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New Law College Indore

Subject - Professional Ethics

Topic - Contempt of Court (न्यायालय की अवमानना)

Session 2017-18

Submitted To - Submitted By -
Dr. Surendra Nirala Prashant Jain
LLB 3rd Sem
Roll No. 61550070

1. Introduction

2. History

3. Kinds

4. Salient features

5. Constitutional validity

6. Contempt by Lawyers

7. Contempt by Judges

8. Contempt by State, Corporate bodies and other officers

9. Punishment

10. Remedies

11. Judgement for various cases.

Supreme court shall be court of

Article 129

It shall have all powers including

power to punish for contempt of itself


Every court shall be court of record

Article 215

It shall have all powers including

power to punish for contempt of itself

Willful disobedience to a judgement,

Civil decree, direction, order, writ or other
process of court
Types of Contempt

Publication of any matter or doing of

any other act

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