Reed HW Activity 5 To 7

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Activity #5

A writer wrote that the Filipino culture is a damaged culture characterized by a failure in nationalism, total devotion to
those within the circle, total war to those outside, contempt for the public good, submission to doctrine and authority,
and national ambition to change nationality. How do you react to this? Do you agree to this opinion? Why?

I come across an interesting topic on the internet that tries to explain why a great nation like ours, lagged behind
economically and socially. The country struggles with an image problem: excessive corruption, extreme poverty, and
source of cheap manual labor. These are some of the general impressions of the world about the Philippines that, while
unpleasant, are undeniably true. Despite the many negative comments that quite often overshadow the positive, there
are definitely so many things to be proud of.

 Our caring ways - We are a highly-relational people, proficient in emotionally and socially connecting with
 Hospitality even abroad - Foreigners who come to visit the Philippines speak of Filipinos going out of their way
to help them when lost, or the heartwarming generosity of a Filipino family hosting a visitor in their home.
 Pinoy creativity - While being creative is not an exclusive trait possessed only by Filipinos, what makes ours
distinct is the artistry, expressiveness, spontaneity, and humor that altogether define Filipino creativity.
 Adaptability - We are highly adaptable to different people, cultures, and situations that generally make us well-
rounded beings.

These are just some of the qualities (among many others) that can truly make us proud of who we are and where we
come from. We should exemplify these traits for the benefit of others and our nation. By doing so, we continue to
embody the best and the positive in us.

There is nothing wrong with our culture. We Filipinos don’t have to get transfusions of Korean or Singaporean blood to
achieve inclusive economic growth. We just have to persevere in building inclusive, rather than extractive, political and
economic institutions. We definitely need better leaders to set examples, implement laws correctly and justly, to set the
right environment for the proper growth economically, politically, etc. The Filipino culture is not a damaged culture. It is
far from being damaged Filipino culture held its own body and soul wherever the Filipino might be, in identity and
spirituality. In spite of all the incursions by foreign cultures notably Spanish and American. In fact Filipino culture is
better characterized as a culture of invulnerability.

Activity #6

Cite the most serious social sin being committed against the following groups. What is/are the effect/s of that sin and
what can you possibly do to help eliminate that sin?

Group Sin and its effects I will …

1. Youth Drug and alcohol abuse - frequent use of To those that are suffering from alcohol and drug
alcohol or drugs can result in tragedy: addiction we should help them by helping them
alcohol overdose, an accident when under through positive self-esteem, a supportive family,
the influence of alcohol or drugs, or an and positive role models that help teens gain
arrest associated with alcohol or drugs that confidence to make good choices.
may cost you your reputation and/or your
2. Workers Minimum wage - workers are struggling to We should help the workers to increase the
get by working 2 or 3 low paying jobs. No minimum wage because With salary adjustment,
one should work full time and yet still live in Filipinos, will have access to better housing,
poverty. Minimum wage still leaves full-time advanced medical services and avail to higher loan
workers more than 16 % below the poverty options. If people are spending money it means that
line. consumption of goods and services are going up, this
action will then be bigger business for
entrepreneurs, which will later on lead to job
creation to supply that demand.
3. Children Children without Parental care - Children We should the help those children that have no
without parental care are at a high risk of parents because Adoption has given and continues
abuse, exploitation and neglect. Large to give parents the opportunity to lead fulfilling,
numbers of children end up in institutional meaningful lives alongside their children, and in
care. Inadequate individual care of turn, provides children with no parents
institutions can socially and emotional opportunities in life that once thought unachievable.
impair children
4. Women Domestic violence - One in three female We should help those women by educating and
homicide victims is killed by an intimate working with young boys and girls promoting
partner. Twenty-four percent of adult respectful relationships and gender equality.
women have been physically assaulted by a Working with youth is a “best bet” for faster,
partner at some time in their lives. sustained progress on preventing and eradicating
gender-based violence.
5. Family Divorce - It interrupt the stability and We should help our family by making time to
predictability that children need. Children connect lovingly with your spouse every day. A
may feel a great loss as well as anxiety, couple can significantly improve their chances of
anger, and sadness. Children may fear being marital success by devoting as little as 15 minutes a
abandoned or losing their parents' love. day exclusively to each other.

Activity #7

Based on your opinion, cite at least 3 positive and negative elements of the Filipino culture. Explain why you consider
them positive or negative

Positive Negative
1. Pakikipagkapwa-tao 1. Pakikisama
This is the shared sense of identity and consciousness of Submitting oneself to the will of the group for the sake of
the 'other'. It is treating others with the respect and camaraderie and unity. Failure to comply with the group
dignity as an equal- not someone below the individual. demand, the person will be called “walang pakikisama or
2. Hard Work and Industrious 2. Jackpot mentality
With resourcefulness comes hard work. Filipinos are very A “get rich quick” mentality of some Filipinos who would
determined and persevering in accomplishing whatever rather engage in fast ways of acquiring money than
they set their minds to. through hard work and sacrifice by getting in lottery,
joining raffle draws and other.
3. Faith and Religiosity 3. Crab mentality
The Philippines is approximately 85 percent Christian A Filipino attitude characterized by an attempt to “pull
(mostly Roman Catholic). This is a reflection of the down” someone who has achieved success beyond the
Filipinos' strong faith in God as seen in their various others. This is done out of jealousy and insecurity.

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