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Running head: Assignment 1: Part B: Action Plan

Assignment 1: Part B: Action Plan

Samantha Jones

EDUC 551.01 E01

University of Calgary

Action Plan

1. Objective

The objective of my program is to have students, teachers, and administration create posters and

resources to display in classrooms and throughout the school to encourage and build upon

creating a positive and safe community within the community of Glenbrook Elementary. Within

each classroom, students will create a visual representation of what they believe exemplifies the

seven components of health; those being physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual,

occupational, and environmental, (Russell-Mayhew, 2018) are and how these can be enacted in

our school community with, first, discussing and being instructed on the components of health in

the classroom and school community.

With the permission of administration and parents, and following the creation of a visual with

students, I would like to further the program by creating a twitter or blog, to be monitored by a

member of administration or teaching staff, where students community building actions of

positive wellness can be posted. This post should not include images of students, names, or any

other specific identifying information which could put a student at risk or be identified by an

individual outside the school community. The purpose of a blog or Twitter feed is to include

parents in our school community and bring awareness to them on the positive actions taking

place in their child’s school. As I am not a certified teacher or a full member of staff at my field

school, I do not believe I would be allowed to be responsible for the creation of a blog or twitter

page which would be discussing student actions in their school community. As such, I would

offer my assistance to a member of teaching staff or administration.


2. Opportunities



Students will benefit from this program as they will be positively connecting with, first, members

of their classroom community (classmates and classroom teacher) and, secondly as the project

extends, members of the entire school community (all remaining students, teachers, staff,

administration, and parents). Students will also be working collaboratively with classmates to

combine ideas on what they believe makes for a positive school community. This extends to the

building of comprehensive school health in the school as students are taking action in building a

more positive social and physical environment for themselves as well as the school community.

(Joint Consortium for School Health, n.d)


As this program does cover requirements under the program of studies, teachers would benefit

from using it as a way to both engage students, cover what students should learn, and provide

students with a real-world connection as the idea is to build upon strengthening student

knowledge of what a positive and healthy school community is.


With students work being posted online (as under the permission of school administration and

parents), parents will be involved in conversation with their children on occurrences within the

school community and, aside from being present in the school during parent-teacher conference

sessions, parents will have a visual representation and make a connection with their child both on

a visual bases and through conversation. The Wellness Fund Handbook (2014) states that “the

school community should support responsible lifestyle choices for students and help them

take ownership of their own emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual and social well-being,”

students can bring these growths into their home and parents can observe the impacts of teaching

social emotional wellness in classrooms.

3. Threats


As this project involves posting student work on a school-run blog, parents must give

permission for their children to participate as the child’s work completed within the school could

be displayed online, even though any said blog or school-run Twitter/social media will not

include any direct identification of the child, such as names or images, parents will still have the

decision as to their child’s presence on the internet (Government of Alberta, 2007).


As students are working on posters, they may require extra art materials to complete this project.

As such, the school may not have a budget to supply the extra materials students would need to

bring their ideas into a visual representation.


During my time in schools as a student teacher, I have noticed the limited time teachers possess

to provide instruction to their students and cover the requirements provided under the program of

studies. As I believe this program would take extra time for students to complete, teachers may

believe this to be an activity which takes away from other areas of study deemed more necessary

to the students education.


4a. Strengths
In relation to this program, my strengths come from a background in fine arts. I will be able to

successfully guide students through creatively expressing the ideas they wish to represent

visually of their school community and, having knowledge of the components of health, will also

have the knowledge and skill to guide students to develop positive attitudes and ideas for

representing these components in the visuals they will create together. I also have knowledge and

skills relating to social media and blogging, which I can use to assist a certified teacher or

member of administration should they require it.

4b. Weaknesses
A weakness, in relation to this program, that I possess is not fully being a member of the school

community and not being able to continue or contribute the project when my time in the school

is finished at the end of the field four practicum period.

5. Research
The S4 program (Start Smart, Stay Safe) is a program created and orchestrated by the Calgary

police. It is connected to the Government of Alberta, Calgary Board of Education, Calgary

Catholic Board of Education, and Mount Royal University. This program brings a police officer,

usually the officer designated for the district, into schools to talk to and educate children and the

community. This is from the website explaining more about the program:

“Today, children need to know how to adapt and thrive in their changing world. Children

need to learn how to build healthy relationships for their safety and personal well-being.

They need to learn how to develop problem solving skills and respectful communication

skills. These skills are needed in their face-to-face and on-line relationships.” (Calgary

Police Service, 2018)


This program is directly similar to my program as it has been discussed in my school, however,

during my time in field three, I have not observed evidence of the program being used in the

school with students aside from being told that they have had an officer visit each classroom one


6. Curricular Connections

This program will have curricular connections through social studies, English language arts,

health and wellness, and art. As my current field four practicum placement is with a grade one

and two combined classroom, I will be applying curricular connections from these grades. My

field four class of grade one and two students will then be ambassadors for the program in our

school community.

Grade One

Social Studies Program of Studies (Alberta Education, 2005)

1.1 My World: Home, School, and Community
1.1.1 value self and others as unique individuals in relation to their world
1.1.2 value the groups and communities to which they belong

English Language Arts Program of Studies (Alberta Education, 2000)

1.1 Discover and Explore

- Express ideas and develop understanding

- Experiment with language and forms

Health and Life Skills (Alberta Education, 2002)

W-1.7 describe actions to use in unsafe or abusive situations; e.g., say no, get away, tell someone
you trust and keep telling until someone believes you
W-1.8 determine reasons for and apply safety rules at home and at school; e.g., demonstrate fire
safety behaviours

W-1.9 describe and apply appropriate street safety behaviours in the community; e.g., as a
pedestrian, passenger, cyclist
W-1.10 recognize community helpers, and identify how to seek their help; e.g., appropriate use
of 911

Art Program of Studies (Alberta Education, 1985)

LEVEL ONE (Grades 1 and 2)

1. - Natural forms have common physical attributes according to the class in which they belong.
2. - Natural forms are related to the environment from which they originate.
3. - Natural forms have different surface qualities in colour, texture and tone.
4. - Natural forms display patterns and make patterns.
Grade Two

Social Studies Program of Studies (Alberta Education, 2005)

2.1 Canada’s Dynamic Communities
2.1.1 appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities studied
English Language Arts Program of Studies (Alberta Education, 2000)

2.1 Use Strategies and Cues

- Use prior knowledge
- Use comprehension strategies

Health and Life Skills (Alberta Education, 2002)

W-2.7 identify and develop plans to use when dealing with pressure to engage in behaviour that
is uncomfortable or inappropriate; e.g., handle such pressures as threats, bribes, exclusions
W-2.8 describe and apply communication safety behaviours at home; e.g., answering the
W-2.9 describe and apply safety rules when using physical activity equipment; e.g., bicycle,
scooter, inline skates
W-2.10 identify members of personal safety support networks and how to access assistance; e.g.,
family members, teachers, Block Parents, police, clergy, neighbours


Alberta Education (1985). Art 1-6. Retrieved from

Alberta Education (2000). English/Language Arts K-9. Retrieved from

Alberta Education. (2000). Health and Life Skills Kindergarten to Grade 9. Retrieved from

Alberta Education (2005). Social Studies Kindergarden to Grade 12. Retrieved from

Calgary Police Service (2018). Start Smart, Stay Safe. Retrieved from

Government of Alberta. (2007). Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP)
Using and Disclosing Personal Information in School Jurisdictions. Retrieved from

Joint Consortium for School Health. (n.d.) What is comprehensive school health? Retrieved from

Russell-Mayhew, S. (2018). Plenary 1: Comprehensive School Health and Wellness [PowerPoint

slides]. Retrieved from

Wellness Fund (2014). Developing Healthy School Communities Handbook. Retrieved from

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