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Cho Oyu Expedition (8201) - Climbing in Tibet

Mt. Cho Oyu which stands astride the Nepal - Tibet border and to the west of Mt.
Everest, has offered an excellent choice for all mountaineers alike wishing to
climb their first 8,000 and over metre peak. It is technically straightforward c
limb with a minimal danger and accessibility easy, as such the logistic planning
is much easier. Base camp can be planned fairly, making the living little bit m
ore comfortable and tolerable.
Expedition begins in Kathmandu from where our visas for Tibet has to be processe
d. We then drive along the Friendship - Highway to Zhangmu at the Nepal-Tibet fr
ontier. Our Chinese Liaison Officers and transport will be meeting us here. We t
ravel by bus or jeep with all our equipment going by truck. Normally we would ex
pect to spend two days in Nyalam for acclimatisation before driving over the Lan
gnna La (Pass) to old village of Tingri. The Pass rises high above the Tibetan p
lains and Base Camp is reached in a couple of hours from Tingri.
Onward leaving, Tingri, our trucks pull off the metal road and bump up a grassy
plain leading up to the Nangpa La (Pass). We have couple of options for the Base
Camp but, will probably take it on the flat moraine along the foot of the Gyabr
ag glaciers. A good path leads on for about two days to the Advanced Base Camp.
We will be staying here at the Base Camp throughout the expedition and plan not
to descend until the expedition is finished. We will have large cook and mess te
nts and members will share 2 to a 3 man dome tent. A Land Cruiser jeep will be p
ermanently on stand-by at the Base Camp for emergency evacuation. At approximate
ly 5,700 metres there is the Advance Base Camp (ABC) that provides with stunning
views of the surrounding snowy mountain peaks, the jewels of the Himalaya. And
overlooking the Nangpa La (Pass), we see a major century old trading route betwe
en Nepal and Tibet.
After the Advance Base Camp, it is approximately three miles to the start of the
mountain proper. A vague path leads through the easy moraine covered glaciers.
At an elevation of 6,400 metres, Camp I will be fixed. If there is no snow, ther
e is a steep path going up an interminable scree slope which improves the higher
you climb. The camp will be located on a broad snow field at the foot of the ri
dge leading up to a serac barrier which is the only real technical section on th
e route.
At about 6,900 metres the ridge is blocked by a line of ice cliffs. Close inspec
tion reveals many fixed ropes. We will fix a new rope in co-operation with any o
ther trips that may be on the mountain with us. Normally we have one rope for as
cent and another for descent on this pitch, which is about 40 metres high. This
is the hardest part of the mountain but is not a difficult jumar. Above the sera
c we climb out onto a plateau cut by huge crevasses. Wending our way between the
m we place Camp II at about 7,100 metres elevation.
Leaving Camp II we climb more easily through broad snow slopes to Camp III, at a
n elevation of 7,500 metres. This will be the highest camp. We make the attempts
for the SUMMIT from here. On the Summit day it involves with an early start. De
pending on weather / snow conditions we may or may not encounter some easy scram
bling as we make our way up and across the low angled West Face.
We find summit plateau is very large and unfortunately the highest point is a lo
ng way back. However, if the weather favours the surrounding close-up views are
breathtakingly magnificent, including ... Mt. Everest 8,848 metre, Lhotse 8,516m
, Nuptse 7,855m, Chamlang 7,319 m, Ama Dablam 6,812 m and other peaks of the Khu
mbu region are spread out before us. It could also be possible to see the Mt. Me
lungtse and Mt. Gauri Shanker (7,134 m) massifs. It is normally possible to desc
end from the summit all the way to Advance Base Camp on the same day, but it dep
ends on snow conditions and the members' good health fitness.
Trip length: 42 Days
Grade: Strenuous (Mountaineering expedition)
Starts in: Kathmandu
Ends in: Kathmandu
Accommodation: Hotel and camping
Transportation: 4WD Land cruiser
Maximum altitude: 8201m € > OUTLINE ITINERARY
Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu(1527m/5000ft)
Day 2: In Kathmandu
Day 3: Nepalese Side of the Border or Zhangmu
Day 4: Travel to Nyalam 3,600 metres
Day 5: Rest Day
Day 6: Drive to Tingri 4,500 metres
Day 7: Drive to cho Oyu Base Camp 4,800 metres
Day 8 to 9: Base Camp
Day 10 to 11: Overnight Camp En-Route
Day 12 to 37: Climbing Cho Oyu
Day 38: Base Camp
Day 39: Tatopani
Day 40: Drive to Kathmandu
Day 41: At leisure in Kathmandu
Day 42: Departure
DATES To be announced soon
> PRICE Contact us
Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu(1527m/5000ft)
Flying into Kathmandu along the northern border of Nepal on a clear day is in it
self and unforgettable experience, with the entire Nepalese Himalaya sprawling o
ut below you. Take a deep breath through and be ready to confront the confusion
of Kathmandu's Tribhuvan International Airport. After passing through immigratio
n you will proceed downstairs and collect your baggage, load up your trolley and
go through customs inspection. After customs, you will pass out of the restrict
ed area and into the passenger pick-up area outside the building. This can be qu
ite confusing with a large number of people getting in the way. However, you wil
l see a Explore Himalaya signboard and a representative will be waiting to welco
me you to Nepal. After transferring to your hotel, you will be given a chance to
catch your breath and then be given a briefing on all relevant aspects of your
expedition holiday. This includes all 'Do's and Don'ts' while in Kathmandu and o
n the expedition. We will complete the application for your expedition permit an
d your passport and air ticket will be collected to obtain the permit and to rec
onfirm your onward return travel. These important documents are held in our safe
and returned to you on your completion of the expedition.
Day 2: In Kathmandu
A free day in Kathmandu. Relaxation then as usual there will be extensive prepar
ations, packing bags / equipment at hotel, ready for the start the following day
. You can leave your unnecessary belongings which you may not require / need dur
ing the expedition, packed and locked in bags at the hotel.
Day 3: Nepalese Side of the Border or Zhangmu
Early in the morning we take a bus drive along the Friendship - Highway to Zhang
mu at the Nepal-Tibet frontier. The journey normally may take about 5 to 6 hours
depending on the condition of the road, and sometime likely the landslides that
could double this journey time. We will stay on the Nepalese side of the border
, or perhaps in Zhagmu, just up the hill on the Tibetan side.
Day 4: Travel to Nyalam 3,600 metres
Our jeeps and trucks meander their way up the precipitous mountain road - " the
road to hell " as the Chinese literally express and we have the opportunity now
to find it out for our-self, why. The journey to Nyalam is a short day and gives
us some opportunity to acclimatise.
Day 5: Rest Day
At Nyalam for acclimatisation.
Day 6: Drive to Tingri 4,500 metres
A spectacular day as we climb up to 5,000 metres elevation. If the weather is cl
ear the views from this road are absolutely superb. Arriving in Tingri we get ou
r first views of the lonely mountains across the grassy plains.
Day 7: Drive to cho Oyu Base Camp 4,800 metres
This takes approximately about 2 hours at most. Our campsite is known locally as
Chinese Base Camp and after establishing our camp we can rest and enjoy the vie
ws. The camp is pleasantly situated on grassy patch alongside the river.
Day 8 to 9: Base Camp
We will spend 2 days at Base Camp for acclimatisation and to prepare our equipme
nt for the yak carry to Advance Base Camp. All our equipment is transported in b
lue plastic drums or kit bags and it is usual to have in the region of 60 yaks t
o transport all our supplies and equipment.
Day 10 to 11: Overnight Camp En-Route
It takes 2 days to trek up to the Advance Base Camp near the foot of the Nangpa
La Pass. All our expedition equipment will be carried by yaks and we will trek a
longside with our day packs. One overnight camp is needed en-route to the Advanc
e Base Camp.
Day 12 to 37: Climbing Cho Oyu
The expedition leader will control the day to day running of the expedition. Nor
mally we establish Camp I at an elevation of 6,400 metres and Camp II at 7,100 m
etres elevation, before returning to the Advance Base Camp to rest. Our Sherpa t
eam will then establish Camp III at 7,500 metres elevation with the team members
and, sleeping only one night at this top camp before going to the summit.
Day 38: Lower Chinese Base Camp
By this day all the expedition members and Sherpas will have to back at the Lowe
r Chinese Base Camp where our truck and bus transport will be waiting for us. Ev
erything will be packed into the blue plastic expedition drums for the return jo
urney to Kathmandu. If the road is in good condition it is sometimes possible to
go to Kathmandu in one day from the Base Camp. More likely though, we will want
to enjoy the journey back across the Tibetan plains to the lush valley of Nepal
Day 39: Tatopani
Loading all our equipment onto a Chinese truck we drive to the border which we c
ross and descend to Kodari where we obtain our Nepalese visas. A few miles down
the road is the village of Tatopani where we stay for the night. There are quite
a number of local village tea houses which can provide accommodations.
Day 40: Drive to Kathmandu
This is a spectacular and enjoyable journey down the Sun Kosi river valley. Some
members may wish to enjoy the scenery from the roof of the bus. We should arriv
e into Kathmandu in the early afternoon, assuming there are no landslides to slo
w the journey
Day 41: At leisure in Kathmandu
Time for a good relaxation / outing / souvenir shopping and celebrate a long and
exciting expedition adventure.
Day 42: Departure
Transfer to Tribhuvan International Airport - Fly to home.
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