Meditation 1

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Meditation 1

The Healthy, Happy, Holy Breath


This is a self-healing mantra. We have the right to be healthy and happy and to live in
peace with ourselves. This affirmation is known to empower our ability to carry out our
intentions and become more in control of ourselves.

Practice for 11 minutes

Posture: Sit with your spine straight in a chair or crossed legged on the floor. Hands are
relaxed and resting on the knees. Close your eyes and focus them at your 3rd eye point,
the point between the eyebrows.

Take a deep full breath inhaling through the nose. Hold the breath pulling the chest
forward. Silently repeat the words (mantra*) 3 times:

“Healthy am I, Happy am I, Holy am I”

As you exhale repeat the words 1 time out loud.

To end, inhale deeply, completely filling the lungs with breath. Exhale and relax. Sit in
silence for 1-2 minutes. Inhale deeply and stretch your arms over the head with fingers
interlocked while pulling up the spine. Exhale and relax.

Note: Holy refers to whole and balance of one’s physical, mental and spiritual being.

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