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Primary Sources

"April 1, 1933." January 1933–February 1934. doi:10.4159/harvard.9780674863712.c8.

Journal article with a quote about the Chicago Teacher Revolt. I will use this to set the stage
about the teacher revolt.

“Mayor Edward J. Kelly Inaugural Address, 1943.” Chicago Public Library,
Journal article including Mayor Kelly’s inaugural address. I can use this to show what his initial
intentions were.
Men carrying sandwich signs during the Great Depression. Economic & social conditions, Chicago
History Museum, Chicago.
Photograph showing young men in urgent need for work. I will use this to prove my point of
people being in extreme poverty.

Secondary Sources

Amadeo, Kimberly. "What Happened During the Great Depression?" The Balance. Accessed
December 15, 2017.

This source explains what was going on during The Great Depression. I will use this to
show how the nation was affected.

Kelly-Nash Machine. Accessed December 15, 2017.

This source shows Kelly’s ambitious attitude. I will use this to prove to my reader that
Mayor Kelly was determined to improve Chicago.

"Stock Market Crash of October 1929." Social Welfare History Project. December 05, 2016.
Accessed December 15, 2017.

This source shows the economical crisis the U.S. was going through during the 1930’s. I will use
this to set the stage for my readers about my topic.

“The Chicago Unemployed Movement's Protests for Food and Housing.” Commodities Conflict
and Cooperation,
This source shows the protests there were for food and housing. I will use this to support
my argument about the unemployed movements.

Tribune, Chicago. “Chicago during the Great Depression.”, 4 Dec. 2012,
This source has photographs I can use to help the reader visualize what I am writing about.
I will use the photographs of protests.

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