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27/01/2018 The lift sling is used to hoist a container having - Question Solutions


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The lift sling is used to hoist a container having

18 Sep, 2016 In Mechanics: Statics tagged Engineering Mechanics: Statics / Forces

The lift sling is used to hoist a container having a mass of 500 kg. Determine the force in each of the cables AB and AC as a function of ϴ. If the
maximum tension allowed in each cable is 3.5 kN, determine the shortest lengths of cables AB and AC that can be used for the lift. The center of
gravity of the container is located at G.

Image from: Hibbeler, R. C., S. C. Fan, Kai Beng. Yap, and Peter
Schiavone. Statics: Mechanics for Engineers. Singapore: Pearson,


Let us first draw the free body diagram showing cables AB, AC and force F. 1/3
27/01/2018 The lift sling is used to hoist a container having - Question Solutions

Note that force F must support all of the weight as all the forces go through that point. Thus, we can write force
F1 = 500(9.81) = 4905 N.

Now, let us assume that forces going →+ is positive and ↑ + is positive.

We will first write the equations of equilibrium for x-axis forces like so:

∑ Fx = 0
FAC cosθ − FAB cosθ = 0
(We can cancel out the cosθ by dividing both sides of the equation by cosθ) This gives us:


Now, we will write the equations of equilibrium for y-axis forces.

∑ Fy = 0
4905 − 2F sinθ = 0
(Isolate for F)

F = sinθ
(remember, sinθ = cscθ)

F = 2452.5cscθ

Thus we can write:

FAC = FAB = F = 2452.5cscθ

The question states that the maximum tension allowed in a cable is 3.5 kN. Therefore, we can write the following: 2/3
27/01/2018 The lift sling is used to hoist a container having - Question Solutions

F = 2452.5cscθ
3500 = 2452.5cscθ
cscθ = 2452.5
(remember, sinθ = cscθ)
1 3500
sinθ = 2452.5
(Inverse both sides of the equation)

sinθ = 3500
θ= sin ( 2452.5
3500 )
θ= 44.480

To figure out the length of a cable, we can use simple geometry.

length = cos(44.480 )

length = 2.8 m
This question can be found in Engineering Mechanics: Statics (SI edition), 13th edition, chapter 3, question 3-3

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