & olive Priest to rise after the order of Melchizedek, & not be called
branches, with strong outcries & tears to be able to save after the order of Aaron? 12For the Priesthood changed,
them from death, & was heard from those fearing. becoming necessary to also change the Laws. 13For by
Although being a Son, He learned obedience from what who these things were spoken to, belonged to another
He suffered; 9& being perfect became responsible for tribe, from which no-one attended the altar. 14For known
eternal salvation to everyone who obeys Him, 10called to all that our Master rose from Judah, of which tribe Moses
under GΘD, a High Priest after the order of Melchizedek. spoke nothing about Priesthood. 15& it is yet more
Who we say many things about, & is difficult to explain, thoroughly clear that after the likeness of Melchizedek,
since your hearing is dull. 12For also when the time you need arose another Priest, 16Whose cause was not made after
to be teachers, you need to be taught again, what the 1st the Laws of fleshly commandments, but after the power of
order of spoken WORDS of GΘD are; & are having need of permanent life. 17For He testified you are a Priest forever,
milk, & no solid food. 13For everyone drinking milk is after the order of Melchizedek. 18For there was truly a
inexperienced of WORDS of righteousness; for they are cancelation of the commandments before for the weak,
babies. 14But solid food is for adults, through practice have & uselessness of it. 19For the Laws made nothing perfect,
understanding to discern both good & evil. but brought in better hope; by what we approach GΘD.
6 Therefore they leave the beginning teachings for 20
& through as not without an oath, 21for truly those Priests
producing perfection of the Anointed 1, not laying down were made without any oaths; but this 1 with an oath, by
the foundation again of repentance from dead works, & saying to Him, the MASTER promises & will not regret, You
faith in GΘD, 2instruct Baptism & laying on hands, & the are Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. 22By so
resurrection of the dead, & eternal judgment. 3& do these much Jesus became a pledge of a better covenant. 23&
whenever GΘD instructs. 4For it is impossible to once be there were truly many priests prevented to continue
enlightened & taste the Heavenly gift, & become partners because of death. 24But this 1 because He remains forever,
of the Holy Spirit, 5& taste GΘD's good WORDS, & the has an unchangeable Priesthood. 25For which He is also
power of the world to come; 6then fall away, to renew able to save them completely, those coming to GΘD
them to repentance, again recrucifying the Son of GΘD & through Him, always living to intercede for them. 26For such
shaming Him. 7For the earth drinks the rain coming often as this High Priest became for us Holy, Harmless, Pure,
times on it, & produces useful vegetation for by who then separate from sinners; & became Higher than the universe.
tills the ground, they receive blessings from GΘD. 8But HE 27
Who does not need daily, just as High Priests offered
carries out worthless thorns & thistles, & squeezes those sacrifices 1st for their own sins, then after for the people; for
cursed, whose end is to burn. 9But much loved we are He did this once, offering up Himself. 28For the Laws placed
convinced about you being more useful & having men High Priests having weaknesses, but the WORDS of the
salvation, even though we spoke this way. 10For GΘD is not OATH that was after the Laws, the Son completed forever.
unjust to forget your works or labor of love, those you show 8 & about these spoken summarized; we have such a High
towards HIS NAME, ministering to the Saints & being Priest, Who sits on the RIGHT HAND of the THRONE of the
servants. 11& we desire every one of you to show the same MAJESTY of GΘD in the Heavens. 2A Minister of the Holy
eagerness for the assurance of hope until the end; 12so that place, & the true Tabernacle which the Master set up, &
you do not become lazy, but followers through faith & not humans. 3For every High Priest is placed to offer gifts &
patience to inherit the promises. 13For GΘD promised sacrifices, from which is necessary for these to also have
Abraham, because HE had no-one greater by to, HE swore something to offer. 4For truly if He was on earth, He could
by HIMSELF, 14saying surely, I will bless you, & multiply you by not a Priest, being priests offer gifts as to the Law. 5Who

increasing. 15& this way he patiently endured, to obtain the shows an example & shadow of the Heavenly, just as
promise. 16For people truly swear by the GREATEST, & with Moses was divinely commanded to make the Tabernacle.
an oath for confirmation to their end of all rebellion. 17With For realize HE said do everything as the pattern shown to

this GΘD is willing to far more show the inheritors promise you on the mountain. 6& now a more excellent Minister, as
great as He is also the Mediator of more excellent the foundation of the world. But now once during the end
Covenant, which is established by more excellent of the world, He appeared to cancel sins by the sacrifice
promises. 7For if that 1st was faultless, there would be no of Himself. 27& as many people are appointed to die once,
place, requiring a 2nd. 8For finding fault with it said, Realize but after this judgment; 28So the Anointed 1 offered once
the day is coming, says the MASTER, when I will finish the to carry the sins of many, completely expecting those to
New Covenant with those living in Israel, & with those living appear the 2nd time, without any sins for salvation.
in Judah. 9Not after the Covenant that I made to their 10 For the Law had a shadow of good things to come, not
ancestors, during the day I took the hand of theirs to lead the same likeness of the things, can never the same
them out of the land of egypt, because they did not stay sacrifices which were offered continually yearly to
in MY COVENANT; even so I did not neglect them, said the complete those coming; 2since they would have stopped
MASTER. 10For this is the Covenant that I will make with the offering, because worshippers once purified, would have
family of Israel, after those days, said the MASTER. I will give no more conscience of sins. 3Instead with the same to
MY Laws for their minds, & write them in their hearts; & I will remember sins yearly. 4For blood of bulls & male goats are
be GΘD for them, & they will be people for ME. 11Yet they unable to remove sins. 5Therefore He entered into the
will never teach everyone of their neighbors, & everyone world said, Sacrifice & offerings I do not want, but a body
of their family saying, Know the MASTER; for everyone will to complete me. 6Burnt offerings & for sins, do not please;
know ME, from the least to the greatest, 12that I AM merciful 7
then said, Realize, I arrived by the manuscript roll written
to their unrighteousness, & their sins & their wickedness, I will about me, to do YOUR will GΘD. 8Above that said,
remember no more. 13HE said, WITH NEW, THE OLD WILL BE Sacrifice & offering, & burnt offering & for sins I do not want,
MADE, & OLD ANCIENT & BECAME OLD, READY TO does not even please whatever is offered by the Law.
Then He said, Realize, I came to do YOUR will GΘD, take
9 Then truly the 1st had both righteous worship & a worldly away the 1st, that to establish the 2nd. 10By which YOUR will
Holy place. 2For the 1st tabernacle was made with this: a we are purified through the offering of the body of Jesus
candlestick, & a table, & a show bread, which is called the the Anointed 1 once for all. 11& truly every priest stood daily
Holy Place. 3& after the 2nd curtain of the tabernacle was ministering & often offering many times the same sacrifices,
called Holiest; 4having the golden incense, & the Ark of the which can never remove sins. 12But this 1 offered only 1
Covenant covered around with gold, within which was a sacrifice for sins forever, sitting down by the RIGHT HAND of
golden jar holding manna, & Aaron's rod that produced, GΘD. 13Remaining until His enemies are placed as His
& the Tablets of the Covenant. 5& above it was Cherubims footstool. 14For only 1 offering completed forever for
of glory overshadowing the lid, about what we cannot purifying. 15& the Holy Spirit also is a witness to us, for after
now speak as to share. 6When these things were made, the said before, 16This is the Covenant that I will make with
priests always truly entered into the 1st Tabernacle to fulfill them after those days, says the MASTER; I give MY laws into
the service. 7& into the 2nd, the High Priest alone, once a their hearts, & in their minds I will write them. 17& their sins &
year, not without blood that He offered for himself, & the unrighteousness, I will remember no more. 18& where
sins of the people. 8The Holy Spirit made it clear that the forgiveness of these, no more offering for sins. 19Therefore
way into the Holiest was not yet made known, while the 1st Believers have boldness to enter into the Holy place by the
Tabernacle was still standing; 9which fit for the present time Blood of Jesus, 20by a new, & way to live that He renewed
as what was offered both gifts & sacrifices, could not make for us through the curtain that is His flesh; 21& High Priest over
this service perfect to the conscience. 10Only by food & the house of GΘD. 22Worship with true hearts with
drinks, & different washings, & worldly judgments laid on confident faith, hearts cleansed from evil consciences, &
them, until reformation time. 11& the Anointed 1 appeared, bodies washed with pure water. 23Hold onto the profession
High Priest of good things to come by a greater & perfect of hope firmly for His promise is trustworthy. 24& consider
Tabernacle, not made by human hands, that is not of one-another to inspire love & good works; 25do not
these buildings. 12Not even by blood of goats or calves, but abandon the gathering together of yourselves, just as
by His Own Blood entering once into the Holy place with some usually do, instead invite & as many more as you
eternal redemption. 13For if the blood of oxes, or goats, or realize the day is coming. 26For if we willingly sin after
ashes of young cows sprinkled for the unclean, purified for accepting the knowledge of the truth, to leave, there
the purification of the flesh; 14How much more the blood of remains no more sacrifice for sins; 27& some fearful, expect
the Anointed 1 cleanses. Who through eternal Spirit, judgment & fiery heat, that will devour the opponents.
offered Himself faultless to GΘD to cleanse your 28
Some rejected Moses's Laws, died without mercy, by 2 or
consciences from dead works, to serve the LIVING GΘD. 3 witnesses. 29How much worse punishment for those
& for this cause He is the Mediator of the New Covenant judged worthy, who reject the Son of GΘD, & consider the
that by death became for redemption of the violators Blood of the Covenant that He purified with, unholy & insult
under the 1st Covenant, are called to receive the promise the Spirit of Lovingness? 30For we know HE said, Vengeance
of eternal inheritance. 16For where a Covenant is needed, is MINE, I will repay, says the MASTER; & again, The MASTER
death is carried out by the Appointed. 17For a Covenant is will judge HIS people; 31fearfully falling into the hands of the
trustworthy by death, since it has no power while the LIVING GΘD. 32& remember the previous days, by which
Arranger lives. 18From where not even the 1st was you shined, enduring many suffering fights. 33Truly this
dedicated without blood. 19For by Moses spoke every exposed both criticism & persecution, & that became
commandment to all of the people as to the Laws; took partners of those living this way. 34For also having
the blood of calves & goats, with water & scarlet wool, & compassion of my bonds, & joyfully pillaged your goods,
hyssop to sprinkle both the scroll & all of the people, knowing by yourselves will have a better way in Heaven &
saying, This is the blood of the Covenant, which GΘD awaiting wealth. 35Therefore do not throw away your
commanded for you. 21& similarly he sprinkled with blood confidence which has a great reward. 36For you need to
both the tabernacle, & all of the utensils of the service. 22& have patience, that doing the will of GΘD, you will receive
almost all things by the Law are purified with blood; & the promise. 37For a little while to come, they will come, &
without shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness. will not delay. 38So the righteous will live by Faith, but if these
Therefore it is truly necessary pattern of things in the of Mine withdraw, THEY will have no approval with them.
universe to be purified by this, but the Heavenly with better 39
But we are not retreating back to destruction, instead
than these sacrifices. 24For the Anointed 1 did not enter into Believer's preserving souls.
the Holy place by human hands, representing truth, 11 & Faith is assurance of expecting of things not seen. 2For

instead into Heaven itself; now to appear in the presence by it, the Elders are witnesses. 3Faith is understanding the
of GΘD for us. 25But not so that He offer Himself often, just world was completed by GΘD's WORDS to see things were
as the High Priest entered into the Holy place as years with made from unseen. 4By Faith Abel offered to GΘD a

blood of others; 26since He must have suffered often from greater sacrifice than cain, by which witnessed was
righteous to GΘD, testified about his gifts; & because of something better for us that without us, would not be made
this, spoke while dead. 5By Faith Enoch transformed to not complete.
experience death & was never found, because GΘD 12 Therefore, also have around us many clouds of
transformed him, for before his transformation, was witnesses, put away every weight & sin surrounding us, &
witnessed, pleased GΘD. 6But without Faith it is impossible running with patience the race set before us. 2Look to Jesus
to please GΘD, for you must come Believing that HE is, & the Leader & Finisher of Faith, Who for the joy set before
HE rewards those seeking HIM. 7By Faith Noah was Him, endured a cross, thought nothing to be shamed; now
commanded by GΘD about things not yet seen, sits down at the RIGHT HAND SIDE of the THRONE of GΘD.
respectfully built an ark to save his family, by which 3
For consider Him enduring such disobedience by sinners
condemned the world, & became an inheritor of the against Himself, so do not be tired, give up in your lives.
righteousness through Faith. 8By Faith Abraham was called 4
You have not yet resisted as much as blood against sin.
to go into a place that he would receive for an 5
So forget the comfort of whoever speaks to you as
inheritance; he obeyed & went, not knowing where he Children, MY Children, do not despise instructions of the
was going. 9By Faith he lived in the land of promise as a MASTER, or be weak when punished by HIM. 6For whoever
stranger, living in tents with Isaac & Jacob, the inheritors of the MASTER loves, HE disciplines & scourges every Child
the same promise. 10For he looked for a town having ability who HE accepts. 7If you endure instruction, GΘD leads you
to build on, WHOSE BUILDER & CREATOR is GΘD. 11Also by as Children; for what is a child whose father does not
Faith Sarah, she received ability to conceive seed, & gave discipline? 8& if you are without correction, that are all
birth after age, promised because she was decided partners then are illegitimate slaves, & not Children. 9Then
Faithful. 12Therefore also gave birth to 1, & from this truly we have fathers of our flesh to discipline & turn us; is it
impotent man as many as number of stars of the sky, & as not better to obey even more the FATHER of souls & lives?
sand that is by the sea shore uncountable. 13These all died 10
For these truly are for a few days, disciplining through their
through Faith, did not receive the promises, but saw them own judgment, but HE for our togetherness, that we will
from far away, & were convinced & accepted, & share the same Holiness. 11& not all correction for the
confessed that they were foreigners & strangers on the present is supposed to be joyful, instead sadness, but
earth. 14For they said such things to make known that they afterward returns peaceful fruit of righteousness, to those
sought a country. 15& truly if they remembered that 1 from trained by it. 12Therefore, lift up your hands that hang down
where they came, they could have sometime returned. & the weak knees. 13& make straight paths for your feet, so
But now they want better, that is Heavenly; therefore that limping turn will be avoided, & instead be healed.
GΘD is not ashamed to be called their GΘD, for HE 14
Persue peace with everyone, & Holiness; without this no-
prepared them a city. 17By Faith Abraham did offer Isaac, 1 will see the MASTER. 15Beware so no-1 falls from the
& received the promise for offering his only son, 18of who it lovingness of GΘD, that not any root of bitterness grows up
is said, That by Isaac, your seed will be are called; 19that to annoy, & through this many stained; 16or else some
GΘD decided to powerfully raise up, even from being prostitute or wickedness happens like esau, who for 1 meal,
impotent, where he also received him in a risk. 20By Faith sold his birthright. 17For know that afterwards, he wanted to
Isaac blessed Jacob & esau about things to come. 21By inherit the blessing; was rejected for he found no way to
faith Jacob while dying blessed each of the sons of repent, although he searched for it carefully with tears.
Joseph, & kissed on the top of his staff. 22By Faith when 18
For do not come to a mountain to touch & be burned by
Joseph died mentioned about the departing of the fire, or blackness & darkness, & a storm, 19& trumpet sounds,
Children of Israel; & commanded about his bones. 23By & voices of words of what is heard to reject words will not
Faith when Moses was born, hid 3 months by his parents, be spoken to them anymore. 20For they did not endure
because they saw he was a handsome child, & they did commands; & if an animal injures those on a mountain
fear of the king's requirement. 24By Faith Moses became stone it, or shoot it down with a spear. 21& the sight was so
older, he refused to be called the son of pharaoh's terrible Moses said, I feared & shook. 22Yet come to mount
daughter, 25chosing instead to suffer with the people of Zion & the city Jerusalem of the LIVING GΘD of the
GΘD, than have sin's temporary pleasures; 26leading the universe, & 10,000 Angels; 23Gather & meet the 1st born
cause of the Anointed 1 for greater riches, than the written about in Heaven, & GΘD judges all, & souls of
treasures in egypt, for he turned away for the rewards. 27By righteous made perfect. 24& Jesus is the Mediator of the
Faith he left behind egypt, not fearing the wrath of the New Covenant, & the Blood Sprinkled, spoken of better
king; for being strong is how he saw HIM invisible. 28By Faith than Abel. 25Realize do not reject Him speaking; for they
he did the Passover, & the sprinkling of blood, so that the did not escape. If you do not reject Him speaking on earth,
1st born not be violently slayed of theirs. 29By Faith they much more we will not be able to turn away from HIM from
passed through the red sea as through dry land, that the Heaven. 26WHOSE VOICE then shook the earth, but now
egyptians attempted to test; they drowned. 30By Faith the promised saying, I will not shake the earth yet alone,
walls of jericho fell down, after going around 7 days. 31By instead also Heaven. 27& this yet once more, made it
Faith the prostitute Rahab did not be destroyed with known the change of shaking, that things that cannot be
unbelievers, for receiving the spies with peace. 32& what shaken will remain. 28Therefore to receive a Kingdom
more will I say? For the time is insufficient for me to tell unshakable, have lovingness, through which we serve
about Gideon, & Barak, & Samson, & Jephthah, of David, GΘD acceptably, with awe & caution. 29So for our GΘD is
& also Samuel & the Prophets; 33who by Faith overcame a consuming fire.
kingdoms working righteously to obtain promises, stopping 13 Continue Brotherly love; 2do not forget to be hospitable,
lion's mouths, 34extinguishing the power of fire, escaping for with this some have had Angels as guests, unaware.
the sword edge, from weakness were made strong, 3
Remember those in bonds, as being bound together with
becoming strong in warfare, causing enemy armies to them; those abused also as yourselves in the body.
retreat. 35Women received their own raised up from the 4
Marriage is honorable in everything, & their bed is
dead, & others were tortured for not accepting freedom, undefiled; but male prostitutes, & adulterers GΘD will
that they obtain a better resurrection. 36& others had trials, judge. 5Do not love money as a way, be content with what
mocked, & whipped, & even more imprisoned; 37stoned, you have; for HE said, I will never leave you, or abandon
cut in 2, tempted, murdered by sword, wandered about in you. 6So that we boldly say, The MASTER is my helper, & I
sheepskins, & also goatskins, left behind, persecuted, will not fear what people do to me. 7Remember those
tormented. 38Who the world was not worthy of; they leading you, who speak the WORDS of GΘD to you, whose

wandered in the wilderness, & mountains, & dens, & caves faith follow, consider the end of their life. 8Jesus the
of the earth. 39& all of these obtained good testimony by Anointed 1 is the same yesterday, & today, & forever. 9Do
Faith, these did not receive the promise. 40GΘD provided not be driven by various characters, & strange teachings;

for it is good for the heart to be stable with lovingness, not

with foods, which do not benefit those walking within. 10We these 1's worship is useless. 27Clean worship & purity before
have an alter from which they have no right to eat; who GΘD, WHO is also the FATHER, looks after the fatherless &
serve the Tabernacle. 11For the bodies of these animals, widows during their troubles, to keep themselves spotless
whose blood is brought into the Holy place by the High from the world.
Priest for sins are burned up outside of the camp. 2 My fellow Believers, do not have the Faith of our Glorious
Therefore Jesus also, that to purify the people with His Master Jesus the Anointed 1 with favoritism. 2For if a man
Own Blood, suffered outside of the gate. 13Accordingly go enters into your gathering with a gold ring, in shining
to Him outside of the camp carrying His cause. 14For we do clothing & a poor person also enters in dirty clothing; 3so
not have here a remaining city, but search for to come. you look at him wearing shining clothing & say to that 1,
Then by Him, we offer a sacrifice of praise to GΘD You honorably sit here. & say to the poor, You stand there,
continually, that is, fruit of our lips, giving thanks to HIS or sit here under my feet. 4Do not discriminate then
NAME. 16So do good & fellowship to not forget, for truly deciding by yourselves, & becoming judges of wicked
these sacrifices please GΘD. 17Obey your leaders & submit, thoughts. 5Hear my much loved Believers, does GΘD not
for they watch over your lives, as they perform choose the poor of this world, rich in faith, & inheritors of
accountable, that do this with joy, & do not groan, for that the Kingdom, which HE promised to love them? 6But you
does not benefit you. 18Pray for us; for that we will be dishonor the poor? Do not the wealthy oppress you, & drag
trustworthy having a good conscience in everything, you to judges? 7Do they not speak evil by the name you
wanting to live honestly. 19& I instruct you much more to do are called? 8If however you complete the Royal Laws as to
this that we will be restored to you sooner. 20& the GΘD of the Holy Writings, you will love those nearby you as yourself,
peace led up from the dead our Master Jesus, the great doing well. 9But if you favor people, you commit sin,
Shepherd of the Sheep, by the blood of the everlasting contradicting the Law as Lawbreakers. 10For whoever
Covenant. 21You are made complete in every good work keeps all of the Laws & fails by 1, they become guilty of all.
to do HIS will working in you, acceptable before HIM 11
For HE said, Do not commit adultery, also said, Do not
through Jesus the Anointed 1; WHO be glorified forever, so murder. So if you do not commit adultery, yet murder, you
be it. 22& I beg you Brothers to endure words of persuasion, become Lawbreaker of the Law. 12So speak & do so, as
for I also wrote a letter to you by few words. 23Know Brother you will be judged by the Laws of freedom. 13For judgment
Timothy is set free with whoever, if he comes shortly to see without mercy, does no mercy, & mercy rejoices against
you. 24Wish everyone well leading you, & all of the Saints; judgment. 14What do my fellow Believers gain if someone
those from italy wish you well. 25Lovingness be with all of says they have Faith, but do not have works? Can Faith
you, so be it. Written to the Hebrews from italy, through save them? 15& if a Brother or Sister is naked, & is left out of
Timothy. daily food, 16& anyone of you says to them, Go away in
1611 kjv James † James a Servant of GΘD, & Master Jesus peace; while you are warm & full, & you do not give them
the Anointed 1, to the 12 tribes, with those scattered, necessities of the body, what will you gain? 17So in this
rejoice! 2My fellow Believers, consider everything joy, same way, unless you have works, yourself alone will die.
whenever you become surrounded by various 18
Instead some say, You have Faith & I have works; show
temptations; 3know that the testing of your Belief me your Faith without your works, & I will show you my Faith
accomplishes endurance. 4& endurance completes works by my works. 19You believe that there is 1 GΘD, you did
that you will be perfect & complete, failing nothing. 5So if well; even the evil spirits believe & shake. 20So will you learn
anyone of you lacks wisdom, ask from GΘD, HE gives to to know, oh empty people, that Faith without any works is
everyone plainly & does not criticize; & will give to them. dead? 21Was Abraham not our righteous ancestor from
But ask with Belief, no wavering; for wavering is like the works, offering Isaac his own son on the altar? 22You see
sea's surging waves, wind driven & upset. 7For do not think that Faith worked together with his works, & from works
this way that humans will receive something from the faith was made complete. 23So the Holy Writings were
MASTER. 8Double minded men are unstable in all of their fulfilled, even said, Abraham Believed GΘD, & it counted
own ways. 9& the lowly Believers rejoice with Him exalted. for him righteously; & he was called a friend of GΘD. 24Truly
But the wealthy by Him will be made low, because like now you realize that a person is righteous from works, & not
field flowers will die. 11For the sun rises with a burning heat, only from faith. 25& also equally, was Rahab the prostitute
& the grass becomes dry; & the flower itself falls down, & not righteous from works, accepted the messengers, &
the beauty of its face is destroyed, so the wealthy also will sent them out another way? 26For just as the body without
fade away in their ways. 12Happy is the man that endures the Spirit is dead, so Faith without works is also dead.
temptation; because he becomes accepted to receive 3 My fellow Believers, there are not many teachers, know
the crown of life, which the MASTER promised those who that we will receive a greater judgment. 2For many things
love HIM. 13No-one tempted say, I am tempted by GΘD; we offend everyone. If anyone does not offend with words,
for GΘD is not tempted by evil, or tempts anyone. 14& these are perfect men, also able to bridle the whole body.
everyone tempted is drawn by their own lust, & baited. 3
See we put bridles in the horse's mouths, to obey us, & lead
When desire seizes, produces sin; & sin produces death. their whole body. 4Also see the ships being mighty, &
Do not sin, my much loved Believers. 17Every good gift & pushed by fierce winds, led by a small rudder, wherever
every perfect gift is from above; comes down from the the steersman decides. 5So also the tongue is a small part,
FATHER of light, from WHO is no variableness, or turning but talks big; see how great a little wood lights up a fire. 6&
shadow. 18Willing HE produced WORDS for our truth to us to the tongue is a fire of unrighteous worldly things, so the
become 1st fruits of HIS creation. 19So then my much loved tongue is with our body parts that stain the whole body; &
Believers, every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, inflame the course of nature, & inflame hell's fire. 7For every
slow to anger. 20For man's anger does not work GΘD's kind of animal, & bird, & reptile, & sea things are tamable,
righteousness. 21Therefore put away all filthiness & evil & has been tamed by human nature. 8But the tongue no-
profit; receive with humility the implanted WORDS, those one can tame, unrestrainable evil, full of deadly poison. 9By
are able to save your souls. 22So be doers of the WORDS, & this we also praise GΘD the FATHER; & by this we curse
not only hearers, do not deceive yourselves. 23For if anyone people, those made after the likeness of GΘD. 10From out
hears the WORDS & does not do, these are like a man of the same mouth blesses & curses; my fellow Believers,
observing his natural face in a mirror; 24Because observing these things should not be this way. 11Does a spring send
himself & going away, & immediately forgets what they out at the same place sweet & bitter water? 12No. My
were. 25But whoever looks into the perfect Law of freedom, fellow Believers, can fig trees produce olives, or a vine figs?

& continues, these are not forgetful hearers, instead So no fountain shoots out salt & fresh water. 13Whoever is
working doers; these will be blessed by their doings. wise & intelligent with you, show from good behavior their
Whoever with you is considered to be spiritual, but does works with humility of wisdom. 14But if they have bitter

not control their tongue; instead deceives their own heart, jealousy & self-promotion in their hearts, do they not glorify
& lie against the truth? 15Their wisdom does not come down someone returns them, 20know that returning a sinner from
from above, instead earthly, natural, evil-spirit-like. 16For the straying of their ways, will save their soul from death, &
where jealousy & self-promoting is, there is confusion & cover a large number of sins.
every evil work. 17But the wisdom from above is 1st, truly 1611 kjv 1st Peter Peter an Apostle of Jesus the Anointed 1,
pure, then is peaceful, gentle, easily obeyed, full of mercy, to the foreigners scattered throughout pontus, galatia,
& good fruits, impartial & sincere. 18& fruits of righteousness cappadocia, asia, & bithynia. 2Chosen accordingly before
are sown in peace of those making peace. by GΘD the FATHER through purification of the Spirit to
4 From where wars & fights within you, are they not from obedience, & the blood sprinkled of Jesus the Anointed;
this place of your lusts, to fight within your members? 2You lovingness to you & increased peace. 3Praise the GΘD &
lust & do not have, you kill & are jealous, & cannot obtain; FATHER of our Anointed Master Jesus, WHO throughout HIS
you fight & battle, but you do not have, because you do overflowing mercy, reborn us again to live with hope, by
not ask. 3You ask & do not receive, because you ask raising the Anointed 1 Jesus up from the dead; 4to inherit
wrongly, that to waste it in your lusts. 4Adulterers & undecaying & undefiled, & unfading guarded in Heaven
adulteresses, do you not know that the friendship of the for us, 5who are guarded by GΘD's power through Faith to
world is opposition to GΘD? Then whoever is willing to be salvation, ready to be revealed during the last times. 6By
a friend of the world, is an enemy of GΘD. 5Or do you think WHO you now rejoice, for a while that it is necessarily
that the Holy Writings spoke for nothing, The soul that lives distress through various trials; 7that the tests of your Faith are
in us lusts jealously? 6But HE gives more lovingness, for which much more valuable than gold that will disappear, so it will
HE said, GΘD opposes the proud, but gives lovingness to be tested by fire to be found for praise, & honor, & glory at
humble. 7Therefore obey GΘD; resist satan, & it will run the appearance of the Anointed Jesus. 8Who is not seen,
away from you. 8Join GΘD, & HE will join you; purify your you love much for Who you do not see now, yet Believe
sinful hands, & purify your double-minded thoughts. 9Be you will exalt with unspeakable joy, & praise; 9obtaining the
miserable & grieve, & cry; laughter turn to grieving, & joy to goal of your Faith, soul's salvation. 10About which salvation
sadness. 10Humble yourselves before the MASTER, & HE will the Prophet's also searched, who prophesied about the
lift you up. 11Do not slander against another Believer; lovingness to you; 11searched to what or what type of time
slandering against a Believer, also judges their fellow the Spirit of the Anointed 1 was in their understanding,
Believer, slandering against the LAW & decides the LAW. & predicting the suffering of the Anointed 1, & the glory after
if you decide the LAW, are you not also a doer of the LAWS, these things. 12Who was revealed, that not for themselves,
instead a judge? 12There is 1 LAWGIVER, WHO is able to but to serve us the same which are now announced to
save & destroy; who are you that judges another? 13Come you, by those announcing the good news to you, with the
on, now you say, Today & tomorrow we will travel to this Holy Spirit sent down from Heaven that Angels desire
city, & do 1 year there, & trade & gain; 14from where you bending to see. 13Therefore tighten up the groin of your
do not know the next day for what is your life? It is for a mist thoughts, be sober expecting completely, for the
appearing for little while, & then disappears. 15For you say, lovingness to be brought to you at the appearance of the
If the MASTER wills we will also live, & do this or that. 16& you Anointed 1 Jesus; 14as obedient Children, not conforming
presently rejoice in your boasting, all such boasting is evil. to the lusts before with your lack of knowledge, 15instead
Therefore know to do good, & those not doing they are as you were called Holy. So you be Holy in every behavior;
sinning. 16
For written, Be Holy, because I AM HOLY. 17& if you call the
5 Rich come now to cry loudly, for your troubles will come. FATHER, WHO is an impartial judge according to
Riches corrupted you, & your clothes will be eaten by everyone's work, live the remaining time here in fear. 18You
moths. 3Gold & silver rusted you, & the rust of them will know that you were not redeemed by corruptible things,
witness against you, & eat your flesh just like a fire; stored silver or gold, from your useless traditional behavior;
up for the last days. 4Realize the pay of the workers who 19
instead valuable blood of the Anointed 1, as a Lamb
collected your fields, who from you by fraud cries; & the without blemishes & spotless. 20Truly was known before the
cries of harvesters have entered into the ears of the ARMIES world's foundation, & revealed during these last times for
MASTER. 5You live in pleasure on the earth luxuriously & you. 21Through Him, believe in GΘD, WHO raised Him up
fattened your inside with food just like days to slaughter. from the dead, & gave HIM glory, that your faith & hope
You condemn, killing the righteous who do not oppose will be in GΘD. 22Purify your souls by obeying the truth
you. 7Therefore be patient Believers, until the return of the through the Spirit, to sincerely love Believers; love each
Master; realize the farmer waits for the valuable fruit of the other from a pure heart, 23being reborn not from a
earth, & is patient for it, until He gets the early & later rains. corrupted seed, instead uncorrupted by GΘD's living
You also be patient, strengthen your hearts, for of the WORDS, & remain forever. 24For all flesh is like grass, & all of
return of the Master is coming. 9Do not have grudges people's glory are like grass flowers; the grass dries up, &
against each other Believers, that not to be judged the same flower falls down. 25The MASTER's WORDS remain
against; realize the Judge stands before the gate. 10My forever, & these are the good messages to you.
fellow Believers, take the Prophets, who spoke in the 2 Therefore put away all evil & all deceit, & hypocrisy &
Master's Name, example of their hardships & patience. jealousy, & all evil speaking. 2Just as newborn babies want
Realize you enduring will be called blessed. You heard the pure milk of reasonable WORDS that you will grow with
the patience of Job, & saw the MASTER's end; that the them. 3Since you tasted that the MASTER is kind. 4For who
MASTER is very kind & compassionate. 12But before came a Living Stone, truly rejected by those people, yet
everything my fellow Believers, do not even swear by chosen from GΘD. 5You are also like living stones, spiritually
Heaven or the earth, or any another promise; & let your yes built temples; a Holy Priesthood to offer up spiritual
be yes, & your no be no, so that you do not fall into sacrifices, acceptable to GΘD by the Anointed 1 Jesus.
judgement. 13Are anyone of you troubled? Pray. Anyone 6
Because it is also surrounded with the Holy Writings,
happy sing with stringed instruments. 14Are any of you sick? Realize, I place a corner stone in Zion, a precious favorite
Call for the Elders of the gatherings, & pray on them, olive corner stone, & whoever believes in Him will never be
oil anoint them in the Name of the Master. 15So the prayer dishonored. 7Therefore to you who Believe are precious,
of Belief will restore the sick, & the Master will raise them up; but whoever not believing the Stone that the builders
& if they have sinned, they will be forgiven. 16Acknowledge rejected, this has become the Head Corner, 8& a stumbling
your sins to each other, that you will be healed. Prayer of stone & a rock tripping those who stumble on the WORDS,
the righteous have much power. 17Elijah was a person disbelieving also those for who they were placed. 9But you

affected like us, & he offered a prayer to not rain; so it did are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a Holy people,
not rain on the earth for 3 years & 6 months. 18Afterwards preserved people, that to celebrate the praises of Him,
he prayed again, & the sky poured rain & the earth its fruits. Who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.

Believers, if anyone of you strays from the truth, & 10
Who before were not a people, but are now GΘD's
people; who did not have mercy, but now have mercy. human lusts, instead GΘD's will. 3For a past time of life is
Much loved I beg you as foreigners & strangers, abstain enough of us to perform the desires of the non-Jews:
off fleshly lusts, which war against the soul. 12Have your walking in shame, lusting, drunk, rioting, partying, &
good behavior with the non-Jews, that where they speak criminals, idolatries. 4By which strangers of yours, do not run
against you as evil-doers; from good works they will watch together with these same overflowing rioters, speaking evil.
you glorify GΘD on the day of investigation. 13So obey 5
Who will give a reason to HIM have readiness to judge the
every regulation of humans for the MASTER, whether it is a living & the dead. 6For this reason the good message was
leader as ruler, 14or commander as sent by him, to truly also for the dead, that they will be truly judged by humanly
revenge of evil-doers, & praise those doing well. 15So this is flesh, but live towards GΘD's Spirit. 7& the end of all is near;
the will of GΘD, doing good silences the not unknowing therefore be sober, & stay sober for prayer. 8& before all
foolish people. 16As freeborn, & not using freedom as a those, have intentions to lovingly help within yourselves; for
cloak of evil, instead as Servants of GΘD. 17Value loving help covers a large number of sins. 9Be hospitable to
everyone. Love much the Believers, fear GΘD, value the one-another without grumbling. 10Just as everyone
leader. 18Servants obey your masters with every fear, not received the gift, serve the same to them, as good
only the good & gentle, instead also to the unfair. 19For this managers of GΘD's various lovingness. 11Whoever speaks
is thankfulness, that some through conscience to GΘD, as the words of GΘD's, whoever serves as from abilities that
endure pain, suffer undeserved. 20For what glory if you are GΘD gave, that by GΘD everything is praised through the
struck for when sinning, take it patiently; but if you do well Anointed 1 Jesus, to WHO is praised & powerful forever, so
& suffer, this benefit remains from GΘD. 21For you were be it. 12Much loved, do not think it is strange, the burning to
called for this; for the Anointed 1 also suffered for us, test you with as though foreign things happened to you.
leaving us an example, that we follow His footsteps. 22Who 13
Instead rejoice exactly as the Anointed 1's sharer of
did not sin, not even deceit was found in His mouth. 23Who suffering; that with His glory revealed, you will rejoice, & be
was vilified, did not return verbal abuse, suffering, did not joyful. 14If criticized for the Anointed 1's Name, be happy,
threaten, but gave Himself to do right properly. 24Who for the Spirit of Glory, & of GΘD will refresh in you; truly
Himself carried our sins with His body onto the wood, that towards Him they speak evil, but by you He is glorified.
we die to sin, to live righteously by His wounds to be 15
None of you suffer as for murdering, or stealing, or doing
healed. 25For you were like sheep going astray, instead are evil, or as meddlers. 16But if you suffer as a Christian, do not
now returned to the Shepherd & Guardian of your souls. be ashamed, but glorify GΘD in this way. 17For the
3 Similarly, wives obey your own husbands, that whoever judgement time begins at the house of GΘD; & if 1st from
does not believe the WORDS, can also gain without the us, what will the end of the unbelievers of the message of
WORDS, through the behavior of the wives. 2Watch your GΘD be? 18& if the righteous with difficulty are saved, what
pure behavior with respect; 3whose ornaments be not the will become of the ungodly & sinners? 19So then suffer
outward braiding of hair also wearing gold, or expensive trusting to the will of GΘD your souls, by doing well as to the
clothes. 4Instead the hidden person of the heart in FAITHFUL CREATOR.
uncorrupted, humble, & quiet soul, which is before GΘD 5 Elders, who are with you, I am also called an Elder &
precious. 5For this way, old times, the Holy Women who also witnessed the Anointed 1's sufferings, also share glory that
trusted in GΘD, clothed themselves obey their own will be revealed. 2Feed the sheep of GΘD by you, do not
husbands. 6Just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him oversee forced, instead willingly & not for gain, instead
master, whose children are doing well, & are not fearfully eagerly. 3Not even to dominate their part, instead be
afraid of anyone. 7Similary husbands live with together as examples to the sheep. 4When the Lead-Shepherd
knowing to value the wife as a weaker body part, & as appears, you will receive a crown of unfading glory.
inheritors together loving her life, that your prayers will not 5
Similarly, younger obey the Elders; & everyone obey each
be cut off. 8& lastly all be 1 minded, compassionate, loving other, & be clothed with humility for GΘD, oppose the
Believers, be kind; 9do not revenge evil for evil, or slander proud, & give lovingness to the humble. 6Therefore be
for slander, but instead speak well, knowing that you are humble under the MIGHTY HAND of GΘD that HE will lift you
called to inherit blessings. 10For whoever desires to love life, up at a proper time. 7Place all of your worries to HIM, for HE
& know good days, resist their tongues from evil, & their lips cares about you. 8Be sober, keep watching, because your
do not speak deceit; 11turn away from evil & do good to enemy satan is like a roaring lion walking, looking for who
find peace & pursue it. 12For the MASTER's eyes are towards to devour; 9who to oppose stable in the truth, know that
the righteous, & HIS ears are for their prayers; but the the same sufferings are done to your family of Believers in
MASTER's face is against evil doers. 13But who will harm you, the world. 10& the GΘD of all lovingness, WHO called us into
if you are imitators of good. 14But also if you suffer for HIS ETERNAL GLORY with the Anointed 1 Jesus, after
righteousness, be happy, & do not be afraid of their terror suffering awhile, to prepare you, to firmly strengthen you to
or be troubled. 15& dedicate to MASTER GΘD in your solid; 11to HIM be glory & power forever, so be it. 12By Silas,
hearts, & always ready to answer everyone asking you your faithful Brother, as concluded, written in briefly,
about the reason of hope in you, with humility & fear; inviting, & testifying the same is GΘD's truth lovingness for
have a good conscience, that by who speak evil against what we stand. 13Those in babylon, chosen together wish
you, as evil-doers will be disgraced, falsely accusing your you well, & Marcus my son. 14Welcome each other with a
good behavior with the Anointed 1. 17For it is better if the kiss of love; peace to you all that are with the Anointed 1
will of GΘD is done to suffer doing right, than for doing evil. Jesus, so be it.
For the Anointed 1 also suffered once for all sins of the 1611 kjv 2nd Peter † Simon Peter, a servant & Apostle of
righteous, more for the unrighteous, that to bring us to Jesus the Anointed 1, obtained precious faith with us
GΘD, to truly die to the flesh, but revived by the Spirit. 19By through righteous of GΘD, & of our Savior Jesus the
Who also traveled to proclaim to the souls by guarding; Anointed 1. 2Lovingness & peace increase to you by
before disbelieved when once the patience of GΘD knowledge of GΘD, & our Master Jesus. 3According to His
waited during Noah's days, the ark was prepared for those divine power gave to us everything that for life & GΘDliness
few; that is 8 souls were rescued from the water; 21that by the knowledge of Him called us to glory & praise. 4By
represents Baptism, also now saves us, not by removing Who was given to us great & precious promises, that
fleshly dirt, instead responding to GΘD with a good through these, you become sharers of divine nature, to
conscience through the resurrection of the Anointed 1 escape the corruption in the world by lusts. 5& besides this,
Jesus. 22Who went to Heaven, being by the RIGHT-HAND of also gave all eagerness to assist you with your faith: moral

GΘD; Angels, & authorities, & powers obey Him. goodness, & with moral goodness, knowledge. 6& with
4 Truly the Anointed 1 suffered for us fleshly, equip knowledge, self-control, & with self-control, patience, &
yourselves, & of the same mind, for suffering in flesh to stop with patience, reverence. 7& with reverence, Believers

sin; 2that no longer live the rest of your time in the flesh, love, & with Believers love, Believers affection. 8For these
things are in you, & increase, they make you not lazy, or & also overcome, the finish is worst for them than the
unfruitful in the knowledge of our Master Jesus the beginning. 21For it would be better for them to not know
Anointed 1. 9For whoever lacks these are blind, seeing only the way of righteousness, than to know, turning away from
near, have forgotten their old sins were washed away. the Holy COMMANDMENTS given to them. 22Then to
Therefore Believers study even more to do your calling, & happen to them as the true saying, A dog returned to its
your calling stable; for doing these things will never, ever own vomit, & a washed pig, to roll in the mud.
fail. 11So for will supply to you overflowing for the eternal 3 This 2nd letter much loved, was written to you now, by
Kingdom of our Master & Savior Jesus the Anointed 1. which to stir your pure minds with remembrance.
Therefore do not be negligent of you, always remember 2
Remember the spoken words before by the Holy Prophets,
about these things, although you know, also be & the COMMANDMENTS of ours of the Apostles of the
strengthened in the present truth. 13& I think it is righteous MASTER, & Savior. 3Know this 1st, that there will come in the
as spokesman, being I am in this Temple, to wake you up last days, false mockers, walking after their own lusts, 4&
by remembering; 14know that soon I will put away my say, Where is the promise of His return? For since the
Temple, even as our Master Jesus the Anointed 1 made ancestors laid to rest, everything continues as from the
known to me. 15& work hard so you will have after my beginning of creation. 5For this, they willingly hide that by
death, do these things in remembrance. 16For do not follow the WORD of GΘD, Heaven has been awhile, & land stood
clever stories; we made it known to you the power & return out of water, & in water. 6Through which the world was
of our Master Jesus the Anointed 1, yet we were witnesses overflowed with water, destroyed. 7But the Heavens & the
of His Majesty. 17For He received from GΘD the FATHER, earth presently, by the same WORDS are kept guarded for
honor & glory to announce such a voice to Him by the fire against the Day of Judgment, & destruction of ungodly
excellent glory, This is MY much loved Son in Who I AM people. 8& much loved do not be lied to about this 1 thing,
pleased with. 18& we heard this voice announced from because 1 day of the MASTER is as a 1,000 years, & 1,000
Heaven, being with Him by the Holy Mountain. 19We also years is as 1 day. 9The MASTER is not delaying HIS PROMISE,
have stable words of prophecy which you do well, be some lead as slowness; instead patience for us, not
cautious as light shining in a dark place, until that dawn of wanting anyone to be destroyed, instead everyone space
day, & morning star rises in your hearts; 20know this 1st that to come to repent. 10But the day of the Master will come
no prophetic writing is explained by private interpretations. as a thief in the night, by what the Heavens will pass away
For prophecies were not announced by human will, with a loud noise, & the elements will dissolve by fire; the
instead Holy Men of GΘD spoke, moved by the Holy Spirit. earth & also the actions of them within will burn up.
2 But there were false prophets also with the people, even 11
Accordingly all of these will dissolve, whatever is
as there will be false teachers with you, who secretly bring necessary, you be with Holy behavior, & GΘDliness.
in destructive choices, & deny the MASTER WHO 12
Expect & wait eagerly the coming of the day of GΘD,
redeemed them, bringing quick destruction to themselves. through which the universe will burn to dissolution, &
& many follow their destructive ways, through who the elements will melt to liquid by fire. 13& we expect according
way of truth will be spoken evil of. 3& with greed will form to HIS promise, for a new universe & a new earth, by which
words to use people for gain, who long ago did not delay we will live righteously. 14Therefore much loved watch for
judgment, & their destruction did not delay. 4For if GΘD did these things, work hard to be found by HIM in peace,
not spare the sinful angels, instead sent them down to hell, spotless, & blameless. 15& consider the long-suffering of our
delivering them into chains of darkness to be guarded until Master is salvation, just as our much loved Brother Paul also
judgment; 5& HE did not spare the old world, instead saved to the wisdom given to him, was written to you. 16As also
Noah, the 8th messenger of righteousness, causing the with all letters, speak by them about these things, in which
flood on the ungodly world. 6& burned to ashes the cities some are hard to understand, who unlearned & unstable
of sodom & gomorrha, condemned to destruction, making twist as they also the remaining writings, to their own
an example for those intending to be ungodly. 7& HE destruction. 17Therefore you much loved know before,
rescued righteous Lot harassed by the filthy behavior of the beware so not to be lead away with those led astray of the
wicked; 8For righteous living with them, seeing & hearing wicked, to fall away of your own stability. 18But grow with
tortured his righteous soul day by day, by lawless actions. lovingness, & knowledge of our MASTER, & Savior Jesus the
The MASTER knows to deliver the GΘDly out of Anointed 1, to these same be glorified both now & forever.
temptations, & guard the unrighteous for the day of So be it.
judgement to be punished. 10& above all those walking 1611 kjv 1st John † Who was from the beginning that we
after the flesh in lusts of defiling, & despise rulers, daring to heard, Who we saw with our eyes, who we viewed, & our
please self; not afraid to speak evil opinions. 11Whereas hands touched & felt through the WORDS of Life. 2& the life
Angels being stronger & powerful, will not bring slanderous was made known, & we saw & witness, & announce to
accusations against them before the MASTER. 12Yet these you, eternal life that was with the FATHER, & became
as natural irrational beasts, made to be captured & known to us. 3What we saw & heard, we announce to you,
destroyed speak evil by what they do not understand, will that you will also have fellowship with us; & even our
be destroyed by their own corruption; 13will receive fellowship is with the FATHER, & with HIS OWN Son, Jesus the
rewards for unrighteousness, considered it pleasure to riot Anointed 1. 4& we write these things to you, that your joy
during the day to stain & disgrace, delighting with their will be full. 5& this is the message that we heard from Him,
own deceitfulness, feasting with you. 14They have eyes full & announce to you that, GΘD is light, & in HIM is no
of adultery & cannot stop sinning, seducing the unstable darkness, none. 6If we say that we have fellowship with
souls; having trained hearts with greed… cursed children. HIM, but walk in darkness, we lie, & do not preform the
They left behind the true way, to go astray, follow the way truth. 7But if we walk in the light as HE is in the light, we have
of bosor's balaam, who loved many injustices, 16but had fellowship with one-another, & the blood of Jesus the
rebuke for his wickedness; the voiceless donkey spoke with Anointed 1, HIS Son, will cleanse us from all sin. 8If we say
a human voice, preventing the foolishness of the prophet. that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, & the truth is
These are fountains without water, clouds carrying a not in us. 9If we confess our sins, He is Righteous & Just to
storm by which the gloom of darkness is reserved forever send our sins away, & to cleanse us from all violations. 10If
for. 18For their noise swells emptiness, entrapping through we say that we have not sinned, we make HIM a liar, & HIS
fleshly desires of lusts, to really escape from living in deceit. OWN WORDS are not with us.
Announcing freedom to them, they themselves are 2 My little Children, I write these things to you, that you will

slaves to corruption; for whoever some are overcome, not sin. But if anyone sins, we have an intercessor to the
these same are also slaves of. 20For if they escaped the FATHER, the righteous Jesus the Anointed 1. 2& He is the
defilements of the world with knowledge of the MASTER, & appeaser for our sins, & not only for ours, but also for the

Savior Jesus the Anointed 1, & again involved with these, whole world. 3& by this 1, we know that we will know HIM if
we keep HIS COMMANDS. 4Whoever says, I know HIM, but satan. 9Whoever is born from GΘD does not do sin; for HIS
does not keep HIS Commandments are liars, & the truth is seed remains in Him, & He cannot sin, because He was
not in these. 5Whoever keeps HIS WORDS, truly, the love of born from GΘD. 10By this, a Child of GΘD was known. But
GΘD is perfected with these; we know that we are with the children of the satan; whoever not doing righteously,
HIM by this. 6Whoever says they continue with Him, owes or not loving their own fellow Believers, are not from GΘD.
themselves to also walk just as He walked. 7Believers, I do 11
For this is the message that you heard from the beginning,
not write new commandments to you, but old that you love one-another. 12Not like cain, who was from
commandments that you had from the beginning. The old evil, & who slayed his own brother, & why did he murder
commandments are the WORDS that you heard from the him? Because his works were evil, & his brother's were
beginning. 8Again, I write to refresh the commandments to righteous. 13Do not wonder my fellow Believers if the world
you, which is true in Him, & in you; because the darkness hates you. 14We know that we passed from death into life,
past, & the true light now shines. 9Whoever says they are in because we love the fellow Believers; whoever does not
the light, but hates their own fellow Believers, are in love a fellow Believer remains in death. 15Anyone who
darkness even now. 10Whoever loves their own fellow hates their own fellow Believer is a murderer, & know that
Believers, are living in the light, & there are no traps in them. no murderer has eternal life remaining in them. 16Hereby
But whoever hates their own fellow Believers are in know the love of GΘD, because 1 that laid down His Life
darkness, & walk in darkness, & do not know where they for us, so we owe it to lay down our lives for the fellow
are going, because darkness blinded their eyes. 12I write to Believers. 17But whoever has the world's wealth, & sees their
you Children, because your sins are forgiven by His Name. own fellow Believer has need, & closes up their sympathy
I write to you seniors, because you knew Him from the for them; how will the love of GΘD remain in them? 18My
beginning. I write to you young men, because you Children, do not love by words, or by tongue, instead work
conquered the evilness. I write to you children because & truth. 19& by this we know that we are from the truth, &
you know the FATHER. 14I write to you seniors, because you our hearts will be confident before HIM. 20For if our heart
knew Him from the beginning. I write to you young men, finds fault with us, GΘD is greater than our heart, & HE
because you are strong & the WORDS of GΘD remain in knows everything. 21Much loved, if our hearts do not
you, & you conquered the evilness. 15Do not love the world, convict us, we have assurance to GΘD. 22& whatever we
or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the ask, we will receive from HIM, because we keep HIS
love of the FATHER is not in them. 16For all those in the world, COMMANDMENTS, & do pleasing things before HIM. 23&
those lusting of the flesh, & the lust of the eyes, & the pride this is HIS COMMAND, that we Believe the Name of HIS Son,
of life, are not from the FATHER, instead are from the world. Jesus the Anointed 1, & love one-another, just as He gave
& the world will disappear, & those lusting of it, but those to us commands. 24& those keeping His Commands,
doing the will of GΘD will remain forever. 18Children it is the remains with Him, & He with them; & by this we know that
last times, & just as they heard that the anti-anointed will HE remains with us, from the Spirit that was given to us.
come, even now there are many anti-anointed, from 4 Much loved, do not believe every soul, instead test their
which we know that it is the last times. 19Going out from us, spirit, if they are from GΘD, because many false prophets
but they were not from us, for if they were from us, they have gone out into the world. 2Know these that the spirit of
would have continued with us; instead that to be made GΘD are by; every soul that agrees Jesus the Anointed 1
known that they were not all from us. 20& you have an came in the flesh, are from GΘD. 3But every soul that does
anointing from the MOST HOLY, & you know all. 21I did not not agree the Anointed 1 Jesus came in the flesh, is not
write to you because you did not know the truth, instead from GΘD; & these are the anti-anointeds, who you heard
because you know it, & that no lie is from the truth. that would come, & are already now in the world. 4You are
Whoever is a liar if they deny that Jesus is not the Children from GΘD, & conquer them; because greater is
Anointed 1. These are anti-anointed, whoever denies the the 1 in you, than the 1 in the world. 5They are of the world;
FATHER or the Son. 23Anyone denying the Son, does not therefore, from them speak about the world, & the world
have the FATHER; acknowledging the Son also joins the listens to them. 6We are from GΘD, those knowing GΘD
FATHER. 24Therefore remain in you, what you heard from listens to us; whoever is not from GΘD does not listen to us,
the beginning; that whatever you heard from the from this we know the Souls of truth, & the souls of deceit.
beginning, will remain in you, & you will remain with the 7
Much loved, love one-another, for love is from GΘD; &
Son, & with the FATHER. 25& this is the promise, that HE everyone loving is born from GΘD & knows GΘD.
promised us, eternal life. 26I wrote these things to you about 8
Whoever does not love, does not know GΘD; for GΘD is
those causing you to sin. 27& the anointing that you LOVE. 9This was made known by the love of GΘD towards
received from Him remains in you, & you do not have need us, because GΘD sent HIS only Son onto the world, that we
that anyone teach you; instead as the same anointing live through Him. 10By this there is love, not because we
teaches you about everything, & is true, & there is no lie. & loved GΘD, instead that HE loved us, & sent HIS Son to
just as He taught you, you remain with Him. 28& now satisfy for our sins. 11Much loved, that GΘD so loved us, we
Children remain with Him, that when He is appears, we will also owe it to love one-another. 12No-human has ever seen
have confidence, & not be ashamed before Him at His GΘD. If we love one-another, GΘD remains in us, & HIS love
return. 29Because you know that He is righteous, you know is complete in us. 13By this we know that we remain with
that everyone doing righteousness, is reborn by Him. HIM, & HIM with us, because HE gives us from HIS Spirit. 14But
3 Realize whatever love the FATHER gives to us, that we are we have seen & witnessed that the FATHER sent the Son to
called Children of GΘD; therefore the world does not know save the world. 15Whoever publically says that Jesus is the
us, because it does not know HIM. 2We are now much Son of GΘD, GΘD will live in them, & they with GΘD. 16&
loved Children of GΘD, & we are not yet shown what we we know & believe the love that GΘD has towards us.
will become, but we know that whenever HE is made GΘD is LOVE, & those who stay in love, remains with GΘD,
known, we will be similar to HIM; because we will see HIM & GΘD in them. 17By this, our love is complete, that we will
just as HE IS. 3& everyone who has the same hope in HIM, have assurance during the Day of Judgment, because just
purify themselves, just as HE is pure. 4Anyone doing sin also as He was, we are also in this world. 18There is no fear in
violates the LAW; for sin is lawlessness. 5& you know that He love, because perfect love throws out fear, because fear
was made known, to remove our sins, & there is no sin in also has punishment; being afraid is not made perfect in
Him. 6Whoever remains with Him, does not sin; whoever sins love. 19We love HIM, because HE loved us first. 20If someone
has not seen Him, or knows Him. 7Children, do not be says, I love GΘD, & they hate their own fellow Believer, they

deceived by anyone of you; doers of righteousness are are a liar. For not loving their own fellow Believer who they
righteous, just as HE is RIGHTEOUS. 8Doers of sin are from the have seen, how can they love GΘD WHO they do not see?
satan, for the satan sinned from the beginning; for this The 21
& we have this commandment from HIM, that whoever

Son of GΘD appeared that to destroy the actions of the loves GΘD, also love their own fellow Believers.
5 Anyone who Believes that Jesus is the Anointed 1 is rejoice because the fellow Believers came & truthfully
reborn from GΘD; & everyone who loves the CREATOR, testified about you, that you walk in truth. 4I have no
also loves Him born from HIM. 2By this, we know that we greater joy, than to hear my children are walking in truth.
love the Children of GΘD, whenever we love GΘD & keep 5
Much loved, you trustingly do whatever for the Believers,
HIS commandments. 3For this is the love of GΘD, that we & for strangers. 6Which witnesses about your love before
keep HIS COMMANDMENTS, & HIS COMMANDS are not the gathering; that sends out appropriately a GΘDly
heavy. 4That everyone reborn from GΘD conquers the peace, doing well. 7For about His Name they went out
world, & these are the victorious conquering the world by taking nothing from the non-Jews. 8Therefore we owe it to
our Belief. 5Who are those conquering the world, only those receive hospitality like this, that we will be co-workers of the
believing that Jesus is the Son of GΘD. 6This is Jesus the truth. 9I wrote to the gathering, but diotrephes has ambition
Anointed 1 Who came by water & blood, not only by to be 1st with them, did not accept us. 10Because of this, if I
water, instead by water & blood; & the Spirit is a witness, come, I will remember his actions that he did against us
because the Spirit is truth. 7For there were 3 witnesses in with evil words; & not be satisfied about this, he did not
Heaven: the FATHER, the WORDS, & the Holy Spirit, & these even receive the fellow Believers, & refused their wills &
3 are 1. 8& there were 3 witnesses on earth: the Spirit, the rejected them out of the gathering. 11Much loved, do not
water, & the blood, & 3 were in 1. 9If we accept the copy wickedness, instead good; doing good is from GΘD,
witnesses of people, the witnesses of GΘD are greater, for but doing evil will not experience GΘD. 12Demetrius has
these are the witnesses of GΘD, which testified about HIS witnesses by everyone, & of the truth itself, & we also testify,
Son. 10Whoever Believes in the Son of GΘD, has the witness & you know that our testimony is true. 13I have much to
in themselves; whoever does not believe GΘD, makes write, but I will not write to you with ink & pen. 14& I hope to
themselves a liar, because they do not believe the see you soon, so we can speak by mouth. Peace to you,
testimony that GΘD testified about HIS Son. 11& this is the friends wish you well. Wish well the friends by name.
testimony that GΘD gave us eternal life, & this life is through 1611 kjv Jude † Jude a servant of Jesus the Anointed 1, &
HIS Son. 12Whoever has the Son, has life; not having the Son brother of James, dedicated with GΘD the FATHER, &
of GΘD, does not have life. 13I wrote these things to you, keeping Jesus the Anointed 1's calling: 2kindness, & peace,
that you Believe in the Name of the Son of GΘD, that you & Believers love increase with you. 3Much loved, I do
know that you have eternal life, & that you will Believe in everything eagerly to write to you about the common
the Name of the Son of GΘD. 14& this is the confidence that salvation; it is necessary for me to write to you to call you
we have in Him, because if we ask something according to struggle for the Faith that 1x delivers the Saints. 4For some
to His will, He hears us. 15& if we know that He hears people sneakily entered in, who were written about before
whatever we ask; we know that we have the request that for this condemnation, ungodly; changing the lovingness
we asked from Him. 16If anyone knows their fellow Believer of our GΘD into filth, & deny the only MASTER GΘD, & our
is doing sin, but not to death, they ask & He will give those Anointed Master Jesus. 5So I will remind you, you once
life not sinning to death. There is a sin to death; I do not say knew this, that the MASTER saved the people from the land
that to ask for those. 17All unrighteousness is sin, but there of egypt; afterwards destroyed none believers. 6& angels
are sins not to death. 18We know that anyone born from not keeping their original design, instead remain in their
GΘD does not sin, instead born from GΘD is Himself own place to be guarded in eternal chains under darkness
guarded, & evil does not touch Him. 19We know that we until the great judgment day. 7As sodom & gomorrah, &
are from GΘD, & the whole world lies in wickedness. 20& we the cities near them similarly turned to fornication, & went
know that the Son of GΘD came & gave us understanding, away after different flesh; lay before an example of
that we will know HE is true; we will be with HIM in truth, & vengeance, suffering punishment of eternal fire. 8Yet
with HIS Son Jesus the Anointed 1. This is the truth of GΘD, similarly, these dreamers truly defile flesh, violating the
& eternal life. 21Children, guard yourselves from false RULES, & speak evil of judgement. 9Yet when Michael the
worship, so be it. chief Angel opposed the satan, it discussed about the
1611 kjv 2nd John † To the older chosen woman of Faith & body of Moses; did not boldly accuse slanderous
her children, who I love with truth. But not only me, instead judgment, instead said, The MASTER will punish you. 10But
also everyone who knows the truth; 2for truth that lives in us, these speak evil about what they truly do not know; but
& will be with us forever. 3Lovingness, mercy, peace be with what they naturally know as irrational breathing beings,
you from FATHER GΘD, & from the Master the Anointed with these they corrupt. 11Misery to them because they go
Jesus, the Son of the FATHER in truth & love. 4I greatly the way of cain, & pour out the deception of balaam for
rejoice, because I found from your children walking in truth, reward, & are destroyed for the rebellion of korah. 12These
just as you received the COMMANDMENTS from the are reefs in your love to entertain you, feeding yourselves
FATHER. 5& I ask you now woman of Faith, not as a new without fear; waterless clouds carried around by wind,
written commandment to you; instead what we had from trees withered without fruit, again die, rooted up. 13Raging
the beginning, that we love one-another. 6& this is love that sea waves foam out their shame, wandering stars who the
we will walk according to HIS COMMANDMENTS. This is the blackness of darkness is reserved forever for. 14& Enoch also
commandment that just as you heard from the beginning, 7th from Adam, prophesied this saying, I see the Master
you walk in it. 7Many deceivers have gone into the world coming with 10,000 of His Saints, 15to execute justice
that do not admit Jesus the Anointed 1 came in the flesh. throughout all, & convict all of the ungodly of them, about
These are deceivers & anti-anointed. 8Look at yourselves all of their ungodly actions that they committed, & about
that you do not lose what you worked for, instead to all hardness which ungodly sinners spoke against Him.
receive a full reward. 9Anyone violating & not remaining 16
These are grumbling complainers walking after their lusts,
with the Anointed 1's teaching, does not have GΘD; & their mouths speak of excessiveness in front of faces for
remaining in the Anointed 1's teaching, these have the to benefit. 17But much loved, remember the words said to
FATHER & the Son. 10Whoever comes to you, & does not you before by the Apostles of our Anointed Master Jesus;
bring this teaching, do not accept them into your house, 18
how they told you that there will be mockers during the
or even speak or wish them well. 11For telling them, wish you last times, walking after their own ungodly ambitions.
well, shares in their evil actions. 12I have much to write to 19
These are to be separated from them, natural, not having
you. I will not write to you through paper & ink, instead I the Spirit. 20But you are much loved, building yourselves up
expect to come to you, & speak by mouth, that our joy will with Holy Faith; praying in the Holy Spirit. 21Keep yourselves
be full. 13The children of your favorite sister wish well to you. in GΘD's love, accept the compassion of our Anointed

So be it. Master Jesus to eternal life. 22& truly those deciding have
1611 kjv 3rd John † To the much loved Elder Gaius with the compassion. 23& others are saved by fear, pulled out from
truth, who I love. 2Much loved, I always pray you will the fire; even hating the clothing spotted by the flesh. 24&

succeed & be healthy, just as your soul succeeds. 3I greatly He is able to keep you from falling, & standing faultless
before HIS GLORY with extreme joy. 25Only GΘD, our those victorious will not be destroyed by a 2nd death. 12& to
PRESERVER be: GLORIFIED, MAJESTY, STRENGTH, & POWER, the Angel’s church in pergamos, write these things says the
now & forever, so be it. holder of the sharp double edged sword. 13I know your
1611 kjv Revelations † The revelations that GΘD gave to works, & that you live nearby where satan’s seat is, & you
Jesus the Anointed 1, & to give evidence to His servants use My name, & have not rejected belief in Me, & in those
what must happen: by making it known; by sending HIS days that Antipas, my faithful witness who was murdered
Angel to HIS servant John, 2who is a witness of GΘD’s near you where satan lives, 14but I have a few things
WORDS, & evidence of Jesus the Anointed 1, & also against you, because you have used the teaching of
everything he saw. 3Happy are those reading & hearing balaam, who was taught by balak, causing them to sin
words of prophecy, & notice these writings by HIM: before the descendants of Israel: by eating meat
Because the time will come. 4John to the 7 churches in sacrificed to idols, & by having sex outside of marriage. 15In
Asia. Grace & peace to you, from Him Who Is, & Who Was, this way you also continue to use the teaching of the
& Who Is to come, & from the 7 Angels that are in the nicolaitans, which I hate. 16Repent, otherwise I will come to
presence of HIS Throne. 5& from Jesus the Anointed 1, a you quick, & will battle these with the sword in My mouth.
Worthy Witness: HIS 1st born from out of the dead, & the 17
Those with understanding hear what the Spirit says to the
leader of earth’s people Who loves us, & washed us from Churches: those victorious I will give to eat from the hidden
our sins by His bloodshed. 6He made us leaders & priests to manna. & I will give them a bright small smooth stone, & in
GΘD His FATHER: His glory, & power, is forever & ever, truly! the stone a new name will be written, which no one else
Realize: He will come on a cloud, & every person’s eyes will be known by except the receiver. 18& to the Angel’s
from the world will see Him, including all those who pierced church in thyatira write, these things says the Son of GΘD
Him, & beat Him; truly it will be. 8He is the Alpha & the Who has Eyes like a flame of fire, & His Feet like bright brass:
Omega, beginning & end, the Master told me. Who Is, & 19
I know your works, & love, & service, & faith, & your
Who Was, & Who Is to come, the Ruler of everything. 9I patience, & also that your last works are more excellent
John, who is also your fellow believer, & partner in than at 1st. 20But, I have something against you, because
persecution, also endure with Jesus the Anointed 1’s you allowed a woman Jezebel, who called herself a
Kingdom, & am on the island they call Patmos, for the word prophetess to teach My servants to sin by leading them to
of GΘD, & for Jesus the Anointed 1’s testimony. 10I was commit sex outside marriage, & also to eat meat sacrificed
moved by the Master’s power 1 day, & heard behind me to idols. 21& I gave her time to repent from her sexual
a great voice like a trumpet, 11saying, I am the Alpha & the worship, & she did not repent. 22Realize, I will throw her &
Omega, the 1st & the last. & what you see, write on a scroll those who committed sex outside of marriage with her into
& send it to the 7 churches that are in Asia: to Ephesus, & to a bed, into great persecution; unless they repent from their
Smyrna, & to Pergamus, & to Thyatira, & to Sardis, & to actions. 23& I will destroy her children by death, & all the
Philadelphia, & to Laodicea. 12& I turned to see the voice Churches will know that I Am the 1 who searches souls &
that spoke behind me. & after turning, I saw 7 gold hearts. & I will give to every one of you, according to your
candlesticks. 13& in the middle of 7 candlesticks looked like works. 24But, I say to you, & the rest in Thyatira, as many as
the Son of Mankind, clothed with a robe down to the feet, have not held onto this, & whoever do not know the deep
& around the chest was a gold belt. 14His head & hair were teaching from satan, as I said. I will not throw you into more
as white as wool, & also as white as snow; His eyes were like trouble. 25& whatever strength you have, hold onto until
flames of fire. 15& His feet like brass as it burns in a furnace. whenever I arrive. 26& to the victorious who also keep
& His voice like the sound of many sea waters. 16& He held doing My work until the end, they I will give power over the
in His right hand 7 stars: & a sharp double edged sword nations. 27& they will rule those with an iron staff, like the
went out of His mouth, & His face shined like the sun, with tool a potter uses to crush with, just like I was given from My
His power. 17When I saw Him, I fell down towards His feet as FATHER. 28& I will give those a morning star. 29Those with
if dead. Also He laid His right hand on me, & said to me, Do understanding hear what the Spirit says to the Churches.
not fear, I am the 1st & the last. 18& I was dead & Am alive: 3 & to the Angel’s church in sardis write this: these things
& look I Am alive forever, & have keys to death & hell, so are said from the holder of 7 Spirits of GΘD, & the 7 stars: I
be it. 19Write what you have seen: what is, & also what is know your works, that you have an alive reputation, but
going to happen later, 20about the 7 star mystery that you you are spiritually dead. 2Wake up & become stronger,
saw in My Right Hand & the 7 gold candlesticks. The 7 stars those remaining are about to die, because I have not
are 7 church Angels, & the 7 candlesticks that you saw are found your works complete in front of GΘD. 3So now
7 churches. remember what you accepted & heard. & take care of this
2 To the Angel’s church in Ephesus, write that the holder of & repent, otherwise watch this happen: I will come to you
7 stars in His Right Hand; Who walks in the middle of 7 gold like a thief, & you will not know what time I will come
candlesticks: 2I know your works, & your troubles, & your against you. 4You even have few names in sardis, which
endurance, & that you have not removed the wicked & have not defiled their clothes, & they will walk with Me in
tested those that claim to be apostles, but are not, & found bright white, because they are worthy. 5To those victorious
they are fake. 3& have constantly used My Name, & have that will be clothed in bright white clothes, & whose names
felt tired, but do not get sick. 4So then I hold this against will not be wiped from the scroll of life. Then I will say, I know
you, since you left your 1st love. 5Remember from where your names before My FATHER, & before HIS Angels. 6Those
you have fallen, & repent, & do the 1st works then; otherwise with understanding hear what the Spirit says to the
I will come to you quickly, & will remove your candlestick Churches. 7To the Angel’s church in Philadelphia write this
out of its place, unless you repent. 6Other than you hold says the most Holy & true 1, who has the key of David’s to
hatred of the nicolaitans’ actions, which I also hate. 7Those open, but no one shuts, & also shuts what no one can open.
with understanding hear what the Spirit says to the 8
I know your works. Look, I have given you an open door
Churches: those victorious, will be allowed to eat from the in front of you, & no one is able to shut it: because you have
tree of life, which is in the middle of GΘD’s garden. 8& to some strength, & have kept My teachings, & have not
the Angel’s church in Smyrna, write these things says the rejected My name. 9Realize, I will force those from satan’s
1st & the last, Who was dead, & is alive: 9I know your works, church, that say they are Jewish, & are not, but lie: Realize,
& problems, & poverty; but you are wealthy & the I will force these to come & kneel before your feet, & know
blasphemy of those saying they are Jewish & are not, that I love you. 10Because you have endured, by keeping
instead is a church of satan’s. 10Realize: Fear nothing you the teachings of Mine, I will also guard you from the

will suffer from satan. You will be thrown into prison temptation times, which will happen on the whole world, to
persecuted, & held 10 days in order to be tested. Be faithful test those who live on the earth. 11Realize, I will come
facing death, & I will give you a crown of life. 11Those with suddenly. Use what you have so that no one will take your

understanding hear what the Spirit says to the churches: crown. 12Those victorious, I will make them a pillar within
the Temple of My GΘD, & they will never go out. & I will race. 10& You have made us kings & priests, & rulers on the
write on them the NAME of My GΘD, & the name of My earth for our GΘD. 11& I saw the living beings & the elders.
GΘD’s city, the new Jerusalem, which will come down out & also I heard many Angels’ voices around the THRONE, &
of the universe from My GΘD, & My new name. 13Those with the number of them was 12,000, 12loud voices saying,
understanding, hear what the Spirit says to the Churches. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power, &
& to the Angel’s church in laodicea write, Truly, says the riches, & wisdom, & might, & honor, & glory, & praise!
1 who is trustworthy & a truthful witness, from the beginning 13
Everything created that is in Heaven, & on the earth, &
of GΘD’s creation: 15I know your works, because you are under the earth, & that is in the sea, & everything that is in
not cold or hot, I wish you were cold or hot. 16Because of them, heard this said, Power & honor, & glory, & praise to
this you are lukewarm, & not cold or hot; I will vomit you HIM, WHO sits on the throne, & the Lamb for forever & ever.
out of My mouth. 17Because you say you are wealthy, & 14
The 4 living beings said, So be it. & the 24 elders went
have lots of possessions, & need nothing, & do not know down & worshiped HIM who lives forever & ever.
that you are wretched, & miserable, & poor, & blind, & 6 While I saw the Lamb open only 1 of the seals, I heard a
naked: 18Recommended that you buy gold refined from sound like thunder, & 1 of the 4 living beings say, Come, &
My fire, so that you will be rich, & dressed in white, so that see. 2& I looked, & noticed a bright white horse, & the one
you will be clothed & not be seen disgraced by your sitting on it had a bow; & a crown was given to it to go out
nakedness, & anoint your eyes with My preparation, so that to victory, & be victorious. 3& when He opened the 2nd seal,
you can see. 19Whoever I love, I discipline & correct, so I heard the 2nd living being say, Come & see. 4& also a
then be zealous & repent. 20Realize, I stand at the door, & different flaming red horse came out & the one sitting on it
knock, if anyone hears My voice, & opens the door, I will was given power to take peace from the earth, so that
enter in near to them, & I will dine with them, & they with they would slaughter each other. & a great sword was
Me. 21Those victorious, I will allow to sit down with Me by given to it. 5& when He opened the 3rd seal, I heard the 3rd
My Throne, just as I also was victorious, & sit down with My living being say, Come & see. & I looked, & noticed a black
FATHER by HIS THRONE. 22Those with understanding hear horse, & the one sitting on it had balances in its hands. 6& I
what the Spirit says to the Churches. heard a voice in the middle of the 4 living beings say, A
4 After this I looked & saw a door was opened in Heaven. measure of wheat for a day’s pay, & 3 measures of barley
& the 1st Voice that I heard, was like reverberation for a day’s pay, but do not sin against the olive oil & the
speaking to me saying, Come up here, & I will show you wine. 7& when He opened the 4th seal, I heard a voice from
what must happen later. 2& immediately I was in spirit form, the 4th living being say, Come & see. 8& I looked & saw a
& saw a throne was set up in Heaven, & HE was sitting on pale green horse, & the name of the one sitting on it was
the throne. 3While HE was sitting down; looked like death, & darkness followed behind it, & power was given
translucent jasper & red sardius stone. & around the throne to it over 1/4th of the earth to kill with a large sword, & with
looked just like an emerald rainbow. 4& around the Throne famine, & with the death, & by the wild animals of the
were 24 throne seats, & on the throne seats I saw 24 elders earth. 9& when He opened the 5th seal, I saw down under
sitting, & they were clothed in bright white cloaks. & had the sacrificial altar the souls of those slain for the WORD of
gold crowns on their heads 5& from out of the thrones GΘD, & for the truthful speaking that they held onto. 10&
came lightning, & thunder, & voices, & 7 lamps burning their great voices spoke loudly saying, How long true & Holy
with fire before the Throne, which are 7 Spirits from GΘD. Master will you not judge & do justice to avenge our blood
& in front of the Throne was crystal like water, & in the on those living on the earth? 11& white cloaks were given
middle of the Throne. & around the Throne were 4 living to everyone, & He said to them, Rest a little longer, until
beings full of eyes in front & back. 7& the 1st living being was your fellow servants & your fellow believers are killed just as
like a lion. & the 2nd living being was like a calf. & the 3rd you were, is complete. 12& I noticed when He opened the
living being had a face like a man. & the 4th living being 6th seal a great earthquake & I also saw the sun become
was like a flying eagle. 8& every one of the 4 living beings black as a sack made from animal hair, & the moon
had 6 wings all around, & they were full of eyes in them, & became like blood. 13& the stars of the universe fell to the
did not rest day or night, saying, Holy, Holy, Holy Almighty, earth, just like a fig tree throws its unripe figs when shaken
MASTER, GΘD, WHO was, & IS, & IS to come. 9& when the by a mighty wind. 14& the universe disappeared just like
living beings gave glory & honor, & thanks to the HIM, WHO rolling up a scroll. & every mountain, & island moved out of
sits on the throne, WHO lives for forever, & ever, 10the 24 their places. 15& the leaders of the earth, & the famous
elders also worship before the HIM, WHO sits on the throne, people, & the wealthy, & the military commanders, & the
saying, 11You MASTER, are worthy, to receive glory, & powerful, & every slave, & everyone born free, hid
honor, & power: because YOU created everything, & for themselves in the hiding places, & in the rocks of
YOUR pleasure they were created. mountains. 16& they said to the mountains & rocks: Fall on
5 & I saw in HIS RIGHT HAND a scroll with writing inside, but us & hide us from the face of HIM, WHO sits on the Throne,
sealed closed on the outside 7 seals from HIM, WHO was & from the anger of the Lamb. 17Because the great day of
sitting on the THRONE. 2& I saw a mighty Angel speak with THEIR anger is coming & who is able to stop this?
authority loudly, Who is worthy to open the scroll, & to untie 7 & after these things, I saw 4 Angels standing at the 4
its seals? 3But nobody in Heaven, or down on the earth was corners of earth, holding the earth’s 4 winds so that the
able to open the scroll, or see it. 4So I cried much, because winds would not blow on the earth, or on the seas, or on
nobody was found worthy to open it, & read the scroll, or any tree. 2& I saw another Angel rise up from the rising sun
see it. 5Then one of the elders said to me, Do not cry: look, that had a seal from the living GΘD, & WHO spoke with a
the Lion from the tribe of Judah, a descendant of David loud voice to the 4 Angels who were ordered to damage
who was victorious can open the scroll, & untie it's 7 seals. the earth & the seas. 3Saying, Do not hurt the earth, or the
& I looked & noticed in the middle of the throne & the 4 sea, or the trees, until the Servants of our GΘD have been
living beings, & in the middle of the elders a Lamb was sealed on their foreheads. 4& I heard the number to be
standing; like it had been slain, that had 7 horns & 7 eyes, sealed: 144,000 total from the descendant tribes of Israel’s
which are 7 Spirits from GΘD, sent out to the whole earth. to be sealed. 512,000 from Judah’s tribe to be sealed.
& He came & took the scroll from the RIGHT HAND of the 12,000 from Reuben’s tribe to be sealed. 12,000 from Gad’s
HIM sitting on the THRONE. 8& when He took the scroll, the tribe to be sealed. 612,000 from Asher’s tribe to be sealed.
4 living beings & 24 elders went down before the Lamb. 12,000 from Naphtali’s tribe to be sealed. 12,000 from
Each of them had a harp, & a gold cup full of incense, Manasseh’s tribe to be sealed. 712,000 from Simon’s tribe to

which are the Saint’s prayers. 9& they sang a new song, be sealed. 12,000 from Levi’s tribe to be sealed. 12,000 from
saying, You are worthy to take the scroll, & open the seals Issachar’s tribe to be sealed. 812,000 from Zebulun’s tribe to
Yourself: because You were slain & redeemed us to GΘD be sealed. 12,000 from Joseph’s tribe to be sealed. 12,000

by Your Blood, for every tribe, & language, & people, & from Benjamin’s tribe to be sealed. 9After these things, I
looked & saw a large crowd that no person had the ability had chest plates, like iron chest plates, & the sound of their
to count from all nations, & races, & people, & languages wings was like the sound of many chariot horses running
stood before the THRONE, & before the Lamb, wearing into battle. 10& they had tails similar to scorpions, & there
white clothing, & held in their hands palm branches. 10& were stingers on their tails. & they had power to hurt
they said with loud voices these words, Salvation from our humans for 5 months. 11& they had a ruler over them, the
GΘD, WHO sits on the Throne, & the Lamb. 11& also all the angel from the deep pit, its name in Hebrew is destruction,
Angels standing around the Throne, & the elders, & the 4 but in the greek has the name destroyer. 121 trouble
living beings, went down before the Throne on their faces, passed. Realize 2 more troubles are still next. 13& the 6th
& worshiped GΘD. 12They said, Truly thanks, blessings, & Angel sounded its trumpet. & I heard a voice from a 4
glory, & wisdom, & honor, & power, & might to our GΘD horned gold altar, which is before GΘD, 14saying to the 6th
forever & ever, so be it. 13& 1 of the elders began to speak Angel who had the trumpet, Unchain the 4 Angels that are
to me saying, Who are these that are wearing white chained up in the great euphrates river. 15& the 4 Angels
clothing & where did they come from? 14& I said to him, Sir, were unchained, that were prepared for this hour, & day,
you know. & he said to me, These came from great & month, & year, in order to kill 1/3rd of mankind. 16& the
persecution, & have washed their cloths, & made them number of horse troops was 24,000, & I heard the number
white by the Lamb’s blood. 15This is why they are before the of them. 17& this is how I saw the horses in the vision & those
THRONE of GΘD, & serve HIM day & night in HIS Temple, & sitting on them: They had dark red fire chest plates &
HE that sits on the throne will live with them. 16They will never burning stone, & also the horses’ heads were like lions’
hunger, or thirst again, not even the sun’s heat will come heads, & out of their mouths went out fire, & sulfur & smoke.
down on them, or any heat. 17Since the Lamb, which is 18
By these 3 things were used to kill 1/3rd of mankind; by the
between the THRONE, will feed them, & will lead them to fire, & by the sulfur, & by the smoke that went out of their
living spring water. & GΘD will wipe away all tears from mouths. 19Since their power were in their mouths, & in their
their eyes. tails, because their tails were like snakes that had heads, &
8 & when He opened the 7th seal, silence happened in by those did damage. 20& the rest of mankind that was not
Heaven for about ½ an hour. 2& I saw the 7 Angels that killed by these plagues, or had not repented from the
stood before GΘD, & they were given 7 trumpets. 3& actions of these punishments; so that they would stop
another Angel came & stood before the altar, holding a worshiping evil & images made of gold, & silver, & brass, &
gold incense burning censer, & much incense was given stone, & wood, which cannot even see, or hear, or walk.
for it, so that all Saint’s prayers would be before the gold 21
& they did not repent from their murder, or from their
altar that is before the THRONE. 4& smoke from the incense magic, or from their sex outside marriage, or from their
of the Saints’ prayers, went up before GΘD, from out of the stealing.
Angel’s hand. 5& the Angel took the incense burning 10 & I saw another mighty Angel come down from
censer, & filled it with fire from the altar, & threw it onto the Heaven, surrounded by a cloud, & a rainbow over its head,
earth, & lightning, next the sound of thunder, & also an & its face was like the sun, & its feet were like pillars of fire.
earthquake happened. 6& the 7 Angels, which had the 7 2
& held in its hands a little opened scroll, & put its right foot
trumpets, prepared themselves to sound the trumpets. 7& on the sea, & left on the earth. 3& it yelled out with a great
the 1st Angel sounded its trumpet, & firestones also mixed voice, just like a lion’s roar. & when it yelled out, 7 thunders
with blood were thrown to the earth began to happen, & sounded their voices. 4& when the 7 thunders sounded
also 1/3rd of the trees were burned up, & all the green grass their voices, I was about to write. Then I heard a voice from
was burned up. 8& the 2nd Angel sounded its trumpet, & like Heaven, say to me, Keep secret what the 7 thunders said,
a huge mountain burning on fire was thrown into the sea, & do not write these down. 5& the Angel that I saw standing
& 1/3rd of the sea became blood. 9& 1/3rd of the creatures on the sea, & on the earth, lifted up its hands to Heaven.
that were in the sea that had life, also died. & 1/3rd of the 6
& promise HIM, WHO lives forever & ever, WHO created
ships were destroyed. 10& the 3rd Angel sounded its Heaven & the things in it, & the earth & the things in it, &
trumpet, & a great star fell from the universe burning like a the sea & the things in it. Because there will be no more
torch, & it fell on 1/3rd of the rivers, & on the spring waters. time. 7& on the day the 7th Angel sounds, when it begins to
& the name of that star was called poison, & 1/3rd of the sound, also the mystery of GΘD will be completed, just as
waters became poisoned, & many humans died from He spoke to His servants the Prophets. 8& the voice that I
these waters, since they were poisoned. 12& the 4th Angel heard from Heaven spoke with me again, & said to me, Go
sounded its trumpet, & 1/3rd of the sun’s brightness was get the little scroll that is open in the Angel’s hands that is
struck, & 1/3rd of the moon, & 1/3rd of the stars, so that 1/3rd standing on the sea, & on the earth. 9So I went to the Angel
of them became dark, & the day did not shine for 1/3rd of to ask it to give me the little scroll, & it said to me, Take it &
it, & the same during the night. 13& I looked, & saw 1 Angel eat it down, & in your mouth it will be sweet as honey, but
flying at the universe’s highest point, speaking with a loud it will also make your belly hurt. 10& I took the little scroll from
voice, Trouble, trouble, trouble to those living on the earth, the Angel’s hands, & I ate it, & it was sweet as honey in my
because the remaining trumpet sounds of the 3 Angels mouth, & after I had eaten it, my belly hurt. 11& it said to
which are about to sound their trumpets. me, You must prophecy further for many people, &
9 & the 5th Angel sounded its trumpet, & I saw a star fall languages, & races, & rulers.
from the universe down to the earth, & it was given the key 11 & a measuring reed like a staff was given to me. & the
to the deep pit 2to open the deep pit, & smoke came up Angel stood me up & said, Measure GΘD’s Temple, & the
out of the pit, like smoke from a huge furnace, & also the alter, & the worship area in it. 2But the court-yard that is
sun, & the air darkened from the pit’s smoke. 3& locusts outside the Temple; do not measure it because it is given
came up from the smoke onto the earth, & they were to the Gentiles, & the most Holy city will be trampled for 42
given power like the scorpions of the earth abilities. 4& it months. 3& I will give 2 witnesses, & they will prophecy 1,260
ordered them so that they would not hurt the grasses of the days clothed with sackcloths. 4These are the 2 olive trees,
earth, or anything green, or any tree; but only humans who & the 2 candlesticks, standing before GΘD of the earth. 5&
do not have a seal from GΘD on their foreheads. 5& they if anyone tries to hurt them, fire will come out of their
were not allowed to kill them, but to torture them for 5 mouths, & consume their enemies. & if anyone tries to hurt
months. & their torment was like a scorpion’s torture when them, they must die this way. 6They will have power to close
it stings a human. 6& in those days, humans will search for the skies so that it will not rain on days when they prophecy.

death, & will not find it, & desire to die, but death will & have power over water to turn them to blood. & to
disappear from them. 7& the shape of the locusts look like attack all the earth with plagues as often as they want to.
horses prepared for battle, & on their heads looked like 7
& when they finish their testimonies, the beast will come
gold crowns, & their faces like human faces. 8& they had up out of the deep pit to make war against them, & will

hair like woman’s hair, & their teeth were like lions. 9& they defeat them, & kill them. 8& their dead bodies will be on
the great city street that is spiritually called sodom & egypt; who guard GΘD’s commands, & Jesus the Anointed 1’s
also where our Master was crucified. 9& from the people, testimony.
& languages & races, & nations; will come to see their 13 & as I was standing on the sand of the sea, I also saw a
defeat 3 & ½ days, & their dead bodies will be left there, wild beast rise up out of the sea, that had 7 heads, & 10
not placed in graves. 10& those living on the earth will horns, & on his horns 10 crowns, & on their heads, a false
rejoice over them, & be happy, & send gifts to each other, evil name against GΘD. 2& the beast that I saw was like a
because these 2 Prophets tortured those living on the panther, & his feet like a bear, & his mouth like a lion’s
earth. 11& after 3 & ½ days their souls from GΘD will re-enter mouth, & the dragon gave him his ability, & his leader seat,
into them, & they will stand up on their feet, & great fear & great authority. 3& it looked like 1 of his heads was slain
fell over those that saw them. 12& they heard a great Voice to death, & his deadly wound was healed, & the whole
from Heaven say to them, Come up here. & they went up world wondered afterwards about this beast. 4& they
to Heaven in a cloud, & their enemies saw this. 13& that worshipped the dragon that gave power to the beast, &
hour there was a great earthquake, & 1/10th of the city fell they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like this beast?
down, & in the earthquake 7,000 humans were killed, & the Who is able to fight against him? 5& to him was given a
remaining became terrified & gave glory to GΘD in mouth, that said great things, & blasphemies, & also power
Heaven. 14The 2nd trouble is past, & realize the 3rd trouble was given to him to do things for 42 months. 6& he opened
will come quickly. 15& the 7th Angel sounded its trumpet, & his mouth to blasphemy against GΘD’s OWN NAME, & HIS
great voices began to say from Heaven, The kingdoms of Temple, & HIS living in the world. 7& He was given ability to
the world are going to become our MASTER’s, & HIS make a war with the Saints, & to defeat them, & power
Anointed, They will rule forever & ever. 16& the 24 elders that given to him over all their race, & language, & nation. 8&
sit before GΘD on their thrones, went down to face GΘD all those living on the earth that worship him; whose names
to worship Him, 17saying, We give thanks to YOU Almighty will not be written in the Lamb’s Scroll of life, from the
MASTER GΘD, WHO IS, & WAS, & IS coming, & because beginning of the world, will be slayed. 9Whoever has
YOU have used YOUR great power to rule. 18& the nations understanding listen: 10Whoever captures into captivity, will
are angry, & now your wrath has come, & the right time for be captured. Whoever kills with a sword, must be killed with
the dead to be judged, & to give rewards for YOUR a sword. In the same way the Saints are to be patient & the
servants the Prophets, & the Saints, & those who feared faithful. 11& I saw another beast rise up out of the earth, &
YOUR NAME, both great & small, to destroy those who it had similar 2 small ram horns & sounded like a dragon.
corrupted the world. 19& the Temple of GΘD was opened 12
& it had all the power of the 1st beast before it, & it caused
in Heaven, & the Ark of His Covenant was seen in His those living on earth so that they would worship the 1st
Temple, & then lightning, & voices, & thunders, & an beast, which was fatally wounded, but was healed. 13& it
earthquake, & a large hail storm happened. did many wonders, even made fire come down from the
12 & a great wonder appeared in the universe; a woman sky onto the earth in front of mankind. 14& it deceived those
clothed by the sun, & the moon was under her feet, & a 12 living on the earth, by miracles, which it had power to do
star crown on her head. 2& inside her was a baby. She cried what the beast before it did, saying to those living on the
out loud from birth pains, & suffered to give birth. 3& earth, to make an image of the beast which had a war
another sign appeared in the universe: & I saw a great red wound & lived. 15& it had power to give life to the image
dragon that had 7 heads, & 10 horns, & 7 crowns on its of the beast, so that the image of the beast could speak,
heads. 4& its tail dragged 1/3rd of the universe stars, & threw & caused whoever as many as those that did not worship
them to the earth. & the dragon stood before the woman the image of the beast to be killed. 16& it forced everyone,
that was about to give birth, so that it could eat her Child great or small, & rich or poor, & free or slave, so that they
when it was born. 5& she gave birth to a male Son, who would get an imprint in their right hand, or in their forehead.
was to rule all nations with an iron staff. & her child was 17
& so that no-one was able to buy or sell, except those
saved by GΘD’s force, & to HIS Throne. 6& the women went who had the imprint that is the name of the beast, or the
to a secluded safe place where GΘD had prepared a number of its name. 18Wisdom is to be used here; those with
place to protect her there for 1260 days. 7& war began in understanding count the number of the beast, because it
Heaven. Archangel Michael & its Angels battled against is the number of a man, & his number is 666.
the dragon, & the dragon & its angels battled, 8but they 14 & I looked & I saw a Lamb standing on the Zion
were not strong enough, not even their places are found mountain, & with Him 144,000, that had His FATHER’s name
in Heaven anymore. 9& the great dragon was thrown out; written on their foreheads. 2& I heard a voice from Heaven,
that original serpent, called, satan, also the false accuser, like many waters sound, & just like great thunders sound. &
who leads the whole world to sin, was thrown out into the I heard harpist sounds playing with their harps. 3& they sang
earth, & its angels were thrown out with it. 10& I heard a a new song while before the throne, & before the 4 living
great voice speaking in Heaven: Just now the Kingdom of beings, & the Elders, & no-one was able to learn that song,
our GΘD & HIS power, & also the power of His Anointed has but the 144,000 that were redeemed from the earth. 4These
saved us, since the accuser of our fellow believers was are those who did not have sex outside marriage with
thrown down, who accuses them before our GΘD, day & women, because they are virgins. These are those that
night. 11& others will defeat him by the blood of the Lamb, follow the Lamb where-ever He goes. These were
& by the word of their testimony, & those who do not love purchased from mankind, GΘD’s 1st fruits, & the Lamb’s. 5&
their lives up to death. 12Because of this, those in Heaven in their mouths no deceit. For they are faultless before the
rejoice. Violent trouble for those living on the earth & the throne of GΘD. 6& I saw another Angel fly to the universe’s
waters since satan, with rage anger was thrown down to highest point, holding the eternal good news, to announce
you. It knew that it had little time. 13& when the dragon to those living on the earth, & all nations, & races, &
realized that it was thrown into the earth, it persecuted the languages, & people. 7Saying with a great voice, Fear
woman who was pregnant with The Baby Boy. 14& the GΘD, & give HIM glory. Since the hour of HIS judgment has
woman was given 2 great eagle wings so that she could come, & worship the CREATOR, WHO made the universe &
fly to a secluded place where she could feed there for 2 & earth, & the sea, & spring waters. 8& another Angel
½ time, & from the serpent’s face. 15& the serpent poured followed, saying, The great city Babylon has fallen,
out water from his mouth like a flood after the woman, so because it gave drinks to all nations from the wine of its sex
that she would be carried away by the flood. 16& the earth outside marriage. 9& a 3rd Angel followed them, saying with

helped the woman by opening the ground’s mouth, & it a great voice, Whoever worships the beast, & its image, or
swallowed down the flood that the dragon poured out of accepts an imprinted mark into their forehead, or into their
its mouth. 17& the dragon was raged with the woman, & hand, 10they will also drink from the wine of GΘD’s anger,
went away to make war with the rest of her family; those that will be poured out pure, with HIS cup of anger. & they

will be tortured with fire, & burning stone, before the Holy
Angels, & before the Lamb. 11Whoever worships the beast, east rulers was prepared. 13& I saw 3 evil spirits like frogs
or its image, or accepts the imprinted mark of its name, will come out of the dragon’s mouth, & out of the beast’s
not have rest day or night & the smoke from their torture mouth, & out of the false prophet’s mouth. 14For they are
will go up forever & ever. 12The Saints are to endure this. evil spirits doing miracles that will go out to the rulers of the
Guard GΘD’s commandments; & this, the belief of Jesus. earth & the whole world to gather them together one day,
& I heard a voice from Heaven say to me, Write: Happy to a great battle of GΘD Almighty. 15Realize It will come
are the dead that died because of their Master, from now like a thief, happy are those watching, & keeping their
on, yes says their soul, so that they will rest from their clothes on, so that they will not leave naked, & be seen
troubles. & their works will go with them. 14& I looked & saw shameful. 16& they will be gathered together to a place
a white cloud, & on the cloud, 1 sitting like Mankind’s Son, called in Hebrew, Armageddon. 17& the 7th Angel poured
Who had on His head a gold crown & in His hand a sharp its flask into the air, & a great VOICE came out of the
sickle. 15Another Angel came out of the Temple, & the 1 Heaven’s Temple from the Throne, saying it is finished. 18&
sitting on the cloud said with a great loud Voice, Send in then there were noises of thunder, & lightning & a great
this sickle, & cut down, because the harvest time has earthquake happened, such a great earthquake that has
come; the earth is ripe. 16& the 1 sitting on the cloud, threw never happened like this since humans were on the earth.
His sickle to the earth, & the earth was to be harvested. 17& 19
& the big city was divided into 3 parts, & also the cities of
another Angel came out of the temple that is in Heaven, it the nations fell down, before GΘD. Big Babylon reminded
also had a sharp sickle. 18& another Angel came out of the HIM to give it a cup of wine’s anger, from HIS wrath. 20&
altar that had power by fire, & a great loud Voice said to every island disappeared & no mountains were found.
the sharp sickle holder, saying, Send in your sharp sickle, & 21
Then down came about 100lb huge hails from Heaven on
gather the groups of vines from the earth, since its grapes humans. & people blasphemed GΘD, because of the
are ripe. 19& the Angel sent its sickle to the earth, & plague of hail, because the plague of these hails were
gathered the vine of the earth, & threw those into the violent & huge.
great winepress of GΘD’s wrath. 20& the winepress was 17 Then 1 of the 7 Angels came that had the 7 flasks, &
trampled out of the doors of places where people lived, & talked with me saying to me, Come here, I will show you
blood came out of the winepress, up to the horse’s bit, of the judgment of the proud prostitute, that sits on many
1,600 distance. waters; 2with who the rulers of the earth lusted for & those
15 & I saw another great & wonderful sign in Heaven. 7 living from the earth got drunk with the wine of her sex
Angels had 7 of the last plagues, because they were filled outside marriage. 3& it carried me away in spirit to a
up with GΘD’s anger. 2I saw something like a sea of glass wilderness, & I saw a woman sitting on a bright red beast,
& fire mixed for those who were victorious, they had harps full of blasphemy names against GΘD, that had 7 heads,
from GΘD, standing on the sea of glass over the beast, & & 10 horns. 4& the woman was clothed with purple & bright
over its image, & over its imprinted mark, & over the red, & covered with gold, & precious stones & pearls. She
number of its name. 3& they sang the song of Moses the had a gold cup in her hand, full of idolatry & impurities from
servant of GΘD; & the song of the Lamb, singing, Great & her fornication. 5& on her forehead a secret name was
wonderful are YOUR actions Almighty MASTER GΘD; & just written; Powerful babylon, the mother of earth’s prostitutes
true are Your ways King of the Saints. 4Who will not fear You & idolatry. 6& I saw the woman was drunk with the blood
Master & glorify Your Name? For only You remained Holy. of Saints, & with the blood of Jesus’ witnesses. & I wondered
For every person will come & worship before You. Your much when I saw her. 7& the Angel said to me, Why
judgments will be known. 5& after that I looked and saw wonder? I will tell you the woman’s secrets, & about the
the Temple evidence was opened up in Heaven. 6& the 7 beast that supports her, which has the 7 heads, & 10 horns.
Angels came out of the Temple holding the 7 plagues, & 8
The beast that you saw once was, & is no more, & will rise
they were clothed in pure white clothes, & had a gold belt up out of the dark pit, & led those living on the earth to
around their chest. 7& 1 of the 4 Living Beings gave the 7 admire it. & whoever’s names are not written in the living
Angels, 7 gold flasks full of GΘD’s anger, WHO lives forever scroll from the foundation of the world, who knew the
& ever. 8& the Temple was filled with smoke from the beast that once was & is no more, & is to be will be
judgment of GΘD & from HIS power, & no-one was able to destroyed. 9In your mind that has wisdom. The 7 heads are
enter into the Temple, until the 7 plagues from the 7 Angels 7 mountains that the woman sits down on. 10There are 7
were completed. rulers: 5 have fallen, & 1 is, & the other has not yet come. &
16 & I heard a great VOICE from the Temple say to the 7 when he comes, he must remain for a short time. 11For the
Angels, Go away & pour out the flasks of GΘD’s anger beast that was, & is not, also will be the 8th, but is from the
onto the earth. 2& the 1st went away, & poured out its flask 7, will also be brought to destruction. 12& the 10 horns that I
onto the earth, & painful sores injuries happened to the saw, are 10 kings, who have not yet received their rule, will
people that also had the beast’s imprinted mark, & those receive power as rulers in only 1 moment by the beast.
that worshiped its image. 3& the 2nd Angel poured out its 13
They will have 1 mind, & give their power & authority to
cup into the sea, & it became like dead blood, & the beast. 14They will battle with the Lamb, & the Lamb will
everything living died in the sea. 4& the 3rd Angel poured defeat them, because He is Master of masters, & King of
out its flask into the rivers, & into spring waters, & they kings, & those with Him are also called Chosen, & Believers.
became blood. 5& I heard the Angel of waters say, You are 15
& He said to me, The waters which you saw where the
righteous, MASTER, WHO IS, & WAS, & IS coming, because prostitute sits, are people, & crowds, & nations, &
You have decided this. 6Since they shed Saints & Prophets languages. 16& the 10 horns that I saw on the beast will hate
blood, & YOU have caused them to drink blood, because the prostitute, & cause it to be ruined, & naked, & will eat
they deserve this. 7& I heard another from the sacrifice alter its flesh, & burn it up with fire. 17For GΘD will put into their
say, Almighty MASTER GΘD; true & righteous are YOUR hearts to do HIS will, & will give its kingdoms to the beast,
judgments. 8& the 4th Angel poured out its flask into the sun, until the words of GΘD are finished. 18& the woman that I
& power was given to it to burn people with fire. 9& people saw is the great city that rules over the rulers of the earth.
burned from intense heat & blasphemed the NAME of 18 & after these, I saw another Angel go down from
GΘD, that has power over these plagues, yet they did not Heaven. It had great power, & lit up the earth with its
repent to give HIM glory. 10& the 5th Angel poured out its brightness. 2& with a mightily loud great voice it said,
flask onto the seat of the beast & its dominion became Babylon the great has fallen, & has become the living

completely dark, & they chewed their tongues from pain. place of evil spirits, & a holding place for all kinds of
& blasphemed GΘD of Heaven, because of their pain, & unclean spirits, & has fallen to all kinds of unclean, & a
because of their sores, yet did not repent from their hated bird cage. 3Because all the nations have drunk the
actions. 12& the 6th angel poured out its flask into the huge wine of wrath of its idolatry, & the rulers of earth have

euphrates river, & it dried the water up, so that the way of prostituted for it, & the merchants of earth are rich from the
power of its excess. 4& I heard another voice from Heaven me, Write: Happy are those called to the Lamb’s marriage
saying, Come out of it MY people, so that you do not dinner. Then he said to me, these are GΘD’s true words.
participate in its sin, & so that you will not get plagued from 10
& I went down before his feet to worship him, but he said
it. 5Since those connected to its sins follow them up to to me, Know this, do not, I am your fellow servant, & your
Heaven. & GΘD remembers those doing evil, 6& will give brother; I have the testimony of Jesus, worship GΘD, for the
them back as they gave you, & double for double testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. 11& I saw
according to their deeds, in a flask which will be filled, fill it Heaven opened, & I saw a bright white horse, & 1 sitting on
double. 7How long have they glorified themselves, & lived it is called faithful, & true. & in righteousness He judges, &
luxuriously? So now give them torture & sadness. For they battles. 12His eyes are like flames of fire, & on His head were
said in their hearts, I sit queenly, & am not a widow, & I will many crowns, & had a name written, which no-one knew,
never see sadness. 8So for this reason plagues will come 1 except Himself. 13& He was clothed with a cloak, covered
day. Death, & sadness, & famine, & they will be burned up in blood, & His name is called, The Word of GΘD. 14& the
with fire, because the mighty MASTER GΘD will judge them. armies in Heaven followed Him on white horses, clothed in
& the rulers of earth that prostituted themselves, & lived pure white & fine linen. 15& from out of His mouth a sharp
luxuriously with it, will also be sad, & be upset over it, when large sword, to slay the nations with, & to feed them with
they see the smoke from its burning. 10Those standing from an iron rod. & He will trample the wine press with GΘD
a far distance because of the terror of its torment will say, Almighty’s anger & wrath. 16& He has a cloak on, & on the
Woe, trouble for the great mighty city babylon. In 1 thigh of it a name written, King of kings, & Master of
moment the city’s judgment came. 11& the merchants of masters. 17& I saw 1 Angel standing on the sun, & its voice
earth will cry & be upset over it, because no-one will buy yelled out loudly saying to all the birds in the sky that fly,
their merchandise anymore. 12Merchandise of gold, & Come here & gather together for the great dinner of GΘD,
silver, & precious stones, & pearls, & linen, & purple, & 18
so that you will eat the flesh of rulers & commander’s
crimson, & silk, & all types of citrus wood, & all types of ivory flesh, & warrior’s flesh, & horse’s flesh, & those sitting on
utensils, & all types of utensils from precious wood, & brass them, & all free, & slaves, & great & small flesh. 19Then I saw
& iron, & marble, 13& cinnamon & incense, & ointment, & the beast & the rulers of earth, & their armies gathered
frankincense, & wine, & oil, & fine flour, & wheat, & animals, together to make war with the 1 sitting on the horse &
& sheep, & horses, & chariots, & bodies, & people’s souls. against His army. 20& the beast was captured, & with it the
& the fruits that their soul desired, left from them, & false prophet, who did miracles in its presence, in which to
everything that was delicate, & shining, left from them, & lead those to take the imprinted stamp of beast to sin, & to
you will not find them anymore at all. 15The merchants of worship its image. Those 2 were thrown alive into a burning
these were made rich by these, will stand off from far for lake of fire with burning stones. 21& the rest were slain by
fear of its torture, crying & upset. 16& they said, Woe, Him, Who sits on the horse by the large sword out His mouth.
trouble; a great city clothed in fine linen, & purple, & & all the birds were filled from their flesh.
crimson, & covered with gold, & precious stones, & pearls. 20 & I saw an Angel come down from Heaven that had
Because, only 1 hour so many riches ruined, & all the key to the dark pit, & a large chain in its hands. 2& it
captains, & all the crowd on ships, & sailors, & whoever captured the dragon, that original snake which is also
trades by sea stayed far away 18& they cried, when they satan, the slander, & chained it 1,000 years. 3& it threw it
saw the smoke from its burning, said, What city was great down into the dark pit, & closed it, & set a seal above it, so
like it? 19& they threw dust on their heads, & they cried, & that it could not deceive the nations anymore, until the
grieved upset saying, Woe, trouble, a great city that was 1,000 years was completed. But after that, it must be
made rich, but in 1 moment was ruined. All who had ships unchained, a little while. 4& I saw thrones, & those sitting on
in the sea were made rich from its abundance. 20Rejoice them, & judgment was given to them. & the souls of those
over it Heaven, & Holy Apostles, & Prophets, because GΘD whose heads were cut off for their testimony for Jesus, & for
has avenged it for you. 21Then a mighty Angel raised up a GΘD’s word, & whoever did not worship the beast, or its
stone like a great millstone, & threw into the sea saying, image & did not receive a mark on their forehead, or on
With this violence is how the great city, babylon will be their hands lived, & ruled with the Anointed 1, 1,000 years.
thrown down & will never exist again. 22& the sound of 5
But the rest of the dead did not live again until the 1,000
harpists & musicians, & flute players, & trumpeters, sounds years had finished. This is the 1st resurrection. 6Happy & Holy
will never be heard again in it. & no craftsmen of any trade is this group who are in the 1st resurrection, to them the 2nd
will be found in it ever again, & a millstone’s sound will death has no power. Instead they will be Priests of GΘD &
never be heard in it ever again. 23& a candle’s light will the Anointed 1, & they will rule with them 1,000 years. 7For
never shine again in it, & a bridegroom’s & bride’s voice when the 1,000 years are finished, satan will be unchained
will never be heard in it again. For its merchants were the from its prison. 8& it will come out to lead the nations to sin
rich rulers of earth, because by their deception caused all that are in the 4 corners of earth. Gog, & magog, will
nations to sin. 24& in them was found Prophets, & Saints, & gather them to war, their numbers will be like the sand of
some of all types of blood, slayed on the earth. the sea. 9& they will go across the plains of the earth, & will
19 & after these I heard a large loud crowd of voices in surround the Saint’s army camp completely, & the much
Heaven saying, Praise GΘD, salvation, & glory, & honor, & loved city. But fire will come down from GΘD out of
power, to GΘD our MASTER. 2Since HIS judgments are true Heaven, & will burn them up. 10So then satan, who led them
& righteous, for HE judges the numerous prostitutes, who to sin, will be thrown into the lake of fire & burning stones,
corrupt the earth with their adultery. & HE has avenged HIS where the beast, & the false prophet, will also be tortured
Servants blood from their hands. 3A 2nd time they said, day & night forever. 11& I saw a great bright Throne, & WHO
Praise GΘD, & their smoke rose up forever & ever. 4& the 24 was sitting on it, WHOSE face the earth, & the skies fled
elders, & the 4 living beings went down & worshiped GΘD, from, but they found no place to hide. 12& I saw the dead’s
who was sitting on the Throne saying, Truly praise GΘD! 5& greatest & smallest standing before GΘD, & a scroll which
a voice came from the Throne saying, Praise our GΘD is life, & another scroll was opened. & the dead were
every one of HIS servants, & those who fear HIM both great judged from the writings in the scroll; according to their
& small. 6& I heard many voices like huge crowd voices, & works. 13& from out of the sea the dead that were in it, &
voices like many waters, & voices like mighty thunders also the dead bodies that were in graves, & they were all
saying, Praise our GΘD, for GΘD the MASTER ruler of all, judged according to their works. 14& the dead bodies were

reigns. 7Be happy & rejoice, & give HIM glory, because the also thrown into the lake of fire, this is the 2nd death. 15&
wedding feast for the Lamb has come, & His wife has whoever was not found written in the scroll of life, was
prepared herself already. 8& she was given fine linen thrown into the lake of fire.
clothing to put on, so that she would be clean, & shining. 21 Afterwards I saw a new universe & a new earth, for the

For the fine linen is the Saint’s righteousness. 9& He said to 1st universe, & the 1st earth went away, & there was no
more sea. 2So I John saw the new Holy city Jerusalem, these, & I heard them. & when I heard & saw, I went down
come down from GΘD out of Heaven, like a bride to worship before the feet of the Angel that showed me
prepared for her husband. 3& I heard a loud VOICE from these things. 9But, then it said to me, Do not do this, know I
Heaven say, Look, the temple of GΘD with mankind. Now am your fellow Servant, & of your fellow believers, the
HE will live with them, & they will be HIS people, & GΘD Prophets, & those who guard the words of this scroll.
HIMSELF will be their GΘD with them! 4& GΘD will remove Worship GΘD! 10& it said to me, Do not seal the words of
all tears from their eyes, & there will be no more death, or this prophecy scroll, for the time is near. 11Those sinning,
sadness, or crying, or be any more pain, for the 1st things stop sinning. & those filthy, stop being filthy. & those
went away. 5& HE that was sitting on the Throne spoke, righteous, continue righteousness. & those Holy, continue
Look, I have made everything new. & HE said to me, Write Holiness. 12So realize I will come soon, & with Me My
these words down for they are trustworthy & true. 6Then He rewards, to give each according to what work they did. 13I
said to me, It is finished. I AM the ALPHA & the OMEGA, the am Alpha & Omega, the beginning & the end, the 1st & the
beginning & the end. I will give those who are thirsty, water last. 14Happy are those who do HIS commands, so that they
freely from the fountain of life. 7Those victorious will inherit will be allowed to enter into the gates of the city, & the tree
everything, & I will be their GΘD, & they will be MY children. of life. 15But outside the doors: dogs having unmarried sex,
But those in fear, & unbelievers, & the disgusting having & murderers, & magicians, & idolaters, & also those who
unmarried sex, & murderers, & magicians, & idolaters, & love to make lies. 16I, Jesus, sent My Angel to testify to you
liars, they will also all share in the lake of fire & burning stone these things to the churches. I am, the root, & descendent
which is the 2nd death. 9& 1 of the 7 Angels came to me of David, yet the shining morning star. 17& the Spirit & the
that had 7 flasks full of the 7 last plagues. & it talked to me Bride say come. So whoever hears this call come! If
saying, Come here, I will show you the bride, the Lamb’s anyone is thirsty come, & those who want, take the water
wife. 10So then it carried me away in spirit to a large high of life freely. 18For I testify to everyone that knows the words
mountain. & it showed me the most Holy great city, of this prophecy scroll, if anyone adds to these things; GΘD
Jerusalem, coming down from the Heaven of GΘD. 11It will add to them the plagues that are written in this scroll.
had the glory of GΘD. & its brightness, like a precious stone; 19
Also if anyone removes from the prophecy words of this
like a jasper stone; clear, shining like crystal. 12Also it had a scroll; GΘD will remove their share from the scroll of life, &
huge, yet high wall around the city. It had 12 large gates, out of the Holy city, & writings in this scroll. 20I testify to these
& names written on them which are the 12 tribes of Israel’s things say, Truly, He will come soon. Yes, come Master
children. & 12 Angels by the large gates. 133 separate north Jesus, truly. 21The lovingness of our Master Jesus, the
large gates, 3 separate east large gates, 3 separate south Anointed 1, truly be with you all.
large gates, & 3 separate west large gates. 14& the wall
around the city had 12 foundations, & in them the 12
apostles names of the Lamb. 15It spoke to me, & it had a
measuring reed staff made of gold to measure the city, &
the large gates of it, & the town wall of it around. 16So the
city stands square, & the length is as long as its width. & he
measured the city with the measuring reed staff; 12,000 x
600’, the length, & the width, & the height were equal.
Also the Angel measured the city wall around it which is
a human measurement of 144 cubits. 18& the material of
the city wall was of jasper, & the city was pure gold, like
clean glass. 19& the foundations of the city walls were
prepared in order with all precious stones. The 1st
foundation was jasper, the 2nd sapphire, the 3rd
chalcedony, the 4th emerald, 20the 5th sardonyx, the 6th
sardius, the 7th chrysolite, the 8th beryl, the 9th topaz, the 10th
chrysoprasus, the 11th hyacinth, the 12th amethyst. 21The 12
large gates were also 12 pearls, every 1 large gate from 1
pearl. & the streets of the city were pure gold, like clear
glass. 22& I saw no temple in it, for MASTER GΘD Almighty,
& the Lamb, are the Temple. 23& the city did not need to
have a sun, or a moon to shine in it, for the glory of GΘD
lights it, & the Lamb lights it. 24So the saved people will walk
in the light of THEIRS. & the King of the earth will bring His
Own glory & honor into it. 25Also every day the large gates
will never be shut, for there will be no night there. 26& THEY
will bring glory & honor to the people in it. 27& no way
anyone unclean, or does idolatry, or deceitful will enter
into it, except those written in the Lamb’s scroll of life.
22 So it showed me, a stream of life, pure water, shining
like crystal, flowing from the THRONE of GΘD, & of the
Lamb, 2through the middle of the street. & by both sides of
the tree, a stream of life, producing 12 fruits, it produced its
fruit throughout each month, & the leaves of the tree were
for healing the people. 3& there will be no more curse, for
the THRONE of GΘD & of the Lamb will be in it, & THEIR
Servants, will worship HIM. 4& they will see HIS FACE, & HIS
NAME will be on their foreheads. 5& there will be no night,
& no need to have a candle, or sunlight, for GΘD the
MASTER, will shine, giving them light, & THEY will reign

forever! 6& it said to me, these words are trustworthy, & true.
& GΘD, MASTER of the Holy Prophets, sent HIS Angel to
show His Servants, what things are necessary to happen
soon. 7Realize, He will come suddenly, blessed are those

that guard the sayings of this prophecy scroll. 8I John saw

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