Pocket Dungeon 2.0 Rules

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A revised rule set and expansion of the original stealth game created by Jonathan Gilmour
Revision by Matt Mason

POCKET DUNGEON 2.0 is a revision of the original deluxe-version solitaire dungeon crawl in which you
create a hero and explore a dungeon that is generated as you play. The objective is to clear the
dungeon of its monster inhabitants, locate the boss monster, and defeat it.

To play DUN-GEN, you will need:
 1x printed Adventure Sheet
 1x pencil and eraser
 1x six-sided die (d6)
 1x eight-sided die (d8)

The following are optional references that will save the player much rule book page-flipping:
 1x printed Profession Reference Sheet
 1x printed Treasure Reference Sheet
 1x printed Spell Book Sheet

Gather the Adventure Sheet and your pencil. In the bottom-center square of the map grid on the
Adventure Sheet, draw a horizontal wall with a door. This is the entrance to the dungeon your hero
will be exploring.

Next, select the monsters that will inhabit the dungeon you are about to explore. For your first
adventure, select any one of the monster packages from the Tier 1 section of the Monster Manual at
the end of this rule book. Copy the monsters and their stats from this package into the Monsters Table
of the Adventure Sheet. Record the 1st monster in the rooms 1-9 row, the 2nd monster in the rooms 10-
19 row, the 3rd monster in the rooms 20-29 row, and the 4th (Boss) monster in the room 30 row.

Now, let’s create your hero…

The first step in creating your hero is to name them. Record this name in the Hero box of the
Adventure Sheet.

The next step in creating your hero is to select a race for them.

Your choice of race will impose modifiers on the hero’s attributes that you generate later in the
process of creating your hero.

Human (the base race)

No modifications to attributes

Elf (the noble forestral race)

+1 to Agility or Willpower, -3 to Max HP

Half Elf (the versatile race)

+1 additional Fudge Point per 10 monsters defeated, -3 to Max HP

Dwarf (the stalwart race)

+3 to Max HP, -1 to Agility

Gnome (the tinkering race)

+1 Bonus Rating at start of every dungeon, +1 to Agility or Willpower, -3 to Max HP, -1 to Strength

Halfling (the nimble race)

+1 to Agility, -1 to Strength

Half Orc (the brutish race)

+1 to Strength, +3 to Max HP, -2 to Willpower

Record your hero’s race in the Hero box at the top of the Adventure Sheet. Now that you have selected
a race, the next step is to assign your hero’s attributes.
A hero has 3 core attributes that define their abilities: Strength, Agility, and Willpower

This determines your hero’s physical toughness and brawn. Strength is the attack skill used in most
melee combat. A hero’s Strength will dictate what weapons may be wielded and what armor can be

Strength = 0-2
Hero may equip the following armor: cloth armor, Mithril Armor, buckler shield
and the following weapons: dagger, Bladed Bracers, Archmage’s Staff, wand,
bow, Elven Bow

Strength = 3-4
Hero may equip the above, as well as: leather armor, heater shield
all 1 handed weapons, Double Glaive

Strength = 5+
Hero may equip the above, as well as: platemail armor, tower shield
all 2 handed weapons

This determines how dexterous and quick your hero is. Agility is the attack skill used in most ranged

Movement = ½ Agility, rounded up

Even if Agility is 0, every hero has a minimum Movement of 1.

This determines the intelligence and mental fortitude of your hero. Willpower is the attack skill used
when casting combat spells.

maximum Action Points (Max AP) = 2 x Willpower

Assigning attributes
The player distributes 9 points between Strength, Agility and Willpower; with no more than 5 points
assigned to any 1 attribute. The attributes are then adjusted according to any modifiers from the race
selected for the hero. Points must be assigned to cancel any negative modifiers. A hero may not start
the game with a negative value for an attribute.

We decide to create a Dwarf hero. As a Dwarf, this hero will suffer a -1 adjustment to Agility. The player may
assign no more than 5 points to any one attribute. We could assign 5 points to Strength resulting in a Strength
attribute of 5. We must also assign at least 1 point to Agility to make sure we cancel out the -1 adjustment. The
remaining 3 points can be distributed between Agility and Willpower.

Alternatively, we could assign the 5 points maximum to Agility, and wind up with an Agility attribute of 4 (after
adjustment). The remaining 4 points can be distributed between Strength and Willpower.

Record the hero’s final adjusted Strength, Agility, and Willpower attributes on the Adventure Sheet.
Also record the calculated Movement and maximum Action Points (Max AP) values. Now, it is time to
select a profession for your hero.

The following pages describe the 7 professions that are available to your hero. Select a profession that
best utilizes the attributes assigned to your hero and reflects the style of play that you wish to use.
Once you select a profession, record it in the Hero box on the Adventure Sheet.

Optionally, you may print the Profession Reference Sheet and place it horizontally beneath your
Adventure Sheet such that your chosen profession is visible. This will serve as a reference to the
various profession abilities that are now available to your hero.

Hit Points
Once you have selected a profession, roll a d6 twice, keeping the highest result of the 2 rolls. Add this
result to the maximum Hit Point (Max HP) formula given for your chosen profession. Modify the
resulting Max HP with any applicable race modifiers and record it in the Attributes box on the
Adventure Sheet.
A heavily armed combatant who relies on their weapons, armor, and combat abilities

Max HP = 10 + (die roll)

Recommended attribute: Strength

 May not use spells or scrolls
 May use all armor, shields, and weapons
Ensure hero has sufficient Strength to equip the selected weapon, armor, and shield.

 Bash (1 AP)
Roll d6 (+1 for every 3 points of Strength). Open a locked door or chest on a result of 5 or
 Drive Back (1 AP)
Roll d6 (+1 for every 3 points of Strength). On a result of 5 or greater, push all monsters from
an adjacent square and move into that square. Monsters are moved 1 square distance.
 Precision Strike (1 AP)
Your attack(s) this round gets a +2H and -1D
 Knockdown (1 AP)
You knock one adjacent opponent down, causing them to take no action for the round.
May not be used on boss monsters
 Whirlwind (4 AP)
You may attack all enemies adjacent to your hero. Make a single combat roll against the
adjacent enemy with the highest Defense value (Def). If successful, all enemies are hit.
 Battle Cry (2 AP)
You unleash a fierce battle cry, giving all monsters attacking you a +1 penalty to their Attack
(Att) rolls for the rest of combat.
 Flurry of Blows (4 AP)
You rain blows upon your opponents. You may make twice your normal amount of attacks this

To use an ability, deduct the indicated AP from the hero’s current AP total.
An agile rogue who specializes in the use of blades, stealth, and bypassing locks & traps

Max HP = 8 + (die roll)

Recommended Attribute: Agility

 May not use spells, but may use scrolls
 May only use cloth armor, leather armor, and Mithril Armor
 May only use buckler shields
 May only use 1 handed weapons, Bladed Bracers, bows and Elven Bows
Ensure hero has sufficient Strength to equip the selected weapon and armor.

 Pick Lock (1 AP)
Roll d6 (+1 for every 3 points of Agility). Open a locked door or chest on a result of 5 or greater.
 Disarm Trap (1 AP)
Roll d6 (+1 for every 3 points of Agility). Remove a trap from a door or chest on a result of 5 or
 Sneak (1 AP)
At the start of combat, you may attempt to enter and even pass through a room unnoticed.
Roll d6 (+1 for every 3 points of Agility) for every monster whose LOS you pass. Sneak succeeds
on a result of 5 or greater. On a fail, you must encounter the monster(s) and may not sneak in
the current room again. Sneak ends upon attacking a monster or leaving the room.
 Blinding Dust (1 AP)
You throw a handful of dust in the eyes of one adjacent target enemy. They receive a +1
penalty to all of their Attack (Att) rolls for the rest of combat.
 Tumble (3 AP)
Roll d6 (+1 for every 3 points of Agility). On a result of 5 or greater, dodge any 1 successful
attack from a single monster, ignoring all damage and effects.
 Blade Flurry (3 AP)
You may attack each adjacent enemy with your normal amount of attacks. Make a combat roll
against each adjacent enemy.
Requires that a sword, dagger, or Bladed Bracers is equipped
 Backstab (2 AP)
You may use this ability if your Sneak ability is active and you make a successful combat roll
against an adjacent enemy. The target monster takes double your normal damage.
Requires that a sword, dagger, or Bladed Bracers is equipped
Ends Sneak effect

To use an ability, deduct the indicated AP from the hero’s current AP total.
An expert in magecraft and the art of spellcasting

Max HP = 6 + (die roll)

Recommended Attribute: Willpower

 May use spells (maximum of 3 memorized at any time) and scrolls
 May only use cloth armor and Mithril Armor
 May not use shields
 May only use 1 handed weapons and the Archmage’s Staff
Ensure hero has sufficient Strength to equip the selected weapon.

 Dark Rituals (0 AP)
You may sacrifice 4 HP to recover 4 AP
 Spell Recall (1 AP)
You may swap out one memorized spell with one from your spell book during combat.
 Empower Spell (varies)
You may add +1 damage (D) to your next spell, for every 2 AP you expend.
 Heighten Spell (1 AP)
You may double the range (R) or the Hit (H) value of your next spell.
 Ethereal Link (4 AP)
Regenerate 2 AP per round. The regenerated AP are received at the end of the combat round.
This ability ends at the end of combat, or if you perform any action aside from casting spells.
 Ethereal Shield (4 AP)
Block 1 successful attack from a single monster, ignoring all damage and effects.
 Ethereal Mist (4 AP)
A mist obscures the vision of your opponents, giving all monsters attacking you a +1 penalty to
their Attack (Att) rolls for the rest of combat.

To use an ability, deduct the indicated AP from the hero’s current AP total.
A combatant who is skilled in ranged attacks, spellcasting, and controlling the field of combat

Max HP = 8 + (die roll)

Recommended Attributes: Agility & Willpower

 May use spells (maximum of 1 memorized at any time) and scrolls
 May only use cloth armor, leather armor, and Mithril Armor
 May only use buckler shields and heater shields
 May only use 1 handed weapons, bows and Elven Bows
Ensure hero has sufficient Strength to equip the selected weapon, armor, and shield.

 Quick Strike (1 AP)
You may conduct a move and an attack this round of combat.
 Aimed Shot (1 AP)
Your attack(s) this round gets +2 Hit (H) value.
Requires that a bow or Elven Bow is equipped
 Striders Legs (1 AP)
You may add 2 to your Movement for the rest of the turn.
 Cripple (1 AP)
Target’s Move value is reduced by half. If the target’s movement is already at 1, then it may
only move every other turn.
 Set Trap (2 AP)
Set a spike trap in any 1 adjacent square. Monsters will move around the square if possible,
else they will enter or pass through the square and each take 2 damage. Trap remains in the
square until the end of combat.
 Triple Shot (3 AP)
You may make 3 attacks this round, each with a -1 penalty to combat roll.
Requires that a bow or Elven Bow is equipped
 Focused Speed (4 AP)
Double your Agility for the rest of the turn.

To use an ability, deduct the indicated AP from the hero’s current AP total.
A champion who relies on a combination of blunt weapons, heavy armor, and divine abilities

Max HP = 8 + (die roll)

Recommended attributes: Strength & Willpower

 May not use spells, but may use scrolls
 May use all armor and shields
 May only use hammer, mace, and warhammer
Ensure hero has sufficient Strength to equip the selected weapon, armor, and shield.

 Heal (4 AP)
Restore 1 HP
 Ward of Protection (4 AP)
Ignore all damage and effects from the successful attack of a single monster.
 Divination (2 AP)
You may use this ability to roll on the Treasure Type table for a treasure chest prior to actually
opening it. You may then reroll once, but must accept the final result.
 Radiance (4 AP)
Roll d6 (+1 for every 3 points of Strength & Willpower). On a result of 6 or greater, all undead
and supernatural monsters in the room will retreat 1 square. On a result of 8 or greater, one
affected monster will be instantly slain in addition to the above effect. Radiance is only
effective on Skeletons, Zombies, Ghouls, Skeletal Archers, Wights, Nosferatu, Imps, and
Summoned Shades. It is not effective against boss monsters.
 Smite (2 AP)
Your attack this round gets +2 Hit (H) value and +1 damage (D)
 Prayer (0 AP)
If the Cleric takes no actions during a combat round, then they may restore 1 AP to their
current AP total for every 3 points of Strength & Willpower that they possess.

To use an ability, deduct the indicated AP from the hero’s current AP total.
A combatant who uses a combination of heavy weapons and light armor to deliver devastating attacks

Max HP = 10 + (die roll)

Recommended Attributes: Strength & Agility

 May not use spells or scrolls
 May only use cloth armor, leather armor, and Mithril Armor
 May use all shields
 May use all weapons
Ensure hero has sufficient Strength to equip the selected weapon, armor, and shield.

 Swath of Destruction (0 AP)
If the Barbarian is equipped with a Battle Axe, Warhammer, Pike, or Dwarven Axehammer;
then they gain a bonus of +1 to Armor (A) value for every 3 points of Agility they possess.
 Mighty Blow (0 AP)
If wielding a weapon with the Strength attack skill, the Barbarian will deal +1 damage (D) for
every 3 points of Strength they possess.
 Fury (1 AP)
Your attack(s) this round gets +2 Hit (H) value.
Requires that a weapon with the Strength attack skill is equipped
 Berzerker (0 AP)
The Barbarian enters a blood rage that temporarily increases their Strength & Agility, but at the
cost of HP. Strength and Agility are both increased by 1 for every 1HP that the Barbarian
sacrifices. The abilities return to normal at the end of combat, but the HP are lost until the
Barbarian is healed.
 Back Swing (2 AP)
If the Barbarian is equipped with any weapon that has a range (R) of 1, then they may conduct a
second attack on the same target monster. The player must make a new combat roll to hit.
 Bash (1 AP)
Roll d6 (+1 for every 3 points of Strength). Open a locked door or chest on a result of 5 or

To use an ability, deduct the indicated AP from the hero’s current AP total.
An unarmed warrior who utilizes Ki abilities to defend and attack with great effect

Max HP = 8 + (die roll)

Recommended Attributes: Balance of Strength, Agility, & Willpower

 May not use spells, but may use scrolls
 May only use cloth armor and Mithril Armor
 May not use shields
 May not use weapons

 Ki Defense (0 AP)
The Monk gains a bonus +1 to Armor (A) value per 3 points of Agility & Willpower. This Armor
value bonus persists so long as the Monk wears only cloth armor (Mithril Armor will dispel this
 Unarmed Combat (0 AP)
The Monk can conduct an unarmed attack once per round (R1 H1 D1). The Attack Skill is the
greater of Agility or Strength.
 Ki Strike (0 AP)
When attacking unarmed, the Monk gains +1 Hit (H) value and +1 damage (D) for every 3 points
of Strength & Willpower that they possess.
 Ki Speed (1 AP)
The Monk gains +2 to Movement for 1 round.
 Serpent’s Stance (4 AP)
The Monk doubles their Agility for the remainder of the turn.
 Mountain Stance (4 AP)
The Monk doubles their Strength for the remainder of the turn.
 Fist and Foot (4 AP)
The Monk conducts an Unarmed Combat / Ki Strike attack against each adjacent monster.
Make a separate combat roll against each target.

To use an ability, deduct the indicated AP from the hero’s current AP total.
Lastly, you must select items with which to equip your hero for their adventure.

Trappings & Spells:

The hero starts the adventure with the following items:

 1 Weapon or 2 Spells
Select any 1 of the following weapons:

Hammer (R1 D2 H0 1Hnd) attack skill – Strength (requires 3 Strength to equip)

Sword (R1 D2 H0 1Hnd) attack skill – Strength (requires 3 Strength to equip)
Bow (R4 D2 H0 2Hnd) attack skill – Agility
Mace (R1 D2 H0 1Hnd) attack skill – Strength (requires 3 Strength to equip)
Dagger (R1 D1 H1 1Hnd) attack skill – Agility

Record this weapon on the Adventure Sheet in the Trappings: Equipped section.

Alternatively, you may select any 2 spells from the Spells table. Record these spells on the
Adventure Sheet in the Spells: Spell Book section. If you choose instead to use the optional
Spell Book Sheet, then circle these spells on that sheet.

 2 Potions of Healing
Record these potions on the Adventure Sheet in the Trappings: Inventory section:

Potion of Healing (Consume to heal 4 HP)

 1 Cloth Armor
Record this armor on the Adventure Sheet in the Trappings: Equipped section:

Cloth Armor (0A)

Be sure to consult the hero’s Strength limitations and profession restrictions before selecting and
equipping a weapon. Likewise, ensure the hero’s profession permits spellcasting before selecting
spells to add to your spell book.
This game is played in turns, during which a player’s hero will explore a new room of the dungeon. In a
typical turn, the player will use the DUN-GEN tables to generate a room and its contents. After adding
this to the Adventure Sheet map grid, the hero will encounter the room. If monsters are present, they
will enter combat.

Combat is conducted in rounds, during which the hero will conduct one action and then the monsters
will each conduct their actions. The hero will select one of three possible actions to conduct during a
round: Move, Attack, or Scroll. Potions, abilities, and certain items can be used in addition to the
chosen action.

Once combat is resolved, the hero may collect treasure by looting the fallen enemies and by opening
treasure chests in the room. They may then select a new door to pass through and proceed to their
next turn.

Equip the hero:
The hero may equip items from their inventory at the start of their turn. A hero may only equip one
weapon, one armor, and one shield at a time. If the weapon is 2 handed (2Hnd), then the hero may
not equip a shield. All unequipped items remain in their inventory.

The hero may memorize any spells from their spell book. They may not memorize more than the
maximum number dictated by their profession. Only the memorized spell(s) may be cast this turn.

Use the DUN-GEN random dungeon generator:

The hero now explores a room of the dungeon. They may move freely throughout the already
explored portions of the dungeon until they reach a door to an unexplored portion. Upon opening that
door, the player uses the DUN-GEN tables to generate the room and its inhabitants. The five DUN-GEN
tables are located at the top of the Adventure Sheet.

1. Roll on the Size table to determine the size of the room. You may create any room orientation
you wish, but you must use the number of squares generated by this table. Draw the room on
the Adventure Sheet grid, doing your best to reduce isolated pockets of unused map (areas that
are surrounded by walls with no doors connecting to them).
2. Roll on the # Doors table to determine the number of doors leading from this room. Note that
this is the number of doors in addition to the door your hero entered through. You may place
these doors on any walls you wish.
3. Roll on the Locks & Traps table for each door beyond the first placed, to determine which doors
may be locked or trapped. Note that the door your hero entered through and one other door
will always be unlocked and are NOT rolled for.
4. Roll on the # Monsters table to determine the number of monsters in the room. You may place
the monsters in any squares you wish, but must follow these guidelines
a. Only 1 monster may occupy each of the four squares adjacent to your hero.
b. Any number of monsters may occupy non-adjacent squares, but you must attempt to
distribute the monsters as evenly in the room as possible.
Consult the Monsters Table on the Adventure Sheet to determine what kind of monster is
present in the room. The type of monster will depend on the number of rooms already
explored. For example, rooms 1-9 will be populated with the first monster type, and rooms 10-
19 will contain the second…
For room 30, skip the # Monsters table roll. There is always exactly 1 boss monster in the 30 th
room of every dungeon.
5. Roll on the # Treasure Chests table to determine the number of treasure chests in the room.
You may place these chests anywhere in the room you wish. Treasure chests have no impact
on the number of monsters that occupy a square. If you should roll a SR result, then the hero
has discovered a Special Room. Roll on the Special Room (SR) table in the TABLES section of
this rule book, to determine which Special Room this is, and label the room accordingly.
6. Roll on the Locks & Traps table for each treasure chest to determine if any are locked or

Now that the new room has been generated, it is time to explore it. If the room contains monsters,
then Combat will begin immediately. The hero begins the combat round in the square just inside the
door to the generated room. If no monsters are present, then proceed directly to Finish the Turn.

The following is an example of a 6 square room with 3 doors (small rectangles), a treasure chest (TC), and 2
monsters (M).

Our hero (H) is standing just inside the door they entered through. One of the doors is locked (L).

The player may use any mapping symbols and abbreviations that they wish. As they progress through combat
and the rest of the turn, the player should use this map to track the movement of the hero and the monsters, the
slaying of monsters, and the unlocking of locked doors and treasure chests.
Combat is conducted in rounds. It can take multiple rounds to complete combat. Therefore, in a single
player turn, there may be multiple combat rounds.

The hero acts first in a combat round, and may conduct any one of the following three actions:

1. Move
The hero may move a number of squares equal to or less than their Movement attribute.
2. Attack
The hero may select a target to attack, using their equipped weapon or memorized spell.
3. Scroll
The hero may select a scroll from their inventory and use it.

A hero may not move through a locked door or into a square occupied by a monster. The hero may
choose to use their move to exit a room and flee. The monsters will pursue if their Move value is >
than the Movement attribute of the hero.

When the hero attacks, they must first select a target monster. The player consults the range (R) of
the equipped spell or weapon, and selects a target that is < R squares away. The hero must have line
of sight (LOS) in order to target a monster. LOS is determined by drawing a straight line from the
center of the attacker’s square to the center of the target’s square and ensuring that no doors or
corners interfere. Treasure chests and other monsters do not impact LOS. Note that a hero may not
attack monsters from a different room, even if the door is open.

The player then conducts a combat roll to determine if their attack “hits”. The player rolls a d6, and
then adds the appropriate attack skill. If wielding a weapon, the weapon description will indicate
which hero attribute is the attack skill. If casting a combat spell, Wisdom will be the attack skill. The
player then adds the Hit (H) value from their weapon or spell to this total. This is the total combat roll.
The combat roll is then compared to the monsters Defense (Def) value. If the combat roll is > the Def
value, then the attack “hits”, and the monster loses HP equal to the Damage (D) value of the weapon
or spell. If the combat roll is < the Def value, then the attack misses and the monster takes no damage.

Over the course of the adventure, the hero will find magic scrolls amongst the treasure. If their
profession permits the use of scrolls, then the hero may choose to use a scroll as their combat action
for the round. The scroll is consumed upon using it.
Potions, Abilities, and Trinkets
In addition to their chosen action, the hero may use any potions, profession abilities, and trinkets that
they possess. They may use as many in a round as they wish, but may only use each individual type of
potion/ability/trinket once per round. For example, a hero may use a Potion of Healing and a Potion of
Explodify, but may not use 2 Potions of Healing in a single round. They may use 2 different abilities,
but not the same ability twice in a single round. See the potion/ability/magic item descriptions for
further detail.

Action Points (AP)

When a hero casts a memorized spell or uses a profession ability, there will be an associated AP cost.
This AP cost is given in the spell and ability descriptions in this rule book. The player deducts the AP
cost from their hero’s Current AP total. If a hero has insufficient AP to meet the AP cost, then the spell
or ability may not be used. A hero’s Current AP may never go below zero or above the hero’s Max AP

Example of Hero Combat Action:

Our valiant warrior hero selects a Goblin in an adjacent space as the target of his attack. He is wielding a sword
(R1 D2 H1). The Goblin has a Def value of 10. The player rolls a d6, getting a 3 result. To this, he adds the hero’s
Strength attribute (6) and the sword’s Hit value (H1). This results in a combat roll of (3+6+1 =10), which is just
enough to beat the Goblin’s Def 10 and hit it. The sword delivers D2 and the Goblin loses 2 HP.
After the hero completes their action, the surviving monsters will act. They will each conduct one of
the following actions:

1. Attack
The monsters will attack the hero if they are in range.
2. Move
Monsters will move a number of squares up to their Move (M) value, until they are within
Range (R) of the hero. Note that only 1 monster may occupy each of the 4 squares adjacent to
the hero (R1), but the number of monsters occupying non-adjacent squares is unlimited. All
monsters except for bosses will pursue a fleeing hero out of the room if they have an M value >
the Movement attribute of the hero. Boss monsters never leave their room.

Monsters attack using a different mechanism than heroes use. The monsters’ stats include an Attack
(Att) value range. A d6 is rolled and if the result falls within that range, then the hero is hit and will
sustain the amount of damage (D) given in the monster’s description. If multiple monsters hit the hero
in one round of combat, all of the damage is added up and assessed against the hero.

A hero may mitigate some or all of this damage by wearing armor and equipping a shield. Each armor
and shield has an Armor (A) value listed. The total (A) for the hero is deducted from the total damage
assessed against the hero. Note that armor and shields will only mitigate damage once per combat
round, not once per hit from monsters.

Example of Monster Combat Action:

Continuing our combat from the previous page, the three Goblins in the room are adjacent to our hero and will
attack. All of the Goblins have an Att 1-2. Rolling a d6 for each, Goblin 1 gets a 2 (hit), Goblin 2 gets a 6 (miss),
and Goblin 3 gets a 1 (hit). Goblins 1 & 3 deliver a combined 6 damage (D3 x 2 hits). Fortunately, our hero is
equipped with platemail armor (2A) and a heater shield (1A), which absorb a combined 3 damage. Our hero
takes a net (6 damage – 3A) and deducts 3 HP from his current HP total.

If the room still contains surviving monsters, proceed to the next round of combat. Combat ends once
the hero is defeated (end of game), all monsters are slain, or the hero flees the room.
Finish the turn:
Once combat (if any) is complete, the player finishes the turn by conducting the following steps:


The hero may search the slain monsters for loot. Roll d6. If the result is < the # Monsters slain in the
room, then the player passes the loot check and finds one piece of treasure. If the room contained no
monsters, then skip this loot check.

The hero may now open any treasure chests that are in the room. If the treasure chest is locked, they
will need to use abilities, spells, or a trinket to open it. If it is trapped and they open it, they will suffer
1 HP damage that cannot be mitigated by Armor (A) value. If the room is a Special Room, then the
hero may now reap any benefits as detailed on the Special Room (SR) table.

For every successful loot check and treasure chest opened, roll once on the Treasure Type table to
determine what type of treasure has been found:

(W) Weapon
(XW) Exotic Weapon
(A) Armor & Shield
(P) Potion
(S) Scroll
(MI) Magic Item

Then, for each result, roll on the corresponding Treasure Item Table to determine what specific
treasure has been found.

The Loot check and the Treasure Type table are located at the top of the Adventure Sheet. The
Treasure Item Tables can be found in the TABLES section of the rule book, as well as on the optional
Treasure Reference Sheet.


The hero now restores their Current AP total by an amount equal to their Willpower attribute. The
Current AP total may not exceed the Max AP. AP is only restored after a hero has explored a room. AP
is not restored if the hero flees combat.


On the Adventure Sheet, use the tick boxes to record the number of monsters slain. For every 5 slain,
you accumulate 1 Fudge Point (see FUDGE POINTS section for detail).
On the Adventure Sheet, use the tick boxes to add 1 to the tally of rooms explored. For every 5
explored, you accumulate 1 Bonus Rating (see BONUS RATING section for detail). It can be helpful to
number an explored room on the map grid to make it clear that this room has been explored, and help
track the total number of rooms explored. Note that the number of rooms explored may impact which
type of monster you will encounter in the next room.

Lastly, the hero selects an unopened door in the dungeon to proceed through. If it is locked, they will
need to use abilities, spells, or items to open it. If it is trapped, they will suffer 1 HP damage that
cannot be mitigated by Armor (A) value.

Opening an unopened door to an unexplored room will start a new turn.


 The term adjacent refers to the four orthogonal (up, down, left, right) squares surrounding a
square on the grid map. Diagonal squares are not considered to be adjacent.
 Heroes may move freely through already explored rooms and revisit unopened chests or the
Healing Font Special Room. This does not constitute a player turn, and the hero may not
further restore their AP.


 Roll on the # Doors table to determine the number of doors beyond the one your hero entered
through that is in the room.
 Roll on the Locks & Traps table for each door beyond the first placed. The door your hero
entered through and 1 additional door are not rolled for and are always unlocked.
 Multiple monsters can occupy a square, but only 1 monster may occupy each of the 4 squares
adjacent to the hero.

 The hero begins combat standing in the square just inside the door of the generated room.
 Heroes must have LOS and be within range to attack monsters. Heroes cannot attack monsters
through doorways, although monsters can attack a hero through an open doorway.
 To hit a monster, the hero’s combat roll must equal or exceed the monster’s Defense (Def)
value. If it is less than the monster’s Def, then the attack misses.
 The hero’s armor and shield will only mitigate damage once per round. If the hero is hit by
multiple monsters, the armor will deduct damage once from the total damage accrued.
A hero may choose to use their move action to exit a room and flee combat. The monsters will pursue
if their Move (M) rating is > than the Movement attribute of the hero. If the monsters do not pursue,
then combat ends. The room is not considered explored and the hero may not restore AP. Any
monsters that were slain are erased from the grid map and the player may update the Monsters Slain
tally on the Adventure Sheet. Surviving monsters are restored to full HP and remain in the room. The
player does not conduct a loot check or open any treasure chests.

The hero may later return to the room and combat the remaining monsters again. Upon defeating the
monsters, the room is considered explored. The player may update their Monsters Slain and Rooms
Explored tallies. They may perform the loot check, open any treasure chests in the room, and restore
their hero’s AP.

Players accumulate 1 Fudge Point for every 5 monsters their hero slays. These accumulated Fudge
Points are recorded on the Adventure Sheet. Players may spend Fudge Points as follows:

o 1 Fudge Point to adjust (“fudge”) any die roll by +1 or -1

o 3 Fudge Points to gain a permanent +1 to Strength, Agility, or Willpower
o 3 Fudge Points to gain a permanent +3 to maximum HP

Fudge Points represent the hero’s improvement from combat experience gained. Once a Fudge Point
is spent, it is gone.

Players accumulate 1 Bonus Rating for every 5 rooms their hero explores. This accumulated Bonus
Rating should be recorded on the Adventure Sheet. It represents the gradual improving quality of
treasure as the hero delves deeper into the dungeon.

Bonus Rating is not consumed. Rather, it is a bonus that is applied to each and every weapon, armor,
shield, and combat spell that is found. Note that the Bonus Rating can only be applied to new items
that are acquired. It is not applied to such items already in the hero’s inventory or spell book.
Players may use their Bonus Rating to improve the quality of weapons, armor, shields, and combat
spells that are found while exploring:

The Bonus Rating number can be added to the Damage (D) and/or Hit (H) values of weapons (W, XW or
MI) that are found. For example, a hero who has explored 11 rooms will have a Bonus Rating of 2. If
they find a sword (base: D2 H0), they can use that rating to improve this sword to (D3 H1), or (D4, H0),
or (D2, H2).

Armor & Shields

The Bonus Rating can be used to increase the Armor (A) value of armor and shields that are found. It
can also be used to add a magical aspect to armor and shields.

 Armor (A) value: You can increase the (A) value by 1 for every 3 Bonus Rating

 Aspects: You can add any one of the following magical aspects for every 2 Bonus Rating not
already applied towards increasing the (A) value. Note that each aspect can only be added
once, but an item can have multiple aspects.

Bear’s Might: +1 to Strength while equipped

Cat’s Nimbleness: +1 to Agility while equipped
Owl’s Knowledge: +1 to Willpower while equipped
True Striking: +1 (H) to all combat rolls while equipped
Mountain’s Endurance: +3 to maximum HP while equipped
Youth’s Vigor: +4 to maximum AP while equipped
Stag’s Speed: +1 to Movement while equipped

Combat spells (spells that report R, D, and H stats) that are found can be upgraded by improving the R,
D, and/or H values by 1 for every point of the Bonus Rating. For example, a Bonus Rating of 1 could be
applied to a newly found Magic Missile spell (base: R5 D1 H1) to improve it to (R6 D1 H1), or (R5 D2
H1), or (R5 D1 H2).
As the hero continues to explore rooms in the dungeon, they will progress through the Monsters Table
on the Adventure Sheet. Upon entering the 30th room, they will encounter the boss monster. Once the
boss monster is slain and its room explored, the player wins the game. If the hero’s current HP should
ever drop to zero or lower during their adventure, then the hero dies and the player loses the game.

If the player wishes, they may have their hero flee the boss monster’s room and continue to explore
the dungeon. If they do so, the hero is restricted to only opening doors in the dungeon that were
previously generated during the game. When the DUN-GEN tables are used to generate a new room,
no new doors will be added. Such rooms will continue to be populated with the 20-29 monster type
from the Monsters Table, as well as treasure chests. The game ends when the hero returns and slays
the boss monster.


A player may continue to use their hero in future adventures. To do so, the player should observe the
following additional rules:

After completing a dungeon:

When the hero completes a dungeon, they may keep any trappings that they wish to. Unwanted
trappings may be sold per the following price chart:

Base Value
Weapon amount of gold equal to sum of the R, D and H values for the weapon
Armor or Shield amount of gold equal to 3x the (A) value of the armor or shield
Potion 1 gold
Scroll 3 gold
Trinket 2 gold

(Exotic Weapon) add +5 gold to weapon value
(Magic Item) add +10 gold to item value
(Aspect) add +2 gold to armor or shield value per aspect

Note that spells in the hero’s spell book may not be sold.

The hero’s total gold is recorded in the Hero box of the Adventure Sheet.
Starting a new dungeon:
Prior to starting a new dungeon, the player should print a new Adventure Sheet and copy the following
from the original sheet:

 Name, Race, Profession, and accumulated Gold

 Strength, Agility, Willpower, and Max HP (including any permanent increases gained)
 Remaining Fudge Points
 Accumulated Bonus Rating
 Trappings
 Spells in spell book (or continue to use same Spell Book Sheet)

Record the hero’s Max AP (2x Willpower) and Movement (1/2 Agility).

All dungeons are tiered according to how many dungeons the hero has explored. A new hero would be
in a tier 1 dungeon. After completing that adventure, they would proceed to a tier 2 dungeon. Record
the hero’s current tier in the Hero box on the Adventure Sheet. A monster package for the new
dungeon should be selected from the appropriate tier. See the Monster Manual section of these rules
for options.

The hero now gains:

1 Potion of Healing
1 additional Potion of Healing or Potion of Restoration per tier of the dungeon

The hero may spend gold to add Bonus Rating to trappings and spells they possess. This can only be
done to bring the total Bonus Rating on such items to no greater than the hero’s current Bonus Rating.
For example, if a hero has a Bonus Rating of 6, and possesses a sword to which a Bonus Rating of 3 was
previously added, then they may spend gold to bring the sword’s total Bonus Rating up by an
additional 1, 2, or 3.

The hero may add Bonus Rating to a weapon (W, XW, or MI), an armor/shield (A, MI), or a combat spell
at a cost of 10 gold / Bonus Rating added. See the BONUS RATING section for rules on how Bonus
Rating can be applied to items and spells.
DUN-GEN Tables

Size # Doors
Any orientation you wish Not counting the door through which hero entered room
d6 squares d6 doors
1-2 4 1-2 1
3 5 3-5 2
4 6 6 3
5 7
6 8

# Monsters # Treasure Chests

Place anywhere in room you wish Place anywhere in the room you wish
Multiple M per square okay, but only If you roll SR, then roll once on the SR table
1 M per square adjacent to hero
d8 monsters d8 treasure
1 0 1-2 0 chests
2-3 1 3-5 1 chest
4-5 2 6-7 2 chests
6-7 3 8 special room (SR)
8 4

Locks & Traps

Roll for each door placed after the first
Roll for each treasure chest placed
d6 Status
1-3 Unlocked
4-5 Locked Hero may not open without use of ability, item, or spell
6 Trapped Hero will sustain 1 HP damage (cannot be mitigated) if they open
Special Room (SR)
When a SR is rolled, label the room according to the result. Each SR may only appear once in a dungeon. If you should roll a
duplicate result, roll again to get a new result
d6 Special Room
1 Healing Font After combat, hero can drink to restore HP to max. Hero can
return to this room to use Font again (3 uses total).

2 Altar of Blessing After combat, hero can use once to gain +1 to Bonus Rating.

3 Armory After combat, player can roll once on the Weapon (W) table, the
Armor (A) table, and the Exotic Weapon (XW) table.

4 Alchemy Lab After combat, player can roll 3 times on the Potion (P) table.

5 Library After combat, player can roll 3 times on the Scroll (S) table.

6 Arcane Forge After combat, player can roll twice on the Magic Item (MI) table.
Treasure Tables

Loot Check Treasure Type

After combat, roll once to Roll once for successful Loot Check
search fallen enemies for loot Roll once for each opened treasure chest
d6 Loot d8 Type
< #M roll once on Treasure Type table 1-2 Weapon (W)
> #M nothing 3 Exotic Weapon (XW)
4-5 Armor & Shield (A)
6 Potion (P)
7 Scroll (S)
8 Magic Item (MI)

Treasure Item Tables

Weapon (W)
Weapons are equipped to give the hero a range (R), damage (D), combat roll bonus (H), handedness (Hnd) and attribute
that is added to combat roll (attack skill)
d8 W
1 Hammer (R1 D2 H0 1Hnd) attack skill is Strength need 3 Strength to equip
2 Sword (R1 D2 H0 1Hnd) attack skill is Strength need 3 Strength to equip
3 Dagger (R1 D1 H1 1Hnd) attack skill is Agility
4 Battle Axe (R1 D3 H0 2Hnd) attack skill is Strength need 5 Strength to equip
5 Bow (R4 D2 H0 2Hnd) attack skill is Agility
6 Mace (R1 D2 H0 1Hnd) attack skill is Strength need 3 Strength to equip
7 Warhammer (R1 D3 H0 2Hnd) attack skill is Strength need 5 Strength to equip
8 Pike (R2 D2 H0 2Hnd) attack skill is Strength need 5 Strength to equip

Exotic Weapon (XW)

Exotic Weapons are rare and offer unique advantages to standard weapons.
d6 XW
1 Bladed Bracers (R1 D1 H1 2Hnd) attack skill is Agility
Hero may attack twice. If both attacks hit, then add 1D to each of the
2 Double Glaive (R1 D1 H1 2Hnd) attack skill is Strength need 3 Strength to equip
Hero may attack twice. If both attacks hit, then add 1D to each of the
3 Whip (R2 D1 H0 1Hnd) attack skill is Strength need 3 Strength to equip
4 Elven Bow (R4 D3 H1 2Hnd) attack skill is Agility
5 Dwarven Axehammer (R1 D3 H2 2Hnd) attack skill is Strength need 5 Strength to equip
6 Wand (R3 D1 H1 1Hnd) attack skill is Willpower
Armor & Shield (A)
Armor and Shields are equipped to give a hero armor value (A) that can absorb damage dealt by monsters.
d6 A
1 Cloth Armor (0A)
2 Leather Armor (1A) need 3 Strength to equip
3 Platemail Armor (2A) need 5 Strength to equip
4 Buckler Shield (0A)
5 Heater Shield (1A) need 3 Strength to equip
6 Tower Shield (2A) need 5 Strength to equip

Potion (P)
Potions may be used out of combat, or in addition to an action that is taken in a combat round. A Potion may be used once
and then it is consumed.
d8 P
1-2 Potion of Healing Heal 4 HP
3-4 Potion of Restoration Restore AP to hero’s maximum
5 Vial of Acid Can be used to open any 1 locked door or treasure chest
6 Potion of Ignite Thrown as a weapon to a range of R3, automatically
dealing D3 to a single enemy
7 Potion of Explodify Thrown as a weapon to a range of R3, automatically
dealing D3 to all enemies in the target square, and D2 to
each creature adjacent to the target square (including the
hero if they are not careful!)
8 Unstable Potion If you choose to quaff this potion, roll a d6 to determine
permanent effect:
1 = +1 Strength
2 = +1 Agility
3 = +1 Willpower
4 = +3 HP max
5 = no effect
6 = -1 from the highest attribute
(Strength, Agility, or Willpower)
Scroll (S)
A Scroll may be used as the combat round action, or out of combat. A Scroll may be used once and then it is consumed.
d8 S
1 Scroll of Innervate +1 to each attribute (Strength, Agility, and Willpower) for
5 turns
2 Scroll of Stoneskin +1 to Armor (A) and +3 to Max HP for 5 turns
3 Scroll of Healing Restore up to 8 HP
4-5 Spell Scroll Select any spell from the Spells table and add it to your
spell book
6 Scroll of Dark Energy Black beam targets all monsters in a line from the caster
(R5 D4) Hits automatically
7 Scroll of Arcane Blast Magical energy blasts all monsters in the room (D3)
Hits automatically
8 Scroll of Ball Lightning A lightning ball targets 1 monster (R1 D5)
Hits automatically

Magic Item (MI)

Magic Items include weapons, armor, and miscellaneous trinkets.
d8 MI
1 Mithril Armor (2A) (Armor) Can be worn by any profession and has no Strength
2 Lucky Coin (Trinket) Can be used to attempt to adjust any die roll in the
game. Roll d6:
1-3 = no effect
4-6 = adjust any roll +/- 1
May only be used once per die roll. After 5 uses, it will tarnish
and disintegrate.
3 Spell book page (Trinket) You may select any 2 spells from the Spells table and
add them to your spell book. The page will then turn to dust.
4 Archmage’s Staff (Weapon) (R1 D1 H1 2Hnd) attack skill is Willpower
The bearer of this staff may memorize +1 spell so long as this staff
is equipped.
5 Boots of Striding (Trinket) The bearer of these boots gains +1 to movement (M)
6 Blinking Stone (Trinket) As the spell, the hero is instantly teleported to the most
recently explored room. After 3 uses, it will vanish.
7 Skeleton Key (Trinket) The hero may open one locked door or treasure
chest per use. After 5 uses, it will shatter.
8 Amulet of Shielding (Trinket) This amulet absorbs all damage that is not mitigated by
armor or shields. After absorbing 5 HP damage, it will vanish in a
flash of light.
Spells Table
Spells are memorized by heroes whose profession permits them to use spells.
A hero may select any spells from their spell book to memorize prior to entering an unexplored room.
Only memorized spells may be cast. To cast a spell, deduct the AP cost from the hero’s Current AP total.
Combat spells are spells with (R D H) values. These spells require a combat roll to hit, and the attack skill is Willpower.

Blink costs 3 AP
Hero is teleported to the most recently explored room.

Enchant Weapon costs 2 AP

An equipped weapon gains one of the following enchantments:
+2H bonus
+2D bonus
+1H and +1D bonuses
The enchantment will remain until the end of combat. This spell can be cast
multiple times and the effects will stack.

Enfeeble (R2 D0 H0) costs 2 AP

Target monster will deal 1 less damage for the remainder of combat. This spell
can be cast multiple times and the effect will stack.

Enwizen cost varies

Hero gains +1 Willpower for every 1 AP spent. The hero does not gain any AP as
a result of this Willpower boost. The Willpower bonus remains until the end of
the turn.

Fear (R2 D0 H0) costs 2 AP

Target monster moves away from your character for 3 rounds.

Fireball (R2 D4 H0) costs 3AP

Targets the enemy with the highest Def in a square. If it hits, it deals damage to
all monsters in that square.

Frost Bolt (R4 D2 H0) costs 2 AP

Attacks all monsters in a straight line from the hero, to a range of 4. Make
combat roll against the targeted monster with the highest Def.

Haste costs 3 AP
Hero gains a +2 bonus to their Movement for 1 turn. When cast during combat,
the hero may conduct 3 actions in their next combat round.
Knock costs 1 AP
Roll d6 (+1 for every 3 points of Willpower). On a result of 5 or greater, open any
1 locked door or treasure chest.

Life Drain (R1 D1 H0) cost varies

Drains 1 HP from a monster and heals hero for 1 HP, for every 2 AP spent.
Note that Bonus Rating can increase the damage (D) dealt by this spell, but not
the amount of healing.

Magic Missile (R5 D1 H1) costs 1 AP

Two missiles launch from the caster’s fingertips, targeting either the same
monster or two separate monsters. Make a combat roll for each missile.

Quicken cost varies

Hero gains +1 Agility for every 1 AP spent. The Agility bonus remains until the
end of the turn.

Shocking Grasp (R1 D3 H0) costs 1 AP

Deals electrical damage to a single adjacent monster.

Strengthen cost varies

Hero gains +1 Strength for every 1 AP spent. The Strength bonus remains until
the end of the turn.

Tangle (R4 D0 H0) costs 2 AP

Holds 1 target monster in place. It cannot move for 3 rounds.
Monsters are described by a set of statistics that define them:
 Monster Type The name or description of the monster
 Def (defense value) The value the hero’s combat roll must meet or exceed to hit the monster
 HP (hit points) The amount of damage the monster can absorb before dying
 R (range) The range of the monster’s attack, where 1 = adjacent to the hero
 M (move value) How many squares a monster can move in a combat round
 Att (attack range) The d6 combat roll results that will result in the monster hitting the hero
 D (damage) The damage the monster delivers to the hero if its combat roll hits
 Special Any special instructions or attacks that this monster observes

The player should select a monster package for their game that is from the same tier as the dungeon
their hero is entering. See Continuing the Adventure above for more detail. The monsters and their
stats should be recorded on the Adventure Sheet Monsters Table such that the 1st monster goes in the
1-9 row, the 2nd monster goes in the 10-19 row, the 3rd monster goes in the 20-29 row, and the 4th
(Boss) monster goes in the 30 row.

Tier 1
Humanoids package
1. Kobolds (Def9 HP3 R1 M2 Att1-2 D2)
2. Goblins (Def10 HP4 R1 M1 Att1-2 D3)
3. Hobgoblins (Def11 HP6 R1 M1 Att1-2 D4)
4. Boss: Ragnar the Ogre (Def13 HP12 R1 M2 Att1-2 D5) Special: On a monster attack roll of
3-4, Ragnar makes a boulder throw attack (R3 D6) attack.

Undead package
1. Skeletons (Def9 HP3 R1 M2 Att1-2 D2)
2. Zombies (Def10 HP4 R1 M1 Att1-2 D3)
3. Ghouls (Def11 HP6 R1 M1 Att1-2 D4)
4. Boss: Arkanos the Lich (Def12 HP12 R3 M1 Att1-2 D5) Special: On a monster attack roll of 3-
4, Arkanos summons an undead minion in a vacant square adjacent to him.
Roll d6: 1-2 Skeleton, 3-4 Zombie, 5-6 Ghoul

Cult package
1. Cultist (Def9 HP3 R1 M1 Att1-2 D2)
2. Fanatic (Def10 HP4 R1 M2 Att1-2 D3)
3. Dread Priest (Def11 HP6 R1 M1 Att1-2 D4)
4. Boss: Mozozar the Summoner (Def12 HP12 R3 M1 Att1-2 D5) Special: On a monster attack
roll of 3-4, Mozozar summons an Imp in a vacant square adjacent to him.
(Imp: Def10 HP5 R1 M3 Att1-3 D3)
Beast package
1. Giant Rat (Def9 HP3 R1 M2 Att1-2 D2)
2. Acidic Slime (Def2 HP8 R1 M1 Att1-3 D1) Special: On a monster attack roll of 4, the slime
splits into 2 slimes. Each will have ½ (rounded up) HP of the original slime. Slimes ignore the
stacking rule and multiple slimes may occupy a square adjacent to the hero.
3. Owl Bear (Def11 HP6 R1 M1 Att1-2 D4)
4. Boss: Water Elemental (Def13 HP12 R2 M1 Att1-2 D5) Special: On a monster attack roll of
3-4, the Elemental casts an ice bolt (R4 D6) at the hero.

Plumbing the Depths package

1. Darklings (Def9 HP3 R1 M2 Att1-2 D2)
2. Drow (Def10 HP4 R1 M1 Att1-2 D3)
3. Drow Lords (Def11 HP6 R1 M1 Att1-2 D4)
4. Boss: Lieutenant Stythe (Def13 HP12 R1 M1 Att1-2 D5) Special: On a monster attack roll of
3-4, Stythe hurls a poisoned obsidian blade (R3 D6) at the hero.

Tier 2
Humanoids package
1. Kobold Skirmishers (Def11 HP6 R1 M2 Att1-2 D4) Special: Add +2 to any # Monsters result
of 1 or more.
2. Orcs (Def12 HP8 R1 M1 Att1-2 D5)
3. Orc Archers (Def13 HP8 R4 M2 Att1-2 D4)
4. Boss: Murke the Troll (Def16 HP18 R1 M2)
Attack 1 claw: (Att1-3 D5) Attack 2 claw: (Att1-3 D5)
Special: Before each combat round, Murke regenerates d6 divided by 2 (rounded up) HP.

Undead package
1. Skeletal Archers (Def11 HP6 R4 M2 Att1-2 D4)
2. Wights (Def12 HP8 R1 M1 Att1-2 D5) Special: When the Wight hits, it causes the Death’s
Chill Touch effect, which prevents the hero from healing HP by any means until combat ends
3. Nosferatu (Def13 HP8 R1 M2 Att1-2 D6) Special: Add +2 to any # Monsters result of 1 or
4. Boss: Straud the Vampire (Def16 HP18 R1 M2 Att1-3 D4) Special: When Straud hits, he
drains the hero of +1 additional HP, healing himself by the same amount. This drain effect
accumulates with each hit. For example, if a hero were hit by Straud 3 times during combat, he
would sustain D4 + 4 drain damage on the next 4th hit, and Straud would be healed 4 HP.
Cult package
1. Cursed Fanatic (Def11 HP6 R1 M2 Att1-2 D4) Special: Add +2 to any # Monsters result of 1
or more.
2. Shadow Priest (Def12 HP8 R3 M1 Att1-2 D5)
Summoner (Def13 HP8 R3 M1 Att1-2 D6) Special: In the first round of combat, after the hero
conducts their action, the Summoner will summon an Imp in a vacant square adjacent to her:
(Imp: Def10 HP5 R1 M3 Att1-3 D3)
3. Boss: Magus the Archdaemyn (Def16 HP18 R1 M4)
Attack 1 fist: (Att1-3 D4) Attack 2 fist: (Att1-3 D4) Attack 3 tail: (Att1-3 D6)

Beast package
1. Giant Spider (Def11 HP6 R1 M2 Att1-2 D4) Special: Hero is poisoned on a monster attack roll
of 3, taking 1 HP damage (ignoring all armor and shield mitigation)
2. Gelatinous Cube (Def2 HP10 R1 M1 Att1-3 D5) Special: Hero is stunned on a monster attack
roll of 4, and can take no actions in the next combat round.
3. Basilisk (Def13 HP8 R1 M2 Att1-2 D6) Special: Hero is stunned on a monster attack roll of 3,
and can take no actions in the next combat round. Hero is poisoned on a monster attack roll of
4, taking 1 HP damage (ignoring all armor and shield mitigation)
4. Boss: Fire Elemental (Def16 HP16 R2 M1 Att1-3 D6) Special: On a monster attack roll of 4-5,
the Elemental hurls a fireball (R4 D8) at the hero.

Plumbing the Depths package

1. Drow Infiltrator (Def11 HP6 R1 M2 Att1-2 D4) Special: Add +2 to any # Monsters result of 1
or more.
2. Arachnid Mount (Def12 HP8 R1 M3 Att1-2 D5) Special: On a monster attack roll of 3, the
hero is poisoned, taking 1 HP damage (ignoring all armor and shield mitigation).
3. Drow Archer (Def13 HP8 R4 M2 Att1-2 D4) Special: On a monster attack roll of 3, the hero is
poisoned, taking 1 HP damage (ignoring all armor and shield mitigation).
4. Boss: Drathe the Spiderkeeper (Def16 HP18 R1 M1 Att1-2 D6) Special: On a monster attack
roll of 3-4, Drathe summons an Arachnid Mount to a vacant square adjacent to her.
Tier 3
Epic Archmage package
1. Construct (Def17 HP10 R1 M1 Att1-3 D6) Special: On a monster attack roll of 4, the
Construct will heal itself to full HP.
2. Dark Apprentice (Def17 HP12 R4 M1 Att1-3 D6) Special: On a monster attack roll of 4, the
Dark Apprentice will summon a Construct to a space adjacent to them.
3. Pyromancer (Def17 HP14 R4 M1 Att1-3 D6) Special: On a monster attack roll of 4, the
Pyromancer will cast a fire ball at the hero (R4 D9).
4. Boss: Archmage Gravitus (Def19 HP20 R6 M1 Att1-3 D8) Special: On a monster attack roll
of 4, Gravitus will cast a fire ball at the hero (R4 D12). On a monster attack roll of 5, Gravitus
will summon a Construct to a space adjacent to him. On a monster attack roll of 6, Gravitus will
Blink the hero to the previous room and will heal himself +6 HP.

Epic Dragon package

1. Empowered Kobold (Def17 HP10 R1 M2 Att1-3 D6) Special: On a monster attack roll of 4,
the Empowered Kobold will detonate, slaying itself and dealing 8 HP damage to the hero.
2. Summoned Shade (Def17 HP12 R1 M3 Att1-3 D6) Special: On a monster attack roll of 4, the
Summoned Shade will cast Drain Life, causing the hero to take 1 HP damage (ignoring all armor
and shield mitigation) and healing itself +1 HP.
3. Hatchlings (Def17 HP14 R3 M1 Att1-3 D6) Special: On a monster attack roll of 4, the
Hatchling will use its fire breath attack (R3 D9).
4. Boss: Tyrranus the Red Dragon (Def19 HP30 R2 M2)
Attack 1 claw: (Att1-2 D6) Attack 2 claw: (Att1-2 D6) Attack 3 mouth: (Att1-3 D6)
Attack 4 tail: (Att1-3 D6) Attack 5 fire breath: (Att1 D10)

Epic Depths package

1. Drow Priest (Def17 HP10 R4 M1 Att1-3 D6) Special: On a monster attack roll of 4, the Drow
Priest will heal herself to full HP.
2. Mind Flayer (Def17 HP12 R1 M1 Att1-3 D6) Special: On a monster attack roll of 4, the Mind
Flayer will use a psychic attack (R3 D2) that ignores all armor and shield mitigation.
3. Monstrous Arachnoid (Def17 HP14 R1 M1 Att1-3 D6) Special: On a monster attack roll of 4,
the Monstrous Arachnoid will spew webbing, causing the hero to have no move, weapon, or
spell actions in the next combat round.
4. Boss: Spiderqueen Lolth (Def19 HP20 R6 M1 Att1-3 D8) Special: On a monster attack roll of
4, Lolth will cast a Venom spell at the hero (R4 D4) which ignores all armor and shield
mitigation. On a monster attack roll of 5, Lolth will summon a Drow Priest to a vacant adjacent
square. On a monster attack roll of 6, Lolth will heal herself +10 HP.

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