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10 Comprehension 1 Read and listen to the story. What is the surprise? Sweet Sue is talking to Mr Salt. An old clock disappeared from his house two days ago. weer sue Were you here when the clock disappeared? me sat No, we weren't. My wife and I went to Paris on Monday. sweet sue When did you come back? mr saLt We came back on Tuesday, because my wife was ill. SWEET sue Was the clock here on Monday? MR SALT Yes, it was. Someone took it when we were away. SWEET SUE Did they take anything else? mur sat No, they didn’t SWEET SUE Did you phone the police? mr saut Yes, we did, Aweek later. Hello, Sweet Sue. Were you on holiday last week? ‘Oh, I solved that case while you were away. We arrested the thief yesterday. It was the gardener. No, | wasn't. Iwas ill. | wanted to find Mr Salt's clock. But I can do that now. You've got flu, Sweet Sue. You can't go to. work for a week. ‘Oh, I hate that ‘Smart Alec! Dear Sweet Sue Lknow yeute looking for pay parents’ clock. I? in the porcel. I had a party a the house while theg were ervey ane one of hay friends broke the clock. I wanted to repair th butt nowy parents came home early. Can you give it fe thera, please? Tell tena Dn verg ‘Oh, Smart Alec, Ive got a surprise for you. sorry. Jack Salt 2 complete the sentences with the correct words. 4. Somebody took a from the house 2 Mr and Mrs Salt were in 3 Sue wasn’t at work. She had ____. 4 The police the gardener yesterday. 5 Mrand Mrs Salt's. took the clock. 6 He hada at the house and somebody broke the clock, 7 He wanted to came home. it before his parents ‘Complete the sentences from the story. . here when the clock disappeared? © No, we + ______ here on Monday? © Yes, it simple questions: regular and jular verbs 2 Complete the sentences from the story. * 1 they anything else? © No, they? * you the police? © Yes, we 'b Put the words in order to make a question. come did when back you ? A reporter is asking Sweet Sue some ions. Make the questions. Use the cues. sre Mr and Mrs Salt away? Mrs and Mrs Salt / away they /in London Mis Salt ill Mr Salt ill, too their son / at home his friends / there, too you /on holiday last week ‘the gardener / the thief Find the answers to the questions in the ;. Work with a partner. Make the dialogue. Were Mr and Mrs Salt away? Yes, they were. G Make questions and answers with the cues. * Did Mr and Mrs Salt come back early? © Yes, they did, because Mrs Salt was ill. ‘come back early arrest the gardener phone the police repair the clock have a party steal the clock Speaking and listening '7 a Look at the activities. Did you do any of these things last weekend? b Listen. Match the people to the activities. ¢ GBB How did each person feel about their weekend? Listen again and match these expressions to the people in exercise 7a. brillant. fantastic great. really exciting. It was fun. all right. (OK, forse s not bad aie a @ terrible. 8 Work with a partner. Make a dialogue about your weekend. Use these questions. How was your weekend? ‘What did you do / see? Where did you go? Who did you go with? ‘Was it good?

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