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What is the most clever life hack you've learned?



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100+ Answers

Pengfei Zhang, Entrepreneur, Circuit Designer, Ph. D. in Semiconductor

Answered Oct 19, 2016

Everyone knows how important it can be in making the right decisions in life.
It outweighs hardworking.
It can even outweigh luck.
We often make poor decisions either by rushing to a conclusion or by overthinking it.

In China, people used to say “三思而後行” (Better to think many times before you take action.) They

attribute this idiom to our ancient Philosopher Confucius, originated from one of the Chinese Classics,
Confucian Analects.
I guess Chinese people, at least most of us, have been taking this idiom as the principle of best decision
making for centuries, which perhaps renders some of us to appear less decisive than some other ethnic
It turns out that we have read it all wrong all along!
In the original Confucian Analects, Book V, Chapter 19, where this idiom came from, it reads,


A 19th century Scottish sinologist, James Legge, translated it to the following,

Chî Wan thought thrice, and then acted. When the Master was informed of it, he said, "Twice may do."
So what Confucius really taught was to think twice, and twice only, then get to action promptly.
Not many more times. Not even thrice. Twice.
Of course, not only once either.
You think twice then act.

128.8k Views · 907 Upvotes

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Quora User
It says in quotes “Twice may do.” In english, may means a possibility but not a necessity. So, us...

Priyanka Sinha, Big Learner, Deep Observer and Good Listener.

Answered Oct 20, 2016

• Refer to people you’ve just met by their name. People loving being referred to by their name, and
it will establish a sense of trust and friendship right away…

• People have a certain image of themselves and will fight tooth and nail to cling to it. Use this
information wisely. You can make people dislike you by attacking their self-image.

• False attribution of arousal. When you take somebody out on a first date, take them somewhere
exciting that will get their heart beating. e.g. roller coaster or horror film. This gets their adrenaline up. It
makes them think they enjoy spending time with you rather than the activity.

• Use a silly code word or phrase to defuse an argument.Typically someone will calm down enough
to remember to say the words then the other person will laugh and the argument will stop. Sounds a bit crazy
but it works really well. I guess it helps to make you realise that most arguments are over silly things.

• Use the snack incentive while studying.

(Referred from: 36 Life Hacks Every College Student Should Know )

• Spot people’s sympathies when they laugh: Out of all the psychological life hacks, this one can
turn out to be really valuable. Whenever you’re standing in a group and laughter breaks out, it’s a golden
chance for you to see who likes you the most. Typically, each one in the group will instinctively glance at
that particular individual that they like/trust the most in the group. This little psychological hack is not only
helpful to spot people whom you are sympathetic, but also a nice way of figuring out who is secretly in a
relationship or having a deep affection for each other.

• Use the power of silence: One psychological hack to accomplish this is to simply make use of the
power of silence. If you’re not satisfied with an answer somebody gave you, remain silent and keep looking
at them. Usually, the combination of awkward silence and firm eye contact will pressure your counterpart to
bridge the silence by revealing more.

• You can judge the character of a person by how they treat people who can do absolutely nothing for

143.1k Views · 1,654 Upvotes

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Alok Deshpande

You can judge the character of a person by how they treat people who can do absolutely nothing fo...
2 more comments from Phiter Fernandes, Fermin June Alegro III

Alex Liang, naturally curious

Updated Dec 11, 2016
For your viewing pleasure, I added a pdf version so you can read it at your convenience. Just follow the
directions here.

• Positive mindset, constant elevation. Instead of saying ‘It is my bad luck that this has happened to
me, say instead ‘It is my good fortune this has happened to me because I have the strength to bear it.’
Positive mindsets make all the difference. S/O to Marcus Aurelius for this gem.

• How to deal with criticism.The less emotionally affected you are by praise and compliments, the
less you’ll be emotionally affected by critics and their words.

• Love your work. To stop procrastinating, change how you feel about the work rather than trying to
force yourself to do it. Make it fun. Intrinsic motivation defeats external pressures when diving into work
that requires brain power.

• When nobody looks like they know what they’re doing, look and appear confident and everybody
will follow your lead. Extremely useful in group projects.

• Swallow the frog technique. Don’t look at your email in the morning. Instead, do your hardest task
first thing and you’ll be much more productive.

• Music while you work. Listening to ambient music or music that fades into the background helps
boost creativity and productivity.

• Hop aboard the ‘yes’ train. When you’re trying to persuade somebody, get them to say ‘yes’ or
agree with you a couple times before making your request. They’ll be more likely to say yes again as to stay

• Save some money and turn off overdraft protection on your debit cards.

• Give before you take.

• The cycle of reciprocation. Whenever you do a favor for somebody, wait a while and ask for a favor
back. This allows for the cycle of reciprocation to continue. They won’t ask for a favor unless they feel like
they’ve paid you back so let them.

• Don’t ask for low amounts of money back. You’re as big as the things you care about.

• The best way to win arguments on the internet is to ignore them.

• Study people who fail as to not make their mistakes.

• Have a short-term memory. Treat every new minute as a new day and you’ll never have a problem
getting over mistakes.

• Meditation helps with anxiety, depression and pain. It also helps develop killer creativity, focus,
and productivity.
• “You’re under no obligation to be the same person you were 5 minutes ago” - Alan Watts

• Your body feeds the mind. Healthy body, healthy mind.

• Absence can make the heart grow fonder, but they have to like you enough to care.

• Writing book summaries are a great way to retain what you’ve read

• Become a mind-reader. If you want to get a gist of what somebody is thinking copy their body
language. You’ll start feeling their emotions and get a better view of what they’re thinking.

• Be lazy to be productive. Sometimes the best way to figure out a solution to a problem is to
completely drop it and think about something else. This allows your subconscious brain to make more

• To give a great public speech believe in the words you are saying. Be excited in your message.

• If you want to wake up earlier, start by eating your breakfast earlier. Your circadian rhythm is
affected by food.

• Spend less than you earn. Common sense, but it can be hard sometimes.

• Drink a glass of cold water when you wake up to feel like you’ve woken up.

• When you ask for a favor, don’t make small talk before you ask. It makes it look like you only care
to make conversation when you want something. Instead make small talk afterwards.

• When you’re writing, don’t end when you feel finished. Instead end right before your juices run out.
This way you can hop into it later without trouble.

• Master the art of being quiet. You learn more and, when done right, come off as incredibly

• A great way to earn respect is to simply do what you say you’re going to do.

• Smiling promotes creativity.

You might enjoy Doping Out on Dopamine: How It’s Killing Your Productivity

128.4k Views · 1,885 Upvotes

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Saurabh Sanyal

Do you think there is any relevance to the picture you posted with the answer?

Nelson Wang, Co-founder at Habby.co

Answered Mar 6

Here are the best life hacks I’ve picked up over the last 32 years:

• Book meetings for 10 minutes shorter than normal. For example, if it’s normally a 30 minute
meeting, book it for 20 minutes. That gives you 10 minutes of breathing room to use the restroom, meditate,
catch up on emails and so on!

• Speaking of meetings, try meeting with people while going for a walk. People will often be more
relaxed and open when they’re not inside a 5x5 conference room.

• Use GIFs and funny videos as a way to keep in touch with friends and family. Sure, a phone call is
great, but so are little gestures that make people laugh and smile. I’ll give you one of my secrets: I make lip
sync music videos on Snapchat for the people closer to me and we have a singing battle. It’s brought
countless laughs and everyone a little bit closer. One song at a time.

• Get rid of paper documents by taking photos of it and uploading it to the cloud (I use Box). Now you
don’t have to worry about finding a piece of paper later.

• iPhone battery running low? Turn it to lower power mode. This has saved me a few times.

• Color code your keys so you know what each key is used for. You can either paint it with nail polish
or buy a plastic color cover.
• Put a rubber band around a jar lid to make it easier to open. You can also use duct tape (put half on
the lid and then pull).

• When you hit turbulence during a flight, wiggle the bottom half of your body around and it’ll reduce
the effect. I’ve done this many times and it works.

• Have luggage that looks the same as everyone else’s? Tie a bow around it with a really uncommon
color (such as lime green).

• Not sure how to negotiate your salary? Look up comparable positions on Glassdoor to find out what
the market rate is.

• Batch your emails. Instead of reacting instantly to each email that comes in, wait for an extended
period of time, review the larger batch of emails and prioritize responding to them from there.

• Stressed out? Use the 10 years test: Will this matter in 10 hours? 10 days? 10 years? Probably not.
This usually helps to put things in perspective.

• Learn to change subjects when needed. If someone is feeling down and wants you to listen and to
empathize, you should absolutely do that. But also know there are moments where it would help to change
the subject to something more positive and happy to lift them from their doldrums. Learn to do that and you
can change someone’s life.

• Host a dinner party every month. It’s an easy way to keep in touch with a bigger group of friends.

• Use a T-shirt folder. It will save you a lot of time and help you get organized. Not sure what that is?
Watch this:

• Speaking of getting organized, declutter your place one a year. If something you own doesn’t create
happiness in your life, donate it and let someone put it to good use!

• Want to eat healthy but hate eating salads? (I know, it’s a lot of chewing.) Buy a high end blender
like a Nutribullet or Vitamix and blend your fruits and vegetables. I have one for breakfast almost every day
and crave them if I don’t have it for a while.

• Freeze your fruits and vegetables. This way you won’t let food spoil and you can pop it in the
blender for an ice cold smoothie. #HealthyIceCream

• If you’re not good at remembering names, repeat it when you’re greeting them for the first time.

• When you’re networking for business, go with a colleague or friend. That way you can start off
every conversation by introducing your friend, and that gives you something to chat about.

• Is someone eating your delicious sandwich when you put it into the company refrigerator? Color the
plastic bag or tupperware with a dark green marker so that it looks like mold. I’m pretty sure no one will eat
your food again.
• Have a small garage and afraid of hitting the wall in front of you when you park it? Hang a tennis
ball from the ceiling so that your windshield bumps into it as a signal to stop.

• Sleep in your workout gear. That way you can roll out of bed and go straight into a morning workout.
For more life hacks, download my guide on “100 Mini Habits That Will Make Life Amazing.”

117k Views · 1,341 Upvotes

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Jellis Vaes

Hehe, this one made me laugh.


Shei Darksbane, author of LGBT Urban Fantasy, publisher, artist, and deep thinker.
Updated May 24

Skipping the Bull

One of the cleverist, weirdest lifehacks I’ve ever encountered was derived from an interactive story game on
mobile called Vampire House. In the story, you could read books to gain skills, and the author included brief
descriptions of the books you read. My favorite was a title called “Skipping the Bull” which taught you to
read and study faster.
In the description, the author briefly described the book as teaching you tricks to get to the meat of a lesson,
article, paper, book, etc. by skipping all the filler that most authors put in to pad out an entry, and finding the
few lines that held 90% of the information.
There was not a full book in this game about how to do this, but that tiny description gave me the idea to
actually utilize this information, and ever since, I find myself commonly Skipping the Bull to get 90% of the
value of a post without reading all the filler.
If reading this wasn’t enough to teach you how to do it, I’m not sure I can. It kinda magically clicked for me.
But my advice would be just to keep in mind that a lot of posts add filler and fluff and if you start to feel like
the author is rambling, consider scanning for the next headline. When I read articles, I usually check to see if
the first few paragraphs are fluff the author wrote to introduce the idea which I’m already familiar with. This
happens a lot in the articles where you see a big headline like 10 best lifehacks. The author will spend a
paragraph or four explaining what lifehacks are. Just skip that and read the first headline below. I save a lot
of time by not reading all that reiteration of the same information over and over. Yeah, I might miss a few
things, but I probably waste way less time too.
And of course, if you’re reading something important, you can ignore this advice and read it all. This doesn’t
apply well to fiction or other artwork either. This is about gaining the most information in the smallest
amount of time and wasting less of your energy on reading things you already know, or reiterations of the
same material. I hope it helps you!
Find the Next Word
Read this Pep talk from Neil Gaiman on NaNoWriMo.
I don’t care if you’re a writer or not. It’s not just about writing. Trust me.
I was in a severe depression once and a dear friend of mine posted this pep talk to me. I am a writer so it was
highly relevant, but the funny thing is, it ended up helping me more in areas unrelated to writing than
anything else.
The gist is simple: Don’t try to write a novel. Don’t try to write a chapter. Don’t even try to write a
paragraph. Just write one word. One word only. Then when you’re finished, focus on finding the next word.
Then the next.
The advice is beautiful in its simplicity: Find a single step you can take and take it instead of worrying about
how you’ll ever finish climbing that whole mountain.
I’ve heard Neil talk about climbing “my mountain” in another talk and he uses this advice across multiple
ideas. Well, now, so do I.
When I learned of Find the Next word, I started applying it to writing when I was struggling, but I also
started applying it to depression.
I would wake up and feel like there is no way I can get out of bed. I can’t go through this day. I can’t live this
life. I should just give up.
Then I would say to myself “Just sit up.”
That didn’t sound so hard, so I’d just sit up.
Then I’d say “Just push the covers back.”
One more step wasn’t so hard, so I’d do it.
Then “Just put your feet on the floor.” “Just stand.” “Just take a step away from the bed.” “Just wash your
face.” “Just change clothes.”
Until I was just sitting at my desk writing a novel. ;)
So when life is too hard… don’t give up on the “whole novel”. Just find the next word.
Close Open Loops
Something I’ve always struggled with is trying to focus on ANYTHING when my brain is always FULL of
Something I learned was to get rid of all the extra stuff, an...

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Brendon Lemon, Sales Development Manager at Vibes (2015-present)

Answered Feb 13 · Featured in The Ladders
Most Clever: “The Franklin.” Ben Franklin learned that when he asked others for a small favor it caused
them to like him more.
This is genius because it leverages several things all together at once. Because it’s a small ask, it would be
impolite for the target to refuse. Think something simple. Consequently they accept, because refusing would
be impolite. This then kicks in some POWERFUL psychology, Robert Cialdini’s principles of influence. The
commitment and consistency principle causes cognitive dissonance. Their brain thinks “Why did I do this? I
must’ve done it because I like them.” Also, as Cialdini notes, because they’ve complied with a small request,
they’re MORE LIKELY to agree to a larger ask later.
Quite simply, this life hack is brilliant because it’s not just for others, it’s also for you.
Here’s how you can leverage it in your life:

• Small steps become big steps - Use this principle on yourself. If you want to get yourself to do
something big and challenging, start with the smallest comfortable step to make it happen, the snowball will
build. If you want to lose 100lbs and you identify that it’ll take both dietary and exercise changes do this:
remove ONE easy thing from your diet and add ONE bit of easy exercise you can do daily. So, “No pop or
soda,” and “A 20 minute walk every day.” You’ll be surprised how doing these simple things, and doing
them consistently, will move your disposition toward making bigger changes in diet and exercise much

• Investing in yourself = Loving yourself - Unhappy with yourself? The Franklin shows how you can
get to love yourself. The reason people who do favors for you begin to like you is because
they’ve invested in you. Their brain makes them defend their investment with good feelings. Use this trick on
yourself - DO SOMETHING FOR YOU. Do a favor for yourself: work hard and then go on a vacation.
Workout and look good naked and go out in public in a bathing suit. Learn an instrument and make a
YouTube video or have friends over and play. The more you invest in yourself, by doing favors for yourself,
the more you love yourself.

• Invest in others to get along with them - If you have someone in your life you have to work or live
with but can’t stand, The Franklin finds the solution: Do something valuable and useful for them. If you get
along decently well but can’t stand their company, try to identify something you could do that might help
them out and ask them if you could do it for them. Most likely they’ll either accept or politely protest (a
defense to prevent the law of reciprocity from kicking in, look it up). Don’t accept it if it’s just polite social
protestation. Do the favor and two things will happen: 1. You’ll begin to like them more and 2. They’ll reply
in kind when you ask them for something. In fact, have something ready to ask them for. Don’t do it
immediately, but soon after you do them a favor. You’ll find that the two of you will get along better.
You have any ideas on how to use The Franklin? Please comment, it’s a very, very productive life hack both
for yourself and for others.
If you want to check out more from me take a look at my YouTube channel, The Madness Continues.
107.3k Views · 1,525 Upvotes

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William Beteet

I love Ben Franklins work in social dynamics!

3 more comments from John Madinger, Joshua Otusanya, Daniel Shea

Franklin Veaux upvoted this

Ayodeji Awosika, I'm a published author who focuses on life advice.

Updated May 5

Stop masturbating.
Hear me out for a second…
The most clever life-hack I ever learned was to stop intellectually masturbating to pornographic notions of
I first learned this concept from James Altucher.
He refers to the way we turn potentially good ideas and values into ways we can mentally jerk off.
Take productivity for example. Being more productive is beneficial in your life for many reasons. You get
more done, it can increase your creativity, and your self-image changes when you accomplish a lot.
On the other hand, productivity can quickly turn into productivity porn. This is what happens when you see
someone who uses 47 different productivity apps — evernote, trello, slack — and has a meticulously crafted
multi-colored calendar, filled up to the point where it looks like someone ate every kind of Popsicle from an
ice cream truck and then vomited on the calendar. Productivity porn is when you “track steps” on your fit bit
instead of just generally moving more.
An idea becomes pornographic when the idea of doing it is weighted more heavily than actually
accomplishing what the goal or value sets out to accomplishment.
“Success hacks” is a giant cesspool of success porn.
“Steve Jobs wore the same clothes every day to increase his capacity to make decisions.” - If you wear the
same outfit every day, you will look like a cartoon character.
“Elon Musk works 100 hours a week.” - Are you building rocket ships? No? You probably don’t need to
work that much. Just find something you enjoy doing and work consistently without burning yourself out.
“Successful people wake up early” - There is no cause and effect relationships between waking up early and
succeeding. Maybe there’s some sort of correlation, but waking up early isn’t going to magically transform
you into a startup founder or a CEO.
Usually, if you’re trying to “hack” something, you’re avoiding what will actually get you where you want to
So if I had one hack to offer it’d be this — fall in love with doing instead of the ideaof doing.
Everybody wants to be a business owner, but a few want to run a business.
81 % of people want to see their name on a book cover, but less than one percent sits down to write
every day.
We all want to improve. To succeed. To be better. And we want it RIGHT NOW.
It’s human to feel that way.
The simple yet difficult to acknowledge and implement - answer is that the best hack of all is not trying to
hack anything.
Everyone is so busy trying to hack by cutting corners that it’s actually easier to stand out by being
thoughtful, because so few people in this world take the time to be thoughtful and produce quality.
I don’t have any life hacks to offer, but if you’re interested in changing yourself in a sincere way, I share
ideas on how to do that in my book, which you can learn more about here.

439.1k Views · 14,205 Upvotes

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Ibrahim Ali Khan

Wow man. You had me when you wrote, fall in love with doing instead of the idea of doing.

Alex Mooney, Author 6 Seconds of Fame: How to Write a Resume that Withstands the Test of Time
Updated Feb 19

In HR, we have a term for people who apply to job after job after job, hoping they’ll get a phone call: the
“spray and pray” technique.
The problem is that many employers receive hundreds of applications to a single job posting and many
recruiters spend six seconds or less reviewing a single resume. The system is setup to work against you.
I researched the application process and found a couple of easy hacks:

• In your resume, use words and phrases that closely align to the job posting.

• Include an executive summary at the top of your resume. This is the Cliff Notes version - if the
recruiter doesn’t read your entire resume, they get the most important details here.

• People read web content in a F-shape. Because your resume is viewed on a computer, it is best to
place the important information in the recruiter’s line of sight.
When writing the bullet points within your job history, use the RATS (results, action, task/situation) sentence
structure to place the results of your efforts in the line of sight of the reader.

For example, if I were applying to a job that required experience with fundraising:

• Raised $23k by creating the ABC Fundraiser event.

In this example, the results (raised $23k) precedes the action (by creating) and is followed by the task or
situation (ABC Fundraiser).
This simple hack has resulted in dozens of my friends and acquaintances receiving interviews with notable
employers that include: AirBnB, Amazon, Pixar, Seattle Children’s Hospital, UC Berkeley, University of
Washington, Tesla, Uber, Zillow.
Check out a more in-depth example of how to apply this to your resume.
Update: More examples of RATS bullet formatting are detailed below.

• Reduced 47hrs of weekly operation time to less than 4 by implementing data uploads in lieu of
manual entries.

• Rated 5/5 by 32 trainees in response to the survey statement, “I clearly understand how to apply the
training material to my job.”

• Opened a ~40 employee office in San Francisco to improve the company’s ability to attract and
retain technical talent in the Bay Area job market.

• Generated a 12% ($18k) per month cost reduction through inventory management improvements.

• Reversed a 3 year decline into a 2.8% gain by designing and implementing a new pricing strategy.

92.5k Views · 932 Upvotes

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Babar Khan Javed, Editor for Campaign Asia Pacific
Updated Jul 9

1. Laundry
If money is tight, use vinegar instead of fabric softener.
Not only does it soften your clothes, but also deodorizes them.
Unless you want to die, do not mix vinegar with chlorine bleach.
2. Track
Use Google Maps Timeline to justify your location if need be.
Comes in handy for sales reps that need to show where they’ve been.
Or if you’re late to work and have to justify the route taken.
3. Resume
Not everyone has the same version of Word.
Always submit your CV as a PDF.
It keeps the format layout consistent.
4. Morning
Physically get out of bed as soon as you’re awake.
Don’t lie in bed.
Works wonders.
5. Research
Always research the demand and supply sides of a business model.
Think about how people might try to cheat the incentives.
Ponder on whether you’re comfortable being associated with those.
Fearlessly question the founders on protocol and invest wisely.

59.2k Views · 397 Upvotes

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James Altucher, Author, entrepreneur, podcaster, wall street investor
Updated Feb 18 · Featured in HuffPost and 2 more · Upvoted by Michelle Callard-Stone, Behavioral Psychologist. PhD.

This life hack is so easy it’s trivial. I am almost embarrassed to share it because it’s so obvious.
And yet so few people do it and this one technique has made me millions of dollars.
That almost sounds scammy: “It’s made me millions of dollars”. What can I say about that? I was dead broke
18 months later. A life hack is not a way to figure out life.
I’ll get to that in a moment.
One time I started a company. I had millions of users and I was profitable. But I wanted to sell the company.
I had a meeting with a guy who was a new CFO of a company I was partnered with.
I researched him on Google, in advance. I saw that he went to Grinnell College.
I Googled Grinnell College.
I saw that Warren Buffett was on the board of trustees of Grinnell and, because of that, this college I had
never heard of before that day, had the best investment return of any college endowment in the country. In
the world.
So I sat down with the new CFO and his boss, the CEO. My business was a website related to investing. So
investing was part of the topic. The CEO wanted me to meet the CFO so later he could get the CFO’s opinion
of me and what to do with my business.
First thing I said, “it’s a pleasure to meet someone from Grinnell.”
The CEO didn’t even know where his CFO had gone to college. He laughed and said, “Why is that?” The
CFO also was maybe a bit confused.
I said, “If you want to learn anything about investing at all, forget everything else but Grinnell. They are the
best in the world. This is where you can really learn about Warren Buffett’s secret to success because he is
the one who guides all of their investment decisions.”
The CFO said, “That’s right.” And he told some stories about how the large Grinnell endowment has helped
this tiny school in unexpected ways. The CEO was impressed. The CFO was pleased I made him look good
in front of his new boss.
All because I had one rule I still use: I search Google for everyone I meet before I meet them.
I said, “I’m so impressed by this that I wanted to give you a gift.” I had written a book a few years earlier
called, “Trade Like Warren Buffett”. He took it and was thumbing through it.

I don’t even remember the rest of the meeting. We talked about Warren Buffett quite a bit. We spoke about
another company the CFO had worked at that I had researched and had many friends who had worked there.
And we talked briefly about my company.
Two weeks later the CFO called me and said, “We have to buy your company.” And a few weeks after that
they did, for $10 million.
This is a life hack, and I use it every day. I will use it today. I will use it tomorrow.
But life hacks don’t make a life.
Within 18 months of selling that particular company I was broke, once again. And I had to climb back up.
And it was depressing. And I was frustrated I was back in this position since it wasn’t the first time. Or even
the second. I built back up and had to learn a lot about myself. Who I was. What I stood for. And it's a daily
Having a good life hack can be helpful today. But learning how to hack a good life can be helpful forever.

469.9k Views · 8,405 Upvotes

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Nate Weger

Do people take it well knowing that you googled them before meeting them?
Khubaib Samdani, Co-founder at Self Projections
Updated May 28

1. Clean Up Your Inbox

I get spam emails daily. That gives my inbox a messy look. And I am sure you are the victim too.
Try Unroll.me
You can unsubscribe to all newsletters in just 1 minute.
See, I unsubscribed to 54 newsletters I don’t want to see anymore.

2. Fold Your T-Shirt In 5 Seconds

Must share this amazing life hack with your mother.

3. Charge Your Phone While It is Turned Off

Picture Attribution : eHow | How to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the expert in you.
It has always worked for me.
Next time you need to go outside and you are in hurry, try this life hack.
When you are charging the battery of your phone, it is being consumed as well.
Idle phone consumes 5% of the battery. And Operating System of your phone either it is Android or iOS, it
consumes around 10% of battery.
When plugged in the charger, if you turn your phone off, it will help you charge at a faster rate.

4. Brilliant Way to Hammer in Nail

Picture Attribution : WikiHow

5. You’ve Been Using Sticky Notes Wrong Your Entire Life

The Wrong Way.

The Right Way Picture Attribution : Pinterest

6. You Don’t Need Alarm Anymore To Wake You Up

Before going to sleep, drink 2 glass of water. You will not have trouble waking up next morning.

Picture Attribution : Tumblr

7. Perfect Alignment For Screw

When you are going to mount your router or photo frame to the wall, this might come hand next time.
Put a piece of paper over the router using your pen, dig a fine hole. Now put the piece of paper on the wall
and mark the area.
That’s it, now you know where you put the screw that will align properly.

Screenshots are taken from the video: 10 Useful Lifehacks Every Techie Should Know

8. How to peel potatoes so quickly

9. Send Your Location

You can send your location on Whats app.
It’s frustrating sometimes when you have to tell your address to someone and the person on the other side of
the phone is unable to get it.
Sending your location is just a click away. Follow the steps below.
... (more)

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Anthony Beckman, Exerciser | Coach | Dad | Community Volunteer | Blogger | Student of Life
Answered Oct 20, 2016

The most helpful life hack i’ve utilized is to identify and address my weaknesses and to double down on my
Address weakness:
I know I have the memory of a goldfish and so I utilize a to-do list app, my iPhone reminders, and a google
calendar. It addresses my weakness and keeps me functioning.
Go all in on strengths:
I love to give back to others as a teacher, coach, motivator. So i look for opportunities to utilize this in my
work and in my life. This means active opportunities like coaching a youth soccer team, volunteering with
the YMCA, and giving presentations at work. It also means looking for opportunities to improve this
strength. Training opportunities, free courses and certificates, books, and mentors.
I have to give credit to Gary Vaynerchuk for inspiring this viewpoint.
Don’t waste time trying to build up areas you aren't naturally good at. That will happen as a secondary
consequence to focusing on strengths. Find ways to minimize and address the weakness - then take
advantage of your talents. The world will reward you as a result.
28.1k Views · 70 Upvotes

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Deepak D
Updated May 14

Handwriting Analysis is an awesome thing to learn. You don't have to go into deep. But you need to know
few simple things about handwriting, which may help you to know about a person from his/her/its
handwriting. Let's begin,
✓Pressure you exert while writing
#Heavy- Deeply emotional person
#Light- Emotionally not expressive
✓Size of your letters
#Small- Good concentration, narrow perspective on life and better ability to focus on goals
Large- Broad perspective on life, hardly get bored
✓ Way of Handwriting slant
#Left- Introvert and independent
#Straight- Better at controlling emotions and hardly express them, usually prefers rational thoughts
#Right- This type of person is more likely to relate well to others but may subject to mood swings
✓Space in between letters
#Less- Bad at managing time, though likes to have company
#Even- Well sorted in life, good mental clarity and sense of order.
#Wide- Freedom lover, but don't like to be overwhelmed
✓Direction of your sentence take
#Upward- Optimistic
#Downward- Sign of discouragement
#Wavy- Sign of instability
✓The way you cross your 't'
#High cross- High standard and self esteem
#Low cross- Low self esteem and low level goals
✓The way you dot your 'i'
#Hollow dot(°)- Playful, creative
#Solid dot(•)- Don't like clutter and pay attention to details.
✓Connections of letters
#Connected- Logical, methodical and make decisions carefully
#Not connected- Intelligent and intuitive
✓Line spacing
#Little spacing- Poor time management
#Even spacing- Aware of boundaries
Did you find it interesting? No, then ask your friend to check your knowledge by asking to do analysis of
unknown person, and then check his reaction. I know these things since last 6 years and it had never been
wrong analysis from me. It worked for me. I hope it will work for you too.
After getting positive feedbacks, I am going to extend scope of this answer by adding one more thing, guess
what? SIGNATURE ANALYSIS. I will not extend this answer by theory again. This one image will help you
to analyse little bit.

[P.S.- This information is not work of mine. I have shared this info from internet, I found it useful. It has
helped me in last 6 years. I wanted this information to be shared. If you find anything wrong then let me
know. ]

124.2k Views · 7,796 Upvotes

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Anubhav Balodhi

My psychology teacher took a handwriting test years ago, I am still waiting for her to declare my...
2 more comments from Anantha Krishna, Maneesha

Richard Muller, http://tinyurl.com/z7c55sa

Updated Nov 26, 2016

The human appendage signal.

I’m in tight traffic, and nobody will let me in to change lanes. They ignore my blinking turn signal. So I open
the window and stick out my arm. Invariably, the car in the next lane slows and makes a spot for me to move
I think the human appendage signal turns car into a person. It is no longer a blinking car that wants to change
lanes, but a human. That triggers empathy and politeness.
This hack can be used elsewhere. The gay liberation movement made its greatest strides when gays came out
of the closet, and people realized that they knew such people. They were no longer abstractions, but people,
friends, and it created a phase transition.
Make sure others always see you as a person, not as a symbol or as a professional or as a thing.

465k Views · 18,766 Upvotes

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Ian Balina, Investor, Entrepreneur, and Author at http://ianbalina.com

Answered Mar 26

Outsourcing your LinkedIn cold emailing and outreach.

What if you could get meetings with top executives and other people you’ve always wanted to network with?
Well you can, using LinkedIn. The problem however is that it’s tedious and boring, and a huge numbers
So a clever life hack I use is to hire a virtual assistant to send out emails to people on LinkedIn every day.
Once I hear back from them, I take over and continue the conversation.
I’ve gotten meetings with executives at large companies like Walmart, Samsung, Staples, Brooks Brothers
and more, using this. I have also closed business using this tactic.
I share how someone could use this tactic to find their dream job in this post.[1]
[1] How to Make $100,000 a Year in Your 20s

3.6k Views · 52 Upvotes

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Sudhanshu Jaiswal, la vie en rose
Updated Nov 12, 2016

“Smiling, instead of speaking when I am Angry”

My mother and father were scolding me, because I failed in one of the subjects. They were continuously
shouting on me and telling me “Why are they wasting money on me, if I cant study properly??” and lot of
other similar sharp sentences.
I was angry. Too angry that without thinking once,I blurted out :
“You both are selfish that’s why you are spending money on me. And one day, when I will start earning, You
will want all of my money.”
They stood silent after hearing that.

Years later, I realized what I said was too horrible and shouldn’t have said that in the first place.
I thought then what if that day, I would have first waited before answering. Or maybe, would have smiled
first , then maybe my answer would have came out “Sorry, next time I am going to study hard and score
Situation would have been totally different.

In this situation, These guys were my parents. So they didn’t take it seriously (also, I was a kid then).
But, I have learnt that , Everyone won’t forget your angry remarks or behavior.
So, From that time on, I decided,
If someone is irritating me or making me angry, that time, before taking any decision, I will wait for some
seconds and smile. I will smile with confidence that I am not letting anger take over me. And then I will
take a well calculated decision.
Here’s my confidence smile (That I am talking about):
Smiling relaxes your muscles and lets you take things a little easily.
Remember :

Hola Guys, This is Sudhanshu Jaiswal. The Bibliophile. Writer in Making.

If you want suggestion about Books, Fitness (Running 60 km Marathons) and little bit shit of anything. Text

210.8k Views · 8,960 Upvotes

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Elie Hirschfeld, Real Estate Developer, CEO, Art Enthusiast, Athlete

Answered Oct 26, 2016

Wash & dry fresh herbs and place them in a mug or jar with water filled with a few inches of water. Wrap the
herb jar with saran wrap or the grocery bag you got it in. Voila, you will have fresh herbs for a very long time
which will enhance almost every meal!

Image from How to Store Fresh Herbs

12.4k Views · 60 Upvotes

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Alex Mombo, Experience.. from others.

Updated Sep 24, 2016

Self-control is a limited resource.

This is called ego-depletion.

I think I read about this for the first time in The Power of Full Engagement by James Loehr and Tony
The idea that your willpower (or self-control) rises and falls with your blood-sugar levels, and literally
needs to be replenished.
In quite the same way physical energy needs to be replenished periodically.
Now, this idea is somewhat debated in the scientific community. It seems that for every study that finds
evidence of ego-depletion, there’s an other study that finds nothing or even evidence to the contrary.
A pinch of salt is prescribed here.
However if it is true it wouldn’t surprise me at all I mean, we’ve all experienced the mind
fog and irritability that comes after many hours of concentration.
So next time you’re in for a 4 hour class or a gruesome work session you might want to bring some snacks
and change the way you see break time.
Breaking often could actually make you more productive overall if it means more efficient work being done
An interesting idea.
I think it’s clever because it means you and I could be working smarter while other people are just
working harder.
And if it is true it essentially means grumpy people are more grumpy when hungry, and impulsive
people more impulsive around dinner time!
Ring any bells..? :)

You know the old addage:

“A hungry stomach has no ears.”
(French proverb)
Wikipedia has good ressources and links if you want to know more: Ego depletion

106.6k Views · 351 Upvotes

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Mags Hussey

I have never seen this discussed before but I know personally as a person with type 1 diabetes, a...
1 more comments from Vamsi Krishna

Dean Yeong, I live consciously.

Updated Feb 28
1. The 10-Second Hack
Are you anticipating the answer?
Use this when you’re procrastinating and delaying your work. Set a rule for yourself to do the work—
prepare dinner, do the laundry, make your bed—after counting from 10 to 1. This tricks your mind into
action. It works almost every time.
2. The 2-Minute Hack
Can’t get yourself to the gym? Focus on accomplishing the first 2 minutes of the entire process - putting on
your sports shoes. The momentum built up by this small action matters.
Want to make it better? Combine the 10-Second Hack with it.
3. The 5-Minute Hack
When you’re tempted to do what you shouldn’t do—eating the dessert when you’re on a diet, watching a
YouTube video when you’re writing, playing video games before bed—use this hack.
Simply wait for 5 minutes. That 5 minutes will eventually kill your urge of falling for the temptation.
Combining these three hacks, you’re crushing your procrastination and transforming your habits in no time.

381.8k Views · 18,647 Upvotes

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Jordan Allen

Funny, whenever I try that 10 second hack I just end up counting for 10 more seconds, then fallin...
1 more comments from Kevin Gillis

Rohan Majji, DIY enthusiast

Updated Jun 27

How to make a DIY mosquito trap:

This might not be the cleverest one, but it would be definitely worth knowing this simple (but effective)
Items required:
1. A Plate (ceramic plates are not suggestible)
2. Oil
That’s it!
Are you wondering how you could make a mosquito trap using a simple plate and some oil?
Here comes the hack.
Easy! Apply a thin film of oil to the surface of the plate.
You can trap all the nearby mosquitoes just by swaying the plate and this works like a charm.

Fortunately, I’ve found a picture on the internet

Image source: Pinterest
My grandfather taught me this hack. In his days, they didn’t have any electrified mosquito bats and most
people relied on this technique.

• No smoke

• No harmful voltage

• Can trap live mosquitoes ;-)

• All you need to do is swaying the plate like a mosquito bat.

Simple and cool, right?
EDIT 1: Guys, I don't know if the mosquitoes get attracted to the oily plate. Manually bring this plate near
the mosquitoes for better results.
Sway this instead of an electrified mosquito bat ;-)
EDIT 2: Whoa! People are getting me wrong, The chance of mosquito getting trapped by itself is very less.
What am I saying is manually bring this plate to the vicinity of the mosquito group and you can get a bunch.
No principles or other scientific stuff, please let me know if it has any.
**Excluding Surface Tension, Viscosity **
Mosquitoes stick to the Oily surface. That's all.
Worth Editing: Everyone is coming out with better hacks, here are some

• Apply oil on a thin paper and stick it near a tube light and the mosquitoes end up being in the
hanging garden of the oil due to them being positively phototactic . Credits: Deep Shah/Piyush Bhangale

• One can create soap foam in hands and then use it the same way, mosquitoes will get trapped and
you can wash it away afterwards. Credits: Pragya Gupta
Thanks for the tips, guys. :)
Thanks Shashank S K and Ryan Yau for the edits.

151.5k Views · 10,026 Upvotes

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Eeshan Gautam
The surface tension comes into the play first, but as soon as the mosquito is drenched in the sti...
3 more comments from Tim Lu, Gayatri Viswanathan, Anshul Ranjan

Kale Panoho, Degree Biochemistry & Pharmacology, University of Otago (2017)

Updated Apr 13

Our lives revolve around one universal currency.

The best life hacks are centred on saving time on our day-to-day tasks. Tasks that are often monotonous and
mundane can either be shortened or looked at in a different light to gain greater leverage from them.
These are the hacks that you can employ regularly to gain the greatest return on investment on your time

1. Driving

The average American will spend approximately 293 hours a year driving. The average audio book length is
11 hours. If you’re driving, listen to an audio book instead of the radio.

In the space of a year you will listen close to 27 new books. Driving is no longer an exercise of passivity but
becomes an exercise for learning.
2. Folding washing

This is just one of those things many of us dislike but need to do. Here is a video on how to fold T-shirt in 2
seconds or less.
3. Use the other hand

We can use our non-dominant hand to increase the rate at which we pick up new motor skills such as sports.

Use your non-dominant hand for tasks that are not time dependent. This can be using the T.V. remote,
brushing your teeth, using your mouse, opening a can, buttering toast, pouring drinks and many more.

This has been studied in clinical settings as constraint-induced movement therapy and has shown changes in
the brain’s neural patterns. These changes allow us to adopt new motor patterns or physical movements more
quickly when learning a new physical skill.
4. Waking Up

Set your alarm face down and out of your reach to ensure you must get out of bed to turn it off.
5. Email and communication

Multi-tasking may seem efficient on the surface but may actually take more time in the end and often
involves more error. Brief mental blocks created by shifting between tasks can cost as much as 40 percent of
someone's productive time.

Set up an auto-responder for ALL forms of communication saying I check my messages at 9 AM, 12 PM and
3 PM. The times are subjective but the delays of responding when some one wants your attention are not.
That’s it. Every day we’re all burdened by these tasks and all of them can be improved or refined.
Spend your time wisely. Once it’s gone you can’t get it back.

8.9k Views · 72 Upvotes

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Siim Land, Writer, Warrior by Nature, Lover by Heart - www.siimland.com
Answered Feb 23


Controlling your breath gives you confidence to take control of anything else in your life as well.

• You can shut off your ‘flight or fight’ response

• You will reduce stress and anxiety

• You can take control of your FEAR response

• You can become more mindful and relaxed at an instant

• You can increase your concentration and focus

• You can increase your performance in everything you do

• You will be more conscious in any situation

• You can make better decisions always

• You can control your autonomic nervous system

Breathing is the gateway between your subconscious and conscious mind.
The decisions you make in any situation depend on your current level of awareness - how conscious and
present you are - and the solution to becoming more aware starts off by first becoming mindful of your
There are many ways of taking control of your breath that take less than 4 minutes to take effect.
I’m going to give you 2 simple and quick exercises.
There are 4 stages, each one lasting for 4 seconds.

• Inhale to the count of 4

• Hold for 4

• Exhale to 4

• Hold for 4 again

• Repeat
Check out the video:
Do about 25-30 repetitions of the following breathing exercise:

• Max inhale (raise chest) and

• Let go exhale (drop chest sharply).

• You’re breathing in a whole lot of air but you’re exhaling just a little bit.

• Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. The let-go breath is a short “hah.” You may
experience mild lightheadedness and tingling in your fingers.

• On the last breath cycle, breathe in completely, exhale completely and hold your breath for as long as
you can.
The Wim Hof Method will help you reduce stress, increase your ability to stay in control, improve your
focus and make you feel amazing.
Check out the video:
Doing these exercisesfor even just a few cycles will DRASTICALLY improve the quality of your life. It
teaches you mindfulness and enables you to always stay in control of what happens to you.
Stay Calm and Stay Empowered!

12.3k Views · 183 Upvotes

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Harjas Singh, Marketing Intern at workXmate Technologies

Updated May 8
Here are 5 clever hacks to deal with people around you:
1. Use absence to increase respect: Too much circulation makes the price go down. The more you are seen
and heard from, the more common you appear. If you are already established in a group, temporary
withdrawal from it will make you more talked about, even more admired. You must learn when to leave.
Create value through scarcity.
2. Win through actions, never through argument: It is much more powerful to get others to agree with
you through your actions, without saying a word. You can never change others’ opinions by explaining
verbally. Don’t explain verbally, demonstrate instead.
3. Always say less than necessary: When you are trying to impress people with words, the more you say,
the more common you appear, and the less in control. The more you say, the more likely you are to say
something foolish. You can impress people by saying less; it makes you more mysterious.
4. Think as you like but behave like others: If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your
unconventional ideas and unorthodox ways, people will think that you only want attention and that you look
down upon them. They will find a way to punish you for making them feel inferior. It is far safer to blend in
and share the common touch. Share your originality only with tolerant friends and those who are sure to
appreciate your uniqueness.
5. Never appear too perfect: Appearing better than others is always dangerous. But most dangerous of all is
to have no faults or weaknesses. Envy creates silent enemies. It is smart to occasionally display defects, and
admit harmless wrongdoings, in order to deflect envy and appear more human and approachable.

Update: I’ll add two more for you:

6. Learn to keep people dependent on you: To maintain your independence you must always be needed
and wanted. The more you are relied on, the more freedom you have. Make people depend on you for their
happiness and prosperity and you have nothing to fear. Never teach them enough so that they can do without
7. When asking for help, appeal to their self-interest, not to their mercy or gratitude: Do not remind
them of your past assistance and good deeds. They will find a way to ignore you. Instead, uncover something
in your request or in your alliance with them that will benefit them. And emphasize it out of all proportion.
They will respond enthusiastically when they see that there is something to be gained for them.
Source: 48 laws of power by Robert Greene

Thanks for reading this answer.

This is Harjas Singh, A Regular Guy.
If you liked this answer, you might also like Harjas Singh's answer to How can I become fluent in English?

35.3k Views · 751 Upvotes

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Sujatha Shankar

One of the best answer I read today. Thank you for sharing the inputs Mr.Singh. :-)

Stephen Punwasi, CTO at Perchbox

Answered Aug 29, 2016

Live life 25 minutes at a time.

We all know we should break large tasks down to more effectively manage them, but how small is always
kind of mystery. I use a technique called the Pomodoro technique to manage my day, and it’s made me much
more productive.
Make A List
Take everything you need to do, and put it down on a list. Break down those tasks into the smallest possible
component, aiming for a maximum of 20 minutes in length.
It’s a list for you, not to impress anyone, so be honest about this or it won’t work. If it takes you 20 minutes
to collect the right types of paper for your task, or 20 minutes to shop for supplies online, inventory that time
too. No component is too small or too dumb, just write them down. Aim for ~45 things per week.
Got your inventory? Perfect, now prioritize by due dates and importance. The tasks that have to be done, put
them at the top of your list. The ones that you could theoretically be pushed back a day (or week), should be
closer to the bottom.
Plan Tomorrow
Now, break your day into 10 half an hour intervals. Don’t forget to schedule aroundlunches and breaks. Now,
slot in 9 of the 20 minute tasks, one per 30 minute interval. Focus on getting the high priority items earliest
on your schedule, and leave the last one empty. You should have 45 tasks for the week planned, plus 5 extra
slots in the week at the end of your day.
Each interval allows your task, a 20% overage on time allotted, and a 5 minute break to clear your mind. In
the 5 minutes, get up, walk around, do some pushups – anything but work. It’ll make focusing on the task for
your next interval much easier.
The Tenth Interval
That last interval is for scheduling the next day, and reviewing priorities. Because you should even plan
when you’re going to plan. You have two options, plan your path or be pushed down one.

19k Views · 72 Upvotes

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Kanishk Sinha, Evil is whatever distracts.

Updated Jun 12
• Got a stalker? Someone following you?
Do this. Take 4 consecutive left/right turns, if possible. That means you are coming back to the point where
you started. If they are still behind you, run for your ass. Seriously.

• Ever faced the question, “Do you have any questions for us” at the end of a job interview?
Say yes. Question the panel, “Is there anything in my profile that concerns you?”
+1 Always keep a glass of water infront of you in an interview. That way, if you are stuck in a question, you
can easily excuse yourself with a sip from that glass.

• Have a song stuck in your head but you can't remember it?
Go to Search for Music Using Your Voice by Singing or Humming, View Music Videos, Join Fan Clubs,
Share with Friends, Be Discovered and Much More For Free! Hum the song and voila!

• Can't stop laughing while amidst a grave situation?

Pinch yourself. Hard. Then, observe. The laughter will die.

• Delete your browser cookie everytime you visit an airline booking site. Why?
Prices often go high when you visit that site multiple number of times in a short span.

• Need to win an argument?

Ask many questions. It makes people retrospect their logic and discover flaws.

• Want a free coffee on your birthday?

Go to Starbucks.

• Want a dessert often but it has to be healthy?

Freeze bananas. It makes them sweeter. Cut them in pieces and add cold milk if you like.

• Somehow, something gets stuck in your throat. Leaves you gagging?

Put your thumb between your fist and grip it tightly.

• Trouble waking up in morning?

Try drinking chilled water instead of coffee. Water wakes you faster and is a healthier option than coffee.
+1 Drinking ice cold water improves your metabolic rate by 25%.

• Want to know if someone is giving you their correct phone number?

Repeat the number out loud, incorrectly. If they correct you, their number is genuine.

• Watery eyes everytime you chop onion?

Dip the knife in some olive oil and see what happens.
+1 The darker the color of your liquor, the more likely it is to give you a hangover.
Edit :

• Prevent dust from settling in your computer keyboard without having to own a vacuum
Just hold and tilt the keyboard so that it makes an angle of 45° with the horizontal table top and its keys faces
down. Repeatedly, but gently smack the back of the keyboard for few seconds. You will see all kinds of dust
and crap come out of it. Nowyou will have a clean keyboard. I don't know if anybody knows about it but it
helps me keep my keyboard away from paining me.
I dont own this.
PS :

• How Starbucks gives free coffee on your birthday.

My Starbucks Rewards | Starbucks Coffee

• How dark coloured liquor increases the chances of a hangover.

Hangover prevention: Do lighter colored drinks help? - Mayo Clinic

• I agree that drinking warm water is far more beneficial than drinking cold water but here it goes to
support my point -
Warm water vs. cold water - which is better to drink?

Source - twitter, 9gag, Grandparents.

97.7k Views · 3,995 Upvotes

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Sampada Dhongde

• Want to know if someone is giving you their correct phone number?...

Daniel Andrew Lockwood, I'm a recovering alcoholic as well as an author, artist, plumber, and goofball.
Answered Feb 10

Instead of ironing a shirt or other article of clothing, spray it very lightly with water using a bottle set on mist,
make sure to cover all areas, then snap it and put it on right away. Won’t look like it came from the cleaners,
but the wrinkles will disappear within seconds. You’ll be surprised at how well it works and pissed that
you’ve been ironing WAY TOO MUCH in life. Works best on all cotton. My wife and I do this all the time.

29.7k Views · 889 Upvotes

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Curt Barter, Founder of LiquiFit.co, Digital Nomad and Fitness Guru

Updated Feb 18
Blend your food.
Let me explain why. A year ago I was at the point in my life where I was obsessed with efficiency.
Everything I did needed to be as efficient and as easy as possible. Anything that sucked time away from me,
and that I didn’t enjoy needed to be changed.
So here’s what I did:

• Working in an office was a major time-suck. Wake up, shower, pick out office clothes, make lunch,
and commute in traffic. My routine before I arrived at work was almost 2 hours! Not to mention it was
miserable. So, I got a job online.

• I hated shoveling snow, cleaning the snow off my car, and I was suffering from seasonal
depression. So, I moved to Mexico.

• Laundry took forever for me. Wash, forget in the washer, put in the dryer, forget in the dryer, re-dry,
fold.. this was an all-day affair. So, I paid someone else to do it for me. (Getting my laundry done locally in
Mexico costs the equivalent of about $2.50 USD).
All that was left to make more efficient was my FOOD.
I’ve always been a healthy eater. My meals consistently comprised of a lean source protein (Chicken, fish or
eggs), A complex carbohydrate (Sweet potatoes, nuts or beans) and a leafy green of some kind (Spinach or a
But, the preparation process was long and monotonous. Cook the protein, cook the potatoes, prepare the
salad, and cleanup. Time invested: 1–1.5 hours per meal or 3–4.5 hours per day!
Something needed to change.
One day, I stumbled upon the power of raw foods and smoothies. I was blown away by the sheer number of
vitamins and nutrients found in some of the foods I wasn’t consuming! I needed to find a way to incorporate
these foods into my diet.
The next morning, I went out and bought a high-power blender that would be able to blend anything I threw
at it. I was off to the races.
I started with one smoothie in the morning, then moved onto two smoothies per day.
Now, I’m not talking about your average green smoothie. No, the smoothies I was making contain over 700
calories, have over 30g of protein and satisfy all of my daily vitamins/nutrient needs.
[Related: Top 5 Energy-Boosting Smoothie Ingredients]
If I asked you to sit down and eat all the foods below in one sitting you’d laugh in my face. I don’t know
about you, but I find the taste of kale by itself revolting. Yet, when I started making smoothies and blending
my food, consuming all of this was entirely possible. Plus, my smoothies tasted great!
It was simple, Just toss the ingredients in the blender and let it do the work. Prep and cleanup time took no
more than 10-minutes!
I’ve noticed significant fat loss, muscle gain and all around higher levels of energy throughout my day.
More benefits of smoothies include:

• Easy to obtain your daily amount of fruits and vegetables.

• You’ll save money (Avg. cost: $2.00–$4.00 per smoothie)

• They’re easy to make and quick to clean up.

• They’re portable.

• There are endless varieties of recipes.

• You’ll get better digestion (Let the blender do the chewing for you!)

• You can easily track your calorie and macronutrient intake.

• You’ll strengthen your immune system.

If you’re interested, my Smoothie Diet Plan is available now! → Click Here.

Curt Barter founder of LiquiFit.co

Instagram / YouTube / Quora

58.5k Views · 637 Upvotes

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Dushka Zapata

Have you learned Spanish?

3 more comments from Peter T Mayer, Farhad Tarapore, Peter J. Wright

Ian Crawford, Professional Coach and leadership development expert in the Toronto area
Answered Nov 11, 2016

A new study in the journal Social Science and Medicine concludes that those who regularly read books live,
on average 2 years longer than non-readers. The long term study of 3,635 people showed, they found that
those that indulged in a bit of novel perusing – specifically, for more than 3.5 hours per week – live on
average two years longer than non-readers. Most people read at a fairly slow pace. But can you read faster.
Definitely. And with better retention.
I’ve been a speed reader for several years. When I learned the speed reading techniques, I couldn’t believe
how much more information I retained. And, as a result, how much more I enjoyed reading and learning.
There are many speed reading courses, and programs out there. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on an
expensive course or an app. All the apps and courses will determine your current reading rate, then teach you
some “special “ skills that allow you to read faster, and with better retention.
So what is the special technique? USE YOUR FINGER. Really. Move your finger smoothly across each line.
And slowly increase your speed. It requires concentration, but it works. Why? When your eyes move across
a line they tend to jerk from word to word. Using your finger, eliminates the jerky movement of your eye. It
allows you to take in the information with less eye fatigue and faster. There are other techniques that help
with review, but really, use your finger and push yourself to read faster. Just doing this one thing can easily
increase your reading speed by 50% or more!
I HIGHLY recommend the book, Breakthrough Rapid Reading, by Peter Kump. Its a workbook that provides
you with some very easy lessons and a methodical 30 day plan with easy daily exercises to track your
improvement. There’s more than the finger technique, and it well worth the read. I made it required reading
for all my staff and they all swear that it improved both their reading speed and enjoyment.

15.3k Views · 125 Upvotes

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Daryus Patel
Answered Feb 6

Find a pen and some paper. Write down uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbols and numbers in a
completely random order the longer it is, the better. It should look something like this:
48ynvnhfy34UH*Y&Yu hwyG^^$%WYgheuufh77tt67Rr3 87y&^ty23y77b063Y025%5453R8Il992
Now, log in to your Facebook, Instagram and twitter accounts. Go into the settings options, proceed to
“passwords”. put the above as your new password. DO NOT SAVE THE PASSWORD Now, fold the piece
of paper, put it in your drawer somewhere and start doing something productive.
No more useless distractions.
True credits go to Ara Mambreyan

51.7k Views · 704 Upvotes

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Scott McGregor, Entrepreneur, High Tech startup exec, founder, coach. Part-time/interim CEO, COO,
CTO, VP Engineering, New ...
Updated Feb 11

Eliminate stress effects that originate in fear of the uncertainty by reframing your worries in one of the
following ways:
For potential future events you can respond to in different ways (and thus influence to your advantage), say:
“I am not powerlessly worrying, I am powerfully preparing for each outcome.”
E.g. Instead of “OMG, I lost my job; I won't be able to pay rent without a job,” try “I am preparing my
resume, a list of job targets and searching for more options which will get me a new job soon.”
For potential future events you can not alter, “I am not powerlessly worrying, I am intensely curious as to
how I will survive whichever outcome I will get.”
“E.g. Instead of “OMG, I lost my job; I won't be able to use that salary to pay my rent on time.” try “I am
intensely curious where this month’s rent payment will come from…”
Most of the time, many people are unaware that the world that they feel exists is not the world as it exists,
but only a selection of what we objectively perceive, layered with subjectively generated judgements and
We ignore most of what we objectively perceive because it is not relevant to our already active (“priming”)
beliefs and we over emphasize data that confirms our active beliefs.
When people lose sight of how their mind works, “they can’t help thinking…(scary outcome)”. But when
people remember how powerful their active beliefs are, they can deliberately choose to powerfully prime
their minds to be present to evidence of better outcomes, simply by declaring their belief, so it becomes
their currently active belief.
If a small number of citizen farmer and townspeople colonists can simply change their beliefs about their
future from “being perpetually under the thumb of one of a tyrannical monarch at the head of one of the
largest armies and navies in Europe” to one in which “they are free and independent” simply by declaring it
so, then it will be ever so much simple for you to banish fear of the future with curiosity with just a simple
declaration as well.
Remember that you only fear you won't survive a particular potential future only because you have never
experienced surviving it in your life, so far. However, the fact that you are here, reading these words and not
already dead, is a testimony to how often you have survived the unknown before! You are a survivor!

8.7k Views · 23 Upvotes

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Kanwal Anuvind, I used to be a bad boy.

Updated Thu

When you drop something fragile, don’t try to grab it on its way down.
Most of the times, you’ll fail and this would happen.

Instead, stick your foot out and let it bounce off your foot.
Your foot will absorb enough of its speed and quietly obstruct its fall.
If you are feeling lucky, you can also try to catch some items and balance them on your foot!
Bend it like Beckham.
Edit: You should probably not try this for fragile items with sharp edges.

204.8k Views · 16,367 Upvotes · Answer requested by Ayesha Sheikh, Aditee Adhikari, and 8 more

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Ishtmeet Singh, "Self Taught" in everything

Updated May 9

This may change your life, or a part of it, for sure.

You must know this guy, right?

For those who don’t know, this gentleman is Cristiano Ronaldo, born in Portugal, is one of the most popular
and talented player in Football history.
One fine day, Cristiano Ronaldo dressed up as a homeless man, with moustache and beard - went out
in Madrid City to show some Football skills anonymously.
His appearance? This is how he was looking in that make-up -

No one could’ve imagined Cristiano Ronaldo behind that make up. He picked up his foot-ball,
ties his (borrowed) dog to a chair and starts doing kick-ups. The disguise works.
No-one gives him a second glance. To everyone else in the Plaza, he just looks like a homeless
guy trying to earn a few euros from the locals.
Occasionally, passers-by will stop to watch the homeless man's impressive football skills,
especially when he decides to replicate Ronaldo's trade-mark step-overs.
Several hours pass before the heart-warming pay-off finally happens. A kid decides to play with
him and the two take part in a bit of one-on-one.

After few moments, Ronaldo gives him a hug (still dressed as a tramp), picks up the ball and signs it.

The little boy looks confused, wondering why this man has signed the football - that is until Ronaldo begins
to peel off the disguise, leaving his new best friend in open-mouthed wonder and on the verge of (happy)

And, no doubt, everyone else was shocked.

There’s a lesson :
No one gives a fuck to your football skills, unless you're Ronaldo.
What should you learn from this?
No one in this world, cares, who you are, what you are doing, and what you’re going to do unless you’re
someone very famous.
If you’ve an aim in life, don’t be worried about - what will he/she think about it? If you have a doubt, raise
your hand and ask your professor/teacher about it, because at the end, no one cares if you ask or you choose
to remain silent. If you’re thinking about a startup, consider making it a reality without a thought of - what
will he/she think if it fails.
There are 7.8 billion people in this world, you can’t expect everyone to appreciate what you’re doing.
Instead, you need to appreciate what you’re doing, and continue doing it.
I’ve started applying this formula in my life, and I’ve become a very strong person, than I was an year ago.
This might be the secret mantra of success.
Here is the link to the video -

312.9k Views · 32,581 Upvotes

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Ackansha Deoli

He even asked a girl for her number and she plainly refused. Lol.
3 more comments from Chaitanya Halgekar, Nitesh Sakpal, Tavleen Kour Rissam

Paul Carleton, Entrepreneur, Book Enthusiast & Feijoa Lover.

Answered May 11

I don’t know who made this, but I want to kiss them on the lips.

It’s so simple, yet no-one had really made a good one before.

A laptop stand. So essential, for anyone who works on a laptop.

It should be mandatory to get this after you purchase your shiny new MacBook Pro… (or Microsoft Surface).

This should be enforced by government. I’m serious.

So the entire world doesn’t end up looking like this:

Let’s go over the benefits:

Health. The obvious one. I’m not going to spend too much time here. You don’t end up looking like a pre-
historic homo erectus after an eight hour day at the office. You evolved into a modern day homo sapien—
let’s keep it that way. Besides, it’s..

Multi-use. It’s collapsable. Fold it down and it becomes a back scratcher. A self-defence baton. A tiny, odd-
shaped hockey stick. The sky’s the limit. What’s even better is that it’s..

Portable. Take it anywhere you want. Put it in your (large) pocket and walk down the street. You’re sure to

Attention. I take it to the cafe, set it up in the middle of starbucks. Next thing I know the cute girl working
beside me with her “Triple, Venti, Half Sweet, Non-Fat, Caramel Macchiato” in hand strikes up a
conversation. So does the old businessman reading the paper. To him, this laptop stand is..

Enviable. Though they might try to make fun of you at first, in the end they want it. Like AirPods. Or skinny

This is more than a simple life hack.

The world would be a better place with more of these, with fewer sore backs.

Don’t ruin your necks, people.

Remember: Great posture is sexy.
Though I should have been, I was not paid to say this. In fact, I might invoice them later—good idea. I’m not
affiliated or endorsed by Roost. Just a fan. A simple ergonomics lover. Go buy a laptop stand.
Image one, Image two.

163.8k Views · 1,607 Upvotes

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Bryan Wayne, former Managing Director
Answered Apr 16

Let’s see, there are a couple of them that I use often. I learnt them over the internet.
Here we go:

• How to keep 2 Large Bowls Simultaneously in Microwave:

• Love Binge Watching while Sleeping? Here’s the Hack:

• Love Grilled Cheese Sandwiches? Use a Toaster Horizontally:

• Got Smelly Shoes(or a Smelly Cat, JK :p), Put Dry Tea Bag and it will absorb the bad odors.

• Have a lot of Friends? Bet your pen is stolen every single day.Actually I have a Meme to
describe it:

Put A Blue Ink Cartridges in Red pen, because no one steals a Red Pen.
• Put your Phone in Airplane mode to charge it quickly.

• Wrap your Beer Bottle in a wet paper towel and put it in a freezer to cool it in 2 Minutes.

• Love Leftover Pizzas? Who doesn’t. It’s not so tasty when it’s chewy after you heat’em up in a
Microwave. Here’s a clever trick. Put a small glass of water, half filled right next to it to avoid crust
from getting Chewy.

That’s all I have for now. Hope it helps.

Visit my Lamar’s Blog if you feel interest!
And read more about 5 Steps to increase sales on your website

15.3k Views · 296 Upvotes

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Benjamin Davis, works at University of Lisbon

Answered Mar 16
Not one, but 3 life hacks I found particularly effective:

• Show that you are very excited to engage with someone you just met.People will feel enticed to the
conversation and yourself. Tell quick jokes and laugh them while looking to the other person. Most likely,
they will engage - its human nature.

• Show interest in knowing more about someone you just met. Ask them about what they do. Ask
their opinion on something you already do. Show excitement when they tell you what they do. You’ll win a
friend immediately.

• Pressure points from Chinese medicine. I just happen to love stuff that doesn’t cost any money and
has results right away. Applying pressure on specific points (meridians) of our body, which comes from
Chinese medicine, is one of the greatest hacks I know.

• Meditation. Doesn’t cost any money, has incredible results over time although it takes a while to
experience them.

• Exercise and eat well. You don’t need much money to eat well and none to exercise. Yet, they will
have incredible benefits in your life, both physical and emotional. Even though they are very powerful, not
many people follow that...
Follow me on Quora for more.

11.5k Views · 50 Upvotes

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Suraj Khanna, Continuously Learning...

Answered Dec 31, 2016
Here are some of the most clever life hacks -

• Sometimes we are short on few words on essay. We can actually end words to the end of the
paragraph and change their color to white. Your professor won’t be able to see them and it will
add to your word count.Source

• If you ever get a flat tire, take a picture of it on your phone so for future reference you can use
it as a valid excuse.Source

• How to make an essay longer. Hit Ctrl+F, search for “.” and change the font size of the periods
from 12 to 14. They look the exact same, but will make your paper significantly longer.Source

• http://Mathway.com solves all kind of math problems with step by step explanation.Source

• Studying for 30–50 minutes at a time (with 10 minute breaks in between) is the most effective
way to keep information.
• When in an argument, act as if you’re being recorded. This will prevent you from saying
stupid thing that you don’t mean.Source

• Always check for cell signal when looking for new apartments or dorms to live in.Source

• When you’ve finished with an essay, copy and paste it into Google Translate and listen to it.
It’s the easiest way to find mistakes. Source

Thanks For Reading!

Hope My Answer Helps You!
(Note: All images and the content used in this answer belong to their respective owners. I do not take any
ownership of this content)

21.4k Views · 796 Upvotes

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Abhirami Anilkumar

3rd one very useful.

Kristian Gaylord, Co-Founder & Content Creator (2017-present)
Answered May 31

My top four:

• Don’t work and sleep in the same place — A lot of us, especially those who are students, might
have the tendency to throw a desk in our bedroom and use it to work. Don’t. Your mind is very sensitive to
your environment. Physically relocating to a special “work environment” can totally revolutionize your

• Mimic others and smile more — Being skillful with other people is crucial to your own success.
And when it comes to interacting with others, body language is king. Mimic the motions and mannerisms of
others to set them at ease. Smile as much as possible. Laugh loudly. Don’t cross your arms; maintain an open

• Avoid analysis paralysis — I’m the kind of person that likes to think everything out before I act,
which is fine up to a point. Beyond that, it’s crippling. Once you have a general idea of what you want to
do, just do it. Be a do-er, not a thinker. You can always go back and try again if it didn’t work out perfectly
the first time.

• Set long passwords on all of your social media accounts and log out of them when you need to
work. If you have a 30 character password, you’re not going to want to log back in. Trust me; this one works!
For more, follow me on Quora!

20.8k Views · 244 Upvotes

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Eric Nyaga, Founder at Magaripoa.com
Updated Mar 17

• Don't buy the latest model in the market. Whether a phone or a computer wait for a couple of
months go back to the store and you'll buy the gadget for a fraction.

• In a new job, don’t immediately begin pointing out mistakes and what needs to be changed. Keep
your cool, compliment what's working and learn the characters and ranks so you know who to share your
ideas with and predict their reaction.

• Ask for a 10% discount in a fixed price store. It's hard and will surprise the attendant but will make
you feel more confident.

• Be the first to clap immediately after your boss or colleague makes a keynote speech or presentation.
They will love you for it. Everyone craves acceptance by the audience during public speaking, there's always
an underlying fear of rejection.

• When giving advice to a teenager, use yourself as an example of how you made wrong choice, the
consequences you had to deal with and why you wouldn't like him/her to fall into the same fault.

• If you wanted to ask for business from a prominent person and happen to meet him at
supermarket/gym/elevator, don't bring up the issue. Keep the talk social and simple, they'll reward you for it.

• Never speak about other people's bad faults to another. The listener will subconsciously attribute
those negative qualities to you.
Get more life hacks on News - Makao Bora

587.8k Views · 24,802 Upvotes

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Prabhat Kumar

The latest model does not only cost more, but there are chances of minor defects. It could be bec...
1 more comments from Ash Murthy

Bhavleen Smoot
Updated May 8

1)I learned that suffering is inevitable (early in my life from the age of 16)
I learned that the sooner I believe in that, the easier it becomes and it will infiltrate my life in all aspects that
I will not be able to control, but if I allow it to control my mind and my feelings, I will lose direction
(basically providing them the ammunition to control my mind, and my actions).
When you believe that suffering is part of life, you stop trying to control pain, you choose not to be a ‘victim’
and you see that everyone experiences suffering in life, possibly in different forms. This allows you to focus
on your priorities, and to channel most of your energy on your goals. When I suffer, which happens a lot,
I just ended up saying ‘meh, no worries, I knew that was going to happen, where was I? (gets back to
work)’ whereas with individuals who did not expect it, will be emotionally and psychologically scarred by
suffering the most, as they were not prepared (this does take up energy, motivation and affects their attitude
for that day).
I think in the same manner with people, when people choose to do things to you, under the pretext to
maliciously hurt you and if you become a direct reflection of who they are: you are no different that who
they are.
You can prevent that by not showing them that they had hurt you, by not reflecting their desire of anger (by
being exceptionally patient, and to keep moving on with your life: keep your eye on the prize and do not get
distracted by background noise). When people notice that they do not have the power to affect you: it would
hurt them in the long term because they wanted to see you in pain and to turn you malicious.
By denying them that opportunity, you protect your soul and essentially your mind: you win.
2) I believe in Physics and the First Law of Thermodynamics:
The first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that
energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one
form to another.
The Three Laws of Thermodynamics - Boundless Open Textbook
Yes, I believe in the Law of Conservation of Energy and have applied it in my life, since I learned physics
(daily and it has become a habit). How you say? I believe that any negative energy which was sent my way, I
choose to convert it into a form of motivation, and use it to further my goals and my aspirations. If I receive
positive energy from individuals, I change it into more positive energy, and share it (with others and use the
rest for my daily goals).
3) I am the protagonist of my life and I take full responsibilities for my success and failures.
I believe that when people have an opinion of my decisions in life specifically ‘society’ and ‘others’ -I do not
allow it to play an important role or allow it to control the way I make my decision. Their opinions and
‘belief’ should not dissuade you, and these are for decisions which require a lot of time and investment
(education, marriage, career, moving and works best if you truly know who you are).
There is only one exception to this particular rule- You should take into consideration what people who truly
care for you believe in, but trust must be present in these relationships (people who have an ulterior motive
behind your decisions for their own personal gain will do everything in their power to dissuade you to keep
you oppressed, and controlled).
‘those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter’ Bernard Baruch
That I am the only one who has the keys to my soul, I am the one deemed responsible for being the
mastermind behind my success, but I am also eternally going to be the creator of my catastrophe. I take full
responsibilities for the decisions I make, from what I choose to wear, how I string my words together, my
intonation to what I consume (daily)
4)Be thankful for what you already have, and live below your means (pay your rent, and have a budget-
stick to your budget, and save at least 50% of what you earn, split 25% into low risk investments).
5) Save as much as you can daily, eat at home, and invest time with people you truly care (by spending
quality time with them) and this does not require money (a small walk to the park, a bike ride, an impromptu
dance, a random joke, a big hug when you meet, talking about philosophy or something new you learned
6) When you see difficulties in your life, turn everything into a game and tell yourself that you will get
+1 point if you went ahead, and kept moving, +2 if you completed the task but made mistakes (remember the
mistakes and try not to repeat them in the future) +3 if you completed the task successfully.
7) Be kind to yourself, your body and your soul. Reward your actions with things you love (and this
specifically with actions that do not require ‘wasting money’ and mostly things and actions which are
abundant in life, simply)

• A bike ride, after a long day at work, and listening to some wonderful music

• A small dance, alone in the park or with someone you love (blast the music, and demand that the
dance with you and it does not matter if they do not have good dance skills, just laugh and live life and
destroy your ideas of ‘perfection’)
8)If you are frustrated, and you can’t find something in your room, instead of getting angry and
frowning, force a smile on your face (it will look very weird but also funny) and say things like ‘where are
you hiding you cute little thing you’ :) I promise you it will make you smile and melt all the anger within
your soul.
9) Treat everyone with kindness, and always give without the expectation of receiving. I promise you
that your soul will feel happier, lighter and thankful for your actions.
10) You can always learn new things from people: you see that person in front of you dressed
professionally (he/she can be a professor, a banker, a attorney, a scientist, a writer, a doctor) etc, and your
goal for today is to ask him/her questions, a lot of interesting questions about his/her day, glide into what
he/she loves to do in life, glide into what makes him/her tick, why it is interesting? how does x affect y,
question, question, question, question and of course (LISTEN). Be humble! I cannot stress this enough, you
can never know everything, and things are constantly changing. What you learned years ago, has changed
exponentially, and continues to change daily!
'All I know is that I know nothing' Socrates
11)Attitude plays a very important role in many things in life, try your best to look at things at a positive
manner. If you are indeed having a bad day, and we all have bad days, change it (ASAP!). You can change
the way you feel by making a conscious decision of saying ‘yes I am having a bad day, I should change that’
and do something that makes you happy (dance/hug someone/ go for a run/ crack a joke/ watch something
12) Tomorrow is a new day, you have a new 86400 seconds/ 1440 minutes and 24 hours to do something
wonderful and try again! If you fail, fail once, fail twice, try again and deviate! Change your view, try
something else, keep experimenting but do not stop!
The power lies within you!
If you like my answers follow me.
Bhavleen Smoot
[1] The Three Laws of Thermodynamics - Boundless Open Textbook

3.4k Views · 32 Upvotes

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Aleksandr Mazo, B.A. Computer Science, Baruch College (1998)

Updated May 24

How to charge your phone without electricity in the house, or a portable power bank.
While this is not as deep as many of the other answers here, but it is quite useful and may actually save your
life in case your house loses electricity and you don’t have a power bank battery available (or just a cool
party trick).
You will need:
1. 9V battery
2. Paper clip
3. Phone’s charging cable
4. Car USB power adopter
See the video, or images below for everything you need to make it work. Don’t worry, it’s perfectly save for
you and the phone :)
You can also charge the portable power bank itself (definitely get one, it’s so convenient and handy) and then
charge anything else using the USB port on the go…
DISCLAIMER: Use at your own risk. Even though the input voltage is 9V, the car adopter will convert it
back to 5V (which is the right voltage to charge a phone), however, this is not meant to replace the
usual/normal charging methods. Obviously, you would not charge your phone this way without a desperate
need to do so - use this for emergency charging or a cool trick purposes only. You can still charge the
Power bank (if you don’t own one - get one!), and THEN charge the phone :)

20.6k Views · 169 Upvotes

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Raam Kishore, Jack of very few trades, master of none.

Answered Sep 3, 2016

Got a bubble gum sticked in your cloth?

A disgusting moment though.
Rub the bubble gum with an ice cube. Bubble gum gets harder and you can remove it very easily.
Learnt from Shrividhya Gopalan :)
Tired of hiccups?
Another tough moment.
Inhale air through your mouth, swallow the saliva two times and exhale through your nose slowly. 100%
Does pimple makes your face look bad?
“ 2 minutes of silence “ :P ( To gain more eager)
Keep an ice cube on the pimple to shrink it. :)
Too lazy at early morning wake up?
Needless to say, everybody's daily problem.
Replace “ cold water “ instead of coffee in the “ cup of coffee “
Yeah, you are right. Drinking a glass of cold water will wake you up faster than a cup of coffee.
Learnt from Lokhitha Bobby :)
PS :- I have personally tried all those four and yeah it worked.
Cheers :)

18.9k Views · 193 Upvotes

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David Lee, Life Coach

Updated Dec 27, 2016
BALANCE, it’s about BALANCE. Is that really a “clever life hack”, to the majority no but I invite YOU to
look at the underlying intention behind looking for life hacks. Perhaps this is the discussion which a “clever”
guy/gal will use to create an innovative book or article on, “The Greatest Life Hacks of 2016!”. I digress….
Have balance in your lives Isa and Duong, know WHEN you need to push and work and push and work;
know WHEN you need to take time for yourself, be with your loved ones and family. Nature has gifted us
with the ability to learn, grow and become the most powerful versions of ourselves through BALANCE. As
the day has a morning and night, we too as human beings have CATABOLIC and ANABOLIC; it’s in the
internal rhythms of our hormonal and physiological systems where we continue to evolve into a more
powerful version of ourselves.
Listen and FEEL how nature works because your body works in the EXACT same manner, find balance in
your lives by reaching and working each and every day towards your passion, your D.R.E.A.M (Direct
Reflection Expressing A Miracle); take time to exercise, practice DEEP BREATHING, stretch and eat right
for your own body type. Create balance in your life so that you don’t get too close to the sun, losing sight of
your true A.I.M (Acting Inner Movement) and burning out.
Keep growing stronger,

3.5k Views · 10 Upvotes · Answer requested by Duong Cuong and Isa Amanov

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Luca Tomescu, B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering & Business, The University of Texas at
Austin (2020)
Answered Feb 21
The number one life hack of the 21st century:
Put your phone away!
This sounds oh-so-simple to do, but the effects are tremendous. Putting your phone away in virtually any
situation will make you more attentive, more engaged, and more likely to take up any opportunity that passes
you by.
Here’s life with a phone in the mix, how most people live:
1. Catch that important detail in the class lecture? Whoops, looks like you missed it, and it’ll end up
costing you on the test.
2. Finish your homework in a timely manner? You ended up checking your phone every time you
got a Facebook notification (AKA every 3 minutes), and now you’re STILL not done with homework that
should have taken you a fraction of the time.
3. See that important person walk by you? Guess not, you were too engrossed in level 1,052 of
Candy Crush and missed out on a conversation that could have netted you your next job.
Here’s what life would look like if you put your phone away when it mattered:
1. Catch that important detail in the class lecture? You caught the detail, and it gave you a much
stronger understanding of the material. Now, you feel confident about your knowledge, as well as about your
performance on the coming exam.
2. Finish your homework in a timely manner? You put your phone on silent and breezed through
your homework, giving you extra time to chat with your friends, grab a snack, or watch a quick cat video
3. See that important person walk by you? You did indeed, and you two had an excellent
conversation! Now, they’re giving you the opportunity to interview for an internship this summer.
These are just a few examples of what could happen if you are in the moment when it counts. I’m not saying
to completely abolish the use of your phone. In fact, the smartphone is one of the most powerful tools at our
disposal. However, there is a fine line between proper use and excessive abuse, and remaining conscious of
your smartphone time can keep you from falling off the edge.
For more words of wisdom from the millennial mind, check out my YouTube channel: Lucademy

2.2k Views · 6 Upvotes

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Nora Rydding, Student, athlete & TVshow-enthusiast
Answered Wed

If you ever need to make two accounts on the same website (for example Netflix or HBO) and you
don’t want to create a new email-account, this Gmail “hack” is awesome ;)
If you’ve created your mail using Gmail, ex:
simply make one account on the website using thisismyemail@gmail.com,
and then simply change it to thisismyemail@googlemail.com when signing up again and voilà!
Works like a charm.

6.5k Views · 121 Upvotes

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Neil Samlall
Updated Feb 22
To all the people who love writing the same shit over and OVER on different questions: I'm sure the
question meant ACTUAL life hacks. Not regurgitated motivational routines. (God I hate seeing that
crap, fuck off)
Life Hack:
You know the saying “Time is Money.” Well sure it is. And you and I both probably waste a lot of time-
money don't we? social media, sitting on the toilet browsing the internet (like I'm doing as I write this),
texting, YouTube vids, etc etc I can keep going. At the beginning of this year, I started strictly implementing
this technique.
Your day, your week, month year, your LIFE, is operated like a business with many different operations. At
least, being a serial entrepreneur with 3 businesses, that’s how I naturally think.
Your business has $86,400 at 12:00AM and at 11:59PM it resets to zero, then starts over again at $86,400.
The only catch is that you HAVE to spend it..ALL OF IT. How would you spend it?
That $86,400 = 86.400 seconds in a day. And regardless of what you do, your time is being spent on
SOMETHING, whether its working hard at NYSE, or sitting at home watching porn. Being the ceo of your
“life-business” you have to allocate your time well.
Get a blank paper, or even a white board. Write down all 24 hours of the day in list form. (If you can, write
down all 24 for each day.) Fill those 24 hour slots with stuff that you absolutely NEED to do:eat, work, sleep,
whatever. Refer to your goals that you’ve written down (assuming that you’ve already done so, if not, get
crackin) Fill the empty hour slots with goal-focused activities. If your goal is to master the piano by the end
of the year, and you somehow figure that 2 hours a day is sufficient, dedicate a time of day for that. Keep
filling out the slots until you are struggling to fit activities in. Most likely, you will not be able to fit in stuff
that you WANT to do. Therefore, you must start time-budgeting. Scan over your slots and see which
activities that you can cut down on or sacrifice. I highly recommend cutting back on sleep if you want to
accomplish goals throughout the week, you’re gonna need that precious time.
By doing this, you will find yourself treating time more valuable. No more casually scrolling through your
social media timeline, no more watching porn, no more watching TV, none of that. Strict business. You want
to be a Chess Grandmaster, while running 5 businesses, and modelling part-time, while working a full-time
job? Sure, it’s fucking hard, but it’s not impossible.
Now put your fucking phone down, and get to work.

25.9k Views · 168 Upvotes

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Anurag Bothra

Good advice. I don't agree with sleep part as less sleep reduces productivity.

Yannick Duchscher, studies Engineering at Enim (2022)

Answered May 24

You don’t drink enough water.

This implies the following :

• You’re more tired

• Your mouth is dry like a desert

• You have pain in your articulations

You once learned that you need to drink 7 to 8 glasses of water per day. Did you not think about its
What kind of glasses ?
Well, that does not make sense. That’s a common advice. Some drink more some less. Everyone feels okay
right ?
You can’t get low on performances for drinking too little water. That’s just impossible. Would say the most
unwise sage who ever existed.
Did you know that without water, life wouldn’t have arisen? You would still be nothing more than particles
moving randomly around the space.
Now listen to me. You don’t drink enough water.
Drinking 7 to 8 glasses is a garbage advice. It doesn’t bring you anything useful. Moreover, you don’t even
know what quantity of water you need to drink to feel good. Let that sink in - pun intended.
What doesn’t count as water ?

• Your morning coffee— same goes for your evening one

• Syrup water

• Soda

• Anything that isn’t pure water— bubbly water is okay

Think back to your 8 glasses of water. Then discount what isn’t really water. Do you still drink that many?
Odds are you don’t.
Do me a favor. Whenever you feel that you need to drink, drink two glasses - whatever the size - In a
few weeks you’ll feel way happier.
Did you like this answer ? I loved writing it. I also enjoy writing here.

97.3k Views · 2,517 Upvotes

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Kevin McCourt, Writer

Answered Feb 9
Add a bit of random to your life as often as possible.
As you've asked for the most clever, I will provide only the one that I believe to be most important.
Our lives are not as unique as we think they are because we live in a highly manufactured environment. By
leaving something to chance, we can break out of this box and have the potential for more. This applies to
virtually every aspect of life, but here are a few examples.
In Knowledge. Stop reading what everyone else is reading. If everyone else is reading it, it's not giving you
an edge. Go to a used book shop or the dusty back shelves of your public library and just browse until
something catches your interest. You’ll find some gems that will help you think differently than your peers
who live by The New York Times best-seller list.
In Leisure. Try things you've never tried before. You may find a new skill or passion. Instead of googling
restaurants, take a walk down a main street and see what catches your eye. Pick a movie at random. Pick a
genre at random. Throw a dart at a map and go. You've probably never heard of some of your would-be
favorite foods, authors, hobbies or destinations.
In Love. Online dating sites have their merits, which is why they have thrived, but there is a tendency to
filter people like a product search on Amazon. It's often our loved one’s flaws or differences that are most
endearing. If you're a tax lawyer, dating another tax lawyer just might be as boring as it sounds. Chat
someone up completely at random. Maybe the bartender/bass-player with pink hair is exactly what you need
in your life.
In Work. Einstein was a patent clerk. President Harry Truman was a failed habardasher. Mark Twain was…
well, a bit of everything. If what you're doing isn't working, try something else. Knowledge is not as
specialized as you think.
This is not even close to the tip of the iceberg. The bottom line is that most people are bored, and if you do
the same things as everyone else, you probably will be too. Most of the best things in life are the result of
pure accident or dumb luck.
Create your own dumb luck.

10.4k Views · 90 Upvotes

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Aditya Sanjay Laxman Nanaji Kondawar, 22 | Fitness Freak | Value Investor | Blogger
Answered May 25

Just some of the clever life hacks i have learned:

• If you want to do cardio of 16 mins , instead of running the whole time , do 1 min of brisk walking
and 3 minutes of running , repeat this cycle 4 times. This is what we call as HIIT (High Intensity Interval
Training). This ensures both proper rest between sets and maximum effort.

• If you want to inculcate a habit of saving , instead of spending first and saving whatever is left which
in most cases will be nothing , save first and spend later. This way you will save for sure and be prepared for
a rainy day.

• Always have a Banana/Date/Jaggery(called Goodh in hindi)/Coffee without sugar before a gym

workout. These food items spike your insulin level giving you a good flow of energy ensuring a great

• If you have your bank account linked with your phone number and Aadhar and if you want to check
your account balance immediately. Dial *99# from your Registered Mobile Number. Not only checking
balance , you can transfer money , request money and change UPI PIN. No internet Required. This is called
USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) launched by GoI so that people in extremely
disconnected areas and people who don’t own feature phones too can do banking transactions.

• If you are having an intense sweet craving and want to satiate it without eating unhealthy or sugary
items such as Ice cream , then you can have a carrot. Your Sweet craving will be satiated. I can confirm this
from my personal experience.

• If 2 people are travelling and lets say your battery is low , it is recommended not to book an uber/ola
from your phone , As these apps know when your battery is low and would most probably show you inflated
prices when your battery is low[1] . Link to Uber Privacy segment which says they collect device
information : https://www.uber.com/legal/priva...
• IF you are in metro cities and want to go to libraries which have good books at low cost. Check out
JUST BOOKS CLC. Rentals start at as low as 500 per month(including deposit and one time registration
cost). You can even take 2 books with you at a time to your home along with a number of magazines you can
read at the library.

• Want to buy books from Amazon at cheap costs? Every 1st of each month , Amazon will compile a
list of Amazon best reads books which will be minimum 50% off only on this day.
I hope you find these tips useful,
[1] Uber knows when your phone is about to die

1.3k Views · 13 Upvotes

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Chinmay Hasabi, studied at KLE Technological University Hubli

Updated Jul 21

How can I detect the Fake FB Profile within a minute?

These days we get so many friend requests especially by girls, but there is no way to identify
that account is fake or original. So don’t worry I’ll tell you simple method to detect fake
facebook account.
So this is a Facebook account which named by Sarikha Agarwal. Now we need to verify if this
account real or fake, so our first step is going to the Display picture and click on camera image.
So when you click on search by image you will get popup like below image.

Now go to that profile, right click on image and click on copy image URL

Now profile pic URL has copied,now again go to Images Tab and paste image URL.

When you enter then you get related images search

Now you can see that if this profile is real or fake. So here is a proof that this profile is fake.
Enjoy the trick..
Be aware when you will going to add a beautiful or smart unknown person as your friend. friend
careful and check first as there are a lot of fake profiles created daily.
This person might be a spy on your profile and steal personal information like your photos, etc
for their hacking stuffs. So Be Safe Online.
Cons: This trick may not work if the original picture of the Victim is used.
Link credits to : How To Identify Fake Facebook Accounts - HackersOnlineClub
Image source: Google
EDIT: I’m very glad Coz as it is my first answer here and 3k upvotes. Thank you so much for your huge
Please Checkout my 2nd answer on quora too.
Chinmay Hasabi's answer to What is the shortest horror story that you have ever read?
Thank you :)
Chinmay Hasabi

145.4k Views · 6,631 Upvotes

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Jeffy Mathew

Another alternative, as if i found it useful. Whenever you get a request, check the linked email,...

Raza Imam, I help people GROW by getting focused - www.5xYourFocus.com

Updated Jul 20

Here are 15 KILLER “hacks” I used to build ruthless focus, intelligence, and quick thinking (try them for
yourself…. they work FAST)
It’s been my lifelong quest to think quicker, harness my intuition, and tap into the power of my subconscious
I remember listening to Tony Robbins tapes when I was a kid in high school and being AMAZED at what he
taught me. He opened an entire world of human potential that I never knew existed.
Since then I have studied the greatest thinkers, writers, and guides in the field of human potential and
achievement and have compiled a list of 15 things that make me smarter, more focused, and more resilient.
Here’s a list of things I personally do to help me think faster, become more intelligent, and make better
1). Read More (duh!): Reading is the fastest way to learn new information. It builds focus and helps you
link concepts together. It’s critical to constantly read if you want to become smarter.
2). Make More Mistakes (yes, you read that right): I know this is counter-intuitive, but if you want to
become smarter, how have to make more mistakes. Mistakes are the FASTEST way the brain learns. In fact,
your brain hones in on the mistake and issues an “alert” to cause you to be more focused and deliberate so
that you don’t make it again.
Here’s a perfect example; if you’ve ever accidentally walked into a pile of dog crap on the ground, your
brain makes SURE that you never do that again.
3). Learn From OTHER People’s Mistakes (this is smarter than making your own mistakes): This is an
even BETTER way to get smarter. Don’t make mistakes… learn from others. That’s why reading is so
important (history, biographies, etc.)
4). Learn to Control Your Breathing (POWERFUL ancient technique): Your breath delivers oxygen to
your blood, which in turn nourishes your brain. If you want a healthy, nourished, relaxed brain, then learn
to breathe deeply, calmly, and purposefully. It will make you smarter.
5). Lift Weights and Sprint (sharpens your body AND brain): Exercise, even walking, delivers more
oxygen to your brain. It also produces a flood of hormones in your body that lower stress, burn fat, and
increase muscle growth. Bottom line, exercise boosts memory, learning ability, focus, concentration, and
6). Visualize Your Ideal Outcome (imagine being smarter): The smartest people in the world visualize
what they want before it comes into existence. They visualize what they need to do to make it happen. They
visualize the steps they took. They visualize the obstacles they faced. So you need to learn to visualize your
ideal outcome.
7). Pay Attention (focus on the little things): Intelligence is the ability to link information quickly. The
easiest way to do that is to pay attention to your surroundings. Learn how to listen to what is actually being
said. Learn to see the reality in front of you. Learn to be objective so that you can make quick decisions.
8). Learn How to Sell (selling makes you smarter… FAST): Some of the smartest, quick-witted people in
the world are salespeople. If you’ve ever encountered a street salesperson, you see how intelligent they are.
They can read your body language, assess your intent to buy, counter objections, and deliver your product so
fast you won’t know what happened. You need to learn how to do that.
9). Learn How to Program (this is an AWESOME way to challenge your brain): Computer
programming is phenomenal because it forces you to think logically and methodically. You learn how to
deconstruct a problem and devise a solution. It’s great that kids are learning how to program in school now.
10). Write Books, Articles, and Quora Answers (writing makes you a LOT smarter): It’s one thing to
have knowledge in your head, but the ability to clearly and concisely write it requires a strong understanding
of concepts and an ability to tailor it to your audience.
11). Learn a New Language (double your brain’s capacity) : I learned Arabic in Cairo when I was 18 and
it was one of the best experiences in my entire life. Learning a new language opens up an entire world and
helps you think quicker. The more mistakes you make when speaking, the faster you learn (see #2 above)
12). Take More Naps (this is another ancient secret): Salvador Dali and Albert Einstein were artistic and
mathematical geniuses. They both took micro naps and credited their achievements to taking naps. Need I
say more? Take more naps.
13). Eat Less (being too full makes you stupid): Eating too much has been scientifically proven to lead to
mild cognitive impairment. In general, the human body is resilient and adaptive, that means it does better
with less. If you want to get smarter, you DON’T want to inundate your body with unnecessary calories that
it has to figure out what to do with.
14). Positive Self-Talk (talk to yourself like you’re smart): Telling yourself “I’m smart. I’ve got this. I’ve
got this under control. I love challenges. I love solving problems” is what high-achievers and world-class
performers do. They don’t allow stress and worry to paralyze them. Rather, they have an extreme sense of
self-reliance and inner calm that allows them to make quick, accurate decisions.
15). Take Aggressive, Persistent Action (action is the KEY): Nothing makes you smarter than actually
using the knowledge you have and taking ACTION. Action is what separates the dreamers from the doers.
Action is what makes knowledge and intelligence worthwhile. Take passionate, inspired action. Don’t worry
about what people will say or think. Be aggressive and attack your goals. Be driven, not “motivated”.
I coach overworked professionals and struggling entrepreneurs to build ruthless focus so they can
CONQUER their goals. Download my free 1-page cheat sheet to literally transform your life and fulfill your
God-given potential.

5.8k Views · 44 Upvotes

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Aman Khanna, An adult since 5 years.

Updated May 28
Not able to sleep at night?
Smart phones are honey trapping you?
Scrolling endlessly ?
INSTALL this wonder called Twilight - Android Apps on Google Play. WHY?

Research suggests that exposure to blue light from smartphones before sleep may distort your natural
(circadian) rhythm and cause inability to fall asleep.[1]
This app reduces the amount of blue light, sooths our eyes. You will feel the trigger of going to sleep
regardless of how much you are scrolling late into the night.
Assignment have been ruined, there was deep baggy sack under the eye not it all ended.
Thanks to this little sleep inducing devil. It works like magic, Smooth!
Don’t complain and say “last time I check it was 11 PM now it’s 3AM. I am sleep deprived”

Many of us have office works. We have to pull off 6–10 hours of looking at computer screen. it is
So to minimise the damage,
Install f.lux

It automatically dims and brighten up the screen by having a SUNSET and SUNRISE timing, you can also
manually adjust the same. it dims the screen, brings up orange light for your eyes comfort.
You can say it is the desktop version of TWILIGHT.

SITTING posture while working on the computer

If one thing that I can vouch for to ease our nerve cells in our brain, it has to be the sitting posture.
Upright, no couch potatoes here. A chair and a table with adequate height.

You are working in your office, you feel a bit brittle and stiff. Don’t look at the screen. Blink fast for 5
seconds, It will hydrate your eyes. Go to wash room , Do quick 10 sit ups, wash your face. BOOM!

Voila, you are ready to go again with full force.


24.2k Views · 337 Upvotes

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Leena Pathma, Lived a little. Messed up a lot. Enjoyed every bit of it.
Answered Aug 31, 2016

If you’ve been having a bad day, smile.

I know it sounds like a terrible idea, and no one thinks about putting on a big grin when they’re stuck on a
boat heading towards a typhoon.
But this is a classic example of acting your way into feeling.
So many of us let our feelings decide how we act. It’s why people unthinkingly say something scathing to the
person who bumped into them on the way into a lift when they’re in a sour mood. It’s why we get into petty
arguments with people we love.
We smile when we’re happy. It’s a great side effect of having something amazing happen to us. The best part
with this hack is, your brain is always ready to believe that you’re in a good mood. So why not smile to be
Smiling when you’re sad is a fantastic life hack. Did you know that smiling can boost your mood? It really
does. And I’m not talking about a slight tilt to the lips that you direct at the stranger on the train you
accidentally made eye contact with. I mean a full-on smile, turned up to the highest brightness setting you
When I’m having a terrible day, I go out of my way to be pleasant. I smile at people walking by. I straighten
my back a little more. I go over and bug a friend, tell them that I’m having a bad day and ask them to tell me
a joke. When someone sends me an email asking for something that adds a lot to my already full plate, I
shake my head with a laugh, and - I kid you not - it instantly makes the request look much more doable (at
the very least, it gets rid of the inclination to immediately lash back at them).
So that’s the best life hack I’ve learned. It’s helped me turn a bad day on it’s head, and made life a lot more
pleasant for everyone around me.
P.S. Thanks for the A2A!
Additional reading:
Why Faking a Smile Is a Good Thing

8.9k Views · 33 Upvotes

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Rishi Garg, Diligent Quora User

Answered May 29
Recently i have heard of cheating news at petrol pumps while filling petrol in vehicles.
So When you go for refueling your vehicles, Always ask the person to refill petrol tank of your vehicle
equivalent to cost 10–20 rupees less than what you actually wanted him or her to fill. Instead of filling
in denominations like 500,600 Tell him to fill in near amounts as 520 or 490. This will make it difficult for
them to cheat.
Actually staffers can manipulate electronics chips responsible for calculating volume of petrol in relation to
amount paid.

Source: Think youre being cheated at petrol pumps: Here are some dos and donts

21.7k Views · 662 Upvotes

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Sandip Shah, Security Service Incharge

Answered Feb 3

In honor of The Little Mermaid's sector-century milestone, we are celebrating with a number of the pinnacle
recommendations we've got found out from our favorite amphibious princess.
1. Store Cash on Splendor Merchandise: Why buy a brush whilst you could use a fork?
2. Be Kind to Animals: Disney films in general educate us that if you're genuinely best to fish, mice, birds
and the like, they may be your BFF and help you get ready for big events! It's like having that early life
buddy who went to cosmetology school.
3. Flirting one zero one: For lots of us, The Little Mermaid become an creation to the world of flirting.
It seems the fundamentals in reality do work. Play with that hair, lady!
4. Get On Board Along with his Pals: That is additionally a lesson within the Sarah Jessica Parker movie
Failure to Release, however in contrast to Failure to Release, The Little Mermaid is genuinely a great movie.
Galvanize your best guy's or female's Buddies, family and pets, and win them over immediately!
5. Reasonably-priced Dates May be the Most Romantic: Truely, getting a crab to serenade you in a
canoe is lots cheaper and extra innovative than going to an Olive Lawn or taking your date to the
movie theater to peer Failure to Launch. For real, guys, screw Failure to Launch!
6. Being a Sea Dweller Does Wonders to your Hair: We recognise Ariel dreams of that landlocked existence,
however her hair sport is on point whilst she's beneath the sea! Is it simply really worth finding your Prince
Captivating in case you're going to should begin deep conditioning all of the time?

962 Views · 1 Upvote

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Ian Silverness, Yesterday I went to the aquarium and learned about leafy sea dragons.
Answered Nov 17, 2016

The Only Hack You Need To Become Exceptionally Funny

It boils down into one thing.
When I was in college I was very shy. I’d have a hard time opening my mouth. Lucky for me, though I was
friends with some of the wittiest joke-crackers on campus.
When I studied abroad in Spain, I had picked up their habits. I started talking like my college friends and
acting like them and even joking like them.
People thought I was hilarious.
I had to check myself. “Is it this easy?” I thought.
The thing was, I realized that it wasn’t just my friends rubbing off on me, it was a small habit of mine that
was making me funnier by the day.
I was watching standup comedy for at least an hour everyday.
I was watching some of the best storytellers and jokers on the planet and slowly, subtly picking up their
mannerisms and quirks, down to the details that they noticed in society. I noticed myself voicing inner
monologues about my walk down the street.
I became able to spin everything in a funny way. Even something as banal as a waiter pouring more water or
a woman with a dog walking down the street, I could crack a joke on the spot.
It was like alchemy.
The thing is, though, that I wasn’t trying. These were just thoughts coming to my head. I couldn't control it.
If you’re looking for a place to start, I recommend Dave Chappelle. You have to pick someone that resonates
with your sense of humor. It should be an enjoyable activity. You don’t even have to do it for an hour.
Try this for a few weeks. Watch miracles happen.

9.2k Views · 98 Upvotes

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Alex Liang

Dave Chapelle is a genius.

Wendy Moncur, I have lived, and am continuing to do so.
Answered Feb 13

Realising that everyone is more alike than unalike. … and acting accordingly. eg:

• Forgotten someone’s name? Never mind - they forgot yours too. Instead of being embarrassed, just
ask them “What was your name again?” and introduce yourself again. Most people will be grateful that YOU
said it, cos they were embarrassed to ask themselves. Seriously - anyone who gets offended you forgot their
name has too much of an ego.

• Hot day? Sweating like a pig? So is everyone else. Everyone is worried others will think they stink
of sweat. Remarking how hot and sweaty the weather is today. Fan yourself, or whatever “cooling” method
works for you. Now everyone else is at ease, because you said it first - YOU acknowledged your own sweaty
discomfort, thus acknowledging that everyone is feeling the same.

• Made a mistake? Tripped over? Spilt a drink? Oops! Apologise. Without putting yourself down, say
out loud how you feel. “Whoops! How embarrassing!” If you can act with dignity and humour when YOU
screw up, you are showing that you are sympathetic and forgiving when others screw up.
These are the “Homer Simpson” phrases - you know how Homer always manages to say out loud what he is
thinking…. it’s what everyone is thinking, but nobody wants to say because they are embarrassed or scared
of what others will think of them.
Mention the elephant in the room with dignity and compassion, to put everyone at ease.

31.5k Views · 519 Upvotes

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Amanda Navarro
Answered Mar 11

Toothpaste on chapped lips.

Here’s what you need:

• Colgate (or any equivalent) toothpaste

• Water

• A soft towel

• Lip care (ChapStick, Neutrogena, Burt’s Bees, Vaseline, or anything along those lines)
I know, it sounds strange. But it really works. When your lips are chapped, here’s what you do:
1. Grab some Colgate (or any equivalent) toothpaste
2. Spread it on your lips with your finger
3. Leave it on for about 5 - 10 seconds MAX. Do NOT leave it on any longer or else it will burn A
4. Wash it off with a little bit of water
5. Dry your lips by dabbing them with a soft towel
6. Moisturize your lips with some lip balm, lip moisturizer, or whatever you use to keep them soft
That’s it :) It’s easy and affordable! Plus, you probably already have everything you need right in your own

7.5k Views · 123 Upvotes

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Jonathan Breeze, CEO @ AardvarkCompare. Former Royal Air Force Pilot.
Answered Mar 15

I am based in the USA now, leading AardvarkCompare - Travel Insurance Marketplace , but have lived in the
UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal.
I began my career as a Royal Air Force pilot, then flew Private Jets with NetJets.
So, I have been privileged to have lived in a reasonable number of countries, and have visited a healthy
number across the world.
I would not call this so much a hack, as a basic observation.
Those who offer courtesy and respect to others, irrespective of the other person’s age, gender, sexuality,
wealth, nationality, religion, income, beauty or social statustend to have wonderful lives.
It is so easy to be respectful of others. If we could all try that just a little harder, natural reciprocation means
that, eventually, we would all achieve a little more with no effort whatsoever.
Jonathan Breeze's answer to What are the best airplane life hacks?

792 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Michael Ligier, Student at NYU Stern
Answered Sep 3, 2016

Reopen Closed Tabs & Find Sources for Papers

1. Ctrl + Shift + T.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you’ve ever accidentally closed a tab that you needed, you can hit Ctrl
+ Shift + T (or Command + Shift + T on Macs) and reopen the last tab that you closed. It’s a lifesaver on
Google Chrome and I use it almost everyday.
2. Finding Sources for Research Papers.

Nowadays I can’t write a research paper without using this hack. Basically, if you need to find sources for
any paper you’re writing on, find a comprehensive research paper and go to the references section in the
paper. That way you’ll find all of the smaller papers that the information came from which you can use as a

If you were ever told that Wikipedia isn’t a reliable source, this is also a way for you to effectively use
Wikipedia in a way that will be allowed on research papers. You just go down to the Notes section on the
article and go to those individual websites to find sources.

For example, if I’m looking up information on the Monarchy of the United Kingdom, I can find all the
sources I need in the Notes section:

I use these two tips very often (especially since I’m still in school) so hopefully you’ll find value from them
as well :)

11.3k Views · 88 Upvotes

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Drew Reggie, Entrepreneur + Writer
Answered May 31 · Featured in Inc

1 Mindset Shift That Fundamentally Changed The Way I Approach Life

I’m not a wise old man, and I certainly don’t claim to know all of life’s secrets. But one thing I’ve learned—
one life hack, if you will—has fundamentally changed my entire perspective on life and how I live it.
I act with my desired outcome in mind.
Who do you want to be? How do you want to spend your time on Earth? Who do you want to spend your
time with? Think hard about the exact lifestyle you want. Maybe you want to develop websites from your
laptop from a different country every month, or maybe you want to own a restaurant in your hometown that
all your friends and family visit, or teach a language abroad. Get crystal clear on how you want to spend your
time, and then set out on your journey to make it happen.
It's not enough to say, “I want to be an attorney.” Where do you want to practice law? What kind? Why do
you want to be an attorney? Because your dad was one, or because you want to get people the justice they
deserve? Or because you like debating and enjoy the idea of a trial? Understand the day-to-day tasks and
challenges you want to take on. Too often the titles people are chasing don't support the lifestyles they really
Act with your desired outcome in mind. If your dream lifestyle entails opening a restaurant and having
children, take steps to meet someone amazing (if you haven't already) and start learning everything there is
to know about the restaurant business.
This may all sound obvious. But too many people that I meet are working tirelessly toward something they
don't actually want—working toward something their parents want, or something they used to want. Life is
too short, and years too precious, to waste chasing something that doesn't matter to you.
So act with your desired outcome in mind. Take steps to shape your life into what you want it to be, and
make every single day count.

5.6k Views · 97 Upvotes

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Lova Kremer, 2x Times TEDx Speaker on Work-Life balance for Overachievers

Answered Jun 25


If we’re talking about psychological hacks, then this might be a common one, yet it’s not mentioned that
much. Unless you’re an athlete.
It’s the biggest breaktrough that I had on my journey to getting healthy after getting a chronic
hyperventilation diagnose from my doctor.
Here is me telling the story at TEDx:
In short, after having gone through the weirdest experiences with healers in some remote places, up to the
even weirder but more data driven experiences I had from hanging out with biohackers. At the end of the day
there was only one thing that fixed me from what I now realize was a stress related disease, which was
plugging out for 1 day a week.
I realized that I become even more productive, and that even though professional athletes do it all the time.
Entrepreneurship is not treated the same way, yet it should. Especially, if you’re striving to compete with the
top performers.
Hope that helps,
Lova from Why Not 3?
P.S.: If you’re actually out there gathering experience, don’t go too crazy. It’s good to take a break once in a

688 Views · 6 Upvotes

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Annie Husain, A Dork in Nerd Apprenticeship

Updated Dec 6, 2016

Making a good first impression.

This very clever thing I used to do when I was in school. Whenever we had some new class teacher,
everyone used to take her lightly thinking that she is new and she won't punish us anytime soon. But not me -
I used to be very polite in the first week of that teacher and prepared the first test very thoroughly and get
highest marks in first test only. Now people usually remember us by the first thought that crosses their mind
about us.
So after the very first test, teachers had the impression that I'm a brilliant student. So whenever I failed a test
or scored low, teacher used to ask me very sympathetically that What happened to you. Were you sick?
Something wrong? While others were punished. Yay!
And I used to get away without preparing test for that subject for the whole year.

164.1k Views · 8,060 Upvotes

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Girish Gowda

If only I had this bright idea, I could have stopped few teachers from hating on me - my bio, san...

Berkcan Kapusuzoglu, MSc Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology (2016)

Answered Jun 25

1. Brush your teeth right after your meal in order not to forget it, and prefer not to use a toothpaste
containing fluoride since it is proven that fluoride have negative effects on our body 50 Reasons to Oppose
Fluoridation. Fluoride can also affect the pineal gland (which is assumed to be the part that is responsible for
the third eye What is the Third Eye? - Exploring Your Vision).
2. Never underestimate the power of flossing. Floss your teeth after each meal and before brushing. (Or
use mouthwash technique) Flossing your teeth is a waste of time - and does more HARM than good
3. Keep your toothbrush in a dry place, they should not be kept in bathrooms since they are
humid. Why you shouldn't leave your toothbrush out on the sink
4. When you wake up, before leaving the bed,
1. Roll Over to the Right. Our culture also says that after waking up, you must roll to your right side
and then get out of bed. When your body is in a certain state of relaxation, its metabolic activity is slow.
When you get up, there is a certain surge of activity. At a lower level of metabolic activity, if you suddenly
roll to your left, you will put pressure upon your cardiac system.
2. Right after that, the second thing to do before starting the day: Rub Palms Together, Place on
Eyes. Ancient wisdom tells you that before you get up in the morning, you must rub your hands together and
place your palms upon your eyes. The scientific reason being that there is a heavy concentration of nerve
endings in your hands. If you rub your palms together, all the nerve endings are activated and the system
awakens immediately. When you wake up in the morning and still feel sleepy and drowsy, just do this and
see, everything comes awake.
3. Smile. Then look around and if there is someone, smile at them. For so many people, someone dear
to them did not wake up today. Everyone who is dear to you woke up! Appreciate it and smile. You may
think this is ridiculous but you will know the reality of it when someone dear to you doesn’t wake up. Don’t
wait till then to realise the value of it. Learn to look at a few people lovingly.
5. Drink lemon water directly after you wake up Health Benefits of Lemon Water | Wellness Mama.
6. Do 5 mins meditation after you drink lemonwater. What I mean by meditation is just sit straight on
the floor or on something and breath deeply for few times into the nose. If you are comfortable with the
breathing meditation, then focus your attention on your breaths. Feel the cold air entering your nose, and feel
the relatively hot air leaving your nasal cavity. Of course first do diaghram breathing How to Activate Your
Diaphragm to Improve Breathing and Performance. Pay attention to your belly as it expands and contracts.
1. You can try different kind of meditation techniques and find the one that suits you: Meditation 101:
Techniques, Benefits, and a Beginner’s How-to. What they basically do: Increase your awareness, help you
to control your mind, give you the ability to point your attention (or concentration) on whatever you want at
that time. There are enormous numbers of benefits of it, which I will mention later on.
7. Use stairs instead of the elevators.
8. Eat raw garlic once a day/week. This will improve your immune system. Try to avoid antibiotics if
you cannot get better in 3–5 days by using garlic. Avoid These 6 Common Mistakes When Using Garlic As
an Antibiotic
9. Since garlic acts as an antibiotic, large quantities of it can affect the gut flora and deplete the
friendly bacteria. As with other antibiotics, you need a good supply of probiotics to get your gut back into
balance. The best way to do this is by consuming fermented foods that contain plenty of probiotics. Some
examples include natural yoghurt, kefir, kombucha, miso and fermented vegetables (sauerkraut, kimchi). If
you find it difficult to find real fermented food, you can buy probiotic supplements. 3 Things You Should Do
After Taking Antibiotics to Restore Healthy Intestinal Flora
10. Use paraben and sulfate free cosmetic products. 5 Reasons Why You Should Switch to a Sulfate and
Paraben Free Shampoo - shampootree.com ,, Best Paraben Free Shampoo | Reviews of Three Amazing

16.3k Views · 162 Upvotes

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Ritul Mishra, Founder of PersonalityDev.COM

Updated May 24

My Experiences:
1. When buying something online only read the reviews that gave it 3 stars—they're usually the most
honest about pros and cons.
2. Flip a Pizza box around on your lap so when opened the lid covers your chest... BOOM perfect Pizza
3. Confusing Wikipedia article? Click "Simple English" on the left list of languages and it'll whisk you
to a simplified version!
4. Most Interesting: Put that you were Time’s 2006 person of the year on your resume/CV. In 2006,
Time made "Everyone" the person of the year.
5. When proofreading, read out loud to yourself. Your mouth will catch errors your mind might glance
Hope This Help.
Ritul @ Author of Post that got 923 shares (As On 23/05/2017)!— Thanks to all the Quorans!!—29 Things
that can Make you Lead a Successful, Healthy and Happy Life! - PersonalityDev
Edit: Thanks for 150+ UpVotes!!

10.4k Views · 195 Upvotes

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Erick Diaz, Writer for The Odyssey and Flocku.com/NBA junkie

Answered May 23

Whenever I feel lazy or uninspired, I imagine my 80-year-old self is watching and judging HOW I

-The older we get, time seems to move quicker because everything happens in bigger time blocks. In grade
school you had 45-min periods, a 15-min recess, a 30-min lunch, a 60-min basketball practice etc.
When we’re older we have 4-hour, part-time shifts, 3-hour college classes, 9-hour work days, 2 hours of
daily commuting, etc. In adulthood our weeks, months and years often blend together in hindsight.
It’s incredibly easy for these large chunks of time that take up my day to wear me out. REMEMBER: There
will be nights when you come home and are so exhausted that you’ll crash immediately.
On other nights when you have the option to either call it a day or use your last bits of energy to contribute
something, ALWAYS choose the latter. Even if it’s just an extra paragraph you write, a chapter you read or
an email you send. Those small tasks you tackle accumulate over time and will pay dividends sooner than
you think.
If your 80-year-old self is watching you today, they’re envying you because you have the one precious
resource that no amount of money will ever get them: time. So make the most of it. That way current you
AND 80-year-old you can be proud of a life well utilized.

289.6k Views · 21,576 Upvotes · Answer requested by Bilal

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Nela Canovic

WONDERFUL hack! Thank you for posting, Erick.

3 more comments from Rahul Nagare, Lacy Reeves, Dustin D. Harford

Sanidhya Singh, 10% Emotional ||40% Sarcasm ||10% shy || 40% extreme
Updated May 27

=> This clever life hack had helped millions of people to get success in their life.
Okay, what will you do when you got demotivated?
Watch a motivational video on YouTube and that's it! You are charged now!
Stop, I said Stop it right now!
Motivational videos convey very powerful messages and indeed they are very good to watch.
Do you know the bad effect off those videos?
Sadly speaking, Motivational videos provide more satisfaction rather than motivation.
So, what is the hack of motivation?
Yes, revenge is the best motivation you can get from within yourself. Revenge is something that has a ability
to put fire below the ass of even the laziest person to work their best in their respective field!
How it works?
You are homo sapiens, right? You must have encountered someone in your lifetime that made you broken
from your inner heart, it can be your girlfriend, family member, a company or anyone,right? Choose them as
your motivation so that you make yourself so much capable that after some duration of time, you stand
before them and can confidently say “Who are you?”
Proofs for the working of this hack:
1. Walt Disney: Fired from the newspaper company because apparently, he ‘lacked’ creativity.

At the age of 7, he sold some of his sketches to his neighbors. His interests in art and drawing were apparent.
While attending McKinley High School in Chicago, he used to work diligently in the art and photography
field. He was then hired at the Kansas City Star newspaper. Later, the newspaper company fired him because
they thought he ‘lacked creativity’. After that, Disney started a number of businesses that didn’t last too long
and ended with bankruptcy and failure.
After several trials and tribulations, and also with very little money, Disney’s persistence paid off. His works,
which were a reflection of his brilliant animation skills, were selected from Motion Pictures in 1928 and
thus, Mickey Mouse was born.
Awards – He won 26 Academy Awards (Oscars). He holds the record for most Academy Awards won by any
individual in the history.
And yes, he not only bought the newspaper company that fired him, he also bought ABC, the company that
owned the newspaper company.
2. Michael Jordan: Rejected from his high school basketball team

Also known as MJ, he is an American professional basketball player. Most people won’t believe that the
person lauded as the best basketball player of all times was rejected from his high school basketball team.
However, according to Forbes, it is just a myth and it persists because it inspires athletes from all over the
world to work hard even when they face failure.
Whether it’s true or not, is a different question. But, luckily, that didn’t happen and it didn’t prove to be a
setback. He also won the Most Valuable Player Award 5 times.
3. Arunabh Kumar: Got rejected by the company, MTV India

You know this guy right? The much acclaimed Yogi from the TVF Pitchers? He was unhappy that Indian
Television industry didn’t have content rich shows. So, he approached the then most popular youth-oriented
channel – MTV India. He expressed that he is keen to start something which is content rich. MTV rejected
his idea.
After this, he started his own modest venture. Fast forward to the year 2015, and he has 1,096,581
subscribers to his YouTube channel. He is now known as The Qtiyapa Guy.
In his own words, ”When MTV rejected the idea, I think that was the best rejection of my life. Youth
channels told me Indian youth doesn’t want to watch this. I wanted to prove them wrong. Had they
accepted, the idea would have ended up in some maximum 10 to 15 episodes.”
4. Steve Jobs: Got fired from his own company

All of us know his story, don’t we? Steve Jobs recruited Pepsi executive John Sculley to run Apple. In 1985,
Sculley convinced the board to sideline Jobs. After being fired, Steve Jobs built a company called NeXT,
which was acquired by A...

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Jaco Marais, Serial Entrepreneur (2008-present)

Answered Jun 1
Awesome Life Hacks To Simplify Your Life…
Life hacks seem to be the phrase of the hour these days and for good reason! Why wouldn’t we try things
that make our lives easier.
I have a whole website dedicated to life hacks in different areas of daily life, you can check it out
at www.lifehackshq.com
I would love to share some of the best ones from my website with you and then you can go try the others if
you like what you see here.
Here is something cool you can do with your smartphone to wow your kids and friends. Make a hologram in
a few easy steps, here’s how:

You need four pieces of transparent hard plastic or PVC. They need to be in the form of a trapezoid that
measures 6cm at the one straight side and 1cm at the other straight side, the distance between the two sides
should be 3.5cm, I will include a diagram as this is a bit difficult to describe. Once you have your four pieces
cut out, you need to glue them all together. You can either cut the trapezoids out of old CD cases with a
carpet knife or you can ask your local glass dealership to cut you four pieces from PVC. An easier method is
to use transparent plastic and just cut it with scissors, I will give you a template below that works well. I tried
it this way and the results were very cool, especially when you turn off all the lights. Now just go over to
Youtube and find some cool 3D hologram videos. Place your trapezoid on the screen in the middle of the
four images , turn off the lights, press play and boom, your mind is now officially blown. There are loads of
these videos on Youtube so you can play around until you find one that you love.
Do you suffer from migraines? Try this:

Put your hands in ice water and flex them a few times.
This one is for the handymen out there:
Large screw holes in wood can be easily repaired.Fill the hole with a wooden golf peg, saw off the top and
sand until flush and smooth.
Here is one for all the travelers out there:

Take a photo of your luggage before you fly. It will be of great help later on if they get lost.
Next time you boil eggs:

When boiling eggs, add half a spoon of baking soda into the water. The shells will come off very easily once
the eggs are done.
Attention all Photographers:

Use your Ipad to create cool backgrounds for your photos. Place the object you want to photograph on a
black surface in front of your Ipad with the desired background and snap away!
Gym shoes having you gasp for air?

Put dry tea bags in your smelly shoes or gym bag to absorb odors.
I hope you enjoyed these life hacks and that you can use them to simplify your life or just to have fun. There
are loads more of them on Life Hacks HQ , so please go have a look , I would really appreciate it!

1.7k Views · 22 Upvotes

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Himanshu Chauhan, Proud introvert
Updated Jul 23

Hello folks,i have some clever life hacks for you.Please do give a try whenever possible.
1.Soaking a sock in water and then putting a bottle in it, is a great way to keep drinking water cool,
especially in dry areas.

2. Packing clothes efficiently.

3. Peeing in the showerprevents/cures athlete's foot.

Source: |
Medical News Today Uproxx
4.Tying knots on the top of the laces prevents boots from coming untied. Also, tying the knot at the
centre of laces prevents them from getting off-centred.

The Guardian
5. If you don't have time to iron your wrinkled clothes, try spraying them with water and then hang
them to dry.

Expert Home Tips
Elvanto preserve your night vision when a car approaches you with its high beams lit, try closing one
eye. When the car has passed, switch eyes until the eye exposed to the bright light has recovered.

Auto Chunk
7. If you want your leather shoes to shine like a mirror, try the fire method, just like a soldier does.

8.Using duct tape on the feet to prevent blisters, hot spots, etc works way better than using moleskin or
bandaid on the same area.

Irish Mirror
9. Runner's tights keep you warmer than most varieties of lower-half thermal wear, and they'll fit
under most of your clothes.

Run Haven
10. To prevent the painful blisters and shoe bites, soldiers soak their DMS boots in water to make them

11. To avoid your shirt from looking poofy, try tucking it the militaryway.

12. Or maybe, use a shirt garter to keep it in place. That is how the military guys march around in
uniform all day.

... (more)

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Jellis Vaes, CEO & Founder at Inner Picture Stories

Updated Jul 6

Here is a life hack that I often use. It might be a bit of an extreme one for some, but It helps me greatly. I
now and then plan something “risky”, as for example in 5 months I will do an attempt to climb the Mont
Blanc. Doing something as this brings in the thought and realization that a fatal accident might occur. The
result of that is that it pulls me in an extreme way into thinking about how I am living this life and what is
important and what is not important. It makes meaningless fights even more so meaningless and meaningful
conversations and time that I can spend with friends, family members, myself and this world ever more so
precious because I know that this could be the last 5 months of my life.
Now, I don’t want to make this sound dramatic. I just want to point out that really realizing that death is
something real and something that can happen at any time to anyone, allows you to see your life in different
light. And doing something a bit riskier always forces me to think and stand still about this limited time I
have on this planet of ours and how I am spending it. It’s a clever life hack to me.
My life’s work: Inner Picture Stories, an educational website on life with resources, life lessons, quotes
and a podcast to help discover yourself and this world.

4.1k Views · 23 Upvotes

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Ashish Ranjan, 28 || Engineer || I hide in plain sight, same as you.

Updated Dec 2, 2016

• How to identify typical engineer’s notebook?

If you see blank pages left in between their notebook. It means they bunked their classes and left it blank in a
hope that one day they will make notes from their classmate.
Irony: It is left blank forever, most of the questions asked in the exam are from those blank pages only, and
students become blank, but they don’t write blank. They still manage to answer it.

• How to identify typical gender’s computer?

If you find millions of icons on the desktop, there is a 90% chance that that computer belongs to a female. I
am always puzzled at how indexing has been done in their minds, they remember exact location of each icon,
folder and files.
Irony: Their room is too much organized. And vice versa for males.
This is my desktop, but daily I can’t find my socks in the morning.

• Good Night and Good Night, Ashish is totally different and second one makes huge impact.
• While doing reps in the gym, if you want to complete 10 difficult reps, start reverse counting from

• At the end of the relationship

If a girl says, can we be friends? It means she is not over you and still wants some connection in future, if
conditions are favorable.
If a guy says, can we be friends? It means it is over.
And if it ends on a bitter note (abusing each other), then there is no hope.
Note: See, Nature provides exceptions to every rule. In case you find any exception from my answer, then
please don’t comment. I will be obliged.

122.6k Views · 5,152 Upvotes

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Shraddha Nair

I beg to differ. My room is ultra messy and my phone/ laptop screen is always devoid of any faltu...

Aylen, Lingerie Fit Expert , Entire life into Bra wearing Education
Answered Jul 15
8 Ways To Store Your Bras

What does the inside of your lingerie drawer look like? Chances are that it doesn’t look like it’s supposed to;
I’ve seen a lot of women’s cupboards and most of their lingerie drawers look like an explosion of lace. If
you’re part of the population- which is a majority, let’s be honest- that has a drawer that looks like what I’m
describing, these hacks are for you!

• Get to cleaning: I know you’ve got a couple (or few) items in there that you haven’t really used in
ages; a strapless bra that no longer fits you, a pair of panties that are ridiculously old, but also ridiculously
comfortable. Yes those, get rid of them. Not only are they unhygienic, they’re also taking up valuable space.
Unless they’re staples and you know you can’t do without them, toss them out. Sort through your things and
reduce your collection to only the items you need, so you won’t have to deal with unwanted and unused
panties in the future.

• Folding is key: Do NOT crumple your panties and throw them into the drawer. It might seem like
folding them is a waste of time, but trust me, it’s really not. And yes, there actually is a way to fold them! It’s
all about the one-two-three trick; take one side and fold it in, and do the same to the other side. Then fold the
bottom in, and voila! Your underwear is folded. Sounds simple enough, convincing yourself that it’s the right
thing to do is the hard part.

• Line ‘em up: Now for the bras; thankfully, they don’t need to be folded, and shouldn’t either.
Shoving your bras in a drawer crumples them up, which can throw off the molding and even cause the
underwire to get stuck in a position where it tears through the fabric. Save your bras by lining them up like
you see them in the store. Not only does this protect them, but it also fits better and makes it easier to find the
one you want.

• Rack ‘em: If you’ve got a lot of bras and not enough space to keep them all, you can explore other
options. The problem is that different styles need to be stored differently, and a DIY rack is a solution to this
conundrum! Plus, your bras are going to look great when they’re on display like this.

• Hang ‘em: Don’t want to DIY anything? Simply hang your bras over the bar of one hanger using the
gore in the middle. This probably won’t hold as many, you you’ll need a couple of hangers at least. This
might make it a little hard to see what’s on the other side of the hanger that’s not facing you, but it’s the lazy
woman’s easy solution!
• Side to side: Instead of lining them up in a vertical line, make it a horizontal one – that way you can
see all the bras, and not just the ones in the front. A wide drawer, that is normally found in a chest of drawers,
would be an ideal size for this.

• Get organised: Being organized is definitely easier when you have helpful organizational tools.
These can be bought in stores/online, but you can also use items that are readily available in most homes!
Whether it’s a cardboard box, an old shoe box, or even plastic containers, if you think it’s a good size for
your lingerie and underwear, then it will probably work. Use however many you think would be best for your

• Sort them: With the help of the aforementioned organizing tools, you can sort your lingerie by type,
use and color. The ones that get used most often- the blacks and the nudes- should ideally be up front, while
the lacy and fancy ones, should be kept at the back. It makes it easy to reach out for them and put them back
every day. You can do the same for your underwear! Separate them into type and use, and stick some post-its
on there if you need to, and you’re good to go!

• Related read :How to measure your bra size easily at home!!


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Agraj Sobti, Teaching Assistant at University of California, Los Angeles (2016-present)

Updated Mar 2
Have you ever struggled taking a picture off of your computer screen with your handy dandy smartphone.
Maybe something quick you want to share with a friend. But the picture comes out something like this…

Works, but not the best. The pixels on the screen distort the image quality. Now here is my golden hack.
Move your smartphone further away from the screen, zoom in and take the same shot. This is what I got…

No more distortions.
Try out for yourself!
Edit 1:
To the people putting snipping tool as an alternative in the comments, I know what a snipping tool is and I
use it all the time. Snipping tool or screenshot makes sense when you have at least 2–3 minutes in your
hands. Here I am talking about an urgent situation, where you need to send something from your phone
ASAP, either as a text message or on WhatsApp. In that case, you would have to take a snip of the page on
your computer screen, save it, email it to yourself, download it on your phone, locate it and attach it to your
When you are a busy person, you do not have that kind of time in your hands.
Edit 2:
I guess people have started using this platform to showcase how smart they are. Good that you know how to
use Print Screen / Snipping Tool. I am well aware of all those options from the time I started using
computers. Forget about capturing something from the computer screen for a moment. Let's say you want to
capture a moment on the TV (for some reason), good luck using snipping tool and screenshot for that. I am
not against the Snipping tool or the screenshot option, just saying that there are situations when this trick
does come in handy. Of course, you would be foolish enough to take pictures with your smartphone when you
can use those options.

169.2k Views · 6,304 Upvotes

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Sean Kernan

Ha! That's awesome!

3 more comments from Seth Brake, Alec Rivers, Shreyans Doshi

Megan Mishra, Student of life & writer

Answered Jul 27

Charging my phone far away from the bed in order to help me get up earlier in the morning.
Picture this:
1. You’re lying in bed and your morning alarm on your phone goes off.
2. Your phone is charging/resting on the other side of the room.
3. You can’t simply reach over and turn it off.
4. Instead, you get out of bed and walk over to shut it off.
5. You think about going back to sleep but, hey, you’re already up. Might as well start the day now!
See this picture? Don’t be this guy!

15.9k Views · 621 Upvotes

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Abhishek Anand, Founder & CEO at Dressrs (2016-present)
Answered May 2

Write. Write every day. Write like your life depends on it. And do it all in 90 mins.

Every day, for 90 days, start the day giving yourself 90 mins to write on something. Anything. Don’t take
more than that time and don’t push off on the writing because of any fear or inhibition. Even laziness is
(Yes, 90 mins is more than enough. I have just started doing it myself and I give myself between 60–90 mins
for 2 things - 1 quora answer, 1 article on medium.)

It doesn’t matter what you write on.

It doesn’t matter what you write about.
It doesn’t matter whether you have not written something longer than a ‘Thank you’ note.
It doesn’t matter whether anyone is reading what you write or not.
None of that matters. But your writing consistency does. And it would.
Pick any topic of your choice. Better still - pick 3. Now every day, I want you to write 1 article from any 1 of
these topics. It can be a 100 word paragraph, or a 5,000 word novella. I don’t care, and neither should you.
Actually, don’t even bother checking on the word count. Just dump you thoughts out. Get over your
inhibition and just go all clickety clack on that keyboard.
Time to face the truth
Day 1 - Day 15 : What you write, how you write. It may feel more like shit than a piece of writing. Your
words are all over the place, the sentences are all fragged. Doesn’t matter. Move on.
Day 15 - Day 30 : You start getting better. You can read a few paragraphs now before wanting to throw up.
Day 30 - Day 45 : You realise it takes much shorter time to collect your thoughts now.
Day 46 : Wait! My thought process is getting better. I think more clearly and look at things from a
better perspective. Yayy!!!

It seems like a lot of people can resonate to the idea I am trying to highlight here. I have been getting
messages in my inbox all day from people asking about next steps, how to do that etc. So, here are few
It is really not hard. I started doing it on April 9. I decided I will be answering a question on Quora and
writing a post on Medium - every single day, and I will do them both before 9:30 am. Tomorrow will be Day
25, and I haven’t missed a single date yet.
FUNNY STORY: One day I was feeling quite lazy, quite hungover, and what not. I somehow managed to
get by with the Quora answer, but I couldn’t gather the courage to go through with the Medium post. Tough!
I could not afford to take a break. Quite a conundrum, isn’t it? I wanted to write, but my brain wasn’t shining
light on any bright ideas. So what did I do? I wrote exactly about that. Yes! I wrote a short article on how I
had nothing to write about that day. I would never have expected it to get any positive feedback, but
apparently, some people like anything!! See for yourself.

That’s right. 7 people read it, and 4 of them loved it. What the hell!!! You can read that here[1].
It is said that if you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together. If you are
serious about doing this experiment (just as I am doing it myself), but are scared of dropping the ball, I would
be glad to walk alongside you. And I am hoping so would others. Even if there are just 40 of us, and 30 of
them are posting an article today, maybe that would be the nudge the remaining 10 need to get over their fear
and inhibition. Let’s take it one day at a time.
To walk together - drop me a mail. mail@abyshake.com
Please mention “walk together” in the subject line.
I send a newsletter every week - about businesses and startups most of the times, but about general
productivity as well. These are not articles written by me. I send 10 articles. 7 of them are the best articles I
have come across in that week. The other 3 are articles that I wrote and think could be helpful to others. If I
don’t think more than 1 of my articles qualifies, then 9 articles would be sent that are written by others.
The intent is to disseminate meaningful content, not self promotion. If that is something that interests you,
you can sign up for the newsletter here :
[1] Today, I am drawing a blank – Abhishek Anand – Medium

11.5k Views · 218 Upvotes

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James Haforlarin, Reader / writer / lover / entrepreneur

Answered Feb 18

That I should visit the hospital even when I'm in perfect health!

I've long since found out that 80% of cancer patients find out they have it when its at a late stage.
Stage 3,4 and terminal…….
Then, they have to start radiotherapy immediately and they die off in a few months because they lose all
Business die, household fall,little kids cry and happiness dwindle.
In spite of this.
I've found out that some people actually find out about a developing tumor in them very early and they treat
it perfectly.
Because most tumors are 100% treatable if detected early.

They get rid of it with little or minimal damage. And all they have to do is visit the hospital for a regular
medical check up.
Just a couple hundred of dollars to do some Mri test every 3 months and you'd never have to die from cancer.
And its not only cancer. There are numerous diseases that incubate for months and kills very fast.
Another advantage is that you get the best health tip whenever you visit.
The funny thing is that this is so easy to do and easy not to do.
But if you do it. It's the most clever life hack ever.
Regular medical check up!

6.4k Views · 184 Upvotes · Answer requested by Nourhan Abdelrahman

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Kaustav Dey, The logical Interpreter

Updated Apr 20 · Upvoted by Michelle Callard-Stone, Behavioral Psychologist. PhD.

I really don’t remember where I heard this about, but this is truly an awesome hack that I have known and
Life will always have competitions. A life without competitions is actually quite boring. As you all probably
know, you cannot always win . Life isn’t that optimistic and fair.
Most of the time, our competitor is one who enjoys our defeat more than the prize at hand . The best way to
rob them of this ‘sinister’ joy is to smile at them after losing. Yes, you read it right. I am asking you to show
a sign of happiness after you lose. But trust me, this will totaly wreck your opponent's pride and ego after
winning, and if you are lucky you might just make a friend out of them.
This is not only a way to make a come back at your opponent, but is also a way to make you self realise that
this is not the end. But rather a stepping stone for you to succeed.

Here is an image of two Olympic finalists after the match. The one in the left lost the match, but she doesn’t
show any sign of anger and she made a friend out of her Spanish counterpart.

Don’t know if this qualifies as a smile.

Remember: “ The difference between a master and a novice is that a master has failed more times than the
novice has tried.”

346.5k Views · 15,822 Upvotes

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Harshit Dugar

Cristiano Ronaldo is the last person to smile after losing.

2 more comments from Satyaraj Sharma, Varsha Vyas
Nihar More, works at Students
Answered Dec 26, 2016

Life hacks are many but these are best of them….

1. Ultimate elevator hack. To go directly to your floor, press and hold the CLOSE >|< button before the
doors close. Press and hold the button for your floor while still pressing the >|< button. When the
elevator starts to move, release the buttons. You will pass all other floors.

*Please use this cautiously, as it may anger EVERYONE in the elevator.
2. A frozen, soaked sponge in a bag makes a non-drip ice pack.

3. Shirt wrinkled? Throw it in the dryer with a few ice cubes or a damp hand towel for 5 minutes.
Wrinkles gone!

4. Put a bit of water in a glass when you microwave pizza so it doesn't get chewy.

Nylian at imgur.com
5.Exhale when your left foot touches the ground and you'll avoid cramps while running.

6. Pour coffee into an ice cube tray to make ice coffee that won't get watered down.
7. Phone battery dying? Switch airplane mode ON for faster charging.

8. This is what happens when you try to make grilled cheese in a sideways toaster....

So just use a pan. Grilled cheese is not something that should be "hacked."

9.A straight frisbee throw is achieved with a wrist-flick action. Save your towel whipping for the locker

10.Use a clothespin to hold a nail when hammering. If you're hanging art and you still manage to hit
your thumb, consider buying sculpture instead.

'Clothes Pin' by Claes Oldenburg: c1.staticflickr.com

11. Your new iPhone home entertainment system!

12. Take phone pictures of your friends with items you lend them so you can keep track of your stuff.

13.Clean your keyboard by sliding a piece of tape between the rows to remove dust and debris.

14. Run out of buns? Use a pickle! No pickles? GO SHOPPING.
... (more)

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Anya Mary, experienced traveler, own travel blog tigrest dot com
Answered Oct 20, 2016

• Just because you like someone, it doesn’t mean you’ll be good together. First impressions are not
always correct.

• Treat people the way you’d like to be treated. Sometimes you need to do more for someone than
you’ll ever get in return, and that’s ok!

• Before you speak your mind, always think ahead and see if it’s wise after all. People don’t handle the
truth well, especially if they are stuck in their own fantasies.

• Being honest with yourself is far more important than meeting other people’s expectations.

• If you like someone - tell them. Even if it’s awkward. People like to hear it. You will end up
regretting if you don’t.

• Failing is crucial! Learn to fail. Fail a lot! Each time you will rise stronger. Only through true
failure can you learn your own limits!

• There is more than one way to be successful. Don’t follow the same path everyone else is
following. Find your own way!

• Learn from the best, and don’t forget to share your knowledge with people who need it.
• Find you passion. Whatever it is - take your time to develop yourself. Make a hobby out of it. Your
own personal get-away

• Read! Only reading can take you places you’d never imagine existed! Places, that no airplane is
flying to! Allow to be pulled into a magical world of books!

I write about my own journeys and travel advice in my blog Tigrest Travel Blog

41.3k Views · 829 Upvotes

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Cihan Oklap, traveled over 15 countries

Updated Feb 5

I was working in a voluntary camp in Italy. There was an Italian guy who lives in that village and can't speak
any English except greetings.
As foreigners coming from 8 different countries, most of us don't like (or jealous about) him because he
looks so cool with his dreadlocks and blue eyes. He didn't come us to meet although most Italians were very
welcoming and doing so.
After couple of days, he started to get a conversation with us by smiling and hitting our shoulders softly.
We didn't share anything more than that because he couldn't speak in English.
However, a few days later, we realized that we like him so much even though he didn't do anything except
smiling and hitting our shoulders each day.
We figured out that our brains accept his face with his big smile and his small touch on us which makes us
feel more close to him without realizing. Probably without knowing, he trained our brains with some sort
of Classical Conditioning.
Since then, I believe that smiling and touching have very strong power on every person.

8.7k Views · 48 Upvotes

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Akshil Shah, B.Tech from C U Shah College of Engineering and Technology, Wadhawan (2018)
Answered Apr 3

Ever wished for temporary disposable e-mail service to beat spam?

Ever happened you are forced to give an e-mail address to a website you don't fully trust?
So Here’s the hack.
Let’s suppose, you want to sign up for a site which requires that you provide an e-mail address to send a
validation e-mail to. And maybe you don't want to give up your real e-mail address and end up on a bunch of
spam lists.
The below site are my personal favourite site’s in ascending order.
1. Guerrilla Mail - Disposable Temporary E-Mail Address
2. Mailinator
3. 10 Minute Mail - Temporary E-Mail
How to use this website?
Let’s take a scenario, I want to register to the Udacity - Free Online Classes & Nanodegrees and want to surf
the content but I don’t want to end up giving my real email address.
So, open any of the website, I will be guiding with the 10minutes mail service.

When you open the website you will find the temporary email address which will last for 10 minutes but
don’t worry you can add more minutes if you wish and the button is to the right hand. Over here the the
temporary email address is o1…..
Copy down email address and go to the site which you wished to sign up.
Next , I am signing up for the udacity and check the information I provided and all are bluff.

After that I have to confirm my email address as if I am the genuine user or not? And guess what? I can
actually confirm my email address and end up using the udacity without providing my real email. Check the
image below.

Hoorah! you just login with the fake email and saved yourself from a bunch of spam.
Enjoy! Happy hacking!.

1.3k Views · 6 Upvotes

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GJ Flannery, seeking the scent of air after rainfall

Answered Nov 17, 2016

Socks are important in the same way as cash flow is important. Socks are not sexy; they do not grab
attention; but if you neglect them, you will regret it.
Socks must be clean, simple, and accessible. On occasion, it’s great to whip out a pair of dress socks (my
favorites are dark red with small blue diamonds - I love wearing them with a blazer and staring intently at
cash flow models while senior executives nod around me).
But for everyday wear? I have fifteen identical pairs of black socks.

I used to waste, on average, thirty seconds per day on socks. Deciding which socks to wear, looking for a
missing sock, a few seconds to lament that laundry is coming up…the seconds add up, one by one.
Thirty seconds per day isn’t very much. Only 3.5 minutes per week. Just over three hours a year…
Hm. If I spent $50 to acquire fifteen pairs of socks, I would save almost all of that time. I make about $50 an
hour. So, ignoring the two minutes I spent online ordering socks, I would save the equivalent of $100 this
So I did.

As always, the point of this hack isn’t just that I save a couple minutes a week on socks. Here’s the value of
that: if those socks last me for five years, I saved the personal equivalent of $300–500, depending on your
discount rate. And the cost to me in time and money was very low - it didn’t affect my cash flow or require a
big decision.
It’s the underlying principle of a hack that matters: simple, powerful, easy to implement and to scale. That’s
what’s valuable here.
In this case, there are several principles at play. One of them: avoid decision fatigue. Another: small gains,
realized every day, yield big rewards.
Today, I want to highlight just one of them. It’s this:
Make life easier. Do it by abandoning things that don’t matter.
What matters to you? That’s a big question. But I can say that for many of you, as for me,
what doesn’t matter. What doesn’t matter is socks.
There are many things we do that don’t matter. Dozens of times a day, we encounter decisions that could be
streamlined. Decisions that could be made once and that never have to be made again. When my socks wear
out, I’ll go back to Amazon and buy fifteen more pairs.
This gives me three minutes a week. That’s long enough to read a Quora post or two.
Most of them won’t change my life. Maybe only 5% or 10% will be useful to me.
But if that’s true - even if it’s only 2% - then one post per year will change my life. Maybe I’ll read
something that makes a big splash. Certainly, the more I read, the better I will become at learning what
matters to me and what doesn’t. And I’ll have read 52 opinions along the way. I’ll have glimpsed 52 lives.
Change your socks, change your life.

117.4k Views · 528 Upvotes

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Eleanna Morozov, Lives in Seattle, WA

Updated Mar 25

1. Put a water bottle in your freezer over night and take it out before you leave and that way you'll have
cold water for a while (this saved my life during school). A couple of folks said that the water bottle would
become dewy/wet on the outside. So?? You could put a small towel around it. In my opinion, it is worth the
cold water. Stay hydrated y'all.
2. Putting your phone on airplane mode and lowering the brightness makes it charge a lot quicker
3. Poop like this:
Okay since a few people asked why to poop like that, it's because that is how humans are ironically supposed
to poop; in a squat position. It puts less strain on your intestines and it makes pooping easier and amazing.
Please do this. Tell me how you feel lol.
4. Use tea tree oil to treat acne: 10 Reasons You Should Put Tea Tree Oil On Your Skin
5. Before you hop out of the shower, use cold water to tighten up your skin, close your pores and reduce hair
6. If you want your house to smell like a magical bakery, put a couple of drops of vanilla extract on a pan and
put it in the oven for about half an hour
7. If the zipper thingy breaks off of your purse or jacket, insert a paperclip in place of the zipper
8. If you write things in blue ink you're more likely to remember them
9. If you're looking for a specific word/phrase on a document just hit Ctrl + F and you will find it (also saved
my life in school)
10. Incorporating a growth mindset into your life will make learning new things easier and you'll flourish as
a person. To keep this short I won't elaborate on what a growth mindset is, but if you're interested in learning
more about it I'll link a resource here: Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset
11. If you want to learn something/retain it pretend that you'll have to teach it to someone while you study.
12. Make an essay longer by making all of your commas, exclamation points, and periods a few fonts larger
(I tried this with my most recent essay and it works like a charm)
13. To find the best quality photos from Google images, use the search tools option and click on the “large”
size pictures to get results for images with more pixels (great for projects)
14. If your jeans are smelly or you just want to freshen them up but you don't have time to clean them, pop
them in the freezer and it'll eliminate the germs and odor
15. Use clothing dye such as the one below (from Walmart) to revive your clothing

16. Use coconut oil religiously: 77 Coconut Oil Uses and Cures - DrAxe.com
17. Learn How to Fold a T-Shirt In 5 Seconds
18. If there's a power outage and you don't have any candles, you could light a crayon and it'll burn for
approximately 30 minutes
19. Watch this every night:
20. Watch this, too:

627k Views · 6,953 Upvotes

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Ty Conner

There's 1/6th of the world who can't view your YouTube link about folding shirts, and we are sad ...
3 more comments from Giovanna Meza, Raja Ram M, Edgar Elenes

Tejas Kumthekar, We are all learning together!

Answered Aug 29, 2016

I have learnt this super effective hack that almost always works. It consists of 4 steps.
1. Write down a list of goals in different domains
Health Goals - a. Lose 10 Lbs weight by December 2016, b. Improve breathing rate by
practicing pranayama on a daily basis (10 min a day) …
Academic Goals - a. Get an A on the toughest course taken, b. Publish a research paper by Nov 2016 …
Social Goals - a. Contribute 2 Hours every alternate weekends to the NGOs, b. Go to a social gathering/event
once a month …
and so on.
2. Map daily activities towards these goal lists. Maintain a Journal. Read thisfor more.
3. Review and rate yourself. Give +/- points. Do not be super harsh, but make sure that you do not lie
to yourself.
4. Reward yourself on reaching certain milestones. Know your Reward System with this 2-
minute video
Hope this helps everyone!

8.3k Views · 22 Upvotes

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Josh Gwin, works at Redline Digital Consulting

Updated Mar 6

Drink a green smoothie in place of breakfast.

I've recently replaced breakfast with what I call the “Green Demon.” (Trademark pending)
I've dropped 10lbs and feel better than ever.

Breakfast before:
I used to spend a half hour preparing eggs and toast or some other breakfast fare.
Deciding on breakfast, preparing it, and eating consumed 30 minutes a day.
3 hours a week. 156 hours a year.
19.5 full working days each year!
Then I switched to green smoothies.
Breakfast now - “Green demon” recipe:

• 1 cup frozen strawberries

• 1/2 banana (fresh or frozen)

• 1 cup of almond milk

• As much spinach as you can fit in the blender

• scoop of vanilla protein powder (I frequently substitute a teaspoon of powdered vanilla

pudding mix).

• Optional: Chia seeds, flax, collagen… for added nutrition.

At first I was skeptical. It’s the color of grass clippings.
But I was hooked on the first sip.
It’s now my go-to breakfast. Sometimes lunch if I'm busy.
It tastes great, is highly nutritious, and around 150–250 calories.
You'll save time and get ripped.
Bottoms up.
Bonus: If you use kale instead of spinach more power to you. It tastes like dirt to me.

7k Views · 270 Upvotes

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Tavera Del Toro, studied at Arizona State University

Answered May 30

Use an old cassette case to be your phone holder.

And one personal of mine:
Do planks.
The exercise, (not where bad pirates make you walk on). I’m not kidding they do wonders for your body.
Work your abs, your back and even your glutes.
I swear doing them for two months and you’ll feel different, your posture will improve, your back will not
hurt as much(don’t even ask) and you abs will be stronger and you’ll be stronger. I swear they work your
glutes,not sure if that’s been proven but my rear tells me it’s true.
I also think they make me lose weight. try doing planks for 3–5 minutes,you’ll be sweating, it’s tough.
What Are the 4 Main Benefits of the Plank Exercise?

9.7k Views · 81 Upvotes

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Fuye Ongko, Psychologist

Answered Mar 20

I learn some rules to be happier in life by doing these :

1. Don’t compare with others. Comparing ourselves to others success will make us discontent and
getting into a more depressive state. I believe that comparing our self to others play a very big role in
creating depressive state. Try it, not to compare your self with other person, either younger person than you
(your junior in college that now become successful business man, your ex new boyfriend, etc). Don’t
compare and you’ll be happy.
2. Don’t compare yourself with your past “successful” self. Don’t compare your “present” self with
the other past version of yourself. Thinking about how happy your childhood or how successful you are at
the old days compare to now will make you sad and depressive.
3. Don’t compare yourself with your “future imaginary” version. When you create your own
delusional future self, such as imagining, “if one day I am rich, I will do this and that”, “if she is my
girl….”. This future expectations often are exaggerated and far from reality. When your expectation far
beyond reality, the gap will cause problem and make you suffer.
4. Giving is better than asking. Either it’s in pray or practical life. When you’re asking for
something there are possibilities that your wish been rejected or not granted, and this will make you
unhappy. On the other hand, when you’re giving, just give it with sincere heart. If it’s been accepted, that’s
good if not, it’s also no problem since you’re sincerely want to give.
5. Time is precious currency. You can exchange time with positive activities or negative activities.
Five minutes for learning will cost same five minutes for regretting your past. It’s the same five minutes. It’s
like with same amount of money you can choose to buy food or dirt. With the same amount of five minutes
you could use it for learning or for hurting yourself. Don’t waste your time.
I am learning those concepts from Master Cheng Yen. She is the founder of Tzu Chi movement. A humanity
movement that working to help poor people and educating the society to have compassionate heart.
Yes sometimes I failed to apply it, and it’s not because the tips are wrong, it’s because of my ignorance.
I hope this answer could bring some insights.

5k Views · 52 Upvotes

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Mouneer Rabie, Master Jedi agile lean and whatnot, certified by the Intergalactic Alliance
Answered Dec 6, 2016

1. to become actively open-minded requires deliberate awareness, energy and practice. it is easy to
claim that one is open-minded, but it takes effort to be actively open-minded.
2. leak no or minimum intelligence, and radiate all or maximum knowledge. people are entertained
with gossips and knowledge, always use the latter, and try to avoid using the former. On the other side,
absorb as much as you can of both knowledge and intelligence (gossip).
3. Develope your awareness like Jason Bourne. hyper-awareness of one’s sourrundings is always an

1.4k Views · 8 Upvotes

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SJ Loria, Work in Progress

Updated Apr 4

Here's a short list:

1. Look people in the eye - because eyes are the windows to the soul and because most people are
staring at the glow in their palm. Simple but it stands out. It also shows you care about the other person.
2. Smile - I'm talking about an inward smile. You determine your resting face. Why do babies make
people smile? One the innocence (which you cannot replicate) two their joy (which you can) - smile.
3. If you want the most attractive person in the group, flirt with the second most attractive person
in the group - Gain the approval of the group and pretend you don't even see the most attractive person until
it's time to make a move. It'll be there.
Do those three things and you'll be golden. The last one only applies to flirtatious situations the first two to
life. Enjoy.
Thoughts Shaped into Words / Pictures

11.4k Views · 69 Upvotes

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James Olsen, studied at Virginia Tech College of Engineering

Answered Feb 16

Most people do not understand wifi in general here is a list of ways to try and make your wifi work better.
1. Wifi has channels similar to a tv. A 2.4ghz bandwidth runs 1 through 11, a 5ghz bandwidth generally
runs 36 to 161 with gaps in between. A simple channel change can improve wifi 10x, you and 4 neighbors
are all on channel 1 than you are fighting each others signal. There are many apps to test channels personally
i use wifi analytics. There are different ways with different providers to change wifi best option is to google
your exact company and product.
2.Many people dont understand that wifi works more like air than it does say a magnetic field, it will
permeate walls to an extent but i would not bet on it, it pushes more through doorways than walls. If your
router is in the basement and you are streaming netflix two floors up it probably will be slow. Router
relocation can at times help but generally most normal size houses should be fine with a router anywhere.
1. Probably the least understood and with modern devices (xbox one, PS4, iPads) the most important
aspect of wifi. That being wifi is non duplex what this means is that while you may not always notice but if
you for example have 3 ipads on one wifi network and try to hit the same webpage at the same time, wifi
cannot do this all at once it has to send and recieve one device at a time this can cause huge problems when
trying to game or stream on multiple devices over wifi. The opposite side of the coin anything that is
hardwired over ethernet to the modem or modem/router is going to be duplex which can transmit and recieve
simultaneously to multiple devices.

11.1k Views · 174 Upvotes

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Shubhanshu Prasi, I am a hardcore techie!

Answered Dec 10, 2016

These are some of the quotes from the 48 Laws of Power . I consider these laws as one of the most clever
hack i have ever learned. Though the writer doesn’t recommend to share the gist of the book since it can be
used against us. But in this vast horizon of knowledge and life changing portal every bits and bytes is worth

Law 1: Never outshine the master

• Make those above you feel superior. Do not show your talents too much, it’ll make them insecure.
• Make the master appear more brilliant than they are.15
Law 2: Never put too much trust in friends, learn to use enemies

• Friends will quickly betray you.

• Hire former enemies, they’ll be loyal.

Law 3: Conceal your intentions

• Keep people off-balance. They cannot prepare if they don’t know. Guide them down the wrong
Law 4: Always say less than necessary

• When trying to impress, the more you say the more common you look and less in control.

• Be vague.

• Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less.

Law 5: So much depends on reputation – guard it with your life

• Reputation is the cornerstone of power.

• Reputation alone will make you win.

• Destroy enemies by attacking their reputation. Then stand aside and let the public hang them.
Law 6: Court attention at all cost

• Everything is judged by appearance, what is unseen counts for nothing.

• Never get lost in a crowd.

• Be mysterious, appear more colorful than the masses.

Law 7: Let others to do the work for you, but always take credit

• Use the skills of others to do the work for you, never do yourself what others can do for you.

• Your efficiency will appear god-like.

Law 8: Make other people come to you – use bait if necessary

• When you force others to act, you’re in control.

• Make opponents come to you.

• Lure with gains, then attack.

Law 9: Win through your actions, never through argument

• You never win through argument.

• The resentment last long.

• It’s more powerful to agree with actions.

• Demonstrate, do not explain.

Law 10: Infection: Avoid the unhappy and the unlucky
• You’ll die from other’s misery – emotional states are as infectious as diseases.

• The unfortunate draw misfortune on themselves and will draw it on you.

• Associate with the happy and fortunate.

Law 11: Learn to keep people dependent on you

• To maintain independence you must be needed and wanted.

• The more you’re relied on, the more freedom you have.

• Make people depend on you for happiness.

• Never teach them enough so they can do without you.

Law 12: Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim

• One sincere move will cover over a dozen dishonest ones.

• Honesty can bring down the guard of suspicious people.

• Open their shield with honesty, then deceive.

Law 13: When asking for help, appeal to people’s self-interest, never to their mercy

• Do not remind people of past deeds.

• Find something that will benefit them and emphasize it out of proportion.
Law 14: Pose as a friend, work as a spy

• Learn to probe and find valuable information.

• Ask indirect questions.

• Every occasion is a chance to spy.

Law 15: Crush your enemy totally

• More is lost through stopping halfway.

• Crush your enemy in body and spirit.

Law 16: Use absence to increase respect and honor

• Too much circulation makes the price go down....


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Nazia Muhammad
Answered Jun 2

When you have that black stuff underneath your iron, probably from a previously burnt clothe, don't use a
blade or some metal object to scratch it off. This leaves scratches on the surface and makes it more
susceptible to burn another clothe.
Instead, rub a paracetamol tablet on the surface when you heat the iron and wipe with a rag. The gunk
will come off immediately.
Saves you a lot of hassle.

716 Views · 18 Upvotes

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Faith Paul
Answered Feb 17
I will be 18 in ten days. Mental life hacks have made the largest impression on my life, so here are a few that
have help me!
1. Learn how to view a situation from the perspective of an observer.People have a tendency to
panic when something goes wrong. In my case, things that have felt disastrous at one point in my life turn
out to not matter so much. Remove yourself and your feelings from the situation and ask yourself if this will
matter in a week. How about a month or year? If it will, then it's something maybe worth worrying about, but
if not, save yourself the extra stress.
2. Be the bigger person. Unless someone does something truly horrible like committing a murder or
abusing a child or animal, let it go. Avoid stooping to their level. Why would you want to show the same
behavior as a person like that anyway? What will it do for you? The answer is: nothing, except adding more
anger to your life. Ignoring it (although not as immediately satisfying as arguing, I'll admit that) and
choosing to be the bigger person is more rewarding long term. By letting go of the little, meaningless things,
more time can be spent enjoying life and bettering yourself. Success really is the best revenge anyway.
3. Do what you want. I did what other people wanted me to do for such a long time, and in the end it
made me very ill. Only after removing myself from an unhappy situation has my life improved. Surrounding
myself with people I genuinely like and doing the things I am interested in and passionate about has made
waking up every day a new opportunity instead of a chore. Society has a way of making people feel
inadequate if they're different. However, it is usually the people who swim against the current that find
happiness and success.
4. Think before you act. Often, the cause of a problem can seem obvious, yet may actually be
something that isn't obvious. Observe what's going on and look at the whole picture before making a rash
decision or saying something you'll regret.
5. Toughen Up. After attending months of group therapy, I've observed that the one thing that is a
deciding factor as to whether a person improves is if he/she is willing to stop blaming others. People can do
despicable things to others and can inflict a lot pain, but what's happened is done. Those people who hurt you
won't be punished and the bad fortune that has come your way will not reverse itself. The only way to get on
with your life is by taking responsibility for your actions now. Learn to deal with the things that have done
you harm or stand in your way. This might mean some flexibility on your part, but if happiness matters
enough to you that sacrifice shouldn't matter. Don't blame other people.

8.8k Views · 84 Upvotes

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Weston Harby, Life's a dance you learn as you go, Sometimes I lead, Sometimes I follow.
Answered Oct 25, 2016

Ear protection + Wireless earbuds = A quiet listening environment almost anywhere.

Earmuffs can eliminate tons of noise. Try pairing that with some great wireless earbuds, and you can listen to
music or audiobooks in even the most busy public places!
Plus they are significantly cheaper that other opinions by $100+

7.6k Views · 22 Upvotes

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Aswin Manohar, Masters student of Astrophysics, University of Bonn (2018)

Updated May 15
These are the few life hacks I personally follow.
1. Try to make purchases using your debit card instead of currencies. This way, you will be aware of
how much you are spending and will greatly help you in reducing unwanted costs. This technique is very
effective and will subconsciously alter your thinking and will intimidate your brain, if you are making
purchases that goes beyond your actual limit.

2. I don’t think this will be a life hack, but anyways, I am listing it down. If you wanted to make ATM
withdrawals in any of the roadside local ATM’s, just make sure the card reader is finely fit. By card reader, I
meant the skimmers. These are very popular among fraudsters. No surprise if you find one! So always be

Find out more on how to identify skimmers:

Worried About Credit Card Skimmers? Here's How to Avoid Them
3. This one is quite simple and very helpful. If you ever have rashes or mosquito bites or perhaps mosquitoes
in your dorm/home. Eat a banana!..Wait! Now, don’t throw the peels away. Just rub the banana peel against
the affected area and if you feel comfortable, just let the peel be on it for some minutes. This helps you get
rid of mosquito bites and rashes. I have no guilt in saying, this works much better than any artificial cream or
4. Now, Coffee! This one might look silly. Nevertheless, it’s a life hack for me. If you are making coffee, just
follow the following steps before you mess up the proportion.

• First, pour the required amount of milk.

• Secondly, decide how much coffee powder you want.

• Now add sugar.

This is helpful, because we often tend to put more spoons of coffee powder and add little or more milk. But,
if you pour milk first, then you will know how much coffee powder is needed to make it taste like actual
coffee instead of a damn cough syrup.
Hope this helps.

41.9k Views · 84 Upvotes

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Rahul Sinha, Still Alive..

Answered Jun 14, 2015

Whenever you have an argument with someone, stand next to her and not in front of her.

We’ve all been in situations where out of nowhere the conversation turned into heated arguements.

So, I would suggest you to avoid these situations. You might have the best argument in the world, but people
get irritated when they feel they are wrong.

Whenever you feel the argument you have with another person especially with your colleagues, friends, love,
relatives etc. It creates tension and stress. So, move next to them. You won’t appear much of a threat, and
they will eventually calm down.

It works for me and I hope it will work for you too.

Thank you!

12.1k Views · 93 Upvotes · Answer requested by Madhurima Jakkamsetty

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GK Ganesan, International Lawyer, Arbitrator, Author (1993-present)
Answered Feb 4

One day I came across a book on yogic philosophy. It had a chapter on detachment. It always finished with
this principle which I was to repeat to myself when confronted with any situation that gave rise to extreme
emotions, particularly negative ones.
I was to repeat, actualise, and bring to practise in my daily life the intent behind these words: ‘This too, shall
Over time, that made a big difference. You see, nothing matters. It really doesn’t. A death of a loved one. A
great injustice. Disaster. Fear of illness. Fear of poverty. All that stuff that bothers you deep down. All those
fears that quietly gnaw at your vitals.
You see, you are more resilent that you think. You can climb out of any hole.
It is a precious, precious gem I hold on to. It has made my life far, far better.

4.6k Views · 48 Upvotes

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John Dennis, Science and Enlightenment fan
Updated May 9

Waiting !!!
Waiting at least 24 hours before making a big decision that will likely determine the course of your

Got a job offer? Don't make a decision yet. Wait for 24 hours and think over it. Don't be impulsive! This is a
big deal choice.
Got fired? Wait for 24 hours and think what happened and what is your next best step. Don't rush to call the
next recruiter that pops up on your job search.
Are you upset at your family because of a big disagreement? Don't tell them immediately that they are
clueless. Wait for at least 24 hours and think about it: Is it really worth it to deteriorate life’s most important
Are you almost going to yell at your incompetent coworker? Don't do it yet! Waitfor 24 hours before
damaging your relationship with your colleague. Think it over and devise a plan on how to discuss things

My point is that a lot of times in our lives we are driven by our impulses and that we make decisions driven
by a moment’s emotion. Countless regrets follow because of impulsivity, life changes not for the better ,
relationships are broken, misery and frustration can conquer your psychological well-being.
So please wait for a while before you fight with your family, wait for a while before you yell at your
colleague, wait for a while before immediately committing to that job offer.

While thinking things by waiting doesn't necessarily mean that your life choices and outcomes will be the
best, at least you tried and considered all of the possibilities. You deeply and genuinely thought about
whatever major issues life has thrown at you, and you are sure there will be no regrets over the coming
decision. So spare yourself some hardship, regret, tears, and insecurity by waiting. You can do it: you can
Hope this helps.

428.7k Views · 18,079 Upvotes

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Pedro Miranda

I'm waiting 24 hours before I decided if I should upvote this answer.

Muhammad Faizan, Manager Corporate Affairs at TPS Worldwide (2010-present)

Answered Feb 7

If I had to choose the MOST clever one, it would be this:

“Plan your day in advance and do it when everyone else is asleep, like 4 or 5 am in the morning.”
This works like a magic. Our brain works exceptionally well & with clarity not only when there is nobody
around us but also the likelihood of anyone’s showing up is minimal.

27.3k Views · 189 Upvotes

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Tim Dempsey

Can you elaborate?


Kuldip Ghotane, studied Mechanical Engineering

Answered Mar 7

• Do you think have you not reached to your best potential?

• Have you read all self help, secret and law of attraction and it did not work for you?

• Do you dream of having all the things and none of them come true?

• We only want things like I want this car and that house and so on.

• The most clever hack to successful life is change from WANTING to DECIDING
In the book “ you are badass” Jen sincero has wrote wonderfully how to get things done.
When we change our state from wanting to deciding then our life attracts the only thing we are sure about
and helps to increases confidence to our once impossible goals.
You can check review of this book at
You Are a Badass
Hope it helps

2.4k Views · 12 Upvotes

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Adwait Damle, Programmer, writer

Answered Jun 15, 2015

1. Using two phones. One is for my private life which is only available with my family and selective friends.
I use my other professional number in the office and is registered with my bank accounts.

Thus once home, I NEVER EVER mix up my professional and private life. I simply turn off the
notifications for my professional life. This has immensely helped me with my relations. Both, private and

2. I liked a concept that we used in the office. 'Flow time'. There are certain part of the office hours where
you are most productive. You yourself need to identify those. I know I will be most productive between
10am -12 pm and in between 2 to 5 pm. I do the most tiring and brain utilising work in those time zones. I do
not answer to email, I do not atke coffee breaks, I do not chat with my collegues. Because of this, I usually
take less time to do the work. I can always leave office on time, because tasks planned usually complete
before 5. Everything else including lunch, coffee, learning, time pass, or may be a bit research, I get time.

PS: I never procrastinate in case of office work.

Can think only about this right now.

Thanks for A2A Madhurima Jakkamsetty. Answering your A2A after a long time :)

8.3k Views · 30 Upvotes · Answer requested by Madhurima Jakkamsetty

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Ritwik Das, studied at FIITJEE Hyderabad

Updated Thu



I was a kind of a guy who never used to drink any kind of hot beverages, maybe because of the reason that I
lived at a place where most of the time the temperature used to be quite high.
During my final phases of preparation for JEE (entrance exam) I used to have uncanny drowsiness which
was substantially effecting my studies. One day a friend of mine recommended me to take take coffee before
studying, hearing him I rushed to a convenience store and bought a small sachet of Nestcafé and prepared
myself a perfect cup of coffee. Before caffeine could take it’s action I fell asleep. After a while I woke up and
to my surprise I was feeling really active and agile. Voila! I just discovered the joy of coffee naps.
It has profoundly helped me overcome my sleepiness and made me an agile person
Do note that it far more effective than taking coffee alone.

• HOW TO DO “Coffee Naps”?

Drinking a cup of coffee followed by a 20-minute rest can give you an effective energy which will fuels your
later parts of the day.

• Do’s and Don’ts

Make sure you just take a nap for 20 min. Not more than that! Sometimes,It so happens that even after taking
coffee before nap you may go on sleeping for hours (Sleep Inertia!)
So I would recommend you to set an alarm before taking the nap.

• Science behind it :
Adenosine, a chemical compound in your brain known for causing sleepiness.
Adenosine makes you feel sleepy by slowing down your brain’s nerve cell activity; so when caffeine binds to
your receptors instead of Adenosine, the reverse happen.
When caffeine takes Adenosine’s place in the receptors, it has the opposite effect; the nerve cells speed up
giving us that jolt of caffeine energy and focus.
In several UK studies, researchers found that when subjects took a 15 minute coffee nap, they scored higher
on a driving simulator test.
In Japan, scientists founds their subjects scored higher on memory tests after coffee naps. Subjects also
claimed they felt less tired.

39.7k Views · 1,052 Upvotes · Not for Reproduction

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Naina Chaturvedi, Made lots of mistakes,learnt and LIVING with the same enthusiasm..
Answered Mar 7

One which I always use :

Repeat the words.
How ?
Suppose someone is talking to me and I’m thinking about something else i.e being passive.
Now to make the person feel important or to display that I’m listening I always repeat his last sentence. For
example when he says he likes swimming, I say oh woww…you like swimming ! Amazing.
That makes the conversation interesting and somewhat “going” even when you have some other thoughts
running back of your mind.

9k Views · 23 Upvotes

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Jim Lee, Presently a Long-haul Truck Driver (2009-present)

Answered Mar 12

• All that time you spend in rush-hour traffic? Most vehicles start, move forward a few yards, then
abruptly stop, over and over and over…. The problem with this is that it’s hell on your fuel consumption and
wears your brakes out that much more quickly. Instead, notice how you’re only averaging a couple of miles
(or kilometers) per hour. Now, set your speed at that level (or a little slower than that if you can). You’ll be
moving through traffic at about the same rate as everyone else, only you’re hardly touching your brakes. The
wear and tear on your engine is also greatly reduced because you’re not constantly accelerating from a dead
stop, and your gas tank will thank you, too.

• Also, leave a little more space between yourself and the car in front of you when the traffic comes to
a crawl. All that stop-and-go traffic happens because people are already riding up each other’s rear bumpers
and, when the traffic stops again, the guy behind has to slam on the brakes to avoid a rear-end collision.
Leaving that space between your cars means that, instead of slamming on the brakes like everyone else, you
simply let your foot off the throttle until the traffic picks up and moves forward again. Combining this and
the previous tip will also help you keep your head; you’re not nearly as stressed out because you’re not
constantly trying to avoid that impending collision.

• If your trip is within city limits (or not far outside it) then keep this in mind: the average commute
to/from work in the US is about 25 miles each way. Speeding isn’t going to save you very much time at all
(in a LOT of cases, it isn’t saving you any time AT ALL ). You can even prove it using simple grade-school
arithmetic; to consistently save any significant time you’d have to be moving so damned fast that you’d
probably be at speeds nearing (or over) 100 MPH almost the entire trip. May as well stay at the speed limit
and save yourself from going through all that extra stress and risk for little to (absolutely) no gain. Seriously,
doing 80 MPH in a 55 MPH zone isn’t doing a damned thing for you; you should’ve just woke up earlier.

• If you’re on a long trip and you want to cover some serious miles, then do what (most) truckers do
and watch your liquid intake. That super-sized soda or coffee may be refreshing, but you’re not going to
make very much progress if you end up having to pull over every 40 miles because your bladder is
constantly screaming for mercy…


DURING A LONG TRIP. PERIOD. That being said, sometimes you’re going to get a little tired behind the
wheel. I’ve heard about all kinds of tricks from drugs to coffee but most of these are either harmful to your
body or work only temporarily. The best thing to do is to find somewhere safe to pull over and take a short 1
to 1.5-hour “power nap”. You’ll wake up refreshed and will likely be able to complete the rest of the trip that
day without having to resort to coffee (or worse).

• Next time you wash your car, try wiping down the inside of your windshield with white vinegear; it
helps keep your windows from fogging up.
A lot of this stuff I learned on the road, and these tips help make my life a little easier on the job.
35k Views · 205 Upvotes

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Akshay Karale, Language Instructor (2017-present)

Updated Dec 24, 2016

• If you want to buy cheapest airline tickets online, use browser's incognito mode. Prices will go up
after you visit site multiple times.
( How it works ? - They use your own cookies against you,raising the price on tickets the more times you
check, as you shop around for better deals. That way you'll think the price is going up or that seats are being
actively sold,thus increasing your urgency to buy, and punishing you for trying to get a good deal. Also,
always call the airline directly and check on the price sometimes it's much cheaper.)

• Want to bypass expensive WiFi at airport and get free internet access, add “?.jpg” at the end of URL
and you are good to go.

• Amazon prime is free for the first 6 months and then available at 50% discounted price for college
students or anyone with .edu extension, you can get 2 day shipping , free kindle books and many more.

• Before you buy anything online,first search for promo codes if you are lucky you'll get free shipping
or off upto 25%.

• While buying something online read reviews with 3 stars, these are most honest reviews about pros.
and cons. of the products.
• Sign up free for 30 minutes trial of on-board WiFi while flying, as trial ends delete the cookies and
start new trial.
These will help you to save your money and probably you can buy new iPhone 7 with that. :)
Source : 1000 Life hacks

23.9k Views · 624 Upvotes

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Swarup Nayak, Probationary officer at State Bank of India (2015-present)

Answered Feb 6

It was during the days when I was applying for different competitive exams. There you have to upload
photos which file size should be around 10–20 KB or in some cases around 20–50 KB. But I had a
photograph taken in studio which was around 200–300 MB.
I tried different tools(both applications and online photo resizes) to resize it, but couldn't get it at my desired
size. Whenever I got the said size I had to compromise on quality.
There I did something different. I just uploaded that photo to my Facebook account. Then I downloaded
it. Done. Easily I got that stuff for which I already had wasted quite a good minutes.
That photo:

937 Views · 7 Upvotes

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Stine-Sofie Farstad, I've picked up a thing or two in my life

Updated Nov 5, 2016

If you can’t fall asleep, turn laterally 180° in bed

I usually fall asleep within 30 minutes, however I do have nights each week where I simply cannot fall
asleep no matter how long I lay there.
A year ago or so, I searched for some sort of tip on how to fall asleep. That was when I came across the tip of
completely turning around in bed, swapping the end where I usually lay my head for the end where I usually
put my feet.
I reckon there is some psychological reasoning behind it. Out of all the times I’ve used it (1–2 a week), there
had only been one time I hadn't fallen asleep in the first 10 minutes.
I can’t gurantee it will work for you, but give it a try if you haven’t fallen asleep after 45 minutes.

5.8k Views · 35 Upvotes

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Jalon Fonseca, Senior Buyer for a nationwide beer distributor
Answered Feb 14

This one is a little grosser than the others already mentioned, but it makes a world of difference…
Before sitting on the toilet for a #2, toss a decent length of toilet paper in the bowl to prevent
The TP breaks the surface tension of the water so the incoming plops don’t create a geyser to your nether
Once you do it, you’ll never go back!

47.1k Views · 563 Upvotes

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Sagar Somjiyani, never ending journey

Answered Mar 18
Using various extensions on google can actually turn up very helpful and increase ones productivity. One can
find required extension available on the chrome store.
Some of the helpful extension are :-
Saleshandy :- Sales Handy performs email tracking and scheduling (with time zone). It is the comprehensive
tool for working with templates to enhance the productivity.
Pocket :- Pocket is your place to rapidly save, find, and suggest the best, most energizing stories on the Web.
When you discover something in Chrome that you need to see later, place it in Pocket. It automatically
matches up to your mobile phone, tablet or PC so you can see it whenever, even without a web association.
Honey :- Automatically detect and apply coupon codes when you shop on the web!
Grammarly :- Grammarly's free writing app makes sure everything you type is easy to read, compelling,
and mistake-free. Adding Grammarly to Chrome means that your spelling and grammar will be vetted on
Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr, and nearly everywhere else you write on the web.
Pushbullet :- Pushbullet makes it easy to bridge the gap between your desktop and mobile OSes. You can
push text, links, files, maps and more from your computer directly to your phone or tablet.
AdBlock Plus :- Adblock Plus is the most popular ad blocker ever, and also supports websites by not
blocking unobtrusive ads by default (configurable).
There are numerous great extension that stirs up productivity.

1k Views · 11 Upvotes

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Richard Belton, studied at The University of Connecticut

Answered Apr 25
10 Benefits of the Daily Brain Dump
Organizing your thoughts to increase creativity and productivity
Brain Dump is a transfer of all of your thoughts and knowledge from a period of time or on a particular
subject into a journal or notepad. The idea is to round up loose-ends, ideas, thoughts and to contain all of
them in one place. Brain dump lists can be made on either a digital app on your phone or computer, or on
a physical paper journal.
The benefits of this exercise:
1. Find a single place to contain your thoughts
2. Looking at the sum of your thoughts over a period of time from a high level may allow you to make
connections you couldn’t previously see. This is great for entrepreneurs and product development.
3. Have you ever had a great idea but can’t remember an important detail? Check back in your brain
dump log and it will be there waiting for you.
4. Brings order to the chaos of today’s information overload, helping you to prioritize tasks and
complete them.
5. Provides a history of your ideas and work which you can tap into at any time in the future for
brainstorming new ideas.
6. Much like a computer, clearing the cache of your brain will improve performance and improve
processing speed.
7. Reduce the number of things distracting you from achieving focus and work flow during the day.
8. Use this exercise to create physical lists. Physical lists are easier to manage than mental lists.
9. Plan your 30-day calendar using these lists and boost your productivity.
10. Research shows that the act of physically writing things down helps you encode it in your memory
and improves your recall. This is known as the modality effect.
If you often find yourself on information overload or lacking focus, practice this exercise. The ultimate goal
of the brain dump is to increase creativity, productivity and number of hours spent in flow — also known as
being “in the zone”.
See what I’m up to on Instagram and Twitter
Read more here on Medium

2k Views · 4 Upvotes

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Josua Haueis, reflecting observer

Updated Nov 26, 2016

• Remember peoples names and say them

No matter who they are, how long you have already known them or how chances are you will meet them
again, always remember and when you see them say peoples names! That’s what they identify with and
saying their name will make them feel comfortable. (Btw: Don’t ask girls for their phone number, ask them
for their name. It makes you look much better). For other similar “life hacks” take a look at Dale Carnegies
Book “How to win friends and influence people”.
Why is this a “life hack”?
Try it out and you will see new worlds opening to you. There will be so many nice people you meet and with
each of them new things for you to learn.

• Love your haters

If someone doesn’t seem to like you for no reason, then don’t reflect that feeling, hate is never ended with
hate. Instead love them. Smile at them, call them by their name, as mentioned above, and be the kindest
person to them. Maybe not instantly, but after having seen them twice or three times they defenitely won’t
react the same way they did before. (Don’t forget, I said If someone doesn’t seem to like you for no
reason. So if you screwed something up you won’t get away that easily)
Why is this a “life hack”?
It is a win-win situation, if you are friends with someone instead of having one enemy more. It is way more
relaxed to go out knowing that whomever you are gonna meet won’t cause you any trouble.

• Learn to really listen

Hearing is not listening. Listenting is a holistic process. Listen to what people say, how they behave while
talking, what their overall posture says, understand how they feel and listen to what they don’t say, but might
want to tell you. As complex as it sounds it actually is. Start samll an you will become a better listener with
every conversation
Why is this a “life hack”?
It will improve your relationships, encounter with strangers and your understanding of people, if
you really listen.

• Practise mindfulness
Take some time and pay attention to whatever you are doing. Taste the food that you are eating, listen to the
music you are hearing, engage in the conversation you are having. Whatever you do, pay attention to it.
Don’t eat, watch TV and text at the same time, reduce unnecessary tasks and instead enjoy the stuff you are
doing. You can start to meditate, you might enjoy it.
Why is this a “life hack”?
Have you ever felt like not having any spare time, being stressed, always being busy/having somthing on
your mind? Well, that’s where being mindful, even if just for a minute, will help you calm down, not getting
entangled in everything that is on your mind. A great practise to calm down - something everybody needs to
do sometimes.

• Do what you least want to do

Some might know it as “Eat the frog”. Basically just do what you wouldn’t want to do right now and to it
instantly! Once you know what you don’t want to do, start doing it and don’t search for excuses not to do it.
Why is this a “life hack”?
This will help you to get out of your comfort zone! That’s how you make progress. Start doing things and if
they don’t work out then don’t give a shit, because you will (if you once more do this exercise) do it again
anyway, so it will either then work out or you will learn a great lesson about consistency, failing and (even
more important) getting up after falling down. If you learnt that lesson, you’re already pretty lucky.

• Live your own life

It’s easy to follow someone or a group. But still it’s better to live your own life. Start thinking and doing
what you want (watch out, first you actually got to find you what you want), give a sh** on what others
Why is this a “life hack”?
Because this frees you from a hell of a lot of pressures put on you from the ones you follow. Instead of
investing your time and energy in something someone else thinks, use them for yourself and your loved ones.

• Embrace mistakes
This one is about attitude. Instead of seeing a process of failing in making a mistake see it as potential for
more. It’s hard to shift your mindset to this attitude, if you don’t have it, but nevertheless try it. Next time
you fail at something and are aware of it tell yourself to be lucky to be allowed to still improve yourself. See
it as a chance for getting even better.
Why is this a “life hack”?
Because learning from mistakes makes you grow. This attitude ensures that you keep getting closer to where
you want to be and to achieve your goals instead of failing and falling in a miserable hole of thinking you are
not good enough.
Cool, if you are here and still reading. That where some life hacks that improved my life, they might work
for you too.

3.9k Views · 14 Upvotes

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Brady Moller, Writer | Addiction and Mental Well-being Blogger | Optimist

Answered Mar 23

Zip don't let me down - life hack

The best life hack I've learnt was learning how to stop my annoying zips from going down and have people
stare at me awkwardly while motioning me to pull up my zip
To prevent this annoying problem, you simply need a key ring
1. Loop the key ring into the top of the zip
2. Pull your zip up and loop the key ring onto your Jean button
3. Then go on as normal!
The best part is you can't even tell that the ugly key ring is there!
I always give credit where due and I must give credit to where I originally found this incredible
hack: m.imgur.com

3.2k Views · 13 Upvotes

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Jay Mohile, studies at Port Perry High School (2018)

Answered Jan 18

It's empowering to know that almost everyone is nervous.

I've performed at dozens of music competitions, participated in business competitions, and something I
always do when in waiting for my turn, is to take a quick look at people's hands and legs. Why? You'll notice
the majority of people fidgeting, twiddling their thumbs, bouncing their leg. These are all signs of
By consciously realizing that your competition is nervous, it humanizes them. They are no longer these
inhuman, unnamed rivals without a personality; they are fellow human beings with many of the same
strengths and flaws as you, they're not perfect. Witnessing all this mentally frames you as an observer to the
situation, and calms you down. Consciously relaxing your own posture, opening up your body, and
controlling your breathing puts you in a state where you appear to be note confident than your competition.
While you're at it, smile! Look around the room! Think about things that put you at ease! Maybe strike up
some small talk with the person next to you, all of these things put you in a better state of mind, and
subconsciously put you at ease.
These tips have worked wonders for me, I hope they help you!

713 Views · 1 Upvote

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Ina Dragoi, life coach and spiritual consultant

Answered Feb 19

Hi, listening to myself. De-cluttering. Being myself. Taking time to be myself. Trusting myself. Away from
the media, away from the friends, away from everybody else - including inner characters.
thanks for a2a

218 Views · 1 Upvote · Answer requested by Nourhan Abdelrahman

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Florenc Zerellari, Failed doodle artist
Answered May 18

The Shower Principle

I didn’t read all the answers so I hope I’m not repeating something already written.
“The Shower Principle” is an episode of the TV show “30 Rock”. In this episode Alec Baldwin’s character
talks with Tina Fey’s character about what he calls “The Shower Principle” or sudden cognitive inspiration.
Moments of inspiration that occur when the brain is distracted from the problem at hand–for
example, when you’re showering.
That was a quote from the show. And I think they came up with that name because the shower principle is
not a real thing - not yet.
But the sudden cognitive inspiration is easily observable.
Every day I perform simple tasks such as cleaning my desk, rearranging my notebooks/books/notes, doing
the dishes, ironing and organizing my closet, cleaning my shoes, showering of course, fixing something in
the house etc.
Perform such tasks for 20–60 minutes every day and you will witness an explosion of creativity. Ideas and
thoughts flowing like water in Niagara Falls. Don’t forget to have a notepad with you to write things down.
This is more useful for people who create for a living, writers for example, but I think every body can benefit
from it in one way or another.
For me this is a life hack because I need new ideas every day.
Now I’m going to repair my old shoes.

33.6k Views · 215 Upvotes

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Ankit Kumar, Founder at TrickyBell.com (2017-present)
Answered Mar 2

Ever thought of creating a fire from your phone battery?

Yes, you can!!!
Your mobile phone battery can be used to ignite a fire. You can create a fire using your phone battery.
The mentioned trick should only be used in extreme emergency situations only.
Trick 1:
Use any metallic strip to connect the two battery terminals. This creates sparks.
Use low ignition material to quickly start a fire.
Note: The trick is useful only when your battery is not drained.
Trick 2:

Place the battery on firm surface .pierce the battery using a sharp object like a knife.
The piercing should be deep and done in a quick single blow.
On piercing the chemical components gets reactive and fire is lit.
Note: Be sure to cover your face and arms to avoid chemical burns.
Trick 3:
For this method, you need to have a battery and steel wool(the finer the better).
Just rub the battery on the wool and that it. The wool will catch fire instantly because of spark produced due
to rubbing. Enjoy these tricks and impress your friends.
CAUTION: These tricks are only for information sharing and should not be performed at any cost.
I will not be responsible for any losses.
For more details refer my website Gadgets360.INFO

260 Views · 1 Upvote

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Tomer Amrani, Product Manager

Updated Apr 9

Kill em with kindness

Often people think the louder they react, the more likely they are to get what they want.
The opposite is actually true. The only power a customer service rep has over an angry customer is denying
their request.
You'd be surprised how much being kind can help. People hate refusing kind people.
When asking for help, favors, gestures, be sure to do so from the right place. Kindness is rewarded more
often and more highly than anger.
When trying to negotiate my cable bill, internet bill, a flight or room upgrade I always do so by being as nice
as possible. Always trying to understand my request from the helper’s POV.
Free wifi? No problem! I rarely get denied. Try. being nice. It works.

196 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Kevin Qi, studied at Harvard University
Answered Feb 14

• Eat straight from the pot you cook in. Saves an extra dish to wash.

• Towel down from a shower and use some mouthwash. Use the time you blow dry your hair and dress
up to rinse your mouth.

• If you’ve ever taken a boring class, record it with your phone and play it back on sleepless nights.

• Place new trash bags under the current one being used. That way, when you’re taking out the trash
the refills will be within arm’s reach.

• Learn to see the good in others, especially YOURSELF!

327.2k Views · 13,638 Upvotes

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Jennifer Westberg, works at Inlingua

Answered Nov 1, 2016
So simple and obvious, but if you get in the habit of doing this, it can improve your life hugely: Do
chores/tasks/work you don’t like in increments. For example, if you hate to sew: First take out the sewing
box and just leave it. When you notice it again, find the needle and thread you need to use and just thread the
needle….. [Half the time you end up completing the chore without even realising it!] You can apply this to
almost anything.

11.5k Views · 173 Upvotes

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Varshit Kalra, works at Siemens

Answered May 1

I recently discovered this and i was quite amused on finding it.

Suppose you are watching a youtube tutorial with a link in the description for an amazon link like :
Note: This website is amazon.com and not amazon.in.
Now you wish to find the same item on amazon.in, instead of looking up for that item on amazon.in all you
gotta do is this:
Change “.com” to “.in” and it should take you to the domain which has been designed for India for the
exact same item.
“http://www.amazon.com/Whatever-y...” -> “http://www.amazon.in/Whatever-you-wish-to-buy”

You can use it to compare prices i think and it does not really work for all the products.Very few may be.
This is from amazon.com:
“Corsair Apple Certified 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1333 MHz (PC3 10666) Laptop Memory 1.5V at

The same is from amazon.in

“Corsair CMSA8GX3M2A1333C9 8GB Mac Memory Kit”

6.3k Views · 10 Upvotes

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Aaditya Ambekar, B.com Bechlor of Commerce, City Premier College (2017)

Answered Jun 6

Some Mind blowing Hacks I've Learned

1. Ultimate elevator hack.
To go directly to your floor, press and hold the CLOSE >|< button before the doors close. Press and hold the
button for your floor while still pressing the >|< button. When the elevator starts to move, release the buttons.
You will pass all other floors.
2. Put a bit of water in a glass when you microwave pizza so it doesn't get chewy.

3. Exhale when your left foot touches the ground and you'll avoid cramps while running.

4. Phone battery dying? Switch airplane mode ON for faster charging.

5. Take phone pictures of your friends with items you lend them so you can keep track of your stuff.

More hacks below..

22 Awesome Life Hacks That You'll Wonder How You Ever Lived Without

708 Views · 8 Upvotes

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Shriram Mohan, An overthinker

Answered Jul 5
This is interesting, and I feel I must share it here.
It is meal time, and you have prepared your favourite sandwich!

You begin to eat it, but as soon as you try keeping it in your mouth, the ingredients start to slip.
Like this.

Annoying, isn't it?

Fear not, for there is a way to prevent this.
Friction is the key!
The next time you make sandwiches, if you alternate between the slippery ingredients, (Tomato, onion,
sauces, etc.) and non slippery ingredients (Cabbage, green leaves, etc.), it would help prevent the slipping of
the ingredients by 70%. Adding avocado spread also helps.
I hope this would make your next meal more enjoyable!

15.9k Views · 236 Upvotes

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Saurabh Kulkarni, Self-aware | Improvement Geek

Answered May 17
Can I answer this question? Can I achieve my target? Can I spend quality time with family? Can I grow my
business? Can I make it happen?
What is common in these questions?
1. They begin with “Can I”?
2. All of them make you secondguess your ability to excel.
We face such questions all the time in our lives. Sometimes asked by others, sometimes we ask them
I call these type of questions: Confidence Crushers.
So what’s my hack?
Next time you face a question like this, simply add: "How" before "Can I"
Let’s see how they look now:
How can I answer this question?
How can I achieve my target?
How can I spend quality time with family?
How can I grow my business?
How can I make it happen?
See what happened?
Your focus shifts from “whether I can do it” to “How can I do it”. Your mind starts thinking about how to get
it done.
This trick has worked for me every time. Hope it helps you too.

2.6k Views · 120 Upvotes

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Vipul Harsh, Love to deconstruct & rewire everything.

Answered Dec 21, 2016
Figure out if your TV remote is working or not.
In general, we tap on the back of the TV remote if it's not working properly.
To check whether your remote is ran off batteries. A simple check by your smartphone camera can make
your life much easier.

The small bulb on your remote is called the IR emitter .

Mobile phone cameras or any other digital camera can capture IR radiation . When you press a button, it
emits a light that is not visible to the naked human eye but can be viewed through a digital camera. So if you
think your remote is not working, use your phone camera to see whether it emits a light when you press a
button. If it doesn’t, it is time to change the batteries.
image source Google

1.7k Views · 49 Upvotes

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Hannah Millar, studied at Queen's University Belfast

Answered Mar 23
You know that awful silence that happens when you run into an old school friend, or someone you know, and
the conversation goes something like this:
“How are you?”
“Yeah, I’m doing good thanks, how are things with you?”
“Yeah, good.”
And then before you know it, your mind is blank and both of you are wishing you’d just said a casual “hi
there” and kept walking.
After this exchange, I’ve found saying the following to be the saviour of these awkward encounters:
“Are you keeping busy?”
Truly life changing. I no longer live in fear of running into people I know. This allows them to elaborate on
the things that are going on in their life that year, month, week or day.
For an introvert, who has a relentless and irrational fear of small talk, I’ve found this to be a great way to
envoke a pleasant little encounter.

28k Views · 420 Upvotes

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Ernie Bornheimer

“a relentless and irrational fear of small talk”…..that’s me! Nice to know there are others out t...
Reginald Chan, Life & Career Speaker — Answering one question at a time.
Answered May 7

My 2-steps writing ritual.

I’m an avid writer and I seriously writes a lot on various blogs, magazines and even for my clients. Most of
the time, I know what I want to write and how to deliver them.
The problem is, I have no idea if the piece is good enough.
Introducing my 2-steps writing ritual (you can change writing with anything else).

• Write the blog post and do all the changes needed on day one.

• Recheck the content the next day (day two) and do second round of changes.
I will think about the topic and the content before I sleep on day one. Here’s where the juicy part. Our mind
functions 24/7 and when we sleep, our brain is still processing the content. You’ll be surprised that you will
find new ideas the next day!
If you are interested in this, consider reading this article found on Freelancer.com.
Peel Kiwi using a spoon.
Now, I came across this by accident and no, I’m not the creator of this. But heck, being a kiwi lover, this
hack saves me a lot of time and frustration!
Take a look at this video to get an idea of it (don’t worry, it’s relatively short, under 50 seconds video):
Make people laugh.
What happens when you laugh?
Geeky stuff: This activity eventually stimulates the motor region of the brain to become active,
and that's what produces the physical reaction of laughing and the vocal expulsion of sound. ...
And laughter also boosts heart rate and the production of certain antibodies, which strengthens
our immune system.
When you make people laugh, the mood in the room lightens up instantly. You will notice that the stress
level will drop significantly and people will be more open to you.
You have been warn. Laughing is contagious.
Relationship saver — Alarm.
I work in the tourism industry and my schedule requires me to wake up early (okay, I go jogging before
work). My wife will often sleep in with my kiddo. Sharing the same bed, my alarm volume could easily
wakes up both of them and it sucks. And when this happens, I have two grumpy fellas to handle (instead of
The trick here is to set your alarm on vibration only, leave one sock on the foot and put the phone into the
sock. This way you are not waking up your beloved on a daily basis.
It is odd — yes, I got to admit it but trust me, it works!
Changing the word “No” to something else.
This is life safer for me in the corporate world. Instead of using “No”, I often use words like “I’ll think about
it” or “I’ll get back to you”. Of course, there are things that we have to say “No” to. Instead of telling them
right in the face with the negative word, why don’t replace it with other words?
It doesn’t only make the conversation head towards a positive tone, it also helps you to maintain relationship
which is critical for your success.
Show up confident, all the time.
Whatever you do, do it with confidence. There will be times where you will be feeling uncomfortable with
something (let’s say a task). You should not portray a feeling of weakness and instead, show up confident.
Here’s why — confidence not only boost your own morale, it boosts the morale of everyone near you. Trust
me, everyone feels it and they will buy in because of your confidence, even when they know the odds are
against you.

1.8k Views · 7 Upvotes

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Ryan McRae, ADHD

Answered May 8
There’s a Russian proverb that says, “Chase two rabbits. Get none.”
And when I heard that, a lightbulb came on.
I will spend so much time trying do all the things, but getting nothing done that I decided I’d simply focus on
ONE THING at a time.
Just one.
Writing an answer on Quora? Great. I’m just going to do that.
I’m not going to check my phone. I’m not going to answer an email. I’m just going to answer this question.
I constantly fight not to chase two rabbits. But once the fight is over, I find that I spend my time more wisely
and I come home with just one rabbit.
That’s all I need. Just one.
You just need one.
I write about productivity, ADHD, but not usually rabbits here. I offer free courses and books on getting stuff

15.6k Views · 34 Upvotes

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Kevin S Lin, storyteller

Answered Feb 9
There’s a cartoon I watched as a kid where the hero gets thrown in jail high up in a tower. There’s an old man
there who has been in the jail all his life. The hero demands to be let out and the gate opens. The hero walks
out. The old man looks at the open door and then turns to the audience and mutters: “You mean all I had to
do was ask?”
I laughed at this when I was a kid but reflecting on my life, I’ve had countless moments where I was that old
man. A crush of three years who I never talked to, questions in meetings that I never voiced and promotions
that I never pushed for.
Over the last five years, I’ve experimented with doing what the hero in the tower did and ask for what I want.
And in many cases, just like in the cartoon, the door really opened. This is from little things like requesting
no olives in my salad to larger demands like having 20% time at work to pursue self directed initiatives.
As long as you’re sincere and reasonably competent, you will be amazed how far simply asking for things
will take you.

520.3k Views · 30,431 Upvotes

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Brian Thompson

Great story! When I was ten, I used to run around exploring the woods and fields in my small town...
3 more comments from Rand Knight, Aanont Wathanasin, Fred DeBaugh
Jacky Dror
Answered Dec 10, 2016

Saying these three little words:

Being British I have often read how programmed we are to say sorry. For instance, it will happen many times
in the UK I believe that someone will tread on your toe or push into you with their shopping trolley, and you
will be the one saying ‘sorry’. It is somehow inherent in the British culture so to do.
But I am not referring to this natural reactive ‘sorry’ dynamic. I am referring to the mighty tool of saying you
are sorry, and really meaning it, when the occasion presents itself.
Because although it can be quite difficult to adopting this mind set, once mastered it will not as one may
deem, make you vulnerable, weak and exposed; on the contrary, it will empower you. And the more you get
used to doing it, the easier it will become. It will enable you to:
move on and help alleviate difficult emotions on both sides
smooth a difficult situation in relationships by showing that you respect the other persons feelings
make you a better person by owning any mistake you may have made
set a good example to others
build a strong foundation to your own character with regards to honesty, humility and integrity.
There was a very popular film in the 1970’s called Love Story starring Ryan O’Neil and Ali McGraw. The
catch phrase which became very famous was:
‘love means never having to say you’re sorry’.
This is so untrue believe me. In fact, for love to stand the test of time, and be ever enduring quite the reverse
is true. No matter what the situation presents itself, albeit a partner, a friend, a neighbour, a stranger, if the
occasion arises we should just say these few words.
These will bring forth your compassion and empathy, and elevate your journey in life in being the best you
can be.

1.8k Views · 8 Upvotes

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Wendi Tibbets

Nice wisdom!

Fernando Jackson
Answered Feb 11

If you want someone to like you, find out their areas of competence, ask them questions in any of those
areas. By answering your question, they will feel good about themselves, show themselves being
knowledgeable and they will subconsciously connect you with their positive feelings. Conversely, if you ask
someone you don’t know well questions they are not able to answer, they will display their lack of
knowledge and competence and will connect you with this negative feeling. I see no reason to do the latter; it
is more of a cautionary tale , something to avoid doing.

19.8k Views · 224 Upvotes

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Jason Sherman, Owner, Elusive Web Design (ElusiveWebandPhoto.com)
Answered Mar 3

One of the greatest life hacks I’ve ever discovered is what I call the “power of the preface.” As you most
certainly know, a preface is the section of the book in the very beginning that the author normally uses for a
specific purpose. Whether it’s asking a fellow professional to write on how the book will impact it’s readers
or maybe even the author using it to describe the process, trials, and victories experienced while writing the
When in a position of leadership, there are going to be conversations you’ll have with another person that at
best will be unpleasant, at worst down right difficult. In these moments, I like using “the power of the
This hack is absolutely not cowering away from what you must do, but rather it is further clarifying and
disarming the situation before lowering the boom.
Here’s an example: If I worked in a field where I was tasked with diagnosing an issue that was terribly
wrong, I would use the power of the preface in this way…
In data analytics… “We need to talk. This last campaign was not a complete failure. There were many areas
where small victories were achieved. I’m not saying we need to scrap it all, but I am implying the data shows
a good portion of our processes must be revamped.”
See, this sounds much better than “This whole thing stunk. We need to implode it all and start back
from scratch.”
In healthcare… “I want to shoot straight with you this morning and let you know I have bad news. We have
escaped the worst news in that these issues are not terminal. With the proper life changes and careful
implementation of a conservative medicinal regimen, I believe you can absolutely get past this health
concern. Getting back to your normal life may be tough at this point but I feel we can get you pretty close.”
This sounds better than some of the nonsense we’ve heard from uncaring doctors in the past… “I don’t have
good news. Your symptoms have presented a condition that will affect your livelihood for the rest of
your days. I’m afraid there will be a new normal for you and it will be, unfortunately, less pleasant
than what your are accustomed to. We can prescribe some medicine to combat the symptoms but they
will have unfavorable side effects.”
To make a short story long, this “powerful preface” life hack is simply taking a moment to genuinely think
about the whole scope of the news you’re about to deliver. Then, come up with the most positive (yet
truthful) version you can tell - understanding it could just as easily be you on the other end of this
conversation. Be intentional to share what you’re not saying as well. This affirmation alleviates a good
portion of people’s negative and troublesome worries.
Finding the good news to sprinkle in with the terrible news makes it all easier to ingest.

7.8k Views · 29 Upvotes

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Roshan Kumar, Ardent reader on life lessons

Answered Oct 23, 2016

Most clever life hack I have learned in my precious years of life are following :
1. Never afraid of trying anything new. Surely you will get uncomfortable pangs in your stomach but in
the end its really worth stepping .
2. Appreciate the people’s achievement in whatever field they are doing great. Lift the people up
emotionally. Help somebody and you will help yourself.
3. Talk respectfully even if you are not on the same page of discussion with someone or arguing.
4. Read every single day to improve yourself in some way.
5. Don’t take advice from the wrong people . whatever you want to achieve in your life find the master
of that field and ask for mentor ship.
6. Do something to pump your adrenaline , this will help you to push your limits further beyond your
7. Refrain from distractions while doing important task . Prioritize.
8. Don’t only think but act also.

11.8k Views · 91 Upvotes

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Satyam Srivastava, studied at Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communications Engineering

Answered Jul 15

If you know you're going in a hard situation prepare yourself for even a harder situation.
Few years ago in a cricket series bw India and Srilanka.Several times After 45 overs Mahendra singh dhoni
was seen calling for a bat. He called a bat then took two bats,waved them for like a minute,took one of them.

45–50 hit the ball monstrously.

Why did he do so? Harsha bhogle explained that to build his innings with singles and doubles he uses a
lighter bat. To hit the ball well he needs a heavier one.He can't manage this sudden change without any trick
so he calls bats,takes two of them,waves them. So he is holding so much weight for like a minute.After
giving one of them weight is ofcourse less than that.Hits big sixes smoothly.
So prepare yourself like this. If you will have to leave your comfort zoned home to a 2BHK flat with 6
bachelors. Go to a 1BHK room of your friend of hostel and live there for like two or three days. So when you
will go to that 2BHK it will seem more comfortable :)


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Gerson Fontalvo, works at Exosphere

Answered May 2, 2014

To keep a Common Place book. A depository for ideas, quotes, anecdotes, observations and information I
come across during my life and learning process. The purpose is to catch those valuable ideas for later use in
my personal life, business, writing, or whatever else I could improve by applying those pieces of wisdom.

Here's mine.

7.2k Views · 51 Upvotes

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Answered Oct 30, 2016

Developing the right mindset.

You can do anything with the right mindset. Thinking of your qualities, mental and physical, as something
that can and will be improved upon is the first step in actually improving them. If you can see a clear path to
your goal, there is no reason you cannot make it there. This is the reason I don't believe in talent, as every
skill requires some form of work.
Finding inspiration in everyday life.
If you don't look for the beauty in things they usually go unnoticed. Find things in the world that strike a
chord in you.
These are some of the things I live by, hope it helps.

1.9k Views · 30 Upvotes

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Justyna, Achieve more by doing less. Yes, it is possible!
Answered Dec 20, 2016

Being a superhero & multitasker is not the best way to achieve more. Sometimes, the first step in order to
become successful is discovering things that you don’t have to do. Whenever we eliminate time-consuming
activities, we will find a new source of time and energy.
Here you can find a bunch of useful tips, how to make your ‘To don’t list’.

752 Views · 1 Upvote

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Abhinash Jami
Answered Jun 21

Originally Answered: What is the most useful everyday life hack you have learned?

Sleeping Positions: Why North Is Not The Best Direction

Have you ever scoffed at elders who told you not to sleep with your head placed to the north and other such
things? Well, turns out they might just have had a point to make!
In India, you were told that you should not place your head to the north while sleeping. Why?
How your body is engineered
Your heart is not located half-way down, it is placed three-fourths of the way up because pumping blood up
against gravity is more difficult than pumping it down. The blood vessels which go upward are a finer
arrangement compared to those going down. As they go up into the brain, they are almost hair-like, to such a
point that they cannot even take one extra drop. If one extra drop is pumped in, something will burst and you
will have a hemorrhage.
Most people have hemorrhages in their brain. This does not incapacitate you in any major way, but small
damages happen. You may become duller, which people are becoming. Your level of intelligence after the
age of 35 drops in many ways unless you take enormous care to keep it up. You are managing because of
your memory, not because of your intelligence.

What happens when you put your head to the north?

If you have any kind of blood-related problem, let’s say anemia, what would a doctor prescribe? Iron. It is an
important ingredient in your blood. You have heard of the magnetic fields on the planet. In many ways, the
earth is engineered because of its magnetism. That’s how powerful the magnetic forces are on the planet.

• If you place your head to the north and stay that way for 5 to 6 hours, the magnetic pull will
cause pressure on your brain.
When the body is positioned horizontally, you can immediately make out that your pulse rate drops. The
body makes this adjustment because if blood is pumped at the same level, too much will go into your head,
causing damage. Now, if you place your head to the north and stay that way for 5 to 6 hours, the magnetic
pull will cause pressure on your brain. If you are beyond a certain age and your blood vessels are weak, you
could have hemorrhages and paralytic strokes. Or, if your system is sturdy and these things don’t happen to
you, you could get up agitated because there is more circulation in the brain than there should be when you
are sleeping. It is not that if you do this for one day, you will fall dead. But if you do this every day, you are
asking for trouble. What kind of trouble depends on how strong your system is.
So, which is the best direction to sleepwith your head pointing towards? East is the best direction. North-east
is okay. West is alright. South, if you must. North, no. This is true as long as you are in the northern
hemisphere – sleeping with your head towards any side except north is okay. In the southern hemisphere,
don’t put your head to the south.

Activate your body and brain

In the tradition, they also told you that before you get up in the morning, you must rub your hands together
and place your palms upon your eyes. They said that if you do this, you will see God. It is not about seeing
• Before you get up in the morning, you must rub your hands together and place your palms
upon your eyes.
There is a heavy concentration of nerve endings in your hands. If you rub your palms together, all the nerve
endings are activated and the system comes awake immediately. When you wake up in the morning and still
feel sleepy and drowsy, just do this and see, everything comes awake. Instantly, a whole range of nerves
connected with your eyes and other aspects of your senses come awake. Before you move your body, your
body and brain should be active. You shouldn’t get up dumb, that’s the idea.
Thanks for reading!
source: http://isha.sadhguru.org/blog/li...

15k Views · 309 Upvotes

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Lalatendu Panda, Curious, Geek, Consultant, MBA, Electrical & Electronics Engineer
Answered Feb 22

This answer will teach you the hack, but only after taking a trip down the memory lane - specifically our
school days (seems like centuries ago for me).
After a bit of reflection, I realised some of the best productivity and life practices were sub-consciously
being followed by all of us as students, but somehow we (at least I) stopped following them after school.
Three habits/hacks that stood out -
1. Timetable - in schools, every minute of the days was plotted for all the students and there were rare
occasions of diversions.
1. Hack - in corporate life timetables may not be so rigid, but at the start of the day, if we dedicate 5–10
mins in making a timetable for the day with adequate focus on prioritisation, it works wonders.
2. Homework - every class/ subject had some kind of homework/assignment/pre-read which had to be
completed before the class.
1. Hack - When followed in corporate/professional life, homework and preparation does wonder on
confidence and always increases the probability of making a lasting mark on the audience, be it business as
usual or presentations.
3. Tests - every subject had multiple tests thought the year be it unit tests, class tests, surprise tests (I
was always surprised), pre-boards (at my school, we also had a Principal sirs test before 10th boards). Each
test had a specific purpose of both knowledge as well as stage readiness for the big day.
1. Hack - come to think of it, when was the last time you took a test? Unless preparing for competitive
exams, most of us have had little practice over the years. So, what I do is from time to time, I sit for sample
tests of 2–3 hours (it can be a CSAT or CAT or GK paper). It serves two purposes - you develop the habit of
focus for the time without regular distractions and develop some knowledge/keep the mind sharpened.
Hope, the hacks help you too!!

654 Views · 9 Upvotes

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Justice Setlodi, Author of Personal Development Books, Blogger at Manifest Now! (2016-present)
Answered May 8

Assign positive meanings to your circumstances, situations and events.

We are the assigners of meaning in our lives. All situations, all circumstances and all events are a neutral set
of props which contain no built-in meaning. You assign that meaning and therefore, the assigner of that
meaning. The meaning that you assign determines the effect that you get out.
Prior to the assignment of that meaning, life is truly meaningless. You assign the meaning and the tone with
which you assign that meaning determines the experience and the effect that you get out from that particular
Given any neutral situation that occurs in your life, if you apply and assign a negative meaning, you will
receive a negative effect. If you take the same situation; same parameters in place, and assign a positive
meaning – by perhaps asking how it serves you rather than why is this happening to you – you get a positive
response and effect.
You truly do create your own reality and you truly set out the tone for doing so through your assignment of
meaning and through your choice of definitions i.e. how you define your reality to be.
Manifest World


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Sean Kernan, Son of Quora

Answered Jun 9 · Upvoted by Michelle Callard-Stone, Behavioral Psychologist. PhD.

When speaking to your gf/partner/wife about something important or difficult:

Be very, very deliberate in the words that you choose, and the manner in which you express them.
Women pay very close attention to those things. And they don't forget.
I learned this via a trial of 1000 lashes.

199.9k Views · 12,874 Upvotes

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Updated Jan 29

I am going anonymous as social networks are so full of judgmental people and righteous speeches.
Moreover, some of these hacks are pretty private. A list below, all very useful.
1. Actively stretching a penis over childhood will increase its length for life. This was suggested by
many authors in analysing penis length over time across different cultures (some tribes will roll them in
bamboos) and settings (boys with recurrent urinary infection often keep pulling as a habit). In my case I’d
some times attach a small weight to mine such as a padlock with tape, under my pajamas. I suspected it
might work, turns out I was right.
2. Dandruff? Do away with shampoo completely and wash your hair with apple vinegar. It will not
permanently cure you but will keep it at hardly noticeable levels. Your partner doesn't approve? Keep a
decoy shampoo bottle in the shower, stow away your precious vinegar. It will leave no strong smell after
some minutes.
3. Take fatty acid supplements such as codfish oil. It helps with many issues such as cramps, muscle
tension, the dandruff and other flaky skin areas, allergies. Apparently these are missing from modern diet.
This will prevent hair loss, along with vinegar mentioned above.
4. Generally avoid overpriced and overhyped professionals such as dentists, psychiatrists,
psychologists, lawyers, medical doctors in general, unless you truly need their advice or assistance.
Generally like anyone else they are just executing their job while trying to make money, and their influence
will have a deep impact in your pocket and often greatly affect your life (independence). Treat yourself with
wisdom and courage, do your research, only go for the best and when needed.
5. A very useful habit based on point 6. is avoiding cavities by cutting down on sugar almost
completely and brushing your teeth effectively 3 times a day. It is amazing how most people are careless
over mouth health and complain of relationship difficulties and of having no savings (spent on periodical
visits to opportunistic dentists).
6. Yet another one useful on points 6. & 7.: avoid wearing braces. They are unappealing, unhygienic,
crazy expensive. Unless of course you greatly, medically, need them. Keep teeth roughly aligned by filing the
space between them. All mammals are genetically prepared to lose teeth, so we have too many coming up,
you must open space. I use the metal strips from barcode adhesive label as files: they work great, are highly
durable, and you will plus get rid of disgusting tartar frequently.
7. Take daily showers, ideally twice a day, to stay clean, but avoid soap unless you’re really dirty.
Excessive soap will affect your skin and wash off important protection.
8. Clean your home by bits everyday. Do it yourself. This will help your mind, keep you fit and healthy,
save money. Avoid commercial toxic scented substances, use safe & cheap vinegar, bleach, sodium
bicarbonate. Do the same with your laundry; experiment washing them by hand to save them, energy, money,
and keep you fit (takes minutes).
9. Cut intake of salt as possible, will save your health and looks.
10. Are you a guy, either single or in a couple, worried sick about having an unexpected kid? Fertility
control is actually easy for men, just dip your balls in hot water for 20 minutes for some days in a row. It has
been proved directly, if you have some equipment you can check by yourself. See sources: Reducing Sperm
Production Using Hot Baths Male Contraceptive via External Wet Heat
11. Finally, not a new hack, just notes. By cutting down on salt and avoiding sugar and getting rid of
soap, you’ll positively affect your body flora. Ever noticed sugar-loving ladies often complain of Candida
albicans? Shampoo-smelling people complaining of hair loss? Professionals-sustaining lazy people claiming
they can’t save money nor travel? So many with their lives messed up by untimely pregnancies, frequently
with the wrong person? Small changes, better world.
Update: Mind status-quoers are downvoting the answer, particularly dentists (see commentators’
backgrounds) . Truth is, truth being unpopular in society.

45.4k Views · 175 Upvotes

Joseph Lee, Married, have two daughters, paid off mortgage in early 40's
Updated Jul 28

I have calculated that if I work full-time, then I will be earning less money compared to my current part-time
job. That’s how ridiculous our current tax laws are. For my family, I have paid off my home mortgage. This
is a huge money saver in terms of rent. Anyway, here is my list of money saving techniques:
1. Get a Toys'R'Us credit card and shop there on Thursday to get a 10% discount.
2. Get a Target, Costco, and Amazon credit card.
3. Buy on ebay, Target, Costco, and Amazon. Download all of the apps on your phone to compare prices.
4. Buy used items on Craig's list and shop at Children's Orchard.
5. Buy Korean products instead of Japanese and Chinese made Apple products. Japanese products and
Chinese made Apple products are more expensive.
6. Dell laptops are 6 times cheaper than a MacBook.
7. Buy bulk as much as you can.
8. CLFs as much as you can.
9. Get Samsung laser printers instead of hp.
10. Get Samsung tablets instead of ipad.
11. Get a Samsung phone instead of iPhone. If not enough to save more money, get an LG.
12. Buy Kia or Hyundai instead of Japanese or German cars.
13. Don't get cable or a HDTV.
14. Clip coupons whenever you get the chance.
15. Don't go to the movie theaters. Buy DVD's on Black Friday.
16. Take a cold shower during the summer. Lower gas water heater furnace's temperature.
17. Move and buy into a smaller home.
18. Sell off your DSLR camera equipment and lens.
19. Go to Berkeley instead of Stanford.
20. Buy a home in Lake Forest instead of the Irvine city. Lake Forest is cheaper than Irvine by $100,000, has
a lower crime rate, has no Mello Roos property tax, and is right next to Irvine.
21. Spend $1,000 on a honeymoon to Thailand instead of $10,000 on a honeymoon to Hawaii. You can skip
the diamond ring, but it really does not matter. You can get an expensive diamond ring under $10,000. Make
sure you can sell it anytime when you have a life-death family emergency or when you need to pay off your
property taxes for your home. Please work as as team between husband and wife. It should be a mutual
agreement. Don’t force each other in a way which is not comfortable for one or the other. Marriage is worth
more than a diamond ring.
22. I live in my parents' home in Irvine and go to UC Irvine for grad school for my MS in materials science
and engineering, and I commute between Irvine and USC for 45 minutes each way when I try to get my
second MS degree in electrical engineering. I don't waste time or money. I do listen to my Bible tapes in my
gas efficient Toyota Corolla for 1.5 hours every day. It does not have to be Bible tapes. It can be any self-
help tapes on interactions with people and job interview skills. I save every minute.

3.5k Views · 20 Upvotes · Answer requested by Andrew Stepin

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Ankush Gupta, another aspiring visual artist with an engineering degree.

Answered Nov 30, 2016

Clever hacks:

• Never try to check if the lighter is working while it's still in your pocket.
• While going to the interview, keep an extra copy of the documents which are not already in the cloud
for instant access. Very important.

• While asking your crush about her most embarrassing moment, have an answer ready for the same.
Or if you go mute, just keep a recorded version of that moment for use in future.

• When you update your mac, make sure you have a time machine backup.

• If you're changing from a hostel to an apartment, remember that you would need extra CFLs in the
house. Brighten up your last day at hostel.

• No matter what the society tells you, extra rolling papers are always a good investment.

• Also, don't think about the future one day before exam. You will probably start searching for
opportunities, while ending up on Quora making irrelevant answers to clumsy questionnaires.

664 Views · 4 Upvotes

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Rahul Kuntala, Start is what stops most people. Just start.

Answered Jan 15

Reading while listening to an audiobook.

Readers are leaders. The more you read, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you earn. Simple
as that.
You might have already know the importance of reading books. But most of us simply hate the word
"reading". We don't like to read especially the books.
Here's where a cool tip comes into handy.
Step 1: Grab a book
Step 2: Listen to the same audiobook simultaneously
Now, start reading while listening to the same audiobook.
Why it works?
You're using 2 senses, both ears and eyes.
You will get less distracted when you listen to the same audiobook while reading it. You won't stop, you
won't reread, you won't take regular breaks when you're on the flow.
P.S: It works best if you’re an avid reader of non-fiction books.

1.2k Views · 12 Upvotes

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Sankara Lingam, Happy learning...........

Updated Jun 5

1. When you join in a new organization, you will be seeing a lot of new faces and it will be hard to
remember your new colleagues names. so, If you are in a situation that even after few months you just forgot
your colleague name who is regularly speaking to you, it will be awkward to ask their name especially when
they remember yours. Instead of asking their name try this “Hey buddy, your ID card looks different” while
saying this just pick their ID card and have a glance. Now you know their name without asking them…….OR
TRY THIS ask their phone number while saving to your mobile, ask them to spell their name……
2. In a fine morning you are traveling in a local bus and the bus ticket to your destination is “5 Rupees”
but you have only “100 Rupee note”. Most of us would have faced this situation because the Bus conductor
will not be happy to give the change, he will (most of them) ask for only “5 rupees ”. Instead of fighting with
him what we can do is “some people may be going to your destination or further, Just ask the people near
you to give the money to you so you can buy the ticket for them using your 100 Rupee note”…..when you
ask for more tickets the Bus conductor will be forced in a situation to accept your 100 Rupee note.
Thank you……..
If we didn't met before…
This is Sankara Lingam
Just another Human being

818 Views · 11 Upvotes

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Steven J Greenfield, studied at Autodidacticism

Answered Mar 6

Stop dodging people in crowded areas. I used to have to duck and dodge people in crowds. I hated walking
through malls and airports because people would just change course right for me and I’d have to dodge.
Groups spread out to occupy the entire width, then keep walking right at me.
So I don’t look at them. I look distracted. I am looking in store windows or off into the distance. I am also
striding forward as if I will continue in a straight line till doomsday. So it looks like I’ll run right into them. I
am, in fact, still paying attention.
So now people dodge out of MY way.
After watching my sister in law dodging left and right at the airport, I told her about it. The next time we
visited, she gave me a big hug and said “It works!”
I don’t like people stopping me to ask for money outside of stores, or getting stopped by survey takers in
malls. So I walk with purpose when I pass them. I look like I’m going somewhere and no one is getting in
my way. So they no longer ask me anything.

38.8k Views · 779 Upvotes

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Ray Khan
Updated Mar 1

Never put the phone down. Let the other person put it down instead. Only really works with mobiles.
I’ve been on calls when the other caller assumes that at the end of the conversation I have rung off. But I
haven't and I'm still there, still listening.
It’s a great way to hear what they really think, especially if there is someone else with them for them to talk
Be warned though, you might not like what you hear and it’s embarrassing if you get caught.

432.5k Views · 9,614 Upvotes

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Jim Arliss

A side issue is how to get out of a conversation with someone who won’t stop talking. My solution...

John Burkhamer, I've been living on this planet for 15 years.

Updated Feb 15

1. Speaking skills. This has gotten me over my fear of speaking in public. Try to think about the last
time you heard a presentation. Unless you had coffee you probably didn't care about the person you were
pretend listening to. I may be wrong, but use your perception of listening to a presentation to apply to
everyone else you are speaking to.
2. To scribble out letters, don't doodle lines which is messy, just write over the text with numbers:
more effective than haphazardly scribbling.
3. Golden rule applies to everything in life
4. If you ever get bored then talk to people around you instead of wasting time escaping from reality.
Create experiences, not watch other people create experiences.
EDIT: Thank you all for the upvotes and comments, it helps a lot!

13k Views · 20 Upvotes

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Dmitrii "Dimage" Sapelkin, alive

Answered Feb 2

If you feel negativity right now, it will pass. Because everything will pass. Just don't focus on the negative
thoughts. Say you feel sorrow or grief, and it's really painful. You typically will dig into it, trying to find the
cause and reflect upon your feelings. This only makes you go deeper into grief, as if you jumped into some
muddy water trying to reach the bottom, and only got yourself covered in more mud. What I do instead is I
say to myself: “I feel sorrow now. It is a temporary condition. Tomorrow my thoughts will be clearer, and
that's when I'll think about stuff. But while I'm not OK yet, I will just observe my mood and wait for it to
pass.” It's still painful, but this way it passes faster. Or, if you're lucky enough, you can catch your mood
before it overtakes you, and say to yourself: “OK, here's the situation that can cause me to grieve. But I don't
have to feel the grief right away. I could feel it some other time, whenever I choose.” This applies to any
emotion btw.
1.1k Views · 5 Upvotes

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Vaibhav Singh, former Student at Moradabad Institute of Technology, Moradabad (2013-2017)

Answered Jun 25

Come and Talk face to face with Acharya Prashant and get the real communication.
A life-saver!
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Rare it is to meet the Guru in Life!
'Meet the Master' is the rarest of rare opportunity to have a personal interaction with the Master through a
one-on-one meet -- either in person or online.
These one-on-one interactions have transformed the lives of hundreds!
You too deserve a better transformed life.
Register yourself, send a request mail at: requests@prashantadvait.com.
In service,
PrashantAdvait Foundation
(In Pic: Akash Soni, former journalist at IBN7)
192 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Divya Malika, Crystallizing my Thoughts

Answered Jun 5

This is something which my boyfriend did sometime back. He added the money to PayTM wallet from his
credit card and then transferred that money to his bank account from PayTM.

This way, we were able to withdraw cash from his bank account, without paying any interest for withdrawing
money from a credit card.
You can do this for huge amounts too by upgrading your PayTM wallet.

30.6k Views · 382 Upvotes

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Vishwadeep Singh, Blogger at WordPress (2014-present)
Answered May 6

A secret: How to quit Smoking.

But, first, one Confession-
Dear family,
If you are reading this answer, then don’t get surprised as I have baptized my body with regular Green tea
and a healthy diet plan. I have understood the value of health than the value I had been expending on the
packets of the sturdy and false habits.
So, relax.
In the name of the holy God, I declare
It’s been a long time back when I have taken the advice seriously from the Suresh, the guy who is fighting the
cancer of tobacco but still alive on the screen of every PVR cinema. What a sad irony. May God bless him
with the strength to recover the majority of tobacco user or smoker, like me.
“Choose life, not tobacco”
And, At last, this advice may help you in giving up something which you are addicted to.
(Devil’s beam on the face of both, while typing by me and reading with them.)
I believe we are in the era where, in advance, everyone should maintain some style of confession letter into
their draft, as in my case. Because, the effect of globalization and information technology has influenced,
certainly most of us with some kind of addictions and the habits, which we will surely glorify about in the
future by telling them the secret: how to give up from such habits. As I am doing.
I read that somewhere
“Girls pout when facing a camera and boy pout when lights a cigarette”.
This means boys pout equivalent to girls or more.
Anyway, that was the troll, I read somewhere, but it is close to reality. To get rid of this pout face I mean
smoke, I tricked my brain. A simple con which I guess anyone can apply.
Think in your mind, and repeat this with every urge-
“You have smoked the cigarette and right now you are using the afterward time, next to the other
Allow me to simplify it so that it will be easier to apply
Mr. Singh buys a cigarette and smoked it till golden tip. Puff in and puff out. Then he throws it and goes back
to work or a regular routine he was performing.
A very simple everyday routine of Mr. Singh.

Now, HERE, Mr. Singh applies the cheat code to his brain & con the time that right now he is in the use of
time, as every day he does after a smoke i.e. enjoying the regular routine. And, resuming the work which he
pauses for the smoke.
Mr. Singh keeps repeating this over and over again.
“I have smoked the cigarette and right now I am using the afterward time, next to another cigarette”.
Like Mr. Singh at every urge, you can also repeat this statement in your mind by conning the time.
Now here’s a doubt. What’s in the group? How can anyone get rid of this habit from there?
Let’s not worry about that. Apply the same cheat code there as well.
If you are standing in a group of smokers and you don’t want dopamine hormone to insist you for a smoke
than con the time by thinking that like yesterday you had finished your cigarette earlier in the group and right
now making the use of surplus time after the completed one. Simple. And, continue the conversation with a
fake laugh as you have enjoyed the smoke.
Go on.
Your mind is your instrument. Learn to be its master and not its slave.
I am sure if you achieve success in manipulating this technique people will praise you by saying-
bhai teri will power toh badi strong hain. (Brother! You have a strong will power.)
But, what they don’t know is that, you have already enjoyed the imaginary cigarette and right now talking to
And, while reading this if you feel like to smoke a cigarette think of that you have smoked it and right now
back on the halt task i.e. enjoying the Quora.
Thank you for reading.
All the very best.
(image source- Google)
6.4k Views · 15 Upvotes

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Elisante Japhet, Python programmer | GIS Specialist | Web Developer.

Answered Feb 18, 2016

I remember last year I came across an idea called "Speed of implementation" whereas it is to act fast as soon
you have learn something new in order to know what works for me or not. To stop spending a lot of time on
planning and overplanning and take massive action.

It have helped me to learn and try different platform and cool stuffs as young Tech enthusiastic. It has it
downsides but when I compare it to its profit, well, it is worthwhile.

Is there anyone came across this idea of "Speed of implementation"?

8k Views · 16 Upvotes

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Rajiv Pandey, Digital Marketing Trainer
Answered Jun 4

Handwriting Analysis is an awesome thing to learn. You don't have to go into deep. But you need to know
few simple things about handwriting, which may help you to know about a person from his/her/its
handwriting. Let's begin,
✓Pressure you exert while writing
#Heavy- Deeply emotional person
#Light- Emotionally not expressive
✓Size of your letters
#Small- Good concentration, narrow perspective on life and better ability to focus on goals
Large- Broad perspective on life, hardly get bored
✓ Way of Handwriting slant
#Left- Introvert and independent
#Straight- Better at controlling emotions and hardly express them, usually prefers rational thoughts
#Right- This type of person is more likely to relate well to others but may subject to mood swings
✓Space in between letters
#Less- Bad at managing time, though likes to have company
#Even- Well sorted in life, good mental clarity and sense of order.
#Wide- Freedom lover, but don't like to be overwhelmed
✓Direction of your sentence take
#Upward- Optimistic
#Downward- Sign of discouragement
#Wavy- Sign of instability
✓The way you cross your 't'
#High cross- High standard and self esteem
#Low cross- Low self esteem and low level goals
✓The way you dot your 'i'
#Hollow dot(°)- Playful, creative
#Solid dot(•)- Don't like clutter and pay attention to details.
✓Connections of letters
#Connected- Logical, methodical and make decisions carefully
#Not connected- Intelligent and intuitive
✓Line spacing
#Little spacing- Poor time management
#Even spacing- Aware of boundaries
Did you find it interesting? No, then ask your friend to check your knowledge by asking to do analysis of
unknown person, and then check his reaction. I know these things since last 6 years and it had never been
wrong analysis from me. It worked for me. I hope it will work for you too.
After getting positive feedbacks, I am going to extend scope of this answer by adding one more thing, guess
what? SIGNATURE ANALYSIS. I will not extend this answer by theory again. This one image will help you
to analyse little bit.
[P.S.- This information is not work of mine. I have shared this info from internet, I found it useful. It has
helped me in last 6 years. I wanted this information to be shared. If you find anything wrong then let me
know. ]

1.1k Views · 24 Upvotes

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Patrick Zhong, former Oversea Sales and Marketing (2013-2017)

Answered May 23
Here is a Life hack for boosting up creativity!
Instead of going to a quiet library, grabbing a seat at your favorite coffee shop maybe be the most efficient
way to write a paper or finish a creative work project.
In a series of five experiments to understand how ambient sounds or noises affect creative cognition,
researchers at the University of Illinois, led by Ravi Mehta, asking participants brainstorming ideas for new
products (new type of mattress or enumerate uncommon uses for a common object) ,while they were
exposed to different levels of background noises. The full study, "Is Noise Always Bad? Exploring the
Effects of Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition," published in the Journal of Consumer
Research, concludes that modest background noise (roughly 70 dB) creates enough of a distraction to
encourage people to think more imaginatively. As the researched quotes in their paper, "Instead of burying
oneself in a quiet room trying to figure out a solution, walking out of one's comfort zone and getting into a
relatively noisy environment may trigger the brain to think abstractly, and thus generate creative ideas."
As an Entrepreneur myself, I am consistently wrestling with problems in business. In order for the business
to succeed, the ideas and solution I come up has to be as creative as possible. In addition, I need more
creativity on product design so the products will stand out from the competitors. Although I love
coffeeshops, I don’t always have leisure time to go there and work, especially when I have urgency issues to
deal with. Luckily, there is an insanely useful iPhone app, called CoffeeAM, which is free, plays various
coffee shop ambient sounds that help me to get into the creative mental state and to concentrate better. So,
with this app, now I can become more creativity anytime, anywhere, with just one simple click!
Hope this answer helps, my friends! =)

6.7k Views · 5 Upvotes

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Vineeth Mandapalli, B.E from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra (2018)

Answered Jul 20
An Effective way of a Successful Reader

As a student, Most of our routine is a resemblance of this stochastic process

Today Night
Planned to study hard by making a hectic schedule for the next day.
Sleeps that Night peacefully.
The Next Day
Wakes up,
Observes the schedule,
Opens a particular book/notes,
Yarning Starts,
Plans an instant, intermediate Sleep for the next 2 hours,
Wakes up,
Examines the schedule,
Opens the same book/notes,
Continuous Yarning Starts,
Plans an intermediate Sleep for the second time,
And this process repeats for the rest of the day.
At the end, Number of pages that have been studied can be resembled by a shape of a cricket ball.

Now, what if we convert the same boring process into an interesting process with a slight change for an
efficient study.
First of all, Do you agree with me, If I say that, “Scheduling a particular way of study is more important than
Scheduling a study”?
Agreed? So we must put our focus mostly on the way of study than to plan a study.
So, Can this minute transformation do the major needful?
The answer is YES! This same simple transformation is being used by those readers which has transformed
them into greater scientists.
Interesting… Want to learn this core process?
Okk, Here it is..!
Process :
It is said that, A human brain can continuously concentrate for a maximum time span of 25-30 minutes.

• 25 minutes of effective Study,

• 5 Minutes of break.

• 25 minutes of effective Study,

• 5 Minutes of break.

• 25 minutes of effective Study,

• 5 Minutes of break.

• 25 minutes of effective Study,

• 15 - 30 Minutes of break.
What to do during those 5 minutes of break time?
I’d recommend you to have a short nap of 5 minutes. Try not to hold any Digital device.
This technique is called as Pomodoro Technique[1] and is used by all those professional readers and many
great people who are admired for their professional works.
I personally use the same type of study and it works wonders everytime I use it.
There’re many applications like Brain Focus Productivity Timer - Android Apps on Google Play on both
Android and Windows which follows the same technique.
Thank you for scrolling down,
[1] Pomodoro Technique | Wikiwand

480 Views · 10 Upvotes

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Suhel Kazi, Web Research Associate (2012-present)
Answered Apr 13

clever life hack everrrrrrr…

Best headphones



Source:50 Incredibly Useful Life Hacks You Won’t Believe You Didn’t Know
Having a broken zipper sucks (or jeans that are too tight), but you don’t have to throw them away! Just attach
a key chain ring to your zipper and loop it around your button and the problem is solved.

Source:10 Clothing Tips and Hacks That Will Save You A Lot of Money
Fade up of chargers

Best way to tackle with chords and cables

Source:50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World

2k Views · 14 Upvotes

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Ivan Kreimer, Chief Hacker at LifeHack.io
Answered Aug 29, 2014

I recently discover a pretty cool book note taking hack with Amazon Kindle, Evernote and a Word processor
(Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writter, etc.):

1. Take your book notes using Amazon Kindle app as usual. Connect to Internet and syncronize.
2. Go to https://kindle.amazon.com/your_h...
3. Select the notes of the book you just read, and copy them.
4. Open your Word processor. Paste the book notes.
5. Go to "Search and replace" and Search for this three phrases: "Add a note", "Read more at location
at", and "Delete this highlight". Replace them with nothing. Copy all that's left.
6. Sign up for Evernote if you haven't (how could you?!), and install the app in your computer.
7. Open Evernote, create a note with your book's name, and paste.
Voila! Now you have your book notes ready to be read anytime, anywhere you want.

(If you have a Kindle device, this process is much easier, as Kindle gives you a .txt file with the notes of each

8k Views · 15 Upvotes

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Sanjana Singh
Updated Mar 18

Here are several life hacks that probably aren’t the greatest but sure have helped me out:
1. If your stomach is making noise due to hunger, don’t clench in, but push out. As a teenager, I
get quite hungry in school during 4th period (right before lunch), so my stomach just loves demonstrating the
call of a whale just when the entire class is silent. I’ve discovered that to prevent my stomach from making
noise, I just have to push it outwards (rather than clenching it in)! It works like magic and stops the noise just
before others hear it as well.
2. If you find that you sweat quite a lot in the underarm area, apply baking soda. Sweating a lot
does really suck, but luckily, I have found a solution that works quite well for me. After taking a shower, just
mix a bit of baking soda and water, then apply desired amount of paste to the sweaty area. It really works
well for me these days and I don’t have to worry about too much sweating anymore.
3. Drink a glass of water before a meal, and whenever you are hungry. When I was trying to lose
weight, one of the things I did was drink a huge glass of water before I ate a meal. This helped me get that
feeling in my stomach that I was full, and thus, I ate less at lunch and dinner time. Also, whenever you’re
feeling hungry, but it’s not lunch/dinner yet, drink a glass of water until you feel full. This helped to prevent
me from eating random snacks whenever I felt like it.
4. If you have a used up sticky note, run the sticky side between the keys in a keyboard. I find this
useful as it cleans up dirt and other bits of dust between the keys of my keyboard.
5. Make your own lamp using glow-in-the-dark sticks, water, and a jar. Several weeks ago, I
decided to make a lamp for my younger brother since he’s always so scared of the dark. I took a glow stick
and bent it into the shape of a circle, then connected the ends with a plastic tube. I did this several times with
other glow sticks and taped them to the inside of a jar. I later filled the jar with water and set it on my
brother’s nightstand. He really loves it and I think it’s a cool thing to make for your child or for yourself.
6. Slader :: Homework Answers and Solutions is a good website for school textbooks. Whenever I
don’t bring my textbook home I just go to this website for online reference, which has saved me from not
being able to do the HW.
7. Whenever I need to do something in the morning, I text it to myself the night before. Basically,
if there is something I need to do in the morning, I text it to myself before I go to sleep. I also make sure not
to open the text until next morning. When I wake up, I always check my phone, and thus, I can see my text
from the night before.
8. Hitting the space bar makes your webpage go down, but hitting the space bar while holding
shift scrolls up. (Although most of you might know this).
9. If you’re having trouble when buying a gift for your friend, send them a simple text. I wanted to
buy my classmate a gift for her birthday, but I didn’t know what she really liked. So, I texted her : Guess
what I got for your birthday! Hint: It’s your favorite thing! She immediately began guessing what I got
her, and that way, I had a whole list of ideas of what present she wanted.
10. An entire sea of water cannot sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity
of the world can’t put you down unless you allow it to get inside you. This is an amazing quote that tells
you to believe in yourself and never listen to the negative things people say about you.
11. It is grEy in England and grAy in America.
12. If you accidentally close a tab, ctrl+shift+t on Windows and cmd+shift+t on Mac gets it
back. (Most of you might have known this as well)
13. If you ever feel as useless as a white colored pencil, just remember that there are people out
there that prefer black paper. (Not really a life hack but I feel like this saying has a lot of meaning so I'm
just going to write it down anyway)
14. Use finished toilet paper rolls to cuff wrapping paper to prevent the roll form unrolling.
Note that I said in the beginning that these life hacks worked well for me, not everyone generally. I
apologize if any of them have ever caused inconvenience for you before, haha. :)

258.3k Views · 7,304 Upvotes

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Sophie Wysocki, studies at Morris Catholic High School (2020)
Updated Feb 21

Warning: More ‘tips of life’ than life hacks.

I found this off tumblr a while back, and still use them!
“1. There are plenty of ways to enter a pool. The stairs is not one of them.
2. Never cancel dinner plans by text message.
3. Don’t knock it ‘til you try it.
4. If a street performer makes you stop walking, you owe him a buck.
5. Always use ‘we’ when referring to your home team or your government.
6. When entrusted with a secret, keep it.
7. Don’t underestimate free throws in a game of ‘horse’.
8. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
9. Don’t dumb it down.
10. You only get one chance to notice a new haircut.
11. If you’re staying more than one night, unpack.
12. Never park in front of a bar.
13. Expect the seat in front of you to recline. Prepare accordingly.
14. Keep a picture of your first fish, first car, and first boy/girlfriend.
15. Hold your heroes to a high standard.
16. A suntan is earned, not bought.
17. Never lie to your doctor.
18. All guns are loaded.
19. Don’t mention sunburns. Believe me, they know.
20. The best way to show thanks is to wear it. Even if it’s only once.
21. Take a vacation from your cell phone, Internet, and TV once a year.
22. Don’t fill up on bread, no matter how good.
23. A handshake beats an autograph.
24. Don’t linger in the doorway. In or out.
25. If you choose to go in drag, don’t sell yourself short.
26. If you want to know what makes you unique, sit for a caricature.
27. Never get your hair cut the day of a special event.
28. Be mindful of what comes between you and the Earth. Always buy good shoes, tires, and sheets.
29. Never eat lunch at your desk if you can avoid it.
30. When you’re with new friends, don’t just talk about old friends.
31. Eat lunch with the new kids.
32. When traveling, keep your wits about you.
33. It’s never too late for an apology.
34. Don’t pose with booze.
35. If you have the right of way, take it.
36. You don’t get to choose your own nickname.
37. When you marry someone, remember you marry their entire family.
38. Never push someone off a dock.
39. Under no circumstances should you ask a woman if she’s pregnant.
40. It’s not enough to be proud of your ancestry; live up to it.
41. Don’t make a scene.
42. When giving a thank you speech, short and sweet is best.
43. Know when to ignore the camera.
44. Never gloat.
45. Invest in good luggage.
46. Make time for your mom on your birthday. It’s her special day, too.
47. When opening presents, no one likes a good guesser.
48. Sympathy is a crutch, never fake a limp.
49. Give credit. Take blame.
50. Suck it up every now and again.
51. Never be the last one in the pool.
52. Don’t stare.
53. Address everyone that carries a firearm professionally.
54. Stand up to bullies. You’ll only have to do it once.
55. If you’ve made your point, stop talking.
56. Admit it when you’re wrong.
57. If you offer to help don’t quit until the job is done.
58. Look people in the eye when you thank them.
... (more)

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David Rutter

I’m not sure I would be willing to hand a street performer a dollar just because he grabbed my ar...

Divyesh Kulkarni, studied at University of Lucknow, India

Updated Nov 17, 2016

• If you want to judge someone's character notice how he treats those who are inferior and not useful
to him.

• Never trust anyone in first few meetings . People show their best at first.

• While facing verbal bullying, either get yourself out of it or pretend you didn't hear what the other
person commented for you. It turns the other person into ashes.

• The secret of being likable is- keeping a smile on your face, be in present and having a good ear.

• The secret of peaceful life is following the strategy of- Ignorance is a bliss. Use it. Ignore negatively
i.e. negative people, negative thought, negative situations.

• Not responding is also a response.

• The secret to handle stressful situation is- take a deep breathe, stay calm, don't react, analyse the
situation and then respond.
• Don't get angry on petty things and start retaliating it; but make sure when you get angry, you should
turn yourself into HULK.

• Everyone watched what you did, few will react, few will ignore, few will retaliate later. So never do
anything wrong. It will come back to you only.

• Traits like attention seeking, patronising and mocking others, not accepting mistakes, back-bitching,
bullying, disrespectful behavior shows the grand reflection of insecure and miserable people. Don't
respond/react to it.

• The best way to win an argument on internet is to ignore it.

• The best way to win an argument with an idiots is to “agree to disagree”.

• The best way to deal with psychopaths, sociopaths, egomaniacs, toxic people is to cut them out of
your life as soon as possible.

13.5k Views · 422 Upvotes

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Alick Munro, former GP (1972-2017)

Answered Feb 22

If you’re wondering whether you’re doing the right thing, here are two useful questions to ask yourself:-

• Will my doing this build community and good relationships?

• Would it be OK if everyone in my position did this?

Interpersonal management skills include:-
• lots of praise and commendation at the slightest excuse when people get it right. This is much more
effective than criticism when they get it wrong.

• Ask people to clarify and confirm if they say something that jars with you. Contradicting them
makes them defensive. Or “That makes me feel…..” is a useful phrase

• Try a qualified response if someone makes a silly suggestion. “That would be good because……….
but there might be problems with ……….”

• Build on the good ideas - but credit them to the other person.

• Defer the impossible - but come back to it at an agreed time.

• Define agreements and stick to them.

• Ask don’t accuse.

• Remember the bollick sandwich. “You’re good. You messed up with….. But you’re good. “

• Don’t involve mutual acquaintances in a conflict unless you absolutely must, and ask permission
from the person you’re disagreeing with before you do so.

317 Views · 6 Upvotes

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Anshuman Agrahari, Alive! since last 23 years..

Answered Apr 15

I don’t know if this qualifies as a Life Hack or not.

This is an incident happened with my friend a few months back. He got selected in a very prestigious
military officer selection exam; a dream come true for him. It was the fourth and final day of his detailed
medical examination. He had flight tickets to return home on the same day.
He was remarked as normal/fit/healthy in each department. It was his final physical test (height/weight/blood
pressure) before marking him completely ‘FIT’. He was getting excited as well as nervous. The medical
assistant came for his examination before taking him to the doctor. His height and weight were within
acceptable ranges. But the Blood Pressure Monitor showed his blood pressure as 152 mmHg it was higher
than the acceptable range (120/80-140/90).
He got even more nervous as he might be given a ‘temporary unfit’ for it. Such close from his dream and his
BP shoots up. The medical assistant asked him to relax, drink few glasses of water and asked to come for a
retest in 15 minutes. He got even more irritated as he had a flight to catch as well. After 15 mins, the Blood
Pressure Monitor showed 150 mmHg. He was frustrated now; asked to show up in 15 minutes.
One of his fellow candidates asked him to go to the bathroom and masturbate as it would instantly
reduce the Blood Pressure. My friend was feeling shy and wasn’t ready believe in the hack. After s many
persuasion and logic the fellow candidate convinced him for his hack. My friend went to the bathroom came
out after about 10 minutes, smiling and kind of blushing. Directly went to the Medical Assistant; asked to
check his Blood Pressure.
129 mmHg!! BAAAMM!!
He was feeling like a warrior at that moment. Medical Assistant asked him how he managed, “Yoga!” my
friend said.
That’s because getting handsy with yourself lowers blood pressure and produces endorphin, the
chemicals responsible for helping ease stress and increase relaxation.
This was the most amazing Hack I have learned.
Currently, he’s a proud serving officer in Navy. An asset to the nation. Whenever we meet we have a good
laugh on this incident.

857 Views · 15 Upvotes

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Advita Bihani, Reader, learner
Updated Nov 2, 2016

Dont give them the reaction they expect

If you encounter a situation where a certain reaction is obvious, don't react that way.
If someone gives you a sad news, instead of going all tears, take a deep breath and say “okay”.
If someone tries to instigate you for a fight, instead of fighting, give them a smirk and stay silent.
When someone expects you to be serious about something, instead of that serious face, crack a joke about
the situation .
Never ever let people find out your pattern of behaviour.
With the widespread knowledge of tech people can use psychological knowledge to read you like a book.
In a world where everyone has an obvious personality and mysterious life, be the one who has no secrets
yet the most mysterious aura.
People asked for advantages
1. you cannot be manipulated easily.
2. It adds a bit of mysterious touch to your personality which is alluring.
3. Your emotions are always in check. Very soon you wont be using phrases like “i just said it on
instinct “ or “it came out without intention “.
Best regards

143.3k Views · 8,208 Upvotes

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Mayank Sewlia

Once I was playing chess with a district level player. During the course of the game she gave me ...
1 more comments from Harshit Tyagi

Robert James, Food Scientist | Nutrition, Health, Fitness Expert | Writer

Answered Feb 28

If I had to choose JUST one, it would be learning about the benefits of cold showers.
Scientific Evidence-Based Effects of Hydrotherapy on Various Systems of the Body


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Answered Oct 31, 2016
Be content with the outcome, whatever it is, of your best possible effort. Period.
My children were kidnapped by their mentally unstable, biological mother. Although there was an order for
law enforcement to pick them up the police were unwilling to enforce the order (or the bench warrant for her
arrest) after I tracked her down with the help of a private investigator.
Unfortunately, a high functioning person with a disorder is easily confused with the temporary incivility that
can sometimes occur during a divorce. The lack of training and complexity puts everyone at a higher risk,
especially the kids.
I could have drove myself crazy from endless nights looking for clues. I might have become a wreck
working tirelessly to find them. I could have driven myself into a financial ruin using every penny to track
every lead. I was headed down that path and it seemed like the only way, but where would it take me? I felt
my kids needed something more when I found them besides another bankrupt, jobless, unhealthy and
unstable parent.
Sometimes my best effort was driving a couple hundred miles to a location seen in a photo. Sometimes my
best effort was writing emails, posting fliers, building websites, patrolling neighborhoods, working with
authorities or the PI, gathering documentation, etc. And sometimes my best effort was focusing on my bills,
work, personal rest and other family relationships.
If it was the best I could do I had to be content (not happy nor complacent) with the result, whether it was
close to what I expected or very far from it.
Working with the PI, alert citizens and willing authorities led to her being picked up and jailed and after a
year and a few months that hellish nightmare ended.
That’s not the end of my story, but it was the start of another more positive chapter in a slow process that
might otherwise completely overwhelm me.

1.6k Views · 5 Upvotes

Farhan T. Sami, Makes you a better person every single time.
Updated Nov 22, 2016

Remain silent when emotional.

When emotions take over you, you are most vulnerable because logic stops working when emotions come
flowing in. Chances are that you are going to reveal your weaknesses or say something stupid that might
distort the way you present yourself or how people think of you. Better let the situation handle itself. Take
control of the situation when you are relaxed. Saved me from a lot of drama, arguments and controversies. At
most times people respect my silence and leave me alone.
It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.

3.3k Views · 30 Upvotes

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Sathish Kumar, studied at Karpagam College of Engineering

Answered May 6
Set alarm and keep it far as possible:
This is very simople tip for daily life. Usually, we keep our mobile with us, after setting the alarm. So, it is
very easy for us to Snooze it or stop it and to continue our sleep.
So the small tip is - Keep the mobile or alarm clock as far as possible(but within a range of hearing the
This will surely lead us to wake up from the bed and stop the alrm. This will enough to come out of the sleep
and realize the situation.
One more additional tip: (Some may don’t like this additional tip)
Keep your irritating song or the song which you don’t like as alarm ringtone. This will lead us to stop the
alarm quickly. For that, we automatically wake up fastly and move fastly towards the alarm, which leads to
get out of the sleep.
Thank You…. :)

1.3k Views · 7 Upvotes

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Ahmed Abdelkarim, studied at STEM October High School For Boys

Answered Apr 4

Originally Answered: What's the most clever life hack you've learned?

Do not trust instant happiness ever. This small of amount of joy that you are stealing from anythings such as
friends, movies, masturbating, watching porn, Facebook stalking, scrolling down on any social media
network, reading memes, ... etc. Indeed, these small doses worth nothing. So, quit them immediately. Life is
about being patient. The bottom line, be like a fisherman, throw your net and wait. The only key for self
discipline, achieving goals, and a happy life is patience. Avoiding distractions even it is painful to do not, is
all the matter. Do not be fooled by these amount of dopamine; it will kill you. This may sound easy, but
believe me it is not. It is harder than you think…. Stop thinking right now and do some serious actions.

1.2k Views · 4 Upvotes

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Amy, Life learner, thinker.

Answered Nov 10, 2016

1. Don’t take working things, colleague relationship too personally.

2. Don’t overshare your life when you just know someone.
3. It takes at least three months to know a person.
4. Don’t share or small talk about someone when he/she is in the same social circle as you.
5. Don’t think EVERYONE is as nice or bad, because we all are just humans.
6. You can laugh at your friends, but try to not laugh at or tease what they love.
7. The words you can not say in front of someone, don’t say it behind their back either.
8. Change the sentence like “can you understand it” to “did I make it clear ”
9. When you deal with dumb people, be 200% awake!
I just think all these tips I have learnt so far are just as important.
205.6k Views · 8,351 Upvotes

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J. Elizabeth Hoffman

Don’t share or small talk someone who is in your social circle? Wow, if every friend I had wanted...

Rohan Rojy
Updated Mar 12

This trick is very well known.

Have trouble concentrating on studying? Use the Pomodoro technique.
The Pomodoro technique is a method to chunk up your work. Set a timer for 25 minutes and work diligently
for the allotted time. Afterwards set the timer for 5 minutes and take a break. Don’t extend your break. This
is one Pomodoro. After doing four Pomodoros, take an extended break of 30 minutes. This method helps
those with attention problems to work better. It also allows most people to work efficiently for longer.
10.6k Views · 291 Upvotes

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Rebecca Ann Zimmerman, studied at Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Answered Apr 9

Not driving. Walking to work is not feasible for many people, but it has changed my life. Granted, I live and
work in the downtown area of a major city. Health wise, I walk about an hour a day, and my blood pressure,
weight, BMI, stress, etc is way lower than my friends my age. I listen to news, podcasts, audiobooks, eat
breakfast, plan my day, etc while walking to work. Economically, the savings are amazing. I still have access
to public transport, but I don't need to worry about gas, insurance, parking, traffic jams, etc. Added bonus, no
DUIs haha
Cooking at home. I love cooking, but not everyone does. Mon-Fri I rotate easy, healthy meals, and eat what I
want on the weekends. I've eliminated the stress of wondering what I'm going to have for lunch and dinner
every week. I'm in control of my health, saving lots of money and stress, and still enjoying life.
Not caring about trends and name brands. I wear a lot of black and solid colors or one piece outfits. I don't
spend a lot of time wondering what I'm going to wear each day. I change it up with interesting jewelry,
scarves, etc. This has also saved me so much time and money. The idea of “the clothes make the man” is
bullshit. You wear the clothes; they don't wear you.
We can control 90% of our lives. That's just a guess, but I think it's pretty accurate. You chose your life,
choose well. Also, be careful what you believe in; it will affect your life. Freak things will happen, but most
things we bring on ourselves.
3.9k Views · 47 Upvotes

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Jay Gill, Disciple (1996-present)

Answered Jul 7

Drinking the optimal level of water. I know, websites, unfortunately, media, word of the internet(mouth)
had brainwashed (especially bottled water companies) masses to drink more and more water. People are
miserably caught into the illusion of drinking 7–8 or 10 glasses of water.
You will be surprised to see that almost each and every article on the web on drinking water is the replica of
each other with few tidbits added here and there.
What is needed here is each other’s authentic experience whether good or not so good so that we can make a
decision based on real life experiences not from dummy/websites/clone created with the intent to generate
advert revenue?
I respect Quora for not bombarding us with adverts. Thank you :-)
Now back to optimal level of water needed for our bodies. Let’s do reverse engineering here.
Water ultimately becomes pee. When we are peeing this is happening with each pee trip. Our pee is very
expensive and we are frequently & unnecessarily draining it down the toilet.
Potassium is a naturally occurring mineral that people typically ingest through their diet. Potassium
deficiencies are rarely caused by inadequate diets, but people’s water drinking habits causes more frequent
urination, can lose significant amount of Potassium.
Vitamin B6 manages your metabolism in several ways. Deficiency of B6 could cause you to develop anemia
and its associated symptoms, such as fatigue. Vitamin B6 also has diuretic effects and rids your body of
excess fluids, in the form of urination when people drink too much water.
Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is a nutrient that you don't store in your body and thus need to keep
taking in through diet. Adult recommended daily allowances of vitamin C range from 75 to 120 mg. The
antioxidant vitamin can be a powerhouse, preventing scurvy, strengthening your immune system, managing
blood glucose levels and bringing down high blood pressure. Due to the fact that your body can't store
vitamin C, good amounts of the vitamin C is naturally flushed out of your system through urination.
Sometimes more that needed is flushed down the toilet because of frequent bathroom visits.
Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water and, (unlike fat-soluble vitamins,) are not stored in your body. You
body will eliminate these vitamins through urine. So you need a regular intake to meet your daily needs.
Vitamin C and the B vitamins--thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folic acid, vitamin B-12, biotin and
pantothenic acid--are water-soluble. Deficiencies in these vitamins are rare unless you are drinking too much
water like 8-10 glasses or more more per day.
If you consume water-soluble vitamins and your body requires them, your body will make use of the
essential nutrients first before the excess is excreted but if you are not consuming water-soluble vitamins and
drinking more than required water you are asking for trouble.
How many times when you drink water you are also taking all these mineral and vitamins. Not even once for
many people. Even though you may take vitamins lets say for example, you take magnesium every day for
whatever reason.
Magnesium is not classified as a vitamin as B6 and C are, but rather is an electrolyte. No matter how it's
labeled, magnesium is an essential nutrient that can cause you to urinate more frequently when you have
large doses running through your body. Whoever takes magnesium will urinate more than those who did not
take the mineral.
Now you are in trouble not knowing how body reacts to minerals and vitamins, you can take some like
magnesium and it will cause you to make more frequent trips to a bathroom. It is a double whammy.
Why not leave this delicate adjustment of vitamins and minerals to the nature? Have you ever seen a dog or a
cat or other non-human species drinking excessive water? They only drink water when it is needed by their
bodies. Some cat don’t even drink water for days.
In my family last 3 generations (150 years combined); me my dad my grandma we had never drank water
more than 1 or 2 glass per days. In winter my dad and my grandma rarely drank water. My Dad he is 78
years old in perfect health. His health can beat a health of a 40 years old. I am in perfect health. Never gone
to a hospital in my life. Never seen a doctor except for yearly checkup. I only drink when I am thirsty. My
pee is always Pale straw color.
10 Colors That Suggest Urine Trouble
My grandma used to say in her old wisdom, more water can take away your brain and peace. Older
generation knew something we do not. If we can get hold of a good life saving advice it is the best life hack.
Life hack essence is drink water when thirsty. We are our body but our body is smarter than us. When in
doubt listen to the smarter & expert.
102 Views · 1 Upvote

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Abbas Moosvi, a learner.

Updated Jul 25

If you’re anything like me and struggle with public speaking, here are two things you can do to a) boost your
confidence and b) get out of your own way.
1. Before going out on stage, find a secluded spot and hold a couple of power poses for a while. If you
aren’t sure what those are, they’re basically body postures in which you’re ‘opened up’ more - i.e. expanded,
stretched out, taking up extra space; not hunched, not with your arms crossed, not with your ankles locked
into one another. Illustrations below. From an evolutionary perspective, we used this technique in the jungle
to convey a sense of authority and dominance over potential prey and predators - and it still works today.
Amy Cuddy, social psychologist at Harvard, claims that human beings tend to complement others’ body
language - meaning that if our counterparts are in a ‘high power’ pose, we inadvertently tend to do the
opposite and adopt a ‘low power’ pose. In doing so, we become less hostile and more attentive towards them
- which obviously works in their favor, especially if they started out shy, fidgety, or doubtful. [1]
2. Try getting onto stage a few minutes before you’re scheduled to begin your talk, and do this exercise:
point to random objects around the room and name them incorrectly - i.e. if it’s a chair, say (for example)
bear; if it’s a wall, say Ecuador. You get the idea. The goal of this is to get your brain out of its autopilot
mode - which in this case, is set to the ‘generate all sorts of pessimistic thoughts about how disastrous the
next hour is going to be’ mode. Once you’ve named a few things, you’ll notice your brain return to its
autopilot mode - except this time, it’ll be set to the ‘categorize everything’ mode. You’ll find yourself
exclusively saying the names of cars, cities, vegetables, etc. Stop there. Reset. Consciously break out of that
loop. Diversify. Do this for 3–5 minutes. You’ll eventually feel yourself coming into the present moment and
being much more alert and aware of your surroundings; a lot more relaxed and ready to go. [2]
Hope this helps!
*Illustrations and further resources:
[1]: TED Talk by Amy Cuddy - Your body language may shape who you are

[2]: Think Fast, Talk Smart - lecture from Stanford Graduate School of Business.

11.4k Views · 47 Upvotes

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Nikou Nayebzadeh, I turn mistakes into lessons.

Answered Feb 14

The most clever life hack I’ve ever learned is asking myself this simple question:
Is what I’m doing today getting me closer to where I want to be tomorrow?
It’s simple. But I continued asking myself that every single day (I still do and will continue doing) and it
ended up making an influential difference in my life. It strengthened the idea of success happening right now,
not tomorrow, further and further until it became a belief because I finally had solid evidence to back it up
Life hacks like cut down on junk food or drink a glass of water when you wake up have never came close to
being as influential as that simple question. Some people live perfectly happy lives while eating junk food
regularly. Those tips don’t apply to everyone.
But that simple question will get everyone to places.

4.8k Views · 68 Upvotes

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Dharmendra Singh, Laziness require shortcuts

Answered Nov 24, 2016

Look through the 10 incredible life hacks I’ve compiled below……


Never struggle to open a jar again. Mind = blown.


You’ve been doing it wrong your entire life.


If there’s a better use for a drill than peeling an apple in under three seconds, I haven’t found it.

Can openers have always been a nuisance.


Another reason to drink beer out of a can.


Cook smarter, not harder.


Another great one for the kitchen.


All this time, you’ve been holding it wrong.


There is no classier way to open a bottle of wine.

759 Views · 6 Upvotes

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Vidhya, Educolada - India's Education Portal
Answered Jun 3

Life is not what you are living in but rather what you make out of it. These Daily life hacks and facts are a
fortune trove of data.
I found these life tips are so generally spread that it is difficult to track and credit the first writers. We have
gathered 15 of these daily life hacks and facts down to earth that are anything but easy to execute. By
tweaking seemingly insignificant details, it can make your life much less demanding.
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. Daily hack on shoes can
make you stand out of the crowd.

In order to live a healthier and a long life you need to walk. Daily morning walk is the best exercise and
make your body healthy.

Identical twins do not have identical fingerprints, But they look alike . Just wish you meet your twin soon
and ask for a selfie.

We all have experienced this feeling of walking up in morning with calf muscle sleeping… NOW you just
know what to do.

Read 15 Daily life hacks and facts by Educolada for more.

Stand Out and Mark a difference!
Educolada - India's Education Portal

452 Views · 17 Upvotes

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Tejas Sathe, Magician, Social Engineering enthusiast, Mystery buff.

Answered Nov 10, 2016

I have two I use every single day.

2 minute philosophy: I am extremely lazy. I put off doing boring stuff until it becomes extremely necessary.
I recently read this philosophy on the Internet. It states that when you come across a mundane task (like
doing the dishes, taking out the trash, paying bills etc.), ask yourself, “Can I do this within the next two
minutes?”. If you answered yes, just do it. Believe me, it boosts your confidence (psychologically speaking
completing tasks, even small ones give you a reassurance that you will also be able to do the next one),
which will help do the next important task (like giving an interview) better.
Dog Eyes: I named this hack ‘Dog Eyes’ because that’s what dogs do. When they’re listening to what their
owners are saying, they look into their eyes and tilt their heads. So that’s what I do. When someone launches
into an explanation, I fix my gaze into their eyes and tilt my head to the right. Not only is it comfortable, but
I can also totally space out and the speaker will have no clue. Scientifically speaking, the right brain is
associated with memory, so tilting your head right gives others the impression that you’re trying to
‘memorize’ whatever they’re saying.
As a spin-off to the Dog Eyes hack, there is a simple way of catching someone in a lie. When you ask
someone something, check where their eyes go. If they look up to their right, they’re trying to remember
something, which means they’re telling the truth. If they’re looking up to their left, they’re trying to make up
a story (since the left part of the brain is associated with creativity), and are most probably lying.

911 Views · 6 Upvotes

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Aman Mishra, Ambivert, Ambidextrous and yeah Ambiguous

Answered Jun 24

Are you a student? Do you fear giving presentations in front of people?

Alright most of us fear to face a lot of people staring back at us when you are trying to explain something to
them. It does make butterflies fly in our stomach. So let me tell you what I used to do back then whenever I
felt nervous in front of the nerdy guys, smart-ass girls, and evil teachers.
1# First thing first, Not everyone likes eye contact and it is not easy to keep it with the audience and yet
remained focused on what you are there for. So all you need to do is to pick three trustworthy and I repeat
trustworthy friends. Make them sit in different places. Maybe one in the middle, one in the right corner and
one in left. Now because they are your friends and familiar faces and because you really trust them(?) and
bank on them. You can easily make an eye contact with them placed carefully at different corners of the
room, which also makes people believe that you are interacting with all of them and that makes you look
calm and confident.
2# Hand gestures. Some don’t use them at all as if they are frozen out of fear while some use it excessively
seems they want to finish talking as soon as possible. I was the later one. I used to talk too much with my
hands. Better to hold something in your hand. Maybe a sheet of papers. doesn’t matter what is written in it, a
water bottle maybe also you can sip in between if you trying to remember something and even a pen would
work well for me.
3# A bit unethical one. When you end your presentation you have to ask the audience, whether you like it or
not, if they have any questions. So even if no question amongst the students but the faculty won’t let you
walk off easily and you may need to satiate their curious heads. So what about those three friends sitting in
disguise amongst the crowd? Yeah make the best use of them, give each of them one question to ask, after
you are done, for which you already know the answers obviously. Shows you know things about your topic.
Throw some statistics, numbers, facts, references because only 9.5% people listen actually what you say and
only 5.3% ask genuine questions as per the study done by MIT Cambridge.
4# Go with preparations.

PS: Make sure those bastards sitting in the crowd doesn’t make you laugh during the play or else you are
screwed. Personal experience.
Cartoon: Scott Adams' Blog

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Lee Orono, I've failed not once. It's in failure that I learn more
Updated Mar 18

This might not seem like a clever life hack, but I find it to be the best life hack.
$10,615 is the average amount of money I spent on buying books alone on Amazon every year.

Photo Credit: w-dog.net

The number seems like a lot of money for mere books. Maybe, maybe not. What surprised me is not the
number of books I bought or the money spent but the percentage of books I actually read to the end. It wasn't
90%, not 50% but less than 40%!
That means of the $10,615 spent buying books, $6,369 was a waste and in no way will it be recovered- the
most painful part of it. It pained me.
Had there been books summary services, like we do have now, I would have ordered what I needed only, and
would have saved enough money to finance my travel for a year or two without worrying about going broke
at any given point.
Did I have to cry over it? Nope. What did I do instead?
1. Summaries First then Buying. I read summaries from the trusted services like Blinkist, getAbstract
before splashing money on buying them. I at least get insights of what I am about to buy, as opposed to blind
purchasing like bofore.
2. I check their reviews online, in good reads and on Amazon
3. When I see an element of consistency and the book getting my attention I buy it, if it doesn't, I fly
to the next.
4. Ordering a whole reading list of expert X is one shitty thing to do. For as long as there is
business in the air, money to be made, human being involvement, true reviews will never come easy.
The internet, just like any other business in a numbers game. Everyone wants to separate you from your
money. After all, who on earth will want to screw his investors?
Reading well-curated books summaries before making an order saved me over $5,000 a year.
It might not look like a hack or really damn thing to be called a hack, but because it cut down my spending
by more than 50%, it is a hack.
If you liked this piece of life advice, I will be giving more of such at GentleInsight.com. Make sure you
check them out. It won’t piss you off.

625 Views · 7 Upvotes

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Chetan Saxena, former Graphic Designer at Sportskeeda (2016)

Answered Mar 26

Have problems waking up? Tired of hitting the snooze button and still missing alarms?
Not exactly a life hack but this will help you wake up at any time you want to without any doubt.

• Go to play store.

• Download this app named Alarmy.

• Set the alarm for a time say 4 a.m.

• Set the dismiss method as mathematics problem or a image click.

• Go to the farthest room from your bed room and take a picture of the switch board.
Now every time the alarm rings, you'll have a snooze time of 30secs only twice and you'll have to wake up
all the way and go to that room and click the picture of the same switch board to stop the alarm.
This is not exactly a hack but it actually works like a charm.
Do give it a try.
PS - I'm not getting paid by the app makers. Just stating what I have been using since long.
Thanks !

2.5k Views · 20 Upvotes

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Harish Aravind, Curious about Stuff and Stuff.

Updated Nov 17, 2016

The most clever life hack I've learnt is that most of these life hacks don't apply if you're a typical indian.
1. Call people by their names - Imagine if I started calling my boss by his name without any sir or
ma'am. I don't work in an IT company. Also you could never ever call your friends parents by their name,
especially in south india. You will not get the coffee!
2. Hugging - If you're thinking about hugging in a indian house it must be only in a bedroom probably
only with your spouse. I once tried hugging my parents and got weird looks.
3. Driving Hacks - None of these work okay. Left indicator and right turns aplenty.
4. Being Excited just for the sake of it - I see so many people suggesting people to at least act excited
when meeting people so that you pique their interest. Not always. Imagine being excited to meet your
principal after a complaint or HR for interview.
5. Ignoring Criticism over the internet - I had an relative aunty question me about why I didn't
answer that criticism for my post. I'm not asking you to answer everything, but maybe answer things you
can. You're doing the same here in Quora \U0001f609
6. listening to music while working - Listening to kala chashma or any kuthu song can boost your
mood. But provided you don't take in and dive deep into the lyrics.
7. Pausing - Have you tried pausing in an argument or a group discussion? You get mowed over.
8. Follow the herd - Come on. Look at what we've done to women following the heard.
9. Giving creative reasons - This works and also doesn't work. I don't think your manager would like a
story of how you had to save a bus from accident. Honestly helps at times. But if you can be creatively
honest, great.
10. Relationship Advice - 20 Year olds discussing about marriages and boyfriends? Listen selectively to
them. For other major problems approach the person you have problems with.
Every Indian life is as Diverse as India's culture. Even the neighboring states have major lifestyle differences
So just pick up your common sense whenever you need a Hack.
it's highly underrated.

4.2k Views · 29 Upvotes

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Ayesha K, studied Business Management Studies

Answered May 25

Here are some life hacks I learned that come in handy while interacting with people..
• When you are meeting someone try to look into their eyes and observe their eye colour while smiling
at them. This is a good hack to start the conversation and makes the person respond to you better as they feel
involved in the conversation.

• If you ask people to do a little favour for you, cognitive dissonance makes them feel that because they
did something for you, they actually like you.

• If you ask people some question and they answer only partially, remain silent and keep eye contact
with them. They will end up speaking more and you will get to know the entire story.

• Take a peek at people’s feet when they are talking to you. If their feet are poined away from you, they
want the conversation to end and vice versa.

• Optimize Your Posture if you want an instant dose of confidence.

Stand up straighter. Puff your chest out a bit. Lift your chin up. Put a confident smile on your face.
Whenever you’re about to do something that requires confidence, get your “confident posture” on. Not only
will you feel more empowered, others will also perceive you and treat you differently.

• Kill your inner critic.

Our inner critic is something that might be held responsible for our low self-esteem. The reason we wonder
about our self-worth and the time of self-doubt is this inner critic in action. Stopping the train of thought of
this inner circle significantly improves self-confidence.
There you go!

25.4k Views · 695 Upvotes

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Piyush Kamal, Civil servant, Alive to small joys of life.

Answered Mar 12

A short anecdote:
A man checked into a hotel for the first time in his life, and was escorted to his room by hotel staff.
Five minutes later he called the reception desk and said: "You've given me a room with no exit. How do I
The desk clerk said, "Sir, that's absurd. Have you looked for the door?"
The man said, "Well, there's one door that leads to the bathroom. There's a second door that goes into the
closet. And there's a door I haven't tried, but it has a 'do not disturb' sign on it."
Now you will ask where is the hack here?
Believe me it's there , but we often fail to look Beyond the obvious
The man in the story was visiting the hotel for the first time in his life, so might have been overawed by the
novelty of the majestic ambiance. In the process of finding the exit door, he was relying on his autopilot
habit of following signs and instructions. There was absolutely nothing wrong in his approach. However
there is no denying that he committed some mistakes:
1. He was not keeping track of the path leading to his room.
2. Probably was distracted by novelty experience.
3. He was relying on his habit of following every written instructions.
4. He was too overwhelmed to question the veracity and context of written signs.
Now I guess you are in a better position to appreciate the underlying message hidden in this anecdote.
Because we all are guilty of committing same sort of mistakes quite often in our own life.
When life chooses to throw some completely novel challenges at you, please do remember
that you always have a choice of not relying too much on your established beliefs, values
and signs to arrive at the solution.
Which means you are in a better position to work out a solution if you are willing to
challenge your own established beliefs and thoughts. You would be surprised to discover
your own unique path.

2.2k Views · 28 Upvotes

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Gabriele Kembuan, I read

Answered Mar 9

• Always put a little basket of books, like relatively light novels, around the toilet so you can read
while you poop. Read while having breakfast or dinner alone, too! I can manage to read quite a lot of books
this way each year, even when I couldn’t make time for it.

• Read Wikipedia’s featured article and news slot every day. It’s effortless but educational and

• When trying to lose weight don’t go for the fancy drinks, try to stick to just water or plain tea. Cuts
off quite a lot of useless sugar.

• Flashcards are the jazz.

• Actually, paying attention in class helps a lot.. more than I’d like to admit.

• It’s better to preview before lectures than reviewing after lectures.

• If you’re acne prone, run everything through Cosmetics ingredients searchand avoid all acne
triggers >3. Also, avoiding dairy often helps.

• Japanese sunscreens.

• When in doubt wear black.

• Test lipsticks on the pads of your fingers, not on the back of your hand. It swatches more accurately.

• Form an X on your lips to create the perfect cupid’s bow, then fill in the rest.

• Hakuhodo (and Japanese brushes) are much better AND cheaper than MAC. Skip MAC brushes.
(And yes, brushes matter!!)

• Complete your wardrobe with basic pieces, and spice them up with fun stuff you bought with drama
that you absolutely love. It’s easier to dress up and lets your personality shine through.

• This isn’t healthy but if you’re in a competitive phase and needs some motivation, look and copy
successful people’s LinkedIn achievements and strive to surpass them.

• Not sure how healthy this is but if I want to lose weight, I eat anything I want, but ONLY ONE meal
a day.

• If you’re a girl living alone and having to walk alone, walk with an umbrella everywhere always. It
maaay help you defend yourself.

• It helps to make a fake name and background story too for very persistent strangers.

• When having trouble decorating with icing, use syringes.

• I sometimes cook with swimming goggles when it involves onions.

• Keep a box to attract your cat away when you’re typing or writing.

• Pull an all nighter just before a long haul flight (like, doing all your packing!!) so you will fall asleep
directly through it.

5.9k Views · 70 Upvotes

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Dan Birchfield, Pastor at Greenfield Baptist Church (2016-present)
Answered Mar 21

Here are a few life hacks that have helped me over the years.

• Try smiling while talking on the phone, especially if it's someone you'd rather not be speaking with.
The person will “hear” the smile in your voice.

• When facing a problem, conflict, or some other kind of frustration, and you don't know how to
proceed, try doing nothing. Too often, we jump in and do something that makes the problem worse. If at all
possible, try waiting a couple of days. The problem may resolve itself or a solution may come to you.

• When angry or upset with someone, do not send a text, email, or call the person immediately. Allow
yourself time to calm down.

• When someone is speaking to you, try relaxing and just listening to what the person is saying rather
than thinking about what you are going to say. This will help you become a better listener and the one
speaking with you will sense it and better appreciate you.

• When someone says “thank you,” try a simple “you're welcome,” as opposed to “no problem,”
“anytime,” or “sure thing. “

• If you suffer from heartburn at night while you are sleeping, try lying on your left side with a pillow
between your knees. This reduces my heartburn considerably, and might work for you.
I hope these work for you and make a positive difference in your life.

11.7k Views · 60 Upvotes

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Ernie Bornheimer

These are great! I wonder about saying “you’re welcome” instead of one of the alternatives. What’...

Sanjay, Dating Life Since Birth

Updated May 30

Living The 80/20 Way

It is also known as the Pareto principle and this is one of the best ways to make better use of your time.
Here’s what the Wikipedia has to say about it:
The Pareto principle states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.
What Exactly Is The 80/20 Rule?
By the numbers it means that 80 percent of your outcomes come from 20 percent of your inputs.
The important thing to understand is that in your life there are certain activities you do (your 20 percent) that
account for the majority (your 80 percent) of your happiness and outputs.

You may have expected me to say that 20 percent of your activities produce 80 percent of your financial
rewards, and that is true, there are probably a handful of activities you do each week that produce your
income. You can definitely apply the 80/20 Rule to most aspects of your business or working life, however I
believe your overall happiness and satisfaction are much better variables to focus on. Money certainly plays
an important role in your happiness and your money is influenced by 80/20 relationships, but it is only a
component that leads to your overall well being, which should be your primary concern.
80/20 Examples
It is a common rule of thumb in business; e.g., "80% of your sales come from 20% of your clients."

80% of exam preparation is done at last 20% of the study holidays.

80% of all our fights stem from 20% of our little differences.
80% of all wealth in the world lies with only 20% of the population.
For students:- This why some students bring 80% marks by studying for just 20% of the time. ( Mujse kum
padhke bhi mujse jyada marks !! )
How You Can Live An 80/20 Lifestyle
So a lot of what you do is probably not as useful or even necessary to do as you may think.
You can just drop – or vastly decrease the time you spend on – a whole bunch of things.
And if you do that you will have more time and energy to spend on those things that really brings your value,
happiness, fulfillment and so on.

To start living 80/20 today you have only to do one thing – focus your energies on what you enjoy or that
produce the best outcomes for you. This applies to both your business/working life, Relationship and your
“other” life (I think they are all part of your “life” but people often prefer to distinguish them).
Living an 80/20 lifestyle make you more productive than those working harder than you.
:) Cheers !!

3.2k Views · 59 Upvotes

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Utkarsh Agrawal, Law student. IIT Dropout. Dreamer. Lazy Bum.

Answered May 23
This is based completely on my personal experience. I don’t know if it applies to everyone.
I used to get bored a lot. I followed all text book approaches to keep myself occupied. Signed up for
MOOCs, caught up on reading, tried to developed additional skills, roamed around the streets of Mumbai,
basically, the whole shebang. Yet, I couldn’t really see any of it through as, funnily enough, I got bored of
these activities as well. To sum up, I would get bored if I didn’t do anything and if I took up something, I
would get bored of it as well. A classic damned if I do, damned if I don’t.
I know people would jump in and claim I am just lazy and that I should be more dedicated. This is not the
case. I work very hard when I need to like preparing for IIT, writing papers in college, and other freelance
work that I do from time to time. It’s just that I could never take up any initiative outside of an
institutionalised structure like college curriculum or IIT coaching.
After wasting a couple of holidays, I finally figured out a solution that allows me to stay occupied for over
12+ hours a day and take up a lot of initiatives.
That’s it. That’s the trick! Take up a lot of initiatives. Concrete initiatives with deadlines.
There are some rules:
1. No more than one general initiatives: Reading a book should not be divided into reading
philosophy, history and fiction.
2. At least one initiative should involve physical work: Could be anything. Running, gym, swimming
or gardening. Something that does not involve a lot of mental work. Though the more intense the physical
work, the better.
3. Aggressive deadlines: Set aggressive deadlines and link it to rewards, that is, something you like.
4. Don’t be afraid to take up initiatives pursing overambitious goals: Preparing for civil service,
writing a book, losing 5 kilos all at the same time.
5. A rough jam-packed but realistic routine: You don’t have to stick to it rigorously but a general
time management. Also, contrary to your ambition, your routine must be realistic. If you can’t read for more
than 20 minutes, don’t set aside 2 hours for it. Rather, use that 2 hours in an area which you think you can
6. Don’t set aside free time!: I felt this is important enough to deserve a separate point. DON’T set
aside ANY free time for activities like food, television, meeting friends etc.
7. Force yourself for a week: You just have to force yourself to this schedule for a week. Just to ensure
that you internalise your ambitious goals.
Basically, the idea is to overload your brain by working different parts. By cycling among activities, you do
lose out on specialisation in one but cumulatively, the work done is substantial. And by not keeping any free
time, you are always playing catch up with your schedule giving you lesser time to time to idle away.
Eventually, you will be able to temper your ambitions and focus on a specific task for much longer hours
without getting bored.

884 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Rohit Mishra, Learning new hacks everyday by observing the surroundings

Answered Oct 28, 2016

Among all the life hacks I know the most clever life hack to me was using a battery as a stylus for your
Yes, you heard it right a Battery as a stylus.

Just place the negative terminal(anode/flat side) of the battery on the screen such that the entire flat
surface(negative terminal) of the battery is in contact with the screen of the smartphone. Now the battery
functions as your stylus.
Hope you all liked the hack :)
Clever, isn't ?
8.6k Views · 70 Upvotes

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Chetan Naithani, Software Professional,Youtuber and Marathoner

Answered Jun 29

I track all my activities of day in a excel sheet, formulate all the activities and keep track where my life is
leading to. Here is this excel sheet looks like -

I am doing this form more than 7 years.

How it works -
1. Identify the goals important for you in life, for example, important things for you may be -
1. Studies
2. Health
3. Your passion like music, writing etc.
4. Improving communication skills
2. Identify any actions you need to do or avoid on daily basis to achieve your goals. For example -
1. Studies - Do Study
2. Health - Do Running
3. Health - Stop Smoking
4. Music - Spend time to learn Guitar
5. Improving communication skills - Watching news
3. Associate a weightage with each actions. One which you have to stop will carry negative while
opposite will carry positive. Also, value depends on how important life goal is for you. For example -
1. Studies - Do Study - 10
2. Health - Do Running - 5
3. Health - Stop Smoking - -10
4. Music - Spend time to learn Guitar - 2
5. Improving communication skills - Watching news - 2
4. Now you are ready for creating excel. Assign a column to each action. If you want to hide your goals
form other peoples, just put a code in place of complete name. For example, “Spend time to learn Guitar”
can be “STTLG” . Formulate each value into a new column, total. For example on a typical day -
1. I Studied for 1 hour
2. I didn't Run
3. I smoked 2 cigarettes
4. I spent 30 min to learn guitar
5. I watched news for 30 minutes
My score will be 10 * 1 + 0 * 5 + (-10 * 2) + .5 * 2 + .5 * 2 = -8
Now you can add another column for average and insert a graph for this column in excel.
How does it helps -
1. You have formulated your un-measurable to measurable units. It will be now easy to identify if you
are moving in right direction.
2. You get motivated to do “something” which is at least better than “nothing”. For example,
suppose, if you had a bad busy week and you were not able to get time to run. Generally you will skip some
more days, and sometime month to restart running thinking that lets start form tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday,
Next week, Next month etc. If you are tracking this activity, you are more likely to start it early to get some
point. You may possibly think - “Lets go for running 15 mins, at least I will get some points”
3. It will motivate you to continue your passions which generally take a back seat in day-to-day life.
This has impacted my life in a big way. Before implementing this, my friends use to know me as a guy who
thinks/dreams too much but can execute but after implementing this in my life I actually started executing
most of the thing I planned.
I am a software professional by profession. I thought of publishing a app for this someday. Till than excel can
do enough.
Thanks for reading.

3.1k Views · 52 Upvotes

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Mehul Singh Saini

Answered Mar 18

The Shopping Hack.

With plenty of offers, cash-backs, discounts etc offered by e-comm sites, retail giants, your local shops,
electrical/electronic goods dealers, on vehicles and many things, there is a chance that one may miss the
"best-deal" and end up paying a little more, which could have been avoided.
The only thing that we miss to see is the pattern and timing of such deals around us. Its a well known fact
that India is a land of festivals, and the festivals are indeed the higher order bits that dictate the discounts and
I may be wrong, but in my humblest of all opinions, I have come across the below time-table for deals and
stuff based on some "observations" and random Big Data (mis)adventures that I did owing to lot of free time.
The months and the corresponding goods that generally are available at discount prices.
January :

• Clothing and suits and your summer clothing.

• Carpets.

• Gaming consoles (online) (January sales 2015: all the best deals listed)

• Phones and tablets from your local shops. In Visakhapatnam, one can get a free 8 gigs memory card
at least, even in worst case scenario.

• Furniture, especially imported. (Check the dollar rates though)

• Motorbikes and Cars. (New Car - Best Time to Buy a New Car in India)
• Gym deals. New Year Resolutions, you know. :P :P ;) :D :D

• Televisions and home theaters

• Cellphones, online.

• Luggage and bags.

• Cellphones, again.

• TVs, Laptops and PCs, but depending on the Union Budget. Generally there is a huge price swing
(may go up or may go down) on these goods depending on our Government's policies towards the electronic
imports for the following fiscal. This is more of a guessing-game.

• Cameras, cam-lenses and their accessories. (The latest ones are announced mostly on the start of the
year and hit the stores by Feb-March. April is the month when you can get deals on the older versions of
cams and camcorders.)

• Mid-Season Clothing Sales. Rainy day clothes.


• Refrigerators. New arrivals all around the globe come in April, so you can see the clearance sale for
previous year stock and models. But keep in mind the availability and reliability of the after sale-service of
the brand that you go for. (Point No. 3 in the following link Tips for choosing and buying a refrigerator in
India )

• Mattresses. But run a pre-market research before going for one as price dip may vary year to year.
You may also consider buying it in January, along with your furniture, you can get discounts for sure.

• Gym memberships. Again. Because summer may help you melt your fat, you know. (Duh! a lame
jack logic but sadly, that's a driving force for gym membership purchases in May. Also, people perhaps
realise their forgotten New Year Resolution)

• Travel deals

• Winter wear from Puma and Rbk go upto 50% off during this time.
June (You need holidays here, just saying)

• More travel deals, hotel discounts etc.

• International vacations (avoid Disney Land if your place of visit has one)

• Good online deals on

1. gardening tools
2. camping tools
3. fishing rods
4. bicycles

• Home Decor, as prices tend to go down in the Third Quarter

• Furniture, again for the Third Quarter rate slashes because in US, new range of furniture launches in
August every year and older items will be disposed off at discounted rates.

• Avoid buying sunglasses, Apple products and TVs


• Office furniture. I have noticed, office furniture is mostly purchased or disposed during this season.
Although I didn't have exact figures, to relate it to Indian trends or generalize it, but I guess we can get hold
of these things in this month depending on your place of stay.
Buying used Office Furniture is also a good form of recycling. For my room, I could get hold of a decent
table, two chairs, and a Godrej Vertical Filling Cabinet from such sale and I could save a lot because of that.
PS. June, July or August is the time when the Hindu Shraavan month will fall. One can find...

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Pratik Tank, Learn, Un-learn, Re-learn.

Answered Jan 3

Being content and having attitude of gratitude.

Stop doing the things only to prove to someone else. Be it family, friends, Ex BF/GF, Boss, acquaintance. It
is a never ending process and in a long run it will not count.
If your sole purpose is just to PROVE them wrong, Stop doing it immediately. It is worthless, the envy you
carry during the whole time will make you empty from inside. It is the negative feeling and you will be never
at peace even if you proved them wrong.
I know it is a bit strange, There is this quote “Greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cant do”
May be, But there is something which gives me far more pleasure and sense of satisfaction then trying to
prove to someone that they were wrong about me.
For me it is finding out what I want from my life, How I want to live it , Competing with older version of me
and being better day by day. It eliminates negative feelings from your life.(Envy, Hatred, Jealousy, Anger,
Unnecessary Comparison)
Be so much involved doing it that what others say, what their opinions are will be none of your business.
Focus on what you really want form your life. Find out what is the definition of success for you? and work
for that till you achieved them.
You want money that badly, go work for money, don’t rest unless and until you have a fat amount
accumulated in your account. You are not found of materialistic pleasure, go study spirituality, practice
yoga/mediation,help others , live a selfless life .
That friend of you is having all the monetary pleasure but have so skewed and disturbed family life, that
another friend who have a lovely family but are so poor that they cant afford that heart operation for a
Your GF/BF left you, you carry that hatred inside, worked hard to be a successful just to prove to him/her
that how wrong they were to ditch you. Sounds good but the negative feelings which you carry whole time
will eat you from inside and having such feelings inside one can never achieve the serenity and mental peace.
Your BF/GF left you and you spent rest of the life in misery thinking it is the end of the world.
That promotion or next big opportunity is given to someone else instead of you for which you were deserved
candidate and then you started to please you boss for the next opportunity.
Possibilities are endless and no ones life is perfect, so rather then doing something to prove to someone else
its better to find out what we want from life.
One needs to enjoy the little moments of happiness. It is always good to have optimum balance between
family, love, friends, career, money, dreams.(Personal Opinion)
This way you will never have a regret about the choices you made.

662 Views · 6 Upvotes

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Umesh Allannavar

Though it is a nice answer, yet I slightly disagree because sometimes it is necessary that you pr...

Souradeep Saha, Student Physics & Computer Science, European Standard School
Updated Mar 3

This is not something too fanciful, but I was totally amazed when I first realized this trick. Some of you
might already know this, but I think this is worth mentioning on Quora.
First, you need a pencil with an eraser:

These pencils are pretty useful. I used to throw out the pencils once the eraser ran out.
See those tinoles in the case? I used to wonder why those were put on the metal case anyway.
Once the eraser is used up to the metal case, you can actually sharpen the eraser using a normal
sharpener just like the pencil lead. You can then re-use the eraser once again.
PS: Sorry for the poor language conditions, English is not my first language.

21.7k Views · 183 Upvotes

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Nora Autumn, writing is my way of survival
Answered Jun 3

These are some of the best psychological life hacks I've ever learnt:
When you approach a group of people while in a conversation, pay attention to their bodies. If they turn only
their torsos and not their feet, it means they are in the middle of an important conversation and they don’t
want you to interrupt them.
If they turn both torso and feet, it means you are welcome.

Nodding while you try to deliver your message is a powerful way to get the person to agree with you. People
usually like mimicking, so they will most probably nod back while you talk. This will subsequently
communicate to their brains that they have to agree with you.

Instead of losing time talking to a person who is distracted and might not even be interested in what you are
saying, do this. Fold your arms while talking and see if the other person follows your move. If the other
person is observing you and pays attention, they will most likely mimic you.

When a group of people laughs, people instinctively look toward the group members they feel closest to (or
want to feel closest to).

Hope this was helpful!

5.4k Views · 63 Upvotes

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Natalie Engelbrecht, 20 yrs + psychotherapist

Answered Feb 23

What is the most clever life hack you've learned?

Honestly it is curiosity. This has paid huge dividends in my life.
I have met the most amazing people, and had the most amazing conversations. When you approach people
with curiosity rather than judgment, you find the most incredible human beings, that share their innermost
selves, and you find out that labelling people is useless, because not one of us is alike. You feel like it is a
privilege to be in the lives of others.
I have found solutions to problems, because I knew if I kept curious and kept looking there would always be
an answer, and when I could not find one, then I started experimenting…if it did not work, I tried something
I learned that there is no such thing as failure with curiosity, only things that indicate your direction is helpful
or unhelpful. Some of our most amazing psychology research comes form failed hypotheses, and researchers
who were curious enough to know why things turned out different than they expected.
I have learned the most interesting, delightful and useful things. Ok, don't do this, but: Banging your head
against a wall burns 150 calories an hour; and watching the TV burns less calories than staring at a wall.
I have learned that anything is possible.

1.3k Views · 20 Upvotes · Answer requested by Jimmy Cook

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Akshay Shah, MBA from IE Business School

Updated Apr 27

Not sure if this can be categorised as a Life Hack but it surely works wonders for me.
Here's the thing - whenever you meet a person for the first time (be it a professional meet, social or a
personal meet), while exchanging the numbers, notice the basic details of her/him and save it in your 'Notes'
section of the Contact. Something like this :

Image Source: Mobile screenshot

Now, when you meet/interact with that person next, just read the 'Notes' section before that and subtly refer
to a couple of such details/observations while interacting with him/her.
9 out of 10 times the person would feel little special and will be mighty impressed with your 'sharp
photographic memory' .
Try it, it's worth it :)
Edit: Thank you all for 16k+ upvotes. My first answer on Quora :)

215.5k Views · 22,113 Upvotes

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Puru Aggarwal

Very nice… Also studies have shown that more than 90% of people reveal truth about themselves int...
2 more comments from Saurabh Kataria, Suresh Babu

Robert Cornish, Successfully crossed a lot of rocky terrain

Answered Mar 5

Only handling things once. Don't double do things because it adds to your workload and ultimately buries
In other words, don't read an email twice and handle it — read it once and handle it right there on the spot.
Don't start a task and then come back to it and do it later. Do it now.
Focus on doing one thing and do it completely until done. Start the thing, do it and compete it.
This idea about multi-tasking is leading to people getting less done and becoming overwhelmed.
The art of making progress and masterfully getting things done is to handle things once (don't create double
work for yourself) and focus on doing each item completely until done.
It's difficult to do because it's so easy to get distracted by other things but if you adopt this habit and focus on
doing this — you'll start to find that you can absolutely propel your progress and speed.

2.9k Views · 20 Upvotes

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Isha Thakur, works at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal

Updated Jul 4

1. Talk less, speak more. Listen intently. Important life skills to master.
2. Subscribe to only important people and pages on your social media feeds. And by important I mean people
who are close to you and pages that make you think.

3. Get more organised. Your desk, your thought- process, your eating habits. Take baby steps if you must.
You'd definitely reap a lot of benefit from being organised wrt various aspects of your life.
4. If you're supposed to carry some important document to your office/ class in the morning, keep it near
your mobile before going to bed. This way you won't forget to carry them next morning.
5. Speaking of mornings-
Save a morning playlist to get ready. Helps in two ways- you can assess your pace of getting ready, AND this
gives a much needed tempo to your otherwise sleepy morning. Try it. You will know what is being talked
about here.
6. Do not be afraid of changing your perspective on a topic when you get concrete data negating your
previous assumption(s). Don't let your ego prevent you from evolving.
Every once in a while it's essential to starve the ego and feed the soul. Remember this.

508 Views · 1 Upvote

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Benjman Adebowale, curious somebody
Updated Jun 22

Dont follow the crowd, learn to deviate, it always end up the good option.
2. Keep few friends, more friend=more envy.
3. Do things you love as your profession.
4. Always follow your intuition.
5. Whatever you want to do, do it now.
6. Meditate what you wish to become: the mind has the power to make the deepest yearning come true.
7. Speak less, listen more.
8. Always take NO as a incentive to be stronger.
9. Fall in love not when you are lonely but when you are ready.
10. Ignore people who criticize you, that is the best revenge.
11. Smile, all the time.
12. Being a university graduate is good, but if you want to be a multimillionaire, enterpreneurship is the best
13. Work at your own pace, don't compete anyone.
14. Learn to let go of things that brings you no value.
15. Being wise means you don't judge others and you are diplomatic.
16. Being knowledgeable means you don't contradict others opinion.
17. Being intelligent means you know when to stop.
18. Always resolve to change, be spontaneous.
19. No need to brood about the past, it holds no future.
20. Be grateful for things you've not had, that is the greatest faith.
21. Always do more.
22. Be original, stick to your ideals.
23. Keep your temperament to yourself, it does no good.
24. Be everything.
25. Respect people, both old and young, rich and poor.
26. Spend more time with your family.
27. Face your fears.
28. Most time predicaments often lead to awakening, embrace it.
29. Compliment people all the time, it may be all they need for that day.
30. Above all, believe in your self, no one is like you.

2.4k Views · 48 Upvotes

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Sushmitha Rao
Answered Jan 21

“Never keep all your money in a single place”

My mum taught me this.
Did you ever lose all your money just because your wallet was stolen?
Did it ever happen to you that you couldn’t resume your journey just because all your money was
picked by someone?
One way to avoid all these is to be really careful about our things.
But being really careful is not possible at all times? Right?
Each one of us are so busy in our lives that sometimes, due to our negligence if we lose some money, we
don’t worry about it much!
From the very beginning of time, my mum always insisted me to keep all my money atleast in two different
Its like -

• You are travelling. You have 100 bucks with you. Keep 75 bucks in your wallet and 25 bucks in
someother bag which you have. This way, even if your wallet is stolen, you have 25 bucks to do something
about it!

• You drew some money from the ATM. Not a huge amount, but yeah! Some amount of money. Why
keep all of that in the same wallet? Keep some 500 bucks either in your college bag or at any other
places. Don’t use it unless it is very necessary.

• This “Emergency money” as what she calls it as, really helped me when demonetisation took over
the whole country. The ATM’s stopped working, and this money actually helped! (I didn’t have a 500/- note,

• Getting out of the night bus to pee or have something during breaks? Always make sure you carry
your wallet and your phone with you!

• Going out somewhere? Please make sure you have some money either your pant pockets or
anywhere for that matter(except for the wallet)

• And the last one, which is quite famous now. Always place a note in the back cover of your cell
This is one of the most clever life hack I’ve learnt from her.
This has helped me most of the times, because I keep travelling alone.
The trick really helps, if followed ‘always’.
PS : When travelling alone, make sure you keep your laptop bag or dslr bag or any bag that is
important with you!
I tie my scarf to all the bags and then tie it to my wrist.
This hack really prevents you from losing your important stuff, especially when you are travelling alone in
Thanks for reading :)
The Winged Rhymester

5.6k Views · 155 Upvotes

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Vimukthi Weerasiri, Software Engineer in Silicon Valley

Answered May 14

TLDR; Don’t change clothes just after you came home till you start the first productive activity
Let’s say you are coming from college and you have to do 10 home work questions,
What will someone typically do;
1. Come home
2. Change clothes, shower,…
3. Do the 10 questions
What you do with this hack
1. Come home
2. Do 2 questions right away(DON’T CHANGE CLOTHES)
3. change clothes, shower,…
4. Do the other 8 questions
The point is when you walk/drive home and when you change clothes after that, you tend to chill and get into
the “home” mood and lose time just doing nothing. So this hack saves that precious time.
I observed this first from one of the roommates I had in college. I don’t know whether he learned this or
intuitively did this. But this works!

372.3k Views · 26,386 Upvotes

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Anjali Arora, In love with life
Answered Apr 16

Rescuing a water-damaged iPhone with rice.

My iPhone fell in a water. It was all wet, so I avoided switching it on.
Got some raw rice (not cooked) in a bowl, and hid my phone inside the rice. I made sure that my phone was
well covered in rice. I left the bowl as it is!

After 24 hours, I switched it on. And, it worked! :)

Note 1 - It's advisable to leave the phone in the rice bowl for 72 hours.
Note 2 - It may work for other phones as well. But since I've experienced it with an iPhone, I can only vouch
for it! Haha

16.3k Views · 203 Upvotes

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Komal Master, studied at Shri S'ad Vidya Mandal Institute of Technology College
Updated Jul 9

As soon as someone ask me what is the most clever life hack you've learned, first and foremost thought come
in my mind is “ nothing is permanent “ so live each day as your last day otherwise you will miss everything
in life. If people are teasing you as a ‘failure’ because you are failing continuously , don’t worry about what
they say. Failure is temporary. If you put your best efforts on right direction,i swear no-one can beat you .

Always keep in mind that “ behind every dark cloud is a silver lining ” . Just believe in your self and do
what you like from bottom of your heart . You will get what you want on right time. :)
Miracle happens when you stop believing in it.

489 Views · 12 Upvotes

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Sarfaraz Sheikh, B.Voc. Food Processing Technology, Tezpur University (2019)

Updated Jun 6
If you are a STUDENT, this hack is gonna help you much more than anything else.
Did you ever felt lazy, bored and frustrated in class? Do you have problems with understanding lessons? Are
you searching for something which would help you concentrate on studies?
So, here is the tip which I’m sure will bring the Einstein out of you (lol, not Einstein by the way).

Take a sharp pencil or a pen and hold the pen/pencil in such a way that the tip is pointing towards you eyes at
a distance of 25 cm and concentrate on the tip for 20–30 seconds then study. I’m 100% sure that this would
help. I too use this hack to kick the laziness out of me.
Constructive criticisms are welcome!

19.9k Views · 419 Upvotes

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Elke Weiss, Like a phoenix, I rise

Answered Sep 24, 2016

When you go to the store often, find a salesperson whom you like, and make them your salesperson. Always
ask for that person, always try to give them the commission, always give them excellent recommendations
and you will find that they will be willing to help you above and beyond in order to keep your business. That
means alerting you to sales, giving you individual attention, and even providing you with some freebies.
A few words of praise to a manager can mean the difference between significant savings and being treated
like every other customer.

16.6k Views · 215 Upvotes · Answer requested by William Dias

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Philip Terry

I did in this in a supplement store and for years was getting 25% staff discount… great hack

Sumit Roy, studied at Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, Indore

Answered Mar 6

1. The 10-Second Hack

Are you anticipating the answer?Use this when you’re procrastinating and delaying your work. Set a rule for
yourself to do the work—prepare dinner, do the laundry, make your bed—after counting from 10 to 1. This
tricks your mind into action. It works almost every time.
2. The 2-Minute HackCan’t get yourself to the gym? Focus on accomplishing the first 2 minutes of the
entire process - putting on your sports shoes. The momentum built up by this small action matters.Want to
make it better? Combine the 10-Second Hack with it.
3. The 5-Minute HackWhen you’re tempted to do what you shouldn’t do—eating the dessert when you’re
on a diet, watching a YouTube video when you’re writing, playing video games before bed—use this
hack.Simply wait for 5 minutes. That 5 minutes will eventually kill your urge of falling for the
temptation.. . .Combining these three hacks, you’re crushing your procrastination and transforming your
habits in no time.

4.6k Views · 22 Upvotes

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Shivashis Padhi, B.Tech from National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli (2020)

Answered Apr 28
While counting a number trailing with many 0s, we often face problem.
Try reading this number
Okay, tell me how much time did you take to count the number of zeroes?
After messing up 2–3 times in the mid, may be 40–50 seconds.
There were thirty-one 0s in the number.
The hack is to read it with one eye.
What I realized is while reading with both of our eyes, they get strained * ( may be because you have to
focus both eyes at a single digit ) and you need some blinks in the middle of your reading, you loose track
multiple times.
But when you read with one eye, with only one spot and one eye, it’s easier to coordinate.
Now read the following number with one eye and feel if it’s any better now.
How much time did it take this time?
There were fourty-three 0s in the number.
You can apply this hack in counting dots and analyzing arrangements.
Count the number of black and white dots in the first and second row respectively if you want to practice :)

Have a good day.

22.5k Views · 976 Upvotes

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Lawrence Russell
Answered Mar 1
Don’t watch the news. It’s always full of misery and very rarely will you act on the information consumed. A
war in Syria? 100% outside my sphere of influence. The information that will affect you will normally reach
you through the people in your life and even then it’s normally minor. It’s a huge time sink if you’re reading
it every day and if you’re like most people you’re only reading news from sources that you’d agree with. If
you want to be informed about something the news only has a few minutes to teach you about each topic,
you’ll never get more than a surface level.
When an airplane is going to crash the advice is always to put on your own oxygen mask before helping
other people, you should take the same approach to your own life. Work on your own goals in the morning,
become the best version of yourself before carrying the burden of the rest of the world.

1.9k Views · 39 Upvotes

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Aldric Yao, Cocktail Enthusiast at Bevtools.com (2015-present)

Answered Feb 18

When asking for someone's number, deliberately say the last digit wrong. If they correct you, you know they
gave you their real number. Applies to dating and cold emails. (not that there's much difference).
3k Views · 79 Upvotes

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Amit Bhandari, Software Engineer at Hyderabad, India (2016-present)

Answered Apr 30

Get subtitles for your movie, episode like a flash (web surfer kind of flash!)
Ever downloaded some movie and episode and sat in excitement to watch it, and remembered, the thing has
character like this

I mean who the hell understands his English, I have tried even noise cancelling headphones and could not
understand the word he says.
So you go on searching google for subtitles. You have to copy the episode name, put it on google, combat
thousands of ads on subtitle website and finally download the subtitles. What if I say, you can do this just by
one click, as simple as right clicking on file, and clicking get subtitles. Crazy, right?
Without wasting much time, lets dive right into it. Steps for doing this in windows

• Download python 2.7 from here and install Download Python.

• Refer to second answer from this question How to add to the pythonpath in windows 7? and make
sure to add python binaries in executable path of your windows.

• Download subtitle-downloader.py from here manojmj92/subtitle-downloader and place it in c drive.

• Download Subtitle.cmd from the same link and place it in sendto folder of your windows (can be
accessed by typing shell:sendto in address bar).
• Just to make sure, script is working fine and all modules are present, open command prompt, move
to the C: directory and run the script by giving any dummy argument (subtitle-downloader.py dummy). If no
errors, we are good to go. If all modules are not loaded properly, error will show up.

• To install modules, easiest way is to install pip. You can install pip by following steps from
here BurntSushi/nfldb under the section “installing pip”.
After that, just move to directory C:/python27/Scripts in cmd and issue
pip install module name

• If scripts run in cmd without any errors, we can now move to our movie or episode folder, right click
on file and click on Send To -> Subtitle and voilla, subtitles are in the directory within the flash of an eye.

See this thing in action here

6k Views · 45 Upvotes

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Sarbjt Singh, Went thru crisis in life and discovered myself

Answered May 20

Communication with people and some sort of social engineering. The simplest of works can change the
perspective of a person to you. e.g. You can actually move up the ladder in a company even from the
technical perspective without actually knowing things in detail. It is how your project yourself to others. I
can talk to you about classical music and you will think I am an expert. Also makes getting dates easy. e.g.
next time you go to Starbucks and they ask you for your name to call you when the drink is ready, give a
name like Superman :)
I would be launching webinar on Website is under construction soon and would include myself and others
presenting life hack. Others are just ordinary people. Not some dude on FB saying you can make a million.
Remember a life hack gives you an optimal experience in life, which means you will enjoy what you doing
Hope that helps.

4 Views · Answer requested by Bilal

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Tarun Kumar, I wrote this answer in my daydream while daydreaming a daydream.

Answered Mar 7

Here are some hacks and tips, which I have learned in all this time:
1. Act like the person you want to be: This had always worked on me. For a month, try to act like a
person you wish to become. Gradually, those traits will start going deep inside you, and you will turn into
that person. It is a nice way to improve yourself, and at the end of the day, you can be yourself. The new,
transformed you.
2. Avoid cable TV and radio. There are many commercials, and half of the time, the shows suck. Use
Netflix, YouTube etc. It gives you control over the content and saves your time. Instead of the radio, listen to
podcasts and audio books.
3. Drink coffee after waking up. Coffee is known to throw sleepiness away, and most use it in night to
stay awake. However, it helps more when you have it in the morning after a good sleep. It makes you feel
good and energetic, and does not mess up with your sleep too much.
4. Avoid porn: It might be good once in a week or two, but addiction to it is a waste of your time. It
gives you no knowledge about what love and dating can actually be. You can spend that time to
know actual girls and what they are like. Human beings can be interesting too!
5. Use technology to do time-taking tasks. Want to send an invitation to 100 people? Tired of
newsletters spamming your inbox? Use ToutApp, Unrolland other such softwares to minimize tasks and save
a lot of time. It will not only just declutter your inbox, but will also ensure that you will not spend much time
checking mails.
6. Go to bed early on a Sunday evening. This will make you feel energetic on the following morning,
minimizing the Monday morning blues.
7. Apply the “average of five” rule. This old rule states that you are average of five different people,
topics and things to whom you choose to give time. You want to develop a sense of humor? Stay along with
such people. You want to be a better writer? Read best writers. Stay with the best, they will make you better.
8. Ask for things: Half of the time, the only thing you need is to ask for it. Ask out your crush. While
there is a chance that she might reject you, but if you do not go up to her then you are already rejected. Ask
for favors, offers that others believe that they do not even exist!
9. Remember that people listen to reply, not to understand: It is true most of the time. On the
internet, in the real life. Always know that people will find something to criticize you, to hit you back. All
you need is to look into yourself, analyze your action. If you believe in them, then stay strong and high,
moving on with your life.
10. Brush your teeth twice a day and wash your hands properly. This is more of a general advice
rather than a life hack, but it has its own value. Your health does not matter which brand of toothpaste or
soap you use, but on your brushing and bathing habits.
11. Learn to give first aid. I had fortunately never been in a situation where somebody needed instant
help, but not everybody is that lucky. Learn First aid. It can save someone’s life, perhaps even yours as well.
These are mere “hacks”(and some general advice as well), and they usually makes life easy for you, but does
not promise to turn you into a freakin’ Elon Musk in a week.
“Life hacks don’t make a life.” — James Altucher.
It is always a daily battle to make it to the top. The best hack of all, in the end, is to how to live life. The
answer to do that lies with you. You have your own path to the top.

6.1k Views · 111 Upvotes

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Kunal Jain, Wise user of energy

Answered May 9

First law of thermodynamics

Hold on! I am not going to dwell into mathematical equations and theory.
First law of thermodynamics, in principle to the law of conservation of energy states that
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, however energy can be transferred or
changed from one form to another.
In its simplest term, energy means the ability to do work.
If I presume correctly, you are suprised about how can [above] such be a hack. Read on!
As I aforementioned, energy is the ability to do work. You sustain energy to do work ranging from simple
chores to tasks that require you to invest either mentally, physically, emotionally or all of them. Be it any
task, you require energy to fulfill it.
Now, let me categorize energy into two:

• Positive energy

• Negative Energy
If any work or its result elates you by utilizing your energy, it is considered to be as an energy that is
positive in nature. Hence, positive energy (or) positivity.
Contrarily, if any work or its results depresses you by utilizing your energy, it is considered to be
as energy that is negative in nature. Hence, negative energy (or) negativity.
Our brains are hardwired to store more of negative events to that of positive ones. [1]
When you invest your energy into tasks, events or system that is [or could be] negative, the outputs
are: low productivity, depression, demotivated or out of path. For example, these events could be alcohol,
drugs, gossiping, pornography, revenge etc [2]. This consume your energy. We, humans are not
indefatigable or perpetually energetic. We lose energy.
Now, this law, when scaled in to daily life, can help you and guide you to transform your energy. Rather than
investing your energy into something whose output can destroy you, invest this [limited] energy
into something whose output can magnify your productivity, motivate you, guide you to your goals and
keep you inspired, or if I could say so, make you successful.
Another application of this law that served me is in accepting criticisms. It helps me transform those
negative energy into positive energy, thereby multiplying my productivity.
There could be more applications of this law.
If you have experienced any, let me know.
[1] Negativity bias - Wikipedia
[2] What are your 7 worst habits?

7.6k Views · 19 Upvotes

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Aditya Pratap Singh, lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Updated Mar 14

If you are a LinkedIn user, you must check this.

This is about your profile link on LinkedIn, you can edit your profile link to easiest available link. Many a
times people ask LinkedIn profile link, but you can see in this picture that it is pretty difficult to learn, in that
case you have to visit your profile and then have to do copy-paste stuff.

How to edit the link:-

1. Just go on the profile link as.
2. You will find setting tool over there.
3. Click on the setting tool.
4. Now, on the right side of the screen you will find editing option
5. Edit your LinkedIn link as per your wish.

With this you can set link that can easily be remembered, as you can see in my case it
(part before this is similar to everyone). This will also help other people to find you easily. You can also edit
your Facebook profile link to help other people to explore you easily.

2.7k Views · 31 Upvotes

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Moya Abdel-Mawgood, Living life and experiencing stuff

Answered May 7
Emergency money is key.
Keeping emergency money anywhere from in your shoe, or your jacket pocket can be so helpful. You never
know when your wallet could be stolen or all of your credit cards are frozen and you need to buy something
essential, like food or water.
I keep a ten dollar bill in the pocket of every jacket, so even if I am in a rush I still have money with me. And
it has actually come in hand a few times.
I think ten bucks is a good amount because you have enough for the essentials and it’s not like you’re
walking around with a lot of money to begin with so you won’t be worried about it getting stolen or lost that
You can buy at least a pretty decent sandwich and a bottle of water for under ten bucks, maybe throw in a
bag of chips depending on where you are. That can hold you over until you get back home or to wherever
your destination is.
This has saved my life actually a few times, mostly when I played basketball and we had away games that
were hours away and I needed dinner but forgot to ask for money that morning. I just hopped on over the gas
station before the bus left and got some water and a sandwich, and I was all set.
Now the only problem you may run into is not spending it of frivolous things that you don’t really need and
only saving it for actual emergencies.
Well, good luck with that, all I can say is try and have some self-control and you should be fine.

15k Views · 36 Upvotes

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Charan Ekkurthi, B.E from RMK Engineering College, Chennai (2017)

Answered Jul 27
Forgetting names of the people whom you just met.
Here is the technique for you
Use HELLO infront of their names during introduction.
Gokul: Myself Gokul and you?
Charan: Hello Gokul, myself Charan.
I Used this technique and remembered names for more time than usual.

83 Views · 7 Upvotes

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Srinath Palaniappan
Answered Jul 18

While it may be true that there are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going, there certainly are ways of
needlessly prolonging the journey. We often waste lots of time because nobody ever taught us the most
effective and efficient way to practice. Whether it's learning how to code, improving your writing skills, or
playing a musical instrument, practicing the right way can mean the difference between good and great.
You have probably heard the old joke about the tourist who asks a cab driver how to get to Carnegie Hall,
only to be told: "Practice, practic!"
I began playing the violin at age two, and for as long as I can remember, there was one question which
haunted me every day.
Am I practicing enough?
What Do Performers Say?
I scoured books and interviews with great artists, looking for a consensus on practice time that would ease
my conscience. I read an interview with Rubinstein, in which he stated that nobody should have to practice
more than four hours a day. He explained that if you needed that much time, you probably weren't doing it
And then there was violinist Nathan Milstein who once asked his teacherLeopold Auer how many hours a
day he should be practicing. Auer responded by saying "Practice with your fingers and you need all day.
Practice with your mind and you will do as much in 1 1/2 hours."
Even Heifetz indicated that he never believed in practicing too much, and that excessive practice is "just as
bad as practicing too little!" He claimed that he practiced no more than three hours per day on average, and
that he didn't practice at all on Sundays.
It seemed that four hours should be enough. So I breathed easy for a bit. And then I learned about the work
of Dr. K. Anders Ericsson.
What Do Psychologists Say?
When it comes to understanding expertise and expert performance, psychologist Dr. Ericsson is perhaps the
world's leading authority. His researchis the basis for the "10,000-hour rule" which suggests that it requires at
least ten years and/or 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to achieve an expert level of performance in any
given domain – and in the case of musicians, more like 15-25 years in order to attain an elite international
Those are some pretty big numbers. So large, that at first I missed the most important factor in the equation.
Deliberate practice.
Meaning, that there is a specific type of practice that facilitates the attainment of an elite level of
performance. And then there's the other kind of practice that most of us are more familiar with.
Mindless Practice
Have you ever observed a musician (or athlete, actor, trial attorney) engage in practice? You'll notice that
most practice resembles one of the following distinct patterns.
1. Broken record method: This is where we simply repeat the same thing over and over. Same tennis serve.
Same passage on the piano. Same powerpoint presentation. From a distance it might look like practice, but
much of it is simply mindless repetition.
2. Autopilot method: This is where we activate our autopilot system and coast. Recite our sales pitch three
times. Play a round of golf. Run through a piece from beginning to end.
3. Hybrid method: Then there's the combined approach. For most of my life, practicing meant playing
through a piece until I heard something I didn't like, at which point I'd stop, repeat the passage over and over
until it started to sound better, and then resume playing until I heard the next thing I wasn't pleased with, at
which point I'd repeat the whole process over again.
Three Problems
Unfortunately, there are three problems with practicing this way.
1. It's a waste of time: Why? For one, very little productive learning takes place when we practice this way.
This is why you can "practice" something for hours, days, or weeks, and still not improve all that much.
Even worse, you are actually digging yourself a hole, because what this model of pract...

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Anand Prakash, On my way to a happy life

Answered May 31

Do you remember the last time someone criticized you badly?

Or when someone verbally spitted out poison on you or tried to change the way you think?
Or when someone cracked a joke on you which you think wasn’t funny at all?
In all the above cases there is a very high possibility that you took it on your heart and may be even killed
that person in your mind….right?
Then these things played with your mind like hell and your are not able to concentrate on our work. And now
you have got a mission to complete!
A mission to give it back to them in every way possible.
We all have gone through that!
Well, let me tell you one thing, these people whom you have started hating now are actually the best you can
have. They are a blessing in disguise.
Because they are helping you improve. You should thank them for telling you your mistakes.
It takes a lot of effort to analyse a person and give suggestions to them. And they are doing it for
So, be happy instead of getting mad on them. They are actually your friends!
The people who remain silent even when you are doing something wrong are the people you should run
away from.

P.S.- There will be a few morons who say things just to get under your skin, do nothing, just avoid them.
They are sick!
Image source: google

2.3k Views · 67 Upvotes

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Vinita, Everyday I learn a life lesson from my daughter

Updated Sep 5, 2016

Bring down high grade fever in no time.

Doctors, almost always suggest us to sponge the patient with cold water and let the patient be in cool
environment for bringing down the fever.
However, an indigenous way of doing it is to mix 2 tablespoon full of musturd oil in half cup water.
Mix it well so that they are inseparable and look like a gel.
Apply this mixture on head giving patient a massage. Additionally this mixture can be used on palms and
soles for better result.
It brings down the temperature without discomfort to the patient.

6.2k Views · 38 Upvotes

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Priyadarshini Rajendra, MBBS from Esic Medical College and PGIMSR Bangalore
Answered Feb 10

Stop Saying “Sorry” And Say “Thank You” Instead

Politeness is ingrained in all of us – more so in some cultures than others, but it is a universal pattern of
behaviour used to make sure other people are aware that we mean no harm, we are thoughtful to others’
needs and show empathy for the people around us.
Saying “sorry” has become an automatic polite phrase these days. But how much do we really think about
what we mean when we say it? We use it to show that we acknowledge we’ve done something wrong and no
ill intention was meant by it. We use it because we’ve caused some kind of displeasure for another person,
we may even say it without completely meaning it and only as a means to dispel a disagreement.
Don’t get me wrong, saying “sorry” has its place in our everyday lives like accidentally bumping into
someone, expressing sympathy or empathy towards another person or allowing others to see you are
expressing genuine regret for a mistake. But in certain situations, there is a much better way to apologise that
will, not only fulfil your need to say sorry, but also allow the other person to feel much better.
“Thank you” is used to express gratitude and appreciation for others. It’s a very powerful phrase that takes
away from ourselves and gives warmth to those around us. The amount of appreciation we express, and our
ability to sincerely say “thank you” has a dramatic impact on how we relate to others.
While apologising is seen as a correct response to something we’ve done wrong, it leads to the assumption
that other people are appreciative of our politeness and good manners but since it can be overused so much,
it can actually become an empty automatic response with no real meaning.

By recognising the other person’s feelings and acknowledging them, you are praising the act they did
because of you and allowing them to see you in a more positive light. At the end of the day, no one’s perfect
and we can all do things to the detriment of others at times, so next time you find yourself in a situation of
apology remember the power of “thank you” over saying “I’m sorry”.

9.2k Views · 78 Upvotes

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Aman, a few life hacks

Answered Mar 11

Here are a few.

• When you are maintaining a sim card with high voice credit balance, make sure that you have a Data
plan (a mere data plan with long validity). Incase, if you/someone turns the data ON unknowingly, your
whole voice credit vanishes within seconds.
• Finding hard to send messages to the people who dont have smart phones over internet?
Install Way2sms.com. app. It allows you to send messages to the phone directly. Make sure that you have
internet connection on your phone.

• Always keep the conference call in MUTE while other person speaks. Who knows if anyone of your
friends/colleagues yells at the other person ? . It could be a saviour.

• After the lunch, everybody feel drowsy resulting a loss in our productivity. Close the eyes and listen
to your favourite fast beat music for a couple of minutes to refresh yourself.

512 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Avinash SM, Indian | भारतीय | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | h4ck3r

Answered Nov 12, 2014

1. When a group of people laugh, each member of the group will instinctively look at the person they
feel closest to.
2. While negotiating with someone leave your hands and palms visible, this is the sign of
3. Nodding your head while talking or asking a question will make the other person more inclined to
agree with you.
4. While telling a lie adding an embarrassing detail can make it more believable.
5. If you ask someone a question and they only partially answer just wait and stay silent, they will
usually continue talking.
6. People remember unfinished things better. If a song stuck in your head than think about the last few
lines and you will forget it faster. This is called Zeigarnik Effect.
7. Getting someone to do a favor for you makes them like you more.
8. Chewing gum can relieve stress. Chew one during an exam or while doing something stressful.
9. Keep an eye on people’s feet. When talking with someone you can figure out if they are interested in
the conversation by looking at their feet. If it is aimed at you they are listening, but if it is aiming elsewhere
they rather want to leave the conversation.
10. If you meet someone for the first time and you have hard time by remembering names just say it
multiple times. For example in the first conversation say things like “Hello {name}”, “Nice to meet you
{name}” or “Where are you from {name}”. Say it at least 3 times in the first minutes of the conversation
and you wont forget it.
11. If you meet someone show excitement, this way the other person will be excited about the meeting
12. Smile and keep eye contact. While in conversation smile at the other person and keep eye contact
more than 60% of the time.

10.5k Views · 203 Upvotes

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Jody M Clegg, Creative Guide, Facilitator, Coach

Answered Oct 23, 2016

Tell the truth… always!

• You won't ever have to remember what story you told someone

• No one will ever have dirt on you because you already put it out there

• You'll rarely have to carry unnecessary emotional weight/baggage

• You'll attract others who also tell the truth

• Chances are that you'll start making improved decisions because you're propensity to tell the truth
will hold you accountable

• You'll trust yourself more…

• … which might allow you to trust others

• … and more easily spot liars

5.4k Views · 100 Upvotes

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Ronali Dela Cruz, Wordsmith, Crafter, and Upcyclist. Entrepreneur. Recreational Pianist.
Answered Nov 29, 2016

“Focus on your strengths, admit your weaknesses. Whenever possible, delegate tasks you’re not good at to
people who can do them well.”
This life “hack” saved me a tremendous amount of time. When I was deciding on a career path, I was fully
aware that I was a good artist and enjoyed creative writing. I never saw potential in professions like
accounting, law, engineering, or medicine.
I didn’t go to a traditional college or university. I completed my Career Diploma in Short Story Writing +
Freelance Journalism through a distance learning institution. I was struck with a nearly debilitating illness
twice, so working crazy hours in a TV network or radio station was out of the question. I chose to freelance
as a writer instead.
Inside our home I prefer a “minimalist” style and have upcycled most of my old stuff instead of buying new
ones. I don’t have a knack for decorating, and I cook in order to survive.

681 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Saumitra Shahapure, Hacker for life

Answered Mar 4

One hack that had been helpful for me for several years is, when you see long queues for the things you want
to go for, walk to the front and see exactly why people are waiting. You can stand in the queue if it’s the right
place. Although it might sound too cliché, it would speed you up in many cases.
As an example, during my trip to Barcelona, there was big-big queue waiting for the double-decker
sightseeing bus with about an hour-long waiting time. However after going ahead and asking, we found that
first group (rather big) was insistent for the top deck of the bus which was already full in the available bus
(lower deck was empty) and so the group was waiting for the next bus. The Operator did not want to start the
tour with half-empty bus and was waiting for people who are ready to sit in the lower deck. Now 50 other
people waiting in the queue were not aware of this deadlock and just stood in the queue out of courtesy.
When me and my friends took the lower deck, an hour long queue got cleared very quickly.
Another situation was at the boarding gate of one flight where too many people were waiting. In the
entrypoint, there was the label “FOR EVEN SEAT NUMBERS ONLY”. Apparently first 5–6 passengers
who started boarding, were heading towards even seat numbers by coincidence. Seventh passenger and
everyone afterwards just continued in the same queue assuming that there is only one queue. The flight crew
just let everyone in out of courtesy considering that the passenger was waiting there for too long. Me and
couple of other fellow passengers entered from the other gate reserved for odd seat numbers and soon the
queue got divided as designed.
In general, in life, it’s worthwhile to explore all the possible options. It frequently happens that there are
some unconventional routes which lead to interesting outcomes.

1.1k Views · 7 Upvotes

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Vishal Kumar, Experiencing each moment from last 20 years

Answered Jul 2

I got to know this train hack just a few hours earlier when I was checking for the available tickets on IRCTC
to return back to college in jaipur but there was no available tickets so I checked the route map of that train
and noted down the stations.
After getting the stations name I selected one of the stations and checked the availability of seats from that
station to jaipur and with a surprise there was some seats available after that I checked the seat in the same
train from my home city to the selected intermediate station and there also I got the available seats .
Let me come up with my example-
Assume that I have to reach jaipur from varanasi I checked the ticket but the tickets was not available I was
getting RAC.

Now I checked the route map, I got lucknow as an intermediate station

I cheaked for the tickets from lucknow to jaipur - It was available

Now I checked the ticket in the same train from varanasi to lucknow - It was also available

So firstly books the tickets in which less availability is there, get the seat number of that and fill in the
preference of the second ticket so that you will get the next seat in same compartment.
Note- don't forget to cheak the train number as the journey date might change as from 1st ticket to 2nd as if
you select the station where train reaches after 12 in night.

368 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Bernard Liu, Atheist, liberal, social-democrat scum

Answered Apr 28
You're waiting at the bus stop, and just as the bus pulls in, you realize you forgot your wallet.
At this point, you have a few choices,
Run back home to get your wallet and miss the bus.
Get on the bus anyway, because you're a rebel.
Sit and sulk at the bus stop, wondering how your poor life choices have all culminated into this sad moment.
Take off your shoe, remove the insole, and pull out a twenty.

That's it, stick a folded up twenty under your insole.

The basic premise is to keep some emergency money on you at all times.
Some carry money in their wallet, in their phone case, or just in their pocket.
The problem with these is that you can lose them all, either by misplacing them or by robbery.
But what's the last place someone's going to look for money? That's right, in your shoe.
Provided you don't get your shoes too wet, you'll have some emergency money on you at all times.
Of course, if your shoes don't have insoles, there are all sorts of creative alternatives such as taping the
money to the interior.

This trick can be used if you need a ticket, if you need some food on the way home, or even to help out your
friends/family when they've forgotten their money.
My shoe money comes in handy at least once a month, and I highly encourage anyone reading this to try this
trick out.

150.2k Views · 6,068 Upvotes

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Tim Breen

In California, at least, busses require exact change. If you give the bus driver a $20 bill, that...
2 more comments from Kezi Lindberg, Prajwala Avarebeel

Rohit Joshi, studied at Skyline Institute of Engineering and Technology

Answered Oct 26, 2016

The one of the most clever hack one can do with life is being positive.
lets say you have a problem, can you do something about it? Act.
You cannot do anything about it? let it go.
Overthinking and not letting go is one of the major cause of all the issues in your life.
1- Have issue in your job? sick and tired of you current job? Your boss suck?

• Act on it, update your resume, learn new technology or skill or anything to enhance your resume,
apply and get a new job.or Act on it by discussing your issues with your boss or people who will act on your
issues, crib about your problem, but do not let it affect your daily life, let it go, work on it, but do not over
think, there is always a way, there are very few problem with no solutions.
Tragedies happen, there are so many great example of people rising above adversities and tragedies to shine
and be great, its easy to preach but we also have to know, the equation called life has just one final solution,
death. Death is the final truth, the final answer. But between life and death there is you me and all of us, and
what we choose to do is what make us. Nobody gets out of this life alive, but some people leave an imprint
by doing good, by achieving their best. Its not always bout helping other or about being a philanthropist,
sometimes its all about helping your own self and when you shine from inside, when your soul is peaceful
and joyous, everything around you will seem a little more better and then you will strive to make this place
we call earth a bit better, a bit positive and then you yourself would want to help people, help them achieve
what you have achieved, this is Nirvana, inner peace and this peace is the only answer, an answer to be better
as human. be positive. :)

2.5k Views · 17 Upvotes

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Ankit Karan, if you're happy and you know it "chup kr k baith jao warna nazar lag jayegi" :p"
Updated Mar 15

Here are a few life hacks for making your life more “productive” -

• RULE of “1”- Try to be a hermit and devote an entire hour just for you. Focus on evolving into a
better version of yourself. Cut off from all diatractions and talk to yourself,read books, write down
anythinng, work out, hone your skills.

• Rule of “3″ (The infamous 3+1 “Cs” and the priority checklist )- Never criticise, condemn or
complain ( and be complacent!). Further,Make a priority checklist everyday and place them in 3 categories

• CODE red- Utmost priority

• CODE black- medium priority

• CODE Green- least priority

• RULE OF “5″- Do you ever feel bored and uninterested while performing any important but tedious
task like studying for a test? Then follow the rule of “5”. Just reiterate again and again that “i will work for
just 5 more minutes” or “i will read just 5 more pages” and you would sail thorugh it with ease.
• RULE OF “7”- Devote 7 hours for work, the next 7 hours for other chores and next 7 hours for
sound sleep. (3 spare hours can be broken down and incorporated into any of the above slots)

• RULE of “9″ - Focus on anything for 9 minutes with your full devotion and then just close your
eyes just for 10seconds and breathe in and out. Would work wonders! (Also relaxes your eyes too if being
glued to the screen!)

• If you want anything just ask for it. If you are not doing that, then that's already a no. If solicited,
then there's a 50% probability to get an optimistic response. Go on, ask for it people!

• Help- If you are capable, then do not be a stubborn personality and help the ones in need. It buys you
instant gratification.

• Limit your availability - Don't be too available for anyone especially for those positive energy
leeches !

• Make “ what not-to-do” list too in addition to to-do list.

• Don't just feed on motivation and store it like fat. Instead convert it into meaningful energy and drive
youself through!

• Follow integrated ways of doing things instead of multi-tasking.

• Show excess gratitude to all even if the person is of least significance. It doesn't cost anything to say
a simple thank you but it surely lights up the faces of the listener.

• Keep asking a lot of questions in an argument(If,unavoidable)instead of ranting baseless facts.

Hope it helps! :)

1.3k Views · 7 Upvotes

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Rosie Leizrowice, Writer, blogger, speaker, minimalist and book worm

Answered Mar 18
Carry a book everywhere. Seriously. It will change your life. Whenever you would normally pull out your
phone, open the book instead. I am able to read 4 books a week, mostly by doing this.

370 Views · 7 Upvotes · Answer requested by Anna Manchester

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Atulmaharaj, Blogger, Social Media Guru, Web Consultant

Answered May 23

Many of you might already know it, but this is something I found out recently.
Scenario: Most of us go out for dinner / shopping with friends and colleagues. And more often than not there
will be one person paying the total amount and everyone else transfers the individual amount to that person's
account. That's tedious as one has to first add the bank account and then do the transfer.
Easy Way: When you are splitting and paying by card. Ask the merchant to split the total by the number of
people and charge that amount from all the cards. I.e. if the bill is 2000₹ and there are 4 people. Then you
can ask the merchant to deduct 500 from every card.
Sounds simple, but very very effective. You don't have to run behind anyone to get the money back. Hassle
free approach.


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Kaushik Holla, happy sharing few things I know.

Answered Dec 10, 2016

Want people to like you ?

Whenever you meet a person show that you are excited to meet them. React extremely excited and you are
happy to meet them. They react the same way because excitement is contagious and people love excitement.

(Image source: Google )

When someone insults you, either ignore them or mock them. Never lose temper.
Haters are everywhere. The more you feed them with hate, the stronger they become. Never lose your temper.
This is a great way to deal with haters.

(Image source: Google )

Whenever you have an argument with someone, stand next to them and not in front of them.
We’ve all been in situations where out of nowhere the conversation started escalating. So, whenever you feel
that the argument you have with another person (especially friends ) creates tension, move next to them. You
won’t appear much of a threat, and they will eventually calm down.

1.3k Views · 6 Upvotes

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Jayant Charan, studies at University of Delhi (2018)

Answered Feb 25

The most clever life hack is to LEARN THE ART OF SAYING ‘NO' .

Now , we as caring human beings unlike others feel guilty after saying No and also find it hard to say so .
Here are the things that you should keep in mind while saying No which will make it facile for you to say it :
1 . Be clear of your vision. (This is what you want to say yes to , everything else = No)
2 . Realise saying ‘No’ is okay .
3 . Acknowledge that you can't do everything and you can't please everyone .
4 . Understanding different tactics people use to get you to say ‘Yes’ . (There is egocentrism hidden inside so
you don't have to be cosseting to them .)
5 . Remain polite while saying No with little explanation if needed .
6 . Most importantly , This will save you lots of time .
287 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Arun Sarathy, I often sleep on the floor at home.

Answered May 2

Having a tough day?

Lots of activity in the day that’s draining your energy out of your body?
Feeling like crashing on your couch or cozy bed after reaching home?
Have a cold water shower, and sleep on the floor!*
Next day, you will feel that the power of nature's heal on your body - the power of nature's 2 of 5 elements
- Earth and Water brings your body back to shape and fitness.

I have done this so many times!

Sleeping on the Floor: 5 Life-Changing Benefits
5 Awesome Benefits Of Sleeping On The Floor | Urban Women Fitness
*With a mat as necessary - not a must though depending on the climate. Also, this ‘exercise’ completely
depends on your situation, if you have any injury or other problems that need you to sleep only on a mattress,
then do that.
1.9k Views · 13 Upvotes

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Vyas Rao, Full stack engineer at Kaar Technologies (2016-present)

Answered Feb 26

Noting stuff down.

My work usually revolves around computers but this doesn't stop me from noting things down.
I use Sticky notes, Google keep for Cloud sync and sometimes even Evernote.
At any point of time this is how my desktop looks :

This enables me to do stuff without forgetting the details. Also comes handy when I need to look something
Google Keep :

Personal stuff, work related stuff, TO DO lists and what not?

I can look up these lists anywhere and from any device.

589 Views · 7 Upvotes

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Sunil Gurjar, Human behaviour
Answered May 23

Most Clever: “The Franklin.” Ben Franklin learned that when he asked others for a small favor it
caused them to like him more.
This is genius because it leverages several things all together at once. Because it’s a small ask, it would be
impolite for the target to refuse. Think something simple. Consequently they accept, because refusing would
be impolite. This then kicks in some POWERFUL psychology, Robert Cialdini’s principles of influence. The
commitment and consistency principle causes cognitive dissonance. Their brain thinks “Why did I do this? I
must’ve done it because I like them.” Also, as Cialdini notes, because they’ve complied with a small request,
they’re MORE LIKELY to agree to a larger ask later.
Quite simply, this life hack is brilliant because it’s not just for others, it’s also for you.
Here’s how you can leverage it in your life:

• Small steps become big steps - Use this principle on yourself. If you want to get yourself to do
something big and challenging, start with the smallest comfortable step to make it happen, the snowball will
build. If you want to lose 100lbs and you identify that it’ll take both dietary and exercise changes do this:
remove ONE easy thing from your diet and add ONE bit of easy exercise you can do daily. So, “No pop or
soda,” and “A 20 minute walk every day.” You’ll be surprised how doing these simple things, and doing
them consistently, will move your disposition toward making bigger changes in diet and exercise much

• Investing in yourself = Loving yourself - Unhappy with yourself? The Franklin shows how you can
get to love yourself. The reason people who do favors for you begin to like you is because they’ve invested
in you. Their brain makes them defend their investment with good feelings. Use this trick on yourself - DO
SOMETHING FOR YOU. Do a favor for yourself: work hard and then go on a vacation. Workout and look
good naked and go out in public in a bathing suit. Learn an instrument and make a YouTube video or have
friends over and play. The more you invest in yourself, by doing favors for yourself, the more you love

• Invest in others to get along with them - If you have someone in your life you have to work or live
with but can’t stand, The Franklin finds the solution: Do something valuable and useful for them. If you get
along decently well but can’t stand their company, try to identify something you could do that might help
them out and ask them if you could do it for them. Most likely they’ll either accept or politely protest (a
defense to prevent the law of reciprocity from kicking in, look it up). Don’t accept it if it’s just polite social
protestation. Do the favor and two things will happen: 1. You’ll begin to like them more and 2. They’ll reply
in kind when you ask them for something. In fact, have something ready to ask them for. Don’t do it
immediately, but soon after you do them a favor. You’ll find that the two of you will get along better.
You have any ideas on how to use The Franklin? Please comment, it’s a very, very productive life hack both
for yourself and for others.
If you want to check out more from me take a look at my YouTube channel, The Madness Continues.
I hope this will help you a lot!!!

171 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Deepanshu Vashishtha, System Engineer at Tata Consultancy Services (2016-present)

Answered Jul 14

How to impress and get contact number of a girl by a simple trick.

As if you passing and you noticed a girl (if you find her amazing) just approach her and ask her that Dose
She has any Spare Time as You want to show some trick to her.
For the trick you need a smartphone(Or calculator)
The trick is:
Open Calculator on your phone and handed over to her and ask her
1. Write first 3 digits of mobile number.
2. Multiply by 125.
3. Multiply by 16.
4. Add next 3 digits of mobile number.
5. Add next 3 digits of number again.
6. Multiply by 80.
7. Add 1.
8. Multiply by 250.
9. Add last 4 digits of number.
10. Add last 4 digits again.
11. Add last 4 digits once again.
12. Add last 4 digits one more time.
13. Subtract 250.
14. Divide by 4.
Follow each of the Steps Carefully and dont forget to press equals(=) sign after each step. I am sure you will
You can Visit here and can try it now:

If you like this trick keep Up voting this post .

Thank you for Reading.!

3.2k Views · 23 Upvotes

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Ajmal Hussain (AJ), studied Wisdom & Philosophy at Experiences in Life
Answered Jun 21

This life hack is very simple yet useful, not sure how many of you really have this habit.
How to change all your password combinations regularly and safely store your passwords in one place
without anyone noticing it?
Here is a simplest form of life hack.
1. Take a pen.
2. An A4 sheet cropped into a “small rectangle shaped piece of paper” not so smaller than your
thumb finger & not bigger than a sticky note.
3. Write down all your passwords one below one using a small font of your own size, without
writing any usernames along with it.
4. If you are using a number in your password. I suggest you to use 2 numbers and a special
character at the last.
5. Start changing the first number (in ascending or descending order) or the second number
alone in your password without having to change your password combinations completely.
6. Now, just fold it down twice and keep it in your wallet. When I say, ‘in your wallet’ definitely
NOT to keep along with your cash.

• Safeguarding Technique - Keep the paper in the smallest pocket sleeve of your wallet. The reason
because no would mind (even a thief) to look into the tiniest sleeve in a wallet.

• Strike-down old passwords - Once you’ve changed your passwords on a monthly notification, go-
to your washroom were nobody is around, except you. Change it from your secret sticky note as well.
Trust me. It’s safer than a bank locker and goes a long way with you. It is always better to have your secrets
in a very simple & discreet manner than in a complex environment, so nobody would dare/care to even look

• Bonus ‘Safety’ Points:

• Do not use computers/mobile phones to save passwords - There are very high risk factors of
system, getting infected with virus or it can get malfunctioned, which could result in losing everything. If
any of your operating system crashes down and if there is no way of recovering the data.

• Never share your passwords to anyone for that matter - Even if it’s your closest friends,
husband/wife, girlfriend/boyfriend and to an extent of your dad/mom? DO NOT SHARE YOUR
PASSWORDS. If you accidentally share it, change it immediately in a while.
Most of what is written above are used by the average corporate working class people I suppose, if some of
you did feel it is worth a practice? Feel free to try it.
Hope this helps someone in someway. Thanks

236 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Rohan Sirohi, I read news

Answered Wed

I want to know what is happening around me and in other countries as well. But I don't like news apps and
newspapers provides all the news next day and I cannot read all the news even after I try. So I read all
the news on my whatsapp.
How? Well there is a service called Duta.
Duta service not only provide news but many other services too. If you are addicted to social media then use
it as a tool for knowledge.
Services provided by Duta and number to access those services are
Cricket +917338898381
Football +917397673667
WWE +917338894631
Sports +917338896862
NBA +917397677158
Tennis +917397699913
FormulaOne +919043014052
Chess +917338897953
Hindi cricket +919042016766
Tamil cricket +919840268617
Malayalam cricket +917550071864
Kabaddi +917550078245
Hockey +919043015922
Rugby +919042002427
News +919043015188
World News +919043016386
Tech +919940149025
समाचार (Hindi News) +919042069245
Trump +919789918638
செய் திகள் (Tamil News) +919043009173
Bollywood +917550049198
Hindi Bollywood +919043009938
Hollywood +917338893406
Kollywood (Tamil) +919042009573
Jokes +917845098571
Fashion +919043017323
Deals +917338894078
Trivia +919042010803
Advice +917397670522
Daily quote +917550051351
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Priyanka, The Smartest Breed Lives.. Rest are Surviving!!

Updated May 23
• Poster of World Map in Bathroom
Enhance your knowledge of Geography by sticking poster of World / Country / State Map in Bathroom
exactly opposite to the Pot. You will get to know a lot about the world without wasting a single extra minute
of your day.

• Pimple / Acne
Mix 2–3 drops of Tea Tree oil with any Aloe Vera Gel (I use Patanjali’s) and apply every night on your face.
7 days; pimples gone.

• Paint your Keys with Nail Polish

Paint your keys with Nail polish. Its easy to remember which colour - which key!!

• Write things you think you will Remember coz you will not
1. Keep a small note book in Wallet / Purse
2. Make a note in Memo / Keep in Mobile

• Poster without mark on Wall

Use toothpaste to stick a poster on the wall instead of Glue or Tape. When you remove it, it will not leave
any mark on the wall.

• Avoid sounding Nervous

Sit crossed legs with Back relaxed on chair, your Body posture will help you feel less nervous.

• Avoid Argument
Place your point starting with, “What you said is correct, but what I believe is….”
The chances of the person arguing back will be less.

• Accept that everyone cannot be always right

You are not sent or hired to rectify or enlighten the whole world, unless you really enjoy doing so. Accept
that people are wrong and ignorant and don’t push yourself beyond limits to enlighten them with wisdom.
With time they will know. If not, it is still OK.

• To Impress a Family
Baby Sit the kid (age of the kid doesn’t matter) whenever you got time. They will treat you like an Angel
whom God has customized for them.
Disclaimer: All HACKS are Tried and Tested and WILL work for you too. If any of the above mentioned
did not work then YOU didn’t do it properly.
Not my mistake you see!! :)
340 Views · 6 Upvotes

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Stan Hayward, former Film/TV scriptwriter

Answered Feb 19

Create a ‘Favor bank’

When you have something you don’t want
instead of throwing it away, giving it away, or keeping it unused stored away
Think of someone who might use it
and give it to them saying
‘I came across this when I was clearing out, and thought of you, and whether it is of any use to you. Or if
not, whether you might know of someone it is useful to’
The important this is that ‘you thought of them’, and that is a compliment they will appreciate
You can also give away unwanted presents, or offer favors at other levels
Though such favors are minor, and done with no thought of reward, they do allow you to create a feeling in
the other person that they owe you a favor, should you ever need one, and at some point you will

1.1k Views · 10 Upvotes

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Qing Li Archer, I am Currently Alive
Answered May 22

I play and umpire netball, and I am constantly plagued by massive, sore blisters.
I was scrolling through my instagram feed and saw this life hack video for blisters.
So, you steralise a sewing needle (either with rubbing alcohol or leave it in hot boiling water for 3–5 mins),
thread it, and stick it though your blister all the way through (so you should have thread poking out of two
holes) .
Because the skin is separated from you limb, it shouldn’t hurt (if it does, you’re doing it wrong, and you’ve
probably accidentally stabbed yourself).
Leave the thread in for a couple of minutes, pulling it back and forth a few times so it doesn’t get crusted in
place, before pulling it out.
The thread should have soaked up all the fluid inside the blister, which is pretty much what causes a blister to
hurt (the pressure outside pushing the fluid inside against the unprotected flash beneath)

321 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Paul Hambrick, Internationally beloved raconteur
Answered May 10

A quote from the great commodities trader Richard Dennis has helped me tremendously and is something I
wish I had learned a long long time ago:
“The majority of the other things that didn’t work were judgments. It seemed that the better part of the whole
thing was rules. You can’t wake up in the morning and say, ‘I want to have an intuition about a market.’
You’re going to have way too many judgments.”
This led me to implementing the following heuristic:

• “Following rules is always better than making judgements.”

Another way of thinking about this is, ‘don’t reinvent the wheel.’
Process vs. outcome is what I’m getting at.
No matter what it is, if it’s been done before, it’s been done right and if you can find a system to help you
solve a problem, follow the system, and let the outcome take care of itself.
If you trust a system that is proven correct even 85% of the time, that’s still better than the 50% most
judgements get you.
So, the most clever lifehack I’ve learned is:
For any given project, find a system that works, trust the system, let the outcome take care of itself.

4.1k Views · 18 Upvotes

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Gaurav, Ambivert, Songwriter/rapper, Engineer in process.
Answered Mar 12

Smartest Internet hack

^This screenshot above is fake. Ever wondered how do they do it so precisely? And no it is not photoshoped!
Its much easier.
It is called HTML editing. You can edit any webpage, only the part that is written in text.
So it begins with you selecting the text that you want to edit and then right click>Inspect element.
A dialog box will appear in the right side with that text highlighted.
Don't get confused it might look a little complicated, just double click on that highlighted text and press
backspace then enter your desired text, press enter.
Bam! There you go, just remember to take a screenshot asap bc as soon as you refresh the webpage it will get
back to its original state.
Here's one for fun-

284 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Nguyen Kinh Luan, works at Ho Chi Minh City
Answered Dec 22, 2016

Think about it. When you get all worked up in your head about something, you give it energy. Your body will
show signs of stress; quicker breathing, sweaty palms, angry faces and words and so on. Is this not
AMAZING? Look what you just did with your mind. You have magical powers!
Now if only you would had been NOT thinking in a negative manner. WOW! Good vibrations, happy heart!
Thoughts create our experiences, not the other way around.
Happiness | Lausks.com

279 Views · 1 Upvote

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Karthik D
Answered Mar 6
We all might have searched for subtitles for various videos one or the other time.
A feature in “MX player” helps us to get available sub-titles for our video in just 3 steps away.
Just play the video for which you need sub-titles using "MX player" .
Click on the settings button( 3 vertical dots)…
followed by "Subtitle"

click on "Online subtitles"

followed by "Search"

later we can select "OK" or type the exact content which you want to search.
The specified steps helps you to search subtitles directly from "MX player" directly instead of switching
between the apps and checking them by opening it in a browser download save later map to the video, by this
after the download directly "MX player" will play the subtitles for the video.

900 Views · 14 Upvotes

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Neharik Umashankar, Lifelong Life-Liver

Updated Mar 8
Using Wikipedia as a source.
Anyone who’s written a research paper and had to cite their sources is well aware that Wikipedia isn’t
considered a reliable source, even though it contains a lot of useful info.
However, there’s a way to get around this - using the citation that the article has.

See that little number 21 in brackets? Just click on that, and it takes you to this:-

That’s the original source which was used for the article. Use that as your citation instead of Wikipedia, and
you’re good to go.

46.2k Views · 3,402 Upvotes

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Saul Tobin

The danger of this is that frequently Wikipedia pages cite only one or two works, which may or ma...

Daniel Thomas Hind, CEO at EvolutionEat

Answered Jul 12
“3am…maybe 2:30.”
“And that’s your norm? Okay. Not much sleep. And how many cups of coffee?”
“Six or seven, and then two or three energy drinks after dinner.”
“What’s for dinner?”
“Take out every night. Chipotle, or pizza, or yeah, mostly Chipotle. Plus then I’ll have a bag of chips and
maybe a Snickers from the vending machine at the office, depending on how late I am.”
“And how often do you prepare your meals?”
“Never. I don’t have time to think about it.”
This is an exact excerpt of a conversation I had with a new client the other day. Unfortunately, this is not a
rare occurrence. I have these conversations all the time.
As a high performance dietary strategist and lifestyle designer, I work with dozens of entrepreneurs,
entertainers, and in-demand badass human beings who battle their health on a daily basis to achieve a nearly
impossible standard of success.
Time is forever the enemy. “There’s not enough time to take care of myself and support my business.” This is
a constant refrain I hear.
This is proven by the fact that 70% of people in the U.S. are considered overweight or obese. No matter how
successful you are in business or in other areas of life, those numbers apply across all demographics,
professions and social strata.
“What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing right now regarding your health and diet?” After asking this
question, I’m often met by a long-off look, some fidgeting, a sigh of discomfort and, finally, total release:
“I just can’t stop eating after a certain point in the night and I’m embarrassed to talk about it. It’s not like
I’m addicted, but I also can’t stop myself. It feels stupid to talk about, because it’s easy to deny that anything
is going on. But now I’m embarrassed to look at myself after I’ve gained something like 30 or more pounds,
and I feel sort of powerless.”
You are not alone. Because sugar is addicting.
It’s indisputable. Sugar is addicting. Scientists have found that sugar is eight times as addictive as cocaine. It
makes you feel good. Especially in response to upsetting news or stress. Sugar releases serotonin and
dopamine in the brain, which feels pleasurable and makes you happy.
When you train this over and over and over again, it starts acting like a drug.
Here’s the problem: we ingest sugar in relatively low doses, so you come to continuously depend on those
little fixes. Over time, this forms an enormously entangled dependency, which, for many, becomes an
addiction. Low grade or high grade, addiction is a scary word. And many of us have it. Especially we
entrepreneurs who are engineered to do whatever it takes to gain an edge and keep working.
How often do you force yourself to complete projects by consuming unholy amounts of caffeine, energy
drinks, and sugary pick-me-ups to keep the brain firing well into the witching hours?
No one actually thinks sugar is healthy. But more often than not we’re willing to trade our long-term health
for short momentary blips of energy and productivity. This then cascades into a never-ending loop of feeling
out of control, weight gain, embarrassment, hardcore dieting, failure and shame.
Forget all that nonsense. It doesn’t have to be that way.
There’s a way you can not only satisfy but optimize your long term and short term interests by changing your
diet. If you do the following mostly right, you’ll set yourself up for a low inflammation, high performance,
high energy lifestyle.
I coach my clients to create lifestyles for themselves in which they’ve taken willpower and decision-making
out of the equation. We do this by ruthlessly prioritizing healthy food over everything else, and by training a
routine of consistency that you can rely upon day after day, no matter what’s going on, no matter where you
are, no matter the circumstances.
Pretty clever life hack, no?

P.S. I created a free ebook for you to start your evolution.

9.1k Views · 11 Upvotes

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Pankaj Bisht, practices methodical ignorance

Answered Mar 8
Read along for a hack that lets you end your chats abruptly without looking snobbish.
This hack is a simple repetition of three steps - 1. Type something 2. Delete 3. Repeat(your partner should be
online the whole time). This gives an impression that you are willing to reply but can't due to some problem,
a network congestion for example.
Make a note of three do's -
1. Always change the number of repetitions while giving a cold-shoulder to the same person again.
2. Do not use multiple excuses for one person.
3. Make sure that you casually make them aware of the problem in subsequent chats.
That's it. Your life is sorted. Enjoy.
P.S - This works only for chatting applications that have an in-built typing indicator.

1.8k Views · 4 Upvotes

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Guy Kawasaki, Chief evangelist of Canva, Mercedes-Benz brand ambassador

Answered Dec 9, 2016

Hold your car remote to your cheek—or any part of your body. It will make it work at much greater
It would be interesting if this worked for Donald Trump. Not clear to me that his body would amplify a

8.9k Views · 89 Upvotes

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Pureum Kim, Knows a little about life

Answered Mar 9

Here are some hacks that worked for me.

1. Wake up early and do the most important things first. You are less distracted and your brain is very
fresh. I try to do the majority of research in the morning if possible.
2. Listen to podcasts and YouTube 2x. You will be able to understand most of the stuff and save time.
You can always slow down if you missed something.
3. Prayer. As a Christian, I try to pray often. It gives me strength and it gives me peace.
4. Have strict time limits. I have time limits for tasks. This helps me not to waste time.
5. Exercise whenever you can. This sounds silly but you need blood moving in order to be productive.
Stand up every 20–30 min. Do some squats or stretching.
6. Read multiple books at once. This sounds crazy but it actually helps you connect things. Also, you
get bored less compared to reading one book.
7. Have a consistent sleep schedule. Make sure your sleep schedule consistent if not you will feel tired
and annoyed a lot of times.
8. If you can’t solve things within 10–30 minutes, ask. Don’t be afraid to ask. If you can’t figure out a
task within some time limit, it is much better to ask. That will save lot of time.
9. Take care of others. This is more of being a good neighbor but always try to help first. Remember
giving is better than receiving.
10. Write a diary. Writing your day helps you reflect and improve. Also, it makes you process your life
better. So get a habit of writing your thoughts and your life.

233 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Louis Chew, Student of Life

Answered Mar 14

One of the most useful strategies I’ve learnt was from Seth Godin. This concerns dealing with people who
are uninformed critics, negative people, trolls, and haters.
He calls this the Toddler strategy. What you do is to treat them as a two year old toddler giving advice that is
not well thought through.
Godin writes, “Most people don’t get too upset at anything a two-year-old kid says to them. That’s because
we don’t believe that toddlers have a particularly good grasp on the nuances of the world, nor do they
possess much in the way of empathy. Mostly, though, it turns out that getting mad at a toddler doesn’t do any
good, because he’s not going to change as a result (not for a few years, anyway).”
That’s not to say that all forms of criticism are unwarranted or constructive. But with the signal to noise ratio
being so bad with the rise of fake news and Internet trolls these days, it’s well worth remembering the
Toddler strategy.

I write at Constant Renewal, where I write stories on self-improvement, personal growth and motivation. For
more insights on how we can lead more productive and purposeful lives, connect deeper with me to get the
latest updates on my articles.

1.8k Views · 7 Upvotes

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Rachel Burger, Project Management Software Reviewer

Answered May 10

• Ladies, buy men's razors. They're the exact same as ladies' razors but half the price.

• Don't wash your jeans unless they're actually dirty. They'll last a lot longer and fit better.

• Grow your own herbs. It's easy, cheap, and you can do it inside.

• Use Amazon to buy basics (undershirts, panties, etc). A Prime account is well worth the money.

• Get a French press and make your own coffee. It's much, much cheaper and tastes better.

• Spend money on investment buys for quality/not needing to replace the item. This includes leather
jackets (they can easily last 30+ years with proper care), mattresses, and flooring.
480.4k Views · 10,827 Upvotes

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Red Subijano

“Ladies, buy men's razors. They're the exact same as ladies' razors but half the price.”


Sanmathi Bharamgouda, Trying to practice pauseit-witty.

Answered May 22, 2013

I do not know if this a 'hack' as such but it gets me through the highs and lows of life!
It is important to find happiness within ones self. Nothing, I mean nothing at all will last forever. We must
find a sweet spot within ourselves where we are in constant competition with no one else but ourselves.
There should be continuous effort to better our social, personal,academic and professional skills.
All external factors which seem to bring the so called happiness is an illusion. It is a never ending race. One
possession will trigger another.
So find that sweet spot. Have a feedback system within yourself.Keep improving. This will keep you happy
and shall benefit others too :).
You must ask yourself; this very moment if everything you own would be taken away. Will you be happy? If
the answer is YES. You have found that 'clever hack'!

Sorry for the length of the answer.

27.2k Views · 117 Upvotes

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Alex Esteven Guanga, College Assistant at Hunter College (2017-present)

Answered Feb 28

Time everything you are doing. Seriously, whenever you are doing a project or some kind of
homework, time yourself. Give yourself a 30 minute time limit and do as much as you can. I find this
works for two reasons.
1. You can hold yourself accountable to do deep work for 30 minute. Constant distractions deteriorates
your work. Thus, you can work dedicated for an allocated amount of time.
2. You learn how slow or quick it takes you to get things done. I learned that I waste a lot of time when
studying or doing homework in worrying about the small things. My biggest issue is that I spend too much
time making sure say my code or paper is presented properly. Yes, presentation matters. But that should
come after having a great idea.
3. I know I said two but there’s one additional thing that I found this too be very useful. You will find
yourself being in a deep work state longer than 30 minutes. Once you find in a great flow, you will work
continuously and won’t even realize you just worked for an hour straight without distractions. Thus, these 30
minutes is a great starting point but after some practice, you’ll begin to work longer and smarter.

3.3k Views · 37 Upvotes

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Robert Horvick

Good stuff. The general idea and first two bullets sound a bit like the Pomodoro Technique though...

Natali Jakar, studies at Bømlo Vidaregåande Skule (2018)

Answered Dec 13, 2016

• Take notes in columns or make a mind map. Usually, drawing lines and separating ideas will
make it easier to remember if you’re a visual learner.

• Record your notes. You may have forgotten your notes, don’t have enough time, maybe sitting and
reading in a bus make you dizzy etc. One you have your notes recorded in your phone, you can listen to it
whenever you want.
• Master ‘the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog’ to write faster. This sentence has all the
letters in the alphabet thus making it useful in writing faster both on paper and keyboard.

• Smile even if you’re sad! This’ll trick your brain and actually improve your mood.

• Want people to remember you better? Compliment them on something that not many notice. I
once complimented on a person’s hand, how young and beautiful it looked and now, every time she looks at
her hand she thinks ‘oh beautiful and young like she said’.

• Want to remember names better? Use them while talking with others.

• Completely forgot their name and feel awkward to ask again? Ask their name and when they
answer pretend you’re asking about their second name.

• Writing your notes will make it easier to remember. Instead of using your computer try to use the
good old pen and paper. Darker colours such as black and blue make it easier to remember than doing it with
red for example.

• Colour your paragraphs to organize your ideas. I use rainbow colours in order to organize large
paragraphs that involve step by step solutions. This way, I won’t get confuse. Red is step one, orange is step
two etc.

• Treat yourself. Treat yourself when you do something good to keep it up.

• Hungry but don’t want to waste it on unhealthy things? Try vegetables and healthy tasty dipping to
satisfy you.

• Be sure to learn the basics well before moving on.

• Make self-made tests! They’re helpful.

• Group studies for boring subjects.

• If you have physics test, write what you have and what the question asks before reading the
whole question. You’ll have more ideas on which formulas you should use.

837 Views · 3 Upvotes · Answer requested by Duong Cuong

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Rahul Pandya, B.E Computer Science, Vishwakarma Government Engineering College (2018)
Updated Apr 30

Not about me, it's about my cousin, Hardik who is fond of chemistry…
A week ago I visited him, I noticed that my WiFi didn't connect automatically…
I asked him, “dude, did you change the WiFi credentials again..??”
He: yes…
Me: ok tell me then…
He: “ssid: E P S I L O N” & “password: molybdenum_is_42”
Me: bro, you are really into chemistry huh…!!
He: naah, its just the way i remember the Atomic Mass of the elements from Periodic Table ;-)
Me: I'm impressed ;-)
Today when i visited again….
He: bro today its “Uranium_is_238”
Me: you are Genius…. :-D
I think this could be the best way to remember the whole periodic table…

2.9k Views · 62 Upvotes

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Damanjeet Sethi
Answered Apr 13

Might sound a little cheesy but I learnt how to tame my frizzy hair in a pinch. That has been my biggest and
happiest hack so far.
I have such unmanageable frizz that I look like I have just got out of bed, no matter how many styles I try to
make. People kept telling me to embrace my curls, but curls turn to frizz and frizz turns to a nightmare. So I
kept getting my hair rebonded every year. With this practice I developed terrible hair fall and dryness. Every
year I had to chop my locks shorter and shorter as my hair got damaged. To a girl, seeing her precious hair go
down the drain (literally), is very disheartening.
So I vowed never to rebond my hair again and started experimenting with natural products. I mixed matched
some recipes from the internet and created my own hair spray, and voila! My hair started obeying me! :)
It involves aloe vera and glycerine. You can read about all the ingredients here. Ever since then, I have never
looked back on styling products and only opt for natural things for my hair. Keeps them chemical free and
also produces excellent results!

188 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Fitha Abdulla, yes , you have a soul mate , in the mirror.

Answered Dec 20, 2016
I have a quick temper ,unfortunately .

Obviously I gain enemies more than friends.

I shout at my mom ,dad and husband for silly matters like scolding me for forgetting where I kept that
important document . I would whine endlessly why all these people are bad at me .
Wait ,wait . I found out recently that I am the common denominator here . Is there any reason to think that I
can be wrong too , Meh !
I would feel very low after each of the tantrums I throw , I was almost always down .
I thought of making a little move, to think before yelling what will make me feel a little lighter /better
now ?
Instead of shouting at dad,I will search for the document now .
Instead of crying over the fact that my husband don't like my cooking ,I will learn one recipe byheart and
will make it .
Instead of complaining over not having good friends,i started seeing goodness in the people around me .
They seem nice now.
Thanks google for the pic .

2.8k Views · 13 Upvotes

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Michel Hedley
Updated Feb 13

If you are going to a meeting in someone’s building, turn up early, sit in the reception area and listen and
watch what is going on. After awhile they just forget that you are there.
These days most reception areas are the company’s answering service and main entrance for its staff, visitors
and clients.
Listen who is ringing in and for the caller’s company/organization. Listen to whom the receptionist defers.
Listen to the chat by the staff coming and going. See how busy the place is. Hear what is working and what
Get a feel for the organization. What sort of place would it be to work there? Will it be a good place with
which to do business? How are staff treated? How are customers treated?
Is the person with whom you are meeting getting any mentions? What are they saying about him/her?
You pick up on some nuances. These nuances helped give an inkling what might be going on, what is
discussible and what is not in your meeting. Often I found that I picked up on clues and so adjusted my
approach in the meeting and so helped reach success.
Sometimes I might meet staffers I knew but didn't know they worked in the company/organisation of my
meeting. That would give a bit more cache in the meeting. I would tell them whom I was meeting and
usually they would tell me something useful, or give hints.
Sometimes there were other visitors and I would make the point of introducing myself and then finding out
why they were visiting.
By the time the meeting started I felt somewhat familiar with the company/organization and that gained a
good reaction from the people with whom I was meeting.
Thirty minutes early is about right.
There is the additional benefit of being on time and treating the meeting as an important occasion.
There is an extra benefit of being able to put into your mind a picture of the organisation and so helps you
better remember the details of the meeting and the people and what they said.

137.8k Views · 326 Upvotes

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Himanshu Shekhar, B.E from St. Mary’s Convent School. (2015)
Answered Feb 7

1. Crossing Out Words

Instead of crossing words out with lines, cross them out with letters so they won't be legible.
2. Organizing Spray Bottles

Use a clothing rod to hang your spray bottles to save space.

3. Keeping Manuals

Whenever you buy a product, go to the manufacturer's site and upload the digital version of the manual onto
Google Drive or Dropbox, and you'll never have to keep paper copies again.
4. Untying a Knot

The trick to untying a knot is to twist the loose end as much as you can and to push it through the knot.
5. Filling a Container With Water
If you have a container that can't fit in your sink, carefully position a dustpan in a way that will funnel the
water into the container below.
6. Microwaving Leftovers

Dig a hole in your leftovers when heating them up in the microwave so the heat will spread evenly.
7.Heating Up Food

Place one bowl on top of a cup to make sure both bowls can fit in the microwave at the same time.
8.Drinking Sodas

Keep your straw in place by turning the tab and placing the straw through the tab.
We're breathing all wrong. The proper way of breathing is to breathe from your abdomen, not from your
chest. Breathing from your chest area will result in shallow breaths and less oxygen intake.
10. Slicing Bread

To slice bread without squishing the top, turn it upside down and slice it from the bottom up.
11.Tying Plastic Bags

Instead of tying plastic bags with a rubber band, use the top of a water bottle to screw it shut.
12.Freezing Ice Cream

You've been freezing your ice cream all wrong. Keep it in a ziplock bag when you stuff the tub in the freezer,
and your ice cream will stay soft and not harden to the point where you'll have difficulty scooping it.

351 Views · 1 Upvote

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Vidas Pinkevicius, Creator of Blogging for Organists
Answered Mar 20

I'm walking in the woods with my wife right now.

This is my best life hack.
The day we started hiking I knew I was on to something. Something big.
It helps me to relax, to slow down my mind.
It helps for all kinds of ideas to come to my mind which I can later share with the world.
Good ideas, bad ideas. Doesn't matter. It's not for me to decide.
I get to hear birds singing, dogs barking and occasional airplane flying over my head.
So try taking a walk. It's a great hack.
Oh, and it helps me lose weight too.

Get more answers on vidaspinkevicius.com

2k Views · 21 Upvotes

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Joshua Tucker, I've had a few - always wanting more!!!
Answered Mar 2

A person’s name is the sweetest sound they’ll ever hear….. Direct address will get you almost anything from
In his book How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie gives a “life hack” that is incredibly
simple and yet still remains as one of the most effective life hacks I've ever come across.

To briefly summarize the idea, the technique of memorizing people’s names and addressing them by their
name will increase their openness to you and make you instantly more likable and attractive.
It’s an incredibly simple concept, but try it out with your friends and colleagues, and especially if you are
meeting someone for the first time! After the initial introduction of “Hello, I’m Josh! How are you?” make a
mental note to use their newly introduced name in the conversation and to open questions.
For example: “So Josh, Do you have any family here in the UK?”
Immediately, this not only shows an interest in the person on your part, but the simple act of addressing them
by their first name makes it so much more personal and amiable.
(Time for a quick story - something relating to this that happened to me only 2 days ago)
In one of my classes this week, an external speaker arrived from a student organization to give a presentation
on preparing for examinations. Now, this speaker comes to each grade every year and gives a presentation on
a topic relating to study tips. As me and my classmates mingled while waiting for class to start, the speaker
started talking to students around her. I happened to be in a desk near to the speaker, and she asked me “Were
you here for the talk I gave last year?”. I said that I was, and she jokingly asked me whether I “remembered
anything from her talk?” Coincidentally, I just happened to remember a random (but very good) analogy that
she had given in her talk over a year ago. I reminded her of the detail that had stuck in my memory, and she
was instantly charmed and flattered that someone had considered her presentation to be so memorable that
they still remembered details from it a year later. “Awww that’s very sweet of you”, she smiled, and then
delivered yet another fantastic presentation.
Showing interest in someone, whether through a detail or through their name, goes a lot further than you
would think!

419 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Trevor Maurer, Owner of The Vintage Leather Company.

Answered Apr 16

Actually, just be nice!

It's amazing the response you get when you deal with people while being respectful and smiling.
When negotiating or in an argument if the other party is pushed in to a corner or made to feel bad they are
not going to give in easily. Elevate them as someone who can make a difference and they will.
It just makes life easier and less stressful. When things go wrong at work I have one customer screaming and
swearing. The other polite and considerate one will come off with something way over and above what they
asked for.
There was a scene from I film that I coincidentally remembered a couple of days ago. Might have been Dr
Zhivago, can't remember.
A couple of exhausted starving soldiers in a trench. A guy runs over shouting “get up you lazy bastards” and
they don't move. The next one runs over “help us comrades, your country needs you” and they go to battle
As far as I can remember they all got through!
460 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Kevin Marceau, Ma Translation Studies, University of Hull (2017)

Answered Mar 5

Although it may sound a tad trivial, the best life-hack I've discovered is how to keep headphones untangled
at all times once they're put away. It's actually pretty simple and takes 10 seconds to complete with a bit of
practice and will save you a great deal of time! Just follow these 3 steps:
1 - if you're right-handed put your headphones in your left hand. Extend only your index finger and your
baby finger, the rest of them should be resting against the palm of your hand. This is what I call the “Rock n
Roll” gesture.
2 - place the 2 bits you put in your ears on your left index finger and start wrapping the cord in a loop around
both the baby and the index fingers as many times as you deem appropriate (ideally leave about 2 inches of
loose cord).
3 - use the loose cord remaining to tie the big loop together through the middle. Secure the whole system by
running what's left of it through the smaller loop on either side.
Job done, you can now chuck your headphones anywhere and will always find them tidy :)
The end result should look more or less like the following picture depending on how tightly you secured the

Good luck!
24.3k Views · 126 Upvotes

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Petar Kovacev, worked at Microsoft Development Center Serbia

Answered Mar 8

This one isn't the most clever, but it is useful (I suppose):

When writing emails, enter the email of the recipient last, so you avoid sending the email prematurely (by
accidentally clicking Send).

492 Views · 11 Upvotes

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Vishwas Londhe, I have lived for 60 years now. I know about life.
Answered Jun 14, 2015
I have already answered this question on Quora. I still hold on the view expressed.
" Imaginary problems are the only complexity in this world."
All actual problems can be managed if we don't panic. Imaginary problems have no solution. Trying to solve
them is a greatest time waster that one can engage in.
I hope this helps you in your quest.
Thanks for A t A Madhurima Jakkamsetty

6.2k Views · 44 Upvotes · Answer requested by Madhurima Jakkamsetty

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Nikhil Chaudhary, studied at Allen Career Institute

Updated Jul 20

The next time you come across a bunch of annoying guys laughing at you a few yards away — look at them,
broaden your eyes and act as if you noticed something unusual, smile a little, look at the floor, smile broadly
looking at the floor, pause and get involved in your business. Don't look at them again.
It gives you a reason to be confident as you now know something that they don't, and it gives them a reason
to shift their attention from you onto the thought — “Hey! What's wrong?”.
Tried & tested.
Caution: Don't try on opposite sex.


✓ ⌣¨

34.6k Views · 3,407 Upvotes

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Gunjan Kumar, Free-rider of my Travel group!

Answered May 8

Specially useful hack during fashion sale or weekend cloth shopping!

I recently came across this awesome hack when I was dragged by my friend to a shopping mall that had
fashion sale going on.
And as you would have experienced during fashion sale or weekend cloths shopping, one thing that makes
your shopping experience hell - long queue for trial rooms!

[image source: Daily Mail UK]

For guys accompanying their female friend/partner, is equally frustrating and irritating! This is a common
scene in front of ladies trial room!
[image source: Daily Mail UK]
My friend selected couple of clothes and wanted to give it a try before buying them. She went toward trail
room to find her turn after 7 ladies and each of them with average of 4 clothes. If everyone took minimum of
2 minutes to try on one cloth (total of 8 minutes), it would have taken her 56 minutes i.e. close to an hour for
her turn!
However, ongoing sale gave her enough motivation to wait in the queue. Meanwhile, rather than joining the
guys gang waiting outside trial room, I went on to take a stroll around the floor. On the other side of the trial
room, was kids section. And this is what I saw there.

[Image source: Restoredesign]

Yes trial rooms for Kids that were empty!
Yes you got the hack! In many shopping malls, there would be Kids section and generally kids trial rooms
will be pretty empty. Just pick the dress you want to try and head straight to kids section - try your clothes
Wollah no queue, no waiting, no irritation!
Enjoy your weekend shopping and fashion sale next time without being afraid of trail room monster!

11.7k Views · 38 Upvotes

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Mariam Naeem Khan, Editor, content writer, journalist

Answered May 9
Not acting or reacting when I’m angry.
I’ve learnt it to be the most useful hack one can learn and apply in life.
Until a few months back, I used to respond to unpleasant situations really badly - be it professional or
personal. I would get all worked up and use harsh words to convey how much hurt I was, but usually, it
would back-fire on me.
My anger would make me look bad and spare the culprit. Since I’d be shouting and blabbing useless, cruel
vocabulary words, the focus would shift from the real issue to my behaviour, providing culprit another
chance to label me as ‘the trouble-maker’.
The argument would end making me look atrocious. Nobody would listen to me or even bother asking what
made me so upset. Everyone took me to be a conceited, indignant, young woman. Why?
Because I reacted while being angry. It’s natural to be sharp and bitter when you are angry, but reacting is

Then, once an argument broke between a friend and myself. She got angry and reacted just way I used to.
She shouted, was bitter and went on ranting, while I stayed quiet. Everyone around us thought she was
My friend said many hurtful things - all the nasty things that had been in heart and as a consequence, I don’t
have high opinion of her anymore. I could see for myself what anger was doing to her. Everyone has a dark
side, but anger intensifies it.
The argument ended, and so did our friendship. From that day onward, I endeavour not to act or react when
I’m angry. Needless to say, it has produced wonderful results.
Now, when I feel getting angry, I stay quiet and remove myself from the situation. It takes me between 10 to
20 minutes to cool down and approach the matter with a fresher mind.
I analyse the issue from different perspectives before uttering anything. I try to be emphatic and look at the
bigger picture.
So far, this hack has saved me from getting into three really nasty situations.
I suggest you try it too!

6.6k Views · 80 Upvotes

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Answered Jun 25

This one I saw on a quora answer last year and it has made me almost half a million dollar since that
I bought my first car with the money I made from investing with this money making method.

It was written by a quorian and I decided to test it out Of which it worked well for me. It basically has to do
with making money with a binary options software called Optionrobot. For those who do not have an idea
what binary options is all about, binary options is a highly profitable online trading financial tool in which
you’re to determine if the value of an asset would increase or decrease over a certain period of time, the pay-
out is a fixed amount of ROI (Return On Investment) or nothing.
Optionrobot, trades automatically for you And the software is absolutly free. There's no need for download
or anything and you can use it from your phone.
At first, when I started I remember starting With about $250
Presently, I invest really heavy using the web based software. Here is my Optionrobot account at the time of
writing this post.

Starting with $11,500 now I have $44573.40 doing nothing. The very good part is that the software is
absolutely free and easy to use with no technicality involved
So let me walk you through the settings
In the settings, you choose from 1 of 3 trading methods.

• Classic which is considered the most secure

• Martingale which can be highly profitable, but takes much more risk

• Fibonacci is the most accurate system (best)

OptionRobot Assets
At this moment in time, Optionrobot is working with currency pairs. The trader can choose which pairs they
will allow Option Robot to trade in. The choices can be one, several or all of the following:








OptionRobot Expiry
The trader chooses what expiry times OptionRobot will use. The choices are 60 seconds, 5 minutes, 10
minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 1 hour.
Different brokers have various available expiry, depending on the broker you're using with Optionrobot
Trade Amount
The investor has the ability to set what each trade amount will be. The minimum is $5 and the maximum is
$500 with levels between these 2 extremes.
Simultaneous Trades
The trader can also set the robot on how many simultaneous trades can run at any given time. This can be set
from 1 to 8.
Personally, I let 3 trades run simultaneously.
After you're done with adjusting your settings, you click on auto trade.
Note: Try the settings with a demo account before using your real account. If you're in profit, then you can
go ahead and use your real trading account.

4.8k Views · 21 Upvotes

Harsh Athalye, Expat blogger @ Aussian.com
Answered Mar 24

Imagine this.
You have an important meeting with some pretty important people. You have to present some idea, a concept
in this meeting.
You confidently walk to the front of the meeting room, welcome everybody and starts your presentation.
Somewhere in the process, you move to the whiteboard to draw a diagram to explain the concept to the
audience. You pick up the marker and draw a neat looking diagram, you explain everything beautifully.
Everyone is nodding in agreement and they seem to like your presentation.
You progress ahead with your presentation. You want to scribble some important points. So you pick up
eraser and try to wipe the diagram. It won’t budge. You try hard. No luck. Surprised and little panicked, you
look at the marker you used only to find this:

Damn! It’s a permanent marker. You wished there was an undo button to erase your mistake. Your half an
hour of presentation ruined because of one small mistake.
Not me. I have a nifty little trick. The trick is to use normal whiteboard marker on top of the thing you wrote
with permanent marker. Now use the eraser. Voila! Clean like a slate again. This small little trick can save
you a lot of unwanted embarrassment. Try it next time. You can thank me later :-)
1.9k Views · 29 Upvotes

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Jane Hwangbo, Writer, Mission Over Money (2016-present)

Answered Mar 17

I say “Hi!” to strangers first.

It usually shocks the hell out of ‘em, and the good ones smile and say hi back. We zing for a moment and
take a break from this big cold world.
I forgive my mother.
She’s a raging narcissist. After years of therapy, I realized that if I can let her issues go with a quick
meditation in the morning, I’m much more compassionate to everyone for the rest of the day.
I write my list of highest priorities from long to medium term in a journal at night. Then I wake up
and go about my day.
When I’m about to spend money on something, I pull out my journal and ask if it supports the goals I wrote
down the night before. If it doesn’t, I move on. Bye bye, Free People poncho.
I say “Thank you” out loud when I open my eyes in the morning. It motivates me to want to contribute
my best to whatever I’ll be accomplishing that day.

2.2k Views · 12 Upvotes

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Nishant Patil, Life is nothing without friends
Answered Mar 11

If you measure distance from your left middle finger to right by stretching arms like this,

That will be exacly equal to your body height.

Check this out…

Image Source: Google

146 Views · 7 Upvotes

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Hope Laust, Works smarter, definitely not harder.
Answered Nov 26, 2016

I've never used this one and hopefully never will, but I think it's really clever and could probably save me
from some depression.
Right, so if you find yourself in a situation where you have to live on the streets, use the last money you have
on a gym membership. Preferably in a 24 hour gym. By doing so, you'll have access to a nice bathroom with
a shower, warm shelter (if there's a storm or a lot of snow starts falling), and you'll have a (or ten) lockers for
the items you want/need to hold on to.

15.7k Views · 166 Upvotes

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Gautam Sawala, A problem doesn't exist without solution

Answered Apr 4

Originally Answered: What's the most clever life hack you've learned?

Be Persistent
We started an Ecommerce website a little over an year back. One month in we had just one order. Three
months in we were bleeding money. We had almost eroded all the investments we had.
We could have just folded the business thinking that the market isn't responding to our idea.
Since we had nothing to lose from that place, we kept pushing to make it work with whatever little money
we had left.
We kept working and reworking on ideas and made a deal with our vendors to give us a cheaper pricing. We
were persistent in our approach and vola!
Five months down the lane, business started picking up. In seventh month we were at a stage where handling
the amount of orders was becoming difficult.
We finally broke our back 1 year down the lane. We were selling really well on amazon along with our shop,
but since we were novice and did not know consequences of delayed shipping on amazon. Amazon barred us
from selling.
We did not give up and started all over again, now in 14 month, we are again gaining traction like we had.
The core lesson that we have learnt in past one year is, you need to be persistent in your efforts and be
willing to fail and start from scratch again.
As they say,
You fail only when you give up.
(Not sure if someone other than me says that though :P )

813 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Kandarp Joshi, Counsellor, advisor, motivator (of a different kind)

Answered May 1
So, this is not most clever life hack, but is indeed very helpful at times when you cannot tolerate.
It happens many times at work or with friends. You are sitting next to a friend or any person at your work
place and you know that you will have to sit with him for a longer period of time and if his or her mouth
stinks, then what?
They are not going to stop talking to you and if your tolerance limits have reached. Then you can use a small
hack that I always use.
Just keep a

In your pocket. When you feel your neighbour is stinking. Just open the mint pack and pop one in your own
mouth. It is very likely that your neighbour will ask for one and if he or she doesn't ask you can offer one.
You ate first and then offered, hence they would not feel bad and the problem will be solved.

63k Views · 5,384 Upvotes

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Chaitanya Vankadaru, Veni, Vidi, Vici ;)

Updated Mar 2

This can be the most lethal life-hack ever, if you use it in the right way.
What do you guys think?
What might be that lethal?
Which thing can change your life within months?
The answer to all these questions is…
“Saying NO” to the things where most of us tend to say yes in general due to hesitation or something.
But, remember one thing. You can do this in a much convincing way than the thing you actually thought of.
Because, life before getting job and after job aren’t the same.
When a friend asks you to do something for him and you’ve time and respect for him, just do it.
But, when it comes to your office-mate, you shouldn’t trust them all the time. Because, they dump their work
on you, and in the end, they grab the entire credit for the work, where you’re ignored/thrown out of the scene

• You will just be treated like a crushed can, if you do so.

So, be wary of such idiots in life and learn to Say NO to some things from now.

→Applicable not only for employees, but also for all mature human beings to lead a less-stressful life.

6k Views · 54 Upvotes

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Glen James Mendez, works at Oracle

Answered Mar 9
Here is something silly but a very effective way to prevent shoe theft when visiting religious places.
I saw a gentlemen doing this at Velankanni Shrine. He would leave his right shoe at one place and the left
shoe at a different place bit far away. This way the shoe thief would have a difficult time locating the pair.
Pretty genuine and novel idea . No, I haven't tried or practiced this yet :)

123 Views · 2 Upvotes

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John Penturn, works at Pendragon Management Services

Answered Jan 30

Clever is about how only. It’s a small part of it’s eternal master wisdom, which understands the eternal &
profound importance of why. You appear to be asking for a short cut. Let me characterize the goodness I
surmise you’re looking for, as seeking the most efficient way to do the most profound good in your life. If
you’re looking for a cute trick to get a titillating buzz from scratching an itch (& calling that progress) then
you are doomed to wonder why you’re never really happy. Momentary pleasure & glee of course just
inevitably become gnawing dissatisfaction, the more they are accessed instead.
The most efficient path to everything good is understanding there is a reason why nothing is a better
predictor of all levels of the deepest happiness, fulfillment, success & prosperity in life then successfully
developing ones emotional intelligence with real passion.
The “hack” to quickly doing so is always living your life from the inside/out (which inevitably ensures
lasting, deep & immediate joy & happiness) & understanding outside/in thinking always leads to a life of
misery. Not a metaphor.
Only then can you use access the most powerful operating principle in life, What you focus on expands - to
achieve absolutely everything good. Its so powerful for a reason. Your unconscious is relentless & cannot be
turned off. All issues it is dealing with are being amplified magnetizing & attracting more of the same. Thus
making introspection & self awareness the engine that drives all elements I mention above that emotional
intelligence delivers better then all else. Using the crown jewel of our intellect & all genius, creativity to
focus on whats most beautiful in others & everything encountered in this context - becomes the most
important hack there is.
Provided you understand its a choice you’re constantly making whether you realize it or not.

505 Views · Answer requested by Isa Amanov

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Priya Sharma, Product Manager at Google (2014-present)

Answered Apr 4

What you can learn in one minute

Lesson 1:
Box Breathing.
It’s the technique that Navy SEALs use to remain calm and focused under the most stressful conditions
(think bullets whizzing by your head).
You may not be under that kind of stress, but box breathing is extremely effective when that project at work
is getting the best of you.
It only takes a few seconds to comprehend and a minute’s worth of practice will leaveyou feeling relaxed and
Here’s how to do it:
Take a deep breath in through your nose (focus on breathing into your stomach rather than into your chest).
Now exhale completely, forcing all of the air out of your body.
Repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 breaths.
Step 1
Breathe in deeply through your nose for 4 seconds. Then hold this breath for 4 more seconds.
Step 2
Exhale for 4 seconds until the air is completely out of your lungs. Hold the exhale for an additional 4
Rinse & Repeat.
Some additional fun facts:
Why through your nose vs. your mouth?
Breathing in through your nose increases Nitric Oxide levels in your bloodstream. Nitric Oxide expands your
blood vessels, increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure – all good things!
Humming increases Nitric Oxide levels
If you want to supercharge your feeling of focused calm, start humming when you exhale. A study published
in the American Journal Of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine showed that humming greatly increases the
levels of Nitric Oxide released into your bloodstream.
Viagra works on the Nitric Oxide pathway
In 1998, the Nobel Prize for medicine was awarded to three American researchers who showed how Nitric
Oxide works in the body, as well as its widening effect. Thanks to their research Viagra was developed.
Take that as you will
Lesson 2
Use a pause instead of ‘but’ while apologizing.
We all know whatever said before the ‘but’ was a moral obligation. It also makes your apology sound
I’m sorry for the ordinary code but we had deadlines.
I’m sorry for the ordinary code <pause>. We had deadlines.
Smooth way of passing the blame as well

4.4k Views · 25 Upvotes

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Luke Mead, Youth Entrepreneur and CEO of Fleurieu Wedding Guide

Answered Nov 25, 2016

Be nice to everyone.
If you're kind to everyone, everyone will love you, therefore they'll be willing to do you favours.
This is simple but effective, just be nice. You'll get more from being nice than any other life hack.

890 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Updated Nov 6, 2016
How most of our time is going as waste unproductively?
Undoubtedly checking Social media. Checking social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, linkedin etc. can
eat our precious hours which goes very unproductive. If we calculate the time we spend on social media it
will be like a major portion of your any day.
How many times do we check?
Countless. Because many are addicted. For eg. if we check to an average of 10–12 times daily for 15
minutes. It will be like 150–180 minutes daily. i.e 2–3 hours minimum!

How to Avoid wasting time?

By fixing time to check it! As simple as that!
You can fix time to check it and have a schedule.
Eg. How i do is:
in the morning 9.00 am–9.20am - first time
in the lunch: 2.00 pm–2.20pm - second time
in the evening 8.30pm-8.50pm - third time
So total i am logging only 3 times daily consuming only 1 hours or 1.15 hours at the max.
You can fix time and schedule based on your convenience.
Earlier i used to check 8–10 times daily wasting 2–3 hours. Now it reduce to half. I am trying to reduce even
Is it that difficult?
Not that much from my experience. Psychologists say any thing done for 21 days systematically ultimately
becomes our habit!
Bottom line
I am saving minimum 2 hours daily which i use for other productive things.
I know it is hard and sounds crazy for some. But believe me. If you do this you will end up saving lot of your
precious time.
And the best part: I am not missing any single update in social media. I mean there aren’t more update than 1
hour daily for you to check! We are just Addicted to waste time on them!

868 Views · 9 Upvotes

Amir Davis, worked at Military, Police, Medicine
Updated Jul 14

Here’s one that’s kinda sorta original (I say kinda sorta because I’m pretty sure that like the overwhelming
majority of humanity, I’ve never had a truly original thought, but I did come up with this one independently,
even if I’m almost certainly not the first):
Next time you work out at the gym or go for a run, count your repetitions/distance backwards.
Trust me on this. On days when I’m tired or lack discipline (i.e. most days now), it’s easy to start out with the
intention of doing a set of 8 reps on the bench press, or running 8k. Then you get to the 4th rep or 4th
kilometre and say, “F__k it, that’s good enough”.
Try saying f__k it and stopping at 4 when you’re counting backwards and see how ridiculous you feel ;-)

2.1k Views · 45 Upvotes

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Man Manne, works at Attorneys
Answered Nov 5, 2016

In business, asking for proposals in writing. It is not the actual written proposal that is of importance.
It is the verbal and non verbal response of your conversational partner that provides insight to their
charachter and often their intentions.
Ask yourself how meaningful any undertaking can be and what your commitment to it should be, if the other
party refuses to invest half an hour to put the proposal in writing.

455 Views · 1 Upvote

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Lee Mwangi, Artistic soul, proud African

Updated Thu

1. Texted the wrong person? Put your phone on airplane mode and when the message fails to deliver
you can delete it.
2. When you are done with an essay, copy and paste it to Google Translate and listen to it. It is the
easiest way to find mistakes.
3. If you type any flight number on Google, you can see exactly where the plane is.
4. To skip a Youtube ad, just change ‘youtube' to ‘youtubeskip' on the url of any video.
5. On myfridgefood.com you can put in whatever you have in your fridge and it will tell you everything
you can make with it.
6. Four words to get you free alcohol at a party, “I've never been drunk."
7. Hungry and want a ride home? Go to the local pizza shop, order a delivery and get a ride home with
the driver.
8. Video buffering on YouTube, press the up button and it will start a game of snake.
9. Want to clean your microwave? Microwave a bowl of water and the steam will loosen any hard
pieces that are stuck for easy cleaning.
10. Use old newspapers at the bottom of your dustbin to absorb food juices.
11. You can use unscented dental floss to perfectly cut soft solids like cheese.
12. If you suspect you've been given a wrong number, read it back to them incorrectly. If they correct it
chances are you were given the correct number in the first place.
Source Life +
I just realised Youtubeskip no longer works. As suggested by many people on the comments, you can use Ad
Blocker which is more efficient.i have also added more hacks.

172.3k Views · 8,583 Upvotes · Not for Reproduction

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Ara Mambreyan

The 7th is gold. Now, I know how I will impress my crush!


3 more comments from Brijesh Vaghela, Jade Tsui, Sara Gómez

Jason Nathaniel Miller, works at Philadelphia Museum of Art
Answered Mar 10

If you’re on the east coast of the USA, and you need to talk to a pharmacist after all your local pharmacies
have closed, there’s a window of time when you can call one in California. The time difference means you
have about three extra hours of pharmacist availability on average. This saved me when I really needed to
know about a drug interaction.
I guess this also applies to Mountain and Central time zones, with the requisite adjustments.

410 Views · 7 Upvotes

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Akshara Saji, Experience is an invisible teacher!

Answered Jul 2

When you go to a mall and you need to park your vehicle in the parking area and also remember where did
you park…
Then click the sign like I clicked which is nearby to where your vehicle is parked and enjoy shopping !
Incase if you forgot then atleast the security staffs can help.
Have a nice day!
Image source:My phone gallery :)

4.6k Views · 33 Upvotes

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Ananth Rao S, Yes, but why?

Answered Mar 19, 2014

Change your browser settings to open from where you left off last time, this way you won't be distracted by
the most visited sites.
I thought of this 2 weeks ago, and already the results are dramatic.
Tell me your experience as well.

8.7k Views · 41 Upvotes

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Arun Mohan, Android Developer

Answered Nov 8, 2016

Since you asked me for something which you can learn, i am gonna tell you 15 simple hacks, which you may
find helpful.
If you type in the flight number on to the google, you can find exactly where it is.
Lick your wrist and smell it, this is what your breath smells like.
Feeling blue ? You can instantlyimprove your mood by eating these : oatmeal, cereal, salmons, milk, dark
chocolate and bananas.
Honey can heal scars left from acne, just dab it and leave it for few hours and wash it off.
Memorizing songs is extremely healthy for your brain and willimprove your mental capacity.
Behavioral scientists say we need 21 days to make/break a habit, so do something for a span of 21 days and
will be a habit.
The colder your room, the easier it will be to sleep.
Inhale through your mouth, swallow your saliva twice and exhale through nose for a 100% hiccup cure.
Working out before bed makes your burn more calories as you sleep.
While meeting someone for the first time ask them what they like to do rather than what they do, it will get
them excited & spark conversation.
Drinking water on an empty stomach helps with detoxing, weight loss and increases the production of new
blood and muscle cells.
Eating a piece of chocolate at breakfast can help you increase your mood and enhance happinessthroughout
the day.
Submerge wet nails in cold water for 3 min, polish will dry itself completely and it will get rid of any that got
onto the skin.
Studying for 30–50 mins with a 10min break is the most effective way to retain information.
About deleting tourists from photosusing photoshop.

407 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Deniz Önol, studies Psychology at University of Alberta (2021)

Answered Feb 11

• Express your feelings

Being regretful for not doing/saying something is one of the worst things someone can feel. There's no need
to keep your thoughts for yourself.

• If you're not willing to do something, don't do it

You don't have to read that book just because you’ve purchased it, you don't have to finish a meal that you
don't like just because you’ll pay it. Don't hangout with people you didn't really like.

• Embrace your mistakes

You know what, shit happens! You can make a mistake, and you may repeat it. There's no need to cry for
them in the middle of the nights. There's no need to hate yourself.

• The things you’ll make won't be perfect and that's okay

I draw, I write and and I am not an amazing artist or an incredible author. Many years, I hid my work from
others because they were full of mistakes. And they are still full of mistakes but I learned that when you
understand that it’s okay to be imperfect you can improve yourself, you can gain confidence.

222 Views · 1 Upvote

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Balaji Soundar, B.E from Sri Sairam Institute of Technology (2017)

Answered Nov 23, 2016

Letting my mom to scold me and rise no objection for it

Yay you heard it right. Even though it maybe annoying when my mom digs upon silly things I always tend to
listen to her patiently. From my point of view it feels like I have done nothing wrong. But wait it's my point of
view but what about her's. She is someone whose been with me throughout my childhood knowing bits and
pieces of me. But whenever there is a change in that bits and pieces that she had seen in me, growing up, it
becomes highly intolerable for her. So I patiently listen to her shouting and would give it a thought later on
that day and look to correct it.
Maybe if you follow this hack(ohh is it really!!!give it a try) something special is waiting for you around the
Obviously we go muted on several occasions in public places where we see dumb asses speaking shits why
don't we do it for our mom… never hurt her…. Women a master class of God's creation

597 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Sorbojeet Chatterjee, Entrepreneur | Marketing Consultant | Certified Life Coach | Avid Traveller
Answered Feb 25

The most important hack…Happy Is The New Rich!

Like many others, I spent the first 35 years of my life relentlessly chasing success…high grades in school,
admission to a premium college, a great job, swanky car, extravagant perks etc etc…Knowing happiness will
be a definite outcome of the success…
And in the process…all of us, all the time - sacrifice happiness on the altar of success. Deeply ironic since
happiness is a precursor to success. Infact a meta-analysis of 200+ studies on happiness covering over
275,000 respondents proves just this…
Today, it has inspired me to launch Happ Coach…A coaching and mentorship platform focusing on
workplace happiness.


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Samuel Vijayakumar, I am a Human! Hence, thoroughly qualified.
Answered Feb 19

Open Notepad in your computer.

Type “LOG.” without the quotation marks. Rename the notepad file and place it on your desktop. Every time
you open the file, the date and the time will automatically be recorded.
Take at least five minutes to enter your daily experiences. Save the file and close it. After 7 days, read it. You
will know where you went wrong. Correct it. Move on. You are going on the right path.Another practice
which helps me to be productive is to recall if I have learned at least any Single thing for the whole day
before I doze off to sleep. If I haven’t learned anything, then the day is a waste of time.
Learn to make your life productive. But, never forget to enjoy life.
Learn till you die because Valur Morghulis (All Men must die).
Adios !

173 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Thushar Bhat, Do Not Visit My Profile.
Answered May 30

Ever had a hard time stuffing all your clothes in just one bag?
Ever had a hard time with the creases on your shirt?
Then this hack is for you!
When we fold clothes we take extra space. It's a lot frustrating to fold in the first place and if they are kept as
such for so long then they create those nasty scars which require a hell lot of ironing.
Instead, try rolling them. Yes, rolling. Doesn't sound like the best way since it's completely different from the
way our parents used to pack, but it's 2017 and we have Scientists and Professionals for packing stuffs too.

< Image Source : Google Images >

It actually solves the two problems mentioned above. I can tell you my personal experience when I first
shifted to a hostel and carried two bags full of clothes. When I had to come back home after my course, I had
to fill books in one of them.
Skeptical with this method, I put it to test and it really worked. It only filled three fourth of my bag, enough
to put a few more books in it.
From two full bags to three fourth of a bag - even my mom was impressed.
PS : This hack is actually to impress your mom ;) :p

6.1k Views · 156 Upvotes

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Yash Patel, M.S Electrical Engineering, The University of Texas at Dallas
Updated May 21

Don't leave any task to do it afterwards ! The idea of looking at a task and thinking that I'll do it later, it
simply never works.
I've observed that whenever I decide to do a task later even though I would have ample time to do it right
away, I simply would end up hanging the task incompleted.
For example, washing plates after eating. Or calling back my parents or friends( Fortunately they understand
me!) Or any online bill payment. And the most common example, STUDIES! We all have gone through that
phase in which we think that I'll do this assignment later, I'll read this later…. But THAT LATER NEVER
The best way to tackle this is if you know that you have time to do any task right away, just do it. On a
long run it really helps.

331 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Updated Feb 22
Asking someone their name.
There have been numerous instances when I've forgotten someone's name. Asking them again, is one of the
most cringeworthy tasks to do. I'm sure many people can resonate with this feeling.
Everytime this happens with me and I have to store their information for future contact, I do the following:
I simply ask them to spell their name. The person will say their name and spell it out as requested. It’s an
innocuous question because, however simple a name may sound, they may have different spellings.
This has always worked for me and I manage to evade the embarrassing situation XD

705 Views · 9 Upvotes


Rounak Datta, lives in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Answered Mar 13

Most of us book our travel tickets online, right? When it comes to flight tickets, never continue booking
on a single browser. Instead make use of the incognito mode.
Why a lif hack: Browsers make use of cookies to enhance your browsing experience. Recently watched
videos come up on your YouTube feed, recent searches appear on Google search bar and online retailing
companies make good (evil) use of this feature to befool you. When you look for the price of a particular
flight for consecutive days multiple times, it automatically goes up for you only using cookies. Not only for
flights, this may also apply for online products prices.
Being incognito here makes you smarter!

793 Views · 15 Upvotes

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Jay Desai, studies at Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship
Education (2019)
Updated Jun 24

Clever life hacks learned by me using my phone ;

• Before buying a book go for the soft copy to know whether it is worth or not. Following site will
help in it ;

• If you don't have front flash in camera use Z Camera which offers your screen light as front flash. It
does work.

• Use Longshot app to connect multiple images on your cell and use them effectively.
• Use Parallel Space app for using multiple WhatsApp accounts on your phone.

Image Source : Google.

4.7k Views · 139 Upvotes

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Deeksha Chauhan, BTech from RBSETC (2017)

Answered Feb 28

How to ask your pen back.

Some one borrows your pen and forgets to give it back. Even worse, a teacher borrows it and doesn't give it
back. Its just a pen, you might think. But believe me, when that pen is the last one left in your pocket because
every other pen got borrowed, giving away that pen feels tougher than giving away your heart. And asking
back for that cheap pen is even harder. So here is a simple trick.
Whenever you give someone the pen, keep the cap. So if the person leaves without returning, just say,
“sir, take the cap too.”
That's it, you got your pen back, without sounding cheap!

14k Views · 828 Upvotes

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Krishnakumar Shetti (ಕೃಷ್ಣ ಕುಮಾರ್ ಶೆಟ್ಟಿ ), My $0.02

Answered Jun 5

The fourth gear trick.

This is mainly applicable for motorists in India. When it rains, we all know the state of our roads, and how
dangerous it gets to ride a bike on the wet, sometimes skiddy roads. At even normal speeds (50–60 kph),
there are high chances of your bike skidding during hard braking scenarios.
In such situations, I use a personal trick. I never go beyond fourth gear. That essentially limits my speed
to around 40 kph, and the temptation to increase the throttle will be throttled. A bike is almost always
controllable at speeds under 40 kph.
Of course, there is always the temptation to shift to fifth gear, but that is relatively easier to curb, than trying
to control your speed in fifth gear.

Pic: A typical rainy day traffic in Bangalore. It can get even worse!
Canara News- Bengalureans caught unaware as rain cripples city

3k Views · 35 Upvotes

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Shalabh Saraswat, Software professional for 10+ years
Answered May 28

Don’t Strive for Perfection

Let me be clear that I am not suggesting being mediocre or not to try your best.
My problem is with the classical notion of perfection which suggests it to be the action or process of
improving something until it is faultless. This notion doesn’t consider the
- Time factor (how long shall we keep going the process of improving?)
- Cost Factor (how much are we willing to spend in the process of improving?)
Although, most of the manufacturing plants take all the three factors into account in their production line;
while striving for perfection in our daily life, we often forget time and cost factor.
When we always associate perfection with fault free delivery,
- It increases our efforts exponentially.
- It doesn’t give us a breathing space.
- It overwhelms us with pressure.
- It kills our peace of mind.
- It creates imbalance in our life as we tend to spend too much of our limited will power resources on one
- It reduces our ability to bear criticism.
In other words, it is about implementing 80-20 rule ruthlessly in life. I would suggest applying 80 – 20 rule
multiple times over the 20 percent as well till we zero in to top 1 or 2 percent most important things which
are worthy of a fault free delivery. It also means being comfortable with timely, cost effective delivery with
acceptable threshold quality 98 percent of times.
Remember, next time someone call you a perfectionist, don’t take it as a compliment. Rather, step back and
reevaluate your premises. There must be something wrong with your effort allocation and prioritization.
449 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Sibu Jafta, LLB Law, Varsity College Durban North (2019)

Answered Feb 18

I was going through my deepest depression, I felt like I was a failure in life and my brother (who’s 3 years
younger than me) gave me the most productive advice of my life.
He said, “Sibu, instead of beating yourself up and crying every night about things you cannot change/control
why don’t you start by improving things that are within your control like your weight?”
He further explained that as you start to succeed in those things you begin to feel like a winner, slowly you’ll
find that even the things that you thought were out of your control will start going your way.
He was 17 at the time.

1.2k Views · 44 Upvotes

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Aaron Kazah, Software Developer
Answered Feb 17

If you want to make friends then Always Listen & Contribute

I'm as introverted as they come and rarely speak much. Being quiet on general allows you to pretty much
read people. You'll tend to know when people are lying, how exactly people are feeling and how they interact
with others.
If you're the type who really listens then you'll pretty much get along with anyone. You should also make an
effort to stories about yourself too. It makes it easier for others to trust you and also allows the both of you to
have an actual conversation.
Last year when I graduated high school I essentially left with no friends. I can tell you a lot about virtually
anyone there but I doubt the same can be said vice versa.
I’m pretty much socially inept, so I would spend most of my time sitting in silence, letting other people
speak. At some point a few people joked about me being a secret spy robot created by the government to
record conversations.
I think if I made an effort to share more about myself and engage more with others things could have been
different, but I just like being alone so I never made the effort.
If you want to make friends, don't do what I did.

845 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Clayton Stone, History buff, muscle car and motorcycle lover, and a bit of a gym rat
Answered Feb 25

Super easy hack to share. Here it is “keep your mouth closed and your ears open” That’s it. Shut up and
listen. You learn so much about any situation by simply listening and keeping your thoughts to yourself.
Don’t get sucked into conversations easily, listen for a bit. See who you think the smartest person in the room
is. If you watch for a bit you will see who the leaders are and spot dangerous areas. It’s the old saying
“ It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.”

1.9k Views · 19 Upvotes

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Ameya Bhope, The engineer next door!

Answered Nov 16, 2016

It’s pretty common to not hear sound from one of the earphones when connected to mobile jack. It’s a tad
frustrating to find that the same earphone works perfectly with any other mobile, or your laptop. Now, you’d
think that there’s problem with my phone. Damn, I’m never buying another phone from this brand again.
Wait.. Back up! Here’s how you can make it work.
All you need is:
1. 1 min of your life
2. A Q-tip, yes the one you use to clean your ears.
3. An Iso-propyl alcohol(ISA) solution. You can get this at any general store, an electronic component
store.. or at any electronic grad students’ place(we’re many in no. aren’t we? :P) It’s cheap. Around Rs. 25
Take a Q-tip, and remove some of the cotton by plucking it..
Like this:

Now dip it in some IPA, like this:

Now take the Q-tip, and insert it in your phone’s 3mm jack.. Move it around a bit.. You’ll find that some dirt
would come out of it..
Wait for about half a min, for it to dry. There you go, your earphone would definitely work.
Happy Life-Hacking! :)


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Akshay Parashar, 19 years as human.

Answered Feb 1
There’s that project you’ve left on the backburner – the one with the deadline that’s growing uncomfortably
near. And there’s the client whose phone call you really should return – the one that does nothing but
complain and eat up your valuable time. Wait, weren’t you going to try to go to the gym more often this
Can you imagine how much less guilt, stress, and frustration you would feel if you could somehow just make
yourself do the things you don’t want to do when you are actually supposed to do them? Not to mention how
much happier and more effective you would be?
The good news (and its very good news) is that you can get better about not putting things off, if you use the
right strategy. Figuring out which strategy to use depends on why you are procrastinating in the first place:
Reason #1 You are putting something off because you are afraid you will screw it up.
Solution: Adopt a “prevention focus.”
There are two ways to look at any task. You can do something because you see it as a way to end up better
off than you are now – as an achievement or accomplishment. As in, if I complete this project successfully I
will impress my boss, or if I work out regularly I will look amazing. Psychologists call this a promotion
focus – and research shows that when you have one, you are motivated by the thought of making gains, and
work best when you feel eager and optimistic. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Well, if you are afraid you will screw
up on the task in question, this is not the focus for you. Anxiety and doubt undermine promotion motivation,
leaving you less likely to take any action at all.
What you need is a way of looking at what you need to do that isn’t undermined by doubt – ideally, one that
thrives on it. When you have a prevention focus, instead of thinking about how you can end up better off,
you see the task as a way to hang on to what you’ve already got – to avoid loss. For the prevention-focused,
successfully completing a project is a way to keep your boss from being angry or thinking less of you.
Working out regularly is a way to not “let yourself go.” Decades of research, which I describe in my book
Focus, shows that prevention motivation is actually enhanced by anxiety about what might go wrong. When
you are focused on avoiding loss, it becomes clear that the only way to get out of danger is to take immediate
action. The more worried you are, the faster you are out of the gate.
I know this doesn’t sound like a barrel of laughs, particularly if you are usually more the promotion-minded
type, but there is probably no better way to get over your anxiety about screwing up than to give some
serious thought to all the dire consequences of doing nothing at all. Go on, scare the pants off yourself. It
feels awful, but it works.
Reason #2 You are putting something off because you don’t “feel” like doing it.
Solution: Make like Spock and ignore your feelings. They’re getting in your way.
In his excellent book The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking, Oliver
Burkeman points out that much of the time, when we say things like “I just can’t get out of bed early in the
morning, ” or “I just can’t get myself to exercise,” what we really mean is that we can’t get ourselves to feel
like doing these things. After all, no one is tying you to your bed every morning. Intimidating bouncers aren’t
blocking the entrance to your gym. Physically, nothing is stopping you – you just don’t feel like it. But as
Burkeman asks, “Who says you need to wait until you ‘feel like’ doing something in order to start doing it?”
Think about that for a minute, because it’s really important. Somewhere along the way, we’ve all bought into
the idea – without consciously realizing it – that to be motivated and effective we need to feel like we want
to take action. We need to be eager to do so. I really don’t know why we believe this, because it is 100%
nonsense. Yes, on some level you need to be committed to what you are doing – you need to want to see the
project finished, or get healthier, or get an earlier start to your day. But you don’t need to feel like doing it.
In fact, as Burkeman points out, many of the most prolific artists, writers, and innovators have become so in
part because of their reliance on work routines that forced them to put in a certain number of hours a day, no
matter how uninspired (or, in many instances, hungover) they might have felt. Burkeman reminds us of
renowned artist Chuck Close’s observation that “Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and
get to work.”
So if you are sitting there, putting something off because you don’t feel like it, remember that you don’t
actually need to feel like it. There is nothing stopping you.
Reason #3 You are putting something off because it’s hard, boring, or otherwise unpleasant.
Solution: Use if-then planning.
Too often, we try to solve this particular problem with sheer will: Next time, I will make myself start
working on this sooner. Of course, if we actually had the willpower to do that, we would never put it off in
the first place. Studies show that people routinely overestimate their capacity for self-control, and rely on it
too often to keep them out of hot water.
Do yourself a favor, and embrace the fact that your willpower is limited, and that it may not always be up to
the challenge of getting you to do things you find difficult, tedious, or otherwise awful. Instead, use if-then
planning to get the job done.
Making an if-then plan is more than just deciding what specific steps you need to take to complete a project
– it’s also deciding where and when you will take them.
If it is 2pm, then I will stop what I’m doing and start work on the report Bob asked for.
If my boss doesn’t mention my request for a raise at our meeting, then I will bring it up again before the
meeting ends.
By deciding in advance exactly what you’re going to do, and when and where you’re going to do it, there’s
no deliberating when the time comes. No do I really have to do this now?, or can this wait till later? or
maybe I should do something else instead. It’s when we deliberate that willpower becomes necessary to
make the tough choice. But if-then plans dramatically reduce the demands placed on your willpower, by
ensuring that you’ve made the right decision way ahead of the critical moment. In fact, if-then planning has
been shown in over 200 studies to increase rates of goal attainment and productivity by 200%-300% on
I realize that the three strategies I’m offering you – thinking about the consequences of failure, ignoring your
feelings, and engaging in detailed planning – don’t sound as fun as advice like “Follow your passion!” or
“Stay positive!” But they have the decided advantage of actually being effective – which, as it happens, is
exactly what you’ll be if you use them.
By Heidi Grant,hbr.org.

1k Views · 3 Upvotes

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Maulik Siddhpura, Co-owner at Om Enterprise (2013-present)

Updated Thu

I'm trying to short this story as possible.

It was 25 Oct. 2015 and Harshdeep Kaur was live in concert at Rajkot for Arya Club Grand.
Me and Ruchir(my friend) were there.
At the end anchor announced the dinner for VVIP passes people while we had only VIP passes:(
Now that was the time we use this hack;)..
So, at that time we were seeing that security guy checking the passes at the entry gate for dinner, but
however we managed to got enter because of bulk of public there to get enter.
Now, we were so exited because all the cooks were so expect as announced that night and the smell was
totally justify that. And yes we were very hungry.. very.
But there was a twist when we go to the Plate Counter to took empty plate, we saw that he ask about VVIP
Now our faces been like moistured monsters.
But what we did, .. .#hack
Suddenly we saw the soup counter. And soup counter has one small palte for Italian volvo and one bowl
for soup.
I guess you know what happened next;)
We drunk soup first and then used that small plate everywhere in pasta(5 types of pasta), jalebis(with loaded
saffron), Chinese(3 types of noodles), chat, panipuri and what not.. . In FREE!
Maulik Siddhpura


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Vatsal Patel, B.E Mechanical from BITS Edu Campus (2016)

Answered Jun 2

Give some more life to dead.

What if gas geyser gone mad and says “No more hot water”
What if remote denied to change channel says “Do self service”
Here is hack,
Bite them like wild dog but be gentle, don’t forget what we actually are :-)

This hack is applicable only to dry cell not to alkaline power batteries.
Why is this happened ?
Carbon zinc primary batteries (Dry cell) are soft enough that denting them brought fresh material in contact
with the electrodes giving a temporary boost to power output.

1.1k Views · 25 Upvotes

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Roshan Murali, worked at Students

Answered Feb 25

Got a bubble gum sticked in your cloth?

Rub the bubble gum with an ice cube. Bubble gum gets harder and you can remove it very easily.
Tired of hiccups?
Inhale air through your mouth, swallow the saliva two times and exhale through your nose slowly. 100%
Does pimple makes your face look bad?
Keep an ice cube on the pimple to shrink it. :)
Too lazy at early morning wake up?
Replace “ cold water “ instead of coffee in the “ cup of coffee “
Yeah, you are right. Drinking a glass of cold water will wake you up faster than a cup of coffee.

454 Views · 11 Upvotes

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Shubham, Hey.! You stopped at the right door.

Answered Feb 17

Which calculator shows the correct result??

What is 6÷2(1+2) = ???
Well, this question is not as easy as you may think.
This problem often generates debate and has millions of comments on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other
social media sites.
Let’s solve it and understand.
Case 1: When the answer is 9.
First step : Simplify the addition inside of the parentheses. Agree?
= 6÷2(3)
Second step: Convert the parentheses into an implied multiplication. The expression becomes the following.
= 6÷2×3
Final Step: According to the order of operations, division and multiplication have the same precedence, so
the correct order is to evaluate from left to right. First take 6 and divide it by 2, and then multiply by 3.
= 3×3
This gets to the correct answer of 9.
This is without argument the correct answer of how to evaluate this expression according to current usage.
But this is where the debate starts..!!
While it’s not the correct answer today, it would have been regarded as the correct answer 100 years ago.
Yes, you heard it right. 100 years.!!
Case 2: When the answer is 1.
Let’s roll back 100 years. Imagine you saw 6÷2(3) in a textbook. What would you think the author wanted to
Historically the symbol ‘÷’ was used to mean you should divide by the entire product on the right of the
Under that interpretation:
= 6÷(2(3))
From this stage, the rest of the calculation works by the order of operations. First we evaluate the
multiplication inside the parentheses. So we multiply 2 by 3 to get 6. And then we divide 6 by 6.
= 6÷6
This gives the result of 1. But this isn’t the correct answer, as of now.
Now, come to the present. You can replace ‘÷’(outdated symbol) by ‘/’. So, now the expression becomes:
6/2(1+2) = 9
which agrees with the correct answer.
Source: What Is 6÷2(1+2) = ? The Correct Answer Explained

3.2k Views · 63 Upvotes

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Igor Gois, will change the world
Answered Dec 10, 2016

The most clever life hack I’ve learned is…

Knowledge and upvotes are better KPIs than photos and likes…
Delete apps like facebook, instagram and snapchat and spend the time I used to waste in them reading Quora
or reading books that everyone in Quora comment about.

283 Views · 4 Upvotes

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Chandra B, Post Silicon Validation Engineer at Tessolve Semiconductors (2016-present)

Answered Apr 14
Looks Simple But Great One.
I just want to suggest one tool that can surely help you. Here you go “Google Dictionary” by Google. This
you can find in the chrome Web Store. This surely saves your time when you are searching for a meaning of
the word. But it is limited to browser only.
Install the Google Dictionary in your chrome.Then double click on the new words to get meaning there itself.
Check below figure.

Extension link.
Thank You.

4k Views · 53 Upvotes

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Chintamani Trivedi, studied at Life and Living

Updated Sep 1, 2016

When you are good at something do it for free, when you are bad at something charge for it.
We have seen this rule all around in our life yet we seem to neglect it because it involves us doing work free
of cost ( see note for meaning of free).
The companies which are confident in superiority of their product/service, have lots of promotional officers
at varying discounted level. They do it because they know you will like their product/service and then they
can built on to that branding and hook you up for future untried product and service.
Doing things for free is great way of networking and branding. If you are good in graphic design, your name
will make rounds among user base once few of them get it at free of cost and evaluate.
If you are a seasoned player with lots of name already then doing things for free doesn't take your much time
but it shows your giving back to society.
And since you are good at it, it wont take much of your time, compared to stuff you are not so good
at it.So once you do good things for free, you can get business for things which you are not so good at it, and
you can charge for it too.
Charging for things you are not good at, gives you more focus to improve and reach towards excellence. You
can not deliver a bad quality based on your current competence level, because you are charging for it.It also
provide resources which you can use for personal development or off load art of it to expert.
Once you put time and effort , this skill moves to heap of “being good”, and there will be more things to
improve now.
Note 1 : Free mentioned here contains commercial meaning, not literal meaning. Like percentage free,
BOGOF etc.
Note 2 : The hack holds true when used as whole, not in part. If you just do things for free you are good at, or
charge things for things you are not so good at, it wont sustain.
Note 3 :This is not what joker said, but he cant argue with me anyway because my visa to Gotham is

31k Views · 87 Upvotes

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Alexis Paulet, 25+ years as a human being
Answered Mar 17

I get reminded of this a lot: a lot of people don’t achieve their potential because they’re too passive.
A lot of things in life are just up for grabs. Really. Sometimes you shouldn’t wait for things to happen, but
just make them happen. Cold calls, asking for a raise, asking a girl out on a date, starting a business. Just do
it. Just starting is 50% of the way. Most people never make that first step and a lot will be underachieved as

1.8k Views · 30 Upvotes

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Aayush Sikhwal, Time only matters when it's running out!

Answered Dec 28, 2016

• Forgot to keep your beer in the fridge?

Wrap a moist paper towel to make it ice cold in 15 mins.
• Don’t know weather your batteries are good to use?
Just try dropping them from a height, and viola!

• Have a problem watching a movie on you cell phone?

Use your sunglasses and you are sorted.

• Does your room smell bad?

• Have a single pair of shoes on a rainy day?

Waterproof them using bees wax!

• Does your smile look superficial in you selfie?

Squint your eyes a bit more.

for more such life hacks,

Source: 100 Life Hacks That Make Life Easier

322 Views · 1 Upvote

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Kien Huynh, Random 26 year-old dude
Answered Jun 9

How to fill water into the ice tray in your fridge without splashing.

Tilt the tray a bit so that the top row is higher than the rest, pour water slowly onto the top row. Since the tray
is tilted, the water on the top row will flow onto the second row, to the third row, and so on. Do it until the
last row is full. With this, every rows are filled with water but there won’t be any splash.
Honestly, I think everyone knows this but I think of this on my own so I’m pretty fond of this little trick :)

2.7k Views · 17 Upvotes

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Pragati Kulshrestha, 'life is short. Time is fast. No replay. No rewind.

Answered Jun 27

Here are several life hacks that probably aren’t the greatest but sure have helped me out:

• If your stomach is making noise due to hunger, don’t clench in, but push out.
• If you find that you sweat quite a lot in the underarm area, apply baking soda.

• Drink a glass of water before a meal, and whenever you are hungry.

• If you have a used up sticky note, run the sticky side between the keys in a keyboard.

• Make your own lamp using glow-in-the-dark sticks, water, and a jar.

• Slader :: Homework Answers and Solutions is a good website for school textbooks.

• Whenever I need to do something in the morning, I text it to myself the night before.

• Hitting the space bar makes your webpage go down, but hitting the space bar while holding
shift scrolls up. (

• If you’re having trouble when buying a gift for your friend, send them a simple text. Guess
what I got for your birthday! Hint: It’s your favorite thing!

• An entire sea of water cannot sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity
of the world can’t put you down unless you allow it to get inside you.

• If you accidently close a tab, ctrl+shift+t on Windows and cmd+shift+t on Mac gets it back.

• If you ever feel as useless as a white colored pencil, just remember that that are people out
there that prefer black paper.

• Use finished toilet paper rolls to cuff wrapping paper to prevent the the roll form unrolling.

(picture taken from Google Images)

• I've had someone ask me how my DIY lamp looked like, but I don't have it with me, so I'll post some
pictures that resemble the lamps I've made in the past:

Pictures taken from Google Images)

Note that I said in the beginning that these life hacks worked well for me, not everyone generally. I
apologize if any of them have ever caused inconvenience for you before, haha. :)

2.2k Views · 12 Upvotes

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Angie Neik, using life hacks in my life for longer than 2 decades now
Answered Jan 14

Originally Answered: What are the most effective life hacks?

The most effective life hack is to believe in yourself.

Almost everything in your life depends on how you view yourself, what you think of yourself, and how you
limit yourself.
With that being said, know that there is always time to change, but first you must recognize what areas cause
negative influences in your life, and then you can change those.
Our life is constantly intertwined with relationships with other people, starting from the very first day on the
planet. The most critical, most important, and most influential relationships are with those designed to be the
ones who should love us. when they do, we grow up with a healthy self esteem. When they don’t we grow up
with a crippled self esteem.
The messages we send to ourselves also influence our life, so make sure that those are always positive.
Always be ‘’for yourself” and never ‘’against yourself”. Sounds simple, but you have to watch your own
words like a hawk to achieve that.
Flattery from others will give you false, fragile, untrue confidence, so stop fishing for compliments, counting
how many ‘’likes’’ you got on social media, and how many people wished you ‘’Happy Birthday” in the
book of faces. This is not ‘’real life”, this is giving away your power. In business if someone owns 51% of
your biz, you are no longer the owner, you are now the minion. In life don’t give away 51%+ to someone
else to judge you worthiness, because if you don’t own that 51% yourself, the world can break you as easy as
it can make you.
So believe in yourself, you are your own brand, don’t let anyone tell you that you are something less or
something more than who you really are.
Watch out for those who come at you with massive superlatives about yourself, and those who come at you
with constant criticism, massive persuasion messages of change. Both are manipulators to make you believe
what you are not. Run from them!
2.7k Views · 19 Upvotes

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Anwesha, Btech CSE from College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar (2019)
Updated 23h ago

Living in an Earthquake prone area?

Many of you may know about this but still it's for spreading knowledge .

If you have this you are safe. Many a times I have confused an Earthquake with being dizzy. I don't live in an
Earthquake prone area but we can never say when nature plays demon.
My father shared this with me from his experience of the Bhuj Earthquake of 26 January 2017.
He was the Manager in charge of Gandhinagar’s PNB and as workplace protocol couldn't leave his office in
such a condition and stayed in tents and shelter homes those days.Even more dangerous were the
aftershocks. Many nights unslept the people were dizzy and would often keep a still glass of water on a table
and would vacant their homes ASAP the water starts shaking.
Some things may save your life one day.

10 Views · 1 Upvote
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Claire Thompson, B.Sc Biological Science & Marine Biology, Heriot-Watt University
Answered May 10

If you have low self esteem one thing I find always works is to
Fake it ’til you make it.
I simply think of a fictional character who would thrive in whatever situation I’m in (even if I have to make
them up) and then act as they would.
Nervous about walking through a room of your co-workers to your latest review - in your head tell yourself
you’re a genius billionaire (playboy) philanthropist, what do you have to be ashamed or worry about and
strut to your meeting, knowing its going to be good.
You’ll look and sound more confident, which makes people think you are confident and know what you are
doing and therefore “rate” you accordingly. The positive feedback from their response to you will help
improve your self-esteem and confidence.
What you will start to find is that the fictional character starts to fade, and you just project the image of a
more confident, successful you.

1k Views · 10 Upvotes

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Sebastian Legarraga, online entrepreneur.
Updated Jul 7

• Remove stubborn stains from the corner of baking trays using fabric softener. Leave to soak, then
rub off.

• Pop a teaspoon into the neck of unfinished opened drinks like beer and bubbly to ensure they keep
their fizz.

• Soak balled-up newspaper in vinegar and place in your kitchen bin before you put the bin bag in. It
will absorb smells and stop the bag from creating a suction when you pull it out.

• Loosen a stuck zip by dabbing a few drops of shampoo on to the zipper and teeth.

• Add a splash of milk when cooking cauliflower to keep its whiteness.

• Place chalk in your silver-cutlery drawer to stop it from tarnishing.

• For sparkly jewelry, line a dish with tinfoil, add boiling water and a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda
and leave jewelry to soak in for 10 minutes.

• Grate too-hard butter so that you can spread it easily.

• To remove pet hair from upholstery, dampen a rubber glove and rub over the fabric.

• Wrap an elastic band around both ends of plastic hangers to stop clothes from slipping off.

• Ensure costume jewelry keeps its lustre and doesn't peel by sealing it with a coat of clear nail polish.

• Light the end of a stick of spaghetti to light hard-to reach candlewicks and lanterns.

• Pour a mixture of white vinegar and bicarb down the drain to unblock your sink, basin, or bath.

• Slip a paperclip onto the end of tape to prevent it from sticking.

• Stop rust rings from forming on your bathroom shelves by sealing the bottom of shaving cans with
clear nail polish.
• To remove a stray egg shell, wet your finger and press onto the shell.

• Prolong your hairdryer's life by using a dampened cotton bud to clean the air vents.

• Zip keeps sliding down? Thread a key ring through the end of the zip and hook onto a button to keep
it up.

• Frying mushrooms? Don't add salt, it draws out the moisture and makes mushrooms shrink and get

• Nail polish lid stuck? Wrap an elastic band around it for extra grip.

• Pop rolled up newspaper into the bottom of your kitchen bin to absorb juices and prevent leaks.

• Soak a sponge in water, seal it in a ziplock bag, then freeze for a DIY ice pack.

• Seal the end of cotton with nail polish to make it easier to thread a needle.

• If a zip keeps sticking, rub a bar of soap along the teeth to make zipping and unzipping smoother.

2.2k Views · 11 Upvotes

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Prakhar Deroliya, An engineer from MNIT, Jaipur

Answered May 1

Want to forget someone?

Forgetting someone to whom you are emotionally attached can be a tough job. There was a time when I was
deeply attached to someone emotionally and then things didn’t go the way I was expecting to go. It turned
out that forgetting that person was the only option I had. (Sounds emotional, right?)
Here’s the hack. If you are in a similar situation, start mentioning the person by his or her surname in your
conversations (conversation with yourself or conversation with others). If you guys still talk then don’t call
that person by his or her name rather use his or her surname.


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Scarlett Rugers, Emotional mechanic-life coach

Answered Oct 24, 2016

Learn how to habit.

When you learn how to habit, you transform everything else.
We all have goals that we want to achieve, things we want to overcome, all that sort of stuff. That is all
guided by our actions. Once we shift those actions from conscious effort and thought into automatic, the rest
takes care of itself. When you learn how to habit you can apply yourself to anything.

1.9k Views · 14 Upvotes

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Charlie Harris, Student in the U.K.
Answered Dec 10, 2016

If it won’t matter in 48 hours, then forget about it.

Seriously, if in 2 days time, whatever has happened isn't going to negatively impact anything/one, then drop
it there and then.
You never know, making a bit deal out of it could compromise a relationship or a friendship unnecessarily…

290 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Lovish Bandwal, former Designer traveller

Answered Feb 14
Are you having any problem in downloading any file or not able to find the file easily on the internet then
there is a cool trick which will directly show you the download file just on one click
Step 1 open your internet browser and then open Google
Step 2 type this below
Intitle:”index.of” and your file name here with specific categories like pdf ,video, image etc.
then search
For example intitle:”index.of”suits and the result is

239 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Shubham Gupta, Observer, thinker, manipulator | INFJ-T

Answered Apr 27

Manipulate telecom companies

Whenever you have low balance on your telecom account but enough to successfully connect and have a
short conversation and you have an urgent call to make, urgent like serious urgent.
You dial the number and the voice of a woman hits your ear saying, “the balance in your blah blah blah
account is low please recharge instantaneously to avoid disruption in connectivity. Your account balance is
blah blah blah rupees and blah blah paisa(doing blah blah for obvious reasons)...” which still doesn't get
over and it start their subject related schemes and offer plans which takes a complete lifetime to get over.
Disconnect the call as soon as the prerecorded message starts and REDIAL THE NUMBER.
This saves you a lot of time and a hell lot more of depression making you think how poor you actually are.

7.4k Views · 77 Upvotes

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Danny Tran
Answered Mar 13

Write down every little thing you learn.

Everyday of your life you potentially encounter new information, notice abstract connections, discover deep
insight and realize mistakes. This is true for all aspects of living - university, career, relationships even
hobbies - it makes sense that when you discover something new (no matter how trivial it seems), that you
write it down so as to encode it somewhere, that later it can be remembered, analysed and be reflected upon.
Think of it as a snapshot of where your reality was at that point in time of your life.
In personal experience, the overwhelming urge often arises where I am convinced that I will be able to
remember what was learnt without writing it down only to find that it’s forever lost from memory and I only
realize what it was after making many mistakes otherwise avoidable.

333 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Sahil Thakrar, Canadian Student
Answered Mar 2

Do you want to be successful in your life?

Have you ever noticed why speakers are able to speak in front of thousands of people without any fear?
That is because they choose the topic of which they are most passionate about.
Passion creates enthusiam in the people and thereby making the audience enthusiastic. When you are
passionate about something, you can go at the highest peak in that field; fear and worries are not able to
affect them.
Passion and public speaking are intimately connected. Only great passions can elevate the soul to great
According to Oprah Winfrey, “You have to follow your passion. You have got to figure out what it is you
love. And have courage to do that.”
Steve job’s speech at Stanford University in 2008 was based on passion only. “Your work is going to fill a
large part in your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is do what you love. If you have not found it,keep
looking. Do not settle.”
If you are starting a company that you think will make you rich,but you do not enjoy that product,interest or
anything about it-that is a mistake. That is not core to your identity.
Do not settle. Just have the courage to follow your own dreams.

5.5k Views · 21 Upvotes

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Dean, Entrepreneur hiking at crossroads of humanity and technology
Answered Feb 13

Don't take any short cuts.

It may seem like you are saving time or resources, but don't half ass anything. You'll only have to do it again.
The old adage is, measure twice, cut once.
It's cool to try and hack things and make them easier, quicker and simple. There are definitely reasons to do
so, but there are some things that should just be done right. Work. Relationships. Family.
Enjoy the process. Pay attention. Stay focused. And you'll have more time and enjoyment in the end.

1k Views · 5 Upvotes

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Sushen Sharma, Software Developer at Intel

Answered Feb 1
The most Clever life hack which i think i had learnt is listening audio books instead of music
I Know Reading Books is a very valuable skill . But since childhood ,I had been very lazy in reading long
story of books .
Thanks To internet ,we can get precise information whatever we want to know . But still Reading Books is a
valuable skill
So I thought if i can’t read books ,i can start listening books .
on youtube ,you can find any audio book .just plug in your headphones and you could easily finish a book in
a day or two
While walking ,while travelling you can listen your books
Cheers !

720 Views · 8 Upvotes

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Elena Ledoux, Founder (2017-present)

Answered Jun 29

1. If you are paralyzed by an indecision between several critical options, fast forward 5, 10, 20 years in
your mind with each option and see how you feel.
2. Have a spine. People will respect you and your boundaries. And you will feel happier with yourself.
3. Eat more fresh veggies. The meat will sit in your guts for days and makes you lethargic. Veggies are
light and good for you. Yes, meat is more delicious.
4. If you're stressed out, ask yourself if this is truly as horrible as you feel? How does it compare to
losing your child? Having terminal cancer? In other words, keep a healthy prospective and don't be a drama
5. Treat yourself as you would treat your 4-year old child. Would you let her get yelled at? Get little
sleep and work all the time? Eat crappy food? Or would protect her and take care of her?
6. Do good things for other people. All the time. Hold doors open, help your friend move, feed the
homeless, support your co-worker… Your life will be happier and more satisfying.
7. Learn the rules and follow them. Read the actual instructions. Park where you're supposed to. Don't
cheat or steal. Pay taxes. Life is so much smoother once you understand the rules and don't break them.
8. Figure out what you truly want first. Take tests, read books, talk to your friends. It doesn't make
sense to chase something only to realize it doesn't make you happy.
9. If you want something, ask for it. You will be shocked by what you can get by just asking.
10. Show more love to your family and give them more quality time. Put it on your calendar if you have
to. When your last day on earth comes, you'll value this time exponentially more than pretty much anything

20.2k Views · 462 Upvotes

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Ramaraju, Dealt with 20 years of life ! Life is short, don't waste your time!
Answered Jun 21
Generally, what do we ask a person like a friend, relative, best friend, colleague, etc., when we meet them
after many days, weeks, months, years…..?
Commonly asked questions:
How are you?
How have you been?
Long time no see!
What’s up?
All the above questions are not the questions that might tend the person to answer.
For example:
Let us take the question “How are you?”. (Come on, seriously you expect an answer from a person.) The
obvious answers will be “Great!, good, nice….”.
Psychological reasoning(Trying to be cool :P):
Think of it again. When you ask a person “How are you?”, there are many cases of why you wouldn’t get a
direct answer from that person.
Case 1:
Not willing to share problems at the start. If the person is not having a great time, he/she would not be
probably sharing it with you until a few minutes into the conversation.
Case 2:
Broadness. The question is so broad. Case closed.
Case 3:
Not willing to share good things at first. If the person had a pay raise and bought his/her daughter a
smartphone, he wouldn’t want to share it directly as an answer to the question. Maybe a few minutes into the
conversion, he might share it but not at the start of the conversation.
Try to be more specific, like concentrate on a particular period of time, particular work, particular event …..
Better questions:
How has your day been?
How has your week been?
Any new changes after we last met?
How has your new job been?
Anything new going on?
What are you up to these days?
P.S. :
I am not sure whether a similar answer or hack exists but just wanted to share this!
Thanks for reading my answer, Cheers!

247 Views · 4 Upvotes

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Shakil Ahmed, works at Mukto Software (2016-present)

Answered May 26

Most interesting life hack i discover so far is that actually there is no serious person in this world rather i say
if you found a character in your life who is always in a bad temper and in front of him/her you are always
daunted, try to emphasize his/her look only with “ear” , you will find her/him a little bit funny.

How serious a person can be s/he will always looks humorous with his/her ear.
One additional important fact, if you got a huge crush on someone but latter found out that s/he already
engaged with someone else you can follow the same process and you will find her/him not so attractive to
you any more :p

6k Views · 28 Upvotes
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Philip Samuel
Answered Feb 16

Hey, that’s new.

When you are about to quit the job, wear something that you wouldn’t normally wear for your every day
work. In most cases, a tie. That way people will approach you, intrigued about your new clothing on you and
you can drive the conversation towards your notice period there. This will avoid all the awkward
conversations and small talks you have to make with all your colleagues before you leave.

229 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Valentijn van den Hout, CEO (2017-present)

Answered Jul 28

This might sound ridiculous but it is probably the biggest and simplest life-upgrade ever.
There is a roughly 50% chance that you yourself are frequently dehydrated without knowing, and making it
habit to drink properly can change your life. I had myself been perpetually dehydrated for 4 years and it took
kidney stones and time before it started to sink in.
Ever since I took up hydrating properly I have become a happier, more confidentand composed man, and
my productivity due to more brainpower and clearer head has probably doubled.
If you want an upgrade in health and life, hydration is one of the best you can get.

Unfortunately, access to clean drinkwater like most of us Quorans know it is not a given for millions of
people around the world. Where we can get up and get a glass of water, many struggle through the day with
what little they have. Let us make this a moment to get together and not only ourselves become more aware
of the benefits of proper hydration but support those that don't have that choice. I donated $5 to Water.org -
Water Charity For Safe Water & Sanitation which aims to bring clean drinkingwater to millions with a
sustainable plan. Do you want to join and support those in need with whatever you can miss?
Water.org - Water Charity For Safe Water & Sanitation
Take care guys and gals.

1.6k Views · 25 Upvotes

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Updated Feb 21

Many people spend a lot of time in thinking what other people think about them.
How to get rid of this?
Step I

Create a mental circle for everyone you meet, you know or you are going to meet. Stand in the middle and
the person whom you are interacting to outside it. Exchange only those talks that will benefit you. And, hear
only those words that will benefityou. When someone crosses your comfort circle, interrupt him right away.
Why I have put more emphasis on “benefit” word because there is no one (except your family)in this world
who genuinely cares about you. Harsh truth though. This way you will talk only useful things and no non
sense, and in return you will receive the same treatment- no one will mess up with you because sometimes
knowingly or unknowingly we utter some stuff out of our mouth which gives others fodder to talk about you.
Step II
Help others. I mean, try your best to help others even those whom you don't like. This way no one will label
you as snoobish or rude (Step I only will surely label you that)and thus, you will create perfect balance in
interacting with people and giving no chance to others to talk about you.

304 Views · 5 Upvotes

Lorenz Goebels, No money growing up, made my own entertainment.
Answered Mar 19

The question asks for the best life hack and all the answers are lists that go on and on. I can't quite break the
trend completely but I can get it down to two for myself.
90% It's enough. I aim to do everything to around 90%, not perfectly. Ok, it's hard to measure most activities
so it's more of a mind set than a target.
Cleaning your flat? It doesn't need to be perfect. It takes me 20min to vacuum my flat, it's not perfect but it's
well done. My wife will spend an hour and it may be slightlybetter. Triple the time for a slight improvement,
which after 2 hours of general living is probably already negated.
One run through on a computer game and I get something like 85% completion. That'll do, on to the next
game, something new, there's only so much time I have to get through everything. Why spend three or four
times longer trying to get that extra 15%?
Basically, the last part to perfection is by far the hardest and most time consuming, 90% is fine.
If you imagine what can go wrong, take action to ensure it won't. The number of times in the past when I
thought something like, “that glass is a little precarious on the sofa armrest, but it'll be fine”, only to spend
five minutes picking glass up and trying to mop cola out of the carpet.
If I get a thought of, “this could go wrong” I act on it. Someone wants to throw something to me from a
couple of meters away? I tell them to wait and I walk over to take it. Need to leave a hotel room to get
something from the corridor? Clothes suitable for reception, check, key, check, safe to leave the room.
Since taking this attitude, I have only be negatively effected by things that I never even thought of. I have
had none of those “I knew that would happen!!” moments. Well one or two, and have berated myself for not
sticking to my rule.
I didn't go through the hundred other answers but I am confident that these two are not there. Maybe because
they are rubbish. But they certainly improved my life with almost no extra effort so I guess they count as life

609 Views · 7 Upvotes

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Shashank RB, studies at R.V. College of Engineering (2020)

Answered Feb 19

1.Uninstall Facebook install Quora.

From memes and checkins that lead you to nowhere to profound knowledge + improvised English,
Trust me you wont regret ditching Mark Zuckerberg.
2.Want a favour from someone but unsure whether the other person is ready to help or not?
Try asking for an even bigger favour and then come to the point. Chances are the other person will accept the
smaller favour, even if out of pity.
3. Love eating pizza but find it expensive? Make sure to purchase vouchers of Dominos or pizza hut from
LITTLE or NEARBUY. They always have some or the other offer going on and you'll end up paying much
less than paying at the counter.
4.Always refer to people by their first names. A sense of belonging is established and quicky breaks the ice in
5.Want too develop a new hobby but lack of time is a major hurdle?
Cut down your sleep by half an hour or an hour. Don't oversleep but dont sleep less either. And there is your
free time(Credits-Robin Sharma).
6.Whenever stuck in traffic or a punctured tyre, make sure to click a picture of it. This pic will surely save
your ass the next time you are late for an insignificant reason.
7.Want to know if someone who constantly stares at you genuinely likes you?
Next time what you do is stare right back.
If the other person flinches yeah, the staring is justified.
Else, sorry buddy.
115 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Avi Nash, Bsc Software Development & Computer Networking, Cork Institute of Technology (2020)
Updated Feb 8

I learned this from a friend of mine and thought that it was absolutely amazing and funny.
What do you do when your one-year-old doesn’t want to drink a healthful avocado smoothy?

Answer: Just stick a straw in it

It works.. :D

7.6k Views · 78 Upvotes

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Kunal Kawale, Being Indian
Answered Apr 13

Here are some life hacks that I want to share:

• How to keep 2 Large Bowls Simultaneously in Microwave:

• Love Binge Watching while Sleeping? Here’s the Hack:

• Love Grilled Cheese Sandwiches? Use a Toaster Horizontally:

• Got Smelly Shoes(or a Smelly Cat, JK :p), Put Dry Tea Bag and it will absorb the bad odors.

• Have a lot of Friends? Bet your pen is stolen every single day.Actually I have a Meme to
describe it:

Put A Blue Ink Cartridges in Red pen, because no one steals a Red Pen.

• Put your Phone in Airplane mode to charge it quickly.

• Wrap your Beer Bottle in a wet paper towel and put it in a freezer to cool it in 2 Minutes.

• Love Leftover Pizzas? Who doesn’t. It’s not so tasty when it’s chewy after you heat’em up in a
Microwave. Here’s a clever trick. Put a small glass of water, half filled right next to it to avoid crust
from getting Chewy.

That’s all I have for now. Hope it helps.

For all Indians use this:
When someone asks to borrow a pen, remove the cap and hand them only the main part (that actually
writes). Nobody ever steals (or ‘forgets to give back’) an incomplete pen.
Cheers !


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Alyson Kunack, I've done a lot of unusual stuff

Answered Mar 17

Seriously. Just stop and think about stuff. You’ll be suprised what you think of. Just little stuff.
Some examples of things I’ve come up with:
• keys and locks: When it’s dark or I can’t see, I can still manage by having learned to do things by
feel. To find the key slot, use your index finger to find it, then just slide the key down your finger straight
into slot. Also, I’ve got different keychains on my house & car key-a leather strap on the car key, and a wool
felt band on my house key. As long as I have my keys in my hand, I can figure out which is whivh without
over looking at them.

• When travelling, I often bring too much stuff home. But I have a big rolling duffel bag that can be
split into a backpack and the wheeled base, because it’s far cheaper to check a second bag than it is to check
an overweight one. Other travel tips: don’t use a suitcase-type carry-on bag; instead, use a (realistically
sized) backpack, duffel, or other soft bag. The first things FAs will go to check if room is an issue is stuff that
can’t be squished. Also, when packing your carry-on, put everything you actually plan on using during the
flight (e.g. tablet, books/e-reader, headphones, snacks, etc.) in a separate bag on the top of everything else
inside your carry-on. (I usually use a cloth fold-up shopping bag type of thing.) When you get on the plane &
get to your seat, just pull out the bag of “plane stuff” to put under the seat in front of you and put the main
carry-on overhead. It’s easier, it’s slightly faster, and if you’re using a soft-sided carry-on, it leaves a bit more
room in the overhead.

• Driving & cars: Plan ahead. Even with GPS, look over the route in general before you get in the car.
If you get mixed up, it’s much easier to get back on track if you have a general picture in your mind of how
the area is laid out. Also, I’m old-school (and just plain old), so rather than mess with big printouts from
Google maps, I condense it down to one page of shorthand notes. For example, it might look something like
1. 465 to 70, exit 35
2. 45 miles to SR 23, left at exit 56
3. 23 miles to S. Main St., turn right.
This tells me to take I-465 to Interstate 70, which is exit #35, then drive 35 miles to State Road 23, which is
exit 56, and so on. This much easier to read and much less distracting. Another tip: if you’re going to eat &
drink while driving, set it up so you have to do the bare minimum while actually driving. Brwak the seal on a
soda bottle, open any packages so all you have to do is pick up the food, and so on. It’s better not to do
anything else while driving, of course, but it’s not realistic to expect people to not eat or drink while on long
trips. What you can do is try to minimize the distractions and make them take as little time as possible.

• Other random things:

• When taking drinks to an event (e.g. an auto race, other outdoor event), rather than fill half you
cooler with ice, freeze bottles of water instead. They’ll still keep everything cold, plus you’ll have cold water
available the whole day, too.

• If you have kitchen utensils that are too long for the silverware basket in your dishwasher, lay them
flat in the top rack. This is also good for good knives, to prevent either accidentally stabbing yourself when
handling them, or breaking the tips off in the basket. You can also still usually put other dishes on top if
And so on. There are tons of little ways to make life easier if you just stop and put a bit of brainpower to

2.5k Views · 8 Upvotes

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Udit Surve, Student (2017-present)

Answered Feb 15

Want to know whether your T.V/AC ect remote has enough battery power.Then try this
And point your remote's IR blaster/ led which is on the top to your camera lense

Like this
And then press any button of the remote
And you will see a light which is in purple/voilet colour

(Image source: My phone)

Like this
If the purple light is seen, it means that your remote is working fine and it has enough battery power
If not then Change your batteries

209 Views · 1 Upvote

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Immanuel Ronald Lewis, works at Howard University

Answered Mar 11

A good life hack should save you time, money, and mental well being.
What is this life hack?
Buying and Riding a scooter and not a car, or motorycle in Los Angeles(though this can work in any city that
has a lot of traffic).
-Imagine not ever paying for parking
-Imagine rush hour traffic not applying to you
-Imagine having 85mpg and it only costing $3–4 to fill your tank
-Imagine having this vehicle for $1000–4000
-Imagine going on the freeway
Here’s the key though, get a scooter 150–300cc… Do not buy a scooter lower than 150cc it will be to slow to
get on the freeway.
I also think that society instills in peoples mind to stay away from 2 wheeled vehicles because of danger but I
sometimes feel like this is partially shared with everyone so that they don’t buy a scooter and keep them
locked into rush hour traffic, high gas expenses, and leases.

840 Views · 8 Upvotes

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Srihari Ayapilla, b.tech from Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University Katra
Answered Feb 14

YouTube “LIFE” hack :

Well, many a times we come across some videos that we want to download. Ofcourse, you can offline them
on smartphones but, what would you do on a PC ???
“Saveforum” - The life saver…..
For example , you are watching a video, like the one below.

All you need to do is… type “ss” after the ‘.’ in the URL …. like this :

After typing “ss” … hit enter. A website called saveforum opens.There you can select the video quality from
the dropdown and download starts intsantly.
That’s it. Hope it comes handy for you.

317 Views · 6 Upvotes

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Suraj Sukale, Living every moment

Updated Mar 16

• My journey is not the same as everybody else's.

• Do not overthink on what will go wrong because your mistakes will nurture you into a better

• You don’t need to impress people , they will respect you if you have knowledge in your field.

• Don’t waste time on girls, do your things with all your passion, the right girl will come in you life
right time and will accept you as you are .

• Don’t care about what people will think if you want to do something do it now , causes time never
wait for anyone .(Don’t think about Log kya kahenge? factor)

• Listen to everyone’s advice because they advice you on the basis of their experience but at last do
what you feel right.

• Change is the only constant in life.

• Be a good loser and Be a good winner.

• Self respect should be the first priority. Only you can love yourself as you want. Never prioritise
someone more than yourself.

• You will live anyway. Heartbreak or no heartbreak, life doesn't stop for anyone. Remember, Show
must go on. Yes! You won't stop breathing.

1.5k Views · 43 Upvotes

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Sasha Westerfield, Pineapple Pizza advocate and hipster

Answered Nov 30, 2016

Here's an answer for those introverts like me, wink wink.

I couldn't small talk, I still don't do it very well, but it was so hard for me to make friends because I was
always struggling to say something.
Until I asked my dad for help.
He said, “Get them to talk about themselves.”
The solution was so ridiculously simple I felt like a smack to the head.
Just get them to talk about themselves

768 Views · 6 Upvotes

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Kishan Vasra, Life Learner

Answered Oct 23, 2016

• Create pocket ear bud holder using old credit/debit card.

If you put your ear buds in your pocket then it gets tangled up and risk of damage is high. So i found this
simple DIY ear bud holder.
To do it yourself first find old credit/debit card and cut it out as below image.

So your pocket ear bud holder is ready.


16.4k Views · 614 Upvotes

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Rishabh Singh Bhadauria, works at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
Answered Aug 2

In a relationship or married? Tired of having arguments?

Keep some spare wrapped small gifts for your girlfriend/wife.
Why? Let's see
Scenario 1
Girl - Did you leave the toilet seat open.
Boy - Oh yea. Sorry. Forgot about that.
Boy - Honey! I have a surprise for you.
Girl -…
Boy - Here's a gift for you.
Girl - awwwww
Scenario 2
Girl - Did you pick up my mom from airport?
Boy - Oh man. I totally forgot. I will go right now.
Boy - Honey! I have a surprise for you.
Girl -…
Boy - Here's a gift for you.
Girl - awwwww
If you get that awwwww, you are forgiven.
OK. It may not always work but let's face it, girls love presents. If they are still angry with you, buy a
bigger present because the only thing a girl loves more than a present is “a bigger present”.
1k Views · 32 Upvotes

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Shubham Parashar, former Executive Engineer at Secure Meters Limited (2015)

Answered Jun 7

Squint your eyes while taking selfies to make your smile look more genuine.

(Image source:Google)

131 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Kushal Sharma, Owner/YouTuber at Zeal Physics | YouTube (2017-present)

Updated Apr 10

Today I will tell you 5 life hacks that you must know for day to day use.
Keep Reading
1. The Alarm Clock Hack:

Whenever in the morning your neighbor’s alarm clock irritates you, just call on that phone and their alarm
will be stopped and you can enjoy your sleep!
2. Alarm snooze hack:

You can put your phone in glass to prevent snoozing your alarm by you.
3. Vaseline Hacks:

• You can waterproof anything.

• You can apply Vaseline on eyebrows to catch all dirt and to prevent your eyes.

• Coat your bowl with Vaseline to catch mosquitoes.

4. Cassette cover hack:

You can use your cassette cover as a mobile stand

5. Batteries power test:

Bounce batteries on rigid surface to check power.

1. If rebounds; Less Charged
2. Else it is charged

• If this is helpful for you Please Upvote

• Your one Upvote inspires me to post more answers and it will not cost you!
• Follow me here: Kushal Sharma

Image Source: Google Images

11.4k Views · 258 Upvotes

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James Goodstadt, studied at University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology

Answered May 6

I'm not 100 percent sure these count as life hacks, but I'll share them anyway and you can make your mind
1 Try and do something you enjoy as your job.
You will spend 8 or 9 hours a day, minimum, 5 days a week, 46 or so weeks of the year for possibly 40 to 50
years working. That could be 103,500 hours. If you can't stand what you are doing, you are going to be
2 If you don't enjoy where you work, find a different job and leave.
In a similar vein to the above, if you find you are no longer enjoying your current job. Leave. Never be afraid
to change. Change should be embraced and enjoyed.
Looking back at the above, I'm still not sure they are so much life hacks as life philosophies (I'm not sure I
believe there are any true short cuts to winning or enjoying life. These are the closest I've got, and I
genuinely follow them.
10.3k Views · 10 Upvotes

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Aditi Khurana, M.Sc. Geotechnical Engineering, University of Calgary (2017)

Answered Jun 5

The following tricks have proven very useful for me:

• Put an old newspaper at the bottom of the trash bin to absorb food juices

• Pinch the end of a banana to make it easier to open it

• Add a little bit of baking soda while boiling eggs so as the shell comes off easily

• Put a small amount of water in a glass when you microwave pizza so that the crust doesn’t become
too chewy

• Switch your phone to airplane mode to charge it faster

• If you work in customer service, put a mirror behind you. Customers will be nicer in their behaviour
as no one wants to see themselves being a jerk

2.8k Views · 101 Upvotes

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Shrividhya Gopalan, Lazy person trying to get things done
Answered Nov 3, 2016

Some clever body hacks everyone must be aware of:

• Tickling or itchy throat? - Scratch the back of your ears.

• Mood out?- Place a pencil in your mouth. This tricks your brain for good mood.

• Nauseous, fainting sensation? - Rub on your wrist , on your tendons for at least 30 seconds.

• Want to control your pee? - Rub or scratch against your leg knee joint, your calf.

• To get out of brain freeze? - Rub your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

• Feeling anxious?- Blow cold air on the back of your hand thumb.

• Stuffy nose?- Press your thumb exactly between your eyebrows and rub roof of your mouth with
your tongue.
Source : Facebook.

15.8k Views · 267 Upvotes

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Catalin Negru, Bottom Writer 2017, 2016 and 2015.
Answered Feb 10

1.Respect the other’s personal space.

2. Tell your opinion when the others ask for it and be sincere.
3. Tell your unasked opinion only in exceptional circumstances.
4. Question everything.
5. Think a second before answering.
6. It is better to listen more and speak less than vice-versa.
7. Most of the time people judge you for what you say than for what you don’t say.
8. Be skeptic but open-minded (you might understand what I mean by this at a certain point)

6.9k Views · 60 Upvotes

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James Eddleston, Marketer | tech geek | craft beer | MCFC | Northern lad | genius (apparently)
Answered Oct 31, 2016
Learn one thing from every person you meet (or spend more than an hour with at least).
Focussing on what you can learn from someone forces you to look at the good things about everyone you
meet, meaning you see good in even the worst people. Plus you become a sponge for ‘life hacks’ as you call
it, meaning that as every day passes you get better at everything. Win - win!

2.9k Views · 39 Upvotes

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Chad Alan, Nerdish Fashion Photographer and Dorky Dad

Answered Feb 16

This is the most wonderful soap in the world. It smells like mouth-warmed butterscotch. Germs, take that!
I love it and never want it to leave.

The problem is, the dern plunger is so long that you end up depleting your supply of buttery goodness way
too fast. If you pushed it all the way down, you’d have all the neighborhood kids ready for dinner.
But if you stick on a big fat rubber band, it cuts the plunger travel distance in half. It just became liquid tiny
I’m sure you and I can probably defeat the evil plunger without the added protection, but with little kids
around, you just cut your costs in half mama.
Ok not exactly a life-saving hack but it’s all I got.
(runs back to the comfort of the Photography feed)

12k Views · 395 Upvotes

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Stephen Morgan, Life coach and realist, have helped many people get off skid row.
Answered Mar 25

You need a few but if I had to distill it down to one hack I would say ‘PATIENCE’
The art of waiting with a smile on your face and acceptance that the poor person trying to sort out your
problem is not your enemy.
At the supermarket what does it matter if you have to wait a minute longer, let the lady/gent behind with just
one item go in front if she/he looks in a hurry.

If it happens too often and there is a big queue there are plenty of other shops you can go to next time.
Driving is the same, does it matter if you are 5 minutes later arriving but get there alive.
Life is not a competition, it is a journey. Remember the fable of the hare and the tortoise?
Lots of people think it is a race, try the easy way though, be kind, be mindful and watch what happens.
It works and goes against much of what we are taught in ‘sport’ and other things.
Being first and crapping on everyone to get ahead is great but one day you will pay the price, I have now
been around long enough to see what happens over time.

9.4k Views · 166 Upvotes

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Suhel Hasan

Your writing is very soothing. I'll like to read your other answers. Great answer btw.

Nidhi Gupta, I love to give tips about life style and hacking
Answered Nov 22, 2016

I will give short and best answer for your question .I have learnt all these hacks in my life . They all works
like crazy and I bet that these 5 hacks will change your life .
Hack N#1 Take any hot girls mobile number: Simply first take her selfie and than ask her number so that
you can send her photo .(works 6 out of 10 times.)

2. Hack anyone computers by cmd command tricks .( It’s very very secret trick)

Hack N#3



11.9k Views · 45 Upvotes

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Shri Hari, Dog parent | little knowledge on fitness & muscle building
Answered Oct 28, 2016

Do not ever speak/make decisions when you are angry, ever!

I do not mean anger is a bad thing and must be avoided at all costs. Anger is just like any other emotion such
as joy or love. The thing is, at times the brain goes to off state and the emotion dominates the scene. At those
points, you need this life hack because if you do react to those, you might lose a lot in a fraction of moment
than you could imagine.
Most of the times, the anger is momentary and will fade away. If it exists for longer durations, say a day or
more.. then it is worth to be angry for.
>> How to do this stunt:
Just tell your mind to shut up or try diversion techniques (Count from 1 to 100 backwards) .
>>What one could benefit from this?
One won’t gain anything new with this hack, but it could save one from:
1. Losing a best friend for a petty issue
2. Destroying their whole life for that one woman
3. Ruining their career because of ego clashes
In a nutshell: Do not react, respond instead.

963 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Einar Gylfason, Self Employed at Entrepreneur

Answered Mar 29
Exercise. The earlier um the morning the better. Excercise increases your BDNF which is a miracle grow for
the brain. My recommendations. Aerobic exercise 5x per week and strength training 2x per week. Start
slowly..and work your way up

• Challenge yourself. Read about stuff you are not used to, biographies. World evolution,
pharmacology, etc. Challenge yourself to expand your mind. What has helped me enormously is to take notes
whenever I finish a book and it tends to stick better to memory that way

• Sleep at least 7.5 - 9 hours every night.

• Take supplements. Spirulina, Vitamin D3, blueberries. Probiotics, Caltrade works very well for me

• Learn to be likeable. Read books like How to Make friends and Influenece people by Dale Carnegie
which is a very good book to start with

• Never ever take rejection personally. People are never rejecting you. Only the things or the way you
present yourself. Read this wonderful book here - https://www.amazon.com/Rejection...

• Use an organizatioal program like Evernote to de clutter your life. Evernote is a simply amazing
program for many things related to that

3.5k Views · 31 Upvotes

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Patricio Perez, English is my 2nd language. Be nice and help, I'm here to practice and improve.
Answered Feb 27

My grandma taught me when I was a kid:

• Everything you don’t know how to do, you’ll pay someone else to do it and is almost certain it
won’t be done good.

I was born in a father and mother workaholic’s family. I was raised by my nanny, grandma and aunt (with her
by then 5 sons, who ended being 7… and 8 with me).
Father and mother worked from 8am to 6pm. Never at home except by the time I was sleep, and only really
saw them on saturdays or sundays.
Someday about 6 years old, I was left alone at home, and my nanny went to do some payments (electricity,
phone, etc) and my lunch time was already long gone. So, I opened the door and traveled to my grandma’s
house, about 8 blocks away.
She obviously was surprised that I went alone, and after lecturing me not to do it again, she gave me
something to eat.
We chat a little about what happened, and after thinking a while, she then took me to the kitchen and started
teaching me how to cook.
At first, I was reluctant… but she said the phrase I wrote above, and add that it will serve me in every way on
my future. Not only about eating, but for life itself. Then, she add:
→ The advantage of cooking is that you can prepare whatever you like, the way you like it, and no one can
force you to do other way.
To be honest… I was a kid, and truly didn’t understand the whole implication of those words at that time.
But later… I use it on everything.
I obviously know how to cook and I do it very well, even recognized by my Chef sister (who learned in a
special school). I also learned about house electricity issues, plumbing, cars, wood, and computers. And
about economics, finances, psychology and logic. I know 2 languages good enough and now learning
Japanese (I like it). I’m kind of expert on many things (history, mythology, geography, literature [have some
stories of my own]), and still today, almost 50 years old, keep on learning.
People (family and friends) around me, thinks I’m intelligent (through the years is now something
‘established’). I just told them I’m eager to learn, curious of what I don’t know and how it ‘works’.
Everybody can do it, but no one takes interest on it. So, perhaps I’m only intelligent on my effort to learn.
One long friend of mine (almost 40 years) says about me (and makes me grin every time):
→ Ask him, he knows everything.
Only problem… family calls me every time they have a problem on the house, the car, the computer, a new
electronic device to buy, something they don’t understand or don’t know what went wrong. Even call me to
help cooking (my sister), legal advice, bank advice, selling advice.
Imagine, one day my 40 year old friend call me to drive this (He was sure I could… and that’s me driving it):
Everyone can learn how to do things, little actually takes the time to. Ignorance is very easy… too much.
1. I’m also pretty good in karaoke (I practice a lot).
2. I learned to drive a car at 9yo. The story in here: Patricio Perez's answer to What is the craziest thing
you ever did when you were a teenager?

10.5k Views · 139 Upvotes

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Dee Cee

I am a bit like you - I know how to do a little of everything, and with YouTube and the Internet,...

Gokulakrishnan Thiagarajan, Made Guinness world record in 2012

Answered May 19
Be unique and be remembered - Abdul kalam
In my college class, we were asked to tell our inspirational characters and what did you inspire in them.
Note :Make a comment of who would you tell if you were asked:)
As we are engineers, everybody said Einstein, Newton, Tesla, Galileo, Kalam etc.
When my turn was arrived, I said “Hitler”. I further made the talk,
I could hear the 3 letters running in your thoughts(WTF). Ok I agree to some extent to that
reaction due to obvious reasons like WW2 and jewish killing, but do you know the extent of his
patriotism towards his nation?
I continued with a short story, When he was studying 5th standard, he was asked by his social teacher to
circle Germany from a world map.
He quickly circled the entire world. This made his teacher and friends laugh at him.
He slowly replied , “I’ll make it happen.”
Still many of my friends remember me for that
So I advice you to take the path which is less travelled.

270 Views · 7 Upvotes

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Vinay Pateel, I travel the world and make videos and return home to my dog
Answered Feb 20

Mine is kinda funny but true!

Hold coffee mug with your left hand when drinking coffee at a public place. That way you’re drinking
from the side least used.
Most people are right handed so a lot of lips have touched the same side of the mug. We all know that the
dishwashing habits in establishments are questionable, especially in India.
Now I’m a “hygiene” kinda guy so I think about these things.

This hack came to me naturally because I’m left-handed. Every time I drink coffee at a public place I’m
thankful I’m drinking from the cleaner side.
Funny but true!
Picture courtesy: Google search showed me this image from a website called Yellow Octopus. Thought I
should be specific about that rather than just say, courtesy Google.

801 Views · 21 Upvotes

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Panngesh Awasthi, studied Electrical Engineering at I.E.T. M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly
Answered May 16

I really don’t remember where I heard this about, but this is truly an awesome hack that I have known and
Life will always have competitions. A life without competitions is actually quite boring. As you all probably
know, you cannot always win . Life isn’t that optimistic and fair.
Most of the time, our competitor is one who enjoys our defeat more than the prize at hand . The best way to
rob them of this ‘sinister’ joy is to smile at them after losing. Yes, you read it right. I am asking you to show
a sign of happiness after you lose. But trust me, this will totaly wreck your opponents pride and ego after
winning and if you are lucky you might just make a friend out of them.
This is not only a way to make a come back at your opponent, but is also a way to make you self realise that
this is not the end. But rather a stepping stone for you to succeed.

Here is an image of finalist of Mumbai indians and chennai super kings (2015).in the right (Dhoni) lost the
match but he doesn't show any sign of anger .

“Don’t know if this qualifies as a smile.”

Remember-"The difference between the novice and the master is simply that the novice has not learnt, yet,
how to do things in such a way that he can afford to make small mistakes. The master knows that the
sequence of his actions will always allow him to cover his mistakes a little further down the line”.

241 Views · 7 Upvotes

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Vraj Patel, I don't drink but I know things.

Answered Oct 30, 2016
I've lost one of my closest friends because of anger. It's not that I never became angry but some times
unfortunately we took decision in anger and latter we regret.
I also told my parents harsh things when I was angry sometimes but they are parents, not friends so thanks to
God they can't lose me. But now one thing I understood very well is that, A moment of patience, in a
moment of anger, saves thousands moments of regret.
But when you are angry, keeping patience is the hardest thing, right?
I've read and try to apply many things to keep patience at difficult time but the most effective one I found
is Pause.

If you are on call, suddenly became angry by something…pause.

If you are chatting, feeling heat at some point…pause.
Face to face, when you became angry…pause.
You know the best thing about this? This is not only stop you by saying bitter things to your beloved once
but when suddenly you pause at curtain point, the person against you will understand that you are angry but
still you don't want to hurt them and you respect your relation more than one stupid thing.
Pause will save you from the worst thing, regret.

7.9k Views · 167 Upvotes

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Lu Holt, studied at Texas A&M University

Answered Sep 11, 2016
I have a problem with falling asleep quickly because I can't shut my mind off from reviewing the day's
events or replaying a problem over and over trying to find a solution. Over the years, I have found a few
tricks that work for me.
1. Write it down. This one is obvious but works. If I have a meeting the next day and I keep reviewing what I
want to say or how I want it to go, I take two minutes and bullet out the key points. I can then let it go
because I won't forget all my ideas.
2. Silently, repeatedly recite a poem, song or anything you know that you must focus on to get all the way
through correctly. Counting sheep never worked for me because I can count and think about 10 other things
at the same time. My personal choice is the Lord's Prayer because it is short and I have to focus on the
words. I can't think about anything else while reciting it or I lose track of where I am and can't get it right. If
my mind starts wandering, it is easy to force my way back to where I was and keep going. 3 times through
max and I am out. (5 if it was a tough day)
3. Erase a blackboard. This is one my older brother told me when I was a kid and couldn't sleep. Visualize a
school blackboard full of random words or short phrases that represent your day. Don't overthink what
should be included. Start at the top of the board and begin erasing the words until you get to the bottom and
all the words are gone from the board. I never remember erasing every word when I wake up in the morning.
Don't know why this works but it does. My brother told me it was my second set of eyelids that won't close.
That freaked me out for a few years. Someday I might upgrade the blackboard to a technology version but I
don't want to fix what's not broken!

5.3k Views · 21 Upvotes

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Harshal Holkar, Fitness enthusiast

Answered May 9
I know multitasking helps us to save time but it’s just impossible to do. When you’re trying to accomplish
two or more tasks, each one requiring some level of consideration and attention, multitasking falls apart. I
always sucked at it. But I got this awesome hack from my friend after which multitasking becomes a piece of
cake for me.
Always combine task which require minimum attention with complex task. For example, doing the
laundry while another task is in process (such as getting dinner started), and then you can layer in a more
complex task, like answering a few emails.
My mother always multitasks – she peels garlic or cut vegetables while watching TV. In her case she puts a
lot of attention in TV and minimal attention to veggies :)
I do this frequently and it works just fine. So as long as you don't overload your senses with too much, it's
actually very possible to handle more than one task at a time. If you've ever used your computer or phone
while watching television, you know it can be done.
Try it, it's worth it :)

836 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Prasanna Venkatesh, Engineer by profession and writer by passion

Updated Jun 13
Learning to be silent and avoiding arguments when in anger.
Practicing WHEN not to speak and WHAT not to speak, can really be life changing.
Mastering a new language takes a few months of practise, but practising silence could take a lifetime.
This can save many friendships, your relationship and avoids so many unnecessary arguments in life.

764 Views · 11 Upvotes

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Danica Ann Niegas, Listen to yourself above all.

Answered Apr 5

1. Learn to give something, too—don’t selfishly take everything.

2. Morning is a wonderful time for habit-formation.
3. To be successful, do not tell everything you know.
4. Don’t grow up—stay in awe like a child’s eyes.
5. Nobody respects an achievement gained through dirty cheats. If you want to be respected, you
have to fight fair.
6. Your mom has sacrificed her dreams, youthful body, and life for you—love her.
7. Your dad may be quiet, or taciturn, but he’s inwardly proud of you. Remember that.
8. You can’t please everyone. Do what you want to do anyway.
9. Make contacts on your career path. This implies that you can CUT people in your life who isn’t
helping you. There are 7 billion people on planet.
10. Innovate faster than your competitors.
11. Silence is more powerful than having the last word.
12. People CHANGE. They are not constant as you have known them 5 or 6 years ago, it just that we
change our minds now and then.
13. Stay true to yourself. The biggest lies are the ones we tell ourselves.
14. Respect everyone, including CHILDREN. Character builds a long time.
15. Everyone has a learning curve, INCLUDING YOU. It’s okay to wait for your own unfolding.
16. Stealing ideas doesn’t make you the owner of it.
18. Prioritize your values.
19. Don’t crack a joke at the expense of someone else. Be sensitive.

4.5k Views · 13 Upvotes

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Mads Olsen, Danish 15 year old, collecter of knowledge and avid Quoran.
Answered Feb 19

1. How to ask someone for their name again. Instead of just asking for someone’s name, say “Hey
what’s your name again? No no, your last name.” This one has saved my butt a dozen of times.
2. How to find almost any song. We have all been in this situation, where we hear a song on the radio
and think “Shit, this one is good.” and then can’t find it. Here’s how to fix that. Google what they’re singing.
For example, “Never gonna give you up, never going to let you down.” Remember to use “.
3. Lying like a boss. Although lying is a bad thing, there are situations where it is necessary. Just add
an embarrassing detail about the lie. It will make it look more authentic.
4. Take a good look at your piss. If it is more on the yellow side of things, it means that you should be
drinking more water. It should ideally be as close to the colour of water.
5. Always use a pricecomparision website. This has already saved me a few hundred bucks. So if
you’re low on cash it is a almost necessary thing to do.
6. Spot fakers. This one is more directed towards teenagers. If you’re writing with someone over the
internet, ask them to send a picture of themself with their pinkyfinger touching their ears, or some other
crazy position.
7. Make silly faces infront of the mirror when you wake up. This one always puts me in a great
mood for the rest and the day, and reminds me not to take myself too seriously.
8. If you’re writting an essay, put it in Google Translate. When they pronounce the words, it makes
a lot easier for you to spot your mistakes. Spellcheck your essay first however, so you don’t potentially get

308 Views · 2 Upvotes

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John Wayne Jones, Former SWAT, F-15C/F-5E pilot Retired Airline Captain.
Answered Feb 23
My father gave me two pieces of advice before he died that have kept my life interesting and rewarding.
They seem to be mutually opposed, and they can be- the trick is to know which one to use, in a given
1. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.” Another answer mentions this concept as well- no matter
how crazy it is, if you want to do it…ASK. You’ll be surprised,
2. “It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission”.
Sometimes, to paraphrase an 80’s movie, you just have to say “What the f#ck”.

7.2k Views · 82 Upvotes

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Sourav Mondal, works at Infosys

Answered Mar 2

1. Have a life outside work, some days you might not have a good day at work and need to escape to
2. Don’t over flatter when appreciated, don’t get too scared when facing new challenges.
3. Don’t talk rudely to anyone when you are having a bad day, you will regret one day.
4. Keep your personal goals to yourself.
5. Eat healthy, a lot can happen over a good diet.

767 Views · 16 Upvotes

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Aswin Krishnan, B tech Mechanical Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering (2018)

Answered May 6

Well there are lots of answers here. I don't know if this one is mentioned in any answers below. So sorry if
am really entering something that's already in the list.
Am a googler. Got any doubts about anything? I will just Google it and read about it. Being an engineering
student, there's a huge requirement to find and read lots of patent papers and other presentations. As usual, i
used to search it in Google.
For instance, if i want a pdf version of a topic, say Electromagnetic Braking System, when i search it on
Google the result will be as follows.

I used to find it difficult to get hold of pdf files.

But then i got to know about something that Google allows its users to do. Filtering the search.
If you want to get just the files with extension .Pdf, then type “ filetype:pdf “ infront of your topic.

Then the result will only contain files with. Pdf extension.
Same can be used to get presentation files, the slides. Type “ filetype:ppt “ and then search.

Same can be applied for other formats like .xls etc.

For me this was quite a great hack and i frequently use this. It makes my googling efficient and easier.
Hope this helps you too.
Apologies if it is already mentioned in other answers.
Happy googling.

3.4k Views · 46 Upvotes

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Robert Puckett
Answered Feb 8 · Upvoted by Michelle Callard-Stone, Behavioral Psychologist. PhD.

I have 2 friends who are bartenders, and they both told me to use this simple, yet effective trick.
If you’re ever at a crowded bar, wanting to run up a tab, and know it’s going to take forever to get your
drinks, then just order 1 drink and tip really well. If you order a $7 drink, go ahead and tip 4 or 5 dollars on
it. $12 might seem like a lot for one beverage, but you’re paying for quicker service in the future.
The next time you go up to the bar for a drink, you’re sure to get much quicker service. At that point you can
go ahead and open your tab.
Most bartenders prioritize their customers by those who they know tip well, those they aren’t sure about, and
those who they know never tip. If the bartender doesn’t know you, you need to establish yourself as someone
who is going to treat them right.
At the end of the night, just make sure you actually do end up tipping well on your final tab, else you’ll fall
back down on their priority list.
453.7k Views · 3,704 Upvotes

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David S. Lesperance

As a former bartender in a number of ridiculously busy venues, I can tell you that this absolutel...
3 more comments from Jorge Fernández, Mike Stroud, Ray Shaw

Prakhar Dubey, studied at Valia College of Commerce and Arts

Answered Mar 19

1.Getting a call from a telemarketter?
Don’t say anything, just press “9” on your phone, It’ll add your number to the “don’t call” list.
2. Stop using Google to search information for school essays,use http://scholar.google.com instead. You
will find more relevant information right away.
3.When you feel like you need something,but you cannot figure out what it is, it’s water, it’s always
4. No matter how slow you progress,you are still ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.
5. 5 cups of Green Tea a day can help you to loose weight,most of it around your belly.
6.If you ever get trapped underwater in your car, use your carseat headrest to break the window.
7. If u need to get motivated take a shower. Being clean is proven to increase your productivity.
8. Want to download a youtube video as an mp3? Put “listeno” after the “www.” in the URL.
9. If you download a “PDF” file and you see it ends in “.exe” delete it. It’s a Virus.

3.2k Views · 33 Upvotes

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Zat Rana, I think and I write. Featured in CNBC, Business Insider, etc
Answered Mar 2

Pick 3 areas in your life and aim to improve everything by just 1 percent.
If you want to lose weight, reduce your calorie intake by a small amount each day.
If you want to write more, add a few more words to your routine with each session.
If you want to study harder, increase your commitment to include a little more time.
There’s nothing overwhelming about improving something by 1 percent with each try, and that’s why the
magic happens. It doesn’t require exceptional motivation.
It just sets you in motion, and before you know it, the compound effect takes over.
Hypothetically, if you gained 1 percent daily for a year, you would get 1.01^365 = 37.78.
In short, you’d be almost 38 times better than you were at the start of the year.
1.6k Views · 12 Upvotes

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Shashi Bala Saini, worked at Bal Vikas School

Answered Feb 19

Do not trust anyone including close family members and share any of problems, you and your partner can
handle even better. Everybody listens very well. I know it but ignoring their own issues and problems, they
would do nothing except sharing your problems with others.
So be careful what you share, pay attention what you talk about. Only you can handle your own issues. That
is most clever hack. And it took me 59 years to learn this hack.
Better talk to advisors and councellers paying a fees. At least they do not spread it like wild fire.
There are best people in the world to share and Quora people read and advise you even better.
Caring is sharing !! Peace !!

1.6k Views · 46 Upvotes

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Juvian Julian Hernandez, I've learned some stuff
Answered Nov 22, 2016

Setting a Bedtime Alarm. Since I started doing so my sleep schedule has become very routine and my days
are much more productive. Now I don't have to think about when to go to bed, my phone simply reminds me.
Also, using your phone’s “Do Not Disturb” option will guarantee a night of interrupted sleep.

1.6k Views · 7 Upvotes

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Egor Zmaznev, Author of the Telegram Blog "The Cynic"

Answered Mar 3
Taking actions and responsibilities.
This is the main life hack I have learnt from others, books, success stories, experience. Not all of us are
natural born leaders, however, we all are leaders of our lives. Due to my shy nature, for a really long time I
believed that your success is based on your ideas. Now, I realize that it is only partially true.
If you have good ideas - you are smart. If you take actions - your are brave. If you are doing both - you are
Not everyone wants to be leader or take responsibilities. However, we all have to do it.
Not many people do not fear to fail. However, we are all coming through such experience.
Not everyone is ready to take actions. However, you should!
Taking actions/responsibilities is some sort of skill. And same as any other skill, it requires practice. So,
better start improving this skill now, rather than avoiding responsibilities.

145 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Alden Tan, worked at www.Alden-Tan.com

Answered Jun 15

When you and your partner are emotionally riled up, stop talking.
Walk away.
Keep a journal between you two.
Go write in that journal and explain in words why you’re unhappy.
Let your partner write too.
A few hours later, read it together wen you two are totally calm.
This’d prevent a lot of fighting and quarrels. You can also articulate your thoughts better.
Get my free book here: 12 Things Happy People Don’t Give a Fuck About!

1.7k Views · 20 Upvotes

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Abdullah Shiryar, Had my share of experience in life.

Answered May 13

Here is a simple but effective one:

When you need a favor from someone but you are in doubt if the person would accept, demand something
much bigger than what you actually need, they will likely refuse and apologize for not being able to fulfill
your request (which you already know), most of the time they will sincerely ask if there is anything else they
can do for you, that is the time to ask for your original favor which is relatively smaller, chances are high
they will accept that one.

9.6k Views · 151 Upvotes

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Adarsh Shetty, lives in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Answered Jun 2

Calling Sir/Madam
Its common among Indians to refer strangers as Uncle or Aunty.
Don’t decide based on a persons appearance to address him as Sir or Uncle.
Address everyone as Sir/Madam cause here you never lose anything as you get respected in return and your
job gets done easily with a smile.

and the saying “Give Respect and Take Respect” holds good.
Do try this , i am sure you won’t be disappointed.
Image Source: Pinterest


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Divyanshu Logi, YouTuber
Updated Mar 2

Here are some life hacks I feel are really awesome:

No1: Want to know about who admires you the most? Well, when you are in a group and everyone laughs on
some random joke, figure out the person who looks at you the most. People instinctively look towards the
group member they feel closest to.
No2: Try to notice the eye color of the person you meet for the first time. Well, not that it’s important in itself
but it will make you look into their eyes for long. People like you more for the slightly increased eye contact.
They will respond to better.
No3: If someone gets angry on you, stay calm, they probably will get angrier but will later repent and will be
ashamed of themselves.
No4: Emotional expressions are one way to cause emotions, so every morning when you wake up, smile
widely and you’ll find yourself happy.
No5: Chew gum or eat food if you are doing something which will normally make you feel nervous. It tricks
the primal part of your brain into thinking that you couldn’t be in danger as you are eating.
No6: If you ask someone a question and they only give you a partial answer, maintain eye-contact and stay
silent. The person answering will usually assume that the original answer wasn’t good enough, and they’ll
keep talking.
No7: This one is really interesting as I really don’t know why it works but it works all the pretty damn time.
If you are feeling really anxious then go ahead and clean up your workspace or your room and you will feel a
lot happier. Cool, isn’t it?
No8: Before you say or write something, try avoiding the pre cursors like I believe or I think because these
phrases make you sound like you lack confidence. Moreover, it doesn’t really imply anything because if you
are saying something, it’s quite obvious that you believe it.
No9: Before an interview, imagine you are friends with the interviewer. This will make you in charge of the
situation and you will feel much more confident. You won’t get nervous and will be able answer questions
with much more comfort and ease.
No10: Muhammad Ali once said: To be a great champion, you must believe you are the best. If you are not,
pretend that you are. What I want to imply is Confidence is important. It is much more than your seniority.
Be confident. Just act like it’s all okay, you are in control and you will be surprised to see how quickly you
climb the ladder.
No11: People tend to remember the first thing and last thing in an event. So when you meet someone or
when you are in an interview, try to make a good first impression. When you are leaving, leave on a good
note as they won’t much remember what exactly happened between those two points.
No12: If you work in customer service, put a mirror behind you. Customers will be nicer as nobody wants to
see themselves shouting or cussing out loud.
No13: Whenever you meet someone, refer to them by their name as it will typically grab their attention and
make them a lot more interested in what you have to say. But keep in mind not to overdo it as the person
might get irritated if you keep calling them over and over again.
No14: If you’re in a group meeting and expect someone to take you to task, sit right next to them. They’ll
lose the pack mentality that makes them feel safe to attack you. At the very least, they’ll mitigate their
And the last one: If you make yourself be really happy and excited to see other people, the next time they
see you, they’ll probably be a lot happier and more excited about it. Well, don’t you feel dogs do this to us all
the time?


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Joonas Virta
Answered Oct 23, 2016
Eat, sleep, exercise. No, really. People try all the nice things but forget the basics. If one of those is not ok,
life hacks are not going to help you out that much.
Taking care of your health might not be considered life-hack but it will make everything better, even your
capacity to think.

1.3k Views · 18 Upvotes

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Izaz Arefin, Trying to find the meaning of it.

Updated Apr 9

Important Life lessons so far:

• Life unfolds naturally. So do not think too much about the outcome. Just keep doing your job, things
will come naturally.

• Health is utmost important to everyone, and the source of all happiness. If health is lost, everything
is lost.

• If you chase after things, you will possibly end up losing them.

• Always keep a plan B, and be ready to change tracks. Because you do not have control over threats
and opportunities.

• Do not think over finding a life partner. People come into our life for a certain purpose. Someday
you will get someone to spend the rest of your life.
• Analyze every situations before taking any decisions. Because a small mistake can change your life
for the worst.

• Ego is your worst enemy. You do not really start learning until you completely release your ego.
Everyone has a story, you will be wondered once you look deeper into people’s life. Start learning from the
people around you, they are your best teachers.

• Friendship is a mutual feeling. Do not expect too much from your friend unless you give them the
same amount. And, do not expect that a friend will always do good to you. Use your brain to determine what
is good for you.

• Do not blame others for your current situation in life. You are currently in the position you are meant
to be. Change your thinking, so that the world can change for you. The best changes come from within.

• Help people in needs, not because you are in a better position but because you are lucky enough that
you are not in their position.

2.2k Views · 10 Upvotes

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Siddharth Chandra, B.Tech Computer Science & C++, National Institutes of Technology (2020)
Answered Feb 26

Recently I attended a lecture session be Abhinna Khare sir and few things that got my attention were:
1. The 5/25 Rule: The rule is very simple. Make a list of 25 things that you want to achieve in your
life. Prioritize them from 1–25. The rule is the things that fall on top 5 of your priority list are the things you
currently want and the rest 20 are the things that would stop you from getting that. Once you achieve those 5
things, then only start working for those 20 things.
2. Reading: It is the best habit that one can cultivate in himself. An average person reads one book per
year but a successful person should read as many books as possible.
3. Smart Work: You might have heard many speakers speaking about working hard but a new word
smart work actually caught my attention. To achieve something you might not follow the old conventional
method. But also if you wanna survive, ensure that the process you deployed is understandable by others too.
4. Improve 1% daily: Just focus on 1% improvement per day. If you follow this rule by the end of the
year you would surely improve your self 37x as what you were in the beginning of the year.

• Self Introspection is necessary. You are the best teacher you could ever get. You know your strengths
better than anyone and you have the power to destroy yourselves because you even know the weak points in
you. Just spend 5 minutes every night before sleeping to figure out what you did throughout the day and then
finding the other alternatives to the problems you faced.

• There is no shortcut to success but getting success is not that hard as others say if you know how to
get it. Tackel the problem step vise and not altogether

• Don't depend on karma and be the karma.

• Always improve, the improvement graph should never reach a constant or a peak. The slope might
decrease but should never reach zero

• Happiness = Success/Positive expectations. Keep positive expectations as low as possible but should
never reach zero.

• Use Google, it can answer anything. You just need to ask the questions and you should know which
questions you need to ask.

2.1k Views · 8 Upvotes

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Bob Francis, Yahweh is wise, we are foolish
Answered Oct 20, 2016

The most important life hack I am still learning is humility. There is always something new to learn in every
area of our existence.
We tend to as humans have certain areas where we are highly resistant to change. This is usually because
of weaknesses in our personal character.
Personality Types | 16Personalities
We avoid people who are strongly developed in areas where we are poorly so. The religious person rejects
testing his church’s doctrine for flaws. The atheist rejects supernatural explanations for his existence because
they go against desires for independence from moral accountability. The agnostic rejects the possibility that
he must come to a conclusion on what he truly believes.
All of these choices lead to a selfish, wasted, and miserable life, that Our Creator does not accept.
Matthew 18:3 "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the
kingdom of heaven. (Bible Hub)
Humility is simply recognizing that I and my fellow creatures are imperfect beings who need to grow and
improve daily.

1.3k Views · 6 Upvotes

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Tayyab Qaisrani
Answered Jul 29

Life hacks still learning on Quora:

• You are atheist, bi, gay or other anything than straight or religious minority, you have become
“CYNOSURE” on this app.

• Even “THINKING STRAIGHT” will take you nowhere.

• Immaculate English with no grammatical mistakes will make you “FLAWLESS HUMAN”, top
writer comes later.

• Furnish your credentials with your written & in progress authored & titled work will make you

• See the followers of the question & write a long story, no body is gonna read coz you are
“NOBODY”. Only top writers have this privilege of getting “UPVOTE” without getting conten read coz it's
written under their name.

• You want to be part of so called “ QUORA COMMUNITY”, blindly “FOLLOW” the famous

• Ignore all those questions which needs to be answered if you want to be in “TOP LEAGUE”, they
are for ordinary people.

• Break the “QUORA RULES”& then crib by raising a question about it, QUORA COMMUNITY
will be your biggest supporters.

• Give a controversial answer & in the end state “You are DISABLING COMMENTS FOR SO
AND SO REASONS”, coz it will take away your “DIVA STATUS” if you state you can't handle the
For all the new people especially, Enjoy:)

166 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Subhashis Banerji, CEO at Success Unlimited Mantra (2000-present)
Answered May 26

The clever life hack - I feel I have learned through my major failures, spectacular setbacks, life-killing
traumas etc - for more hacks please read my blogs as those are my life’s lessons
1. It actually does not matter what others think about you - because most of them are not
2. Failures are essential part of life - in any part of life you have not failed => you would not have
achieved significant
3. There are no over night successes
4. There are no Self-Made man/woman => all of us need/have/had Mentors
5. There are no fast elevator to success - you have to take step by step
6. The fears that holds you back - 98% of them never happens
7. It is never too late to create a turn around in your life
8. The bigger the setback - the better the opportunity for recreating your life in a most significant way
9. If I am a know it all - I will end up last in the race & have life full of disappointments
10. Pro-active looking for, preparing for & choosing change is the only way to have less stress
11. If you do not act to make yourself obsolete - the world will => so keep reinventing yourself
12. If you are part of the crowd - you are not going anywhere
13. When you are 100% sure of something - it will happen in the opposite way - in a way you have never
believed it could
14. The most important things in life are not Money, Position, Power, Fame etc
15. The most important factors are Relationships, Love, Intimacy, Happiness
16. You can not grow - if you do not help others grow
17. You need to disrupt your life regularly in this VUCA climate
18. Do not postpone expressing your love
19. Most important skills are Soft Skills
20. Success is the worst mentor

210 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Tooz Hsu, studied at University of Strathclyde (2016)

Answered Apr 21

I learnt this hack from my fine arts teacher during middle school and have been using it ever since, it might
sounds a little bit bizarre at first but it's extremely useful once you get it. It's a little technique that helps you
to memorize things:
Imagine yourself as a tree, and your body, including your head, fingers, and toes, are the branches. Now,
when you have to memorize, say a set of numbers that contains 20 digits, you put the first 4 digits on your
right thumb, 4 digits on your right index finger, 4 digits on your middle finger and the rest on your ring
finger. You hang those digits at different locations instead of stuffing them all at one place, which makes it
way easier to memorize things.
It doesn't make any sense, right? Well, it takes a couple of times to practice, but it's a simple trick that helps
me a lot at occasions when I need to memorize someone's number but don't have a pen to note down.

26.3k Views · 54 Upvotes

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Akash Tanwar, works at Marvell Semiconductor

Answered May 16

My 20 Minute, 6 month rule.

Don't get intimidated when learning something new.
Just spend 20 minutes each day for 6 months at your new activity. Just 20 minutes.
No need to spend hours and hours at it. You won't retain it anyways and will get bored easily.
Wanna learn programming? Just spend 20 minutes each day for 6 months. Just 20 minutes. That's how I
learnt Python.
French? Again. Just 20 minutes a day for 6 months.
Chess? Again. Just 20 minutes a day for 6 months.
HTML? Again. Just 20 minutes a day for 6 months.
Video editing? Just 20 minutes a day for 6 months.
Guitar? Just 20 minutes a day for 6 months.
“That's how you devour a whale. One bite at a time.” - Francis Underwood.
Do not get intimidated. That's the key.
PS: This is a copy paste of my answer I posted for a similar question.

12.5k Views · 448 Upvotes

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Mike Muttiah, COO at Career Interactive
Answered Apr 30

Not sure if these are all hacks per se, but these are a few things I’ve picked up over the years that I wish I had
known when I was 21.

• Meetings that last longer than 15 minutes are a waste of time. Unless they are of a life changing

• Read a book a week

• Every so often is worth finding calling recruiters how much you are actually worth and what skills
you need to be worth more

• Always keep a bag of change in your car

• Emails are to be opened at the beginning and the end of the day. Every distraction costs 15 minutes

• The human brain is not designed to multi-task so just don’t bother

• 15 minutes everyday learning a skill is better than 105 minutes once a week

• Repetition is the mother of all skill

• Hard work trumps intelligence and talent every time

• If someone asks you a question ask them what they think the answer is first before giving your

• Work out your hourly rate, and if a task can be done for less by paying someone else, then let them.

• Never give your opinion unless someone asks you

10.1k Views · 52 Upvotes

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Leonard Hoffman, I read books for a few hours on a daily basis.

Answered Mar 2

Doing Holotropic Breathwork - Getting into a psychedelic state of mind without using drugs. It saved me
from legal trouble, and allowed me to experience altered states of consciousness. I experienced life changing
realizations about 3 times now. Holotropic Breathwork is something NOBODY knows about. If you want to
experience a psychedelic state of mind without doing drugs, just follow the steps:
1. Find a relaxing, enjoyable music track that is at least 40 minutes long.
2. turn off the lights in your room, lay down on your bed, start the music.
3. Close your eyes and start breathing a little deeper and faster through your mouth
4. start breathing faster and faster, until it becomes above normal speed, and keep breathing fast for at
least 25 minutes.
5. at minute 20 you will experience crazy tingling sensations all over your body and your face. Your
skin starts to “vibrate” in a strange way, as if though you are ascending to a higher plane of existence. It feels
like something you have never ever felt before. But keep breathing!
6. At minute 30–35 you can stop breathing fast. You will feel like you are literally in another
dimension. You no longer feel negativity, hate, anger, stress etc. You only feel absolute peace and
equilibrium. You can now get up and turn the lights on.
7. Your life will never be the same again. You will experience unexpected epiphanies and realizations.
You are welcome.
5.7k Views · 71 Upvotes

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Updated Apr 28

• My grandma Idea

• Want to gain weight? try this, eat food in bigger plate.

• Want to reduce weight ? try this, eat food in smaller plate.

• Want to remember credit/debit card number/marriage date/ spouse birthday etc…? set it as password
(dont set autofill) for facebook/quora or your laptop. After a period of time you will remember it easily.
Save wallet:

• While going in crowded place or in general make a habit of keeping wallet in pant front pocket
rather in pant back pocket. It saves your money.

Leave early :

• We should leave early from home and leave early from office. How it saves or whats there to learn?

• Morning early means we avoid traffic in peak hours .

• Escape from hot summer.

• Less tension. “Less tension more productive work”

• Your vehicle deprecation reduces a bit, fuel consumption less ( in long run it will save huge money).

• Above all saves our precious time ( say every day we spend 20 minutes in traffic and by going early
it reduces to 15 minutes, we save every day 5 minutes(minimum), so 5*365= 1825 minutes or 30 hrs or 1.2
days extra you have in a year which can be invested in other productive purpose).

29k Views · 473 Upvotes

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Anna Rose Lim Duenas

Answered Mar 28

Going to a 24-hr grocery store at 6 a.m when there are only 20 people inside including the cashiers and
service assistant. How do I benefit from this?
1. It saves my time. I’m a time-conscious person, so I do things with a certain amount of time allotted
to each thing, and when going to grocery store to buy food items which will be good for one week, I could
have 15 excluding the queuing up to pay. But because the usual time that I’m free to go is when everyone
else is free as well, that results in a crowd, and my 15-minute plan is ruined. But, because I go there very
early, I save 5 minutes of my time that includes paying to the cashier.
2. It saves my money. I have lots of coins that range from 5–20 centavos. When I used them to pay, it
saves me money, and I’ve collected about $10 in total. It’s a big amount, actually, that you are able to pay
with 5 centavos in a country with high standards of living like Singapore.
3. Cashier gets more coins to change. The cashier was very pleased that I took my time to count my
every penny. I saw the big smile that says, “Yes, I don’t need to run here and there to find coins.”
Fortunately, I did it in the morning when there is no long queue waiting behind me, or else she will not give
me damn time to count my cents.
This is the second time I’ve actually done it; it’s a simple yet rewarding life hack.
P.S.: I sleep earlier the night before so I won’t be grumpy when I wake up the next day.

143.5k Views · 898 Upvotes

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Mariana Ferreira Albuquerque

I’d love to do this, but there’s no 24h supermarkets over here, unfortunately.
2 more comments from Robert Jennings, Christian Howard

Mohammed Asif, Introvert Level - 96

Answered May 21

Disclaimer: I haven't done this, but overheard from my friend's conversation.

Let's assume a person and name him “Krishna”, so the story goes like this.
One day Krishna had to move his sofa set to his nephew's home which was almost 40Kms from his home, So
he decided to move it using a trolley,In Hyderabad the movers and packers or trolleys charge you so much,
They asked him to pay 2000 for just moving it.
This happened the past year, Krishna placed an ad of the sofa on Quikr and bought it using the second
account, Quikr had the free delivery option in those days , Alas! he got it delivered for free , With out
paying a single penny and zero worries

164 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Anshul Jain, I've learnt that i still have a lot to learn !!!
Answered Feb 28

If you are low on cash and have a credit card, but you would not dare to withdraw cash from your credit
card. As it attracts super abnormal transaction charges and fees.
So here is one hack that I use quiet often:
Pre requisite: Update your bank details in your paytm account and to avoid 1 or 2 % fees of paytm,
complete KYC norms (you just have to submit your PAN card zerox and address proof it’s quite simple and
fast at paytm end).
Step 1. Use your credit card to add money to your paytm account.

Step 2. Click on the passbook option and you will notice a tab called send money to your bank account.
And BAAM !!! fund will be transferred to your bank account free of charge (if u have completed the KYC
norms it would happen instantaneously)
Application: I have recently changed my job, their salary dates didn't sync with my credit card due dates so
used this trick and paid my CC bill, technically was able to postpone my current bill to next cycle without
any charges.
This hack is a savior during month ends.
NOTE: This trick will only help u to deal with your short term cash crunch, but ultimately u will have to
pay to credit card at some point of time.

480 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Meghana Pujar, Keep it simple

Answered Mar 22

Clean one room a day. It breaks down the chore and you don’t have to dedicate a significant part of your
weekend or evening to keep your house clean. This helps a lot actually plus seems less work to do!
In the places with free 30 min WiFi (airports and hotels) you can clear the cookies on your browser and
register again to refresh the timer.
If you are bored of your old phone, buy a new case, change the background, and delete old apps. It’ll run
better and feel like a new phone.
Remove coffee stains on your clothes by baking soda and of oil by rubbing a white chalk on it.

606 Views · 9 Upvotes

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Harish Suthar, Mechanical Engineer

Answered Dec 23, 2016

#1. Interview- In a interview, always make a good start and good ending. Because, most of the time
interviewer will only remember what you said at the beginning and ending. So always make it impressive.
You can mug up 2 or 3 lines.
#2. Chewing gum- before every major event like public speaking etc always chew chewing gum. It can ease
out our problems. Because, a part of our brain get busy. So we start feeling more comfortable.
#3. Learn hand gestures- even if you are not a public speaker. Learn hand gesture, it can tell lots of thing
about you without speaking a single word.


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Sabir Ali Shaikh, iOS user since 4 years.Now working for Apple Inc.
Answered May 9

→ this is not actually hack but is very useful feature people are not aware about, this is for iPhone users.

• Text Replacement Feature.

There are some keywords which we use on daily basis. Many a times we use from keyboard suggestion but
most of the time keyboard don't suggest specific keyboard which we gonna type next, so for there is a
solution for iPhone users they can type some words and it will replace by your own suggest. For e.g

as you can see I just typed “ilu” and it replace my suggest to

You can add any sentence in “Text Replacement”.

• How to add and use?

Open Settings → Genral → Keyboard → Text Replacement and then Click on Top Right “+” to add.

• Settings

• Tap Genral

• Tap Keyboard
• Tap Text Replacement

• Click on Top Right “+”

• Add Suggest Text in Phrase and Shortcut Text to replace

It Replaces Text/Sentence only nor Paragraph
If you add Paragraph it replaces in form of sentence
Thank You Very Much

sourc:- Screenshots

6.9k Views · 4 Upvotes

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Atharv Gautam, I've seen things; Strange things.

Updated May 12
Skip YouTube ads by refreshing the page.
Have you ever been confronted by a 30-second YouTube ads that you can’t skip?

Just refresh the page a couple of seconds after the ad video starts, and it won’t start again.
Mobile app users can close the video a couple of seconds into the ad, and open it again.
Or you could just use adblock.

4.9k Views · 202 Upvotes

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Vivek Jain, i can motivate people...

Answered May 2

Well this is about modesty/humanity.

Uttam Maardav : To observe the virtue of humility subduing vanity and passion.
It is one of the principles of Jain philosophy.
4 points one should always keep in mind to lead a happy life.
1. Never pride : Pride means to believe one self to be superior to others and to look down on
others. Wealth , good looks, financial condition and other materialistic objects often lead to pride. Eventually
these all will be lost on the sands of time and you will feel unhappy because of the dent that caused your self
worth. Dont measure your worth on the basis of these temporary objects. Be humble.
2. Respect others: The one who seeks respect never gets and the one who give is respected by others.
Never expect to be respected if you take pride in being what you are. All are equal and you must not look
anyone as your inferior and treat everyone equally.
3. Never forgot those who helped you in hard times: Every successful person in the world will have
gone through tough times on his path to become successful. There will be people who had helped them get
through them. Never forget how they helped you to become what you are and it is your life long duty to
respect them and to help them in any way possible.
4. Never insult anyone: It is not your choice to insult anyone based on what you think. Everyone is
equal and deserve equal status. What goes comes back, you insult anyone it comes back to you . It takes only
one insult to break the trust between two people, and it transforms into a life long hatred and a will to take
revenge .
Well I hope this helps and you take the path towards a better you.

503 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Pratyush R Tiwari, 19, Chose liberal arts over Engineering to study CS

Answered Dec 4, 2016

Spend the first hour of the day doing something that adds value to your life.
Try doing this for 5 days then try not doing this for the 5 days after that and you’ll know the difference. What
you do at the beginning of the day is what you carry with yourself for the rest of your day. Doing something
that matters to you at the beginning of the day gives you a sense of identity and self-sufficiency which is very
important. This helps because then you know for that day at least, what matters the most to you.
Now some people will have a dilemma in their minds:
What should I do?
I think I have the answer to that question, which is another question. Wake up tomorrow and ask yourself
If today was the last day of my life, would I be happy with what I’m about to do today?
This is will work all the freaking time. If the answer is no, then you need to change a lot of things in your
life. There is this other guy who used to the same thing, you might know him.

903 Views · 21 Upvotes

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Shishir Ranjan, B.TECh Computer Science, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida (2020)
Answered Mar 1

There are many life tips that you can learn but sometimes it's just need to keep everything simple.
That is being simple i the life tip i am going to discuss about.But let me clarify you that being simple doesn't
mean that wear dhoti and become traditional.
it’s more like being natural and what you are.
For instance sometimes people ask you about yourself
Or they want to tell you something which is non relevant to you at that time , you should tell them about
yourself but not hurting other and making them smile …. and don't misjudge there is a very deep reason
behind it.
This life tip would help you a lot because not hurting others means you had done something good
irrespective of what other one want to do with you.
This will leave a impression on him deep inside.
But when other individual goes out of his limit, then you should be calm and think of a situation how can
you make himself feel good about. Believe me this might be difficult at time , but will make you benefited in
long term.
Whether you are rich or poor , talented or non-talented, good or not bad (according to me sometimes
circumstances play a key role ), be happy and be smiling , being original reflects your positive Ness about
yourself to others. This will not make yourself positive but will also help you make your true ,nice outlook to
There is a friend of mine who hide his capabilities, just to make other less capabled feel equal.
He thinks that” if anyone has not achieved it, he has the potential to achieve it , whether less or more”.
This is a life tip which i also need to learn ……
You might think that i am talking shit , but nelieve me being original and simple , is the most blissful
experience you will ever had in your life….
And according to me one smile to a smile , will make the world a great place to live in…..
At last i would like to say” there's no need to compete, there is no competetion when you are one of akind “
So this is a life tip from me —- be original , be simple and be happy always whatever situation is ,
because every loss lead to a gain in life .

380 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Arvind Srinivasan, Die Hard Schumacher Fan.
Answered Apr 17

This is something that I have learnt from a friend.

We all have whatsapp installed on our Phone right? We are part of so many groups. Generally some groups
are created for planning a birthday or an outing!. Once that is done,everyone tend to leave that group. Fast
forward 2 days and you are the only one in that group. No don’t follow suit and leave that group,why not use
it to your advantage?

You now can use Whatsapp to remind yourself about daily tasks and songs to download and more reminders!
For example a friend recommended a song for you to hear, just type it and forward it to that personal group
of yours! Go home and you do find a the sent message waiting for you(Whatapp can be used more
effectively this way). Go ahead download that song and enjoy. Never miss a song now.
Same goes for setting reminders! Have a plan once you reach home, you will never forget them, send the
future you a whatsapp message. He will surely check his whatsapp messages right?.
You can thus use whatsapp for something apart from social networking. Quite an innovative life hack I must
You get where I am going with this right?
Thanks Nidhi Kargathra.
Edit: Thank You Amit Wali for the correction. Rightfully corrected!

7.3k Views · 24 Upvotes

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Amit Anand
Updated May 25

3 Hugs mantra (15 seconds Hug rule)

A little misconception with our loved ones; dad, mom, friend, wife, child, brother, sister, relatives and we
stop talking to them. We ignore them, we shout on them, we make them realise that we don’t care.
Just because of one small heated discussion, one misconception, one dispute. We choose to put them in so
much pain. And when we realise or when someone ( friends, relative, movies, songs, introspection) makes
us realise our mistake; we cry, we regret.
Sometimes it’s too late to regret (My friend's father died, and during that time he was angry with him and
not answering his calls)
This 3 hugs mantra will protect you and your loved one from unnecessary regret and pain.
Next time, when you hug your loved one, hug 3 times,

• Hug 1 - While hugging, imagine you died in your loved one’s arms, Feel!!!!! how painful!!! It will
be for them(dad mom, friend, wife, child, brother, sister, relatives). Feel their pain. Imagine their life
without you.

• Hug 2- Hug them the second time and imagine, your loved one died in your arm. noW feel!!! Your
pain!!! imagine your life without them

• Hug 3- Focus on the present moment, and you both are celebrating life, togetherness, the last hug
will be the tightest hug of your life
Follow 3 hugs mantra
And see how your perspective on life will change

2.9k Views · 57 Upvotes

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Prateek Jain, Optimistic & Inquisitive
Updated Apr 16

Be Solution Oriented.
Whenever you find yourself in any sort of problem,just think about it in a different way.
Most people sit and contemplate on what happened/what should have happened.
But now that it has happened,you can't do much about it,except for thinking about something to compensate
for that mistake/problem.
Write down points on whatever you feel must be changed/whatever you feel must be done to correct the
mistake. Think about an idea or a plan to execute.
In short, Just forget about what went wrong. And concentrate on what can be done. Spend most of your time
in thinking about:
What next?
How can I make it better?
How can I retaliate?
What is the best solution?
This is also applicable when dealing with others. When you see someone making a mistake,you know that it
cannot be undone.
So rather than getting angry/shouting,discuss with him/her on how things can be solved/brought back to
What I experienced after doing this:
1. I could think about various ideas to solve the matter.
2. I didn't feel the stress of doing something wrong.
3. When doing the same with others,I noticed that the other person was overwhelmed and tried his best
to compensate for the mistake.
Thank You for reading! :)

1.1k Views · 22 Upvotes

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Sushmitha Basuthkar, studied at University of Hyderabad (2016)

Updated Apr 28

Here I tell a story. This was in 2015.

Once my friend and I went to a food court. There we ordered food. We had to pay the bill before the foods
comes to our table. The bill was rs.380/-. So my friend had paid it with rs.500/- note. To return the rest of the
money, the manager did not have change. So he asked us to finish our food first, by then he'll manage the
We were fine with that and had our food. Usually that's a busy place. Then we went to him asking for the
balance amount. He claimed that we hadn't given any kind of note to him. We were shocked by his response.
There was a kind of argument for few minutes. As usual few people gathered around us. He was not ready to
accept that we gave him the note. So my friend has challenged him that if we find the note with him, he
should cancel the whole bill amount.
Confidently the manager agreed with her. Then she took out her mobile, told a 6 digit number and asked him
to check it in the drawer. As we thought, the note was found. Then he hesitatingly took it out. He gave it back
to us saying that we need not pay the bill. But my friend paid off the bill and took a free coke in return.
My friend looked like the smartest that day. :D
Then she told me about her habit that whenever she takes out larger denomination notes, she has a habit of
taking snaps before putting them into the purse. This habit not only saved us from losing the money that day,
but also the respect in the public.

42.8k Views · 2,013 Upvotes

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Darshan Sawant, Still learning, still learning ...

Answered Nov 4, 2016

Call it a hack, I call it a life lesson. And its a biggie.

Whenever you are fighing with your spouse or father or any one for that matter, I would suggest you to wait.
Hold up !
State your reasons and support it with logical arguements and mathematical calculations if possible. Use
facts and figures. Thats what is going to help you make the person understand your view. Having done that,
step aside and let the other person comprehend. Keep it short and sweet.
Raising your voice, hurling abuses or using physical force is only going to spoil the matter. When you are
about to start firing, Hold up ! Wait. Wait as long as it takes. Do not respond. Calm yourself. Three deep
breaths can change everything. And then proceed to what's stated above. You will be surprised to see the
change in your response.
People have committed crimes and sins in fit of anger. This strategy can surely help you improve
relationships and manage anger.

3.1k Views · 39 Upvotes

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Praveen Kumar Rajendran, Software Engineer

Answered Oct 20, 2016

I have learn’t some beautiful life hack from various people.

Boy Friends : Give them tips for their relationship than career, they will never leave you till that relationship
gets broke.
Girl Friends: Praise their intelligence and speak some sugar coated words(When needed), they will do
whatever you want.
Teachers: Achieve something and give the credits to them. Your teachers will turn as friends.
Higher Officials : Meet them regularly with some plans and progress, they will get impressed.
Relationship : Either stay with the person or with ego
Enemies/ Haters : Love them. They are your inspiration.
Revenge: Massive Success
Failure : Still you need to learn more
Success: Ask what next ?
Parents : Never hack, Love them :)

1k Views · 15 Upvotes

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Somnath Mishra, Learn as if you will live forever

Answered Nov 2, 2016

1. If you are streaming anything which is on a 15 min free trial just change the system time to an hour
back after starting the stream. Also use incognito mode(Google Chrome).
2. People easily believe what they want to believe, use it to your advantage.
3. The best way to gain respect is firstly to give it.
4. If you don’t know what to say in a situation, just smile. It’s better than saying something stupid, it’s
also better than complete silence.
5. If you are angry and want to say something, chances are you will say something stupid. Keep quiet
in such situations, it only takes 5 minutes to calm down, those 5 minutes might make you regret your whole
6. Free Samples always work in a business, 90 percent of the people feel obliged to buy something after
they tried the free sample.
7. Make more friends, you might come across quotes like having 5 good friends is better than having
50 time pass friends but guess what, both are not mutually exclusive. The more people you know the more
you will benefit.
45.4k Views · 746 Upvotes

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Gary Garrett, Singer-Songwriter at The Harmony People (2013-present)

Answered Jan 27

Here’s a cute one I learned from a co-worker. When you want to borrow something, instead of asking “May I
borrow your pencil,” pick it up and say, “May I return this to you?” They usually catch on and laugh, it’s
funny — and of course they let you borrow their whatever.

89.9k Views · 297 Upvotes

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Stanley Luntz, Property sales (2014-present)

Answered Mar 10
This is for women - or for men who, like me, are so hygiene-obsessed we’re WORSE than women.
The bath tub and loo in the only bathroom of my 90 year old house are alongside each other. So I buy an
extra long hose for the hand shower of the tub and voila, my ancient bathroom now has a bidet.
Growing vegs in the garden means farm-fresh organic stuff on your dinner plate. There’s a trivial cost saving
and a mega feel-good dividend at dinner time.
Don’t let the washing machine just dump that sudsy water down the drain. Harvest that water and use it to
wash floors and paving.
Buy chicken with the skin on, pull the skin off, dry fry it and add water. Makes a great sauce to pour over pet
food chunks.
Enjoy motorcycles? Don’t over-clean the chain! It needs to be quite greasy. Cleaning it with paraffin
(“kerosene”) might make it LOOK great… and cause the same snapped-chain mishap I had some years ago!
Bv553r the look, let it be nice and greasy!
Look for this symbol on motor oil: API SG/CD. API is American Petroleum Industry. The first pair of letters
is for a petrol (“gasoline”) engine. The earliest letter after the S should be an F. G is great. J means maximum
fuel economy (not necessarily heavy-duty protection). The second pair of letters is for diesel engines. the
later the letter the better. CD is common and is highly acceptable.
Don’t idle your engine to warm it. As soon as the engine runs without missing, proceed. On downhills, and
especially with an injected motor (any diesel or almost any petrol/gasoline motor after Y2K), gear down and
let it run on compression, rather than riding the brakes.

13.1k Views · 78 Upvotes

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Twinkle Agarwal, I am my own invigilator!
Answered Feb 27

CONFESSION: I succumbed to the first trick twice.

I usually follow the second one.
If you want your crush or any other stranger to reply you immediately after they see your message,make this
your opening word.
Oye! Pehchani meko?(Hey! Do you recognize me?)
This increases the probability of getting a reply from the person you are willing to get a reply from.
They may not reply you instantly but when they are doing nothing you will definitely get a response.
Last year when I got a new Sim card, I decided to tease some of my friends.
I sent a text to one of my friends asking her if she recognized me or not, there was an instant reply even
though I know she is not good with strangers.

This may be a useless hack for most of you but it proved to be quite useful for me.
All the entertainment sites in my college are blocked and whenever you try to open it, it shows a message :
“Access denied”.
We tried using Psiphon but it didn't work, lately, from a senior we found that Tor browser works.
I ask my brother( whenever he's free) to upload TV series and movies which I want to watch on the
Google Drive.
For the love of Almighty, they didn't block Gmail.

8.4k Views · 70 Upvotes

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Kajal Thakkar, Amateur Writer.
Answered Jan 30

Has it ever happened that you wanted to ask something but didn't ask because of hesitation or because of the
fear of rejection?
I came across this amazing hack to get rid of that hesitant feeling.
Before I have to ask something to someone, I always say in my mind that “If you don't ask, the answer will
always be a NO.”
It has helped me a lot. I have realised that if you don't even ask the question, you are missing on a
opportunity of getting a YES. So always ask the question without worrying about the reply.

337 Views · 4 Upvotes

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Eric Nyaga, works at Makaobora.com

Updated Mar 31
Never again feel awkward wondering what to say when meeting a new person. Simply walk up to them give
a firm handshake and warmly say, "Nice to see you."
Before walking into the interview room or a podium. Practice a power pose by spreading out and taking as
much space as possible. The results will be instant.
Praise your kids more for things which they first struggle before getting them right. You are subconsciously
encouraging them to apply themselves more. They'll learn new things twice as fast.
Speak slowly at the lowest zone of your natural voice. You will sound more persuasive, confident and
credible closing more sales and getting more yesses.
Walk very fast but never run when crossing the road it distorts the driver's judgement of your actual speed vis
a vis the car's.

49.1k Views · 194 Upvotes

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Lee Yadav, Inspector at Income Tax Department, Government of India

Updated May 21

What I have learnt is that the greatest asset one gets in life is family. Parents and then siblings who always
take our side. They face all the hardships to see us grow, enjoy, settle.. They forego all their comforts for our
sake, they never would have enjoyed as we are doing now coz they devote all their resources for our
betterment. They are selfless. They don't want to move out of their native place and don't want to stop
Okie now we are settled with a decent earning. What I advise you to do is, whenever you visit your parents,
siblings in your native where they don't earn much - keep some money in their pocket say 1k, 2k without
their knowledge for their personal expenses. You do it without their knowledge because most of the time
they don't accept if you give, even if they take they prefer saving it or using it for something useful for
family. It's time for them to enjoy their life. Let them not feel less than anyone else. They are selfless
heroes of our lives..

596 Views · 1 Upvote

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Puneet Gupta, Gums will definately help

Answered May 22

Wallet + Orbit = NO JUNK FOOD

Want to get rid of the habbit of comsuming unhealthy food ?
Always keep a packet of Orbit (or any other gum) in your wallet , so whenever you crave for junk food
check your wallet first, you will see that orbit, take it out and chew it just for 5 minutes & you will feel that
all your love for junk food is gone.
Most of the time people feel craving for junk food because they developed the habbit of mouth walking due
to consuming junk food on a regular basis & chewing gums are best solution for keeping this habbit intact &
get rid of unhealthy food habbits.
This will also help you to reduce wieght, and improve your jaw lines.
Cost of orbit = 5 Rs
Cost of junk food = minimum 50 Rs at one time
So this hack will also save your money

654 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Jishanu Mehta, works at Studying

Answered Jul 16

Now this might be pretty easy to learn but it is really very hard to imply. I remember the first time I had to
live alone. It was scary. Living alone has always scared me. But learning this has made things better. Really
better. It's called,
Now, when you live alone the first thing you worry of is food and killing time. Surely, you'd have work from
office and college but after that you need some time to readjust and when you live in a city where you bearly
know anyone, it's hard. S I do this.
Imagine, when you start the day you're at neutral. Let's say zero bucks. Now, if you workout that morning
you've done something good for yourself and you earn some money. Not hard money, just hypothetical. Now
on your way to the college you helped a elder man to reach where he wanted to reach. Again you earn some
money. Now at the college you went to the first lecture and studied with complete focus, again you earn
some points. But you bunked the second lecture which indeed is a big thing compared to all the things you
earned during the first half of the day, so you spent your hypothetical money on buking the class. Now even
if in that bunk you've done something good for yourself you'll earn something and waste would put you in
Doing something good for yourself might include anything. Like working out, reading about new things,
talking to the one person you have been waiting to talk to, putting yourself ahead of someone when needed,
giving your seat in the bus to the needful, talking to your sister after ages, text your crush, make new friends,
open up to the world. Anything. Good things will earn you money and things in which we know that it might
not be good for us or won't have a good effect on us would make you spend your earned amount.
I do this everyday. At the end of the day if you have money left you'll eat good and if you don't then may you
work hard the next day.
It's a very simple thing to do. What this mindset would do is that it will help you get disciplined and when
you'd have worked hard for the day and at the end of the day when you'll sit down to relax, you'd actually
be “SATISFIED” and that's the most important thing.

212 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Shashwat Khokhar, studied Dropped 2nd Sem Engineering. As I Vowed in 1st Sem
Answered Sep 3, 2016

This is the best life hack, doesn't matter Who/What/Where you are.
It only asks you to do a simplest thing and then you will say Voila ! its done.
If you are unable to do something just think you are already doing.
That's a universal law.Its been tested, and performed regularly by me.
Say if you want to increase your running speed, but you are too weak for this. So think as if you are already
running super fast. Live your imagination. And with not much time, your imagination will be harvested by
Don’t trust me, just give it a try. I bet, you will never ever regret.
Because according to Law Of Attraction : You attract what you think. Your thoughts make you.
And now I never chase anything. I never work for success, rather I live as I'm successful. This made
everything go super easy.

3.7k Views · 55 Upvotes

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Shreyas Wade, Alone is my favorite state, and silence, the best language.
Answered Jun 30

Originally Answered: What are the most clever life hacks you have learned in your life so far?

After the completion of an event, always, I repeat, ALWAYS be ready for the next occurrence of the
same event.
I’ll explain. Suppose I’ve just filled my water bottle. I go to my cosy room, read some books, lie in my bed
and finally when I are about to take that most awaited nap, I have the last gulp of the water in the bottle.
Now I’ll think, I won’t be needing water sometime soon, coz of course, I am sleeping. So i go to sleep. And
when I wake up, the only thing I need is, yes, you guessed it right, WATER. Every freaking time!
Instead of this, if I would’ve had filled the bottle before sleeping, I could just be in my room, doing what is
to be done.
Same can be applied for travelling stuff. Once one of your travel is done, keep all the necessary travelling
stuff in the bag. Will save you some time the next time you pack.


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James Vollbrecht, Chief Technology, Operations and Strategy Officer at FLYINGTEE (2012-present)
Answered Feb 16

1. Sleep is the most magical drug you can have. Get enough of it… at least once a week, no alarm
clocks. Find out how much you need… not what amount you need to survive, but what amount you need to
thrive (7 to 9 hours is typical) and…. get it.
2. Discipline around good habits makes a big difference in the long run. Cultivate good habits and
make them routine. 25 push ups and sit ups a day when you wake (for example) make no difference if done
once, but they make a world of difference if done every day for 5 years.
3. Learn from others. Ask their opinion. Listen. You have a twisted view of the world - it is unlikely and
solely yours. Within limits, let the people around you give you a different perspective about the world and
about you.
4. Read books, watch movies, go to plays, listen to music - whatever art stimuli you connect with
should be part of your discipline and a major habit. (Imho books are uniquely valuable as they let you
experience the world from another's perspective, but that's my bias.)
These aren't hacks - nothing easy about them - but damn they are rewarding. Also these are what will be
passed along to my kids!

11.3k Views · 132 Upvotes

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Michael Tarnpoll, Passive Polemicist, Iconoclast. If you are not thinking, you're helpless.
Answered Nov 24, 2016

Vinegar! Think I’m kidding? look it up.

There may not be a substance on earth with more useful applications for as many of life’s varied
circumstances than vinegar. From gardening to pest control to personal health, to sanitizing to every
imaginable type of cleaning and maintenance to cooking to uses you can’t even think of, vinegar is the
When in doubt, try vinegar.

748 Views · 5 Upvotes

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ChandraMouli Dharmana, studied at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Answered Mar 17

Not too clever but helpful !

Personal group in what's app !

Open your what's app and create a group by adding any one of your contact (name your wish). Remove the
contact from the group ! Now you are only on in that group.
How it is useful ?

• If you came across any interesting news article ,copy it and paste in your what's app personal group.

• Copy the link addresses - paste it - store in your what's app personal group.

• Any interesting answer or post in Quora share it in our what's app personal group.

It is very useful to store more information personally.

Thank you hope it will be helpful to you !

2.3k Views · 20 Upvotes

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Sourabh Suryavanshi, The everyday effort simplified
Answered Mar 13

Had a tough time lifting 30–50 kilos of sack filled with grains, sugar or flour ?
Here’s a trick/hack that I learned today after getting back from market! :
STEP 1. Get another empty sack
STEP 2. Now keep the sack which is filled with grains on the empty sack.
STEP 3. Done ! Now instead of lifting up, you can simply drag or pull the sack on the floor effortlessly by
holding the ends of the empty sack (shown in figure)

You can do this when you bring a heavy sack in your home/shop and want to shift it in another room.
Simple and useful !
Thank you for reading

4.3k Views · 105 Upvotes

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Peter Nguyen, Business consultant, serial entrepreneur, AI programmer

Answered 18h ago
Autohotkey, the free script language, is the most powerful thing I’ve ever come across.
Our lives are increasingly computer-centric, so by learning to program using Autohotkey, I gained
tremendous control over my daily productivity.

407 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Shubham, works at Team Firebolt

Answered Apr 4

1.Use a bowl lightly coated with oil to swat at mosquito with

2.To avoid crying over your onions, peel and chop the ends off. Soak in cold water for 30 seconds.
You'll dice without tears

3.Your new iPhone home entertainment system

4.While taking a picture squint your eyes to make your smile look much more genuine

5.Cut open a tennis ball. It will now hold almost anything.

6.how to parallel park

If you are reading me for first time

My name is Shubham and i believe in tyler durden (sshhh!no one talks about it)

2.8k Views · 39 Upvotes

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Douglas Dea
Answered Feb 12

Find your local library. Get a card. Explore it thoroughly. Learn what magazines and newspapers are
available, what DVDs. How many public Internet computers are there? How busy are they? How large is the
fiction and non-fiction sections? How is it all laid out? Really get to know it.
Seems like in half the Quora comments I make I gotta tell people to use the library. Apparently most
Americans never go in one. This is sad. They are a great resource which can save you lots of money and lead
you to authors and books you wouldn’t have necessarily found.

Find the used book stores in your area too. Get to know what they have. I buy more books from used stores
than I do from Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

Books by the Lake in Bradford, New Hampshire. Route 114.

510 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Srijan Kumar, Keep It Simple.

Answered Apr 12

Well, to start with, It is not one of the most clever life hacks. But,Yes, I use it in my day-to-day life.
We have often seen the earphones and headphones labelled as 'L' & 'R' on their respective sides.
They are labelled so to suit the ergonomic design of our ears. "L" stands for Left and "R" stands for Right. It
makes it easier for the users to indentify which ear piece belongs to which ear.
But Oftentimes, We get confused and have to check under the buds for the 'L' & 'R' whenever we want to put
up the earphones.
So, for keeping it simple for the next time, Just tie a knot on either left or right earbud of the
earphone and you will be able to identify the left and right ones even without looking at it.

Image Source : Phone Camera

P.S. : It is not going to damge the earphones or any of its wires.


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Abhishek Pandey, teaches guitar

Answered Mar 14

Now this answer might intrigue music enthusiasts , especially guitar players.
One of the songs he needed a capo to tune the guitar. For those of you who dont know what capo is, it is a
device used
on the neck of a stringed instrument to shorten the playable length of the strings, hence raising the pitch. It
looks like this:

But my friend didnt have this. So he took a small rubber band and a pencil. He moved the rubber band
around the fret board and tied the pencil. The pencil pressed the strings and it worked.
It looked like this:

Its not a very helpful hack but you can get around with this.

300 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Claire Jordan, works at Carer

Answered Feb 20

Gentlemen, if a woman over the age of about 18 comes on strongly as “poor ickle me”, she’s either
desperately immature or up to no good.
Ladies, a man who showers you with presents even when it’s not a special occasion and wants to introduce
you to his parents when he’s only known you for two weeks is almost certainly a control freak.

30.2k Views · 217 Upvotes

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Carlos Palma
Answered Jul 28

Might sound silly but I've come to realize this, is the single most powerful nugget I can give you:
“Find a smart and creative way to stay in touch with every person you come in contact with”
I'm telling you. This, alone. Can change your life. Why? Because…

I'm not talking about a simple Facebook message or What's App.
I'm not talking about the classic:
Hello, how are you?
All is good, thanks! How about you?
I mean, really spend some time to connect with them and build not only a relationship but a friendship.
Don't ask for anything in return. Heck, don't even expect anything. Just genuinely find a way to stay in touch.
You wouldn't believe how common is to forget a person's name after meeting them. So, get to know them.
Know their last names, birthdays.
Pay really close attention to the details because, it will make you stand out.
Don't do it when everyone is expecting it (Christmas, New Year, etc) But when they least expect it.
I've build a pretty badass network of highly successful people, world-class marketers, lawyers, people with
powerful jobs and people who run huge traditional businesses. (do I need to have a job or own traditional
businesses for that? Heck no, I am an entrepreneur at core. But I value the power of relationships.)
Most of my friends are worth millions of dollars all the way to 1 CEO worth a billion dollars.
Now, I get to spend time together with them and talk. We add value to each. It’s an environment where we
care about each other.
See, MOST people undervalue the power of building long lasting relationships. All they do is ask, ask, ask.
Like if the world owes them something.
See, the reality is, most people have an agenda. And I believe it's unlikely that you are somewhere there in
their plans.
They are busy getting their lives together. So, if you take just a few minutes of your time to follow-up (which
by the way, it's something that barely anyone is doing) you will stand out. It doesn't has to be something
fancy, yet. Something simple can go along way.
One if my friends told me, he was having trouble getting married to a foreign because of government
regulations so he called a friend and he told him:
-Eric, let me do a couple of phone calls and I'll get back at you-
He called people and said:
-You need to make this a priority-
Few days later, he got married without any hassle.
He told me: -Carlos, do you know what I would do for that person? Anything.-
If he called me and tell me he needed my help, even if it was something irrelevant, I'd say: -When and
See, not everybody can become buddy. Until, you add value to their lives - on a consistent basis.
The problem is, with social media, people have become lazy. They measure tons of things based on likes,
comments and shares.
It just doesn't work like that.
So, do you want to have an unfair advantage?
Here you go again:
“Find a smart and creative way to stay in touch with the people you network with”
Carlos Palma


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Vishwas Anand, A passenger on a voyage!

Answered Jun 8
Uninstall all social networking apps from your phone and gift yourself valuable time, also save yourself
from possible depression!
Social Networking sites are now so prominent in our lives, they're almost a part of it. But it has been
recently reported that these sites are a cause of depression.
Valuable time is lost while scrolling (stalking in other words) through other's profiles. The Quora community
has always bashed it's use and has suggested to delete these accounts (rarely done though!)
People generally waste a lot of time on these sites because they're so easily accessible. And how? Mobile
Uninstall these social networking applications right now, because you wouldn't have the patience to open
them in browsers (because they're turtle slow!). Adding to that, there won't be constant notifications
which'll be disturbing you anymore. When you don't see the app icon on your phone screen, you wouldn't
even remember about them, and your usage time would reduce drastically.

811 Views · 19 Upvotes

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Bidyawant Pradhan, Living Life since Last 23 Years

Answered Jun 10

Originally Answered: What is the most useful everyday life hack you have learned?
This is the Best Hack to know owner’s Name and other details of Any Vehicle Just By Vehicle
Number :-)
Whenever we see an expensive car or a bike on the road, we become curious to know who is the owner of
this car or if a bike or car runs away by someone's accident then we want to know whose car is it . but this
trick is the best to know owner of any vehicle.
Go to your Message box Type “VAHAN” Space “TYPE VEHICLE NUMBER” and Send this to
“07738299899′’ (Ex.- VAHAN JH05BR 7601) and you r the king, you will get a message with full info. of
that vehicle.
Here is the Proof. This is my scooter.

Try It now :-)

If you want to say thnks please upvote and comment .

11.9k Views · 350 Upvotes

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Sai Krishna

I think it is some random person who just sends that info by searching it on RTA website, that is...
Ashish Lal, Actor-Writer-Filmmaker-Entrepreneur/ IITian/ 17yrs into Yoga
Answered Jun 7

This life hack can change everything about your planning and management. Trust me, I've been doing this
for last 8 years now.
If you can do something immediately, in say 2 minutes, then leave for 2 minutes what you're doing at that
moment howsoever important it might be, and do this 2 minute task. After you're done, resume with the old
If you want further details of this aspect, you can watch this video I have made on this topic.

979 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Manas Pimpalkhare, Student in Pune, India.

Answered May 18

Change your alarm settings

If you're using your cell phone as an alarm clock, then this one's for you.
If you want to wake up on just one ring of the alarm clock, then
1. Set your ringtone to a pretty heavy tune; something which blasts your ears.
2. Change your alarm tune to your ringtone.
You'll see effects once you're used to your heavy ringtone.
This way, you might think that your phone is ringing with a call, and you'll actually gaze at the time and
kinda wake up a bit, instead of snoozing the alarm.
Some suggestions for ringtones :

• Opeth - Master's Apprentices

• Avenged Sevenfold - Welcome to the family

• KingsX - Black the sky

• Guns N Roses - Sweet Child O' mine

Thanks! Hope this works!


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Ramadhani Juma
Answered Oct 30, 2016

I have learned that…..

Things are not always be the way we want it to be
No need over thinking about things that is out of our control
We have to accept the fact and move on
I have learned that people changes as time goes so don’t take people too seriosly, take it easy and do your
thing , enjoy your life
I have learned that to live happier life you must learn to control your emotion because not all people can feel
what we feel inside
You may be deep in love with some one doesnt have any feeling and hoping she/he is feeling the same
Unless we can take care of our emotion and accept the fact that our feeling are not guaranteed to other…….

2.1k Views · 36 Upvotes

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ArunPrakash Jothimani, Success has no excuses

Answered 9h ago

If you are lazy enough to crosscheck the price of the each billed items , then randomly ask the price of an
item to the shopkeeper. He , himself will double check the bill for all the items.
For example , recently I went to a grocery store and got few KGs of onions , tomatoes , some house hold
stuffs. I was lazy to cross check the bill . Sometimes the local store owners will not be having bill machine as
well. So instead of asking each and every item , just randomly asked the price hike of a particular product
and later confirmed in home that billing was perfect .


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Nathan Ketsdever, 35 years on planet earth. Constantly learning more.

Answered Mar 3

Here are three most helpful life hacks ever:

1. Respect others. Be compassionate. Be kind.
2. Help. Serve. Go the extra mile.
3. Make the wise choice. Look at the long view. Pay attention to the wisdom of the Marshmallow
In short: Follow the Platinum Rule.
These are the hinges on which everything else changes—its in seeing with new eyes and with renewing your
heart toward the world—toward humanity—that we are able to grow—-to grow in wisdom, to grow in
leadership, and to grow in character and integrity.

1.7k Views · 12 Upvotes

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Craig Weiler, Married 30 years
Answered Mar 10

Your daydreams affect your life. What you think about when you’re not concentrating on something is both
an indication of your deeper emotional state and a sign of what you’re really focusing on. (Hint: you’re far
more likely to get what you’re focused on than what you want.)
If you can change your daydreams, you will begin to change your life in subtle ways because you can see
things differently.
If in your daydreams you find yourself raging against the unfairness in your life, then it means that you’re
focusing on the unfairness and that’s the main thing you’ll see and probably react to. This takes time and
energy away from focusing on your success. Another way to say this is that if you spend 6 hours a day
focusing on unfairness when you daydream and 20 minutes focusing on success, you can guess which one
you’ll be most aware of.
So learn to be aware of your thoughts and consciously change them when you can remember to do so.
Another life hack I learned was that to emotionally heal yourself you should remember the following: Your
fears can be reduced much more quickly if you change them when you’re feeling them. If you try to reduce
your fears otherwise it can be a very slow process.

2k Views · 36 Upvotes

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Raymond Martinez
The power of positive thinking, I would say.

Ken Hutchison, PhD Engineering, PhD Mathematics, entrepreneur.

Answered Mar 10

Buy much frozen food. Seriously, frozen food and a deep fryer/microwave add hours to every day.
Also, make very strong espresso in ice trays at the beginning of the week, throw two cubes into a cup and put
scalding sink water into it. Warm, immediately drinkable, and it took less than thirty seconds.
Carry on!

2.9k Views · 8 Upvotes

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Sukhman, Self Employed (2016-present)

Answered Jun 30
Life never misses out on inflicting the surprise element and it’s only wise to be prepared. Of course, the
uncertainties vary and it’s pragmatically infeasible to be prepared for this wide spectrum of possibilities.
However, we can still be prepared for what’s most likely and easy to tackle. Here we bring you few amazing
hacks that would polish your preparedness for life.

• Learn to act dead

• Hit the Bulls eye

• Know your rights

• Stay low in Fire’s

you can read more about these in the reference link mentioned below:
Learn these 5 Life hacks to stay alive in your bad times.


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Sanchez Sunil, Transient Researcher at National Chemical Laboratory

Answered Feb 21

In lieu of the life hack on how to ask names without insulting people, I'd like to introduce a lifehack I read
about to remember names and faces.
It's called PIE.
P - Pick a location on the face of any individual you meet. It will help if it's already distinctive, like an
exceptional smile, or a pointed nose.
I - Imagine the name. Try rhyming it with something. If the name has a meaning, try imagining that. For
example, with the name Richard, you could imagine a pitcher (which rhymes somewhat).
E - Entwine these two associations to create a funny picture or something odd in your mind. For example, for
Richard with blue eyes, imagine a pitcher with blue eyes all over it.
The point is to make names and faces more ‘brain-friendly'. Our brains fixate and quickly identify and
remember odd associations.


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Answered Mar 19

• Once you exhibit something you know then you would always be allotted with the same. This is
applicable for an employee working in a office or for a new daughter-in-law in her mother-in-law’s house.

• But if you are new, you should show your talents right? Then you shall make them that you know but
you should be able to prevent them from giving same work to you in future.

• In case of eating: Never confess you hate something to eat, and then people will get fixed not to give
that to you even when you change your mind in future.

• Don’t over react, but induce the people around you to act for something you wished to act, they
would face the consequence.

• Shower people with smiles, compliments and sometimes with gifts.

• The way you present yourself matters, display yourself as dignified person, be elegant and gracious
in your movements.

• Keep your mind engaged with your plans when you are hearing to bull shits and you ought to hear

• Use ear phones not only to listen to songs but also to avoid people approaching you.

• When you want to avoid chats with people but need to know about important messages, on your
mobile data, keep it aside for few minutes, now off your data, open whatsapp, you can reply to the messages
necessary. (Note: It would be still easy if you had hidden your last seen or you would be caught by your
friends). Since when you once again on your mobile data, your last seen will be visible by the time you
opened your messages.

336 Views · 3 Upvotes


Sandeep Rana, Geophysics from Banaras Hindu University (2018)

Answered Jul 15

A man follows his culture. A wise man utilizes the loopholes in his culture.
This answer is sadly confined to Indians only, so pay attention if you are one.
Traffic and transit can make one go ape shit and if it is a long distance journey, they you have to depend on
luck too. One major thing I have noticed while travelling across India is that people do not travel in South
direction on Thursday. The reason being; superstition. Yes, South is considered to direction of Yama (death
god) and there is this superstition that one should not move towards him on Thursday.
Well, whatever, the point here is you can avoid a noticeable amount of crowd in trains and buses if you
choose Thursday for travelling in South direction. So next time whenever you need to lessen your latitude
count, prefer Thursday.
Works for me, might work for you too.
Thanks. I know it's not the most clever of all but it sure does work.

228 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Aseash Varma
Answered Jul 30

You can download any YouTube video without any additional software.
Step 1: Open the video you want to download.

Step 2: Change the url of the video by adding 2 'S'es before youtube.com/xyz like shown in the photo.

Step 3) Press enter and you'll be redirected to a webpage that looks something like this
Select the quality you prefer and hit download.
And the best part, it works on both PC and Mobile. :)
Have fun!!
I leaned this hack from YouTube itself but I couldn't find the link to the video.
Will edit and post when found.


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Neel Patel, B.Tech in ICT from SEAS (2019)

Answered Apr 19

Considering there are 100+ answers,many points may get repeat but I will tell you life hacks which I use in
my day to day life.
1. Almost all websites on internet that allow you to download illegal files,have more than 1 button
actually.Most of them redirect you to wrong/advertisement links.Figuring out the real download button is
challenging task in itself.But from my experience,there’s always a original download button which is
different from other fake download buttons.Sometimes it’s different in color ,sometimes it has different size
than others.You can suggest me a site if you want to me to figure it out for you..:-)
2. If you download a Movie/any other file(other than original .exe files) and it ends with .exe, delete it
because It’s generally a virus.
3. If you want to download a movie then you can search on google with indexof: “movie name”(Name
of the movie you want to download).This is actually search query in google.Actually there are many more
and you can learn them by googling “Google Search queries”.
4. While preparing your college reports or for learning good things Use Google Scholar instead of
Google.Google scholar is specially designed for education purposes.

487 Views · 4 Upvotes

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Michael Lent, Writer at Alterna Comics (2013-present)

Answered Feb 17

Seek advice. Even when I feel certain about something, the act of reaching out to my community always
expands my thought process and strengths my position. Meanwhile, timely counsel or information has saved
me from some epic blunders.

312 Views · 1 Upvote

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Nitin Gandhi, B.TECH Computer Science, Indian Institute of Technology (2020)
Updated Jul 20

This one’s for killing procrastination-: Everytime you find yourself distracted checking social media you
need to do 20 pushups straight.
distraction 1: 20 pushup.
distraction 2: 40 pushup.
distraction 3: 60 pushup.
distraction 4: 80 pushup.

distraction 10: 200 Pushups !!!
you are killing yourself your body will not permit you to get distracted anymore, also distraction (in this
case) is a bit helpful for you :)
win-win situation for you!
Nitin Gandhi

1.6k Views · 49 Upvotes

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Naveen Mehra, Production Chemist
Answered Feb 16

Let’s see, there are a couple of them that I use often. I learnt them over the internet.
Here we go:

• How to keep 2 Large Bowls Simultaneously in Microwave:

• Love Binge Watching while Sleeping? Here’s the Hack:

• Love Grilled Cheese Sandwiches? Use a Toaster Horizontally:

• Got Smelly Shoes(or a Smelly Cat, JK :p), Put Dry Tea Bag and it will absorb the bad odors.

• Have a lot of Friends? Bet your pen is stolen every single day.Actually I have a Meme to
describe it:

Put A Blue Ink Cartridges in Red pen, because no one steals a Red Pen.

• Put your Phone in Airplane mode to charge it quickly.

• Wrap your Beer Bottle in a wet paper towel and put it in a freezer to cool it in 2 Minutes.

• Love Leftover Pizzas? Who doesn’t. It’s not so tasty when it’s chewy after you heat’em up in a
Microwave. Here’s a clever trick. Put a small glass of water, half filled right next to it to avoid crust
from getting Chewy.

That’s all I have for now. Hope it helps.


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Jumare Jaeger, worked at Corporate Flunky

Answered Mar 11

How to avoid jury duty:

When you are summoned to jury duty, you will likely be sent a form to hand in when you report for jury
Throw that form away.
Instead show up as required and say, “I lost my form”, Then you will be handed a pen and a blank form to
fill out by hand.
At this point consider the dilemma of the hard working government worker who has to receive your form.
She has a lot of work and she is extremely busy gathering up potential jurors. She uses that stack of juror
forms to do her job quickly and efficiently - all she needs is for some lamebrain dumbass to throw a monkey
wrench into her stack of juror forms.
So very quickly hammer our your pen-written form in your most retarded hand-writing then give it to her.
She will likely look at it, scowl at you as she thinks “This guy is a fucking idiot”, and then she will put your
illegible form at the very bottom of her stack of juror forms.
Thus, you wait around for two hours as everybody else gets sent to jury duty, and then you get to go back to

3.6k Views · 37 Upvotes

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Abhishek, studied at Modern School, Barakhamba Road

Answered Feb 23

The most clever life hack I have learned is: when you get up in the morning flex a muscle of yours to Get rid
of morning glory aka the boner that greets you.
Just kidding, although it does work.
I have learnt a few psychological hacks which help me to understand everyone around me a little better. I'll
share them with you, so that we can all be judgemental finatics-
1. We squint our eyes, when we see something we don't like. Imagine if I were to take my pants of
Infront of you. What will you do? Yes, you would squint your eyes. We do the same for people we don't like.
Avoid people who do that when you walk in the room.
2. It's quite easy to catch lies, so there's two ways I like to identify people who lie. One is that they love to
fidget when they lie but apart from that whenever someone digresses from there line of thought so as to
create a false story or a lie, their pupils dilate. That's your clue right there.
3. If you feel someone is watching you, just yawn. Yawns are pretty contagious, more than Ebola, so it'll
trigger your creepy stalker to yawn as well.
4. Look at the feet when you talk to someone. If the feet face you, they want to talk. But, if they don't, you
are just wasting your time with them.
5. I haven't tried this ever. But take the girl you are really into on a date to a horror movie or a amusement
park. She'll be more likely to remember you longer.
See, the amygdala in our brain, can retain emotional memories as in it's the reason you have emotions related
to your memories. When we are in shock, the impulses travel to the amygdala first. Thus creating a very
strong emotional memory. Hence, she'll remember you for a long time.

547 Views · 9 Upvotes

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Akshay Maitreyae, works at Quora Indian Community

Answered Jun 12


Earlier I used to take a lot of time to get up in the morning. Infact the loudest music in alarm was not able to
wake me up. I used to sleep with my ears covered with pillow for more half an hour. Then I learned this
simple and life saving trick after which i wake up 10 minutes before the required time.

I hope this trick may help lot of people viewing this answer.

1.6k Views · 47 Upvotes

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Manish, Author Engagement and Project Management (2015-present)

Updated Mar 22

Don't start your day without drinking 1–4 glasses of water.

Yup, I know it's been a popular enough hack already, so much that many of you would already be following
it. But for those who aren't yet, let me quickly mention a few proven benefits of this master of all hacks I'd
Eliminating toxins and getting rid of the harmful effects of alcohol, pollution, junk food from the previous
Boosting up the body to comfortably release all these wastes through urine.
Maintaining a glowing complexion, elasticity of skin and helping getting rid of face pimples thus providing
younger looking skin.
Protecting vital body organs by hydrating them and preparing the body to carry out its functions for the day
Eliminating sleep and fatigue, energising the body.
Preventing constipation, gastritis and helping in digestion problems.
Alleviating heartburn.
Preventing kidney stones and bladder infections. Taking care of urine problems like burning sensation during
peeing, intermittent urination etc.
Keeping headaches away and preventing migraine attacks.
Speeding up metabolism and improving immune system.
Happy Drinking!!

Image Source: Top 10 Home Remedies

1.3k Views · 8 Upvotes

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Shreyamsh Kamate, Master of Science Electrical Engineering

Answered Mar 12

You can avoid stopping completely at traffic lights, if you drive within the speed limit.
If you are driving in a city with a lot of traffic lights, you should really drive within the speed limit. The
traffic lights are timed and synchronized. There is no point accelerating rapidly from one light to another
trying to avoid the red light.
By driving within the speed limit you will reach the next light when it's about to turn green and you won't
have to stop completely at any of the signals.
This is a tried and tested method and works almost every time.

316 Views · 4 Upvotes

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Kieran Kasey, Psychiatrist/ESL Teacher/Author

Updated Feb 14

Becoming The God Of My Own Reality

Words that I can assure you haven’t been said before.
While it may contain echoes of The Secret, it does differ from it in one crucial aspect.
The Secret has you essentially begging for your wishes to come true, my philosophy has you commanding
and creating the world around you.
My theory has zero grounding in science and is purely based on how I live daily.
As soon as I became the God of what I see, I started doing things as I wished.
This is the backstory I created:
I created this world.
One day, I decided to participate in this game as a player.
I’m simultaneously both creator and player.
As a player, my information is limited but free to acquire.
I do not have Administrator Privileges, but can gradually access them.
The people around me are my own creations.
Why not be nice to them.
It may be a narcissistic view that can go off tangent quite quickly.
But with this train of thought, I have been able to form intimate bonds with strangers within minutes.
Give it a go.
I would say a month would be a good trial.
Then throw it away and find out works for you.
This is how I live and you shouldn’t be miming a copy of it.
Find out what works best for you.


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Shubham Garg, True versions of my life

Answered Mar 8

In day to day life we have to unnecessarily sign up for a lot of sites, be it for reading some article or finding
solution to any problem and those random messages from these sites irritates the most likee10 Minutes mail.
In day to day we have to unnecessarily sign up for a lot of sites, be it for reading some article or finding
solution to any problem and those random messages from these sites irritates the most like Dr. Batra
providing some free medicines for hair growth or Mrs. Annu selling some items in 50% discount or
some bank providing you free credit card.
No need to worry now, as these 10 minutes mail will provide you a temporary mail id for 10 minutes to surf
anywhere across the internet no need to use your personal mail id anymore

Moreover it will be accepted by almost all the sites .

671 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Mukesh Khatri, Learner

Answered Nov 14, 2016

Getting used to spare just one hour in a day on daily basis for something you really like doing other than
your profession/acadmic studies.
It could be anything depending on every individual’s interest/hobby. I used to feel boredom while reading
books. However, by finding books that I really liked reading, helped me to read more books and I am thus
able to devote one hour of my everyday schedule for the sake of reading something I enjoy. My wish is to be
an author, may be I would end up being a writer as I expect, though it could be a long process, will take years
but consistency in passion would finally help us achieve the goal.
If you like programming, do coding for an hour, if you like dance, practice dancing an hour,etc but keep it
continue you will get in return the reward. Start from day, right now!
What is so interesting about spending one hour everyday?
You get to develop an extra skill that is different from what you are already skilled with. Such an extra hour
spent on things you like may be change your life making you an billionair, millionaire, entrepreneur,
businessman, programmer, dancer, painter, philanthropist, sociologist, activist or may be a Budhha.


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Anand Aishwary, studied at National Institute of Technology Durgapur

Updated Feb 17

If you want to succeed in your professional and personal life and want your work to be done in simpler and
smarter ways then follow these psychology tricks.
1. Offer people something they cannot refuse so that they do favors for you.
2. Nod while explaining something, it makes the other person more inclined to agree with you.
3. Stare at the hairline of someone’s head you don’t want to listen to, it makes people uncomfortable.
4. If someone’s mad at you, sit next to them in a meeting or a social gathering so that they cannot stay
mad at you.
5. Notice the way people talk, and talk to them in a similar fashion to make them to like you more.
6. If you have a crush on someone, be around them physically but pay absolutely no attention to them.
7. Stay silent after making a statement, people will tend to agree more.
8. Make a less than drastic proposition like having a coffee instead of asking someone out to dinner to
get them go out with you.
9. Write things in bold to attract attention.
10. Use nouns instead of verbs to get people to change their behaviour.
11. Scare people to listen to you when presenting them with solutions.
12. To get done with your work quicker, think of it as a worthless task to do.
13. To get a song out of your head, think of how the song ends.
14. If you want someone to believe something, tell them it comes from an elder in your family.
15. Move your hands while giving a presentation to grab attention.
16. Speak faster in an argument for getting your opponent to give up and agree with you.
Hope you enjoy reading this!!!!!!
Source: Story Pick

5k Views · 105 Upvotes

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Lee Campbell, Bassist, Software Developer, Clumsy Centre Back

Answered Nov 12, 2016

Ignore life-hacks.
I think it's a really sad reflection on society that people feel the need to bamboozle with little psychological
tricks to gain some sort of advantage over one another. So, I don't subscribe to any of that. I'm incredibly
happy this way. I try to be myself at all times. The lack of a worry about how I'm perceived is incredibly
Just be you. People will like and respect you for it.

528 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Surya Pratap
Answered Mar 5

1. have you been sitting at home for a long time feeling bored, or using your phone or reading for a
long time and thus feeling tired ?
Get up.
Stand straight.
keep hands on your waist.
bend left , straight , bend right and backwards and forwards.(also for office workers)
cross your legs and sit ,on the floor
and say WOOOWW.
(then you can do hundred other exercises just by sitting on the floor - Indian way is always healthy).
2. Nose block due to fever or cold? Don’t use napkins or handkerchiefs. get rid of the problem in the
washroom. Don’t protect it, Don’t pet it. Get the problem away from your body. It will heal you faster.
3. Going for jogging ,walk in the park,or cycling etc.? Keep the earphones at home.Enjoy the moment,the
cool air, that belongs to nature and you. The atmosphere is trying to help while you are trying to place
yourself in some other world. Don’t let a third material communicate and ruin it.
just as yoga is always done in silence, music is only ok for gyms.
share this to everyone, change the world.

94 Views · 1 Upvote

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Parth Gohil, Catalyst at TejSolPro

Answered Apr 19

This one is for the parking trouble.

Ever face a situation when you have forgot where you had parked in such a huge parking ? Ex. Mall
Here is a tip.
Next time when you park , click the Pillar Photo which has the pillar no.
So once you are back you just need to check the photo to get the pillar no. and locate your vehicle.

1.1k Views · 7 Upvotes

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Guy Caulfield-Kerney, I swear to 'dog' (I'm atheist) I have seen it, done it, and buried it.
Updated Mar 20

I can’t resist it. I NEVER answer on 100+ questions.

But, I’ll give you the best one yet.
Cold callers.
“Hello, misture Cawliyefielled?” from some other country on a call server;-
“Ah, no, this is indeed the house of Mr Caulfield, but I am the tenant, I rent this property. and it is for sale.”
“Okay, thank you, goodbye”.
They cannot sell you ANYTHING if you are not the owner.
Works a treat. They NEVER EVAAAAAAAR insist.

8.8k Views · 21 Upvotes

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David Gwinn
Answered Jul 31

I love egg whites.

Could you repeat that seriously incredible smart thing you saw the other day? Or is the greatest ingenious life
hack you've learned out of comprehension? And slightly out of reach for your brain matter to somehow come
to personally save the day?
More like go get bent and fuck off can’t think of What the fuck that was.
The Likelihood you have Actually enabled the capability to make the leap to remember how to share
something that is scaled after so much uncertainty is potentially very low.
Reasonably, I mean that all though in my experiences I did the same thing learned a habitually bad habits
when it came to connecting with someone else and attained Jilted untenable schema of learned
temperaments. All are in need of HACKS.. lol the recent one; Which only strengthens my resolve that my
life could potentially earn me millions. Only if I could solve for a hack solution to some of my
imperfection…. I give you ‘’ the Egg ‘’ .
The easiest ways to separate egg yolks


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Madhu Karan Pannala, studied at Srigayatri Academy

Updated Apr 6
Don't tell every thing you do before u do.Just do it.
Yes if u do without telling what u are going to do, will definitely surprise the people around you and
make them feel like you are unique, different.

• If u want to buy a car and u know what u want to buy just buy it and park in your place.

• If u want to go for a trip and u are having a perfect plan just go and have fun.

• Don't tell or show others, what you are going to wear on any certain occasion, just directly
wear on that day

• Don't start telling your experiences every where,people fell like you are doing showoff.

• If u want to go home quickly don't call them and inform, go and surprise them.

• If u want to help somebody and you just do it without asking for their permission and without
even informing them. They feel blessed and can't forget you.

• Dont call your friends before going to their place,directly go and ring him.

• One fine day go to your daughter/son school after school hours and wait for them out side the
gate, dont inform them before.
Have a control over your excitement and you can give double excitement to others.
Dont talk your plans.Act your plans.

347 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Michael Hutchens, Director of Global Sourcing

Answered Mar 11

Correction, Rayden used to win!

Ever get out of your car only to close the door and feel the power of Rayden zapping you like he did to Sub-
Zero here?
That’s because you’ve built up a lot of static electricity inside you along the ride and upon exiting the car
you’ll often release the lightning within.
A clever hack is to place your hand on top/the side of the car (must be touching metal) while your feet are
still planted on the car floor. As you exit the car keep touching your hand to the metal until you have
completely exited the car. Now release to the sensation of…nothing.
Fatality! You win.

341 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Additya, Author
Answered Dec 30, 2016
THE 80/20 RULE

This rule states that 80 percent of your outcomes come from 20 percent of your inputs.
If you look at your daily habits you can find plenty of examples where the 80/20 Rule applies in your life
80% of wealth is owned by 20% of people

80% of sales come from 20% of your products

80% of work is completed by 20% of your team

80% of value is achieved with the first 20% of effort

So it is evident that the majority of results come from a minority of inputs. So focus on 20% of the activities
which would result in 80% of results rather focusing on the 80% and getting 20% of success. All the Best.

470 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Shubham Dave, iExplore

Answered Mar 31
Do it for 1 hour.
How many times have it happened when You started to learn something and lost the motivation after few
days? Why it went that way? What was wrong?
Let’s analyze this problem step by step:
Phase 1 - BEGINNING:
You want to learn something new. You prepared a great mindset for it. Got motivation from friends and
internet. You did good research on the subject and found all its ins-and-outs. Now, You are ready to begin
your journey.
It goes well for quite a few days. You like the way things are going. You have come to know number of good
resources and Google is your best bud now.
Phase 2 - DEEP DIVE:
Your confidence is at its peak from the success of starting phase. Now you decide to dive deep and explore
everything in the subject.
You come to realize it is not as simple as you thought. The thing you want to learn is very vast and
diversified. Resources aren’t pleasant anymore and Google is not your best bud now. You struggle with the
situation and somehow manage to not to quit.
There are a number of topics in the subject and unimaginable levels available. You are frightened by the intro
of the topic and you don’t even dare to touch it.
All the motivation is lost. You don’t even know why have you started? Everything is blur. You start to run
away from the subject. Now, the great fall begins!
Phase Z - SUCCESS:
You have never reached here. It was your dream. This is what you’ve desired when you started out.
What could you have done to save yourself from this failure? If you start it out again, how will you do it?
Ask yourself, how did you get past the beginner level. What was it that kept you going in the starting phase?
The answer is you kept doing it.
So here is what you could have done: Do it for 1 hour.

• Starting a new topic and you are afraid. Its OK. Just do it for one hour. It will come handy.

• Wanna go a level deep. Just do it for 1 hour. After that it will feel comfortable.

• Lacking motivation and desire to continue. Just do it for 1 hour. The motivation will survive and
desire will thrive.
A path to learn something is never straight way. There are a lots of ups-and-downs. You can get a lots of
motivation and help in the beginning, but after that you’ll be on your own. Whenever you feel like giving up,
see how long you have came. If you have came this far, why not to give it a try for 1 hour!

7.1k Views · 18 Upvotes

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Brody Walker, 5+ years of experience in Academic Writing.

Answered Jan 10

5 Minutes Life Hacks That Will Change Your Life For Better[1]
1. Take Baby Steps Each Day
You may have a big goal coming up (like learning to play the piano or working on your dissertation), but you
know it’s impossible to achieve that goal overnight. Here’s where your list can help you in reaching that
target. Each day mention an action step in your list so that you get closer and closer to the finish line. Taking
baby steps will also help you learn the nitty-gritty of your aim while teaching you the immensely valuable
life-lesson of patience.
2. Put alike Tasks in One Cluster
All through the day, you will notice that you perform certain chores that are similar to each other and can be
clubbed together. So when making your timetable for the next day, keep in mind to do all those tasks
simultaneously that take place at the same location. You can save plenty of time this way and the movement
from one activity to the next will be much smoother. You will find yourself seamlessly transitioning from
task to task if all similar activities are grouped under one category and given a single broad time slot.
3. Calm your Nerves with a 5-minute Breathing Exercise
The stress of daily life can get to you even if you’re a stoic. If you’re a student, assignments can bog you
down or even the simple monotony of daily life can get to you. The solution to this is a simple 5-minute
breathing exercise. Just choose a relaxing spot, sit in a yoga posture and slowly close your eyes. At first,
breathe in normally; then start by inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly. Doing this breathing exercise for
just 5 minutes each day can alleviate all the stress from your body and help soothe your nerves.
4. Chalk Out Time for Things you Love doing
This is an essential part of planning your schedule. If you don’t set aside time for an activity you enjoy, your
whole day can seem dull, and you can suffer from lack of motivation and unnecessary stress. So when
making a plan, keep a small amount of time handy for doing anything you love doing. You can start out by
keeping just 5 minutes of your day reserved for this activity. Practicing this daily will have a positive impact
not only your life but also on the people around you as they’ll see a new and happier you.
5. Take up a New Habit
Yes, we know research shows that takes around 60 days to form a habit, but that doesn’t mean it’s late to
start. And we’re not even asking you to do something big like learn how to build a space rocket. Keeping it
simple is the core of this list and here too, you can start small. Is your book-shelf a mess? Start by cleaning
small portions of it each day till being organized becomes your habit. Do this for each and every aspect of
your life and you’ll feel things getting much simpler.
6. Be Interested
You spend most of your time trying to be interesting so that people would take notice of you. But stop a
minute and ask yourself, what are you interested in? Instead of concentrating on improving your image in
other’s eyes, try to improve yourself each day. You can do this by spending just 5 minutes of your time each
day on reading up on something that caught your fancy. It can be a new term someone used in class, it can be
the news or it can even be that weird looking lizard you saw in your garden the night before. Opening up
yourself to your surroundings can be very enriching.
7. Prioritize
This 5-minute list does not only help you plan out your day, but it also helps you to prioritize. During the
creation of your schedule, ensure that you’re spending adequate time on the crucial tasks. This way when
you evaluate your productivity levels by analyzing your previous schedules, you’ll be able to see where all
your time goes. If the maximum of your time is being wasted on tasks that are unimportant, take a step back
and reschedule everything. Analyzing your timetable can even help you discover what your priorities are
since you’ll be forced to dig deeper to know about the things that matter to you most each day of your life.
8. Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines
As stressful and pressurizing as it may seem, deadlines have a significance and do not exist without a cause.
A deadline is what pushes you to work extra hard to reach your target; it is what helps you discover your
latent talents, and it is what makes you tackle and perform under pressure. For this reason, when you are
writing down your timetable, put a time limit on each of the activities in your day. When you see you’ve
finished your task in the specified amount of time, you’ll feel a certain sense of accomplishment. This will
also save you from procrastination and make your more active and charged up all throughout the day.
9. Plan your Day and include a New Challenge
When making your list, don’t forget to add a new challenging task to it which you thought you just can’t do.
This can be as simple as making an omelet or as complicated as solving that math problem, you’ve been
stuck at for days. Take small steps. Like everything else on this list, you don’t have to devote more than 5
minutes of your time. In fact, on the first day, you can just practice cracking the egg right for those 5
minutes. Remember, every little step is progress.
10. Hit Snooze and Sleep just 5 minutes Longer
Waking up early in the morning is a dreaded task for most of us, especially for students as early morning
lectures lure them into sweet trap of sleep. Show yourself some love and hit that snooze button. Sleep just
five minutes extra as that can help you slowly and naturally transition from sleep mode to awake mode.
Waking up with a start when the alarm rings can be disturbing for your body and can make you feel tired all
day. Let your body adjust to waking up instead. This way, you’ll feel refreshed.
[1] 5 Minutes Life Hacks That Will Change Your Life For Better

337 Views · 1 Upvote

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Nikhil Bhavar, studied Computer Science at University of Mumbai (2017)

Answered Aug 1
Enable Scramble Lock Keypad

In computer security, Shoulder surfing is a type of social engineering technique used to obtain information
such as personal identification numbers (PINs), passwords and other confidential data by looking over the
victim's shoulder.
We use phone every possible place in universe. I would have been so lonely without it in toilet. We don't give
a hoot to shoulder surfers, and unlock the phone with one hand. Keen observation of typing pattern is
sufficient to obtain your code for a bystander. Enabling Scramble Layout in the Settings, numbers on keypad
are disarranged every time.

Now you are safe to unlock phone with one hand before your malevolent friends.
P.S. Not all phones have this function.


N■■ N✓✓

1.6k Views · 16 Upvotes

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Daryl Tew, when life gives me lemons, i make apple juice... who likes lemonade anyway
Answered Feb 25
How to not get caught eating while in the train system!
Imagine one morning when you're rushing to work and you grab your breakfast along with you. Then you
find yourself in the public transportation, specifically the train, when your ravenous self decides that the
breakfast looks too tempting. But you absolutely can't take a bite because its often not good manners or
worse, a heavy fine awaits you.

360 degrees!
To exacerbate your troubles, train stations are filled with that ubitiquous CCTV to catch potential offenders
like yourself! They are everywhere except one…
Best time to eat? On the escalator.
Your brief sojourn on the escalator is a measly amount of time but given how hungry you are, it's enough for
a few quick bites! Just dont leave a mess or chew loudly!

1.1k Views · 6 Upvotes

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Elesa Zehndorfer, PhD, Author of 3 non-fiction books; writing my 1st fiction.

Answered Feb 16
We are the sum of our biology. You can manipulate how happy and relaxed you are via simply eating healthy
and exercising regularly, and taking a few epic but basic supps, such as a strong multivitamin and
multimineral and omega oils- because they allow your brain chemistry to be as balanced as it can be. It has
always been a completely life changing hack for me. After 20 yrs of living this way (since late teens), still
the most epic. It is also scientifically proven to raise IQ, lower anxiety and stress, reverse death of brain
tissue through neurogenesis, sleep great, focus more, make you a happier and more optimistic individual,
gives you more energy, helps you make better decisions and so many more amazing things. It's cheap, too.
Just cut out the sugar, eat veg, good meat, drink water, don't go on mad diets and work out when you can and
the differences to your life can be phenomenal.

137 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Rauf Ashraf, Author

Answered Feb 24

My point is that a lot of times in our lives we are driven by our impulses and that we make decisions driven
by a moment’s emotion. Countless of regrets follow because of impulsivity, life changes not for the better ,
relationships are broken, misery and frustration can conquer your psychological well-being.
So please wait for a while before you tell your partner it's over, waitfor a while before you yell at your
colleague, wait for a while before immediately committing to that job offer.

95 Views · 2 Upvotes
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Jayabalan Bala
Answered Mar 13

1. Apply coconut oil on your body before going to bed to escape from mosquito bites.
2. To increase the battery life, Charge any gadgets only when the battery is below 15% and don't leave
the charger remain connected all the time.
3. Chewing bubble gum while cutting onions save you from watery eyes.
4. Rotate your big toe finger when you feel sleepy during lecture or meetings.
5. Eat two dates every day to prevent hairfall.
6. Chewing bubble gum during flight takeoff and landing helps from blocking ears.
#1 ,4 and 5 are the life hacks learned from my personal experience.
#1 If you live in an area where mosquitoes are common, instead of some body mosquito repellent which are
harmful to your skin, you can apply coconut oil only on the exposed area of your body while sleeping such
as hands and legs where the mosquito usually bites.

55.3k Views · 275 Upvotes

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Tarun Timalsina
Answered Mar 8

Often people don’t seem to understand the fact that we have other things to accomplish as well. It’s grueling
to convince aquaintances and relatives alike that we cannot stay at their place for two more hours chatting
about random stuff. And you definitely wouldn’t want to upset your friends by admitting that you’re bored to
death in their company.
Next time you visit somebody, set an alarm on your phone according to your preference. When the alarm bell
starts to ring in your pocket in midst of an awkward atmosphere, ask your host to excuse you and switch off
the phone secretly. Then, pretend taking a call. After some hypothetical animated conversation, bid them
farewell by saying something urgent has come up. Everything would seem genuine and natural.
A small, harmless lie will go a long way.

3k Views · 24 Upvotes

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Srithan Savela, TIME Person of the year 2006

Answered Mar 19
I don't know anybody has written this before but I am writing my favourite hack here.
Whenever you are facing any minor or major problem and stressed yourself on that problem. Ask yourself
this question “Is my problem bigger than this universe?”
There are 100 billion galaxies in our universe. In those 100 billion galaxies our milkway galaxy is one. Our
milky way galaxy contains tens of billions of solar sytems. In our solar system we have 8 planets and in those
8, ours is earth and in earth there are over 190 countries and you are living in a small house in small street
in your country.
So is your problem bigger than our universe. If it is false then don't worry about your problem. If it is true(it
wouldn't be), you can't handle it. So better to forget it.

562 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Arvind Patel, studied Higher School Certificate at Mithibai College

Answered May 19

Have you ever try to save the videos,but sometime it might not allow you to download like this⬇ ⬇ ⬇
You can use a simple trick to download
Follow the instructions as given below:
1)Click on SHARE and copy the link.
2)Afterwards,paste the link on any browser and search.
3)If the video has opened then add ‘ss’ before youtube and after www.

4)Now the last thing search the url with ‘ss’.

5)It will show something like this and click on Download.


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Phillip Michael Mpalabule, I have a couple of experiences

Answered Dec 23, 2016

People will always judge you by the way you dress, walk and talk.
So always dress according to how you want people to see you and how you want to be perceived.
That's the number one rule of con artists.
Don't dress up as a thug and then call yourself a pastor. You'll end up with an empty church.

20.5k Views · 207 Upvotes · Answer requested by James Carter

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Saurav Singh Rathore, studies at National Institute of Technology Sikkim (2018)

Answered Jun 5

There are really some of the great answers here. I went across many to make sure I'm not repeating this hack.
And as to my best knowledge, I'm not. So here it goes.
Did someone ever sent you their favourite song to listen to?
“Many a times”, will be your answer.
So, what did you do? Praised the song, said it's nice,or sweet, or it has good music and all. Right?
Well, next time when someone (a special person) sends/recommends you a song, here's what you'll do.
You'll go to Google. Search down the lyrics of the song.
Now, you have the lyrics of the song infront of you. (If this song is new to you, ofcos)
Play the song they sent you, with the lyrics infront. Play it again and try to relate that person and yourself
with the lyrics. Any connection?
Now, when s/he asks you, if you liked the song, here's what you'll say (The 3 magical sentences).
“I think the song connects. The lyrics are so relatable. I loved it like nothing before.”
Congratulations, you just won their heart with that!
When someone sends you a song, it's because they want you to listen to the words and not the music. It's
because they're trying to say to you, what the song does. It's because the song's lyrics are everything they
ever knew, but couldn't express.
Hope you'll do it right, the next time.
My Story with this song:
Title: I wanna grow old with you

I'm sure it'll help you too, one day sooner.

Thanks for reading.

2.2k Views · 91 Upvotes

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Surya Kiran, B.Sc. Computer Science, National Defence Academy

Answered Mar 21

Keeping Quiet!
Have you ever tried to keep quiet for a long time?
I would say, try it. Keeping quiet is the most powerful expression I have ever noticed/experienced.
What do you think will happen when you keep quiet?
You get to know the flaws around you. You will know who is true to you and who is a traitor. You will learn
many things which might be new to you. You will gain a lot of knowledge from the surroundings.
But how?
Let me tell you. On a daily basis we talk a lot. But what we don’t realize is that we talk a lot of
useless/unwanted things and a little of useful/knowledgeable things. Say, When was the last time did you
discuss about any National issue with your friends/family? Long back right? This is because we humans are
more interested in engaging ourselves in some topic which is of no use to the listener nor the speaker.
But how does keeping quiet helps it?
When you start keeping quiet, you become a good listener and a good interpreter. You gain more knowledge
by listening to others. And once you keep quiet, your mind starts thinking. The next time you reply someone,
you will sound mature.(Why?) Because you will think and reply.
Bonus: Don’t smile unnecessarily at strangers. Maintain a serious look and walk with your shoulders rolled
up, no one will ever try to mess with you. Keeping quiet will add some spice to it as well.
Cheers :D

566 Views · 1 Upvote

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Hathor Gaia, I have explored reality from many different angles.

Answered Mar 16

Time isn’t money. Money is an extension of time. It is a better use of one's time to reduce the
relevance/impact of it being a restriction or barrier to getting what you want, rather than focusing on
acquiring it for its own sake. The nuance between this type of thinking and common thought is the difference
between abundance and lack mentality.
If you want money to be no object then dont objectify it by giving it too much power. Think of money as a
neutral/administrative thing, like signing a document, rather than being directly tied to “hard” work like
some kind of identity statement.
The best way to live below your means is to focus on improving and growing the ratio between your income
and your expenses. The magic happens at the >= 2 to 1 ratio, you will never feel poor at that level, even if
you make half as much as the Joneses who seem to never have time or money for living life instead of
making a living.
Don't blow money on impulse purchases or get looped into buying things you only sort of care about or think
might impress people or looks good because it's on sale. Don't over expose yourself to advertising. Instead,
be really honest with yourself about what luxuries actually matter to you and are worthy of your investment,
things you feel really will improve your quality of life. Then, when you are actually in the market for a
particular luxury you can thumb through the ads for that type of purchase.
Finally, always pay yourself first. Make sure you earmark at least 5-10% of your income right off the top to
treat yourself to a smaller luxury as this is great for your self esteem, and chances are high you won't miss
the money because you were blowing it already on impulse purchases. But if you know that every paycheck
is putting money directly in your pocket first, impulse buying won't be worth it.

341 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Shreenu, Couch potato

Answered Nov 18, 2016


• Whenever you feel low, just smile. Trust me you will get motivated to come out of your blues.

• Whenever you are upset or angry over something or someone, just smile. Your anger would subside
and your mind clears out of the mist. You can then ponder over the situation wisely.
• Whenever someone is shouting or accusing you of something, smile. This would bring down their
confidence and bring you out as a more composed and calm person. You will come out of such allegations
Let me tell you how I discovered this life hack. I was very irritated and angry because of some fight I had
with my parents. They wanted to take me to their crazy house hunting spree and I would not bugde in.
However, they dragged me everywhere, to every single room of the every single house. I was so irritated that
tears welled up in my eyes. I was about to break down. Then I saw my old teacher and out of respect I had to
smile at him. You won't realize what happened next. All those wrinkles on my face were gone. I felt way
better. Thats when it clicked to me that Smile and your problems vanishes.

1.1k Views · 13 Upvotes

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Hemanth Kumar, Let's help each other out!

Answered Nov 18, 2016

I wouldn't call it the MOST clever life hacks, but definitely useful!
This is what I did, when I was giving my final seminar during engineering:
I did not have enough time to prepare my PowerPoint presentation properly and I had asked my friend to
finish it for me. After he was done, I did go through the slides to make sure I've got my content ready to talk.
But No, my friend had added an extra slide containing a picture of a huge automated manufacturing machine
and I had completely missed it! I realized this only when I saw it on the huge screen while giving my
presentation. My heart sank looking at it because I did not know what the hell was it? And also for the fact
that my HoD was sitting in the panel.
I gazed at it for 4–5 seconds and this is exactly what I said:
“This is the world’s oldest composite material manufacturing machine which is situated in Ukraine
and produces 144 products a minute and there is only one machine of such kind. The trivial fact about
this machine is that it has never broken down even once since its inception in the year 1967, which
makes the machine more unique”
I told it with utter confidence and with pride, as if I invented that. The panel were mesmerized looking at the
picture. They were shaking their heads looking at the picture. They totally bought my story. I mentally patted
myself and I could see my friends giggling at the back.
I picked up 2 life hacks from this experience of mine. If you want people to buy your story, truth or
false, make sure you tell it out so confidently that they should never even doubt you in their sleep. And
also thinking on your feet will always save the day!

750 Views · 13 Upvotes

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Kavya Anbu
Answered Apr 17

Here are a few life “hacks” that I have seen and used.
Always ask for forgiveness, never permission. How many times have you asked for something from
someone who has more authority than you do only to be shut down? Now, if you didn’t ask them would you
have been able to do what you wanted anyways? Well, the answer is probably yes. People in power love to
show their dominance even if it is something that can be mutually beneficial. So, if you believe that you
won’t get permission to do something, don’t ask. Go ahead and do it. Then, if you get in trouble, simply
Swallow the frog. This technique is one of the most helpful “hacks” out there. Do the hardest or most
dreaded activity first thing in the morning, this will make your day so much more productive. Don’t wake up
and check your Instagram or Quora first, just finish the thing that you believe will give you the most trouble
later in the day. And there’s only one thing better than swallowing a frog, and that’s swallowing two frogs. If
you wake up and start productive, the rest of the day will just be so much more rewarding.
Get aboard the “yes” train. There is always going to be that person that says “no” to everything when you
are trying to persuade them. The next time you want to convince or persuade someone of something, hop on
the “yes” train. This means to get them to say “yes” or agree with you a couple of times before making your
request. Then, in order to stay consistent, they are more likely to agree to what you would like them to do. To
do this, you could start with very basic statements like, “Wow, the weather’s really nice isn’t it?” or “The
[insert sports team] are doing great this season!”. After you get them to say “yes” a few times, the
momentum will just keep rolling.
And lastly, use the 10-Second Hack. Just countdown from 10 to yourself, and when you hit 0 force yourself
to do the work. This can be used to prepare dinner, making your bed, putting way the laundry, or mowing the
lawn. When you’re procrastinating and delaying your work, just set the rule for yourself. This tricks your
mind into action, it triggers the brain into thinking that something will happen if you don’t begin to complete
the task.

1.1k Views · 2 Upvotes

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Tejeshwar Solanki, studies at Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology and Science (2019)
Answered Jun 9
“Life is beautiful only for those who know how to celebrate the pain” !

Read this short story-

Once a psychology professor walked around on a stage while teaching stress management
principles to a auditorium of students. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they’d
be asked the typical “glass half empty or glass half full” question. Instead, with a smile on her
face, the professor asked, “How heavy is this glass of water I’m holding?”
Students shouted out answers ranging from eight ounces to a couple pounds.
She replied, “From my perspective, the absolute weight of this glass doesn’t matter. It all depends on how
long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute or two, it’s fairly light. If I hold it for an hour straight, its weight might
make my arm ache a little. If I hold it for a day straight, my arm will likely cramp up and feel completely
numb and paralyzed, forcing me to drop the glass to the floor. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn’t
change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it feels to me.”
“Your stresses and worries in life are very much like this glass of water. Think about them for a while and
nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer and you begin to ache a little. Think about them all day long,
and you will feel completely numb and paralyzed – incapable of doing anything else until you drop them.”
Drop your worries! and use a smile to help you drop them, cause there’s nothing more easier than to smile to
change your world!!
Also remember the pain you are going through right now, is an important part of molding your mind to be
stronger. Smile!! trust me its worth it!

4.1k Views · 239 Upvotes

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Binoy Roy, studied at MDH International School
Updated Mar 1

Me?? learnt by a realization that who’ll be fit to be with you in your life.
Hack was- If someone I think is getting close to me , to make sure about their realness I become the WORST
version of myself.
I do things that are hated by them just and just to see that is this person really attached to me or he/she treats
me according to my authentic nature towards them .
This hack is also on how much YOU want someone to be close to you.
Lets take an example of say girlfriend-If she says to you that she loves you. Don’t ask her that why or what
you saw just say “I need some time to analyse your nature.” And then try the above mentioned hack.
Check out there patience to the best of what you can do . If they manage to clear up your test :) take a step
forward , hold their hand and lead with them.
Thank You

96 Views · 1 Upvote · Not for Reproduction

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Answered Dec 11, 2016

This may not be the most ethical life hack, but there are a few exceptional pieces of advice that I can offer
each and every one of you on lying properly.
1) Know what to know.
This one seems obvious. But I cannot count the number of times that I have seen this fail. Individuals who
claim previous military rank, who have never even bothered to research the terminology. Guys who were
looking to get laid acting like they knew a topic that they were uninformed about. There are certain things
that anyone discussing a topic should know beforehand about not only that topic, but their part in it.
2) Know what not to know.
This is a less frequent mistake, but I often see individuals attempting to hide their inabilities behind spewing
more information. If you knew somebody, that doesn't immediately make it appropriate for you to have gone
to a funeral with them. If you said something beforehand about living in the same city, then being at the
wedding of a mutual friend may stretch belief unless that friend was established initially. Which leads to…
3) Know what they know.
This is why it is easy to lie to someone who's never met you. If you tell an individual that you were in
Hawaii one weekend, but you told another friend that you were in Dubai, then their mutual knowledge of
each other could potentially undermine your deception.
4) Keep it loose.
“I've been to Hawaii before.” is a much more defensible statement than “I traveled to Maui in fall of 2009.”
5) But not too loose.
Occasionally, depending on the individual and the circumstances, an attempt at diving deeper may actually
get you a better lie. “I was in Athens as part of a school organized cultural trip between junior and senior
years of high school.” Can be a fantastic lie for various reasons, particularly based on the accessibility of
information regarding your travel and your school. It gives the reason, the organizers, the location, and the
time period. In many ways, the sudden influx of information renders the conversation boring, and limits the
ability of the recipient to respond with a thoughtful question or a hook.
6) Be random.
This is somewhat of an addendum to five, but random information can often make the audience less
attentive. In five, we were bombarding them with unnecessary information, but in that case, you sneak in
random things to get your audience bored, not only with the topic, but with you. A city was mentioned?
Immediately say something about seeing a statue of a goat somewhere in there, but you don't remember
7) Let others speak for you.
I got another tattoo a year or so ago. I let people wonder if it was real. I “confided” in someone that it
secretly wasn't. The story spread like wildfire. It's been a year, and people think I keep getting my henna
redone on a monthly basis.
Nine months later, I did basically the same thing, but where I got a teammate to notice that something was
slightly different, and he made a big deal over it.
8) Point out absence.
Did you notice that there was no number 4 in this answer? Probably not. And you shouldn't have; there is.
But individuals are predisposed toward uncertainty when presented with facts about absence or irrelevance,
and those same individuals are predisposed toward acceptance when uncertain.
There are a few more that are generally useful, but I think I'll leave it at tjose for now. Hope it helps.



RR Reddy, Programmer Analyst Trainee at Cognizant (2016-present)

Answered Jun 21

Well,this is one of the best life hack I have learnt through my experience and felt it is scientifically true after
reading “Brain that changes itself by Norman Doidge.”
Never imagine yourself doing a task in future. It might be 10mins r 100mins or more..
Let me give an example.
• Let's assume a guy is feared of bathing with cold water , that sense of fear can be felt only when that
guy thinks of it. If he does not think of having a bath with cold water he never feels that sense of chillness, as
he is not firing the corresponding neuron associated with it.

• Let's assume a guy who determined to go for a jog everyday. On one day when the alarm buzzes, he
snoozes it and imagines himself going for a jog, a corresponding neuron is fired leading to procastination,
thus convincing himself that ' it's ok to skip the jog for a day..'
This is the life hack I have learnt recently. Stop imagining. Nullify your thoughts when any such thought
strikes and just act on it.
I have been imagining of writing this answer for past 15 days I nullified all the thoughts and just acted
on the task, completing the answer.

3.2k Views · 100 Upvotes

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Manu Mahapatra, MTech(Research), Electrical, IISc Bangalore.

Answered Dec 19, 2016

Want to save some time while watching movies?

Go to settings and change the speed of playing to 110% or 120% or even more as per your convenience.
It won't effect your movie experience but you will save a lot of time. For example :

• At a speed of 120%, 3 hour movie will be finished in 2 hours 30 minutes.

• At a speed of 110%, 3 hour movie will be finished in 2 hours 43 minutes.

• Almost all players have this settings. Find the player which does it best.

• In Android, MX player does this properly.

• In PC, both VLC and KM Player does this properly.

1.7k Views · 15 Upvotes

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Pradeep Kumar
Answered Mar 21

I cannot say its a hack but worth mentioning here to practice mindfulness, focus or improve concentration
over surroundings and being attentive to the things which happens around you. I haven’t learned it
completely but the in the beginning phase and process itself fun and I feel crazy when I do it. I can assure it
will be a nice experience if you try it. The hack is walking eyes closed.
I tried it out of nowhere before 2 months in a park, for the first time, I could not walk 10 steps with my eyes
closed. Now presently I can walk upto 100m in the same park. Crazily once I tried it once in the public
pathway, had many collisions and i stopped after that. I strongly believe that it will help in overcoming stress
as well.

270 Views · 4 Upvotes

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Akhileshwar Sharma, Project Engineer at Dodsal Engineering & Construction (2014-present)
Answered Mar 10

Most of us use alarm to wake up in the morning .
But it can be used to declutter our mind and remember only those things which really matter.
Once I leave my room I see everyone is in a hurry and everyone is late for their job. Ever thought why??
I think it's because we just waste time, let's say not utilize our time in right way. Or we can say our priorities
are not clear, as a result we are always late for our job. So in order to set my priorities straight I take help of
my phone and set an alarm for every other thing that is obvious but need to remember.
For example : you have to take medicine- set an alarm for that instead of remembering.
Shave- set an alarm
Lunch - set an alarm
Calling a friend or family - set an alarm
Appointment- Set an alarm
Have a game to play- set an alarm
It can be used to an extent to manage your every minute, and use all our energy and concentration where
The whole point is when we are working or deeply involved in any activity, some of the activities are
neglected. Reason, it is not in our priority list.
So never be late again.

9.4k Views · 106 Upvotes

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Atul Mittal, Certification Machine Learning & Big Data Analysis, International School of Engineering
Answered Mar 23

Make Acrobat Reader Open Where You Left Off

From the Edit menu, choose Accessibility and then Setup Assistant. Choose to configure the options
yourself, and then scroll through all 5 pages of them. On the very last page you'll see a checkbox that says
"reopen documents to the last viewed page". Select it and you're done.
Finally, technology allows me to do what paper books have always done. And it's totally changed the way I
use PDF files.

151 Views · 4 Upvotes

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Anoop Vijayan, Business Analyst at Emirates Airlines
Answered Mar 9

I picked this up from a Ted talk sometime back. Its called “draw your future”.
Take a sheet of paper and draw the current state of your life. Make a rough sketch on how you see yourself
today and what you think your weakpoints are. Write down points - make markings - to make it as clear as
Now - take another sheet of paper - and draw a sketch of your own self - except this time it should be of how
you want your life to be 5 years from now. Write down clearly the area you want to develop, the goal you
want to acheive etc.
Now stick both of these sheets next to each other in your bedroom where you will see them every single day.
Your brains will pick up the image of the person you want to be, and by looking at it everyday, you will be
reinforcing that image of your own self in your subconcious mind. And your subconcious mind will take you
in the path that you want to be.
Here is the video.
Thanks Hira Khalique for getting me the link.

10.4k Views · 90 Upvotes

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Vibhor Dhote, MBA student

Answered May 20

Hack to game your mind and avoid procrastination

• Are you one of those who ends up wasting a lot of time due to procrastination? Well I surely am.

• In fact procrastination is one of the biggest problems people have, and the biggest reason for that is
the failure to start.

• Here’s a hack to game your mind. When you need to get started on a task, but motivation is low and
you’re stalling, run a countdown timer in your mind. Yes you heard it right. It works for me every single
For example:

• Let’s say I am on my bed about to sleep and I want to switch the light off but the switch is a little far
and you need to get up and walk to that place, so you just lay there and even sometimes end up sleeping with
the lights on.

• But when I start a countdown and give myself 10 seconds…..10…9…8….and something just starts
working in my brain and I get up before the countdown ends to do the task.
How does it work?

• The reason this works is because it gives us a clear starting point, whereas when you can start
“anytime,” you’ll often choose to procrastinate.

• As for how long to give yourself, that may vary with context.
I don’t know if it’s clever but it’s surely is very effective. Try it!

966 Views · 19 Upvotes

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Harry Marshall, Co-founder at Trevor.io (2016-present)
Answered May 15

When I was at school, I participated in a whole range of extra-curricular activities. For instance, I played the
violin and the guitar, acted in and directed drama productions, and was a member of the under 16 British
Sailing Team.
Fast forward to my early twenties, and I’d given it all up.
I’d started a career in finance before promptly leaving to pursue a passion for building companies, and I
didn’t feel I was entitled to have a hobby. I was busy every day of the week, and couldn’t spare any time for
tasks that weren’t immediately related to work.
This was a huge mistake.
I didn’t realise it at the time, but participating in these activities when I was young had contributed in
a significant way to both my academic performance and my ability to learn new skills.
I was good at the guitar and acting etc, and I was great at sailing, and this gave me a confidence in myself
that undoubtedly carried through to other things. For example, when studying for an exam, or learning how
to snowboard, I just knew I’d be able to make progress.
I had a general, enduring confidence in myself that wasn’t simply the result of a good night’s sleep, trying to
be mindful of my worth, or psyching myself up (I don’t mean to devalue these - they all contribute to my life
in other ways). It was the result of seeing myself excel and knowing that, when I put my mind to something,
I could do it.
It took me years to realise this.
My recommendation to others (particularly those in the entrepreneurial community) - aka my “best life
hack” - is to dedicate time to the things you love and are good at, regardless of what they are and whether
they’re related to your job. If you give them up, you’ll gain some time, but you’ll lose out in so many other

970 Views · 1 Upvote

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Chandramauli Gupta, An alien on moon. (Seeing things from view of third person)
Updated May 19

What about a hack which helps to create hacks? I know you’re intrigued right now. So the hack is - Become
an alien on moon. Or venus. Or mars. Or sun. Confused? Here’s the idea -
Imagine you are sitting on some place far away from Earth. You’re intelligent organism which is observing
movements and patterns in Earth. See your life from that place. Now here are various ways how it could be
helpful -
1. It will give you an overall feel of your life. You will see what actually you’re doing. Life is not so
long and seeing how we spend it is interesting.
2. You can see your weaknesses effectively. Being an alien on moon, you can get a better idea about
3. You can see patterns of humanity, we all wander from here to there. You can see how lucky you are.
Born with privileges. Few people on a small island don’t have internet like us. You can device better plans
for life.
4. And it really gives a beautiful feeling! Observing ourselves like a movie!
And why should we limit it only for alien on moon. We can see ourselves from other point of view. From our
mother’s point of view. From our boss’ point of view.
It’s really powerful hack which improves whole life and literally you’ll feel changed after doing this for few

And here are all of us!!

533 Views · 13 Upvotes

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Amarjeet Singh, studied at Melba Copland

Answered Feb 13

"My top three are: 1.If you're exercising put mind over matter into practice-think of a music you listened to,
make up a remix in your mind, or do anything that keeps you're mind busy.
2.When you eat fruit or vegies in a meal, be sure to eat the food that has the highest fat quantity last because
fat helps you to absorb vitamins. But none the less you can mix them, so long as you leave some of the
food(nuts, seeds, butter or oils) last.
3.Try to be creative at least once a day. Doing something new improves your brain performance and
decreases the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Now for a joke-A person asked you if you hacked anything. And you say yes, then he decides to arrest you,
but you told him-"I only did a life hack! What's wrong with that, PLEASE officer, if I was you, I would ASK
THE PERSON THE DARN QUESTION! HA, HA, HA, HA!" But seriously, I and of coarse I assume you
wouldn't shout like that. I just added that for comedic effect! I find laughing actually strengthen your jaw
muscles. Ladies and gentlemen! You'll get ripped jaws! They'll be loaded with abbes and you would baffle
cough out a hairball! I hope I do Garfield proud! Ha, ha, ha, hoo!
Okay, that's the end. Is he mentally unstable? You may ask yourself. No I'm not, I'm just crazy! And I'm not
afraid to admit it."
916 Views · 1 Upvote

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Surya Dev, Learning fossil

Updated Oct 31, 2016

I was very poor in English and don’t have grip on vocabulary.

Indeed I used to read English newspaper daily, I feel burden to read the news and felt not much interested.
Then I decided I have to choose the field I was Interested in.
I am a movie buff.
Then I had started reading movie reviews written in English and Videos of Heroes & Heroines who gave
interviews in English.
By reading movie reviews I used to learn vocabulary and by watching Heroes & Heroines interviews I used
to practice my accent.
This is how I improved my English in an Interesting way !!

27.6k Views · 349 Upvotes

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Vamsi Kiran, IIT Dhanbad, ECE, Ambivert and Amiable.
Answered Feb 20

I’ve learned-
that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to
I’ve learned-
that no matter how much I care, some people just don’t care back.
I’ve learned-
that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.
I’ve learned-
that no matter how good a friend is, they’re going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive
them for that.
I’ve learned-
that it’s not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts.
I’ve learned-
that you should never ruin an apology with an excuse.
I’ve learned-
that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you’d better know something.
I’ve learned-
that you shouldn’t compare yourself to the best others can do.
I’ve learned-
that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.
I’ve learned-
that it’s taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
I’ve learned-
that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
I’ve learned-
that you can keep going long after you can’t.
I’ve learned-
that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.
I’ve learned-
that either you control your attitude or it controls you.
I’ve learned-
that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be
something else to take its place.
I’ve learned-
that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of
the consequences.
I’ve learned-
that money is a lousy way of keeping score.
I’ve learned-
that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.
I’ve learned-
that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you’re down will be the ones to help you get back
I’ve learned-
that sometimes when I’m angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn’t give me the right to be cruel.
I’ve learned-
that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.
I’ve learned-
that just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean they don’t love you with
all they have.
I’ve learned-
that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you’ve had and what you’ve learned from them
and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated.
I’ve learned-
that you should never tell a child their dreams are unlikely or outlandish. Few things are more humiliating,
and what a tragedy it would be if they believed it.
I’ve learned-
that it isn’t always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you are to learn to forgive yourself.
I’ve learned-
that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn’t stop for your grief.
I’ve learned-
that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we
I’ve learned-
that a rich person is not the one who has the most, but is one who needs the least.
I’ve learned-
that just because two people argue, it doesn’t mean they don’t love each other. And just because they don’t
argue, it doesn’t mean they do.
I’ve learned-
that we don’t have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
... (more)

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William Peynsaert, Therapist. Author of www.projectauthenticity.org

Answered Jan 30

Ask the right questions.

I used to bitch and complain all the f*cking time. If I didn’t like something I simply assumed that the thing
couldn’t be changed, that I had to accept anything that didn’t go my way.
The ‘revolution’ came when I watched a video by Tony Robbins. I know lots of people don’t like his
bombastic, often corny stuff, but it changed my life.
Your brain is a machine that answers questions. Like the most powerful wikipedia ever.
Ask better questions and you’ll change your life. I know this habit improved the quality of my life radically.
If you don’t like something, ask how you can change it. If you want to earn 5,000 dollars per month, simply
ask: how can I start earning 5,000 dollars a month? Or why not 10,000?
I’m amazed every day by the resourcefulness of the human brain.
You have to give it a chance to work its wonders.

453 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Cibe Sridharan, Using FreeCharge Wallet got offer in irctc tickets. :P

Answered Mar 4

This is just a simple clever hack, whenever you send any mail to anyone in office. Just type the subject of the
mail first and then add the contact list after.

The image is just an illustration. Add the recipients later.

You will surely wont endup in wrongly sending emails.

853 Views · 11 Upvotes

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Jincy Lalpurwala, studies Civil Engineering (2018)

Answered May 21

I don't know if someone has mentioned this or not.

When your phone memory is full and if there comes any need to click pictures may be due to some
emergency or urgency just open your phone camera and take screenshot of it.

Certainly, you won't get that clarity and quality of image but you captured something important this way,

4.9k Views · 44 Upvotes

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Guy Lewis, 35 years in business, father of 3 to whom I am their main carer.
Answered Feb 23

Similar to Amelia Paine’s hack, I am just terrible at remembering names because my mind is very visually
focused (I always remember faces and pick people out of crowds I recognise easily before others do).
So to combat the embarrassment and potential insult asking someone’s name again, if I am with someone I
confine in them my predicament in advance and ask them to help out. With my friend I approach the
person/people and say hello, then introduce my friend who then straight away says hello and asks for their
names before I've had a chance to introduce them back.
It works well and all egos are saved :-)

336 Views · 4 Upvotes

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Kev Pugh
Answered Mar 11

I developed a method called “Manual Flush”. This only works if your flush is a pull system, not the press
Normally, when we wanna flush, we pull the switch and the flush will automatically do the work. When we
release it, it’ll take time for the flush to end. The problem is that sometimes we don’t need too much flush to
clean up the toilet seat. My method is to manually control the flushing time to reduce unnecessary amount of
water. So here’s how you do it :
1.Pull the switch as usual, but only halfway. Keep holding it.
2.If you wish to end the flush, lower down the switch slowly and slightly, step by step.
3.Keep doing it until it reaches the bottom end.
There you have it, you save a lot of water by using my “manual flush” trick.
*You can also adjust the amount of pressure by pulling the switch up and down, but make sure it doesn’t
reach the top.

450 Views · 1 Upvote

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Gaurav Agrawal, Learning New Things one Answer at a time

Answered Nov 7, 2016

This hack can be of a lot of help if you have a lot of work to do in a single day and when you are doing a task
you think “ When will I do the other work I have. It will take more time I think. And I have to meet
that deadline too “
Most of the time you don't complete any work and regret later
I have a good solution to this problem
Maintain a Small diary
Make sure you do this one thing every morning you wake up
Write the 5 most important tasks you plan to complete on that particular day. Write the most
important task first followed by others.
Start by completing the first task. While doing the first task don't think about any other task.
This helps you stay focused on a particular task
You can get more work done as you are not distracted
You get more productive and efficient

948 Views · 16 Upvotes

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Darpan Jain, CTO at Pensieve Technologies (2016-present)

Answered Feb 14

Disclaimer: one of the answers here had the same gist as my answer. But the incident which inspired me, was
so unique that I couldn’t hold it back.
in this TV commercial :-
If you are done seeing this commercial, you got the idea.
it says ‘poochne me kya jata hai’. (what is the loss in asking?)
and it is true for all wakes of life.
Many a times we hold ourselves back from asking so many things, like asking those allegedly stupid
questions, those tough questions, that propose, that bargain, even directions.
While we also know that asking those things would have made life easier, still we don’t.
So thing is, why not step forward and ask for it? You will either get it, or you will not. If you get it, it’s profit,
if you don’t, you are already what you are; so go ask for it.

445 Views · 4 Upvotes

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Monika Da Luz, All about making life easier and finding a little Peace, so yeah, tips n hacks!
Answered Dec 20, 2015

Originally Answered: What are the most effective life hacks?

Think for yourself! Question everything you have been taught to believe and be willing to discover what it
actually is you will believe when you a find a truth that fits. Look everywhere and consider looking at things
you never have before, even if they seem weird or you believe you might not be interested to understand
what or why others understand the world differently.
You'd be surprised what you actually will discover. Why people limit themselves with the beliefs others
have instilled is a mystery to me. However, after learning all I could in the realm I felt comfy in, I stepped
out of the box and really started understanding a lot more than I ever did before. I can not 100% guarantee
others will do this as well, but all that have, don't refute doing this, so I imagine it's not the worst advise to

373 Views · 4 Upvotes

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Mahesh S, studied at India

Answered Jul 20

Alright, this is going to be a very interesting one for those who give presentations and want to look cool!
Many of us give presentations in front of audience, be it at office or at college. Normally, we connect our
laptop to the projector and start the show. We use the mouse button or keyboard to change the slides.
So here comes the cool idea.
Install this app from Play store called UNIFIED REMOTE in your phone as well as your laptop. Bang! Just
with a few clicks, your phone becomes a controller.
Now you can use your phone to change the slides instead of using the mouse or keyboard. You can simply
show off with this.
Additional tip : This app can be used to control your media playback and many other things.


5.4k Views · 49 Upvotes

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Diane Shatto, The greatest blindness in life is arrogance & not being open to life's lessons.
Answered Jun 13

I don't know if this is the most clever one but I could truly kick myself over and over for not learning it 20
years ago.
You know how messy it is to take the husk and especially silk off of the corn on the cob and then wash it and
it still has the silk between the kernels. Admit it, it's a pain. I've only had one person who has told me he has
no clue what I'm talking about and that making corn on the cob isn't any trouble. That was my boss and he's
yet to be agreeable in anything (control issues!).
Then you have to boil the darn corn which takes forever.
Well, I have the absolute perfect solution. It's so perfect that I can't believe it took me twenty years to
stumble on this.
All you do is mic the corn for 4 minutes, 8 minutes for 2 ears. Yup that's it, just microwave that corn in its
husk, silk and all- just as you bought it in the store. Then you neatly cut off the end of the corn about an inch
from the stalk, then grab the top, give it a good shake and that corn falls out into your other hand beautifully!
No mess, no stress. Once in a blue moon it needs a bit more vigorous shake but still comes out with none of
the silk attached. Nice, steamy hot, plump yellow corn.
It's so wonderful. I eat corn on the cob at least three times a week now. I love it. And I share this hack
whenever I get a chance!

8.1k Views · 48 Upvotes

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Pete Ashly

But silk in the teeth is part of the treasured experience ;-)

Aziz Alangari, PR & Communications

Answered May 20

Ok, so I know the whole idea of mindfulness is getting a bit too much and most of us are getting kind of sick
of it. But I read an article last year that described our daily thoughts as a river. As the we go through our day,
it’s likely that we might encounter negative thoughts. These thoughts are compared to dirt, trash, or pollution
that we might see in a river. What the article stresses is that the negative thoughts do go away at the end in
the same way that dirt eventually flows away from a river. We need to be mindful of our bad thoughts and
how they make us feel, analyze our body language when feeling anxious, and fully understand that our
‘river’ of thoughts will forever continue to flow.

1.5k Views · 2 Upvotes

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Katie O'Malley, Twenty-eight years on earth
Answered May 11

In no particular order:
*Brand name isn’t always best! I’ve eaten Oreo-type cookies that are just as good as real Oreos, cute-looking
sneakers that are as well-made [for general, everyday wear] as trendy footwear brands, bath products as nice
as anything at Bath and Body Works, etc.
*You can save on some electronics by buying certified, refurbished models on Amazon. They come with a
guarantee of [x amount of time]
*Use empty tin/aluminum cans, such as tomato sauce cans, to collect grease as you drain it after cooking
ground meats. Chill it in the fridge for a couple of hours, it’ll be solid and you can throw it in the garbage
without grease getting everywhere.
*Some public libraries loan e-books (on apps such as OverDrive). Save on getting books for your next flight
or vacation
*For the ladies: those small plastic bags for picking up after a dog are great for wrapping up used feminine
products while on the go. No more having to take time in a bathroom wrapping them up in toilet paper before
disposing of them.

1.4k Views · 4 Upvotes

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Curtis Dobyns
Answered Apr 2

When faced with discarding an item considered restricted or prohibited, though otherwise harmless, there's
another option.
It is not completely without risk, but if the choice is to throw it away….
So, you're entering a secure area, and you accidentally brought something that security is prohibiting….a
reusable water bottle or an umbrella or a pocket knife. For whatever reason, these checkpoints never offer a
“coatcheck” option.
Instead of returning to the car or home, or tossing the item in the trash…
Turn the item in to security or a manager as a “found” item for their Lost and Found. Remember the name of
the person you hand it to.
On your way out, a quick visit to Lost and Found, and there's a really good chance you'll get your item back.

2.5k Views · 4 Upvotes

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Amit Mahajan, Project Manager

Answered May 28
Interpersonal Relations
1. Sometimes listening quietly is all you have to do to win an argument. You don’t have to say a word.
2. Love people around you but don’t believe every word they say. Basically don’t believe anyone
blindly. Human race is selfish.
3. Socialization is overvalued. Spend lot of quality time with yourself.
1. Make sure you start saving 30% from day one. Compounding is a monster and over the years a good
bank balance will build up.
2. Invest in yourself , be it good books, training or learn something new.
1. Wake up at the same time each day. Weekends included. It will make you more active.

760 Views · 33 Upvotes

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Abhinn Krishn, I'm a lazy person ;I find easy ways to do a work !!!
Updated Jun 6

Here are some hacks which I found around the web….which I'm following.
They are screenshots and I have explained where needed.


Use baking soda while boiling eggs ,the shells will be peeled off easily.


Chop onions after soaking it in water for 30 min. to prevent unwanted tears.






Shave old razors on your jeans, blade will sharpen.

(I've uploaded many pins and some screenshots also which were saved in my gallery,so according to the
question the most clever was -how to test the batteries because many times the shopkeeper fooled me).
Now the most important, make normal friends not a rich ,smart guy; because they are the main source
of ‘jugaad' and that are your true life hacks…….

3.7k Views · 85 Upvotes

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Sebastian Languidey
Answered Sun

how to get free gas. Allow me to explain:

sign up for a Shell gold loyalty rewards card.
by signing up you’ll save 5 cents off every gallon automatically. Every friend you refer knocks off another 25
cents/gallon. where I live, gas is usually $2.25 a gallon. So if you do the math
.25 X 9 (# of referrals) = 2.25
thus, free gas. (not including tax)
here’s the link to get started!
Save on gas with the Fuel Rewards program

3k Views · 14 Upvotes

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Candle Nepali, former Student at Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus (2012-2016)

Answered May 10

Not that clever but a simple one.

Wash your dishes by yourself.
Since, I am from Nepal, it is my mothers’ responsibility to cook food, wash dishes, and almost all house
works. It is a similar situation in almost every families is South Asia. Some mothers are housewives and
some are employed as well but it is no different in either case. Help her people. She doesn’t need it and she
will probably never ask for it but still it will make her a lot happier seeing her kid grow up. I have been doing
so for some time now and it feels really good. It makes her feel really good.


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Rajsekhar Laha, Fauji Brat, NDA aspirant but destined to become an Engineer
Answered Jul 9

So everyone wants an account of Amazon Prime but we dont want to pay even a buck for this.
Theres a way to get prime membership without paying.
All you have to do is follow the steps

• Login to Amazon

• Sign in

• Delete all the items in your cart except for Amazon Prime and click on ‘Proceed to Checkout’.

• Choose any of Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking.

• If you choose Net Banking you just have to open another tab and login into your amazon account
after you have been redirected to go to the Bank's website. If you choose your Crefit Card or Debit Card, you
just go till One Time Password or Online Password page. Dont enter the OTP or OP .Close the tab and login
to your amazon account.

• There you are. You got a Prime membership for free. Heres a Screenshot.

I have personally tried this method and its working. You can use both your phone or PC.
I have used phone and helped a friend doing it on his PC.
Heres another screenshot.
Thanks @Shubham Yadav for your valuable input.
A life hack which saves ₹500 immediately, and much more for a year.Also you get faster deliveries,
exclusive deals and some amazing videos.


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Nekraj Bharitya
Answered Dec 15, 2016

Well, this is something that for sure not only me that knows about. I knew it from someone who heard it
front someone in a session that had several someone else.
So what's the tip man??
OK...here it comes, I will put it in points :
Every task we perform daily, from the biggest issue to the smallest one is represented in our brain as
loops.Each task has its own loop.Our brain has several loops, tens, and may be hundreds.
So...? OK here it comes :
Our brain can only perform three tasks at a time.Performance here means; to open a loop, ie.a task, and then
close it down.This means that you have to choose only three tasks at a time to have them done, and after
you're done you can another http://3.Sowhat happens if I open a fourth loop or task?Simply you not have
this 4th job done, plus one at least of the other three main tasks.
You are leaving your house:You have to:Put the lights off.Put the dishwasher on.Feed the cat.Take your
laptop from your wife's car.Take the keys.
If you planned all these tasks in your mind all five at a time , 2 jobs at least won't be done, as you opened 5
loops at the same time.
You have to open 3 maximum, get them done and then open the other 2.
I got another good hack but will save it for some good votes.

438 Views · 4 Upvotes

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Rui Soares, High End Loudspeaker Designer

Answered Oct 20, 2016

If you want someone to like you, try the following.

On your first date, for a while, disagree with everything the other person is telling you. After a while, start
agreeing with everything the other people is telling you.
This person will think you are interesting and will eventually like you.

37k Views · 116 Upvotes

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Kumaran Kanniappan, former Senior Software Engineer at Capgemini (2014-2016)
Updated Apr 8

Find a fixed mindset people, they have their own likes and own ways of thinking ;
In front of all those people, never have a fixed mindset ; you dont get any fixed mindset ; Be a smart
problem solver ;
Whenever all those people make rules, regulations, decisions related from their fixed mindset type ;
You can tell the new ways to solve the problems instead of making it has rules and regulations ; why because
you never ever have a fixed mindset, hence whenever other fixed mindset group of people gonna make the
decisions from their level prespective some times they may end up with debating types ; So cleverly find
the pattern of their thinking, find and determine their fixed mindset types ;
Give the best solutions to them ( the several group of people who has fixed mindset ) where none of them
come across that will be an easiest way to solve problems instead of making rules regulations and wasting
the time on debating things ;
Unlock the new solutions by finding human’s fixed mindset; One day all of them make decisions to live in
their comfort zone or circumstances ;
what you gonna do extend their thinking to tell the solutions or execute the solutions in front of them ;
It is kind of magic trick and cleaver life hack that I have learned from #$$ Message Passing Game $$#
I hope that most of them know about message passing game ; Example : From a circle of 10 people,
secretly tell one message to the next person near to you like wise pass the message whole circle of people ,
when the message, comes to you and you will compare what you said initially and what it comes to you was
different ; it is either they didnt listen carefully or they didnt remember all things whatever you said or their
interest likes only to specific on your message; from that you can easily compare depends on the people
likeness they form a group of friends or each individual they have their own prespective when comes to
group of friends likeness and they accept that was true message ; thats why in this message passing you can
easily decode other group of people thinking and find the pattern logic ; Hence you can give better
solutions from your solution giving mindset ;

1k Views · 3 Upvotes

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Ashish Kumar Singh, Learnt by experiencing.... ;)

Answered Apr 11

If u want to impress someone or show your biceps to someone , then here is the best dressing
“The shirt you wear should be one number less than the actual size of the shirt u need”
Believe it or not, it works…
If you don't believe me then, u should believe “ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER”.
Yes this was said by Arnold Schwarzenegger in his interview….
Just see some of his photos..

Wow…what a muscle show….

The next one will astonish u…..zoom in the biceps….

I hope it will help you…..

Just try it once….


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Duy Vu, Real Estate Instructor @ https://goo.gl/aAkZs8

Answered May 29

I remember my dad cutting the internet off because I wouldn’t get off MapleStory, I was super addicted and I
really wanted to get the 4th job advancement, I was also playing an assassin and I remember wanting to try
out flash jump. It was crazy! My dad snipped off the ethernet cable that was connected to our DSL Modem
and it was impossible to get back on. I knew I needed a way to get back on, so I started googling methods to
hack WEP Encrypted net works and I found a nice little tutorial of how to use BT5(BackTrack 5), I read
every step-by-step of the guide and I was able to get inside my neighbors Wi-Fi, afterwards I snuck back on
the computer while my parents were sleeping. My dad never found out, and that was the day my mind had
widened and I knew right from that moment that ANYTHING is possible :)
314 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Ankit Gaikwad, wannapreneur!

Answered Mar 27

Do you want to know whether your contacts have access to Internet or not currently ?
So that you can get in touch with them as soon as possible?
Here is one life hack which will definitely help you!
By downloading the Truecaller app you can easily know whether your contacts has access to Internet or not
and also the last time they unlocked their devices!

The Green colour indicates that the person has access to Internet. You can also see their last seen!
Not only this, If the persons phone is on silent mode it shows a red icon!

Once you know that they have access to Internet then, you can call them through whatsapp or any other app
instead of wasting your mobile balance!
The app must be present on both the devices.
Thank-you for reading! Hope this helps.
Note: Im not advertising or promoting this app I just wanted to share how this app helps me.
998 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Nikita Deshpande, former Jr. Accoutant at Bajaj Healthcare Ltd

Updated Mar 17

Do you eat something you don't like??

Like a bitter gourd? Or maybe a bitter green juice?
Hack 1:Don't breathe and just gulp it in,you can't taste its taste.
Don't want to drink a hard water in a village where normal water is unavailable??
Hack 2:Eat fennel seed(Saunf) and then drink water,voila water tastes sweet.
Got too much dandruff??
Hack 3:Heat coconut oil,add camphor to it,apply it,leave overnight and wash it.
Is it your wedding? Have you put mehendi (henna) on your palms and hand? Wow,want the colour of
mehendi to be even all overall your hand?
Hack 4: Quickly take an aspirin or Crocin after you have put the mehendi it will help to get the colour
Have a oil stain on your dress or shirt?
Hack 5:Put some talcum powder on the oil spot,place a piece of clothing over it and iron it .The stain won't
be gone forever but it can help you cover it or lessen the effect it has on your clothes a bit less.
I know its not just one clever hack and obviously not from same category but there are a few i learnt from
my mom.Hope it helps !
Let me know if you need more ;)

5k Views · 115 Upvotes · Answer requested by Abhinav

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Shilpi Borah, Group Monitor at Chementor (2017-present)

Updated May 27

I have been using Reliance JIO since December 2016. Before that i was using AIRTEL.Now my phone has
both JIO & AIRTEL sim card in it's two slots.
Yesterday it rained so heavily that the JIO network became out of service. I really needed to contact one of
my friend on that day.You might be thinking why didn't i use my AIRTEL sim card.The reason is-

The last message was of the time when i did this-(Mothers are the best):-D

you might be thinking why didn't i use my mother's phone to contact my friend?Right? The answer is-She
was in her office at that time.
Then i started searching for some offers and found these cool hacks-



Free! free! free of cost!

Finally the my friend saw these messages and immediately called:-)

19.8k Views · 154 Upvotes

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Abhishek Kadam, If you need inspiring words, don't do it.

Answered May 24

Want colourful lightings to ramp up the atmosphere in house party or occassions similar to it?
Here is a makeshift and cheap alternative to flashy lights in pub/discos which is soothingly perfect.
Just turn on your mobile flashlight and put a transperent coloured thing over it and see the magic unfold. You
can use anything ranging from Gatorade bottle, lighter etc.
Here is what I used.
Happy partying!!!

345 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Shivam Shukla, Personal hygiene is must

Answered May 14

I may sound dumb but the following is one of the awesome life hack which I have discovered.
Are you tired of your bad smelling mouth even after brushing, here is the key…..
1.brush after breakfast
Err…what are you talking?? But yes believe me it works.I remember when I was a kid,I used to get up,
brush, get ready, take breakfast and leave to school. My breakfast included a glass of milk and paratha(a type
of Indian bread). On one occasion I was trying to do beat boxing(I'm very bad at it), while in the bus than I
realised that my mouth was smelling very badly. I questioned myself as to why this was happening, even
after brushing with pepsodent(brand endorsement;))?
The answer is simple, usually people have dairy items like milk, coffee, tea and etc in morning. Germs or
bacteria(whatever you call) starts acting on them, which in turn makes our mouth stink like hell.
So by the time we reach school, college or office, we have already become a stinking mouth monster.
Do brushing after having breakfast. Believe me, you will feel amazing. There will be no food particles for
bacteria to act on hence your mouth will not smell, which will inturn boost your confidence in interacting
with others.
Also, scientifically it's been proven that our saliva has medicinal properties and drinking water or having
food without brushing, boosts our digestive system(since important enzymes present in our saliva enters our
I myself, has been practising this and it gives good results.
For those-TLDR
1.brush after breakfast
Read full answer( xD)
No bad smell from mouth.
At least give it a try……


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Pablo Ramos, Secularist, Science lover, Historian of WW2; politics

Answered Mar 12

Write down your passwords. In plain sight!

You must think I'm crazy. Well…not really your passwords. Your password's names.
Create a password based on two things. Say, a capital city and a plant. Or any other combination of two
things: cars, animals, brands, mountains, rivers, countries.
Say my password for my Gmail is “BudapestOak#100”. It is almost impossible to guess. In a list in my
drawer, I write:
Gmail: citytree#
And so on.

160 Views · 1 Upvote

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Nadeem Nagpurwala, Intern at RPG Foundation (2016-present)

Answered May 4

You want to quit smoking ?

Let me tell you my Father's story. My father used to smoke an entire packet of cigarette in a day, he used to
complain regularly regarding chest pain.
He tried to stop his smoking habit by consuming Nicotex Nicotine gum and other such remedies but they
failed to give some useful result. I came to know about a trick which can help someone get rid of this
harmful habit through an Instagram post.
Basically one needs to put some amount of baking soda on their tongue whenever they feel the urge to
I suggested this method to my Father, he tried it every time he felt the need to smoke. Slowly he got rid of
his addiction.
My father quit smoking in the month of June 2016 and has not consumed a single cigarette from that day till
I guess this remedy works good but one needs to focus on the fact that koi bhi kaam tab sahi hota hai jab
tum use dil se karna chaho (It is your positive thinking and your point of view that would give you a better
If you have time do watch this amazing video regarding smoking !
Thank you !

11.7k Views · 23 Upvotes

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Anisha Lohani, Designer, Editor, Polygot, Wanderlust, Egalitarian

Answered Mar 4

The dictionary hack.

Use this trick to enhance your vocabulary. A rich vocabulary is always a plus point in life because you
could articulate your needs using less and attractive words.
For this, you need a dictionary (not the one to be used on a phone but a real one), a notepad and a pen.

• Take a dictionary and put your finger on any page’s edge.

• Slide your finger randomly through all the pages and then stop somewhere.
• Open that page where you had stopped.

• Read the pages on the two sides and find interesting words on those pages (see the words which I
have ticked.)

• Note down those words and make reasonable sentences with them, if possible.

• Keep looking at those words at least once a day and try to use it in your regular writings or

• When you feel that you remember the words properly and are ready to learn more words, repeat the
Using this process, I have remembered 270 unique and interesting words till now. And I still use it. For me,
in this list, I always knew that ‘fatalism’ existed among people but I never knew that exact word.
You will definitely find at least 4 good words using this trick. On a good day, you can even find 10. A bigger
dictionary is even better.

2.4k Views · 30 Upvotes

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Shankar Sethuraman, works at Town of Richmond Hill

Answered May 10

Wielding the microspatula. You can read more about it on my blog: Nine Times out of Ten
The microspatula is a tiny metal stick with the ends flattened. I carry one around with me everywhere and it
is the most useful tool I have used. I can clean my nails, use it as a screwdriver, scrape surfaces, discharge
static & more. Everyday, I am finding more ways to use it and it will be something I carry with me


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Akshay Shah, works at Samsung India

Answered Jul 17

Most people face issues with their car in the long run. One issue which I had faced was that the car wipers
stopped working during heavy rainfall when I had gone for a trek. There was no mechanic or any sort of help
At that moment, I saw some Colgate advertisement in front of me. And that's when it clicked!
I took the toothpaste from my travel kit and applied it on the windshield. The water droplets started to run
down the glass make the vision much manageable.
It is a makeshift hack which will help you reach the nearest source of help without ruining your trip.
This is my first answer on quora. Kindly encourage with up votes if you find it useful :)

494 Views · 11 Upvotes

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Nabinder Nath, Life lags to inform earlier

Answered Nov 15, 2016

Many a times when we meet a new group of people with us knowing only few of them , it becomes really
difficult to start a convo with them when we meet them anywhere for the second time. This makes things
really awkward.
One clever hack to avoid them is to approach and greet them in a highly energetic state.This creates a kind of
stimulus in the person you are talking , to react in the same way , thereby making him want to talk to you
without him/her noticing.
So,this is the hack that i have learned that i use whenever i meet new people :)

280 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Ashwariya Jain, Digital Marketing Expert at Obabuji.com (2017-present)
Answered Apr 21

Here I tell a story. This was in 2015.

Once my friend and I went to a food court. There we ordered food. We had to pay the bill before the foods
comes to our table. The bill was rs.380/-. So my friend had paid it with rs.500/- note. To return the rest of the
money, the manager did not have change. So he asked us to finish our food first, by then he'll manage the
We were fine with that and had our food. Usually that's a busy place. Then we went to him asking for the
balance amount. He claimed that we hadn't given any kind of note to him. We were shocked by his response.
There was a kind of argument for few minutes. As usual few people gathered around us. He was not ready to
accept that we gave him the note. So my friend has challenged him that if we find the note with him, he
should cancel the whole bill amount.
Confidently the manager agreed with her. Then she took out her mobile, told a 6 digit number and asked him
to check it in the drawer. As we thought, the note was found. Then he hesitatingly took it out. He gave it back
to us saying that we need not pay the bill. But my friend paid off the bill and took a free coke in return.
My friend looked like the smartest that day. :D
Then she told me about her habit that whenever she takes out larger denomination notes, she has a habit of
taking snaps before putting them into the purse. This habit not only saved us from loosing the money that
day, but also the respect in the public.


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Martin McAdam, studied Mechanical Engineering at University of Strathclyde
Answered Mar 7

Just get started.

No matter what task you are not looking forward to doing or procrastinating, tell yourself you only need to
do it for 5 minutes, as 5 minutes is better than nothing at all.
For example, I frequently dread my gym workout, so I tell myself as long as I go and do 5 minutes on the
cross trainer (or pick the easiest part of the task) I can stop and go home.
I rarely ever only do 5 minutes once there. Usually I will continue and do a full workout/hours of work.
Don’t think about the complete task at hand, think about the easiest 5 minutes worth of work and aim to do

584 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Samantha Vajrala, B Tech Information Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,
Hyderabad (2011)
Answered May 11

I was this person who was always gloomy,ever serious not talking to anyone unless my work demands me
to(a complete opposite to my parents). Hardly anyone felt my presence at office or neighborhood.
Few months into my job , out of nowhere a colleague of mine, probably of my father's age had came and
spoke to me as if we were friends from ages. Completely taken aback by the abruptness and the fact that he
knew my name, I found it difficult to have a normal conversation as I was guilty of not even noticing him
Next day on, although we dint have a regular conversation I had found out where he was seated and which
team he was with.He was quite a few levels senior in designation to me. I began to smile whenever I came
across him and have lighter conversations.
Although at a slower pace I had started talking to people in my office and at least smile if I don't know them
yet. Only then did I realise that all of them were very really helpful and warm ,contrary to my earlier
misconception of them being closed groups.Office seemed more joyful than before and work easier.
The acquaintances I made in these initial stages of opening up introduced me to others and so on.Today I
greet almost every one of my colleagues every day.I have become a go to person and everyone including my
office security and caterer miss my presence if I don't make it to office.
Never knew that just a smile would open doors to so many new avenues.If not anything else it at least breaks
the ice and makes one a happier person. Would definitely say that smiling more is undoubtedly worth giving
a try.
P.S . For all those wondering if I have completely sidelined work, I got that covered as well and only in a
more efficient way.

116 Views · 1 Upvote

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Arunima Khunteta, Writer. Engineer. Over thinker .
Answered Mar 2

If you write with your right hand, light should come from left hand side and vice a versa

This is so that what you are writing is visible to you. If the light shines from opposite direction then what you
are writing or have written is not clearly visible because of the shadow of your hand as in the snap below.

236 Views · 6 Upvotes

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Mayyah Herzi, teenage writer

Answered Jun 10
Listen more instead of speaking more.
I cannot stress this enough.
When you talk less and listen more

• people tend to think you’re more down to earth.

• there’s a less chance of revealing something you’ll regret later

• the person doing the talking will feel more understood and cared about

• when you speak people will listen more

• the more information the other person will share

• there’s a much lower probability of saying something insufficient

• you’ll undoubtedly learn a lot about the other person

258 Views · 7 Upvotes

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Akash Malik, studied at Bal Bharati Public School

Answered May 6

The Indicator Hack

If you drive in India, you must be aware that we drive on the left hand side of the road and left turns are
mostly free at the stop lights.
There are times when you have to go straight or even have to take a right turn at a particular red light but for
some reason you end up in the left lane, blocking the free turn for other people and making them wait
unnecessarily at the light. It’s always good if you can make way for them somehow, but if you can’t then the
person behind you will make your ears bleed by continuous honking. To avoid this, simply use your left
indicator and this will make the person behind you think that you also have to take a left turn and there is
something else which is blocking your way. From being a culprit, you become a victim. When the light turns
green, you’re free to go your way.
P.S. I am not asking you to use the left lane and block the way, I am just telling you how to save your ass if
you end up there.
Image Source: Google

3.4k Views · 21 Upvotes

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Anshuman Mohanty, B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Shiv Nadar University (2021)
Answered Jul 16

Presenting you some of the clever life hacks in your kitchen :D



4) and then There is a better way to spread COLD butter.

Finally something interesting which is pretty obvious but not many people follow it :P

Image source : Google images.

45 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Richie Lees, CEO 9 companies

Answered Feb 21

Getting anything you want for the price you feel like paying
I don’t condone this as it's unethical but thought of it
Walmart price matches
Download eraser app
Walmart Price

Find item at target, screenshot

Open eraser app, erase $249.99 and put price of your choice With HTML egg or other app that allows you to
write on picture. We will go with $99.99. 40% discount for 2 seconds of work. Show the cashier so they give
you the price match. TADA

You just saved $150.00 with -7 secs of hardwork

This is 100% wrong and I don't advise anyone to do this as it's against the law

557 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Vivek Patil, Network Consulting Engineer at Cisco (2015-present)

Answered Mar 4

Choose your friends wisely !!!

The old adage says it all “A man is known by the company he keeps.”
I know it sounds very much like a liberal platitude but trust me, this is important.
Here are some secrets to doing so. Lets say these points are part of SET A :
1. Associate higher
2. Choose friends with similar values
3. Choose friends who can bring balance in areas where you are weaker.
4. Choose friends with common goals.
5. Choose friends that stretch, motivate and encourage you.
6. Choose friends that have a thirst for knowledge.
7. Choose friends who will celebrate your success.
By choosing whom we take on as friends we are charting our own destiny. Some common signs of a good
friend include following points. Lets say these points are part of SET B :
1. Their unconditional support
2. Non-judgment
3. Trustworthiness
4. Sensitivity about our feelings
5. Kindness and respect
6. Someone who love us out of choice not out of compulsion
7. Someone who enjoy our company and vice versa
8. Loyalty
9. Telling us the truth even when it is difficult to do so
10. Someone who laughs with us, they stick around in all circumstances
11. Someone who gladdens our hearts and makes us smile
12. Most importantly someone who is always present and willing to listen to us.
Now apply intersection on (SET A and SET B) and filter those amazing people in your life.

Here are the best lines I have ever read in a book named The Rhythm of Life: Living Every Day with
Passion and Purpose by Matthew Kelly-
“The people we surround ourselves with, either raise or lower our standards. They either help us to
become the-best-version-of-ourselves or encourage us to become lesser versions of ourselves. We
become just like our friends. No man becomes great on his own. No woman becomes great on her own.
The people around them help to make them great.
We all need people in our lives who raise our standards, remind us of our essential purpose, and
challenge us to become the-best-version-of-ourselves.”
570 Views · 15 Upvotes

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Akshay Tiwari
Answered May 5

Drink food and chew water.

Ok, let me explain. Most of us have probably heard the saying ‘we are what we eat.’ In today's time, it has
become fashionable to eat ‘fast’ in order to save our time, we sloppily chew our food. What we forget is that
this kind of eating promotes intestinal bacteria, causing flatulence, bloating, constipation, stomach ache,
cramps and even diarrhoea.
How chewing our food well helps? A series of recent studies conducted on chewing have established a few
facts beyond an intimate connection between chewing and weight control. Speed eating, gorging and
binge eating were found to majorly contribute to unhealthy weight gain. The studies confirmed chewing
every mouthful for longer helps you lose weight because it allows your brain more time to receive signals
from the stomach that it's full. Therefore, the slower you chew, the lesser you eat. Besides, when you chew
thoroughly, your digestive system is told of incoming food. This triggers it to produce digestive acids and
help the body absorb nutrients. Forget about this recent studies, it is our old Indian food wisdom which tells
us the innumerable benefits of such chewing.
When Mahatma Gandhi said — Chew your drink and drink your food — he was stressing on the
scientifically proven benefits of chewing. We think by sloppily eating we are saving our time but what we
forget is we are eating our life.
13.8k Views · 18 Upvotes

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Anshul Kaushik, On a Quest for enlightenment

Answered Mar 12

Okay so here are some priceless tricks that will make your life damn easier and I bet, you won’t find them
regular life hacks that you repeatedly come across while browsing the internet.
These are in fact far better.
1. Tie your glasses with a rubber band.

After tethering glasses with a rubber band they won’t move at all, and there won’t be any possibility of them
breaking in the dishwasher.
2. Cat litter filled up in an old sock can soak up any humidity on your car windows.

3. Oh Really! Keys can help you in getting a shopping cart.

4. Cheapest and easiest way to cool down your laptop battery is here.
5. Shoe as a cup holder! Now, no need of installing one in the car.

6. Stay-tab for hanging stuff like clothes or pictures.

7. Convenient way to heat 2 bowls at once in microwave. Use a glass to maintain heights.

8. This is how you can cook dozens of eggs altogether.

You just need to place them in the oven and let the eggs cook for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
9. Quite smart! Two pizzas can fit in the oven this way.

10. Old socks used for keeping phones and absorb your sweat as a bonus.

11. Perfect book holder.

12. Did you think this earlier? Plastic bottles fill up buckets when sink tends to be small.

13. Now, even after opening the packet, you need not worry of air passing.

14. Tennis balls are friendly for keeping stuff like pen or towel.

15. This is how you can make a seed starter pot.

16. Keep a wooden spoon to avoid the water and bubbles from flowing over pot.

17. Quickest and inexpensive way to have an ice cold beer or any other drink.

18. Hit the upvote button and spread happiness. XD

Source: 21 Brilliant Life Hacks That Will Make Your 2017 The Best Year - Page 11 of 11 - Millionaire's
Millionaire Sayings

208 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Kaite P.-Gould, I've learned quite a few lessons in my life

Answered Feb 18

I've heard this one several times since my mom taught it to me at a young age:
If you need to decide whether something is worth doing, monetize it.
“I am paid 15/hour. I can spend an hour of my time doing [x] myself, or hire someone to do it for $50.”
I'd choose to do it myself. It also works as a motivator:
“I really don't want to do [x], but I'll get $100 for doing so. It'll only take a half hour, which means I'm
essentially being paid $200/hour to complete the task.”
Now, this becomes much more nuanced when there are conflicts of interest.
“Would I be willing to spend $50 to be with friends or save $35 by forfeiting that time?”
If I'm ever in a bind, I break it down this way to finalize a decision. It feels a bit better than flipping a coin or
leaving it to chance.

2k Views · 44 Upvotes

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Sourabh Dilip Jadhav, works at Apollo Tyre

Answered May 5

When you want to park your car in no parking zone because you have some work in near by street or you
have to go to pee or you want to pick up someone but the person will be late reaching your location and you
are unable to find any legal parking area .
no worries follow this solution
How to tackle ??

Turn on your parking indicators

Open your front Hood/Bonnet

1. People will think it is a breakdown and no one will curse you.
2. They will feel pity for your situation
3. They will be ready to help you
You can even do some sort of acting to add realistic feel to the situation - by standing in front of your car and
making a fake call and showing anger and disappointment.
problem solved
this helped me many times and even police officers asked me if they can help me out.

11.2k Views · 85 Upvotes

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Craig Lake, Never really sure of anything and always learning.

Answered Jan 18

Ever want to use the restroom at work but maybe you’re a little germophobic about sitting down on the
Well do you have a hand sanatizer right outside the restrooms like many places do?
I have no qualms about taking a couple squirts from one of those, taking it into the restroom, using some TP
to wipe it all around the seat and the front of the bowl.

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Himanshu Malik, studies at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (2019)

Answered Jul 4

TLDR; Don’t change clothes just after you came home till you start the first productive activity
Let’s say you are coming from college and you have to do 10 home work questions,
What will someone typically do;
1. Come home
2. Change clothes, shower,…
3. Do the 10 questions
What you do with this hack
1. Come home
2. Do 2 questions right away(DON’T CHANGE CLOTHES)
3. change clothes, shower,…
4. Do the other 8 questions
The point is when you walk/drive home and when you change clothes after that, you tend to chill and get into
the “home” mood and lose time just doing nothing. So this hack saves that precious time.
I observed this first from one of the roommates I had in college. I don’t know whether he learned this or
intuitively did this. But this works!

1.1k Views · 19 Upvotes

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Kartikey Totewar, An amateur trekker.

Answered Feb 17

Now this would seem extremely simple to you but trust me when the time comes, you would highly
underestimate it.
I was in the middle of a trek in Jammu with my friends. We had decided to complete approximately 15+kms
in a single day. This might not seem much of a distance but when you involve very narrow sidewalks, steep
terrains, extremely cold weather coupled with high winds which makes it a hundred times worse in addition
to which we idiots not equipped with proper gear for cold, this was a lot.
We had limited amount of water bottles which were depleting fast and the fact that we had mixed a lot of
bottles with Glucon-D (a powdered glucose product mixed in water for instant energy intake) made the
matter only worse. Why? We really wanted to drink plain, simple, normal tasting water and not the glucose
filled one whose taste by this point had become extremely irritating to most of us. There is nothing worse
than craving for a stuff (water) so miserably which you actually have and still feeling nauseated to the core
every time you sip that Glucose filled shit. ( I used to love Glucon-D with water but this was the last time I
ever had it. Sick Sick Sick!)
So on the next day we decided to just carry water. We didn’t have anything to eat with us during the trek as
we had started off early morning and had decided to culminate our trek by late afternoon and thus have our
hearty meal at out destination sitting relaxed in a hotel. Yeah I know, idiots. By noon we were still a good
amount away from our destination and were exhausted beyond hope. On our way we encountered a very
small store which had this.
I hate this. I have hardly ever had this before and the times I had it, I never liked it’s taste. A couple of my
friends bought it. They gave a couple of mango bites to me and I just kept them. I don’t know why, but I had
one. And at that moment of time I felt it was the tastiest consumable I have ever put in my mouth in my
entire life. God it was so good. I looked at my friends who were too having their first mango bite. They all
had the same look I had. It was pleasure. And that is when it dawned on me. The importance of sugar
(glucose) intake while doing rigorous physical activities.
I know it is so simple. It’s nothing new. Everyone knows about this. I and all of my friends knew about it and
that’s why we took it for granted. I don’t think there’s anything clever about this, but please if you go out on
a trip/trek, ensure you have not only adequate water but also sugar intake. Do not learn it the hard way like
we did. Thank god that none of us collapsed.

679 Views · 4 Upvotes

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Updated Feb 27

Few life hacks that I learnt off late are

• If you love to dress, keep your clothes for the week ready on weekend. Saves a lot of your processing
time in the morning.

• Be the first one to genuinely offer to help or compliment! This is like planting seeds! Fruits i.e.
reciprocation to these actions is endless!!
• While working, if you see it as a job - you wont love it, if you see it as a way to feed your loved ones
- you will fear it but if you see it as your own company, you will find ways to improve things and love it!!
No matter what position you are in, act as an owner!!

• Be monotonous and weigh your food if you want to loose weight! I lost 15 pounds in 2 months
eating 2000 calories a day.

• If you want to treat someone, present your card to the server even before he takes the order. When
done, he will come with the receipt and not the bill to argue as to who is paying!

• If you present an idea, help people visualize it rather than forcing them to process boring sentences.

• Focus on doing things that you can influence and not on things that are by products of your actions.

• If you want to sell, think like your customer!

• If you are confused, write down all your options and then eliminate going from least desireable to
most favourable!

• Write on Quora to improve your skills and read answers to improve your knowledge.

• Read books and learn something new as frequently as possible. Even CEO’s learn something new
frequently to stay ahead of their competition.

• Most difficult question for me to answer is “What do you think, people think of you?”. Never think
of what others think of you. You will anyhow end up being an a** to someone. Be original! You can never
make everyone happy.

7.3k Views · 47 Upvotes


Karthik Madugula, Faced chronic depression for 10 years and now helping people turn winners!
Answered Feb 23
Thanks for the A2A.
The answer is changing my language.
Yes. That's right. I never speak negative now. I can give you a few examples.
a) I am unhappy - I am getting happier
b) I am worthless - I am improving my skills so that I can be useful
c) They hate me - I am looking into the possibilities of making myself likeable
d) I have failed - I am analysing my performer to make my future performance better
e) I am dumb - I am getting smarter
I hope you got the essence. Always choose to speak a positive story that puts you into action mode rather
than fear mode and I bet it will work wonders.

209 Views · 4 Upvotes · Answer requested by Raghavendra Seelam

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Madhav Matle, Research Scientist.

Answered Feb 28

Be aware of what you're doing, pay attention to the steps you are taking as you walk, and what people and
places you are passing by. It's so easy to just zone out and float on through, but really put some effort into
cementing yourself into the present.
This sounds flight and nonsensical, but it helps with stuff like making sure you remember you have your
keys or wallet with you as you are leaving a place, because you are conscious of the act of putting them back
in your pocket instead of zoning out and doing it automatically risking completely forgetting it.


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Tejo Sriram, works at AIESEC

Answered Apr 28

Using Uber whenever I forget something

I'm quite a forgetful person and I keep forgetting my stuff at home or friends places quite often.
I just book an Uber/Ola at the place that I forgot to my current location and ask the person at home to give it
to the driver.
I also use this whenever I want something from anywhere , like food from a far off restaurant or my mom
asking me to get something from somewhere :p
Drivers are quite amused yet are happy because they have nothing to lose and can come without switching
on the AC.
I've transported phones, watches, bags, clothes and once onions too :D
200 Views · 4 Upvotes

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Robert Burton, Brit Forklift Driver aged 22

Answered Jul 29

Check the reduced items in the supermarket or corner shop. You can find a good bargain and half the time the
food isn't going out of date! It's just being thrown out to make way for new produce.
Just be aware a 20p difference between a fresher item and a reduced item isn't a bargain. A corner shop item
that isn't going out of date is going to get further reduced.

In the UK some bus tickets have McDonald's or Burger King coupons on the back. They can save you
several quid and can come in handy.

Go to the library. Don't buy books unless you absolutely love or need them. Don't be like my mother,
thousands of books in the house and yet a perfectly good library round the corner.

Make big meals! No I really mean it make big meals. Make a curry, a stew or a mix and store the rest away,
have that tomorrow and just add rice, naan, bread or wraps.

Get any help you can. You have to be selfish to get what you want. I went onto the welfare and immediately
enquired about courses. I've gained skills and certificates I wouldn't have gotten continuing to work agency.
Seek out any information you can get that can help people in your age group.
For people in the UK go to stepchange or the citizens advice burea if you're having financial problems. They
can help you.
find an opportunity and grab it. Good or bad it's a lesson learned.

If you're out on the street go to your YMCA or any supported housing straight away. Some places will only
charge you one pound for a bed. Then go sign on the welfare, shop at ALDI only and get as many courses as
you can.

2.1k Views · 39 Upvotes

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Sumedha Sharma, Know lots of Life hacks.

Answered Mar 2

What I feel the most clever hack someone can learn is being anonymous in their identity while surfing
Internet. This can be done if a person hides his/her IP address which doing any social media activity where
access is restricted.
There is an extension in Chrome named ‘Browsec’ which helps users to access block sites, hide the user’s
identity online by hiding their IP address.
I feel this hack can be very useful for people who are professionals of corporate world.
I hope you find this answer useful.

1.2k Views · 5 Upvotes

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Marvin Supardi, Know a bit about life and still improving to be a wise man.
Answered Mar 16

Here are the best (maybe clever) hacks which I do:

1. Your internet slow? Chill out! read a book, clean your house etc while you are waiting it to be
normal again.
2. Don’t push snooze on your cellphone or you will be late.
3. Learn what you find it interesting first after you learn it and you find it boring, find another one.
4. When you want to travel overseas at least try to remember how to say this in your destination’s
native language:

• Where is (your country) embassy/police station?

1. Important skills that you must learn in order to survive (At least you should understand how to do
it/master basic skills) :

• Swimming

• Martial arts

• Cooking

• How to do good sex

• Entrepreneur & investing

• Riding vehicles

• Read fast and know the point

• Farming/gardening

• Law

• All about technology

That’s all, hope you find it helpful.

135 Views · 1 Upvote

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Sagar Saxena, MBBS from Armed Forces Medical College, Pune (2015)
Answered Feb 21

One life hack that I have implemened sometime back is, 'ASKING THE NAME OF THE PERSON
And it is just simply awesome.
Now coming to how it helps.
1. Firstly, it just feels rude to call someone serving you by, 'arey suno' , 'bhaiya', 'oye', 'boss', and the list
goes on and on with your imagination. Calling someone by his name will usher a sense of compassion
between both.
2. The person will serve you much better. Really!!! I have experienced it 'n' number of times now. Your
order is served on priority, The guy is always around in case you need anything more. And if you are new to
a place then you get to know important information like 'where to go', ‘ where are good authentic
restaurants', 'where can you buy good and cheap local stuff', and much more from him.
3. It makes you appear more friendly with other person. This hack has developed an aura of mine
among my friends, that I am good with people (which I am absolutely not!!! If you meet me for the first
time, our conversation might just last for a minute of our entire meeting)
Hope that I have introduced to something new. Now go ahead and try it on your own.
Cheers! Have a Happy Meal!

PS: If you like the food served to you in the restaurant, then always make a point to try to talk to the chef and
praise him. If chef is not available or is busy, the you can very well convey your praise through the manager.
PC: Google Images

371 Views · 6 Upvotes

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Rahul Kishor Rajpoot, Master in Mechanical System Design

Answered Nov 6, 2016

I have learned few things in my life but the most important thing is that always keep two options for
everything with you and this is also applicable for your life. If you trying to do something or taking dsome
ecision then also keep one alternative options if somehow you wont be able to achieve that thing then at the
same time you can succeed with the alternative option, it will save your time and will make you productive.

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Rakshit Pareek, studied at Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2, Jaipur

Answered May 17

Give what you want !

You must be wondering that how someone can give , what they actually want in the first place. Well you
have unlimited stock of it. Let me give you an example. If you want to be loved by everyone just show your
love for them as simple as that. No one will have hate for you.
Let’s take one more example i.e Respect. Just give respect to everyone around you and trust me everyone
will be giving you more of what you have given to them.
This is one of the life hack I have learned in my 20 years of life and maybe this is the reason that I have
never had any fight with anyone except for one and that too happened because of misunderstanding and the
guy who fought with me never had guts to utter a single word to me after that incident because I was still the
same with no hate ! :)


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Jack Straw
Answered Mar 12

Don't know but the most recent involving food that I figured out.. Probably just common sense and I'd been
stubbornly doing things the wrong way my whole life.
1. Lay orange juice on its side in the fridge. That way you don't have thicker orange juice at the bottom.
2. Bang 2 eggs together ,only 1 ever cracks but it does so in a good way. This means if you fry say 3
eggs you only have to crack one egg on the edge of the pan. pan cracking is a high risk behavior, there's a
real chance of eggshells landing in your pan. banging 2 eggs together avoids this. It cracks but the eggshells
stay in the webby material

647 Views · 7 Upvotes

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Leepi Dedhia, Founder at Wow Creations (2017-present)

Answered May 4
To Smile!
Say, I'm in deep trouble for forgetting to do something very important and urgent.. and I know I'm going to
get serious firing because of it. What should I do now?
Chew my nails with worry?
No, instead I try to stay calm and breathe and smile.. release my stress a little.. chances are I'll come up with
a solution that'll, if not save me entirely, but will definitely save me from major trouble..
We all face multiple problems every day and getting worked up over them isn't going to solve them neither is
it going to make us feel any good..
So why not do something that might actually help us and plus, who knows, one smile of yours could melt
thousands of hearts!
So keep smiling! Big and wide! All yours problems are still going to stay but this will atleast make them
easier to fight with!
Stay happy! Stay smiling!

113 Views · 1 Upvote · Answer requested by Chatrapati Mahamana Aditya

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Subramanian Tirunellayi Ramachandran, former Senior design engineer at Cadence Design Systems
Answered Feb 28
The “deactivate button” in the FB works is a switch to turn the efficiency ON.
Thinking about the positive things in life clears out some worries and brings confidence.
If you show eagerness in completing work well before the deadline, you’ll feel more happy than putting it off
for the last moment.
Biking to work is a good exercise for people who have no time for gym.
Smiling to everyone creates a positive impact of your personality. It doesn’t cost you anything to smile at

691 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Ketan Tiwari, Lazy extrovert

Answered Feb 26

• Stop Expecting. Yes, you heard this once again. It's very hard not to expect something in exchange
of something. I used to expect very much most of the time. Every time, I write an answer on quora. I thought
this is going to be viral. But, it hurts when you wake up next day to see 279 views and 1 upvote. The moment
you stop expecting, all the surprise will hug you from behind.

• Passion is a myth. Don't follow the rat race of finding passion. There are only two things, important
things and unimportant things. What would you see as the main peaks in your life when you are 60 years old.
Have multiple interests, no problem. Science says multidimensional people have better career prospects than
the one aiming hard in single domain.

• If you want someone to listen to you, start the conversation with, “I shouldn't be telling you this.”
• Always go with the choice that scares you most, because that's the one that is going to help you

• Want to win an argument? Start asking questions. This will make people see the flaws in their logic.

• People will remember not what you said, but what you make them feel. From next time, choose
locations wisely.

• Listen weightless by marcaroni union. This song is specifically designed to reduce anxiety up to
65%. This will calm your blood pressure, and lower your heart beat. Avoid listening this while driving.

• If you have a tough decision, flip a coin! Not to decide for you. But, you'll realize what you really
want when its in the air.

• The darker the color of your alcoholic drink, the more likely it is to give you a hangover.

• If you want something, just ask for it.


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Monisha Gangasri, A blooming wordsmith

Answered Jun 22

I had a problem in controlling my emotions in public some months back. Then I discovered some life hacks
which helped me a lot which are the following,

• If you can't control your laughter, close your mouth with your hand and pretend as if you are
• If you can't control your tears rolling down from your eyes, just rub your eyes as if some foreign
object has entered into your eyes.
These tricks really helped me a lot since it also tricks our brain to control our emotions.

365 Views · 11 Upvotes

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Sohail Ahmed, EVP (Technical) (2008-present)

Answered Feb 22

Barring last seven years of my service, during which I had volumes of work and time was always a limited
commodity, I enjoyed having time on my side, as matter of routine. Perhaps I was habitual of doing things
quickly and then had some time to review, update/upgrade and beautify. That made me realize, very early in
my life that I had always some time to improve what I had done (this did not apply in theory papers during
my study days; I was a slow writer and wrote lesser than many). That gives me cue for my answer to the
above question:
I usually thought at the end of a solution or a nearly finished product that still I could spend some time on
beautification. My usual words were something like:
“So this is the answer; there must be still a better one hidden. Who knows?”
And that was sufficient to preen and come up with better stuff.
Thanks for asking, Kristina.
263 Views · 3 Upvotes · Answer requested by Kristina

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Kartik Mishra, I live in Hindustan.

Answered Apr 15

Getting stereo audio experience while listening to music

I learnt this by accident when once, while I was lying down on my bed, and talking to one of my friends.
After talking, I just kept my phone near my neck. Immediately I heard, very good quality music(which was
playing prior to the phone call), which was not possible in my cheap Android phone. Guys, do try this. All
you have to do is keep your phone just on your neck while lying down or you can hold the phone in place
using your hands. This creates a surround sound effect around your ears and the music becomes a pleasure to
listen and personally I experience bliss while doing this. I haven't had to invest in high end earphones or
music system for listening to good quality and soothing music.
The reason why this happens is unknown to me. But as I thought about the mechanics behind the effect, I
could come up with only one hypothesis.

The sound waves from the phone break up as the encounter your lower jaw and neck and then move up in
two branches just like the Indian Monsoon winds that break up into two branches due to the peninsular shape
of India. What here happens is similar but in a vertical plane. The waves from a single speaker break up into
two, reach your ears and give you a surround sound effect, which I find to be ingenious as it saved my
money. After I encountered this life hack, I prefer to listen music while lying down but I have also tried it
while sitting which also works but not for a long time, I am figuring out a way to hold my phone in that
position while sitting upright. That won't be portable but to hell with it. I just want to enjoy my music that's it
and that too cheaply!!!
Guys if you have any other explanation or suggestions then I will be delighted to hear them. Thanks

1k Views · 3 Upvotes

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Yagya Mishra, Product Engineer at Cadence Design Systems (2016-present)

Answered Mar 15

Once upon a time there was a fisherman. He used to go for fishing, quite early in the morning. As early as 4
AM. One night he was kind of stressed and he didn’t know what time it was. So, he actually went to the bank
of river and sat there throwing stones in the water. He threw a lot of stones and in the end he was left with
one in his hand and it was almost morning and the sun rays were getting reflected from that stone.
The stone was bright.
The stone was sparkling.
That stone was a big piece of pure diamond.
Few moments ago he was throwing a lot of it without knowing the value of those stones. But in the end he
stopped and that one piece of diamond was so expensive that he became rich and his life was changed after
We are all like that fisherman and time is the stone. We waste too much time without knowing the value of it.
But let’s not worry. We have so many hours/years left in our hand and it can change our lives once we start
realizing how much valuable it is.
This simple life hack : “Time management and its value” is cleverest of all.

303 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Aditya Havnur, High functioning sociopath, looking for utopia

Answered Oct 20, 2016

1. If you've got an itch in your throat, scratch your ear(when the nerves in the ear gets stimulated, they
create a reflex in the throat that causes a muscle spasm, which cures the itch)
2. If you've trouble hearing someone at a party or on the Phone, use your right ear(it is better at picking
up rapid speech. But the left ear is better at picking up music notes)
3. Alternately, push back that little flap of cartilage in your ear and lean in
4. Next time the doctor's going to give you an injection, cough as the needle is going in(Coughing
causes a sudden, temporary rise in pressure in the chest, inhibiting the pain conducting work of spinal cord -
leading to pain free injections)
5. Clear a stuffed nose or releive a sinus pressure by pushing your tongue against the roof of your
mouth then pressing a finger between your eyebrows (this causes the vomer bone to rock, which looses your
congestion & clears you up. After 20 seconds, you will feel your sinuses start to drain)
6. If you ate a big meal and you are feeling full as you go to sleep, lay on your left side (That'll keep
you suffering from acid reflux it keeps your stomach lower than your oesophagus which will keep stomach
from sliding up your throat. Studies shown that patients who sleep on their left sides are less likely to suffer
from acid reflux. The oesophagus and stomach connect at on angle. When you sleep on your right, the
stomach is higher than the oesophagus, allowing food and stomach acid to slice up your throat. Remember, it
is not advisable for you to go to bed immediately after eating. Wait for 2 to 3 hours)
7. When you accidentally singe your finger on the stove, clean the skin and apply light pressure with
the finger pads of your unmarred hand
8. If you get all messed up on liquor, and the room starts spinning, put your hand on something stable.
(Alcohol dilutes the blood in the part of your ear called the cupola, which regulates the balance. Putting your
hand in something stable gives your brain another reference point. The tactile input from a stable object gives
the brain a second opinion & you feel more in balance)
9. Nervous? Slow your heart rate down by blowing your thumb (since the thumb has a pulse if its own,
if you can calm it down, you're effectively calming the heart down, too)
10. You can prevent brain freeze by pressing your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth, covering as
much surface area as possible. (Brain freeze happens because the nerves in the roof of your mouth get
extremely cold, so your brain thinks your whole body is cold. It compensates by overheating which causes
your head to hurt. By warming up the roof of your mouth, you'll chill your brain & feel better)
11. Force yourself to workout for just. five minutes everyday.(No matter how bad you feel, promise
yourself to go to the gym, but you only have to work out for, 5 minutes. If you are really miserable after
those 5 minutes, let yourself leave. Usually once you start moving, you'll want to keep moving)
12. Always drink a glass of water before eating. (It's easy to confuse hunger with thirst. Staying hydrated
before a meal can prevent you from overeating)
Source :- Pinterest
Pardon me, if this is already mentioned

11k Views · 75 Upvotes

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Kanhaiya Banka, former Graphic Designer
Answered May 12

If you are an Indian then you could have problem understanding LIFE HACK,
So let me tell you in INDIAN way, ie. JUGAAD.
I am pretty sure whether you have lived in HOSTEL or ALONE or been in a situation where you were not
having enough materials then you must have decided for some JUGAAD.
Let me help you out in so called LIFE HACK.
1. A Fantastic way to keep your PC cool, discovered none other than by an Indian.
You and your PC both can be cool now.

2. If you can’t afford for shower but still want to enjoy one then you must check out for this DESI JUGAAD.
Less wastage of water(Clever enough).

3. You want to listen your Favorite music but you also have to cook for you and your friends. Never mind,
we have got a superb solution which will surely help you out even though you don’t have SMALL MP3

4. The Booze from the last night can save you from mosquitoes.

5. Not having a Mirror to shave, but still you can use your Laptop which our own Indian Bhai has
6. Charge your phone with this great hand built shoe store for your all devices. (MUST UPVOTE IF FIND

7. That jeans could be used in such a nice way , no one has thought ever.
(Ab to upvote kar de yaar)

8. papa and chacha want to share everything , be it Air Conditioner also.

9. Ek Garam chai ki Ketli ho…

10. I am not less than a NFS Player.

Hope all the desi jugaad helped you and if yes you can just click on that Upvote Button.
If by Dharm you are Nastik and by Karm you are Sarcastic then you must like this page: Ek to Nastik, Upar
se Sarcastic


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Sagar Bhatia, ideapreneur @ 7DollarStore.com

Answered Mar 16
“Letting the water calm down” is the most clever life hack I’ve learned till date.
You’ve got a huge problem and don’t really know what to do. Just sleep over it, when you wake up next
morning you have the solution with it.
That is called “Sub-conscious mind at work”. This is the part of mind that is much more powerful than us.
It has the solution to all the problems of the world given it’s got sufficient time to solve it.
Another way, start engaging yourself in some other non-productive task like, cycling, bathing, washing your
clothes, or even playing some kind of sport. And, your mind gets sufficient time to solve the huge problem.

226 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Prajjwal Lohani, Dreamer Sleeper Believer!

Answered Apr 29

Downloading any song in mp3 fast AF

Downloading music easily is somewhat like a life hack as it makes life much easier considering almost
everyone likes to listen to music.
Initially I used to get really irritated downloading newly released songs. There were so many fake links and
ads on websites that downloading 10+ songs at a time used to become a big task. I then tried YouTube to
mp3 converter but it was also slow and took more time than I needed it to give. But then I got this perfect
app which converts any video to mp3 files(in 128 and 160 kbps option) and also downloads any video in
multiple quality options. The beauty of this app is that there are many other websites which it supports like
Hotstar Facebook Instagram Dailynotion Tvf etc.
Conversion is clean and easy and FREE!! Here's the link.
Videoder - Free Youtube Video and Music Downloader for Android
Please Upvote if you liked the hack.


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Hritik Dalal, studies Engineering (2020)

Answered Jun 11


Most of us think that, what is this? It is not a life hack, but it is. This is being taught to us in the first year of
engineering. Our seniors abused us always on our mistakes. Even they started abusing us for no reason.
Earlier we hated it, as who loves to get abused. As soon as we hear a single word from our senior our blood
starts boiling!... We can't bear that. But slowly-slowly we get used to it. Our seniors made us understand that
this is going to be really helpful for us only. Most of the problems occurs in your life when you take it on
your heart. Just calm down. Start thinking from your brain not your heart. Just don't get emotional.
I once read it somewhere that if bad words have not been made than most of us have died from high blood
pressure...yeah it works. Sometimes you have to avoid overthinking about some problems. Just avoid them.
Avoiding problems with bad words is far better than avoiding it with drinking, smoking, etc.

118 Views · 6 Upvotes

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Amaan Pathan, Master of Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Answered Feb 22

Ever heard of Foot in the door technique ?

It's the most clever hack I know. In this technique you ask for a smaller favour first then the larger one. If a
person agrees to do the smaller favour there are more chances that he'll do the bigger one too. Here's a pic to
understand it -

Another technique which is just opposite of the foot in the door is Door in the face technique. In this
technique you first ask for a bigger favour which isn't possible followed by a smaller one. The person will
definitely agree to the smaller one (exceptions are always there) Here's how it works -

Hope it helped :)
If you want more hacks and DIYs have a look at my blog - Plodderr
233 Views · 6 Upvotes

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Justin Gutkowski
Answered Dec 18, 2016

This is for in school/sports/school sports:

Make the teacher/coach like you, especially when first meeting them. Be very polite around them and a touch
of shyness usually does well also. However, be careful not to overdo it, or they'll be suspicious when you
start acting normally again (which you can do after a while)
(anecdote: I have had an inside joke with my High school track coach since two years before I entered high
school, and even though I'm not always the best on the team, if he needs to send me or another teammate to a
Varsity meet, he'll choose me (further anecdote: unless it's between me and one other kid on my team whose
first impression to the coach was that he was a great athlete instead of a dedicated one, though coach now
thinks he's both)


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Prateek Bhatia, studies at Delhi Public School, Kalyanpur (2018)
Answered Feb 9

Best life hack I have learnt?

Learn to say NO!
Untill I was 14 I said yes to almost everything. May it be asked by my friends, teachers , parents or relatives .
But when I learned to say “no” many things have happened to me since then-
1. I got rid of a lot of fake friends. I have like 3 friends right now with whom I can share anything
without it getting leaked.
2. Improved my overall personality.
3. Finally, I have developed very good time management skills and also save up time for myself.

302 Views · 5 Upvotes

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Pratik Jain, ......and pain taught me a lesson again.

Answered Dec 4, 2016
Ok… So here it goes...

Its easy peezy…

So basically, Lying…

Now you won't get mad.. (TBBT):-P

Who knew buffering is fun too…

Evil Genius...

Killing two birds with same stone…

*airquotes* “LEGALLY”

Free booze in party every time... Now that's the dream.. Party with different friend group though..

Aye Captain...

*coughs* sir I'm sick can't make it to school today…

Let's see how YouTube makes money now….

Okay, so what can we whip from Soda and Heavy cream…

Bhai padh le ab to… Pichle baar bhi yahi likha tha..

From now on NO, DAMN AUTO CORRECT...

Sir how much discount for two college IDs…

Play Empire of the Clouds by Iron Maiden 4 times… Chill.. You have more than an hour to pack…
Thanks for reading...

141 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Pratik Singh, Front End Developer

Answered Apr 24

Do you have problems waking up in the morning? Are you the one who often reaches late to office and
for whom alarm clock doesn't seem to work?
Follow the hack. Works for me. Might work for you as well.
1. Decide the time when you want to wake up. For instance 6:00 in the morning.
2. Visualise a digital clock in your head which shows the time as 6:00 a.m.
3. Make sure the font color of digits is red and background is black.
4. Do this just as soon as you close your eyes and sleep.
Follow this practice for few days and you will wake up exactly at the time you visualised.
All the best.

2.6k Views · 4 Upvotes

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Ananth Subramanian, studied at University of Mumbai

Answered Feb 13
Frankly, there are no clever life hacks for the game called life. But based on my experiences, I can give you
the below tips (hacks).Don't know how much help these will be and they would also depend on individual
1. There are no shortcuts in Life.
2. Any and every decision that you make should be your own. You may take the advise of your family,
friends or even office colleagues, but always remember the final decision rests with you. You may not hide
under the pretence of telling someone that you made a particular decision based on their advice. This only
leads to mistrust and relationship issues.
3. First impressions are not necessarily last impressions. We have always been taught otherwise. But
remember to put yourself in the other person's shoes before forming an impression about that person. His
shoes may be worn out and dress may be rumpled. That does not mean that the person is a worthless
individual or a bad man. Time and circumstances forge people. Try to understand people before forming an
opinion about them.
4. You came alone in this world and are bound to go alone. Relationships may cause more pain than
any other disease or illness. This is an individual opinion perse… stay away from relationships as much as
possible. Remember Success has many relatives.
5. Never commit when you are in a Happy state of mind nor take any decisions in a fit of rage. Both
may backfire. When u promise something when you are happy, remember people will hold you to your
words irrespective of your circumstances. On the other hand, words let loose in a fit of rage may destroy not
only you but also has the power to burn bridges.

64 Views · Answer requested by Abhinav

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Shashi Kumar, Qurious introvert who hates Homo sapiens.

Answered Feb 15
I’ve learned most of them from my parents and teachers(for which I’m grateful…
1. Respect Time - If you have to be somewhere try reaching there 5 min earlier or if you have to do
something then it's better to do that before deadline. It saves time and stress.
2. Avoid telling Lies(as far as possible) - If you lie about one thing it starts a chain of lies so the best
thing is to tell Truth(especially to your friends and family).
3. If you help someone then DON’T expect sometging in return.
4. If someone helps you NEVER forget to return the favour.
5. Respect other people’s views - (especially relegious views , I'm an Atheist but my parents are Thesist
and it's fine with us) - Everyone viewpoint is important as yours.
6. Life is too short so enjoy each and every moment and never dwell on past nor think too much about
Future live in present moment.
7. Saving Money and avoid Debt - Try to make your life with whatever you have and save money for

1.9k Views · 44 Upvotes

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Elaine Vandenberg Clermont, I'm a mom.

Answered Oct 20, 2016
“Clever life hack” … I have learned, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do.
Oh, sure, they may put you in jail or something in some places, yet, for the most part on earth, you really can
do anything and refuse to do anything you don't want to experience. Our choice to experiment with that can
be genius.

909 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Anusha, B.Tech Electrical Engineering & Electrical and Electronics Engineering, GCET (2017)
Answered Feb 18

• Whenever you get confused between left and right make your fingers position like this and
whichever indicates “L” that would be left.
Rotate the image given below and then see it will be “L”.

• Whenever you get confused between west and east always remember that “West Bengal” is in east.

• Tomato is a fruit but cannot be used in a fruit salad.

• We don't get a chance to choose whether we want to be born as fair or dark, short or tall, fat or
skinny or any other physical attributes, that's never in our control, but what's really in our control is to make
ourselves so deserving and talented that everyone admire us.
So never underestimate yourself.

• To motivate yourself look for the things and circumstances that are below your level and to rise
always look for things better than you.

• A photo with your pet especially dog can get more likes than some worthy post.

• You can use used chewing gum for pasting , sticking things and also for mending leakages for some
time in pipe or plastic materials .

• You can use flowers petals for nail art.

• You can use any type of oil and bring it in use for shoe shining or any any other leather material

• Be a diplomat so that you can convince to tell people to go to hell in such a way that they will look
forward to the trip.

• There is more fruit in a rich man's shampoo than in a poor man's plate

• Learn to search alternative for everything in the world.

• Don't tell your weakness to anyone. Make it a to secret.

• Stop imitating anyone in any field and aspect of life.You will start excelling.
• Never tell your bank balance to anyone and live in a simple way to know the exact feeling of people.

• To please everybody make them feel your presence with them everywhere but virtually only.
Thank you !!
Comments , edits and suggestions are welcomed.

147 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Joy Zhou
Answered Mar 9

I’m feeling pretty genius right now.

Let’s set the scene.
I’m on my phone on Quora in chemistry class at this very second.

In the morning, I made a trip to Starbucks for a quick everything bagel with cream cheese.
I waltz into class…when I shockingly discover that my heathen of a barista didn’t give me a knife for
So what do I do?
I break the bagel and dip it into the cream cheese like a motherfucking baller.
It’s a good day, I can feel it in my bones.
18.4k Views · 217 Upvotes

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Scarlett Mitchell

pft they forgot the knife what a rookie move

Holden May, Owner (2014-present)

Answered Feb 21

So picture this.
Your walking through the mall/airport/food court and you are feeling thirsty. You don't want to spend your
money on $3 water from the stores. So here's what you do!
Go up to one of the stores that sell food
You “excuse me? Could I please have some water?”
They basically have to give you free water if they have it, wether it's in a styraphom cup or a plastic bottle.
Congrats! You just saved $3.
75 Views · 1 Upvote

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Rico F Berg, works at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Answered Feb 17

I think we all encounter the awkward situation in life when you can’t remember someone’s name but they do
remember yours.
I’m actually a notorious case of being unable to put names to faces although I have been working with the
people in the past. I work in IT consulting so I’m dealing with a lot of different people from different
companies. What always strikes me is how well people remember my name but I don’t remember theirs.
My trick is to invent a little story or a figurative bridge in my head around the name and the face. It can be
something quite silly but it doesn’t matter as you keep it for yourself.
I don’t know how well it works in other languages but in French, English and German it’s quite easy. For
instance if the IT manager’s name is Marc I imagine him drinking champagne. Months or even years later
when I have another mission at the same company I can associate the face much easier with “drinking
champagne” than with a name. I then associate Marc de Champagne.
Or when I meet Thierry for the first time I imagine him playing football, like Thierry Henry…
Or Frédéric, I see him paddling away with his feet in a Flintstones car. Fred voilà.
It works with English names as well and even cross-language. Jack or Jacques, I associate a Jack of all trades
or Jacques Cousteau in his diving suit.
Leonard. I think of someone filming lions in Africa.
I have experienced that the absurder and funnier the mental association is, the easier it is to recall the name. I
imagine my little story the very moment I meet them for the first time. That’s the crucial part.
I know it’s not exactly life changing but useful for those who get in touch with many people in their
professional life. I think it feels good when someone remembers you by your name if the association is a
positive one.

957 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Caroline Currey, studied at London College of Communication

Answered Aug 29, 2016

1. I may be unnecessarily paranoid, but I have two current accounts, both with debit cards. I keep most
of my money in the first, and just keep a small amount in the second. I use the second only for buying things
online, and top it up with money from the first card as and when I need to. This way, when the great current
account suction pump scam comes along, I won’t have too much cash attached to the debit card I use online.
2. When feeling flaky, I find it much more cheering to keep an *achieved* list rather than a *to do* list.
The former is much more encouraging, and often results in me getting more done.

2.4k Views · 8 Upvotes

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Rebecca Baldwin

I was just thinking myself last week of doing this 2 account idea for online purchases. My son go...

Vedant Dalimkar, 10 CGPA in AISSE 2016-17

Answered Feb 26

Tennis ball holders

... (more)

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Lindsay Williams, I'm an entrepreneur! Well, I'm working on it.

Answered Sep 4, 2016

This is a simple hack having to do with sleep, one which works for me but I admit my knowledge of it
doesn't go beyond my own experience.
So being a new parent I learned about my baby's sleep cycle, and in doing this, found out an adult's sleep
cycle is an hour and a half.
This might explain why the recommended full night's sleep is 9 hours, that's 6 sleep cycles.
So basically I've been divvying up my sleep schedule into increments of 90 minutes, and I wake up not
feeling tired, it's amazing.
So if I have to wake up at 6, and it's already 11pm, I wait until 12 to go to sleep that way I'm getting 6 hours,
4 sleep cycles, instead of waking up in the middle of the 5th cycle and feeling groggy.
Weird, but it works, at least for me. And I'm a sleep deprived single mom, so I wouldn't give up that extra
hour between 11 and 12 if I wasn't confident it would work.

2.3k Views · 19 Upvotes

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Tim Dempsey
Answered Jan 18

Earlier today I was really annoyed.

I was trying to get into some of my physics homework, when a fly appeared. Now flies are annoying. They
buzz here. There buzz there. They land on your shoulder and itch you. And most of all, they distract you.
Because of this fly, as much as I tried, I was unable to do my homework that day. I basically just wasted a
whole hour.
But looking back, I realize that I could have done my homework. All I needed to do was pick up my physics
worksheet and pencil case, and move to a different room. Voilà! No fly to bother me now.
The moral of the story is that if your current situation isn’t working out, do something about to. Adapt.
As Darwin would put it “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the
one most responsive to change.”
When the fly started to bother me, I did not change my location, nor did I adapt to it. Don’t be me.
When there is a problem, whether it be a bad job or a poor marriage, do something about it. Change
something. Adapt. Don’t try to silently cope with it, like I tried to do with the fly.
That’s what I learned. You problems will get though to you eventually. The fly always wins in the end.

1.1k Views · 8 Upvotes

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Sushant Pawar, Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Sports Nutritionist
Answered Jun 5

I don't know if this answer belongs to this section or not

But it better to people know how to live better life and stay healthy
To stay healthy and in shape and improve your performance follow this:
Eat atleast 3g of Protein per kg of bodyweight
Eat Fat 3g per kg of bodyweight
Restrict Carbohydrates totally
Do weight training 3 times a week
Do Cardio 3 times a week
Take atleast 8 hours of sleep a day
Take one day rest in whole week
Hope this will help you
If you get results share it
Don't forget to upvote
Dm for Online training :-)


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Oluwaseyi Adeoye, Entrepreneur/Director at Stiff Morgan Investments
Answered May 23

The most clever life hack I have learned is this: Never put anything that will determine the fate of your
integrity in the hands of another. Warren Buffet famously said “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and
five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” Quite frankly, I think about that
every day. I have read of someone who built his empire for decades and within a year, he had not only lost
his reputation, but everything else with it. It's the most clever life hack I have learned.


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Shubham Pandey, studies at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida (2020)

Answered May 24
I am sharing a trick you can use nearly every time you visit a doctor.
This helps you save a lot of money…repeating again a lot of money upto 90% if you are a high frequent
First you must know about Generic drug
A generic drug is a pharmaceutical drug that is equivalent to a brand-name product in dosage,
strength, route of administration, quality, performance, and intended use.
After consulting your doctor, ask him to write the chemical names of the medicines, most doctors hesitate
and some even deny to write the chemical name as they receive a lot of commision for recommending
branded drugs.
If they have written the chemical names, GOOD, Now go and ask for the medicines from any chemist using
its chemical/generic names.
If they have not written the generic names,no worries
1. Download 1mg app.
2. Enter the name of the medicine
3. Click on generic option
and VOILA!, you just saved at least 80% on your medical expenses.
And as it’s already clear from the definition of the Generic medicine, there is no need to worry about it’s
working etc.
There are many similar apps available for finding generic drugs like Generic drugs
encyclopedia, GenericPedia etc.[1]
[1] Shubham Pandey's answer to What are some money saving hacks?


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Veolla Dias, Designer, Creative Editor
Answered Feb 16

Had the most refreshing shower but now got your ears full of water, which stubbornly refuses to dislodge.
Cotton buds, vigorous towelling simply WONT work.
New solution: Jump. Yes. Just jump. On the 5th - 6th jump you will feel a warm trickle and guess what.. no
more water in the ears!
(Mini cardio workout too if you want to add all the positives)

199 Views · 3 Upvotes

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Sohail Jumani
Answered May 25

There’re some I’ve experienced.

Don’t eat it all out
Stop eating when you get this feeling that you’ve killed 75% of your appetite.
There’s a point when we have this feeling of wanting to stop eating but we continue only for the sake of
eating more. Stop right away! It improves digestion and makes a person feel energetic.
Put your phone away
You’ll be saving a lot of time and doing important or valuable stuff.
Kill negative thoughts
Its definitely up to you and under your control if you want to continue thinking about the negative stuff,
demotivate yourself and attract the negativity or get busy with anything else.
As Chinese say: “Don’t open a shop until you know how to smile.”
Never say no
Remove the word ‘NO’ from your memory. When you have to say no, say it in other words but at least never
start with a ‘NO’.


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Prasanth Selvaraj, Learning something new..Daily..!

Answered Mar 14

1. Always get down from the vehicles like bus,train,etc... parallel to the vehicle moving direction.
Never ever change the position because you don't know when the vehicle will move suddenly.
It will change the relative motion which make you to lose your center of gravity and you'll fall down.
2. And keep your feet in the perpendicular direction when you are traveling. It will helps you to stay straight
and free from the oscillation according to the vehicle movement.
3. When you are traveling in the local train,like in Chennai sit in the right side from the entrance when you
board in train,because most of the people just see the left side to get a seat.

71 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Answered Mar 8

Avoiding waiting and taking quick decisions.

All of us face problems of waiting almost daily.Waiting to take your decisions , be it waiting for some friend
of your or your favourite movie to buffer , waiting always comes into the picture. And we do get scared
sometimes on taking decisions , whether to wait more , or keep moving. What if you decided not to wait and
it brings you a loss? You'll keep on thinking you should have waited. But just keeping it for a long time may
bring you a bigger loss. So just set a number according to priority of the event and start backward counting
from it, once you reach zero, stop waiting and move on to some other task.
Let the countdown begin.
Because You can't wait forever.

375 Views · 1 Upvote


Chaitanya Brahmbhatt, Software Engineer at Amazon (2017-present)

Answered Mar 29

This is a just a simple psychological trick which can be really helpful in saving a lot of time.
Do you have the tendency to keep watching videos / surfing for hours late night which you can’t resist while
consciously thinking about the important things you have to do the next day ?
There’s a way to avoid this…Just put your Laptop / Mobile charger in any room other than your
bedroom. This way when the battery dies you won’t have the charger nearby & surely most of us are too lazy
to get up and get the charger which is far far away in another room.
Cheers ! Go get yourself some healthy sleep now.

21.9k Views · 140 Upvotes

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Vijay Kumar, studies at Indian Institute of Technology, Patna (2019)
Answered May 14

A clever hack to eradicate the flaws in your communication skills.

Do you know your chat has an impact on your oration or communication skills ?
Few days ago, I was talking to one of my friend and I made a statement something like this “ Main NAHIN
aaunga “ ( I shall not come ). After my conversation came to an end, I had a small conversation with my
She : What did you tell him ?
I : I told him that “ Main NAHIN aaunga “ ( I shall not come ).
She : Are you sure you said NAHIN ?
I : Yeah.
She : You didn’t say NAHIN. Instead you said NI. ( Nahin means NO and NI is a short form of
NAHIN ). You said, “ Main NI aaunga “. ( I shall not come ).
I : May be, I would have done that.
( From here, NI and NAHIN will be used very often both of which means NO. NI is a short version of
Then I went through my chat history with my friends and I found out that everywhere I have used the word
NI instead of NAHIN. Though, the actual word is NAHIN but due to extensive use of this short form, it got
affixed to my brain. Earlier, there was only one word NAHIN which meant NO. But now, the main word
which is there in my mind is NI and it means NO. The word NAHIN has been washed away by NI.
Now, whenever I read the word NI, my mind actually pronounces it. After pronouncing it, my brain searches
for this word in the virtual dictionary which is there in my mind and then tells the meaning as the result
which is NO. Similarly, whenever you want to speak something, you actually think about it first. Without
thinking, you can’t speak. So, when you think, you feel a need to speak a word which should mean NO.
Since, you are speaking in hindi, you can’t use the word NO. You ask for the word in hindi from your brain.
When you do that, then due to extensive use of NI, it will come first rather than NAHIN which you haven’t
used so far. After getting this word, you will pronounce NI.
I presented here with the example of NI and NAHIN but this is the case with every single short forms which
you use in chat. Instead of the actual word, if you write those short forms, then it’s highly probable that you
will pronounce the same word while speaking too. There are a large number of people who write ETC and
speak ETC as well instead of pronouncing ET Cetera. It’s just that you don’t notice it because according to
your brain, that’s correct. You will get to know it when someone will interrupt you in your conversation for
wrong use of words. Thus, to have an impeccable communication skills, to speak a language flawlessly, be it
english or hindi or whatever language you speak, it’s my humble request to you to
Refrain yourself from using all those short forms of words in your chat and I promise that gradually your
conversation skills will witness an advancement for sure. This will eradicate the flaws in your
communication skills.

1.8k Views · 13 Upvotes

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Rahul Jha, Subject Matter Expert ( statistics) at Evelyn Learning Systems Pvt.Ltd (2017-present)
Answered Mar 19

1.Feeling nervous:
10 push ups+20 jumping
Your heart beat will go up and brain will shift focus.
2.Feeling insecure:
Ask yourself “Would this matter me after 5 or 10 or 30 minutes?”
3.want to wake up early:
Download android application “Alarmy : sleep if can”.
4.want quick motivation:
Listen to eminem’s Not afraid, lose yourself, No love, love the way you lie ( if you broke up recently),
love the way you lie 2( again if you broke up), till i collapse etc

355 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Vivek Gupta, Believe, Hope, Strive

Updated May 4

Type your password using both of your hands.

I always type my password using both of my hands, as even if my password is only of 4 digits no one would
be able to catch due to human brain concentration feature.
Our eyes can only concentrate on one object at once means our brain can not see multiple things happening
at the same time.
So, whenever, where ever if you need to type your password in public , you should just use both of your
hands. Then if someone tries to see your password, he wont be able to, actually no one can do that.

2.1k Views · 18 Upvotes

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Anand Tiwari, Engineer | Bakchod | Less Human,More Being!

Answered Oct 22, 2016

How to Immediately Get Back Your Stolen Car-

A useful tip for car owners !!!
It is a fantastic idea for those who can't afford car insurance or Tracker System. I'm forwarding
this to all my friends.
How to Get Back Your Stolen Car?
It takes only 2 minutes for a car thief to runaway with your car. No matter you have a trekker
and auto-alarming devices fitted in your car.
The best safety for your car is a live and active Mobile Phone hidden in a safe place in your car:
1. Buy any low price mobile phone with longer standby time (They cost about 2000 rupees).
2. Install a mobile connection which has best network in the country.
3. Turn this mobile on complete SILENT mode (double check it should not vibrate while you
turn it on SILENT mode).
4. Wrap it up slightly in a plastic sheet so that it should not get dirty and dusty during its hidden
5. Make sure it is perfectly responding by calling its number from another mobile phone.
6. Hide this mobile in a safe place in your car. And that?s it?!!!
If your car is stolen, immediately inform your local Police Helpline. Give them phone number
of the mobile hidden in your car. Police can easily track the location by calling that number.
Chances are that you may get back your car within the shortest possible time.
And finally do not forget to charge this mobile at least twice a week and hide it back in your car
in active position.
Source: forums/fraud-theft-alerts/216695-how-immediately-get-back-your-stolen-car-pakistan-

772 Views · 15 Upvotes

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Karun Sharma, Better do something !!

Answered Mar 26

Whenever yoh want to hide a secret from someone or give someone a surprise and they know that you are
hiding something from them and keep on forcing you to tell them the secret, you can try this simple hack.
When this happens to me, after denying for sometime that I will not tell them, I tell the truth or whatever I
am hiding. They think that I just made something up to get them off the topic and keep on asking until they
get fed up and stop trying. Main trick is to act like you really made something at that moment.
In this way, you have told them the secret without even telling them.
I use this trick just to have some fun with my friends and family.


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Avinash Singh, Just another guy chasing his own dreams.

Updated May 18

Ever wanted to get rid from attending phone calls without letting the caller know that you have
switched off your phone.
If you don’t want to attend phone calls from anyone for some time and also you do not want people to think
that you have switched off your phone then simply follow this.
1. Ask your friend or anyone to call you.
2. Do not receive the call, instead open the back cover and directly remove the battery.
This will directly switch off your phone and if anybody tries to call you they will hear that “The Phone is
not reachable or Out of coverage Area” instead of “The Phone is switched Off”.
Reason - When you normally switch off your phone, your phone sends a signal to your service provider that
this phone is going to be switched off but when you directly switch off your phone by removing the battery
then the phone do not get a chance to send the signal and then service provider thinks that you are out of
network coverage. You can trick your callers by using this.
Note- For those who have non-removable battery.
While on incoming call just press the power button for at least 10 seconds it will directly turn off your phone.
(I have not tried this but I hope it will work, Please tell me in comments if this works).
Edit- If you put your phone into flight mode at the time of incoming call then after the call ends it will work
for further calls. But I think when that person will call you as again he/she will get to know that you have
done something in order to not attend the call. So, I think it is better to ask your friend to call you and then
put your phone into flight mode and then it's good to go.
5.7k Views · 63 Upvotes

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Cheri Jones
Answered Feb 10

My mother told be two things that have kept me sane (well as sane as can be in my family:-) One: You can’t
argue with fools and ignorant people,save your breath.
Two: When your worried/constantly thinking about a big or small problem in your life (you hate your job,
you can’t pay mortgage,bad marriage ect) take 10–20 minutes a day and worry about it, think about it, then
put it away however you can. You’ll eventually find a solution,but spending hours and hours thinking and
dwelling does Not help.

1.2k Views · 7 Upvotes

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Camille Fagan, works at GoBankingRates.com
Answered Apr 28

Get cheaper cell phone service. You can dramatically cut the cost of your cellphoneservice by switching from
a major carrier to a wireless service reseller. You can compare cellphone plans at MyRatePlan to see which
carrier offers the best value for you based on how much data you use, how many minutes you need and how
many people will be on your plan.
If this was useful, read more life hacks at GOBankingRates.com.

2.1k Views · 1 Upvote

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Answered Mar 4

After reading many comments below, I summarize some of the life hacks which I found interesting:
1. Similling subtly before ending the sentence, this ways make other feel closer and more comfortable
talking to you.
2. If you want to be funnier, watch the commedies everyday, you could spend like 20 minutes a day and
the sense of humour will absorb naturally to you.
3. The second one makes me think more about the third life hack that be aware of everything you do, it
could seem small but it will affect you naturally, so try to value everything you do.
4. Start small, for example, don’t think too much that you have to do this and to do that, those would
stress you out. Instead, after knowing what you have to do, narrow it down to the first thing you do. You
want to wake up, then think about standing up first. Or If you do not know what you should talk with that
person, start from saying How are you? and then continue the conversation!!! Just do the first step first!

943 Views · 2 Upvotes

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Ved, studied at ABC

Answered Feb 26

**Clever hack is distinctive hack**

The most clever hack is found your original one, means Yes there is some amazing advice but you are not
gonna work on it until unless you do not empathize it.
One think I understand by my life experience, it's your life and you are the only one of your own kind, your
surrounding is different from other, so why appling other perspective on yourself.
And most tips you found are from some personality development book which is said or done by some
reknowned person, But you can not get success by following someone step. you are unique.
find your hack.

171 Views · 1 Upvote

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Jamie Gough, studied at Dalhousie University

Answered Dec 3, 2016

This is a story about a gentleman I worked with. He was consulting in Mexico and they were out in the bush
and needed some fence put up but didn't have a welder. One of the locals working with my colleague said,
‘no, problem, we’ll make a welder.’ He left my puzzled colleague and walked off into the bush. A while later
he comes back with two pieces Mof louvre blades from a heater, plastic bucket filled with salt, the welding
cables, and a small piece of wood. He nails the louvre blades to the wood (wood separating the blades),
throws the electrode in the water, attaches the welding cables and starts welding. Pretty cool. The water
bubbles and boils and needs to be refilled. ‘Don't worry, we’ll make a welder.’

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