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Quiz 1

Spain was conquered by France in 19th century:


The Filipinos who became wealthy because of the economic boom


The objective of the passage of Rizal Law in 1952 is to boost or rekindle the dwindling

Strong American Presence

Social conditions in the Philippines

II and IV or II and III

Who authored Rizal Law?

Sen. Claro M. Recto

Which statement is not true about the passage of the Rizal law?

Sen. Claro M.

To reach more Filipino students, the novels and other works


Who are the principalias?

I and II or I and IV

College students are required to read the unexpurgated

Statement II is true

Which event was viewed by the Spanish government officials as a move

1872 cavite mutiny

What is the title of the essay written by Marcelo H. Del Pilar that criticized the power and influence of
the friars in the Philippines? Answer

Monarchism in the Philippines

Which is NOT an objective of the Rizal Law?

Promote intellectual development

What is the organization established by Ilustrados that aims to demand reforms and push for the
assimilation of the Philippines to Spain?

The Propaganda movement

The Philippines during the 19th century was at the height of industrialization and modernization.


What is the legal basis of including the study of the life and works of Jose Rizal in the

curriculum of high school and college?

R.A. 1425

Students who feel that their religious beliefs are offended by Rizal’s novels are exempted from taking
the Rizal course.


Arrange the following events in chronological order.


Jose Rizal’s ‘On the Indolence of the Filipino’ criticizes the incompetence of the Spanish officials
designated in the Philippines.


Who led the strong opposition to the passage of the Rizal Law?

CaTHOLIC church

The movement which exposed the conditions of the Philippines under the Spanish control and
demanded that the country become province of Spain is the

Propaganda movement

Who were the Filipinos who gained wealth from renting huge lands (haciendas) owned by the friars


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