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Liquor prohibition in Bihar

India’s experiment with prohibition of alcohol found a new entrant. Bihar joined the list of existing dry
states of Gujarat, Nagaland, Mizoram from April 1,2016. Staying true to its election promise and
consolidating upon female vote bank, Nitish Kumar led government imposed total prohibition policy. It
started with ban on sale and consumption of country made liquor and soon expanded to India made
foreign Liquor( IMFL).

There were valid social and economic reasons leading to this step. Alcoholism among men, especially in
economically backward section, leads to domestic violence and financial ruins. Also, it puts health of
alcohol consumer in considerable risks. This further results in additional burden on state’s ailing health
department. Prohibition has helped in directing the funds of family towards education and development.
Cases of accidents caused by drunken driving has decreased.

However, implementing the ban has turned out to be a challenging task. People have questioned the
government’s intention of controlling eating and drinking habit in a democratic state. Black marketing,
adulteration and cross border sales of alcohol is rampant. Illicit liquor trade is being carried out with tacit
support of corrupt officials from police and excise department. Many cases of people dying from poor
quality alcohol were reported. In absence of alcohol, drugs addiction has gone up significantly. Hassles of
implementation has put immense pressure on police and state excise departments which are already
grappling with problem of manpower shortage. Also, giving so much power to state police and excise
department has resulted in corruption cases. Large number of cases lodged related to violation of
prohibition law has crippled state judiciary. Special courts have been set up to deal with prohibition
related cases. VAT and excise duty on alcohol is the major source of state’s revenue. Bihar is taking an
annual hit of 5000 crore /annum due to prohibition. The tourism sector too will suffer due to prohibition.
Cash starved state like Bihar is going to feel more pinch of losses.

Alcoholism is an effect of a deep-rooted problem in our society. Among poor, it results due to many
reasons- Inability of state to provide job for all, stress of living in poverty in inhumane conditions. Male
member being the only earning member in poor family leads to powerless women. They find it difficult to
rein in their menfolk. Another way of dealing with alcoholism can be through outreach program,
counselling and de-addiction centers. Vigorous campaigning must be done against consumption of
alcohol. Empowerment of women through jobs and education will shift the power balance in the family.
They will become an integral part in decision making of their family’s expenses and prioritize education
and health over alcohol. Instead of quick fix of complete prohibition, Bihar government should focus on
regulation. The state must rather use its limited resources judiciously in more productive activities of
improving education, infrastructure, job creation instead of deciding people’s eating and drinking habits.

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