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FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ANALYSIS – I a) Maintain a well-balanced relationship between borrowed funds and

Financial Statement Analysis involves careful selection of data from FS for the primary purpose b) Effectively employ borrowed funds and equity
of forecasting the financial health of the company. c) Declare satisfactorily amount of dividends to shareholders
 Accomplished by examining trends in key financial data, comparing financial data d) Withstand adverse business conditions
across companies, and analyzing key financial ratios. e) Engage in research and development to provide new products or
 Important aspect is the comparison of actual financial conditions with expected improve old products, method or processes
financial conditions. f) Meet their commitment to borrowers and owners
 Expected Conditions may be represented by: 4. Operating efficiency and profitability analysis
1) Predetermined Standards  Involves the evaluation of how well assets have been employed by
2) Past Performance management in terms of generating revenues and maximizing returns of
3) Competitor’s Performance or industry average such sources.
 Managers, investors, and lenders analyze FS to identify an organization’s financial  Indicators of managerial efficiency is the use of the resources:
strengths and weaknesses. a) Ability to earn a satisfactorily return on its investment of borrowed
funds and equity
Current Shareholders or Owners are concerned about their investment income as well as about b) Ability to control operating costs within reasonable limits
the company’s overall profitability, stability, and sound capital structure necessary for c) Optimum level of investments in assets
continued successful operations. 5. Other Considerations
 Quality of Earnings. Critical in the analysis of financial statements.
Potential Investors are interested in “sold” companies, ones whose FS indicate stable earnings o Reasons that push managers to manipulate reported earnings:
and dividends with limited or moderate growth. a) Meet Internal Earning Target
Others prefer companies whose FS indicate a trend of financial flexibility, rapid b) Meet External Expectations
growth, and diversification into different lines of business. c) To Even-out Income
- Income Smoothing the practice of carefully timing the
Short-term Creditors are interested in a firm’s short-run liquidity, its ability to pay current recognition of revenues and expenses to even-out the
obligations as they mature. amount of reported earnings from year to the next.
 Income smoothing can make it easier for a
Long-term Creditors are concerned about the long-term security of their interest income and the company to obtain a loan or favorable terms
company’s ability to maintain successful earnings and cash flows to meet continuing financial and easier to attract investors.
commitments. d) Provide “window dressing” for an IPO or a Loan
- Window Dressing are measures taken by management
General Approach to Financial Statements Analysis to make the company appear as strong and profitable
1. Background Study and Evaluation of Firm Industry, Economy and Outlook as possible in its statement of financial position, income
 It is necessary to start the analysis of a firm’s FS with an evaluation of the statement, and cash flow statement.
environment in which the firm conducts business, since economic - Reverse Window Dressing enterprise who would want
developments and the actions of competitors affect the ability of any to obtain government subsidiaries or exemptions from
business enterprise to perform successfully. tariff and taxes.
2. Short-term Solvency Analysis  Techniques to Manage Earnings
 An analysis of the company’s ability to meet near-term demand for cash a) Strategic Matching
and normal operating requirements.  Involves timing its transactions so that large one-time gains
 Indicators that a company enjoys a satisfactory short-term solvency position and losses occurs in the same period resulting in a smooth
a) Favorable credit position upward trend in reported earnings.
b) Satisfactory proportion of cash to the requirements of the current  Could involve extra efforts to ensure certain transactions are
volume completed quickly or delayed so that they are recognized in
c) Ability to pay current debt in the regular course of business the most advantageous quarter.
d) Ability to extend more credit to customers b) Change in Methods or Estimated with little or no disclosure
e) Ability to replenish inventory promptly c) Departure from Accounting Standards
3. Capital structure and long-term solvency analysis  Fraudulent Reporting or Deliberate Violation of
 Pertains to the evaluation of the amount and proportion of debt in a firm’s Accounting Rules is one of the often-used techniques in
capital structure to assess its ability to service debt. managing earnings to show more favorable results.
 Cover the analysis of the use of financial leverage to maximize the returns  Examples:
to the owners. i) Intentional capitalization or deferent of
 A company is generally considered enjoying a satisfactory long-term expenditures that should have been expensed
financial position if it is able to:
ii) Non-provision of losses due to uncollectibility of  Two Steps in computing a percentage change:
receivables, or a) Compute the peso amount of the change from the base
iii) Failure to recognize impairment losses on PPE (earlier) period to the later period, and
d) Fictitious Transactions b) Divide the peso amount of change by the base-period
 It could involve deliberate recording of non-existent revenue amount.
transactions and customers or reporting sales when contracts ii) Trend Percentages
are not fully completed and goods not yet delivered.  These are index numbers showing relative changes in financial
 The exercise of judgment inherent in the actual process data resulting with the passage of time.
gives desperate managers the ability to accelerate or defer  Trend % state several years’ financial data in terms of a base year.
the reporting of profit to best suit their purpose.  Trend percentage or relatives to the base year emphasize changes
in the Financial and operating data between specific dates or
Ultimate Objective in the Analysis of the Earning Quality: to arrive at a performance measure period and makes possible a horizontal analysis and study of
which best reflects both financial reality and the future operating potential of the company. comparative FS data.
 Computation and Evaluation:
To arrive at the appropriate earnings for an entity, starting from the bottom line net income, at a a. In the comparative statements that choose the year to be
minimum the following adjustments should be considered: used as the base and convert the amount of each item to
100%. The “base year” may be the earliest year involve in the
Start with total income before taxes P xx comparison, the latest year or any intervening year.
Add (Deduct) Generally, the base year should be representative of the
Gain on disposal of assets (if any) (xx) normal operating activity of the firm.
Excess of share in equity income over dividends receive (xx) b. Compute the percentage relationship that each statement
Unrealized gains on investors in trading/available for sale securities (xx) items bears to the same item in the base year by simply
Provision for estimated shutdown costs (xx) dividing each value by the base year.
Research and development costs xx c. Compare the trends of related financial and operating data
Impairment loss on fixed assets xx to form an opinion as to whether favorable or unfavorable
Gain on early extinguishments of debt (xx) tendencies are reflected by the data.
Adjusted income from normal operations P xx iii) Common Size Financial Statements
iv) Financial Ratios
 Quality of Assets and Relative Amount of Debt
o Analyst must also look at the composition of assets, their conditions and
liquidity, the timing of repayment of liabilities and the total amount of debt The major areas that may be covered in the analysis are:
outstanding. i) Short-term Solvency
 Transparent Financial Reporting the Best Practice ii) Capital Structure and long-term solvency
o The more reliable the economic information provided by a company iii) Operating efficiency and profitability
through the FS, the more confidence potential investors can place in that iv) Segmented analysis (when relevant)
o Allows better decision making that reduces the risk to potential investors 5) Summarize findings based on analysis and reach conclusions about firm relevant to
and creditors thereby lowering the company’s cost of capital the established objectives.
o Transparent financial reporting even in a scenario in which there are great
motivations for managers to manipulate earnings in the short run, Limitations of Financial Statement Analysis
represents the best business practice for the long run. The limitations involve the comparability of financial data between companies and the
need to look beyond ratios. These limitations are:
Steps in Financial Statement Analysis a) Information derived by the analysis are not absolute measures of performance in any
1) Establish objective of the analysis and all of the areas of business operations. They are only indicators of degrees of
2) Study the industry in which firm operates and relate industry climate to current and profitability and financial strength of the firm.
projected economic development b) Limitations inherent in the accounting data the analyst works with. These are brought
3) Develop knowledge of the fir and the quality of management about by among other:
4) Evaluate financial statements using any of the techniques below: a. Variation and lack of consistency in the application of accounting principles,
i) Horizontal analysis of Comparative Statements (Increase-Decrease Method) policies and procedures
 A good place to begin in FS analysis is to put statements in b. Too condensed presentation of data
comparative form. c. Failure to reflect change in purchasing power
 Horizontal Analysis is the study of percentage changes in c) Limitations of the performance measure or tools and techniques used in analysis.
comparative statements.
 Quantitative measurements are not absolute measures but should be
interpreted relative to the nature of the business and in the light of past,
current and future operations.
 Timing of transactions and the use of averaged can also affect the results
obtained in applying the techniques in financial analysis.
d) Analysis should be alert to the potential for management to influence the outcome of
financial statements in order to appeal to creditors, investors, and others.

Limitations of analysis may be overcome to some extent by finding appropriate benchmarks

against which to measure a company’s performance.

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