January 1

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January 1, 2018

Deuteronomy 10:12-22

Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiff-necked.

Deut. 10:16


Time flew so fast

New beginning came at last
What happened in the past
Is blown like a dust

As we face year twenty-eighteen

Consider your circumstances in twenty-seventeen
Maybe part of it was darkened
And maybe you felt like your cries were not hearkened

But don’t be driven with your history

You can make another story
If your past didn’t lead you to glory
Maybe you had taken the wrong journey

But this time my friend be wise

Make sure the instruction you get is clear and concise
And see to it that you don’t get it from the father of lies
For surely every decision you make you have to pay the price

To get God’s clear direction

You have to surrender your heart for consecration
Sometimes the process will cause you to go through some painful sanctification
Just be strong for it’s the only way to cleanse you from all the corruption

When God allows you to hear and behold

Don’t hesitate to follow whatever to you He told
Don’t be afraid to obey Him but be bold
For this is the only way for you to see the glorious work of the Lord

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