MGQ Paradox Part 1 Sidequests

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-Companion Sidequests

-Rabbit Girl
-Talk to the sheep in the pub of every town
-Rewards: None
-To complete this quest you need to talk to Mary in every establishment she
visits. She hangs out in the pubs in Nameless Slums, Port Natalia, Monte Carlo,
Sabasa and in the Grand Theatre of Grandeur. The only reward is the Sheep’s world
tour achievement. (Found all here)

-Dragon Pup
-Bring her to the Midas Village weapon shop after expanding his inventory
-She will make a deal to trade a Tartarus stone for training
-This stone is a rare drop/steal from any Tartarus enemy
-Deliver it to him for training
-Bring her to the San Ilia blacksmith after expanding his inventory
-He will teach her mythril smithing once you obtain a proof of belief
-Proof of belief is given by the succubus sister from Mt. Amos at 10
-Bring her to the Salon blacksmith after expanding her inventory
-She will agree to trade Star Sand for training
-I believe this sand is found on the hill west of town
-This is the last inventory expansion you can get in part 1

-Vampire Girl
-Buy an item from her shop in the castle
-Bring her to the merchant in Iliasville
-Buy another item
-Bring her to the merchant again
-Bring her to the Mandragora on Talos Hill (east of Iliasville)
-Buy another item
-Bring her to talk with the Phoenix after you recruit her
-Buy another item
-Bring her to the harpy running the item store in harpy village
-Buy another item
-Bring her to the warehouse manager in the alternate world town through the
second Tartarus
-I'll give you three guesses
-Bring her to Enrika and talk to the Dark Elf fencer in the item store
-You should know this by now
-Bring her to the Iliasport item shop and talk to the owner
-Bring her to the Ilias Temple and talk to the Samurai
-Buy some more Harpy wings from her to restock after all the teleporting
around you've been doing
-Bring her to the San Ilia item store
-Bring her to Monte Carlo and talk to the guy in the building you needed
Lazarus's signature to get into
-Buy another item
-Bring her back to the Samurai in Ilias Temple
-Buy another item
-Bring her to Witch Hunt Village and talk to the item store there
-The store owner will agree to help you in exchange for stopping the thieves
that have been raiding caravans
-The thieves are in the cave south of Salon, stopping them involves either
beating their leader, recruiting all of them, getting each them to 100 affection,
or getting the item from the green chest at the bottom of the cave.
-Because of sequence breaking I'm not sure which one it was
-This is the last store expansion in part 1

-Find her hidden in each town
-Reward: Various stat boost items

-Bring her to the village east of San Ilia and examine every house
-Reward: Doubles her magic
-Continued in part 2

-Take her to where you recruited Slyph
-Take her to where you recruited Gnome
-Coninued in part 2
-Reward: Various Moves

-Cactus girl
-Talk to the cactus on Iliasville
-Bring it to the Oasis north of Sabasa
-Reward: 3 cactus needles, Skill that halves flame damage

-Kitsune in Red
-Bring her to talk to the Scatman in the first house in the Pornof
-Reward: An achievement

-Talk to her in the castle with no party members
-Bring her and Pochi to the painting in the San Ilia library
-Bring her and Pochi to the painting in Chrome's mansion
-Reward: Her and Pochi become immune to Ascension and are reduced to 0 health

-After recruiting Saki talk to the man by the bar in the theater
-You can have monsters you've recruited go on stage for rewards
-Reward: Too many, generally skill books and food

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