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# 248 " Until now ", and "From now " .

Perhaps you do not know anything about the phrase "King" who is in the state of death,
the "unknown" girlfriend. In the long run it seems that ambitious people seeking
strength and the dead who can not give up their power are only doing stalker mating.
Well then I feel sorry for sacrificing myself and saying I am saving the rest of the
world. I think I should discuss more .
When she jumped out of the world of the phrases, according to Ende's advice, she
seems to have decided the successor of "king" for the time, but she did not like it at all.
After "she" disappears, those who obey its successor, who do not follow, those who
divide into two and do not follow will revive "the way to cross the world" that "she"
dispose of, "her That's why he pursued.
It seems that there are genius, although it is not as "she" as the dominant species.
Apparently the ruling species do not seem to be a monolith, each seems to have a
faction .
For Lyce he says he really does not interfere with either side. We are acting with Ende,
but we do not lend a hand to ENDE or PHRASES either. But ...... in as are some
dominant species who are the Lycee as a "traitor".
I could raise ourselves to follow the successor of ' King' on the shelf and say it
embarrassingly well. Traitor Which somehow.
Somehow, it seemed to me as a sweetness that Phrase can not leave my parents .
Keeping reliance on someone forever, okay ... I guess that is what Kozaka says was
saying .
If Brunhild is also reliable on me, it may make a mistake like Phrase .
It is not my country. Everyone's country. He swore to try not to forget it .
Standing on the ground off the town was shining brilliantly in the morning sun. I
return it to Ende .
Speaking of which, Lise did not respond to it because it was not simply able to respond
to dominant species. In this case I thought that I would like to measure the wavelength
and record the pattern of the dominant species, but if that comes to mind, the
dominant species seems to be able to erase this wavelength which all phrases emit.
Or, when you are not involved with your peers or subordinates, you should always keep
yourself out. Stealth function possession or by ....... Because Lise has separate actions
with his friends, it did not catch on the sensing board anyway. Nevertheless, I decided
to forcibly record it so that it could be seen when other dominant species appeared,
but I was rejected. People.
Talk to Ende looking up at the dragon knight .

" What are you going to do now ?"

"Hunt the Freys to appear as to the time being now." I until she "is set off this world."

I wonder when it will be. However, even if this world is saved by it, there is a
possibility that the same thing can be done in the next world .
Nobody knows to which world "king" goes. I do not think that "she" itself knows. In
order to protect Ende from the shadow, it will continue to pursue "her" from now on.
If you can, I'd like to hit all the phrases here. The next attacked world may be the
world I was in .
I do not know the feelings of Ende though. I also do not know if I was an old man if I
told him to take the valuable person and the world and choose to choose one, I think
that I definitely will pick an important person. Other sacrifices and irrelevant people may
be inconvenienced, they may not.
If it says that everyone will die if we do not abandon the nucleus of "king" here, Ede
will slash and throw away no matter what .
I was doing the same thing as Ende if I changed the position. We is not if or similar
who each other are.
Ende enters the cockpit. Place the lise covered with the hood on the right hand, the
tire descends from the heel portion, and the dragon knight shifts to high mobility mode

" Well, winter evening, see you again "

" Oh "

Raised the dust, the dragon knee began to slide and fell in the blink of an eye in a
blink of an eye .

" You came here, are not you? "

"Hmm? Oh, Yumina? "

When turning around, Yumina and Amber were there. Yesterday, I told everyone about
the Ende. Everyone was surprised uniformly, but in the long run the future policy will
not change. As usual, if they come attacking it until we have a thorough anti-battle.
Yumina came beside me and looked at the dragon knight going down .

" If ... ... if winter night returned to the original world ... ... "
"No way , suddenly "
"I thought, if I can not live with Fuya-san, I wonder what it's supposed to mean, and if
there was a way to chase winter night, I will choose the way without hesitation."

I wonder if she is talking about Ende and "king" "her". Two people who made a choice
across the world and decided to live together. It is a pity that it has triggered various
tragedies, but even if I returned to the original world, I think I will search for ways to
cross the other world to meet the yumina.
If you say "I'm looking for a way to go to another world" in the other world, perhaps
sanity may be doubted. But, I do not care about such a thing. Either occult or doubtful
religion, if there is any possibility, it sticks to it.
Because even if I can not live with Yumina, there is no meaning to live .
I put a hand on the shoulder of Yumina standing next and lightly draw it .

" I am fine, I will not go anywhere, even if I are blown to another world, I will definitely
return to you, even if I ask God for it "
" May God please listen to your request, "

Did you think it was a joke, Yumina laughed small .

I want to keep this smile. I want to stay by side forever. I want to walk the future with
them. For that, I will do as much as I can .
I embraced her shoulder, I thought so heartily .

" Oh, winter night, "

Passing in front of the training ground, Rou sitting on the bench noticed us and waved
her hand. It is a light clothing for training, and two small wood swords are placed at
hand. Else was sitting next to it and was wiping the face sweat with a towel hanging
over his shoulder.
Eighty and Hilda had a lot of bargaining at the training ground. Since it began to
receive teachings from Mr. Eddie sister, they are raising their arms and their arms.
Perhaps it is already already close to expert level.
Everyone of the Order is pursuing it with eyes, in the distance .
As we approached the two of the bench, Else turned his eyes a little and sharpened
his mouth .

" What, were you two together from the morning ?"
" Hey, is that ? Are you roping ? "
"It is not bad, I am not bowling apart "
Else to wipe his face again with a towel while making his face red. It is as easy to
understand as ever. Well, that is also cute .

" Anyone else ?"

" Lindse and Lean were taken to the doctor, are not you in Babylon ? I was talking about
adjusting. Oh, Rosetta said that something like playing my Gerhirde a bit. "
" Gerhirde ? What are you trying to do ? "
" I do not know, something, red and blue do not merge together "

Come on. Does it make it even symmetrical docking? Indeed it is impossible to think
that it is impossible, I think that it is a coalescence in another form .

" I'd like you to make a fighter ahead of time "

" Somewhat, it seems that you can have something of higher performance later, look
forward to it "

Comfort while smiling bitterly ruby Rou. Because I am not yet. Or perhaps it is the last
one. I can fight against senior seeds and so on without frame gear. ...... Well, the hit will
come out last.
That's right. When you are lying to yourself, cherry blossoms, Spica and Sue came
from the castle .

" Winter night !"

" Suu, did you come from the morning today ?"

I pick up Suu who crawls and hugged. Su is coming from his room at Belfast's home
through the transition room of the castle. I usually come around noon.

"Well, I can not neglect negotiating a bride as a wife of a winter night, so I'm here all
day long.I got permission from my father if I can stay, winter, today together Let's sleep!
" Well, how about that !"

Listening to those words, the surroundings will come to the eyes at the same time .
Until now, when Sue is staying mostly I sleep together in Yumina's room, why only
today .

" Why not ? Do you dislike sleeping with a straw in winter ? "
" No, it is not so, but it's still early, I heard that the outsider is bad ... "
" Outsider ? Just going to bed alone ? "

Suu tilts his head with a pure eyes that he does not know what he is saying. No, I know.
The difference between what Sue is thinking and what I am thinking is. Of course I do
not want to do anything! What?
Where an unpleasant sweat began to flow, seek help from the line of sight to
Yumina next door .
Having noticed it, Yumina spoke to Suu with a smile with a smile .

" Hey, Suu. It is not a good thing for foreigners to have a lady together with a pre-
married married couple with just one person. "
" Is that so ? Yumina sister ? "
" Yes, so let's go sleep with everyone including winter night ? No problem then. "
" Yes !"

Yunina says anything suddenly ! What? There seems to be a problem how you
thought ! !

" Hey ! What are you talking about ! What? That's no good ! "
" What ? Just sleeping in the bed together ? There is nothing wrong with it. Or were you
going to be "something" ? "
" ... .... Gokuu "
I'm stuck in words against Yumina that turns back with a smile. Or ......'s certainly not
a problem if only sleep only?

" Wait, Yumina ! Everyone, it's us entering ! What? "

" Is not it natural, or Else just goes to sleep in a separate room ?"
"Mugugu ....... It also ... I feel you lose something. Even ...... Uu ~"
" I do not mind separating it, but, "

It is fine at all ? Cherry blossoms open like a feeling. My face is red, and my eyes are
swimming. Spika was beside him with eyebrows as if he was in trouble .

" Wow, I am fine too ! Winter night ! Let's sleep together, swim ! "
"The voice is big !"

Hurry and close the mouth of Lou who seemed to raise loud. What is this flow ! Why
is this situation ! What? Please help someone ! Herupumi over!
My prayer came true, a ringtone rang from a smart phone. Fortunately I took it out,
it was from Guild Master Lelisha .

" Yes, Hello "

"sorry for bothering you when you are so busy. Actually, I have observed the signs of
the emergence of the majority of Phrase exceeding one thousand at the frontier guild
of Lyle Kingdom. Although there seems to be no senior seed, there are a lot of
numbers, and additionally the time of appearance is three hours later. "
" Three hours !? It's too early ... "

It was a margin of about one day, no matter how early until now, but .... This is also I
wonder if Kekkaishi of the world is something effect.

"So to was the situation that also can not be Kase refuge, ... only to ask to Oyakeo
Majesty. Of course the Lile King got permission. "
" Please understand, please attach the detailed position by e-mail and send us an order
this even. "
" Thank you. "

To hang up the phone. I slept together till ago Everyone who was making noise
sleeping quietly and looking at my eyes. It seems I got overwhelmed with a little while
ago. It is ironic that God of salvation is also phrase.
Collect all the knights in the training ground and convey the situation .

"The sensation of the appearance of phrase at the Lail kingdom frontier. Thousands of
thousands. The appearance is three hours later. The Order of Brunhild goes to the
Kingdom of Lyle for the suppression of the phrase from this, also contacts the vacant
person, one hour After that, prepare everything and gather in front of the lodgings of
the Knights! "
" Ha ! ! "

Everyone in the Order dashes and goes away. It is to go to pick up their weapons
and bring back colleagues who are paying off .
I will tell the situation on the phone by Mr. Rain, my deputy director, deputy
headmaster Nikola and Norn. Then I have to ask the old man in Baba and the old man
in Yamagata to have an absence. I have to hurry.

"It is serious, is not it? "

" Well, this is also to protect the world, I will do it. "

Talk to Yumina 's words with words that are not in the pattern, and look up at the sky
There came a lot in this world. To be honest, I think that it is a tougher world than
the former world to live .
Still, I like this world where precious people live. So fight and protect it. That's it .
" Well, somewhere "

Everyone nods in my words .

For me when I came to this world, there were only smartphones in the bosom. But
now we have a lot of reassuring to such.
There will be many things from now on. But you can get through without fail with
everyone. Absolutely .
I was convinced that I opened a "gate" to Babylon .

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