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Subject : IT Grade : 2 Date :

Name : Duration: Marks : 20

A. Write the correct answer:- (5)

1. . ………………….. is a permanent memory.

a. RAM b. ROM c. ALU d. CU

2. Find the odd one out.

a. Scanner b. Printer c. Plotter d. Monitor

3. Name the first calculating device.________________________.

4. ALU stands for ________________________________________ .
5. Find the output device.
a. printer b. mouse c. keyboard d. scanner

B. Write the full form from the following: (5)

1. CD-

2. RAM-

3. ROM

4. MU-

5. CPU-

C. Answer the questions: (10)

1.Write the name of two input device?

2.How many types of memory does a computer have?

3. Write some storage device?

4. State the difference between RAM and ROM.

5. Complete the table:

Device Used for

Web camera

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