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Succeed In

J o Practice Tests Andrew Betsis
■ Lawrence Mamas


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Succeed ỉn

Practice Tests Andrew Betsis
Lawrence Mamas
u n IIlllIỊ11III11II'

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10 Practỉce Tests
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10 Practice Tests



Andrew Bets/s
L a w re n c e M a m a s
Công ty T N H H
Nhân Trí Việt
Succeed in TOEIC 10 Practke Tests ContíAti


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Succeed in TOEIC 10 Practice Tests TOEIC FORMAT

vvhat is the Format of the TOEIC Test?

(Test of English for In tern atio n al C om m unication) Reading Section: It consists o f th re e parts. Candi-
T O E IC is an English language test fo r EFỰESL dates have to read a variety o f materials and ansvver
TO E IC Form at

students. It tests the everyday English skills o f people 100 questions based on the c o n te n t o f the m aterials
w o rkin g in an global environm ent. provided to them . Candidates are encouraged to
ansvver as many questions as possible vvithin the
T O E IC Test Form at tim e allovved. T hey m ust m ark th e ir answers on a
It consists o f 200 questions divided into tw o sections. separate answ er sheet. T he y should n o t w rite th e ir
All the questions are in multiple-choice ansvvers in th e ir te st book.
ío rm a t. The total tim e is tw o hours. Total tim e: 75 minutes.

Listening Section: T he Listening section tests h ow —

w ell you understand spoken English. It consists o f
fo u r parts and contains 100 questions. Candidates T he T O E IC te st has been revised in 2006.
are asked to answer questions based on a va riety o f T he test tim e rem ained th e same: 2 hours;
statements, questions, conversations, and talks. 45 minutes for Listening, and 75 minutes for
Candidates must m ark th e ir answers on a separate Reading, th e same paper and pencil adm inistration,
ansvver sheet. They should n o t w rite th e ir answers and the same range of difficulty as th e previous
in th e ir test book. test. T he score scale is also th e same.
Total tim e: 45 minutes.

Listening Comprehension
100 items
Photographs: lO q u e s tio n s

Question-Response: 30 q u e s tio n s

Conversations: 30 q u e stio n s;
10 c o n v e rs a tio n s w ith 3 q u e s tio n s each

Short Talks: 30 q u e stio n s;

I0 ta lks w ith 3 q u e s tio n s each

Readỉng Comprehension
100 items

Incomplete Sentences: 4 0 q u e stio n s

Text Completion: 12 q u e stio n s

Single Passages: 28 q u e stio n s;

7 - 1 0 re a din g te x ts w ith 2 - 5 q u e s tio n s each

Double Passages: 20 q u e stio n s;

4 pairs o f re a din g te x ts w ith 5 q u e s tio n s p e r p a ir
Succeed in TOEIC 10 Practice Tests TOEIC FORMAT

From what kind of contexts are

the TOEIC test questions dravvn?

3 1 3 0 1
board meetings, committees, letters, memoranda, telephone, fax and e-mail messages,
office equipment and íurniture, office procedures

recruiting, hiring, retiring, salaries, promotions, job applications, job advertisements, pensions, awards

ỊB U U O d
Purchasing: shopping, ordering supplies, shipping, invoices

Technical Areas:
electronics, technology, computers, laboratories and related equipment, technical speciíìcations

trains, airplanes, taxis, buses, ships, ferries, tickets, schedules, station and airport announcements, car
rentals, hotels, reservations, delays and cancellations

C o rp o rate D evelopm ent: research, product development

Dining O u t: business and iníormal lunches, banquets, receptions, restaurant reservations

Entertainm ent:
cinema, theater, music, art, exhibitions, museums, media

Finance and Budgeting:

banking, investments, taxes, accounting, billing

G eneral Business:
contracts, negotiations, mergers, marketing, sales, vvarranties, business planning, coníerences,
labor relations

H ealth:
medical Insurance, visiting doctors, dentists, clinics, hospitals

H ousing/C orporate Property:

construction, speciíications, buying and renting, electric and gas Services

assembly lines, plant management, quality control

Succeed in T O E IC 10 Pra c tice Tests IUfcl<_ P O R M A

Why take the TOEIC test?

The T O E IC test is the choice o f nearly 5 m illion examinees a year and is recognized by
m ost companies all o ve r th e w o rld .

W hat score do I need to “ pass” the TO EIC test?

T O E IC is an English language test designed speciíically to measure the English skills o f people
w o rkin g in an international environm ent. It is a score-based test vvhich means th a t you don’t get a
“ pass m ark” and you don’t "fa il” .
It consists o f 200 questions divided in to 100 questions each in listening com prehension and reading
com prehension. T he candidates receive separate scores fo r the Listening and th e Reading section
on a scale fro m 5 to 495 points. T he tota! score adds up to a scale fro m 10 to 990 points.

Preparing for th e T O E IC Test

lt is very im p o rta n t to becom e íam iliar w ith th e te st fo rm a t by doing a lo t o f Practice tests in
advance. The succeed in TOEIC - Practice Tests series includes 10 co m p le te T O E IC Practice
Tests and provides candidates w ith m o re than enough exam preparation questions. To get th e
m ost beneíìt fro m th e 10 Practice Tests, tr y to ansvver th e questions fo llo w in g th e tim e lim its
set fo r the actual test.

Exam Tips
• A n sw er ALL questions.
• D o n ot spend to o much tim e on any one question.
• M ark yo u r answers on yo u r answ er sheet.
• Be aware o f the tim e lim its. T he test tim e is 2 hours: 45 m inutes fo r the Listening Section
and 75 minutes fo r the Reading Section.

Your score w ill be based on th e n um ber o f questions you ansvver correctly. If you m ark m ore
than one answer, that question w ill be counted w ro ng , even if one o f th e answers is c o rre ct.
Practice Test I u*0>
I UCIV- r r a c tic e I « 1 I ‘r e ' , u “ 11 '• >-,3«-c,||" g

TE S T 1 Section I: Listening
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are four parts to this sectlon, with special directions for each part.

Part I: Photographs
Directions: For each question, you w ill see a p icture and you w ill hear fo u r s h o rt statem ents. T he state-
m ents w ill be spoken just one tim e . T hey w ill n o t be p rinted in y o u r te st b oo k so you m ust listen careíully to
understand w h a t the speaker says. W hen you hear th e fo u r statem ents, lo o k at the p icture and choose the
statem ent th a t best descríbes w h a t you see in th e picture. C hoose th e best ansvver A , B, c or D.

N ow listen to the four statements.
Statement (D) best describes what you see in the picture.
Thereíore, you should choose ansvver (D).

A. He is on the phone.
B. She is driving the car.
c. She is typing on the Computer.
D. He is sitting next to her.

Sample Answer

A B c D ✓

T O E IC P ractice Test I Section I: Listening
Practice Test I
T O h lC P ra c tíc e Test I Section I: Listening

}sạ]_ 33Ị^DHJJ
Section I: Listening
TOEIC Practice Test I

Part 2: Question-Response
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a question or statement spoken in English, followed by three
responses, also spoken in English. The question or statement and the responses will be spoken just one time. They will
not be printed in your test book, so you must listen careíully. You are to choose the best response to each question or 1
statement. N ow listen to a sample question.
You will hear: Man: W hy are you late?
Woman: A . I hope I won't be.
B. My car broke down.
c. He alvvays is.
The best response is choice B, "My car broke down". Thereíore, you should choose B.

n A B c 21 A B c 31 A B c
12 A B c 22 A B c 32 A B c
13 A B c 23 A B c 33 A B c
14 A B c 24 A B c 34 A B c
15 A B c 25 A B c 35 A B c
16 A B c 26 A B c 36 A B c
17 A B c 27 A B c 37 A B c
18 A B c 28 A B c 38 A B c
19 A B c 29 A B c 39 A B c
20 A B c 30 A B c 40 A B c

TOEIC Practice Test I Section I: Listening

Part 3: Conversations
D irectio n s: You will hear some conversations betvveen tw o people. You will be asked to answer three questions about
what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C),
or (D) on your ansvver sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

41. How does Megan feel about the presentation she will give? 46. How could the man be best described?
(A) contident (A) helptul
(B) unsure (B) unhelptul
(C) terriíied (C) atraid
(D) proud (D) annoyed

42. What is true about Megan? 47. How does the woman feel?
(A) She is advising Michael. (A) absolutely turious
(B) She is preparing at the last minute. (B) impatient
(C) She is planning ahead. (C) gratetul
(D) She has been to a lot of conterences. (D) annoyed

43. What will happen on Friday the 5th? 48. Why did the man make a mistake?
(A) Michael will help Megan. (A) he was careless
(B) Megan will give a presentation. (B) he did not have intormation
(C) Michael has a deadline. (C) to provoke the woman
(D) There is a conterence. (D) because the job was complex

44. What is the vvoman trying to do? 49. Why couldn't the woman go on Thursday evening?
(A) find a summer employment (A) Elsie told her that she must not.
(B) get help for a disabled child (B) She will miss the meeting.
(C) offer her assistance (C) She has to work.
(D) meet Anna (D) She just doesn't want to.

45. What does the woman need to do next?

(A) come back in a few hours
(B) come back some morning
(C) try to find another place to volunteer
(D) give the man her cv
TOEIC Practice Test I Section I: Listening

50. What would the woman like to be doing on the vveekend? 60. How otten does the woman think she vvould use the car?
(A) visiting Todd (A) every day
(B) occasionally
(B) swimming
(C) vvorking on a Computer (C) constantly

(D) taking a sick day (D) very rarely

51. What is the tone of the man's words?

61. What does the man think is the problem with renting a car?
(A) It would be too expensive.
(A) angry
(B) It would intertere with work.
Practice Test I

(B) serious
(C) It vvould discourage trips.
(C) joking
(D) It vvould be unnecessary.
(D) wishful

62. How is the woman teeling?

52. What is the relationship betvveen the tw o speakers?
(A) angry
(A) husband and wife
(B) trightened
(B) co-workers
(C) vvorried
(C) employee and boss
(D) relaxed
(D) triends

63. Why is the vvoman unhappy with her office mate?

53. How could you describe the woman's attitude?
(A) She is obnoxious.
(A) gratetul
(B) She doesn't ansvver her questions.
(B) unreasonable
(C) She doesn't s ta rt conversations.
(C) insecure
(D) She bothers her all the time.
(D) understanding

64. How does the man think the woman should be?
54. What was the purpose of the man's conversation with
(A) straighttorvvard
Ms. Johnson?
(B) independent
(A) to give intormation
(C) cautious
(B) to ask for help
(D) controntational
(C) to get sympathy
(D) to challenge her
65. What food does the man not like?
(A) steak (C) salad
55. What is the relationship betvveen the man and Ms. Johnson?
(B) chips (D) tom ato
(A) relatives
(B) co-workers
6 6 . If the man doesn't eat his salad, what will happen?
(C) triends
(A) He will go hungry.
(D) employee and boss
(B) He will still eat well.
(C) He will let someone down.
56. What made the woman think Laura would like the job?
(D) It wíll be the end of the world.
(A) Laura's words
(B) Laura's expression
67. How can the woman be described?
(C) the man told her
(A) bored
(D) the disadvantages
(B) inditterent
(C) delighted
57. What does the woman think Laura will do?
(D) polite
(A) She will deíinitely take the job.
(B) She will detinitely not take the job. 6 8 . What is the man's job?
(C) She will probably take the job.
(A) to design things
(D) She will not be able to decide. (B) to make things
(C) to sell things
58. Why does the man think it would be hard for Laura (D) to invent things
to decide to take the job?

(A) lt is not a good position. 69. What was the man's attitude tovvards his work?
(B) It is far trom her tamily. (A) He enjoyed it.
(C) She is not adventurous. (B) He worked hard but didn't like it.
(D) She must decide quickly. (C) It was not very important to him.
(D) He was serious and practical.
59. How did the man feel when he heard about the woman's
decision? 70. Why is the woman speaking to the man?
(A) worried (A) to warn him about a job
(B) trustrated (B) to thank him for his work
(C) surprised (C) to encourage him to work harder
(D) to ask for his assistance
(D) he had suspected it

TOEIC Practice Test I Section I: Listening

Part 4: Taiks
D i r e c t i o n t : You wiH hear (omc talks gtven by a ungte ipeaker You wtH be asked to aravver thre* questions about
vv+iat the ipeaker u y t in each ulk ỉeiect the bett response to each quetoon and marV the letter (A ). (B ). (C ). or
(D ) on ỵour antvver sheet The talks will not be pnnted m your test book and witl be Ipoken onty one time

71. What lỉ the building? 79. What does he not te* then about immedateíy?
(A) a (actory (A) the íish
(B) a shop (B) the ỉteak
(C| a gallery (C) the desserts
(0) a hospital (D) the satadỉ
.... ■
72. What were the Bradtord tamily? 80. Who IS the talk directed at?
(A) artists (A) campaigners
(B) politicians (B) radio listeners
(C) actors (C) politicians
(0) ta&hion designers (D) astronomers

73. Who is Charles Bradtord? 81. By what percentage has light pollution increased
(A) Alan's great grandtather over the last ten years?
(B) someone who will open the buildmg (A) 25%
(C) an artist (B) 10%
(D) a classical music player (C) 11%
(0) 5%
74. Where would this announcement
most likely be heard? 82. What IS the next thing the hsteners will hear?
(A) at a taxi stand (A) an astronomer
(B) at an airport (B) Mervyn
(C) at a train station (C) music
(D) on a ship (D) horoscopes

75. What time does the fast train to Atlanta leave? 83. How many tilms will be shown this week?
(A) 11.30 (A) three
(B) 11.50 (B) seven
(C) 10.50 (C) twelve
(D) 11.40 (D) two

76. Which plattorm will the Washington train leave trom? 84. How long IS the tilm?
(A) SIX (A) half an hour
(B) seven (B) an hour
(C) eleven (C) one and a half hours
(D) tour (D) two hours

77. Who ís talkmg? 85. What will happen atter the film?
(A) a receptiorast (A) There will be retreshments.
(B) a shop assistant (B) The director will make a speech.

(C) a waiter (C) The actors will pertorm.

(DỊ a butcher (D) They will go to a wine bar

78. How many specials are there to choose trom?

(A ) 4
(B) 5
(0 )2

I 5
TOEIC Practice Test I Section I: Listening

8 6 . Where is this announcement being made? 94. What should be done tirst?
(A) in a restaurant (A) click 'my Computer' icon

(B) at a train station (B) click 'programs' icon

(C) in a shopping mall (C) connect to the internet

(D) in a supermarket (D) close all programs

87. Where can you get something free to eat? 95. Who is m ost likely speaking?
Practice Test 1

(A) "Kidsworld" |A) a store ovvner

(B) "The Coffee Place" (B) a radio announcer
(C) The bakery (C) a protessor
(D) The supermarket (D) someone who read a nevvspaper

88. What time is it now? 96. What is predicted to happen in 2008?

(A) 5 pm (A) a recession
(B) 3 pm (B) the dollar will rise against the yen
(C) 4 pm (C) a housing slump
(D) 8 pm (D) interest rates will be cut

89. Where are they? 97. What accounts for tw o thirds of the us economy?
(A) on the plane on the runvvay (A) consumer spending
(B) in the airport building (B) housing
(C) on the bus (C) banking
(D) in a plane in the air (D) investment

90. Who is speaking? 98. Who is being spoken to?

(A) a member of the ground crew (A) staff at registration
(B) a member of the cabin crew (B) delegates
(C) the captain (C) a presenter
(D) a luggage handler (D) a conterence organizer

91. How many times will they stop betore Cape Town? 99. How many times has this conterence taken place betore?
(A) once (A) 4
(B) three times (B) 1
(C) twice (C ) 0
(D) not at all (D ) 2

92. What is the problem? 100. What happens at 9am tomorrovv?

(A) a Computer is not working (A) registration begins
(B) a Computer did not arrive (B) delegates arrive
(C) someone needs to find a Service center (C) presentations begin
(D) a teỉephone is not vvorking (D) breaktast

93. The woman speaking is

(A) on the radio
(B) at the Computer
(C) at a Service center
(D) on the telephone

16 I
TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

Section II: Reading

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and ansvver several different types of reading comprehension questions.
The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to
answer as many questlons as possible within the time allovved. You must mark your ansvvers on the separate answer
sheet. Do not vvrite your answers in your test book.

P a r t 5 : Incomplete Sentences

ạ s ạ j_ a D Ịip B U d
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences belovv. Four answer choices are given belovv
each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on
your answer sheet.

Example: Bỏ Kị! .■. BT

The mother held her nevvborn
1rMíkĩpỉoGDK 1KH PANASỉì 1
(A) loving (C) lovingly

(B) lovely (D) love 11 l ư v t ệ h T
Correct answer: (C)

101. John found Maria hard to get along with, 107. On one hand we've had a bít of a setback, but on

he did the best he could. hand it's a chance to show that we're determined.
(A) Hovvever ditticult (A) the other
(B) Because of (B) another
(C) Nevertheless (C) the second
(D) Although (D) that

102. He was torced to d e cla re _________ tw o years atter 108. Be sure to let me know if I can be of any _________ .
purchasing the property because he couldn't make (A) assistance
payments. (B) enlightenment
(A) eligibility (C) inclination
(B) candidacy (D) claritication
(C) bankruptcy
(D) bail 109. Due to a _______ in security, hackers got access to
the company's tiles.
103. Although his new job had long hours, Mike was pleased (A) rebate
with his h ig h e r_______ . (B) rip
(A) dues (C) spam
(B) salary (D) lapse
(C) fees
(D) earns 110. Lunch________ in the dining room at midday.
(A) will serve
104. Be sure to submit your application torm by the 20th of (B) to be served
M a rch _______you wish to be considered for the post. (C) will be served
(A) unless that (D) is serving
(B) whether
( 0 if 111. Although one of the tw o candidates has more experience,
(D) in case of _________ has great enthusiạsm and energy.
(A) either
105. I _________the report now; ril be with you in a second. (B) the one
(A) tinish (C) another

(B) tinished (D) the other

(C) would tinish
(D) am tinishing 112. The bus is d e p a rtin g ____ so please hurry up.
(A) promptly
106. The day of the meeting has been changed; it has been (B) prompt
for Thursday. (C) prompted
(A) reserved (D) prompting
(B) cancelled
(C) rectitied
(D) rescheduled
TOEIC Practice Test I _______ ___ Section II: Reading

113. Does the position include a n y _______ , such as retirement 122. Protits w e r e _______: better than last year, but still

or health Insurance? short of our goal.

(A) bonuses (A) morbid

(B) benetits (B) marginal

(C) breaks (C) menial

(D) brackets (D) meaningless

114. Many were worried the country would suffer a ------------- 1 2 3 . 1'm atraid l'm _________ ; l've been working in the office
Practice Test I

because of the rise in interest rates. since 7am.

(A) digression (A) exhausted
(B) regression (B) invigorated
(C) recession (C) extended
(D) depletion (D) incensed

115. The to ld e r,_______ you will find the report, is on the top 124. Mario felt that he did not get e n ou gh__________ for
shelt. his hard work.
(A) vvhich (A) recognition
(B) in which (B) stimulation
(C) where is (C) consideration
(D) wherever (D) oblígatíon

116. It is important that y o u _______ any concerns you might 125. Alison, like her sister Jessica,_____ studying to be
have so we can address them. a lavvyer.
(A) rally (A) also
(B) raise (B) have been
(C) rage (C) are
(DỊ rule (D) is

117. James always seems to dress t o ________ . 1 2 6 . 1 vvould like to thank you for y o u r _________ in reaching
(A) impress a speedy solution.
(B) impressed (A) trust
(C) impressive (B) cooperation
(D) impressively (C) inclination
(D) resistance
118. Michelle felt like she was kept on t h e ________ and was
not really considered part of the team. 127. Mary A n n _________ fo r an audition for a play on Thursday.
(A) outline (A) is going
(B) sidelines (B) goes
(C) off line (C) has gone
(D) guidelines (D) is going to

119. Amy decided t o __________in cardiology atter graduating 1 2 8 . ______ you were vvorking under pressure, you have done
from medical school. an excellent job!
(A) investigate (A) Hovvever
(B) detail (B) Although
(C) explore (C) In spite of
(D) specialize (D) No vvonder

120. The hierarchy_______the company was very complex. 129. The c h e c k ______ because the account was empty and
(A) vvithin he was charged a fee.

(B) on (A) tailed

(C) around (B) rolled
(D) among (C) slid
(D) bounced
121. Anna was concerned about keeping her job because the
company w a s ______ . 130. In order to be etticient you m u s t______ on the task
(A) expanding at hand.
(B) condensing (A) strive (C) aim
(C) downsizing (B) tocus (D) grasp
(D) backdating

TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

131. We expect you to be in the o ttic e _______ from 9am 136. I'm sorry; I didn't understand. Can you please
to 5pm. what you just said?
(A) clearly (A) rectity
(B) steady (B) clarity
(C) hourly (C) objectify
(D) daily (D) justify

132. Excuse me, can you tell m e ____ to 29th Street? 137. Okay, the tirs t step i s ________ the quarterly report.
(A) vvhere is (A) tinishing
(B) the way for (B) to tinish
(C) where to go (C) tinished
(D) how to get (D) tinish

133. Mr. Smith was late for the meeting because his tlight 138. The noise of the roadworks was s o _________ that
w a s ___________ . no one could concentrate.

* S 3JL
(A) dismissed (A) upsetting
(B) lengthened (B) distracting
(C) delayed (C) insistent
(D) lost (D) unpleasant

134. "Can I help you?" "Thanks, but l'm a lre a d y _________ 139. Tim became a doctor because he wanted his tather
(A) helped proud of him.
(B) being helped (A) to be
(C) having helped (B) being
(D) helping (C) would be
(D) will be
135. Do you think that I c a n _____ on him to get the job dc
(A) count 140. There was a grovving sense o f _______ as the deadline
(B) relieve approached.
(C) look (A) excitement
(D) base (B) suspicion
(C) anticipation
(D) tension

TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

Part 6: Text Completion

D irectio n s: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer
choices are given belovv each of the sentences. Select the best ansvver to complete the text. Then mark the let-
ter (A). (B), (C ), or (D) on your ansvver sheet.
Practice Test I

----------------- -------------------------------------------
Ọuestions 141-143 refer to the following memo: Questions 144-146 re te r to the following leatlet:


To: All Employees Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease which causes intection,
From: Jane Anderson, Personnel most commonly in the lungs, b u t __________ in other body
Date: Thursday 29 Oct organs. It is transm itted by inhaling bacteria coughed or
Subịect: CHARITY BARBECUE sneezed into the air by intected persons.

Just a reminder that the charity barbecue is happening this 144. (A) more commonly
Friday! It is for a good cause; w e 're ________ money for (B) nevertheless
the children's charity Future Horizons to buy computers for (C) never
community centers in disadvantaged neighborhoods, so (D) occasionally
please come along and help out!
141. (A) taking A substance called tuberculin is injected into the skin on the
(B) raising torearm to find out vvhether or not there are tuberculosis
(C) earning bacteria present in the body.
(D) giving
It will be at 7:30 at Oak Park, next to the gazebo by the 48 to 72 hours atter the injection, the torearm is examined.
west gate. Dinner will be 15 dollars and there will be ham- For m ost individuals, a svvelling that measures 10 mm or
burgers, hotdogs, or veggie burgers, and of course lots of m o re ,________ that the person has been in contact with
salads and desserts! Bring your tamily and triends; everyone tuberculosis. This is a positive result.
vvelcome. Please get tickets from me or from
Sophia Johnson. 145. (A) involves
(B) indicates
142. (A) are (C) inclines
(B) to be (D) inters
(C) were
(D) is No reaction, or only slight redness or bruising indicates that
the person has not been in contact with tuberculosis. This is
I h o p e ______ you there! a negative result.
Jane Anderson
143. (A) to see Mantoux tests m a y _________ fo r new employees, volun-
(B) will see teers, residents and clients of some organizations and insti-
(C) seeing tutions. All people who have come in contact with a person
(D) to seeing with active tuberculosis should be tested as soon as possi-
ble, and again, three months atter the date of last contact.

146. (A) be required

(B) be requiring
(C) required
(D) are required

TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

Ọuestions 147-149 reter to the following e-mail:

Questions 150-152 re fe r to the following
From: Mary Richardson
To: Terrence Jones JOB VACANCY
Cc Online M arketing Technician

Subject: Job Opening
I am on the hunt for another team member.
Mr. Jones,

This person will b e _______ in our Auckland, NZ office, will

I am emailing to bring to your attention the opening in our manage a range of email marketing and will lead generation
department that is advertised on our vvebsite. I would like to campaigns for our grovving list of clients.
recommend that y o u ________ applying, since the work that
you have already done for our company on a treelance basis 150. (A) replaced
makes you h ig h ly _______ fo r the position because of your (B) based
I experience. (C) homed
(D) tound
147. (A) vvithhold
(B) retract You will need to be proticient in HTML, have a tondness for
(C) comprehend detail and like vvorking on a variety of projects.
(D) consider

This role will s u it ______ that have a few years' work

148. (A) talented experience in web development with some client-tacing
(B) inclined involvement and can show an ability and desire to uncover
(C) invited all there is to know about Online marketing.
(D) qualitied

151. (A) who

The job otters tlexible working hours, a s ______ comprehen- (B) those
sive health benetits. If you have any questions or would like (C) them
more intormation please feel tree to contact me by email, or, (D) vvhoever
at 247 775 5674 ext 239.

lf you are interested in knovving more, then it is probably

best to use the s a le s _______form to kick things off.
Mary Richardson, Personnel

152. (A) enquiring

149. (A) such
(B) enquire
(B) some
(C) enquiry
(C) well as
(D) enquirer
(D) plenty

TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

Part 7: Reading Comprehension

Directions: In this p a rt you w ill read a selection o f te xts, such as magazine and ne w sp ape r articles, le tte rs, and
advertisem ents. Each te x t is fo llo w e d by several questions. Select th e best a n sw e r fo r each qu estio n and m ark the
le tte r (A), (B), (C). o r (D) on y o u r answ er sheet.
A re you som eone w h o enjoys tryin g n e w things and does n o t feel u n c o m fo rta b le in n e w environm ents? T hen w h y n o t
g e t paid fo r It? CULTURE magazine is lo okin g ío r individuals to go to n e w clubs, events, etc. and w r ite ab ou t th e cultural
Practice Test I

scene th e y observe in these places. Interested? Send y o u r resum e to C U L T U R E @ h o tm a il.c o m . Please no phone calls.

W h a t typ e o f person w o u ld be best qualiíied fo r this job?

(A) a ho m eb ody
( B ) an in tro v e rt
(C) a clum sy person
(D) a risk-ta ke r
C o rre c t ansvver: (D)

Questions 153-157 re fe r to th e following le tte r and leaflet.

M ay 18
Victoria Coníerence Centre M a ry Ann F ish e r
3 4 V ic to ria S t r e e t
B ris to l, UK
ShARE id E A S , bE ÌN S p ÌR E d
D ear Ms. F ish e r,

In the heart of downtown Victoria, British Thank you f o r y o u r e n q u iry a b o u t o u r company.Tourism Victoria.
I am d e lig h te d to h e a r you have chosen o u r C ity to h o s t y o u r c o n fe r-
Columbia, by the spectacular Inner Harbour ence. L e t me te ll you a l i t t l e a b o u t w h a t o u r company can o f f e r you.
is the Victoria Coníerence Centre; a bright,
W e can plan special e ve n ts, e n te rta in m e n t and excu rsio n s such as
modern and technically advanced meeting
e c o -a d v é n tu ré s , sym phony c o n c e rts and to u rs , f o r y o u r delegates.
place that is most inviting. W e 'll be happy to p ro v id é you w ith in to rm a tio n on how to a rra n g e
p re - and p o s t-e v e n t a c tiv itie s to s u it y o u r needs.

The average size of the coníerences we host T o u rism V ic to ria can also a s s is t in p ro m o tin g y o u r o rg a n iz a tio n 's
c o n te re n c e to s tim u la te d e le g a te a tte n d a n c e w ith b ro c h u re s and
is 450-1,000 delegates. However, we have
lu re pieces. W e 'll a c t as liaison betvveen o u r 9 0 0 -p lu s m em ber
hosted groups as large as 2,500 delegates. busiriesses and y o u r planning c o m m itte e .
Since coníerences have distinct design and
I have enclosed an in fo rm a tio n le a fle t on th e V ic to ria C onterence
íunction space requirements, deíining a C e n te r, w h ich I h ig h ly recom m end as a venue f o r y o u r co n te re n ce .
"maximum" size is truly dependent on the
Please c o n ta c t me i f you have any questions.
event. We work to make the space fit your
coníerence program. We are Creative
Bob W h ite h a ll
thinkers and enjoy vvorking closely with M a rk e tin g
clients to íashion the períect venue. T o urism V ic to ria , Canada

153. What is the purpose of the leatlet? 156. Where is the Victoria Conterence Center located?
(A) to educate people (A) in the downtown area
(B) to promote something (B) near the downtown area
(C) it is an invitation (C) by the sea, outside town
(D) it is a coupon (D) 900 meters from the town

154. What is true of the letter?

157. Where is Ms. Fisher from?
(A) It was unsolicited.
(A) England
(B) It answers an enquiry.
(B) Canada
(C) It follows a purchase.
(C) United States
(D) It requests a Service.
(D) Australia
155. What has been decided for sure by Ms Fisher?
(A) She will work with Tourism Victoria.
(B) She will have a conterence in the City of Victoria.
(C) She will hold the conterence at the Victoria
Conterence Center.
(D) She will arrange an eco-adventure.

TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

Questions 15 8 - 159 re fe r to th e following card.

In case of an emergency, if oxygen levels in the cabin become too low, an oxy-
gen mask will be automatically released from the area above your head. Pull
the mask gently towards you to begin the flow of oxygen. The bag w ill not íully
intlate. Always put on your own mask beíore attempting to help others.

158. Where would this card most likely be found?

(A) on a train
(B) in an office
(C) on an airplane

I }sạj_
|D) in a hotel room

159. Which of the following actions are correct?

(A) call for assistance if the bag does not intlate
(B) remove the mask from a compartment above you
(C) put on your child's mask and then your own
(D) caretully pull the mask downward

Questions 160-162 refer to th e following ad vertisem en t.

To ensure a table at SkyCity, at the top of Seattle’s Space Needle, reservations are recommended.
To make a reservation call: 206-905-2100 or 800-937-9582.
Groups are \velcome but must be scheduled in advance and are limited to no more than 21 guests.
Parties of 10 or more cannot be accommodated May 31 through September 3.
Your elevator ride and Observation Deck visit are complimentary with your reservation at SkyCity.
Reservations are available for seating during the following hours:
Lunch Monday - Friday: lliOOam - 3:00pm
Brunch Saturday & Sunday: 10:00am - 3:00pm
Dinner Sunday - Thursday: 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Friday & Saturday: 5:00pm - 10:00pm

160. What kind of a place is SkyCity?

(A) a restaurant
(B) a ship
(C) a museum
(D) a theme park

161. When could you go with a party of 12 people?

(A) February 2nd, without needing a reservation
(B) June 24th, with a reservation

(C) May 3rd, with a reservation

(D) You cannot go with a group of 12 people.

162. What time on Friday can you N0T reserve a table?

(A) lOam
(B) 2pm
(C) 9pm
(D) lOpm

TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

Questions 16 3 -164 re íe r to th e following notice.

A gỉncourt D ỉstrict Library

155 Bonis Ave.
Toronto, Ontario
Tel: 416 396 8943
Practice Test I

Mon: 12:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Tues: 9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Wed: 9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Thu: 9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 pm c/u/ỵ and Aug.)
Sat: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sun: 1 :30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Sep to Ịu n oníy)

163. In which of the following ways are you NOT able to 164. What time does the Library close on Fridays in June?
contact the Library if you have a question? (A) 5:00 p.m.
(A) by telephone (B) 6:00 p.m.
(B) by e-mail (C) 8:30 p.m.
(C) by letter (D) 9:00 p.m.
(D) by dropping in

Questions 165-167 re íe r to th e following leaílet.

Sydney Opera House High Tea

Australia's celebrated Chef, G uillaum e Brahim i, M ich elin-trained w ith T w o C h e f Hats, has created
a sophisticated High Tea in quintessential Sydney style.
You w ill be vvelcomed w ith a glass o f fine A ustralian sparkling w in e , th e n presented w ith an a sso rtm e nt
o f beautiíul teas, exquisite savories, pastries and p e tit tours.
T he crescendo o f this p e ríe ct Sydney a íte rn o o n is an in tim a te and private pe río rm a n ce by an acclaimed
opera singer th a t w ill leave you entranced.
Cost: $145 p e r person
High Teas are from 2pm - 4pm on
th e following dates : W ed, 30January 2009
W ed, 10 O c to b e r 2008 W ed, 6 F ebruary 2009
W ed, 24 O c to b e r 2008 W ed, 13 F ebruary 2009
W ed, 7 N o ve m b e r 2008 W ed, 20 F ebruary 2009
W ed, 21 N o ve m b e r 2008 W ed, 27 F ebruary 2009
W ed, 5 D e cem b er 2008
W ed, 2 January 2009
Bookings are essentiơl.
W ed, 9 January 2009
Call: + 61 2 9250 7250
W ed, 16 January 2009
W ed, 23 January 2009 Email:

165. What is the purpose of this leatlet? 167. Which of the following statements is most accurate?

(A) to attract customers (A) You can't book in advance.

(B) to spread intormation (B) You don't have to book in advance.
(C) to give a warning (C) You should book in advance.
(D) to recruit employees (D) You must book in advance.

166. What is NOT included in the event?

(A) cottee
(B) live music
(C) food
(D) alcohol

TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

Questions 16 8 - 172 refer to th e following le tte r and in sert.

R etídent S U R V IV IN G A P O W E R C U T
'4 Ravencroft Lane
ortland, OR 34227
How yo u should p re p a re :
m Have a battery-povvered radio tuned into a news station to
receive updates.
beur Sir or Madam,
m Keep a supply of candles, but don’t leave candỉes or heaters
unattended. Place them where you won't knock them over. A tlash-
w e ore contacting you to intorm you
light may be a safer alternative and keep the batteries renewed.

B D Ị1 D
th a t due to work on the electricity grid,
your area vvill be vvithout electricity for If power is interrupted:
approximately 4 hours in the morning m Switch off and unplug sensitive electromc appliances such as
o f September 12th. We hope that you

* s a i
personal computers, video players, satellite receivers, answermg
understand that this maintenance is machines etc.
necessary and we suggest that you read m Don't open freezers and tridges more than absolutely necessary.
the insert on how to survive a power cut m Leave a light on so you know when the power has been restored.

in order to minimize your inconvenience. ■ Check to see if your neighbors are okay.
— Keep a ílask of hot drink near you.
Sincerely, m Wrap up warm.

William Tyler, m Keep one room warm and stay in it.

Municipal Electricity

168. What is the purpose of the letter?

|A) to sell a product
(B) to make an apology
(C) to give a vvarmng
(D) to make a request

169. What is true about the power cut?

(A) it IS due to an accident
(B) it is unknovvn how long It will last
(C) it was planned in advance
(D) it involves the whole City

170. What may not be completely sate?

(A) a battery-powered radlo
(B) leaving a light on
(C) a torch
(D) candles

171. What should NOT be turned on during a power cut?

(A) electric lights
(B) computers

(C) heaters
(D) the telephone

172. What IS NOT recommended that you do during a power cut?

(A) help your neighbors
(B) detrost your tridge
(C) keep warm
(D) listen for updates

TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

Questions 173-174 re íe r to th e following schedule.

BC F errìes
Tsawwassen - Swartz Bay Schedule

Crossing time: 1 hour 35 minutes

Practice Test I

Distance: 24 nautical miles

Current schedule in effect September 10, 2007 to October 9, 2007 Sailing time

Leave Tsawwassen: Leave Sw artz Bay

6:00 am - Oct 9 only 7:00 am - Daily
7:00 am - Daily 8:00 am - Sep 21-22, 24, 27-29,
8:00 am - Oct 5, 6 & 8 only Oct 1, 5, 6, 8 & 9 only
9:00 am - Daily 9:00 am - Daily
lO.OOam - Sep 21-22, 24, 27-29, 10:00am - Oct 5, 6 & 8 only
Oct 1, 5, 6, 8 & 9 only 1:00 pm - Daily
1:00 pm - Daily 3:00 pm - Daily
3:00 pm - Daily 5:00 pm - Daily
5:00 pm - Daily 6:00 pm - Fri, Sun & Oct 8 only
6:00 pm - Fri, Sun & Oct 4 & 8 only 7:00 pm - Daily
7:00 pm - Daily 9:00 pm - Daily
9:00 pm - Daily

173. How long does the journey take? 174. Where would you be most likely to see this schedule?
(A) almost a day and a half (A) at a port
(B) about an hour and a half (B) at an airport
(C) almost two hours (C) in a nevvspaper
(D) just over half an hour (D) at a bus station

Questions 175-177 re íe r to th e foilowing e-m ail.

To: All Employees

From: Jason Byrne
CC: Brian VVeston
Subject: Software Training Session

l'm sending o u t this re m inde r that w e are h o ld in g Soítvvare T raining Sessions this Friday in the C o m p u te r Lab.
There vvill be a m o rn in g session and an afternoon session, so be sure to sign up fo r y o u r preíerence in the IT office if
you haven't already. Each session should take about fo u r hours.
I'm sure you realize the im p ortan ce o f these sessions, as the re has been considerable discussion o f o u r com pany's
decision to change fro m W in d o w s to Linux ru n n in g Systems, and concern ab o u t m aking a sm oo th transition . I vvant to
say again that w e are not expecting any d ifficu ltie s. Utrans is a very u se r-frien dly program . D r. Brian W eston w ill be
doing the training, and you w ill be in good hands.

Jason Byrne, Manager, IT Department

175. What is the e-mail's purpose? 177. Approximately how much of the vvorkday do the training
(A) an announcement sessions íill?
(B) a reminder (A) all day
(C) a vvarning (B) half a day
(D) a guide (C) a couple of hours
(D) approximately four minutes
176. How do employees know which session to go to?
(A) They just turn up when they can.
(B) They ask at the IT ottice.
(C) They are intormed in the e-mail.
(D) They choose themselves.

TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

Questions 178-182 re fe r to th e following e-m ail and atta c h m e n t.

To: Richard Brown

From: Tara Larson
Cc: -
Subịect: restaurant booking?

Hi Richard,

l've found a promising-looking restaurant fo r our company C u is in e : M odern European

lunch; it's 8e//’s Diner. I w ent yesterday w ith m y cousin and T im e s : Lunch Tues - Sat M idday - 3pm.
her husband, and the íood was really something. Dinner M on - Sat 7pm - I0.30pm .
Ị lt's not the typical diner you might think of! It has an Closed Sundays.
iníormal, íriendly atmosphere, sophisticated yet rustic D re s s c o d e : N one
decor, equally sophisticated modern European menu and P a y m e n t: AIỊ m ethods o f paym ent accepted
rather elegant clientele. It is housed in a Victorian building except Diners
split into tw o rooms, and I think one is available fo r group A v. p ric e : £24 and U nd er
reservations, so that would be ideal.

Shall I go ahead and make a reservation? Lunch goes on

rather late in the afternoon, as you can see from the
iníormation l've attached, so there shouldn't be any
problem if the design meetings run a little over time.

Tara Larson

178. How does Tara Larson know the restaurant is good?

(A) She knew from experience.
(B) A triend recommended it.
(C) She saw an advertisement.
(D) She was told by Mr. Brown.

179. What did Tara Larson think of the food?

(A) She absolutely hated it.
(B) She didn't have an opinion about it.
(C) She thought it was okay.
(D) She liked it very much.

180. The people eating in the restaurant are described as

(A) Victorian
(B) well dressed
(C) intormally dressed
(D) typical diner customers

181. What is Tara Larson's job?

(A) vvaitress
(B) promoter
(C) secretary
(D) designer

182. What is the earliest they could go for lunch?

(A) 11:00
(B) 12:00
(C) 1:00
(D) 3:00

TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

Questions 183-184 re fe r to th e following notice.


lf you detect FIRE or SMOKE, do this at once:

1. STAY CALM and use common sense

2. close the door to CONFINE the fire and smoke

3. ACTIVATE THE FIRE ALARM - a small red box located on the vvall near each exit.
Follow the instructions on the alarm.

4. REPORT THE FIRE. Call UAB Police at 911 or use HELP PHONE, identity yourselí
and tell the dispatcher the exact location of the fire or smoke and what is burning.

5. EVACUATE. All building occupants should proceed to the nearest exit, move avvay from
the building and assemble in a location predetermined by your supervisor. This vvill
provide a quick and easy way to account for all personnel. It is also important that
the fire department has clear and unobstructed access to the building.

183. During a fire, why should you close doors?

(A) to demonstrate that you are calm
(B) to help tacilitate evacuation
(C) to give the fire department clear access
(D) to stop the fire from spreading

184. What is NOT mentioned as something that you should tell the dispatcher atter dialing 911?
(A) who you are
(B) where the fire is
(C) what is on tire
(D) how the fire started

185. What should you plan betore a fire happens?

(A) where to go atter evacuating
(B) who is responsible for calling the fire Service
(C) how to work the tire alarm
(D) what to take with you
; TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

Questions 186-187 re íe r to th e following letter.

Jasmine Wilson
12 B 44th S treet Apt. 14
New York, NY

Dear Ms. Wilson,

Thank you for your application expressing interest in working with us at the Central Hospital.
Unfortunately, we have a full s ta ff of nursing professionals at this time, and there is not an
opening available for someone with your skills and qualifications. However, we have put your

Ị }S3J_ 3 3 1 * 3
resume on file, as positions regularly come up.

Thank you again for your interest, and good luck.


Katherine Jones,
Hiring and Personnel

186. What did Jasmine Wilson do?

(A) ask for a job
(B) turn down a job
(C) accept a job
(D) offer a job

187. How often does the Hospital have job openings?

(A) never
(B) very rarely
(C) quite otten
(D) alvvays

Questions 18 8 - 189 re fe r to th e following m em o.

T O : M a rk e tin g D e p a rtm e n t
F R O M : Jo W o rth in g
A T T E N T IO N : U R G E N T

There has been a change of speciíications for our product, following responses from Wednesday’s presentation.
Please come to my office and collect a copy of the document outlining the changes that are being made, and see
that all of the marketing and PR outputs that you are involved with are updated and correct. If you have any
questions aíter reading the document, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Jo Worthing
Product Development

188. How do the recipients find out what changes have been made? 189. What does Jo Worthing's job involve?
(A) by reading a document (A) secretarial duties
(B) by going to a presentation (B) selling Products
(C) by asking Jo VVorthing (C) developing Products
(D) by checking marketing outputs (D) marketing Products

TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

Questions 190-194 re fe r to th e following notice and letter.

onunE BHíiKinc EŨURSE

How can you find the best Online bank for youì VVithin the last decade, Online banking has
exploded in popularity, and revolutionized the industry, but some banks offer better Services
than others. In this course wc look at some ihings you should consider when you choose an
Online bank, including account access, security, Online bill paying, account aggregation and fees.
Learn hovv to use Online banking to your advantage.

M r. G e orge VV oodhouse
74 M e a d o w la n e
San D ie g o , CA 446 13

Dear Mr. VVoodhouse,

Thank you for your interest in our course. Yes, there are still places available. You have tvvo
options; we have an intensive vveekend course vvhich runs for two weekends in the
beginning of September, both Saturday and Sunday mornings, for 8 hours each day, and vve
also have evening courses that meet from 7-9pm on Tuesdays or Thursdays for three
months. Both courses cost 900 dollars. The courses are held at the Community College, and
you vvould need to go there to register.

I would recommend you register as soon as possible as the courses are íilling up quickly!

If you have íurther questions, you can call me at 376 334 4524 between 8am and 4pm.

Karen M iller

190. What does the course teach?

(A) how to start an Online bank
(B) how to use Online banking
(C) how to use the internet
(D) how to succeed as a banker

191. Why did Mr. Woodhouse contact Karen Miller?

(A) to ask for iníormation
(B) to answer a question
(C) to register for a course
(D) to set up a bank account

192. When could Mr. VVoodhouse take the course?

(A) Saturday evenings
(B) all day Tuesday
(C) Thursday evenings
(D) Tuesday mornings

193. What is true of the vveekend courses?

(A) They are cheaper than the evening courses.
(B) They are full.
(C) They last for tw o hours per day.
(D) They last for 4 days.

194. What time can Karen Miller be contacted?

(A) 9 p.m.
(B) 3 a.m.
(C) 5 p.m.
(D) 10 a.m.
TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

Questions 195-196 refer to th e following receipt.

09 D ecem ber 2009

8:26 p.m .
Your server is Anna

1 large spring water $1.50

1 coke $1.00
2 chefs salads 2x$4.00 $8.00
1 jacket potato with cheese $4.50
1 lasagna $8.99
; 1 chocolate ice cream $350

Subtotal $27.49
Tax (7.75%) $ 2.13

Total $29.62

Paid cash $30.00

Change $ 0.38

Thankyou for your business!

195. Which meal of the day was this receipt for? 196. How many desserts were ordered?
(A) breakíast (A) none
(B) lunch (B) one
(C) atternoon snack (C) two
(D) dinner (D) three

Questions 197-198 re fe r to th e following schedule.



SK2549 17:50 stockholm Arrived 17:48
LX380 18:10 Zurich Expected 18:00
CF005 18:50 Gothenburg Arrived 17:51
SK8677 18:50 Gothenburg Expected 17:55
TCX20L 18:20 Paphos Expected 18:35
3W709 18:25 Isie O f Man Expected 18:20
SK541 18:25 Copenhagen Expected 18:30
BD38 18:30 Copenhagen Expected 18:30
LH4886 18:30 Dusseldorí Expected 18:30
LH4872 18:40 ốuernsey Expected 18:25

197. Where is the last plane expected to arrive Corning from? 198. What time is it now?
(A) Gothenburg (A) 17: 50
(B) Guernsey (B) 17: 53
(C) Copenhagen (C) 17:55
(D) Paphos (D) 18:52

TOEIC Practice Test I Section II: Reading

Questions 199-2 0 0 re íe r to th e following notice.

Metra’s Bikes on Trains program is designed to enable cyclists to bring their stan-
dard-form bicycles on board trains during weekday off-peak hours and on vveekends.
Three bicycles are allowed in the priority seating area in each accessible diesel rail-
car; two in each electric railcar. There is no additional charge to your Metra fare to
Pr3.ctic6 Tcst

take a bicycle on board the train.

199. How many bicycles are allovved?

(A) three in each train
(B) three in each electric railcar
(C) two in each electric railcar
(D) two in each diesel railcar

200. How much do you pay to travel with a bicycle?

(A) your usual tare
(B) your fare and a charge
(C) you travel free with the bike
(D) you get a discount

T E ST 2
T O E IC Practice Test 2 Section 1: Listening

TEST2 Section I: Listening

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are tour parts to this section, with speclal directions for each part.

Part I: Photographs
Directions: For each question, you w ill see a p icture and you w ill hear fo u r s h o rt statements. The state-
m ents w ill be spoken just one tim e. T he y w ill n o t be p rinted in y o u r te s t b o o k so you must listen careíully to
understand w h a t th e speaker says. W hen you hear the fo u r statem ents, loo k at the picture and choose the
statem ent that best describes w h a t you see in th e picture. C hoose th e best ansvver A, B, c or D.
............................................ .....

Now listen to the four statements.
Statement (D) best describes what you see in the picture.
Therefore, you should choose ansvver (D).

A. He is on the phone.
B. She is driving the car.
c. She is typing on the Computer.
D. He is sitting next to her.

Sample Answer

A B c D ✓
! T O f tc f r » í ( K » T r» l 2 Sw tlon I: l ì w w n
ice Test 2
TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section I: Listening
Practice Test 2

6. A B c D

7. A B c D

TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section I: Listening

TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section I: Listening

Part 2: Question-Response
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a question or statement spoken in English, followed by three
responses, also spoken in English. The question or statement and the responses will be sp>oken just one time. They wj||
not be printed in your test book, so you must listen careíully. You are to choose the best response to each question or
statement. N ow listen to a sample question.
You will hear: Man: Why are you late?
Woman: A . I hope I won't be.
B. My car broke dovvn.
c. He always is.
PrỉlCtÌCB Tost 2

The best response ís choice B. "My car broke down". Thereíore, you should choose B

11 A B c 21 A B c 31 A B c
12 A B c 22 A B c 32 A B ,. c
13 A B c. 23 A B c 33 A B c
14 A B c 24 A B c ... 34 A ... B . c
15 A B c 25 A B c 35 A B c
16 A B c 26 A B c 36 A B c
17 A B c 27 A B ... c 37 A B c
18 A B c 28 A B c 38 A B . c
19 A B c 29 A B c 39 A B c
20 A B c.... 30 A B c 40 A B c

\ TOEIC Practice Test 2

Part 3: Conversations
Section I: Listening

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about
what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A ). (B ), (C ).
or (D ) on your answer ỉheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken onty one time.

41. What is the reason for the trattic on 35E? 46. What will the man probably do at the meeting tonight?
(A) an accident (A) improvise it

P D B - Id
(B) bad weather (B) ask to reschedule
(C) rush hour (C) not attend
(D) roadworks (D) lead it

42. What is at tault fo r the woman's nervousness? 47. What ettect did the intervievver have on the man?
(A) not knovving the material (A) He made him feel arrogant.
(B) psychological obstacles (B) He encouraged him.

* s a i
(C) pressure trom other people (C) He took advantage of him.
(D) her stutter (D) He unnerved him.

43. What, according to the man, is the most important part 48. What, besides the intervievv, could help the man get the job?
of the presentation? (A) his past career experience
(A) its substance (B) his pertormance today
(B) its delivery (C) his grades in school
(C) its comprehensibility (D) his motivation to be the best
(D) its flow
49. What is the woman's opinion?
44. Why does the man want to find Meredith? (A) The decision to hire him for the job
(A) to talk about their meeting tonight depends on many tactors.
(B) to prepare her on the Knight file (B) He should have shovvn that he is self-confident.
(C) to get a file he needs (C) The intervievver was nice but strict.
(D) to make sure she is prepared for tonight (D) His employment depends solely on the interviewer's opinioa

45. What is the man upset about?

(A) his tendency to postpone things
(B) Meredith's irresponsibility
(C) the content of the meeting
(D) Joan's inability to help him

TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section I: Listening

50. Where are the two individuals? 61. How does the man reassure the woman?
(A) He tells her his lite is not for everyone.
(A) their gate
(B) the security line (B) He recounts his past successes.
(C) the baggage claim area (C) He tells her it's possible to combine work and leisure.
(D) the convention center (D) He says she could do it, too, if she really vvanted it.

51. Why are they going to get cottee?

(A) They need caíteine to stay avvake. 62. Where does this conversation take place?
(B) Their belongings will arrive in three hours. (A) over the telephone
Practice Test 2

(C) To avoid the swarm of people. (B) at the woman's house

(D) They can't leave for another three hours. (C) at the editor's office
(D) at a publishing company
52. Why does he want to pay for the cottee?
(A) She paid last time. 63. What has the man gotten used to?
(B) She drove him to the airport. (A) the stress of deadlines
(C) She vvants to pay on the way back. (B) non-returned phone calls
(D) It was her idea. (C) that the woman is otten late
(D) unexpected obstacles in publishing
53. Who reterred the woman to Dr. Evans?
(A) a co-worker (C) the man 64. What does the publishing company want to meet with
(B) a doctor (D) her psychologist the woman about?
(A) a novel they want her to write
5 4 . Why does the woman want to be Dr. Evans' patient? (B) publishing a collection of her columns
(A) She vvants some herbs. (C) her irresponsibility
(B) She is inetticient at work. (D) her missing their last scheduled meeting
(C) She can't sleep at night.
(D) She has a tood disorder. 65. Why does the man want to be in advertising?
(A) because he is inventive and smart
55. When will she actually see Dr. Evans?
(B) he was fired from his last job
(A) two weeks from Thursday
(C) he knows he is passionate about it
(B) today
(D) it's comparable to accounting
(C) in half an hour
(D) Friday
6 6 . According to the vvoman, why should he get the job
at the agency?
56. According to the man, what is unique about the woman?
(A) to become Creative
(A) She works 14 hours.
(B) to compare it to his old job
(B) She loves a long day at work.
(C) to get experience
(C) She leaves fo r work late.
(D) to add passion to his life
(D) She likes her work.

57. What does going to the Calvin Klein meeting probably 67. What is the man concerned about?
mean for the vvoman? (A) not excelling
(A) a new Client for her to work with (B) tinding an area that suits him best
(B) a chance to work in a ditterent department (C) not getting paid for vvorking
(C) she could be promoted at some point (D) missing his old job
(D) she could work for Calvin Klein
6 8 . What might hinder James's chance at the job?
58. Why did the boss order a lot of a particular design? (A) his qualitications
(A) She values the woman's opinion. (B) an untair boss
(B) The Calvin Klein reps suggested it. (C) not being related to his boss
(C) They are sampling a new clothing line. (D) Paul being ruthless
(D) The woman designed it herselt.
69. What does the woman think about Paul?

59. Why is it acceptable for Ed to leave at 3:30?

(A) He is unqualitied.
(A) He already put in a full day.
(B) He will try to persuade Cindy.
(BỊ He is allovved to work halt days when he wants.
(C) He has the advantage.
(C) He is his own boss.
(D) He is better than James.
(D) His boss changed his schedule.

60. What does the woman admire about the man? 70. What does the man know about Paul?
(A) his bravery to leave work early (A) his current emotional State
(B) how he puts tamily tirst
(B) that he is related to Cindy
c his ability to wake up so early all the time
(C) his level of disappointment
(D) his ability to succeed in various aspects of lite
(D) that he already has the position
I TOEIC Practềce Test 2 Section I: Lhtening

Part 4: Taiks
D ir e c tio n s : You W»M haar to m * u lk t f>v«n by a «ngt* Ipeaker You W1« b * aakmđ to answ*r (h r*a q u tMKKn about
vvhat the speaker u y t m aach talk Setect the b ctt rn p o o tc to n c h quethon and m arii the letter (A ). (B ) (C ) or
(D ) on your antvver theet The talks w4( not be prtnted in your te tt book and w i be spokan on*jr o n * á m *

71. What might tlight cuts result in? 79. What tradition does NewHampstare uphoếcT
(A) the setling ot the company (A) telling orM stories about thee past
(B) lowered salaries (B) kstng thee Stores by region
(C) bemg sold to another airline (C) makmg items that reveal people's souls
(D) a higher ticket setlmg-price (0) expandng thee busnesses trom thee home to nrorkshops

72. In what year mtght atrlmes have expenenced 80. Why are haecuts and car repairs mentioneđ1
the same problem? (A) They are being promoted
(A) 1980 (B) They usuatty provide substandard S e rv ice
(B) 1994 (C) They are exampies of a Service
(C) 1989 (0) They are being argued agamst
(D) never
81. When can reasonable tirrvng ot the Service be expected7
73. VVhat will airlines now make an ettort to do? (A) when a time has to be vvorked out
(A) discourage business travelers (B) in the less complicated Services
(B) reduce the number ot seats they sell (C) when the place providing the Service IS not busy
(C) sen tewers cheap tickets V ia the internet (D) in ail cases
(0) seH more seats than usual
82. Why IS a leaky r o o l mentioned?
74. What kind of vehicle could be blockmg the entryway? (A) to illustrate unacceptable substandard Service
(A) shuttle bus (B) to demonstrate how otten ttangs go vvrong »1 Services
(B) taxi (C) to show that Service vvill never be pertect
(C) car (D) to show that Services otten use low quality materials
(0) City bus
83. What is considered as tood for our brain?
75. Where IS the Ford Taurus allowed to be parked? (A) oxygen
(A) west side parkmg lot (B) ceÁs
(B) off the premises (C) blood
(C) a tew meters away trom where it IS now (0) the food you take in
(D) South side parkmg lot
84. When in the lungs vvhat does the blood give away?
76 What will happen if it IS not moved in ten minutes? (A) oxygen
(A) The potice will be called (B) carbon dioxide
(B) It will be removed by another vehicle. (C) cells
(C) The owner vvill pay a fee (D) air
(0) The entryway vvill continued to be blocked.
85. What IS the purpose of this text?
77. Besides variety, what else IS heralded as being unique (A) to help patients improve their lives
about ỉhopping in New Hampshire? (B) to mtorm doctors on blood diseases
(A) No tax IS added to their purchases. (C) to help people understand thee blood System
|B) They se# nationally known name brands. (D) to intorm parents about chridren's blood diseases

(C) They specialưe in sportỉ equipment

(D) All Stores are old tashioned.

78. What Service do many Stores provide?

(A) They help you lind exactly what you are lookmg tor.
(B) They will te# you the story behind your purchase
(C| They gittwrap your purchases tor you.
(D) They WIỈI send purchases to you.

TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section I: Listening

8 6 . When was Registration of Business Names Act repealed? 94. What is the tirs t thing they will do once they exit the plane?
(A) 1916 (A) get their luggage

(B) 1985 (B) have their passports stamped

(C) 1982 (C) catch a taxi

(D) never (D) go to the baggage claim area

8 7 . What does the Business Names Act allow? 95. How do we learn how to prepare for events such as pain?
(A) complete treedom in choosing a name for your business (A) Operant Conditioning
PrăCtÌCG Tfest 2

(B) for the government to have some say (B) Classical Conditioning
in your business' name (C) Observational Learning
(C) the right to not tell others the name of your business (D) Modeling
(D) the business to choose its name vvithout government
consultation 96. What do we learn to avoid through Operant Conditioning?
(A) repetition
88. What is the main purpose of the mentioned ruies? (B) excessive anticipation
(A) to maintain a variety of business names (C) being mimicked
(B) to ensure socially acceptable business names (D) untavorable consequences
(C) to keep the government involved in business life
(D) to protect peoplếs ownership of names 97. How are humans classitied?
(A) as being in a higher group than animals
89. What is NOT a mentioned event at the tirst (B) as being non-imitative
modern Olympics? (C) as a more sophisticated animal
(A) pole vaulting (D) as immune to modeling
(B) tennis
(C) soccer 98. What is the family's problem?
(D) gymnastics (A) They can't agree on what to pack.
(B) They packed too much.
90. What was Altred Hoyos Guttmann's biggest diíticulty? (C) They aren't allovved to pack much.
(A) Corning in tirst (D) They find the luggage rule untair.
(B) enduring the cold water
(C) maintaining a big lead 99. What form of entertainment will the tamily bring with them?
(D) svvimming along with the current (A) a deck of playing cards
(B) a laptop
91. How many individuals participated in the first (C) a camping towel
modern Games? (D) handheld games
(A) 13
(B) less than 300 100. What does the speaker anticipate?
(C) 300 exactly (A) they won't make the weight cut
(D) around 300 (B) a lesson about their attachment to things
(C) they'11 regret packing so much
92. What time do they need to arrive at the airport? (D) an adventurous experience
(A) 7:30 Sharp
(B) 6:30
(C) 6:00 Sharp
(D) around 6:00

93. Which is NOT a mentioned way they can entertain

themselves on the plane?

(A) walk around

(B) take a snack
(C) read a book
(D) take a nap

I T O E IC Practice Test 2 Section II: Reading
ầế- ------------------------------— ----------------------------------------

Section II: Reading

In the Reading te tt. you will read a vanety of te x tí and an*wer từveral drAerent types o( reading comprehension que*oon*
I The entire Reading test vvĩll last 75 mmute* There are three partv and deecoon* are grven fo r each part You are encouraged to
antwer as many quettion* u posnble \vtthin the time allowed You m utt mark your an*wer? on the separate answer
I theet Do not w nte your an*wer* in your te*t book

Part 5: Incomplete Sentences

D ir e c tio n s : A word or phrase II rrMMing in each o f the lentence* bek)w. Four an*wer chcxces are given bdow
each lentence Seiect the b e it an*wer to complete the tentence Then mark (he letter (A ), (B ). (C ). or (D ) on
your an*wer theet

Exam ple:
The mother held her newbom
(A ) loving
(B ) lovety
(C ) lovingly
(D ) love

C orrect answer: (C )

lf you want to have a successtul interview you must 107. hard work IS important, so IS spending time
make a good________. with tamily and triends.
(A) impatience (A) Since
|B) implication (B) Ukewise
(C) impression (C) In spite
(D) inspiration (D) VVhile

I 102. Tim was always helpíul and cheertul with customers; 108. The__________ opmion of the delegates was that
he was declared employee of the month. the conterence was a great success.
(A) nevertheless (A) collect
(B) theretore (B) collected
(C) hovvever (C) collective
(DỊ because (D) collecting

Ị 103. Lea did a ______ |0b on the advertising campaign; 109. Did you hear that Mr. Richards proposed
she didn't miss a single detail. corporate strategy at the meeting yesterday?
(A) through (A) a whole new
(B) swift (B) a new all
(C) thorough (C) wholly new
(D) detailing (D) a new wholly

104. Maureen gave a talk when______ the conterence 110. In regard your enquiry, we have no vacancies
last week. at this time.
(A) she attended (A) about
(B) was attending (B) from
(C) attended (C) with
(D) she had attended (D) to

105. His tirst novel was a story he heard from 111. Trevor chose to be a lawyer because he likes the
his grandmother.

(A) acquired |A) adversity

|B) indicated |B) struggle
(C) applied (C) tribulation

I 106.
(0) insptred

One of the mam reasons people attend conterences IS

(D) challenge

112. All parties were happy with the results of the meetmg
because It was a _____ situatioa
for th e _________ opportunities. (A) win-win (C) vvm-lose
(A) greeting (C) networking (B) no-win (D) lose-lose
(B) partnenng (D) programming

TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section II: Reading

113. Some say the light bulb was the most signiticant 122. Having vvorked for ten years as an accountant, Tom
in history. suttered a _________and decided to change careers.

(A) innovation (A) breakthrough

(B) inspiration (B) burnout

(C) implication (C) breakout
(D) instigation (D) blackout

114. The goals of the two CEOs were ditterent so it was not 123. Robert is alvvays smiley a n d ________ when he first
Practice Test 2

easy for them to reach a (n )_________which they were meets someone.

both happy with. (A) cheering
(A) dialogue (B) cheers
(B) compromise (C) cheertul
(C) negotiation (D) cheer up
(D) obligation
124. It proved to be Lisa's b i g _______ when her photographs
115. I thought Louise_____ here this atternoon. Where is she? were discovered by the advertising agency.
(A) is (A) bounce
(B) was being (B) benetit
(C) would be (C) break
(D) will be (D) bomb

116. Atter making some changes, both t h e __________ and 1 2 5 . 1 specitically asked y o u _______ here by 8am!
the protits of the company increased. What is your excuse this time?
(A) productivity (A) to be
(B) producers (B) vvould be
(C) producing (C) are
(D) product (D) being

117. This tactory has t h e ___________to produce 10,000 126. The security guard was m a d e _________ when the bank
television sets per year. installed a high tech new alarm System.
(A) skill (A) redundant
(B) intrastructure (B) surplus
(C) capacity (C) excessive
(D) pace (D) retiree

118. I ________ to intorm you that your application for 127. Jennifer was one of only three candidates________ for
the job has not been successtul. an interview.
(A) scorn (A) ottered
(B) hesitate (B) employed
(C) regret (C) invited
(D) grieve (D) hired

119. I would suggest y o u ____ with personnel betore buying 128. The íirs t aid seminar i s ________ ; you must attend.
the plane ticket. (A) obligated
(A) have checked (B) obligation
(B) checking (C) obligatory
(C) checked (D) obliging
(D) check
129. Alexander is a superb architect but h is ________are
120 . Leila i s _______ ; know she will rise to the top quickly. rather high so we gave the job to someone else.

(A) ambitious (A) salary

(B) advantageous (B) costs
(C) ambiguous (C) dues
(D) ambidextrous ( D ) tees

121. Atter a nice lunch, Bob felt like taking a nap. 130. It w a s _____ of Judy to quit her job because she will
(A) has had probably be sorry later.
(B) he was having (A) rash (C) handy
(C) having (B) negligent (D) inconsiderate
(D) he has
TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section II: Reading

131. In the long term, property can be an excellent 137. Did Mrs. S m ith ________ anything about the new Client?
(A) purchase (A) mention
(B) investment (B) argue
(C) inclination (C) discuss
(D) protit (D) reason

132. I f ______Bob nor Julie have the file it must truly be lost. 138. Would y o u _________ vvorking with Chemco even though
(A) neither they manutacture pesticides?
(B) either (A) contradict
(C) rather (B) condescend
(D) other (C) consent
(D) consider
133. The theory of supply and demand i s ________ to our
business strategy. 139. Y o u _________ take the bills to the post office; III do it

I (A) neutral
(B) Central
tomorrovv morning.
(A) couldn't
(B) should
(C) needn't
(D) might
1 3 4 . 1 hope by this time next week the whole p ro je c t_______ .
(A) completes 140. What is the s a te ty _________in case of fire?
(B) will complete (A) procedure
(C) is completed (B) protocol
(D) will be completed (C) behavior
(D) benchmark
135. We had to call in an expert because the manual fo r the
new software made n o ________ .
(A) sense
(B) nonsense
(C) logic
(D) use

136. It is critical that you a r e _time for the tlight.

(A) at the
(B) on
(C) by the
(D) with

TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section II: Reading

P a r t 6 : Text Completion
Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer
chõices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter
(A ). (B ), (C), or (D ) on your answer sheet.
Practice Test 2

Questions 141 - 143 re te r to the following letter. Questions 144 - 146 re fe r to the following news

Fly A w ay A irlin es More than £160m will be spent on music and

N ew fo rth B usin es s P ark video dovvnloads in the UK this year, according
M in n e a p o lis , M N , 2 7 7 2 6 to a

Dear Sir or M adam , 144. (A) tortune

(B) summary
I am sen ding this letter of be cau se o f the (C) poll
Service I received vvhile traveling on y o u r tlig h t 779 from
(D) review
M inneapolis to New York on the 19th o f S e p te m b e r 2007.

Market analysts predict that digital dovvnloads will

141. (A) complain
be worth £163m in 2008 - up 45.5% on last year.
(B) complains
And digital spending will continue t o _________ ,
(C) complaint
reaching £600m a ỳéar by 2012, according to the
(D) complaining
UK Music and Video Retailers 2008 report.

145. (A) sink

I requested a d ia b e tic m eal th ro u g h yo u r vvebsite, and
(B) tloat
con tirm ed this w hen I che cked in fo r the tlig ht. Hovvever,
w hen the meals were served on board, I w as to ld that (C) glide
there was no diab etic m eal requested. I had to ask fo u r (D) soar
tim es, and becom e q u it e ___________ beíore the cab in
crew w o uld search for the m eal w h ich I had reason to But CD and DVD spending has slovved, with the
believe w as there. M istakes m ay happen, but this seem ed ________ UK music and video marks down
like unnecessary rudeness. 2.9% to £4bn in 2008.

142. (A) complicated 146. (A) altogether

(B) motivated (B) vvhole
(C) interrogated (C) overall
(D) agitated (D) absolute

You can understand m y concern, l’m sure, because eating

regular meals, m ade up of the rig ht too ds, i s _______ for
m anaging this illness. R egrettably, l’m not sure th a t I
w o uld feel con tide nt traveling w ith you in the tuture.

John Baker

143. (A) critical

(B) pivotal
(C) detrimental

(D) valuable
'ì: ị ______
TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section II: Reading

Questions 147 - 149 refer to the followlng memo. Questions 150 - 152 re te r to the following e-m ail.

* s a i 3 D Ịip i^ d
MEMO To: Mark Ackerman
TO: A ll s t a f f From: Deborah Leach
FRO M : M a n a g e m e n t Subject: PARKING LOT REFURBISHMENT
A prll 4 Cc: c.c. Summers
Erin Young
As yo u knovv, w e are e x p e c tin g a v is it fro m he a lth Date: 2 June, 200 7 14:12:25
in spe cto rs th is vveek. I w o u ld lik e to re m in d y o u
th e im p o rta n c e ío r o u r re s ta u ra n t to Dear Mr. Ackerman,
avoid any p ro b le m s vvith th e he a lth in s p e c tio n . It is This is to inform you th a t we have carefully
essential th a t yo u c a rry o u t y o u r usual c le a n in g and your estimate fo r the parking lot

san itatio n p ro c e d u re s w ith th e u p p e rm o s t ca re th is refurbishing. We are planning to contract with you
Ị w e ek. D o n o t t a k e ____________ . fo r this work.

147. (A) for 150. (A) recalled

(B) in (B) reviewed
(C ) o f (C) renewed
(D) with (D) remitted

148. (A) cutbacks We are unable to let this contract immediately

however, as final approval o f expenditures o f this
(C) cutoffs
nature must come from the head o ff ice in New York.
(D) downturns

I w o u ld p a rtic u la rly lik e to re m in d s ta ff to c h e c k on

We expect to receive approval or disapproval
the storage o f m e a t p ro d u c ts . M a k e the next 30 days. A t such time, vve will
meats are ke p t on th e u p p e r s h e lí in th e re írig e ra tio n contact you with instructions accordingly.
u n it, because th e te m p e ra tu re is n o t hig h e n o u g h on
th e lovver shelf. 151. (A) on
(B) vvithin
Thank y o u fo r y o u r c o o p e ra tio n , (C) since
Lisa T h o m so n (D) among
M anagem ent
I f we may be o f any assistance in the meantime
149. (A) sure please feel f r e e __________ this office.
(B) clear Sincerely,
(C) obvious Deborah Leach, Secretary
(D) caretul ABC Stationers
Denver, Colorado
Tel: 605 885 5624

152. (A) when you contact with

(B) contacting

(C) to contact
(D) to contact with
TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section II: Reading

Part 7: Reading Comprehension

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and
advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter
(A ), (B ), (C ), or (D ) on your ansvver sheet.
Are you someone who enjoys trying new things and does not feel uncomíortable in new environments? Then why not
get paid for it? C U LTU R E magazine is looking for individuals to go to nevv clubs, events, etc. and vvrite about the cultural
Príictic© Tcst 2

scene they observe in these places. Interested? Send your resume to Please no phone calls.

What type of person would be best qualiíìed íor this job?

(A ) a homebody
(B) an introvert
(C ) a clumsy person
(D ) a risk-taker
Correct ansvver: (D )

Questions 153-155 re íe r to th e following advertisem ent.

Anthony's Pỉer
The world-famous Anthony's Pier has become synonymous w ith fine seaíood, tasty
American dishes and spectacular views of the harbor and the City skyline. Established
by Anthony Athanas in 1963, Anthony's Pier is one of four in the íamily of Athanas
restaurants. A trolley Service is provided for dinner customers heading off to the
FleetBoston Pavilion Concerts.
Full bar, private dining room, reservations recommended.

140 N orthern Avenue

Boston, M A 02210
Phone: 617-482-6262
Fax: 617-426-2324
http://w w w

OPEN: Sunday 12pm-10pm (Dinner All Day); Monday-Thursday 11:30am-10:00pm;

Friday and Saturday 11:30am-11:00pm.
Dress is Sm art Casual

153. For what reason would you visit Anthony's Pierì

(A) to eat
(B) to fish
(C) for a stroll
(D) to see a concert

154. In vvhich way can you NOT contact the restaurant?

(A) telephone
(B) letter

(C) e-mail
(D) fax

155. What is unique about Sundays at Anthony's Pierl

(A) lt is not open early in the morning.
(B) You can eat dinner at any time.
(C) It stays open late.
(D) There is a dress code.

TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section II: Reading

I Questions 156 - 160 refer to th e following w eb page and e-m ail.


Ị X H T M L is th e next ve rs io n o f H T M L . T his class vvill teach all th e sam e c o n c e p ts as th e H T M L 101 cou rse,
Ị b u t ío c u s e d on v a lid and w e ll-fo rm e d X H T M L.
ị A íte r y o u íin is h th is fre e cou rse, y o u w ill u n d e rsta n d th e basics o f X H T M L, and som e m o re advan ced to p ics.
! W ith Intera ctive lessons and th e o p tio n to w o rk w ith o th e r p e op le in th e course, y o u 'll be able to learn H T M L
Ị th e vvay y o u w a n t. G o at y o u r o w n pace, o r fo llo w a lo n g vvith th e vveekly syllabu s.
ỉ The class vvill cove r:

* s a j_ a 3 [ } D E - lJ
the ditterences between XHTML and HTML basic XHTML
text manipulation lists, images, tables and trames
an overview of torms

A t th e end o f th e class, th o s e s tu d e n ts vvho pass a s k ills test d e m o n s tra tin g th e ir knovvledge

w ill re ce ive a c e rtiíic a te m a rk in g th e ir succe ssíul c o m p le tio n o f th e co u rse .

Hi Josephine,
I ju s t stumbled upon th is ivebsite, and I though t o f you because o f our conversation last week, when

you said your boss vvants you to make a vvebsite f o r th e business, but you had no idea what to do.
This course sounds p e rfe c t - and it 's fre e too! Actually, I remember my trie n d Tom did th is course
a while back and was very happy w ith it. The only thing he mentioned was th a t you ca n 't change your
e-mail address f o r th e whole 11 weeks o f th e course, or you m ight have problems!

I hope it's usetul f o r you!

Keep in touch,
A lis ta ir

156. What is true of the course? 159. Where did Alistair find the intormation on the course?
(A) lt is the tirs t course ottered by IT Solutions. (A) on the internet
(B) It is highly structured. |B) in a magazine
(C) You must know HTML íirst. (C) his triend told him
(D) lt has tlexible options. (D) in a nevvspaper

157. What is NOT taught in the course? 160. What is the most likely relationship between Alistair
(A) how to use images and Josephine?
(B) what is new about XHTML (A) colleagues
(C) how texts can be manipulated (B) triends
(D) details about every form (C) boss/employee
(D) teacher/student
158. What should you NOT try to do during the course?
(A) work with other people
(B) fall behind the syllabus
(C) change your address
(D) change your e-mail address

Questions 161 - 162 refer to th e following notice.


Join us at a CAREER EXPO to be held on Ulmerton Road, Cleanvater, Florida 33762.
Wednesday, October 2nd, between the hours of ^ or more iníormation contact Cheryl Thomson
lOam and 7pm at the Holiday Inn, 3535 in t*ie ^ areer Ottice. Tel: 286 331 3476

161. Where would this notice most likely be tound? 162. What is located on Ulmerton Road?
(A) in a tourist ottice (A) Holiday Inn
(B) in a hotel lobby (B) Florida State Universìty
(C) on a college campus (C) the Career ottice
(D) in a newspaper (D) Clearvvater
TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section II: Reading

Questions 16 3 - 164 re íe r to th e following m enu.

Hot A ppetizers
B a s k e t o f C h e e s y G a r lic B re a d $ 4 .2 5
w i t h s id e o f M a r in a r a S a u c e
Practice Test 2

F rie d M o z z a r e lla L o a f ° $ 6 .2 5
w i t h s id e o f M a r in a r a S a u c e . N O T f r o z e n s tic k s

P o ta to C r o q u e t te 0 $ 4 .2 5

R ice B a ll $ 1 .5 0
m a d e w i t h M e a tb a ll, t h r e e C h e e s e s & Peas

Ita lia n S a u sa g e $ 5 .0 0
2 lin k s o f J o e 's h o m e m a d e N e w Y o r k H o t o r S vvee t s a u s a g e

M e a tb a lls $ 5 .5 0
2 M e a tb a lls o f m y G r a n d m a 's r e c ip e s t ill m a d e
by Dad

° indicates vegetarian dishes

163. Which recipe was handed down in the tamily?

(A) Italian sausage
(B) meatballs
(C) tried Mozzarella loaf
(D) potato Croquette

164. How many choices are there for someone who doesn't eat meat?
(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four

50 I
TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section II: Reading

Questions 16 5 - 169 refer to th e following e-m ail and a ttach m en t.

I— ; ............. ■■■ “
To: T e rry M o rris o n
From : M a b e l Johansson, Events C o o rd in a to r
D a te : 17 O c tó b e r, 2 0 0 7 13:05:47

Hello Terry,
I was very relieved to hear that you vvill be available to help with registration activities
at the conference. W e w e re in a bit of a panic!
W e need someone for Monday and Tuesday, just to sit at the registration desk, and
ansvver questions, and pass out the orientation packets to the delegates as they arrive.
I've attached the schedule for the relevant days, so you can have a look at the times.

D o let me know that you've received this e-mail and the times are alright for you.
Thanks ever so much!



Early Registration O pens Monday, O c to b e r 22, 2007 7:30 A M - 5:00 PM

DAY O N E Tuesday, O c to b e r 23, 2007

Registration H ours 8:00 A M - 10:00 AM

M orning Technical Sessions 10:15 A M - 12:00 PM

Lunch 12:00 PM - 1:00PM

Keynote Plenary Session 1 :0 0 - 3:00 PM

Exhibit Hall O pen 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

A íte rn o o n Technical Sessions 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM

165. What will be included in Terry's job? 168. Which conterence activities are happening at overlapping
(A) organizing the conterence times?
(B) giving delegates intormation (A) the Exhibit Hall and the Atternoon Technical Sessions
(C) leading a Technical Session (B) the Keynote Plenary Session and the Atternoon
(D) ansvvering the telephone Technical Sessions
(C) registration and the Morning Technical Session
166. What would Mabel like Terry to do? (D) lunch and the Keynote Plenary Session
(A) let her know when there is a problem

(B) let her know that all is okay 169. How long are the Morning Technical Sessions?
(C) tell her what hours she is available (A) 2 hours
(D) volunteer to work (B) 2 hours and 30 minutes
(C) 45 minutes
167. When will Terry be vvorking on Tuesday? (D) 1 hour and 45 minutes
(A) 8am - lOam
(B) 8am - 7pm
(C) 7:30am - 5pm
(D) 7:30am - lũpm

TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section II: Reading

Questions 170-171 re íe r to th e following news re p o rt.

Republicans Clash Over Tax Cuts

Republican p a rty presidential candidates, Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Romney, argued ove r th e ir ta x and
spending policies. The clashes to o k place during a tele vise d de ba te in Michigan.
Practice Test 2

The ex-New Y ork m ayor and the to rm e r M assa chu setts g o ve rn o r each claim ed to be m ore com -
m itte d to lo w ering taxes, as the y com p e te d fo r co n se rva tive sup po rt.

The clash betvveen Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Romney began when the Republican tro n t-ru n n e rs w ere
asked to discuss th e ir d iíte re nce s ove r econom ic issues.

170. What was Mr. Giuliani's tormer job? 171. Where did most people probably vvitness the clash?
(A) president (A) on TV
(B) mayor of New York (B) in Michigan
(C) governor of Massachusetts (C) in New York
(D) Republican presidential candidate (D) at the debate

Questions 172-174 re fe r to th e following e-m ail.

F rom : "Mark Wilson" < >

To: Anna Ardy < >
Cc: "Jason Johnson" < >, "Bill Stewart" < >, "Maria White" < >, "Jodie Forest" < >
S u b je ct: PR committee meeting - Thursday, 12th November
D ate: Monday, 9th November 09:04:47

Just a rem inder to everyone th a t w e are holding our Public Relations C o m m itte e m eeting
this Thursday.

It is due to s ta rt a t 9:30 Sharp, w ith Mr. S te w a rt kindly v isitin g to g ive a p re se n ta tio n on

the new ad vertising reg ulation s th a t have ju s t passed, so this should save all o f us som e
tim e and coníusion. Also, would tho se o f you who have had p ro je c ts íinished th is m onth
please be prepared to give a quick p re se n ta tio n on the outcom e.

Thanks, and I look fo rw a rd to seeing you a t the m eeting.

Mark VVilson

172. How many people received this e-mail? 174. What is most likely to be the website address of this
(A) one organization?
(B) five (A)
(C) six

(D) twelve (C)
173. What is true of the meeting?
(A) It will start promptly.
(B) People will present Ideas for proịects.
(C) There will be several guest speakers.
(D) It is in a week's time.

TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section : Reading

Questions 175-176 re íe r to th e follow ing m em o.

To: )erry VVilson, CEO
From: MaryAnn Tyler, Director
Subject: Urgent change of plans

* s a i a D Ị ip iM d
Date: 14 May 2007

Jerry, call me as soon as you have read the attached report.

W e need to implement the nevv product marketing plan sooner than discussed
at our last meeting, because Alpha Inc. now has a similar one set to launch in
July. Call me right avvay.



175. What should Jerry do after reading the report?

(A) call MaryAnn immediately
(B) read the report then call MaryAnn
(C) implement the new product marketing plan
(D) send a report to Alpha Inc.

176. How do Jerry and MaryAnn view the Alpha Inc.?

(A) as a com petitor
(B) as a colleague
(C) as an example
(D) as an imposter

TOEIC Practice Test 2 _ Section II: Reading

Questions 177 - 181 re íe r to th e following le tte r and business card.

Mr. Timothy York

42 Chadvvick Street, 2F3
London, SW1P 2EP
18 January 2008
We have received your claim fo r damages to your car sustained on 29
Dec 2007. However, we require a few other pieces o f documentation, to
process the claim. We need a police report to determine fa u lt in
Practice Test 2

accident claims, and request th a t you send us this document. Were Mr. T yler Bancrott, MA
police present at the accident scene? I f police were not involved we
will neèd a form 77RH from you. Claims Appraiser
Drive Right Insurance Co.
In this situation the claim process becomes more complicated and it is
at our discretion whether we can accept your claim.
Mob: 778 4446 6925
I am the o ffic e r at Drive Right Insurance th a t will be handling your Tel: 020 7429 8759
claim, and I have included my business card with contact details. I f you Fax: 020 7429 8755
have any questions or need a copy o f the 77RH form, please contact me Email: Bancroft'®DriveRí

Mr. Tyler Bancroft

177. Approximately how much time has passed between 180. Why was the business card included?
the accident and this letter? (A) to encourage a sale
(A) a few days (B) as a reminder for an appointment
(B) a few weeks (C) to make an introduction
(C) a few months (D) to provide contact intormation
(D) about a year
181. In vvhich department at Drive Right Insurance does
178. Why is a police report needed? Mr. Bancrott most likely work?
(A) to prove the accident happened (A) management
(B) to show who caused the accident (B) sales department
(C) to complete the 77RH form (C) claims department
(D) to show where the accident happened (D) department of underwriters

179. If the police were not involved what will happen?

(A) The claim will be accepted.
(B) The claim may not be accepted.
(C) The claim will be retused.
(D) The police will now be contacted.

Questions 182-183 re íe r to th e following notice.

5th floor studio apartment in the Clearwater area. Newly
reíurbished, wood íloors, large windows, excellent views.
Utilities included. No smoking, or pets. Two months' rent

plus deposit required for the íirst payment. $500 per

month. Call Louisa after 5pm on 224 352 2254.

182. Where would this notice be most likely to be tound? 183. What should the tenant expect to pay for electricity?
(A) in a leisure magazine (A) He or she will only pay on the tirs t month.
(B) in a local newspaper (B) It will be ditterent each month.
(C) in a telephone book (C) $500 per month.
(D) on an ottice notice board (D) It is included in the rent.

54 I
T O E IC P ra c tic e Test 2 S ectio n II: R eading
ỉ u e s tio n s 184 - 188 r e í e r t o t h e f o llo w in g b u lle t in a n d m e m o .




a D ỊiD t M d
T r a in e d s ta ff w i l l r e s p o n d t o t h is a la r m d u r in g n o r m a l v v o rk in g h o u r s .
l f t h is a la r m s h o u ld s o u n d o u t s id e o f n o r m a l w o r k in g h o u rs , o r p e r s is t f o r a n y p e r io d y o u a re
o b lig e d t o in v e s tig a te its c a u s e .


In n o r m a l w o r k in g h o u r s a ll s ta ff a re e x p e c te d t o f o ll o w th e e m e r g e n c y p r o c e d u r e s d e ta ile d
in t h e s a íe ty re g u la tio n s .

ạ sa x
L o c a l t o l i f t o n ly . In n o r m a l v v o r k in g h o u r s in í o r m t h e G e n e ra l O f f ic e o n le v e l 4 o f B u ild in g J 1 3 .

T o : A ll e m p lo y e e s
F ro m : M a n a g e m e n t

F o llo w in g o n fr o m th e u n c e r ta in ty w e e x p e r ie n c e d la s t w e e k o v e r p r o c e d u r e s to c a r r y o u t w h e n a n
a la rm is h e a rd , th e a tta c h e d d o c u m e n t o u tlin e s th e d itte re n t a la rm s a n d th e a c tio n s t h a t n e e d to b e
ta k e n w h e n th e y a re s o u n d e d .

P le a s e m a k e y o u r s e lt t a m ilia r w ith it.

R e m e m b e r ho vve ve r: B E F O R E Y O U IN V E S T IG A T E T H E S O U R C E 0 F A N Y P R O B L E M , R IN G a n d
IN F O R M S E C U R IT Y - P h o n e N o . 1 3 3 3 3 .
G iv e th e m th e to llo v v in g in to rm a tio n :

184. Which alarm is the least serious? 187. Why was this memo issued?
(A) the Klaxon Horn (A) as a routine satety precaution
(B) the continuously sounding bell (B) in ansvver to a question by staff
(C) the interm ittent bell (C) because of an incident last week
(D) they are all equally serious (D) because the alarm System is new

185. When will the Klaxon Horn sound? 188. When contacting security, what intormation must be given?
(A) if there is an emergency in the Laboratory (A) where you are
(B) if there is a fire outside of vvorking hours (B) your job title
(C) if someone is stuck in the lift (C) what you tound while investigating
(D) if there is a tire at any time (D) vvhich alarm you heard

186. For what reason do employees need to check the

satety regulations?
(A) to learn the tire emergency procedures
(B) to learn how to avoid laboratory emergencies
(C) to learn emergency procedures outside of
working hours
(D) to find out how to contact security

TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section II: Reading

Questions 189 - 190 re fe r to th e following notice.

A lady's silver Timex watch with a silver band. RC is inscribed on the band.
It was possibly lost in the ladies' toilet on floor three, on Monday the 24th June.
If found, please turn in to reception.

189. Where would this notice most likely be tound?

(A) in a nevvspaper
(B) in a restaurant
|C) in an office building
(D) at a bus stop

190. What probably happened to the watch?

(A) it fell off
(B) it was tound
(C) it was repaired
(D) it was broken

Questions 191 - 192 re íe r to th e following receipt.

191. When did this transaction occur?

(A) in the morning
(B) at midday
(C) in the atternoon
(D) in the evening

192. How much money is currently in the account?

(A) $ 100.00
(B) $ 1,409.06
(C) $ 2,054.54
(D) $ 1,054.54
TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section II: Reading

Questions 19 3 - 195 re íe r to th e following job announcem ent.

Organization: UNESCO
Job tvpe: Science and Technology
Job reference: EU/TP/ITA/SC/0822
Appiy: Click here

Job offer description: Research Scientist

City: Trieste
Country: ITALY

Research: To undertake front-line research in the areas of Mathematics, speciíically, probability
(pure or/and applied) or dynamical Systems.

Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral level in Mathematics.
At least 5 years of research experience at an international level aíter completion of Ph.D.
Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English.
A positive attitude towards the international and multicultural characteristics of the assignment.

193. Where was this job announcement most likely tound?

(A) on a job center bulletin board
(B) in a newspaper
(C) on the internet
(D) in a magazine

194. What is true for the successtul candidate?

(A) He or she must be Italian.
(B) He or she must be English.
(C) He or she must speak English.
(D) He or she should have just graduated with a Ph.D.

195. What will the research be about specitically?

(A) probability
(B) international mathematics
(C) attitudes to multiculturalism
(D) a mathematician

TOEIC Practice Test 2 Section II: Reading

Questions 196 - 197 re íe r to th e following notice.

n *-—


T O D A V S FILM S: Tuesday, O ctober 16 STARTTNỐ N EXT WEEK
l:00pm Zodiac 3:10 To Yuma
4:05pm Breach A M ighty H e a rt
Practỉce Test 2

6:30pm M anufacturing Dissent H a tcĩíe t

8:20pm T ransíorm ers The Lives O f o th e rs
Shoot 'Em Up

staff Choice: The Lives of Others

Staff Choice this week is by N atalie, who has reviewed
Academy Award winning The Lives of o th e rs.
It's a gripping look behind the iron curtain at Soviet East Berlin - well vvorth a vvatch. Catch
The Lives o f o th e rs at the Prince Charles Cinema now.

196. When can you watch "A Mighty Heart"? 197. Who has recommended The Lives of othersĩ
(A) at 3:10pm (A) the Academy
(B) today, or next week (B) the s ta ff
(C) at 8:20pm (C) Natalie
(D) next week (D) Prince Charles

Questions 198 - 200 re íe r to th e following insert.

The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an
employee to successíully períorm the essential íunctions of this job. Reasonable accommoda-
tions may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to períorm the essential íunctions.

While períorming the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to actively listen
and communicate with supervisors, peers and customers.

The employee must be capable of sitting and driving for extended periods of time depending
on the geographic size of the Service area.

The employee will consistently be required to work from high places such as rooís, ceilings,
ladders, as well as from crawl spaces and other limited spaces vvithin and outside of homes
and businesses.

The employee must be able to saíely move and lift materials and equipment vveighing up to 25
pounds on a routine basis, and on limited occasions up to 50 pounds without assistance.

19 8 . Where would this insert most likely be tound? 200. What kind of job is being descrlbed?

(A) in an ottice satety document (A) repair or maintenance work

(B) in a staff newsletter (B) door-to-door sales work
(C) at a health center (C) research or product development
(D) in a job application pack (D) office work

199. Who would NOT be able to pertorm this job well?

(A) anyone who is not a weightlifter
(B) someone who is atraid of heights
(C) someone with any kind of disability
(D) someone who reads slowly
T O E IC Practice Test 3

T E ST 3

TOEIC Practice Test 3 _________________ Section I: Listening

TEST3 Section I: Listening

In thís sectíon of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part I: Photographs
D ire c tio n s : For each question, you will see a picture and you wlll Hear íour short statements. The state-
ments will be spoken just one time. They will not be printed in your test book so you must listen careíully to
Practice Test 3

understand what the speaker says. When you hear the íour statements, look at the picture and choose the
statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Choose the best answer A. B, c or D.

N ow listen to the íour statements.
Statement (D ) best describes what you see in the picture
Thereíore, you should choose answer (D).

A. He is on the phone.
B. She is driving the car.
c. She is typing on the Computer.
D. He is sitting next to her.

Sam ple A n sw e r

A B c D ✓
TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section I: Listening

4. A B c D

TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section I: Listening
Practice Test 3

6. A B c D

7. A B c D

62 z 8 D Ị} D E J J
TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section I: Listening

Part 2: Question-Response
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a question or statement spoken in English, followed by three
responses, also spoken in English. The question or statement and the responses will be spoken just One time. They will
not be printed in your test book, so you must listen careíully. You are to choose the best response to each question or
statement. N ow listen to a sample question.
You will hear: Man: Why are you late?
Woman: A . I hope I won’t be.
B. My car broke down.
c. He alvvays is.

The best response is choice B, "My car broke down”. Thereíore, you should choose B.

11 A B 0 ... • 21 A B c 31 A B c
12 A B c 22 A B c 32 A B c
P l" 2 IC t ÌC G

13 A B c 23 A B c 33 A B c
14 A B c 24 A B... c 34 A B c
15 A B c 25 A B . c 35 A B c
16 A B c 26 A B c 36 A B c
17 A B c 27 A B c 37 A B c
18 A B c 28 A B c 38 A B c
19 A B c 29 A B c 39 A B c
20 A B c 30 A B. c 40 A B c

TOEIC Practice Test 3 Sectỉon I: Listening

P a r t 3 : Conversations
k D irectio n s: You will hear some conversations between tw o people. You will be asked to answer three questions about
.vhat the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A ), (B ), (C ),
or (D ) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

41. Why doesn't the man fly to the conterence? 46. What will the woman do atter talking to the man?
(A) lt's only a seven-hour drive. (A) fire Gus
(B) It vvould take longer than driving. (B) let the man take his meal to his house
(C) Because of bad vveather. (C) give the man tree dessert
(D) His company won't reimburse an airline ticket. (D) gíve him the tood he actually ordered

42. How would the man have gotten from the airport 47. Who is the man in relationship to the woman?
to the conterence center? (A) her possible employer
(A) by bus (B) her current boss
(B) by tram (C) her reterence
(C) by plane (D) a candidate for a position
(D) by car
48. Why did the man ask the woman why she should
43. Why should the man keep track of his mileage? get the job?
(A) so he knows exactly how far he has driven (A) To gi ve her an opportunity to State her strengths.
(B) so he can be more alert on the road (B) He wasn't certain if she was com m itted to it.
(C) so his company can pay him for his travel expenses (C) The answer wasn't clear in her resume.
(D) so he can attord to drive back to his original destination (D) Her reterences gave her a poor review.

44. Where are they? 49. How does the woman feel about working long hours?
(A) a hotel (A) She thinks everyone should want to do ít.
(B) a convenience store (B) She is eager to do it.
(C) a restaurant (C) She is not vvilling to do it.
(D) a bakery (D) She is hesitant, but willing to commit to them.

45. Why did the man want to speak to the manager? 50. Where is the woman?
(A) to complain about the Service (A) in the office talking to George
(B) to praise the Service (B) in her car talking on her cell phone
(C) to change his order (C) in a meeting with Colleen
(D) to ask for a new server (D) In her bedroom at her house
TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section I: Listening

51. What is going to happen with the curriculum change 61. What is the man's opinion of the cateteria food?
meeting? (A) lt's full of delicious treats.
(A) It has to be cancelled indetinitely. (B) lt's tastier than one might expect.
(B) It will be rescheduled for a later time. (C) He'd rather go somewhere else for lunch.
(C) George will attend the meeting instead of Moira. (D) lt’s not very appetizing.
(D) Moira will go regardless of her illness because
it is urgent. 62. Where are they?
(A) in a library
52. What does the man promise to the woman? (B) at a birthday party
(C) at a musíc store
Practice Test 3

(A) call her on her cell phone in case of

an emergency (D) at a bookstore
(B) prevent people from calling her at home
(C) explain the new curriculum changes to everyone 63. What will the woman probably do?
(D) take all of her phone messages (A) buy a Jane Austen book
(B) buy A Tale of Two Cities from the Woodbury store
53. Who are the man and woman? (C) wait five to seven days for the order to come in
(A) parents (D ) buy Oliver Twist instead
(B) husband and wife
(C) college students 64. Why does the man suggest another store?
(D) protẽssors (A) lt's a short trip.
(B) They are in charge of ordering books.
54. What is the man vvorried about? (C) lt's the only way to get the desired book in time.
(A) Tony will never select a major in college. (D) They carry a larger variety of classic authors.
(B) Tony will resent his interterence.
(C) Tony won't earn enough money in the tuture. 6 5 . What is NOT a reason why the man wants to retire?
(D) Tony doesn't love college as much as Tim. (A) He wants to travel.
(B) He's tired of vvorking.
55. What does the woman think? (C) He doesn't llke his job anymore.
(A) Her son needs to come home more otten. (D) He wants to do home repairs.
(B) The man should gi ve Tony career advice.
(C) Her son should rethink his major. 6 6 . What is the woman's opinion on retiring?
(D) The man should let Tony make his own choices. (A) The man truly deserves it.
(B) They need to plan for it better.
56. Why does the woman want a new Computer? (C) She's going to miss her job.
(A) The one she has now is outdated. (D) lt's too early to s ta rt talking about it.
(B) She just got a new job as a journalist.
(C) The one she owned previously no longer works. 6 7 . According to the vvoman:
(D) She enjoys staying up to date with technological (A) The man has more time on his hands than
advances. he admits.
(B) The man is too lazy to accomplish
57. What kind of Computer does the woman want? his post-retirement goals.
(A) one at a reasonable price (C) The man's job isn't very interesting.
(B) one with all the latest teatures (D) She doesn't want to wait ten years to retire.
(C) one with free programs already installed
(D) one that is the same model as her previous Computer 6 8 . What time did the woman arrive at the doctor's office?
(A) 3:30
58. Why does the man ask the woman a question? (B) 3:10
(A) to understand what happened to her old Computer (C) 2:30
(B) to be able to recommend the most appropriate (D) 4:30
(C) to learn who can best help meet her needs 69. Why did the woman arrive at the office at the time
(D) to get an idea of what kind of technological she did?
knovvledge she possesses (A) She wanted to get in early so she would have time
to run errands.
59. Why does the man stop by the woman's desk? (B) She was already at a nearby cottee shop.
(A) He knows she is overvvhelmed with work. (C) She didn't want to leave the area and then return

(BỊ He wants to contirm their lunch Plans. again.

(C) He wants to explain the workings of the office (D) She likes to be punctual for appointments.
to her.
(D) He vvants to help her teel comtortable. 70. What is the vvoman going to do while waiting for
her appointment?
60. What is the woman's opinion of her tirs t day of work? (A) read a book
(A) She teels stressed trying to get used to her new (B) watch television
tasks. (C) return home
(BỊ lt-s the worst day of work she's ever had. (D) leaf through a magazine
(C) She wishes people would be a little more welcoming.
(D) She vvishes she had taken a ditterent job offer.

1 T O E IC Practice Test 3 Sectỉon I: Listening

Part 4: Taiks
Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker You will be aỉked to answer three questions about
what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A ). (B ). (C ), or
(D ) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one tíme.

71. What do all the people listenmg to the speech 79. What will happen to Houston?

£ }sạ]_ 3DỊJ3EJd
have in common? (A) It will play a vital role in the space effort.
(A) They all want to start their own business. (B) It will be home to the largest scientihc community.
(B) They are all employed by the speaker. (C) It will construct the Manned Spacecratt Center in
(C) They own businesses in the community. the City center.
(0) They are all hígh-end retailers. (D) It will create new trontiers to keep the
economy atloat.
72. Why is it important to ensure there's good transportation?
(A) So your customers can arrive ettortlessly. 80. What is NOT true of the meal being prepared?
(B) So it's not just high-income customers who come. (A) It contains two types of olives.
(C) So your employees have a means of gettmg to (B) lt's good for your health.
their jobs. (C) It takes a lot of time to make.
(D) So you don't have to only hire from the (D) lt's very tasty.
surrounding community.
81. What needs to be put over heat?
73. Why are high-income houses in the neighborhood important? (A) Onions
(A) They prevent interterence of dírect competitors. (B) Nuts
(B) They have enough money to sustain the business. (C) The sauce
(C) They do not have problems with transportation. (D) The tinal product
(D) They adhere to local zoning laws.
1 — ............. - ----------------------------------- ------------------------ .....- ....... ................................................................................................................ 82. What is being prepared?
74. What happened in Oklahoma? (A) A seatood platter
(A) The vveather was surprisingly mild and calm. (B) A seasoned steak
(B) Many people were crippled by a dangerous storm. (C) A salad dish
(C) People were trapped in their homes due to a heavy (D) A cherry tom ato sauce
snow storm.
(D) People were vvithout electricity. 83. What is the point of the speech?
(A) To explain how to vvrite a research paper
75. Where should you go if you want to see snow? (B) To criticize someone's speech
(A) North (C) To advise people on how to speak to a crowd
(B) South (D) To persuade the audience to become Public speakers
(C) East
(D) West 84. What should speakers do with their notes?
(A) Read them word by word
76. What will the local vveather be like in a few days? (B) Memorize them so they don't have to hold them
(A) It will be without precipitation. (C) Look at them for an extended amount of time betorehand
(B) It will be cloudy. (D) Look at them occasionally
(C) There will be light snow.
(D) A Clipper will be moving in. 85. What should speakers do if they make a mistake?
(A) Correct it and continue
77. What does the speaker guarantee to the listeners? (B) Ignore it and continue speaking
(A) His speech will be interesting. (C) Apologize and then correct it
(B) He win not talk very long. (D) Excuse yourselí and s ta rt your speech over again
(C) He will delight them with the news he has.

(D) Workìng on the spacecratt center will take effort. 86. What does the class schedule enable you to do?
(A) Earn a living and study
78. What has their work already accomplished? (B) Take class ịourneys
(A) lt's become the turthest outpost on the new trontier of (C) Finish your education more quickly
Science and space. (D) Commit yourselt wholly to education
(B) It became the largest scientiíic and engineering
(C) It has joined íorces wlth a lot of major companies.
(D) It has generated new positions in the field.
T O E IC Practice Test 3 Section 1: Listening

87. What type of class could you NOT take at the school? 97. When will the party begin?
(A) A class at 7.00 PM, Wednesday (A) Immediately atter the announcement
(B) An Online class (B) At 5:30 that evening
(C) A Saturday morning business class (C) As soon as the tinal meeting concludes
(D) A group session at your home (D) Right aíter dinner

88. What part of the school does the advertisement íocus on? 98. What is NOT something the audience should retrain from?
(A) The subjects that the school otters (A) Taking pictures with a tlash
(B) Its ability to accommodate dltterent litestyles (B) Leaving for the bathroom during the pertormance
r o
(C) Its past successes in educating a variety of people (C) Answering their cellular phones
(D) The quality of education the school otters (D) Leaving when there is an emergency
t í

|S 89. Who will board the plane tirst? 99. What does the speaker give directions for?
(A) Passengers Engel and Drevvs (A) The retreshment stand

cu (B) Zone A (B) The restrooms

u (C) First class passengers (0 The lobby

(D) Parents with small children (D) The auditorium entrance

90. What is NOT true of the plane? 100. What will the actors be doing after the pertormance?
ì . (A) It is in Tampa, Florida. (A) Changing out of costume

O , (B) There will be no empty seats. (B) Snacking and socializing

(C) It accommodates those with special needs. (C) Signing and posing
(D) It has not yet taken off. (D) Ansvvering questions

91. Why must passengers only board when called to do so?

(A) To abide by airline laws
(B) To avoid chaos
(C) The aircratt is having mechanical problems
(D) To till the tlight to capacity

92. Where is this encounter taking place?

(A) At a food booth
(B) At Channel 8's studio
(C) Near the fair's exit
(D) Outside the man's car

93. What does Shelly work for?

(A) A radio station
(B) A newspaper
(C) A poll center
(D) A TV station

94. What highlight is Shelly especially interested in?

(A) His tavorite ride
(B) His tavorite food
(C) His tavorite music concert
(D) His tavorite TV channel

95. Where is this announcement taking place?

(A) Stovve Hall
(B) The Radclitte Building
E (C) The Olmstead Room
0 (D) The parking lot
96. When do the meetings normally conclude?
(A) 800
c (B) 6:30
-C (C) 5:30
(D) 4:30
w w w .n
ơ '

TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

Section II: Reading

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several diííerent types of reading comprehension questions.
The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to
answer as many questions as possible vvithin the time allovved. You must mark your ansvvers on the separate answer
sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.

Part 5: Incomplete Sentences

Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four ansvver choices are given below
each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A ), (B ), (C ), or (D ) on
your answer sheet.

The mother held her nevvborn
(A ) loving

z Tsạj_
(B) lovely
(C ) lovingly
(D ) love

Correct ansvver: (C )

101. Jerry was surprised that the projects were completed 107. Rarely_______________ this much in November.
quickly. (A) snovvs
(A) almost (B) it does snow
(B) so (C) does it snow
(C) much (D) has snowed
(D ) too
108. our competitors, our store is open 24
hours a day for your convenience.
102. The company m u s t_______________fifty new employees (A) Unlike
by September 15, next year. (B) Instead of
(A) be hired (C) Likely to
(B) have hired (D) Similar
(C) hire
(D) to hire 109. If your subscription to us Today expires, you may
it Online.
103. Untortunately, due to the company's tinancial problems, (A) renevv
they will have to se ve re ly _______________ on staff. (B) reveal
(C ) repossess
(A) cut back
(D) renovate
(B) look out
(C) fall down
110. Kate Fox has b e en_____________ to the board of directors.
(D) fire off (A) designed
(B) appointed
104. Personal phone c a lls _______________ from the office (C) campaigned
telephone. (D) contacted
(A) will not consent
(B) have no permission 111. All the sponsors____________ by the organization president.
(C) cannot be made (A) will be recognized
(D) haven't allowed (B) will recognize
(C) recognized
105. The pharmacist couldn't fill the prescription because the (D) recognizing
doctor's handwriting w a s _______________ .

(A) illiterate 112. ______________ consumer demand, our Products will be

(B) illegible packaged using recycled Products.
(C) illuminated (A) Theretore
(D) illimitable (B) Due to the fa ct that
(C) Because
106. We cleaned the restaurant all night in order to (D) In response to
_______________ all the health code regulations.
(A) deteat
(B) satisíy
(C) originate
(D) bypass
TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

113. This state-of-the-art air mattress comes with a two-year 1 2 2 . ______________possible, Mr. Brown tries to visit
of quality. all of the company s oííices.
(A) grant (A) VVhether
(B) guardian (B) Whatever
(C) gratuity (C) VVhenever
(D) guarantee (D) However

114. So far, everyone who has heard the news is thrilled 1 2 3 . ______________Mr. Arnold replace Mr. Dendler, his sala
would be doubled.
Practice Test 3

(A) about them (A) Were

(B) by them (B) Although
(C) about it (C) Hovvever
(D) by then (D) Should

115. Establishing a good vvorking relationship_______________ 124. Tutors are nice because they are qualitied teachers that
management and the vvorktorce is a challenge. are d e v o te d _______________ to one student.
(A) between (A) solely
(B) among (B) lonely
(C) amid (C) unique
(D) within (D) individual

116. CD prices are dramatically_______________ this year than 125. The conterence ro o m _______________ for the meeting
they were in the previous three years.
was on the sixth tloor.
(A) more
(A) selected him
(B) higher
(B) which selected
(C) expensive
(D) taller (C) he selected
(D) that selected
117. The conference's turnout has n e a rly _______________ in the
last few years. 126. The tw o electrical companies announced plans for a joint
(A) consumed
(B) twice (A) venture
(C) replicated (B) apparition
(D) doubled
(C) cooperation
(D) advantage
118. The regional vice president i s _______________ conducting
company evaluations.
(A) delegated for 127. H e n ry_______________ last week from conductor to
(B) responsible to supervisor.
(C) in charge of (A) promoted
(D) obligated by (B) had promoted
(C) was promoted
119. Although my office is beautitully decorated, it is too small (D) was promoting
for my tiling c a b in e t_______________ desk chair.
(A) nor
128. The manager ordered new unitorms for the
(B) and
last month.
(0 or
(A) personal
(D) but
(B) staff
120. This new Computer was very expensive, so please handle it (C) stuff
w ith _______________ . (D) directors
(A) care
(B) caretul 129. Every o n c e _______________a while, Patrick treats his
(C) caretully customers to a tree dessert.
(D) carelessness (A) in
(B) for

121. Ms. Barkume's_______________ will explain the details of

( 0 to
the new mail policy.
(D) until
(A) complementary
(B) assistant
(C) commuter 130. Please list your e-mail address and fax number with
(D) extra all ■
(A) persuasion
(B) correspondence
(C) expedition
(D) commotion

TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

131. The proposals for tom orrow's meetings a r e ____________ 136. My illness re a lly _______________my ability to work
the record books on the bottom shelt. etticiently.
(A) overall (A) addressed
(B) besides (B) accelerated
(C) underneath (C) dispensed
(D) to the left (D) impeded

132. Members of the hiring committee all agreed that his 137. His tense tone made it v e r y _______________ that
resume w a s _______________ . Joe was íeeling very stressed.
(A) impressed (A) sure
(B) impressing (B) clear
(C) impressive (C) accurate
(D) left an impression (D) hopeless

133. This year's high turnover rate was e x tre m e ly __________ 138. Brooke was hired by our company because she was
the company's directors. intelligent a n d ________ - ■
(A) disappointment (A) dismal
(B) disappointed in (B) prejudiced
(C) disappointing to (C) reliable
(D) disappointed by (D) urgent

134. Selecting the location of a new restaurant i s _____________ 139. The cheese and crackers are snacks that the associates
to its success. during the seminar tomorrovv.
(A) critical (A) can eat
(B) dependent (B) to eat
(C) existential (C) are eating on
(D) reliant (D) are eaten

135. You have t w o _______________to choose from; you can 140. When accepting her avvard, Meghan thanked her husband
either leave tonight or wait for the evening ílight tomorrovv. for being s o _______________ throughout her career.
(A) suggestions (A) obstructive
(B) options (B) surreptitious
(C) proposals (C) intrusive
(D) departures (D) supportive

TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section N: Reading

Part 6: Text Completíon

D ir e c t io n s : Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer
choices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter
(A). (B), (C ), or (D ) on your ansvver sheet.
Practice Test 3

Once again, truth is stranger than tiction, and this enthralling Most people plan tinancially long-term, but they don't have
cat-and-mouse game was by the exploits of auda- a long-term physical plan. They plan for retirement, but
cious Frank w. Abagnale Jr., known as the Skywayman. From they don't prepare for what I call physical "re-firement" in
the tíme he ran away from his troubled home at age 16 to the _ ...._ years in life. Re-firement is to ignite, to
his capture at 21, Abagnale passed himselt off as a co-pilot excite. That's where my energy comes from.
on Pan Am, an emergency room physician, a lavvyer and a
millionaire. 144. (A) last
(B) lately
141. (A) inspired (C) later
(B) retired (D) latter
(C) expired
(D) wired The commitment
I wrestled on and o ff in high school. What I noticed was,
He was so skilled at 'paperhanging' (check traud) - and had when you're a wrestler, you're in the best shape of your
such chutzpah - that, for years, he was able to outvvit and life. But atter the season, l'd go back to my litestyle of
outmaneuver FBI Agent Carl Hanratty, who patiently pursued overeating. Then we'd go back for practice, and it was like
h im ______ _ the world while developing a curious surrogate- hell week. You'd feel like you wanted to throw up. In ll t h
father/son relationship with the daring identity thiet. grade, I decided to never let myselt get out of
again. It's too much work.
142. (A) through
(B) along 145. (A) health
(C) around (B) shape
(D) into (C) íitness
(D) grade
Perceptively directed by Steven Spielberg from Jeff
Nathanson's expertly-plotted screenplay, based on
Abagnale's memoir, it's a cockeyed version of the American In the details
dream: an ingenious, jet-setting gritter who scammed bad People aren't used to tocusing on their muscles the way I
checks in 50 States and 26 countries, bilking banks of $2.5 make them tocus. It's attention to detail, never sacriticing
million, yet who's still haunted by the sins of his parents your form for an extra repetition. If you do everything cor-
which íractured his tamily. Atter serving five years, Abagnale rectly, you'll have better results in a s h o rte r_______of
w a s ______ from prison on the condition that he teach law time.
entorcement how to prevent íraud. Now he has his own
security firm and lectures at the FBI Academy. 146. (A) era
(B) period
143. (A) sentenced (C) episode
(B) omitted (D) part
(C) kicked out

(D) released

Ị TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

£ *sạ|_ 3DỊỊDEJJ
Pm glad you are all here today. Obviously, the more Absentee Landlords were a h ig h ly _______issue in the
Communications we can have about issues that worry history of Ireland. During the course of 16th and 17th
you, the easier it is for us t o _________to problems. centuries, most of the land in Ireland was contiscated
Governors are problem-solvers. And so is the President. from Irish Catholic landowners during the Plantation of
Our job is to identity problems, and deal with them. And Ireland and granted to British settlers.
the best way to do so is in the spirit of cooperation.
150. (A) signiíicant
147. (A) answer (B) considerable
(B) respond (C) eminent
(C) solve (D) immense
(D) resolve
Seized land was given to English nobles and soldiers,
some of ________ rented it out to Irishmen while they
That's sometimes hard in VVashington, I readily admit. remained residents of England. Over the centuries,
This is not a town that thrives upon cooperation, like resentment grew as not only were the absentee land-
most State capitals. But we'll_______ to work hard lords Protestant (while m ost tenants were Catholic), but
to help you, because by helping our governors, we really their existence meant that the wealth of the land was
help our people. That's the job of a President. always exported.

148. (A) follow 151. (A) whose

(B) continue (B) who
(C) maintain (C) that
(D) remain (D) whom

Yesterday in my toast, I said the war on drugs goes on, In the y e a rs ________ the Irish Potato Famine, the land
and it does. I wish I _________othervvise, but that's not issue with the Irish Land League's Land War had become
a true assessment of the world. We are chasing the extremely important in Ireland. The land issue was one of
Mafia; we're dealing with criminals and proliíeration. But the hlstoric íactors that resulted in lreland's troubled his-
this war still goes on. It's important for you to know to ry to this day.
152. (A) that following
149. (A) could report (B) followed
(B) am reporting (C) following
(C) should report (D) had followed
(D) might report

Practice Test 3 TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

Questions 153 through 155 re fe r to th e following advertisem ent.


Lakeville's íavorite family restaurant!
+ 1 0 d in n e rs u n d e r $ 1 0 !
♦ S a te llite s p o rts o n m u lt ip le T V s a n d o u r b ig s c re e n .
♦ S ki V id e o s , G a m e s , C D J u k e b o x
♦ L a k e v ille 's la rg e s t d o m e s t ic b e e r s e le c tio n

O p e n 7 d a y s a w e e k : lu n c h , d in n e r , la te - n ig h t a n d ta k e o u t.

*For this week only, come with a party of eight or more and we wi!l throw in a free dessert for everyone!*

"... To find aspot that both the locals and your pocket can feel comíortable with ... you 7/ need the Sunset Grille. ”
Brackets Crossing M agazine, 2 0 0 8

153. What is the limited otter? 155. What time would the restaurant probably NOT be open
(A) a party will be thrown every day for a week (A) 10:00 PM
(B) satellite sports will be shown on the big screen (B) 4:30 PM
(C) free desserts tor those who come with a lot of people (C) noon
(D) the amount of domestic beers being sold (D) 9:30 AM

154. Who are probably the most suitable customers for this restaurant?
(A) business associates
(B) parents and their children
(C) people wlth a lot of money

(D) party planners

TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

Questions 156 through 160 re fe r to th e following classiíied and cover letter.

Chris Saííert
A N N O U N C E M E N T OF VACANCY 757 Raymond Ave.
Millbrook, VA 55114
Track & Field Head Coach
Millbrook High School
April 7, 2012

The Frederick County School System is seek- To Whom It May Concern:

ing applications for the position of Track & Field
coach at Miilbrook High School. This award- I am vvriting to apply for the Head Track and Field
vvinning, highly successtul school division cares Coach position at Millbrook High School. Attached,
deeply for its students and staff, maintains mod- you will find my resume which lists all of my past expe-
ern tacilities, has a comprehensive curriculum, rience and qualiíĩcations in greater detail.
and otters a wide range of programs including
regional special education and vocational/edu-
As you can see, I was Head Coach at Lakeville Senior
cation otíerings.
High School for seven years beíore I moved to Virginia.
Millbrook High School is a ninth- through When I first started there, the team had never won an
twelfth-grade íacility with a student population event, let alone an entire meet, but during my time
of approximately 1,500. there they eventually won the State championship.
Apart from necessary recruiting, I íirmly believe that,
Qualitications: with the appropriate training and encouragement, all
• Successtul coaching experience in the sport student athletes can be successíul.
• Eligible for, or holds, a Virginia License with a Lastly, as I have only just moved to Virginia, I do not
secondary-education endorsement preterred.
possess a Virginia license, but do possess the Iowa
Responsibilities: equivalent. I am thereíore qualiíied to be licensed here
The position requires developing and maintain- and am in the process of obtaining one. I will not have
ing an in-school recruiting program, developing a secondary-education endorsement on the license.
a positive rapport with the school staff and com- Please call me if you have any questions.
munity, working cooperatively with the coordina-
tor of student activities and school administra- Sincerely,
tion, and establishing and coordinating the Chris Saffert
coaching duties and responsibilities of the
coaching staff.

156. What is the purpose of the tirs t paragraph in the 159. What may possibly hurt Chris Sattert during
Announcement of Vacancý! the selection process?
(A) to illustrate their athletic achievements (A) his coaching record
(B) to reveal what their program is lacking (B) his license type
(C) to make the school seem appealing to applicants (C) his coaching philosophy
(D) to State their hopes for the tuture (D) his lack of proíessionalism

157. What is NOT a responsibility of the coaching position? 160. What was Chris Saffert's impact on the Lakeville Track
(A) hiring coaching staff and Field Team?
(B| vvorking together with another protessional (A) He maintained their history of success.
(C) having a good relationship with people (B) His belieís upset the athletes.
(D) getting students to join the team (C) He increased their level of success.

(D) He couldn't get them to win a championship.

158. Why doesn't Chris Sattert talk about all of his
experience in this letter?
(A) That intormation is listed elsevvhere.
(B) He didn't see it as necessary.
(C) He preters to explain it over the phone.
(D) He probably torgot.

TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

Questions 16 1 through 164 re fe r to th e following newspaper article.

N E W Y O R K - A barrel of light, sweet crude for February delivery dropped $1.75 to $50.49
in midday trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Prices dropped as low as $50.05,
their lowest since May 25, 2005, shortly after the inventory report's release by the tederal
Practice Test 3

Energy Intormation Administration.

u.s. crude oil stocks leaped by 6.8 million barrels to 321.5 million, when analysts had been
expecting an increase of just 325,000 barrels, according to a Dow Jones Newswires Survey.
The EIA also said that inventories are above the upper end of the average range for this time
of year.

Motor gasoiine inventories, meanwhile, rose by 3.5 million barrels to 216.8 million, above
analysts' expectations of a 2.6 million barrel rise. Distillate stocks, including heating oil and
diesel fuel, rose by 900,000 barrels to 141.9 million barrels, compared w ith analysts' expec-
tations of a 1.3 million barrel rise.

161. What was the original price of the sweet crude mentiored in the tirs t paragraph?
(A) $5049
(B) $52.24
(C) $48.74
(D) $51.80

162. How big of an increase in crude oil stocks was predicted?

(A) 325,000 barrels
(B) 6.8 million barrels
(C) 1.3 million barrels
(D) 321.5 million barrels

163. What is the source that has provided the actual inventory results?
(A) the Dow Jones Newswires Survey
(B) New York Mercantile Exchange
(C) the u.s. Federal Government
(D) Energy Intormation Administration

164. What is true of the inventory numbers?

(A) All the prices dropped.
(B) They are all higher than expected.

(C) They are incompatible with predictions.

(D) They are the lovvest they've been since May 2005.
TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

Ịuestions 165 through 168 re fe r to th e following leaílet.


Freelancers generally enjoy a greater variety o f assignments than in regular employment,

and almost always have more íreedom to choose their w o rk schedule. The experience
also allows the opportunity to build up a portíolio o f w o rk and cultivate a netw ork of
clients in hopes o f obtaining a permanent position.

A major drawback is the uncertainty o f w o rk - and thus income - and lack o f company

benefìts such as health Insurance o r retirem ent pay.

Another dravvback is that íreelancers often must handle contracts, legal issues, account-
ing, marketing, and other business íunctions by themselves. If they do choose to pay fo r

proíessional Services, they can sometimes turn into signiíicant out-of-pocket expenses.
W orking hours can extend beyond the Standard vvorking day and vvorking week.

165. What does íreelancing afford?

(A) regular employment
(B) an assortment of projects
(C) íreedom to retuse a permanent position
(D) opportunities to employ clients

1 6 6 . What could possibly be a negative aspect of treelance work?

(A) an unimpressive porttolio
(B) a rigorous scheduỉe
(C) a possibility of not earning enough money
(D) vvorking a minimal amount of hours

167. If treelancers decide they need somebody to help them

(A) they won't be able to make any money.
(B) they will have the same advantages as if they own a company.
(C) the quality of their work will be attected.
(D) their clients won't be pleased.

168. What is the purpose of this leatlet?

(A) to balance the pros and cons of treelance work
(B) to encourage protessionals to treelance
(C) to show how the negatives outvreigh the positives in treelancing

(D) to give a detailed detinition of treelance work

TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

Questions 169 through 173 re íe r to th e following e-m ail and a tta c h m e n t.

The sweet old couple

(dangers o f making assumptions, understand beỉore you intervene)
Hi Josh,
1know you’ve had to work long hours
A little old couple vvalked into a fast food restaurant. The
these last few weeks, so I thought l’d
Practice Test 3

little old man walked up to the counter, ordered the food,

forward you something to laugh about
paid, and took the tray back to the table where the little
at your office. old lady sat. On the tray there was a hamburger, a small
The attachment is pretty tunny, so bag of tries and a drink. Caretully the old man cut the
enjoy it! (I don’t think a short email hamburger in two, and divided the tries into two neat
break should keep you trom meeting piles. He sipped the drink and passed it to the little old
your deadline!) lady, who took a sip and passed it back. A young man on
Also, if you want a lunch break, just a nearby table had vvatched the old couple and felt sorry
hít reply and tell me when I should for them. He ottered to buy them another meal, but the
come. ru walk downstairs to your old man politely declined, saying that they were used to
office. sharing everything. The old man began to eat his food,
Good luck. but his wife sat still, not eating. The young man contin-
Kelly ued to watch the couple. He still felt he should be offer-
ing to help. As the little ọld man tinished eating, the old
lady had still not started on her íood. "Ma'am, why aren't
you eating?" asked the young man sympathetically.

The old lady looked up and said politely, "l'm waiting for
the teeth."

169. Why is Josh working longer than normal? 172. How did the young man in the story feel when
(A) He needs to earn extra money. he tirs t saw the couple?
(B) He vvants to impress his boss. (A) He felt pity for them and their situation.
(C) He wants to get ahead on his work (B) He was envious of their svveet relationship.
betore he goes on vacation. (C) He was perturbed by their public solicitation of food.
(D) He has to turn something in at a scheduled date. (D) He fe lt selt-conscious that they were watching him eat

170. Who is Kelly in relation to Josh? 173. What, besides their meal, is the couple in the story sharing;
(A) his wife (A) a toupee
(B) his protessor (B) dentures
(C) his colleague (C) a pair of eyeglasses
(D) his best triend (D) a hearing aid

171. How did Kelly deliver the note and story to Josh?
(A) She taxed it to him.
(B) She emailed it to him.
(C) She left it on his desk.

(D) She had it delivered by a courier.

TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

Questions 174-178 refer to th e following classiíìed and letter.

‘ì - ■ - ..... ..................=

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Robert Thomas and I am interested in volun-

teering for your program. However, I have a few questions
I would tike to ask betore I make my tinal decision.
Volunteer for International
First of all, I am proticient in Spanish and would like to Service-Learning
work in a Spanish-speaking country. What Spanish-speaking
countries does your program work in? I'm aíraid those are

I the only ones I would be interested in.

Your Service of 15-25 hours a week at an
established agency, supervised by proíessionals,
w ill make a diííerence to people in need.
Secondly, how long of a commitment vvould this be? Is it
for a few vveeks, the summer, for a year, or as long as Care for: the poor, the young, the disabled,
you choose? My preterence is to work for the entire year, the ill, the old, and the troubled.
but I am tlexible and I could adapt to your needs.
Teach: children, teens, adults;
Finally, are there specitic qualitications you are looking for? job skills, literacy, recreation, and ESL.
I am straight out of college and have no protessional
experience. Hovvever, I spent most of my academic career Community development: economic assistance,
volunteering in the surrounding community. For example, I human rights, healthcare, cultural heritage,
volunteered at a senior citizen living center. environment, and women's issues.

You may respond to this letter by email or telephone. All

that intormation is on the following page along with a list
of reterences.

Thank you for your time.

Robert Thomas

174. What does the community development component entail? 177. What are Robert's thoughts on his time commitment?
(A) one-on-one mentoring with the poor (A) He is willing to work for just a summer.
(B) dealing with broad social issues (B) He only wants to work for one year.
(C) building homes in the community (C) He vvould like to choose his time span at a later date.
(D) recruiting more people to volunteer (D) He preters to work fo r less than a year.

175. Which of the program components does Robert 178. What intormation is NOT on the íollovving page
have experience in? of Robert's letter?
(A) teaching teens (A) peoplếs names
(B) vvorking with environmentally safe living conditions (B) his telephone number
(C) caring fo r old people (C) his home address
(D) teaching recreation (D) his email address

176. What is Robert's opinion of where he preters to work?

(A) He vvants to go to Spain.

(B) He's atraid to go to another country.

(C) He has a preterence, but would be happy anyvvhere.
(D) He is limited in where he is vvilling to go.
TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

Questions 179 through 181 re íe r to th e following leaílet.


□ A p p ro p ria te a ttire supports y o u r image as a person w h o takes
the intervievv process seriously and understands th e nature o f
the industry in w hich you are tryin g to becom e em ployed.
Practỉce Test 3

Q Be aware th a t in some industries, custom er contact and image

presented to the custom er is critical. In such industries, yo u r
a ttire w ill be judged m ore critically.

Q Your a ttire should be noticed as being appropriate and w e ll-fittin g ,

but it should n ot take center stage.

□ I you are prim arily rem em bered fo r y o u r in te rv ie w a ttire , this

is probably because you made an e rro r in ịudgm ent!

Q Dressing nicely and appropriately is a co m p lim en t to the person

you m eet, so if in doubt, e rr on the side o f dressing b e tte r than
you m ight need to.

Q Even if you are aware th a t em ployees o f an organization dress

casually on th e job, dress up fo r the in te rv ie w unless you are
speciíìcally to ld othervvise by the employer.

Q N eve r coníuse an in te rvie w o r business íunction w ith a social

event. D o n 't dress fo r a party o r a date.

Q N o t every contact w ith an e m p lo ye r requires intervievv attire.

For some occasions business casual is appropriate. See business
casual fo r w hen to w ea r it and w h a t it is.

.... — I i mm............. mm ..........—

179. What does it mean if the intervievver remembers your o u ttit better than anything?
(A) You must have dressed inappropriately.
(B) You complimented the interviewer.
(C) You dressed appropriately.
(D) You were judged untairly.

180. What should you do if you know the employees where you are being intervievved dress casually?
(A) call ahead of time and ask the employer what to wear
(B) dress similarly to the employees
(C) wear clothes that say you are a person who takes this process seriously
(D) dress in a way that proves you are aware of what employees wear

181. What should you never do?

(A) dress casually like the employers
(B) dress better than you need to
(C) dress for a social gathering
(D) take center stage in the intervievv

TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

Questions 182 through 184 re fe r to th e following prom otion.


She was an All-Big Ten first team selection, an Academic All-Big Ten and was voted

* s a i a D Ịip t ^ d
team captain for a second straight season. She's a versatile athlete, who played and
started at outside back, outside midtield and forward. She left Purdue as its all-time
leader with 84 matches played and is only one of four Boilermakers to play in over 80
matches. She broke the program record for matches played with a start against Ohio
State in the tirst round of the Big Ten Tournament and was one of only two
Boilernnakers to play and start all 20 matches.
She set personal season bests in several offensive categories, including shots, shots
on goal, goals and points scored. She was the tirst and only Big Ten player to score
against Penn State during the regular season and scored against the Nittany Lions in
the eighth minute off a midtield assist from Parrissa Eyorokon.

182. Why is Montgomery described as a "versatile athlete"?
(A) she can do many things
(B) she is determined
(C) she is a good leader
(D) she has broken records

183. How many Boilermakers have played in at least

80 matches?
(A) 1
(B ) 3
(C ) 4
(D) 5

184. When did Montgomery break the record for

matches played?
(A) her firs t game against the State of Ohio
(B) the second season
(C) the championship of a tournament
(D) one of the tirs t games of a tournament

TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

Questions 185 through 188 re íe r to th e following leaílet.

IN T E R V IE W T IP 1 :PLAN AHEAD - Do a little homework! Research the company and the position
if possible. Revievv your work experiences and be ready to support past career accomplishments with
speciíic iníormation targeted toward the company's needs.

INTERVIEVV T IP 2: RO LE PLAY - Once you have íinished studying, begin role playing (rehearsing).
Use the general questions provided belovv in the Intervievv Preparation Area. W rite down answers if it
Practice Test 3

helps to make your presentation more concise. Try to keep your answers to the iníormation your new
employer vvill want to know.

IN T E R V IE W T IP 3: ADAPT - Be sensitive to the style of the intervievver. Pay attention to those

details of dress, office íurniture, and general decor which w ill afford helpíul clues to assist you in tai-
loring your presentation.

INTERVIEVV T IP 4: RELATE - Try to relate your ansvvers to the interviewer and his or her company.
Focus on achievements relevant to the position.

INTERVIEYV T IP 5: ENCOURAGE - Encourage the intervievver to share iníormation about his or

her company. Demonstrate your interest.

185. What is the point of Tip 1?

(A) to ensure you remember all your work experiences
(B) to find a way to link your experience to what the company wants
(C) to improve your research skills betore the interview
(D) to tailor your resume with appropriate past experiences

186. In which tip is it suggested that you pretend that you are being intervievved?
(A) Tip 4
(B) Tip 3
(C) Tip 1
(D) Tip 2

187. In which tip is it suggested that you provoke ansvvers from the intervievver?
(A) Tip 3
(B) Tip 5
(C) Tip 1
(D) Tip 2

188. Why should you pay attention to office furniture?

(A) It could suggest how to modity your questions.
(B) It could tell you if you are an appropriate candidate.
(C) It could suggest how much money you would earn.
(D) It could tell you if you need to adapt your presentation.

TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

Q u e s tio n s 189 t h r o u g h 19 1 r e f e r t o t h e fo llo w in g le tte r .

23 Roanoke Street
Blacksburg, VA 24060
(540) 555-1123

October 23 189. How did Kristen find out about Delon

Hampton & Associates?
n Mr James G.Webb
(A) at the career center at her college
Delon Hampton & Associates
I 800 K Street, N.w„Suite720 (B) Mr. Webb recruited her as an employee
VVashington, DC20001-8000 (C) an alumnus suggested it as a career opportunity

}S Ọ JL 0 D Ị* D
(D) a Computer program had it listed
Dear Mr. Webb,

I will be graduating from Virginia Tech with a Bachelor's degree in

190. Why does Kristen vvrite to Mr. Webb?
ị Architecture next May, and I am researching employment opportuni-
ties in the Washington area. I obtained your name from VT (A) to follow up atter a job intervievv
CareerLink, Career Services' Alumni database. I very much appreciate (B) to create an opportunity to talk to him
your volunteering to help students with job search intormation, and I (C) to apply for a job at his firm
hope that your schedule will permit you to provide me with some (D) to request that he contact her so they can speak
Ị advice. I am particularly interested in historic preservation and under-

stand that your firm does work in this area. I am also interested in
I learning how the architects in your firm began their careers. My
resume is enclosed simply to give you some intormation about my 191. When would Kristen be available to meet Mr. Webb?
: background and project work. (A) in tw o vveeks
(B) the week of November 21
I will call you in two weeks to arrange a time to speak to you by
(C) sometime in May
I telephone or perhaps visit your ottice if that vvould be convenient.
(D) on October 23
I will be in the Washington area during the week of November 21st.
I very much appreciate your time and consideration of my request,
and I look forward to talking with you.

Kristen Walker

Questions 192 through 195 re íe r to th e íollovving m agazine article.

192. What does Matt mean when he says he's the "guinea pig"?
(A) He is the one that has to work the hardest.
ONE STUDENT'S STORY (B) He regrets having to take care of all his siblings.
Matt Xiong always knew he'd go to college. Aíter
(C) He has to do everything firs t and do it well.
all, he's the oldest of twelve kids. 'Tm the guinea
(D) He is tearless.
pig," he laughs. "I have to be the positive role
model." More seriously, M att adds, "I knew that if
I worked hard, l'd make ít. If you really want col- 193. Why should you be involved in high school various activities?
lege you can do it. Just work hard. stand out. (A) lt impresses your high-school teachers.
Don't be atraid to go atter what you want." (B) It will help you get experience and meet people.
(C) It gives you the necessary degree for college.
Any tips? "Put yourselt in a position to get (D) It makes you a more careless student.
opportunities that open doors for you. In high
school, be involved in student government, 194. What skill doẹs Matt think people need to attord college?

sports, the math team ..."

(A) courage
(B) determination
As for college costs, "You can get grants from
(C) sensitivity
your church, trom your college. You have to have
(D) tlexibility
a sense of maturity; you have to really want it.
The money will follow."
195. What is the tone of this article?
(A) stimulating
(B) challengìng
(C) inspiring
(D) disheartening

TOEIC Practice Test 3 Section II: Reading

Questions 196-200 re fe r to th e following email and attachm ent.


Deor SOCY101 Class, DECEMBER
I thought th a t vvhile you were vvriting Noníarm employment increascd by 167/KK) in December,
your final papers, i t m ight in te re s t and and thc uncmployment rate vvas unchanged at 4.5 pcrcent,
the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the ư.s. Department
Practice Test 3

perhaps even help you to look a t the

la te s t unemployment survey results. of Labor reportcd today.
Job gains occurred in several service-providing industries,
T ry to analyze these findings keeping in including proíessional and business Services, health care,
mind all we've discussed about gender and food Services. Average hourly earnings rose by 8
and race. W hat may have caused these cents, or 0.5 percent, in December.
numbers? In what ways is a quantita-
U n e m p lo y m e n t (Household Survey D a ta )
tiv e survey lim ited? How do these
results agree w ith or c o n tra d ic t what The number of unemployed persons (6.8 million) vvas
vve have discussed in class? D o n 't fo r - almost unchanged in December, and the unemployment
get the basic theories studied a t th e rate held at 4.5 percent.
beginning o f our tim e togethe r. So, in December, unemployment rates for the major
vvorker groups - adult men (4.0 percent), adult vvomen
A ttached is th e survey. Good luck wíth (3.9 percent), teenagers (15.2 percent), whites (4.0 per-
my final and w ith others. X' II look cent), blacks (8.4 percent), and Hispanics (4.9 percent) -
forw a rd to reading your papers, and to showed little or no change. The unemployment rate for
those I don‘t see, enjoy your summer Asians was 2.4 percent, not seasonally adjusted.

196. Why are the survey results gi ven to the class? 199. What did NOT increase?
(A) lf s meant to give them a break trom tinals. (A) hourly earnings
(B) lt's directly relevant to what theyVe studied. (B) nontarm employment
(C) It gives a contradictory opinion of what (C) the unemployment rate
theyVe studied. (D) jobs in healthcare
(D) lt's an assignment for tinals.

2 0 0 . Which group has the smallest proportion of people

197. When was this email sent? vvithout jobs?
(A) at the beginning of the school year (A) adult men
(B) at around the end of the tirs t semester (B) adult women
(C) at around the end of the school year (C) Hispanics
(D) during summer vacation (D) teenagers

198. How was this data accumulated?

(A) A large, selected group answered certain questions.
(B) People searched databases on the Internet.
(C) They were extracted from baslc sociological theories.
(D) Places of employment were observed.

84 Ị
ỊT O E IC P ra c tic e Test 4

3D Ị
ỊS ạ L
T E ST 4

TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section I: Listening

TEST4 Section I: Listening

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

P a r t I: Photographs
Directions: For each question, you will see a picture and you w ill hear four short statements. T h e state-
ments will be spoken just one tim e. T h ey w ill not be printed in your test book so you must listen careíully to
Practice Test 4

understand w h at the speaker says. W h e n you hear the ío u r statements, look at the picture and choose the
statem ent that best describes w h at you see in the picture. C hoose th e best answer A, B, c or D.

N ow lísten to the four statements.
Statement (D) best describes what you see in the picture.
Thereíore, you should choose answer (D).

A. He is on the phone.
B. She is driving the car.
c. She is typing on the Computer.
D. He is sitting next to her.

Sample Answet

B c D ✓

1. A B c D

2. A B c D

p *s a i
T O E IC Practice Test 4 Section I: Listening
Practice Test 4
TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section I: Listening

Part 2: Question-Response
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a question or statement spoken in English, followed by three
responses, also spoken in English. The question or statement and the responses will be spoken just One time. They will
not be printed in your test book, so you must listen careíully. You are to choose the best response to each question or
statement. N ow listen to a sample question.
You will hear: Man: Why are you late?
Woman: A. I hope I won’t be.
B. My car broke down.
c. He always is.
" ĨG S t 4

The best response is choíce B, "My car broke down”. Thereíore, you should choose B.

n A B c 21 A B c. 31 A. B c
12 A B c 22 A B... c 32 A B.... c
P l* 3 ,C tÌC G

13 A. B c.... 23 A B .. c 33 A B c
14 A B c. 24 A B.... c 34 A B..., c.
15 A B c 25 A B c 35 A B c.
16 A B. c 26 A B.... c 36 A B. c.
17 A B c 27 A B c 37 A.... B c.
18 A B c.... 28 A B c 38 A B.... c
19 A B c 29 A B c 39 A B c
20 A B c.... 30 A B . c.... 40 A B... c
TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section I: Listening

P a rt 3: Conversatỉons
D ir e c t io n s : You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about
vvhat the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A ), (B ), (C ),
I (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

41. Who is the most worried about meeting a deadline? 46. Where is the Devving Building?
(A) the man (A) in tront of the Mandelle Building
(B) the woman's boss (B) next door to the Mandelle Building
(C) the boss of the woman's boss (C) downhill
(D) the woman (D) near a tountain

42. When is the earliest that the proposals will be done? 47. What is bothering the woman the most?
(A) two hours (A) she is tired

p *saj_
(B) a half hour (B) work was stresstul
(C) one hour (C) work and tiredness in equal amounts
(D) immediately (D) she fell off a ladder

43. What is the woman going to do as soon as the man 48. Who caught the teenagers?
leaves? (A) the woman
(A) continue working (B) a security guard
(B) hand in the proposals (C) a police otticer
(C) talk to her boss (D) their parents
(D) revievv the proposals
49. What didn't the woman like when the police
44. Where is this conversation taking place? came?
(A) the Hicks Conterence Center (A) They had to call the parents.
(B) the Mandelle Building (B) It made the store too crowded.
(C) the Devving Building (C) lt drew negative attention to the store.
(D) on the Street (D) Their cars were blocking the entrance.

45. How long will it take the woman to get to her meeting? 50. What does the man suggest?
(A) less than 15 minutes (A) the vvoman admit that it's lost
(B) more than an hour (B) the vvoman search for the file
(C) more than 15 minutes (C) the vvoman clean her desk
(D) less than an hour (D) the vvoman avoid telling the boss the truth
TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section I: Listening

51. Why doesn't the woman clean her desk? 61. What does the man think?
(A) she doesn't have time (A) The changes were unnecessary.
(B) she preters it untidy (B) The woman should work some more betore
(C) to spite the man she retires.
(D) she wouldn't know vvhere to start (C) The house is nice because it's old-fashioned.
(D) The woman earned the right to relax.
52. Where does the woman find the file?
(A) on the tloor 62. Where is this conversation taking place?
(B) in a dravver (A) a hospital
Practice Test 4

(C) on the desk (B) a bar

(D) in a pile (C) a house
(D) an office
53. How old is the woman?
(A) the same age as the man 63. Who are the man and vvoman?
(B) older than the man (A) doctors
(C) younger than the man (B) bartenders
(D) the same age as the man's parents (C) homemakers
(D) therapists
54. What is the man's dad helping with?
(A) nothing 64. Why are they staying at the bar?
(B) setting up (A) to avoid going home
(C) hiring (B) they are on a break trom work
(D) tinances (C) they are celebrating a successtul day
(D) they live in the same building
55. Why isn't the man proud of himselt?
(A) He has few customers. 65. Where is this conversation taking place?
(B) His tather has done most of the work. (A) in an apartment building
(C) The business hasn't opened yet. (B) in an office buílding
(D) He lacks contidence in himselt. (C) in a parking lot
(D) in a gym
56. What kind of worker is the woman normally?
(A) an inetticient one 66 . Where is the man's íinal destination?
(B) one with a lot of potential (A) the second tloor
(C) a part-time one (B) the seventh tloor
(D) a dedicated one (C) the tenth tloor
(D) the fifth tloor
57. Why has the woman's work behavior changed?
(A) she's been ill 67. What does the woman see as positive?
(B) she's a new mother (A) taking well-deserved breaks
(C) she's a newlywed (B) getting exercise
(D) she's pregnant (C) saving electricity
(D) being out of breath
58. To what does the woman want to dedicate more energy?
(A) the Shaw account 68 . Who is the man in relationship to the vvoman?
(B) vvorking longer hours (A) a travel agent
(C) her tamily (B) a íront desk worker
(D) being more respecttul (C) a colleague
(D) her tather
59. What did the woman just do?
(A) change the interior of her home 69. What does the vvoman NOT have to do?
(B) paint the outside of the house (A) keep her receipts
(C) move to a new house (B) visit the tront desk

(D) retire from her job (C) record her expenses

(D) file for taxes
60. What is NOT a reason explaining why the woman
has more money? 70. What is the nature of the man and woman's meeting?
(A) her kids graduated from college (A) casual Chat
(B) her new business is a success (B) business meeting
(C) inheritance (C) telephone conversation
(D) they have fewer bills to pay (D) tormal presentation

TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section I: Listening

85. What kind of apartment could you NOT buy 93. What vehicle CANNOT be on the road?
at Doncaster Village? (A) Police car
(A) One bedroom (B) Taxicab
(B) Two bedroom (C) Ambulance
(C) Three bedroom (D) Fire truck
(D) Four bedroom
94. What is true of the emergency shelters?
86 . For what is the speaker giving instructions? (A) There are a lot of people staylng in them.
(A) Removing a plant (B) There's a shortage of food.
Practice Test 4

(B) Planting a shrub (C) They have plenty of fans to keep cool.
(C) Towing a car (D) They are without povver.
(D) Chipping wood
95. Who are producing the pertumes?
87. What is the tirst step? (A) Movie directors
(A) strap a nylon rope to the base. (B) Tabloid magazines
(B) Place the shrub in the ground. ( 0 Celebrities
(C) Place a hose at the base. (D) Producers
(D) Pull the car up to the shrub.
96. What is a common theme of the pertume names?
88 . How should you drive the car? (A) Fruit
(A) Fast to get more strength. (B) Movies
(B) Slowly to allow the roots to uplitt. (C) Extravagance
(C) At an angle to wedge out the roots. (D) Simplicity
(D) In a reverse direction to secure the base.
97. Where can people read about the pertumes
89. Why are job tairs a good option? they want to buy?
(A) There are many possible employers. (A) Tabloids
(B) They give you contidence. (B) Catalogues
(C) They give you the most details about the jobs. (C) Newspapers
(D) They take place trequently. (D) Pamphlets

90. What is the best way to obtain a job? 98. What is the Tarjeta?
(A) Looking at job listings Online. (A) Traveler's Insurance
(B) Looking at job listings in print. (B) A credit card
(C) Job tairs (C) A computerized card
(D) Netvvorking (D) A word processor

91. What is the speaker giving to the listeners? 99. What transtorms the card?
(A) Directions (A) A micro-processor
(B) Orders (B) A remote control
(C) Advice (C) A plastic rectangle
(D) Inquiries (D) A voice recognition chip

92. For how long will West Lexington be deemed a disaster area? 100. Which of the following can the Tarjeta hold?
(A) At least another week (A) Driving directions
(B) Until Sunday (B) Hotel intormation
(C) Less than a week (C) Routing plans
(D) At least two vveeks (D) Electric gadgets

' í i
TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section II: Reading

Section II: Reading

n the Reading test, you wíll read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions.
rhe entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are grven for each part You are encouraged to
»nswer as many questions as possible within the time allovved. You must mark your answers on the separate answer
íheet Do not write your answers in your test book.

Part 5: Incomplete Sentences

D irectio n s: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below
each sentence. Select the best ansvver to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on
your answer sheet.

The mother held her nevvborn
(A ) loving
(B) lovely

}s ạ ]_
(C ) lovingly
(D ) love

Correct answer: (C )

101. Although she was a successíul writer, she admitted to 105. Betore starting the job, all new hires must
teeling_____________working by herselt. a drug test.
(A) solely (A) undergo
(B) lonely (B) underline
(C) only (C) undertake
(D) indivídually (D) undermine

102. With Online banking, people c a n _____________ bills 106. have been slight improvements in
with a few simple clicks of the mouse. ịobless rates this last month, the highest unemployment
(A) be paid tigures in fifty years were recorded this year.
(B) to pay (A) Because of the
(C) have paid (B) Despite the
(D) pay (C) Although there
(D) However there
103. More evidence reveals that Eastern Medicine cures
diseases_____________VVestern Medicine, but without 107. The conterence room i s _____________to Ms. Danner's
the risk of serious side ettects. ottice on the tirst tloor.
(A) as good as (A) beside
(B) best of (B) above
(C) better of (C) besides
(D) as well as (DỊ next

104. Although they are sometimes ditticult to listen to, 1 0 8 . ___________ doctors' ottices ask that you cancel
complaints can provide valuable_____________ that your appolntment at least 24 hours in advance.
can help a company's method of operation. (A) The more
(A) teedback (B) Most of

(B) calculation (C) Most

(C) review (D) More of
(D) consideration

TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section II: Reading

109. The graduate wrote her last name phonetically, so that 118. New, up and Corning business can be risky endeavors,
it wouldn't b e ____________ at the commencement but the challenge re a lly _____________to young
ceremony. entrepreneurs.
(A) misdirected (A) attracts
(B) misused (B) draws
(C) misguided (C) appeals
(D) mispronounced (D) interests

110. ___________ of the bad vveather, the meeting has 119. Fellow researchers at the lab were amazed to find out
Practice Test 4

been postponed. that Mr. Palmer had vvritten this 100-page thesis by
(A) Because
(B) Consequently (A) themselves
(C) Due to (B) himselt
(D) Although there was (C) itselt
(D) myselt
111. The interns used to meet with Mr. Calkins weekly to
discuss____________ progress. 120. The company held a dinner in order to thank Ms. Vossen
(A) its for her generous_____________ investment in the
(B) their company that enabled them to hire 50 more employees.
(C) theirs (A) tinancial
(D) them (B) tinances
(C) tinancier
112. Job candidates a re _____________intervievved more (D) tinancing
than once to ensure their competence.
(A) otten 121. Neither Jerry's speech____________ Helen's presentatio
(B) nearly impressed the potential clients.
(C) somehow (A) also
(D) ever (B) nor
(C) but
113. The seminar began so early in the morning that most of (D) and
the attendees_____________during the tirst
presentation. 122. All company meal plans_____________at the end of
(A) slept it off the year and new ones will need to be issued.
(B) shook it off (A) terminate
(C) dozed off (B) fail
(D) pumped up (C) lose
(D) expire
114. The evaluation is based_____________productivity,
attitude and improvements as an employee. 123. Some bosses intentionally place their employees in
(A) at your high-stress situations in order t o _____________their
(B) on your ability to work under pressure.
(C) at yours (A) locate
(D) on yours (B) test
(C) extract
115. Detective Mark Raas will oversee the murder (D) attempt

(A) invention 124. In order to keep things running smoothly, representatives

(B) interterence will be seated in alphabetical_____________.
(C) inception (A) sequence
(D) investigation (B) System
(C) order
116. Philadelphia is One of the United States' (D) rank
and most historic cities.

(A) archaic 125. Betore he left the company for retirement, Mr. Roshon
(B) antique vvrote meticulous notes on his duties so that his
( 0 aged would feel prepared.
(D) oldest (A) predecessor
(B) successor
crucial decisions that affect the whole (C) descendant
company is one of the CEO's many responsibilities. (D) inheritor
(A) Receiving
(B) Doing
(C) Making
(D) Asking
Ệ T O E IC Practice Test 4 Section II: Reading
r ---------------— ---------------------

.26. Jonathan asked that we all acquaint ourselves with the 134. The conterence hall has a room ____________ of
notes____________ , so we didn't have to waste any of two hundred people
the meeting time with explanations. (A) capacity
|A) betorehand (B) ability
(B) previously (C) taculty
(C) forward (D) agility
(D) ahead
135. The factory is currently____________ to see rf they
L27. Mattress Kmg IS its prices for the entire are following all health and saíety regulations
month betore Christmas. (A) IS inspecting
(A) sweepmg (B) to inspect
(B) swarmmg (C) having been mspected
(C) slitting (D) being inspected
(D) slashing
136. Highly stressed individuals_____________by doctors to
128. The number of girls who play soccer in the u.s. exercise, in order to relieve tension and prevent heart
substantially since the women's national team won the disease or stress-related illnesses.
World Cup. (A) are encouraging
(A) rises (B) encourage
(B) have risen (C) encouraged
(C) has risen (D) are encouraged
(D) is risen
137. The Union said the __ _________would continue until the
129. George faíled to meet hís deadline and was CEO met their demands to provide better health benetits.
given a vvarning by his editor. (A) clash
(A) consequently (B) quarrel
(B) evidently (C) disagreement
(C) lastly (D) strike
(D) secondly
138. Please take a Seat and the doctor will see you
1 3 0 . ___________ the interview going well, I still don't feel _____________she is done with her current patient.
contldent that they will offer me the job. (A) as soon
(A) Despite (B) when
(B) Even though (C) atter that
(C) Although (D) vvhile
(D) While
139. The manager was impressed that the new employee
131. Employees know that they will always be held _____________in reaching his sales goal on the tirst day.
for their work and theretore never mess around. (A) achieved
(A) accounted (B) managed
(B) accountant (C) succeeded
(C) uncountable (D) accomplished
(D) accountable
140. The downtown hotel has a _____________.
132. Mr. Jannsons, t o ___________ the Parcel was addressed, (A) 3-night minimum reservation policy
forwarded the package to the company president. (B) policy 3-night reservation minimum
(A) him (C) minimum policy 3-night reservation
(B) whose (D) 3-night reservation policy minimum
(C) his
(D) whom

133. Technological____________ has allowed ottices to work

much more efficiently.
(A) movement
(B) advancement
(C) culmination
(D) action
TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section II: Reading

Part 6: Text Completion

D ir e c t io n s : Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer
choices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best ansvver to complete the text. Then mark the letter
(A). (B), (C ), or (D ) on your answer sheet.
Practice Test 4

Portugal has always been a n d _______ continue to be one kind of change in your life can cause stress.
of the world's most enchanting countries. Portugal has a rích It does not make a ditterence if the change is good, like a
seataring past, superb beach resorts, wistful towns and a promotion at work, or bad, like an illness. Stress can be
landscape wreathed in olive groves, vineyards and vvheat very usetul because it can make us take action and learn
tields. new and ettective ways of dealing with change. Too much
stress can be harmtul, though; so it is important to find
141. (A) would ettective ways of coping with stress.
(B) can
(C) will 144. (A)AII
(D) may (B) Any
(C) Another
(D) other
Littered with UNESCO World Heritage sites and graced by
one of Europe's most relaxed and attractive capitals, it also One way of coping with stress is exercise. Exercise
_______ retreshingly attordable. ________ to physical titness. People who are more phys-
ically fit tend to have fewer stress-related health prob-
142. (A) avvaits lems. They are likely to have fewer symptoms of depres-
(B) delays sion, such as trouble sleeping at night, sleeping too much
(C) remains during the day, overeating, or not eating, when they exer-
(D) hangs cise regularly.

145. (A) distributes

Savoring lite slowly is a Portuguese passion, and much of (B) attributes
the best is humble - traditional folk testivals; simple, honest (C) tributes
tood drowning in olive oil; music th a t________ at the heart (D) contributes
strings, recalling past love and glories; and markets over-
flowing with fish, truit and flowers. A combination of low íitness and high stress can leave
you vulnerable________ more illnesses, like colds and
143. (A) pulls flu. Improved titness and lovver stress can help improve
(B) punches both physical and mental health. It is believed that titness
(C) pushes activities, especially aerobic-type exercises, are helptul in
(D) pants improving cardiopulmonary titness and in reducing anxiety.

146. (A) to get

(B) to getting

(C) in getting
(D) for getting

H TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section II: Reading

For more than eight decades, the name Walt Disney has The challenge at this stage is to the opportuni-
been preeminent in the tield of tamily entertainment. From ty, to take the risk, to realize an innovative, new, reward-
humble as a cartoon studio in the 1920s to ing and productive tuture. With the strength that has
today's global Corporation, The W alt Disney Com pany con- made FIA and the Tech Ed program what it is today, the
tinues to proudly provide quality entertainment for every choice is an easy one - help our community meet the

p *s3JL
member of the tamily, across America and around the challenges of the 21st century.
150. (A) seize
147. (A) beginnings (B) earn
(B) commencements (C) make
(C) openings (DỊ keep
(D) introductions
The need for ettective Computer training and education
The Disney Legends program was established in 1987 to cannot be overstated. The technical training of
acknowledge and honor the many individuals whose imagi- our community are overvvhelming and mirror the needs of
nation, talents, and dreams have created the Disney magic. most other inner-city populations. The new program is
Since its inception, the program has honored many gitted ready to be launched as a national model for all inner-city
animators, imaginers, song vvriters, actors and business community organizations everywhere, for building a
leaders as a signiticant impact on the Disney tuture, uplitting individuals, creating self-sufficiency.
151. (A) retirements
148. (A) to make (B) measurements
(B) in making (C) requirements
(C) made (D) monuments
(D) having made
Thank you for your support and assistance to FIA, and
During a 43-year Hollywood career that spanned the devel- the community residents it serves. We look forward to
opment of the motion picture medium as a modern vour of our reauest and the opportunitv to
American art, VValter Elias Disney was a Pioneer, innovator, submit a tormal proposal for your revievv. We will be
and the possessor of one of tertile imaginations pleased to submit additional intormation if you so wish.
the world has ever knovvn. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

149. (A) the very 152. (A) hesitation

(B) many (B) consideration
(C) the most (C) revelation

(D) some (D) apprehension

TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section II: Reading

Part 7: Readỉng Comprehension

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and nevvspaper articles, letters, and
advertisements. Each text is íollovved by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter
(A ), (B ), (C ), or (D ) on your answer sheet.
Are you someone who enjoys trying new things and does not íeel uncomíortable in new environments? Then why not
get paid for it? C U LTU RE magazine is looking for individuals to go to new clubs, events, etc. and w rite about the cultural
Practice Test 4

scene they observe in these places. Interested? Send your resume to Please no phone calls.

What type of person would be best qualiíied for this job?

(A ) a homebody
(B) an introvert
(C ) a clumsy person
(D ) a risk-taker
Correct ansvver: (D )

Questions 153 through 155 re fe r to th e following e xtract.

The Employee-of-the-Month Award

The Employee-of-the-Month Award is given for the "most outstanding contribution during the
preceding month." The company avvards these at the departmental level. We have eight depart-
ments. Theretore, company-wide, there are eight Employees-of-the-Month awardees. Each month,
the Department Leader selects one person.

Wouldn't you expect that, in a single department with about 25 staff members, at least a few
of the employees would be selected as Employee-of-the-Month more than once each year? This
hasn't yet happened. The Department Leaders seem to have an intormal rule that every employ-
ee will receive the award. Theretore, most of the staff will receive the tree dinner on the aver-
age of once every two years.

You may see my complaining as just tussing over nothing. However, innovation requires "out-
standing" contributions. If the company tocuses on keeping everyone happy, ignoring special
ettorts and special contributions, it is likely that the incentive to do something outstanding is
going to diminish. Then, we certainly aren't going to be very competitive - no m atter how many
doors are closed.

153. What is the writer's opinion on the Award? 155. According to the vvriter, what is the outcome
(A) It is very generous. of the award as it is now?
(B) It honors a lot of outstanding ettorts. (A) It doesn't motivate people to work hard.
(C) It doesn't necessarily hold much value. (B) It makes people too competitive with one another.
(D) lt's too selective in it recipients. (C) It highlights special ettorts and contributions.
(D) It unites the company.
154. What does the vvriter complain about in the second

(A) Only a few people from each department have received
the award.
(B) Some people haven't received the award.
(C) The Department Leaders disobey their own rule.
(D) The Department Leaders distribute the award equally.
TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section II: Reading

Ịuestions 156 through 159 re fe r to th e following letter.

December 12
Mr. Robert Burns
President, Template Division
MEGATEK Corporation
9845 Technical Way
Arlington, VA 22207

Dear Mr. Burns,

I learned of MEGATEK through Online research using the CareerSearch database through
Career Services at the University of Michigan where I am completing my Master's degree
in Mechanical Engineering. From my research on your website, I believe there would be a

p ạsạj_
good fit between my skills and interests and your needs. I am interested in a software
engineering position upon completion of my degree next May.

As a graduate student, I am one of six members on a software development team which

is vvriting a Computer aided aircratt design program for NASA. My responsibilities include
designing, coding and testing of a graphical portion of the program which requires the
use of GIARO for graphics input and output. I have a strong background in Computer
aided design, softw are development and engineering and I believe that these skills would
benetit the design and manutacturing aspects of Template software.

All of the above make me well suited to the project areas in which your division of
MEGATEK is expanding ettorts. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss a position
with you, and may contact you by phone in a week or ten days to answer any questions
you may have and to see if you need any other intormation from me, such as a company
application form or transcripts. Thank you fo r your consideration.

VVilliam Stevens
123 Ascot Lane
Ann Arbor, MI 24060
(540) 555-2556

156. What kind of letter is this? 159. What will VVilliam Stevens do next?
(A) acceptance (A) have an interview with the company
(B) inquiry (B) discuss the possibilities with Mr. Burns
(C) application (C) call Mr. Burns to ansvver questions
(D) rejection (D) mail his transcript

157. How did William Stevens find out about MEGATEK?

(A) the internet

(B) the CareerSearch counselor

(C) one of his group members
(D) a career book

158. What is the purpose of the second paragraph?

(A) to outline his qualltications
(B) to brag about his accomplishments
(C) to describe his interests
(D) to express his desire for an intervievv
TOEIC Practice Test 4 Sectỉon II: Reading

Questions 160 through 163 re íe r to th e following advertisem ent.

Saludos Hispanos
Saludos Hispanos Magazine is a bilingual career and education publication dedicated to encouraging
Hispanic youth to strive for excellence in both career and academic pursuits. Our publication is distrib-
Practice Test 4

uted to Colleges and Universities nationwide. Saludos Hispanos can also be íound in the ottices of State,
county and City otticials; State boards of education; career placement centers and other organizations
who Champion the causes of workplace diversity, Hispanic recruitment and supplier diversity.

Each beautitully designed issue of Saludos Hispanos otters inspirational role models, valuable career
intormation, intormative college and university protiles, as well as contemporary articles about art, music,
self-development, community attairs and cultural pride. Our tactual, up-to-date intormation about educa-
tional programs and career opportunities assists our readers in opening the doors to success.

Our in-depth career protiles provide students with the intormation they need to procure the career of
their dreams. Our business to business section highlights the exciting possibilities of ovvning your own
business and gives you the opportunity to connect with top public and private organizations'that want
to do business with YOU! Our mission in producing Saludos Hispanos Magazine is to educate, motivate
and inspire young people to stay in school, pursue career goals and be the best they can be.

......................................................................... .................................................................. ..... .....

160. Who is the target demographic of Saludos Hispanos Magazinéì
(A) College and University
(B) retired Hispanics
(C) young Hispanics
(D) bilingual Employee Recruiters

161. Where is Saludos Hispanos Magazine NOT distributed?

(A) governmental ottices
(B) troubled youth rehabilitation centers
(C) organizations that hire from a variety of backgrounds
(D) job guidance centers

162. What does the intormation in the magazine do?

(A) helps the readers find cultural identity
(B) encourages readers to become role models
(C) schedules meetings and interviews with colleges
(D) helps the readers create opportunities to do well in life

163. What is NOT something Saludos Hispanos aims to do?

(A) draw attention to business opportunities
(B) push people to continue with their studies
(C) encourage people to reach their potential
(D) place people in the career of their dreams

ĨOEIC Practice Test 4 Section II: Reading

}uestions 164 through 167 re íe r to th e following letter.

Dear Readers,

M ore than most, I realize how education can change a person's life.

When I was in fo u rth grade, my teacher called my parents and to ld them I

* s a i 3 D Ị}D E .I(j
couldn’t read. My fa th e r took me to an eye doctor who to ld him I had dyslexia.
I Since th e re were no special d is a b ility teachers in those days, my fa th e r got a
; dictionary, and every morning b e fo re I went to school, he made me memorize
vvords. And th a t's how I learned to read.

My fa th e r was th e most im portant tea ch e r I ever had. And years la te r, I had

teachers th a t always believed in me. This is when I realized th a t education was
th e ansiver. Now th a t I am president o f th e College Board, I am honored to
bring th e message o f education and o pportun ity everyvvhere I go.

College USA also talks about th e importance o f education and helps you make
th e rig h t decisions th a t will put you on th e college path. So please, read th is
: magazine thoroughly. I t ju s t may change your life .

Best wishes,
L arry s te in

164. How did education change Larry's life?

(A) His good grades got him into a top college.
(B) His lack of good education made him want to change the System.
(C) Being edicated helped him overcome a reading disorder.
(D) He has been inspired by other students during his presidency at the college board.

165. How did Larry learn to read?

(A) He vvorked with a special teacher.
(B) He committed words to memory.
(C) He read from textbooks.
(D) He worked with his íather atter school.

166. Why does Larry write this letter?

(A) to promote a periodical
(B) to inspire college students
(C) to thank his tather
(D) to give suggestions to College USA

167. What approach does this letter take?

(A) tormal
(B) personal

(C) ottensive
(D) grievous

TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section II: Reading

Questions 168 through 172 re íe r to th e íollovving leaílet and letter.

If you're a mother who is an employee, you have the statutory right

to a minimum amount of maternity leave. Your employer may also
otter their own maternity leave scheme.
Congratulations on the great
The basics of maternity leave: news! You must be so excited!
• Statutory maternity leave is for 52 weeks (if the week your baby
"T G S t 4

I wanted to send you this infor-

is expected to be born starts betore ls t April, it is for 26 weeks, mation and some links. I'm not
with an extra 26 weeks if you meet certain conditions). sure how ít is a t your o ffic e but
I had a few misunderstanding
• You may be entitled to receive Statutory Maternity Pay fo r up to
w ith my boss regarding my own
39 weeks of the leave. m aternity leave last year.
• You get personalized help on what ỵou may quality for by using the
P l* 3 C tÌC G

Make sure to go over all these

Tailored Interactive Guidance on Employment Rights (TIGER) tool. things w ith your boss. Don't be
The tool will produce a personalized statement of the maternity leave shy; you are entitled to all of
and pay what you may quality for, along with an Interactive calendar
Ok, X'II see you tomorrovv at
to help you plan your leave. Mom and Dad's.

Company schemes stephanie

#Y o u r employer may have their own scheme which could be more
generous than the statutory scheme. Check your contract of employ-
ment or staff handbook for details or ask your employer. Your
employer can't offer you less than the statutory scheme.

168. What is the great news?

(A) Katie got a new job.
(B) stephanie is pregnant.
(C) Katie is pregnant.
(D) stephanie got a new job.

169. What is the relationship betvveen Katie and stephanie?

(A) boss and employee
(B) co-workers
(C) siblings
(D) lavvyer and Client

170. What are the bulleted points?

(A) the ideal maternity leave plan
(B) a mock maternity leave plan
(C) the basic rights for maternity leave
(D) someone's request for maternity leave

171. For how long can you be paid during your leave?
(A) at least 52 weeks
(B) no more than 26 vveeks

(C) no payment
(D) no more than 39 weeks

172. What is the purpose of the last bullet?

(A) to check that at least you get the minimum amount of maternity leave
(B) to warn you that your boss may try to deny your rights
(C) to say that the previously outlined plan is a bít generous
(D) to say that the previously outlined plan is the maximum ottered
TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section II: Reading

Questions 173-175 refer to th e following ad vertisem en t.

Southdale Center

A visit to Columbus vvouldrTt be complete vvithout a stop at Southdale Center, the city's
nevvest and most elegant shopping center.

Easily accessible by the city's train, there is also a ten-story parking garage.

The mall includes three tloors of shopping, teaturing the most exclusive retail shops in
the country. Our twelve-screen movie theater is located on the top íloor. We also have
ten outstanding restaurants to choose from spread throughout the mall.

The mall is open Monday through Saturday 9 AM to 11 PM.

}S 3 J L
Sundays from 11 AM to 6 PM

Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

= = = = = .......................................................= = = .......... ■■■ = = ..............................................

173. What is Southdale Center? 175. On which day does Southdale Center close early?
(A) a movie theater (A) Tuesday
(B) a restaurant (B) Sunday
(C) a mall (C) Friday
(D) a hardware shop (D) Saturday

174. How many movies could possibly be shovving

at the same time?
(A) 6 (C) 12
(B) 10 (D) 18

Questions 176 through 178 re íe r to th e following Ieaf1et.

The C hildrens Science Museum

The Children's Science Museum is designed fo r young peopte to experience Science at work.
Visitors are encouraged to use, test, and handle the objects on display. With its modern look catered
to the new generation, children may feel like they are at a tuturistic playground.

Special demonstrations are scheduled for the tirs t and second Wednesday of each month at 1:30 PM.

Open Tuesday through Friday, 2:30-4:30 PM, Saturday 11 AM-4:30 PM and Sunday 1-4:30.

Guaranteed tun (and learning) fo r the whole tamily.

176. In what way is the museum tailored for its target 178. When, during the month, can visitors see special
population? demonstrations?

(A) It makes learning tun. (A) the tirst two VVednesdays

(B) It has a playground in the building. (B) three days a week
(C) It only tocuses on modern scientitic innovations. (C) every other Wednesday
(D) It has demonstrations for adults. (D) the last VVednesday of every month

177. What is encouraged?

(A) caution
(B) an open mind
(C) suggestions
(D) participation

TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section II: Reading

Questions 179 through 183 re fe r to th e following letters.

Dear Sickie,

Frankly - nothing. Live with it. Big Bosses are intrinsically tied
to customers, and almost alvvays view the engineering team
Dear Abbey, as just an expense center used to satisíy their promises.
I have vvorked with many Big Bosses over the years. Most
Practice Test 4

My boss is a good guy and does his best claim to understand the realities of development, but imme-
to help us create reasonable schedules. diately lose interest in scheduling problems when seduced by
But the Big Boss couldnt care less about
potential protits from the next impossible dream.
engineering realities. He'II make any
promíse needed to placate a customer.
It's true that small companies can have p retty tunctional
W e're le ft saddled with impossible
relationships betvveen the vvorkers and the chiets. But when
schedules. What can I do?
projects get big, when many managerial layers divide the
decision-makers and the doers, then the interests of these
groups diverge.

Sick O f stupid Schedules

Sometimes that's healthy. Remember Apollo? JFK committed
the nation to an arbitrary and capricious schedule to put
Americans on the moon betore 1970. It was a political move,
a date selected without the benetit of engineering input.
Half a million people were mobilized, and despite huge and at
times tragic problems the date was met. A bold Vision, cou-
pled with unlimited resources, can yield astonishing results.


179. What is Sickie seeking from Abbey? 182. What happens when projects get big?
(A) advice (A) interest groups form
(B) encouragement (B) bosses become empathetic
(C) contirmation (C) workers are asked to take on more responsibility
(D) evidence (D) colleagues of equal status have contlicting interests

180. What does the word "placate" mean in the tirst text? 183. What is the purpose of the last paragraph of the
(A) help second letter?
(B) recruit (A) It justifies Sickie's decision to write to Abbey.
(C) satisty (B) It illustrates that one should never try to do the
(D) pursue impossible.
(C) lt's meant to inspire Sickie to emulate JFK.
181. According to Abbey, why do "Big Bosses" not care (D) It reveals Abbey's indecision.
much about scheduling?
(A) They are normally too tocused on employee
development strategies.
(B) They are acquainted with the workings of the
expense center.
(C) lt's not in their job description.

(D) Pleasing the customer is a bigger priority.

rOEIC Practice Test 4 Section II: Reading

tiestions 185 through 188 re fe r to th e following leaílet.

The Star Tribune's TODAY’S MARKET

ị The Star Tríbune's TODAY'S MARKET regularly íeatures two pages of đassiíied
I advertisements for:

Mondav: Business Opportunities, Franchises, Commercial Real Estate,

Telecommunications, Automotive, Entertainment

Wednesday: Arts, Friendships, Petsitters, Nannies and Domestics

77 7 77 71
171 7
Recruitment, Education, Administrational, Internet Services

Saturday: Vacations, Travel, Residential Real Estate, Dining

Ị Questions? Call, fax, or email Vicky Nelson at (953) 555-5675,

184. What is the s ta r Tribunéì 186. On vvhich day of the week would someone look for
(A) a traveler's guide airline tickets?
(B) an open market (A) Monday
(C) a telephone directory (B) Wednesday
(D) a nevvspaper (C) Friday
(D) Saturday
185. On which day of the week would someone
look for a child caretaker? 187. Which is NOT mentioned as a way to contact
(A) Monday Vicky Nelson?
(B) Wednesday (A) by the Internet
(C) Friday (B) by letter
(D) Saturday (C) by telephone
(D) by fax
TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section II: Reading

Questions 188 through 192 re fe r to th e following le tte r and coupon.

Dear Elizabeth,

Happy Birthdaỵ from everỵone here at Treasure Island

Casino! As a loyal customer for more than thirty FREE MEAL FOR YOU AND A GUEST AT
years, we felt it necessary to send you a special treat TREASURE ISLAND CASINO'S BUFFET.
for your special day. Your patronage is appreciated on
a level that far exceeds you supporting our business. March 15, 2011
This coupon entitles ELIZABETH DWAIHY to a tree
Your genuine enthusiasm and amiable personality con-
meal for you and a guest at TREASURE ISLAND
tributes to creating a pleasant atmosphere here at
CASINƠS buttet.
Treasure Island Casino. You are a tavorite amongst Buffet Hours: Seven days a week 10:30AM - 7PM.
both staff members and your fellow casino goers. Coupon expires one year trom the issued date.

*Remember a ll p a tro n s a t TREASURE ISLAND m ust

So happy birthday and enjoy your enclosed present!
be a t le a s t 18 y e a rs o f age.

Joe Tompkins

188. Why does Elizabeth receive a personalized note with 191. What meal could not be eaten using the coupon?
a coupon? (A) brunch
(A) She is a new customer and he is vvelcoming her. (B) a late lunch
(B) It is Standard procedure at the casino. (C) an early breaktast
(C) He is atraid of losing her business. (D) dinner
(D) She has been a regular customer for many years.
192. When does the coupon lose value?
189. What does Joe Tompkins appreciate most about (A) March 15 2011
Elizabeth? (B) It is valid torever.
(A) Her ettect on the people surrounding her. (C) March 16, 2011
(B) Her tinancial contributions to the business. (D) March 15, 2012
(C) Her wiilingness to exceed what is expected of her.
(D) Her charitable donations to the casino.

190. Who else could get a tree meal from this coupon with
(A) Elizabeth's two older sisters
(B) Elizabeth's twin brother
(C) Elizabeth's seventeen-year-old granddaughter
(D) Elizabeth's parents
TOEIC Practice Test 4 Section II: Reading

Ịuestions 193 through 195 re íe r to th e following leaílet.

Checking Account Intormation

Y o u r m o n t h ly b a n k s t a t e m e n t is n o w u p d a t e d a n d a v a ila b le fo r y o u t o s e e O n lin e. P le a s e c lic k
th e lin k at t h e b o t t o m o f th is p a g e a n d y o u vvill b e d ir e c t e d to th e lo g - in p a g e . P r o te c t y o u r
id e n t it y a n d d o n 't le t a n y o n e s e e y o u r p assvvord . I f y o u a r e m a k in g a n e le c t r o n ic p a y m e n t , f o l-
lo w th e in s tr u c tio n s lo c a t e d a t t h e e n d o f y o u r s t a t e m e n t . S h o u ld y o u c h o o s e t o m a il y o u r
ị p a y m e n t , t h e a d d r e s s is lo c a t e d a t t h e to p o f y o u r s t a t e m e n t p a g e . D o n o t s e n d c a sh .
' P a y m e n ts r e c e iv e d a ft e r 1 2 :3 0 p m , o r , o n v v e e k e n d s o r h o lid a y s m a y n o t b e c r e d it e d u n til th e
n e x t b u s in e s s d a y .

Lost or Stolen Checking Cards

I f y o u r c a r d is lo s t o r s t o le n in t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s c a ll u s im m e d ia t e ly a t 1 -8 0 0 - 5 5 5 -5 4 3 2 .

p }sạ]_
O u t s id e th e u.s. c o n t a c t o u r n e a r e s t o f f ic e o r c a ll u s c o lle c t . Y o u a r e íu lly p r o t e c t e d a g a in s t
a n y ír a u d u le n t u s e o f t h e c a r d w h e n y o u n o tify u s im m e d ia t e ly . Y o u r m a x im u m lia b ility is $ 5 0
I s h o u ld y o u fa il t o r e p o r t lo s s o r t h e ít .

193. What is written at the end of the bank statement? 195. Why vvould someone be charged $50?
(A) electronic payment instructions (A) for stealing a card
(B) the link to the log-in page (B) for sending cash
(C) the mailing address (C) for traudulently using a card
(D) your password (D) for tailing to report a lost card

194. Which payment will be credited on the same business day?

(A) a payment made on Christmas day
(B) a payment on Wednesday at 2:30 PM
(C) a payment made on Saturday
(D) a payment made on Friday at 11:15 AM

l T* Practice Test 4
rO E IC Practice Test 5

T E ST 5

TOEIC Practice Test 5 Section I: Listening

TEST5 Section I: Listening

In this section o f the test, you vưill have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are four parts to this section, with special directlons fo r each part.

Part I: Photographs
Directions: For each question, you w ill see a p icture and you w ill hear fo u r s h o rt statem ents. T he state-
m ents w ill be spoken just one tim e. T hey w ill n o t be printed in y o u r te s t b o o k so you m ust listen careíully to
understand w h a t th e speaker says. W hen you hear th e fo u r statem ents, lo o k at th e p icture and choose the
statem ent th a t best describes w h a t you see in th e picture. C hoose th e best answ er A, B, c
o r D.

Now listen to the four statements.
Statement (D) best describes what you see in the picture.
Thereíore, you should choose answer (D).

A. He is on the phone.
B. She is driving the car.
c. She is typing on the Computer.
D. He is sítting next to her.

Sample Ansrn

TOEIC Practice Test 5 Section I: Listening

3. A B c D

4. A B c D

5. A B c D




T O E IC Practice Test 5 Section I: Listening
Practice Test 5
Section I: Listening s }sạj_
TOEIC Practice Test 5 Section I: Listening

Part 2: Question-Response
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a question or statement spoken in English, followed by three
responses, also spoken in English. The question or statement and the responses will be spoken just one time. They will
not be printed in your test book, so you must listen careíully. You are to choose the best response to each questión or
statement. N ow listen to a sample question.
You will hear: Man: W hy are you late?
Woman: A. I hope I won’t be.
B. My car broke down.
c. He always is.
Practice Test 5

The best response is choice B, “My car broke down". Thereíore, you should choose B.

n A B c 21 A B.... c 31 A B c
12 A B c. 22 A B.... c 32 A B c
13 A B c 23 A B ... c 33 A B c
14 A B c 24 A B.... c 34 A B c
15 A B c. 25 A B.... c 35 A B c
16 A B c 26 A B.... c 36 A. B c
17 A B c 27 A B.... c 37 A B c
18 A B c 28 A B.... c 38 A B c
19 A B c 29 A B.... c 39 A B c
20 A B c 30 A B.... c 40 A B c
w w w . n h a n t r iv ie t . c o m

I 16 Ị ỉ
rOEIC Practice Test 5 Section I: Listening

P a r t 3: Conversatỉons
D ir e c t io n s : You will hear some conversations betvveen two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about
.vhat the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A ), (B ), (C ),
>r (D ) on your ansvver sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

41. What does the man offer? 46. What color does the man preter?
(A) to take her to her job (A) pink
(B) to drive her home (B) orange

}S 3 J _ 9 D Ị} D B
* (C) to fix her car (C) yellow
(D) to invest in the City (D) white

42. When will the woman'$ car be ready? 47. For how long was the woman supposed to meet with
(A) 6:30 this evening the mayor?
(B) tomorrovv at 6:30 (A) more than thirty minutes
(C) tomorrovv early atternoon (B) three hours
(D) atter work today (C) one hour
(D) less than half an hour
43. What does the man wish?

(A) the car was ready on time 48. What was the purpose of the meeting with the mayor?
(B) he had a car (A) to discuss a school research project
(C) the City had Public transportation (B) to discuss the problems in the town graveyard
(D) the woman would have been smarter (C) to discuss reading-level scores
(D) to discuss his next actions as mayor
44. What is NOT true of the walls as they are now?
(A) they are boring 49. What does the man feel toward the mayor?
(B) they are not new (A) terror
(C) they are stained (B) disappointment
(D) they are not smooth (C) appreciation
(D) pride
45. Why is the man painting the vvalls?
(A) He wants to change the ottice atmosphere. 50. What does the woman NOT mention about her job?
(B) He is required to by the building manager. (A) its pay
(C) An interior designer recommended it. (B) her lack of talent for it
(D) lt's an easy change to make. (C) her apathy tovvard it
(D ) a poor boss
T O E I C P r a c t ic e T e s t 5 Section I: Listening

51. How long has the woman had her job? 61. Who will drive?
(A) six months (A) just the man
(B) twenty-four months (B) just the vvoman
(C) two weeks (C) both the man and woman
(D) six years (D) neither, they are vvalking because it's nearby

52. What does the man tell the woman? 6 2 . What will the woman's department do this summer?
(A) to not be atraid (A) hire temporary vvorkers
Practice Test 5

(B) to not be so insecure (B) discuss how to increase sales

(C) to quít her job (C) stagger their vacation times
(D) to build up her resume (D) take the summer off

5 3 . What is the man disappointed about? 6 3 . What does the man want to do?
(A) He didn't apply for a job he wanted. (A) save money
(B) He thinks the woman is ignoring him. (B) hire more employees
(C) Nobody responded to his advertisement. (C) take a vacation
(D) He thinks he was rejected for a job. (D) join the woman's department meeting

5 4 . What does the woman suggest to the man? 6 4 . What is true of the woman?
(A) The man should call the employer. (A) The man respects her.
(B) The man should look for another job. (B) She lacks commitment.
(C) The man should wait for a week. (C) She works for the same department as the man.
(D) The man should try to appear more Interesting. (D) Last quarter's sales pleased her.

5 5 . What is the man atraid of? 6 5 . What is the man's relationship with Ron?
(A) rejection (A) acquaintance
(B) losing (B) close triend
(C) his new responsibilities (C) no relationship
(D) sounding silly (D) classmate

5 6 . Who paid for the man's desk? 6 6 . What does the man tell the woman?
(A) the company (A) They need another team member.
(B) Andrevv (B) Ron vvould be períect for the job.
(C) the woman (C) He doesn't feel qualitied to recommend Ron.
(D) the man (D) Ron doesn't have what it takes.

5 7 . What is NOT on the woman's desk? 6 7 . What is true of the seventh tloor?
(A) printer (A) It is where Ron works.
(B) scanner (B) It is laid-back.
(C) papervvork (C) It holds all the office parties.
(D) fax machine (D) It has a lot of work to do.

5 8 . What is the man going to do with the desk? 6 8 . Where is this conversation taking place?
(A) return it to Andrew (A) in a taxi cab
(B) move it to the eleventh tloor (B) at the man's home
(C) keep it (C) at an airport
(D) give it to the vvoman (D) at an office

5 9 . Where does the man want to go? 6 9 . What is true of the man?
(A) the Burger Joint (A) He missed his tlight.

(B) a meeting (B) He is at the tront of a line.

(C) a golf store (C) He otten arrives late.
(D) a department store (D) He believed the vvoman.

6 0 . Who is the man in relation to the woman? 7 0 . What does the woman suggest?
(A) her brother (A) The man change the time of his clock.
(B) a co-worker (B) They go watch the news.
(C) a neighbor (C) The man walk taster.
(D) her driver (D) They go somevvhere else.

ĨO EIC Practice Test 5 Section I: Listenmg

Part 4: Taiks
)ir e c tio n s : You wiM boar tom c u lk ị grvort by a smgle ipeakcr You w4l be askcd to antwor three quB Uom aboi
/Hat the speaker IIỴ I ền eoch talk S c b c t the best rw pon»e to cach queaoon and mark the letter (A ). (B ) (C) or
I O ) on your am wer tbeet The talki Wi8 rxx be pnnted m your tsst book and w il be spoton only One óme

71 Where are the people who ate listemng to ttas tafk7

71 79. What lỉ the tiaxtion of the Computer ctap’
(A) on a shtp (A) It divides the rtȴiers nto groups
(B) on a tiỉhing docK (B) It ventieỉ the rimer tnshes the race
(C) in a market (C) lt'ỉ sirveillance to catch cheaters.
(D) in a cottee shop (D| It recordỉ each rurme^s actual trae

72. What IS Seattle known for? 80. What IS the positKXi bemg ađvertised1
(A| being dry (A) A graptK designer

s }SỌ|_
(B) its ocean |B) A travel agent
(C) Its ratn (C) A Sparash translator
(D) Its tours (D) A marketing director

73. What will be happening to the tislì? 81. What would N0T help you get the |0 b?
(A) They will be rained oa (A) Speaking Sparash
(B) They will be eatea |B) Seven years of directmg enpenence
(C) They will be captured in nets. (C) Mailing in a good resume
(D) They will be thrown (D) Being tamikar with Central American markets

74. Where does this mtroduction take place? 82. What does the employer NOT ask for?
(A) An ottice holiday party (A) A salary history
(B) A retirement party |B) A resume
(C) A recruitment ceremony (C) A cover letter
(D) A planmng meetmg (D) Reterences

75. What position IS Mr. Larson retiring trom? 83. What IS the flight's tinal destination?
(A) Bindery worker |A) Dayton
(B) Sales distnbutor (B) Daílas
(C) Supervisor (C) Helena
(0) Manager (D) Los Angeles

76. How long has Mr. larson worked at the company? 84. What IS the announcement regarding?
(A) 40 yẽars (A) A cancelled tlight
(B) 15 ýears (B) A gate change
(C) 5 years (C) A reroute
(D) 20 years (D) New boarding time

77. What kind of race IS this? 85. From where is the tlight departing?
(A) An International championship (A) Gate A617
(B) A casual and small one (B) Gate A7
(C) A qualilier (C) Gate B12
(0) One raising tunds lor a cause (D) Gate B7

78. How many runners are there? 86 . How much money do they hope to raise
(A) 2,000 at the tundraiser?

|B) 50 (A) $2.000

(C) 500 (BỊ $3,000
(D) 200 (C) $20.000
(D) $30.000

TOEIC Practice Test 5 Section I: Listening

87. When will the band play? 94. Who is Randy Trask?
(A) Betore dinner (A) The ịailer
(B) Immediately following the vocal auction (B) The judge who convicted him
(C) Atter the silent auction bidding (C) Joe's partner in crime
(D) At the night's conclusion (D) The banker Joe robbed from

88 . How will someone know if he/she wins any item trom the 95. Why is Deborah callíng Ms. Anderson?
silent auction? (A) To solicit her
(A) His/Her name will be announced. (B) To intervievv her
Practice Test 5

(B) He/She can check the bid sheet. (C) To survey her
(C) The item wlll be delivered to his/her house. (D) To invite her to somewhere
(D) He/She will be approached atter the tundraiser.
96. What is true of Ms. Anderson?
89. What is ditticult for the speaker? (A) She is a customer of AT&D.
(A) Obtaining citizenship (B) She is looking for a long-distance plan.
(B) Paying for college (C) She called Deborah.
(C) Finding a job (D) She used to call abroad otten.
(D) Getting a research grant
97. How many cents a minute is the long-dístance deal?
90. What is the speaker's attitude toward a government (A) 2
decision? (B) 3
(A) lt's amazing. (C) 4
(B) He disagrees with it. (D) 5
(C) It gives him hope.
(D) lt's luxurious. 98. What should you do if you want to leave a message
for the intern?
91. What group of people is the speaker discussing? (A) Press star
(A) Americans who don't pay taxes (B) Press 1
(B) People from other countries (C) Wait for the tone
(C) People moving out of America (D) Press 3
(D) The homeless
99. What should you do if you want to leave a message
92. For what crime was Joe Pallok arrested? for no one in particular?
(A) stealing (A) Press 3
(B) Murder (B) Press star
(C) Vandalism (C) Press 2
(D) Fraud (D) Call during ottice hours

93. For how long was Joe Pallok sentenced? 100. When would you probably hear this voicemail?
(A) 24 years (A) Noon on VVednesday
(B) Over torty years (B) 3 PM on Tuesday
(C) Thirty years (C) 8 AM on Monday
(D) Less than thirty years (D) 5:30 PM on Friday

120 Ị
TOEIC Practice Test 5 Section II: Reading

Section II: Reading

n the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and ansvver several different types of reading comprehension questions.
rhe entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to
inswer as many questions as possible vvithin the time allovved. You must mark your answers on the separate answer
heet. Do not vvrite your answers in your test book.

Part 5: Incomplete Sentences

D irectio n s: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below
each sentence. Select the best ansvver to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on
your ansvver sheet.

The mother held her newborn
(A ) loving

£ }S9J_
(B ) lovely
(C ) lovingly
(D ) love

Correct answer: (C )

101. ___________ liberal arts graduates go on to receive 107. Untortunately, the Pod200 is currently out of stock; would
graduate degrees. you like to b u y _____________item?
(A) More than most (A) ditterent
(B) More and most (B) alternative
(C) The majority of (C) turther
(D) The most of (D) another

102. When it was tirst invented, people were aíraid that the TV 108. The cost of the shuttle bus from the airport to the hotel
would be a dangerous______ ______ . is _ _ _ _ _ $40.
(A) accommodation (A) approximately
(B) luxury (B) relatively
(C) quality (C) plausibly
(D) treight (D) reliably

103. Since it is an upscale restaurant, one must 109. This comtortable couch comes i n _____________colors
a table in advance. and patterns.
(A) have to reserve (A) dozens of
(B) be reserved (B) many of
(C) reserve (C) numerous of
(D) have been reserved (D) variety of

104. Ms. Drews felt like she had big shoes to fill since her 110. It is untortunate that she made such a bad tirst impression
was so remarkable. w hen_____________her boss.
(A) predictor (A) she has met
(B) predator (BỊ met
(C) preliminary (C) meeting
(D) predecessor (D) she meets

105. Flash photography or video recording 111. They all went out for drinks to celebrate completing the
in the auditorium. most important business_____________of the year.
(A) are not allowing (A) transaction

(B) will have no rights (B) translation

(C) are not permitted (C) transplant
(D) will have no admission (D) transcendence

106. ril be out for breaktast as soon as I 112. The D ra go nfly Inn, in downtown Duluth, sits
my hair. Lake Superior.
(Á) do (A) overhearing
(B) make (B) overruling
(0) take (C) overshadovving
(D) put (D) overlooking

T O E IC Practice Test 5 __ __ Section II: Reading
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — w

113. Repairing the fax machine i s _____________ of utmost 122. No one could believe that Sandra and I completed the
importance to those in the administration oítice. p ro je c t_____________ .
(A) collectívely (A) by us
(B) currently (B) bý our own
(C) relatively (C) on ourselves
(D) gradually (D) ourselves

114. Clever advertisements are the most ettective way of 1 2 3 . ____________ the university to approve the research
the consumer. proposal, we would have to have the study completed b
Practice Test 5

(A) contracting january 2009.

(B) warning (A) Providing
(C) reaching (B) As long as
(D) perceiving (C) Were
(D) Hoping that
115. Dr. Arnold's presentation w a s _____________ by a
short introduction of who she was and what some 124. I am s o _____________of Paul for all his accomplishmets
of her career highlights had been. (A) proud
(A) receded (B) hopetul
(B) preceded (C) disappointed
(C) precluded (D) uneasy
(D) retreated
125. Sexual harassment in the office is more
116. We cannot give you a cash retund, but we than one might think.
your account. (A) otten
(A) are to be credited (B) introvert
(B) are going in credit (C) common
(C) will credit (D) normal
(D) are about crediting
126. Everyone was shocked to hear Mr. B lu m __________ _|
117. There are n o _____________ that the Union will retract from the job.
their demands any time soon. |A) tired him
(A) symptoms (B) had tired
(B) displays (C) who had íired him
(C) signs (D) who was tired
(D) teatures

127. If you are not satistied with the DVDs, you can return
118. Mr. Dendler's resignation came as a _____________ to
within ío rty days for a full retund.
everyone at the firm.
(A) yourselves
(A) surprise
(B) surrender (B) It
(C) surmise (C) yourselt
(D) surplus (D) them

119. You can make an outstanding íirs t impression and improve 128. He took the ja c k e t_____________ to the dry-cleaner'sD
your credibility as a protessional_____________ simply get it cleaned.
vvearing a Sharp outtit. (A) that we bought it
(A) as
(B) that we bought
(B) if just
(C) that had bought
(C) thát
(D) that bought it
(D) by

120. For y o u r _____________ , Rainbow Mart will be 129. The star Gazette is t h e _____________ nevvspaper in a
open on Sundays. of Columbus, Ohio.
(A) request (A) lead
(B) desire (B) leading
(C) assistance (C) leader
(D) convenience

(D) leadership

121. Syracuse's new treshman point guard is going to be

130. Linda promised not to leave the company until they had
the o n e _____________ this season.
tound a _____________ for her.
(A) watching
(B) to watch (A) reputation
(C) watches (B) reprisal
(D) who watches (C) repetition
(D) replacement

TOEIC Practice Test 5 Section II: Reading

122. No one could believe that Sandra and I completed the

113. Repairing the fax machine i s _____________ of utmost
importance to those in the administration oítice. project ______________•
(A) by us
(A) collectively
(B) by our own
(B) currently
(C) relatively ( 0 on ourselves
(D) gradually (D) ourselves

114. Clever advertisements are the most eítective way of 1 2 3 . ____________ the university to approve the research
the consumer. proposal, we vvould have to have the study completed by
January 2009.
Practỉce Test 5

(A) contracting
(B) vvarning (A) Providing
(C) reaching (B) As long as
(D) perceiving (C) Were
(D) Hoping that
115. Dr. Arnold's presentation was _________ by a
short introduction of who she was and what some 1 2 4 . 1 am s o _______ of Paul for all his accomplishmen'
of her career highlights had been. (A) proud
(A) receded (B) hopetul
(B) preceded (C) disappointed
(C) precluded (D) uneasy
(D) retreated
125. Sexual harassment in the office is more
116. We cannot give you a cash retund, but we than one might think.
your account. (A) oíten
(A) are to be credited (B) introvert
(B) are going in credit (C) common
? ) will credit (D) normal
(D) are about crediting
126. Everyone was shocked to hear Mr. Blum
117. There are no that the Union will retract írom the job.
their demands any time soon. (A) íired him
(A) symptoms (B) had tired
(B) displays (C) who had fired him
(C) signs (D) who was fired
(D) teatures

127. If you are not satistied with the DVDs, you can return
118. Mr. Dendler's resignation came as a _____________ to
within ío rty days fo r a full reíund.
everyone at the firm.
(A) yourselves
(A) surprise
(B) surrender (B) It
(C) surmise (C) yourselt
(D) surplus (D) them

119. You can make an outstanding íirs t impression and improve 128. He took the ja c k e t_________ to the dry-cleaner's
your credibility as a protessional_____________ simply get it cleaned.
vvearing a Sharp outíit. CA) that we bought it
(A) as
(B) that we bought
(B) if just
(C) that had bought
(C) thát
(D) that bought it
(D) by

120. For y o u r ________ Rainbow Mart will be 129. The star Gazette is t h e _____ newspaper in al
open on Sundays. of Columbus, Ohio.
(A) request (A) lead
(B) desire (B) leading
(C) assistance (C) leader

(D) convenience (D) leadership

121. Syracusếs new íreshman point guard is going to be

130. Linda promised not to leave the company until they had
the o n e _____________ this season.
(A) vvatching tound a _____________ for her.
(B) to vvatch (A) reputation
9 watches (B) reprisal
(D) who watches (C) repetition
(D) replacement

v l TOEIC Practice Test 5 Section II: Reading

131. Not vvanting the responsibility, Connie declined the position 136. Not only ch ild re n _____________ adults can enjoy
for head of purchasing___________ and graciously. this new animated film.
(A) barely (A) but also
(B) aggressively (B) as well as
(C) respecttully (C) besides
(D) regularly (D) and
d il
<4 132. The topics of the meeting were caretully outlined in 137. R a re ly_____________ encountered this many ditticulties.
th e ___________ . (A) that they have
(A) menu

'ractice Test 5
|B) have they
(B) curriculum (C) having had
(C) blueprint (D) they have
(D) agenda
138. Members became apprehensive when negotiations reached
133. All computers on the company's network have now been a (n )_____________ .
____________ with the latest software. (A) position
(A) updated (B) standstill
(B) exhibited (C) arrangement
(C) dovvnloaded (D) rejection
(D) labeled
139. Now that the tactory h a s _____________ , hundreds
134. Please vvrite your name, home phone number and home of people are out of work.
____________on this form legibly, so that we have all the (A) cut out
correct intormation. (B) gone over
(A) direction (C) closed down
(B) address (D) left out
(C) route
(D) residence 140. The possibility of getting a raise usually serves as a high
______________fo r workers to do their very best.
135. The most dedicated fans attended the game (A) incentive
the pouring rain. |B) interterence
(A) even though (C) intention
(B) although (D) incision
(C) despite
(D) regardless

uuoo‘ia ỊA ỊJ iu e q u -M M M

II2 3
TOEIC Practice Test 5 Section II: Reading

Part 6: Text Completion

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A w ord or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer
choices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter
(A). (B), (C), or (D ) on your answer sheet.
Practice Test 5

lf you need to make a business presentation you may find Dressing up as a baseball player won't get you into the
these usetul hints and tips could make your next presenta- owner's box at Oriole Park at Camden Yards any more than
tion fly. vvearing a general's uniíorm will gain you admission to the
White House. So the fact that the Transportation Security
Why are you presenting? Administration has lost track of more than 3,700 unitorms
and security badges over the past five years isn't neces-
This is the íirst thing that you will need to ask yourselt. sarily a grave security threat to the nation. But it's not
Why are you presenting? Is there an important message to exactly inspiring contidence in the TSA or the Department
give 0r are you simply making up numbers? Are you look- of Homeland Security,__________ .
ing to raise your personal protile or are you standing
____________ for someone who has dropped out? 144. (A) either
(B) neither
141. (A) out (C) isn't it
(B) to (D) as well
(C) on
(D) in Agency__________ are quick to point out that the TSA
unitorm and an ID card by themselves won't get anyone
into sensitive areas of an airport. Gainíng access to the
Your com petitive advantage checked baggage areas, for instance, requires a ditíerent
We have sat through thousands of business presentations badge altogether. And because TSA security staff work in
- and many can be quite boring attairs. The one common teams, an uníamiliar face is likely to be recognized quickly.
tactor that we see a lot is bullet points. These are a very
inettective way of communicating. If there is only One 145. (A) tormals
piece of advice that you could follow from us, it would be (B) authors
to use pictures rather than bullet points. Business research (C) otticials
shows that the chances o f ____________ your objectives (D) trainers
increase from around 33% up to around 66%. And that is a
major competitive advantage. lf travelers are le ft__________ TSA's competence and
judgment, the agency's plan to sell advertising on the trays
142. (A) conceiving that are used at security checkpoints could provide the
(B) receiving tinal straw. Clearly, somebody must have decided that
(C) achieving weary travelers aren't put upon enough vvhile waiting for
(D) contriving the metal detectors and X-ray machines. Now, propriety
can be assaulted, too.
This is an ab solute____ . You may be quick-witted 146. (A) hoping
and like to ad lib, but 111 tell you one thing. Learn your (B) adopting
speech word for word and you will be able to ad lib better! (C) longing
(D) doubting

143. (A) have to

(B) must
(C) ought to
(D) should

124 Ị
TOEIC Practice Test s____________________ _______________________ Section II; Reading

The TUC ís committed to supporting people around the Participants in the stock market range from small individual
v*orld in their struggle to achieve decent healthcare, educa- stock investors to large hedge fund traders. who can be
tion, employment, treedom___________ persecution and based anywhere. Theír orders usually end up with a protes-
discrimination and the right to have a say in how they are sional at a stock exchange, who the order.
governed. These development issues are an integral and
Nstoric part of the trade Union movement's commitment to 150. (A) excludes
global solídarity. (B) excavates
(C) extracts
147. (A) and (D) executes
(B) from
(C) for Some exchanges are physical locations where transactions
(D) on are carried out on a trading tloor, by a method
open outcry. This type of auction Is used In
The TUC's development work is divided into three areas: stock exchanges and commodity exchanges where traders
may enter "verbal" bids and otters simultaneously.
The TUC lobbies and campaigns for broad development
issues like more and better aíd for developing countries or 151. (A) called for
the cancellation of debt. Much of this work is done in (B) named atter
with other organizations such as internation- (C) known as
al trade Union bodies or non-governmental organizations. (D) recognized by

148. (A) together Actual trades are based on an auction market paradigm
(B) partnership where a potential buyer bids a specitic price for a stock
(C) jointly and a potential seller asks a specitic price for the stock.
(D) likelihood When the bid and ask prices match, a sale takes place on
a tirst tirst served basis. if there are multì-
The TUCs charity - the Global Solidarity Fund - enables ple bidders or askers at a given price.
British trade unionists to support vvorkers around the world
who face , or experience life-threatening 152. (A) come
disasters. (B) option
(C) arrival
149. (A) discrimination (D) preter
(B) exaltation
(C) inspection
(D) determination

TOEIC Practice Test 5 Section II: Reading

Part 7: Reading Comprehension

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and nevvspaper articles, letters, and
advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best ansvver for each question and mark the lettei
(A ). (B), (C ), or (D ) on your answer sheet.
Are you someone who enjoys trying new things and does not feel uncomíortable in new environments? Then why not
get paid for it? CULTURE magazine is looking for individuals to go to new clubs, events, etc. and w rite about the cultural
scene they observe in these places. Interested? Send your resume to Please no phone calls.

What type of person would be best qualiíied for this job?

(A ) a homebody
<B) an introvert
(C ) a clumsy person
(D ) a risk-taker
Correct answer: (D )

Questions 153 through 155 re fe r to th e following classiíĩed.

New and expanding law firm is seeking an administrator to work

closely with one partner to manage the four-partner firm.
Responsibilities include accounting and budgeting.

The ideal candidate will have had experience in business planning.

Legal experience is preterred.

Please send salary requirements, a cover letter, a resume and a

list of reterences to:
Managing Partner
The Law ottice of Jason Evans
425 Westnedge Ave, Suite 18
Evansville, Indiana

153. What is the firm seeking? 155. VVhich of the following is NOT required to be sent?
(A) a lavvyer (A) salary recommendations
(B) a planner (B) a resume
(C) a new partner |C) a letter of recommendation
(D) a manager (D) a cover letter

154. What is true about the firm?

(A) It is well established.
(B) Jason Evans is its only partner.
(C) It is looking for another partner.
(D) It is grovving.

TOEIC Practice Test 5 Section II: Reading

ịuestions 156 through 160 re íe r to th e following advertisem ents.

Since January 4 a n d u n til D e c e m b e r 2 1 , F rida y e ve n in g s
take on a w h o le n e w g ro o v e w ith Art After 5 , a u n iq u e to see "Chalupa" períorm at Art After 5 on August 25.
blen d o f e n te rta in m e n t fro m 5 :0 0 p .m .-8 :4 5 p .m . in th e
G reat S tair H a ll. This group, tormed on April 10, last year, comes to us
straight from Mexico with their authentic style spicing
W ith an e c le c tic m ix o f in te rn a tio n a l m u s ic on th e íirs t up our hưmdrum American ways.
Friday o f each m o n th , and re c o g n iz e d and e m e rg in g ja zz
a rtists p e río rm in g a ll o th e r F ridays, it's a s ty lis h w a y to Pass valid for both períormances.
start y o u r w e e k e n d .

s *sạ|_
A lt After 5 program s are subject to change. The peiTormances
are sche du led fo r 5 :4 5 p .m .-6 :4 5 p .m . and 7 :1 5 p .m .-
8 :1 5 p .m . G u id e d g a lle ry to u rs are o ffe re d th ro u g h o u t th e
evening. There is no a d d itio n a l ch a rg e fo r g u id e d to u rs
aíter M u s e u m a d m is s io n .

156. How otten does Art After 5 have entertainment? 159. When could this pass be used?
(A) the íirs t Friday of every month (A) lanuary 4
(B) bi-monthly (B) December 21
(C) vveekly (C ) April 10
(D ) daily (D ) August 25

157. What is true of Art After 5's schedule? 160. What affect will "Chalupa" have on its audience?
(A) It changes every week depending on the band. |A) It will teach them to cook.
(B) It could be modiíied. (B ) lt will make them appreciate their own life.
(C) lt's always running late. (C ) lt will make their lives more exciting.
(D ) lt consists of tw o períormances a night. (D ) lt will introduce them to Mexican drumming styles.

158. What is free?

(A) museum admission
(B) guided tours
(C) all Art Aíter 5 concerts
(D) the 5:45 pertormance

TOEIC Practice Test 5 Section II: Reading

Questions 161 through 163 re íe r to th e following newspaper article.

W hen trying to get a new jo b ...

w ill E m ployers V erify E m p loym en t?

One of the questions ĩ get asked quite oíten is what type of iníormation
PrĩlCtÌCG Tost 5

employers will ask for when they veriíy my previous employment or check
my reíerences. The question oíten correlates to the broader question of
‘Are they going to catch me if I fudge my dates of employment or my job
title or the salary I was earning?’

Will Employers Check?

The answer is that it depends... It depends on how much veriíication the
employer does during its hiring process. Some employers will coníirm,
very thoroughly, every detail of your resume or application. Others may
do a cursory check or none at all. So, the problem with stretching the
truth or embellishing your resume (other than that it’s lying) is that there
is a chance that you’ll get caught, either now or at some point in the íuture.
If you do get caught, you won’t get the job or, if you’ve already been
hired, you might get íired.

161. What is a commonly asked question?

(A) Am I going to get caught eating on the job?
(B) ls my past resume broad enough?
(C) Will my new salary match my previous one?
(D) What questions will my torm er employers be asked?

162. What does the word "embellishing" mean in the second paragraph?
(A) adding talse details
(B) copying it trom someone else
(C) buying it trom the internet
(D) avoiding

163. What will employers check?

(A) every detail of your resume
(B) only parts of your resume
(C) nothing
(D) it is uncertain

TOEIC P ractke Te tt 5________ _ Sect.on II: R*admg

} u e tt» o n i 1 6 4 t h r o u g t i 1 6 7 r r l o r t o t h o follow tr> g lo a A o t

Looking for a great way to promote your company?

Put your logo on our shirts

1 -l 'nhmiicd color* at no citlra chargc
j -Bc*t priccs in Ihc sutc
1 -Ovcr 40 ycarv of c*pcricncc
Ị -l<Kr< natural coiion
ị -Prc-shrunk
Ị -Fadc-rcMManl


s *S3±
I -Tank tops
[ -3/4 slccvc hascball tops
I -l>ong-slccvcd

ị Buy <nvr fìfty and r r r r n r a laợ x group dùcoutu and a fr r r w atrr boltle.

Brochures and príccs availablc upon rcqucsl.

Ị C a ll, w nte, <>r VỊSIIOUT ìv rb s ilc
M I IK T S 4 U

= = .............. ĩ = = = = = ....... ĩ ......................... ..............

164. Where would this ađvertisement most likety appear7

(A) in a manual
(B) m a dictionary
(C) on a busmess card
(D) m a magaỉine

165. What can be said about the T-shrts?

(A) They come in a variety of tabric designs.
(B) They come in a variety of styles.
(C) They are small.
(D) They are expensive.

166. What commumcation medium IS NOT needed to contact the company?

(A) ta* machme
(B) Computer
(C) telephone
(D) letter

167. What can a potential customer ask to have?

|A) a brochure

(B) a discount
(C) a tree sample
(D) a water bottle

TOEIC Practice Test 5 Section II: Reading

Questions 168 through 17 1 re íe r to th e following ren tal ag reem en t.

R e n ta l A g re e m e n t
attest to the agreement betvveen myselt and Western Hills Apartments.
[your full name)
Pl*3,ctic© "T©st 5

In signing this lease, I agree to a 2-year lease at 1280 VVestern Hills Drive, Richmond, IN, 47720.

The lessee agrees to pay for all Utilities except for vvater. The lessee, upon signing, will pay the
tirst month's rent, half of the last month's rent, as well as a two-month security deposit. Upon ces-
sation of the lease and a thorough inspection of the apartment, the deposit will be returned in full,
minus any damage charges incurred by the lessee. The lessee will obtain renter's Insurance vvithin
the tirst months of residence in his or her apartment.

168. This is a contract made between Western Hills Apartments and what other party?
(A) a realtor
(B) a contractor
(C) a tenant
(D) a lavvyer

169. Which of the following will the lessee NOT have to pay upon signing?
(A) two-months' Utilities
(B) one month's rent
(C) a security deposit
(D) a part of last month's rent

170. If $30 worth of damage occurs, how much money would be

returned with a monthly rent of $400?
(A) $370
(B) $770
(C) $570
(D) $1,000
171. Which of the following is the least urgent?
(A) paying the water utility bill
(B) paying the security deposit
(C) paying the tirs t month's rent
(D) obtaining renter's Insurance
TOEIC Practice Test 5 _____ Section II: Reading

Ịuestions 172-176 re fe r to th e íollovving ad vertisem en t and letter.

Dear Dr. Wells,

On behalí of the diversity committee at D. Balton, I vvanted to

The bearer of this coupon is entitled to $50 to be
thank you for your insighttul speech on Attirm ative Action. Your
spent at any D. Balton Stores.
lucid presentation brought to light the deeper issues involved in

s *S9JL BopovAd
this controversial topic as well as hammered home the beneíits
No cash will be given as change. If the total value is
both the company and society can enjoy by maintaining a
not spent, store credit will be given.
diverse workforce. We know that speaking to companies is not
something you do trequently, so we especially appreciate you
Expiration date: 12/31/2012
taking the time and energy to come to our company.

In an e tto rt to better demonstrate our appreciation we'd like to

Store locations: Paw Paw, Apple Valley, Cottage
offer you this g ift certiticate. We hope you can find something
Grove, Hastings. Roscoe
you enjoy with it. I believe we even have some of your publica-
tions in stock.
Store Hours: Monday-Friday lOam-lOpm
Saturday noon-9pm
Sunday noon-6pm

Jack Sullivan

172. How does Jack Sullivan describe Dr. Wells' speech? 175. How can one get store credit?
(A) contusing but interesting (A) by spending the to ta l value of the coupon
(B) special and energetic (B) by exceeding the total value of the coupon
(C) clear and valuable (C) by spending less cash than the valued amount
(D) beneticial but dull of the coupon
(D) by spending less than the value of the coupon
173. What did Mr. Wells' speech accomplish?
(A) It made light of deep issues. 176. When can one NOT visit D. Balton?
(B) It brought attention to ditterent tacets of a topic. (A) Sunday morning
(C) It maintained a diverse workforce at the company. (B) Monday evening
(D) It dissolved certain controversies around a topic. (C) Thursday atternoon
(D) Saturday evening
174. What can be said of Dr. Wells?
(A) He is an employee of D. Balton.
(B) He enjoyed his speech.
(C) He gives speeches otten.
|D) He spoke about a divisive topic.

T O E I C P r a c t ic e T e s t 5 Sectịon II: Reading

Questions 177 through 180 re íe r to th e following interview .

Too much caffeine?

Fitness author Bob Greene has been a personal trainer and consultant for 17 years. His most
notable Client and open admirer is Oprah Winfrey, who has written the foreword to Greene’s latest
book, "The Best Life Diet".

Q: With all this book and magazine writing and book touring and radio-shovv hosting and TV

appearances, when do you find time to exerđse?

A: I just íinished. No matter what I’m doing in my life, no matter what crazy hours I have to keep,
I fit in a workout. I’m the one jumping rope or running up and down the stairs at the hotel in the

middle of the night. You might think it’s neurotic, but I feel so much better. It’s like a coffee
drinker who needs that morning cup.

Q: What is the single most important thing a person starting a diet should do?

A: Be conscious of vvhat, how much and how oíten you eat. Ask yourselí how oíten you use food
for something other than nutrition.

Q: Initial weight loss is tough, but maintenance is a bigger, ongoing hurdle. How does a realistic
person stay motivated?

A: You have to íocus on a desire to improve your life overall. The people who lose a lot of weight
and have maintained that weight for five years all had some revelation about their lives:

- - 1 sleep better, my relationships are better, ỉ ’m more motivated at work. The other side o f that is self-
destructive behavior. The people who struggle the mostỷeel they don 't deserve to be happy or loved.

....- ................. ‘ ........................................... ............... .

177. What is the first paragraph?

(A) a warning
(B) an introduction
(C) a prologue
(D) an advance

178. Where could you find this text?

(A) in a magazine
(B) on a flier
(C) on a banner
(D) in a book dedication

179. How does Bob Greene fit exercising in his schedule?

(A) He drinks coffee in the morning to give him energỵ.
(B) He takes time off while traveling.
(C) He does it wherever he is.
(D) He cuts back on things that may intertere with working out.

180. What is the hardest struggle with losing vveight?

(A) tinding the motivation to start the diet

(B) running hurdles around the track
(C) continuing to lose it for the rest of your life
(D) keeping the vveight you lost off

TOEIC Practice Test 5 Section II: Reading

Ịuestions 18 1 through 183 re fe r to th e following newspaper article.

Carol Roshon’s Art Exhibitỉon

Breaking conventions is nearly a convention in and of itselt for artists.
Nonetheless, Carol Roshon's style is as unique as it comes. She photo-
graphs lively scenes with black and white film and then hand paints her
images with oil colors.

Her vvorks are on display at the Albion Art Museum starting October 18
until the end of the month. None are for sale directly; however, if you are
interested in purchasing a piece speak to a curator at the museum.

*S 3 J _
181. What does the tirs t sentence imply?

(A) All artists try to be unique.
(B) Breaking conventions is considered taboo.
|C) A rtists are not as groundbreaking as they were in the past.
(D) Traditions are the heart of art.

182. What can be said about Carol Roshon?

(A) She primarily creates black and white charcoal work.
(B) She works in tw o mediums.
(C) She is strictly a painter.
(D) She photographs her paintings.

183. Which of the following does the passage support?

(A) Roshon's work is not for sale.
(B) Roshon's work will be displayed for the whole month of October.
(C) A museum employee possesses intormation about purchasing Roshon's work.
(D) Photography is becoming a lost art.

TOEIC Practice Test 5 Section II: Reading

Questions 184 through 187 re íe r to th e following newspaper article.

Federal Aviation Administration Inspections

The Federal A viation A d m in istra tio n grounded score s o f planes m an utacture d b e ío re 1975 fo r

inspections to fuel pump w iring. Dam age w as d iscove red in p re cise ly half o f the íir s t 90 a irc ra tt

inspected. Claiming engine v ib ra tio n was pro ba bly the cause; FAA o ffic ia ls added the y tea re d th a t
Practicc Test 5

tra ye d insulation could lead to a spark fro m the 120-volt w ire s th a t could cause a fire o r explosion.

Consequently, m ultiple tlig h ts w ere canceled.

184. What most likely caused the damage? 186. What were the FAA otticials worried about?
(A) írayed insulation (A) An aircratt could explode.
(B) an internal tire (B) They couldn't fix the problem.
(C) outdated fuel pumps (C) The engine vvould íall out.
(D) vibrations from the engine (D) The pump vviring would not be sutticient.

185. In how many planes was damage díscovered? 187. What resulted from this newfound problem?
(A) 90 (A) Flights were called off.
(B) 180 (B) Flights were longer.
(C) 120 (C) Flights were delayed.
(D) 45 (D) Flights were given added security.

Questions 188 through 192 re íe r to th e following letters.

George, To Whom It May Concern:

I have known George Míller for the past year while he has worked as an Accountir
I vvas hoping to catch you before at Assistant in the Company Accounting Office. I have been consistently impressed b
home, bưt your roommate sald I Just both George's attitude towards his work and his pertormance on the job. His inter
personal and communication skills have allowed him to develop productive working
missed you. Here’s the letter th a t I
relationships with both our clients and our staff. George has the listening and
tvrơte fo r you. It was the easiest intervievving skills necessary to extract intormation from our clientele while
letter IVe ever vvritten; you’re easy pertorming íinancial assessments.
to brag aboutí G ooả luck a t the
intetvievv (although you don’t need it). George possesses solid vvriting skills which have enabled him to compose quality
correspondence. He also has the analytical skills to diagnose problems and devise
viable Solutions. His ability to remain untlustered during frenzied periods like tax se
It’s been sad vvithoưt you a t the son proves his ability to work well under pressure.
office, but I knovv you are on to bíg-
ger and better thingsl I recommend him fo r employment without reservation. Please let me know if you
need turther intormation.

Joan Leingang
Carlson Accountants
11285 West Main st.
(612) 555- 8029

188. What is true of George?

(A) Joan íired him from his previous job. 191. What does the word "untlustered" mean
(BỊ He just got a better job. at the end of the second paragraph?
(C) He tends to brag a lót. (A) reassuring
(D) He has a good relationship with Joan. (B) calm

(C) motivated
189. Who is Joan? (D) optimistic
(A) George's roommate
(B) George's potential employer 192. What does the tirs t line of the third paragraph mean?
(C) George's tormer manager (A) Joan has no doubt in George's protessional capabíliti.
(B) Joan would like to reserve a time to share
(D) George's proíessor
more intormation.
190. What does Joan NOT comment on? (C) Joan is hesitant to recommend George for the job.
(A) George's relationships with the people he works with (D) Joan thinks George will do well in the intervievv.
(B) George's admirable attitude tovvard his work
(C) George's personal career goals
(D) George's ability to listen

rOEIC Practice Test 5 Section II: Reading

Ịuestions 193 through 195 re íe r to th e following m agazine article.

The twelfth California

International Jazz Competition
August 6-10

Contestants and judges from around the globe

Internationally renowned prizes

$30,000 in prizes

s 1 S0±
A Carnegie Hall recital trio debut, PLUS a special surprise appearance!

193. Where is the competition held each year?

(A) outside the U.SA
(B) it's always a surprise
(C) somewhere in Calitornia
(D) at Carnegie Hall

194. What is true about the competition?

(A) The judges are locals.
(B) A soloist is debuting.
(C) lt lasts five days.
(D) It íeatures multiple musical genres.

195. What is unknovvn about the competition?

(A) who is appearing on all the events
(B) the value of the prizes for contestants
(C) how many cu competitions have been already held
(D) its duration and the music genre

T O E IC Practice Test 5 Section lh Reading

Questions 196-20 0 re fe r to th e following em ail and atta c h m e n t.

The main a rriv a l/d e p a rtu re p o in ts fo r tlig h ts in Germany

Alexis, are Frankfurt-am -M ain, Munich and D usseldorf. F rankfurt
is Europe's bu sie st a irp o rt a tte r hteathrovv. An a irp o rt

Here's the intormation you asked de p a rtu re ta x is included in tic k e t prices.

Practice Test 5

Thanks to the spread o f lo w -c o s t airlines, it is now

for. Do you have any more questions?
o tte n cheaper to fly to Germ any tro m around Europe
Now remember, it's been two years
than to ta ke the train . While tra in tra v e l is o tte n m ore
since I've been there, since this
expensive than ca tch in g a bus, it's generally ta s te r,
information may be a bit outdated.
m ore c o m to rta b le (p a rtic u la rly fo r o ve rn ig h t tra ve l) and
I'd go Online and check for more m ore e ttic ie n t. Germ any is serve d by an excellent high-
up-to-date stuff. Continue to keep w ay System con ne cte d to the re s t o f W estern Europe.
me in mind while making your plans! Roads fro m E astern Europe are being upgraded but

som e b o rd e r c ro ssin g s are a little slow, especially tro m

Jessie Poland. To e n te r Germ any w ith a car or m o to rb ike , you

m ust have th ird -p a rty Insurance. Ferries run betvveen

G erm any's no rth ern c o a s t and Scandinavia and the UK.

196. Why should Alexis go on the internet? 199. What advantage does bus travel have over train travel
(A) to email Jessie (A) lt's taster.
(B) to book a ticket to Germany (B) lt's more comtortable.
(C) to get recent intormation (C) lt's more etticient.
(D) to learn about Jessie's trip (D) lt's cheaper.

197. What can be said about Jessie? 2 00. Flow can you get from Germany to Scandinavia?
(A) She's been to Germany betore. (A) by boat
(B) She's planning a trip to Germany. (B) by train
(C) She's done a school project on Germany. (C) by taking the highvvay
(D) She's just returned trom Germany. (D) by motorbike

198. Flow many German airports are mentioned?

(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5



9 }sạjL 93Ị)3B«I(J
TOEIC Practice Test 6 Section I:

TEST 6 Section I: Listening

In this section of the test, you wíll have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
There are tour parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part I: Photographs
D ir e c t io n s : For each question, you will see a picture and you vvill hear ío u r short statements. T h e state-
ments will be spoken just one tim e. T h ey will not be printed in your test book so you must listen careíully to
Practỉce Test 6

understand vvhat the speaker says. W h en you hear the ío u r statem ents, look at the picture and choose the
statem ent that best describes w h at you see in the picture. Choose the best answer A, B, c or D.

N ow listen to the four statements.
Statement (D ) best describes what you see in the picture.
Thereíore, you should choose ansvver (D).

A. He is on the phone.
B. She is driving the car.
c. She is typing on the Computer.
D. He is sitting next to her.

Sample Answer

A B c D ✓

Practice Test 6

L U 0 3 'j3 ỊA ỊJ ỉu e q u M M M
S rct io n I: L n ttfw i| 9 * s ạ jL 3 D Ị* D E -Id
Part 2: Question-Response
D ir e c t io n s : In this part of the test, you will hear a question or statement spoken in English, followed by three
responses, also spoken in English. The question or statement and the responses will be spoken just One time. They will
not be printed in your test book, so you must listen careíully. You are to choose the best response to each question or
statement. N ow listen to a sample question.
You will hear: Man: Why are you late?
Woman: A . I hope I won’t be.
B. My car broke down.
c. He always is.
Practice Test 6

The best response is choice B, "My car broke dovvn”. Thereíore, you should choose B.

B c 21 A B c 31 A B.... c
n A.
22 A B c 32 A B c
12 A B ... c
23 A B c 33 A B.... c
13 A B c
24 A B c. 34 A B c
14 A B ... c.
c 25 A B c 35 A B.... c
15 A B ...
c 26 A .. B ... c 36 A B.... c
16 A B
c 27 A B c 37 A B ... c
17 A B
c 28 A B c 38 A B.... c
18 A B ...
19 A B c 29 A B c 39 A B c
B c 30 A B c 40 A B c
20 A ..

rOEIC Practice Test 6 s«ctk>n I: Ustemng

P a rt 3: Conversations
) I r e c t io n * : You wifl hear lo m * converuoom bm m n tw o peopte Yoti wã bc aekad to m w w r three qumxxrrn about
’ r speaken vay m each conveTMdon Select the be« reiponte to each quettxr.n and ma/k rhe lette*- (A ) (B ) ( Q
(D ) on your ir a w f f iheet The converuborn w ii not be prmtod in your t«M book and w 4 be tpoken oniy One ome

u 41. what lỉ thp relationship between the man and woman’ 46. Why (M the woman teave’
(A) student and teacher (A) to ta * to her boss about the ytuaton

D Ị:p iM d
(B ) coworkers (B) to f * out papeneork
(C) doctor and pattent (C) to retneve a camera
(D) classmates (D) to hetp another customer

i 42. Wha1 has made the man nervous about the upcoming 47. Who IS Rooney?

exam7 (A) an actoc
(A) the fact that he tailed the previous exam (B) a meckca) schoot student
(B) his abnormal behavior makes It hard to concentrate (C) an athlete
(C) that othecs have warned him ot its drtticulty (D) a doctor
(D) that the woman doesn't thtnk he IS capable
48. Why does the man irrvite the woman to his house’

43. When is someone considered mentally ill? (A) to gtve her some time away trom stuđying
(A) when they have problems in living (B) to play some games
(B) when they take an exam that proves them so (C) to stuđy together
(C) when they know important things (D) to watch sport on TV
(D) when they seek medical help
49. What IS the best description ot M ĩ
4 4 . What caused the camera to break? (A) lâíy
(A) The man dropped i t (B) hard-working
(B) It wasn't broken; it just wasn't turned on. (C) laid-back
(C) The man spilled water on it. (0) irresponsible
(D) The reason IS unknown.
50. How are the man and woman arriving in LA.?
4 5 . Where are they? (A) by shuttle bus
(A) in a store (B) by taxi cab
(B) in the car (C) by car
(C) at home (D) by airplane
(D) on the phone

TOEIC Practice Test 6 ______ ____ Section i: Listening j

51. What is the purpose of their trip to LA.? 61. How does the woman reassure the man?
(A) She says he is near the park.
(A) tamily vacation
(B) She says she knows a shortcut.
(B) business trip
(C) academic excursíon (C) She says she can dlrect him correctly.
(D) honeymoon (D) She tells him there is a convenience store that can
give him directions.
52. Why won't the man and woman share a cab?
(A) They are arriving at ditterent destinations. 62. Why will the man and woman be vvorking late?
(B) The man's tlight was delayed due to the weather. (A) to earn some extra money
Practice Test 6

(C) Their arrival times are too tar apart. (B) to make a good impression on the boss
(D) The woman would rather arrive alone. (C) to meet a deadline
(D) to eat pizza
53. Who is the woman in relation to the man?
(A) his co-worker 63. In addition to being a proíessional, the woman is also:
(B) his employer |A) a musician
(C) his employee (B) a vegetarian
(D) his doctor (C) a comedian
(D ) a mother
54. What does the man request?
(A) longer breaks 64. One aspect of vvorking late that the woman is looking
(B) more money forward to is:
(C) longer lunches (A) eating pizza
(D) more vacation time (B) missing the band concert
(C) working harder than usual
55. How does the woman respond? (D) the salary bonus
(A) She retuses his request.
(B) She will try to tultill his request. 65. What is one of the man's job responsibilities?
(C) She agrees to his request. (A) to give tasks to the vvoman
(D) She misunderstands his request. (B) to mail important items
(C) to clean employees' desks
56. Why was the vvoman worried about the man? (D) to work in the Milan office
(A) He was neglecting his work.
(B) He hadn't returned her messages. 6 6 . What may happen if the Milan office doesn't receive
(C) He had been ill for a long time. the documents?
(D) He overvvorked himselt. (A) The woman will lose her job.
(B) They may no longer do business with
57. What did the woman mean when she said the office the woman's company.
wasn't the same? (C) The man will be fired.
(A) They didn't get any of their work done. (D) The woman's company will be sued.
(B) The work atmosphere is better when he is there.
(C) They enjoyed having him gone. 67. Why didn't the documents get sent out to Milan?
(D) They worked in a ditterent office during his absence. (A) The man ío rg o t to do it.
(B) The woman never gave them to the man.
58. How does the man feel about returning to work? (C) The man sent them to the wrong address.
(A) He is eager to resume his daily routine. (D) The vvoman didn't complete the documents in time.
(B) He resents the changes they made while
he was gone. 6 8 . What kind of interaction is this?
(C) He is a little panicked about tending to all (A) a business meeting
his responsibilities. (B) a phone conversation
(D) He is disappointed that people didn't help him (C) a presentation
with some of his work. (D) an intervievv

59. What surprises the woman? 6 9 . Why does the woman say she is etticient and dedicated?

(A) The man could get lost in such a small town. (A) to brag about her good qualities
(B) The man was so far away from his intended (B) to prove she is better than the man
destination. (C) to show she is qualitied for the job
(C) The man would choose to go to Bronson Park. (D) to illustrate she's not shy
(D) She doesn't remember the names of the roads.
7 0 . How does the vvoman feel about delegation?
60. On what does the man blame getting lost? (A) She tinds it essential.
(A) inaccurate directlons (B) She thinks it's unproductive.
(B) too much trattic (C) She thinks it's not trustworthy.
(C) the contusing roads (D) She sees it as problematic.
(D) his own mistakes
rOEIC Practice Test 6 Section I: Listening

Part 4: Taiks
Oirections: You will hear some talks given by a síngie speaker. You will be asked to ansvver three questions about
/hat the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A ), (B ), (C ). or
(D ) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71. If the two summer clothing items you purchased were both 77. How oíten does this conterence take place?
priced at $20, how much did you pay for them in total? (A) tvvice a year
(A) $10 (B) every three months
(B) $20 (C) once a year
(C) $30 (D) every two years
(D) $40
7 8 . Who attends this conterence?
72. When would you have to pay full price for all summer items? (A) employees from similar orgamzations
(A) today at 7 pm (B) employees of the DART organization
(B) today at 2 pm (C) the general Public
(C) tomorrovv at 10 am (D) the patrons of the DART organization
(D) tomorrovv at 6 pm
79. When was this speech given?

73. Why vvould you apply for a TRESCO Credit Card? (A) at the beginning of the conterence
(A) to get summer clothing fo r half price (B) right atter a strateglc planning meeting
(B) to receive a 15% discount (C) during a lunch break
(C) to receive a 50% discount (D) at the conclusion of the conterence
(D) to be eligible to win a prize
80. Until when will the passengers need to have
74. What should you do if your card is stolen? their seatbelts tastened?
(A) press 3 (A) until the tlight attendants come out
(B) hang up and call the police (B) until they start to teel uncomtortable
(C) wait for the operator (C) until the tlight is over
(D) press 1 (D) until they take off

75. In what order will the operator answer your call? 81. Why will the tlight attendants come through the cabins?
(A) Importance (A) to tasten people's seatbelts
(B) when the call was received (B) to serve lunch
(C) alphabetical (C) to collect trash
(D) random (D) to put the seatbacks upright

76. What does National City Bank recommend to its customers? 82. What is this flight's destination?
(A) checking their credit history regularly (A) New Jersey
(B) being caretul not to lose their card (B) Nevada
(C) opening a checking account (C) North Carolina
(D) registering for Online banking (D) New York

I 45
TOEIC Practice Test 6 Section I: Listening

83. What is NOT a part of Kalamazoo College's model? 93. How did the veterinarian get intected?
(A) religious understanding (A) trom touching someone's skin
(B) civic engagement (B) from a dead cow
(C) scholarship (C) from vvorking in soil
(D) experiences in other countries (D) from his food

84. On average, for how many years do students 94. How do livestock contract Anthrax?
attend Kalamazoo College? (A) they are born with it
(A) 2 (B) by mating wíth an íntected animal
Practice Test 6

(B) 6 (C) by eating contamínated grass

(C) 3 (D) by eating a specitic kind of grass
(D) 4
95. Who is the speaker probably addressing?
85. What is unique about Kalamazoo College? (A) children of the Public schools
(A) I t i s the biggest college in Michigan. (B) citizens of the City he lives in
(B) It has more international students than any other college. (C) political representatives of different States
(C) lt does not give out scholarships. (D) teachers of the Public schools
(D) lt is one of the oldest colleges in the us.
96. What is the speciíic problem being addressed?
8 6 . What caused the hot vveather? (A) bad teachers
(A) The sea breeze was blocked. |B) poor job access
(B) The Pacitic ocean was radiating heat. (C) low readíng scores
(C) Global vvarming has begun. (D) untair City elections
(D) A heat wave came from the Cascades.
97. What does the speaker want?
8 7 . What is signiticant about the hot vveather? (A) people to stop complaining
(A) Oregon and Washington are usually very cold in the summer. (B) to move to a City with better education
(B) lt's one of the hottest it's ever been (C) to find a better job
in that particular area. (D) to make improvements in his City education System
(C) lt's expected to last for weeks.
(D) lt's caused a drought. 98. What should you do if you have a medical emergency?
(A) show up vvithout an appointment
8 8 . What will happen this weekend? (B) dial 911
(A) Temperatures will increase. (C) hold the line
(B) Temperatures will stay the same. (D) call a nurse
(C) Temperatures will decrease
(D) lt's going to rain. 99. When can you NOT make an appointment at the clinic?
(A) Monday at 8:30 am
89. When will the basketball game take place? (B) VVednesday at 5 pm
(A) tomorrovv atternoon (C) Friday at 6:30 pm
(B) a week from today (D) Saturday at noon
(C) tonight
(D) this atternoon 100. What should you do if you want to speak to a nurse?
(A) dial a ditterent number
90. How many Houston players will be vvatched caretully? (B) hold the line
(A) 1 (C) press 1
(B) 2 (D) make an appointment
(C) 3
(D) 4

91. Who no longer plays for the Houston Comets?

(A) Cynthia Cooper

(B) Tina Thompson

(C) Sheryl Svvoopes
(D) Jenith Arcain

92. What is the veterinarian's medical State?

(A) He is expected to die.
(B) He is in a serious condition.
(C) He passed away.
(D) He is going to be fine.
TOEIC Practice Test 6 Section II: Reading

ỉection II: Reading

1 the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions.
"he entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to
nswer as many questions as possible vvithin the time allowed. You must mark your ansvvers on the separate answer
heet. Do not vvrite your answers in your test book.

Part 5: Incomplete Sentences

Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below
ìch sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A ), (B ), (C ), or (D ) on
your answer sheet.

The mother held her nevvborn
(A ) loving
(B) love ly

}S 3 J L
(C ) lovingly
(D ) love

Correct ansvver: (C )

L O l.T o _________ does this beautitul new car belong? 107. of all, you don't even have your driver's license,
(A) which person so why should I let you borrow my car?
(B) who (A) Primarily
(C) whom person (B) kiitial
(D) whose people (C) First
(D) Principally
102. I studied E nglish_________ in college.
(A) Literacy
(B) Literally 108. I a m ____ upset that I cannot even look at you right now!
(C) Literary (A) very
(D) Literature (B) so
(C) too
1 0 3 . 1 see you did a lo t of shopping! What did y o u _________ ? (D) much
(A) receive
(B) get 109. Howard received an avvard in of his good work
(C) sell at the company.
(D) provide (A) recognition
(B) observation
1 0 4 . 1 am really disappointed_________ ; you! I expected you (C) compression
to make better decisions. (D) elimination
(A) in
(B) at 110. Doing the job fast is important than doing the
(C) to job right.
(D) of (A) least
(B) as
105. I wouldn't come near me; Pm s t i l l _________ and I wouldn't (C) less
want you to get sick as well. (D) not as
(A) outrageous
(B) delicious 111. Forgive me for but I have something important

(C) suspicious to say and it cannot wait.

(D) contagious (A) intervievving
(B) interrupting
106. My mother is Corning today! Her tlig h t __________ at 2 pm. (C) interweaving
(A) had arrived (D) intersecting
(B) has arrived
(C) has been arriving
(D) arrives

Section II: Reading
T O E IC Practice Test 6

119 VA/ĨII x/mi nippcp thfise cookies and tell me if 123.1 like the style of this shirt, but it is s o _________ 1can
barely breathe.
you like them or not?
(A) lóose
(A) tlavor
(B) spice (B) tight
(C) taste (C) tlexible
(D) crave (D) light

113 My hoss is me to a diíterent department, 124. Please arrive tomorrovv; this is a very important
so 1'lỉ be working in a new office. meeting, and we must start promptly.
(A) on time
Practice Test 6

(A) transcending
(B) transíerring (B) per hour
(C) transtorming (C) at the moment
(D) transgressing (D) on the second

1JA, 1 am nnt snre whether 1want to go with them. 125. 1 don't want to go with you to the party and
(A) and if does Joe.
(B) or not (A) either
(C) but why (B) whether
(D) or else (C) so
(D) neither
115. This home in 1899. We don't know who owns it now.
(A) was to build 126.W hat do they think 1 do about the current situation?
(B) built (A) would
(C) was building (B) ought
(D) was built (C) should
(D) have
116. That is the man life we saved.
(A) whose 127.1 vou would stop complaining! YniVre really
(B) whom starting to annoy me.
(C) who (A) wish
(D) which (B) hope
(C) want
117. He got on the bus and then took a Seat the driver. (D) need
(A) just ahead of
(B) in tront of 128. You naughty kids! You've my lamp!
(C) underneath (A) broke
(D) right behind (B) broken
(C) been breaking
118.1 would to travel by bus. 1 hate trains and cars. (D) been broken
(A) either
(B) rather 129. Did vou get the back from vour medical
(C) sooner exam yet?
(D) preter (A) ansvvers
(B) responses
119. Patrick can run than David can. (C) Solutions
(A) more taster (D) results
(B) much quicker
(C) as fast as 130. Do you think Harvard will you into their
(D) more quickly graduate program?
(A) expect
120. You'11 have to oav a if vou get caught speeding. (B) except
(A) ticket (C) accept
(B) fine (D) access
(C) probation
(D) receipt 131. Michael alwavs dreamed his own comoanv. and
now his dreanYs going to come true.

121. It's _ _ you two didn't get to spend more time (A) to starting
together; you could have become good triends. (B) of starting
(A) a shame (C) to having started
(B) shametul (D) of a start
(C) ashamed
(D) shameless 132. Not is allovved on this tloor, only staff members.
(A) everyone
1 2 2 .1'm re a lly ___ that 1 won't get the job. 1 really need it. (B) no-one
(A) excited (C) anyone
(B) thrilled (D) someone
(C) nervous
(D) exhausted

TOEIC Practice Test 6 Section II: Reading

331 . 'd like t o _________ this song to my girltriend.

(A) deduct
138.1'm not in t h e _________ for going out. Let's stay in and
watch TV.
(B) decline (A) teeling
(C) delegate (B) emotion
(Dị dedicate (C) mood
(D) attitude
134. Dating the opponent is really a ____ of interest, and
I strongly advise against it. 139. Y o u _________ attend! This is by no means an optional
(A) contluence event.

9 }sa_L aDpDE-id
(B) contorm (A) could
(C) conílict (B) should
(D) contirmation (C) can
(D) must
135. My house is getting tumigated; do you think you could put
m e _________ for the night? 140.1 e xe rcise _________ , so I am in good shape.
(A) out (A) intrequently
(B) on (B) invariably
(C) in (C) otten
(D) up (D) seldom

136. You had better hurry up and leave, or y o u 'll_the train!

(A) miss
(B) lack
(C) lose
(D) fail

137. When you arrive, ju s t ____ on the door and someone

will detinitely let you in.
(A) touch
(B) ring
(C) punch
(D) knock
TOEIC Practice Test 6

Part 6: Text Completion

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer
choices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter
(A ), (B ), (C ), or (D ) on your ansvver sheet.
Practice Test 6

The international System has witnessed dramatic changes being vvithout Spencer Tollackson for just
in the recent past. Developments around the globe and at Saturday's game at lowa, Gophers coach Jim Molinari said
home challenge us to rethink the role of the United States Wednesday that the team's starting center might need
in the international____________ . three more vveeks to recover from tw o broken bones in his
leít hand.
141. (A) community
(B) area 144. (A) In addítion
(C) section (B) othervvise
(D) neighborhood (C) Betorehand
(D) Instead of

What is this nation's place in this increasingly complex

global picture? How do we best promote respect for The 6-9 Tollackson w a s ____________ in a collision at the
human rights and the growth of treedom and justice? What end of the íirs t half of Saturday's loss at Wisconsin.
can we do to nurture and preserve international security Another player ran into Tollackson's outstretched arm and
and world peace? his hand was bent backward.
Our c o u n try ____________ knovvledgeable and thoughtíul
students like you - the next generation of leaders - to build 145. (A) damaged
peace with treedom and justice among nations and (B) injured
peoples. (C) ottended
(D) wounded
142. (A) asks to
(B) relies in
(C) depends on A magnetic resonance imaging exam shovved that the
(D) needs for young player has a broken bone in his thumb and a
"crushed" bone in his hand.

In the beliet that questions about peace, justice, treedom, If Tollackson, the team's leading rebounder and third-leading
and security a r e ____________ to civic education, we scorer, misses three more vveeks, he will miss five very
established the National Peace Essay Contest to expand important games.
educational opportunities for America's youth.

"That's a big part of the Big Ten season," Molinari said.

143. (A) trivial "It's untortunate. It's untortunate for him, it's untortunate
(B) superticial for us. He was really seeing t h e ____________ of trying to
(C) vital work really hard."
(D) necessary

146. (A) value

(B) rate
(C) cost
(D) amount

1rOEIC Practice Test 6 Section II: Reading

In the film, Kevin Costner plays Ray Kinsella, a baseball fan, csu stands head and shoulders all of the
'60s Berkeley graduate, and lowa tarmer. One day, as he is other universities in Calitornia when it comes to preparing

9 }saj_ 0DỊ*D
standing in the middle of his expansive corn tields, Ray students to enter the workforce.
a voice; it tells him: "lf you build it, he will
come." 150. (A) on top
(B) under
147. (A) heard (C) hlgher
(B) would hear (D) above
(C) is hearing
(D) hears
The csu provides the majority of the skilled protessional
1 vrorkers that are critical to the state's knowledge-based
Then Ray has a Vision and somehovv concludes that if he Industries - Industries like agriculture, engineering, busi-
builds a baseball field in the middle of his corn, Shoeless Joe ness, technology, medla and Computer Science. As you
Jackson will arise from to plav ball once know, a better-educated workforce leads to more higher-
again. And even though it depletes his family's savings and paying, knowledge-based jobs, vvhich in turn
his neighbors think he's crazy, Ray clears away the corn and to more grovvth and benetit for the entire State as well as
builds a baseball tield, complete with bleachers and tlood for the regional and local communities.
lights. "If you build it, he will come." And then, Shoeless Joe
does come - bringing with him several of his dead team- 151. (A) results
mates. (B) brings
(C) leads
148. (A) the death (D) guides
(B) the dead
(C) dead
(D) dying That means that the csu is a driving torce behind
California's economic development. In fact, the Calitornia
State University is vital to California's economic prosperi-
FIELD 0F DREAMS is a touching tairy tale, full of life, won- ty.
der, mystery, spirit, and humor. But while it generally avoids And the economic benetits are enormous. CSU-related
excessive melodrama, it untortunately does at times go expenditures create over $13 billion in economic impact
overboard, and by the end it gets down-right sappy. and support over 207,000 jobs in Calitornia. When higher
In general, however, FIELD 0F DREAMS is an emotionally alumni earnings are taken into account, the CSU's impact
satistying tantasy - one 1 can to everyone $53 billion, supporting 527,000 jobs in the
but unromantic cynics. State.

149. (A) contend 152. (A) reaches

(B) comprehend (B) vvreaks
(C) apprehend (C) allovvs
(D) recommend (D) touches

i 51
T O E IC Practice Test 6 Section II: Reading

Part 7: Reading Comprehension

D ire c tio n s : In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and
advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your ansvver sheet.

Exam ple:
Are you someone who enjoys trying new things and does not feel uncomtortable in new environments? Then why
Practice Test 6

not get paid for it? C U LT U R E magazine is looking fo r individuals to go to new clubs, events, etc. and w rite about
the cultural scene they observe in these places. Interested? Send your resume to Please
no phone calls.

What type of person would be best qualìíied fo r this job?

(A) A homebody
(B) An introvert
(C ) A clumsy person
(D ) A risk-taker
Correct ansvver: (D)

Questions 153 through 155 re íe r to th e following ad vertisem en t.


Join us fo r traditional N e w England fare served w ith a smile in the w a rm atm osphere o f an
I 18th century C hittenden hom e. O v e r the years The Chequered House has been host to many,
including a fe w ghosts if you believe th e stories! C hequers is n o w o u r hom e and w e are
pleased to have you as o u r guest fo r dinner.
—Lola and Leonard Roberts

O u r regulars love the Clam C how der, B u tte rn u t Bisque and French O n ion Soup.

Teriyaki Sirloin, Shrim p Scampi, C hicken Massala and Prime Rib are some o f o u r m ost
popular entrees.

Save roo m fo r VVhite C hocolate Cheesecake, H o t Indian Pudding, Ben and Jerry's lce C ream ,
and m ore!

Serving D in n e r M onday-Saturday fro m 5 pm.

Exit I I, 1-89 Richmond. Just 10 m inutes South o f Burlington.

153. What is Chequers? 155. What is the tone of this advertisement?

(A) a hotel (A) energetic
(B) a convention center (B) aggressive
(C) a museum (C) triendly

(D) a restaurant (D) extravagant

154. Who is said to love the Clam Chowder?

(A) people who come to the Chequers otten
(B) the owners
(C) Chequers food critics
(D) Lola and Leonard Roberts

TO EIC Practice Test 6 Section II: Reading

Ịuestions 156 through 158 re fe r to th e following article.

Elizabeth Wahlers

Elizabeth Wahlers is an award-winning watercolorist who has always enjoyed art and
the Creative process. Grovving up in the Netherlands, she developed a true love and
appreciation for flowers, many varieties of which are now depicted in her vvorks.
o th e r subject matter includes still-lites of edibles, and more recently, the addition of
cities and landscapes.

Her work has been teatured in The Seatood Leader Catalog, a global corporate calen-
dar, a Vermont com pany’s annual holiday card, the cover of The Burlington Free
Press Dining Guide and other publications. Her paintings can be seen in various ven-
ues across the State, including Spencer Gallery, North Oaks; The Deer Hill Inn , West

}S 3 J L
Bloomington; The Southern Vermont Art Center, Manchester, among other juried
shovvs. Wahlers’ vvatercolors are in private and corporate collections worldwide.

For more intormation call her at 555-3489.

156. What is the purpose of this article?
(A) to announce the opening of a new art gallery
(B) to bring public attention to VVahlers and her work
(C) to advertíse VVahlers' newest art exhibition
(D) to encourage readers to enroll in VVahlers' art class

157. What is something that VVahlers would NOT paint?

(A) a field of sunflowers
(B) a busy Street in Manchester
(C) a bowl of tru it
(D) a self-portrait

158. What triggered Wahlers' appreciation for flowers?

(A) Her tirs t true love always gave her tlovvers.
(B) There are a lot of them in her native country.
(C) Paintings of flowers are the biggest money earners.
(D) It is a subject she studied in art school.

I 53
T O E IC Practice Test 6 S ection II: Reading

Questions 159 through 162 re íe r to th e following letter.

Jane Fieldstone
87 VVashington Street
Smithíield, CA 08055
(909) 555-5657

Dear Mr. Barnes,

As we discussed on the phone, I am very pleased to accept the

position of Marketing Manager vvith Smithíield Pottery. Thank you
for the opportunity. I am eager to make a positive contribution to
the company and to vvork w ith everyone on the Smithíield team.

As we discussed, my starting salary will be $30,000 and health

and life Insurance beneíits will be províded aíter 90 days of

I look íorvvard to starting employment on July 1. lí there is any

additional iníormation or papervvork you need prior to then,
please let me know.
Again, thank you.

Jane Fieldstone

159. Why dld Jane Fieldstone w rite to Mr. Barnes?

(A) to offer him a job
(B) to say yes to a job offer
(C) to retuse a job
(D) to request a job interview

160. How did Jane learn she got the job?

(A) Mr. Barnes told her at the end of the interview.
(B) Mr. Barnes sent her an email.
(C) Mr. Barnes called her.
(D) She received a letter in the mail.

161. What does Jane tell Mr. Barnes?

(A) She will only take the job if her salary is raised to $30,000.
(B) She vvants to meet with him to discuss her health and life Insurance.
(C) She is nervous to join such a successtul company.
(D) She is gratetul for and happy to have this opportunity.

162. What does Jane request of Mr. Barnes?

(A) that he tells her what he needs from her
(B) that she doesn't start until July 1
(C) that he gives her more intormation
(D) that he forwards her important company emails
TO EIC Practice Test 6 Section II: Reading

Ịuestions 163 through 166 re fe r to th e following leaílet.

1 Minnesotans who might have íorgotten about windchill are about to get a reíresher.

Ending a five-week stretch with temperatures well above normal, a low-pressure System from

I Saskatchevvan surged into northwestern Minnesota on Thursday, dragging temperatures below zero

ị and windchills tovvard 40 below zero.

I Bemidịi reported 4 below at 8:30 p.m., w ith strong winds. Mid-evening readings ranged from 5 above

in Marshall to 6 below in Roseau. The Twin Cities should get off easy by comparison, though resi-

dents might still want to search for extra layers and face coverings.

}S 0 J L
; Temperatures were expected to fall overnight from Thursday's high of 37, and a predicted high in the

5 teens today will feel closer to zero. Tonight's predicted low of 1 above would be the lovvest tempera-

ture since a low of 1 below on Dec. 7.

163. What does the phrase "get a retresher" mean in the tirs t line?
(A) to be surprised
(B) to be reminded
(C) to be panicked
(D) to be windy

1 6 4 . What has the weather been like during the previous 5 weeks?
(A) colder than average
(B) vvarmer than average
(C) average
(D) vvarmer than it's ever been

1 6 5 . Which place was the coldest on Thursday?

(A) Bemidịi
(B) Saskatchewan
(C) Roseau
(D) Twin Cities

1 6 6 . What does the article recommend to Twin Cities residents?

(A) comparing themselves to the colder cities
(B) being gratetul for their warmer weather
(C) searching for ways to help the colder cities
(D) dressing appropriately for cold vveather

T O E IC Practice Test 6 Section II: Reading

Questions 167 through 169 re fe r to th e following le tte r to a newspaper.


Re "Cold comíort on the Street," Jan. 7

Thartks for the ongoing articles on downtown L.A. 's mosaic oỷpeople who compose the
Practice Test 6

homeless population. Although we may often paint the homeless with a broad hrush dipped in

preịudice, these articles allow us to see why people end up losing their houses and how the

maịority of the homeless end up in downtown Los Angeles, Hollywood or Santa Monica,

where the maịority of homeless Services are located. It might be interesting to point out the

myriad laws that allow such cities as Beverly Hills, Rancho Palos Verdes and San Marino to

cast out the homeless from their boundaries.


Los Angeles

167. What is Andrew p. Crane's attitude tovvard the newspaper's articles on the homeless?
(A) He appreciates them.
(B) He tinds them appalling.
(C) He's trustrated with them.
(D) He disagrees with them.

168. According to Andrevv p. Crane, what do the articles reveal?

(A) the public's prejudice tovvard the homeless
(B) the cities that throvv out the homeless
(C) that there are many paintings of the homeless
(D) the reasons why people become homeless

169. What do Beverly Hills' laws do?

(A) allow the homeless to settle in certain areas
(B) remove the homeless from where they were staying
(C) ban the homeless from downtown only
(D) protect the homeless boundaries

rO E IC Practice Test 6 Section II: Reading

ịuestions 170-174 re fe r to th e following movie review and p lo t summary.

P lo t s u m m a ry fo r R u n aw ay B ride REVIEVV FOR RUNAWAY BRIDE

Sraham, New York colum nist, alw ays w rite s his te x t at RUNAWAY BR1DE bcgins with an interesting
last m inute. This tim e, a drunken man in his ta v o rite enough concept and that's where it stays. It’s pretty
te lls Ike ab ou t M aggie C arpenter, a vvoman who obvious to the audience, and would be to any
always flee s fro m her g ro o m s in the la s t possible m om ent.
woman with a brain, why "the bride" keeps leaving
men standing like idiots at the altar. It’s not hard to
Ike, who does n o t have the b e st opinion ab ou t tem ales
tigure out. She’s going to keep running until she
anyway, w rite s an o tíe n sive colum n vvithout researching
íinallv discovers who SHE really is and stops trying
the subịect tho ro ug hly. The next day, Ike g e ts tire d by his to be vvhat the men she chooses want her to be.
1 publisher (and to rm e r w ife), because he w e n t to o fa r and If I tigured this out in the íirst 5 minutes, vvhy do I
taked the ta c ts , which real jo u rn a lis ts d o n 't do. Ike's only have to vvatch the rest of the film? Whv exactly?
This film never even tries to scratch the suiíace of

} s a j_
ỉ way back in to the business now is to do a ta c t-b a s e d
these characters, relying 011 the premise that a
re p o rt on M aggie and her upcom ing to u rth w edding
bride running from the church, using various
a tte m p t, which Ike p re d ic ts to fail again. So, as Ike circle s
rnodes of transportation, will be engaging and
j Maggie, his p re y-to -be , like a vultu re, her opinion o f him funnv enoush to keep the audience interested. It’s

sinks to below zero. N o t only is Ike vvaiting fo r her to fail not. There was no suspense about whether or not
again but the w hole to w n is poking tun a t M aggie ab ou t she would actually go through with the ceremonies
her m istakes. B ut th a t is a p o in t which Ike d o e sn 't like. because it \vas obvious she wouldn’t until she íound
herselt. even atter she íound the man for her.

170. What does Ike Graham work for? 173. According to the revievv, what is the positive
(A) a TV station aspect of the movie?
(B) his ex-wife's bar (A) the tunny use of transportation
(C) a newspaper (B) the main idea
(D) an advertisement agency (C) the characters
(D) the tirs t five minutes
171. Why did Ike get tired trom his job?
(A) He tailed to reach a deadline. 174. What is the reviewer's opinion of the movie?
(B) He did not depict the truth. (A) lt's hard to understand.
(C) He got drunk on the job. (B) lt's humorous.
(D) He had a low opinion of women. (C) lt's predictable.
(D) lt's interesting.
172. How many times has Maggie Carpenter been married?
(A) zero
(B) twice
(C) three times
(D) tour times

I 57
T O E IC Practice Test 6 Section II: Reading

Questions 175 through 179 re fe r to th e following leaílet and le tte r.

Dear M r. C ilm ore
VVriting a 'thank y o u ’ note a íte r an em ploy-
It vvas very enjoyable to speak w ith you today about the
Practice Test 6

m ent intervie w can be the key to getting a Assistant Account Executive position at the Smith Agency.
The job seems to be an excellent match fo r m y skills and
job offer. In these days o f e le ctron ic com -
interests. The Creative approach to account management
m unication, is it app ro priate to send thank that you described coníirm ed m y desire to vvork w ith you.

you letters by email? In m ost cases, yes.

In addition to my enthusiasm, I w ill bring to the position
You can get y o u r thank you le tte r o u t strong vvriting skills, assertiveness, and the ability to
encourage others to vvork cooperatively w ith the depart-
immediately, ra th e r than have to w a it fo r
the postal Service to d eliver ít. If the
I appreciate the tim e you took to intervievv me. I am very
e m ployer is making a quick hiring decision,
interested in w orking for you and look forward to hearing
tim e is o f th e essence. If th e re is no sense from you regarding this position.
o í urgency, you may still w a n t to send a
quick thank you email, along w ith a tra d i- Emily Lawson
tional le tte r o r note. You'll be reiterating elawson@
270 Elm st.
yo u r interest in the position sooner ra th e r
Ann Arbor, M I 44555
than later.

175. What is the benetit of sending a thank you le tte r vía email? 178. What did the described approach to account
(A) It is more protessional. management do to Emily Lavvson?
(B) It is less traditional. (A) It made her want the job even more than betore.
(C) It is quicker. (B) It made her doubt her desire for the job.
(D) It is more interesting. (C) It elicited more questions.
(D) It reassured her that she vvanted the job.
176. What is the purpose of a thank you le tte r atter an
intervievv? 179. What does Emily Lavvson describe in the second paragrap
(A) to give more intormation (A) what she hopes to get out of the job
(B) to restate your interest (B) her strengths
(C) to get a second intervievv (C) her core values
(D) to create a sense of urgency (D) her reservations

177. Who is Mr. Gilmore?

(A) the Assistant Account Executive
(B) the accountant
(C) the interviewer
(D) an applicant for the Smith Agency

rO E IC Practice Test 6 Section II: Reading
Ịuestions 180 th ro u g h 183 re fe r to th e fo llo w in g p ro m o tio n .

The u.s. Department of Energy and its Prime Contractors




June 27-30

ạ sa x

PLENARY SESSIONS íeaturing prominent government, corporate and business leaders who will

discuss ways small businesses can have better access to DOE procurement opportunities.

BUSINESS EXPO providing an o p p ortu n ity fo r businesses to shovvcase th e ir Products and

Services to hundreds o f c orpo rate and g overnm ent attendees.


FOR MORE IN F O R M A T IO N , CALL 8 8 8 .2 4 6 .2 4 6 0 OR VISIT O U R YVEBSITE

180. What is the purpose of this notice? 182. What should attendees mention when calling
(A) to publicize a conterence to get a hotel room?
(B) to stress the importance of energy conservation (A) They are with the Small Business Conterence.
(C) to summarize the outcomes of the conterence (B) They need more intormation about the lodging.
(D) to protest a conterence (C) They need directions to the Convention
and Trade Center.
181. Who is organizing the conterence? (D) Their level of interest in the seminar.
(A) small businesses
(B) the VVashington State Convention and Trade Center 183. What are plenary sessions?
(C) the City of Seattle (A) the main seminars on the topic
(D) the u.s. Department of Energy and its Prime Contractors (B) a particularly interesting aspect
(C) ways businesses can access procurements
(D) types of government

T O E IC Practice Test 6 S ection II: Reading

Questions 184 through 187 re fe r to th e following leaílet.

R O O M IN G at st. M ichael s

Room Size: Approximate Standard double room sizes are as follows:

Lyon's Hall-192 square feet
Joyce Hall-192 square feet
Practice Test 6

Ryan Hall-198 square feet

Twin Bed Size: Standard twin size beds are provided. Extra long tw in size beds
are available by requesting them on the First Year Housing and Meal Contract or
by requesting them in w riting to Sheryl Backstrom (

VVindovv size: VVindovv sizes vary by tloor, room and building. VVe suggest
waiting until you arrive to buy curtains. Venetian blinds are provided.

Voicem ail: Voicemail is established for each student. Answeríng machines are
not necessary, but students may bring one if they desire.

184. What is the purpose of this note?

(A) to advertise rooms to rent
(B) to introduce students to their tuture living situation
(C) to sell beds

(D) to prom ote living on cam pus

185. Why would you vvrite an email to Sheryl Backstrom?

(A) to complain about your bed size
(B) to get a meal contract
(C) to ask for a ditterent bed

(D) to retrieve your Standard bed

186. What are optional?

(A) Venetian blinds

(B) ansvvering machines
(C) windows

(D) voicemail System s

187. Why should students wait to buy curtains?

(A) They don't know what size to purchase.

(B) They already have Venetian blinds.

(C) Not all rooms have windows.

(D) They may not be allovved.

T O E IC Practice Test 6 Section II: Reading

Questions 193 through 195 re fe r to th e following magazine article.

Buy a Magnitica Class ticket with your Emit Express Card and bring a friend for just $99.

Experience the passion and style of Italy by taking advantage of this friendly Alitaliano deal. Just buy a
Magnitica Class ticket with your Emit Express Card to any of Alitaliano's destinations in Europe, North Atrica,
the Middle East or Bombay and get a second Magnitica Class ticket for only $99. Magnitica Class provides
vvorld-class tood and wine, spacious legroom and Italian-designed seats so you can lie back in ultimate com-
Practice Test 6

fort. Celebrate your triendship with the only airline that celebrates the very best of Italy. Tickets must be
purchased by September 25, 2009 so call your travel protessional or Alitaliano Airlines at 800.555.4326.

'Boston-ltaly utilizes alternate aircratt with Coral Class instead of Magnitly Class Service during the month of

193. What does this advertisement offer? 195. What is unique about Alitaliano?
(A) a free trip with the purchase of an Emit Express Card (A) It travels to Italy.
(B) $99 worth of credit on an Emit Express Card (B) It serves wine.
(C) two tickets for $99 each (C) It honors Italy on board.
(D) one ticket for $99 along with another ticket at full price (D) It holds parties on board.
194. What does the phrase "taking advantage" mean in this advertisement?
(A) mistreating someone or something
(B) seizing an opportunity
(C) doing better than someone else
(D) getting excited about something

Questions 196-200 re fe r to th e following advertisem en t and atta c h m e n t.

Now Hiring a t T H IN K TogethepỊ

THINK Together is a non-profit aíterschool learning program for stu-
dents in Southern Caliíornia. Due to change in California’s legislation CANDIDATE PROFILE:
through Prop. 49, THINK Together is going through some unprecedent-
ed growth in terms of the number of sites we will operate and have open
Candidate A
for kids in Southern Caliíornia. Because of this growth we will be hiring
• Bachelor's degree in Child Psychology
an extremely large number of qualiíied candidates in a variety of posi-
• VVilling to work tlexible hours
tions that serve the youth in our programs.
• 1 year of student teaching experience
In these part-time positions, the Program Leaders will supervise all stu- at Lincoln Elementary School
dents within a classroom setting in the program at that particular site. • passionate about children
The candidate will provide one-on-one and small group homework assis-
• would like to be an elementary
tance, curriculum instruction, and recreation leadership to students as
school teacher in the next couple of year
requested by the site coordinator. This is a great experience for those
who intend on becoming teachers, or just love vvorking with kids. The rate
for this position is $11-$13 an hour. No previous experience is needed,
but it does help. All candidates must at least have a bachelor’s degree.

196. When would a THINK employee need to work? 199. Which of Candidate A's qualitications exceeds
(A) only vveekday mornings what is required?
(B) vveekdays, 8 hours a day (A) her degree
(C) vveekday atternoons (BỊ her teaching experience
(D) vveekend atternoons (C) her attitude tovvard children

(D) her career ambitions

197. Why is THINK currently hiring a lot of employees?
(A) It is a brand new program. 200. How long does Candidate A hope to work for THINK?
(B) They tired all their tormer employees. (A) indetinitely
(C) There are more THINK sites than in the past. (B) no more than two years
(D) They are required to do so by a new law. c at least 5 years
(D) just the summer
198. What is something that is NOT part of the job description?
(A) creating lesson curriculums
(B) vvorking with students individually
(C) helping with homework
(D) being in charge of tun activlties
T E ST 7

T O E IC Practice Test 7 Section ì: Listening

TEST7 Section I: Listening

In this section o f the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are tour parts to this section, with speclal directions fo r each part.

Part lỉ Photographs
D ỉre c tio n s : For each question, you w ill see a picture and you w ill hear fo u r s h o rt statem ents. The state-
m ents w ill be spoken just one tim e. T hey w ill n ot be p rinted in y o u r test book so you m ust listen careíully to
understand w h a t the speaker says. VVhen you hear the fo u r statem ents, loo k at the p icture and choose the
statem ent that best describes w ha t you see in the picture. C hoose the best ansvver A, B, co r D.

N ow listen to the four statements.
Statement (D) best describes what you see in the picture.
Thereíore, you should choose ansvver (D).

A. He is on the phone.
B. She is driving the car.
c. She is typing on the Computer.
D. He is sitting next to her.

Sample Answer

A B c D *
TO EIC Practice Test 7 Section I: Listening
T O E IC Practice Test 7 Section 1: Listening

Part 2: Question-Response
D ire c tio n s : In this part of the test, you will hear a question or statement spoken in English, íollovved by three
responses, also spoken in English. The question or statement and the responses will be spoken just One time. They will
not be printed in your test book, so you must listen careíully. You are to choose the best response to each question or
statement. N ow listen to a sample question.
You will hear: Man: Why are you late?
Woman: A . I hope I won't be.
B. My car broke down.
c. He always is.
Pl*3.ctic6 "ĨGSt 7

The best response is choice B, “My car broke down". Thereíore, you should choose B.

11 A ... B. c 21 A B c 31 A B c.
12 A B c 22 A B c 32 A B c
13 A B c 23 A B c. 33 A B.. . c....
14 A B C.... 24 A B c 34 A B c
15 A B ... c 25 A B c 35 A B... c.
16 A B c. 26 A B c 36 A B c ..
17 A B .. c. 27 A B .... c 37 A B .... c.
18 A B c. 28 A B .... c 38 A B c
19 A .... B c 29 A B c 39 A B c
20 A B c 30 A B c 40 A B c

rO E IC Practice Test 7 Section I: Listening

P a r t 3: Conversations
O irections: You will hear some conversations between two people You will be asked to answer three questions about
vhat the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A ), (B ). (C ),
>r (D ) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

41. What was the tlight like? 45. How does the man feel?

3 D Ị:p B -Id
(A) terrible (A) depressed
(B) exciting (B) reluctant
(C) uneventtul (C) bored
(D) erýoyable (D) scared

42. Where is Jackie's bag? 46. Where is the woman going now?
(A) on the plane (A) back home

L* s ạ i
(B) Chicago (B) the cafe
(C) Boston (C) the canteen
(D) it has been lost (D) the store

43. Who is Jenny? 47. Where are they?

(A) Bob's cousin (A) in a park
(B) Bob's sister (B) at a lake
(C) Bob's wife (C) in a cafe
(D) Bob's tiancee (D) on a boat

44. How many houses has the woman sold this week? 48. Who are they watching?
(A) none (A) a speaker
(B) one (B) a singer
(C) two (C) a dancer
(D) three (D) an actor
T O E IC Practice Test 7 Section I: Listening

6 0 . What did the woman like about the house?

4 9 . What's the woman's problem?
(A) She's very hungry. (A) its location
(B) the garden
(B) She's bored.
(C) She's tired. (C) its size
(D) She's too hot. (D) the view

5 0 . Which department do the speakers work in? 61. What does the man think the woman should do?
(A) management (A) spend more money
(B) tinance (B) buy the house theyVe just seen
Practice Test 7

(C) design (C) to rg e t about the location and concentrate on the house
(D) administration (D) rethink their priorities

51. What is the woman's attitude towards the managers? 62. What is vvrong with John?
(A) considerate (A) His report hasn't been printed.
(B) disrespecttul (B) He didn't have time to vvrite a report.
(C) sympathetic (C) There are no printers vvorking in the oííice.
(D) excited (D) He didn't get the promotion.

52. How does the man feel? 6 3 . What does the woman think about the men's behavior?
(A) tired (A) They are seltish.
(B) trustrated (B) They are jealous.
(C) relaxed (C) They are childish.
(D) sad (D) They are dishonest.

53. What was damaged? 6 4 . What is the relationship between the man and the woman?
(A) vase (A) boss and employee
(B) table (B) relatives
(C) tloor (C) neighbors
(D) flowers (D) co-workers

54. How could you describe the woman's attitude? 6 5 . What is the man's job?
(A) enthusiastic (A) architect
(B) aggressive (B) accountant
(C) unhelptul (C) intormation technology expert
(D) sympathetic (D) builder

55. What will the man do? 6 6 . How can the man be described?
(A) go to another store (A) cautious
(B) buy a new vase (B) independent
(C) leave the vase at the store (C) bored
(D) repair it himselt (D) dishonest

5 6 . What has the vvoman decided to do? 6 7 . How did the vvoman feel about the man's behavior?
(A) resign (A) impressed
(B) try for a better job (B) angry
(C) go back to full time education (C) suspicious
(D) take up a new interest (D) inditterent

57. What can be said about the woman? 6 8 . What happened to the man?
(A) She is bored with her life. (A) He nearly lost his job.
(B) She tinds the man very attractive. (B) His boss had an accident.
(C) She has decided to live abroad. (C) He broke a machine at work.
(D) She otten travels abroad. (D) He had an accident at work.

58. Where are they going next? 6 9 . What did the man do?
(A) a cafe (A) apply for tinancial compensation
(B) a restaurant (B) buy a new car
(C) a theater (C) crash his company car
(D) horse-riding (D) pay money to his boss

59. How did the man feel when he heard about the woman's 70. What does the woman think the man should do?
decision? (A) make a good impression at work
(A) surprised (C) disinterested (B) torge t about the money
(B) angry (D) unhappy (C) leave his job temporarily
(D) ask for more money
rOEIC P ra c tic e Test 7 S ection I: Listening
r — ---------------

Part 4: Taiks
íi r e c t i o n s : You will hear iom e taJki gỉven by ì ungie speaker You wiH be acked to answer three que»oon> about
vhat the ipeaker u y t in each tatk Setect the ben response to each question and mark the letter (A ). (B ). (C ). or
D ) on your answer iheet The talkỉ will not be pnnted in ỵoor te tt book and w»fl be tpokan only one ttn e .

Practice Test 7
71. What IS the building now? 79. What IS the probtem with the luggage’
|A) tamily home (A) It has been lost
(B) army barracks (B) They òon't know who It bekmgs to.
(C) museum (C) It has gone to the wrong destinatioa
(D) hospital (D) It has been damaged.

72. Why were the Ford tamily tamous? 80. Who IS the talk directed at?
(A) There was a murder in the tamily. (A) environmentalists
(B) They were tamous artists. (B) householders
(C) They were very rích. (C) politicians
(D) They had lots of accidents. (D) energy experts

73. What happened to the youngest son? 81. How might the audience teel by the end of the evenmg?
(A) he was kilied (A) relaxed
(B) he died very young (B) excited
(C) no one knows for sure (C) vvorried
(D) he was sent to Atrica (D) apologetic

74. Who is the speaker showing around? 82. What will happen next?
(A) a new employee (A) They will have a drmk.
(B) a che< (B) They will eat trom a buttet.
(C) an athlete (C) They will watch the video.
(D) a student (D) They will have a question and ansvver session.

75. What ís the speaker's attitude? 83. Where is the meetmg probably taking place?
(A) untriendly (A) a school
(B) lucky (B) a police station
(C) aggressive (C) a newspaper office
(D) enthusiastic (D) a house

76. What does the speaker say about the company? 84. Who is causing the problems?
(A) They don't like people to change departments. (A) young people
(B) The work can be quite boring. (B) ỊOurnalists
(C) It otters variety. (C) householders
(D) People don‘t work there for a long time. (D) old people

77. Where is this announcement being made? 85. What is a teature of the estate?
(A) train station (A) suspicious neighbors
(B) bus station (B) too many cars
(C ) airport (C) many people out of work
U J O 3 Ị0 ỊA ỊJ 1 U B L |U 'M M M

(D) harbor (D) too many old people

78. Why were there delays?

(A) the cold
(B) heavy ram
(C) wmd
(D) lack of clear skies
T O E IC Practice Test 7 Section I: Listening

8 6 . What is this talk about?

94. What is half price today?

(A) literature (A) skirts

(B) history (B) boots

(C) geography (C) dresses

(D) biology (D) bags

87. Why did the Egyptians want to measure time? 95. What is the problem?
(A) practical reasons (A) There is no one at home to accept the delivery.
Practice Test 7

(B) romantic reasons (B) Bad weather has prevented a delivery.

(C) artistic reasons (C) The price of the radio has gone up.
(D) historical reasons (D) The ordered radio is sold out.

8 8 . What was special about the sundial? 96. What is the caller's attitude?
(A) It only worked in the evening. (A) impatíent
(B) It was invented by the Greeks. (B) bored
(C) lt used both the sun and vvater. (C) sympathetic
(D) It could be moved. (D) contused

89. How many women are aítected by osteoporosis? 97. What will happen?
(A) 3 percent (A) A similar radio will be delivered in time.
(B) one in tvvelve (B) The order will be cancelled.
(C) a twelfth (C) The radio won't get there in time for the birthday.
(D) a third (D) The customer will have to pay more.

90. What is thought to cause the disease? 98. Who is speaking?

(A) broken bones (A) a doctor
(B) excessive exercise (B) a teacher
(C) dieting too much (C) a nurse
(D) accidents (D) a gardener

91. What should vvomen do? 99. What is the occasion?

(A) Exercise for three hours a week. (A) a birthday
(B) Exercise regularly and drink more milk. (B) an anniversary
(C) Eat mainly dairy Products. (C) a retirement
(D) Reduce fa ts tound in milk and cheese. (D) a wedding

92. Where would this announcement most likely be heard? 100. What won't they miss?
(A) supermarket (A) the people
(B) shopping center (B) the vvorking environment
(C) leisure center (C) the food
(D) restaurant (D) the money

93. Where can you get something for free?

(A) music shop
(B) Toyland
(C) The Shoe Factory
(D) restaurant

ĨO E IC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

ỉection II: Reading

1 the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and ansvver several different types of reading comprehension questions.
he entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given íor each part. You are encouraged to
nswer as many questions as possible vvithin the time allovved. You must mark your answers on the separate answer
heet. Do not write your answers in your test book.

Part 5: Incomplete Sentences

D irectio n s: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences belovv. Four answer choices are given below
each sentence. Select the best ansvver to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on
ỵour answer sheet.

The mother held her nevvborn
(A) loving
(B) lovely
(C ) lovingly
(D) love

Correct ansvver: (C)

101. There seems to be a ______ in this Computer program 107. You've taken on a lot; are you sure this goal is
because it won't work no m atter what I do. (A) real
(A) hole (B) realistic
(B) bug (C) realized
(C) rat (D) realist
(D) snag
108. I would lik e ______ about the vacancy you had
102. The company's new is very innovative. advertised.
(A) product (A) to enquire
(B) produce (B) enquiring
(C) production (C) to be enquired
(D) prospect (D) enquires

103. What a tantastic idea! How did you ever think i t ____ ? 109. It is not a good time to borrow money because the
(A) of in te re s t________ are very high.
(B) up (A) rates
(C) through (B) prices
(D) over (C) units
(D) points
104. The team leader gave an encouraging speech to try
to raise the tea nY s________ . 110 Ellen caretully _ the car into the narrovv parking
(A) morals space.
(B) morale (A) levered
(C) stress (B) led
(D) strategy (C) maneuvered
(D) manipulated
105. Everyone, apart from Rob and Jenny,______ late for
the meeting yesterday. 111. "Don't be so It may not seem like it now,
(A) was but your hard work will pay off."

(B) were (A) arrogant

(C) are (B) insolent
(D) is (C) impertinent
(D) impatient
106. Theresa is unlikely to accept the contract unless she can
_________ higher fees. 112. The oítice is q u ite ________ but at least we have the
(A) compromise necessary things like desks and computers!
(B) instigate (A) inadequate
(C) captivate (B) basic
(D) negotiate (C) plush
(D) plain

Section II: Reading
T O E IC Practice Test 7

113. We will send you a n ________ with your order and you can 1 2 2 . 1 think I o v e r _______ Georgếs abilities; he doesn't seem
able to cope with the deadlines. I
pay then.
(A) estimated
(A) invoice
(B) inventory (B) judged

(C) investment (C) counted

(D) input (D) reached

114. I will accept the position w it h _________ . 123. If y o u _____ close the window, it would be much
appreciated; l'm a bit cold.
Practice Test 7

(A) please
(B) pleasing (A) might
(C) pleasant (B) ought to
(D) pleasure (C) happen to
(D) occur
115. Are y o u _______ with Mr. Jones, our company president?
(A) met 124. There was a rumor in the company that the job would be
(B) introduced given to a w e ll-kn ow n__________ candidate.
(C) acquainted (A) internal
(D) communicated (B) interval
(C) internal
116. T h e ________of Computer Science currently otters many (D) inverse
job opportunities.
(A) company 1 2 5 . 1 have complete con tide nce____ your ability to solve this
(B) tield problem.
(C) knovvledge (A) fo r
(D) plattorm (B) in
(C) of
117. Sophia was exhausted,____ she kept vvorking. (D) with
(A) altogether
(B) theretore 126. Are we required t o _______ the Computer training course?
(C) though (A) attend
(D) yet (B) commit
(C) assign
118. Mary is a n ____ part of the team; vvithout her organizational (D) contain
skills, none of us vvould be able to find anything!
(A) insigniticant 127. We need to take these steps t o _______ our protits.
(B) independent (A) maximum
(C) integral (B) maximize
(D) integrated (C) maximal
(D) maximization
119. I ________ to the City center now, if you would like a lift.
(A) will going 128. Atter applying fo r dozens of jobs, Elizabeth was íinally
(B) go ______ fo r an intervievv.
(C) am going (A) called
(D) to go (B) drawn
(C) ottered
120. Jo's cheertul _ gives the office a triendly teeling. (D) named
(A) instigation
(B) description 129. We could stay in the Holiday Inn, but I vvould_______ stay
(C) disposition in a Bed and Breaktast.
(D) inclination (A) either

(B) hovvever
121. Mr. Tyler and Mr. Seth decided t o _______because they (C) neither
would be able to achieve more if they vvorked together. (D) rather
(A) adapt
(B) comply 130. The tra ttic accident was one m o re _________ that he did
(C) collaborate not need that day.
(D) moderate (A) adversary
(B) adversity
(C) inversion
(D) aversion
TO E IC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

131. The small companies could n o t _________ with the low 136. Don't torge t to list your car among your other
prices of the large producer. when tilling out the tax form.
(A) contradict (A) protits
(B) compete (B) extras
(C) commit (C) liabilities
(D) comprehend (D) assets

132. Nobody will stand up fo r you if you don't stand up for 137. If i t ____ not for Adams quick thinking, we would have

3 D Ị ) D B . I CJ
lost the Client.
(A) you (A) is
(B) yours (B) be
(C) yourselt (C) was
(D) your own (D) had been

133. If you do n o t _________with the dress code, you may be 138. On t h e _______ of last year's marketing data, I think
disciplined. we should tocus our ettorts on product three.
(A) comply (A) basis
(B) reply (B) background
(C) apply (C) bias

(D) imply (D) breadth

134. In July, the tourist ottice w a s _______ up fo r a busy 139. The restaurant where we had lunch had a tranquil
(A) gearing (A) atmosphere
(B) breaking (B) demeanor
(C) running (C) compliment
(D) turning (D) personality

135. Mlchael alvvays wears expensive_______ name suits. 140. This quarter we would like to see our product enjoy
(A) real a w id e r ________ , and perhaps even go International.
(B) brand (A) distribute
(C) product (B) distributing
(D) firm (C) distribution
(D) distributional

T O E IC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

P a r t 6: Text Completion
D i r e c t i o n s : Read the texts tha t follow . A w o rd o r phrase is missing in som e o f th e sentences. F our answ er
choices are given b e lo w each o f th e sentences. Select the best ansvver to c o m p le te th e te x t. T h e n m ark the le tte r
1 (A ), (B ), (C ), o r ( D ) on y o u r answ er sheet.
Practice Test 7

Questions 141 - 143 re íe r to the following e-m ail. Questions 144 - 146 re te r to the following news
artic le .
To: Sales s ta ff
From: John Johnson Some of America's largest banks are expected to announce
Date: October 12 Plans later to form a $75bn joint fund to invest in us
Re: Bonus sub-prime m ortgage debt.

Dear Employees, The banks, including Citigroup and JP Morgan, are seeking
t o ______ contidence in the sector and prevent a
Now that the íigures are in. 1 can that we've turther dip in the price of such investments. The banks are
had the most successtul summer season yet. said to fear more cuts in the price of sub-prime mortgage
debt, which is hitting their balance sheets.
141. (A) reply
(B) coníirm 144. (A) tinance
(C) rely (B) lead
(D) assure (C) detlate
(D) boost
This is, of course, in a large part, thanks to you, Flyaway
Travel's dedicated sales staff. We at management would Higher m ortgage rates have sparked a record number of
like to recognize the you have made to our sub-prime home loan detaults. This has caused a wider
successtul season, so we are issuing a bonus. credit squeeze as banks and other investors have been
le s s _______ to lend to each other.
142. (A) contributive
(B) contribution 145. (A) vvilling
(C) contributor (B) optim istlc
(D) contributing (C) realistic
(D) patient
The bonus will appear in your November paycheck, and will
be calculated a Dercentaee of vour salary. Analysts say the big us banks hope their move will prevent
the current holders of sub-prime mortgage securities
Thanks to all of you for making the summer season such dumping them on the market at knock-down
a success! prices. Such a "fire sale" could intensity the credit crisis.

Sincerely, 146. (A) by

(B) with
John Johnson, (C) from
Personnel Division (D) of
Flyaway Travel

143. (A) as
(B) of
(C) with
(D) for
TO E IC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

ÍT ' — --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------

Iề Ọuestions 147 - 149 re fe r to the following letter. Questions 150-152 re fe r to the following document.


For Post number ZT34559
’ We are sorry to hear that you have been experiencing
problems with your new digital camera. Install Brink's Home Security authorized equipment in
customer homes and businesses in accordance
V While we do ask that our customers contact their dealer established standards and procedures. Design layouts of the
in the event of a problem, we recognize that, in your case, security System utilizing thorough knovvledge of the equip-
:I this would be impossible. Theretore, if you will caretully ment and its capabilities. Assist in the promotion and sale
I package t h e ________ in its original carton and send it of extra equipment.
to us, our "doctors" will put it through a thorough exami-
: nation to determine the source of the problem. 150. (A) with
(B) to
147. (A) unit (C) of
(B) piece (D) from
(C) tragment
(D) entity ^ •T e s t backup batteries, keypad programming and all secu-
rity teatures in order to ensure proper tunctioning, and to
lf the problem turns out to be a m in o r________ , diagnose maltunctions.
we shall make the repair and then return the camera to
you within thirty days. If our determination is that the unit •■Dem onstrate Systems fo r customers, and explain details
I is detective, we will send you an immediate replacement. such as t h e ________ and consequences of talse alarms.

148. (A) returbishment 151. (A) aims

(B) inconvenience (B) rules
(C) renevval (C) happenings
(D) adjustment (D) causes

Again, I am sorry that you experienced this ditticulty and

wish to thank you for your patience and f o r ________ * • Keep intormed of new Products and developments.
our product.
* ■ ________ a thorough explanation of the Protective
Sincerely, Service Agreement, System capabilities and System opera-
Thomas Vining tion to the customer.
Service Department
152. (A) Distribute
149. (A) purchasing (B) Provide
(B) earning (C) Avail

(C) gaining (D) Arrange

(D) requiring

T O E IC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

Part 7: Readỉng Comprehension

D ire c tio n s : In this part you will read a selection o f texts, such as magazine and nevvspaper articles, letters, and
advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best ansvver for each question and mark the
letter (A), (B). (C). or (D) on your ansvver sheet.

Are you someone who enjoys trying new things and does not feel uncomíortable in new environments? Then why
Practice Test 7

not get paid for it? C U LTU R E magazine is looking for individuals to go to new clubs, events, etc. and w rite about
the cultural scene they observe in these places. Interested? Send your resume to Please
no phone calls.

What type of person would be best qualiíied for this job?

(A) A homebody (B) An introvert (C) A clumsy person (D) A risk-taker
Correct answer: (D)

Questions 153 and 154 re íe r to th e following card.

T h e H o te l
801 C o llin s A v e n u e ,
M ia m i B each, F lo rid a , 3 3 1 3 9
te l 3 0 5 531 2 2 2 2
fa x 3 0 5 531 3 2 2 2

In the heart of South Beach is an art deco hotel where

high-style meets history, luxurious accommodations are
tilled with warmth, and AAA Four Diamond award-win-
ning hospitality and Service are second to none.

153. Where would this card most likely be tound? 154. What is the purpose of this card?
(A) in a tourist ottice (A) to give intormation
(B) in a hotel room (B) to a ttra c t customers
|C) in an ottice building (C) to announce an event
(D| in a restaurant (D) to make an introduction

Questions 155 - 156 re íe r to th e following news re p o rt.

Australia has seen its jobless rate fall to its lovvest level in 33 years in September,
oHĩcial data shows, raising chances of an interest rate rise.
Employers created 13,000 new jobs for the month, sending the unemployment rate
down to 4.2% from 4.3%. The job rise was lower than íòrecast but came after
August’s íigures which were revised signihcantly up by 34,300.
The government raised interest rates to their highest in 10 years in August, at
6.5%, in a bid to contain iníladon.

155. What is true about jobs in Australia?' 156. In what section of an Australian nevvspaper would this
(A) There are less than there have been in more than article most likely be tound?
30 years. (A) the international section
(B) There are more than there have been in more than (B) the sports section
30 years. (C) the cultural section
(C) There were more than were expected. (D) the tinancial section
(D) They are not related to interest rates at all.

TO EIC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

ịuestions 157 - 159 re fe r to th e following letter.

: 29th August 2010

The Manager
: Travelsate Insurance
: 217 26th Ave
Portland, Oregon 76634

Policy No. R3990007
Valld up to: August 1st, 2011

: Dear S ir or Madam,

This is to bring to your notice th a t my luggage, insured w ith your o ffic e under th e
above mentioned tra ve l insurance policy, was lost on th e 12 o f August, 2010 on a fiig h t
fro m th e UK to Spain w ith G lo b e tro tte r Airlines.

Because th e luggage was lost Qt th e beginning o f th e holiday, i t was necessary to

replace it. This included clothing, personal items, and camping and climbing equipment.

Enclosed, please f ind estim ate o f replacem ent costs.

: Yours tru ly ,
James A. W itman

157. What is the purpose of this letter? 159. What item did Mr. VVitman NOT have to replace?
(A) to report an Insurance payout (A) sleeping bag
(B) to acquire travel Insurance (B) laptop
(C) to make an Insurance claim (C) trousers
(D) to respond to a question (D) climbing ropes

158. When does the Insurance policy expire?

(A) 12th August 2010
(B) 29th August 2010
(C) ls t August 2011
(D) 12th August 2011

Questions 160 - 161 re fe r to th e following advertisem ent.

Madame Tussauds London

Experience the glittering world of fame for a day at Madame Tussauds, an ever-changing attraction with several
wax íigure launches every year. There is always something new to experience for everyone.

You’ll find our very best ticket offers Online. With ticket prices costing from as little as £10 for children and
£12.50 for adults there really isn’t much to keep you from meeting your íavorite celebrities, or their likenesses
in wax that is. So what are you waiting for, book your tickets Online now & you’re one step closer to the stars.

The discounted Online tickets are only valid for admissions aíter 5pm and you need to book your tickets Online

at least 24 hours in advance. Tickets bought on the day of your visit will be charged at normal rates, vvhich vary
depending on what time you arrive.

160. What is implied about Madame Tussauds? 161. To obtain a discounted ticket, what must you do?
(A) lt has a long tradition. (A) go at a certain time of day
(B) It is dynamic. (B) buy it on the internet the day you will go
(C) It can make you tamous. (C) buy it at the door
(D) It is educational. (D) vary the time that you arrive
T O E IC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

Questions 162 - 163 re íe r to th e following notice.

Do You N eecì O f f ìc e SpACE?

If you are lo o king to lease, rent o r buy o ffice space y o u 've com e to
the rig h t place! Since o u r start in 1995, the O fficeFinder™ team has
personally assisted requests fro m over 140,000 businesses - o f all
Pl"âctic© Tcst 7

sizes - looking fo r o ffice space. If yo u r goal is to fin d the rig h t o ffice

space, make sure you get the best deal possible and to avoid costly
mistakes, w e can help w ith o u r netvvork o f local proíessionals in
over 450 m arkets!

162. Who would be most interested in this notice?

(A) someone who vvants a job
(B) someone starting a business
(C) someone with a local business
(D) someone involved in marketing

163. What is implied about choosing the vvrong office?

(A) It could ruin your career.
(B) It could be expensive.
(C) It is very easy to do.
(D) It can disrupt the netvvork.

I- H
rOEIC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

Ịuestions 164 - 168 refer to th e following letter and coupon.

23 Pine Avenue
V entura, C A 94553
A p ril 25

D e a r n e ig h b o r,

A n e w s to r e is o p e n in g n e a r y o u ! O n M o n d a y 4 th A u g u s t d o o rs a re o p e n in g o n o u r n e w P ine A v e n u e
B ran ch o f B o rd e rs B o o k s .

O u r p re m is e s a re s p a c io u s a n d lig h t t o m a k e y o u r s h o p p in g e x p e rie n c e p le a sa n t, and o f c o u rs e , w e o ffe r

o u r s ig n a tu re B o rd e rs C a fe c o ffe e s h o p o n th e s e c o n d flo o r, so y o u can s it w it h a c o íĩe e o r te a w h ile
lo o k in g o v e r p o te n tia l p u rc h a s e s .

A n d o f c o u rs e , as y o u 'v e c o m e t o e x p e c t f r o m B o rd e rs , w e ha ve th e la rg e s t s e le c tio n o f b o o k s a ro u n d .

Because y o u a re a n e ig h b o r, w e a re e n c lo s in g a sp e cia l c o u p o n t o e n c o u ra g e y o u t o c o m e a n d g e t t o
k n o w us.

T h e B o rd e rs T eam

Com e and meet us at Borders Books!

T h is c o u p o n is g o o d f o r __ o n e h o t d r i n k an d o n e p a s t r y _____
a t th e P in e A v e n u e B ra n c h o f B o rd e rs B o o k s h o p . Valid until 25 May

164. How can Borders Books best be described? 167. What is Borders known for?
(A) a local business (A) the Borders Cafe cottee shops
(B) a Chain of Stores (B) the kind of books they have
(C) a multinational Corporation (C) the architecture of their shops
(D) a new business venture (D) their generous promotional activities

165. When was the letter sent? 168. What can you get with the coupon?
(A) 25th April (A) hot drinks for you and a triend
(B) 4th August (B) a meal on August 4th
(C) 28th August (C) a tea and a pastry
(D) 25th May (D) a cottee and a book

166. Where does the person who received the letter

probably live?
(A) on or near Pine Avenue
(B) anyvvhere in Ventura
(C) anyvvhere in Calitornia
(D) anywhere with a Borders branch

I 81
T O E IC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

Q uestion 169-171 re fe r to th e following tim e ta b le .

D ep arture station CHX CHX CHX CHX CHX

Train number V344 G56 G983 HJ89 G211
A rrival station MCO M CO MCO MCO MCO
Departs 08:14 09:22 09:47 09:51 10:22
Arrives 13:39 14:05 14:39 14:39 15:05
Practice Test 7

Duration 5:25 4:43 4:52 4:48 4:43

Changes 2 2 2 3 2

CHX = London Charing Cross MCO = M anchester O x fo rd Road

169. Which train has the longest ịourney time?

(A) G56
(B) HJ89
(C) V344
(D) G211

170. To be in Manchester by 2pm, which train should you take?

(A) G983 or HJ89
(B) G56
(C) V344
(D) any of them

171. What is a disadvantage to taking train HJ89?

(A) lt has a longer journey time.
(B) You must change trains more otten.
(C) It arrives earlier than train G983.
(D) It leaves earliest in the morning.

Questions 172 - 174 re íe r to th e following notice.

Young Roots in Photos and Film

VVednesday 17 Oct, 2 - 4.30pm
Filmhouse and the Heritage Lottery Fund are proud to present Young Roots in Photos and
Film. Over the last four years young people across Scotland have run projects with money
from the Heritage Lottery Fund's Young Roots grant scheme. This exhibition of photos and
tilms shovvcases how young people have explored what remains important to them about their
heritage in the context of our dynamic modern world.
Cost: £5.00 per person. Call Beverley on 0131 623 8031 to book.

172. Where would this notice most likely be tound? 174. What is the subject of the exhibition?
(A) in a restaurant (A) young Scottish people

(B) in a cinema (B) the Heritage Lottery Fund

(C) in a lottery shop (C) a four-year exploration of Scotland
(D) in an office (D) how young people view heritage

173. When could you see Young Roots in Photos and Filniì
(A) one day only
(BỊ on certain days
(C) throughout the month of October
(D) over the last four years

TOEIC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

Ịuestions 175 - 179 re fe r to th e following e-m ail and leaflet.

Subịect: internet access
Daté: 12 June

D e a r M r . R ogers,

} S 0 J L 3 3 Ị ^ 3 B J C|
T h a n k s f o r y o u r e n q u ir y a b o u t s ta y in g w it h us. W e d o h a v e ro o m s a v a ila b le o n th e 2 4 th a n d 2 5 th .

Regarding your question about availability of the internet, we do have wireless internet access
available in all public spaces in the hotel, for Standard connection fees.
B u t le t m e r e c o m m e n d o u r W ire d -fo r-B u s in e s s Plan w h ic h o ffe rs y o u in te r n e t acce ss in y o u r ro o m
at g re a t s a v in g s . I'v e a tta c h e d a le a íle t th a t g iv e s y o u a b it m o re in ío r m a tio n a b o u t th e p ía n .

If w e c a n b e o f a n y í u r t h e r a s s is ta n c e , p le a s e d o n o t h e s ita te to c o n ta c t us.

Los A n g e le s A ir p o r t M a r r io t t
5 8 5 5 VVest C e n tu ry B o u le v a rd
Los A n g e le s , C a liíó rn ia 9 0 0 4 5 U S A
Sales p n o n e :

1 -3 1 0 -3 3 7 -5 3 3 1
Sales fa x :
1 - 3 1 0 -3 3 7 -8 0 8 4


Co nne ct in g you to th e world!

For a set daily rate of 12.95 USD, you get, in your guest room:

1. High-speed Internet access

2. Unlimited local phone calls
3. Unlimited long-distance calls (within the US)

This offer is good only in Business Suites.

175. Why was this e-mail serit? 178. What is m ost likely true about Mr. Rogers?
(A) to otter a Service (A) He is going on holiday.
(B) to ansvver an enquiry (B) He is visiting LA. for business.
(C) to recommend accommodation (C) He is from LA.
(D) to acknowledge a booking (D) He wìll arrive in LA. by train.

176. When is Mr. Rogers thinking of staying at the hotel? 179. If you have purchased the Wired-For-Business Plan, what
(A) the 12th of June do you have to pay extra for?
(B) the 12th to the 25th ot June (A) vvireless internet
(C) the 24th of June (B) internet in your own room
(D) the 24th and 25th of June (C) local phone calls
(D) international phone calls

177. If Mr. Rogers does not use the Wired-For-Business plan,

where can he use the internet?
(A) in a Public park
(B) in the hotel lobby
(C) in his hotel room
(D) he will have to go to an internet cafe

I 83
T O E IC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

Questions 180 - 181 re fe r to th e fo llo w in g card.

CloudNine is now unveiling handsets better

suited for use as multimedia players.

We predict that the market for such phones,

which can be used to surf the web, play music
Practice Test 7

and games, and even make calls, is set to grow

by 50% to 120 million units this year.

Looking into the future, we will deliver great

devices, combined with compelling experiences
and Services, to make it easy for people to
unlock the potential of the Internet.
......... - .........; ............ . " I.I

180. Who is this card aimed at?

(A) someone who might buy a Cloud Nine phone
(B) Cloud Nine employees
(C) someone who might invest in Cloud Nine
(D) someone who is learning about the internet

181. Why do they say the phone can "even make calls"?
(A) It is a use of humor.
(B) It is unusual for these phones.
(C) This is the main use of the phone.
(D) It shows they are advanced.

TOEIC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

Questions 182 - 186 refer to the following letter and electronic ticket.

Oear M r. A tkinson
Thank you f o r giving P rofessional T ravel In c . th e o p p o rtu n ity to make your tra v e l arrangem ents
f o r your to rth c o m in g t r ip to Canada. Y our e le c tro n ic tic k e t f o r your t lig h t is a tta ch e d .
Please p rin t i t o u t and ta k e i t w ith you to th e a irp o rt.

We hope th a t you a re pleased w ith th e a ir tra v e l and th e h otel accom m odation th a t we

arranged f o r you. W e encourage y o u r com m ents, in s o ta r as th a t is th e b e s t means th a t we
have f o r learning f i r s t hand i f th e re p re s e n ta tio n s o f q u a lity th a t a re made to us a re accurate.

W e hope th a t you have a pleasant and successtul tr ip , and th a t vvill a ffo r d us th e o p p o rtu n ity
to help you plan yo u r n e x t vacation o r business tr ip .

S incerely,
M aria C onstantine
I Protessional T ravel In c .

Booking Number: 7050543
Invoice Number: 471016
Invoice Date: 27-May-07

Zoom Airlines Inc

Suite 200 380 Hunt Club Road
Ottavva, Ontario K1C 1V1
Tel: 613-235-9666
Fax: 613-231-7340

Flỉght Iníormatỉon
Flight Number Departure Oeparture From Departure To Arrival Time
Date Day Time
z A 523 20 June 07 Friday London 15:05 Vancouver 16:10
ZA 722 29 June 07 Sunday Vancouver 16:00 London 09:00

Seat Information: Business

Baggage allovvance: 2 pieces to ta l w eight 20Kg

This ticket is not transferable/refundable to any other tlight or person.

This receipt may be required at check-in and must be presented to customs and immigration if requested.

182. What is the number of the invoice for the ticket? 185. At what time will Mr. Atkinson arrive back in London?
(A) 471016 (C) 27-May-07 (A) 15:05
(B) 7050543 (D) K1C 1V1 (B) 16:10
(C) 09:00
183. Why does Protessional Travel Inc. like receiving comments? (D) 16:00

(A) to get an idea of how helptul their employees are

(B) because they enjoy positive teedback 186. How much baggage can Mr. Atkinson take?
(C) so they know if the hotels they recommend are good (A) two 20kg bags
(D) because this represents their quality (B) two bags each weighing lOkg
(C) four bags each weighing 5kg
184. What does Mr. Atkinson need to do with the ticket? (D) one 25kg bag
(A) print it out
(B) put it in a safe place
(C) transter it to another person
(D) pay for it

TOEIC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

Questions 187 - 189 re fe r to th e following leaílet.


NEW Tree Identiíication Tours

11,30am every Saturday starting 6th October, 2011

Starting from the Plants + People Exhibition, Museum No. 1 (the large Victorian building opposite the
Palm House)
P ractice Test 7

Tours last v h hours. Limited to 15 people.

£5 per person (This does not include entry to the gardens)

On this special vveekly tour with one of Kew's Volunteer Guides, you will learn to identity common trees,
vvhatever the season.

You will need to wear suitable outdoor clothing and íootvvear because these tours will take place in all
but the most inclement vveather (at the Guide's discretion on the day).

Pre-booking essential

Tel: 0208 332 5604 (vveekdays only)


187. How much should you expect to pay altogether 189. If the weather is rainy, what will happen?
if you are going on the tour? (A) The tour will probably take place.
(A) less than £5 (C) more than £5 (B) The tour will probably not take place.
(B) £5 exactly (D) no more than £15 (C) The tour will detinitely be canceled.
(D) The people who booked will decide.
188. What should you do if you want to take the tour?
(A) sign up at the Plants + People Exhibition
(B) book a place in advance
(C) go only on a sunny day
(D) wait fo r the guide in the Palm House

Questions 190 - 192 re fe r to th e following e-m ail.

TO: All Employees

FROM: Management
SUBJECT: Vacations

This is to provide notice to all ComCast employees of our new company policy in regards to vacations.

Notice of your intention to take a vacation must be given to the company no less than a month prior to
your vacation. This will enable us to employ temporary help. if necessary, and to schedule vacations in
a manner that will not be disruptive to the compàny.

There is a form that you must fill out to provide notice, which you may pick up in the Personnel Office.
Thank you for your co-operation.

BĨU Chambers

190. What was the policy on vacations probably like betore? (C) to save the company money
(A) Vacations were not allowed. (D) to limit the choice of vacation times
(B) More notice was required.
(C) Less notice was required. 192. Elow do you give notice of the vacation you wish
(D) Vacations were scheduled by the company. to take?
(A) tell Bill Chambers
191. What is a reason the company gives for maklng (B) post it on your ottice door
the changes? (C) fill out a torm
(A) to make the process tairer (D) tell your manager
(B) to have time to hire extra vvorkers
TOEIC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

Ịuestion 193 • 197 re íe r to th e following job announcem ent and e-m ail.

From :

lan Benson,

Thank you for your interest in the jobs at our hospital. I received the message
you left on my answering machine, and as you were out when I returned your
call, I have decided to respond to the e-mail address you left.

Regarding your first question, I think you would find the working conditions at
Stepping Hill Hospital satisfactory. We are a small hospital, and the workload is
less ovenvhelming than some city hospitals. Some of our equipment is not the
newest, but we’ve secured funding to remedy that in the next year.

Regarding your second question, I see no reason why you couldn’t applv for
both positions.

Liz Waddell

193. What is ditterent about the tw o jobs? 196. Why did Liz VVaddell w rite to lan Benson?
(A) the qualitications of the person required (A) to encourage him to apply
(B) the place of work (B) to ansvver an enquiry
(C) the number of hours required (C) to submit an application
(D) the date of intervievvs (D) to announce that she secured tunding

194. What reterence number should you quote if you want 197. What is most likely the tirs t question lan Benson asked?
to apply for a part time job? (A) Is stepping Hill a City hospital?

(A) 3 1 2 /0 5 /JTS (B) How up to date is the equipment?

(B) 2 1 3 /0 5 /JTS (C) Can I apply for both jobs?
(C) 0161 419 5462 (D) What are the vvorking conditions like?
(D) 2 1 2 /0 5 /JTS

195. What kind of job does Uz VVaddell do?

(A) She is a doctor.
(B) She is a manager of a hospital.
(C) She works in the Personnel Department.
(D) She is a teacher.

TOEIC Practice Test 7 Section II: Reading

Questions 198 - 200 re íe r to th e following news article.

The us President is due to meet the Dalai Lama, despite strong objections from the
Chinese government. It will be the tirst time a sitting president will have appeared in
Public with the 72-year-old Buddhist leader.
P ractice Test 7

On VVednesday the president will attend a ceremony at the us Capitol where the Dalai
Lama will receive a Congressional Gold Medal, the top us civilian award.

A Chinese spokesman said Beijing would like the us "to correct the mistakes and to
cancel the arrangements". A VVhite House spokesvvoman said that the us President
understood Beijing's concerns, but "we would hope that the Chinese leaders would get
to know the Dalai Lama as the president sees him - as a spiritual leader and someone
who wants peace", she said.

198. What is unique about the meeting? 2 0 0 . How does China feel about this event?
(A) A president has never appeared in Public with the (A) supportive
Dalai Lama betore. (B) inditterent
(B) It is occurring in order to give the Dalai Lama (C) puzzled
a very prestigious avvard. (D) angry
(C) It is supporting the cause of peace.
(D) It is the tirs t time the Dalai Lama will be in the
us Capital.

199. What is true about the Dalai Lama?

(A) He is an im portant spiritual leader in China.
(B) He is in his seventies.
(C) He was an enemy of the us in the past.
(D) He is respected by everyone.

ice Test 8

U JO ri*ệA |J)U «q U MMM s
TOE1C Practice Test 8 Section I; Lỉstening

TEST8 Section I: Listening

In this section of the test, you will ha\/e the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part I: Photographs
Directions: F or each question, you w ill see a p ictu re and you w ill hear fo u r s h o rt statem ents. T he state-
m ents w ill be spoken just one tim e . T hey w ill n o t be p rinted in y o u r test b o o k so you m ust listen careíully to
P ractice Test 8

understand w h a t th e speaker says. W h e n you hear th e fo u r statem ents, lo o k at the p ictu re and choose the
statem ent th a t best describes w h a t you see in the picture. C hoose th e best ansvver A, B, c o r D.

N ow listen to the four statements.
Statement (D) best describes what you see in the picture.
Theretore, you should choose answer (D).

He is on the phone.
She is driving the car.
She ís typing on the Computer.
He is sitting next to her.

S a m p le A n s m
rOEIC Practice Test 8 Section I: Listening

8 ạsại 33Ị*>lMd
TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section I: Listening

8. A B c D 8 *sai BopovAd
TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section I: Listening

Part 2: Question-Response
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a question or statement spoken in English, followed by three
responses, also spoken in English. The question or statement and the responses will be spoken just one time. They wìll
not be printed in your test book, so you must listen careíully. You are to choose the best response to each question or
statement. N ow listen to a sample question.
Yòu will hear: Man: Why are you late?
Woman: A . I hope I won’t be.
B. My car broke down.
c. He always is.
P ractice Test 8

The best response is choice B, "My car broke down". Thereíore, you should choose B.

11 B c 21 A B. .. c 31 A ... B.... c
12 A ... B c 22 A ... B. c 32 A B c....
13 A B.... c 23 A ... B c. 33 A ... B c.
14 A.... B.... c 24 A B.... c.... 34 A ... B.... c
15 A B c 25 A B.... c . 35 A.... B.... c....
16 A B.... c. 26 A B c 36 A.... B c ....
17 A ... B.... c. 27 A B.... c 37 A B c
18 A B.... c 28 A ... B c 38 A B.... c
19 A B...« c... 29 A ... B. c 39 A.... B. c
20 A B... c 30 A B c. 40 A B. c....
TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section I: Listening
Ĩ ° E

P a r t 3: Conversations
D ire c tio n s : You will hear some conversations berween two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about
/hat the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A ), (B ), (C ).
I (D ) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and wffl be spoken only one time.

41. What does the woman think of Barry's photos? 45. What will the woman do on Saturday?

8 *sBJL B O ịW Ầ d
(A) She hasn't seen them yet. (A) collect her son atter work
(B) He ought to buy a new camera. (B) go to a conterence with her husband
(C) They weren't as good as the last ones he took. (C) work only in the morning
(D) They are surprisingly good. (D) work atter four o'clock

42. What does the man think? 46. What will the woman get?
(A) Barry needs to do a photography course. (A) lunch on Saturday
(B) Barry isn't particularly talented. (B) some time off work
(C) The photographs are terrible. (C) free food and extra money
(D) He doesn't even want to see the photos. (D) a trip to a restaurant for lunch

43. What does the woman think about the man's reaction? 47. What is Mr. Jones trying to do?
(A) He is jealous. (A) get a job
(B) He is depressed. (B| join a sports Club
(C) He is curious. (C) buy a house
(D) He is coníident. (D) be a teacher

44. Why do they need to work on Saturday? 48. What is the woman's criticism of Mr. Jones?
(A) They have been on holiday. (A) He's too shy.
(B) They are desperate for the extra work. (B) He's over-confident.
(C) They are short of staff. (C) He has no experience of vvorking with people.
(D) They are behind with an order. (D) He isn't healthy enough.

TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section I: Listening

49. Who will make the tinal decision? 6 0 . What can be said about the woman?
(A) the director (A) She is considerate.
(B) the woman (B) She is annoyed.
(C) the two speakers (C) She doesn't understand his problems.
(D) a committee (D) She is not sympathetic.

50. What is true of the situation? 61. What will the man do?
(A) They otten meet in that place. (A) sing his new songs
(B) They'd arranged to meet for a coffee. (B) play games
P ractice Test 8

(C) They will go for a coffee now. (C) cook dinner

(D) It was an unexpected meeting. (D) bring some food

51. Where are they? 62. What didn't the man have at the last conterence?
(A) cafe (C) shop (A) credit cards (C) a Computer
(B) ottice (D) library (B) luggage (D) his passport

52. What is true about the speakers? 63. When will the man phone?
(A) Their children have left home. (A) as soon as he arrives
(B) They both have children living at home. (B) later when he is free
(C) One of them doesn't have any children. (C) the next morning
(D) They wish they hadn't had children. (D) just betore his meeting

53. What has the man done? 6 4 . What is the relationship between the speakers?
(A) sold his house (A) husband and wife
(B) just returned from an expensive holiday (B) triends
(C) bought a holiday home (C) colleagues
(D) booked a holiday (D) boss and employee

54. How could the man attord the house? 65. Where is the man?
(A) His tather died. (A) in the woman's home
(B) He bought a smaller house. (B) on the phone
(C) His tather lent him the money. (C) with the woman in a shop
(D) He sold his house and moved abroad. (D) in the woman's office

55. What will the woman do? 66. What was the problem?
(A) buy a holiday home (A) The Computer wasn't connected to the electricity SUPI
(B) stay at the man's holiday home fo r free (B) The mouse was broken.
(C) rent the man's holiday home (C) The Computer crashed.
(D) start saving money for a holiday home (D) They couldn't find out what was wrong with it.

56. Where is the cafe? 67. How does the man react?
(A) in the park (A) angrily
(B) next to the bank (B) in a tunny way
(C) next to the cinema (C) in an untriendly way
(D) opposite the baker's (D) patiently

57. What does George seem to be like? 6 8 . What is wrong with Ben?
(A) very rích (A) The bad vveather stopped him from going to work.
(B) poor (B) He is in a meeting.
(C) caretul with his money (C) He is sick.
(D) generous (D) He has to go away.

58. What is the relationship between the speakers? 69. What will happen about the meeting?

(A) brother and sister (A) They'11 hold it vvithout Ben.

(B) husband and wife (B) It will be cancelled completely.
(C) colleagues (C) It will be postponed until a later date.
(D) neighbors (D) Ben will rearrange it.

59. What is the man's situation? 70. What will the man do?
(A) He doesn't have any triends. (A) give Susan some money
(B) He doesn't have time to relax. (B) help Susan in the tuture
(C) He's in the middle of his exams. (C) tinish the Jameson Project
(D) He tailed his exams. (D) go to the dentist now
rOEIC Practice Test 8 Section I: Listening

*art 4: Taiks
i * D irections: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about
vhat the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A ), (B ), (C ), or (D )
( on your ansvver sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71. What is the situation with the Chicago train? 7 9 . When can you get a full meal?
(A) It has been cancelled. (A) just in the evening
(B) It has just left. (B) once the bar has opened
(C) Bad vveather has made it late. (C) anytime betore ten in the evening
(D) lt will leave from plattorm three. (D) anytime until the bar opens

72. What is the time now? 80. What does the speaker think people need to do
(A) 11.15 to be happy?
(B) 11 o'clock (A) believe in their dreams

9 *s ạ |_
(C) 11.10 (B) be in control of the people around them
(D) 11.30 (C) study well-known sayings
(D) look as young as they can
73. What should you do if you lose a bag?
(A) go to the ticket office 81. What should people do?
(B) nothing, it will be destroyed (A) make big changes in their lite, even if they are happy
(C) tell a security guard (B) be more cynical about other people
(D) go to the ottice next to the cafe (C) change their appearance regularly
(D) be avvare of how happy they are with their lite
74. What was discovered in the American study?
(A) People smoke more in Calitornia. 82. What does the speaker say about the past?
(B) Teachers tend to be heavy smokers. (A) you are certain to repeat old mistakes
(C) Female teachers are not as healthy as male teachers. (B) try to torge t it
(D) Smoking can raise the risk of cancer by nearly a third. (C) accept it for what it was
(D) it's usually better than you remember it being
75. What does Dr. Cannes believe?
(A) Women can do nothing to stop breast cancer. 83. What can Black's Homecare Services probably
(B) Women need to be more responsible. NOT help you with?
(C) Sadness causes women to smoke. (A) a new shower
(D) It makes no ditterence how much you smoke. (B) turniture
(C) a toilet tlush
76. What is the general point of this report? (D) lighting
(A) to educate women about the risks of smoking
(B) to criticize cigarette manutacturers 84. What should you do if you didn't receive a product?
(C) to intorm teachers of the risks of smoking (A) press 1
(D) to show that cancer is a depressing disease (B) press 3
(C) hold the line
77. What is NOT mentioned as an event that the hotel (D) press 2
caters for?
(A) birthdays 85. What is true about this month's special offer?
(B) tunerals (A) it is only on DVD players
(C) anniversaries (B) it has just run out

(D) vveddings (C) it has a time limit

(D) today is the last day
78. Who can use the swimming pool?
(A) everyone
(B) people using the restaurant
(C) people who have a room
(D) hotel staff
TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section I: Listening

8 6 . What is the danger to holidaymakers? 94. What can you do?

(A) deep water (A) some gentle exercise every now and then
(B) dirty water (B) stand vvhile you are vvorking
(C) food poisoning (C) have your Computer positioned up high
(D) too much sun (D) don't work from home

87. What is causing the problem? 95. VVhere is this announcement being made?
(A) too many tourists (A) shopping center
P ractice Test 8

(B) lack of proper cleaning (B) harbor

(C) no cleaning at all (C) airport
(D) dirty toilets |D) train station

8 8 . What did the experts find? 96. What has happened to Mr Brown?
(A) only one out of four pools was clean enough (A) He has lost his bag.
(B) only three out of four pools passed the te st (B) His bag is damaged.
(C) most pools were a serious health hazard (C) He has torgo tte n his bag.
(D) hotel pools were worse than apartment pools (D) His journey has been delayed.

89. Which meal was probably served on this tlight? 97. What will Mr Brovvn probably do?
(A) lunch (A) buy a new bag
(B) dinner (B) not travel at all
(C) breaktast (C) pay a fine
(D) atternoon tea (D) ignore the message

90. Where is the plane going to? 98. What is the lecture about?
(A) Athens (A) tashion
(B) Milan (B) history
(C) Rome (C) geography
(D) The Alps (D) human biology

91. What is expected to happen in about ten minutes' time? 99. What form of payment is tirs t mentioned?
(A) turbulence (A) plants
(B) they will land (B) money
(C) the tlight will be more comtortable (C) animals
(D) they will be given a meal (D) art

92. Who is this report aimed at? 100. Where was money in its modern form tirs t used?
(A) Computer manutacturers (A) Italy
(B) people who work at Computer shops (B) England
(C) office managers (C) West Indies
(D) people who work on a Computer at home (D) Turkey

93. Which is NOT mentioned as a possible health problem?

(A) sore eyes
(B) headache
(C) shoulder pains
(D) backache

T O E IC Practice Test 8 Section 1: Listening

8 6 . What is the danger to holidaymakers? 9 4 . What can you do?

(A) deep water (A) some gentle exercise every now and then
(B) dirty water (B) stand while you are working
(C) food poisoning (C) have your Computer positioned up high
(D) too much sun (D) don't work from home

8 7 . What is causing the problem? 9 5 . Where is this announcement being made?

(A) too many tourists (A) shopping center
0 0 (B) lack of proper cleaning (B) harbor
(C) no cleaning at all (C) airport
(D) dirty toilets (D) train station

ỉ 8 8 . What did the experts find? 9 6 . What has happened to Mr Brovvn?

Q (A) only one out of four pools was clean enough (A) He has lost his bag.

0 (B) only three out of four pools passed the te st (B) His bag is damaged.
(C) most pools were a serious health hazard (C) He has torgo tte n his bag.
(D) hotel pools were worse than apartment pools (D) His journey has been delayed.
L i 8 9 . Which meal was probably served on this tlight? 9 7 . What will Mr Brovvn probably do?
0 . (A) lunch (A) buy a new bag
(B) dinner (B) not travel at all
(C) breaktast (C) pay a fine
(D) atternoon tea (D) ignore the message

9 0 . Where is the plane going to? 9 8 . What is the lecture about?

(A) Athens (A) tashion
(B) Milan (B) history
(C) Rome (C) geography
(D) The Alps (D) human biology

91. What is expected to happen in about ten minutes' time? 9 9 . What form of payment is tirs t mentioned?
(A) turbulence (A) plants
(B) they will land (B) money
(C) the tlight will be more comtortable (C) animals
(D) they will be given a meal (D) art

9 2 . Who is this report aimed at? 10 0. Where was money in its modern form tirs t used?
(A) Computer manutacturers (A) Italy
(B) people who work at Computer shops (B) England
(C) office managers (C) West Indies
(D) people who work on a Computer at home (D) Turkey

9 3 . Which is NOT mentioned as a possible health problem?

(A) sore eyes
(B) headache
(C) shoulder pains
(D) backache




rOEIC Practice Test 8 Section II: Reading

ĩection II: Reading

t the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions.
he entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to
nswer as many questions as possible within the time allovved. You must mark your ansvvers on the separate answer
leet. Do not vvrite your answers in your test book.

Part 5: Incomplete Sentences

D irectio n s: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below
each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on
vour answer sheet.

The mother held her newborn
(A ) loving

8 }saj_
(B) lovely
(C ) lovingly
(D ) love

Correct ansvver: (C)

101. The menu at the new restaurant is q u ite ______ ; Pm sure 107. In our office, on Fridays, people can wear jeans, T-shirts
everyone will find something they like the sound of. and o th e r __________ clothes.
(A) varied (A) casual
(B) plain (B) dowdy
(C) delicious (C) tormal
(D) changeable (D) curious

102. If you have a n y ______about the Service you received, 108. There were 30 applicants, all ot whom were well qualitied.
you can fill out a complaint form. This field is just t o o ___________ .
(A) interjection (A) competitive
(B) objection (B) complicated
(C) opinion (C) Progressive
(D) inclination (D) comprehensive

103. T h e _________ of the steering com m ittee made 109. For international tlights it is im p o rta n t______ at the
the business much more ettective. airport at least two hours early.
(A) Creative (A) being
(B) creating (B) you are
(C) re-create (C) to be
(D) creation (D) be

104. Electricity is expensive because we have only one supplier 110. This brand of shoes is quite ordinary; hovvever, their
vvhich has a ________ . advertising campaign is t r u ly _____________ .
(A) royalty (A) innovating
(B) monopoly (B) innovation
(C) ruling (C) innovated
(D) majority (D) innovative

105. The letter from Ms. Wells seems to have vanished 111. Laura, could you p le a s e _________this e-mall to Todd
without a _______ . as I don't have his e-mail address?

(A) whisper (A) pass off

(B) peep (B) forward
(C) trace (C) put through
(D) tlash (D) reply

106. ____ being ill with the flu, Mr. Smith gave 112. I ___________the job application last Thursday, but I don't
an excellent presentation. expect to hear anything for a vvhile.
(A) Hovvever (A) interviewed
(B) Nevertheless (B) ottered
(C) Theretore (C) placed
(D) Despite (D) submitted _______

g a
TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section II: Reading

113. The researchers are a im in g _________ their results 1 2 2 . ______Alan came up with the idea, he should present it
in a highly regarded journal. at the meeting.
(A) publishing (A) Although
(B) published (B) However
(C) to publish (C) Theretore
(D) publish (D) Since

114. Julie was late again today, and her boss told h e r ______ . 123. Katherine w a s ____________to the position of manager
P ractice Test 8

(Ã) off atter only working fo r the company fo r one year.

(B) in (A) advanced
(C) for (B) promoted
(D) vvhich (C) increased
(D) evaluated
115. Why did you agree to work such long hours?
If I were you I would h a v e _________ . 124. We will have to m a k e ______ in our budget this month
(A) retused because proíits are down.
(B) reclined (A) holes
(C) redoubled (B) leaps
(D) retormed (C) tucks
(D) cuts
116. I would like to make a (n )__________ for a table for eight
at lpm please. 125. If you are e x p e c tin g _________ , you are very likely to be
(A) invitation disappointed.
|B) reservation (A) pretectures
(C) conservation (B) pertectionist
(D) application (C) pertecting
(D) pertection
117. T h e _________ fo r this Computer comes in seven
languages. 126. George was w o rrie d _______ what to wear to the job
(A) manual interview.
|B) mandate (A) for
(C) magazine (B) from
(D) manuíacture (C) about
(D) at
118. We can assure you that our product i s __________
any of the competition. 127. You should iron that shirt because it is full o f _________ . ■
(A) best than (A) stains
(B) better than (B) lines
(C) the best (C) tears
(D) as good (D) creases

119. People o tte n ________ their money in real estate. 128. We a r e ________ on you to have the report done
(A) invest by Friday; don't let us down.
(B) impound (A) rooting
(C) increase (B) leaning
(D) tinance (C) counting
(D) believing
120. The goods may if for any reason you are not
satistied. 129. Maurice is the last person you vvould describe a s _______ 1?
(A) return he is sure to tell you about all his achievements.

(B) have returned (A) proud

(C) be returned (B) retiring
(D) be returning (C) modest
(D) meek
121. If you were injured in the workplace, you should be eligible
f o r _______ . 130. Anna did exactly what I would have d o n e ________ if I was 1
(A) compensation in her shoes.
(B) redundancy (A) my own
(C) demotion (B) for me
(D) promotion (C) herselt
(D) myselt

TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section II: Reading

131. I think Mr. White was im p ressed___ presentation. 136. The plane was de la yed________ high winds.
(A) by our (A) accounting for
(B) at the (B) causing
(C) trom our (C) regarding
(D) on the (D) due to

132. It's a b í t _________ to celebrate now; best wait until 137. Maria's cafe i s ________ and so she is thinking of opening
the contract is signed! another.
(A) premeditated (A) bursting
(B) pressing (B) thriving
(C) premature (C) pining
(D) predetermined (D) striving

133. The office space was tastetul a n d _________ . 138. Very little got done at the meeting as no one w a s _____ .
(A) invited (A) prepared

8 }S 0J_
(B) inviting (B) going to prepare
(C) invitation (C) preparing
(D) invitingly (D) to prepare

134. Tom is a (n )_________ who says people should not 1 3 9 . __ one of the positions would be a great opportunity;
be motivated by money. you will just have to pick vvhichever sounds best!
(A) idealist (A) Neither
(B) pessimist (B) Rather
(C) optimist (C) Either
(D) philanthropist (D) Both

135. It is an honor to be vvorking with such 140. One of o u r ________ this quarter is to increase sales
colleagues. by 30 percent.
(A) prestigious (A) liabilities
(B) preposterous (B) aspirations
(C) intimidating (C) inclinations
(D) intamous (D) objectives

TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section II: Reading

Part 6: Text Completion

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A w ord or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer
choices are given belovv each of the sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter
(A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 re fe r to the following le tte r. Questions 144-146 re te r to the following

D ear Mr. C ham bers

Sainsbury's in lig h t bulb giveaw ay

Thank y o u fo r y o u r le tte r o f 1 4 th June in w h ic h y o u
explained th e c irc u m s ta n c e s behind y o u r re q u e s t f o r an
S u p e rm a rk e t Sainsbury's w ill g iv e a w a y One
o f tim e t o re m it y o u r p a y m e n t on in v o ic e
m illio n e n e rg y -s a v in g lig h t b u lb s a t its Stores on S a tu rd a y .

144. (A) o u tle t

141. (A) extent
(B) branch
(B) extending
(C) Chain
(C) extension
(D) link
(D) extendable
T im e d fo r w hen th e c lo c k s g o b ack, S ainsbury's said it
W e do a p p re c ia te y o u r s tra ig h tfo rw a rd n e s s and have n o te d
w a n te d t o __________p e o p le t o s a ve e le c tr ic ity d u rin g th e
on y o u r a c c o u n t th a t y o u r p a y m e n t w ill be m ad e on l s t
d a rk m o n th s ahead. T o c la im th e ir bulb, c u s to m e rs w ill have
N o ve m b e r.
to ta k e an e n e rg y -s a v in g p le d g e to t r y to re c y c ie b a g s and
Y ou have been a lo ya l c u s to m e r o f o u rs fo r q u ite s o m e
svvitch t o shovvers fr o m b a th s. The Chain w ill a lso be urg in g
tim e and if th is g e s tu re on o u r p a rt helps t o __________
c u s to m e rs t o u n plug th e ir m o b ile phone c h a rg e rs , d ry
y o u r c u rre n t s itu a tio n , w e a re c e rta in ly p le a se d to
c lo th e s o u ts id e in s te a d o f in tu m b le d ry e rs and keep the
a ssista n c e .
trid g e and fre e z e r run n in g m o re e ttic ie n tly .

S in ce re ly,
145. (A) require
M a rth a B ro o k s id e
F a irm ile A u to (B) torce
(C) revvard
142. (A) silence (D) encourage
(B) appease
Sainsbury's w ill be handing o u t P hilips 11W e n e rg y s a ve r
(C) prevent
bulbs, e q u iv a le n t t o a re g u la r 6 0 w a t t bulb, th a t u sually
(D) ease re ta il fo r £ 2 .

143. (A) give as S w itc h in g t o ju s t one e n e rg y -s a v in g lig h t bulb, w h ich uses

(B) help with 80% le ss e n e r g y __________tra d itio n a l bulbs, s a v e s in the
(C) be of re g io n o f £ 7 e v e ry year.
(D) otter for
146. (A) from
(B) rather than
(C) than the
(D) instead of

TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section II: Reading

Questions 147 - 149 refer to the following letter. Questions 150 - 152 reter to the following news

February 21
A report by Barclays Wealth questioned 790 wealthy
Josephine Brown
individuals from around the world on their investment
81 Vew Crescent
__________. It tound that only 48% of respondents
York YH3 8GE
planned to buy turther investments in stocks over the next
three years, down from 64% over the past 36 months.
Dear Ms. Brown

8 }sạj_
150. (A) preterred
Following on from our interviews on the 5th of February,
we would like to intorm you that you have been chosen (B) preterences
as one of 20 candidates to move on to our second (C) preterential
of interviewing on the 12th of March. (D) preterably
Your intervievv is scheduled for lpm. Please let us know
This comes following re c e n t________on the world-wide
if you will be able to attend.
stock markets, sparked by record loan detaults in the us
mortgage market and a resulting shorttall in global credit,
147. (A) screen
which has attected two continents.
(B) term
(C) round
151. (A) demand
(D) attem pt
(B) consciousness
All the intervievvs will be held in the main meeting rooms of (C) turbulence
the Grand Hotel on Regents Street. If you do require travel (D) clarity
expenses, bring your re c e ip ts ________ intervievv, and
By contrast, 15% of respondents said they planned to
please give them to Ms. Simpson who will be signing the
invest in private equity tunds, up from 11% over the past
I candidates in.
three years; while 21% said they expected to invest in
hedge tunds, up from 20%.
148. (A) to the
(B) into The report added t h a t ________ the increase in popularity
(C) for you of such alternative investments, just 27% of respondents
(D) with your said they understood how hedge tunds worked, while only
36% said they knew how private equity schemes operated.

We wish you luck, and will point out that vvhatever the
152. (A) despite
of the intervievvs, we were highly impressed
(B) hovvever
with your cv as you were chosen from out of over 200
(C) although
(D) theretore

Alan Wright,

149. (A) turnover

(B) turnout
(C) outset
(D) outcome

TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section II: Reading

Part 7: Reading Comprehension

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and nevvspaper articles, letters, and
advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best ansvver for each question and mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D ) on your answer sheet.

Are you someone who enjoys trying new things and does not feel uncomíortable in new environments? Then why
P ractice Test 8

not get paid for it? CULTURE magazine is looking for individuals to go to new clubs, events, etc. and write about
the cultural scene they observe in these places. Interested? Send your resume to CULTURE@ Please
no phone calls.

What type of person would be best qualiíied for this job?

(A) A homebody
(B) An introvert
(C ) A clumsy person
(D) A risk-taker
Correct answer: (D)

Questions 153-157 re íe r to th e following le tte r and leaflet.

To: All Employees

Date: November 8

Dear Employees, The cardholder (name)

is an employee of Lunch Break and is entitled to
l'm sure you V e heard o f exchange schem es, when tw o the following discount at the British Museum:
com panies tra d e Services a t a d iscou nt to each
o th e r's em ployees. Well, l'm happy to announce th a t a) Free admission between 1 and 3 pm from
we, a t Lunch Break, now have an exchange schem e Monday to Friday
w ith the B ritish Museum!
b) a 30% discount on admission for his or her
This is a great opportunity for all of you to take a party at any time except Saturdays.
stroll through the museum on your lunch break, when
admission wìll be tree. All you have to do is show
your exchange card, which is enclosed. Also, the same This card is valid from ls t September 2011 to September 30th 2012.
card entitles you and your party 30% off admission at
most other times.

Also, please be aware that when British Museum

employees show their exchange card in our cate, they
are entitled to 50% off food purchases. That is food,
but not drinks.

Enjoy, 155. At which time will the cardholder take a 30% discount?
Duncan Jones, Personnel (A) Sunday atternoon
(B) Saturday morning
153. What is being exchanged? (C) Tuesday at 1 pm
(A) intormation (D) Friday at 2:30 pm
(B) discounts
(C) employees 156. What do the Museum employees get in the exchange

(D) lunch hours

(A) a discount on food and drink
154. What time do employees of Lunch Break have (B) a discount on food
a lunch break? (C) tree food
(A) atter 3 pm (D) free admission
(B) betvveen 12 and lpm
(C) betvveen 1 and 3pm 157. What do the card holders need to do betore using
(D) between 1 and 2pm the card?
(A) contact the British Museum
(B) get their or their manager's signature
(C) get the card from their manager
(D) fill in their name

rO EIC Practice Test 8 Section II: Reading

Ịuestions 158 - 160 re íe r to the following notice.


The restrooms on level four will be closed from 3pm on Friday until
1pm on Monday, for returbishment and replacement of the toilets.
At this time please use the restrooms on level one or level three.

Disabled toilets are available on level one.

During this time, there may also be extra activity and noise on level
tour. We apologize for any inconvenience for those with ottices on
level tour, and appreciate your patience while we carry out this
important work.

8 }sạ]_

158. Who is this notice meant for?

(A) office workers
(B) construction workers
(C) cleaners
(D) management

159. What will be true about the toilets on Tuesday?

(A) They will be being worked on.
(B) They will be in a new place.
(C) They will be new.
(D) They will be broken.

16 0. What is NOT an inconvenience that can be expected?

(A) a lack of toilet tacilities
(B) extra noise
(C) extra commotion
(D) having to go tarther to reach a toilet

TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section II: Reading

Questions 161 - 163 re íe r to th e following receipt.


1 Mushroom Risotto $7.95

2 Garden Salad $6.00
1 Meat Lasagna $8.95
1 Pepperoni Pizza $8.88
2 Diet Coke $1.10
1 Sprite $0.50
3 Chocolate Cake $15.00
Total $48.38
Tax @ 8% $ 3.87
Grand Total $52.25

Thankyou and come again!

*T his receip t e n title s y o u to fr e e p a rk in g if y o u

p re s e n t it a t th e p a y m e n t k io s k o n leaving.

161. Which meal of the day is this receipt for? 163. What is not included in the bill?
(A) breaktast (A) drinks
(B) lunch (B) sales tax
(C) dinner (C) parking
(D) late-night snack (D) a tip

162. How many people probably ate?

(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) tour

Questions 164 - 165 re fe r to th e íollovving card.

In case of an emergency landing, always follow the instructions of the crew. Aisle lights
will guide you to the nearest exit, vvhich may be located either in front of or behind you.
Please leave personal belongings behind and remove high-heeled shoes before using the
inílatable exit slide.
Do not inílate your life vest until after you have exited.

164. Where is this card m ost likely to be located?

(A) on a bus
(B) on a train
(C) on a terry
(D) on a plane

165. How can you find the exit?

(A) by following the lights
(B) by looking in tront and behind
(C) by asking the crew
(D) by reading the card

TOEIC Practice Test 8 Sectỉon II: Reading

Ịuestions 166 - 170 re íe r to th e following m em o and form .

To: A ll E m ploye es
From : Finance O ffic e
S ubject: Expense A c c o u n t F o rm

In cases w h e re y o u a re cla im in g expenses, please use th e en clo sed fo rm . Please n o te th a t

changes have been m ad e fr o m last year's fo rm , and th is w ill no ĩo n g e r be acce p te d .

In p a rticu la r, w e have s e p a ra te d th e tra v e l se ctio n in to t w o cate gories: tra v e l expenses

using a p e rso n a l a u to , and o th e r m o d e s o f tra n s p o rta tio n .
W e w ill c o n tin u e t o p ro ce ss th e se ío rm s q u a rte rly .

Bill M ille r

8 *S0JL
For period ending:

H otel/Lodging $
Meals $
Tax $
Travel (air, tra in , bus) $ _
Personal auto miles X cents $
Parking $
Phone $
O th e r (item ize):
___$ _

Total: $

I c e rtify the above is a true statem ent o f incurred expenses in accordance with company
policy. Receipts are attached.


166. What will happen if the old form is used? (C) He is a traveling businessman.
(A) It will not be processed. (D) He owns a business.
(B) It will take longer to be processed.
(C) The calculations may be vvrong.
169. What should be done with the receipts?
(A) They should be handed in with the form.
(D) It will be processed with no problems.
(B) They should be kept as a record.
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

167. What is ditterent about the new form? (C) They should be given to Bill Miller.
(A) You must now report expenses from tax. (D) Nothing; they are not important at all.
(B) It must be handed in more otten.
(C) Categories for accommodation and food are combined. 170. How otten are payments made for these torms?
(A) annually
(D) Categories for travel by air and by personal auto
(B) twice per year
are separated.
(C) four times per year
168. What work does Bill Miller do? (D) whenever they are received
(A) He is a secretary.
(B) He vvorks in tinance.

TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section II: Reading

Questions 171 - 172 re fe r to th e following notice.

Tai Chi Weekend R etreat 2 3 rd -2 5 th November 2011

A t th is y e a r's re tre a t, you will experience e xcellent Tai Chi in stru ctio n
fro m Senior M a s te r Eng Chor, M a ste r Chin Min and fe a tu rin g our visiting
P ractice Test 8

M a ste r Yan 6en Lai (12th generation m aster o f Chen s ty le ta i chi chuan).
The r e tr e a t is a live-in weekend amongst th e peace and tra n q u ility o f th e
Lake Dewar Lodge, s itu a te d close to th e W e rrib e e ôorge.
This is a tr u ly tabulous s e ttin g f o r a weekend o f Tai Chi.
The program w ill commence Friday evening and conclude Sunday atternoon.


171. What day of the week is the 23rd November?

(A) Monday
(B) Friday
(C) Saturday
(D) Sunday

172. How many Tai Chi instructors will be involved?

(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section II: Reading

ịuestions 173 - 177 re íe r to th e following schedule and e-m ail.

12:41 PM 21/08
To: Thomas Forsynth < >
From: Leanne Douglas < >

; Dear Mr. Forsynth,

I am responding to your enquiries about the development of the Canyon Nuclear Reactor.
I can understand your concern since you work in the tourism industry, and anything that
changes the perception of your area can affect your business.

I Since your questions are many and specitic, I feel the best I can do to help you is to
; reter you to our series of Public meetings, vvhere people in the industry speak, and the
Public has a chance to learn and react. I have attached a schedule containing the meet-
ings set for later this month.

8 *S0JL
If, on ỉurther reílection, you feel you would like to lodge a tormal complaint, I will pass it
on to the appropriate otíices.

Leanne Douglas
Public Relations, NRC

— = = = = = = ................... — ........... .......... = = -----------= = = = = ------ ■


NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

Public Meeting Schedule
D a te /T im e Purpose Location C ontact
A d v is o ry C o m m itte e
10/24 White Flint North David Fischer
on Reactor
M e e tin g
8:30am - 5:00 pm Room T-2B3 301-415-8669
A ffirm a tio n Session:
10/26 Teleconterence Joe Golla
Discrimination against
9:25am Ramada Inn 301-415-1062
employees in the industry
Com m ission M eeting: White Flint North
10/28 Roger Rihm
Periodic Brieíing on New Commissioners' 301-415-7087
l:30pm - 5pm
Reactor Issues Conterence Room

173. What might be Thomas Forsyth's job? 176. Which meeting takes place between people in different
(A) a teacher places?
(B) an ecologist (A) none of them
(C) a hotel manager (B) the tirs t meeting
(D) an NRC representative (C) the second meeting
(D) the third meeting
174. For whom does Leanne Douglas work?
(A) the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 177. Which meeting(s) would be most appropriate for
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

(B) David Fischer, Joe Golla, and Roger Rihm Mr. Forsynth to attend?
(C) the Tourism Commission (A) the firs t meeting
(D) White Flint North (B) the second meeting
(C) the third meeting
175. Why did Mr. Forsynth w rite to Ms. Douglas? (D) the second and third meetings
(A) Because he wanted to learn about nuclear power.
(B) He had questions about a new reactor.
(C) He wished to make a tormal complaint.
(D) He vvanted to find out about the meetings.

TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section II: Reading

Questions 178 - 179 re íe r to th e following notice.

T he L o n d o n T u b e N e tw o r k
P la n n e d s ta tio n c lo s u re s a n d tra c k c lo s u re s f o r th e n e x t s ix m o n th s


O n S atu rday 2 7 a n d S un da y 2 8 O c to b e r, O n S a tu rd a y 2 7 O c to b e r, s u s p e n d e d betvveen
P ractice Test 8

s u sp e n d e d th ro u g h o u t th e e n tire lin e d u e to W e m b le y Park a n d s ta n m o re d u e to p la n n e d

p la n n e d e n g in e e rin g w o rk s . e n g in e e rin g vvorks.
U se a lte rn a tiv e lines. R e p la ce m e n t bu ses o p e ra te .


O n S atu rday 2 7 a n d S u n d a y 2 8 O c to b e r, O n S a tu rd a y 2 0 a n d S u n d a y 21 D e c e m b e r,
su sp e n d e d b e tw e e n Earls C o u rt a n d w h ite c h a p e l su sp e n d e d b e tw e e n East F in c h le y a n d H ig h Barnet/
d u é to p la n n e d e n g in e e rin g w o rk s . M ili H ill East d u e to p la n n e d e n g in e e rin g w o rk s .
A lim ité d la te -n ig h t re p la c e m e n t b u s Service o p e r- R e p la c e m e n t bu ses ó p e ra te .
ates b e tw e e n S o u th K e n s in g to n a n d A ld g a te East.

178. In six months, for how many days is any line closed? 179. Which line is closed fo r its whole length?
(A) two (A) Circle line
(B) three (B) D istrict line
(C) four (C) Jubilee line
(D) seven (D) Northern line

Questions 180 - 181 re íe r to th e follow ing article.

Betvveen half and two-thirds of men and vvomen in 63 countries across five
continents - not including the us - were overweight or obese in 2014.

The journal study included over 168,000 people evaluated by a primary

care doctor. It looked at two measures of íatness - waist circumterence and
a calculation called body mass index or BMI. A BMI (vveight in kg divided
by square of height in meters) of 18.5 to 25 is considered healthy. A BMI
over 25 is deemed overweight and greater than 30 is obese.

Experts said the tindings were deeply vvorrying, because people who are
overvveight have a higher risk of heart disease, type II diabetes and other
diseases including some cancers.

180. Where would this article m ost likely be tound? 181. What is a healthy BMI?
(A) in a tinancial newspaper (A) 18
(B) in a reterence book (B) 20

(C) in a doctor's notes (C) 26

(D) in a health magazine (D) 30
TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section II: Reading

Ịuestions 182 - 183 re íe r to th e following notice.

82. How can someone prove the brietcase belongs to him or her?
(A) They can describe it over the phone.

8 *sạL
(B) They can show that their name is on the contents.
(C) They can provide an image of the brietcase.
(D) They can unlock it successtully.

L83. On which day does the owner need to contact the police station?
(A) November 7th
(B) November 18th
(C) November 26th
(D) November lOth

Questions 184 - 1 8 5 re fe r to th e following announcem ent.

This is to inform you thữt The IT Solutions is now open at our new location
at 4500 4 tfi Avenue North, st. Petersburg, Fỉorida.

Our store offe rs a complete and diverse line of Computer soft ware pack-
ages fo r both personal and business ữpplications.

since we do not represent any mdividucil Computer bardware mcmufacturer,

the Products thot we carry are compatible witb many Systems. We are
therefore ữble to offer our customers a wide rcmge of excellent software

We hope that you will come and visit us soon.

w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

184. The word "applications" in paragraph 2, line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) requests
(B) situations
(C) questions
(D) uses

185. What is implied about IT Solutions?

(A) They preter certain software manutacturers.
(B) They can meet anyone's sottvvare needs.
(C) They are a brand new business.
(D) Their main customers are businesses.

21 I
TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section II: Reading

Qupstions 186 - 190 re fe r to th e following e-m ail and atta c h m e n t.

Date 24th May

To Sandra Wllson, secretary
From George Ward. Director
Re: restaũrant menu

l've sent as an attachment the menu for the restaurant l’m thinking of booking for the dinner atter the
P ractice Test 8

seminar. It can Seat large groups, and this is critical. It seems to have a good variety of dishes. but I
know some people involved have speciíic dietary requirements.

Can you please send it around to everyone, to see if it will be an acceptable choice? Try to word
it so that people respond only if there is nothing they can eat on the menu - 1don't want to hear sug-
gestions of everyone s tavorite restaurants! And I need to hear back this week, as I need to make the

Mr. George Ward
Director of Research

Broccoli & Cheese Soup Made fresh dally with fresh broccolỉ and mild cheeses.
White Bean Chicken Chili Made íresh daily with navy beans, fresh chicken and savory spices
Corolina Salad Fresh garden and organic greens with lightly fried chicken tenders,
sugared pecans, diced tomatoes, Wisconsin cheddar and smoked bacon

Lemon Grilled Salmon Grilled 8 oz. fresh salmon with a delỉcate lemon butter sauce.
Creole Catch Broiled tilapia with Creole seasoning.
Peppercorn Mushroom Sirioin Presh 9 oz. cut steak, peppercorn crusted. With fresh sauted baby
portabella mushrooms and Parmesan cream sauce.
Rib Eye 12 oz. cut from only the íreshest beef.
Chicken Bella Fresh, all-natural 10 oz. grilled chicken with fresh sauted baby portabella
mushrooms and artichokes with Parmesan cream sauce.
Brown Rice Pilaí With vine ripened tomatoes and Parmesan cheese.

186. Why is Mr. Ward worried about the choice of restaurant? 189. If you want the largest portion of meat. what would
(A) He is not happy about the selection of dishes. you choose?
(B) He wants to know if Ms. Wilson agrees with him. (A) Rib Eye
(C) He wants to be sure everyone can find something (B) White Bean Chicken Chili
to eat. (C) Chicken Bella
(D) He is worried that everyone can fit inside the (D) Peppercorn Mushroom Sirloin
190. Why doesn't Mr. Ward want to know people's (avonte
187. What should Ms. Wilson do? restaurants?
(A) send the menu to the other people (A) He doesn’t care what they hke.
(B) call the restaurant and ask questions (B) He vvants a quick solution.

(C) tell Mr. Ward what she knows about people's diets (C) He teels they will not agree.
(D) tell Mr Ward what her tavorite restaurant is (D) He already got that intormation.

188. What could a vegetarian eat?

(A) Broccoli SOUP and Rib Eye
(B) Carolína Salad and Creole Catch
(C) Carolma Salad and Brown Rice Pilat
(D) Broccoli Soup and Brown Rice Pilat

TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section II: Reading

Ịuestions 191 - 192 re íe r to th e follow ing m em o.

To: O ffic e 2B
F ro m : Bill Lucas, IT D e p a rtm e n t
S u b je c t: server d ow n
D a te : 1 4th April

A warning to all vvorkers in O ffice 2B. The servers w ill be down for maintenance on Friday, starting around
1pm. Please do any w o rk you need to do on the internet in the morning and be logged off by midday.

The server vvill be dovvn until the tollovving Tuesday morning, and there vvill be no internet available.
Please plan your vvorkdays accordingly.

Thanks for your patience, and w e should be able to offer you a better Service aíter the maintenance is done.

*S 3 ±
Bill Lucas, Technician

191. How long will the maintenance last? 192. Why is the server down?
(A) less than a week (A) It is broken.
(B) a few hours (B) It is being improved.
(C) a few weeks (C) It is not needed.
(D) about a month (D) It is turned off every Friday.

Questions 193 - 195 re fe r to th e fo llo w in g notice.


M o n day 1oth D ecem b er to Thursday 20th D ecem ber
4 :0 0 p m to 8 :0 0 p m M o n d a y to F rid a y
1 0 :0 0 a m to 4 :0 0 p m S a tu rd a y s a n d S u n d a y s

Come and fin d unique, handmade Christmas g ifts fo r the special people in your life!
The c ra fts include: je w elry, p o tte ry, glass, paintings, sculpture, woodwork, photography.

The fa ir is located on The Shoreline Footpath, fro m the Four Palms Hotel to Pebble Beach.

Food, drink, and entertainm ent are available! The c r a ft fa ir is closed in wet weather.

For more inỷormation call Judy Benson on: 355 283 3465

193. When could you visit the c ra tt fair? 195. What would you need to bring to the craít fair?
(A) a Friday morning (A) walking shoes
(B) a Monday evening (B) a packed lunch
(C) a Saturday night (C) an umbrella
(D) a rainy Sunday morning (D) your car

194. What kind of gift could you NOT buy at the cratt fair?
(A) a vase
(B) a watercolor
(C) earrings
(D) a book

TOEIC Practice Test 8 Section II; Reading

Questions 196 - 198 re íe r to th e following news article.

Global stocks see Sharp declines

European shares have fallen sharply on Thursday morning trading, m irroring e a rlie r fa lls
in East Asia, as vvorries about th e u s economy continue.
Practice Test 8

The UK's FTSE 100 index was down 1.4% to 6,435 ju s t a fte r noon in London, vvhile
Germany's Dax had lost 1.4%, and France's Cac had shed 1.3%. E arlier, Tokyo's Nikkei
index closed 2.2% lower.

European and East Asian m arkets were responding to heavy us share fa lls on Wall
S tre e t on Wednesday. The Dow Jones, th e main us share index, fe ll 367 points on
Wednesday, th e 2 0 th anniversary o f th e Black Monday stock m arket crash.

Wednesday's slump on Wall S tre e t is going to dominate m arket sentim ent as th e new
trading week gets under way. The fa lls were se t o f f by concerns th a t th e fu ll e ffe c ts
o f th e us housing slovvdovvn have not y e t been seen.

196. Which of the following happened tirst? 198. What is implied about Wednesday's slump?
(A) Shares fell in America. (A) lt will be on people's minds next week.
(B) Shares fell in East Asia. (B) It happened because too many houses were sold.
(C) Shares fell in Europe. (C) It really only could be felt in the us.
(D) The Black Monday crash occurred. (D) It will be called the Black Monday Crash.

197. The index of which country(-ies) tell by 1.4%?

(A) Germany
(B) France
(C) Germany and France
(D) the UK and Germany

Questions 199 - 200 re íe r to th e following table.

MARKET DATA 1 2 th O ctober 22:19 UK

FTSE100 6,730.7 up 6.20

Dax 8,041.3 up 7.57
Cac 40 5,844.0 down -18.88
Dow Jones 14,093.1 up 77.96
Nasdaq 2,805.7 up 33.40
s&p 500 1,561.8 up 7.39
BBC Global 30 6,223.1 up 3.51

199.W here would you tind this table?

w w w

(A) at a job center

(B) at a train station
(C) in a nevvspaper
(D) in a restaurant

2 0 0 . What could have been the Nasdaq point number on the ll t h October?
(A) 2,805.7
(B) 2,800.1
(C) 2,8 98 .4
(D) 2,772.3
TOEIC Practice Test 9

a D Ịip tM
* s ạ L


TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section I: Listening

TEST 9 Section I: Listening

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part I: Photographs
Directions: For each question, you will see a picture and you will hear four short statements. T h e state-
ments will be spoken just One time. They will not be printed in your test book so you must listen careíully to
P ractice Test 9

understand what the speaker says. W hen you hear the four statements, look at the picture and choose the
statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Choose the best answer A, B, c or D .

N ow listen to the four statements.
Statement (D) best describes what you see in the picture.
Thereíore, you should choose answer (D).

A. He is on the phone.
B. She is driving the car.
c. She is typing on the Computer.
D. He is sitting next to her.

S a m p le A n sw e t
w w w .n h an m
Practice Test 9
U40> I M l Ị U t U U M M M
T O E IC P ra c tic e Test 9 S e c tio n I: Listenin
Practice Test 9
Practice Test 9
T « t 9

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section I: Listening
lin8 _

Part 2: Question-Response
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a question or statement spoken in English, íollovved by three
responses, also spoken in English. The question or statement and the responses will be spoken just one time. They vvill
not be printed in your test book, so you must listen careíully. You are to choose the best response to each question or
statement. N ow listen to a sample question.
You will hear: Man: Why are you late?
Woman: A . I hope I won’t be.
B. My car broke down.
c. He alvvays is.
P ractice Test 9

The best response is choice B. “My car broke down”. Thereíore, you should choose B.

11 A ... B c 21 A B c 31 A B c
12 A B .. c .... 22 A B c 32 A B c
13 A B c .... 23 A B c 33 A B c
14 A B c 24 A B c 34 A B c
15 A ... B c 25 A B c 35 A B c
16 A .... B c 26 A B c 36 A B c
17 A B. c .... 27 A B c 37 A B c
18 A B .... c 28 A B c 38 A B c .
19 A B c 29 A B c 39 A B c
20 A B ... c 30 A B c 40 A B c....

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section I: Listening

Ịp a rt 3: Conversations
D ir e c t io n s : You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about
hat the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A ), (B ), (C ),
(D ) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

Who is the woman talking to? 45. What is the issue?

(A) a teacher (A) travel
(B) a shop assistant (B) economic problems
(C) an electrician (C) global vvarming
(D) her neighbor (D) animal conservation

What is the man's attitude? 4 6 . Where are the speakers?

(A) angry (A) in a circus

6 Ịsại.
(B) bored (B) in a zoo
(C) apologetic (C) in a jungle
(D) amused (D) on a beach

What does the vvoman want? 47. What is the waiter's attitude?
(A) a new DVD player (A) impatient
(B) a taxi (B) unhelptul
(C) someone to come and repair the DVD player (C) sympathetic
(D) advice on how to fix the DVD player (D) triendly

What are you listening to? 48. What is the woman's problem?
(A) documentary (A) She doesn't want anything sweet.
(B) local news (B) She's on a diet.
(C) film (C) Her child doesn't like anything.
(D) soap opera (D) She is in a hurry.

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section I: Listening

4 9 . What will the woman have? 60. Why isn't the ticket valid?
|A) salad, then íruit (A) lt's been used twice.
(B) burger, then cake (B) lt-s the wrong date.
(C) fish, then truit (C) lt's not fo r that route.
(D) salad, then cake (D) She hasn't paid enough.

5 0 . Where is the woman? 61. What will happen to the woman?

(A) school (A) She will pay the price of another ticket.
(B) bank (B) She won't have to do anything.
P ractice Test 9

(C) hospital (C) Shell have to walk the rest of the way.
(D) gym (D) Shell have to pay a fine.

51. What is the problem? 62. What is the man's job?

(A) leaking root (A) ship's captain
(B) no heating (B) pilot
(C) broken window (C) bus driver
(D) no electricity (D) taxi driver

52. What will the man do? 63. What does he like about his job?
(A) send one of his employees (A) the hours
(B) phone a company (B) meetíng people
(C) nothing until tomorrovv (C) the money
(D) come himselt (D) the food

53. What mood is the woman in? 64. What will he do when he retires?
(A) upset (A) live abroad
(B) amused (B) buy a boat
(C) contused (C) do more gardening
(D) trightened (D) read a lot

54. What is her job? 65. What does the woman do?
(A) doctor (A) cleaner (C) student
(B) teacher (B) teacher (D) singer
(C) zoo keeper
(D) cleaner 6 6 . What is the man vvorried about?
(A) the rent being paid on time
55. Who is the man? (B) triends visiting
(A) husband (C) too much noise
(B) colleague (D) the garden
(C) headmaster
(D) close triend 67. Why doesn't the vvoman take the flat?
(A) its location
56. What is being advertised? (B) its size
(A) college classes (C) the rent
(B) food (D) the decoration
(C) cookery equipment
(D) books 6 8 . What is the relationship betvveen the people?
(A) triends
57. Who is the product aimed at? (B) husband and wife
(A) athletes (C) colleagues
(B) old people (D) brother and sister
(C) children
(D) people with heart problems 69. What are they arguing about?

(A) cleaning a bedroom

58. How can you buy it? (B) cooking lunch
(A) in a shop (C) doing homework
(B) by post (D) vvashing the dishes
(C) over the internet
(D) at the local market 70. What happens in the end?
(A) he leaves
59. What are they travelling on? (B) she wins the argument
(A) taxi (C) boat (C) the job doesn't get done
(B) bus (D) plane (D) he gets very angry

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section I: Listening

Part 4: Taiks
D ir e c t io n s : You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to ansvver three questions about
what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A ). (B ), (C ), or (D )
on your ansvver sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only One time.

71. Why did early people not have a water supply problem? 79. Who is the speaker showing around the house?

6 :>sạ]_ 9DỊỊDEJd
(A) There were more people to collect the water. (A) estate agent
(B) There were more rivers. (B) police otíicer
(C) They quickly learned not to pollute the rivers. (C) train driver
(D) The water was cleaner. (D) pilot

72. What happened when cities grew? 80. What is the revievv for?
(A) More water was needed for homes and tarming. (A) documentary
(B) There was no water in the countryside. (B) book
(C) They didn't have rivers flowing through them. (C) TV program
(D) VVater supplies were stopped by managers. (D) play at the theater

73. What kind of radio program would this be on? 81. What is said about the main actor?
(A) a Chat show (A) He is mentally ill.
(B) general interest show (B) He has recently been ill.
(C) current attairs show (C) It is his íirs t big part.
(D) local news (D) He is not very íamous.

74. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a negative 82. What vvarning is given?
result of the sun? (A) There is a lot of strong language.
(A) a tan (B) lt is too long.
(B) cancer (C) lt's hard to understand the story.
(C) burns (D) lt's on very late.
(D) aging
83. What is the point of this speech?
75. What is recommended? (A) to sell things
(A) Only go out in the sun at midday. (B) to congratulate students on their graduation
(B) stay in the sun for a maximum of tw o hours a day. (C) to open a new university
(C) Very young children should not be left in the sun. (D) to welcome new students
(D) Teenagers should avoid the sun.
84. Where can students get their student Union cards?
76. What is important about protective creams? (A) canteen
(A) They are not to be used on the íace. (B) gym
(B) They do not work under clothing. (C) the Union office
(C) There are ditterent types for ditterent skin. (D) from their lecturers
(D) They allovv you to stay in the sun for as long as you like
with no risk. 85. What will happen next?
(A) They will be shown a film.
77. What does the speaker want to do? (B) They will eat.
(A) sell the house (C) They will joìn the Students' Union.
(B) rent the house (D) They will have a party.
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

(C) buy the house

(D) use the house as a holiday home

78. How is the house environmentally triendly?

(A) titte d cupboards
(B) hand-made barbecue
(C) wooden tloors
(D) solar heating

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section I: Listening

8 6 . What is the advertisement for? 94. How has Majorca changed?

(A) a job (A) It has become more cultural.
(B) a holiday (B) lt is full of drunk people.
(C) a house (C) Tourism is not as popular as it was.
(D) a college (D) Tourists are not treated well.

87. What must you have? 95. Where is this announcement taking place?
(A) the ability to speak tw o languages (A) shop
(B) work experience with children (B) car park
(C) a driving licence (C) tactory
(D) a good car (D) restaurant

8 8 . What will be the biggest challenge? 96. What is happening?

(A) having to travel a lot (A) There is a fire.
(B) cultural diííerences (B) It is a satety exercise.
(C) meeting lots of people (C) There is a bomb threat.
(D) organizing entertainment (D) The fire alarm is broken.

89. What does the speaker say about getting fit? 97. What must all employees do?
(A) Most people don't want to be fit. (A) take their bags and coats with them
(B) People intend to but usually don't. (B) return to work after five minutes
(C) lt's impossible for m ost people to do. (C) remain in the car park until told othervvise
(D) Very few people are untit these days. (D) go home when they hear the alarm

90. What is the aim of this campaign? 98. What was the cause of the tragedy?
(A) to do some research on ten vvomen (A) gas explosion
(B) to encourage as many people as possible (B) a bomb
to get involved (C) a car crash
(C) to show that women are titte r than men (D) bad weather
(D) to show that there is nothing wrong with being
overvveight 99. What will happen to the building?
(A) lt will be pulled down.
91. What might encourage more people to join this campaign? (B) It will be repaired.
(A) vvinning a prize (C) It has not yet been decided.
(B) vvearing designer clothes (D) It will reopen in a few vveeks.
(C) getting rid of all their illnesses
(D) raising money for a good cause 100. What was a good thing about the tragedy?
(A) The art can all be replaced.
92. Where might this talk be from? (B) The building needed to be restored anyvvay.
(A) a soap opera (C) No-one was killed.
(B) an advertisement (D) There is plenty of money to rebuild it.
(C) a holiday program
(D) a news item

93. What was the speaker's worry?

(A) they wouldn't be able to find their villa
(B) they wouldn't be able to get their car up the road
(C) the villa would be too big
(D) there would be too many tourists
TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Reading

Section II: Reading

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions.
The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to
answer as many questions as possible vvithin the time allowed. You must mark your answers on the separate answer
sheet. D o not write your answers in your test book.

Part 5: Incomplete Sentences

D irectio n s: A word or phrase is misslng in each of the sentences below. Four ansvver choices are given below
each sentence. Select the best ansvver to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A ), (B ), (C ), or (D ) on
your ansvver sheet.

The mother held her nevvborn
(A ) loving
(B) lovely

(C ) lovingly
(D ) love

Correct ansvver: (C)

101. If you can't behave , you will lose your job. 107. You need to your application by Friday.
A. sensible A. submit
B. senseless B. reply
c. sensibly c . respond
D. sensibility D. reveal

102. I'm v e r y ____ about this new contract. 108. Make sure you have cleaned the ottice
A. considered betore you leave.
B. concerned A. thorough
c. conserved B. thoroughness
D. consisted c. thoroughly
D. more thorough
103. We have a room for you at the hotel.
A. reservations 109. Employees are that eating is not allowed
B. reservation in the tactory.
c. reserving A. remembered
D. reserved B. reminded
c. recalled
104. Has Mr Browning returned mỳ call D. memorized
A. still
B. soon 110. Head Office is located in the
c. yet of the country.
D. once A. region
B. county
105. I don't think he can handle this project by c. tovvnship
A. him D. Capital
B. himselt
c. his 111. Mrs Green can talk to you now. Thank you for

D. his own A. vvaiting

B. waited
106. All employees are paid on the tirst month. c. to avvait
A. at each D. the await
B. of the
c. for every 112. We need to find out this company really
D. with any belongs.
A. vvhose
B. those who
c. to whom
D. vvhoever
TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Reading

113. I have a difficult deadline _________ this week. 122. We need to approach this company with a great
A. having met deal o f _________.
B. to meeting A. cautious
c. meeting B. cautiously
D. to meet c. cautionings
D. caution
114. Industrial pollution is the subject o f _________
conterences taking place all over the world. 123. P le ase_________your reservation 24 hours betore
P ractice Test 9

A. any you arrive.

B. every A. conduct
c. several B. conceive
D. enough c. contirm
D. conserve
115. He is one o f ________ interesting speakers on this
subject. 124. Brian d i d _________job that his boss
A. the most promoted him.
B. the more A. a such good
c. more B. such a good
D. more than c. so well
D. such well a
116. I am amazed they moved your desk next t o _________.
A. myself 125. Stress is greater at the top of the company _
B. mine the bottom.
c. mine own A. than of
D. my B. from at
c. than at
117. For the e x p e rt_________for the layman, this D. as in
book has something to offer.
A. in addition 126. All applicants must send a cv at least five
B. turther d a y s _________.
c. as well as A. advanced
D. too B. betorehand
c. forward
118. I'm atraid this problem i s _________our control. D. tirstly
A. underneath
B. beyond 127. A bank loan c a n _________a variety of torms.
c. below A. make
D. vvithin B. receive
c. perceive
119. The boss is going to give one of his lo n g _________again. D. take
A. speakings
B. speaks 128. Vou need a balanced diet to s t a y _________.
c. speakers A. healthy
D. speeches B. healthily
c. with health
120. I have n o _________of this project. D. on healthy
A. knovvledge
B. idea 129. Unemployment i s _________to attect many countrles.

c. thought A. possibly
D. concept B. suitably
c. likely
121. Nobody's application was as impressive a s _________! D. hardly
A. her
B. herselí 130. The management seems to have very little
c. hers for the health and satety of the vvorkers.
D. she A. perception c. beliet
B. regard D. manners

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Reading

131. From an early age, his enthusiasm 136. Replacing the computers every six months seems
to him being very popular at work. q u ite ________ to me.
A. has led A. unnecessary
B. leads B. unnecessarily
c. leading c. necessitate
D. did led D. necessarily

132. P ra ctica lly ________ in the group had lived 137. Our Products are su p e rio r________ of

6 *saj_ 3DỊ}DEJCI
and vvorked abroad. our competitors.
A. no one A. than these
B. each one B. from those
c. anyone c. of these
D. someone D. to those

133. Don't b e _________by her aggressive manner; 138. _________our protits increase, we will have to fire
she's a good boss really. some vvorkers.
A. put away A. In the case
B. put across B. Because
c. put through c. Unless
D. put off D. Due to

134. VVorking on Sundays i s _________, but it makes 139. I h a v e _________to this magazine at a very good rate.
a good impression. A. received
A. volunteer B. distributed
B. voluntarily c. subscribed
c. volunteering D. sustained
D. voluntary
140. Your acceptance for the jo b ________ on
135. We are pleased to in to rm _________ your passing the exam.
have been accepted for the position. A. has a dependency
A. you of your B. can dependable
B. you that you c. it depends
c. you that your D. is dependent
D. yourselt of you

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Rcading

Part 6: Text Completion

Directions: Read the texts that íollovv. A word or phrase is missing in some o í the sentences. Four answer
choices are given below each of the sentences. Seỉect the best answer to complete the text Then mark the letter
(A ), (B ), (C ), or ( D ) on your answer sheet.
P ractice Test 9

Questions 141-143 re fe r to the following te x t. Questions 144-146 re te r to the following article

in a periodical.

At the Zoo Ever since the publication of The Origín of Species in 1859,
A man was deliverĩng penguins to the zoo when his van evolution has been a source of controversy. In general, con-
broke on the highvvay. A fellow stopped to see íf troversy has on the philosophical, social, and reli-
he could be of assistance. ”0h, l'm in some real trouble gious implications of evolution, not on the Science of evolu-
here," said the tirs t man. T ve got to take these penguins to tion itselt; the proposition that bíological evolution occurs
the zoo today, and now l'm not sure ril get there." through the mechanism of natural selection is completely
uncontested vvithin the scientitic community.
141. (A) away
(B) down 144. (A) centered
(C) off (B) aimed
(D) over (C) targeted
(D) directed
The helpíul fellow volunteered to put the penguins in the
back of his car and take them to the zoo. The man with car As Darvvin recognized early , perhaps the most
trouble g ra te tu lly _____ _ this offer and promised to get controversial aspect of evolutionary thought is its applicabil-
to the zoo as soon as possible. A little later, the man was ity to human beings. Specitically, many obiect to the idea
on the road again and went immediately to the zoo. He that all diversity in líte, including human beings, arose
looked everyvvhere but did not see the helptul fellow or any through natural processes vvithout a need for supernatural
of the penguins. In a panic, he drove back into town. Just intervention. Although many religions, such as Catholicism,
as he was wondering what in the world to do next, he saw have reconciled their beliets with evolution through theistic
the "volunteer" walking across the Street with all the pen- evolution, creationists obịect to evolution on the basis that
guins vvaddling along behind him. it contradicts their theistic origin beliets.

142. (A) received 145. (A) in

(B) agreed (B) tovvards
(C) consented (C) on
(D) accepted (D) into it

He ran up and said, "What are you doing here? 1 thought In some countries - notably the United States - these ten-
you were going to take the penguins to the zoo!" and the sions betvveen scientitic and religious teachings have tueled
volunteer replied, ”1 did, and we had such a good time there; the ongoing creation-evolution controversy, a social and re#-
we decíded to come into town for ice cream." gious contlict especially tocusing on politics and Public edu-
c a tio n ._______ other tields of Science, such as cosmology
Moral: When_______ with volunteers, clear instructions and earth Science, also contlict with literal interpretations of
and good training is always necessary. many religious texts, evolutionary biology has borne the
brunt of these debates.
143. (A) working
w w w .nh m

(B) you working 146. (A) Nonetheless

(C) work (B) While
(D) havíng worked (C) Hovvever
(D) A lter all

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Reading

Ị ip t u d
Questions 147 - 149 refer to the following text. Ọuestions 150 - 152 re íe r to the following text.

An im p o rta n t_______ in understanding the supply and Although human migration has existed throughout human

demand theory is elasticity. In this context, it reters to how history, immigration in the m o d e rn _______ reters to

a D
supply and demand change in response to various stimuli. movement ot people from One nation-state to another.
Immigration implies long-term permanent residence (and

147. (A) concept otten, eventual citizenship) by the immigrants: tourists and

* s a
(B) conscript short-term visitors are not considered immigrants.

|C) contract
(D) contempt 150. (A) term

(B) sign

One way of detining elasticity is the percentage change in (C) sense

one variable divided by the percentage change in another (D) trend

variable (knovvn as arch elasticity because it calculates the

elasticity over a range of values, in c o n tra s t_______ point However, seasonal labor migration (typically for periods of

elasticity that uses ditterential calculus to determine the less than a year) is o t te n _____ as a form of immigration.

elasticity at a specitic point). Thus it is a measure of rela- The global volume of immigration is high in absolute terms,

tive changes. but low in relative terms. The UN estimated 190 million
international migrants in 2005, about 3% of global popula-

148. (A) by tion. The other 97% still live in the State in which they were

(B) oí born, or its successor State.

(C) with
(D) from 151. (A) treated
(B) reterred
(C) alluded
otten, it is usetul to know how the quantity supplied or
demanded will change when the price changes. This is known (D) dealt

as the price elasticity of demand and the price elasticity of

The modern idea of immigration is related to the develop-
supply. If a monopolist decides to increase the price of their
product, how will this affect their sales revenue? Will the ment of nation-states and nationality law. Citizenship of a

increased unit price offset t h e _______ decrease in sales nation-state conters an inalienable right of residence in that

volume? State, but residence of immigrants is subject to conditions

set by immigration law. The nation-state made immigration

149. (A) probably a political issue:_______ detinition it is the homeland of a

(B) possibly nation detined by shared ethnicity an d/or culture, and in

(C) iikely most cases immigrants have a ditterent ethnicity and cul-

(D) perhaps ture. This has led to social tensions, xenophobia, and con-
tlicts about national identity, in many developed countries.

152. (A) according

(B) regarding
(C) as for
(D) by

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Reading

Part 7: Reading Comprehension

D ire c tio n s : In this part you will read a selection o f texts, such as magazine and nevvspaper articles, letters, and
advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best ansvver for each question and mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), o r (D) on your ansvver sheet.

Are you someone who enjoys trying new things and does not feel uncomíortable in new environments? Then why
not get paid for it? C U LT U R E magazine is looking for individuals to go to new clubs, events, etc. and w rite about
the cultural scene they observe in these places. Interested? Send your resume to Please
no phone calls.

What type of person would be best qualified for this job?

(A) A homebody
(B) An introvert
(C) A clumsy person
(D) A risk-taker
Correct ansvver: (D)

Questions 153-155 re fe r to th e following re p o rt.

Another contestant get the boot on s BigBrother.

Untortunately, the trick doesnt work anymore. The show has again changed the
rules of the game to allow some of the booted out, back in. You could, if you like,
view these adjustments as a sign of the show's adaptability. Or you can see the
constant rule rejiggering for what it is: an admission of how hopelessly flawed
the original concept was - and how dull the show remains.

153. What does the expression "get the boot" mean?

(A) to be in v ite d
(B) to be a ske d t o leave
(C) to be penalized
(D) to be revvarded

154. What is a positive view of the recent changes to the show?

(A) lt's a d is p la y o f tle x ib ility .
(B) lt's fu ll o f s u rp ris e s .
(C) It re v e a ls th e s h o w 's d e te rm in a tio n to s ta y in te re s tin g .
(D) lt's m o re p e rtin e n t to p e o p lế s d a ily lives.

155. What is the reviewer's opinion?

(A) The show used to h ave p ro b le m s , b u t th e c h a n ge s a re helping.
(B) The sh o w is e x c e p tio n a lly v e rs a tile .
(C) P eople s h o u ld n 't be allovved b a c k in.
(D) The show has alvvays been b o rin g .
TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Reading

Questions 156 - 159 re fe r to th e following advertisem ent.

Blueberry Harvest 2011

Got the summertime blues...? Picking begins at 5 PM. Evening entertain-
ment begins around 6:30 PM and ends
Blueberry season 2011 continues with huge
about 8:15 PM.

and plentitul truit. Do not miss the best of the

season’s crop. Join us for live entertainment
The starting of events is subject to weather
vvhile you pick Tuesday and Thursday evenings
and tield. If in doubt, call 802-555-3387 for an
throughout the Bluebérry harvest séason.
update betore leaving home.
Events include bands, magicians, community
We are open Tuesday and Thursday evenings
meals, and pie eating contests.
from 5 pm until dark, VVednesday from 10 am

}S 0 J_
until dark, Saturday and Sundays from 9 am
Atter dark on Fridays, come and enjoy the
until 4 pm. Closed Mondays and Fridays.
fireworks display.

156. What CAN happen at 4 pm on a specitic vveekday?
(A) live band pertormance
(B) blueberry picking
(C) an early dance
(D) a magic pertormance

157. When is there live entertainment while picking blueberries?

(A) every day
(B) only during the weekend
(C) on Tuesdays and Thursdays
(D) only on Sundays

158. What is implied by the advertisement?

(A) Blueberries are the community's tavorite íruit.
(B) They experience a lot of bad vveather.
(C) The event lasts multiple weeks.
(D) This is a biannual event.

159. Picking blueberries is suggested for those who

(A) want to tight their gloomy disposition.
(B) enjoy working indoors.
(C) don't mind vvorking in the rain.
(D) see themselves as prospective musicians.

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Reading

Questions 160 - 164 re íe r to th e following review and accompanying letter.

I visited this hotel in January for One week, just to
take a break from my studies. I believe it to be one
This may be a rrivin g to you a lit t le
of the worst hotels out there. I know that I am not
too late, as X know y o u re leaving f o r
Practice Test 9

alone in my opinion of this hotel; I overheard at least

your vacation in a vveek and probably tour other guests complaining to the representative
don't want to make any last-m inute at the same time I was.
changes; hovvever, I th o u g h t you
should read th is . I vvas s u rfin g I do not know how it can get away with being called
a 5-star hotel. There was no variety in the menu, and
around Online and found th is revievv
we had no other options for food as all the nearby
o f T he S e a s id e I n n and rem em bered restaurants were closed. This is also true of the
you saying th a t th is is w here you movie theaters and bars.
were planning on staying. This may be
a ra re instance, b u t I th o u g h t I The bars that were open only had a very limited
should fo rw a rd it to you, ju s t in case. selection of drinks and no entertainment. There were
shops on site - but they were never open. The room
I would hate to hear th a t you d id n t
was freezing and when I intormed the hotel that the
have a p e rfe c t tim e on your much-
heating was not vvorking they kindly oítered me a
needed vacation. blanket to keep me warm.

5ee you la te r, This was my second visit to the area. The tirst time,
Ed I stayed at the Rossetta, which is only a 3-star hotel,
but the accommodation was a thousand times better.

Why might this email be Corning to Michael too late?

(A) He may have already left for vacation.
(B) He may have everything already planned out.
(C) It isn't allowed to cancel reservations.
(D) He is too busy to do anything about the problem.

161. What does Ed want Michael to do?

(A) consider what is said in the review
(B) cancel his reservation at The Seaside Inn
(C) leave for his vacation immediately
(D) tell him what he thinks of the revievv

162. How does the hotel revievver know that others share her opinion?
(A) She read other revievvs.
(B) others told her their opinions while she was there.
(C) Her four triends agree with her.
(D) She vvitnessed the complaints happening.

163. Why does the hotel revievver say they "kindly" gave her a blanket?
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

(A) She is being sarcastic.

(B) That is the only thing she appreciated about the hotel.
(C) She misinterpreted their kindness.
(D) She is being altruistic.

164. How many times has the writer stayed at the hotel?
(A) 1
(B ) 2
(C ) 3
(D ) 5

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Reading

}ue«tiont 165 • 168 refer to th e following ađvertivem ent

C hoose a M a c
Your toaster doesrTt crash. Your kitchen sink doesn't crash.
Why should your Computer? Think of the countless hours you
vvould save if your PC vvorked on your time - not the other way

0 D Ị:p iM d
around. Then think about a Mac.

)ust ask the millions of people who use and love a Mac, why it's
become such an integral part of their lives, and most will tell
you the same thing: It ju$t vvorks. Letting them do vvhat they
want to do. When they want to do it. All the time.

That's because a Mac offers absolutely flawless integration oí

hardware and software. Only with a Mac do you get a System
built by the same people vvho make the os, the applications,

and the Computer itselí.

165. Why is a toaster mentioned?

(A) to compare computers to other appliances
(B) to give an example of the quintessential appliance
(C) to show how much more important computers are
(D) to exemplity apphances that crash

166. How do most people describe the Mac?

(A) tunctional
(B) detective
(C) conservative
(D) average

167. What does the word IntegraI mean?

(A) important
(B) tutile
(C) successtul
(D) lucrative

168. What IS detimtely special about a Mac?

(A) the flawless people who butld them
(B) few people love these computers
(C) the quality of the hardware and software
(D) the buildings and the applications

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II; Reading

Questions 169 - 173 re íe r to th e following book review and accompanying card.

My dearest niece,
This is one o f my fa v o rite books and I have a hunch you will love it as well. I t will
undoubtedly quench your lite ra ry th ir s t fo r adventure and love... and, to make it
even more p e rfe c t, it takes place on a Greek island, a place I know youve always
fantasized about. I've read th is so many times, so I'm so rry th e cover is a b it
worn and th e re are probably a few to rn pages, but I th in k it shovvs character!
Practice Test 9

Happy Birthday and Happy Reading!

Aunt Lynn

ị Extravagant, inventive, emotionally sweeping, Caught in the occupatíon are Pelagia, a willful,
Corelli's Mandolin is the story of a timeless place beautiíul young woman, and the two suitors vying
i that one day wakes up to find itself in the jaws for her love: Mandra, a gentle tisherman turned
; of history. ruthless guerrilla, and the charming, mandolin-play-
: The place is the Greek island of Kephallonia, ing Captain Corelli, a reluctant otticer of the
where the gods dabble in the aítairs of men and Italian garrison on the island. Rích with loyaltíes
the local saint periodically rises from his sarcoph- and betrayals, and set against a landscape vvhere
agus to cure the mad. Then, the tide of World the tactual blends seamlessly with the tantastic,
ị War II rolls onto the island's shores in the torm of Corelli's Mandolin is a passionate novel as rích in
: the conquering Italian army. ideas as it is genuinely moving.

169. What does Aunt Lynn mean by "quench y o u r ... thirst"? 172. What best describes Pelagia?
(A) excite your interest (A) a sought-atter vvoman
(B) spark your curiosity (B) a woman in love with two men
(C) satisty your desire (C) Mandra's suitor
(D) call your attention to (D) an irresolute woman

170. What is Aunt Lynn giving to her niece? 173. VVhich statement attirms the description: "a landscape
(A) a new copy of Corelli's Mandolin where the tactual blends seamlessly with the tantastic"?
(B) a book she bought trom a used-book store (A) "emotionally sweeping"
(C) an old book she checked out trom the library (B) "wakes up to tind itselt in the jaws of history"
(D) her old copy of Corelli's Mandolin (C) "the gods dabble in the attairs of men"
(D) "the tide of World War II rolls onto the island's shores"
171. What changes the rhythm of the island?
(A) the meddling of the gods
(B) a sudden surge of mad people
(C) the arríval of soldiers
(D) a tatal tidal wave
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Reading

Ịuestions 174 - 176 re íe r to th e following instructions.

To change th e name o f a pro gra m , select th e p ro gra m and then press th e RED b u tto n .
Press th e “ < and “ > ” bu tto n s to change th e le tte rs. By pressing the RED b u tto n you can sto re th e name o r
press th e BLUE b u tto n to cancel.

Select th e pro gra m th a t you w a n t to in se rt by using th e navigation buttons. Press th e GREEN b u tto n .

* s a i 0 3 1 * 3 B - ld
Using th e navigations b u tto ns, m ove th e selected p ro gra m to the decided p ro gra m space and press th e
GREEN b u tto n again o r press th e BLUE b u tto n to cancel.

To de le te a pro gra m , press th e Y E L L O W b u tto n . Pressing th e YELLOVV b u tto n deletes th e selected pro gra m
fro m th e p ro gra m list and th e pro gra m s b e lo w w ill shiít one level up. Press th e BLUE b u tto n if you w a n t to

W h e n you press th e BLUE b u tto n th e A U T O S T O R E m enu w ill appear on th e screen.

174. What type of te xt is this? (C) moves the navigation buttons

(A) a set of instructions (D) like the blue button, it cancels the program
(B) a set of recommendations
(C) an endorsement 176. Which button do you press to remove an item from a list?
(D) a contract (A) the blue one
(B) the yellow one
175. What specitically does the green button do? (C) the green button
(A) selects a program to insert (D) a navigation button
(B) places a program in its chosen space

Questions 177 - 179 re íe r to th e following prom otional letter.

Dear Ms. Stinar:

As a valued customer of A B & B, we couldn’t wait to bring you the good news. This letter is to
announce the incorporation of our new customer incentive program. Well, maybe we haven’t
thought of a great logo for it yet, but if you read on I think you’ll agree that no matter what we call
it, it's super!

Starting on June 1st, a record of your account with our store will be maintained on a cumulative
basis for a period of one year. Once your purchases have reached $500, you will be automatically
entitled to a 5% discount on any order placed, including orders for sale items. When your orders
have reached the $1,000 mark, your discount will increase to 10%. A $1,500 accumulation of
orders will entitle you to a 15% discount and once you have reached $2,000 you will receive 20%
off all merchandise orders. We think it’s a great idea and hope that you agree.

Won’t you send us a purchase order today to get you started on your way? If you think of a good
name for us to tag onto this new discount program, please let us know!

177. What is the purpose of this letter? (C) you must spend a certain amount within a year
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

(A) to tell Ms. stinar about a new store (D) you must spend at least $2,000
(B) to solicit Ms. stinar to be a new customer
(C) to reward Ms. stinar for being a valued customer 179. What is suggested at the conclusion of this letter?
(D) to encourage Ms. stinar to purchase more things (A) going to A B & B and purchasing something
from A B & B (B) a request for a possible program name
(C) her opinion on the progranYs otíers
178. How does one receive a discount? (D) that Ms. stinar registers
(A) all your purchases get added up atter a year and
it is based on the grand total
(B) you have to ottícially sign up for the program

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Reading

Questions 180 - 184 re íe r to th e following overvievv and m em o.

To date Lasernet community volunteers have provided Redfox user support

th a t has met, and o fte n exceeded, th e needs o f th e tech and th e early adopter users
o f Redfox. As Redfox's m arket share grows beyond early adopters, our user support
needs also to evolve. The Redfox Support W orking Group has spent th e last month
doing research and community outreach on how Lasernet should evolve user support
Practice Test 9

through a community-based approach.

Please check out the overview and give us your feedback so th a t th is can be successful.

We look fo rw a rd to hearing fro m you.

JT _____________________________________ ___________________________________


w hat needs to be addressed:

* Simplity navigation to relevant and enhanced content
* Expand the volunteer support community
* Make international support and scaling easier
* Improve metrics and íeedback loops for a better product

How we think should address this:

* Develop an integrated community-based support plaưorm on
(that includes "Redíox Help"). Redtox Support Work Flow - Knowledge base
and good search tools are the backbone of System.

* KB content is main hub of "how to" and "troubleshooting" content and is

íirst point of reíerence for users seeking help.

* Support íorums and live chat are Communications channels for more complex
questions not answered in knowledge base.

180. H ow long has L a s e rn e t c o m m u n ity S e rvice p ro v id e d 183. What is NOT listed as a need?
R edtox user su p p ort? (A) moditying navigation so it's tittin g to content
(A) since a re c e n t d a te (B) making getting support trom other countries
(B) since th e ir in c e p tio n less complicated
(C) th e y a re in c o rp o ra tin g it fo r th e t ir s t tim e now (C) improving the quality of the volunteers
(D) since a m o n th ago |D) enhancing the general product

181. W hy is L a s e rn e t lo o k in g t o change? 184. What is NOT mentioned as a way to address needs?

(A) to c o m b a t grovvth (A) making knovvledge base a Central point of reterence
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

(B) to in itia te c o m p a n y g rovvth (B) allovving customers to communicate about

(C) to c o m p e te w ith o th e rs ' g ro w th the complicated issues
(D) to keep up w ith g ro w th (C) creating better opportunities for customers to get
182. W hat is JT seeking tro m th e readers? (D) developing a new website to address support issues
(A) th o u g h ts and o p inions
(B) fo r th e m to be v o lu n te e rs
(C) e n co ura g e m e n t
(D) user s u p p o rt

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Reading

Questions 185 - 187 re fe r to th e following mission s tatem en t.


A t ADS w e have established a re p u ta tio n fo r leadership in the drainage in du stry by m eeting the
needs o f our cu sto m e rs, em ployees, shareholders and o th e r stakeholders. We rem ain c o m m itte d to

6 }S3JL 0 D Ị*D B .IC|

the developm ent o f s ta te -o f-th e -a rt P rod ucts and Services th a t set in d u stry standards, and help
solve w a te r m anagem ent challenges.

Our re p u ta tio n is made and sup p o rte d by our Products. VVhether the p ro ịe c t involves s to rm and
sa n ita ry sew ers, ag ricu ltu ra l drainage, road and highvvay co n stru ctio n , reside ntial and com m ercial
de velopm e nt o r tu rf and re cre a tio n a l ap plicatio ns, the re is an ADS C o rru g a te d HDPE Pipe solution.
In addition, we o ffe r Solutions fo r surtace ru n o tt re te n tio n /d e te n tio n System s, o n -site leaching
cham bers and se p tic System s.

Our Core Values w ill serve to help us de live r those Products, Services and innovation th a t our cus-
to m e rs demand.

185. What Is ADS reputation?

(A) being among the best in that trade
(B) recruiting lots of shareholders
(C) being innovative
(D) being the tirs t of its kind

186. Which of the following describe ADS' Products?

(A) challenging
(B) substandard
(C) modern
|D) dedicated

187. Why are sanitary sewers, agricultural drainage, and recreational applications mentioned?
(A) to suggest what ADS could accomplish
(B) to show ADS' range of Services
(C) to establish company goals
(D) to slightly amend its reputation
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

TO EIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Reading

Questions I8 8 - 191 re íe r to th e following news re p o rt.

KBD Day 2008 A Huge Success!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the KBD events sent a powerful message to
12,hAnnual Kick Butts Day on March 28. Youth elected otticials at all levels to step up the
across America stood out, spoke up and tight to reduce tobacco use.
PrHCtÌCG T©st 9

seized control in the fight against smoking

and tobacco. Kick Butts Day may be over, but the íight
against tobacco goes on every day across
This year’s Kick Butts Day íocused on raising America. The Kick Butts Day Guide includes
avvareness about the more than 4,000 Chemi­ great ideas for events that can be held
cals in cigarette smoke, including at least 69 throughout the year to support action to
that causé cancer and many more that are reduce tobacco use. We hope youTI find the
hazardous to health. You can find out more guide to be helptul.
about the dangerous Chemicals in cigarettes
and what you can do to support etíective
action to regulate tobacco Products at

188. What happened on March 28?
(A) Young people alienated themselves.
(B) Youth attended a coníerence.
(C) Young people voiced their opinions.
(D) The tight against tobacco was launched.

189. How many Chemicals in cigarette smoke are cancerous?

(A) slightly less than 69
(B) only 69
(C) detinitely more than 69
(D) possibly more than 69

190. What ettect did the day's events have on public otticials?
(A) It challenged them to act.
(B) It put them to shame.
(C) It caused them to make changes.
(D) It angered them.

191. What does the guide do?

(A) suggest ways to plan for the next Kick Butts Day
(B) discuss the details of tobacco problem across America
(C) recommend ways to continually support the cause
(D) overview the events of the day
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Reading

Questions 192 -196 refer to the following article and memo.

This may be jast what you have been looking
for both you and Jimmy. I can belp yoa f ind
out more details if yoa are mterested.

The Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers is an innovative project that supports a
uniíied technical assistance System for the purpose of developing, assisting and coordinating
Parent Training and Intormation Projects and Community Parent Resource Centers under the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This project is tunded by the u.s.
Department of Education, o ttic e of Special Education Programs and consists of 1 national

}S 3 J L
center and 6 regional centers. The project is íunded to strengthen the connections to the
larger technical assistance netvvork and fortify partnerships betvveen parent centers and State
education Systems at regional and national levels.

Parent Training and Intormation Centers (PTIs) and Community Parent Resource Centers
(CPRCs) in each State provide training and iníormation to parents of iníants, toddlers, chil-
dren, and youth w ith disabilities and to protessionals who work with children. This assistance
helps parents to participate more effectively w ith proíessionals in meeting the educational
needs of children and youth w ith disabilities. The Parent Centers vvork to improve education-
al outcomes for children and youth w ith all disabilities (emotional, learning, mental, and

The Alliance offers a variety of resources to íurther strengthen the Parent Centers' abilities to
effectively serve the íamilies in their communities whose children have disabilities. There are
approximately 100 parent centers in the United States. Staff members in these centers, as
well as at the Alliance office, are likely to be parents of children with disabilities or have dis-
abilities themselves. The common experience vvith the íamilies they serve results in uncom-
mon com m itm ent to improving outcomes and results for children w ith disabilities.

192. Who is paying for this project? 195. What might m ost of the staff of the Alliance be able
(A) the u.s. Department of Education to do?
(B) Technical Assistance Alliance fo r Parent Centers (A) research the common experiences of parents
(C) Parent Training and Intormation Centers (B) relate the teacher perspective to parents
(D) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (C) create new, more ettective resources
(D) empathize with the parents
193. What tw o entities are otticially allied through
this project? 196. For what reason might this intormation be passed on
(A) regional and national governments to Sarah?
(B) PTIs and CPRCs (A) She works at a parent center.
(C) parents and their children (B) She works in education.
(D) parent centers and education Systems (C) Her son has a disability.
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

(D) Jenn needs her help.

194. How will disabled children beneíit from this proịect?
(A) Their parents will have improved the education
(B) Their parents will be better able to help
in their education.
(C) Their disabilities will be minimized.
(D) The centers will make the education System
more suitable.

TOEIC Practice Test 9 Section II: Reading

Questions 197 - 200 refer to th e following article.

I received my Ph.D. trorn MIT in 1966. I have ployed. That left the following question unan-
heard this time described as the "golden swered: what were the causes of economic
years", bècause of the many tamous gradu- grovvth? Two seminal papers in this tield had
ates. We were all good triends and there was been written by Robert Solow. Both of them
considerable economic discussion amongst shovved that the previous view, that Capital
Practice Test 9

us. I believe that there was a rather smug was a leading cause of economic grovvth,
notion that the major economic problems had was likely to be talse.
been solved, especially in macroeconomics,
and maybe also in microeconomics. First, diminishing returns to Capital would
eventually limit the contribution of Capital
Macroeconomics was by the neoclassical deepening to grovvth. Second, if Capital and
synthesis, which explained the existence of labor received their respective marginal Prod­
unemployment by money vvages that were ucts, then, empirically, there was a signiticant
slow to change in response to excess demand "residual" in the explanation of grovvth: Capital
for labor. Thus vvages might be above market could explain only a small traction of increases
clearing, so that some labor would be unem- in u.s. productivity.

197. What is the smug notion mentioned?

(A) The graduates had solved all major economic problems.
(B) The graduates considered themselves tamous for solving major problems.
(C) The graduates did not have to solve major economic problems.
(D) The graduates were too good of triends to deal with the major problems together.

198. What is the macroeconomic explanation of unemployment?

(A) Payments to employees couldn't keep up with the need for vvorkers.
(B) The lack of demand for labor slowed down wage payment.
(C) Employees were let off due to the demand for high wages.
(D) The market clearing elevated vvages excessively.

199. What do Robert Solow's papers address?

(A) the microeconomic reasons for economic growth
(B) why Capital was a leading cause of economic growth
(C) the íalsity that the u.s. is achieving economic growth
(D) that a previously established view could be incorrect

200. What is NOT something explained by Solow?

(A) Capital has a small role in economic grovvth.
(B) Capital is actually deepening economic growth.
(C) Capital would ultimately be restricted by something else.
(D) Earlier beliets are probably not true.
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

240 I
TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section 1: Listening

T E S T 10 Sectỉon I: Listening
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part I: Photographs
Directions: For each question, you will see a picture and you will hear four short statements. T h e state-
ments will be spoken just one time. They will not be prínted in your test book so you must listen careíully to
understand what the speaker says. When you hear the four statements, look at the picture and choose the
statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Choose the best ansvver A, B, c or D .

N ow listen to the four statements.
Statement (D) best describes what you see in the picture.
Therefore, you should choose answer (D).

A. He is on the phone.
B. She is driving the car.
c. She is typing on the Computer.
D. He is sitting next to her.

Sample Answet

0 Z
Practice Test 10

U iO ) U i A i i t u v q u M « M
T O E IC P ra c tic e Test 10 S e c tio n I: Listening
Practice Test 10
TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section I: Listening

0 1 *S0JL 33Ị*>e.Jd

T O ÍIC P rírtk e T n t 10 _____________ _____________ _ !: “ ■ * " * *
Practice Test 10
TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section I: Listening

Part 3: Conversations
D irectio n s: You will hear some conversations betvveen two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about
I vvhat the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A ), (B ), (C ),
or (D ) on your ansvver sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

41. What is the vveather probably like? 46. Why does the woman think Daniel gets sick?
(A) clear (A) He is vvorking too hard.
(B) cold (B) He is unhappy at work.
(C) stormy (C) He is not physically strong.
(D) rainy (D) He wants to quit.

42. Where did the woman get her idea? 47. What does the man offer to do?
(A) Her boss told her. (A) take the woman to Jimmy's Cafe

0 1 ỊS3J_
(B) She learned about it in college. (B) pick up something to eat
(C) She thought of it herselt. (C) bring the woman cottee
(D) She got it from a magazine. (D) treat the woman to cottee and cake

43. How does the man feel about her idea? 48. If it's from Starbucks, what does the woman want?
(A) He is interested. (A) nothing
(B) He is skeptical. (B) a cottee
(C) He is upset. (C) a cottee and whatever cake they have
(D) He is eager. (D) a cottee and carrot cake

44. Why is the man angry? 49. How does the man respond to the woman's suggestion?
(A) Daniel is almost an hour late. (A) He disagrees with her.
(B) Daniel trequently misses work. (B) He politely declines.
(C) The woman to rg o t to give him intormation. (C) He reluctantly agrees.
(D) Daniel quít. (D) He is easily convinced.

45. What is the woman's attitude tovvards Daniel? 50. What is the problem?
(A) She is sympathetic. (A) They don't have jobs.
(B) She m istrusts him. (B) They can't attord to pay the taxes.
(C) She thinks he has made a mistake. (C) The man is too busy to do the taxes.
(D) She doesn't take him seriously. (D) She doesn't want to do the taxes.

T O E IC P ra c tic e Test 10 S e c tio n 1: Listening

51. What can be interred about the woman? 61. What will the vvoman tinally do?

(A) She is an accountant. (A) She wíll find a sitter.

(B) She gets an accountant to do the taxes. (B) She will stay at home.

(C) She usually does the taxes. (C) She will go to work.
(D) It wíll take her weeks to find an accountant. (D) She will send her sick son to school.

52. Who does the man think ought to do the taxes? 6 2 . What does the woman want to do?
(A) an accountant (A) sta y home
o (B) the woman (B) Sleep longer
(C) he himselt (C) Take the bus

4J (D) he and the woman together (D) Be early to work

ư) ----------- — ---------------------------------------------
& 53. How do they feel about the employers? 6 3 . How could you describe the man?
(A) They dislike them. (A) logical
(B) They do not trust them. (B) opinionated
(C) agreeable
u (C) They have contidence in them.
(D) argumentative
(D) They are triendly with them.
d 54. What does the man think will happen? 6 4 . How will the woman probably get to work?
(A) They could lose their jobs. (A) She will stay home instead.

ŨL (B) The company will become bigger. (B) She will go by bus.
(C) They might not have to work as hard. (C) She will go with the man.
(D) Nothing will change. (D) She will take a taxi.

55. Is the man sure there will be layotts? 6 5 . Why is the vvoman upset?
(A) He is not at all sure. (A) She keeps redoing the same work.
(B) He thinks that only unskilled vvorkers will be fired. (B) She does not like her job.
(C) He thinks their manager will be tired. (C) Her Computer is really slow.
(D) He is absolutely sure. (D) She doesn't like talking to the man.

5 6 . How will they be giving gitts? 66. How can you best describe the man's tone?
(A) anonymously (C) selectively (A) helptul (C) sarcastic
(B) illegally (D) voluntarily (B) resenttul (D) conciliatory

57. How well does the vvoman know LeeAnn? 6 7 . What does the man imply about the woman?
(A) They have not met. (A) She is vvorking too hard.
(B) They are acquaintances. (B) She is completely overreacting.
(C) They are triends. (C) She doesn't know how to back up her tiles.
(D) They are close triends. (D) The situation is her own tault.

5 8 . What can be interred about the man? 68. Will the woman go for lunch?
(A) He is rather nosey. (A) No, she doesn't have time.
(B) He is not so honest. (B) Yes, she will go with the others.
(C) He is lacking contidence. (C) Yes, she will meet the others later.
(D) He preters to follow rules. (D) No, she doesn't want to eat.

59. What is implied about Gina's husband? 6 9 . What will the man do?

p c
(A) He works in a faraway City. (A) He will wait for the woman to tinish.
o (B) He does not like his job. (B) He will help the vvoman tinish her work.
4-3 (C) He is too busy to stay at home. (C) He will bring the woman a chef's salad.
CD (D) He does not think their son is sick.
’> (D) He will order the woman's food.

c 6 0 . Why doesn't the woman call a sitter? 7 0 . What can we understand about the colleagues?
(A) The sitter she knows cannot make it. (A) They otten eat together.
(B) She can't attord One. (B) They don't really get along.

(C) She doesn't know who to call. (C) They are relatives.

i (D) The sitter got lost. (D) They have vvorked together for years.

248 1
TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section I: Listening

Part 4: Taiks
D ire c tio n s : You wiH hear some talks given by a single speaker You will be asked to answer three questions about
what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A ). (B ). (C). or (D)
on your ansvver ỉheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71. Where would this message likely be heard? 79. How does the speaker expect Ben to teel when he gets
(A) over a loudspeaker the message?

a D ỊiD E - r d
(B) on an ansvvering machine (A) excited but worried
(C) on the radio (B) unprepared and a bit annoyed
(D) at a meeting (C) extremely angry
(D) ĩnsecure and tairly uncooperative
72. At the time of the message what has been decided for sure?
(A) the dates of the conterence 80. What is the purpose of this announcement?
(B) the main speaker at the conterence (A) to advise about career choices
(C) the timetable for the talks (B) to instruct in management
(D) the keynote speaker's availability to attend (C) to advertise a course
(D) to introduce a concept
73. What must Jess do right away when she returns?

0 1
(A) call the person who left the message 81. Where might this announcement be heard?
(B) e-mail all the speakers (A) on the radio
(C) call the keynote speaker (B) in a lecture theater
(D) juggle the talks around (C) on the telephone
(D) at a holiday resort
74. How many meals will be served?
(A) one 82. What does the course prepare students for?
(B) two (A) getting a job in a hotel
(C) three (B) submitting their application
(D) four (C) doing industry placements
(D) managing a hotel
75. What are the listeners asked to pay attention to?
(A) the duty-tree cart 83. What is the purpose of this message?
(B) the vveather conditions (A) to place an order
(C) smoking areas (B) to cancel an order
(D) the satety video (C) to make a complaint
(D) to demand a Service
76. When was this announcement made?
(A) betore take-off 84. What is wrong with the paper?
(B) during take-off (A) It is not what was purchased.
(C) during the tlight (B) It has broken the printer.
(D) atter landing (C) It is the wrong color.
(D) It is in very bad condition.
77. What is this message about?
(A) a judgmental person 85. What does the speaker want?
(B) an unexpected visit (A) a response trom someone
(C) work not done on time (B) a full retund
(D) changes in a design (C) a ditterent kind of paper

(D) an opinion on what to do

78. What does Ms. Tibbs want to know?
(A) when the work will be done
(B) how the work is going
(C) why the work isn't done
(D) who Ben is

T O E IC P ra c tic e Test 10 S e c tio n 1: Listening

86. What kind of restaurant is being advertized? 94. You have a ticket to travel on Sunday. What can you do?
(A) a gourmet restaurant (A) get a retund
(B) a romantic restaurant (B) use it on Monday
(C) an experimental restaurant (C) use it as normal
(D) a family-friendly restaurant (D) nothíng, you lose

87. What is unique about dark dining? 95. What is the purpose of this message?
(A) the way it involves the senses (A) to give intormation
P ractice Test 10

(B) the type of cuisine served (B) to seek intormation

(C) the extent to which it uses spices (C) to make a demand
(D) the fact that it mixes svveetness and tang (D) to otter a vvarning

88. What can you NOT experience about the tood at Opaque? 96. Where can they have their meals catered?
(A) how it smells (A) at either option
(B) what color it is (B) at the Miramar
(C) if it is spicy (C) at the Ritz
(D) what it is made from (D) at neither option

89. On which news program would you expect to hear this 97. What does the speaker think they should choose?
report? (A) The speaker preters the Ritz.
(A) News of the World (B) The speaker preters the Miramar.
(B) Technology Today (C) The speaker has no opinion.
(C) Weekend Arts and Entertainment Report (D) The speaker doesn't like elther option.
(D) Business Weekly
98. Why did Mary Brown call Ms. Kitching?
90. Broadband is very important for how many? (A) to arrange an appointment
(A) 23 percent of people (B) because she needs to ask her to work
(B) 17 percent of people (C) to ask her to keep next week free
(C) 3 percent of people (D) because she is being considered for a job
(D) 73 percent of people
99. When will the intervievv be?
91. What has the government promised to do? (A) on the 24th of September
(A) to research broadband extensively (B) on the 24th or 25th of September
(B) to keep improving the speed of broadband (C) sometime next week
(C) to explain why broadband is essential for all (D) there is no way to know
(D) to make broadband available for all
100. What can we inter about the intervievv?
92. Why are there no buses running? (A) It will probably not be successtul.
(A) because it is the weekend (B) It will last for many hours.
(B) because of a national holiday (C) It will only be a tormality.
(C) because of a vvorkers' strike (D) It will be competitive.
(D) because there are no more tickets

93. When should buses be back to normal?

(A) Sunday
(B) Monday
(C) Tuesday
(D) next vveekend

TỌEIC Practke Te*t 10 _____________ s«cttow Hi H m É B Ị

Section II: Reading

In tha Headmg iM t ỵou will mad a vanaty of te m and a n tw r It v r a i typM oI ra td v g c o n ự d w w v qưMPom
Tha enore Reading tM * w * last 7S m » x tti T > a n ara throe pam and á n c o a rn ana |N *< far «K h p*"t You are trxo u rap d to
WHwar aa rnany qưMbont ai potnb*e wntwi tha umn altovvad You muat ÍTW * yoũr antw on on the taparate r« w « r
# * e t Do r>ot w rtt» your antvran in your te tt book

Part 5: Incomplctc Sentcnces

D ir e c t í o r u : A word or p h ro e » mn*jng m aoch of tho aamencaa baếow Four ant w r c h à m ar« gtvan M o w
«act« aantanca Solect the ben arwm«r to complaca the aentanc* Thon merk the letter (A ), (B ) (C ) or (D ) an
rour amvver aheet


3 D Ị
Tha mother held her nawbom
(A ) loving
(B ) lovotỹ

ÌS 9 ±
I (C ) lovtngty
(D ) love

C orrect anjw er (C )


101 J' ■ signrticantly smce this time last year 107. It W0(4d be an honor «tth you agaaì «1 the (utưe.
|A) tncrease (A) cottaborate
(B) increased (B) to colaborate
(C) have tncreased (CỊ coHaboratmg
(D) are increasing (D) to be colaborated

102. Mf Smttti comes _ _ Nen Zealand He's not Australian 108. Mrs. Cross íttists that ne amve tane.
(A) by (A ) «1
(B) to (B) on
(CỊ (rom |C) lo r
(D )m (D) at

103. The company was to meet the terms of our contract 109. Wiil you yoư hasty deo son’
(A) obligated (A) reconsrder
(B) encouraged (B) resist
(C| requested (C) neglect
(0) surpcised ( 0 ) renovate

104. The carpetỉ ju$t last week 110. I*m sorry you nere ásappomted mth our product. n see
(A) nashed that it never____ agaia
(B) nere nashng (A) arnves
(C) had nashed (B) becomes
(D) were nashed (C) attempts
( 0 | happens

105. It's risky to a òebt m this unstable economy

(A| take on U I . The newest o( the computers « the (e s t____ that broke
(B) overtake (A) somethmg
w w w .nh m

(C) take up (BI ones

(D) take over (C) some
■ 0 8 Mr Murphy has become nealthy due to Ns
mvestments. 112. Although the Steah House wodd be I nas hopng
(A| timtd ne cotid try someplace nen
(B| hasty (AI pertect
(C) rash (B) adequate
(D) shrend (C) unsavory
(D) ternbie

TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section II: Reading

113. Could you tell me the best way t o _____ 122. It's raining b u t , _____ , we must still go.
Mr. Campbell? (A) nevertheless

(A) meet (B) hovvever

(B) call (C) despite
(C) speak (D) although
(D) reach
1 2 3 . ____ traveled extensively in his youth, he was ready to
114. Can you give an example illustrating how you might settle down.
P ractice Test 10

p e rto rm _____ pressure? (A) Having

(A) around (B) He had
(B) in (C) Having been
(C) from (D) Has he
(D) under
124. Would y o u _____ retrain from talklng during the film?
115. Robert is alvvays_____ to others; ot course NI give him (A) kind
a hand if he needs it! (B) kindest
(A) helping (C) kinder
(B) helptul (D) kindly
(C) helps
(D) helpless 125. How dare y o u _____ my honesty!
(A) misunderstand
116. He would rather h a v e _____ fo r his work than any (B) commend
tinancial reward. (C) regard
(A) notiíication (D) question
(B) renumeration
(C) recognition 126. I will need either Jen ne r_____ Todd to come with me on
(D) elevation Tuesday.
(A) or
117. Those travelling by mini-bus m u s t_____ in the parking (B) nor
lot by 7am. (C) and
(A) go (D) not
(B) embark
(C) join 127. We can't offer the cheapest p ro d u c t_____ we can otter
(D) meet the best quality.
(A) and
1 1 8 . ____ car is parked in the loading area? (B) only
(A) Who (C) but
(B) Who's (D) because
(C) Whose
(D) What's 128. All staff must be intormed about the n e w _____ on
119. The turniture at the o ffic e _____ last week. (A) proposal
(A) were replaced (B) text
(B) replaced (C) law
(C) was replaced (D) policy
(D) have been replaced
129. _____ than drive, she decided to walk.
120. Do you want t o _____ the premiere? (A) Better

(A) participate (B) Either

(B) explore (C) Rather
(C) visit (D) Other
(D) attend
130. _____ you're leaving, be sure to turn off the lights.
121. It's 3pm; you re a lly _____ take a lunch break. (A) Betore
(A) needn't (B) With
(B) ought to (C) On
(C) would (D) As
(D) hadn't

TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section II: Reading

1 3 1 . 1'm sorry, p le a se _____ : don't let me interrupt! 136. Applications re ce ive d _____ the 24th of June will not be
(A) linger considered.
(B) haĩt (A ) by
(C) commence (B) from
(D) continue (C) atter
(D) on
132. It's no u s e _____ : we're too busy right now for anyone
to have next week off. 137. TinYs Creative p ro b le m _____ has saved the day again!

3 3 ỊỊD E J d
(A) to insist (A) solved
(B) insisted (B) solves
(C) insisting (C) solving
(D) being insisted (D) solution

133. The whole team is going on a (n )_____ to build morale. 138. It vvould be to y o u r _____ to do a master's degree.
(A) excursion (A) compliment
(B) intention

0 1 ỊS 3 1
(B) intervention
(C) investigation (C) increase
(D) journey (D) advantage

134. John needs to learn to s p e a k _____ ! 139. U níortunately_____ of the candidates we intervievved
(A) polite were satistactory.
(B) politics (A) either
(C) politely (B) both
(D) politeness (C) neither
(D) one
135. The audience, as well as the pertormers,
exhausted atter the play. 140. The two companies decided t o _____ instead of
(A) have been continuing to compete.
(B) are (A) battle
(C) were (B) merge
(D) has (C) comply
(D) surrender

TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section II: Reading

Part 6 : Text Completion

D i r e c t i o m : Read the texu that folk»w. A word or phrase IS mitsmg in some of the sentences Four answer
choices ăre given below each of the sentences Select the be« answer to comptete the text Then mark the letter
(A ). (B ). (C ). or (D ) on ỵour answer sheet
P ractice Test 10

Ọ uestiont 141-143 re le r to the follow ing e-m ail: Que<tion> 144-146 re te r to the foilow ing intorm ation:

To: Bill Pletcher You have no )Ob secunty, even rf you thmk you do.
From: Michelle Reid Consultants, even good consuttants, are otten consxlered
Date: June 7 a necessary evH by customers who use them, and rt's
Re: Request for intormation easy to stop using one. It doesn't require tiring 0f
controntation, just "we don't need you any more’ Of even (ust
Dear Mr. Fletcher. not callmg.
I am e-mailmg you concernmg your )0b application for
the position of assistant set designer at Big Sky 144. (A) excepting
Studios. Your application interests us, but we need (B) an exception
some other documents. (C) exceptional
(D) exceptionally
141. (A) supportmg
(B) support This has happened to me several times: a sure thmg, with
(C) supported many years of history, stopped on a dime when a customer's
(D) supporter customer canceled a project, or when another customer was
bought by a bigger enterprise.
First of all, ín the porttoho section of your application
you several amateur productions for which you This is not personal to your customer; It’s just business but
were responsible for the set design. when your gravy traín without notice, it‘s very
personal. And territying.
142. (A) claim
(B) Kst 145. (A) explodes
(C) tetl (B) evaporates
(0) arrange (C) precipitates
(D) appears
We would like to see photographs, or other visual evi-
dence, of the work that you did. If you do not have The best way to approach this IS to diversity. If you have
this, you may want to ask the venue where the per- only one ongoing project, you can find yoursett out of work
tormance was held. They otten keep vídeo records. with no more notice than the time It takes the phone to rmg.
_____ bemg aggressive about tindmg more than One
Also, you said that reterences could be provided on customer, and even making It a point to value a backlog of
your cv. We would indeed like to receive the names work, you have a tighting chance at dodgmg the vaporưmg-
and contact mtormation for two reterees. customer bullet.

Please provide us with the above intormation as soon 146. (A) But
as possible. If you have any questíons or need assis- (B) Theretore
tance, you __ contact me at this e-mail address, (C) Either
Of caM 345 388 8978.
(D) By

143. (A) must

(B) may
(C) ought
(D| wojlđ

Michelle Re*d,
Human Resources

T O E IC P ra c tic e Test 10 S ectio n II: R eading
■ -------------- --------------------------

Questions 147-149 reter to the following job Questions 150-152 re íe r to the following letter:

QUALIFICATIONS - Assistant Budget and Accounts May 24

Officer Maryann Larson
Educatlon 4563 West Larch Drive
This position requires an advanced university degree
(Master's degree or equivalent) in business administration, Dear Ms. Larson,
tinance, economics or related tie ld ._____ , a first-level
university degree with a relevant combination of academic I was very sorry to hear that you were not satistied with
qualiíications and relevant extensive experience may be your purchase. We take great pride in creating high quality
accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. and dependable cameras, and so it is a cause of
concern to hear that a customer purchased a detective

0 I
147. (A) Hovvever product. I was also dismayed to learn that the outlet vvhere
(B) Theretore you purchased the camera vvould not accept a return
(C) In addition because you purchased the item on sale.
(D) Indeed
150. (A) considerate
Work Experience (B) considerable
A minimum of 7 y e a rs _____ responsible administrative (C) considerably
experience is required. Experience in health Insurance (D) considering
administration, preterably in the United States health and
life Insurance environment, or in international or As you know, l'm sure, our cameras have an outstanding
intergovernmental organizations, is desirable. reputation and we have many satisíied customers. So, if you
would like to give us another chance, and exchange the cam-
148. (A) progressively era you purchased for another of the same model, you may
(B) Progressive give the enclosed form to the retailer where you bought the
(C) progressing camera, and they a r e ________ to fill out the form, return
(D) progress your camera to us, and immediately issue you with a new
English and French are t h e _______languages of the 151. (A) ordered
organization. For this post, tluency in spoken and vvritten (B) appeased
English is required. Knovvledge of the other language is (C) obligated
an advantage. (D) automated

149. (A) serious Or, if y o u ________ taith in our product and vvould preter to
(B) secondary receive your money back, please send the camera to us, and
(C) essential when we receive it we will issue to you a complete retund.
(D) working
152. (A) are losing

Other Skills (B) will lose

Advanced Computer skills including spreadsheet and (C) have lost
database applications are required. (D) lose


Bob Baltour,
Customer Service Department

TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section II: Reading

Part 7: Reading Comprehension

D ire c tio n s : In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and nevvspaper articles, letters, and
advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best ansvver for each question and mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D ) on your ansvver sheet.

Are you someone who enjoys trying new things and does not íeel uncomĩortable in new environments? Then why
P ractice Test 10

not get paid for it? CULTURE magazine is looking for individuals to go to new clubs, events, etc. and write about
the cultural scene they observe in these places. Interested? Send your resume to Please
no phone calls.

What type of person vvould be best qualiíied for this job?

(A) A homebody
(B) An introvert
(C ) A clumsy person
( D ) A risk-taker
Correct answer: (D)

Questions 153-155 re íe r to th e following notice.

This site may contain advice, opinions and statements of various information providers.

We do not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement
or other intormation provided by any intormation provider, any user of this site or any
other person or entity. Reliance upon any such advice, opinion, statement or other
intormation shall also be at the user's own risk.

We shall not be liable to any user or anyone else for any inaccuracy, error omission
alteration, or, use of any content herein, or for its timeliness 0r completeness.

153. Where might this notice be íound?

(A) in a shop
(B) on the television
(C) on the internet
(D) in a newspaper

154. What is the purpose of this notice?

(A) to educate
(B) to advertise a Service
(C) to inspire trust
(D) to give legal protection

155. According to the notice, what must users do?

(A) accept responsibility

(B) avoid making errors
(C) give advice
(D) accept all the opinions

256 I
TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section II: Reading

Questions 156 to 157 re fe r to th e following advertisem ent:

C afe Gratitude
serving all organic, vegan and mostly live foods!

A quirky, cool cafe that serves food that's good for you and serves it with a smile.

The vegan menu mixes interesting and delicious tlavors, and takes local food

a D Ị^ D B
production and the environment seriously.

Hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to lOpm

Sunday lOam to 3pm

0 1 ịs a x
156. Who is this advertisement aimed at?
(A) people who like gourmet food
(B) trendy, tashion-conscious people
(C) people who have little extra spending money
(D) environment- and health-conscious people

157. What claim is made about the staff?

(A) they work long hours
(B) they are triendly
(C) they are highly qualiíied
(D) they are few - it is self-service

Questions 158 to 159 relate to th e following notice:

This Trust acknovvledges its responsibility to provide a safe, smoke-free environment for its employees,
Service users and visitors.

Smoking is theretore not permitted at any point vvhilst on duty, in accordance with the guidelines set down
within the Trust No-Smoking Policy #NJ77543.

In cases of non-compliance tines of up to 500 dollars will be issued and for repeat non-compliance the
Trust reserves the right to pursue turther disciplinary action as appropriate.

158. What are Trust employees not allovved to do?

(A) smoke ever, under any circumstances
(B) smoke while at work

(C) allow visitors to smoke

(D) avoid paying a fine

159. If you are caught smoking more than

once, what will happen?
(A) Probably nothing.
(B) You will be fined.
(C) You will be tined more than 500 dollars.
(D) You may be punished turther.

TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section II: Reading

Questions 160 to 162 re la te to th e following fo rm :

I------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ — —~ -

Eternal Spring Flow ers and Gifts

Customer Iníorm ation Form - Telephone Orders

P ractice Test 10

Date: M a r c h 12
Customer Name: G e o rg e J o n e s
Address: 3 4 B irc h La ne , San F ra n s is c o , C A
Contact Num ber: 6 7 4 8 3 8 3 8 7 3 2

How they íound out about us: n e v v s p a p e r ad

Products ordered: la rg e m ix e d b o u q u e t, in o ra n g e s /y e llo v v s

Payment M ethod: c r e d it c a rd
Paíd: Y es / N o
Date of Payment: M a r c h 13

Delivery M ethod: e x p re s s S e rv ic e
Date of shipping: 1 4 th M a r c h ( to a r r iv e 1 5 th )
shipping Address: M r s . B e tty J o n e s , 4 5 B rid g e S tre e t, P o rtla n d , O R , 6 7 8 5 3

Message on Card: H a v e a g r e a t b ir t h d a y M o m ! M a n y h a p p y r e t u r n s !
W e lo v e y o u . G e o rg e a n d Ấ n n a

160. What does this form record?

(A) an enquiry
(B) a purchase
(C) a product
(D) an occasion

161. How did George contact Eternal Spring

Flowers and Giíts?
(A) in a nevvspaper add
(B) he visited the shop
(C) he called them
(D) he wrote to them

162. What day is probably Betty Jones'

(A) March 12th
(B) March 13th
(C) March 14th
(D) March 15th

TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section II: Reading

Questions 163 to 166 relate to the tollovving article:

Thousands of gamers may have been cut off from detect pirated software; however, Microsott has not said
Microsoft's Online gaming Service, Xbox Live, for modiíying exactly how it was able to determine which gamers to dis-
their computers to play pirated games. Online reports sug- connect. "We do not reveal specitics, but can say that all
gest that as many as 600,000 gămers may have been banned consoles have been veritied to have violated the
attected and Microsott has contirmed that it has banned terms of use," the firm said in a statement.
what it calls a "small percentage" of the 20 million Xbox

0 I ỊS 3 J . 3 3 ỊỊD E J J
Live users worldwide. The health of the video game business depends on cus-
tomers paying for the genuine Products and Services they
Microsott had previously stated that moditying an Xbox receive from manutacturers, retailers, and the third parties
360 console violates the service's term s of use and would that support them. Industry tigures suggest that piracy may
result in a player being disconnected. The Xbox 360 is cost the video game industry as much as £750m a year.
equipped with Digital Rights Management technologies to

163. What is the article mainly about? 165. The word "detect" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning
(A) reasons gamers play Xbox Live to what word?
(B) M icrosoft's actions against pirated software (A) capture
(C) how Computer games are pirated (B) disable
(D) tactors damaging Microsoft's business (C) tacilitate
(D) identiíy
164. How many people are thought to use Xbox Live?
(A) several thousand 166. What ettect does piracy have on the video game
(B) six hundred thousand industry?
(C) two million (A) lt increases its popularity.
(D) twenty million (B) It damages technologies.
(C) lt costs it a lot of money.
(D) lt has very little ettect.

TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section II: Reading

Questions 167 to 171 re la te to th e following te x t:

Games and Activities - Toxic W aste

This is a popular, engaging small group activity which provides a rich teamwork challenge. The challenge is
to move the “toxic waste” contents of a bucket to the "neutralization" Container using minimal equipment
and maintaining a safe distance vvithin a time limit. It is moderately diííicult and works best for groups that
have already dealt vvith basic teamwork issues. Avoid using this activity with groups who are still in the early
Practice Test 10

stages of group development.

Set-U p
Use the rope to create a circle at least 8 feet in diameter on the ground to represent the toxic waste radiation
zone. The larger the zone, the more diííicult the activity. Place the small bucket in the center of the radiation
zone and fill it with water or balls to represent the toxic waste. Place the large neutralization bucket approxi-
mately 30 to 50 feet away. The greater the distance, the more diííicult the activity. Put all other equipment
(i.e., bungee, cords) in a pile near the rope circle.

D ire c tio n s
The challenge is for the group to work out how to transíer the toxic waste from the small bucket into the
large bucket, using only the equipment provided within a time írame. The waste will blow up and destroy the
world aíter 20 minutes if it is not neutralized. Anyone who ventures into the radiation zone will suffer injury
and possibly even death, and spillage will create death and destruction. Thereíbre, the group should aim to
save the vvorld and do so without injury to any group members.

F a c ilita to r Notes
Toxic Waste is not an easy exercise and most groups will beneíit from some coaching along the way. The
solution involves attaching the cords to the bungee loop, then guiding the bungee with the strings to sit
around and grab the toxic waste bucket. Then with everyone pulling on their cord and with good coordina-
tion and care, the toxic waste bucket can be liíted, moved and tipped into the empty neutralizing bucket.

167. Who is this text vvritten for? 170. What can you do to make the exercise more ditíicult?
(A) an office vvorker (A) decrease the radiation zone
|B) a teacher (B) increase the distance to the neutralization bucket
(C) a manager (C) use balls instead of water
(D) a health and satety officer (D) offer coaching

168. Where would this text most likely be tound? 171. What group would benetit most trom this exercise?
(A) posted in a staff canteen (A) one that can't work together
(B) in a íinancial magazine (B) any team at all
(C) in a book on team building (C) an experienced team
(D) on the front page of a newspaper (D) a brand new team

169. Which of the following does the game N0T involve?

(A) using minimal equipment
(B) vrorking with a group
(C) vvorking to a time limit
(D) vrorking individually

260 I I
TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section II: Reading

Q u e ítio n * 172 to 173 relate to th e following article:

Surprise Rise in A u stralian Jobs

Austratia’s economy created more (Obs than enpected «1 October. with 24,500 more peopie tndng emptoyment
It IS the second monthty gam m a row and has ted anatysts to speciẩate that rterest rates bé ncreased «1
December to 3.75% trom 35%.

0 1 »sai 3 DỊỊDEJJ
In October, Australia became the fwst G20 country to raise mterest rates smce the gtoờal recesyon began. and
It ratsed rates agam earlier thts month. The news sent the Australian dollar to a 15-month t*gh

172. What IS the article mainly about? 173. According to the article wt»ch of the foflowmg has not
(A) Australia'ỉ economic gams yet happened?
(B) The global reces&ion (A) More people tound emptoyment
(C) Unemployment in Australia (B) Intecest rates were raised.
(D) How Australia overcame the recession (C) Interest rates increased to 3.75'
(D) The Austrahan dollar increased m value

Questions 174 to 175 re la te to th e following advertisem ent:

---—...-..... ....... ..........

Corporate Outmgs Special Occasions

Let us Cater to You !


A fun-filled day o f am aỉing animals, g re a t food.
entertainmg shows, mechanical rides and more.


Package includes:
Admission to the Zoo, Shows, and Rides
(unlimited rides on Sky Satan and Woodland Trairiị
Meal, Beverage and Dessert

For groups of 25 or more adults

Advanced booking ot two weeks Of more IS required

800-258-9182 ext 200 to reserve

174. Who IS this advertưement aimed at? 175. You want to take up this otter on the 25th of
(A) Businesses September What must you do?
(B) Tourists (A) Call at least two weeks betore
(C) Teenagers (B) Show up with 24 other people
(D) Tamilies vvith young children (C) Make a reservation on the intecnet
(D) Oder your pcetered meal and shows.
TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section II: Reading

Questions 176 to 180 re la te to th e following article:

A Dream Interpretation: Tuneups for the Brain

lt's s n o w in g he avily, and e v e ryo n e in th e b a ckya rd is in a svvim su it, a t so m e k in d o f p a rty : M o m , D ad, th e

high scho ol P rin cip a l, th e re 's even an e x -g irlfrie n d . A n d is th a t Elvis, o v e r b y th e pinata? U h -o h .

D re a m s are so rích and have such an a u th e n tic te e lin g th a t s cie n tists have lo n g a ssu m ed th e y m u s t have
PrâCtÌCG Tfest I 0

a c ru c ia l p s y c h o lo g ic a l p u rp o s e . T o F reud, d re a m in g p ro v id e d a p la y g ro u n d f o r th e u n c o n s c io u s m in d ; to
Jung, it w as a stage vvhere th e psych e acte d o u t p rim a l th e m e s. N e w e r th e o rie s h o ld th a t d re a m s h e lp the
b ra in to c o n s o lid a te e m o tio n a l m e m o rie s o r to w o rk th ro u g h c u rre n t p ro b le m s .

Yet w h a t if th e p rim a ry p u rp o s e o f d re a m in g is n 't p s y c h o lo g ic a l a t all? In a p a p e r p u b lis h e d last m o n th

D r. J. A lla n H o b so n , a p s y c h ia tris t and lo n g tim e sleep re se a rch e r at H a rv a rd , argues th a t th e m a in fu n c -
tio n o f ra p id -e y e -m o v e m e n t sleep, o r REM, w h e n m o s t d re a m in g o c c u rs , is p h ysica l. The b ra in is vvarm -
in g its c irc u its , a n tic ip a tin g th e sig hts and so u n d s and e m o tio n s o f vvaking, vvhile REM sleep has saíely
pa ralyzed th e b o d y p re v e n tin g m o v e m e n t and speech.

D r. H o b so n argues th a t d re a m in g is a p a ra lle l State o f co n scio u sn e ss th a t is c o n tin u a lly ru n n in g b u t n o r-

m a lly suppressed d u rin g w a k in g . T he idea o f dre a m s as a k in d o f s o u n d c h e c k fo r th e b ra in m a y b rin g
so m e c o m ío rt, as vvell. T hat o m in o u s d re a m o f p e o p le g a th e re d o n th e lavvn fo r so m e strang e party?
P rob ab ly m e a ningless. N o reason to screa m , even if it w e re p o ssib le .

176. What does the tirs t paragraph represent? 179. Why might Dr. Elobson's theory make people feel better?
(A) Nothing; it's nonsense (A) Because dreaming is very important.
(B) A typical day (B) Because their dreams don't mean anything.
(C) A dream (C) Because Freud and Jung were not correct.
(D) A traumatic event (D) Because we dream when we are awake too.

177. What have most scientists believed about dreams? 180. Where would this article most likely be tound?
(A) They seldom feel real. (A) in a textbook
(B) They serve no purpose at all. (B) in a magazine
(C) They are psychologically important. (C) on a billboard
(D) They have a physical purpose only. (D) on a flier

178. What new idea does Dr. Elobson suggest?

(A) Dreams are predicting the tuture.
(B) Dreams occur during REM sleep.
(C) Dreams are a playground for the psyche.
(D) Dreams have a physical tunction.

TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section II: Reading

Q uestions 181-185 re íe r to th e fo llo w in g ch a rt and e-m ail:

To: Timothy
From: Alison
Subject: Sales chart by year

Hi Timothy,

Thanks fo r sending the chart I requested so promptly, I knovv it was extremely short notice.
I ju s t want to check a few things before I present it to our shareholders this afternoon.

I alvvays thought shoes were our highest p ro fit product. I think we all ju s t take th a t fa c t fo r
granted; so, are we mistaken? Do we consistently seII more coats than shoes? Or could the data
points be mixed up, perhaps? I had Q quick glance at the raw data sheets, and th a t d id n 't make
me feel any more confident....

Also, could you label the units used on the p ro fit axis? o f course we all know, but I know the
stockholders will need a b it o f guidance. I could ivrite it in pen, but th a t’s ju s t not, you know,

0 1 * S9±
the image we want to portray to our investors.

Please check up on the above points. r il pass by in 10 minutes or so to talk about this. To make
a mistake this afternoon vvould be embarrassing.


181. Why did Timothy send Alison the chart? 184. What is Alison's main concern?
(A) She asked him to. (A) Timothy's work ethic
(B) He needed her to check it. (B) the accuracy of the intormation
(C) He was unhappy with it. (C) the aesthetics of the chart
(D) He vvanted her to pass on the intormation. (D) the honesty of her company

182. How will the shareholders see the chart? 185. How could Alison's manner with Timothy be best

(A) Alison will show them. described?

(B) Timothy will show them. (A) hostile
(C) The boss of Alison and Timothy will show them. (B) accommodating
(D) It will be sent to them in an e-mail. (C) snappy
(D) tolerant
183. How does Alison feel about the chart?
(A) She teels contident in its accuracy.
(B) She teels unintormed about the subject.
(C) She teels like she is being tricked.
(D) She teels surprised at the results.

TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section II: Reading

Questions 186 to 190 re íe r to th e following a d v e rtis e m e n t and e-m ail:

Date: 16 March
From: Bob Brown
Our work ranges from a single, small detail to com-
Subject: Consultation
plete residential projects.
P ractice Test 10

Each job begins with either a briet telephone or email

Good morning Ms. Jamison,
conversation at which time the basics of the client's
needs are discussed. There is no fee for this prelimi-
Following our telephone conversation of Friday the
nary Service. This is followed by an Initial Consultation
12th March, and much discussíon with my wife, l'm
where more in-depth intormation about the client's
delighted to tell you we wish to proceed with the
requirements, wishes and budget details is discussed.
proposed project.

Over the past tvventy years we've tound access to

If you recall, we wish to alter our small kitchen ínto ị
unique sources, both national and international, that
an open-plan kitchen and living area.
include crattspeople with special talents which are not
available in the general marketplace. Experience also
I believe the next step is for you to come to our
allovvs us to carry out etticient projects which elimi-
home and begin discussion of the details.
nate virtually all of the negative aspects and íears
usually associated with larger-scale renovations.
We would like to get this project undervvay as soon
as possible with an aim of íinishing by early July.
While we are ettective with project supervision, we
also are realistic when describing the dusty, messy
Please let me know when you are available for the
and unpleasant times which are part and parcel of a
Initial Consultation.
major renovation proịect. We prepare the Client, with
as much intormation as possible, fo r the process
vvhich their home is about to undergo as it changes
trom a group of poorly tunctioning spaces into a
Bob Brovvn
dream home.

186. What was the purpose of Bob Brown's e-mail? 189. What does Absolute feel must be treated realistically?
(A) to ask what to expect from the renovation (A) the supervision of the project
|B) to accept Ms. Jamison's job otter (B) the client's dream
(C) to complain about the work being slow (C) the mess that will be caused
(D) to hire Absolute Interior Design (D) the client's budget

187. The word "briet" in paragraph 2, line 1 of the 190. What will most likely happen next?
advertisement is closest in meaning to what? (A) They will discuss the project on the phone.
(A) short (B) They will begin the renovation.
(B) free (C) They will arrange the Initial Consultation.
(C) tactual (D) Ms. Jamison will decline the invitation.
(D) inadequate

188. What can Absolute offer their clients?

(A) help only with very large projects
(B) the complete absence of dust
(C) exceptional crattspeople

(D) quality work at budget prices

TOEIC Practice Test 10 Sectiorì II: Reading

Questions 191 to 195 re fe r to th e following le tte r and coupon:

/Vlarch 29
C ry s ta l S ki R e s o rts
Mr. and Mrs. Sachs
12 /Vlountain view Road,
Invites you to enjoy _£Kee Q ccom m od atio n_______
Denver, Colorado
at the USA's number one vvinter holiday destination.

Dear Mr and Mrs Sachs,

* s ạ ]_ 9 D Ị Ị D I Ỉ J J
The offer includes:
O r\e -w e e k bed and yre.a\<ịas\ g ị ŨHy o f OUK ski
fm very sorry that yoar stay with us was not
lodtpes. Ị- ifts onA equipm ent rervtgl not________
satisfactory. On the week that you visited, we
had three school groups also visiting, which has
never happened before. Unfortunately oar 5taff
To be claimed by A A a rch 3 0 tk / next veat*.
vvere not prepared, and this resulted in the
deficiencies of cleanliness and Service that
To claim this coupon present it at the admission desk at
you experienced.
the time of admission. Prior reservation required.

in order to change yoar opinion of us, we woald

Offer code: 75934-AR-8003
like to invite you to stay with us again, at no
charge. I've endosed a coupon in the letter

0 I
fo r a week's accommodation redeemable at
any of our lodges.

I hope yoa will take ap our offer to experience

our asual, phenomenal Service.


jose Campbell
Customer Services
Crystal ski Resorts

191. Why did Jose Campbell w rite to the Sachs? 194. How long do the Sachs have to use their coupon?
(A) to make a complaint (A) They must use it immediately.
(B) to advertise the Crystal Ski Resorts (B) They have about a month.
(C) to respond to their enquiry (C) They have about a year.
(D) to ansvver their complaint (D) They may use it vvhenever they want.

192. What did the Sachs most likely complain about? 195. The word "deticiencies" in paragraph 1, line 5 of the letter
(A) Noise carried on all night. is closest in meaning to what?
(B) Room Service didn't clean their room. (A) lack
(C) There was no snow and the skiing was poor. (B) errors
(D) Their room was too small and too dark. (C) misinterpretation
(D) glut

193. What is Mr. Campbell ottering?

(A) a free holiday
(B) reduced-price accommodation
(C) free accommodation
(D) a retund

TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section II: Reading

Questions 196-200 re fe r to th e following e-m ail and tim etab le:

Tim e P re s e n ta tio n T itle S peaker

900 - 10:30 Reduce Emissions by More than 40% by 2020: Practical Dr. Alexa Price Adelta
Examples from Scotland
10:30 - 12.00 Environment Integrity Prof. Joseph Alvarez Theater A

1.00 - 200 Putting Land Transport on the Copenhagen Agenda Dr. Ronald Kay Adelta

200 - 400 Scientitic Knowledge to Meet the Challenge of Prof. Jessica Jones Theater B
Climate Change
Financing for Enhanced Climate Change Action Dr. Ronald Kay

To: Mrs. Amy Smith

F ro m : Anna Jamison
S u b je ct: Schedule enquiry

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I received your e-mail requesting my preterence for a place in the Friday morning or atternoon poster sessions. I'm not
sure which to choose.

I am especially interested in the practical applications of laws that aim to protect the environment, theretore I would
hate to miss the tirs t and last lecture of the day on Friday. When does the atternoon poster session end? If it ends later
than 4:30, would it be acceptable for me to pack up early so as not to miss Dr. Kay's lecture? Are there any other days
when poster sessions are being held that I could perhaps svvitch to?

I'm sorry to trouble you in what must be a very busy time, but I am looking forward to the conterrence; it will be my
first, and I am eager to get as much out of it as possible.

Thanks in advance,


Anna Jamison
Department of Environmental Studies
Western University
TOEIC Practice Test 10 Section II: Reading

196. What is the purpose of the e-mail? 199. What is Anna's problem?
(A) to seek intormation (A) She does not want to present a poster.
(B) to make a complaint (B) She does not want to miss some lectures.
(C) to answer a request (C) She cannot attend the conterence atter all.
(D) to give iníormation (D) She has trouble making decisíons.

197. To what is the word "preterence" in line 1, 2 00. What can we assume about Mrs. Smith?
paragraph 1 of the letter closest in meaning? (A) She is not a patient person.
(A) reservation (B) She has never been to a conterence betore.

(B) requírement (C) She has a lot of work right now.
(C) choice (D) She scheduled the presentations.
(D) alternative

198. Why did Mrs. Smith e-mail Anna Jamison?

(A) to invite her to the conterence

(B) to answer her questions
(C) to intorm her about the schedule
(D) to ask which poster session she wants

0 I

TOEIC Practice Tests Vocabuíary Exercises

10 1 extra Vocabulary exercises

testing T O E IC business words and phrases

1 To be honest, the two candidates are so completely different 13 The company couldn't decide how to proceed,
so an independent adviser was called in t o ___ the situation.
V o c a b u la ry Exercises

that they really don't bear___.

A. coníirmation B. contrast A. result B. repair
c. contemplation D. comparison c. restrain D. resolve

2 The small cafe situated near gate 6 is n o w ___free teas or 14 When Mr. Reynolds first started his company, it did not
coííees to those waiting for the delayed ílight. attract enough clients, so he decided t o ___ the Services
A. discharging B. dispensing of a public relations expert.
c. offering D. obliging A. invite B. engage
c. enter D. register
3 We would like t o ___ our customers that we will be closing
an hour earlier than usual due to the holiday vveekend. 15 This organization has existed for over 50 years and in fact
A. remember B. reassure w a s ___in 1949.
c. repeat D. remind A. grounded B.established
c. íound D. invented
4 Welcome to News Night, and now over to our who's
covering the fireworks show from Carlton Hill. 16 They vvere very careíul to make sure in the original
A. revievver B. reporter agreement that _ vvould be made to pay for staff redundancies.
c. announcer D. períormer A. íoresight B. íorecast
c. providing D. provision
5 I need to check all the telephone calls made during the
month, so I want to receive a(n )___ bill. 17 Have you ever been tempted t o ___ as a candidate
A. detailed B. adequate in the local elections?
c. specialized D. itemized A. stand B. sít
c. race D. try
6 Many big department Stores let you open a account
in order to spread out the costs of items you buy. 18 There will be no trains running today because the drivers are
A. credible B. credit o n ___.
c. credited D. credulous A. hít B. pause
c. strike D. leave
7 You don't have to pay now as long as you the account
by the end of the month. 19 This supermarket is trying to health-conscious shoppers
A. arrange B. order by oííering organic food.
c. end D. settle A. target B.persuade
c. spotlight D. trap
8 The band's manager is responsible for making íinancial
decisions and the accounts in order. 20 You should have those shares last year vvhen they were
A. holding B. keeping cheap.
c. taking D. màking A. taken out B. sold off
c. bought up D. held over
9 It is less risky to put your money into a account than
to invest it on the stock market. 21 Aíter vvorking there for 30 years, she has decided to take
A. heap B. withdrawal early___ .
c. lump D. deposit A. leave B. íinishing
c. departure D.retirement
10 A good team leader must be able t o ___ his colleagues
to come up with Creative Solutions to problems. 22 It has become common for people to go on a spending___
A. inspiring B. Inspiration with their credit card vvithout giving much thought to how
c. inspires

D. inspire they vvill pay back the money.

A. burst B. spree
11 T h e__ _ of alcohol is not allovved vvhile you are on the job. c. fit D. day
A. consumer B.consumption
c. consuming D. consume 23 There is popular demand for the System that allovvs credit
companies to offer unlimited credit to young people to be
12 The contract was signed by the partners who thus agreed A. overhauled B. overseen
t o ___ by the terms and conditions which it contained. c. overlooked D. overtaken
A. follow B. adhere
c. abide D. stick

TOEIC Practice Tests Vocabulary Exercises

24 Occasionally politicians have been íorced to because of 38 Megan liked the atmosphere in the office, but was írustrated
the bad publicity they have attracted. by some very___procedures.
A. step off B. step through A. outdated B. completed
c. step down D. step out c. hnished D. expired

25 Recent reports have that being in debt is no longer looked 39 Those low-cost digital cameras may seem lik e ___but
upon as a disgrace but rather as an attractive way of life. actually that brand is know to be undependable.
A. revealed B. relieved A. innovations B. Products
c. replied D. responded c. bargains D. offerings

26 VVithout the correct password l'm afraid you can’t those 40 The vvorst part of going to the supermarket is trying to pay
files. because there are never enough__and it is always a long wait.
A. reach B. access A. barriers B.checkpoints
c. enter D. find c. exits D. checkouts

27 lf you will not be working on it for more than a few minutes, 41 Check the recipe again betore you leave to make sure
a lw ays___ your Computer. all the we need are on your shopping list.
A. shut from B. shut up A. proceeds B. items
c. shut in D. shut down c. materials D. produce

28 The program I dovvnloaded was not with the operating 42 Her mother was shocked by the latest___of vvearing
System on my Computer. very short skirts.
A. amicable B. compatible A. demand B. trend
c. containable D. amenable c. custom D. habit

29 The office manager expressed concern that the company 43 lt's important for th e ___ you stock to match the current
might not choose a n ___software package. demand of the customers.
A. austere B.affordable A. merchandise B. objects
absolute D. actual c.incentives D. artides

30 The company's ___ of catering Services announced that 44 l've looked over your proposal and it's excellent,
there vvould be an overall increase in their prices. but there are one or two points that still need___ .
A. provision B. producer A. notification B. certiíication
presenter D. provider c. darification D. diversiíìcation

31 T h e___ of recordable compact discs in the office is running 45 According to th e ___ in the report it is clear that employees
dangerously low. work better when they are praised for doing a good job.
A. share B. State A. seeking B. revealing
c. stock D.source c. hndings D. probing

32 lf you wish to stay employed in a competitive environment, 46 Back when I started vvorking in this fìeld, this kind of
you will have to learn how to stay on of your job. iníormality vvould not have b een ___.
A. edge B. top A. vvithheld B. endured
c. head D. line c. instigated D. tolerated

33 lt’s not necessary to pay for an annual Service when 47 The presentation went on thirty minutes longer than it should
you can simply call the provider on an as- basis. have and as a result there wasn't enough time to discuss
A. needed B. requested all the topics on t h e ___.
c. called D. told A. script B. index
c. contents D. agenda
34 Although there is currently a shortage of technical staff,
we hope to be up to fu ll___ by the end of the year. 48 The chairman was obliged to bring the meeting to a ___
A. capability B. capacity because a fire broke out in the adjoining room.
control D.containment A. cessation B. standstill
c. stopping D. halt
35 Many visiting clients have commented on the casual dress
in the office. 49 As so few members had turnedjjp at the meeting,
A. manner B. method it was decided t o ___ it until turther notice.
sense D. code A. delay B. wait
postpone D. hold
36 When a member of staff has produced shoddy work, it will
usually be addressed, in the first case, with a ___ vvarning. 50 Today I met a man who vvorks for a company that we should
A. vvordy B. verbal co-operate a n d ___business with.
vvorded D. verbatim A. make B. take
c. have D. do
37 Would everyone please report any shortage of supplies you
might notice in the computing room so that we don't run 51 They took out a loan and went business shortly after
of A4 paper again? they graduated from university.
A. in to B. down on A. for B. in
c. out of D. up to c. into D. on
TOEIC Practice Tests Vocabulary Exercises

52 I admire Ms. Smith because she has always__ _ it her business 66 An IT expert came to the office to talk to us about the
to help anyone who was having a hard time. beneíits of the office computers to exchange programs
A. made B. taken and íiles more easily.
managed D. called A. meshing B. connecting
linking D. netvvorking
53 Despite all the roadvvork taking place outside the department store,
the management assured customers that it was business as ___ . 67 The company's proíìts have hit n e w ___this year.
A. common B. practical A. lows B. íloors
typical D. usual c.
depths D.ends
V o c a b u ỉa ry Exercises

54 We really must agree on a strategy and _ _ down to business 68 The value of gold has___again.
as soon as possible. A. Iifted B. risen
A. set B. get c. escalated D. ascended
c.cut D. push
69 Thls make o f Computer is intended for t h e ___ market only.
55 A problem with modern warfare is that most of the victims A. distant B. external
are just ordinary people going___ their business. c. export D. outside
A. about B. along
c. around D. through 70 My office mate Mark shovved me the ropes and was a
to me in the first months I was with the company.
56 James' divorce is a personal matter, and I think we have A. mlnder B. monitor
business discussing it in the offìce. c. mender D. mentor
A. scarce B. little
c. no D. not 71 A university education is important, but all new employees
must undergo a period of intensive practical___ as well.
57 l've given you my opinion but you must make up your own A. preparation B. concentration
mind because l'm certainly not the business of telling c. training D. evaluating
others what to do.
A. in B. at 72 The president of the company acknovvledged that th e ___of
c. of D. by the department was largely due to high quality support staff.
A. success B. prosperity
58 I wouldn't take the matter so lightly because these people c. business D. íuture
are deadly serious a n d ___business.
A. make B. mean 73 The pace of change in software-related fields is so fast that
c. require D. need developers find it hard t o ___ the latest innovations.
A. hold out for B. keep on to
59 He was very keen that we kept in touch and handed me c. hold up with D. keep up with
his business___ as he was leaving.
A. ticket B. sign 74 We've íallen a bít behind schedule this week and I want to
card D. notice reemphasize how important it is to keep___for meeting
our deadlines.
60 The whole site contains only offices and administration centers A. on line B. on road
and that’s why it's called a business c. on track D. on path
A. place B. group
c. íield D. park 75 Each year the Chancellor of the Exchequer stands up in the
House of Commons and gives a of the economic Outlook
61 lf you're not sure what to do in some situation you can alvvays for the country.
refer to the company's code of A. íorecast B. íoretell
A. behavior B. practice c. íoresee D. foreword
c. procedure D. attitude
76 lf you want to advertise a particular product successíully,
62 Plans have already been draw n___for the redevelopment you must be sure that you are the right customers.
of the sales area. A. aiming B. directing
A. over B. out c. targeting D. engaging
up D. into
77 The senior management pointed out th a t___ of production
63 The demand for new workers is mainly in th e ___ sectors

had dropped to an all-time low.

of the industry this year. A. signs B. indications
A. blue-collar B. non-collar c. applications D. levels
c. stiff-collar D. high-collar
78 The íigures that have just been published by the company's
64 From the look of things, it seems___ that we will take accountants will give management some kind o f ___on how
an increase in proíits this quarter. sales are going.
A. shortly B. possibly A. prospective B. perception
c. clearly D. likely c. perusal D. perspective

65 Some people are__to change jobs after vvorking for many years. 79 The biggest fear of all world economies is that o f __.
A. uncertain B. shy A. regression B. repression
c. reluctant D. inhibited c. recession D. replication
TOEIC Practice Tests Vocabulary Exercises

80 Vou are never too young to start _ some money 93 ___are people who put money into a business In the hope
for retirement. of making a profìt.
A. implicating B. interesting A. Spenders B. Debtors
c. infusing D. investing c. Lenders D. Investors

81 At certain times your shares w ill___ a good proíit but 94 While there was no for attending the workshop, the lunch
you must also be aware that could go down in value. was quite expensive.
A. yield B. take up A. penalty B. debt
c. increase D.produce c. charge D. payment

82 We got a very good when we bought that second-hand 95 Sometimes it is many years beíore you might see the
car for half its usual price. from your investment.
A. deal B. deals A. produce B. beneíit
c. dealer D. dealt c. Products D. advantage

83 After two companies decided t o ___, their protits increased 96 Interest___are rising dramatically which is good news
substantially due to their combined resources. for those with savings.
A. merge B. double A. íigures B. rates
c. combine D. blend c. levels D. standards

84 Often, when young people apply for a loan, th e ___ of their 97 My credit card ___ during the business trip, because
parents are taken into account. I íorgot to renew it.
A. protits B. vvealth A. depleted B. deceased
c. assets D. Products c. expired D. extinguished

85 Sometimes people will put unlikely items up for auction 98 Certain vvarranties___ the purchaser to have the item
on eBay in the hopes that someone w ill___ on them. serviced at regular intervals.
A. try B. offer A. remand B.repeat
c. go D. bid c. require D. retain

86 The larger company decided not to join with the smaller one 99 Try to remember your co-workers are on yo u r___ and
because it has been hoping to carry out a ___ . cooperate with them as much as possible.
A. turn over B. take out A. road B.corner
c. overtaker D. takeover c. turf D. side

87 This new park has been___with money that has come 100 I certainly w o n 't__any objection if you propose that
from the national lottery. we hire Ms. Jones.
A. tounded B. found A. launch B. raise
c. fitted D. funded c. Iift D. arise

88 T h e ___ in consumer activity was seen as a positive sign 101 I like your idea, so if it comes to a vote, NI be vvilling
that the recession was over. to put m y ___up and support you.
A. upturn B. upstart A. word B. chín
c. uptake D. upslide c . arm D. hand

89 The future of his job was a t ___ over his íailure to win
the lucrative contract.
A. steak B. stages
c. stake D. stress

90 After their house had been___, they decided to sell it and

buy a boat.
A. valued B. priced
c. cost D. calculated

91 People who remain___for a long period, in spite of trying

to find work, can daim some money from the State.
A. disengaged B.unattached
c. unemployed D. unclaimed

92 lf there is a ___betvveen the money you have available and

the amount you need to spend, you need to make changes
in your litestyle.
A. shortcut B. shortíall
c. shortdown D. shortslide
TOEIC Practice Tests Vocabulary Exercises

Answer Key

l.D 2.C ;3.D 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.1D ll.B 1 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.B 16.D \1A 18.C 19.A 20.C
21.D 22.B 23A 24.C 25A 26.B 27.D 28.B 29.B 30.D 31.c 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.D 36.B 37.C 38A 39.C
40.D 41.B 42.B 43.A 44.C. 45.C 46.D 47.D 48.D 49.C 50.D 51,c 52A 53.D 54.B 55.A 56.C 57A 58.B
59.C 60.D 61.B 62.C 63A 64.D 65.C 66.D 67A 68.B 69.C 70.D 71.C 72A 73.D 74.C 75A 76.C 77.D
78.D 79.C 80.D 8 1.A 82A 83A 84.C 85.D 86.D 87.D 88 A 89.C 90A 91.C 92.B 93.D 94.C 95.B 96.B
97.C 98.C 99.D 100.B 101.D

• ■■■

SUCCEED in TOEIC - 10 Practice Tests
Part 1: l.c 2.C 3 / 4.D 5.C 6 / 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.C
Part 2: ll.B 12.C 13.C 14 / 15.C 16.B 17.C 18.C 19/ 20.C 21.B 22.C 23.C 24/ 25.C
28A 27.B 28A 29.C 30.C 31.B 32.C 33.B 34.B 35.C 36.C 37.B 3 8 A 3 9 A 40.C
Part 3: 41.B 42.C 43/ 44.C 45.B 46/ 47.D 48.B 49.C 50.B 51.C 52.B 53.D 54A 55.D
56.B 57.C 58.B 59.C 60.B 61.C 62.C 63.C 647\ 65.D 66.B 67.D 8 8 A 8 9 A 70.B
Part 4: 71.C 72.D 73/ 74.C 78A 76.D 77.C 7 8 A 79.c 80.B 817\ 82.C 83.C 84.D 857\
86.C 87.B 88.C 89/ 90.B 91.C 9 2 A 93.D 94.C 95.B 98A 97 A 98.B 99.D 100.C

Reading Comprehension Section 2

101.D 102.c 103.B 104.C 105.D1 106.D 107/ 108A 109.D 110.C lll.D 112A 113.B 114.C 115.B 116.B 117A
118.B 119.D 120/ 121.C 122.B 123/ 124/ 125.D 126.B 127A 128.B 129.D 130.B 131.D 132.D 133.C 134.B
135/ 136.B 137.B 138.B \3 9 A 140.D 141.B 142.D 1437\ 144.D 145.B 146A 147.D 148.D 149.C 150.B 151.B
152.C 153.B 154.B 155.B 156/ 157/ 158.C 159.D 160A 161.C \8 2 A 163.B 164.C :1657\ 166 167.D 168.C
169.C 170.D 171.B 172.B 173.B 174/ 175.B 176.D 177.B 1787\ 179.D 180.B 181.C 182.B 183.D 184.D 185A
186/ 187.C 188/ 189.C 190.Bi 1917\ 192.C 193.D 194.D 195.D 196.B 197.D 198.B 199.C 200

Part 1: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4 / 5.B 6 / 7.D 8.C 9.B 10/
Part 2: ll.c 12.B 13.C 14.C IS A 16.C 17.B 18.B 19/ 20.B 21/ 22/ 23.B 24.C 25.C
26.B 27.B 28.c 29.B 30/ 31.C 3 2 A 33.B 34.C 35.B 36.C 37.C 38/ 39/ 40.B
Part 3: 41.D 42.B 43/ 44.C 45. A 46/ 47.D 48.C 49/ 50.C 51.C 52.B 53/ 54. c 55.D 56.B 57. c
58/ 59-A 60.D 61.C 62.B 63.C 64.B 65/ 66.C 67.C 68.C 69.C 70.B
Part 4: 71.D 72.C 73.C 74.C 75/ 76.B 77 A 78.D 79.C 80.C 81.D 8 2 A 8 3 A 84.B 85.C 86.C
87.B 88.D 89.C 90.B 91.D 92.B 93.B 94.B 95.B 96.D 97.C 98.C 99/ 100.B

Reading Comprehension Section 2

101.C 102.B 103.C 104 105.D 106.C 107.D 108.C 109/ 110.D lll.D 112/ 113/ 114.B 115.C 116/ 117.C 118.C
119.D 120A 121.C 122.B 123.C 124.C 1257\ Y28A 127.C 128.C 129.D 130/ 131.B 132/ 133.B 134.D 135/
136.B 1377\ 138.D 139.C 140A 141.C 142.D 1437\ 144.D 145.D 146.C 147.C 148.B 149/ 150.B 151.B 152.C
153A 154.C 155.B 156.D 157.D 158.D 159A 160.B 161.C 162/ 163.B 164.C 165.B 166.B 167/ 168/ 169.D
170.B 17I A 172.B 1737\ 174.D 1757\ 1767\ 177.B 178.B 179.B 180.D 181.C 182.B 183.D 184.C 185/ 186/
187.B 188.D 189.C \9 Ũ A 191A 192.C 193.C 194.C 195/ 196.D 197.C 198.D 199.B 200/

Part 1: LC 2.B 3 A 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.B 9A 10.D
Part 2: ll.B 12.C Y3A 14.B 15A 16.C 17.B 18A 19.B 20.C 21/ 22/ 23.B 24/ 25.B
26.B 27 A 28.C 19A 30.B 31A 32.C 33.C 34/ 35.B 36.B 37.B 38.C 39/ 40/
Part 3: 41.B 42.D 43.C 44.C 457\ 46.C 47/ 48/ 49.B 50.D 51.B 52. B 53/ 54.C 55.D
56.C 57/ 58.B 59.D 60/ 61.B 62.D 63.B 64.C 65.C 66.D 8 7 A 68.C 69.C 70/
Part 4: 71A 72.C 73.B 74.D 75.B 7 8 A 77.B 78.D 7 9 A 80.C 81.B 82.C 83.6 84.D 85/
8 8 A 87.D 88. B 89.D 90/ 91.B 92.C 93.D 94.B 95/ 96.B 97.D 98.0 99.B 100. c

Reading Comprehension Section 2

101.B 102.C 103/ 104.C 105.B 106.B 107.C 108/ 109/ 110.B 111/ 112.D 113.D 114.C 115/ 116.B 117.D 118.C
119.B 120/ 121.B 122.C 123.D 124/ 125.C 126/ 127.C 128.B 129/ 130.B 131.C 132.C 133.C 134/ 135.B 136.D
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

137.B 138.c 139/ 140.D 141/ 142.C 143.D 144.C 145.B 146.B 147.B 148.B 149/ 150/ 151.D 152.C 153.C 154.B
155.D 156.C 157/ 158/ 159.B 160.C 161.B 162/ 163.D 164.C 165.B 166.C 167.D 168/ 169.D 170.6 171.B 172A
173.B 174.B 175.C 176.D 177/ 178.C 179/ 180/ 181.c 182/ 183.C 184.D 185.B 186.D 187.B 188.D 189.D 190.B
191.B 192.c 193.B 194.B 195.C 196.B 197.C 198/ 199.C 200.B

Part 1: 1.B 2.C 3A 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B 9A 10A
Part 2: ll.B 12.B 13.C 14.C 15A 16A 17.B 18.C 19.B20A 21.C 22.C 23.B 24A 25.B 26.B 27.C 28.C 29A 30.B
31. C 32.B33A34A 35.C 36A 37.B 38.C 39.C 40A
Part 3: 41.B 42.C43A 44.B 45A 46.D 47.B 48.B 49.C 50.C 51.B 52A 53.B 64.D 55.C 56.D 57.B 68.C 59A 60.B
61.D 62.B63A 64A 65A 66.C 67.B 68.C 69.D 70A
Part 4: 71.B 72. A 73.D 74A 75.C 76A 77.B 78.D 79.D 80.D 81A 82.D 83.B 84.C 85.D 86A 87.C 88.B 89A
90.D 91.C 92A 93.B 94A 95.C 96.C 97.B 98.C 99A 100.B
Reading Comprehension Section 2
101.B 102.D 103.6104A 105A 106.C 107.D 108.C 109.D 110A lll.B 112A 113.C 114.B 115.D 116.D117.C 118.C
119. B 120A 121.B122.D123.B 124.C 125.B 126A 127.D128.C 129A 130A 131.0 132.D 133.B 134A 135.D 136.D
137.D 138.B 139.C 140A 141.C 142.C 143A 144.B 145.D 146.B 147A 148.D 149.C 150A 151.C 152.B
153.C 154.0 155A 156.B 157A 158A 159.C 160.C 161.B 162.D 163.D 164.C 165.B 166A 167.B 168.C 169.C 170.C
171.D 172A 173.C174.C 175.B 176A 177.D 178A 179A 180.C 181.D 182.A 183A 184.D 185.B 186.0 187.B 188.D
189A 190.B 191.C 192.D 193A 194.D 195.D 196.D 197.B 198.D 199.C 200A

Part 1: l.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 5A 6A 7.D 8.B 9A 10.C
Part 2: ll.A 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.B 16A 17.C 18.B 19.B 20A 21.C 22.B 23A 24A 25A 26.C 27.B 28.B 29A 30.C 31A
32A33.B 34.C35.C 36.C 37A 38A 39.B 40.C
Part 3: 41.A 42.C43.C 44.D 45A 46.C 47A48.C49.B50.D51.B52.C53.D 54A55A
56.B57.B 58.C 59.0 60.B 61.C 62.C 63A 64A 65A 66.C 67.D 68.C69.C70A
Part 4: 71A72.C 73.0 74.B 75.B 76A 77.D 78.C 79.D 80.D 81.C 82A 83.0 84.B 85.C 86.D 87.C 88A 89.B 90.B 91.B
92A93.B 94.C 95A 96.D 97.B 98.D 99.B 100.C
Reading Comprehension Section 2
101.C 102.B 103.6 104.0 105.C 106A 107.D 108A 109A 110.C 111A 112.D 113.B114.C 115.B 116.C 117.C 118A 119.D
120. D 121.B122.D 123.C 124A 125.C 126A 127.D 128.B 129.B 130.D 131.C 132.D 133A 134.B 135.C 136A 137.B 138.B
139.C 140A 141.0 142.C 143.B 144A 145.C 146.D 147.B 148.B 149A 150.D 151.C 152A 153.D 154.D 155.C 156.C
157.0 158.B 159.D 160.C 161.D 162A 163.D 164.D 165.B 166A 167A 168.C 169A 170.B 171.D 172.C 173.B 174.D 175.D
176A 177.B 178A 179.C 180.D 181A 182.B 183.C 184.0 185.D 186A 187A188.D 189.C 190.C 191.B 192A 193.C 194.C
195A 196.C 197A 198.B 199.D 200A

Part 1: LC 2A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.D 10A
Part 2: ll.B 12A 13.C 14.B 15.C 16A 17.B 18.B 19A 20.C 21A 22.C 23.C 24A 25.B 26.B 27A 28.B 29.C 30.C 31.B
32. C 33A34.C 35.B 36A 37 B 38A 39.C 40.C
Part 3: 41A 42.C 43A 44.0 45A 46.C 47.C 48A 49.B 50.D 51.B 52C 53.B 54A 55.B 56.C 57.B 58.C 59.B 60A
61.C 62.C 63.D 64A 65.B 66.B 67.B 68.D 69.C 70A
Part 4: 71.C 72.D 73.B 74A 75.B 76.D 77.C 78.B 79A 80.C 81.C 82.D 83A 84.D 85.D 86A 87.B 88.C 89.C
90.C 91A 92.D 93.B 94.C 95.B 96.C 97.D 98.B 99.C 100.B
Reading Comprehension Section 2
101A 102.D 103.B 104A 105.D 106.D 107.C 108.B 109A 110.C lll.B 112.C 113.B 114.B 115.D 116A 117.D 118.D 119.D
120.B 121A 122.C 123.B 124A 125.D 126.C 127A 128.B 129.D 130.C 131.B 132A 133.D 134.C 135.D 136A 137.D 138.C
139.D 140.c 141A 142.C 143.C 144.D 145.B 146A 147.D 148.B 149.D 150.D 151.C 152A
153.D 154A 155.C 156.B 157.D 158.B 159.B 160.C 161.D 162A 163.B 164.B 165.C 166.D167A 168.D 169.B
170.C 171.B 172A 173.B 174.C 175.C 176.B 177.C 178.D 179.B 180A 181.D 182A 183.B 184.B 185.C 186.B
187A 188.D 189.C 190.C 191A 192.D 193.D 194.B 195.C 196.C 197.C 198A 199.B 200.B
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

Part 1: 1A 2.C 3A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7A 8.D 9.C 10.B
Part 2: ll.B 12A 13.B 14.C 15A 16A 17.C 18A 19A 20.C 21.B 22A 23.C 24.C 25.B
26A 27.C 28.C
29A 30.C 31.B 32.C 33.B 34.B 35.C 36.B 37.B 38A 39.C 40A
Part 3: 41.C 42.B 43.B 44A 45.C 46.D 47A 48.B 49.D 50.C 51.B 52.B 53A 54.C 55.C
56.D 57A 58.B 59A 60A 61.D 62A 63.C 64.D 65.C 66.D 67.B 68.D 69A 70A
Part 4: 71.C 72.C 73.C 74A 75.D 76.C 77.C 78.D 79.B 80.B 81.C 82A 83.B 84A 85.C
86.B 87A 88.D 89.D 90.C 91.B 92.B 93.D 94.C 95.D 96.C 97A 98A 99.C ìoo.c


Reading Comprehension Section 2

101.B 102A 103,B 104.B 105.A 106.D 107.B 108.A 109.A 110.C lll.D 112.B U3A 114.D 115.C 116.B 117.D 118.C 119.C
120.0 121.0 L22.A 123.0 124.A 125.B 126.A 127.B 128.A 129.D 130.B 131.B 132.C 133A 134.A 135.B 136.D 137.C 138A
139.Ă 140.0 141.B 142.B 143.A 144.D 145.A 146.C 147.A 148.D 149.A 150.A 151.D 152.B 153A 154.B 155.B 156.D 157.0
158.0 159.B 160.B 161A 162.B 163.B 164.B 165.A 166.A 167.A 168.C 169.C 170.C 171.B 172.B 173A 174.D 175.B
176.0 177.B 178.B 179.6 180.C 181.A 182.A 183.C 184.A 185.C 185.B 187.C 188.B 189.A 190.C 191.B 192.C
193.0 194.B 195.A 196.B 197.D 198.A 199.B 200.D

Part 1: 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.D
Part 2: ll.B 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.C 21.B 22.C 23.B 2AA 26A
26.C 27.C 28.B 29A 39A 31.C 32.B 33.C 34.A 35.A 36.C 37A 38.C 39.B 40.C
Part 3: 41.6 42.B 43A 44.D 45.A 46.C 47.A 48.B 49.A 50.D 51.D 52.B 53.C 54A 55.B
56.6 57.C 58.C 59.B 60A 61.D 62.C 63.B 64.A 65.B 66A 67.D 68.C 69.C 70B
Part 4: 71.6 72A 73.D 74.D 75.B 76A 77.B 78.C 79.C 80A 81.D 82.C 83.B 84.D 85.C
86.B 87.B 88.A 89.C 90A 91.C 92.D 93.D 9AA 95.C 96.B 97A 98.B 99.C 100.D

Reading Comprehension Section 2

1017\ 102.B 103.D 104.B 105.C 106.D 1077\ 108A 109.C 110.D lll.B 112.D 113.C 114.A 1157\ 116.B 1177\
118.B 119.A 120.C 12LA 122.D 123.B 124.D 125.D 126.C 127.D 128.C 129.C 130.D 1317\ 132.C 133.B 134.A
136A 136.D 137.B 138Ắ 139.C 140.D 141.C 142.D 143.C 144.C 145.D 146.C 147.C 1A8A 149.D 150.B 151.C
162A 153.B 154.C 1557\ 156.B 157.D 1587\ 159.C 1607\ 161.B 162.C 163.D 164.D 165.A 166A 167.D 168.B
169.A 170.C 171.B 172.C 173.C 174.A 175.B 176.C 177.C 178.C 179.A 180.D 181.B 182. D 183.C 184.D 185.B
186.C 187A 188.D 1897\ 190.B 191A 192.B 193.B 194.D 1957\ 196A 197.D 198A 199.C 200.D

Part 1: l.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5A 6.D 7A 8.C 9.D ÌOA
Part 2: ll.c 12.B 13.B UA 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.B 21.C 22.B 23A 24.B 25.B
26A 27.C 28.C 29A 30A 3ÌA 32.B 33.B 34.C 35.C 36.A 37.C 38.B 39.B 40.A
Part 3: 41.B 42.C 43.A 44.A 45.D 46.B 47A 48.B 497\ 50.C 51.0 52.6 53A 54.B 55.B
56.D 57.D 58.C 59.B 60.A 6LA 62.D 63.B 64.B 65 c 660 67A 68.D 69 D 70.B
Part 4: 71.D 72A 73.B 74.A 75.C 76.C 77A 78.D 79.D 80.C 81.B 82.A 83.D 84.B 85.A
86A 87.C 88.B 89.B 90.B 91.D 92.C 93.D 94.A 95.C 96.B 97.C 98A 99A 100.C

Reading Comprehension Section 2

101.C 102.B 103.D 104.C 105.B 106.B 1077\ 108.C 109.B 110.D 111A 112.C 113.D 114.C 1157\ 116.B 117.C
118.B 119.D 1207\ 121.C 122.D 123.C 124.B 125.C 126.B 127.D 128A 129.C 130.B 1317\ 132A 133.D 134.D
135.B 136A 137.D 138.C 139.C 140.D 141.B 142.D 143A 144A 145.C 146.B 1477\ 148.C 149.C 150.C 1517\
152.D 153.B 154Ắ 155.D 156.B 157.C 158.C 159.A 160.B 1617\ 162.D 1637\ 164.A 165.A 1667\ 1677\ 168.C 169.C
170.D 171.C 172A 173.C 174A 175.B 176.B 177.D 178.C :179.B 180.B 181.D 182A 183.C 184.D 185A 186.C 187.B
188.C 189.D 190A 191.C 192A 193.D 194.B 195.D 196.C 197.C 198.A 199.D 200.B

Part 1: l.B 2A 3.D 4.C 5.C 6A 7.B 8.D 9.C 107\
Part 2: ll.B 12A 13.B 14A 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.C 21A 22.C 23A 24A 25.C
26A 27.B 28.C 29.B 30.C 31.A 32A 33A 34A 35.C 36.B 37.B 38.B 39.C 40.C
Part 3: 41Ắ 42.D 43 B 44 B 45.A 46A 47.C 48.B 49.D 50.D 51.0 52.B 53.B 54A 55.D
66A 57.B 68A 59.C 60.C 61.B 62.B 63.A 64.C 6bA 66.C 67.D 68.0 69.D 70A

Part 4: 71.B 72.B 73A 74.c 75.D 76A 77.B 78.B 79.B 80.0 8LA 82.D 83.C 84.D 857\
86.C 87.A 88.B 89.B 90.D 91.D 92.C 93.B 94.A 95.A 96.C 97A 98.D 99.B 100.D

Reading Comprehension Section 2

101.C 102.C 103A 104.D 1057\ 106.D 107.B 108.B 109A 110.D lll.D 112A 113.D 114.D 115.B 116.C 117.D
118.C 119.C 120.D 121.B 122.A 123A 124.D 125.D 126.A 1270 128.D 129.C 130.D 131.D 132.C 133A 134.C
135.C 136.c 137.C 138.D 139.c 140.B 141A 142.B 143.B 144.D 145.B 146.D 147A 148.B 149.D 150.B 151.C
152.C 153.C 154.D 155A 156.D 157.B 158.B 159.D 160.B 161.C 162.D 163.B 164.D 165.D 166.C 167.C 168.C 169.D
170.B 171.C 172.A 173.C 174.A175A 176.C 177.C 178.D 179.B 180.B 181A 1827\ 183.D 184.B 185.D 186.6
187.A 188.C 189.C 190.C 191.D 192.B 193.C 194.C 195.A 196A 197.0 198.6 199.B 200.0

Succeed in TOEIC Justlflcatlons of the Answers
TẸST I (C) The picture shows the woman with her hair tied up with a hair-
band. (D) In the picture the two people are at the counter dealing with
Listening - Part 1: Photographs
1. (C) In this picture we can see that the woman’s stomach is clearly what the woman requires. They are not at the door as if exiting the
very big, so she is near to giving birth to her baby. (A) The picture building.
shows that the woman is still pregnant and has not given birth yet. (B) 10. (C) In the picture there are three people; two appear to be medical
The picture shows that another woman is touching her stomach, she statt and the other is standing on a large commercial scale used in
isn't touching her own. doctors’ surgeries or hospitals. (A) In the picture the man is sitting
(D) The picture clearly shows that the woman's dress has no sleeves down and is not on the scales, it is the vvoman who is being weighed.
as her arms are showing. (B) In the picture it is the man who has the stethoscope around his
2. (C) This picture shows people sitting around a dining-room table neck; the stethoscope is a black tube with a round disc at one end and
and sitting on toilets, which are strange seats to be sitting on while at with two separate pieces for listening at the other end. (0) The man is
a table. sitting and not helping the woman.
(A) There is only one candle centered on the table, not more than One,
vvhich would suggest the plural use of ‘candles’. (B) The picture Listening - Part 2: Question-Response
shows that the people have not been given any tood yet and there are 11. (B) As the question asks about the time it is looking tor a specitic
no vvaiters /vvaitresses serving food either. (D) The picture does not numbér (time). The answer doesnì ask tor a date and ĩt doesn’t reter
appear to show the people in a bathroom, the room is large and there to the tuture, so ỉt cannot be (A). (C) is incorrect because the quesbon
isn't asking for your opinion on vvhether you will be on time or not.
is no other bathroom íurniture. It is just that the people are sitting on
toilets, which are usually íound in bathrooms. 12. (C) The question asks ’where’ so requires a response that tells a
place. It does not ask 'when' so doesn't require a time like in (A).
3. (A) The picture shows two women, they have their babies inside
Choice (B) answers the questions 'who are you going with?'.
their strollers and are walking down the Street. (B) The babies are not
13. (C) The man wants to know who the person living in the house is,
being carried, which would suggest the women were holding the
so the correct reply would be with a specltic person. (A) is incorrect
babies. They are inside their strollers. (C) The women are not on the
because the question doesnì ask if the vvoman herselt lived in the
sidewalk but instead on the Crossing, Crossing the Street. (D) They are
house. Choice (B) is a reply to a question asking how big the house is
not on a busy Street, as the picture only shows a few cars; some are
or how many rooms it has.
parked and only One is moving.
14. (A) This question suggests that there is a problem with the phone,
4. (D) The picture shows a vvoman gesturing as if she is speaking, her
so this ansvver shows the man saying it is not working. (B) doesnì
tacial expressions appear as if she is speaking. The man is still; he is
show that the phone is having problems, there couldnì be a message
tacing the woman and is paying attention to her. (A) In the picture the
if there is a problem. (C) Is incorrect, the question doesn’t ask the
man is sitting stlll and his arms aren't raised as if gesturing. (B) In the
man to phone the womán.
picture there doesn't appear to be anything on the womạn's legs, her
15. (C) This ansvver provides an opinion required for the question.
iap. (C) In the picture the man and vvóman are sitting opposite to one
Choice (A) is íormed in the tuture tense, but the question is tormed in
another and are not sitting next to each other.
the past suggesting they have already seen the tilm. (B) is incorrect as
5. (C) In the picture the vvoman is dressed in a smart red dress and
the ànsvver is tormed in the present tense, as if it is à règular
her surroundings suggest that her dress is tormal. (A) The picture
shows the man wearing a suit with a bow tie, so suggests he is not
16. (B) This ansvver gives a particular name as the question is asking
wearing casual clothes. (B) The picture shovvs the man holding the
whaì the cate is called. The vvoman doesn’t know the name of the cate.
microphone, not the woman. (D) In the picture it doesn’t show the
(A) contirms a name and assumes the woman already knows the
woman talking directly to the man, but rather he has spoken to her.
name. The question does not ask torthe distance to the cate. (C) says
She is not looking towards him, but away.
the cate isn’t far.
6. (A) In the picture the stepladder, which is a small-sized ladder used
17. (C) The question asks ‘when’, so the ansvver requires a particular
to reach higher places, is standing separately trom the men. No one is
date and for an answer that is situated in the tuture. (A) is a reply in a
standing on the stepladder. (B) The picture shows two men, one is
question; the ansvver requires a statement, some intòrmation. (B) The
standing and the other is kneeling down, they are not both kneeling on
man is asking when Brian’s birthday is, and not that ít is his birthday.
the tloor. (C) The picture shows the men are holding hammers and
The woman doesn't need to give him a present.
using these to put nails in the wall. It doesn't show that the men have
18. (C) The question is asking for someone to help with the letter writ-
cloths to polish. (D) In the picture there doesn't appear to be a ham-
ing. The man says that he wiií be able to do it for the woman. (A) The
mer on the ground; rather the two men are both holding hammers.
woman does not require a stamp to send her letter. (B) otters some
7. (B) The picture shows a drawing on a piece of paper on the wall - a
paper, but again the woman does not request anything to write the let-
plan. The man on the right is pointing to the plan as if he is discussing
ter with.
it. (A) In the picture the man on the right is pointing towards the wall,
19. (A) The question asks if the meeting is still in the same place, the
rather than two men pointing at each other. (C) The picture shows that
woman’s answer omits ansvvering 'yes or no’ but assumes that she
the man on the right has one of his hands in his pocket but the other
thinks yes because of what the memo said. (B) gives the time, the
man has his arms crossed, not with both his hands in his pockets. (D)
question doesnì ask ‘when’ it is. (C) gives directions, but the question
In the picture neither man is wearing a suit jacket; they are both only
doesn’t ask for a specitic location.
wearing shirts.
20. (C) The question is inquiring vvhether the man works for Mrs
8. (D) In the picture it shows the woman on the tar lett holding her
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

Brown. The man's ansvver corrẽcts the woman and says he actually
right hand with her left hand. (A) The picture does not show the man
works for Mr Davis. (A) The woman isn't asking if the man needs
clapping, but instead his hands are reaching out to accept the trophy.
help but the word assistance is used to mean giving some direct help.
(B) None of the women are holding the trophy; instead, the man on
(B) is an answer to the question ‘can you help me?’; the woman
the far lett is holding the trophy and about to pass it to the other man.
doesn't require assistance herselt.
(C) The picture shows the people in a small room with a conterence
21. (B) The woman uses the word ‘certainly’ to emphasize what she is
board behind them, so they are not in an auditorium, vvhich is a large
saying when she makes a statement, she replies yes positively. (A)
room or hall.
The question is asking for the tuture, but this answer is tormed in the
9. (B) The picture shows a man wearing a black short-sleeved jacket
past. The woman denies taking the Photo, but the man asks if she
or vest. (A) The picture shows that only one person is behind the
could take the Photo. (C) uses the word picture in the sense of draw-
counter, the woman is buying something and the man is serving her.
ing, but the questìon uses picture meaning photograph.

Succeed in T0E1C lustitications o f the Answers
22. (C) The question is asking for the man's preíerence to the tood, vvhether the man has time to eat or not.
the man's response is that he likes both. (A) The question doesrít ask 35. (C) The man is asking the vvoman vvhether she is unvvell, whether
tor the whereabouts ot the tood. (B) gives a choice of tood, but the she has a cold. The woman replies that she has been unvvell and had
question doesn't ask whether he would like beer. the cold tor a while. (A) The man is not asking if the woman teels
23. (C) The question asks about a reason. The woman is guessing it cold, in temperature, but if she has a cold; an illness. (B) is incorrect
cõuld be because he didn't get on the bus. (A) doesn't say the reason as the man is reterring to the woman and does not ask about some-
why he is late, just that he is regulariy late. (B) is also incorrect as one else.
the question does not ask for the amount of time he is late by. 36. (C) The woman is inquiring about a place where she can take a
24. (A) The woman wants to know whether the man is ready to say cab. The man replies and gives a particular place, outside the mall, as
what he vvould like. The man replies he isn't ready yet and vvould like a good place to tind a cab. (A) This answer would require the question
more time. (B) suggests that the man is taking the order, but it is the to be an inquiry into how much the cab is. (B) Is incorrect as the
other way round. (C) is praise tor a selection trom an order, but it is woman doesn t ask where she can go when she does get in the cab.
the man who is supposed to be ordering. 37. (B) The man asks what form of transport the woman used to get
25. (C) The man is ínquiring if he has received anything, the message to college. The woman replies that she went on her bike. (A) This
could be by post or telephone. The woman replies that she does have answers the question "how did you get into college?” ; how she applied
a message tor him. (A) is incorrect because it uses the words to mean to enter. (C) This ansvvers the question 'what do you think about the
the man is askíng the woman if she has spoken. (B) is incorrect, as lecture?'.
the man is asking it he has any messages; he would not know himselt 38. (A) The woman wants to know whether the man likes the song.
what the message would be if he had one. The man says no because he doesnì like the singer. (B) The vvoman
26. (A) The vvoman inquires whether the man would like to play tennis is not asking the man whether he is able to sing or not or whether he
with her. The man is very happy to and agrees to play with her. (B) is trying to improve his singing with lessons. (C) The woman asks if
uses the word 'join' in the wrong way, it uses ‘join’ to mean become a he loves the song, whether he has very strong teelings tovvard ít, not if
member of something. The 'join' in the question asks if they would like he is in love or in a relationship.
to take part. (C) is incorrect because they have not played the game 39. (A) The man requests the time at which the letter came, by using
yet so the man could not have an opinion on whether the tennis match the word ‘when\ The woman replies giving a specitic time, that mom-
was good or not. ing. (B) is incorrect because the woman cannot be waiting for the let-
27. (B) The question inquires about the length of time. The woman ter as it's already arrived. (C) The man is not inquiring how otten the
tells the man how long she has been there, since she was young. post is late and, as he has the letter, he does not suggest the letter
(A) is incorrect as the question does not ask how long the vvoman has was late.
been looking for a house. (C) answers as if the man has brought her 40. (C) The woman wants to know who the bag belongs to. The man
a present for moving into her house. replies and says that it is his bag. (A) The woman is not concemed
28. (A) The woman is questioning vvhether the brietcase belongs to with what color the bag is; only if he knovvs vvhose it is. (B) The
Ben. The man agrees and says he Is certain it is. (B) uses the word vvoman has not lost her bag or suspects someone has taken it.
'briet' in an incorrect way, the briet here means short. The briet in the
question reters to a case used to carry documents in. (C) is incorrect; Listening - Part 3: Conversations
the woman is asking a question. She does not make a statement that 41. (B) Megan is unsure because she does not know if her presenta-
the brietcase is Ben’s. tỉon is at the right level for her audience.
29. (C) The man is inquiring about whether the coat is on discount. 42. (C) Megan is planning ahead; she doesnì have to give her presen-
The woman replies that it is and it is half the usual price. (A) The tation untỉl the 1oth and she has already íinished it.
question is asking vvhether the coat is on sale so the answer can't be 43. (A) Michael says he has a packed schedule but has free time on
about having a blue coat. (B) uses the word ‘sale’ to mean ‘sail’ as the 5th and will help Megan.
used in a boat on water. The question doesn’t reter to sailing and the 44. (C) She wants to do voluntary work with disabled children.
woman’s preterence for it. 45. (B) The woman needs to come back the next moming because
30. (C) The vvoman wants to know a name. The man replies with what Anna, the person who deals with volunteers, doesn't work in the
the new secretary is called. (A) The question doesn't ask 'where' the atternoon.
secretary is. (B) The question doesn’t ask how good the new secretary 46. (A) The man is very helptul; he provides intormation and Solutions
is at her work. torthe woman.
31. (B) The question wants to know whether the tood has been made 47. (D) The woman is annoyed because she will not be able to make
yet. The woman replies it has been made and it is vvaiting on the table. the tlight booked.
(A) The question isn’t asking vvhether the woman is prepared herselt. 48. (B) The man made the mistake because he did not get the required
(C) The word prepared in this question reters to preparing a meal, mix- intormation trom Elsie.
ing tood together, not that something has broken and needs to be 49. (C) The woman is not available on Thursday because she has to
repaired. work until 8pm.
32. (C) The question is asking tor an opinion about going to the the- 50. (B) The vvoman would like to be at the seaside with her kids and
atre. The man replies in agreement that he likes the woman's idea. (A) Todd.
The word ‘treat’ in this question means something special has been 51. (C) The man jokingly suggests that they should be allowed to take
arranged tor enịoyment. Not that a doctor or nurse treats a patient for ‘sun-days’ like sick-days.
an illness. (B) The question is not reterring to treatment by a doctor or 52. (B) They are co-workers as they are sitting behind computers and
about a hospital. This answer suggests the theatre is next to the hospital. also talk about thelr manager.
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

33. (B) The man inquires whether the work that the woman has been 53. (D) The woman says she knows others are having problems too
doing is completed yet. The woman replies that she hasn’t tinished ít and Shell try to arrange an extension.
yet, but is near to tinishing. (A) This ansvver reters to the word 'report' 54. (A) The man wanted to intorm the vvoman that he won't tinish his
meaning a broadcast trom the news. But the question is retenring to a report on time.
piece ot work. (C) The question is not reterring to a journalist or 55. (D) The man reters to Ms Johnson in a polite way and she deals
reporter ot news and is not asking about the quality of work. with the situation with authority.
34. (B) The woman wants to know it the man would want tood. The 56. (B) Her eyes were sparkling and she had a huge smile when she
man replies that he would and he is extremely hungry. (A) This ques- told the woman the news about the job otter.
tíon is not asking if the man is 'angry' but instead 'hungry', so the 57. (C) The woman answers she thinks Laura might take the job
man's reply does not reter to tood. (C) The question does not ask because she looked happy.
58. (B) The man says that Australia is far away and she would miss her

Succeed ỉn TOEIC Justifications of the Answers
tamily. will tall into recession in 2008.
59. (C) The man was surprised because he thought the woman had 97. (A) Consumer spending accounts tor two-thirds of the us economy.
been excited about it last week. 98. (B) The annouricer says she wants to extend a warm welcome to
60. (B) The woman íeels she would probably only use it at weekends. the deíegates.
61. (C) He thinks if she rented a car she would be much less likely to 99. (D) The conterence has taken place twice betore as this is the
go on a trip. third annual event.
62. (C) She doesrít know what to do and teels uncomtortable about 100. (C) The announcer intorms everyone that the presentations begin
why hér work mate doesn’t speak to her. promptly at 9am the following morning.
63. (C) She's unhappy because unless she speaks tirst her work mate
acts as if she doesn’t see her. Reading - Part 7: Reading Comprehension
64. (A) He tells the woman to ask her work mate if it bothers her if she Questions 153-157
talks tó her. 153-The correct answer is (B), the text advertises the conterence hall, it
65. (D) The man really can't stand tomatoes. speaks about the size and how many delegates it can hold. It also
66. (B) The man says it's not the end of the world ỉf he doesn't eat the says they work closely with the clients to make the pertect venue.
salad because he has the steak and chips as well. 154. The correct ansvver is (B), the letter is in reply to Ms. Fisher's
67. (D) The vvoman apologizes and otters to bring the man another enquiry about their company.
salad. 155. The correct answer is (B), in the letter, Bob is delighted to hear
68. (A) The woman tells him his design for the park was original and Ms. Fisher has chosen the City of Victoria to host her conterence.
tun. 156. The correct answer is (A), the leatlet says that the conterence
69. (A) The man really enjoyed it and said it was a tun space to work centre is located in the heart of downtown Victoria, British Columbia.
with. 157. The correct answer is (A), the address at the top of the page
70. (B) The woman is pleased they got the contract and thanks him contirms that Ms. Fisher is from Bristol in the UK.
tor his hard work. Questlons 158-159
158. The correct ansvver is (C), the card gives intormation about
Listening - Part 4: Talks what to do if oxygen levels become low during a tlight.
71. (C) The building is a gallery of the Bradtord family’s art collection. 159. The correct ansvver is (D), the mask will be released from above
72. (D) The Bradtord tamily made their tortune trom making and sell- your head and the card says tó pull the mask gently towards you.
ing beautitul clothes. Questions 160-162
73. (A) Charles Bradtord is the great grandtather of Alan Bradtord. 160. The correct ansvver is (A), to ensure a table at SkyCity a reserva-
74. (C) The announcement intorms the passengers of the correct plat- tion is recommended.
torm; plattorms are usually tound at train stations. 161 .The correct ansvver is (C), the advertisement says that between
75. (A) The express train to Atlanta leaves at 11:30, it is the delayed May 31 st and September 3, groups of ten or more cannot be accom-
11:15 train. modated. So May 3rd would be allowed with a reservation.
76. (D) As there have been signal problems, the VVashington train 162. The correct ansvver is (A), according to the text, reservations on
leavès trom plattorm tour. a Friday for lunch are 11:00am - 3:00pm and for dinner 5:00pm -
77. (C) John will be serving them tonight so he’s a waiter. 10:00pm.
78. (A) Today’s delicious specials are grilled salmon, roast chicken, Questlons 163-164
mixed grill and steak with pepper. 163. The correct answer is (B), the notice gives a postal address, tele-
79. (C) He says that he will bring the dessert trolley round later as phone number and opening times, which give the option to write,
there are too many tasty things to mention. telephone or drop-in. There is no e-mail address provided on the
80. (B) The programme is called The Sky at Night’; they have a spe- notice.
cial guest to talk about light pollution. 164. The correct answer is (C), according to the opening times on the
81. (A) The amount ot light pouring into the night sky has increased notice, during July and August the library closes earlier at 6:00pm dur-
by a quarter in the past ten years; 25%. ing vveekdays. So in June on Frldays it still closes at 8:30pm.
82. (C) Next they will speak to an expert, but tirst they play some Questions 165-167
music. 165. The correct answer is (A), the leatlet speaks about their Michelin-
83. (C) This week there will be a series of twelve tilms about human trained chef and also says when you go to the Sydney Opera House,
relationships. you are welcomed with a glass of sparkling wine. These teatures are
84. (D) The tilm runs tor 120 minutes - 2 hours. presented to entice the customer.
85. (A) Atter the tilm the guests are invited to a cheese and wine 166. The correct answer is (A); high teas, exquisite tood, sparkling
reception. wine and a pertormance by an opera singer are all included.
86. (C) The announcement says ‘Attention Shoppers’ and mentions 167. The correct answer is (D), the text says 'Bookings are essential'.
‘the cates’, so is most likely in a shopping mall. Questions 168-172
87. (B) On the top tloor, ‘The Cottee Place’ has a special otter ot a tree 168. The correct answer is (C), the letter warns people they will be
cake with each drink purchased. without electricity tor a period of time.
88. (C) The late-night shopping tinishes at 8pm, which is only tour 169. The correct ansvver is (C), the letter says there will be no povver
hours away. So the time now is 4pm. íor approximately 4 hours on the morning of September 12th.
89. (A) They are aboard the Skybird International Flight 362 trom 170. The correct answer is (D), the insert advises that candles should
London to Cape Town, waiting to depart. not be lett unattended.

90. (B) The announcement is being made on behalt of the captain and 171. The correct answer is (B), the insert advises people to turn off
the rest of the cabin crew by a cabin crew member. sensitive electronic appllances such as computers.
91. (C) There will be stops in Paris and Cairo. 172. The correct answer is (B), the insert suggests not to open tridges
92. (A) There is a problem with the Computer and ít needs to be tixed. more than necessary, but doesn't mention anything about detrosting
93. (D) The woman says she will try to tix the Computer over the phone. them.
94. (C) The tirst thing the woman asks is if the Computer is connected Questions 173-174
to the Internet. 173. The correct answer is (B), the Crossing time is 1 hour and 35
95. (B) A radio announcer is speaking, saying, ‘Good morning, this is minutes.
the 9 o’clock business newsl' 174. The correct answer is (A), the schedule is for terries, provides
96. (A) Investment banks have already predicted that the us economy sailing times and the distance in nautical miles. This suggests the

Succeed in TOEIC Justifications of the Answers
most probable place this vvould be íound is at a port. TẸST 2
Questions 175-177 Listening - Part 1: Photographs
175. The correct ansvver is (B), the e-mail says that Jason is ‘sending 1. (C) In this picture we can see the speaker (vvoman) is standing
out a reminder’ to the rest of the employees. behind the podium; a plattorm on which she is standing to speak to
176. The correct answer is (D), the sessions run in the morning and the audience. (A) They are not applauding or clapping the speaker, the
atternoon. Employees can sign up for their preterence. other people are standing still with their arms in íront of them. (B) We
177. The correct answer is (B), the e-mail says that both sessions
are unable to see the speaker’s arms, so we don’t know if she is mov-
should take about four hours each, one in the morning and one in the
ing them or not. (D) One lady on the left is looking down, but everyone
atternoon else is looking tovvards the speaker.
Questions 178-182 2. (D) The picture shovvs the people are outside and going into the
178. The correct ansvver is (A), in the email Tara says she w entto the
plane to board. (A) The plane is not taking off, as it has not left the
restaurant yesterday. ground. (B) The passengers are not seated as they are still standing
179. The correct ansvver is (D), Tara says the tood was really something.
and havènì tully entered the plane yet. (C) The passengers are not
180. The correct answer is (B), Tara describes the restaurant as hav-
disembarking, as they are not leaving the plane atter a journey. They
ing a ‘rather elegant clientele’.
are queuing towards the plane to get on.
181. The correct ansvver is (C), Tara is organizing the lunch, and the
3. (B) The woman on the far lett, vvearing glasses, is speaking
e-mail is signed ‘Tara Larson Reception'.
because her arm is raised gesturing and her mouth is slightly open.
182. The correct ansvver is (B), according to the attachment lunch is
(A) In the picture we can only see one man vvearing a tie. (C) Two of
trom 12 midday to 3pm.
the vvomen are Crossing their legs; the vvoman on the far left has her
Questions 183-185 legs uncrossed. (D) The picture shovvs that only one vvoman is speak-
183. The correct answer is (D), it is advised to close the door to con-
ing; the other people are sitting still and are íocusing on the vvoman on
tine the smoke and fire.
the far left.
184. The correct ansvver is (D), when you phone 911, it is advised to
4. (A) The picture shows the papers are scattered on the table, they
identity yourselt and tell the dispatcher the exact location of the tire or
are spread out over it in an untidy and irregular way. (B) The men in
smoke and what is burning.
the picture appear to be seated next to one another at the corner of the
185. The correct answer is (A), people should go to a location prede-
table. (C) Two men are looking at one document; the man on the left
termined by the supervisor, to provide a quick and easy route for
is looking at his own piece of paper. (D) Notebooks, being small
books in vvhich to vvrite, are not present on the table.
Questions 186-187
5. (B) The picture shows that the man has a narrovv plece of material,
186. The correct ansvver is (A), Katherine replied and thanked Ms.
a strap, on his right shoulder. (A) The man is not saluting the tlag,
VVilson for her applicatlon expressing interest in working at the Central
addressing it in a tormal tashion; he has his arm low by his side as if
gesturing vvhile talking. (C) The woman doesn’t look like she is unhap-
187. The correct answer is (C), the letter explains that positions
py with the man; instead, she has a smile on hertace. (D) The vvoman
regularly come up.
isn't avoiding looking at the man straight in his face, her head is raised
Questions 188-189
and she is looking straight at him.
188. The correct ansvver is (A), recipients need to go to Jo’s ottice
6. (A) The picture shovvs that the man second trom the left is vvearing
and collect a copy of the document outlining the changes.
jeans; casual blue trousers. (B) The woman in the picture is holding
189. The correct ansvver is (C), on the memo under Jo’s name it also
her book. (C) The man on the far lett vvearing a sleeveless jacket has
States her department, Prodùct Development.
not got a beard. His lower tace has no hair. (D) All the people in the
Questions 190-194
picture, including the woman, are vvearing name tags, a small cord
190. The correct ansvver is (B), the notice advertises the ‘ONLINE
worn around the neck with a badge shovving someone’s name on it.
BANKING COURSE’ and you can learn how to use Online banking to
7. (D) In the picture there is a small black stool, a short chair with no
your advantage.
arm or back support, in betvveen the two people. (A) The woman is
191. The correct answer is (A), the letter is a reply to Mr. VVoodhouse
not wearing glasses; her tace has nothing on it. (B) There are two
and gives intormation aboutthe number of places and options available.
screens in the picture, but the two people are not sitting in tront of
192. The correct answer is (C), the evening courses run on Tuesday
them and thus not vvorking at them either. (C) The man is seated; he is
and Thursday evenings from 7-9pm.
sitting on a chair.
193. The correct answer is (D), the vveekend courses run for two
8. (C) The man in the picture does not appearto be using his Comput­
weekends on Saturday and Sunday, lasting for 4 days.
er and instead is speaking with the other man. (A) The woman is
194. The correct answer is (D), Karen can be contacted between 8am
tocused on her Computer, neither men seem to be engaging with her.
and 4pm.
(B) No men in the picture appear to be helping the woman, she is fac-
Questions 195-196
ing tovvards her Computer and the other two men are tacing each
195. The correct ansvver is (D), according to the receipt, the time it
other. (D) In the tront row there is a man and a woman. There is also
was issued was 8:26pm.
another man who is standing, not seated.
196. The correct ansvver is (B), only one dessert was ordered, choco-
9. (B) In the picture there are two people, the man has his head down
late ice cream, the rest of the tood was savory.
reading the menu and the woman is looking over at his menu too.
Questions 197-198
(A) They are only looking at the menu at this point; they are not asking
197. The correct answer is (D), according to the schedule the last
the waiter/waitress for tood yet. (C) They are both seated at the table.
plane expected to arrive is the tlight trom Paphos at 18.35.
(D) The vvoman is not eating a chip; she has her hand placed at her
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

198. The correct answer is (B), according to the text, the last tlight to
móuth as if thinking.
arrive was trom Gothenburg at 17:51 and, as the next tlight due in at
10. (A) In the picture the man on the left wearing the short trousers /
17:55 hasn’t arrived, the time must be somevvhere in between so shorts is bending down and kneeling on the ground. (B) The man
17:53 isthe ansvver. standing is not holding anything in his hands; the man that is kneeling
Questions 199-200 is holding a tool. (C) The man that is kneeling is not vvearing a belt; the
199. The correct ansvver is (C), according to the notice, two bicycles man that is standing has a belt round his waist. (D) The man smiling
are allovved in each electric raílcar. ịs not vvearing a shirt, which would suggest something smart; he is
200. The correct answer is (A), the notice says there is no additional instead vvearing a t-shirt, vvhich is more casual
charge to take a bicycle.
Listening - Part 2: Question-Response
11. (C) The question asks about a time, the woman ansvvers saying

Succeed in TOEIC Justlfications of the Ansvvers
the time when her plane will leave. (A) suggests the plane has already 28. (C) The woman is asking tor advice about the best place to get the
lett. (B) doesn't give a time but only a hope that her plane will leave. bus írom. The man gives a particular place she can get it.
The question assumes the plane will detinitely leave. (A) answers what time the bus is.
12. (B) The woman is asking tor a preterence; the man replies giving (B) answers where the bus goes.
what type ot movie he likes. (A) The question doesnì ask where you 29. (B) This question asks for the mode of transport the woman used
get the movies that you vvatch trom. (C) The woman doesn t ask when to get to school. The woman replies that she went by bike.
he has been to the movies. (A) answers the question how are you doing. ( 0 answers the ques-
13. (C) The question asks the woman to rate how Anne plays. The tion how do you get on at school today.
woman replies how well she does play. (A) The question does not ask 30. (A) The woman is asking tor the period of time that he has
the trequency of how otten she plays. (B) The question does not ask worked. (B) answers how long is needed betore he tinishes. (C)
the place where she plays. ansvvers where he works in the company, in which job.
14. (C) The woman is asking how the man tound the mistake. He 31. (C) The man is asking tor the possibility to pay in that way. The
replies with the method he used to íind ít. (A) assumes that it was the woman says he is unable to pay that way, it is only by money in the
man’s tault and he was apologizing, but the question doesn’t ask who torm of notes or coins. (A) ansvvers how she would pay. (B) otters
is at tault. (B) The question doesn’t ask the severity of the mistake. change, but the man hasn’t paid yet.
15. (A) The question asks tor the age of the woman’s son, the woman 32. (A) The woman wants to know it the man would like to get some
replies with his age. (B) The question doesn’t ask tor the height oí the exercise and go running. The man replies with a suggestion as to
boy. (C) This answers a question that would ask, 'who does the boy where they could run, so it is assumed he vvants to go. (B) answers a
look like?' question about a distance to run. (C) ansvvers a question about the
16. (C) The woman wants to know if the man will go for lunch with riumber of races he has run.
her on Sunday, the man replies that he is unable to because he 33. (B) This question asks about time and when the woman usually
already has Plans on Sunday. (A) The question doesn’t ask what he eats. The woman cannot give a clear answer as she is not sure
would like to eat. (B) ansvvers if he liked the tood. because the time she gets home trom work varies.
17. (B) The man wants to know what John’s protession is. The (A) ansvvers whether the vvoman thinks it is a good time to eat or not.
woman tells the man the job John does. (A) answers where John (C) answers if the woman has already had tood.
lives. (C) answers what type of house he lives in. 34. (C) The woman wants to know what type of personality Susan
18. (B) The woman inquires vvhether she has had a call from some- has; her qualities. The man says she is very thoughttul and kind. (A)
one. The man replies that no one called her. (A) The question didn’t uses the word ‘like’ to mean he wishes he could meet Susan. (B)
ask if the man had called the woman. (C) The question doesn’t ask for answers using the word ‘like’ to mean that Susan enjoyed the present.
the man to call the woman. 35. (B) This question asks tor the particular place where the passport
19. (A) The man asks whether the vvoman recognizes the keys. The was. The woman intorms the man exactly where it was.
woman does and she tells the man who they belong to. (B) The ques- (A) answers if the woman has the passport.
tion doesnì ask whether the keys can be used in a lock. (C) The man (C) answers where you can get a passport.
doesn’t ask tor the woman to get new keys. 36. (C) The woman wants to know if the man has tound a place to put
20. (B) The woman wants the man to listen to her song. The man the car. The man replies that atter a long time he did tind a place. (A)
doesn't see a problem with it and agrees to listen. (A) the woman answers where he will park, using the tuture tense. (B) The answer
doesn't ask if the man has heard the song at a concert. (C) answers uses the word ‘park’ to mean a public area of land.
with his like tor another male singer. 37. (C) The man wants to know if the brietcase belongs to the
21. (A) The man is asking for permission to go earlier than he usually woman. The woman replies using ‘certainly’ to emphasize her
does. The woman tells the man that if it's something he must do, it is statement.
assumed she means yes. (B) uses the word ‘early' to mean the time (A) answers using the word ‘briet’ to mean short or not long. (B)
at which he arrives somevvhere. (C) answers the time it would take to ansvvers using the word ‘briet’ to mean intorm, to intorm someone
go somevvhere. about something.
22. (A) The woman asks for help as to vvhere she should place the 38. (A) The woman asks if the man would still like tood. The man
truit and suggests two options. The man replies with the best place replies he is sorry to intorm the woman that he still does want tood.
she should put it. (B) ansvvers that the man has a preterence between (B) mistakes the meaning of the word hungry wlth angry. (C) also
bags and boxes. (C) doesn't give which option is preterred. mistakes the word to mean the country Hungary.
23. (B) The man asks for the reason as to why Pete is late. The 39. (A) The man asks the woman if someone else is III. The woman
woman gives the reason for his lateness. (A) ansvvers that he wasn't says he only has one symptom now, a sore throat. (B) reters to the
late but trom the question we know he is late. (C) ansvvers how long word ‘cold’ meaning temperature. (C) the vvoman answers as ottering
he has been late fór. to put the heatlng on if the temperature is cold.
24. (C) The woman asks ií she should put the air conditioning on. The 40. (B) The woman vvants to know if the main road is still being tixed
man thinks he would like it on. (A) ansvvers whether it should be on or by the vvorkmen. The man says it is but he thinks she will be able to
not. (B) ansvrers that it’s already on, but the vvoman wouldn’t ask if it use it with her car. (A) ansvvers in the tuture tense, as if the work has-
was a good idea to put it on if it was already on. n’t started yet.
25. (C) The man asks if the woman would like to eat her tood there or (C) answers the question, where are you vvorking now.
take it away with her. The woman replies that Shell stay there.
(A) uses the word ‘take-away’ in its literal sense, that something Listening - Part 3: Conversations
should be removed. 41. (D) There is heavy trattic because it is summertime and there is a
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

(B) replies with a question and asks the man what he thinks, but it is the lot of construction.
woman’s choice to make. 42. (B) The woman has a tear of public speaking, she says it’s all
26. (B) This question asks for the time. The man replies the time at mental and has nothing to do with the material.
which it does open. 43. (A) The man teels that the content is more important than delivery.
(A) ansvvers it the gallery is already open. 44. (C) The man needs to tind Meredith as she has the Knight tile he
(C) answers where the gallery is. vvants.
27. (B) This question asks if there is anything wrong with Cherie. The 45. (A) The man teels it's his tault because he's had the tile tor three
woman replies with the reason tor her being upset. (A) answers it the days and hadn't looked at it.
woman was angry, which causes Cherie to be upset. (C) answers 46. (A) The man will manage by improvising and let Meredith do most of
where Cherie is. the talking.

Succeed in TOEIC___________________________ ________________ Justifications of the Answers
47. (D) The interviewer's presence and technique made the man very conditioning.
nervoús. 96. (0) We leam to repeat acts which give good outcomes and avoid
48. (C) The man has also got an outstanding academic record. acts that bring punishment.
49. (A) The woman believes that it wasn't just the interview which 97. (C) Humans are classitied as among higher animal groups.
could get the man the ịob, but his school grades, application and ref- 98. (C) They are only allovved 22 pounds of luggage per person.
erences. 99. (A) They will only be able to play cards because of the vveight
50. (C) The pair are at an airport vvaiting in the area where the bag- limit.
gage comes round on a carousel. 100. (B) They may learn how llttle they really need for travelling.
51. (C) She says they can let the crowd die out, while they get cottee.
Reading - Part 7: Reading Comprehension
52. (B) The man says i f s a small thank you for the ride to the airport.
Questions 153-155
53. (A) A colleague gave her the name of the doctor.
153. The correct answer is (A), the advertisement says Anthony's Pier Is
54. (C) She sutters with insomnia.
tamous tor its tine seatood and tasty American dishes.
55. (D) She is lucky, she gets an appointment that Friday at 2pm.
154. The correct answer is (C), the advertisement gives a telephone num-
56. (B) She had a great day even thóugh she worked 14 hours.
ber, postal address and tax number and, although there’s a web address,
57. (C) Her boss let her sít in on a meeting, which shovvs she is
there's no e-mail address.
preparìng her for more responsibílities.
155. The correct answer is (B), the advert says that it is open on Sunday
58. (A) The woman told her boss she liked a particular design and her
trom 12pm to 10pm and they serve dinner all day.
boss bought lots of it.
Questỉons 156-160
59. (A) Ed leaves at 3:30 because he's been there since 7am.
156. The correct answer is (D), the web page says that wíth Interactive les-
60. (D) She admires how he is equally a good tather and good at his
sons and the option to work with other people, you’ll be able to learn how
you want, go at your own pace or tollovv the vveekly syllabus.
61. (C) He says once she has tound her routine she will have more
157. The correct answer is (D), the course covers the ditterences betwee
energy tor more things.
XHTML and HTML, text manipulation and lists, images, tables and trames.
62. (B) Adam couldnì contact the woman so he made a home visít.
158. The correct ansvver is (D), Alistair wams Josephine that she can't
63. (C) The man has got used to her being late over the last few
change her e-mail for the whole 11 weeks.
159. The correct answer is (A), Alistair says he stumbled across the web
64. (B) They are interested in turning her columns into a book.
site and thought of her.
65. (A) Advertising would give him the opportunity to show his creativ-
160. The correct answer is (B), the e-mail begins with ‘Hi Josephine’, is
ity and intelligence.
iníormal and triendly and concludes with 'Keep in touch’.
66. (C) He will be able to gain experience and build up a porttolio.
Questions 161-162
67. (C) He is unsure about the position being unpaid.
161. The correct answer is (C), the notice is about a careers exhibítion
68. (C) Another guy, Paul, is related to the boss.
organized by the Career ottice of Florida State University and is most likely
69. (C) The woman thinks, certainly, Paul has the edge.
to be tound on a college campus.
70. (B) Paul is related to the boss, Cindy.
162. The correct answer is (A), the notice intorms people aboutthe
Listening - Part 4: Talks careers expo which is being held at the Holiday Inn, 3535 Ulmerton Road.
71. (D) It could cause highertares. Questions 163-164
72. (C) The levels have been unseen since the late 198ŨS. 163. The correct answer is (B), according to the menu the meatballs are a
73. (C) Airlines will try and reduce the number of seats that they sell recipe of his Grandma and is still made by his dad.
cheaply on the internet. 164. The correct answer is (C), the asterisk (*) on the menu shows there
74. (C) A red Ford Taurus blocking the entrance. are three meals tor vegetarians: cheesy gartỉc bread, tried
75. (A) The car needs to be moved to the parking lot on the east or mozzarella loat and potato croquette.
west side of the building. Questions 165-169
76. (B) They will have to call the towing company. 165. The correct answer is (B), according to the e-mail Terry will have to
77. (A) Shopping is sales tax-free. sít at the registration desk and ansvver questions.
78. (D) Many shops will ship your purchases to you. 166. The correct ansvver is (B), Mabel asks Terry to let her know it he
79. (C) They create items that retlect and contain human spirit. received the e-mail and if the times are fine with him.
80. (C) They all show ditíerent Services. 167. The correct answer is (A), according to the attachment regisứation
81. (D) Even if a time hasn't been agreed, it is expected to come in on Tuesday morning is trom 8am to 10am.
good time. 168. The correct answer is (A), the Exhibit Hall open is 2:00pm - 5:00pm
82. (A) It isn't acceptable tor someone to do work and then it’s still and Attemoon Technical Sessions are 4:30pm - 7:00pm.
not tixed afterwards. 169. The correct ansvver is (D), the Morning Technical Sessions are
83. (A) The tood for your body and brain cells is oxygen. 10:15am - 12:00pm, 1 hour and 45 minutes.
84. (B) It gets ríd of carbon dioxide. Questions 170-171
85. (C) Understanding the body can help against heart attacks. 170. The correct answer is (B). The Republican party presidential candi-
86. (C) Atter 1982 the new names act came into place. dates are given as Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Romney in the tirst paragraph.
87. (B) The Secretary of State has certain conừol over the name you They are described as 'The ex-New York mayor' and 'the tormer
choosé. Massachusetts governor’, presumably in the order ot the names given in
88. (D) It protects the rights vvhich persons may have in relation to the previous paragraph.
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

names or words. 171. The correct answer is (A), it's a televised debate, which was probably
89. (C) A number of events were mentioned apart trom soccer. shown on the television.
90. (B) He had a great struggle against the high waves and terrible Questlons 172-174
cold. 172. The correct ansvver is (B), the e-mail was sent to Anna and copies
91. (D) Approximately 300 people represented 13 countries. sent to Blll, Jason, Maria and Jodle.
92. (B) They will be at the airport at 6.30, an hour betore their tlight at 173. The correct answer Is (A), according to the e-mail the meeting is due
7:30. to start at 9:30 Sharp.
93. (B) There are many ways they could entertain themselves but tak- 174. The correct answer is (D), the e-mail has been sent by Mark and his
ing a snack is not mentioned. e-mail address ends with '', suggesting is
94 (B) When they land they will have their passports stamped. the website.
95. (B) All animals adapt to their environments aided by classical Questions 175-176

Succeed in TOEIC Justỉfìcatlons of the Answers
175. The correct answer Is (A). MaryAnn tells Jerry to call her as soon as
he has reađ the altached repoil and hnishes by askmg himto call nght TEST 3
away JUSTIFICATIONS: Lỉstening - Part 1: Photographs
1. (C) In the picture the man holding the camera has hìs arm raised
176. The correcl answer is (A), Alpha Inc. is goíng to launch a símilar
with one tinger straight, pointing (A) The men aren t acbng and
(competing) product to their product in July.
because they are holding the tilming equipment they are the ones
Ouestlons 177-181
behind the scenes. (B) None of the men are holding a camera for pho-
177. The corred answer ís (B), the accldent happened on the 29th of
tography. (D) Both men in the picture have straight taces
December 2007 and this letter was sent on the 18th oi January 2008.
2. (B) In the pícture the man one the lett is grvmg an award to the
approximately two weeks laler
other man and at the same tìme shaking his hand congratulatìng him.
178. The correct answer is (B), the letter inlorms Timothy that a police
(A) Only the man on the lett has glasses on his face. (C) The micro-
report is needed to determine who Is at lault for the accident
phone, a small black devlce to speak to a crowd. ís srtuated on the lett
179. The correct answer is (B), the letter says il police weren't present the ị
of both men (D) The men are not sitting around a table discussing
claim becomes compllcated and it is at their díscrebon whether they can
topics with many people.
accept it or not.
3. (A) In the picture there are two people in the Iront row, one of
180. The correct answer is (D), the card provldes the contact details ol the :
whom is a woman. (B) Around the two people at the tront there are
person handllng the claim.
number of seats with no One sittìng on them. (C) They appear to be in
181. The correct answer is (C), Mr Bancrolt is a Claims Appralser so is
a hall, other people in the crowd have recording equipment and cam-
most líkely to work ín the Clalms department
eras. (D) The picture shows the crowd are listening, no one is gestur-
Questions 182-183
ing as they are speaking.
182. The correct answer is (B), it is a small notice with few words, adver- I
4. (D) In the picture there are three people, the doctor is the one wear-
tising an apartment (or rent in a particular area and similar to a small
ing a mask, he is sitting down and writing. (A) The patient is the one
advertísement (small ad.) in a local nevvspaper.
being treated, he is sitting on the lett and has no mask on his face.
183. The correct answer is (D), the apartment is tor rent and the cost of ubli- j
(B) The doctor is not speaking to anyone, but tocusing on what he is
tìes (electricity, gas, water) is included in the rent.
writing. He is looking down. (C) The nurse is the woman on the right,
Questions 184-188
she is vvearing a nurses unitorm and she is standing.

184. The correct answer is (C), the intermittent bell is the least serious. It is
5. (C) The airplane is not in motion, ít has the steps at the side and
only local to the lift area and only the security has to be inlormed.
people are getting off. (A) They are getting off the plane rather than gel-
185. The correct answer Is (A), the Klaxon Hom indicates a laboratory
alarm has been actívated.
186. The correct ansvver is (A), Í1there s a Continuously Sounding Fire Bell, Ị
ting on / boarding. (B) The airplane is still on the ground, people are
outside of the plane so suggest that the plane is taking f as then it
would be in the air. (D) The picture shovvs the outside of the plane.
statl are expected to followthe emergency procedures detailed inthe satety ị
with blue sky at the top so we know they are outside of the plane.
6. (D) In the picture the glrl on the right has a bottle of drink ỉn her lett
187. The correct answer is (B), the memo is addressed to 'all employees'
hand. (A) The picture shows three people, one male is interviewing
and has been issued to claríly uncertainty about the procedures. which was •
and the other male and female are being interviewed. (B) The boy is
experienced the week betore.
vvearing clothes with long sleeves, a jumper. ( 0 The man on the left
188. The correct answer is (D), the person needs to give their name, type Ị
has a microphone in one hand and pieces of paper in the other.
of alarm and action they Intend to take.
7. (B) In the picture the man is wearing glasses with dark black lenses
Questions 189-190
/ sunglasses. (A) The man is not waving, he is shaking the hand of the
189. The correct answer Is (C), the watch was tound in the ladies toilet on Ị woman. (C) The man has a hat on. The woman on the lett is not wear-
the thlrd tloor. It suggests if anyone was to find it, they should give it to
ing anything on her head.
(D) The woman is not being given any piece of paper. The man is
190. The correct answer is (A), as the vvoman lost the watch, it probably Ị
holding a rolled piece of paper, hls diploma.
fell 0 f1 her wrist.
8. (B) In the picture the man who is serving the tood is behind the
Questions 191-192
small wall / the counter. (A) They are not eating the meal together, the
191. The correct answer is (A), as the time 09:43 is given on the receipt, Ị chef is serving the man his tood. (C) The customer does not appear to
says 09:43 in the moming.
have food vvhich is green, which would suggest vegetables. (D) They
192. The correct answer is (0, the balance on the receipt is $2,054.54. Ị are not getting the íood ready to eat, it has already been prepared.
Questions 193-195
9. (A) The tloor is brovvn and made of wood. (B) The woman is the
193. The correct ansvver is (C), in the announcement, towards the top, It I
one touching the man's toot, suggesting the man is the one being
says under 'apply’ to click here. Shovving this is a link on a website.
massaged. (C) The man does not have any orange clothes but the
194. The correct answer is (C), under Qualitications, excellent knovvledge !
woman has an orange tovvel across her legs. (D) The curtains have
of written and spoken English is needed.
been pushed to the side. They are open and you are able to see out of
195. The correct ansvrer is (A), the research will specHically be about ị
the window.
probablllty (pure or/and applied).
10. (D) The girís have small rectangular pieces of card attached to
Questions 196-197
their clothes / name tags. (A) The man in the picture is not wearing a
196. The correct ansvver is (D), 'A Mlghty Heart' is one of the movíes
special set of clothes, he’s vvearing a suit. The children are vvearing
under the heading 'Starting Next Week'.
unitorms. (B) The girls appear to be behind a desk, not in a school,
197. The correct answer is (C), Natalle, who works at the cinema, has
maybe an ottice. (C) The door is open, but the man is standing away
revievved the movie and recommended It. trom the door, not in it.
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

Questions 198-200
198. The correct answer is (D), the insert outlines the physical demands I
JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 2: Question-Response
that must be met by anyone applying tor the job.
11. (B) The question asks it the evaluations have been completed. The
199. The correct answer is (B), the employee would be required to consis- ị
woman replies that they have nearly been done.
tently work trom high places, such as roots, cellings and ladders.
(A) ansvvers how many questions were there. (C) ansvvers how much
200. The correct answer Is (A), the insert talks about having to drìve to
time each question took.
ditterent places, having to work on roots and ladders and wlth heavy
12. (C) The VYoman indicates that she knows the man has been in
materials and equlpment.
Honolulu. The man contirms he has and he would like to go back
(A) agrees, but ansvvers will you be going to Honolulu. (B) answers
how long will you go tor.

Succeed in TOEIC Justificatỉons of the Answers
13. (A) The man inquires how he can get his money back. The 30. (B) The woman wants to tind out if anyone has left her any intor-
woman advises him how he could. (B) answers how do you think the mation. The man replies that only one person has and he gives the
presentation went. (C) answers where the presentation is. message. (A) ansvvers as if the woman misunderstood him. (C)
14. (B) The woman wants to know the time the brunch will start. The ansvvers as if the woman requires the man to do something.
man thinks he knows and gives a time. (A) the question doesn’t ask 31. (A) The man wants to know how the vveather will be. The woman
about otherthings happening in the schedule. (C) The question does- hopès the weather to be good so she can go out. (B) contuses the
n't ask what food will be there. word 'sun' with 'son', and uses predicting to mean what child they
15. (A) The man suggests a restaurant Paul mentioned. The woman think he’ll have. (C) ansvvers as if she Controls the weather.
agrees that it is a good idea. (B) says that she will cook instead. 32. (C) The woman asks the man if he would like a ride to work. The
(C) the correct ansvver here could be ‘what is it like’. man thinks it’s a good idea as they are near each other anyvvay. (A)
16. (C) The woman wants to know about the time someone else will coníuses 'car pool' with 'swimming pool’. (B) ansvvers the question
go. The man replies that the time will be betore lunchtime. how busy the roads will be.
(A) answers where wỉll her tlight gate be. (B) answers which transport 33. (C) The man vvants to know about the woman and asks her preter-
she will use. ences. The vvoman intorms the man which she likes best. (A) ansvvers
17. (B) The man vvants to know when the work will be tinished. The the question what do you like to do. (B) answers with the woman's
woman gives an estimated time, around the period in the year. opinion on what everyone else does.
(A) ansvvers how will it look when it’s tinished. (C) speaks about cost. 34. (A) The woman wants to know what the temperature was like in
18. (A) The woman is curious as to vvhere the couch came trom. The summer in Miami. The man contirms what it was like and how he
man intorms her where he bought it. (B) ansvvers what is the coped. (B) ansvvers when he thinks he will return trom Miami. (C)
new couch for. (C) speaks about the time. answers what kinds of people are in Miami.
19. (B) The man asks for help to find the nearest bakery. The woman 35. (B) The man asks for advice about a choice he wants to make.
replies the place vvhich she knows has one. (A) ansvvers if The woman suggests what she thinks would be the best idea. (A)
the bakery is open or closed. (C) ansvvers what type of tood is sold at associates the phrase 'come out’ to mean literally going outside. Here
the bakerý. it means when it is available. (C) answers with a particular time.
20. (C) The vvoman is unsure of the man’s name and gives options 36. (B) The vvoman wants to know when someone new will come and
vvhich she thinks it could be. The man replies neither of her work and take over trom John. The man doesnì know exactly but
options are correct, it is in fact another name. (A) ansvvers what job knows the process and so says when John leaves. (A) contuses the
he does. (B) speaks about a want to do the other man’s job. word ‘hire’ with ‘higher’. Hire here means to employ someone. (C)
21. (A) The man wants to know if the woman has eaten any of the ansvvers how good the person needs to be to be as good as John.
biscuits. The woman replies that she hasn’t but she has been told 37. (B) The man is questioning why the woman didn't join the classes.
they are very nice. (B) ansvvers as if the man has ottered the woman The woman says she was unable to because she was too late in sign-
to eat the cookies. (C) answers as if the man has inquired ing up. (A) answers where the classes could take place. (C) answers
about something being completed. how the woman wants to improve herselt.
22. (A) The woman reminds the man of the consequences of late rent. 38. (C) The woman suggests a method to ensure the place is safe.
The man already knows and says that he is always on time with the The man doesn’t think it is needed. (A) ansvvers as if the vvoman did-
payment. (B) answers if he thinks he pays too much. (C) ansvvers n’t think she was safe. (B) associates the alarm meaning an alarm to
how he pàys the rent. wake one up in the morning. Here the alarm is to keep intruders away.
23. (B) The man otters to get the vvoman a drink as he is already get- 39. (A)The man vvants to know the Sunday opening times in Europe.
ting up. The vvoman would like a drink and accepts his otter politely. The woman replies that usually Stores are not open. (B) ansvvers the
(A) the question doesn’t ask if the woman vvould like to go away trom question what day are they open. (C) ansvvers the question do you
where they are. (C) ansvvers as if the man hasn’t responded correctly want to go shopping.
to her question. 40. (A) The woman is curious and requires to know who decided on
24. (A) The woman inquires vvhether a degree is needed to progress. the payment plan. The man intorms her who did it.
The man says that a degree is tavorable. (B) answers the question (B) ansvvers the question do you want to be paid. (C) ansvvers how
when will the event begin. (C) The question only gave one example you will be paying.
and the answer contirms that two things are acceptable.
25. (B) The man inquires vvhether the vvoman has looked at the num- JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 3: Conversations
ber given to poverty. The woman has and she replies with the 41. (B) lt’s two hours from the airport to the centre, plus check-in
intormation she knows. (A) The question doesn’t require an amount in and trávelling time, making it longèrto fly.
money. (C) speaks in the present. The question reters to the past. 42. (D) The man needs a rental car to get to the centre.
26. (B) The woman requires assistance with phoning somevvhere far 43. (C) He will be able to get money back.
away. The man tells the woman and advises her how. (A) the question 44. (C) The man is complaining to the manager of a restaurant.
doesn’t mention where and who the woman wants to call. (C) the 45. (A) They waited very long for their orders, the orders were
answer doesn’t require directions or distance. incorrect.
27. (A) The man wants to know what train the other woman will get 46. (C) The meal will be on the house and she will also give them
on. The woman thinks she knows and gives the intormation. (B) the free cheesecake.
question doesn’t ask if she will do something and doesn’t require 47. (A) He asks why he should hire her.
when she will do it. (C) the question doesnì require an opinion on the 48. (A) She tells him about her previous experience and positive
conditỉons of the train station. attitude.
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

28. (C) The vvoman requires to know when her internet will work. The 49. (B) She is happy to dedicate herselt to something she loves.
man contirms that it will be by the end of the month. (A) ansvvers in 50. (D) She lett for work but had to return to bed because she’s ill.
the past tense. (B) associates the word connection with trains, a 51. (B) She will meet Colleen aboutthe curriculum changes when
conductor being on a train. The connection here means the use of the she s back on herteet.
Internet Service. 52. (B) He tells her that he will ask everyone not to bother her.
29. (A) The man vvants to know if the vvoman was able to make an 53. (A) They are parents discussing how their respective children
appointment. The woman explains that she tried to but was unable to are doing at University.
because there were no places. (B) ansvvers impolitely and suggests 54. (C) That his son won’t be able to make a living.
she doesn't ever want to make an appointment. (C) wrong use of 55. (D) That the man should agree to let him tind his own path.
word. Associates the word ‘manage’ with ‘management’, a boss.

Succeed In TOEIC Justifications of the Ansvvers
56. (C) Her previous one crashed. Questions 156-160
57. (A) She is on a budget so can’t afford an expensive one. 156. The correct ansvver is (C), the paragraph reters to the success of
58. (B) He wants to know what she uses it for to give her the best One. the school, its modern tacilities and comprehensive curriculum.
59. (D) He introduces himselt and welcomes her to the company. 157. The correct answer is (A), the responsibilities include developing
60. (A) She teels a bít overvvhelmed. and maintaining an in-school recruiting program, rather than extemal
61. (B) He says lt’s surprisingly good. He likes the lasagne. recruitment for coaching statt.
62. (D) The woman wants to buy a particular book from the bookstore. 158. The correct ansvver is (A), the intormation is given in more detail
63. (B) She will go to the other store for the specitic book she wants. in his resume, which is attached to the letter.
64. (C) lt’s the only option for her to get the book. 159. The correct ansvver is (B), although he is in the process of
65. (C) That he doesn't like the job. obtaining a Virginia License, he will not have a secondary-education
66. (D) She says they shouldn’t think about it so soon. endorsement on the license, vvhich is preterred.
67. (A) She says he’s always napping on the couch. 160. The correct ansvver is (C), atter he took over as coach the school
68. (C) The doctor is booked for the entire hour betore her 3.30 won many events.
appointment. Questions 161-164
69. (C) She was doing some jobs nearby and didn’t want to 161. The correct answer is (B), the price had dropped $1.75 to
return home tor such a short time. $50.49 making original price $50.49 +$1.75.
70. (A) She'11 go to a local cottee shop and read her book. 162. The correct ansvver is (A), experts were only predicting an
increase of 325,000 barrels.
JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 4: Talks 163. The correct ansvver is (D), reports were released by the tederal
71. (A) They are addressed as tuture entrepreneurs about Energy Intormation Administration (EIA).
choosing a location for their businesses. 164. The correct answer is (C), the inventory results are higher than
72. (C) To make sure their employees can get to work. analysts’ expectations in the case of crude oil and motor gasoline
73. (B) lf you're a high-end retailerthey will support your business. stocks, while heating oil and diesel tuel are lower than analysts’ pre-
74. (D) An ice-storm hít the State and took out the electricity. dictions.
75. (B) This winter it is bestto head South instead of north for snow. Questions 165-168
76. (A) The rest of the workweek is looking dry. 165. The correct ansvver is (B), they enjoy a greater variety of assign-
77. (B) He gives an assurance that the tirst lecture will be briet. ments.
78. (D) It has created many new companies and thousands of jobs. 166. The correct answer is (C), the leatlet says a major dravvback is
79. (A) It will become the heart of a large scientitic and the uncertainty of work and theretore income.
engineering community. 167. The correct answer is (D), if treelancers choose to pay tor protes-
80. (C) lt's an exciting meal that can be made in no time. sional Services it can mean signiticant out-of-pocket expenses -
81. (B) You need to toast pine nuts over a medium heat. passed on to the Client.
82. (C) A dish that includes salad and vegetables. 168. The correct ansvver is (A), paragraph 1 outlines the benetits of
83. (C) It advises on simple points that are important when íreelancing and paragraphs 2 and 3 outline the dravvbacks.
making a speech to an audience. Questions 169-173
84. (D) Glance at thelr notes intrequently. 169. The correct ansvver is (D), Josh has to meet his deadline.
85. (A) lf you make an error, correct it and move on. 170. The correct answer is (C), Kelly works in the ottice above him.
86. (A) Carry on with normal lite; tamily, working... and still study. 171. The correct ansvver is (B), she sent an e-mail with an attachment.
87. (D) Classes trom the Internet in the comtort of your home. 172. The correct ansvver is (A), the man telt sorry for them because he
88. (B) There are weekday evening classes, vveekend classes thought they couldn’t attord two meals.
and classes Via the Internet. 173. The correct ansvver is (B), at the end of the story, the punch line
89. (D) lf you have a child or intant you can board tirst. says that she is vvaiting tor the teeth.
90. (A) The plane is going to Tampa, Florida. Questions 174-178.
91. (B) The tlight is tull so you should only board when your 174. The correct ansvver is (B), community development covers
zone is called. broad issues; economic assistance, human rights, healthcare, cultur-
92. (C) He is just leaving the State tair. al heritage, environment, and women’s issues.
93. (D) She works for Channel 8 and hopes he’ll tell the vievvers 175. The correct answer is (C), caring for the old as he volunteered at
about the tair. a senior citizen living center.
94. (B) She is most interested in knowing the tastiest tood he ate. 176. The correct ansvver is (D), he only vvants to work in Spanish-
95. (A) At the Stowe Hall, where they usually eat. speaking countries.
96. (B) The meeting will end at 5.30, an hour earlier than the 177. The correct ansvver is (A), his preterence is to work for a year but
ùsual 6.30. he’s tlexible.
97. (D) It will start right atter the meal. 178. The correct ansvver is (C), he says you can respond by e-mail or
98. (D) They should wait tor the intermission to leave, unless it's telephone, implying that his home address is not included in the intor-
àn emergency. mation on the íollovving page.
99. (B) The bathrooms are located to the right of the entrance Questions 179-181
and down the hall. 179. The correct ansvver is (A) if you are primarily remembered tor
100. (C) The actors will be in the lobby for autographs and pictures. your intervievv attire, you have made an error in judgement.
180. The correct ansvver is (A), even if you are aware the employees at
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

the organization dress casually, dress up unless told not to by the

JUSTiFICATIONS: Reading - Part 7: Reading Comprehension emploýer
Questions 153-155 181 .The correct ansvver is (C), the leatlet says never to contuse an
153. The correct answer is (C), if you come with a party of eight peo- interview or business tunction with a social event, so you should never
ple or more, they will throw In a tree dessert tor everyone. dress as if you are going to a party or on a date.
154. The correct answer is (B), it’s a tamlly restaurant, with Satellite Questlons 182-184
Sports TV and a great kids menu. 182. The correct ansvver is (A), she has played at outside back, for-
155. The correct ansvver is (D), the restaurant is open 7 days a week ward and outside midtield.
for lunch, dinner, late-night and take-out. It doesn't otter breaktast. 183. The correct ansvver is (C), she is only One of tour Boilermakers
to have played in over 80 matches.

Succeed in TOEIC______________________ _ Justifications of the Answers
184. The correct answer is (D), she broke the record for matches 6. (D) In the picture the people are vvearing bibs, small pieces ot mate-
played in the tirst round of the Big Ten Tournament. rial/ tissue around their necks to protect their clothes while they eat.
Questions 185-188 (A) The people have large glasses, full of a light brown liquid / beer.
185. The correct answer is (B), you should be ready to support past (B) They are sitting around the table, eating and enjoying themselves
career accomplishments with speciíic intormation targeted towards the in an intormal situation. (C) Only the íront two men have tood on
company's needs. plates
186. The correct ansvrer is (D), tip 2 suggests role-playing (rehearsing). 7. (C) The woman on the lett is smiling, her mouth is open and her
187. The correct ansvver is (B), encourage the intervievver to share teeth are showing. (A) The man and woman appear not to be angry at
intormation about the company. one another but instead are discussing something. (B) Only the man
188. The correct ansvver is (D), paying attention to your surroundings, with the light blue shirt is wearing a tie. (D) Neither men in the picture
including ottice turniture, will help you tailor your presentation. appear to have hair tull of curls, it is instead straight.
Questions 189-191 8. (B) The woman at the tront of the picture has an iron for the mate-
189. The correct answer is (D), she obtained their intormation from VT rial. (A) The vvoman is wearing a black top with a white apron over
CareerLink, the career Service database. the top. (C) The woman has nót got a tape measure to méasure the
190. The correct ansvver is (B), she hopes Mr. Webb's schedule will tabric, she is sewing instead. (D) In the picture there doesn't appearto
provide him with the opportunity to advise her. be any clothes behind her on the tloor.
191. The correct ansvver is (B), she will be in VVashington during the 9. (A) In the picture the man has one hand on the steering vvheel, used
wẽek of November 21 st so she would be able to meet Mr. Webb. to steer the car. (B) The man has sunglasses covering his eyes. (C)
Questions 192-195 The vvindovvs are open, not closed.
192. The correct ansvver is (C), he’s the oldest of 12 kids so he had to (D) There are two cars side by side, the man is in the car at the tront
be a positive role model. of the picture and the woman is in her car at the back of the picture.
193. The correct answer is (B), involvement in high school puts you in 10. (A) The man has a bag on his back with straps / a backpack. (B)
a position to get opportunities that help open doors for you. The man is bending over. (C) The man is taking a picture. (D) The
194. The correct answer is (B), he says you have to really want it. man is outside, based on his surroundings.
195. The correct answer is (C), the article uses inspiring language
such as 'if you really want college you can do it' and ‘don’t be aíraid JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 2: Question-Response
to go atter what you want’. 11. (B) The man vvants to contirm where she comes from. The
Questions 196-200 vvoman replies she isn’t from Belgium but only lives there. (A) the man
196. The correct answer is (B), the class has discussed unemploy- doesn’t say he is trom Belgium. (C) ansvvers the question vvhattypes
ment in the context of gender and race during the course. of people live there.
197. The correct answer is (C), they are vvriting theirtinal papers, 12. (B) The woman wants to find out the man’s holiday. He replies
which are usually near the end of the school term. when he is going. (A) ansvvers vvhere they will stay. (C) ansvvers if
198. The correct ansvver is (A), the e-mail reters to a 'quantitative survey’, they are looking forward to going.
which usually involves a large number or selected groups of people. 13. (C) The man asks for the woman’s opinion on clothes. The
199. The correct answer is (C), the number of unemployed persons vvoman recommends what would suit him. (A) assumes they haven't
(6.8 million) was almost unchanged in December, and the unemploy- tound anything. (B) answers vvhere a clothes shop is.
ment rate held at 4.5 percent. 14. (C) The vvoman requests to see the manager. The man is sorry to
200. The correct answer is (B), adult vvomen are 3.9 percent, com- say she doesn’t work on that day. (A) ansvvers do you want to seé the
pared adult men at 4.0 percent, Hispanics at 4.9 percent and manager now. (B) answers the question if the shop has an item there
teenagers at 15.2 percent. to buy.
15. (A) The man is asking about the distance. The woman says how
long it will take and on what transport. (B) answers how much it
TEST 4 vvould cost. (C) answers what type of room comes with a booking.
JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 1: Photographs 16. (A) The woman is curious to know how long it will take the man to
1. (B) In the pỉcture the woman to the tront has a vvatch on her left get to work now that he’s moved. (B) ansvvers where the new house is.
arm. (A) The woman is not using a pen and paper to wrìte but is hold- (C) contuses the word ‘new’, here it reters only to the new place he
ing scientitic equipment. (C) The woman does not have any students lives.
to teach around her. (D) The woman is not wearing any special glass- 17. (B) The man is unsure of the new assistanĩs name so questions
es on her tace / goggles. the vvoman with two alternatives he thought of. The woman replies
2. (C) In the picture the people are protesting for peace, which is writ- saying it was the tirst one. (A) answers how long the new assistant
ten on their signs. (A) The picture shows the people are vvearing coats has been vvorking there. (C) answers as if she has not started yet,
and there is snow on the ground. (B) The people are not challenging with tuture tense.
each other or in contact with one another. There is no violence in the 18. (C) The woman asks the man if he liked the pictures she shovved.
picture. (D) The picture shows that the people are at the side of the The man said he did and it was helptul. (A) talks about someone
Street. else’s pertormance. (B) contuses the meanlng of the question, it was
3. (A) In tront of the two people there are two plastic bottles with (of) not about the man.
water. (B) The man is not vvriting, he is not holding a pen in his hand. 19. (B) The man requests thatthe woman phones him when her plane
(C) The man and vvoman are sitting at the same table, next to each arrives. The woman says she will detinitely not torget. (A) answers
other. (D) The two people are tocused on the work and neither appear where she would like to be. (C) ansvvers that the man will phone her.
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

to be speaking. 20. (A) The woman requests a ditterent time to pick up her check. The
4. (B) Ón top of the table there are a number of boxes. man is apologetic as it will not be ready when she wants it. (B) uses the
(A) There is a woman at the back of the picture with her bag, a back- word ‘check’ to mean something that you have made sure it is right.
pack, but she has it in tront ot her. ( 0 Only the woman in the tront lett (C) this answer contradicts itselt. It says no but then that it is ready on
of the picture has a laptop. (D) There are tlovvers in the picture; they the day she wants.
are not in any Container, they are in a picture on the wall. 21. (C) The man is asking for a number of people. The woman replies
5. (D) The men are on a hard black surtace which is the road. (A) The with the tigure that she knovvs. (A) answers as if the people are speak-
men are in a group but walking, not running. (B) They are in an open ing about clothes. (B) answers the question what time are people
space with a few trees in the background, but not enough to be in a Corning.
wood. (C) The men are not wearing helmets, just caps.

Succeed In TOEIC Justifìcations of the Ansvvers
22 (C) The woman wants lo use the bathroom The man tells her (A) answers how long they have got to lom (B) contuses the word
where it is. (A) shows the man is impatient waiting for the woman to country wrtti an actual courrtry. here It means a Club in the country-
go sĩde
(B) answers it the toilets were open 40. (A) The woman otters the man some grapes to eat The man says
23 (B) The man Is asking the woman to tell him how good or bad the he would like some. he likes the ttavor (B) contradicts rtsett. It says
statistìcs are The woman replies that they are not good (A) answers yes to eat grapes bui then he couldn t eat anymore (C) answers In a
when they begin (C) uses the word 'look' to mean appearance rude tone
24 (A) The woman believes the man deserves a break trom work. The
man intorms the woman he is actually starting his holiday the next JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 3: Conversations
day. (B) answers as if the books are overdue / needed back. (C) uses ; 41. (B) The boss is really stressed
the word 'due' to mean the tíme somethỉng should be ready. 42. (C) The woman says she needs at least another hour or possibty
25. (B) The man is inquiríng where he can gaín a card to give him two.
entry The woman intorms him that he would need to speak to 43. (A) The woman wants to get back to work because she s wasbng
someone else to get ìt. (A) 'card' in this instance isn't a credit card, but I time talking.
an entry card for a room. (C) gives directions. 44. (B) The woman is in the Mandelle Buildmg
26. (B) This question asks the regularity of an event. The man says he ị 45. (A) The woman has 15 mlnutes unbl her meeting begins.
takes the bus otten because lt's cheaper. (A) the answer requires an 46. (D) lt's across the sừeet, and tum right at the tountain.
adverb and not a particular time. (C) uses the word 'take' to mean 47. (B) She had a bad day at W0 (K two teenagers tned to shoplrtt.
remove somethíng. 48. (B) The security guard caught them.
27. (C) The man wants to know when he will be able to see the piece ị 49. (C) Police cars outside her store doesn t encourage people to
otticially. The woman gives the time and urges them to be quick so come in and buy books.
they don't miss anything. (A) answers who will be interested in the 50. (C) The man suggests she should organize her desk.
event. 51. (B) The woman preters it the way it is.
(B) speaks in the past tense. 52. (A) She looked In every drawer and pile but eventually tound It on
28. (C) The woman requests that the man fill out the torm correctly. the íìoór.
The man asks if he can use her pen to do so. (A) the question is not 53. (B) The woman remembers when she was the man's age.
talking about a tormal event where you need to wear biack. (B) agrees,! 54. (D) His tather lent him a lot of money.
but doesn't say he’ll do it. 55. (C) He wants to wait untìl he is up and running wrth a customer
29. (A) The man vvants to know the length of time betore they speak basè.
to the woman. The woman thinks very soon. (B) the woman doesn't Ị 56. (D) She is a valued employee and one of the best.
need to stand nearer to hear. (C) the question doesn't mean that the Ị 57. (B) She has just had a baby.
woman is unable to hear what people say. 58. (C) She teels the area she is slacking in is at home with her son.
30. (B) The woman wants to know when Ms. Bradshaw will stop 59. (A) They changed how their house looks inside because it was so
working for the torces. The man replies she has one more month old-fashioned.
remaining. (A) replies in shock as if he doesn't know she’s leaving. I 60. (B) They re retiring and don't have a new business but they
(C) suggests she’s never been in the torces and is only starting the inherited money trom Mark’s tather.
next day. 61. (D) He thinks they deserve to indulge themselves and that she has
31. (C) The man suggests they should get something to eat. The worked hard all her lite.
woman says she dòésn't want tood at the moment and wants to go Ị 62. (B) The woman jokingly says she sometimes íeels she lives at the
later bar.
(A) doesn't choose between the two options. (B) answers how well 63. (A) They reter to being in surgery for many hours and they are
she thought the lecture went. relieved they are out ot the hospital.
32. (B) The woman asks if the man can bring with him his photos to 64. (A) Theý do not want to do the housework at home.
show her. The man is overịoyed and detinítely wants her to see them. I 65. (A) They are talking about the lift being repaired and they having
(A) answers how otten theý go camping. (C) ansvvers whether she ! to walk up to their apartments.
liked the camping. 66. (C) The man has to go all the way to the tenth tloor.
33. (A) The man asks if the people making the decisions have made I 67. (B) The vvoman is thanktul they've gotten some pretty good exer-
up their minds yet. (B) ansvvers who won and by how much. (C) cise.
ansvvers how much they think they'll win by. 68. (C) The two people work together and they re talking about
34. (A) The woman requests the man's opinìon on how many people ; expenses in the company they work for.
came íor the assembly. The man estimatés a tigure. (B) answérs liis 69. (D) She should keep her expense receipts so the company can
wish that many people will come, in tuture tense. (C) the question did ị keep them on tile for taxes.
not require the man to guess what the assembly was about. 70. (A) She says it's a good thing she ran into him and asks tor some
35. (C) The man asks if the vvoman vvould mind changing their seats ị ỉntormatỉon.
wìth one another. The woman doesn't have a problem and says she
preters the other Seat. (A) says ít she has a tear. (B) replies as ỉf she ị JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 4: Talks
has been called over bỳ the man. 71. (B) The speaker is distríbuting evaluation torms.
36. (A) The woman queries the rnan s choice not to do an early enroll- ị 72. (A) The teedback is important to help him become more ettective.
ment. The man replies saying he did not want to at the point, he didn't Ị 73. (D) The form Is completely anonymous.

teel he was able to. (B) ansvvers the question when did they tell you. 74. (A) The us Attomey's ottice is investigating accountíng issues.
(C) ansvvers the question dìd you enịoy it. 75. (C) Quest are required to make presentations.
76. (A) Accounting issues are tinance-related and the SEC is the us
37. (B) The man asks for intormation on how to join the Service The
woman gives him the details he needs. (A) ansvvers as ít he is unable
to join. (C) answers with the price ot ioining.
1 stock market reguĩator.
77. (B) The tlight is over-booked.
38. (C) The woman questions whose report it is. The man summarizes ị 78. (D) The aìrline wìll pay for the ovemight accommodatìon and tree
it was Joseph. (A) thanks Joseph tor liking the report. (B) suggests the ị round trip to anywhere in the us.
man is impressed with the report. 79. (D) lf they don't give up their Seat, they get the original tllght and
39. (C) The man suggests they could become part of the country Club. Ị it's at 8:12 p.m..
The woman doesn't like the idea because it costs a lot ot money. 80. (D) The speaker is the sole care giver of his wife, a vỉctim of
Huntìngton's chorea disease.

Succeed in TOEIC___________________________ ________________ Justificatlons of the Answers
81. (A) He says he is appalled by the president’s actions. 166. The correct answer is (A), he is promoting the education maga-
82. (D) Doctors say that stem-cell and therapeutic cloning research is zine ‘College USA'.
the best chance of tinding a cure. 167. The correct answer is (B), it addresses the readers and gives per
83. (B) Ann is a real estate agent describing an area's tacilities and the sonal and tamily intormation about Larry.
type of houses and apartments for sale there. Questions 168-172
84. (C) The location has the convenience of nearby schools. 168. The correct answer is (C), Stephanie congratulates Katie and
85. ( ) They otter a range of tloor plans trom one bedroom to three. advises her about maternity leave entitlements.
86. (A) The instructions are steps on how to get rid of a dead plant. 169. The correct answer is (C), Stephanie concludes with Tll see you
87. (C) To put a hose at the base of the plant. tomorrow at Mom and Dad’s’.
88. (B) Drive forward slowly and the roots will pull away easily trom the 170. The correct answer is (C), the bullet points outline the entitle-
wet soil. ments for maternity leave and maternity pay.
89. (A) They attord you the opportunity to talk to many employers at 171. The correct answer is (D), you are entitled to receive statutory
the same time. Maternity Pay for up to 39 weeks of leave.
90. (D) The best thing is good networking and knovving people in the 172. The correct ansvver is (A), the employer’s scheme may be more
desired tield. generous, but can’t otter less, than the statutory scheme.
91. (C) The speaker is advising the listeners about searching for a job. Questions 173-175
92. (A) It will remain a disaster area for at least another week. 173. The correct ansvver is (C), it is the city’s nevvest shopping center
93. (B) Only emergency vehicles - police cars, ambulances and tire and the mall includes three tloors of shopping.
trucks - cán be on the road. 174. The correct answer is (C), they have a 12-screen movie theatre
94. (A) The shelters are crovvded and tull of anxious individuals. located on the top tloor.
95. (C) The stars have also now come together with department 175. The correct answer is (B), Monday through Saturday it closes at
Stores to make everyone smell a little better. 11 pm but on Sundays it closes at 6pm.
96. (C) Capturing all Hollyvvood themes, the stars are selling pertumes Questions 176-178
named Diamonds and Riches. 176. The correct ansvver is (A), because children may teel like they
97. (B) In the pertume catalogue vvhich is compared to their tavorite are at a tuturistic playground.
tabloid. 177. The correct answer is (D), children are encouraged to use, test
98. (C) The Tarịeta is a smart card which is transtormed in to a minỉ-com- and handle the obịects on display.
puter. 178. The correct answer is (A), special demonstrations are scheduled
99. (A) The card contains a micro-processor which transtorms it into for the tirst and second Wednesday of each month at 1:30 pm.
a mini-computer. Questions 179-183
100. (B) The Tarịeta can keep track of hotel reservations and 179. The correct answer is (A), Sickie wants to know what to do
intormation. about the Big Boss causing problems.
180. The correct ansvver is (C), here 'placate' means to make conces-
JUSTIFICATIONS: Reading - Part 7: Reading Comprehension sions to pacity an angry customer.
Questions 153-155 181 .The correct ansvver is (D), Big Bosses are intrinsically tied to cus-
153. The correct answer is (C), he thinks there is an unvvritten rule tomers and the engineering team is used to satisty their promỉses.
that suggests all employees should get the award once, whereas he 182. The correct ansvver is (A), managerial layers divide the decision-
would expect that some employees should get it more than once. makers and the doers, torming groups with divergent interests.
154. The correct ansvver is (D), they seem to have an intormal rule that 183. The correct ansvver is (A), the last paragraph shows that this is a
every employee will receive the reward. normal occurrence in Sickie's vvorking environment.
155. The correct ansvver is (A), he says the incentive to do something Questions 184-187
outstanding is likely to diminish. 184. The correct ansvver is (D), classitied advertisements are usually
Questions 156-159 teatured in nevvspapers and the word ‘Tribune’ is otten used in the title
156. The correct answer is (B), he is inquiring about the possibility of of a newspaper.
getting a ịob as he believes his skills match the company’s needs. 185. The correct answer is (B), on Wednesdays you can looktor
157. The correct answer is (A), he learned about Megatek through Nannies and Domestics.
Online research using the CaréerSearch database. 186. The correct ansvver is (D), you can find vacations and travel on
158. The correct answer is (A), he outlines his education, responsibili- Saturdays.
ties, background and skills. 187. The correct answer is (B), if you have questions you can call, fax
159. The correct answer is (C), he will call Mr. Burns to answer any or e-mail.
questions he may have on William’s resume. Questions 188-192
Questions 160-163 188. The correct ansvver is (D), she has been a loyal customer for
160. The correct ansvver is (C), it is dedicated to encouraging over thirty years.
Hispanic youth. 189. The correct answer is (A), her enthusiasm and amiable personal
161 .The correct answer is (B), it’s distributed to ottices of State, ty make her a tavorite with both staff members and casino goers.
county and City otticials, and career placement centers that Champion 190. The correct answer is (B), one other person, who must be at
vvorkplace diversity. least 18 years of age, can get a tree meal so her twin brother would
162. The correct answer is (D), the intormation is to inspire young be eligible.
people to stay in school, pursue career goals and be the best they can 191. The correct answer is (C), the casino’s buttet is open trom
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

be. 10:30am until 7pm.

163. The correct answer is (D), the magazine provides students with 192. The correct answer is (D), atter March 15th 2012 the coupon will
the intormation they need to procure the career of their dreams. It not be valid.
doesn’t ‘place’ them in the career of their dreams. Questions 193-195
193. The correct answer is (A), the leatlet says to make an electronic
Questions 164-167 payment, follow the instructions at the end of the statement.
164. The correct answer is (C), he had dyslexia and his tather taught 194. The correct answer is (D), if a payment is made atter 12:30 on
him to read. vveekdays, or on weekends or holidays, it will not be credited on the
165. The correct answer is (B), Larry’s tather got a dictionary and same dãy.
every morning he made him memorize words. 195. The correct ansvver is (D), if you tail to report loss or thett a fine,

Sưcceed In T0E1C Justifìcations of the Answers
the most you can be charged is S50 up the tront (A) The woman IS passrng a tottery ticket to the casher.
Questíons 196-200 not money (B) The woman IS not waitmg at the counler but ts Dong
196 The correcl answer is (0), 11is important to keep the letter SOT1- served (0) The woman IS in a shop that seis tood not toots and W0 fk
ple briet and locussed equipment
197 The correct answer is (B), once you have decided to move on
there is no point in crtticưing your prevíous employer or |0 b JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 2: Question-Response
198 The correct answer is (D), he will resign exactty two weeks trom 11. (A) The man wants to know if the woman travets by bus The
September 1st. woman replies she does but not very much (B) answers the quesbon
199 The correct answer ís (C), review resignatìon sample letlers il you does the bus go to your work (C) answers the quesbon whereabouts
are not sure is your work
200 The correct answer ís (A). the names have been changed to pro- Ị 12 (B) The woman is quesbonmg whether he dtd nse m his ỊOỒ The
tect the individuals privacy man says no and he is upset that he didn t (A) As a promobon IS a
nse In a ịob. It would not be in the man s bag (C) answers rt he
wanted tó go
TEST 5 13. (B) The man asks il the woman liked the documentary The
JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 1: Photographs woman thought ít was great (A) She did not go to the cinema or the-
1. (B) The woman has a pen in herhand and she ís tocusíng on the atre. so there cannot be a reterence to the amóunt oi peopie (C) The
pad of paper she is wnting on. (A) The woman has the door open on I questìon doesnt ask when she saw it
her car and she ís standing in the doornay, outside. (C) The woman is 14. (C) The woman otlers to take the deslgns to Juđy The man says
not openíng the door. whích would suggest ít is closed. The door is Ị she doesn t have to and he wíll do ít himselt (A) the quesbon doesn t
already open. (D) The woman is not breaking the law or not following ị ask ít anyone is upstairs (B) 'run' In this quesbon reters to ‘taking
rules; she Is instead a law entorcer, policevvoman I something', not in exercise terms.
2. (C) In the picture the woman has her left hand on the podium, the ; 15. (B) ‘Do' is used as the auxiliary with the simple present tense The
small vvooden platlorm used to make a speech. I man is asking tor the woman's opinion. (A) answers the question who
(A) As the woman Is standlng on a podỉum, this suggests she ís talk- has accepted. (C) answers what does he thmk of the proposal.
ing to many people. There Is also a mlcrophone from a TV channel ỉn j 16. (A) The woman is asking ít getting the rates Is the nght thmg to
tront oi her. (B) The woman has hair that doesn t reach her shoulder / I do. The man doesn t see why nót. (B) The questìon requires ữte rates
short hair. (D) There are two microphones, small black devices to ị for the phone plan, it doesn't reter to telephone numbers. (C) answers
proịect sound, in the picture. Ị when the rates came.
3. (D) In the picture the woman has raised her arms onto the table in I 17. (C) The man is asking íf the woman wants to dhnk a cup of tea.
tront of her, her elbows are resting on the table. I The woman does not want any tea, but thanks the man tor his otler
(A) There are three people, in the picture the woman is sittỉng on the Ị (A) The man does not inquire whether the woman Is doing something
left of the man in the middle. (B) None of the people in the picture are Ị wrong. (B) The question doesn t ask II the woman llkes tea.
drinking water; there are water bottles on the table. (C) The man on the ; 18. (B) The woman gives the man two options and asks whlch he
ríght is listenlng, hls mouth is closed. ị would like better. The man says he doesn't mind either way. (A) the
4. (D) In the picture, the window vvhere the man is sitting is open, he Ị answer is not in the tuture tense. (C) it is not a case where you are
is sitting outside rather than In a closed building. Ị able to physlcally take either, but rather ít is a view that you can look
(A) In the picture the man has earphones on, but they are placed : at
round his neck not over his ears. (B) The plane is on the ground and Ị 19. (B) The man wants to know the name of the person who they stay
not in motion, showing the man is tlying the plane. (C) The man ís Ị vvhere they are for. The woman Iníorms the man of whom it is. (A)
looking down and not up. : ansvvers the time length they have been waiting. (C) The questìon
5. (A) The man on the lett has some black clothes on, a robe. (B) The Ị doesn't require whether the woman wants to wait fór the other man.
police on the right are not taking charge of the situation, arresting, they I 20. (A) The woman wants to know the period of tìme the man com-
are standing still with their arms behind their backs. (C) The two otti- Ị menced vvorking late at night. The man replies when exactty, in the
cers have their arms behind them and the man on the lett has his ị past tense. (B) contuses the phrase 'graveyard shltt' for it's llteral
hands resting in tront of him. (0) There is not a table in the picture Ị meaning, this instead reters tó workíng late at night. (C) The questìon
(and) the three men are standing. I uses the auxiliary verb 'do' in the past tense. 'did'. So ttiis answer
6. (A) In the picture the man in the middle, dressed in white. has his Ị replies how otten he does work there, and is not in the past tense.
hands under the book holding it. (B) The woman is standing behind Ị 21. (C) The man wants to know the tlme the meeting was scheduled
the book wìth the man, she is reading the book with the man. (C) The I The wóman replies with the tìme, and also questions why he asked. (A)
man Is wearing a suit, not a loose piece ot casual clothing. a svveat- Ị answers why ìt has been scheduled. (B) otters if the man would want
shirt. (D) The people have no pens and aren t vvriting, they are reading ; to come_
7. (D) In the picture the chlld on the lett has her arm outwards, trying Ị 22. (B) The vvoman suggests they should install the new software.
to touch the animal. (A) The animal ís not surrounded by metal vvires, I The man says he has already declded to. (A) answers if he has tound
a cage, it is in the open-air. (B) The child does not appear to be Ị the software. (C) The question doesn't need any opinion on the previ-
scared and trying to avoid the animal, rather she is interested in it. Ị ous day's events.
(C) The man on the left is canying the child, he has her in hìs arms. Ị 23. (A) The man asks what kind of things she normally does in the
8. (B) In the picture the car has stopped, man has opened the door Ị evening. The woman intorms him what she does. (B) The man does
and a woman Is about to get out. (A) In the picture the color is dark, Ị not invite the woman out. (C) The word 'spend' does not reter to
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

suggesting it is night time and not light; daytime. (C) There are two Ị money, but time.
men standing by the car, outside. (D) The man does not appear to be Ị 24. (A) The woman requires intonmation and otters two optìons on
gesturìng in a way to gíve a message. I which time zone she thmks it could be. The man replles that both
9. (A) In the picture, in the background, there is a piece of glass in the Ị options are incorrect. (B) The two optíons are choices that would
wall In whlch to see outslde, a window. (B) The women appear to be ; require the man's preterence. (C) uses the word 'behind' meaning
looklng at Items Inslde a bulldlng and not outslde. (C) The plcture I not up with modem times, thls questìon uses the word to mean the
shows there are a lot ot people In the buildlng. (D) The Items are not I number of hours ditlerence in time trom one place to another
presented on a single tlat board, but are displayed In a number ot ị 25. (A) The man is so happy about how the woman has helped him,
places. Ị he asks her the best way he could repay her. The woman doesn t
10. (C) In the picture the woman is wearing a coat, which has buttons Ị want anything, she was happy to help him. (B) expresses gratitude

Succeed in TOEIC Justifications of the Answers
(C) suggests it hasn't been done.
26. (C) The woman requests that the man do something for her, when JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 3: Conversations
he has the time to. The man requests she ask someone else because 41. (A) He asks if she needs a ride to work today.
he is very busy. (A) the vvoman gives the mail to the man, she does 42. (C) The car will be ready tomorrovv at two.
not require intormation. (B) the ansvver does not require so much 43. (C) The man wishes the City vvould invest in a good Public trans-
enthusiasm. portation System.
27. (B) The man asks íormally what choice the woman would like bet- 44. (D) The walls are old, stained and dull.
ter. The woman preters the tirst option, if it doesn’t bother him to do 45. (A) He read that bright colors have a positive eítect on people's
so. (A) answers when it is the right time to fill out the evaluation in attitudes and energy levels.
that párticular way. (C) doesn’t give which option she preters. 46. (C) The man is leaning towards yellow.
28. (B) The woman asks tor the specitic person needed to sign. The 47. (A) The man thought the woman’s meeting would take much
man intorms the vvoman who it should be. (A) uses the word ‘sign’ to longèr than half an hour.
mean a large board with intormation on it. In this question ‘sign’ means 48. (C) The woman and mayor discussed the low reading-level scores.
to write your name. (C) answers when someone is able to come and 49. (B) The man says the mayoris lack of commitment is terrible and
sign. he expected more trom him.
29. (A) The man asks the woman if she knows what will happen when 50. (D) She says she hates her job, she's not good at it, she doesn’t
her renting period tinishes. The woman Intorms the man of her plans. care about it and it has a low pay.
(B) answers the question when the lease tinishes. (C) otters a desire 51. (B) The vvoman has had her job for two years.
that the man will get another apartment. 52. (C) The man says he thinks she should walk away trom her job.
30. (C) The woman asks if the man could suggest a good place to eat burg- 53. (D) He hasn’t heard back from the office and he's assuming he
ers. The man advises the woman on a particular place. (A) ansvvers didn’t get the job he applied for.
when the burger place closes. (B) answers the question vvould you like 54. (A) She says it usually takes time but it would be a good idea to
to get burgers. give them a call.
31. (A) The man introduces himselt to the woman and is happy to 55. (A) The man says he would feel silly if he called and they were not
meet her. He asks vvhether she has liked being in Rome. The woman
interested in him as a candidate.
says she doesnì have anything she’s not liked so far. (B) answers
56. (B) It was Andrew’s old desk.
how do you feel now. (C) ansvvers when you plan to gò to Rome. 57. (B) The woman has a printer, Computer, fax machine and paper-
32. (A) The woman asks why the doctor’s appointment took so long,
work ón her desk.
contirming it has already taken place. The man intorms her of the rea-
58. (C) The man says he vvishes he could help the woman out but he
son. (B) ansvvers that the event is going to happen and hasn't already.
is not vvilling to give the desk up.
(C) answers whether she has missed the appointment.
59. (D) The man suggests going to the new department store.
33. (B) The man questions what the couple will do, if they will get
60. (B) The man suggests meeting at her ottice and driving together to
someone to help with the wedding. The woman doesn’t believe the
the department sto re . They work together.
couple will get a wedding planner. (A) ansvrers as if the wedding is hap-
61. (C) The vvoman decides they should go in their own cars.
pening at that moment. (C) contuses the word ‘planner’ to mean some-
62. (C) They will have a meeting to make sure none of their holidays over-
one who builds something.
34. (C) The woman questions why the man hasn't tinished the layout
63. (A) They need to trim the budget. Sales were terrible last quarter.
yet. The man doesn’t want to go quickly and needs more time to fin-
64. (A) The man says he appreciates her dedication and commitment
ish. (A) The question didn’t request assistance. (B) contuses the word
to the company.
‘layout' to mean laying in bed.
65. (A) The mán doesn’t really know Ron trom the 11th íloor very
35. (C) The man doesn’t know why the woman took that particular
tlight. The woman gives the reason why she had to take that tlight. (A)
66. (C) The man says he doesnì know Ron well enough to give a
answers the question ‘are you taking the 7:00 p.m. tlight?’ (B) the tlight
solid opinion as to how good he is.
is at 7 p.m., this isn’t the arrival time.
67. (D) The woman says they need to find someone soon because the
36. (C) The woman requires an estimation of the weight of the Com­
work is adding up.
puter. The man replies with its rough vveight. (A) answers with the
68. (C) They are in an airport vvaiting to go through security to get a
price of the Computer. (B) Answers reterring to a ‘notebook’ with
paper, not a notebook meaning the size of a laptop Computer.
69. (C) He never arrived anyvvhere early in his life and he’s always
37. (A) The man asks which option is correct. The woman believes
running late.
both options the man gives are correct. (B) ansvvers as if the Principal
70. (A) The vvoman suggests the man set his clock ahead a few
is one of these two things. (C) ansvvers where, reterring to the word
Tooking’ to mean being able to see.
38. (A) The woman comments on the vveather, intorming the man of
JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 4: Talks
her dislike of it. The man emphasizes that he is surprised by the
71. (A) The people are vvelcomed aboard the land and vvater tour of
woman’s preterence; he says he doesnì dislike it. (B) ansvvers in
agreement, the man says he likes it, but the vvoman said she did not
72. (C) The speaker hopes they brought their rain gear as Seattle is
like the vveather.
not known for being the driest City in the u.s.
(C) the woman doesnì require intormation on what the weather will
73. (D) In the tamous market they will see fish being tossed around
like tootballs.
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39. (B) The man is unsure of the spelling of the woman’s name and
74. (B) The people are gathered to celebrate the retirement of Howard
asks her which way is correct. (A) in the question the man says he
Larson atter 40 years of Service.
doesn’t know how to spell it, so the woman shouldn’t reply that she
75. (B) He has been an ettective sales distributor until the end of his
hopes he does know hów. (C) answers that the woman dóesn t know
time at the company.
how to spell her name either.
76. (A) He’s retiring atter 40 years of loyal and impeccable Service.
40. (C) The woman asks vvhether the man should have sent the e-
77. (D) Everyone is vvelcomed to the ‘Run to Cure 2007’ race.
mail, she was expecting him to. The man expresses greatly that he
78. (C) There is a lager number of participants, 500 in total.
didn’t remember to. (A) reters to the word ‘mass’ in terms of size; big.
79. (D) The Computer chip will automatically start when you cross the
Not that it means a large number. (B) ansvvers by meaning paper mail,
start line and record the time.
not electronic e-mail.
Succeed in TOEIC Justlfications of the Ansvvers
80. (D) Engel Inc are now seeking a director for International baseball tops and long-sleeved.
marketing. 166. The correct answer is (A), you can call, write or visit the websỉte.
81. (C) They do not accept mail applications. 167. The correct answer is (A), brochures and prices available upon
82. (A) The employer asks for a resume, reíerences and a cover letter request.
by email or fax. Questions 168-171
83. (D) It stops in Dallas and its tinal destination is Los Angeles. 168. The correct answer is (C), it’s a contract between Westem Hills
84. (B) The tlight is now departing from another gate. Apartments and the lessee, who will be a tenant in the apartment at
85. (C) The tlight is now departing out of Gate B12. the address given.
86. (D) Beíore the night is through they plan on having raised $30,000. 169. The correct answer is (A), upon signing, the lessee will pay the
87. (C) Atter the bid sheets for the silent auction have been collected tirst month’s rent, halt (part) of the previous month’s rent and a two-
at 9.00 they will enjoy a 30 minutes pertormance trom a tavorite local month security deposit.
band. 170. The correct answer is (B), the two-month security deposit is 2 X
88. (A) Atter the pertormance, the winners of the silent auction will be $400 = $800 less $30 damages is $770.
annòunced. 171. The correct answer is (D), the water bill doesn't have to be paid
89. (B) He is struggling to work his way through college in the tace of and the security deposit and tirst month’s rent have to be paid upon
ever-increasing tuition costs. signing.
90. (B) He can’t understand why us taxpayers should subsidize col- Questions 172-176
lege tées for undocumented immigrants. 172. The correct answer is (C), he describes it as an insighttul speech
91. (B) The speaker is talking about undocumented immigrants. and a lucid presentation.
92. (A) Joe Pallok was sentenced for robbing the East Roswell branch 173. The correct answer is (B), it brought to light deeper issues and
of the First Federal Bank. hammered home the benetits of a diverse workforce to both the com-
93. (B) He was sentenced for 40 years and 5 months in prison. pany and society.
94. (C) Joe's accomplice was Randy Trask, 25, who was also sen- 174. The correct answer is (D), he spoke about a controversial topic.
tenced to thirty years in prison. 175. The correct ansvver is (D), if the total value, $50, is not spent,
95. (A) To tell her that AT&D is now ottering a special long-distance store credit will be given.
deal to all those who switch to AT&D that month. 176. The correct answer is (A), on Sunday the store is only open trom
96. (D) She was a customer 5 years ago when she made many long- noon until 6pm.
distance calls. Questions 177-180
97. (B) They promise to give her two tull months of long-distance 177. The correct answer is (B), the tirst paragraph introduces the
phone calls for just three cents a minute. reader to Bob Greene and gives some background.
98. (D) lf you want to call Danielle Lang, the ottice intern, you need to 178. The correct ansvver is (A), written intervievvs are usually tound in
press 3. magazines or nevvspapers.
99. (B) lf you wish to leave a general message, you press star. 179. The correct answer is (C), no matter what he's doing in his life,
100. (C) The ottice hours are 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 8 a.m. on he alvvays tinds time for a workout.
Monday is the time you’d hear the message. 180. The correct ansvver is (D), initial weight loss is tough but main-
taining weight loss is a bigger, ongoing hurdle.
JUSTIFICATIONS: Reading - Part 7: Reading Comprehension Questions 181-183
Questions 153-155 181. The correct ansvver is (A), breaking conventions is almost normal
153. The correct ansvver is (D), they are seeking an administrator, to for artists.
work closely with One partner to manage the tour-partner team. 182. The correct answer is (B), she photographs lively scenes with
154. The correct answer is (D), it is a new and expanding law firm. black and white tilm and then hand paints her images with oil colors.
155. The correct answer is (C), the classiíied asks tor salary require- 183. The correct answer is (C), none are for sale directly but if you
ments, a cover letter, a resume and a list of reterences. want to purchase a piece speak to a curator at the museum.
Questions 156-160 Questions 184-187
156. The correct ansvver is (C), there’s international music on the tirst 184. The correct answer is (D), it was claimed engine vibration was
Friday of each month and jazz artists pertorming all other Frldays so probably the cause.
there's entertainment every Friday. 185. The correct answer is (D), in half of the tirst 90 planes (45),
157. The correct answer is (D), the schedule has two pertormances; damage was discovered.
5:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. The free pass is also 186. The correct ansvver is (A), a spark trom the 120-volt wires
valid for both pertormances. could cause a fire or explosion.
158. The correct ansvver is (B), there is no additional charge íor guided 187. The correct answer is (A), multiple tlights were cancelled.
tours. Questions 188-192
159. The correct answer is (D), you can see Chalupa pertorm AArt 188. The correct answer is (D), Joan says it’s been sad vvithout him at
After5 on August 25th. the ottice.
160. The correct answer is (C), it will spice up our humdrum 189. The correct answer is (C), George was as an accounting assis-
American ways. tant and Joan is the manager at Carison Accountants.
Questions 161-163 190. The correct answer is (C), she comments on his attitude, inter-
161. The correct ansvver is (D), what type of intormation employers personal skills, and interviewing and listening skills.
will ask tor when veritying previous employment. 191 .The correct ansvver is (B), he does not get in a panic during tren-
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162. The correct ansvver is (A), it means stretching the truth, tor zied periods when they are under pressure.
example, not being honest about previous dates of employment, salary 192. The correct answer is (A), she has no reservations or doubts
or job title. about George's ability.
163. The correct answer is (D), some employers do a detailed check, Questions 193-195
some a cursory check and others don’t check at all so you can’t be 193. The correct answer is (C), it is the 12th competition in Calitomia.
sure what an employer will do. 194-The correct answer is (C), the competition goes on trom the 6th
Questions 164-167 to the 1oth of August.
164. The correct answer is (D), manuals or dictionaries don’t contain 195. The correct ansvver is (A), there is a special surprise appearance.
advertisements and the content is too large for a business card. Questions 196-200
165. The correct ansvver is (B), they come as tank tops, 3/i sleeve 196. The correct ansvver is (C), she advises her to go Online to get

Succeed in TOEIC Justifications of the Answers
more up-to-date-stuff, as the iníormation may be outdated. 10. (A) The shiny white board with black writing on it, a vvhiteboard,
197. The correct answer is (A), she visited Germany two years ago. is situated behind them. The people are tacing away trom it, with their
198. The correct answer is (B), the three airports are Frankfurt-am- backs tovvards it. (B) The man on the lett is only vvearing a shirt and
Main, Munich and Dusseldort. tie, he has no tormal ịacket covering his shirt. (C) The board is white
199. The correct answer is (D), train travel is otten more expensive and so they are vvriting with black pens; chalk, a soft white rock,
than catching the bus. would not show up on the board. (D) The woman and man are tacing
200. The correct answer is (A), terries run between Germany’s north- torvvard away trom one another and do not have their mouths open.
ern coast and Scandinavia.
JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 2: Question-Response
11. (B) The woman wants to know the place vvhere they will see each
TEST6 other. The man says where and at what time. (A) ansvvers what the
JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 1: Photographs man will do by himselt at 8 p.m. (C) agrees that he thinks it a good
1. (C) In the picture towards the back, there are two green plants on thing to meet up.
the desk next to the man. (A) In the picture the man's teet are under 12. (A) The man wants to know if the woman is tond of her new
his desk, he has his Computer and arms on top of the desk. (B) The employer. The woman replies that she likes her very much. (B)
man has both his arms on the table, his mouth is closed and he is answers what's her name. (C) the question reters to a person not a
tocused on the Computer. (D) The man Is tacing tovvards his Computer. situation or idea.
2. (A) The vvoman is vvearing a specialized hat made out of a hard 13. (C) The word ‘w iir is used in this question as a polite way to ask
material, worn to protect her head; a helmet. (B) The woman is wear- the man to wait, the vvoman needs to use the bathroom quickly. The
ing black shorts. (C) There doesn’t appear to be any other vehlcle man agrees and says he’ll wait nearby. (A) ansvvers the question 'do
around her, suggesting it is not busy. (D) The vvoman is not in motion; you want to use the bathroom?’(B) the question doesn’t reter to ‘run’
she has stopped and has one leg on the ground. as exercise.
3. (D) In the picture only one man has his paddle, a short pole used to 14. (B) The man vvants to tind out where she went on holiday. The
move the boat, in the vvater and is paddling, moving through the vvater. woman tells the place vvhere she went. (A) answers the question why
The other man is resting his paddle on the side of the boat. (A) As the did you go. (C) ansvvers the question how long did you go for.
boat requires the men to use paddles, it would not have a motor, a 15. (C) The woman is requesting to know who owns the wallet. The
small engine, to help the boat move. (B) The man in the tront of the man thinks it is David's. (A) answers the question what is it made out
boat is vvearing black sunglasses on his tace. (C) There are no rapids, of. (B) declares what’s inside the wallet.
section of vvater vvhere the vvater runs very quickly over rocks, in the 16. (A) The man asks torthe woman’s opinion on the movie. The
picture. vvoman says she didn't like it. (B) the question doesn’t otter to go to
4. (B) In the picture the vvoman on the right is vvearing a necklace the movies. (C) this ansvver gives the time of a movie.
around her neck, a piece of jewellery. (A) Both the man and vvoman 17. (B) The woman asks if it is a good idea to leave the man on his
are tacing away trom each other and do not appear to be in conversa- own. In a polite response, the man says he vvould like to be left alone.
tion. (C) The woman's hands are together in tront of her, she is hold- (A) mistakes the word ‘peace’ with 'piece'. (C) answers in proỉest of
ing them still and not in the air gesturing. (D) The man appears shorter being asked to be quiet.
in the picture, vvhich would suggest he’s sitting down. 18. (B) The man makes a suggestion. The woman agrees and is in
5. (C) In the picture the two boys both have pieces of paper in their tavor oí it. (A) the question speaks about the 'gym', the place you go
hands. (A) The boy on the right is wearing a tie, a long narrow piece for exercise, ‘Jim’ is a name. (C) The question does not ask for intor-
of material that is worn round the neck and comes down in tront of the mation on someone else’s preterence to liking the gym.
person. (B) In the picture there Is no Computer, so the two boys can- 19. (A) The woman wants to know ịf Adrienne has shovvn up. The
not be using a Computer to read trom. (D) The boys appear to be man say she hasn't and the time she will arrive. (B) as the vvoman
tocused and serious. asks if Adrienne has come yet, she wouldn’t have gone already. (C)
6. (B) In the picture there are many people gathered in the building, the question suggests that they are waiting for the vvoman because
shown by many heads. (A) The stage, which is the area of main tocus she is Corning that day, not that she will turn up at a later date.
and is situated at the tront of the hall or theatre, has only one person 20. (C) The question requires intormation on what they will eat. The
on it. (C) The backdrop, what is behind the person, is very dark and woman intorms the man of the tood. (A) says vvhere they will eat. (B)
black, the opposite to bright. (D) People are already seated in the audi- it is already given that they will eat, they are just deciding on what to
torium and not Corning into it. eat.
7. (B) In the picture the policemen are wearing a special type of cloth- 21. (A) The woman vvants to know the price, how much money. The
ing, which they wear to work, called a unitorm. (A) The police otticers man replies with the price he thinks, adding that he’ll need to check
are standing still, they are not surrounded and they appear to be talk- the amount. (B) gives what sizes it comes in. (C) gives an opinion,
ing. They are not arresting anyone. (C) Both men appear happy, nei- assuming the woman has already bought it.
ther looks or appears to be gesturing as if they are arguing. (D) Both 22. (C) The question is an enquiry. The man says yes and tells the
men are vvearing hats on their heads. woman his day is free. (A) if the reply is yes, the response that follows
8. (D) In the picture the man has a strained expresslon on his tace, he should be in agreement that he has the day off. Here instead he says
is trovvning and he has his arms raised in anger, shovving he is not yes, but also says he’s vvorking. (B) doesn’t requlre to know when he
happy. (A) The man does not have a basketball in his hands and he is is vvorking.
not wearing correct clothes for playing basketball. He is wearing a 23. (C) The question asks for intormation on a situation about remain-
suit. (B) The gestures the man is making with his hands are big and ing tickets. The vvoman says how many she has and how many the
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very expressive, vvhich would suggest he is the opposite of calm; he is man wants. (A) doesn’t intorm the man how many tickets she has. (B)
agitated. (C) The man’s stance is wide; he has his legs apart and not the question asks tor the availability of tickets, meaning how many he
over one ànother. can obtain, not how busy the woman is.
9. (D) In the picture the man has one oí his arms raised and his tinger 24. (A) The vvoman wants to know the sex of the dog. The man
is out straight, pointing. (A) The man has no device in his hand to ansvvers that it is temale. (B) speaks about ‘mail’ meaning post, the
speak through and talk to his audience. (B) The man's jacket has been question reters to ‘male’ meaning the opposite of temale. (C) the
pulled together; his clothes can only be seen at the top, which would answer doesn't require an adịective.
suggest he has buttoned up his jacket. (C) Only the man’s lett hand 25. (B) The man enquires about vvhich mode of transport the woman
has something In it, a piece of paper, his other hand does not have likes. The woman tells him the torm she tavors. (A) intorms thatthe
anything in it. woman doesn't travel. (C) the question doesn’t require intormation on

Succeed in TOEIC Justifications of the Answers
travel arrangements. tense. The man tells her exactly when, the time of day. (A) answers in
26. (B) The mother was very angry at the other man/boy. The man the past tense. (B) also speaks in the past tense.
says she should be because of his past actions. (A) you are not lucky
when someone is angry with you. (C) contuses the phrase 'let him JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening • Part 3: Conversations
have it’ as being positive, that he received something. In this case it 41. (A) The man is taking an Abnormal Psychology exam and he
means she didn't hold back when telling him off. appreciates the help of Mrs Taylor, his teacher.
27. (A) The question asks tor the period of time. The woman intonns him 42. (C) People who have already taken the class say it’s really ditticult.
of the length of time. (B) suggests that the woman has not moved into her 43. (A) When abnormal behavior causes problems in living is when a
house already, but has just made the tirst payment. (C) answers about person is considered mentally III.
the size. 44. (D) Nothing happened to it. The camera just stopped working.
28. (B) Emma will not be on time. The vvoman intorms the man. The 45. (A) He wants to exchange a camera. They are in the camera store.
man suggests not waiting for her. (A) answers usỉng 'running' to 46. (C) The woman goes to get another caméra of the same model.
mean exercise and late meaning at night. In the question the phrase 47. (C) Rooney scored two goals - he is a tootballer.
‘running late’ simply means ‘not on time’. (C) answers that it is too 48. (A) The woman spent the whole day studying and he íeels she
late to stay up, as a period of time in a day. ‘Late’ in the question means needs a oreak.
atter the time that she was expected. 49. (B) She doesn't want to have a long break so she can get back to
29. (C) The woman expresses her teelings, telling the man she is her work for her medical exams.
unhappy with the other woman’s lying. The man is in agreement, giv- 50. (D) Their tlights will land the next day.
ing his opinion on the matter too. (A) contuses the phrase ‘I am so 51. (B) They will go to a conterence in a convention centre.
tired’ to mean wanting to sleep, in the question it means to be unhap- 52. (C) Their planes arrive at ditterent times and she doesn t want to
py about something. (B) again Is the same as (A); the question does wait around for 3 hours.
not reter to vvanting to sleep. 53. (B) The man is making representations on behalt of his co-work-
30. (C) The man inquires if the intervievv was successtul. The woman ers and he hopes she can reniedy the problem.
replies saying it didnì go well, emphasizing that she thought it was 54. (A) He vvants two twenty-minute breaks, in addition to a paid halt
extremely bad. (A) ansvvers when the interview is. (B) ansvvers what job hour lúnch break.
was the interview for. 55. (B) Shell see what she can do but can't make any promises.
31. (B) The woman enquires about the man’s preterence in music. 56. (C) He was really sick tor a while.
The man intorms her of the kind of music. (A) the ansvver needs to 57. (B) They are happy to have him back and they missed him while
State an actual type of music. (C) ansvvers that he doesn’t want to do he was out sick.
something; the question uses the word ‘like’ to ask for an opinion on 58. (C) The man says he is overvvhelmed as he is behind on his paper-
something. work.
32. (C) The man requests the woman to disregard her. The ansvver 59. (B) She asks how he ended up on the Eastslde when he should be
uses the meaning to the man’s phrase ‘to ignore’. The woman uses on the other side of town.
this verb in her answer. (A) ansvvers using the word ‘pay’ in terms of 60. (A) The man at the convenience store gave him bad directions.
money. (B) contuses the word ‘mind’ with ‘mine’, using the posses- 61. (C) She promises to give him flawless directions.
sive pronoun. 62. (C) They need to get the marketing proposal completed by Friday.
33. (A) A break is a short period of time where you are able to rest. 63. (D) Her son has a band concert and she promised to attend.
The man says he needs to take a rest. (B) the question doesn’t mean 64. (A) She can never say no to pizza, assuming that he's paying
‘break’ in terms of damaging something. (C) as a break in this ques- for it.
tion reters to a period of time, you can’t physically own it as an object. 65. (B) She asks him about sending documents to Milan overnlght.
34. (C) The man is inquiring about the weather. The woman intorms 66. (B) They may lose the account with the Milan ottice.
the man of the type of weather. (A) mistakes the word ‘weather‘ with 67. (B) The documents are still on the woman’s desk.
‘whether’, talking about a choice or doubt. (B) the question is asking 68. (D) The woman is saying if she comes to work for them she can
about ‘tomorrovv’, in the íuture; this answers In the pasttense, ‘was’. provìdé ditterent skills.
35. (B) A date is a meeting between two people where they go out; 69. (C) She vvants to work for the company.
usually they are in a romantic relationship. The man is very happy to 70. (A) She is experienced at delegating and she tinds it important to
be asked to go out. (A) reters to ‘date’ to mean a specitic time. (C) delegate important tasks for company etíiciency.
reters to the question ‘would you like’ to mean how much he tound
something interesting. JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 4: Talks
36. (A) The man asks the vvoman to tell him what she would like to 71. (C) lf you buy one item you get the second item of equal or
have. The woman says what type of tood she wants. (B) contradicts greater value at halt price.
the question, this ansvver responds ‘yes’ but then says she needs 72. (D) The sale ends at 5 p.m. the next day.
more time, suggesting she isn’t ready to order and so this should be 73. (B) lf you apply tor a TRESCO Credit Card you receive a 15% dis-
‘no’. (C) answers the question have you got my order. courìt on áll your purchases.
37. (B) The woman hasn’t spoken to the man in some time. The man 74. (A) lf yoú call to report a card lost or stolen press 3.
apologizes and gives the reason why. (A) ansvvers in terms of sound. 75. (B) They answer in the order that the calls are received.
(C) there isn’t a problem with the woman’s hearing; in the question 76. (D) To try Online banking at their website.
‘heard’ reters to speaking. 77. (C) The Dart organization’s conterence is annual.
38. (A) The womán doesn‘t want the blouse anymore and wants to 78. (B) Dart employees trom all over the nation attend.
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

give it back. The man asks why she wants to retum it. (B) the woman 79. (A) The speech is at the beginning intorming the guests about the
wants to return the blouse, not that she will be going back herselt. (C) activities during the Corning week.
the vvoman is not buying the blouse, so doesn‘t need the price. 80. (C) For the duration of the tlight the seat-belt sign will be on.
39. (C) The question wants to know how good the woman’s sleep 81. (C) The tlight attendants will collect any remaining trash.
was. The woman replies that it was íine and she expresses that she is 82. (D) The captain hopes the passengers will enjoy their time in New
rested now. (A) if she got enough sleep she would not be very tired York.
still. (B) if the woman went to sleep she vvould have not been awake 83. (A) They develop a model of an educated citizen that combines
all night. scholarship, civic engagement, and in-depth living experiences in other
40. (C) The question enquires about the time the man will go, tuture countries.

Succeed in TOEIC Justỉfỉcations of the Answers
84. (D) It is an internationally oriented four-year college of arts and 172. The correct ansvver is (A), it is her 4th wedding attempt that Ike
Sciences. thinks will fail.
85. (D) The college was íounded in 1833 and is among the 100 oldest 173. The correct answer is (B), it begins with an interesting concept
in the nation. but that’s where it stays.
86 (A) Winds descending the Cascades Tuesday blocked the cool 174. The correct answer is (C), the revievver says the reason why the
Pacitic sea breeze and sent temperatures to recórd levels. bride runs away is pretty obvious to the audience and is not hard to
87. (B) The temperatures have been sent to record levels. tigure out.
88. (C) Normal temperatures are torecastto return atthe weekend. Questions 175-179
89. (C) Tonight, the Houston Comets will take on the utah Starzz. 175. The correct ansvver is (C), you can get the thank you letter out
90. (C) All eyes will be on Sheryl Swoopes, Tina Thompson and Jenith immediately.
Arcain. 176. The correct answer is (B), you will be reiterating your interest in
91. (A) They wantto show they can win without Cynthia Cooper. the position.
92. (D) He has been treated successtully. 177. The correct answer is (C), the letter addresses Mr. Gilmore and
93. (B) He picked up anthrax while pertorming an autopsy on an Emily concludes by saying she appreciates the time he took to inter-
intected cow. view her.
94. (C) Anthrax occurs naturally in the soil and can be passed to live- 178-The correct ansvver is (D), the Creative approach to account man-
stock when they eat grass. agement contirmed her desire to work there.
95. (B) He says our children are our tuture and it’s the entire city’s 179. The correct ansvver is (B), she describes her vvriting skills,
problem. Our problem. assertiveness and abilities.
96. (C) Their public schools’ reading scores are among the very worst Questions 180-183
in the country. 180. The correct ansvver is (A), it’s to promote and publicize the 7th
97. (D) lt’s the city’s problem so action must be taken immediately. annual small business conterence.
98. (B) lf it is an emergency, they should hang up and dial 911. 181. The correct ansvver is (D), the u.s Department of Energy and its
99. (C) The opening hours are Monday to Frỉday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Prime Contractors are inviting people to attend.
Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 182. The correct ansvver is (A), when making a hotel reservation, you
100. (B) To speak to a nurse you need to hold the line and wait. should mention the name of the coníerence.
183. The correct answer is (B), plenary sessions are where specitic
JUSTIFICATIONS: Reading - Part 7: Reading C om prehension topics of particular interest are discussed.
Questions 153-155 Questions 184-187
153. The correct answer is (D), Chequers is their home and they are 184. The correct ansvver is (B), the leatlet describes the accommoda-
pleased to have guests for dinner. tion at st. Michaers.
154. The correct ansvver is (A), the regulars love the clam chovvder. 185. The correct ansvver is (C), if you require extra-long twin size beds
155. The correct answer is (C), it welcomes guests to Chequers and you should contact her in writing.
says the tood is served with a smile in a warm atmosphere. 186. The correct answer is (B), ansvvering machines are not neces-
Questions 156-158 sary but students may bring them if they wish.
156. The correct answer is (B), it gives some background about 187. The correct ansvver is (A), window sizes vary by tloor, room and
Elizabeth Wahlers, her work as an artist and a contact number for peo- building.
ple to ring if they want more intormation. Questions 188-192
157. The correct answer is (D), she paints tlovvers, still life edibles and 188. The correct answer is (D), he is sorry she did not have a pleasant
more recently, cities and landscapes. experience at the hotel.
158. The correct answer is (B), growing up in the Netherlands she 189. The correct ansvver is (C), he received her letter on December
developed her love of flowers. 12th.
Ouestions 159-162 190. The correct answer is (C), he has enclosed a voucher for a one-
159. The correct ansvver is (B), she says she is very pleased to night stay, breaktast included.
accept the position of Marketing Manager. 191 .The correct ansvver is (A), the breaktast is brought to the room at
160. The correct ansvver is (C), they had discussed it on the phone. the time specitied by the gùests.
161 .The correct answer is (D), she is thanktul for the opportunity. 192. The correct answer is (D), the coupon expires on June 21 st, 2015.
162. The correct answer is (A), she asks if he needs any additional Questions 193-195
intormation or paperwork, let her know. 193. The correct answer is (D), if you buy a Magnitica Class ticket
Questions 163-166 with your Emit Express card, you can buy another tor just $99, which
163. The correct answer is (B), Minnesotans who might have torgot- implies $99 is less than tull price.
ten about windchill will get a reminder. 194. The correct ansvver is (B), you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to
164. The correct answer is (B), they are ending a 5-week period where experience the passion and style of Italy.
temperatures were well abòvé normal. 195. The correct answer is (C), it’s the only airline that celebrates the
165. The correct answer is (C), it dropped to 6 below in Roseau, 4 very best of Italy.
belovv in Bemidji, with Twin Cities getting off easy compared to those. Questions 196-200
166. The correct answer is (D), residents may want to wear extra lay- 196. The correct ansvver is (C), THINK is an atter-school learning pro-
ers and tace-coverings. gramme.
Questions 167-169 197. The correct ansvver is (C), it is going through unprecedented
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

167. The correct answer is (A), he is thanktul for the ongoing articles. grovvth in the number of sites.
168. The correct answer is (D), these articles allovv us to see why 198. The correct answer is (A), the job involves one-on-one homework
people end up losing their houses. assistance and recreation leadership.
169. The correct answer is (B), the laws allow Beverly Hills to cast out199. The correct ansvver is (B), no previous experience is needed and
the homeless trom the City boundaries. she has had 1 year of teaching experience.
Questions 170-174 200. The correct answer is (B), she would like to become an elemen-
170. The correct ansvver is (C), he is a New York columnist. tary teacher in the next couple of years.
171. The correct ansvver is (B), he vvrote an ottensive column, went
too far and taked the tacts.

Succeed In TOEK Justiflcations of the Answers
TEST 7 quesdon and repkes that an order has aiready t>een ptaccd (A) The
JUSTIFICATIONS: Ltstening - Part 1: Photographs quesbon uses you me second person pronoun Thè answer uses
I (A) In ttie picture the tram doors are open and the peõpie are walk- they (C) The quesbon tstormed in me tuture and s not retentng to
ing mwards. their backs are tacing outward (B) The passengers are the past reports
12 <A) The queshon IS asuọgesbon to end what mey are domg now
not disembarking / gettmg off the train, they are walking towards the
train (C) The passengers do not have any luggage, sultcases f bags.
in theìr hands or by their sides (D) The traln is stabonary, the doors
and do somethmg eise The answer repses ìn aọreement to tm h (B)
answers how much longer w * you be (C) answers where dto you see
are open and the people are steppìng inside the movie
2. (C) In the picture all the people have guitars in their hands which 13 (B) The quesbon IS a request to mail a contract The answer IS
they are playíng (A) The people are not slnging. they do not have their detmrteiy and in a tnendty way. and suggests IhiS be camed out
mouths open or are not near the microphone (B) Alt the men in the (A) me question requests mat somethmg be sent to the headquarters
picture are wearing clothes wĩth short sleeves: T-shifts (D) All the
headquarters arent an (tem to be had (0 answers when somethmg
muslcians have thelr own microphone. a small black devicé (or
wíll happen
sínging Into to make the sound louder 14 (C) The quesbon asks for gutdance The answer ađvises the best
3. (A) The man is taclng away trom the flags and has his back to the solubon tor me situation (A) me question relers to pnntouts meanmg
tlags (B) The man has hls lace looking way trom the tlags and is hard copies of papers/documents. these are then unable to be put
positioned the opposlte way (C) Behind the man there are two tlags.
insìde me Computer (B) answers me questton 'when
15. (A) The quesdon IS an otler Irom an opbcian s to cany out some-
they are situated next to one anóther; the man Is on the left ot the Ãags
(D) In the picture the tlags are to the side 1 the man. we are still able
to see the man and they are not blocking him
thing that will help me person Maybe already required at the opbcian s
The answer IS polite and accepts (B) me quesbon doesn t require an
opinion (C) answers uslng 'no' men says they do need a remmder, It
4 (D) In the picture the car seems to be parked and not moving - it's
they do need a reminder me answer should be 'yes'.
statlonary (A) The car is not moving quickly as it is stìll and not in
16 (A) The question wants to find out about the whereabouts of
motìon. (B) The cones, the small plastic orange triangles on the
ground, are still standing up and are not lying on their sides. knocked
over. (C) The sirens, on the top ot the car, are not tumed on and there
someone The answer inlorms where me person has gone (B) con-
luses me word 'relations'. in mis question ít reters to a ) b title not
how well one person gets on with another ( 0 answers usmg me
Is no llght Corning trom them *Sirens make a sound / waming or
word 'Public' to mean me general Public, many peopie
emergency lights is more appropriate for option (C).
17. (C) The question wants to know me reason why me plane IS late
5. (C) The man in the bottom right ot the picture is bent over, leaning,
The answer glves me reason; due to mechanícal problems. (A) me
and he is weanng a blue hat. (A) They appear to be vvorking on a
answer speaks about meetìng people at me plane. (B) answers with
plece ot glass on the table but the table is square-shaped. not round.
me tìme of me tlight.
(B) In the picture there is only one man with a tool, a drill, he is wear- ị
18. (A) The question inquires about a particular perscn The answer
Ing gloves; another man is wearing gloves on his hands but he's not
gives me name of me person. (B) answers which transport will be
holding a tool. (D) Goggles, or protectỉve glasses, cover the eyes and
used to go on me trip. (C) answers what me trip is lor.
protect them trom water, matehal dust etc... are not shown in the pic- ị
19. (A) The question queríes II Martha gets pald expenses owed to her
ture, no one is wearing them. One man has a normal pair of glasses on
and me answer says she does and what she needs to do to claim me
6 (B) In the picture the man is standlng In the cabln ot a plane and
expenses. (B) Martha has already pald out tor me cost of driving; me
there are no other people near him. (A) The seats are not being tilled.
answer does not need to be that me cost is being checked. (C)
which would suggest people are being allocated to them, there are no Ị
answers if they have had sales calls betore
Dther people ín the picture. (C) The man is not sitting in a Seat or chair; Ị
20. (C) The question Is whether a plant should be moved. The answer
he is standing up. (D) The man has no suitcases or bags in his hands. Ị
suggests no, as me plant is ok where ít is. (A) me phrase 'air vent' In
7. (A) In the picture, the woman on the right has her arms over one
the question reters to a place where alr can come in and out ot me
another, Crossing them, on her body (B) In the picture, the girl in the
room. Not that the object can be moved in me air. (B) answers witti
centre and the woman on the right are vvearing trousers. (C) The girl
an opinion on me air vent.
on the lett is holding a red book, not a brietcase. (D) The woman and ;
21. (B) The question is a request for the tiles The answer conhrms
the two girls appear to be relaxed and smiling, which would suggest
that they will have rnem soon. (A) me question wants someone to do
they are having an Intormal Chat rather than a tormal one.
a task, it doesn t require intormabon on what they own. ( 0 answers
8 (0) In the picture the camera angle shows the outline of the peo-
using 'they', a third person plural pronoun, where a tirst person
3le's laces as if someone is looking trom the side. (A) The three peo- :
response ỉs needed.
3le in the picture, including the man, have their moùths open, suggest-;
22. (A) The questlon is a suggestíon to tum anomer directíon at me
ng they are all singing. (B) Only the woman in the back of the picture Ị
trattic lights. The answer says 'yes' and to tum right. (B) ‘tum off'
s weanng earrings, pieces ot jewellery attached to her ears. (C) The
means to take another directíon, not to tum ott or switch off lights (C)
Tian is also singing with the two women and not by himselt.
again, the questlon doesn t reter to llghts In a room. as suggested In
ỉ. (C) In the picture the man on the right is helping the man who
this optìon.
ìppears to be in paln. he Is treating his inịury.
23. (C) The tìrst person asks me second person which one ot them
;A) The man on the hght is standing up and the man on the lett is sít- ị
will pay the tlp: the answer means me second person will pay ít mis
ting down. (B) The man treatỉng the seated man is holding the man's
iVTist and Is tending to his hand. not his elbow. whlch is located at the Ị
(A) 'típ' ỉn mis question relers to me amount oi extra money gíven to
niddle ol the arm. (D) The man on the right has short trousers on,
me person who served you, not 'tìp' meanlng a piece ol advice. (B)
ĩhorts. and the man ón the lett has lull-length trousers on.
w w w .nh m

uses 'care' in the sense of 'being concemed about' something, ramer

10. (B) In the picture the woman on the right has a small piece ot
man 'take care of’ meaning 'to pay'.
naterial on her head covering her hair, a red headscarl. (A) The man
24. (C) This questìon ís tormed as a question tag. where It begms say-
loes not have a small selection ol tood on hls tray. appetizers; instead
has two dhnking glasses (C) The women are not across from One
ỉnother, which would suggest they are tacing each other; they are sit-
ing you don't want to do something and men quesbons It me person
actually does The reply is me person does want to do ít and glves a
reason why. (A) suggests they have already linished writing, but me
ing next to each other. (D) The waiter is not putting a liquid from one
questỉon wouldn't be asked In me fìrst place 11 that was me case (B)
:ontainer to another, pounng The bottle is on the table.
Is an open-ended answer, it Is tíme to do what?
25. (B) One person wants to know who lett cotlee beside a Computer
JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 2: Question-Response
I I (B) The question is a polite otter The answer reters back to the

Succeed in TOEIC Justifications of the Answers
The answer coníirms it was the second person. (A) the question 41. (C) The tlight was smooth all the way.
doesn’t ask who owns the Computer. (C) answers with another 42. (B) The airline torgot to put the bag on the plane, it's still in
question. Chicago.
26. (A) The tirst person questions to contirm if the second person still 43. (B) Bob's sister Jenny’s luggage also went missing.
wants something to happen and the second person verities the tirst 44. (A) She sold two lat week but she’s still vvaiting for her tirst buyer
person’s question. (B) ansvvers with an opinion. (C) answers as if this week.
impressed with a manuscript already vvritten. 45. (C) He doesn’t know what to do with himselt all day.
27. (C) The person requests intormation on the new employee’s train- 46. (D) She will go to the store íor a bite to eat.
ing. The answer contirms what is asked in the question. (A) the ques- 47. (A) They are outdoors near a tree by a lake.
tion is asking about training to use the fax machine, not vvhether a 48. (B) A true artist with a great voice but not good enough to get a
fax has been sent that morning. (B) the question is asking specitically record deal
about the fax machine, not in general or about other machines. 49. (D) lt’s very hot and she needs to be somevvhere cooler.
28. (C) The question asks for an opinion on two alternatives. The 50. (C) They are discussing the memo for the design meeting not the
ansvver provides a choice that they do not like the heat, so it could be meeting about the Parson Project.
assumed they like the other. (A) the weather temperature isn't some- 51. (B) She thinks management will be their usual annoying selves.
thing you can take, the way this answer is íormed implies you would 52. (B) He is tired of the meetings and vvould preter to get on with the
take a drink cold. (B) ansvvers how hot or cold the person íeels at that job.
moment. 53. (A) The dog knocked it off the table and the tlovvers made a mess
29. (A) The questíon is asking for contirmation about the report and on the tloor.
the reply is that they suspect it is. (B) answers as if the proposal has- 54. (C) She says they don't usually fix things that quickly.
n’t been made yet. (C) contuses the word identical, the question is 55. (C) Maybe they can fix it by the vreekend. Shell call him and let
talking about two reports being the same, not two people looking alike. him know, which is ok with him.
30. (C) The question is asking for a total number and the answer gives 56. (D) She's decided to go to night school and learn a new skill.
an estimation of the number. (A) contuses the word ‘íigure’ to mean 57. (A) She’s been doing the same job for years and needs a new
understand, the question uses the word ‘tigure’ to mean number. (B) challenge.
ansvvers where the tigures are made. 58. (B) He has booked a table for them at the restaurant in ten min-
31. (B) The question inquires about a specitic place to give in a torm utes.
and the ansvver is the room in which to do so. (A) ansvvers with direc- 59. (A) The man thought it was her dream house.
tions. (C) contuses the phrase 'turn in’, in this question it means give to 60. (A) She said she got carried away with the village but the house
someoné. wasn’t right despite the great locatlon.
32. (C) The question inquires if the time the training begins is correct. 61. (D) He says she should rethink what is really importantto her.
The answer can’t contirm but gives a time they thought. (A) the ques- 62. (A) The printer broke and he couldnì get his report.
tion doesn’t ask about who has stress. (B) the question didn’t suggest 63. (C) She thinks they are both being very immature.
the tirst person disliked the traỉning. 64. (D) She says if the two of them don’t pull their socks up it will
33. (B) The question wants details on the press release. The answer annòy ‘our’ boss.
contirms it has been delivered. (A) ansvvers what the press release is 65. (C) He made it look good with his Computer images.
about. (C) replies negatively but says it has been delivered. Yes is 66. (D) He was stretching the truth a bit on costs.
needed in response here. 67. (B) She thinks the proịect could be at risk and asks how he could
34. (B) The question wants to know the period of time. The ansvver do such athing.
gives the specitic time. (A) ansvvers vvhere the tire was. (C) answers 68. (D) He had an accident involving dangerous equipment in the
what happéned when thèré was a tlre. tactòrý.
35. (C) The question wants to know the mode of transport. The 69. (A) She says that ‘suing’ the company won’t make him employee
answer says a torm, which wouldn’t be attected by the strike. (A) otters of the month.
an opinion. (B) answers by bus, but that is Public transport so vvould- 70. (A) She says he needs to make an ettort to get on well with every-
n't be working. one at work.
36. (B) The question vvants to know the place. The ansvver gives the
specitic place. (A) answers in the íuture tense. (C) answers that he JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 4: Talks
tóund the contràcts atter they had been lost. 71. (C) It makes a fine place to exhibit all these tine works of art.
37. (B) The question is a polite request for the other person to give 72. (C) The Ford tamily was one of the richest tamilies in the country.
them their Seat. The ansvver replies that it is not a problem. (A) uses 73. (C) He disappeared and was never seen again although it is
the word 'change' in terms ot money, not ‘change’ meaning to thought he ran away to Atrica.
become ditterent. (C) replies with a question about changing some- 74. (A) He was lucky to get the position as a lot of people applied.
thing. 75. (D) The speaker says it’s a great working environment and inter-
38. (A) The question inquires about vvhetherthe other person has esting work.
checked the timetable. The person intorms the other that they have 76. (C) They are open to people trying new things and widening their
not. (B) the tirst person already knows that there is a timetable, and expèriénce.
this does not need to be claritied. (C) answers in terms of an item has 77. (C) Passengers for Paris are told to go to gate 7 for the delayed
come, ‘arrived’, not in terms of what time a plane lands, ‘arrivals’ in the 16:40 tlight. (‘hours’ is written in the transcript.)
question. 78. (D) It has been caused by extreme vveather conditions but a strong
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

39. (C) The question requires a number. The ansvver replies with the wind has helped clear the fog.
exact tigure. (A) answers as if pointing out a tranchise, the question 79. (B) Some bags have been checked in but the labels have tallen off
requires the number of all of them. (B) the question contirms they of them.
have many tranchises, not individual companies. 80. (B) Experts will advise people how to make their houses more energy
40. (A) The question requires intormation on the availability of the man- etticient.
ager. The ansvver gives the time in vvhich he is tree. (B) ansvvers 81. (C) The videos may leave the audience teeling shocked and
where is the manager. (C) answers where the manager’s ịurisdiction uncòmtortable.
is. 82. (A) Betore the video and the question and answer session, they
invite everyone to get a drink trom the bar.
JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 3: Conversations 83. (B) The local crime rate has increased and they are advised if they

Succeed in TOEIC Justifications of the Answers
see anything suspicious, bring people in for questioning. Questions 169-171
84. (A) The general opinion is it's mostly down to a group of youths 169. The correct answer is (C), the duration tor train V344 is tive
who háng arõund the estate. hours and twenty-five minutes.
85. (C) There is a lot of unemployment on this estate. 170. The correct answer is (C), the V344 train arrives in Manchester
86. (B) It is speaking about ancient Egypt trom around 3500 BC. at 13:39; the others all arrive atter 14:00.
87. (A) They thought it would be useíul to divide daylight into chunks 171. The correct answer is (B), you have to change three times. The
ot time. other trains only have two changes.
88. (D) It was the tirst portable timepiece. Questions 172-174
89. (D) It attects one vvoman in three. 172. The correct answer is (B), it’s presented by Tilmhouse’ and is an
90. (C) Studies have linked the disease to a lack of exercise coupled exhibition of photos and tilm.
with trequent low-fat crash dieting. 173. The correct answer is (A), the exhibition is showing on
91. (B) Take 1000mg of calcium, tound in milk, every day and at least VVednesday 17th October trom 2 - 4:30pm.
20 minutes exercise three times a week. 174. The correct answer is (D), it showcases how young people have
92. (B) The announcement is about special otters in a variety of explored what remains important to them about their heritage.
shops, a bakeTs shop and a restaurant. Questions 175-179
93. (D) Why not treat yourselt to a tree cottee and cake in the Pantry 175. The correct answer is (B), the e-mail thanks Mr. Rogers for his
atter? enquiry.
94. (C) Go to Glamour tashions for a 50% discount on all dresses. 176. The correct answer is (D), they have rooms available on the 24th
95. (D) The model that was ordered is out of stock'. and 25th of June.
96. (C) She understands that the radio is needed by the vveekend. 177. The correct answer is (B), vvireless internet access is available in
97. (A) They will send a similar model and it will be delivered on all public spaces in the hotel.
Friday moming. 178. The correct ansvver is (B), as Mr. Rogers requires Internet access,
98. (A) She says she will miss everyone at the hospital and that the it is most likely for business use.
nurses don't gét the glory they do. 179. The correct ansvver is (D), the plan only includes local phone calls
99. (C) She will miss everyone at the hospital and be poorer, but will and unlimited long-distance calls vvithin the us.
have time to spend in the garden. Questions 180-181
100. (C) III miss this old building but not the canteen. 180. The correct answer is (C), the company is introducing a new
handset and is torecasting a 50% growth in the market tor its product.
181 .The correct answer is (A), the primary tunction of a handset is to
JUSTIFICATIONS: Reading - Part 7: Reading Comprehension make phone calls but this is amusingly treated as an atter-thought in
Questlons 153-154 the text.
153. The correct answer is (A), the card advertises a hotel in Miami Questions 182-186
Beach. 182. The correct answer is (A), below heading E-Ticket/Voucher, the
154. The correct answer is (B), it describes the accommodation, invoice number ìs 471016.
atmosphere and Service to encourage people to try the hotel. 183. The correct answer is (C), receiving comments is the best means
Questions 155-156 they have tor checking the quality of the hotels.
155. The correct answer is (B), the jobless rate íell to its lowest in 33 184. The correct answer is (A), the letter advises him to print it out and
years. take it with him to the airport.
156. The correct answer is (D), the report speaks about jobs, inHation 185. The correct ansvver is (C), under 'Flight Intormation', the arrival
and interest rates. time Corning back in London is 09:00.
Questions 157-159 186. The correct answer is (B), the baggage allowance is two pieces
157. The correct ansvver is (C), it’s notitying a travel Insurance com- with the total vveight of 20kg.
pany that luggage has been lost and intorming them of the cost of Questions 187-189
replacing it. 187. The correct ansvver is (C), the cost is five pounds per person, not
158. The correct answer is (C), the policy is valid up until the 1st of including entry to the gardens.
August 2011. 188. The correct answer is (B), according to the leatlet pre-booking is
159. The correct answer is (B), the lost luggage included clothing, and essential.
camping and climbing equipment. 189. The correct ansvver is (A), the tours will take place in all but the
Questlons 160-161 most inclement weather.
160. The correct answer is (B), it's an ever-changing attraction which Questions 190-192
always has something new to experience for everyone. 190. The correct answer is (C), notice of holiday must be given no less
161 .The correct answer is (A), the discounted Online tlckets are only than one month betore the intended date.
valid for admissions atter 5pm. 191 .The correct ansvver is (B), it will enable them to employ tempo-
Questions 162-163 rary help, if necessary.
162. The correct answer is (B), the notice is to attract businesses 192. The correct answer is (C), there is a form you must flll out to
looking for ottice space. provide notice.
163. The correct ansvver is (B), if your goal Is to find the right ottice Questions 193-197
make sure to avoid costly mistakes. 193. The correct ansvver is (C), one is tull-time, with 37.5 hours and
Questions 164-168 the other is part time with 18.25 hours
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164. The correct answer is (B), the new store is the Pine Avenue 194. The correct ansvver is (B), the job reterence number tor the part-
branch of Borders Books. time job is 213/05/JTS.
165. The correct answer is (A), the date at the top of the letter is the 195. The correct answer is (A), in the e-mail she, the Acting Head
25th April. Cardiologlst, thanks lan for his interest in the jobs ‘at our hospital'.
166. The correct answer is (A), it opens with 'Dear neighbor' and the 196. The correct ansvver is (B), she replied to ansvver two questions
address at the top of the letter is 23 Pine Avenue. lan had asked about the jobs.
167. The correct answer is (A), on the second tloor there is the signa- 197. The correct answer is (D), in reply to the tirst question, she
ture Borders Cate cottee shop. describes the working conditions as satistactory and then gives
168. The correct answer is (C), the coupon is good tor one hot drink details.
and one pastry. Questlons 198-200

Succeed in TOEIC ;ustifications o f the Answers
198. The correct ansvver is (A), it is the tirst time a sitting president will not paying out her money for things she wants.
have appeared in Public with the 72-year-old Buddhist leader.
199. The correct answer is (B), the Dalai Lama is the 72-year-old JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 2: Question-Response
Buddhist leader. 11. (B) The question vvants to know the name of the person. The
200. The correct ansvver is (D), there are strong objections trom China answer gives what the woman is called. (A) ansvvers are you in need
and it vvants the us to cancel the arrangements. of a new telephonist. (C) ansvvers where is the telephone.
12. (A) The question requires a particular date. The answer gives the
TEST 8 year she was bom and is used to show it happened within that year.
JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 1: Photographs (B) ansvvers 'since', since is used to describe a time or event in the
1. (A) In the picture the men are vvearing special clothes for work, uni- past that happened and is still happening to this day. Mrs. Harris being
torms. (B) The man on the right does have a hat on his head. (C) The bom was a one time event. (C) answers vvhere she was bom.
doors of the car are closed and the men are standing by the side of it, 13. (B) The question inquires if anyone can help them. The answer
not going into it. (D) The men are standing at the side of the car and implies yes and agrees when they will do it. (A) ansvvers where the
not behind it. man is. (C) mentions a letter that will come through the post, but the
2. (C) In the picture the woman has no shoes on her teet, she is bare- letter in question has to be vvritten tirst.
toot. (A) The woman is sitting inside the room and not in the area out- 14. (C) This questions the actions of the other person and asks for a
side the tront door, the porch. (B) The woman is sitting in a small reason. The answer gives the particular reason relevant to the person
tour-legged chair by a desk and not on a sott, larger chair; a couch. themselves and the question. (A) ansvvers that someone else did help
(D) The woman is vvearing a short-sleeved piece of clothing, a t-shirt. and his help wasn’t good. (B) answers as if someone has otíered to
3. (B) In the picture the woman is playing the saxophone and the piece help them.
of clothing she is vvearing is covering her body and part of her legs 15. (B) This question is an invitation and asks for their answer. They
and arms are showing. (A) The man in the background is holding a ansvver the request and show they are happy with it. (A) ansvvers in
trombone and does not have it raised to his mouth as if playing. (C) the past tense, as if the meal has already occurred. (C) The tirst
None of the other people have their Instruments on the top of their person does not suggest for the second person to cook in the question
legs, near to their laps, but by their sides. (D) The conductor, the man and doesn’t ask if they are good at it.
who usually stands with a small stick leading the musicians, is not 16. (A) The question asks for the reason for wanting to see the invoic-
present in the picture. es. The second person suggests because there is a problem. (B)
4. (B) In the pỉcture the two women at the tront of the picture are ansvvers when does he want to see the invoices. (C) contuses the
wearing sunglasses, red and black, on the top of their heads. (A) The word ‘invoices’ with ‘voices’, to speak; the question is asking about
woman on the right is tlicking through a leatlet but they are not holding proot of payments.
books in their hands. (C) One girl on the right has tlip-tlops on, the girl 17. (A) The question is asking tor the time she will be available. The
on the lett is vvearing trainers, sports shoes. (D) One girl has one leg answer is an estimated time. (B) ansvvers where will she be. (C) mis-
over the top of the other and the other girl is sitting with both her legs understands the word Ire e ’ to apply to her relationship status; the
crossed, so they are not sitting the same way. question simply asks if she is not busy.
5. (C) In the picture the house has no walls and the vvooden beams 18. (B) The question asks for the distance. The ansvver gives how long
are still visible, suggesting the house needs more work. (A) One man it would take in minutes and by vvhich transport. (A) intorms them that
is wearing an orange hat on his head, a helmet; the others are wearing they have gone the vvrong way. (C) answers how they got there in the
yellovv helmets. (B) The men are standing in a house that is in the past tense.
process of being built, it is brand new and not talling apart. (D) None 19. (C) The question asks what happens with the mail, who deals with
of the men in the picture appear to have tools. it. The answer suggests the best thing to do and who can help. (A)
6. (B) In the picture the man who is standing has one of his hands ansvvers the question is the mail collected. (B) ansvvers when does
inside the side of his trousers, his pocket. (A) As the man is standing someone pick the mail up.
and the women are sitting, he has to look down at the women and not 20. (C) The question wants advice on the transportation. The ansvver
upvvards. (C) The man is standing straight and is not at an angle, bend- suggests it is not necessary and gives an alternative. (A) says no, but
ing over. (D) The man is not holding a bottle but instead a throw-away then gives no alternative. It suggests the car is not vvorking instead.
cup with a stravv in ít. (B) A car isn’t something you can attord to buy for one day. The
7. (C) In the picture the man on the far right is in the process of drink- answer shows the opposite ot to rent is to buy.
ing and the man second trom the lett has a can of drink on the table 21. (B) The question asks for an opinion. The ansvver is that the pro-
behind him. (A) Only one man on the right-hand side has papers in his posal was good, better than the last but still not great. (A) links the
hand. (B) Two men are looking at the man with no hair on the far lett, word ‘proposal’ to marriage; in the question ‘proposal’ reters to a plan
the man who is drinking on the tar right has his head tilted backvvards or idea put toraard. (C) the question doesn’t suggest that the second
and is looking upwards. (D) The men with beards, hair on their lovver person put forward an idea, but only asks tor their opinion on an exist-
taces, only have cans, theré are no glasses. ing proposal.
8. (B) In the picture the man in the middle is vvearing a head-dress, a 22. (C) The question wants to make certain an item is available. The
piece of material on his head. (A) The podium is in tront of the men, ansvver is that they can’t say they are certain but will check instead.
they are in the process of vvalking tovvards it. (C) The men each have (A) contuses the word ‘stock’ with ‘shock’, to be scared. (B) otíers an
their hands in diíterent positions, but are all in some way in tront of opinion on what the product is like.
their bodies. (D) All the men are wearing ditterent colors and styles of 23. (B) The question vvants intormation on a place or place name. The
clothing, not the same. ansvver gives the name of the hotel vvhich they will stay. (A) ansvvers
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9. (0) In the picture the door behind the woman is not closed and in why you are staying. (C) ansvvers the question 'are you staying in
line with the wall, it is slightly open. (A) The tireplace, where you are Athens’.
able to put logs and light a tire, is behind the woman and has no tire 24. (A) The question asks what Mr Goodson’s job is. The ansvver
lighting in it. (B) The vvoman is in tront of children and in conversation gives the protession of the man. (B) answers how good he is at the
with them, but she is not holding a book trom vvhich to read to them. job.
(C) Everyone, including the woman, is sitting on the tloor. (C) replies to the question does he work a lot.
10. (D) In the picture the woman has a lot of money, in notes, in One 25. (A) The question is a polite otterto do something. The answer
hand. (A) The woman is not making calculations or writing down intor- turns down the otter but says an alternative. (B) answers with an opin-
mation about her tinances, balancing a checkbook. (B) The woman is ion on where the tile is. (C) answers where the tile is.
drinking soda, but she is not eating any tood with it. (C) The woman is 26. (C) The question is asking for intormation on the whereabouts of

Sueceed In TOEIC Justtfications of the Ansvvers
the specitic department The answer gives the place where the hon ot a product attempbng to make somettnng appeakng through
department actually is (A) misunderstands marketmg to mean mar- advertising
kei, a place you buy tood (B) contuses the word 'hoõr' to mẽan the
ground; the question means which level is the martietmg department JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 3: Conversahons
on in the buíldíng. 41 (D) She says his photos were out 0 »this worid
. 27. (C) The question polrtely asks for someone to dnve them by car to 42 (B) The man says anyone coutd take good ptctures m such a
the station The answer apologiỉes that they will be unable to help wondertul place
them and to drive them (A) answers how will the other gettothe stabon. 43 (A) She says he know$ he couldn t take photos as good as Banry s
(B) misunderstands the word 'lift' to mean píck something up 44 (D) They realty need to get the Blackwood order hmshed by
28 (B) The question shows the person didn t expect many people to Monday
like the pertormance. The answer shows the person isn't surprised 45 (A) She can onty wcxV unbl tour when she then needs to pck up her
and gives the reason why It was popular (A) misunderstands the son
word 'play' to mean doíng enịoyable things. (C) answers when the 46 (C) She will get a bonus payment and lunch ís on the man
play tinlshes. 47. (A) They are discusstng whether he has the nght personakty tor the
29. (A) The question wants to know why the person is earlier than job
they expected. The ansvvers ís because they didn t attend the meeting. 48 (B) She says Mr Jones is a bít too sure oi himseH
so they wouldn't have been late. (B) answers when will you retum trom 49 (A) The director needs to hear their input betore he makes his tinal
the meeting. (C) ansvvers when the meeting will end. decision.
30. (A) The question wants to know who will remove the goods trom 50. (0) The man says Tancy seeing you here' and she doesn t come
where they are situated. The answer is the people who will do the job. there vety otten.
(B) gives an opinỉon on the place the boxes should be put. (C) gives 51. (D) She asks what he's been reading and he's retuming borrowed
advice on how to deal with the boxes. books to prevent his son being tined.
31. (C) The question asks if Mr Kershwin wants to speak to the per- 52. (B) They remark that their children are nothing but problems and
son calling on the phone. The answer replies that he is unable to take they ll be glad when theyve grown up.
the call because he is already speaking on the other line. (A) ansvvers 53. (C) They decided to buy the house for the summers.
that he is unable to take the call because ot the distance he is trom the 54. (A) He inherited some money trom his tather
phone. (B) questions the time the call was made. 55. (B) He says she can stay at his house anytime she wants and she
32. (B) The question specities what is urgently needed to happen. The doesn t need to pay.
answer is in compliance with the request. (A) ansvvers in detiance, 56. (D) The cafe is tacing the baker s.
telling them not to tell others what to do. (C) The question requires the 57. (C) George is mean and complains about the cost oi everythìng.
order to come, not to be sent away. 58. (C) He suggests going tor a drink atter a meetỉng with their boss.
33. (C) The question wants contirmation that the plan is ready. The 59. (B) He hardly has any time to himselt and he's exhausted all the
answer shows that the person is veritying what ỉs happening. (A) the time.
question is asking it the plan is ready, not if a person is ready to tace 60. (A) She invites him over tor a meal.
anything. (B) contuses the word 'prepared' with 'repaired'. 61. (D) He will bring something sweet.
34 (A) The question is asking tor advice and a method to be paid the 62. (C) He went oft without his laptop last time.
money back that is owed. The ansvver gives what needs to be done in 63. (B) He will be in a meeting so won't be able to phone until later.
this situation, advises the best solution. (B) answers when did you get 64. (A) They are married. He will be with hỉs triends and colleagues.
the money back. (C) contuses the word 'expenses' with ‘expensive', 65. (B) The man is on the phone talking the woman through the prob-
when something costs a lot of money. lem with her Computer.
35. (A) The question suggests going to get a cottee and what is the 66. (A) Her Computer is not plugged into an electncal Socket on the
other person's opinion. The ansvver is that they would like to, it's a wall.
good thought. (B) answers the question how do you like your cottee 67. (D) The man helps although it was ditticult without having the
made. Computer in tront of him.
(C) ansvvers how much longer will you take with your work. 68. (C) He is a bít under the vveather.
36. (C) The question makes a polite suggestion on two possible alter- 69. (C) The meeting has been cancelled, theyTI sort out a day íor the
natives for the place to put the desk. The answer gives which one of following week to hold it.
the altematives is best, by the window. (A) answers in reply to some- 70. (B) He owes her one (some help).
one asking if they should cỉose the door. (B) doesn't choose between
the two optỉons. JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 4: Talks
37. (A) The statement is sorry to intorm that there is nothing available. 71. (C) lt's been delayed due to ice on the tracks.
The answer replies by asking for advice about going somewhere else 72. (A) The Boston train will leave in 15 minutes at 11:30, making the
instead. (B) uses the word 'booked' to mean 'book', something you current time 11:15.
read. (C) misunderstands that the place has closed and will open 73. (D) You need to report to the lost property ottice, which is situated
again. betvveen the ticket otíice and the cate.
38. (C) The question is an otter and asks if the other person would 74. (D) VVomen who smoke are 30% more likely to get breast cancer.
preter thís suggestion. The person replies in agreement and accepts 75. (B) It is usually self-inflicted and it's tìme women took actíon to pro-
the idea. (A) mìsunderstands the word ‘plant’ to mean something tect their health.
(ound in the garden. (B) intorms the other person of the distance. 76. (A) Women who smoke 20 or more cigarettes a day are at higher
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39. (B) This ís an apology íor a situation that’s about to occur. The risk.
answer shows acceptance ot the apology and says nothỉng could have 77. (B) They cater for weddings, anniversaries and birthday partìes
been done diílerently to prevent it. (A) suggests the extent ot how 78. (C) Ovemight guests have tull use of the pool.
much someone else was sorry. (C) ignores the apology and contuses 79. (C) The restaurant otlers treshly made tood aH day untìl ten in the
it to be a question of when did sòmeone leave. evening.
40. (C) The statement shows a hope that a situation will happen. The 80. (A) The speaker quotes George Eliot, *it is never too late to be
answer says don't become too hopetul, it may not happen. (A) asso- what you might have been'
ciates the word 'promotion' to mean a sale at a shop, not a better 81. (0) Everýone needs to take a look at themselves now and then to
position in a job, as the question is reterring to. (B) reters to a promo- check theyre still happy wỉth who they are.
82. (C) Dont get stuck wỉth old regrets.

Succeed in TOEIC Justifications of the Answers
83. (B) They deal with all electrical and plumbing supplies and repairs. he’s not a teacher, ecologist or an NRC representative.
84. (D) lf you need to ask about a delivery, press 2. 174. The correct answer is (A), Leanne works for NRC, the Nuclear
85. (C) The oííer runs out at 6pm Friday. Regulatory Commission, as shown at the top of the Public Meeting
86. (B) Swimming pools contain bacteria. Schedule.
87. (B) The pools are not properly tiltered. 175. The correct answer is (B), she is responding to his enquiries
88. (A) They tailed three out of four. about the development of the Canyon Nuclear Reactor.
89. (C) The captain greets the passengers in the announcement with 176. The correct answer is (C), teleconterencing is used for meetings
‘Good morning’, so they must have had breaktast. to tacllitate people in ditterent locations.
90. (A) The plane will arrive in Athens. 177. The correct ansvver is (C), the purpose of the third meeting is
91. (C) The plane will not have turbulence anymore. Periodic Brieting on New Reactor Issues.
92. (0) Home workers Questions 178-179
93. (D) VVrist and shoulder pain, as well as eye strain and headaches, 178. The correct answer is (C), closures are planned íorthe 27th and
is most likely. 28th of October and the 20th and 21 st of December.
94. (A) Check the working conditions and do some exercises. 179. The correct answer is (A), the circle line is suspended throughout
95. (C) The man needs to report to the check-in area of the airport. the entire line.
96. (B) His suitcase has split open. Questions 180-181
97 (A) He needs to purchase á replacement. 180. The correct answer is (D), the article is about the health prob-
98. (B) The history of the nobel art of buying and selling from 9000 BC. lems associated with obesity and being overvveight.
99. (C) Cattle was the universal currency. 181 .The correct answer is (B), a healthy BMI is betvveen 18.5 and 25.
100. (D) The tirst ever coin users were tound in Turkey. Questions 182-183
182. The correct ansvver is (D), when visual proot is given that the
JUSTIFICATIONS: Reading - Part 7: Reading Comprehension combination is knovvn and the lock can be opened.
Questions 153-157 183. The correct ansvver is (C), if unclaimed, it will be given into the
153. The correct ansvver is (B), they are trading Services at a reduced police station, two weeks atter November 9th.
cost / discount to each other’s employees. Questions 184-185
154. The correct answer is (C), they have tree admission during their 184. The correct ansvver is (D), the sottvvare packages pertorm tasks
lunch break. It’s 1-3pm on ìhé exciiange card. ‘applying to’ business and so have business applicatlons or ‘uses’.
155. The correct ansvver is (A), there's a 30% discount at anytime 185. The correct ansvver is (B). because they don't represent any indi-
apart trom Saturdays. vidual Computer hardware manutacturer, they are able to otter their
156. The correct ansvver is (B), they are entitled to 50% off tood pur- customers a wide range of excellent software packages.
chases. Questions 186-190
157. The correct answer is (D), the exchange card has a space torthe 186. The correct answer is (C), he knows that some people have spe-
cardholder’s name. cial dietary requirements.
Questions 158-160 187. The correct ansvver is (A), she should send the menu around to
158. The correct ansvver is (A), the notice apologizes for any incon- everyone to see if it’s a good choice.
venience to those with ottices on level tour. 188. The correct ansvver is (D), all the starters except broccoli and
159. The correct ansvver is (C), they will be returbished between 3 cheese Soup contain chicken and, apart from the brown rice pilat, the
p.m. on Friday and 1 p.m. on Monday. main courses contain chicken, beet, steak or salmon.
160. The correct ansvver is (A), people will still be able to use the rest 189. The correct answer is (A), the Rib Eye is 12 oz, the Chicken Bella
rooms on level one and leveì three. is 10 oz, the Peppercorn Mushroom Sirloin is 9 oz. The White Bean
Questions 161-163 Chicken Chilli is a starter, usually a small dish.
161 .The correct ansvver is (B), the time at the top of the receipt is 190. The correct answer is (B), he only wants to hear if someone
2:30pm - lunchtime. thinks there’s nothing on the menu that’s suitable for them, and needs
162. The correct ansvver is (C), three portions of chocolate cake were to know within a week to make the reservation.
ordered tor dessert. Questions 191-192
163. The correct answer is (D), the bill includes Diet Coke and Sprite, 191 .The correct ansvver is (A), the server will be down for
sales tax of $3.87 and tree parking. maintenance on Friday until the tollovving Tuesday.
Questions 164-165 192. The correct ansvver is (B), they should be able to offer a better
164. The correct answer is (D), the card reters to the instructions for Service atter the maintenance is done.
an emergency landing. Questions 193-195
165. The correct answer is (A), aisle lights will gulde people to the 193. The correct ansvver is (B), the cratt tair is open trom 4:00 pm to
nearest exit. 8:00 pm Monday to Friday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Saturday and
Questions 166-170 Sunday and is not open in wet vveather.
166. The correct answer is (A), changes have been made trom last 194. The correct answer is (D), you can buy jewellery, pottery, glass
year's torm, and this will no longer be accepted. and paintings.
167. The correct answer is (D), they have separated the travel sectlon 195. The correct ansvver is (A), the fair is located on the Shoreline
into two categories: travel expenses using a personal auto, and other Footpath from the Four Palms Hotel to the Pebble Beach.
modes of transport. Questions 196-198
168. The correct answer is (B), the memo Is signed Bill Miller, Finance. 196. The correct ansvver is (A), the Dow Jones, the main us share
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

169. The correct answer is (A), expenses usually require receipts as index, fell 367 points on VVednesday. European shares tell on
veritication and should be attached to the torm. Thursday, mirroring earlier talls in East Asia.
170. The correct answer is (C), the torms will continue to be 197. The correct ansvver is (D), London’s FTSE and Germany’s Dax
processed quarterly. were both down by 1.4%.
Questions 171-172 198. The correct answer is (A), the slump will dominate market senti-
171. The correct ansvver is (B), the event commences on Friday ment as the new trading week gets under way.
evening on the 23rd of November. Questions 199-200
172. The correct answer is (C), the instructors will be Senior Master 199. The correct ansvver is (C), this type of market data would be in
Eng Chor, Master Chin Min and Master Yan Gen Lai. the tinance section of a nevvspaper.
Questions 173-177 200. The correct answer is (D), on October 12th, the Nasdaq was
173. The correct answer is (C), he works in the tourism industry so

Succeed in TOEIC_______ _______________________________________ Justifications o f the Answers
2805.7, up by 33.40 from 2772.3 on October 11th. (2772.3 + 33.4 13. (B) The tirst person hopes that she will receive the letter soon.
= 2805.7). The answer reassures the tirst person when it is likely to come. (A)
ansvvers what should they do with the letter. (C) advỉses the length the
TEST 9 letter should be vvritten.
JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 1: Photographs 14. (A) The question wants to know the other person s preterence on
1. (B) In the picture the people in the middle are sitting at a table eat- movies. The answer says what the person preters. (B) ansvvers the
ing, having a picnic. (A) They are surrounded by cars but they havenì question do you want to see a movie. (C) answers do you like watch-
got tools for tixing the cars. (C) The people are sitting tacing each ing movies.
other, opposite. (D) The table has tour comers so is square. 15. (B) The question is asking for the length of time the phone has
2. (D) In the picture the car is tacing the way the arrows are pointing, been broken. The answer shows when the event happened and by
in the direction of the exit. (A) There is clearly only one car in the pic- using the word 'since', it shows that the phone has been broken
ture. other cars are not visible, there isn’t a long line of cars; a trattíc throughout the duration oí the day. (A) misunderstands the word
jam. (B) The car is in the middle following the vvhite marks and is not ‘order’ to mean something that has been sent for and will be sent to
a small square space, used for parking. (C) The car has no damage them, instead of meaning something is not how it should normally be.
on it and appears to not be broken. (C) the question isn’t a request for one person to call another.
3. (B) In the picture the water below the boat is calm, with no waves. 16. (C) The question requires a length of time. The answer uses 'fo r\
(A) The boat is in the middle of the water, there are no people getting shovving the period of time something lasts or continues. (A) answers
onto the boat. (C) The terry boat is above the water and is not going how long he works for each day. (B) ansvvers how he tinds the work.
down into it; sinking. (D) There does not appear to be any extreme 17. (C) The question is a polite suggestion oi two altematives, which
vreather, the sky is blue and clear. could take place. The ansvver gives a preterence to one rather than the
4. (D) In the plcture the man is standing on a boat with the sea in the other, and instead of sayino directly which one they like best, the
background, he is outside and not indoors. (A) From the picture it is answer reters to swimming which can only be done at a beach not
unknovvn whether the man can swim or not. (B) The man has his coat a park. (A) associates the word 'park' to mean a place where a car
on, he is standing up and not lying down in the sun. (C) The man is can be lett. (B) answers in the past tense about something they have
standing on the boat and is not in the water. previously done.
5. (A) In the picture the man is holding pieces of paper with vvriting on, 18. (A) The question requires contirmation how an event may take
he is concentrating on the contract, reading. (B) The pieces of paper place. The answer shovvs it is true and what is needed. (B) ansvvers
are plain white with simple black text, there is no large print or any as if being ottered to go tor dinner. (C) answers what will they serve.
pictures, to suggest it is a newspaper. (C) The paper in his hand is not 19. (C) The question wants to know if they are tond of the current weath-
in an envelope and there is no post-box around him in which to mail er. The answer contirms they do not like it and the reason why. (A)
the letter. (D) We can't tell trom the picture that he's written a book. the weather has not become cooler, as the tirst person clarities the
6. (D) In the picture the two people on the motorbike are wearing spe- weather is hot now. (B) the question is talking about the vveather out-
cial hard hats for their satety / helmets. side not the heat inside the house.
(A) The people are on a motorbike and not a bicycle, which you pedal. 20. (B) The question requires a specitic number. The answer is given
(B) Both people are riding on the same motorcycle. (C) There are no without an exact tigure, but by using the word 'several' it suggests an
other people in the picture telling them to stop. imprecise number. (A) gives the size of the ottice. (C) gives the loca-
7. (A) In the picture the car is stationary by the side of the road next to tion of the ottice.
the curb, the sidevvalk is on the left of the picture. (B) The tree is at the 21. (C) The question is inquiring about something they heard. The
side of the car and the car has not hít it. (C) There are only One or two ansvver contirms what the noise that they heard was. (A) answers in
trees and not a huge number together, which would create a torest. agreement that it was a loud noise. (B) reters to ‘noise’ to mean sound
(D) There are no people in the picture and no people entering the car. out of a stereo.
8. (C) In the picture both the man and woman are looking at the item 22. (B) The question wants to know why the bus is late. The ansvver
in tront of the woman. (A) They are sitting next to each other, side by gives an explanation. (A) answers reters to ‘running’ meaning exer-
side. (B) From the picture it is not clear whether the vvoman can find cise. (C) otters an opinion about running.
her glasses or not. (D) The man is dressed casually with a short 23. (A) The question vvants to know the reason why the other person
sleeved T-shirt on. didn't intorm them of passing their exam. The answer explains that
9. (D) In the picture the man is lying on his side on the grass, in the they were being modest. (B) answers with doubt about passing the
shade. He is calm and appears still and relaxed. (A) The man Is able to exam. (C) shovvs a desire for something to happen in the tuture.
keep his body raised with his arm and he is on his side, if he was 24. (B) The question is inquiring about the length of time of the pertorm-
sleeping he would have slumped over. (B) The man has no other peo- ance. The answer reters to the play at the exact time it will end. (A) reters
ple around him. (C) The man is not standing up with a lawn-mower, to ‘play’ meaning a sporting event. (C) shows a retusal to take part in
cutting the grass. something.
10. (A) In the picture the man is In his tractor, in the middle of a tield 25. (B) The statement shovvs beliet that something has happened
and is doing his job. (B) The man is not at a market giving people betore. The answer is in agreement, they know why. (A) ansvvers
potatoes in exchange for money; selling. (C) There is only one man in reterring to a date in time. (C) reters to a 'date' being someone who
the tield working. (D) The man is in a vehicle used for work, not a car. you go out with in a romantic relationship.
26. (A) The person believes it is too late, at the end of the day, to do a
JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 2: Question-Response job and questions if the other person-thinks this too. The answer dis-
11. (C) The question asks what kind of weather ỉs expected. The agrees and says they preter it that way. (B) reters to the word ‘late’
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answer tells what the weather is likely to be. (A) associates the word meaning not on time. (C) shovvs contirmation that someone else was
‘meant’ to mean a reterence to something. (B) answers in response to on time.
someone suggesting to meet up and go out. 27. (C) This is a warning of what will happen if the books are in late.
12. (B) The tirst person suggests getting the earlier plane, they don't In the ánswer the person shows awarenéss oi the consequences and
see a problem in ít. It’s agreed that it is a good idea. (A) associates has money to pay for the books. (A) reters to the word ‘tine’ meaning
the word ‘plane' to mean 'plain', simple or not attractive. (C) reters to well, not an amount of money to pay. (B) answers with an opinion on
the word 'take' to mean to physically move something somevvhere how good the books are.
else. 28. (C) The question wants to know who owns a cup of cottee. The
woman contirms that the cup Is in fact hers, by saying that she lett it
there. (A) answers with a preterence on how she likes her cottee made.

Succeed in TOEIC Justifications of the Answers
(B) answers who will make him a cup of coffee. 47. (A) He is asking if she has made her mind up yet and says he
29. (A) The question vvants to know if Ben has come there. The doesnt have all day.
answer coníirms he has and where they can find hlm. (B) ansvrers in 48. (B) She vvants cake or ice cream which are both tattening.
the past tense, that Ben has already gone. (C) contradicts itselt, the 49. (A) He suggests fish and then truit. She says ok but no fish, salad
answer responds yes to him having arrived but then says a time he instead.
will come. 50. (C) They are speaking about the patients.
30. (A) The question requires intormation on what happens with 51. (C) When it rains the water comes through the broken glass.
expènses. The answer intorms them what is needed to claim expens- 52. (D) He’ll come in 20 minutes.
es. (B) contuses ‘expenses’ with ‘expensive’, costing a lot of money. 53. (A) She teels like crying with írustration.
(C) misunderstands the word ‘claim’ to mean something is true. 54. (B) She has to deal with a bad class at her job as a teacher.
31. (A) The question is asking for a specitic place. The answer 55. (B) He keeps the same class behind if they get too wild.
intorms them where they should go. (B) ansvvers about the speed at 56. (D) There is an otter on a series of books.
which they should take thern. (C) the pérson already has them so 57. (D) Aimed at heart disease prevention that people nearing middle
does not need to collect the tiles trom somevvhere else. age néed to be aware of.
32. (B) The question wants contirmation on whether the shopping has 58. (C) You can buy the series from the vvebsite.
arrived. Then answer intorms the other person it hasn’t but it will be 59. (B) Her bus stop is Corning up outside the bank.
delivered shortly. (A) is an otter to buy something as if the tirst person 60. (A) lt’s gone through the machine twice and has two dates stamped
is going shopping. (C) ansvvers ‘yes’, it has been delivered but then on it.
gives a time it wiĩl come. 61. (A) She will need to pay for a new ticket and he’ll let her off with-
33. (B) The question wants to know how much the shirt cost. The out a tine.
ansvver gives the amount of money. (A) contuses the word 'price' 62. (D) He has travelled around the City a lot in his job and knows the
with ‘prize’, to win something. (C) gives a reason to why they do not City ìike the back of his hand.
want the shirt. 63. (B) He never knows who he is going to pick up and start chatting
34. (C) This is a reminder to remember Colin's birthday. The ansvver to.
replies with a question about what Colin will be doing, thus suggesting 64. (B) He’s going to buy himselt a little something to sail around the
she does remember. (A) is unavvare of his name, but the tirst person local coast in.
just told her. (B) congratulates the íirst person, but it is not his 65. (C) She’s taking her tinal exams and asks him about the bus Serv­
birthday. ice tò úniversity.
35. (C) The question wants to know if anyone is using the chair or it is 66. (C) He doesn’t want music late at night and no wild parties.
available. The ansvver omits ‘no’ but contirms that no one is sitting in 67. (A) lt’s a 20-minute walk to the bus stop so it’s not suitable for
the chair because they are aware they should take their bag away, as her.
they are taking up space which could be given to someone else. (A) 68. (D) She tells him their mum told him to clean his room yesterday.
ansvvers how many tree seats there are. (B) ansvvers the question did 69. (D) Each One says it’s the other’s turn and there are so many pots
you see anyone in this Seat. and páns.
36. (A) The question asks for a reason tor the other person’s disap- 70. (B) He says ok, don't get angry, he’ll do it in a minute.
pointment. The answer intorms the tirst person of the unhappy reason.
(B) ansvvers in the tuture tense, as if they will be disappointed. JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 4: Talks
(C) contuses the word ‘disappointed’ with ‘appointment’, a prearranged 71. (D) The population was so small that pollution of the water supply
méeting. did not pose a problem.
37. (C) This shows that the íirst person is impressed with the photos 72. (A) The water supply became a major concern, not only to supply
taken of Anne. The answer is in agreement and says she looks nice in urban areas but to irngate tarms.
photographs. (A) misunderstands the word ‘shot’ to mean the act of 73. (B) This would interest people who live in citles and the country-
tiring a gun, not to mean a photograph taken trom a camera. (B) con- side.
tuses the word ‘shot’ with the word ‘short’, to be small in height. 74. (A) Sunburn, premature skin aging and skin cancer are mentioned.
38. (B) This questions if Brenda has really left her job. The answer 75. (C) Babies should not be placed in direct sunlight at all.
intorms the tirst person of the reason. (A) contuses the meanings of 76. (C) Protective creams suitable for ditterent skin types can help
the word ‘resigned’ to mean ‘sign’, to write a name. (C) the answer protècí exposed parts of the body
contuses the meaning of ‘resigned’ with ‘resides’ , a place vvhere you 77. (A) The children have left home, it’s too big now and the money
lỉve or stay. from the sale should buy a nice cottage.
39. (B) The question vvants to know the mode of transportation they 78. (D) There are solar panels on the root to cut down on fuel bills.
will use. The answer says that Billy will drive. (A) answers what he’d like 79. (D) It is very convenient for him to get to the airport every day.
to eat at the restaurant. (C) answers what time they should get to the 80. (C) lt’s about a pertormance by an actor which begins atter the
restaurant. sevèn o’clock news.
40. (A) The question is curious about the new employee and wants to 81. (B) He’s been recovering trom serious health problems.
know who he is. The answer doesn’t contỉrm who the man is, but 82. (A) There are some very angry scenes shouted out by the main
what he is doing in the department. (B) ansvvers as if the man isn’t actors in the dramatic parts of the story.
working there yet. (C) ansvvers as an assertion to claim nothing is 83. (D) It vvelcomes the audience to Blackmore university and congrat-
wrong with their situation as regards money. ulates them on being accepted into the university.
84. (B) They are invited to the gym atter lunch to meet the many soci-
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JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 3: Conversations eties and collect their Union cards.
41. (B) She bought the DVD player trom him that morning and did 85. (A) There is a vvelcoming party and they will be shovvn a short
everything he told her but it didnì work. film.
42. (C) He is sorry to hear it’s not working. 86. (A) It asks questions about your personality and invites you to join
43. (A) She’d sooner have a replacement than wait for it to be their happy team of holiday representatives.
repaired. 87. (C) Theyll provide a car but you must be able to drive it.
44. (A) They are discussing wild animals. 88. (B) You have to be able to cope with the stress of vvorking in a
45. (D) Protecting animals in their natural environment and in captivity toreign country.
46. (B) They are talking about the cubs that have been bom in captivi- 89. (B) Most of us want to, but there’s always a reason not to start - too
ty and about them being a great visitor attraction. tired, tóo busy, too much work.
Succeeđ In TOEIC Justlflcatlons of the Answers
90. (B) They are inviting everyone and their partners, triends and chil- Questlons 174-176
dren to take up the walking plan. 174. The correct answer Is (A), these are instructions on how to
91. (D) As an added incentive, each walker is raising money for their Name, Insert, Delete and Autostore programmes.
tavorite charity. 175. The correct answer is (B), when you have selected the pro-
92. (C) It talks about the enịoyment and tears ot a holiday. gramme you want to insert, press the green button.
93. (D) She was worried it would be full ot thousands of drunk tourists 176. The correct answer is (B), to delete a programme you press the
94. (A) It now otters musỉc and art testivals. yellow button.
95. (C) lt’s for all personnel at the warehouse and they will be told Questlons 177-179
when they can retum to their machines. 177. The correct answer is (D), to encourage Ms stinar to buy more
96. (B) There will be a tlre drill to check that all alarm Systems are Products, as the amount of money she spends increases, so does her
vvorking properly. discount.
97. (C) Leave the warehouse and go to the far end ot the car park and 178. The correct answer is (C), a record of the account with the store
they will be told when to return. will be maintained on a cumulative basis for a period of one year.
98. (A) A leaking gas pipe exploded. Once your purchases reach $500 you will get a 5% discount.
99. (A) The building is unsate and will have to be demolished. 179. The correct answer is (B), if you think ot a good name for us to
100. (C) It was a miracle that no one died in the accident. tag on to this discount program, let us know.
Questions 180-184
JUSTIFICATIONS: Reading - Part 7: Reading Comprehension 180. The correct answer is (B), to date Lasernet community volunteers
Questions 153-155 have provided support.
153. The correct answer is (B), In the show 'Big Brother' the audience 181 .The correct answer is (D), as Redfox’s market share grows, their
votes for people to put out òf, or leave, a house; that’s what the user support also needs to evolve.
expression means. 182. The correct answer is (A), he would like readers' teedback on the
154. The correct answer is (A), you could view these adjustments as a overvievv.
sign of the show's adaptability. 183. The correct answer is (C), it mentions expanding the volunteer
155. The correct answer is (D), constant rule changes show how support community but nothing about improving the quality of the vol-
flawed the original idea was and how dull the show remains. untèers.
Questions 156-159 184. The correct answer is (D), it mentions Knowledge base as the
156. The correct ansvver is (B), it's open on Wednesdays trom 10:00 backbone of the System, live Chat tor more complex questions and
am until dark so blueberry picking can happen on that specitic week- “ how to” and “troubleshooting” content for users seeking help.
day. _ Questions 185-187
157. The correct answer is (C), join us for live entertainment while you 185-The correct answer is (A), ADS have established a reputation for
pick Tuesday and Thursday evenings throughout the Blueberry harvest leadership in the drainage industry.
season. 186. The correct answer is (C), they are committed to the development
158. The correct answer is (C), there's a blueberry picking season and of state-of-the-art Products and Services.
the fireworks display is atter dark on Fridays. 187. The correct answer is (B), there is an ADS Corrugated HDPE Pipe
159. The correct answer is (A), if you have the summertime blues. solution íor all these projects.
Questions 160-164 Questions 188-191
160. The correct ansvver is (B), he knows that Michael is leaving in a 188. The correct ansvver is (C), youth across America stood out and
week and probably doesn’t want to make last-minute changes to his spoke up in the tight against smoking.
plans. 189. The correct answer is (D), cigarettes include at least 69 harmtul
161 .The correct answer is (A), he thinks he should torvvard the review Chemicals that cause cancer.
to him just in case it’s not a rare instance. 190. The correct answer is (A), the day sent a powerful message to
162. The correct answer is (D), she overheard at least four other elected otticials at all levels to step up the tight to reduce tobacco use.
guests complaining to the representative at the same time she was. 191. The correct answer is (C), the guide includes great ideas tor
163. The correct ansvver is (A), you shouldn’t be ottered an extra blan- events that can take place throughout the year to support the action to
ket to keep warm in a 5-star hotel so it’s sarcastic to use the word reduce tobacco use.
‘kindly’ in this context. Questions 192-196
164. The correct ansvver is (A), the reviewer visited the area twice and 192. The correct ansvver is (A), the project is tunded by the us
stayed in the hotel once in January. Department of Education.
Questions 165-168 193. The correct answer is (D), the project is tunded to tortity partner-
165. The correct answer is (A), to show that appliances are reliable ships between parent centers and State education Systems.
and that computers should bé the same. 194. The correct ansvver is (B), this assistance helps parents to par-
166. The correct answer is (A), it just works. Letting them do what ticipate more ettectively with protessionals in meeting the educational
they want to do, when they want to do ít. needs of children and youth with disabilities.
167. The correct ansvver is (A), it means you can't llve lite properly 195. The correct answer is (D), statt in the centers are likely to be par-
without a MAC. ents of children with disabilities or have disabilities themselves.
168. The correct ansvver is (C), a Mac oíters flawless integration of 196. The correct answer is (C), the intormation is about disabilities,
hardvvare and software built by the same people. theretore the memo implies Jimmy is disabled.
Questions 169-173 Questions 197-200
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169. The correct answer is (C), the book will satisty her ‘literary’ desire 197. The correct ansvver is (C), there was a rather smug notion that all
to read about adventure and lóve. the major economic problems had been solved.
170. The correct ansvver is (D), the cover is a bít worn, there's some 198. The correct ansvver is (A), vvages were slow to change in
tom pages and the Corelli’s Mandolin is reviewed. response to excess demand fór labour.
171. The correct answer is (C), the tide ot World War II rolls on to the 199. The correct ansvver is (D), both of them showed that the previ-
island’s shores in the torm ot the Italian army. ous v ie w ... was likely to be talse.
172. The correct ansvver is (A), she has two suitors, Mandra and 200. The correct answer is (B), Capital can explain only a small trac-
Captain Corelll. tion of increases in DS productivity; diminishing retums would limit the
173-The correct answer is (C), the tactual reters to ‘the attairs of men’ contribution of Capital deepening to grovvth and the previous view that
and the tantastic reters to 'the gods'. Capital was a leading cause of economic growth was likely to be talse.

Succeed in TOEỈC Justifications of the Answers
TEST 10 JUSTIFICATIONS: Liste ning - Part 2: Q uestion-R esponse
11. (B) The question asks about when some people or items are
JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 1: P hotographs
expected to arrive and the ansvver says it will be now. (A) answers
1. (B) In this picture all the men have tools or equipment in their hands
negatively ‘not much’ which relates to the quantity of what’s expected.
and they are all taking some part in the work. (A) One man is not
vvorking atthe moment, he’s standing with an implement in his hand. (C) contuses the word Sue, a girl’s name, with soon (also the ques-
tion asks about the plural form 'them' being expected).
Alì the other men are vvorking. (C) they are active, doing physical
work, using tools so they are not tinished. (D) talks about 'they will 12. (A) The question asks if an option has been taken into account
start’, a tuture action but they are vvorking so they have started. and the ansvver coníirms it has but won’t be successtul. (B) this
2. (A) In the picture we can see a man working on a roof, throwing dirt answer expresses an opinion instead of giving an ansvver to the ques-
trom a shovel - a tool used for litting sand or other similar material. (B) tion asked. (C) the reply disagrees but then doesn’t answer the ques-
the ladder is behind him, a short distance away and resting againstthe tion asked.
root. He is standing on the roof, not climbing the ladder. (C) the man is 13. (B) This question asks a person if they know what time it is and the
standing up, working and not sitting or lying down sunbathing. (D) ansvver gives the exact time. (A) ansvvers a question about whether a per-
he’s throwing dirt trom a shovel. There is no ball in the picture. son has the time to do something or not. (C) answers as if time was
3. (D) This picture shovvs a man with his hand resting on his car, made of something you could put in someone’s hand.
leaning, and using his vveight to hold down the large piece of paper on 14. (A) The question suggests changing something that identities a
top of the car. (A) he’s talking on the phone standing beside his car brand and the person ansvvering asks if it should be changed for a
not in a phone booth. (B) he has a phone in one hand and his other particular reason. (B) misunderstands the word ‘logo’ and answers by
hand is resting on top of the car and he’s not looking into the engine. askíng for a suggestion about a place to go. (C) the ansvver is respond-
(C) he hasnì got a pen or pencil, used for dravving, in his hand. ing to a suggestion about changing a present they have received.
4. (C) This picture shows a man standing beside an oven used in a 15. (C) The question is a statement about the type of food a person
bakery to bake bread. He has an implement or tool, used to put the will probably choose and the ansvver contirms that it’s a very good
bread mixture (dough) in the oven, which is part of his job. (A) this is choice. (A) answers as if the tood couldnì be provided but it hadn’t
a bakery and there is no shop assistant in the picture to sell the bread. been ordered at that point. (B) makes it seem that the person has yet
(B) the only food in the picture is bread; dinner vvould have a variety of to decide what to order but they have decided on salmon.
tood. (D) the man is standing at the oven tacing away trom it and not 16. (C) The question politely asks torthe location of a building and the
eating. ansvver points out exactly vvhere it is. (A) is a polite reply suitable for a
5. (C) The picture shows a soldier or policeman vvearing a helmet question asking someone if they vvanted something, not where a build-
(hard hat) and visor (a plastic shield) to protect his eyes. He’s carry- ing is. (B) ansvvers what’s in the building that’s being looked for; not
ing a gun and seems alert and prepared for action. (A) his back is vvhere the building itselt is.
turned, not tacing the crovvd; the crowd is behind him. (B) the crovvd 17. (B) In this question, the woman tells the man he’s not making
are sitting down, looking calm and not aggressive. (D) his gun is enough effort in work and he replies that he's doing the same amount
hanging from his shoulder with both hands resting on the gun, not one of work as everyone else. (A) ansvvers as if ‘weight’ meant kilos
hand on the trigger tiring the gun. instead of effort in terms of work. (C) coníuses the word wait (mean-
6. (A) In this picture many people are standing among tables (stalls) ing for a period of time) with weight.
with truit and vegetables on them, as in a market. (B) people are 18. (C) In this question the woman asks the man to intorm someone
standing, not sitting at tables eating, like in a restaurant. (C) They are she is there to meet a person and he replies he already has and the
inside a building not outside in a íield with farm animals or vegetables person will see her soon. (A) answers with a statement about what the
growing. (D) the vegetables are not in the ground, growing but they person she’s meeting can do. (B) the ansvver contirms he will be told
have been taken up to be sold in the market. but she wouldn’t be told to go in beíore she’s expected.
7. (B) The picture shovvs five children outside, away from the house 19. (B) The question asks if the woman has chosen a particular item and
and standing in the road. (A) two children are holding hands, another the ansvver gives the color and location of the item chosen. (A) ansvvers
has one hand at his face and another, with his knees bent, has his in agreement but does not identity which item she decided to choose. (C)
arm resting on his leg. (C) the children are standing, looking towards contuses the word 'won', past tense for win, with ‘one’ meaning a sin-
the camera and not walking away. (D) The children are all standing, gle object.
they have both feet on the ground with their legs straight except one 20. (C) The question is a comment by a man to a woman that he
who has his knees bent. thinks she looks III. She contirms she is and will probably go home.
8. (D) The picture shows a man and a small girl beside a river, sitting (A) ansvvers as if the question was a comment about what she’s
down with some bags, probably containing their lunch. (A) they don’t wearing and how she looks - her appearance. (B) ansvrers the ques-
have tishing rods or nets in their hands and they are looking at the tion with an apology for not being aware she looked III.
tood and away from the river. (B) they are not in a shop, there’s 21. (A) In this question the vvoman tells the man to sít down and wait.
nobody selling food. (C) they are beside the river, not in a boat getting He politely contirms he will. (B) means that the person is already sit-
out and they are not wet as if they had been in the river. ting or ansvvers the question do you have a Seat? (C) ansvvers about a
9. (C) This picture shows a small girl sitting on her bicycle and her preterence in a Seat as an item of tumiture rather than to have a Seat -
legs are turning the pedals, moving it in the grass. (A) there isn't a to sít down.
horse in the picture, only a child on a tricycle (bike with three vvheels). 22. (C) The question asks who usually does a certain task and the
(B) her teet are not on the ground, running, and she is not standing but answer gives the person’s name and the department they work in. (A)
sitting and cycling. (D) she is not lying on the ground separate from is a comment on the importance of the task not who does it. (B)
the bĩke but sitting òn it. answers when the task is done and not who does the task.
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10. (A) In the picture we see a woman and a baby beside a lake or 23. (A) The question is a comment about the ditticulty in using a piece
river with birds in it. The woman has her hand held out giving some- of ottice equipment and the ansvver agrees but says with practice, it
thing, probably food, to a bird. (B) the birds are not in the air tlying but will become easier very quickly. (B) answers with the opposite opinion
standing or sitting on the water. (C) the woman is holding the baby but doesnì say why. (C) says it’s not ditticult to use but then says it
and not moving towards the birds chasing them. (D) she is holding the has always been ditticult to use.
baby with one hand and her other hand is stretched out ottering the food 24. (A) This question suggests telephoning betore they reach their desti-
to the bird, not the baby. nation and the answer asks tor the number to call. (B) ansvvers with a
question using ‘call’ to mean give a name to something. (C) contuses
‘ahead’ to mean how far toraard things are, comparatively speaking,
and the answer is ‘behind’.

Succeed In TOEIC Justiflcations of the Ansvvers
25. (C) The question asks if seats have been reserved on a plane. 40. (C) In this question a man is asked if he would have a problem
The answer given is no because the person is undeclded about it closing a window and he contirms it's not a problem tor him. (A) con-
(A) contuses 'book' to mean something to read instead of buying air- tuses ‘mind’ to mean think about something; not does it bolher him,
llne tickets. (B) gives the destination ot the people rather than whether as in the question. (B) answer Is a comment about the ettects of the
they booked their ílight or not. window being closed or the reason to open the window.
26. (A) In this questíon a woman asks a man it he's certain a particu-
lar bus goes to the centre of the City. The man contirms it does, as in JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 3: Conversations
the past it took him to work. (B) agrees but meaning he’s tamiliar with 41. (A) Beth says it's a beautltul day and the man replies you can say
using the bus System generally. (C) answers a question about vvhether that again.
or not he uses the bus now. 42. (D) She read an article about creativity in business.
27. (B) The question asks what the weekend was like and the reply is, 43. (B) He thinks it might be disưactìng for the people attending.
although there was a lot of work to be done, it was enjoyable. (A) 44. (B) Daniel called In sick and the man says it's rídlculous because
answers the question 'how are you?’ (C) the question asks about a it’s the third time in a month.
time in the past and this ansvvers in the tuture. 45. (A) She says he didn't call in sick on purpose (deliberately) just
28. (C) In the question a man asks a woman which of two people has to avoid Corning to work.
a speciíic ottice tolder. The vvoman replies none of them have it as far 46. (A) He's trying to do the vvorkload of at least two people.
as she knows. (A) this answers that One or the other has ỉt but doesn’t 47. (C) He's going tor a cottee run and asks the woman if she wants any-
say who, which the question is asking. (B) comments on the pertorm- thing.
ance ot the two people. 48. (B) She says she will have a cappuccino but if he's going to
29. (B) The question asks if a person has been listening. The ansvver Jimmy’s, she’ll also have a carrot cake.
begins with an apology as if the person knew they should have been 49. (D) He says it's just as easy to go to Jimmy’s, agrees with her
llstening and then asks what was said. (A) answers the question ‘what points and asks her if she wants a carrot cake.
are you listening to?’ (C) Answers the question ot vvhether the person 50. (D) She wants to get an accountant to do the taxes.
has a loud voice or not. 51. (C) She wants to hire the accountant ‘this year’, vvhich implies she
30. (C) In this question, a man contirms he can assist a woman but has done the taxes in the past.
only atter a certain time in the day. The woman says she won't need 52. (B) He suggests to her that there are books to help with the taxes
his help by that time. (A) answers contusing ‘atter four’ to mean he and tlíat accoúntants are not cheap.
can’t help until atter the tourth task. (B) takes ‘sure’ to mean certainty 53. (B) She says it’s odd (suspicious) they are holding interviews
about something instead of detinite contirmation he can help. vvithout telling anyone and he agrees with her.
31. (A) In this question a man is asked if he is going to the post ottice. 54. (A) She asks him if there will be layotts and he ansvvers that there will
The answer is he’s not and gives the tinancial institution he is going to. be.
(B) answer contuses the question in terms of numerical order of 55. (D) He is so sure, he’s willing to bet money there will be layotts.
ottices, tỉrst, second.... (C) answers as if the question means 'do you 56. (A) lt’s a secret Santa gitt exchange and they are not supposed to
want to go to the post ottice?’ tell the name ot the person they're giving the gift to.
32. (A) In this question a man asks about the identity ot a girl standing 57. (B) She sees LeeAnn socially but she doesn’t know her well
nearbý. The answer tries to contirm which girl he’s talking about by enough to say they are triends.
asking about the color of her clothes. (B) answer should say 'who' 58. (A) He is curious to know whose name the woman drew and if it was
instead ot 'what' to be correct. (C) answers a question about the place his.
where the girí is standing, not who she is. 59. (C) It seems he couldn't stay home on this occasion as he has
33. (A) The question asks if a meeting room has been reserved and the a deadline this Friday.
reply is that it’s in progress and the terms are being discussed. (B) con- 60. (C) She says she could try to tind a sitter but she’s at a bít ot a
tuses 'book' to mean something to read, instead of book meaning 're- loss (ábout who to call).
serve'. (C) answer means the date for something to happen has passed. 61. (B) The man says she can stay at home with her son. She thanks
34. (A) In the question a woman is asked if she’s met another woman. him and hopes her son will be ok the next day.
She contirms she has and now knows her. (B) answers about a tuture 62. (B) She's in work an hour early and says it’s a whole hour she
meeting, not it they have met already. (C) answers about attendance at could be sleeping.
a meeting, not if she's met the person in question. 63. (A) He caiculates that she has to be at the bus stop at 7.40 and
35. (C) The question asks it a course will be given and the ansvver is a wouldn’t save that much time.
strong desire that it will happen. (A) contuses 'going' in the question 64. (C) She agrees she won’t save much time if she takes the bus and
to mean travelling somewhere. (B) ansvvers in the past that a product will leave with him at 7.30.
was bought, but training is a Service that’s paid tor. 65. (A) She says she keeps doing the same thing over and o m and
36. (B) In this question a man is asked how he got on at an interview. over again.
He answers that he thinks he did reasonably well. (A) answers when 66. (C) She backs up her work at the end ot the day and he asks why
the intervievv will take place but it has taken place. (C) answers the she didn't do it more otten, particularly atter the Computer crashed a 2nd
question ‘where is the intervievv?’ time.
37. (B) The question is a statement that a Christmas event Is happen- 67. (D) He thinks it would be a really good idea if she backed up her
ing the next day. The answer contirms it is and emphasizes it with a work more trequently as it only takes a few seconds.
question tag. (A) asks how the person torgot the party but doesn't con- 68. (C) When she tinishes the spreadsheet she will leave to stretch her
firm if it's the next day or not. (C) coníirms it's the next day and also legs and asks him to order lunch tor her.
w w w . n h a n tr iv ie t .c o m

happened the previous day but there’s only one party. 69. (D) She asks him to order lunch for her and he asks her what she
38. (B) The question asks when a tlight is and the answer gives the wants - indicating he will order her lunch.
exact date and time. (A) answers where to check in for the tlight. (C) 70. (A) He asks her if she wants her usual chef’s salad, meaning he
ansvvers where the tlight is going. knows what she always orders which implies they eat together.
39. (C) In this question a woman is asked where a Computer storage
device Is. She answers with a question asking if another person JUSTIFICATIONS: Listening - Part 4: Talks
(Patricia) has it. (A) answers about a complete Computer / laptop, not 71. (B) lt’s a message from a person telling his secretary, who is not
a small item plugged into a Computer. (B) coníuses drive to mean present, a list of things to do.
'drive a car’ not the Computer part asked about in the question. 72. (B) He mentions Prot. Cartwright’s name; the names and times
have tentatively changed.

Succeed in TOEIC Justifications o f the Answers
73. (A) He asks her to give him a call when she returns to verity that Questions 158-159
everything’s clear. 158. The correct ansvver Is (B). Trust acknovvledges it must
74. (C) They will be serving lunch, dinner and a continental-style breaktast. provide a smoke-tree environment for its employees and theretore
75. (6) At the end of the announcement, the passengers áre asked to smoking is not permitted at any point vvhilst on duty.
give their attention to the satety video. 159. The correct answer is (D). For repeat non-compliance the Trust
76. (A) They begin taxiing tortakeott while the announcement is being reserves the right to pursue íurther disciplinary action as appropriate.
made. Questions 160-162
77. (B) She says she knows Ben was expecting Ms Tibbs to visit on 160. The correct ansvver is (B). Flowers were ordered and payment
Friday and not today. was by credit card on March 13th.
78. (B) She’s in town and would like to come past to see how they're 161. The correct answer is (C). The order is on a Customer
getting on. Intormation Form - Telephone Orders.
79. (B) She knows Ben is probably not at all prepared but she says 162. The correct answer is (D). The order will be shipped on March
I còuídn t turn her away, now, could I?’ 14th to arrive on March 15th (the likely date of Betty Jones’ birthday).
80. (C) The announcement is about a three-year International Questions 163-166
Hospitality and Tourism Management program. 163. The correct ansvver is (B). Thousands of gamers may have been
81. (A) Of the four options, an announcement of this nature would cut off from Microsoft’s Online gaming Service for moditying their
most likely be broadcast on the radio. computers to play pirated games.
82. (D) This program enables the students to acquire the business 164. The correct ansvver is (D). Microsott has banned a “small per-
skills necessary to manage a hotel operation protitably. centage” of the 20 million Xbox Live users worldwide.
83. (C) The caller has received her ottice supplies and she’s not at all 165. The correct ansvver Is (D). The Digital Rights Management tech-
satistied with the condition they’ve arrived in. nologies reveal the identities of the pirates, then Microsott can ban
84. (D) The packet is ripped, the inner layers of the paper are soiled them from using the Xbox Live.
and the edgés have all been bent. 166. The correct ansvver is (C). Figures suggest that piracy may cost
85. (A) She says ‘I hope you will return this call and suggest what the video game industry as much as £750m a year.
action you will take to rectity the situation’. Questions 167-171
86. (C) lt’s the city’s tirst dark dining restaurant - a brilliant experi- 167. The correct answer is (C). It’s a group activity encouraging team-
mental dining concept. work, which a manager would be interested in.
87. (A) Dark dining allows the tood to stirthe senses in the most unique 168. The correct ansvver is (C). It gives instructlons on how to carry
way. out the challenge, as it would in a book.
88. (B) The tood is served in a pitch-black dining room, vvithout 169. The correct ansvver is (D). It's a teamwork challenge, using mini-
‘an awareness once brought by sight’. mal equipment and ... vvithin atim e limit.
89. (B) The report is about broadband Internet access and discusses 170. The correct ansvver is (B). Place the large neutralization bucket
speed of 2 megabits per second. approximately 30 to 50 teet away. The greater the distance, the more
90. (D) Some 73% of those questioned considered a high-speed ditticult the activity.
connection very important. 171. The correct answer is (C). It works best for groups that have
91. (D) There’s a government commitment to provide universal broad- already dealt with basic teamwork issues.
band by 2014. Questions 172-173
92. (C) All bus Services tor the vveekend are cancelled, due to the 172. The correct answer is (A). The article discusses the economy’s
national bus drivers’ strike. increase in job creation and the currency gain.
93. (B) The announcement says they hope to resume Services on 173. The correct answer is (C). Analysts are ‘speculating’ that interest
Mondáy morning. rates WILL be increased in Decemberto 3.75%.
94. (A) lf you purchased tickets to travel this weekend you can call Questions 174 - 1 7 5
a number and apply for a retund. 174. The correct ansvver is (A). The advertisement contains the head-
95. (A) The speaker is intorming Theresa about the tacilities and location ing ‘Corporate Outings’ and is designed to attract corporate / business
of two hotels, one of which they must choose for a conterence. cùstomérs.
96. (C) The Miramar doesn’t have space tor caterers but The Ritz, 175. The correct answer Is (A). Advanced booking of two vveeks or
the other option, does. more is required.
97. (A) The speaker is detinitely leaning towards the Rite. Questions 176-180
98. (D) She’s calling trom Great Western Hospital regarding 176. The correct ansvver is (C). The tirst paragraph describes scenes
Ms Kitching’s application for a nursing position. that would not happen in real life, only in dreams.
99. (B) She tells her theyll be interviewing on the 24th and 25th of 177. The correct ansvver is (C). Dreams are so rich....that scientists have
September so Ms Kitching needs to keep both days open. long assumed they must have a crucial psychological purpose.
100. (D) They’ve had a huge response trom applicants so there will be 178. The correct ansvver is (D). Dr. J. Allan Hobson argues thatthe
many others looking for a job. main tunction of REM, when most dreaming occurs, is physical.
179. The correct ansvver is (B). That ominous dream of people gath-
JUSTIFICATIONS: Reading - Part 7 ered on the lawn for some strange party? Probably meaningless.
Questlons 153-155 180. The correct ansvver Is (B). This article is likely to teature in a mag-
153. The correct answer is (C). The site contains opinions and the azine as it’s of general interèst.
statements of intormation providers and is a website. Questlons 181-185
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154. The correct ansvver is (D). The notice States that the vvebsite 181. The correct ansvver is (A). In the opening of the email she thanks
owners are not liable to anyone who uses the site. Timothy for sending the chart she requested so promptly.
155. The correct ansvver is (A). Reliance upon any such advice, opin- 182. The correct ansvver is (A). She says, I just want to check a few
ion, statement, or other intormation shall also be at the user’s own things betore I present itto our shareholders.
risk. 183. The correct answer is (D). She alvvays thought that shoes were
156. The correct answer is (D). The cate serves organlc and vegan their highest protit product. She's surprised because the chart
tood and takes local tood production and the environment seriously. shows that coats have a higher protit margin than shoes over the
157. The correct ansvver is (B). It’s a quirky, cool cate that serves three years.
tood that’s good for you and serves it with a smile. 184. The correct ansvver is (B). She wonders if the data points could
be mixed up. She had a quick glance at the raw data sheets, and that

Succeed in TOEIC Justifications of the Ansvvers
didn't make her feel any more contident, which implies she’s unsure
about the intormation.
185. The correct answer is (D). Timothy probably should have labeled
the units on the protit axis but she doesn’t complain and also she says
she’ll come by in ten minutes to talk about the points she asked about.
Questions 186-190
186. The correct ansvver is (D). In the email, he’s delighted to tell
them they wish to proceed with the proposed project.
187. The correct answer is (A). The briet telephone or email discusses
only ‘the basics of the client’s needs' and is likely to be short.
188. The correct answer is (C). They have access to unique sources
that include crattspeople with special talents which are not
available in the general marketplace.
189. The correct ansvver is (C). We are also realistic when describing
the dusty, messy and unpleasant times vvhich are part and parcel of a
major renovation proịect.
190. The correct ansvver is (C). The basics discussed in the email or
telephone call is followed by an Initial Consultation where more in-
depth intormation is discussed.
Questions 191-195
191. The correct answer is (D). He says he’s very sorry their stay was
not satistactory so they must have complained.
192. The correct answer is (B). The staff were unprepared torthe
three school groups and this resulted in the deticiencies of cleanliness
and Service.
193. The correct ansvver is (C). He enclosed a coupon vvhich States
they are invited to enjoy tree accommodation at the USA’s number
one vvinter holiday destination.
194. The correct answer is (C). The letter is dated March 29th and the
otter is to be claimed by March 30th, the following year.
195. The correct answer is (A). There was a deticiency or shorttall in
the level of Service, meaning a ‘lack’ of Service.
Questions 196-200
196. The correct answer is (A). Anna Jamison wants to know when
the atternoon poster session ends and if there are other days (besides
Friday) when poster sessions are being held.
197. The correct ansvver is (C). A preterence indicates the tirst option
a person would choose (theirtirst choice).
198. The correct answer is (D). Anna Jamison begins by intorming
Mrs. Smith that she received her email requesting her preterence
for a place in the Friday morning or atternoon poster sessions.
199. The correct answer is (B). She would hate to miss the tirst and
last lecture of the day and Dr. Kay’s lecture.
200. The correct answer is (C). In the conclusion, Anna apologizes
tor troubling Mrs. Smith in what must be a very busy time.

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Audio Scripts
Part 2 c. Maybe he missed the bus.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will 24. W: Are you ready to order now, sir?
In th is s e c tio n o f the te s t, y o u w ill h a ve
hear a question or statement spoken in
English, followed by three responses, also
M: A. Just give me a minute.
B. HI happily take your order.
th e ch a n c e to s h o w h o w w é ll y o u u n d er- spoken in English. The question or statement c. That's a good choice.
s ta n d s p o k e n E nglish. T here a re fo u r and the responses will be spoken just one 25. M: Are there any messages for me?
p a r ts to th is section, w ith special direc- time. They will not be printed in your test W: A. I didn't say anything.
tions fo r each part. book, so you must listen caretully. You are B. Yes, what is it?
to choosé the best response to each ques- c. One trom the bank.
Part 1 tion or statement. Now listen to a sample 26. W: Would you like to join us for a game
Directions: For each question, you will see question. You will hear: of tennis?
a picture and you will hear four short state- M: A. We'd be delighted.
ments. The statements will be spoken just Man: Why are you late? B. We joined last week.
one time. They will not be printed in your Woman: A. I hope I won't be. c. That was a great game.
test book so you must listen caretully to B. My car broke down. 27. M: How long have you lived at your
understand what the speaker says. When c. He always is. present home?
you hear the tour statements, lóok at the W: A. I've been looking for ages.
picture and choose the statement that best The best response is choice B, "My car broke B. Ever since I was a child.
describes what you see in the picture. down". Theretore, you should choose B. c. You shouldn't have bought
Choose the best answer A, B, ó or D. me a present.
11. M: What time is your tlight? 28. W: That's Ben's brletcase, isn't it?
EXAMPLE: W: A. Next week. M: A. It sure is.
Now listen to the four statements. B. Four in the morning. B. It's not that briet.
You w ill hear: c. I'm usually on time. c. If you insist.
A. He is on the phone. 12. W: Where are you going? 29. M: Is this blue coat on sale?
B. She is driving the car. M: A. In about ten minutes. W: A. I've got a blue coat.
c. She is typing on the Computer. B. With John and Sally. B. I don't like sailing.
D. He is sitting next to her. c. To the shops. c. Yes, it's halt price.
13. M: Who lives in that house? 30. W: Who is the new secretary?
Statement (D) best describes what you see W: A. Yes, I do. M: A. In the main ottice.
in the picture. Theretore, you should choose B. It has three bedrooms. B. Yes, she's very etticient.
ansvver (D). c. My brother, Billy. c. Her name is Janet Swinton.
14. W: What's wrong with the telephone? 31. M: Is the food prepared?
1. A. A woman is givìng birth. M: A. It doesn't seem to be vvorking. W: A. I'm ready.
B. A woman is touching her own stomach. B. There's a message for you. B. Yes, it's on the table.
c. A vvoman is going to have a baby. c. III call you later. c. Untortunately it's broken.
D. A pregnant woman is wearing sleeves. 15. M: Did you enjoy the tilm? 32. W: How about going to the theater for
2. A. There are candles centered on the table. W: A. I'm sure we will. a treat?
B. They are being served tood. B. Sometimes I do. M: A. The doctor said the treatment
c. Theý are on unusual seats. c. Very much. was successtul.
D. They are in a bathroom. 16. W: What's the name of the cate B. It's just next to the hospital.
3. A. They are pushing babies in strollers. you go to? c. That's a great idea.
B. The babies are being carried. M: Ầ. Yes, that's the one. 33. M: Did you tinish the report yet?
c. They are vvalking on a sidevvalk. B. It's called "The Black Cat." W: A. I don't like watching the news.
D. Theý are on a busy Street. c. It's not that far. B. Not quite.
4. A. He is gesturing. 17. M: When is Brian's birthday? c. She's a good reporter.
B. She has something on her lap. W: A. Is it really? 34. W: Are you hungry?
c. They are sitting next to each other. B. Here's a present for you. M: A. Only because you annoyed me.
D. He is listening to her. c. Sometime next week. B. I'm starving.
5. A. He is dressed casually. 18. W: Who can type this letter for me? c. I'm not in a hurry.
B. She is holding the microphone. M: A. I have a stamp here. 35. M: Do you have a cold?
c. She is dressed tormally. B. Would you like some paper? W: A. It was freezing today.
D. She is addressing him. c. I can do it when I tinish this report. B. He's not that old
6. A. The stepladder is not in use. 19. M: Will the meeting be held in the c. I've had one for a few days.
B. They are kneeling. director's ottice? 36. W: Can you tell me where to gét
c. They are polishing a cabinet. W: A. That's what the memo said. a cáb from?
D. There is a hammer on the ground. B. No, in about an hour's time. M: A. The tare was quite expensive.
7. A. One man is pointing at another. c. It's the tirst Street on the left. B.To the train station.
B. One man is reterring to a plan. 20. W: You're Mrs Brown's new assistant, c. Outside the shopping mall is best.
c. Both men have their hands in their pockets. aren't you? 37. M: How did you get to college today?
D. One man is vvearing a suit jacket. M: A. I dorÝt need any help, thank you. W: A. I vvrote a letter of application.
8. A. A man is clapping. B. Of course I can assist you. B. On my bike.
B. A woman is holding a trophy. c. No, I work for Mr Davis. c. It was a good lecture.
c. They are in an auditorium.
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

21. M: Will you take a picture of us? 38. W: Don't you just love this song?
D. A woman is clasping her hands together. W: A. I didn't take it. M: A. No, l'm not a tan of hers.
9. A. They are behind a counter. B. Certainly! B. I'm having singing lessons.
B. He is wearing a vest. c. I can't draw to save my life. c. I'm not in love.
c. She is wearing her hair down. 22. W: Do you want the steak or the chicken? 39. M: When did this letter arrive?
D. They are exiting the building. M: A. It's not in the kitchen. W: A. Earlier this morning.
10A He is being weighed. B. HI have steak or beer. B. I'm still waiting for it.
B. She has a stethoscope around her neck. c. They both sound good. c. The mail is always late.
c. A woman is on a scale. 23. M: Do you know why David is late? 4 0 . W: Whose bag is this?
D. He is assisting her. W: A. He's late as usual. M: A. It's a brown One.
B. Almost an hour. B. John took your bag.
c. It's mine.
M: Lovely day, isn't it! to go on a trip!
Part 3 W: It certainly Is. It's just a shame we're stuck 59. How did the man feel when he heard
Directions: You will hear some conversations in here behlnd computers! about the woman's decisíon?
betvveen two people. You will be asked to M: You can say that again! Any exciting Plans 60. How otten does the woman think she
answer three questions about what the speak- for the weekend? would use the car?
ers say in each conversation. Select the best W: Yes, Todd and I want to take the kids to 61. What does the man think is the problem
response to each question and mark the letter the seaside. I hope the weather holds up. with renting a car?
(A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The M: Hmm, what a shame we can't take 'sun
conversations will not be printed in your test days'; you know, like sick days! One day a Questions 62 through 64 reter to the
book and will be spoken only one time. month, in cases of exceptional weather, to following conversation.
maintain our mental health and well being! W: I don't know what to do about my new
Ọuestions 41 through 43 reter to the W: Oh, you know what our manager wouĩd ottice mate. She sits next to me all day, and
following conversation. have to say about that! never says a word to me. It makes me really
W: Hi, Michael, can I have a word? 50. What would the woman like to be doing uncomtortable.
M: Certainly, Megan. Come in. How is the on the weekend? M: Have you tried to talk to her?
preparation for the conterence going? 51. What is the tone of the man's words? W: Yes, at tirst I always said hello and tried to
W: Well, that's what I vvanted to speak to you 52. What is the relationship between the Chat a little, and she responded politely, but if
about. two speakers? I don't speak tirst, she acts like she doesn't
M: No problems I hope.... even seé me!
W: No; no real problems. But l've just tinished Questions 53 through 55 refer to the M: Maybe she's shy. I'd just keep trying to be
vvriting my presentation, and really I have no following conversation. triendly.
idea if it's at the right level for the audience. I M: Hello Ms. Johnson; do you have a minute? W: But what if it bothers her?
was wondering, since you've been to a lot of W: What is it Tim? M: Why don't you ask if it bothers her?
these conterences, if you could listen to my M: Well, you know we have this environmental 62. How is the woman teeling?
presentation and tell me what you think. report that needs tinishing by Monday... 63. Why is the woman unhappy with her
M: Yes, of course. However, I have a deadline W: Well, I certainly don't know how l'd torget office mate?
on Thursday, and my schedule's pretty full about that! 64. How does the man think the vvoman
........When's your conterence? M: Yes, well, I wanted to let you know that should be?
W: The lũth. therếs no way l'm going to tinish my section.
M: Oh, okay! You have a bit of time then. W: Why's that? Questions 65 through 67 reter to the
How about Friday the 5th, in the morning? M: lt's just not realistically possible - lots of following conversation.
W: That would bé great, thanks. problems in the data. M: Excuse me...excuse me!
41. How does Megan teel about the W: Yes, most of us are struggling. I guess ril W: Yes, can I help you sir?
presentation she will give? have to try to arrange an extension. Thanks M: I hope so. There's a bít of a problem with
42. What is true about Megan? for letting me know anyway. my order. I specitically asked for a salad with-
43. What will happen on Friday the 5th? 53. How could you describe the woman's oút tomatoes becausé I really can't stand
attitude? them, and now, here is my side salad with
Ọuestions 44 through 46 refer to the 54. What was the purpose of the man's con- tomatoes in it. Okay, it's not the end of the
following conversation. versation with Ms. Johnson? world if I don't eat it because at least l've got
M: Hello, can I help you? 55. What is the relationship betvveen the the steak and chips, but it's just that I speciti-
W: Yes, l'm not sure if l'm in the right place, man and Ms. -lohnson? cally asked...
but l'm looking for some intormation on your W: Oh, l'm very sorry. I guess the chet didn't
organization. You see, l've just graduated, and Questions 56 through 58 refer to the notice my note. Just a moment and ril bring
l'd like to get involved doing some voluntary following conversation. another.
work with disabled children this summer. I have W: Have you heard, Laura got a job offer from 65. What food does the man not like?
my cv. Am I in the right ottice? a university in Australia. 66. If the man doesn't eat his salad, what
M: No, l'm atraid you want to talk to Anna, in M: Really? That was quite a good position, will happen?
261 B. She's not in this atternoon though. She wasn't it? Do you think she'll take ít? 67. How can the woman be described?
only works from 9am to lpm each day. W: I don't know. I think she might. When I met
W: Oh. with her for coffee, and she told me the news, Ọuestions 68 through 70 refer to the
M: But do come back tomorrow if you can; I her eyes were sparkling, and she had a huge following conversation.
know she's always looking for volunteers. smile! She was talking mostly about the dis- W: Hi, I just wanted to let you know that the
44. What is the woman trying to do? advantages, though. proposál went really well. We've got the con-
45. What does the woman need to do next? M: What a hard decision! Australia is very far tract and we're doing the park!
46. How could the man be best described? away. She would miss her tamily and triends. M: That's tantastic! It was a tun space to
W: Yes, but I think she would love the adven- work with.
Questions 47 through 49 refer to the ture, though. W: Your design was really original and tun, par-
following conversation. 56. What made the woman think Laura ticularly the children's play area. So, thanks tor
W: Did you manage to book our tlights? would like the job? all your hard work.
M: Yes, this morning. We'll leave at 18:45 on 57. What does the vroman think Laura will do? M: l'm glad they liked it. When do they want
Thursday, and arrive at 22:10 in Berlin. Then 58. Why does the man think it would be hard us to start?
we'll return... for Laura to decide to take the job? W: As soon as possible, really. I told them we
W: Wait a minute, didn't Elsie tell you that l'm were available to start in April. We need to
not available on Thursday evening? I have to Questions 59 through 61 reter to the tind some people to do the landscaping and
work till 8pm! I said specitically that I need to following conversation. the construction.
go Friday morning. We don't have to be there M: So, did you buy the car in the end? 68. What is the man's job?
till the atternoon, atter all! W: Emm, nó, actually. 69. What was the man's attltude towards
M: Uh, no. I didn't hear anything about this. M: You didn't? You were so excited about ít his work?
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

W: Great! What are we going to do now? last week! 70. Why is the vvoman speaking to the man?
M: Well, I just have to call back and change W: Yes, that car was a super deal, and I loved
your ticket I guess. the color, but l've decided that I don't need a
47. How does the woman teel? car. What would I be using it for? Really, only
48. Why did the man make a mistake? trips on the weekend. I take the underground
49. Whý couldn't the woman go on to work and that's fine. I could just rent a car
Thursday evening? for the vveekend sometimes and it vvould come Part 4
out a ĩot cheaper. Directions: You will hear some talks given by
Ọuestions 50 through 52 reter to the M: Yes, but I think if you have to rent a car, a single speaker. You will be asked to ansvver
following conversation. you would be much less likely to go. If the car three questions about what the speaker says
is sitting there waiting, you're almost obligated in each talk. Select the best response to eách

question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or expert, Mervyn, but tirst a little music. you have a llst of all the programs on your
(D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not 80. Who is the talk directed at? Computer....
be printed in your test book and will be spo- 81. By what percentage has light pollution 92. What is the problem?
ken only one time. increased over the last ten years? 93. The woman speaking is
82. What is the next thing the listeners 94. What should be done tirst?
Ọuestions 71 through 73 refer to the will hear?
following speech. Questions 95 through 97 reter to the
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Questions 83 through 85 reter to the following news report.
this special opening ceremony today. Today is following speech. Good morning, this is the 9 o'clock business
the result of over five year's planning and hard Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and may I news! The doilar has edged tovvards seven-
work as we tinally open this magniticent build- vvelcome you to the Astoria Theatre. Tonight's week lows against both the yen and the euro
ing. Of course, we must thank the Bradtord film, "The Longest Day", is the third in this because of tears about poor us retail sales
tamily who have given their wonderful art col- week's series of twelve tilms about human and banking results. Investment banks have
lection to the City. You will see many fine relationships. This is the second time we've already predicted that the us economy will fall
examples of classical and modern art on the run a film series and l'm sure it will be as pop- into recession in 2008, and analysts are also
vvalls around you. The Bradtord tamily made ular as the tirst one. nervously avvaiting the release of retail sales
their tortune making and selling beautiíul "The Longest Day" is a moving film about a data for December. As consumer spending
clothes but, luckily for us, they spent a lot of father's struggle to deal with his son's illness. accounts for two-thirds of the us èconomy,
their money on works of art. And now, ladies For 24 hours the tather doesn't know if his son the tigure may indicate vvhether the tears áre
and gentlemen, please welcome Alan Bradtord, will live or die. The film which runs for 120 correct. In December, the us Federal Reserve
the great grandson of the late Charles minutes will break even the hardest heart. cut the interest rates for the third time as it
Bradtord who will otticially open the building Atter the film we invite you to a cheese and tried to help steer the world's largest econo-
and make a little speech himselt. wine reception and you will have the chance to my through the continuing housing slump.
71. What is the building? talk to both the director and some of the 95. Who is most likely speaking?
72. What were the Bradtord tamily? actors. 96. What is predicted to happen in 2008?
73. Who is Charles Bradtord? 83. Flow many tilms will be shown this week? 97. What accounts for two thirds of the
84. Flow long is the film? us economy?
Ọuestions 74 through 76 reter to the 85. What will happen atter the film?
following announcement. Ọuestions 98 through 100 refer to the
Your attention please. Would all passengers Questions 86 through 88 refer to the following speech.
for the 11:15 tó Atlanta, please proceed to following announcement. I want to extend a warm welcome to all our
plattorm six as the train now standing at plat- Attention shoppers. Today we have all sorts of delegates, at our third annual renevvable ener-
torm four is the 10:50 to VVashington. This bargains and special otters to tell you about. gy conterence! And it's great to see so many
change of plattorm is due to a problem with Firstly on the ground tloor, "KidsWorld" is giv- tamiliar taces trom last year. First of all, I
the signals. The 11:15 to Atlanta will be ing away free toys to any child who persuades want to make sure that you've all registered.
delayed by titteen minutes and will not be their mom or dad to purchase something from If you haven't registered yet, please go to our
leaving until 11:30. This is the express train the store. On the top tloor, "The Cottee Place" registration table in the lobby of the hotel.
and so will not stop en route. For the slow has a special offer of a tree cake with each You will receive the conterence schedule,
train to Atlanta, please board the train now drink purchased. Don't torget the cates close among other things. Next, I want to point out
standing at plattorm seven. This will be at 5pm so make sure you stop for a break that the presentations begin promptly at 9am
departing at 11:40 trom plattorm seven. Thank betore then. TonighCs late-night shopping fin- tomorrovv morning, and our tirst presentation
you. ishes at 8pm so only four more hours to buy should be very interesting so I would encour-
74. Where would this announcement most those tinal purchases. Happy shopping! age all of you to make the effort to get up! It
likely be heard? 86. Where is this announcement being made? will be worth your while! And don't torget
75. What time does the fast train to Atlanta 87. Where can you get something tree to eat? breaktast is served starting at 7am.
leave? 88. What time is it now? 98. Who is being spoken to?
76. Which plattorm will the Washington train 99. How many times has this conterence
leave írom? Ọuestions 89 through 91 refer to the taken place betore?
following announcement. 100. What happens at 9am tomorrow?
Ọuestions 77 through 79 refer to the Good morning and vvelcome aboard Skybird
following speech. International Flight 362 trom London to Cape That is the end of the test.
Hello, my name is John. HI be serving your Town, with intermediate stops in Paris and
table tonight. Today we have some delicious Cairo. We will be departing in ten minutes.
specials. We have grilled salmon with a honey Please check that your seatbelt is tastened
glaze; roast chicken; mixed grill or steak and
pepper. We also have a tine selection of salad
and we urge you to pay attention to the safe-
ty instructions. Our anticipated tlying time to
In th is s e c tio n o f th e te s t, y o u w ill have
and vegetables. HI come round later with the Paris is one hour, ten minutes and then we will th e ch a n ce to s h o w h o w w é ll y o u u nder-
dessert trolley as there are far too many be preceeding to Cairo where we are due to s ta n d sp o k e n E n g lish . There a re fo u r
tasty things to mention. land at 16:00 hours. On behalt of the Captain p a r ts to th is section, w lth special dlrections
77. Who is talking? and the rest of the crew we wish you a sate fo r each part.
78. How many specials are there to choose and pleasant tlight.
from? 89. Where are they? Part 1
79. What does he not tell them about 90. Who is speaking? Directions: For each question, you will see a
immediately? 91. How many times will they stop betore picture and you will hear tour short state-
Cape Town? ments. The statements will be spoken just one
Questions 80 through 82 reter to the time. They will not be printed in your test
following talk. Questions 92 through 94 reter to the book so you must listen caretully to under-
This is "The Sky at Night". Today we have the following directions. stand what the speaker says.
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

acclaimed astronomer Mervyn Skylark. Mervyn Okay, sir. I think I understand what the prob- When you hear the tour státements, look at
is going to talk to us about the grovving prob- lem is with your Computer. HI try to talk you the picture and choose the statement that
lem of light pollution in our cities. Five out of through how to fix the problem over the best describes what you see in the picture.
the tvvelve signs of the zodiac have already phone, but if that doesn't work you'll have to Choose the best answer A, B, c or D.
been removed trom view by light pollution and take the Computer in to our nearest Service Now listen to the tour statements.
campaigners are trying to persuade govern- center. Okay, tirst, are you connected to the
ments to do something to change this problem. internet? Good, okay, make sure all your other 1. A.They are applauding the speaker.
The amount of light pouring out into the night programs are closed. Now, find the "my Com­ B. The speaker is gesturing with her hands.
sky has increased by a quarter in the past ten puter icon", and double click on it. C. The speaker is behind the podium.
years and only elevén per cent of the country In this box find a place called "programs", and D. They are looking away trom the speaker.
is tree of light pollution. Now over to our double click on that. Now, you should see that 2. A. The plane is taking off.

B. They are seated in an airplane. c. He takes atter his tather. B. It depends how late I get home
c. The passengers are disembarking. 16. W: How about going out for lunch on trom work.
D. They are boarding from outside. Sunday? c. 1've already eaten.
3. A. Both men are wearing ties. M: A. Chicken and salad. 34. W: What's Susan like?
B. The woman speaking is wearing glasses. B. It was very tasty, thanks. M: A. I'd like to meet her.
c. All the women are Crossing their legs. c. Sorry l'm already doing B. She liked the present.
D. Two people are speaking at once. something on Sunday. c. She's very considerate.
4. A. Papers are scattered on the table. 17. M: What does John do for a living? 35. M: Where was the passport tound?
B. They are seated across trom each other. W: A. He lives in Chicago. W: A. I've got it in my bag.
c. They are all looking at the same B. He's an engineer. B. On the tloor, under a chair.
docúment. c. He has a blg town house. c. From the passport ottice.
D. Notebooks are in a pile on the table. 18. W: Did anyone call vvhile I was out? 36. W: Did you find a place to park?
5. A. He is saluting a tlag. M: A. I didn't call you. M: A. I'll park in the parking lot.
B. He has something strapped on his shoulder. B. Not even one person. B. The park is really beautitul.
c. She is not pleased with him. c. ril call you in a minute. c. Atter a lot of driving around, yes.
D. She is avoiding eye contact. 19. M: Does anyóne know whose keys 37. M: Is that your brietcase?
6. A. One man is wearing jeans. these are? W: A. Yes, ru be briet.
B. The woman is holding her bag. W: A. They look like Mike's. B. HI briet you on it later.
c. The man vvearìng a vest has a beard. B. The lock is broken. c. It certainly is.
D. The woman doesn't have a nametag. c. ruget some new keys cut. 38. W: Are you still hungry?
7. A. She has glasses. 20. W: IVe written a song. VVould you like M: A. I'rn atraid so.
B. They are working at a Computer, to hear it? B. I was never angry.
c. He IS not seated. M: A. At a concert? c. No, l'm trom Bulgaria.
D. There is a stool between them. B. Why not? 39. M: Does he have a coid?
8 . A. A man is helping the woman in tront. c. He's a good singer. W: A. Just a sore throat
B. The man in tront is working with the vvoman 21. M: Would you mind if I left an hour early? B. It's not that cold.
C. The man in tront is not typing at the W: A. If yóu really need to. c. I'll put the heating on.
moment. B. I'm always early. 40. W: Are they still vvorking on the
D. There are two men seated in the tront c. It will take an hour to get there. highvvay?
row. 22. W: Should I put the truit in paper or M: A. They are starting work next month.
9. A. They are ordering food. plastic bags? B. They are, but I think it's open.
B. She is glancing at his menu. M: Ầ. Paper, please. c. No, l'm working in an office now.
c. She is standing next to him. B. Bags are better than boxes.
D. She is eating a chip. c. Yes, you should.
10. A The man in shorts is kneeling on the ground 23. M: Why is Peter late? Part 3
B. The standing man is holdĩng a tool. W: A. He wasn't late. Directions: You will hear some conversations
C. The man with the tool is vvearing a belt. B. Probably because of the bus strike. betvveen two people. You will be asked to
D. The smiling man is vvearing a shirt. c. Almost two hours now. answer three questions about what the speak-
24. W: Shall I turn on the air conditioning? ers say in each conversation. Select the best
Part 2 M: A. No, it shouldn't be. response to each question and mark the letter
Directions: In this part of the test, you will B. Yes it is. A, B, c, or D on your ansvver sheet. The con-
hear a question or statement spoken in c. Good idea. versations will not be printed in your test
English, followed by three responses, also spo- 25. M: Will that be to eat in or take away? book and will be spoken only one time.
ken in English. The question or statement and W: A. Please take it away immediately.
the responses will be spoken just one time. B. What do you think? Questions 41 through 43 refer to this
They will not be printed in your test book, so c. We'll eat it here. conversation.
you must listen caretully. You are to choose 26. W: Do you know when the gallery opens? W: Hi! I'm sorry l'm late. The trattic on 35E
the best response to each question or state- M: A. Of course it is. was impossible.
ment. B. At nine o'clock. M: Really? But it's not even rush hour.
Now listen to a sample question. You will hear: c. It's in the next Street. W: I know, but it's summertime and there's a
Man: Why are yóu late? 27. M: What's the matter with Cherie? lot ot construction.
VVoman: A. I hope I won't be. W: A. I didn't say I was angry with her. M: Well anyway. I suppose we shouldn't waste
B. My car broke down. B. Her boytriend left her. any more time. We've got a lot of work today
c. He always is. c. She's óver there. betore the big presentation tomorrow.
28. W: Can you tell me where to catch the W: Oh, I cannot wait until it is all over and done
The best response is choice B, "My car broke bus? with. I have such a fear of Public speaking.
down". Theretore, you should choose B. M: A. At two thirty. M: What's there to be atraid of? You know the
B. To the train station. material better than anyone in the class.
11. M: What time does your plane leave? c. Just outside the museum. W: lt's all mental; it has nothing to do with the
W: A. It wasn't on time. 29. M: How did you get to school today? material. But vvhenever I stand up in tront of
B. I hope it does. W: A. I'm doing fine thanks. other people I start trembling. My mouth goes
c. An hour after yours. B. By bike. dry, I start stuttering, and I also tidget with
12. W: What kind of movies do you like to c I have to study a lot. mỹ hands.
watch? 30. W: How long has he vvorked for that M: Now you're making me nervous. We better
M: A. I hire them from the video store. companỹ? practice a lot. Certainly the content is more
B. I preter thrillers. M: A. Only since last May. important than delivery, but people need to
c. I went to the movies last week. B. He'll be tinished in One hour. understand what you are saying!
13. M: How well can Anne play tennis? c In the accounts department. W: Ok, let's tinish putting together the last of
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

W: A. She plays three times a week. 31. M: Can I pay by check? the pages for the powerpoint presentation,
B. At the local tennis Club, W: A. I'll pay by credit card. and then we'll rehearse until it's pertect. If I
c. She's really good. B. Here's yóur change. say the presentation enough times, I think the
14. W: How did you spot the mistake? c We onlý take cash. words will flow easier tomorrow.
M: A. It won't happen again, I promise. 32. W: How about going for a run? M: Ok, let's get cracking.
B. It wasn't an important one. M: A. Shall we run in the park?
c. By going through everything B It s too far to run. 41. What is the reason for the trattic on 35E?
réalìý căretully. c l've run lots of races. 42. What is at tault for the woman's
15. M: How old is your son? 33. M: What time do you usually have nervousness ?
W: A. He's six but he looks older. dinner? 43. What, according to the man, is the most
B. He's really quite tall. W: A. It's too late to eat. important part of the presentation?

Questions 44 through 46 refer to this hotel and the center are only minutes away 58. Why did the boss order a lot of a
conversation. from the airport. What do you say we go and particular design?
M: Joan, have you seen the Knight file? It was get some cottee over at that cottee stand in
on my desk this morning, and now it is the corner? Questions 59 through 61 reter to this
nowhére to be tound. W: That's a good idea. We can let the crowd conversation.
W: I think Meredith said she wanted to look it die out a little bit and then come claim our W: Are you leaving for home already, Ed? It's
over betore the meeting with the administra- luggage. Plus, l'm talling asleep! I could really only 3:30.
tors tonight. use a catteine kick! M: I know. But l've been here since 7.
M: Well, where is Meredith? I haven't seen her M: Let's go then. My treat. W: Why the sudden change of schedule? I've
for a while now. W: You don't have to do that. Let me get it. never known you to be an early bird.
W: I think she's out for a few hours. She said M: No. I insist. Consider it a small thank you M: l'm detinitely not and I am somevvhat sleep
something about meetings at the other ottice. for letting me ride with you to the airport this deprived. But my son is in the State soccer
I'm not sure, to tell you the truth. morning. tournament and I can't miss any of his games.
M: l'll have to call hér on her cell, then. I really W: Ok, but 111 get the coffee on the way back. W: You are such a dedicated tather. And an
need that file. I need to have it memorized by M: Deal. employee at that! I'm not nearly as etticient as
the meeting tonight, and I haven't even 50. Where are the two individuals? you are in the office. But the íirst thing I do
glanced at it yet. 51. Why are they going to get cottee? when I come home is take a nap. I don't know
W: Ok, call her. But be warned, she always 52. Why does he want to pay for the cottee? how you have the energy to work tull-time and
turns her phone off when she is in meetings. have a tamily.
M: Oh, no. Well, I suppose it's my own tault for Questions 53 through 55 reter to this M: Well, I wasn't up to it at your age, that's
saving it until the very last moment. She prob- conversation. for sure. This is only your first year on the job.
ably assumed that I had already looked at it, W: Excuse me. Is this Dr. John Evans' office? It takes a while to get a rhythm. Once you're
considering it's been in my possession for the M: It sure is. Do you have an appointment? settled here, you'll find you'll have more energy
last three days. W: No actually. His name was given to me by for other aspects of your life. I promise! Ok, I
W: So what áre you going to do if you don't a colleague. 1've been suttering from insomnia better go. I can't miss kick-off!
get a chance to read it? for the ìast few months. I've gone to M.D.'s W: Have tun and good luck to your son!
M: Wing it, I guess. And let Meredith do most and taken herbs and nothing seems to work. I 59. Why is it acceptable for Ed to leave
of the talking. thought a psychologist might help me work at 3:30?
44. Why does the man want to find Meredith? through the stress that is causing the insom- 60. What does the woman admire about
45. What is the man upset about? nia. the man?
46. What will the man probably do at the M: That sounds like a reasonable solution to me. 61. How does the man reassure the woman?
meeting tonight? Now, Dr. Evans is booked every day, so l'm
atraid you can't see him without an appointment Questions 62 through 64 refer to this
Questions 47 through 49 refer to this W: I tigured that much. I just came to the conversation.
conversation. actual office instead of calling because I was W: Adam, hi! What are you doing here?
W: How did the interview go? Do you feel con- in the area. Can I make an appointment with you, M: Since you weren't ansvvering any of your
íident? then? calls, I thought Pd make a home visit.
M: I honestly have no idea what to think about M: Detinitely. We'll schedule you first for a half W: I know, l'm sorry. I know you are looking for
the intervievv. hour consultation. Atter that consultation, Dr. this week's column, and I know l'm past dead-
W: What do you mean? Evans will suggest how otten you should come line.... it's just that I had some tamily things
M: I was extremely nervous. My palms were and we'll schedule accordingly. come up this week and l'm a little behind
svveaty and I stuttered on almóst every ques- W: That sounds good. When can I get an schedule.
tion. appointment? M: Jenny, you are always past deadline. And
W: You don't strike me as the type of person M: Usually he's booked for weeks straight. But although, as your editor, that used to stress
who gets tlustered. tortunately for you he just had a cancellation for me out a lot, l've grown accustomed to it the
M: I usually don't! But this man was so intimi- this Friday at 2. Can you make it? last few years.
dating. He had such an arrogant presence to W: 111 be there. W: Well, then what is this about? Is something
him. Atter the question, he leaned back in his 53. Who reterred the woman to Dr. Evans? wrong?
chair and crossed his arms, as if he had just 54. Why does the vvoman want to be M: Well, a publishing company contacted me a
dared me to answer a question and expected Dr. Evans' patient? week ago with an interest in turning your
me to fail. 55. When will she actually see Dr. Evans? columns into a book. I promised to set up a
W: l'm sure that was just his strategy. He meeting betvveen you and them by the end of
probably wanted to observe how yoú handled Questions 56 through 58 reter to this the week, but then again, I didn't expect you
pressuré. conversatlon. to be avoiding my calls for seven days
M: It really threw me off guard. I really wish I M: Are you just getting back from work now? straight.
could have come off as more contident. It's late. W: Are you serious?!
W: Well don't torget that the decision is not W: I know. I had the greatest day though. M: Yes, l'm serious, but they are starting to
entirely dependent on the intervievv. You have M: You are the only person I know who comes think that YOU are not serious. I've set up a
an outstanding academic record and you did back from 14 hours of work and calls it a meeting for today at tour. Can you make it?
an impeccable job on your application, and I great day. W: Of course!
have no doubt that your reterences will sing W: Well, this new job is very excitlng for me. 62. Where does this conversation take place?
your praises to them as well. It's the tirst time l'm doing something I actual- 63. What has the man gotten used to?
47. What ettect did the intervievver have ly love and I am talented ăt. 64. What does the publishing company want
on the man? M: So, why was it such a great day? to meet with the woman about?
48. What, besides the intervievv, could help W: My boss let me sít in on a meeting with
the man get the job? the Calvin Klein designer, which I take as a Ọuestions 65 through 67 reter to this
49. What is the woman's opinion? sign that she is preparing me to have more conversation.
responsibilities in the tuture. M: As I said over the phone, l've been an
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

Ọuestions 50 through 52 refer to this M: I think that is a safe assumption. accountant for the last ten years and have
conversation. W: Also, I told her I liked a certain design and recently quít my job. I want to find a career
M: Here it is. Carousel A. And it says right here she ordered a ton of it. that I am passionate about.
on the monitor that this has the luggage for tlight M: It sounds like you are really earning the W: And what provoked your interest in adver-
532 arriving from New York. respect of your boss; and quickly too! You tising?
W: It sure is crovvded here. We're going to have accomplished a lot in just 2 months on M: Well, there's still a lot for me to learn about
have to really push and shove to get to our the job. the tield, but it seems to grant me the oppor-
luggage. 56. According to the man, what Is unique tunity to exercise both my creativity and my
M: Well, we don't have to be at the convention about the woman? intelligence.
center for another three hours and both the 57. What does going to the Calvin Klein W: That is certainly true. And there is actually
meeting probably mean for the woman? an opening at the agency.

M: Honestly? What position is it? the buĩlding. Agaln, this ĩs a Red Ford Taurus, Understanding how our body works can help
W: lt's an unpaid internship. It will allow you to license plate number 173 FTU. If It is still block- us protect ourselves trom heart attacks and
dabble in the various aspects of the advertis- Ing the entrance ten mlnutes trom now, I am strokes. Today though, thlngs are much better
ing world, so you can tind a specitlc area that atrald we will have no choice but to caD the and heart attack and stroke victims can bene-
suits you best. Also it will allow you to devel- towing company and have it removed. So fit from new medications and treatments
op a strong porttolio. please, wlll the owner of this Red Ford Taurus unavailable to patients In years past.
M: But did you say unpaid? move your vehicle immediately? 83. What is considered as food for our braín?
W: Well, yes. Remember. You are starting a 74. What kind of vehicle could be blocking 84. When in the lungs what does the blood
new career so you're going to have to start the entryvvay? give away?
at the bottom and work your way up. It will be 75. Where is the Ford Taurus allowed 85. What is the purpose of this text?
years until you make what you were making at to be parked?
your old job. 76. What will happen if it is not moved Questions 86 through 88 reter to the
65. Why does the man want to be in ten minutes? following talk.
in advertising? Business names are no longer reglstered wíth
66. According to the vvoman why should Questions 77 through 79 reter to the any government departments. But there are
he get the job at the agencý? following commercial. laws about using certain names and disclosing
67. What is the man concerned about? America loves to shop and there's no place certain details of ovvnership. Betore 1982 many
better than New Hampshire, where the shop- business names had to be registered under the
ping is sales tax-free and the choice is excep- Registration of Business Names Act 1916. The
Ọuestions 68 through 70 reter to this tional! Come browse through the interestlng act was then repealed when new rules on busi-
conversation. and unique shops trom old-fashioned 5 cent ness names came into torce. This law was
M: Do you think James will get the promotion? and 10 cent Stores to ski and sports shops replaced by the Business Names Act 1985.
W: He detinitely has a good chance and cer- teaturing the latest equipment and tashions, This allows the Secretary of State to have
tainly deserves it. But remember, Paul is the nationally known name and brand tactory out- certain Controls over the name you choose for
boss's nephew and he is also up for the job. lets, and one-of-a-kind boutiques. A bonus: your business and what you must tell others
M: But Cindy's a fair boss. She vvould never many Stores will ship your purchases so it's about the ownership of the business. Some
promote someone who was less qualitied just easy to say "yes" to that once-in-a-lifetime words and expressions are controlled by other
because they were tamily. find. New Hampshire has a story to tell in the laws. These rules protect the rlghts which per-
W: I don't think she would do it consciously, tradition of small home-based businesses and sons may have in relation to names or words.
but it may play some role in her decision-mak- bustling workshops where crattspeople create 86. When was Registration of Business
ing. I mean, it's not like Paul is completely items that retlect and contain the human spirit. Names Act repealed?
unqualitied for the position. If Paul and James For more on shopping, see listings by town 87. What does the Business Names Act allow?
are neck and neck for the position, Paul cer- vvithin each region. 88. What is the main purpose of the
tainly has the edge. 77. Besides variety, what else is heralded mentioned rules?
M: Well, James will just be wrecked if he does- as being unique about shopping in
Ọuestions 89 through 91 reter to the
n't get it. He's been vvorking so hard. New Hampshire?
following talk.
W: Let's just hope for the best. 78. What Service do many Stores provide?
The very tirst modern Olymplc Games opened
68. What might hinder James’ chance 79. What tradition does NevvHampshire
in the tirst week of April 1896. Pole vaulting,
at the job? uphold?
sprints, shot put, vveight littlng, swimming,
69. What does the woman think about Paul?
Ọuestions 80 through 82 refer to the cycling, target shooting, tennis, marathon and
70. What does the man know about Paul?
following talk. gymnastics were all events at the tirst
When you get a haircut at a hairdresser, or Olympics. The svvimming events were held in
Part 4 take your clothes to a dry cleaner, or ask a the Bay of Zea in the Aegean Sea. Gold medal-
Directions: You vvill hear some talks given by garage to repalr your car, you're buying a ist, Altred Hoyos Guttmann described it "I won
a single speaker. You will be asked to answer Service. When you buy a Service, you have the ahead of the others with a big lead, but my
three questions about what the speaker says right to expect certain standards. First of all, greatest struggle was against the tovvering
in each talk. Select the best response to each the Service must be completed within a rea- twelve-foot waves and the terribly cold water."
question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or sonable time. This applies even if you and the Approximately 300 athletes participated, repre-
(D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not person supplying the Service have not agreed senting thirteen countries.
be printed in your test book and will be spo- a time for the work to be tinished by. 89. What is NOT a mentioned event at
ken only One time. Secondly, anyone who provides a Service must the tirst modern Olympics?
do so with reasonable care and skill, to a 90. What was Altred HÓyos Guttmann's
Questions 71 through 73 reter to the proper Standard of workmanship. If you paid biggest ditticulty?
following news announcement. someone to fix your roof because it was let- 91. HÕw many indivíduals participated in
And now fõr the economy. The latest round of tlng in water, it should not still leak atter the the tirst modern Games?
tlight cuts by major airlines could lead to higher work has been completed. Lastly, reliable and
tares. Airlines otticials say excess capacity has appropriate materials or goods should be used Questions 92 through 94 refer to the
pushed inflation-adjusted average tares to levels for the Service. The same law covers goods following announcement.
unseen since the late 1980s, resulting in billions and materials as if you were buying them Our plane leaves at seven thirty tomorrovv morn-
of dollars in annual losses for the industry. With directly. ing, so we will leave the house at six o'clock Sharp
fewer seats to sell, airlines will try to reduce 80. Why are haircuts and car repairs in order to get there an hour betore departure
the number of seats that they sell at rock-bot- mentioned? tìme. I know it's early, so be sure to set your
tom prices through Internet discounters as 81. When can reasonable timing of the alarm so you don't oversleep. It is a 9-hour plane
they concentrate on bringing back higher-pay- Service be expected? ride from New York to Greece. You have to
ing business travelers. 82. Why is a leaky roof mentioned? remain seated during the trip, but there are many
71. What might tlight cuts result in? ways to entertain yourselt. You could vvatch a
72. In what year might airlines have Questions 83 through 85 refer to the movie, read a book, walk around or take a nap.
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

experienced the same problem? following talk. Once the plane lands in Greece, we will get our
73. What will airlines now make an ettort Every time you breathe in, your lungs take in passports stamped. Atter that, we will get our lug-
to do? oxygen - the food for your braln and body gage from the baggage claim and then catch a
cells. This is absorbed into your blood. Your taxi and have it take us to Hotel Poseidon in
Questlons 74 through 76 reter to the
heart pumps the blood around your body, Athens.
following announcement.
where the cells take up the oxygen and get rid 92. What time do they need to arrìve at
Your attention please. There is a Red Ford
of the carbon dioxide and other vvaste Prod­ the airport?
Taurus parked blocking the buildlng's entryway.
ucts. The blood goes back vía the heart to the 93. Which is NOT a mentioned way they
Will the owner of this vehicle please move it
lungs. In the lungs, blood gives up carbon diox- can entertain themselves on the plane?
immediately? This area is meant <or shuttle
ide (which you breathe out) and takes up more 94. What is the tirst thing they will do
buses and taxis ONLY. You may move your car
oxygen for the process to start again. once they exit the plane?
to either parking lot on the east or west side of

Questions 95 through 97 reíer to the ị 3. A. There is one woman in the tront row. ị 16! W: What time will she leave tomorrow?
following lecture. Ị B. There are no empty seats. M: A. At Gate 617.
All animals, but humans especially, adapt to c. They are at the móvie theater. B. By airplane.
their environments aided by learníng. Through D. A man is speaking. c. Betore lunchtime.
classical conditioning, we learn to anticipate : 4. A. The patient is vvearing a mask. ; 17. M: When wlll the renovations be completed?
events such as beíng fed or experiencing pain. ị B. The doctor is explaining something. W: A. It'll be a lot more modern.
Through operant conditioning, we learn to I c. The nurse is seated. B. By spríngtime.
repeat acts that bring desired results and D. The doctor is writing at his desk. c. It's going to cost the company
avoid acts that bring punishment. Through 1 5. A.They are boarding an airplane. a tortune.
observational learning, we learn from the expe- B. The airplane is taking off. Ị 18. W: Where did you buy the beautitul new
rience and example of others. Observational I c. The airplane is grounded. couch?
learning, where behaviors are observed and D. They are inside an airplane. M: A. From a catalogue.
imitated, is a process tound among higher ani- : 6. A. The two males are being intervievved. B. For the new house.
mal groups such as humans. Modeling is the I B. The boy is wearing a t-shirt. c. When I met her.
process óf observing and imitating a specitic c. The mán has one ĩree hand. 1 19. M: Could you tell me where the nearest
behavior or action. D. The girl is holding a cool drink. bakery is?
95. How do we learn how to prepare for ; 7. A. The man is waving. W: A. ỊỴn atraid it's closed this week.
events such as pain? ; B. The man is \vearing sunglasses. B. There's one on the corner of Elm
96. What do we learn to avoid through ! c. The woman is wearing a cap. and Main.
Operant Conditioning? ; D. The woman is receiving a diploma. c. Mostly pastries and cakes.
97. How are humans classitied? ; 8. A. They are sharing a meal. ; 20. W: Is your mánager s name Ron or Ross?
B. The vvorker Is behind the counter. I M: A. No, he's just the assistant manager.
Ọuestions 98 through 100 reter to the c. The customer is eating vegetables. B. I hope I get his position.
following talk. I D. They are preparing food. c. Nelther. His name is Rod.
Want a good teachable moment about our : 9. A. The tloor is wooden. ị 21. M: Have you sampled the cookies Joan
íootprint on the earth? Try packing with your B. The woman is getting a massage. made for the ottice yet?
tamily for a trip to Mexico. Once we're in the ; c. The man is weăring orange. I W: A. No, but I heard they are to die fort
country, we'll be taking a small airline to a tiny ị D. The curtains are closed. B. I don't want many, thank you.
and remote place near the Gulf Coast. But : 1 0 A The man is wearing a unitorm. c. ru have it in by Monday.
we’re only ailowed 22 pounds of luggage per B. The girls are ín school. Ị 22. W: You're avvare of the fact that there's
person. This tamily of tour will be testỉng the I c. The man is in the doorway. a large fee for late rent payment,
claim on the camping towel bag - that you can D. The girls are wearing nametags. aren't you?
wring it out and immediately re-use it. And of M: A. Yes, don't vvorry. I always mail
the hoped-for entertainment trom home, such my check early.
as laptops, handheld games, etc., only the deck Part 2 B. NÓ, because of rent control I pay
of cards is likely to make the weight cut. What Directions: In this part of the test, you will a reasonable amount.
we just may learn is how little we actually hear a question or statement spoken in c. I never pay in cash.
need, perhaps how much more we'll gain from English, followed by three responses, also spo- : 23. M: Can I get you anything to drink vvhile
the experience by traveling lightly. ken in English. The question or statement and I am ùp?
98. What is the family's problem? the responses will be spoken just one time. W: A. No, I don't teel llke going out.
99. What torm of entertainment will the They will not be printed in your test book, so B. An iced tea would be nice, if you
tamily bring with them? you must listen caretully. Vou are to choose don't mind.
100. What does the speaker anticipate? the best response to each question or state- c. I don't think you understood
ment. Now listen to a sample question. You my question.
That is the end of the test. will hear: I 24. W: Are only people with graduate
Man: Why are you late? degrees being considered?
VVoman: A. I hope I won't be. M: A. They get preterence.
B. My car broke down. B. The commencement is scheduled
TEST 3 c. He always is. for May 15 !
The best response is choice B, "My car broke c. Either one is acceptable.
Part 1 down". Thereiore, you should choose B. : 25. M: Have you seen the latest poverty rates?
Directions: For each question, you will see a W: A. They're worth about one million
picture and you will hear tour short state- 11. M: Have all the participants tinished dollárs.
ments. The statements will be spoken just one tilling out the program evaluation? B. They're the highest theyVe been
time. They will not be printed in your test W: A. Fifteen questions in total. in decades.
book so you must listen caretully to under- B. Just about. c. Yes, I do.
stand what the speaker says. c. No more than twenty minutes each. I 26. W: How do I make a long-distance
When you hear the tour státements, look at 12. W: You've just arrlved from Honolulu, phone call?
the picture and choose the statement that haven't you? M: À. Our associates in spain are
best describes what you see in the picture. M: A. Yes. I leave tomorrow. expecting a call.
Choose the best answer A, B, c or D. B. For about two weeks. B. Dial 9 to call outside the ottice,
Now listen to the tour statements. c. Yes, and I wish I could go back! and then the country code and
EXAMPLE: 13. M: How can I get reimbursed for the number.
A. He is on the phone. supplies I bought for the presentation? c. It's about seven miles off the
B. She is driving the car. W: A. Submit your receipts to Kelsey freeway exit.
c. She is typíng on the Computer. Johnsoá ; 27. M: What train is she taklng?
D. He is sitting next to her. B. I think it went extremely well. W: A. I believe it's the 7:45.
Statement D best describes what you see in c. Take a left and it's the tirst door B. As soon as she arrives.
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

the picture. Theretore, you should choose on the right. c. The station is crowded today.
answer D 14. W: Can you recall what time the brunch ; 28. W: How long until the DSL connection
is scheduled to begin? is installed?
1. A. The men are acting. M: A. It's a long and complicated schedule. M: A. Sometime last year.
B. One man is taking a photograph. B. I believe it starts át 11. B. This is the conductor.
c. The man with the camera is pointing. c. They are serving eggs and pancakes. c. Betore the month is up.
D. The man with the headset is laughing. 15. M: Let's try that new restaurant Paul Ị 29. M: Dld you manage to get an
2. A. They are both wearing glasses. told us about. appointment for thls vveek?
B. A man is receiving an award. W: A. Ok. It sounds tantastic. W: A. I tried, but she's completely booked.
c. A man is speaking ínto the microphone. B. I'm a really good cook. B. No, I don't plan to.
D. They are in a board meeting. c. What is it about? c. My manager wanted to see you.

9 0 w J m f. <kì I have any nrm m e c *****’ M The nearevi orporl B two hours tram 0 « I* My comontar pst crashed fm iKÉMg t«r a
M * No ttiat s not nhat t mean certer. ao fly«ìg «4t«nat^y tahes tonger PWs taptoõ M I m 0* a budgrt
B Ju*t Mr Tagtand contrming your f<J need a róntãi car tt M | M t e M td b g | U * cragrams OP
?J0 conterence ca* w JOst be * r e you record yoia máeage 10 you the Computer’
c I wtn send thai to Mr I a*ey ton be rertMraed And M tch OKI tor bed * Oh not I frist UM nord processmg
immediatety ■HdM H Tt«n ter s t * e a o » at ff«M mÒMs M
31 M Are thry pr«*rtng *ưi tor ff* ww*md’ 41 A*»y doeam the man tty lo the corderenoe’ her*.
w A. I hope to I nãnt to (0 to thí 42. How W0t4d the man heve gotlen tron 5 6 Mthy dors the norTiin nant a nen
beach the oroort to the coNerence certor? Computer ’
B No, he hes ■ daughtet 43. IVhy ahoưkt the man koeo Uac* 0> 57. Mthel M at Computer does 9 *
c Maybe I havert’1 compietely hrs m*eage7 noman nant’
deoded yrt 56 Mthy does the man ask the noman
12. w IVoutd you l* f to corpoot to tho Ọ u o tio n t 44 through 46 re ter te th u a QMPst
othce’ convoraotlon
M A tt'» too cotd to go smmmmg w Our servor Guv soxt you inihed to tpeaA Ọ u e ttio n t 59 throogh 61 re te r te thết
B Thorc't no trattic thềt earty m the «nth me. rm the manager co m re riatio n
morrong M Yes Mfe naited 45 mnutes tor 010 tood to M rm Tyter I nanted to netcome you to iast
c Certaniy, it makas sense vtnce amve and al of «0 orders were ncorrect PuMsttng Hon tt yoư f»st day górtg’
ne bve noar each other A I am so sorry and I wđ ta * to Gus about w IT i a tat ovemhetrrang. but iră ncà the
33 M Do you preter readng the nentpaper ttss Your me«r «r* be on the house And I w * norst hrst day Tve ever had IV s. everyane
or léarning about arrent eventĩ by thron (1 some tree cheesetaAes has been very tnemty
natchmg the nens on TV? M Thai* you M rd be hapoy to treát you to katch < youYe
w A Readrtg a one ot my tavorrte habbes 44 AThere are they’ nterested The caletaria IS tưpnsmgty caate
B Nobody reodt anymore betause 45. Why (M the man arant to speab to good I bve the* lasagnể
they are additted to tetemuon the manager’ w Sou th great
c By nenspaper, thet nay I con 46. What mề the woman do otter taAung 59 Why dòés the man stop by the nomarYs
setect nhai I nant to knon to the man’ detÁ’
34 vv \N»s Miarre rea*y hot «1 August’ 6 0 . What IS the noman s opeaon 0» har
M A Very much so. at teast I had ar Ọ uettiom 47 through 49 re ter to th lt hrst day ot nort’
r onditiomníi m my hoteL convertatíon 61. What 1$ the marYs opeaon of the
B ra be back betoré the stmmer IS M Why shotAd me Nre you’ cateteria tood’
over W: I have tive years ot experience dong the
c. Ttw ptace It h i of reteed citưens same |0b n Seattte I am a comnetted emptoy Ọ u e ttlo n t 62 through 64 re te r to thle
nho have moved there to reian ee and sett-motrvated c o n v e rta tio n
35 M Do you recommend that I nait tor the M Non tNs |0b woukt reqiare you to work M We are out. but I can order It and have 4 n
nen módH to come out’ SI*ty hours ã weeA Hom do yóu teet about (rveđays
w A No, stay tnside nhere it lỉ narm. thai? w The brthday party IS m tno days
B I thu* thai noiid be the best idea w Thết schedtAe 5 not tor everyone. but I tove M We have ottíer norhs by Drtans l*e Oếm
c Just a ten more mmutes. detbcating mysett who*y to somethmg I tove Tmst or other dassc auttórs l*e Jane Aụsten
36. w When w * they hre John‘s raptocement’ 47. Who IS the man n relationshg) to the Ýt fm atrad she rosts on A Tềe at Tmo Ohes
M A Actualty, it shoutd be shghtty loner. aroman? M Then rd vnit 0ư Woodbury store tt‘s no
B As soon as he otticially resigns 48. Why áđ the man ask the yeornan why short tnp. but the only option
c He has btg shoes to tá she should get the tob’ 62. Where are they?
37. M Why didn‘t yõu register lor the pubbc 49. How does the toomán leet aboot 6 3 . IVhat m * the noman probabty do’
spéakmg class’ worKng long hours? 6 4 . Why does 0 « man si«gest anóther store’
w A Room 418 nas almost empty
B I missed the registration deadltne Q ueationi 50 through 52 re ter to thia Ọ u e itlo n i 6 5 throu gh 6 7 re te r to th lt
c. I nant to Khprove on presentation conversatlon. c o n v e rta tio n .
givmg W: George’ This IS Mcxra I ioon't be comng «t M When ne rebre ne can sleep n taAe trps.
38 w We ought to tnstall an atarth System today. I've got a tever and tnatty have tme to Nash the house repars
to ensũre maiumum secunty. M Are therẽ any meetings that I shoUd cancei w Retrement’ Thrtu^ about It so soon ã
M A l‘m sure. I (ưst <idn‘t ttn * you were lor you? gong to maAe the tmẽ drag on Besidev ycul
B I set It tor 6:30 m the mormng. W: Just one lt's enth CoHeen about the nen mrss norXmg
c I don't thir* that IS absotutety cumctdum changes TeH her 19 meet as soon w rve been norkng saice I nas suteert I
necessary as rm better deserve some relaũtion tme
39. M Are Stores ópen on Sundays n Europe’ w And m te* everyone not to bother you on W Come ort YoƯYe *nays napprtg on the couđt
w A Most are not. your ceS 6 5 What IS NOT a reáson nhy the man
B It depends on nhat day 50. Where IS the noman’ nants to retee?
c. I don't nant to go shoppvtg 51. What IS going to happen mth the 6 6 . What IS the nomans opnon on retrng’
4 0 . w IVhose idea nas It tó get patd monthty? curricukõn change meetmg’ 6 7 . Accordng to the nomart
M Mr ỉeHners, I thmk 52. What does the mãi prornse to the noman’
B Yes ptease. that nould be great Ọuestions 6 8 through 70 re te r to th i*
c. We are switcNng over to Ărect Ọ oettlona 53 through 55 re ter to th ít c o n v e rta tio n
depoat convertation. w I have a 130 appomtment mth Dr Nao I
M Is T«tn etyoying the Dmversity’ knon It IS earty. but I nas n the netghborhood
Part 3 w He loves It’ He's matonng «1 Econorrtcs ĩ\m n g errands. Can he see me non’
Dlroctions: You MnU hear some conversations M Wow. that ts a lucrative tietd Tony 1$ a M He Ts booked tor the hoư ir t t yoư appoett
ment You can nart (1 the nartng room nhere

betMreen two peopte You «tnM be asked to uterattee Mator He loves it. but I mórry that
ansnrer three questtons about what the soeak he won't make a good h rtg I ttw * abóut <*s there are magames and a tetevõaon
ers say m each conversation Setect the best cussing that mth hon. bưt my wite ttw*s ne w That‘s OK 11 (Uỉt go read at the nearby
tesponse to each question and marh the tet should let tam decide hrs oăm pattv cottee shop.
ter A. B. c, or D on your ansmrer sheet The w I agree mth he* 100V 68 What im e (M the noman arrrve at
conversations will nót be prmted tn your test 53. IVho are the man and noman’ the doctor‘s 0Mce?
boob and wil! be spoKen only one time 54. What IS the man nomed about’ 6 9 Why chd the noman arrrve at the ottice
55. What does the noman tha*? at the tene she (kT
Ọ ueatlom 41 through 43 re te r to th i* 70. What ts the noman gcMDg to do nhte
convertatton Ọ uettlo n t 56 through 58 retor to th lt natng tor her apportmẽnt
M l'm drtvtng to the conterence ne«t we«A convortatlon.
w Why donĩ you fty? M Hon can I hetp you’

Part 4 heart of a large sclentitlc and engineering your tícket. We have a full tlight today, so
Directions: You will hear some talks given by community. please be sure to only board when your zone is
a single speaker. You will be asked to ansvver 77. What does the speaker guarantee to called. Lastly, would passengers Engel and
three questions about what the speaker says the listeners? Drews please approach the ticket counter?
in each talk. Select the best response to each 78. What has their work already accomplished? Thank you.
question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) 79. What will happen to Houston? 89. Who will board the plane tirst?
on your answer sheet. The talks will not be 90. What is NOT true of the plane?
printed in your test book and will be spoken Questions 80 through 82 refer to the 91. Why must passengers only board
only one time. following talk. whén called to do so?
This is such an excitmg meal that can be made in
Ọuestions 71 through 73 reter to the no time. And the best part about it is that it is Questions 92 through 94 reter to the
following speech. just as delicious as it is healthy. Ok, tirst of all, following talk.
I was askẽd to speak to you tuture entrepre- in a big bowl, combine cherry tomatoes, green Excuse me, sir. I've noticed that you are just
neurs about choosing a location for your busi- olives, black olives, and spring onions. Then, in a leaving the State Fair. I'm Shelly 0'Brien with
ness. I guess I would start out by suggesting dry skillet, toast pine nuts over medium heat Channel 8 and was hoping you would have a
that you find out if local zoning laws permit until golden brown, turning trequently. Then, stir it few minutes to tell our vievvers at home about
your kind of business at the site that you into tomato mixture. Next, in a small bowl, mlx your time at the fair. We, along wíth the entire
desire. It's also important to determine if together olive oil, red wine, vinegar, sugar, and trl-state, are very interested in learning what
there's adequate, attordable transportation. oregano. Season to taste with salt and pepper. people's highlights were. For example, what
Can your employees get to work? Remember And lastly, pour the sauce over the vegétables, rides and musical entertainment did you enịoy
to consider the surrounding community. If and gently stir it so it coats. most? And we are of course most Interested
you're a hỉgh-end retailer, for example, are 80. What is NOT true of the meal being in knowing what the tastiest thing you ate
there sutticient high-income households nearby prepared? was! So could you please share some of your
to support your business? And lastly, look at 81. Whàt needs to be put over heat? thoughts with us betore you head for your car?
the other businesses in the area. Decide 82. What is belng prepared? 9 2 . Where is this encounter taking place?
vvhether or not having direct competitors will 9 3 . What does Shelly work for?
be helptul. Ọuestions 83 through 85 reter to the 94. What highlight is Shelly especlally
71. What do all the people listening to the following speech. interested in?
speech have in common? These points are simple, but extremely impor-
72. Why is it important to ensure there's tant. Remember to speak with conviction as if Questions 95 through 97 reter to the
good transportation? you really believe in what you are saying. foilowing speech.
73. Why are high-income houses in the Persuade your audience ettectively. The mate- Good morning everyone and I hope you all
neighborhood important? rial you present orally should have the same enjoyed your breakíast-l know I did. As alvvays,
ingredients as those vvhích are required for a I just have a few general announcements
written research paper: for example, have an betore the sessions begin at nine. As you all
Ọuestions 74 through 76 refer to the introduction, body and conclusion. Do not read know, today is our last day, whlch of course
following torecast. from notes for any extended length of time means we need to end with a little bit of tun. Ị
Good evening, Twin Cities. This is Paul Douglas although it is quite acceptable to glance at The meetings will end an hour earlier than
with the national weather update. The torecast your notes intrequently. Speak loudly and usual. So we will be done at 5:30, today. Then Ị
is shaping up, and the southerners can expect a clearly. Sound contident. Do not mumble. If you dinner will be served at the dinlng hall in the
mild and calm week ahead. That is great news make an error, correct it, and continue. No Radclitte Building, not here in Stowe Hall where
to many in Oklahoma vvhere thousands are still need to make excuses or apologize protusely. we usually eat. Our tinal party will be in the
without povver because of a crippling ice storm 83. What is the point of the speech? Olmstead Room right next to the díning hall
that passed through over a week ago. It 84. What should speakers do with their notes? and will commence immediately following the
seems that if you want to tind snow this win- 85. What should speakers do if they make meal. Finally, the shuttle buses will be in the
ter you actually have to head South instead of a mistake? parking lot awaiting us at eight Sharp tomor-
north. The storm brushed the Twin Cities, most row morning to take us to the airport.
of the Metro ended up with about a half an inch Questions 86 through 88 reter to the 95. Where is this announcement taking place?
to an inch of new snow. We can expect plenty following advertisement. 96. When do the meetings normally conclude?
of sunshine this atternoon. Your drive home Are you someone who wants to get a quality 97. When will the party begin?
from work could be slowed by a little light education vvithout having to commit your entire
snow. This fast moving Clipper will be out of life to obtaining it? Perhaps you need to work. Ọuestions 98 through 100 reter to the
here by VVednesday morning and the rest of Perhaps you have a tamily. Perhaps you learn following talk.
the workweek is looking dry. better in a treer environment. Perhaps you need Good evening and welcome to tonlght's per-
74. What happened in Oklahoma? to study at your own pace. If these things are tormance of Romeo and Juliet. We do ask that ■
75. Where should you go if you want to true, then American Community College is for you not take any tlash photography during the
see snow? you. We specitically only otter weekday evening pertormance and that no recording devices of
76. What will the local weather be like in classes, weekend classes, or even classes Via the any kind are used. And please turn off all cellu-
a few days? internet from the comtort of your home. Call or lar telephones, beepers, or any other devices
email to enroll and start your journey to a suc- that may ínterrupt the pertormance. At the
Questions 77 through 79 reter to the cesstul lite! end of Act 1, there will be a twenty-minute
following speech. 86. What does the class schedule enable intermission where you are tree to leave your
I appreciate your presldent having made me an you to do? seats. There will be retreshments served in the
honorary vislting protessor, and I assure you 87. What type of class could you NOT lobby and the bathrooms are located to the
that my tirst lecture wíll be very briet. I am take at the school? right of the entrance and down the hall. Unless
delighted to be here and l'm particularly 88. What part of the school does the there is an emergency, please wait until inter- ị
delighted to be here on this occasion. The advertisement tocus on? mission betore leaving the auditorium. Atter
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

space ettort has already created a great num- the pertormance, the actors will be in the
ber of new companies, and tens of thousands Questions 89 through 91 refer to the lobby for autographs and pictures. Thank you,
of new jobs. Space and related Industries are following announcement. and agaĩn, enjoy the pertormance.
generating new demands in investment and Thank you for your patience. The mechanical 98. What is NOT something the audience
skilled personnel, and thls City and this State, problem has now been taken care of. We will should retrain trom?
and this region, will share greatly in this now start pre-boarding for tlight 717 to Tampa, 99. What does the speaker give dírections for?
grovvth. What was once the turtiíest outpost Florida. If you need extra assistance boardlng 100. What will the actors be doing atter
on the old trontier of the West wlll be the fur- the plane or have a child or intant, you may now the pertormance?
thest outpost on the new trontler of Science begin the boarding process. Momentarily we will
and space. Houston, your City of Houston, wlth begin boardĩng those passengers seated in the
its Manned Spacecratt Center, will become the tirst class section, and then we will board alpha-
betically by zones. Please locate your zone on

the responses will be spoken just one time. 24. W: Aren't you due for some time off?
TEST 4 They will not be printed in your test book, so
you must listen caretully. You are to choose
M: A. I start my vacation tomorrow.
B. I turned in all of my library books.
In this section of the test, you will have the the best response to each question or state- c. The deadline was last night.
chance to show how well you understand spo- ment. Now listen to a sample question. You 25. M: Do I get the mailroom access card
ken English. There are four parts to this sec- will hear: trom you?
tion, with special directions for each part. Man: Why are you late? W: A. I'm sorry, we don't accept credlt
VVoman: A. I hope I won t be. cards.
Part 1 B. My car broke down. B. No, you need to talk to Barbara
Directions: For each question, you will see a c. He always is. next door.
picture and you will hear four short state- The best response is choice B, "My car broke c. It's not dltticult to get to.
ments. The statements will be spoken just one down". Theretore, you should choose B. 26. W: Do you take the bus otten?
time. They will not be printed in your test M: A. I usually take my time.
book so you must listen caretully to under- 11. M: Is it true that you are trom Belgium? B. Yes, it's cheaper than taxis.
stand what the speaker says. When you hear W: A. But I don't believe you. c. I've taken all my valuables with me.
the tour statements, look at the picture and B. No, but I lived there for ten years. 27. M: What time is the piece being unveiled?
choose the statement that best describes c. A lot of Americans live there. W: A. All the major nevvspapers will be
what you see in the picture. Choose the best 12. W: When do you leave for your summer covering the event.
answér A, B, c or D. vacation? B. The day betore yesterday.
Now listen to the four statements. M: A. My brother is letting us stay in his c. In titteen minutes, we have to hurry!
EXAMPLE: cóttage for a week. 28. W: Please fill out this torm using black ink.
A. He is on the phone. B. Not betore July. M: A. Actually, I think it is a casual attair.
B. She is driving the car. c. We are looking forward to it. B. Yes, I do.
C. She is typing on the Computer. 13. M: Which do you recommend that I buy? c. May I borrow one of your pens?
D. He is sitting next to her. W: A. Maybe we'll have better luck at 29. M: How much longer until you hear trom
anóther store. them?
statement D best describes what you see in B. It's right next to the hardware W: A. Any day now.
the picture. Theretore, you should choose store on 27th Avenue. B. stánd close to the speaker.
answer D. c. I think the striped shirt is more c. I can't hear them either.
becoming of you. 30. W: When is Ms. Bradshavv retiring trom
1. A.The blonde woman is writing a lab 14. W: May I please spéak to your manager? the torce?
report. M: A. No, I have to leave right now. M: A. Oh no, she chose to leave.
B. The blonde woman is wearing a watch. B. Untortunately, that is out of stock. B. By the end of the month.
C. The blonde woman is teaching biology. c. I'm atraid she doesn't work c. She begins her training tomorrovv.
D. The blonde woman is wearing Saturdays. 31. M: Should we grab a bite betore the
protective goggles. 15. M: How far is the hotel trom here? lecture or ătter?
2. A.The vreather is warm. W: A. It's a torty-minute bus ride. W: A. Yes, that sounds like a good idea.
B. They are tighting in a war. B. It's 70 dollars a night. B. It was very interesting.
C. They are promoting peace. c. It comes with a king-size bed. c. I'm not hungry now; let's wait.
D. They are in the middle of the Street. 16. W: Will your new move shorten your 32. W: Will you bring the photographs of
3. A.There are two water bottles commute to work? your camping trip?
B. The man is vvriting in green marker. M: A. By about titteen minutes. M: Á. We go every summer.
C. They are at separate tables. B. It's the íirst house on the right. B. Of course, I would love to share
D. The woman is asking a question. c. It's the newest model. them.
4. A. A woman is wearing a backpack. 17. M: Is your new assistant's name Sheryl c. It was the most tun I had had
B. There are boxes on the tablè. or Carol? in a long time.
C. They each have a laptop. W: A She's been here for three weeks now. 33. M: Has the panel voted yet?
D. There are flowers in a vase. B. It's the tormer. W: A. No, not until sometime tomorrow
5. A.They are running in a group. c. She's starting at the end of the atternoon.
B. They are hiking in the woods. month. B. Yes, by a landslide.
C. They are wearing helmets. 18. W: Did you enjoy the slídeshovv? c. There will be a minority victory.
D. They are in the Street. M: A. I thought they gave an excellent 34. W: What would you guess the turnoút
6. A.They have glasses full of juice. pertormance. was for the assembly?
B. They are acting protessionally. B. No, I ịoined last week. M: A. Maybe around thrée hundred.
C. Theý each have á plate of tood. c. Yes, it was qulte intormative. B. I hope they do; it's very important.
D. They have bibs around their necks. 19. M: Call mé as soori as you land. c. To address problems in Public
7. A.A man and a woman are arguing. W: A. I'd rather be by the ocean. education.
B. Both men are wearing ties. B. I promise I won't torget. 35. M: Do you mind svvitching seats so
C. A woman is smiling. c. HI anxiously await your call. I can be by the aisle?
D. A man has curly hair. 20. W: Can I pick up my check on Thursday W: A. Of course, I am scared of heights.
8. A.The woman is vvearing a dress. instead of Friday? B. I will be right over.
B. There is an iron on the woman's table. M: A. I'm sorry, but it won't be ready c. Not at all, I actually preter the
C. The woman is measuring tabric. until Friday morning. window.
D. There is a pile of clothes on the tloor. B. I've already checked there. 36. W: Why didn't you do early enrollment?
9. A.The man hás one hand on the wheel. c. No, but Thursday will be tine. M: A. I wasn't ready to commit at that
B. The man has sunglasses on the top 21. M: How many people can the seminar point.
of his head. room fit? B. They told me last week.
C. The windows are shut. W: A. It's a little snug at the waist. c. It was quite enjoyable.
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

D. There are two people In the car. B. TheyYe Corning at 8 AM Sharp, 37. M: How can I subscribe to your Services?
10. A.He is wearing a backpack. c. Up to two hundred. W: A. That is not allowed.
B. He is standing upright. 22. W: Where is the nearest bathroom? B. Just till out our Online application.
C. He is posing for a picture. M: A. Hurry, we are vvaiting for you. c. It's titteen dollars a month.
D. He is in a photography studio. B. I thought it was open. 38. W: Who wrote this report?
c. Down the hall, to your left. M: A. Thank you, Joséph. I'm glad you
Part 2 23. M: How did the Annual Network liked it.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will Statistics look? B. It is very impressive, Joseph.
hear a question or statement spoken in W: A. They start tomorrow. c. It must have been Joseph.
English, followed by three responses, also spo- B. Down, l'm atraid. 39. M: Why don't we join a country Club?
ken in English. The question or statement and c. They look very protessional. W: A. Until next Friday.

B. How about Russia? Questions 53 through 55 refer to this and fill out the paperwork.
c. Because they are too expensive. conversation. W: What papervvork?
4 0 .W: Would you like some grapes? W: l'm so impressed with you for starting this M: You're meant to record all your expenses
M: A. Yes, that sounds tăsty. new business. I was living off my parents at so they can keep it on tiles for taxes. You can
B. Yes, I couldrTt eat another bite. your age! pick them up at the tront desk.
c. No, I don t. M: My tather did lend me a lot of money. W: l'm so glad I ran into you!
W: But you are making all of the decisions. 68. Who is the man in relationship to
M: Right....but I don't dare congratulate myselt the woman?
Part 3 until it's up and running with a good customer 69. What does the woman NOT have to do?
Directions: You will hear some conversations base. 70. What is the nature of the man and
between two people. You will be asked to 53. How old is the woman? woman's meeting?
answer three questions about what the speak- 54. What is the man's dad helping with?
ers say in each conversation. Select the best 55. Why isn't the man proud of himselt?
response to each question and mark the letter Part 4
A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet. The con- Ọuestions 56 through 58 refer to this Directions: You will hear some talks given by
versations will not be printed in your test conversation. a single speaker. You will be asked to answer
book and will be spoken only one time. M: You know that you are a valued employee, three questions about what the speaker says
but lately, your etticiency has slowed down. in each talk. Select the best response to each
Ọuestions 41 through 43 refer to this W: l'm sorry, but 1've just had a baby. question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or
conversation. M: I understand that, but as your boss I need (D) on your ansvver sheet. The talks wíll not
M: Are the proposals done? The boss is really to hold you accountable for your work. be printed in your test book and will be spo-
stressed. W: With all due respect, Pve just won a big case. ken only one time.
W: l'll need another hour or two. Where I am slacking is at home with my son.
M: He is not going to be happy to hear that. 56. What kind ot worker is the woman normally? Questions 71 through 73 refer to the
His own boss is very demanding. 57. Why has the woman's work behavior following talk.
W: I am doing all I can and if he is not satistied he changed? I will now start distributing the evaluation
can come and talk to me. Now let me get back to 58. To what does the woman want to torms. Please take the time to write a thor-
work! dedicate more energy? ough evaluation on this lecture. Your teedback
41. Who is the most worried about meeting Questions 59 through 61 refer to this is extremely important to us. I am constantly
a deadline? conversation. searching for ways to become more ettectíve
42. When is the earliest that the proposals M: It looks so ditterent! in what I do. So please ansvver honestly. It is
will be done? W: Well, we wanted to be completely comtort- completely anonymous; hovvever, should you
43. What is the woman going to do as soon able inside our house when we retire. wish to write your name, you may do so. I am
as the man leaves? M: How did you attord it? to leave the room, while you are tilllng them
W: The kids are on their own now, and we are out, so l've already asked June to colìect all
Ọuestions 44 through 46 refer to this no longer paying for tuition. Also, Mark inherit- evaluations and return them to the administra-
conversation. ed money trom his tather. tion ottice. Take all the time you need. Thank
W: l'm looking for the Hicks Conterence Center. M: You'vé always worked so hard, you deserve you.
M: You are in the Mandelle Building when you a comtortable retirement. 71. What is the speaker passing out?
actually want to be in Dewing. 59. What did the woman just do? 72. Why are the results important to the
W: Is that building far away? The meeting 60. What is NOT a reason explaining why spéaker?
begins in titteen minutes. the vvoman has more money? 73. What is true of the situation?
M: You should be fine. Leave trom the back 61. What does the man think?
exit, cross the Street, and turn right at the Ọuestions 74 through 76 refer to the
tountain. You can't miss it. Ọuestions 62 through 64 refer to this following news report.
44. Where is this conversation taking place? conversation. In the business world, Quest Communications
45. How long will it take the woman to get W: Work was exhausting today. I was in sur- said Tuesday that the u.s. Attorney's ottice is
to her meeting? gery for over five hours. investigating accounting issues that are also
46. Where is the Devving Building? M: l'm just relieved we are done and out of the under scrutiny by the Securities and Exchange
hospital! Sometimes, I teel like I live there. Commission. Quest previously acknovvledged
Ọuestions 47 through 49 reter to this W: I feel like we live at this bar. We spend the -lustice Department investigation, but said
conversation. more time here than our homes. it didn't know the subject of the probe. The
M: What's wrong? No sleep? Bad day at work? M: Because there is housevrork vvaiting for us at u.s. Attorney's Office requested that Quest
W: Mostly the lătter. Two teenagers attempt- home. make presentations similar to those that It
ed to shoplitt. W: Good point. Let's get another drink. made to the SEC.
M: What happened? 62. Where is this conversation taking place? 74. What is true of this news report?
W: The security guard caught them. But we 63. Who are the man and woman? 75. Who is to give a presentation?
had to call the police, and I hated having police 64. Why are they staying at the bar? 76. What kind of problem is being reported?
cars outside my store. It doesn't exactly
encourage people to come in and buy books. Questions 65 through 67 refer to this Ọuestions 77 through 79 refer to the
Then their parents came to pick them up. conversation. following announcement.
47. What is bothering the woman the most? M: The elevator is going to be repaired tomor- May I have your attention, please? Flight 418
48. Who caught the teenagers? row. departing at 8:12 PM to Lima is overbooked.
49. What didn't the woman like when the W: lt's about time! I can't imagine having to If ỳou hăve an assigned Seat on this tlight and
police came? walk up seven tlights of stairs another day. would be willing to give it up, please approach
M: I know. My apartment is on the tenth tloor! the ticket counter immediately. You will be
Questions 50 through 52 refer to this W: At least weVe gotten some exercise. scheduled to leave on tomorrow's tlight
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

M: I suppose. Ok. We better get to the stair- departing at 9:27 AM. As compensation for
W: l'm in trouble if I don't find this file. My well. your generosity we will pay for your overnight
boss will kill me. 65. Where is this conversation taking place? accommodation and give you a tree round trip
M: Instead of looking for it directly, why don't 66. Where is the man's tinal destination? to anywhere in the u.s.
you try organizing your desk a bít? It's a dis- 67. What does the woman see as positive? 77. Why are people being asked to give up
áster. their seats?
W: But I like it this way!... Ah. Here it is! I Questions 68 through 70 refer to this 78. What will someone who gives up
searched every drawer and pile, but I didn't conversation. a Seat get?
think to look ón the tloor! W: Will the company give me money in 79. What time will someone who does not
50. What does the man suggest? advance for meals and transportation? give up their Seat leave?
51. Why doesn't the woman clean her desk? M: Untortunately, no. But they reimburse you
52. Where does the woman find the file? almost immediately. Just keep your receipts Ọuestions 80 through 82 reíer to the
following announcement. ị IS by far the most usetul thng «1 |0b searchng ts ments The statementỉ w* be spoken |ust one
As the sóié caregiver of my wrfe, a victim ot good networkng and knowng peopte »1 the time They not be pnnted «1 yoư tést
Huntington's chorea diseasé, I arri appalled by desred tietd Who you know doesnt necessarty book so ýou must ksten caretiầy to inứer-
the President's resistance to tull-tledged stem- oơtweigh WHAT you know; hovrever. rt stae does stand whát the speaker says When you hear
cell and therapeutic-cloning research. òoctors 1 play an important rote. the four statements. look át the ptctixe and
say such clomng IS the best chance for a cure 89. Why are (Ob tairs a good option? choose the statement that best desc/Ếes
of thts horrible chsease. That anyone would hm- 90. What IS the best way to obtam a )0b’ what you see m the pictire Choose the best
der or limit the research brings me to anger 91. What IS the speaker gtvng to the ksteners’ answér A. B. c or 0.
and tears For the sake of my wrfe's lite and, Now ksten to the fcx/ statements
because the disease is genetíc, the Nves of Ọuestlons 92 through 94 re ter to the EXAMPLE:
our cNldren and grandchildren, we must sup- follow ing news repõ rt. A^ He IS on the phone
port stem-cell and therapeutic research. Thank ị The entire West Stde of Lexington has been B She ĩs drivmg the car.
you for your tíme. : deemed a disaster area and wiH rematn so for c. She IS typmg on the Computer.
80. Who has Huntington's chorea disease? Ị at least another week. Over 10,000 tamilies D. He IS sitting next to her.
81. What IS the speaker's attitude toward ; have been without power since Sunday everxng
the president's actions? : when the storm hit. All vehicles, with the excep- Statement D best describes what you see m
82. What IS true of stem-cell research? 1 tion of those used for emergencies are asked the picture. Theretore. you shouk) choose
ị to stay otl the roads. The tlooding and the hail answer D
Ọuestíons 83 through 85 re te r to the I trom the storm toppled trees and electric
follow ing advertisem ent. Ị power lines. Emergency shelters have been set 1. A. She is In her car.
Welcome to Doncaster Village. My name IS Ann ị up throughout the City. Police are currently B. She IS writing a ticket
and I am the main realtor here. Here at Ị doing all in their powér to transport resldents c. She Is opening the car door.
Doncaster we have the best of all worlds; it 1 to these shelters. The shelters áre crowded and D. She IS breaking the law.
has the feel of the country and the conven- Ị tull of anxious individuals, but heat and food are 2. A. She Is talking to an individual.
Ience ot nearby schools, shopping and places Ị available to all. It you are interested in helping B. She has long hair.
ot vvorshíp. We otter hardvvood tloor and mod- Ị In any way, please call the hotllne at 1-800-342- c. Her hands are on the podium.
ern kitchens in your apartment or townhome, Ị 8439. D. There are three mlcrophones.
as well as great community benetits like tennis : 92. For hovy long vvlll West Lexington be 3. A. The woman IS sitting between the
courts and a swimmìng pooí. We offer a vari- deemed a disaster area? two men.
ety of floor Plans rangmg from one bedroom ị 93. What vehicle CANNOT be on the road? B. The man In the middle Is drinking
to three. Prỉces of course range accordingly. 94. What Is true of the emergency shelters? water.
Now let's go over here and have a look at this c. The man on the rlght IS speaking
two-bedroom townhome. Questions 95 through 97 re fe r to the D. The woman's elbows are on the table.
83. Who is the speaker addressing? : follow ing talk. 4. A. The man's ears are covered.
84. What IS tru e of Doncaster Village? ; Hollywood has now conquered the pertume B. The man ís tlymg an airplane.
85. What kind of apartment could you NOT ị world. They've all conquered movies, televislon, c. The man Is looking toward the sky.
buy at Doncaster Village? I and have produced platinum albums and they 0. The man ís in the open air.
; are (Olning (orces wlth department Stores to 5. A. The older man is wearmg a robe.
Questions 86 through 88 re te r to the ; make us ăll smell a llttle bít better. Capturlng B. The otticers are arrestlng someone.
follow ing talk. I all Hollywood themes, the stars are seillng per- c. One man's hands are on his waist.
Now listen very caretully, because these steps ; tumes named Diamonds and Rlches. When leaf- D. They are talkmg around a table.
will help make your yard the envy of the nelgh- ị ing through a pertume catalogue, one mlght 6. A. The man in the sut IS holding the book
borhood We alí hate those dead shrubs, so ; eăsily think they are reading their tavorlte with both hands.
let's get rld of thern! To do so properly, place : tablóid B. The woman is listenmg to the story.
a hose at the base of the dead plant. Áilow ; 95. Who are produclng the pertumes? c. The man in the miổdle IS wearmg
the water to run slowly for sevéral hours or 96. What is á common theme of the a sweatsh(rt.
as long as overmght. Then, loop a length of pertume names? D. They are wrlting a chlldren's story.
Chain or heavy webbing strap around the base Ị 97. Where can people read about the 7. A. The ammal is in a cage.
of the dead plant. Tie a bowline knot to attach pertumes they want to buy? B. The child IS trightened ot the animal.
the Chain or webbing strap to a long length of c. The woman Is holding the child.
nylon rope. Attach the nylon rope to the tow- I Questions 98 through 100 re fer to the D. The child IS reachmg towards the
Ing rlng on a car. start the car and pull for- : follow ing advertisem ent. anímal.
ward slowly until the slack has been removed Ị lt's amazing how powerful and usetul the 8. A. It Is light outside.
from the line. Pull torvvard slowly. The roots : smallest Products on the block can be. B. The car is not movlng.
will pull easily from the wet soil. Slow is the Namely, the new Tarjeta recently put on the c. The women are out of the car.
operatìng word here; take your time and let market by Mell. Thls smart card, á plastlc rec- D. A man is signaling to the car.
the forward motion of the car take the load. tangle that looks llke a Standard credlt card 9. A. There Is a wlndow at the back
Chlp and compost the dead shrub atter it has contalns a micro-processor whlch transtorms of the room.
been pulled from the ground. And that's all it It ínto a minl-computer wlth impressive capa- B. The market is not inside.
takes! billtles. A Tarjeta can keep track of travel c. There Is a small number of people
8 6 . For what Is the speaker giving reservations and tlckets, hotel reservations In the bullding.
Instructions? and Intormation, deblt and credlt cards, as well D. The Items are displayed on a shelt.
87. What Is the tirst step? as electronlc money. 10. A. The woman Is handing cash to the
88 . How should you drive the car? 98. What Is the Tarjeta? cashler.
99. What transtorms the card? B. The woman is waitlng in line.
Q uettions 89 through 91 re te r to the 100. Which of the tollowlng can the c. The woman's ịacket IS buttoned.
follow ing talk. Tarịeta hold? D. The woman Is at a hardvvare store.
Job talrs are extremely useful in that they attord
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

you opportumties to speak with many employers

at one time in one space. However, they are not TEST 5
for the shy or even the overly contident for that In thls sectlon of the test, you will have Part 2
matter You need to make a good impression in the chance to show how wéll you under- Directions: In thểs part of the test, you will
person and look prepared. You're not necessarily stand spoken English. There are four hear a question or statement spoken in
learning about every opportunity in each organl- parts tó thls section, with special directions English, followed by three respónses, also spo-
zation - you are learning where the major Nring for each part. ken In English. The questlon or statement and
needs are. These are once a year events, so the responses will be spoken just one time.
don‘t miss the ones you need. Part 1 They will not be pnnted in yoúr test book. so
Along with tairs, I wóuld also recommend looking Directions: For each questlon, you will see a you must lĩsten caretully. You are to choose
at )0b listings Online or in print. Of course, what plcture and you wi!l hear tour short state- the best response to eách question or State-

ment. Now listen to a sample question. You 25. M: How can we ever thank you for all B. The tormer, as in elephant.
will hear: you've done? C. Your guess is as good as mine.
Man: Why are you late? W: Ầ. It really was no problem. 40. W: Weren't you the One who was
Woman: A. I hope I won't be. B. Thanks, but no thanks. supposed to send the mass e-mail?
B. My car broke down. C. PIease, l'm not done yet. M: A. It is quite big, isn't it?
c. He always is. 26. W: Can you take thls to be mailed when B. The mail should be picked up at noon.
The best response is choice B, "My car broke you get a chance? C. Oh no! I completelý torgot.
down. Thereíore, you should choose B. M: Ầ. No, I don't have all the tacts.
B. That really is a vvondertul
11. M: Do you ever take the bus to work? opportunity. Part 3
W: A. Sometimes, but not usually. C. Could you ask Sue? I'm swamped. Directions: You will hear some conversation:
B.Yes, it does. 27. M: Do you preter that the evaluation be betvveen two people. You will be asked to's in the tall building on Hennepin typed or handwritten? answer 3 questions about what the speakers
Avenue. W:A.Only when it's an important say in each conversation. Select the best
12. W: You got the promotion, didn't you? document. response to each question and mark the lettei
M: A. It's right here in my bag. B. The tormer, please, if you don't mind. A, B, c, or D on your ansvrer sheet. The con-
B.No, and I am so disappointed. C. No, I don't mind at all. versations will not be printed in your test
c.l didn't want to go. 28. W: Who should sign for this delivery? book and will be spoken only one time.
13. M: What did you think of the M: A. I didn't want any signs to be
documentary? delivered. Questions 41 through 43 refer to this
W: A. I thought it would be more crovvded. B.That would be Mr. King down the conversation. was so stimulating. hall. W: The shop promised to have my car ready
c.l saw it last night. c.l think he should come in tomorrow. by 6:30 this evening, and now they are saying
14. W: Shall I run the designs to Judy 29. M: Do you think you'll get a new tómorrovv at 2.
upstairs? apartment when your lease is up? M: Do you need a ride to work today?
M: A. No one is working upstairs. W: A.1'11 probably look for something W: That would be great, thanks. It's so incon-
B. She is a serious athlete. closer to work. venient to be without a car.
C. That's ok; ru do it myselt. B. Perhaps it will at the end of March. M: I know. I wish that our City would invest in
15. M: Do you think she will accept our c.l hope you find one. a good Public transportation System.
proposal? 30. W: Can you recommend a good place 41. Whát does the man offer?
W: A.Yes, everyone except for us. to gét a burger? 42. When will the woman's car be ready?
B. l haven't the slightest idea. M: A. It closes at 10. 43. What does the man wish?
C. He says it was an interesting idea. B. l would love to.
16. W: Should we get the rates for that C. Try the place on the corner of Questions 44 through 46 reter to this
office phone plan? Church Street. conversation.
M: A. It couldn't hurt. 31. M: Nice to meet you Ms. Jones. How W: Why did you decide to paint the office?
B. l think his number is listed in the have you enjoyed Rome so far? M: The vvalls are so old and stained. Plus, I
book. W: A.l have no complaints yet! read somewhere that bright colors have a
C. Yes, they came yesterday. B. I am so exhausted from the tlight. positive effect on peoplếs work attitudes.
17. M: Would you like a cup of tea? c.l leave atter work tomorrovv. W: Do you have any colors pícked out yet?
W: A. Did I do something illegal? 32. W: Why did your check-up take so long? M: We are deciding among yellovv, orange and
B. Yes, I do like it. M: A.The doctor was behind schedule pink. I am leaning toward yellow, but it's not
C. No, but thank you for asking. so I had to wait a while. just my decision.
18. W: Would you rather have an ocean view B. It's not going to take that long. 44. What is NOT true of the walls as they
or a mountain view? C. Don't fret about it; ril check for you. are now?
M: A. Yes, please. I appreciate it. 33. M: Is the couple going to hire a wedding 45. Why is the man painting the walls?
B I have no preterence. planner? 46. Whát color does the man preter?
c.1'11 take them both if that's alright. W: is such a beautitul ceremony.
19. M: Who is it that we are vvaiting for? B. I don't think they see it as necessary. Questions 47 through 49 refer to this
W: A.For at least thirty minutes now. c.ln order to build it taster. conversation.
B.The General Fleet representative. 34. W: Haven't you tinished the layout yet? M: You're back? I tigured a meeting with the
c.l don't mind at all. M: A. Sorry, I don't have time to help you. mayor vvould take much longer than half an hour.
20. W: When did you start working the B. Yes, I just woke up and am ready W: I know. He needed to hear about the grave
graveyard shitt? to work. problems our research tound.
M: Ă. Just last week. C. Don't rush me. I still need another M: Didn't you explain it to him?
B. At the cemetery. hour. W: I told him about low reading-level scores.
C. Every other day. 35. M: Why aren't you taking the 7 PM tlight? Hovvever, when I started pointing out how the
21. M: For what tlme did you schedule the W: A.Yes, that's right. superintendent could fix the problem, he cut
conterence call? B. That's when IÝn scheduled to land. me off.
W: A lt's to discuss the new strategic plan. c.l couldn't get a Seat. M: I really expected more from him.
B.Tomorrow, do you want to come? 36. W: Approximately how much does your 47. For how long was the woman supposed
c.3:30 this atternoon, why do you ask? notebook Computer weigh? to meet with the mayor?
22. W: Why don't you install that new M: A.About 500 dollars. 48. What was the purpose of the meeting
software we discussed yesterday? B. You can borrow some paper from with the mayor?
M: A. No, I haven't located ít yet. me. 49. What does the man feel toward the mayor?
B. l plan to do it later this atternoon. C. This one is about three kilos.
C. Yesterday was indeed interesting. 37. M: Is the Principal looking for a guidance Questions 50 through 52 refer to this
23. M: How do yoú normally spend your counselor or a secretary? conversation.
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

evenings? W: A.Both, I think. W: I hate my job. I'm no good at it, I don't

W:A.We usually have a tamily dinner and B. No, he's not. care about it at all, and the pay is awful.
then watch TV together. C. He tound them in the dining area. M: Weren't you only going to stay for 6 months?
B.That sounds nice; what time should 38. W: This vveather is too humid for my It's two years later and you're still there.
we meet? liking. W: I know....
c.l won't have any money until Friday M: A. Really? I don't mind it at all. M: I think you should just walk away now. You
atternoon. B. l like it as well. need the fear of not having a job at all to
24. W: Is LA. one or two hours behind? C. That depends on if it rains. motivate you to find a new one.
M: A. Neither, it's three. 39. M: Do you spell your name with W: You're right. ru give my two weeks' notice
B. Either would be fine. an "e" or an "a"? right now.'s been talling behind for years. W: A. I hope you know how to spell ít.

50. What does the woman NOT mention 65. What IS the man's relationship with Ron? battle and woa who are sbH hgtitmg. and to
about her job? 66. What does the man tell the woman’ remember those who dtdn't make it. As you
51. How long tias the woman had her |0 b? 67. What ís true o( the seventh tloor? see. there are a large number of participants
52. What does the man tell the woman? today. There are five hundred of you So.
Questions 68 through 70 re ter to this everyone starting at the same time IS impossi
Questions 53 through 55 re fe r to this conversation. ble In order to accurately measixe each rưv
conversation. w Look at that kne at seanty 11 mss my tkghí ner's time, make sure you pick up yoir Com­
M: I still haven't heard back trom them, so l'm W: I told you to arrive earlier. puter chip wtxch should be attached to your
assuming I didn't get it. M: Yes, bũt you know me. I'm always running lett shoe. It will automatically activate as you
W: Don't worry. Employers need time to make late. cross the starting line. Good luck, thank you
a decision. It would be wise to call them W: Maybe you should set your clock ahead a again for Corning, and remember to drink plen-
though. few minutés so you'll think you're running late, ty of water throughout the race!
M: But I vvould teel silly if I called and they told but when you arrive, you'll actually be right on 77. What kind 0< race IS this?
me that they were not interested. tĩme. 78. How many runners are there?
53. What is the man disappointed about? 68. Where is thls conversation takmg place? 79. What IS the tunction of the Computer
54. What does the woman suggest to the 69. What IS true of the man? chip?
man? 70. What does the woman suggest?
55. What is the man atraid of? Questions 80 through 82 refer to the
following announcement.
Questions 56 through 58 re fe r to this Part 4 Engel Inc, a leadĩng graphic design company, is
conversation. Directions: You will hear some talks glven by now seeking a director for International mar-
W: Is this new? a single speaker. You will be asked to answer ketlng. The ideal candidate wíll have completed
M: No. It was Andrew's. But when he moved to three questions about what the speaker says five years in a similar capaclty. Familiarity with
the eleventh tloor, he didn't teel like haulmg It in each talk. Select the best response to eách Central American markets and tluency is
with him. He let me keep it. question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or Spanlsh Is preterred. The position entalls
W: I could really use a larger desk. I've got a (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not extenslve travel approxlmately tour months
Computer, printer, and a tax machine on my be printed in your test book and will be spo- out of the year. Please email or fax resume,
desk. And that of course is in addltion to the ken only one time. reterences, and a cover letter. We do not
píles of papervrork. accept malled appllcatlons.
M: I wish I could help you out, but Pm not will- Questions 71 through 73 re te r to the 80. What Is the posltlon being advertlsed?
Ing to give It up! follow ing announcem ent. 81. What would NOT help you get the job?
56. Who paid for the man's desk? Welcome aboard our land and water tour of 82. What does the employer NỒT ask for?
57. What is NOT on the woman's desk? Seattle. I sure hope you all brought your raln
58. What is the man going to do with the desk? gear for the ocean leg of the trip. We all know Questions 83 through 85 reter to the
Seattle is not known for being the driest City following announcement.
Questions 59 through 61 re te r to this in the U.S., and so couple that with the ocean Your attentlon, please. Fllght 617 with a stop
conversation. and getting wet is inevitable. The one-hour jour- in Dallas and a tlnal destlnatlon of Los Angeles
M: Atter work, do you want to go to that new ney will cover ten ditterent City locations. Of is now departing out of Gate B12. Again that
department store that opened where the golf course One of your land stops will be the is Gate B12. If you are vvaìtlng at Gate A7,
store used to be? It's right next door to the tamous market where you will see the tresh flsh please make your way to the new asslgned
Burger Joint. belng tossed about like tootballs. And of course, gate. The departure time has remalned
W: Of course! on board, you will have an endless supply of ũnchanged. Agaln, tllght 617 Is now departing
M: We can take my car, and leave yours in the Seattle's támous cottee. trom Gate BÌ2.
parking lot here. 7 1 . Where are the people who are listening 83. What is the fllght's final destination?
W: ril just drive separately. I have to go to this talk? 84. What Is the announcement regarding?
straight to a neighborhood meeting at 7:30. 7 2 . What is Seattle knovvn for? 85. From where Is the tlight departlng?
59. Where does the man want to go? 7 3 . What will be happening to the tish?
60. Who is the man in relation to the woman? Questions 86 through 88 refer to the
61. Who will drive? Ọuestions 74 through 76 re te r to the following talk.
follow ing speech. Thank you all for taking the tlme out of your
Questions 62 through 64 re fe r to this We are găthered here today to celebrate and busy schedule and joining us for our tundralser.
conversation. pay tribute to Howard Larson, who is retiring So far this evening, we have had 2,000 people
M: Can your department get by vvithout trom Academy Publishing atter torty years of and we have raised $3,000 for the new com-
temporary workers this summer? loyal and impeccable Service. He started out at munity center. Betore the nlght Is through we
W: Probably. We're having a meeting next a young age vvorking in our bindery department plan on having raised $30,000.1 hope you are
week, so we can ensure that none of our downstairs enduring severe paper cuts and all enjoying the delicious meal, donated by
vacations overlap. some heavy litting. Atter tive years he was Nicklow's Restaurant. They have been a mem-
M: We really need to trim the budget. Sales promoted to supervisor, vvhere he remained for ber of our community for over fifty years and
were terrible last quarter. titteen years. At the end of that stint, he traded are one of our blggest supporters in this
W: Well, I guarantee you that we will arrange In his blue collar for a suit and tle and has been endeavor. Here's the schedule for tonight's
everything tor the summer. an ettective sales distributor until the end of his events: Atter dlnner we vvill hold the tlrst part
M: You are alvvays so committed. time here. He excelled in every position he has of the vocal auction trom 7.30-8.30. During
62. What will the woman's department do held here, and more importantly has had a pro- this time, you are tree to roam about and
thls summer? tound impact on all his co-workers. We know he write down your bids for the sllent auctloa
63. What does the man want to do? has all sorts of travel Plans, lelsure time, and of This wlll end at 9:00. As soon as we collect all
64. What is true of the woman? course grandchildren tlme ahead of him and we the bld sheets, we will enjoy a thlrty-minute
wish him well in all his tuture endeavors. He will pertormance trom one of our tavorite local
Questions 65 through 67 re te r to this be truly missed by all of us here. bands, "Farewell to February". Upon the con-
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

conversation. 74. Where does this introduction take place? clusion ot that pertormance, the vvlnners of the
W: Do you know Ron trom the llth tloor? 75. What position is Mr. Larson retiring trom? sllent auctlon will be announced.
M: Not well, but we've met at the ottice partles. 76. How long has Mr. Larson vvorked at the 86. How much money do they hope to raise
W: We are considering adding him to our team company? at the tundralser?
on the seventh tloor, but l'm not sure he's got 87. When wlll the band play?
what it takes. Ọuestions 77 through 79 re te r to the 88. How wlll someone know if he/she wins
M: Our team is pretty intense. Untortunately, I follow ing announcem ent. any Item trom the silent auctlon?
don't know Ron well enough to give you an Good morning to everyone and vvelcome to
opinion. Run to Cure 2007. We are so happy to have Questions 89 through 91 reter to the
W: We really have to find someone soon. The you here today. YouYe racing here not just for following talk.
work is addlng up. ýourselt, but fór all those who have tought the As a u.s. citìzen struggllng to work my way

through college in the face of ever-increasing stand spoken English. There are four followed by three responses, also spoken in
tuition costs, I find it appalling that tederal leg- parts to this section, with special directions English. The question or statement and the
islation has been proposed that would grant for each part. responses will be spoken just one time. They
undocumented immigrants the luxury of paying will not be printed in your test book, so you
in-state tuition. I was bom and raised in the Part 1 must listen caretully. You are to choose the
USA. I pay taxes, and my yearly earnings are Directions: For each question, you will see a best response to each question or statement.
not enough to live on decently. Hovvever, I picture and you will hear tour short state- Now listen to a sample question. You will hear:
seem to be making too much money to obtain ments. The statements will be spoken just one
tinancial aid. I would like to hear one reason time. They will not be printed in your test Man: Why are you late?
lawmakers believe tax dollars from hard-work- book so you must listen caretully to under- Woman: A. I hope I won't be.
ing American citizens should subsidize college- Stand what the speaker says. When you hear B. My car broke down.
tuition tunds for undocumented immigrants. the four statements, look at the picture and c.
He always is.
89. What is ditticult for the speaker? choose the statement that best describes
90. What is the speaker's attitude toward what you see in the picture. Choose the best The best response is choíce B, "My car broke
a government decision? ansvvér A, B, c or D. down". Theretore, you should choose B.
91. What group of people is the speaker Now listen to the four statements.
discussing? EXAMPLE: 11. W: Where should we meet?
A. He is on the phone. M: A. At 8 pm l'm going to the movies.
Questions 92 through 94 reíer to the B. She is drlving the car. B. At John's house, ăt 8 pm.
following new scast. c. She js typing on the Computer. c. Yes! Let's meet up at 8 pm!
Convicted bank robber Joe Pallok, 24, was D. He is sitting next to her. 12. M: Do you like the new boss?
sentenced to torty years and five months in W: A. Absolutely. She is wonderful.
prison for robbing the East Rosvvell branch of statement D best describes what you see in B. Her name is Kelly Larson.
First Federal Bank. His accomplice, Randy the picture. Theretore, you should choose c. I would not like that.
Trask, 25, was sentenced to thirty years in answer D. 13. W: Will you wait for me while I run to
prison. Pallok escaped from jail whilé awaiting the bathroom?
sentencing but was captured atter robbing the 1. A. His feet are on his desk. M: A. I don't have to go, thank you.
Big Sky VVestern bank in Atlanta. B. He is talking on the phone. B. I'll go running with you.
92. For what crime was Joe Pallok arrested? c. There are two plants on his desk. c. Yes, I will be right outside the
93. For how long was Joe Pallok sentenced? D. He is turned away from the door.
94. Who is Randy Trask? Computer. 14. M: Where did you go on vacation?
2. A. She's wearing a helmet. W: A. Because I needed a break from
Questions 95 through 97 refer to the B. She's vvearing jeans. work.
following promotion. c. She's on a busy road. B. I went to Havvaii.
Hello Ms. Ănderson. My name is Deborah from D. She's riding her bike at a fast pace. c. I was gone for two weeks.
AT&D. And I am calling to tell you that AT&D 3. A. They are on a motorboat. 15. W: Whose wallet is this?
is now ottering a special long-distance deal to B. The man in the back is wearing sun M: A. It's made of genuine leather.
all those who svvitch AT&D during this month. I glasses. B. It is full of money!
see that you were a customer five years ago c. There are a lot of rapids. c. It must be David's.
and that you made many long-distance calls. D. Only one man is currently paddling. 16. M: What did you think of the movie?
Well, Ms. Anderson, if you switch back to us, 4. A. She is talking to the man with the W: A. I tound it extremely dull.
we promise to give you two tull months of beard. B. I think a movie sounds like
long-distance phone calls for just three cents B. She is vvearing a necklace. a great idea.
a minute. That's right, three cents a minute for c. She is gesturing with her hands. c. Let's go to the9:30 shovvíng.
any North American or European country. D. He is standing next to her. 17. W: Should I give you some peace and
Would you like to accept this offer, Ms. 5. A. They are both vvearing ties over their quiet?
Andersón? T-shirts. M: A. I would love a piece, thank you.
95. Why is Deborah calling Ms. Anderson? B. They are reading off a Computer B. If you don't mind, I have such
96. What is true of Ms. Anderson? scréen. a iíeadache.
97. How many cents a minute is the long- c. They are both holding papers. c. I will not be quiet!
distance deal? D. One boy is laughing at the other. 18. M: We should join a gym.
6. A. The stage is crovvded. W: A. But I don't like Jim.
Ọuestions 98 through 100 reíer to the B. The seats are full of people. B. That sounds like a good idea.
following voicem ail. c. There is a bright backdrop behind the c. Would he enjoy it?
You have reached the ottice of the Missouri speaker. 19. W: Has Adrienne arrived yet?
Organizing Project. Our office hours are D. People are entering the auditorium. M: A. No, she won't be here until 7 pm.
Monday through Friday, 8.30-7.00 PM. If you'd 7. A. The police otticers are stopping B. Yes, she left yesterday.
like to leave a message for Nate Hitch, a crime. c. Yes, in a week.
Director of MOP, please press 1. If you'd like B. They are dressed in unitorm. 20. M: What are we having for dinner?
to leave a message for Trevor Chick, MOP c. They are arguing. W: A. At a restaurant.
Lead Organizer, please press 2. If you are D. Only one is vvearing a hat. B. I hope so.
calling for Danielle Lang, the ottice intern, 8. A. He is playing basketball. c. Chicken and green beans.
please press 3. If you wish to leave a general B. He is very calm. 21. W: How much does this shirt cost?
message please press star or wait for the c. He is Crossing his legs. M: A. I think it is $15, but I will check
tone. Thank you. D. He is upset. to be sure.
98. What should you do if you want to 9. A. He is speaking into a microphone. B. It only comes in a small size.
leave a message for the intern? B. His jacket is unbuttoned. c. I hope it was vvorth the money!
99. What should you do if you want to c. Both his hands are tull.
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

22. W: Do you have a day off work

leave a message for no-one in D. He is pointing. tomorrovv?
particular? 10. A. Their backs are to the vvhite board. M: A. Yes, I work from 9 to 5.
100. When would you probably hear B. The man is wearing a jacket with B. No, I work nights.
this voicemaií? his tie. c. Yes, my day is wide open.
That is the end of the test. c. They are vvriting with chalk. 23. M: Are there any more tickets available?
D. The woman is speaking to the man W: A. If you don't mind, I vvould
next to her. appreciate it.
B. I am not available at the moment.
TEST 6 Part 2 c. Just a few, how many do you
In this section of the test, you will have Directions: In this part of the test, you will need?
the chance to show how wéll you under- hear a question or statement spoken in English,

24. W: Is this puppy male or female? 40. W: When are you due to leave? M: Much of the labor we do in the tactory is
M: A. I thlnk it's a girl. M: A. Last night. extremely tiring.
B. The mail hasn't come yet. B. So, I did. W: Yes, I know...
c. Neither; she's just really skinny. c. In the mornlng. M: One 10-minute break and a half hour lunch
25. M: How do you pretér to travel? break IS not enough. We vvould llke two twen-
W: A. I would love to travel if I had ty-minute breaks.
the time. Part 3 W: You know how much I respect my employ-
B. By train, if that's ok with you. Directions: You wíll hear some conversations ees. I will see what I can do.
c. I need to arrive at my destination betvveen two people. You will be asked to 53. Who is the woman In relation to the man?
by 10. answer three questions about what the speak- 54. What does the man request?
26. W: His mother really let him have it! ers say in each conversation. Select the best 55. How does the woman respond?
M: A. He is so lucky. response to each questlon and mark the letter
B. Well, he deserves to be yelled A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet. The con- Questions 56 through 58 reter to this
at for lying. versations will not be printed in your test conversation.
c. She is so generous. book and will be spoken only one time. W: I was getting worried about yoư
27. M: For how long have you lived in your M: Thanks for your concern. I was really sick
house? Questions 41 through 43 reter to this for a while.
W: A. It's only been a year. conversation. W: We've missed yoii The ottice just isn't the
B. I hope to make á down payment M: Thanks for helping, Mrs Taylor. I'm so nerv- same without you here. How does it teel to be
tomorrow. ous about the exám. People that have taken back?
c. It's much bigger than my old the class already say it's really ditticult. M: Overvvhelming. I am so behind with paper-
apartment. W: Well, the most important thing to know is work!
28. W: Emma called and said she is running that when abnormal behavior causes problems 56. Why was the woman worried about
late. in living is when a person is considered mental- the man?
M: A. She shouldn't go running late ly ÍỊỊ and is probably in need of medical help. 57. What did the woman mean when she
at night, it's dangerous. M: That sounds easy enough.... said the ottice wasn't the same?
B. Should we start eating vvithout her 41. What is the relationship between the 58. How does the man teel about returnlng
then? man and woman? to work?
c. She's right; it is late. Let's go to bed. 42. What has made the man nervous about
29. W: I am so tired of her lying to people. the upcoming exam? Ọuestions 59 through 61 refer to this
M: A. I know. She is alvvays in bed. 43. When is someone considered mentally ill? conversation.
B. You should take a nap. M: Could you tell me how to get to Bronson
c. Me too; it's so deceittul. Questions 44 through 46 reter to this Park? I'm supposed to meet a Client there.
30. M: How did the intervievv go? conversation. W: That's on the other slde of town. How dld
W: A. It's tomorrow at 10 am. M: I would like to exchange this digital camera. It you end up here?
B. It was for a marketing position. won't turn on. M: The man at the convenience store must
c. It was a disaster. W: Did something happen to it? Perhaps you have given me bad directions.
31. W: What type of music do you like? dropped it or spilled liquid on it? W: Well, I promise to give you flawless ones.
M: A. That's not my type. M: No, it just stopped vvorking.... 59. What surprises the woman?
B. Jazz is my tavorite. W: Ok, one moment, I will get another camera. In 60. On what does the man blame getting lost?
c. I don't feel like it right now. the meantime, please fill out this paperwork. 61. How does the woman reassure the man?
32. M: Don't pay her any mind. 44. What caused the camera tó break?
W: A. Whó do I pay, then? 45. Where are they? Questions 62 through 64 reter to this
B. Can I give her mine? 46. Why did the vvoman leave? conversation.
c. But she's hard to ignore. M: Can you work late this week? We need to
33. W: You should take a short break. Questions 47 through 49 refer to this get the marketing proposal completed by
M: A. OK, I could really use one. conversation. Friday.
B. It was already broken when I got M: Did you see the game last night, Jill? W: Every day but Wednesday. My son has his
here. Rooney had two goăls! band concert.
c. I already have one at home. W: No! I spent the whole day studying for M: Thanks. I know this is last minute. But to
34. M: What's the vveather supposed to be exams. I've barely had any free time since I make up for it, l'm paying for pizzas every
like tomorrovv? started Medical School. night.
W: A. It depends on vvhether or not I am M: Why don't you come to my house tomorrow W: I never say no to pizza!
up to ít. for a break? 62. Why will the man and woman be
B. It was rainy. W: OK, but only for an hour. And don't try to working late?
c. I think it wíll be sunny again. persuade me to stay longer or I will fail! 63. In addition to being a protessional,
35. W: Would you like to go on a date with 47. Who is Rooney? the vvoman is also:
me sometime? 48. Why does the man invite the woman 64. One aspect of working late that the
M: A. It's August 25th. to his house? woman is looking forward to is:
B. 0f coiirse! 49. What is the best description of Jill?
c. I liked it very much, thank you. Questions 65 through 67 refer to this
36. M: Are you ready to order? Ọuestions 50 through 52 reter to this conversation.
W: A. Yes, I will have the prime rib. conversation. W: Did you send off the documents I left on
B. Yes, I need more time. W: What time do you land tomorrow? your desk to Milan?
c. Yes, I will deliver it in a moment. M: 4:20 pm, but with the bad weather, it is M: You didn't leave anythlng on my desk.
37. W: I haven't heard from you in a while! uncertain. Why? W: What?! We'll lose the account if the Milan
M: A. I didn't hear it either. W: I thought we could share a cab to the con- ottlce does not recelve them. I'm sure I left
B. I'm sorry; l've been so busy. terence. But I arrive in l_A. at 1:30 and I don't them. Please check again.
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

c. You shoiild get your ears checked. want to wait around for three hours. M: I don't need to. I can see the documents on
38. W: I would like to return this blouse. M: I guess we'll see each other at the market- your desk.
M: A. Was there something wrong with ing meeting then. 65. What is one of the man's job
it? 50. How are the man and woman arriving responsibilities?
B. When will you be back? in LA.? 66. What may happen if the Milan ottice
c. That will be $25. 51. What is the purpose of their trip to LA.? doesn't receive the documents?
39. M: Did you get enough sleep last night? 52. Why won't the man and woman share 67. Why didn't the documents get sent out
W: A. Yes, I am exhausted. a cab? to Milan?
B. Yes, I stayed up all night.
c. Yes, I teel very rested Questions 53 through 55 refer to this Ọuestions 68 through 70 reter to this
conversation. conversation.

W: Should I come to work for your company, I 77. How otten does this conterence past records usually don't matter much. It all
think you'll find that I am efficient and dedicated. take place? depends on which team plays with the most
M: How do you feel about being in charge of 78. Who attends this conterence? heart and determination.
others? 79. When was this speech given? 89. When will the basketball game
W: I am experienced in the art of delegation. I take place?
find it important to entrust all employees with Questions 80 through 82 reter to the 90. How many Houston players will be
important tasks in order to keep the company following announcement. watched caretully?
running etticiently. Hello, this is your captain speaking. We should 91. Who no longer píays for the
68. What kind of interaction is this? be arriving at our destination in approximately Houston Comets?
69. Why does the woman say she is 15 minutes. I have turned the seatbelt sign on,
ettícient and dedicated? so please tasten your seatbelt for the duration Questions 92 through 94 refer to the
70. How does the woman feel about of the tlight. Also, please put up your tray following talk.
delegation? tables and return your seats to their straight A veterinarian who contracted the skin form of
and upright position. The tlight attendants will anthrax from an intected cow has been treat-
Part 4 come through the cabins momentarily and col- ed successtully. The veterinarian was intected
Directions: You will hear some talks given by lect any remaining trash. We hope you enjoyed last month while doing an autopsy on the cow.
a single speaker. You will be asked to answer your tlight with us and enjoy your stay in New Anthrax occurs naturally in the soil and can be
three questions about what the speaker says York. Thank you for choosing American Eagle passed to livestock when they eat grass.
in each talk. Select the best response to each Airways. 92. What is the veterinarian's medical State?
question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or 80. Until when will the passengers need 93. How did the veterinarian get Intected?
(D) on your ansvver sheet. The talks will not to have their seatbelts tastened? 94. How do livestock contract Anthrax?
be printed in your test book and will be spo- 81. Why will the tlight attendants come
ken only one time. through the cabins? Questions 95 through 97 reter to the
82. What is this flight's destination? following speech.
Ọuestions 71 through 73 reter to the Our Public schools' reading scores are among
following announcement. Questions 83 through 85 refer to the the very worst in the country! This is unac-
Attention TRESCO Shoppers. Please don't for- following talk. ceptable. Our children are our tuture and we
get to take advantage óf our sale on all sum- Welcome to the campus tour of Kalamazoo are not only letting them down, but damaging
mer clothing. If you buy one item, you get a College. My name is Lauren stockdale and I am the tuture of our City if we allow children to
second item of equal or greater value for half the head of the admissions department. We're graduate from high school without being able
price. The sale ends at 5pm tomorrow, so buy excited to have you here. The Kalamazoo to read. These children will not be able to find
now betore it's too late! And don't torget to College community is known for developing a jobs and ultimately plummet into poverty. It's
apply for a TRESCO Credit Card and receive a model of an educated citizen that combines not just an education problem; it's the entire
15% discount from all your purchases! As scholarship, civic engagement, and in-depth liv- city's problem. It is OUR problem. Action must
alvvays, we thank you for choosing to do your ing experiences in other countries. As a highly be taken immediately!
shopping with us and we wish you a very selective, nationally renowned, and internation- 95. Who is the speaker probably addressing?
pleasant day! ally oriented four-year college of arts and Sci­ 96. What is the specitic problém belng
71. If the two summer clothing items you ences, Kalamazoo College has developed a tra- addressed?
purchased were both priced at $20, dition of excellence. It enrolls 1,234 students 97. What does the speaker want?
how much did you pay for them in from 38 States and 14 countries. Founded in
total? 1833, "K" College is among the 100 oldest col- Ọuestions 98 through 100 reter to the
72. When would you have to pay full price leges and universities in the nation. And we following message.
for all summer items? still have many of our original buildings. Let's Thank you for calling the Quello Clinic. If this is
73. Why would you apply for a Tresco start walking toward the Upjohn Bullding. a medical emergency, please hang up and dial
Credit Card? 83. What is NOT a part of Kalamazoo 911. Our hours are Monday through Friday 8 am
College's model? to 6 pm and Saturday 10 am to 2 pm. íf you
Questions 74 through 76 reter to the 84. On average, for how many years do are calling to make an appointment, press 1. If
following message. students attend Kalamazoo College? you are calling to reschedule or cancel your
Hello and thank you for calling National City 85. What is unique about Kalamazoo College? appointment, press 2. If you wish to speak to
Bank. If you are calling to inquire about your a nurse please hold the line and someone will
balance please press 1. If you are calling to be with you shortly.
update your account intormation, please press Questions 86 through 88 refer to the
That is the end of the test.
2. If you are calling to report a card lost or following torecast.
stolen please press 3. If you wish to speak to Winds descending the Cascades Tuesday
an operator, please hold the line and we will
answer your call in the order that it's been
blocked the cool Pacitic sea breeze and sent
temperatures to record levels in VVashington
Part 1
received. Thank you for calling and please and Oregon. However, it looks like this record Directions: For each question, you will see a
remember to try Online banking at breaking heat will tinally subside in the near picture and you will hear four short statements.
tuture. However, for thóse of you hoping to go
74. What should you do if your card The statements will be spoken just one time.
to the beach or spend the weékend óutside
is stolen? without worrying about heatstroke, never fear. They will not be printed in your test book so you
75. In what order will the operator Normal temperatures in the 70's and 80's are must listen caretully to understand what the
answer your call? torecast to return this weekend. speaker says. When you hear the four state-
76. What does National City Bank 86. What caused the hot weather? ments, look at the picture and choose the state-
recommend to its customers? 87. What is signiticant about the hot weather? ment that best describes what you see in the
88. What will happen this weekend? picture. Choose the best answer A, B, c or D.
Questions 77 through 79 reter to the
following speech. EXAMPLE:
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

VVelcome to the DART organization's annual Questions 89 through 91 reter to the Now listen to the four statements.
conterence. It is always such a wonderful and following newscast. You wíll hear:
unlque opportunity to have DART employees Tonight, the Houston Comets will take on the A. FHe is on the phone.
trom all over the nation gathered in one spot. utah starzz in the tirst round of the play offs! B. She is driving the car.
This gives us an opportunity to discuss and All eyes will be on Houston's new "Big Three." c. She is typing on the Computer.
compare strategies. Also, we at the natlonal Sheryl Swoopes, Tina Thompson and Jenith D. He is sltting next to her.
office have been working hard at tlnding more Arcaín want to show they can win the title statement (D) best descrlbes what you see in
ettective tactics to employ in our local organi- without Cynthia Cooper, and the trio pushed the picture. Theretore, you should choose answer
zations. These wlll be presented throughout utah all season. Houston averaged 75.3 in its (D).
the week. So, again, welcome, and I hope you three wins against the starzz during the sea-
enjoy the conterence. son. However, when it comes to the play offs,

1. A. They are boarding. 14. Where should I put these Computer printouts 29. Isn't that proposal identical to the one
B. They are disembarking. when I have tinished with them? they submitted last week?
c. They are traveling with luggage. A. Put them in the Computer. A. Yes, I believe it is the same.
D. The train is moving. B. When you have tlnished. B. No, he didn't propose yet
2. A. They are singing. c. Take them to the research analyst office. c. They are identical twins.
B. Only one is vvearing a T-shirt. 15. Would you like us to send you a 30. What are the factory's daily
c. They are all playing guitars. reminder for your next eye examination? production tigures?
D. Two musicians are sharing a microphone. A. I vvould appreciate that. A. I like to tigure it.
3. A. His back is to the tlags. B. I like eye examinations. B. In the factory's department.
B. He is tacing the tlags. c. No, I need a reminder. c. Approximately 500 models per day.
c. He is in between the tlags. 16. Has the Public relations director 31. Where should I turn in the application?
D. The tlags are blocking him trom view. already left? A. Turn at the end of the hall.
4. A. The car is moving quickly. A. Yes, she has an appointment. B. ottice number 5.
B. The cones have been knocked over. B. She has good relations. c. I like turning at the ottice.
c. The sirens on the top are bright. c. Yes, in the Public. 32. The stress management training
D. The car appears to be stationary. 17. Why is the plane arriving so late? begins at nine o'clock, doesn't it?
5. A. Glass is on a round table. A. 1met them at the plăne. A. Yes, we all have a lot of stress.
B. Both men with tools are vvearing gloves. B. It is scheduled for 7 o'clock. B. I thought you liked the training.
c. The man with the hat is leaning torvvard. c. I think there were mechanical problems. c. I thought it was at ten.
D. They are all vvearing protective goggles. 18. Who will go with you on the buslness trip? 33. Have they delivered the press
6. A. The seats are being tilled. A. Mr. Hyĩander. releases yet?
B. He is alone on the plane. B. By plane. A. On the conterence.
c. He is seated. c. Executive order. B. Yes, they have.
D. He is carrying luggage. 19. Martha gets reimbursed for the cost c. No, it's delivered.
7. A. The older woman's arms are crossed. of driving her car on sales calls, doesn't she? 34. When did the fire take place?
B. A girl is vrearing a skirt. A. Yes, she tills out an expense report. A. In the kitchen.
c. A girl is holding a red brietcase. B. I've got to check the cost. B. On a Sunday morning.
D. They are having a tormal discussion. c. I've gone on sales calls. c. The tiremen came to the right place.
8. A. Only the women are singing. 20.Should they move the plant to the right 35. Since there is a Public transport strike
B. Both women are vvearing earrings. over by the air vent? on Thursday, how will you get to work?
c. The man is singing a solo. A. It could move in the air. A. I like public transport.
D. This is a protile shot of the singers. B. Yes, I like the air vent. B. I'll take the bus.
9. A. Both men are standing. c. It looks good vvhere it is. c. I'll ride my bike.
B. A man has hurt his elbow. 21. Could you retrieve the tiles on the 36. VVhere did Mario leave the renovation
c. A man is treating an injury. merger? contract?
D. Both men are wearing shorts. A. III have a merger. A. He will leave the renovation.
10. A. The waiter has appetizers on his tray. B. I'll have them in a few minutes. B. He put it on the attorney's desk.
B. A woman is vvearing a headscart. c. They have all the mergers. c. He tound the contracts.
c. The women are across trom one another. 22.Shall I turn off at the lights? 37. Would you mind changing places with me?
D. The waiter is pouring drinks. A. Yes, take a right. A. I don't have the change.
B. Yes, it's a bit dark in here. B. No, I don't mind.
Part 2 c. Only the ones we aren't uslng. c. What place needs to be changed?
Directions: In this part of the test, you will 2 3 . VVÌII you take care of the tip or shall I? 38. Did you check the timetable to see
hear a question or statement spoken in English, A. I'll have to remember that tip. what time the tlight arrives?
followed by three responses, also spoken in B. Because I care about it. A. No, I haven't yet.
English. The question or statement and the re- c. ruget it this time. B. Yes, it was a timetable.
sponses will be spoken just one time. They will 2 4 . Y0U don't really want to start writing c. Yes, it will arrive.
not be printed in your test book, so you must the new program this late in the day, 39. How many tranchises does the
listen caretully. You are to choose the best do you? company have?
response to each question or statement. Now A. It is the end. A. That's one of the tranchises.
listen to a sample question. You will hear: B. Yes, it is time. B. We have many companles.
Man: Why are you late? c. I still have time. c. We have 70 át the moment.
Woman: (A) I hope I won't be. 25. Who left this cottee next to 40. When will the District Manager be
(B) My car broke down. my Computer? available?
(C) He always is. A. It's not her Computer. A. In approximately an hour.
The best response ís choice B, "My car broke B. That's where I left it! B. Wlth the other managers.
down". Theretore, you should choose B. c. Who wants more cottee? c. Inside the district.
2 6 . You'd like me to edit this manuscript,
11. Would you like to order a quarterly wouldn't you?
market report? A. I would appreciate it. Part 3
A. Yes, they can. B. I like editing. Directions: You will hear some conversations
c. What a manuscript! betvveen two people. You will be asked to
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

B. I have placed an order.

c. Except for last quarter. 2 7 . Didn't anyone train the new employee ansvver three questions about what the speakers
12. How about we call it a day here and to use the tax machine? say in each conversation. Select the best
go to a movie? A. I sent a fax this morning. response to each question and mark the letter
A. Yes, l'm ready to tinish up. B. He's got training for some machines. A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet. The conver-
B. About another hour, I think. c. No, not yet. sations will not be prlnted in your test book and
c. At the cinema center yesterday. 28. Do you like cold weather, or do you will be spoken only one time.
13. Would you please mail this contract preter the heat?
overnight to headquarters? A. I'll take it cold.
A. I don't have the headquarters. B. Yes, l'm teeling hotter.
B. Consider It done. c. I have trouble with the heat.
c. It is tonight.

Questions 41 through 43 reter to the fol- tinance department. The design meeting is in the could have been a bít bígger, and the view was
lowing conversation. atternoon. nothing special.
W: Hi Bob. W: I guess management will be their usual annoy- M: I know you have a budget that you can't go
M: Hi Jackie, it's great to see you again. Did you ing selves. They never contríbute anything usetul over, so maybe you need to rethink what is real-
have a good trip? to the meetings. ly important to you. That house obviously wasn't
W: You know me, l'm a terrible tlyer but it was M: l'm tired of these meetings. They should just right despite the great location.
actually smooth all the way. I'm very excited let us get on with the job. I can't wait to really 59. How did the man feel when he heard
about your wedding. get involved with the main proịect but they keep about the woman's decisíon?
M: Is that all the luggage you have? delaying everything. 60. What did the woman like about the house?
W: Yes, because the airline torgot to put my bag 50. Which department do the speakers 61. What does the man think the woman
on the plane. It's still in Chicago. It should arrive work in? should do?
in Boston tomorrovv. 51. What is the woman's attitude tovvards
M: Typical; that happened to my sister last year. the managers? Ọuestions 62 through 64 reter to the fol-
W: How is Jenny? 52. How does the man feel? lowing conversation.
M: She's tine. She's getting married next year W: Why is John in such a bad mood? Didn't he
too. Ọuestions 53 through 55 reter to the fol- get his promotion?
W: I can't wait to meet Sue. I thought you'd lowing conversation. M: No, it's not that, the printer has broken on his
never get married. My cousin, a married man at M: So do you think you can get it repaired Computer and he needs a report for this morn-
last. betore the weekend when my mother comes? ing's meeting with the accountant.
41. What was the tlight like? The dog knocked it off the table and it broke on W: Why dídn't he use mine? I can't believe how
42. Where is Jackie's bag? the marble tloor. The flowers made a terrible silly you two are at times.
43. Who is Jenny? mess. M: There's no point me saying anything, he's still
W: Well, we don't usually fix things that quickly, in a mood about the contract that I beat him to.
Ọuestions 44 through 46 refer to the fol- you know. It's not as if we have nothing to do. W: Well, you know that I think you are both being
lovving conversation. It's already Wednesday. very immature about that. If you two don't pull
M: Have you had many saies this week? M: Yes, I appreciate that, but I was only enquir- your socks up you'll annoy our boss and neither
W: lt's been very slow. I'm still waiting tor my ing. You don't have to adopt that attitude. I can of you will get a promotion.
íirst buyer. I sold two last week and I had a cou- just leave it if you like and go to another store. 62. What is wrong with John?
ple that were very interested in a house in town. I'd repair it myselt if I could. 63. What does the woman think about
I need to sell three more by the end of the W: Well, it would be taster to buy a new one but the men's behavior?
month to reach my target. maybe we can fix it by the vveekend. Tell me 64. What is the relationship betvveen
M: I don't know what to do with myselt all day. your name and telephone number and l'll see the man and the woman?
This economic depression is stopping people what we can do. But l'm not making any promises.
trom buying. People seem to be reluctant to M: OK. Ọuestions 65 through 67 reter to the fol-
even look at the moment. I wish they'd be a bit 53. What was damaged? lovving conversation.
braver and buy while prices are down. 54. How could you describe the woman's M: Hi, good news, we got the contract!
W: l'm going to pop out for a bite to eat! attitude? W: That's tantastic. I think most of the credit
M: Are you going to the cate or the canteen? 55. What will the man do? goes to you though, as you really made it look
W: I thought l'd go to the store as I left my good with your Computer images.
sandvviches in the tridge at home again. Questions 56 through 58 reter to the fol- M: Yes, but you did the designs, so you are the
44. How many houses has the woman lovving conversation. truly Creative one. Let's hope that we can really
sold this week? W: l've decided to go to night school to learn a stick to the budget now because I was stretch-
45. How does the man feel? new skill. I've been doing the same accounting ing the truth a bit on costs. I'm not very good
46. VVhere is the woman going now? job for years and I need a new challenge. with tinances at the best of times.
M: You aren't going to resign, are you? W: Am I supposed to be impressed by that? You
Questions 47 through 49 reter to the fol- W: Now that's an attractive idea, but l'm not silly. may have put the whole project at risk. How
lowing conversation. I'm on such a good salary. What I was thinking could you do such a thing?
W: lt's so hot in here. I wish l'd worn a hat. was to learn another language, maybe Spanish or 65. What is the man's job?
M: Let's sit under that tree by the lake and listen French. Then I can use my new language skills to 66. How can the man be described?
to him. do some serious travelling when I go on holiday. I 67. How did the woman teel about
W: Maybe we should hire a boat for an hour and always stay in this country and I need to see the man's behavior?
then go to the cafe. more of the world.
M: He's really good, isn't he? A true artist. M: Well, you are a dark horse, aren't you? What Questions 68 through 70 refer to the fol-
W: Well, maybe. He's got a great voice but he will you come up with, next? Enough dreaming of lowing conversation.
shouldn't move around so much; it's distracting. holidays, we need to get going or we will be late W: Do you think we ought to ask your boss to
He could pertorm for money. for the pertormance and I have booked a table the dinner party? It might make up for all the
M: Maybe, but I don't think he's good enough to at the restaurant in ten minutes' time. time you had to have off sick last month.
get a record deal. W: OK, NI just tinish my cottee. M: I guess we could, but he can't be angry about
W: lt's no good; Pd like to listen to him but I need 56. What has the woman decided to do? the accident. There was nothing I could do about
to be somevvhere cooler. Let's go to the cafe. 57. What can be said about the woman? it and it was their tault for having dangerous
47. VVhere are they? 58. Where are they going next? equipment in the tactory.
48. Who are they vvatching?
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

W: Yes but suing them didn't make you employee

49. What's the woman's problem? Questions 59 through 61 refer to the fol- of the month, did it?
lowing conversation. M: I doubt if you will complain when the money
Ọuestions 50 through 52 reter to the fol- M: So, are you going to buy that house? comes through, though. That will pay for us to
lovving conversation. W: We decided against it in the end, atter a lot buy a nice new car. YouVe vvanted one for
M: Did you get the memo about Tuesday's meet- of indecision. mõnths.
ing? M: I thought it was your dream home. W: You have a point but I just think you need to
W: The one about the Parson Project in the W: I got carried away with the village but the make an ettort to get on well with everyone at
morning? property itselt wasn't really what we need as a work for a while until the vvhole thíng is torgot-
M: No, that's for the administration, I mean tamily. The garden was acceptable although it ten.

68 What happened to the man’ 77. Where IS tt« amoưicement beng made’ Ọuecttom 89 through 91 re te r to tt«o fot-
69 What M the man do? 78. Why wete there detays’ tovtng loctur*
70. What does the **oman thu* 79. What «s the probtem wrth the kiggage’ Osteoporosis. ar thmng a> the bones. nom
the man shcHÍd do? attects one epoman n Hree. compared to orty
Ọuettlom 80 through 82 reter to the fot- one n twetve n men Stuckes heve Ir*ed a lack
Part 4 lowíng talk. cri exerase coưAed OTth heqưent kMr-lat crash
Directiont: You will hear some talks given by a Thar* you tor comng here toraght I acpreoate (ketng n xxomen aged 2545 and an ncreose n
smgte speaker You witl be asked to answer that you are probatty very busy peopếe but I the dsease. wtich can lead to nxitxAe tractires.
three questions about what the speaker says n cant stress the mportance ot tonght's meetng A da*y ntake of at least LOOOmg ot catcam IS
each ta* Seếect the best response to each enough Global warmng IS somethrìg that attects recommended and can be loưxl n mAc cheese
question and mark the letter (A) (B) (C). or (D) us ai and toreght we have a runber ot experts and other dary Products as wel as catcun sup-
on your answer sheet The taiks w i not be prnt- to answer yoư questions and to td you how ptements But exercise tor a mnrrvm cri 20 mrv
ed m your test book and wiH be spoken only one you can make yoư home more energy ettxaent utes. three tmes a weeK IS the most ettective
ttn a Frst. we are gong to show a video made by a way ot strengthenng yoư bones Ideaty. women
top American potrtician that tìghkghts the ettects shóid be tatũng these steps n ther 30s n order
Ọuettiom 71 through 73 reter to the fol- of gtobal vrarmng. Some ori It mây leave you to buld heatttiy bones betore the mapr nsk
lovring tpeech (eekng shocked and uncomtortabếé but **e make penod.
Now the orignal bmlding dates back to 1758 no apologies for that. Betore we watch the video 89. Ho** many women are attected
when It W3S bmlt as a tamrty home tor one of and have a quesbon and answer session, we by osteoporosis?
the richest tannlies m the country, the Fords. At nvite you to get a drn* (rom the bar. At the end 90. What IS thought to cause the (ksease?
one potnt It became a hospital and then an army of the evening there will be a light buttet tree of 91. What síxxid women do?
barracks. rm sire you wtH agree ttvat it makes a charge n case you are hungry.
tme place to exhrtxt all these fme works of art. 80. Who is the tatk drected at? Ọuestiona 92 through 94 reter to the tol-
Now the thing about the Fofd tamily IS that they 81. How rmght the audience feel by the lowing announcement.
were great art lovers and bought many wonder- end of the evening? Lades and gentlemen, we are píeased to
tul paintings, but it was over a pamting that a 82. What will happen next? arrxxnce a runber of special otters today. The
light started between two of the brothers wt»ch Music Shop has the latest co by The Rockers n
ended with the youngest boy killmg his big broth- Ọuettions 83 through 85 reter to the fol- store today at a dscomt price. Crusty Bread
er The boy disappeared and was never seen lõwíng talk. Bakers are ottemg three loaves of bread tor the
again although It IS thought that he ran away to Good morning everyone. Just a few amounce- price of two and there are lots of new toys n at
Atrica where he lived in the (ưngle for many ments thís morning. As you know there have Toyland The Shoe Factory has lots of new wn-
years. been a k>t of car thetts and burglaries lately so ter boots n store this week and It also has a
71. What is the bmkíng now? we all need to be extra vigilant. The newspapers ị good setection ol leather bags at special pnces.
72. Why were the Ford tamily tamous? are getting more interested so we need to do For a real bargam m women's dothes go to
73. What happened to the youngest son? something positive. The general opinion IS that Glamoư tashons tor a 50% ckscotnt on dresses
it‘s mostly down to a group 01 youths who hang : and 25% off aM skrts. Why not treat yoursetí to
Ọuettions 74 through 76 reter to the fol- around the estate, especially during the week a tree cottee and cake in the Pantry atter?
lowing talk. when most householders are at work. It's particu ị 92. Where woiid ttis amomcement
IU try to show you as much of the bưlding as I larly worrying for the older people on the estate. most likety be heard?
can today but it will take you a day or two to I know there is a lot of unemployment and qute 93. Where can you get somethmg for tree?
tind your way around properly. I'm sure you will a few one-parent tamilies living here but there's 94. What IS halt price today?
en/oy being part of the team, and you'll tind no excuse for this sudden rise in the local crlme
everyone very triendly, especially the canteen rate. If you see anything suspicious, don't hesi- Questions 95 through 97 reter to the fol-
statt when you go for lunch. You were lucky to tate to bnng people in for questionmg. lovxing message.
get ttas position as a lot of people applied. Your 83. Where is thís meetìng probably Good morning. lYn sorry you arent »1 to recerve
previous work expenence will be of great help as taking place? ou call but this IS Harvarđs Electncs here. rm
we have some important clients. It's a great 84. Who is causing the problems? atraid that the ckgital ratko you ordered wont be
working environment and interesting work. IVe 85. What IS a teature of the estate? delivered tomorrow. This isnt due to the bad
moved departments twice as they are very open weather as yoiYd expect but the model you
to people wiòemng their experience and trýing Ọuestions 86 through 88 reter to the fol- ordered IS out oí stock. Now I líiderstand that
new things ri that's what you want to do. lowing talk. you need the rado by the weekend for a brttv
74. Who ís the speaker showing around? It was around 3500 BC that the Egyptians day present and we are going to send you a
75. What IS the speaker's attitude? thought It would be a usetul idea to divide day- sirmlar model that IS more expensive bũt we w i
76. What does the speaker say about light into chunks of time. They achieved this by charge you the same as the onginal model that
the company? building tall obelisks and noting how the shadows you wanted We can get it to you Fnday monxng
fell throughout the day. 2000 years later they and hope that you WI» be pleased with the sipe-
Ọuettions 77 through 79 reter to the fol- came up with the sundĩal, possibly the tirst nor model Thank you
loMring announcement. portable timepiece, which they used to divide 95. What IS the problem?
Would all passengers tor Paris please make their each sunlit day into 10 parts plus two 'twilight 96. What IS the ca#er's attitude?
way to gate 7 tòr the delayed 16:40 hours. We hours' ín the moming and evening. But It was not 97. What will happen?
apologưe tor any inconvemence you may have until 325 BC that the Greeks started using water
Questions 98 through 100 reter to the
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

suttered but the delay has been caused by clocks that mankind managed to measire time
extreme weather conditions. We are pleased to wlthout the guidance of the heavens. tollovring speech.
armounce that the strong wind has helped to 86. What IS this talk about? Thank you ail so much for ttxs wonderfiJ party I
clear the fog and (lights will be resurmng in the 87. Why did the Egyptians want to fed like It's my bethday with all the presents I
next halt an hour. There IS also a slight problem measure time? have received and I dont the* I have danced so
in that some bags have been checked in but the 88. What was special about the suvkal? much since my vveddng day. 0f cotrse I wề
labels have tallen off them so ri at passengers mss you ak very much at the hospitaí. particiiar-
on the tlight to Rome could come back to the ly ak the «*onderfii ruses v*ho do such a good
checknn nunber three, we v*ould appreciate it. |0b but donl get the gtory that we do. n mss
thiS oid bukkng but not the canteen, I must

admit. HI be poorer than I have been but now HI D. The door is partially open. B. It was an improvement on the
have time to spend in my garden and l'm intend- 10. A. She is balancing her checkbook. last one.
ing to take my spouse away for a lovely holiday B. She is having soda with her meal. c. I'm not proposing anything.
on our anniversary in the summer. c. She is spending money. 22. M: Are you sure this product is in stock?
98. Who is speaking? D. She is grasping dollar bills. W: A. It certainly was a shock.
99. What is the occasion? B. It's a very good product.
100. What won't they miss? Part 2 c. I need to check with the warehouse.
That is the end of the test. Directions: In this part of the test, you will 23. W: VVhere are you stayíng in Athens?
hear a question or statement spoken in English, M: A. Just for the conterence.
followed by three responses, also spoken in B. At the Intercontinental Hotel.
TEST 8 English. The question or statement and the
responses will be spoken just one time. They
c. No, we will be leaving tonight.
24. M: What does Mr Goodson do?
Part 1
will not be printed in your test book, so you W: A He's an accountant.
Directions: For each question, you will see a
picture and you will hear four short statements. must listen caretully. You are to choose the B. He does it very well.
The statements will be spoken just one time.
best response to each question or statement. c. Yes, he is a vvorkaholic.
Now listen to a sample question. You will hear: 25. W: Shall I put this tile on your desk?
They will not be printed in your test book so you
Man: Why are you late? M: A. HI take it now.
must llsten caretully to understand what the
speaker says. When you hear the four state- Woman: (A) I hope I won't be. B. It's probably under my desk.
ments, look at the picture and choose the state-
(B) My car broke down. c. It's on the shelí.
ment that best describes what you see in the (C) He always is. 26. M: Is the marketing department
on this tloor?
picture. Choose the best answer A, B, c or D.
The best response is choice B, "My car broke W: A. The supermarket is just down
down". Theretore, you should choose the road.
Now listen to the four statements.
B. It accidentally fell on the tloor.
You will hear:
A. He is on the phone.
11. W: Who is the new telephonist? c. It's actually on the tirst and
M: A. Yes, we need a telephonist. second floor.
B. She is driving the car.
B. Her name is Judy Spicer. 27. W: Could you give me a lift to the
c. She is typing on the Computer.
D. He is sitting next to her.
c. It's in the reception. station atter the meeting?
12. M: When was Mrs. Harris born? M: A No, HI take a taxi.
W: A In 1969. B. It's far too heavy.
statement (D) best describes what you see in
the picture. Theretore, you should choose answer
B. Since 1970. c. Sorry, I can't leave the office
c. In New York. till late.
13. W: Who can type this letter to 28. M: l'm surprised this play is so popular.
Mr Chen for me? W: A. I don't want to play today.
1. A. The men are in unitorm.
M: A. Mr Chen isn't in the office B. It had really good revíevvs.
B. Neither is wearing a hat.
at the moment. c. It tinishes at ten o'clock.
c. They are entering the car.
B. HI do it in a minute. 29. W: How come you are back from your
D. They are standing by the car's rear.
2. A. She's sitting on the porch.
c. No. It hasn't arrived in the mail. meeting so early?
14. M: Why didn't you ask for help with M: A. I didn't go, it was cancelled.
B. She’s reading on the couch.
the project? B. HI get back as soon as I can.
c. She's baretoot.
D. She's vvearing a svveatshirt.
W: A. He wasn't any help at all. c. It will tinish at six at the latest.
B. No thanks, I can do it. 30. M: Who will unload these boxes?
3. A The trombone player is playing.
B. The saxophone player is vvearing a dress.
c. I thought I could handle it myselt. W: A The people from the vvarehouse.
15. W: VVould you like to come for dinner B. That s the best place to put them.
c. Some people are resting their
Instruments on their laps.
tonight? c. Load them caretully.
M: A. It was a lovely meal. 31. W: Can you take this international call,
D. The band conductor is visible.
B. That would be lovely. Mr Kershwin?
4. A. They are reading books.
B. They have sunglasses on their heads.
c. I'm not very good at cooking. M: A. It's too far for me to take it.
16. M: Why does he want to see the invoices? B. When did you call me?
c. They are vvearing sandals.
D. They are sitting in the same manner.
W: A. There's a query with the order. c. I'm sorry, l'm on the other line.
B. As soon as possible. 32. M: We need the order as soon as
5. A Only one is not vvearing an orange helmet.
B. They are in an old, dilapidated house.
c. Why are they raising their voices? possible, please.
17. W: When will Mrs Green be free? W: A. Don't order them around.
c. The house is not íinished being built.
M: A. Probably atter 2pm. B. It will be sent immediately.
D. Some have tools.
6. A He is looking up at the women.
B. At the airport. c. Why don't you send it now?
B. He has one hand in his pocket.
c. No, she's married. 33. W: Is the itinerary prepared?
18. M: How far is the office from here? M: A. He's prepared for anything.
c. He is bending down tovvards the women.
W: A. You are going too far. B. No, it's broken.
D. He is holding a bottle of soda.
7. A The two men on the right-hand side
B. About tvventy minutes by car. c. Yes, but the manager needs
are holding papers.
c. I went on the bus. to look it over.
19. W: What do we do with the returned mail? 34. M: How can I get the money back
B. They are all looking at the bald man.
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

M: A. Yes, the mail is collected twice a day. for my expenses?

c. Two men have beverages.
B. The mailman should be here soon. W: A. Ask in the accounts department.
D. The men with the beards also have
c. Give it to Jean to check the addresses. B. When he went to the bank.
8. A. They are at a podium.
20. M: Do I need to rent a car for the day? c. I don't think it was expensive.
W: A. No, the car has broken down. 35. W: How about a cottee when we tinish?
B. One man is wearing a headdress.
B. Can't you buy one till tomorrovv? M: A. Good idea.
c. Their hands are at their sides.
D. They are wearing matching robes.
c. You can use a company car. B. Milk and two sugars please.
9. A There is a fire in the tireplace.
21. W: What did you think of their new c. About tvventy minutes more I think.
B. She is reading to children.
M: A. Actually, the wedding has been
c. Only the children are on the tloor.
called off.

36 M ShoMd thay pul the d e * by • . ỊỊỊM m ề 9m m am m do m 97 1» Vai Va one aaA to Va taafc?
the emdoa cr by the door? 4 * nhai w * (he noman ga*’ M No a t t a eraance to 9 * o a *
w 4 Y iv pleese M n * doo> w (J| yas I tron e m fou tm m tmang 9 *
0 T H IÌ the beet opbon Ọ ratltana 47 through 49 ralar ta tM t bV*r*s 9 daeaYt han* a ra y *ond f*pvĩaNy.
c. tr» best by the *nrv««* cam tanatlan M V * oNy t* * r atmr tao aá Ã 9
J7m *Vw ahato we t r t IC T V & *} Mt Sa «4iat dai you 0W* ot 19 Jon»’ Do you w 1% beoVae Gaorge sad 4 mm oraxreeeI
Itoaked tor ttiart nghi thr* he has the hgte per vmasty tor the |0b’ Vlhos# Va <ood mm 9 0 » «DOd
M A Can you raconynend arolher hpteT M Wei he has beàn a teacher »ce yaarv ao he « tt Geỡge 9 maan V n a r m ỉ 0 m n csHvaara
B n rettm the booki M toan probatay ra y good at rnaáọg mth oectae and ahoui V * cov c7 eraiiVatg m m thoggt- <•
M POSSMe h esrto sport M> het crobatey QL«te taadhr earm more 9 m m da * * ỹ dD*H you sae f
c Whet trr» w * yau reapen’ and anvgetc yotf Naband a e t i to tam IM he a t r t
M M tVaUld you H» UI to *9l t í* planl w ftn nòi conracad about hen I the* he d m *c oư meetetg adh Va bo**’
•M r *e are n the r a ’ a b e tt* estate agant or car Idianan Van a Pf> 56 9Vare I* the ca*e»
w« *orft heve frr* to do person He1! a bn too (d hmsoe 57. What dan Gecrge m m to be Na*
" h gedermg M Wí«, the drector needs to have our egM . -a
»s 1 * , rmmvnsnọ
, —1 . . . - , Ị - a,,,- * * - ...-
B M t t o o l t a*ey belote he md«s tu dacraon Mfc need to t«l
c Th»t woJđ be ra y uvKii hen mhat we the* tMtore hao. M he has a com
39 w 7m torry to heve to leeve m the nsttee meabng at 230 about the parhetg prot> Ọueation* 59 threugh 61 reter te tkÉ*
n*xJe ƠI the prryBCl Im convertatton
M K Ym. she « 11 ra y torry 47. tYhat n Mr Jonm tryetg to do’ w D«d you aatch the Jame* Bond tVn
B It tam be hetped 46 What n the eeomarTs cnbovn ot Mr Jonn' yesterday’
c He lett ha» an hour ago 49 Who «*4 m d * the hnd deaaont M No. I »«s studymg tor my accocreancy eiarm
40. M Pm hopmg to get a promobon ư» w«*. neit month I get haníy any tme to mysẽv
w K I hẽard they have vome bargarn Ọuaattona so through S2 rator to thu these day* Tm edausted al the tane and I nera
at the moment convartation go out ee»th my tnend*
B The adratrsrtg tor It was I* H Jenny Fancy ỉeeatg you herd w 94iy dom you come to my ptace toe a n rn tf
realy good w I dont come tare ra ỹ often bui fd arraryged l ì «Mte some tnend* and you can catch 19 *4h
c Wetl. dóm get your hopet Ig> to have a cottee with my couset and I neoded to erayone
use the photocopcr M oic (1 bretg vompthng raeet and ptay my
M DorTI you have one ei yoư othce’ ne* DVD r * got to nraV *** song* on 4.
Part 3 w Yes. but (Ta brohen agaet What have you 59. Mrtiat I* thé man'* situahon*
Ọu*»tion» 41 through 43 r«f«r to th lt been readng 9100’ 60. What can be ỉ« d about the manm t
convertatlon M Oh these arenl me*. Jeremy borroaed them 61. What * d the man do’
w M you see Barrys hoUay photos’ They but they «rae due bac* today. and I am retien-
*ere out ol tf» *orid n muỉt be ttiat ne* cam- mg them tor tam so that he doevtl get a te* Ọueations 62 through 64 reter to tt*rt
era thai rnspred hen He ưsualy tahes ra y bor w CNdrert Nothng bui probÉems, »ẽm they’ ĩl conversation
ng shots be gtad ahen me* have groeen up w Have you got eraythng that you need toi
M I have seen thom actualy and I donl inder M Me toa but then we1 tw t*e Sàty. comptaev the cordórence’ You dom ãant a repeat ađ *hat
'tand what ai the tuss n about Anyone can t * e eyg that the house IS oaet because ihe cMdren hapoened last tme *hen you *ent oTt *dhout
good pchres n iuch a nvonderhi ptace I dom hàve lett homt yoư laptoo Have you got yoư passuH and
see hon you axid do othervnse *rth those dra- 50. What rỉ true 01 the situabor^ yoư ơedrt cards’
mabc mountans There'ỉ notttng ra y orignal 51. w t*re are they’ M Yes. yes. stop tussatg No* I «4 probabty
about tham seeetg as he s (ust done a photogra 52. What ts true about the sow*«rv’ antve late «1 the dtemõon but then «« «4 be
phy coirse strarght nto a meetng so I *o m be V9e to get
w Wel that's typcal ot you because you kno* Ọ ueitiom 53 through 55 ratar to thìa n toũch t i tast thng Sa dom *arry í yau
you cotidnY take photos as good as that and rt converaation dom heer hom me t i Iste
amoys you that Barry can. w It looks beautdil The balcony IS tuge. rsnì It’ w I dom mnd ho* late It a dear. a* tong as
41. What does the *óman the* 0> Are the v*ws good7 yau phone Dom get too nvotved «Mh 4 y a í
Barry s photos’ M Fantashd wẽ pUn to ptant temon orange and h*nds and coi eague* and tOígel
42. What does the man the*’ olrve hees ei the garden 62. What (ktot the man have at the lest
43. What does the *oman the* about w How coơứ you aHord It? CM you wei the bt corterence’
the marfs reachon’ tery or get a promobon’ 63 When wd the man phone’
M No. I thented some money hom my tather . wnat r* me f eiatonsnc oetween
Ọ uattìont 44 through 46 ratar to thta and rather than ỉd oư house to buy a bigger the H*ia*ers’
convertatlon one. we decided to buy ttw house toe the sưrv
M I dom suppose you can * 0f* thrt neehend. m Ọ u ettio m 6 5 through 67 re te r to this
can you, Debbe’ wé fea»v need to get the W: Even i I saved tor years I ccnádTt aHord a conversation.
Blac**ood ordar 1rW *d bHore Monday momeig ptace l*e that M W4*t seems to be the troờlem’
as they are desperate tor thoe order bétore the M You can ỉtay at o n mhenera you l*e You w I tha* my Computer ha* aashed r * com
hohday dont need to pay us as its good to have peop* ptetety dead and snce I orty bcught 4 tao
W: I can worV td tour bui then I have to pck up ei the house eehen «ve cant be there wee*ỉ ago. hn ra y (teapponted

my son hom lootbal pracboe as my tusband ả w Wow. thar*5Í M LeTs see * I can taV you throig4> 6 r *
away at a conlerance tf»s naehend I can come 53. What has the man done’ ahaay* a brt dThoil when you dom actiady
m eãrty 4 you Nke 54. Ho* C0i4d the man attord the houie’ have the Computer n hont ot you h there any-
M Thai'ĩ parlact as Bob IS cometg m earty toa 55. What w * the woman do’ thng on the montoa at aP
There w * be a bonus payment tor you both l i I «7 No. I toto yau r s deađ Ne tned preuatg al
'«a»y appreaate yoe loýalty Right tunch IS on Ọuettiona 56 through 58 rafer to thi* the bultons and cấckstg the im a e
me than Wha1 d ú i I brétg ýou hom the sand- convertatlon. M You dom have a po*er cut n yoư area do
«nch bar’ M Why donl we try out that ne* c ề t thai has youf
44. Why do they naad to norii on Satu day' been ódt *herf the caama used to be’ We w Oh *an a mrute r * not pkvged rto the
coukl go straight attee * 0fV today • d l Sony

M: lt's an easy mistake to make, Madam. treshly made food all day until ten in the evening Questions 89 through 91 refer to the fol-
65. Where is the man? when you can retire for a cocktail in the beautitul lowing announcement.
66. What was the problem? roottop bar which is open from 6pm till 3am. Good morning ladies and gentlemen, thls is your
67. How does the man react? 77. What ís not mentioned as an event that the captain speaklng. We have now reached a height
hotel caters for? of 35,000 feet and are currently tlying over
Questions 68 through 70 reter to this 78. Who can use the swimming pool? Milan. You should enjoy some good views of
conversation. 79. When can you get a full meal? Rome tairly soon. Our estimated time of arrival in
M: Hi Susan, l'm atraid l'm a bit under the weath- Athens is 1130, that's about one and a half hours
er today so I won't be Corning in to the ottice. Questions 80 through 82 refer to the fol- from now. As we have had some turbulence
W: OK Ben, don't worry, the meeting has been lovving talk. when tlying over the Alps, l'm atrald you will have
cancelled this morning anyvvay, because too If you want to take control of who you are, to keep your seatbelts on for a little vvhile longer
many people are on holiday. We'll sort out a day memorize George Eliot's words; 'It is never too but we expect this to clear up vvithin the next
for next week to hold it. late to be what you might have been.1Then you'll ten minutes. The cabin crew will soon be Corning
M: Don't book it tor Thursday as l'm going to the learn to stay open to new opportunities and round with drlnks so sít back and enjoy the rest
dentist in the morning. keep yourselt young. You need to teel excited of your tlight.
W: OK, III try to tinish your Jameson project if I about your lite, yourselt and what lies ahead. 89. Which meal was probably served on
get time. Never mind how tired and cynical you sometimes this ílight?
M: Thanks Susan, I owe you one. feel. Everyone needs to take a good look at 90. Where is the plane going to?
68. What is wrong with Ben? themselves now and then, just to check they're 91. What is expected to happen in about
69. What will happen about the meeting? still happy wlth who they are. Your new direction ten minutes' time?
70. What will the man do? may be triggered by an illness or a divorce but
it may just be that your lite needs a change. Ọuestions 92 through 94 reter to the fol-
Part 4 Accept your past, don't deny it. Don't get stuck lowing report.
Questions 71 through 73 reíer to the fol- with old regrets. Making peace with the past Home workers who use a Computer are as much
lowing announcement. stops it clouding your present or dictating your at risk from repetitive strain injury as someone
Attention all passengers. The Chicago Express tuture. vrorking in an ottice. Wrist and shoulder pain, as
leaving trom plattorm 3 has been delayed due to 80. What does the speaker think people well as eye strain and headaches, are all com-
ice on the tracks. It will now be leaving from need to do to be happy? mon complaints highlighted in a survey of home
platform 6 at 11.45. All passengers for Boston 81. What should people do? Computer users. A simple routine of looking up,
should make their way to plattorm 8 as this train 82. What does the speaker say about the stretching and moving away trom your PC can
will be leaving in 15 minutes at 11.30. Passengers past? help to avoid some of these problems, but the
are reminded that this is the slow train to way your vvorkstation is set up makes a ditter-
Boston as the Boston Express left 10 minutes Questions 83 through 85 reter to the fol- ence too. Check your screen is at the rlght
ago. Passengers are reminded that they should lovving message. height, the lighting is adequate and that you're
keep their bags with them at all times as unat- Thank you for calling Black's Homecare Services. sitting with your neck and back straight.
tended bags will be seen as a security risk and We deal with all electrical and plumbíng supplies 92. Who Is this report aimed at?
may be destroyed. If you lose a bag please and repairs. If you have an enquiry about our 93. Which is NOT mentioned as a possible
report to the lost property ottice which is situat- repair Service, press 1. If you need to ask about health problem?
ed betvveen the ticket ottice and the cate. a delivery, press 2. For any other Service, press 94. What can you do?
71. What is the situation with the Chicago 3. If you aren't sure which department you need,
train? please hold the line. We would also like to draw Questions 95 through 97 reter to the fol-
72. What is the time now? your attention to this month's special otter which lovving announcement.
73. What should you do if you lose a bag? is a 25% discount on electrical goods which tol- VVould Mr George Brown please report to check-
lows last month's discount on DVD players. But in number eight as there is a problem with one
Questions 74 through 76 reter to the fol- hurry, as this otter runs out at 6pm on Friday. of your suitcases which has split open.
lowing report. 83. What can Black's Homecare Services Urrtortunately it cannot go Into the cargo hold in
Women who smoke are 30 per cent more likely probably not help you with? this condition and you will need to purchase a
to develop breast cancer than non-smokers, say 84. What should you do if you didn't replacement suitcase if you wish to board this
scientists. A study of over 116,000 teachers in receive a product? tlight. Please come immediately to avoid any
Calitornia contradicts British research last year 85. What is true about this month's delays. Thank you.
which concluded smoking had no ettect on the special otter? 95. VVhere is this announcement being made?
risk of the disease. In the latest study, it was 96. What has happened to Mr Brown?
tound that women who smoked for many years Questions 86 through 88 refer to the fol- 97. What will Mr Brown probably do?
0 r had 20 or more cigarettes per day were at lowing report.
higher risk. Dr Peggy Cannes who lead the team Millions of holidaymakers seeking for a little sun- Ọuestions 98 through 100 refer to the
said that the saddest thing is that this cause of shine are risking their lives in swimming pools following lecture.
cancer is self-inflicted and it is time that women which contain bacteria, it is claimed. Many pools From about 9000 BC the noble art of buying and
took action to protect their tiealth. abroad, especially those for children, are little selling began with cattle as its universal curren-
74. What was discovered in the American better than toilets. The group's experts tailed cy, soon to be joined by vvheat and other crops.
study? three out of tour pools they tested and con- Then came lambs in Egypt, leather in Rome,
75. What does Dr Cannes believe? demned one in tour as a serious health hazard. sugar in the West Indies and tin In England and
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

76. What is the general point of this report? The association accuses the ovvners of hotel and Wales. When Julius Caesar troops invaded Britain
apartment blocks trom across Europe of tailing they tound the natives trading in ring money -
Questions 77 through 79 refer to the fol- to ensure the pools are properly tiltered, cleaned tirst on the tinger and then in the Pocket. Six
lowing commercial. and disintected. centuries betore Caesar invasion however, in a
Have a relaxing vveekend at Pelham House. We 86. What is the danger to holidaymakers? part of Turkey, the tirst ever coin users are
cater for weddings, anniversary and birthday par- 87. What is causing the problem? known to have existed. They used discs made
ties as well as conterences. Overnight guests 88. What did the experts tind? trom gold and silver with a design on one side.
have full use of all hotel tacilities including the 98. What is this lecture about?
gym, pool and sauna. The restaurant otters 99. What torm of payment is tirst mentioned?

100 . Where was money in its modern Part 2 B. I doubt if I w í pass li
form first used? Directíons: In this part of the test, you will c. I wtsh you luck.
That it the end of the test. hear a question or statement spoken in English, 24. M Hovy long does the ptay last’
followed by three responses, also spoken in W: A One of the players IS rạxed
Engllsh. The question or statement and the B. It tnshes at tea
TEST 9 responses will be spoken just one time. They
will not be printed in your test book, so you
c. I reaty dorTt want to play.
25. W: I thir* we've lost atl that data.
Part 1 must listen caretully. You are to choose the UA. On 25th Juty.
Directíons For each questioa you will see a best response to each question or statement. B. I know. It's because of that
ptcture and you will hear tour short statements. Now listen to a sample question. You vvill hear: Computer virus.
The statements will be spoken |ust One time.
Mart Why are you late? c. YouVe lucky to have such a ÍKC
They will not be printed in your test book so you date.
Womait (A) I hópe I won't be.
must listen caretully to understand what the (B) My car broke dowa 26. M lsn’t It a bit late to start that job?
speaker says. When you hear the tour state- W: A I preter to work m the everang.
(C) He always is.
ments, look at the picture and choose the state- B. rm not surpnsed he is late.
The best response is choice B, "My car broke
ment that best descrtbes what you see in the
down". Theretore, you should choose B c. He wasn't iate.
picture. Choose the best answer A. B, c or D. ; 27. W: You will have to pay a tine on those
EXAMPLE: 11. W: What's the weather meant to be overdue books.
Now listen to the tour statements. like on Sunday? Kt A Fine thanks, and you?
You will hear
M: A l'm not sure what it means. B. Yes, they were interesting books.
A. He is on the phone. B. Yes, ni see you on Sunday. c. I know. I have the money here.
B. She is driving the car. c. It's probably going to be cloudy : 28. M: Whose cup of cottee is this?
c. She is typing on the Computer. and wet. W: A Mĩlk but no sugar.
D. He is sitting next to her. 12. M: Why don't we take the earlier plane? B. im will make you a cup.
statement (D) best describes what you see in W: A She's not at all plaia c. Oh, that's where I left it
the picture. Theretore, you should choose answer B. Good Idea. The earlier the better. Ị 29. W: Has Ben arrived yet?
(D). c. We didn't take It anyvvhere. Ị M: A He's already in hls office.
13. W: I hope I don't have to wait too long B. Yes, he left yesterday.
1. A. They are tixing their car. for a reply to my letter. c. Yes, in about an hour.
B. They are having a picnic. M: A Send it to the Managing Director. Ị 30. M: Can you claim for expenses?
c. They are sitting next to each other. B. You should hear vvithin a week. W: A As long as I keep the receipts.
D. The table is round. c. Don't write a very long letter. B. It's not very expensĩva
2. A. There is a trattic jam. 14. M: What kind of movies do you like? c. I never claim to be anything
B. He has parked his car. W: A Thrillers are my tavorite. l‘m not
c. The car has been in a crash. B. Only if you want to. I 31. W: Where should I put the tiles when
D. He is leaving the parking lot. c. Yes, I love vvatching movies. l've tlnlshed wlth them?
3. A. The people are getting on the terry boat. 15. W: How long has the phone been out M: A Take them to Mr Barking's ottĩce.
B. The sea is calm. of order? B. As quickly as you caa
c. The terry boat is sinking. M: A I ordered it last week. c. You can get them trom receptioa
D. There is a storm at sea. B. Since this mornìng. I 32. M: Has the shopping been delivered yet?
4. A. He can't swim. c. I'll phone you as soon as I arrive. W: A Would you like me to buy you
B. He's sunbathing. 16. M: For how long has Bob vvorked here? something?
c. He has tallen in the water. W: A Eight hours a day. B. I think that's the van pulling up now.
D. He's in the open air. B. It's quite hard work. c. Yes, it will be at six o'clock.
5. A. He's reading the contract. c. For about three years. I 33. W: What's the price of that shirt?
B. He's bought a nevvspaper. 17. W: Shall we go to the beach or to the park? MA. ỉm surprised that I won a prize.
c. He's mailing a letter. M: A It will be very ditticult to park. B. It says it's twenty dollars.
D. He's written a book. B. We went to the park. c. It didn't fit me properly.
6. A. They are cycling up the big hill. c. I'd preter a swim in the sea. Ị 34. M: Don't torget Colin's birthday next week.
B. They are on dltterent motorcycles. 18. M: Have they invited us for dinner? ị W: A What's his name again?
c. The police otticer is stopping them. W: A Yes, and we mustn't be late. B. Happy birthday!
D. They are vvearing helmets. B. No thanks, l've just eatea c. Is he having a party?
7. A. The car is by the sidewalk. c. Indian food. : 35. W: Is this Seat free?
B. The car has hit the tree. 19. W: Do you llke thls hot weather? M: A There are only two.
c. It is a beautitul torest. M: A It has certainly cooled down a bít. B. I didn't see anything.
D. She ís getting into the car. B. III turn the heating dowa c. Sorry, HI movẽ my bag.
8 . A. They are sitting opposite each other. c. Not really, it's a bit too much. Ị 36. M: Why do you look so disappointed?
B. She has lost her glasses. 20. M: How many ottices does your W:A I didn't get the job.
c. They are looking at the same thing. company have? B. I expect I will be.
D. He is wearing a suit. W: A lt's a really huge ottice. c. Your appoìntment is In halt an hou\
9. A. He has tallen asleep. B. Several, alí over the country. Ị
37. W : Wow, that's a great shot of Anne
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

B. He is with his triends. c. My office is on the tourth tloor. on her yacht.

c. He is cutting the grass. 21. W: What was that loud noise? M A I didn't know she had a gua
D. He is relaxing. M: A It certainly was. B. Why do you say she's short?
10. A. He is vrorking hard. B. HI turn the music up. c. She's very photogenic.
B. He ís selling potatoes. c. I dropped a box of books. Ị 38. M; Has Brenda really resigned?
c. There are a lot of people working 22. M: Why is the bus running late? W: A Just sign the letter here.
together. W: A Because I want to lose weight. B. She couldn't get on with the boss.
D. His car is stuck. B. There are roadworks. c. She resides in a luxury apartment.
c. I hate running. ị 39. W : How wlll we get to the restairant
23. W: Why didn’t you tell me you'd passed tomorrow?
the exam? M A l'd Hke Chinese.
M: A I dldn't want to boast about it.

B. Billy will give us a ride. W: But it can't wait until tomorrow, it's an emer- cate tood I have all the time. Despite the unso-
c. By eight o'clock at the latest. gency. ciable hours, it's a tun job because I never know
40. M: Who's the new man in the tinance M: OK. I have to go to the bank now but I will who l'm going to pick up and start chatting to.
department? come and look at it atter. rube about 20 W: How will you spend your retirement, vvorking
W: A. He's replaced Thomas. minutes. in the garden like most people seem to?
B. He's sure to get the job. W: Oh, thank you so much. M: l've been doing a lot of reading about sailing
c. There's nothing wrong with my 50. VVhere is the woman? so l'm going to buy myselt a little something to
tinances. 51. What is the problem? sail around the local coast in.
52. What will the man do? 62. What is the man's job?
Part 3 63. What does he like about his job?
Questions 41 through 43 refer to this Questions 53 through 55 reter to this 64. What will he do when he retires?
conversation. conversation.
W: But when I plugged it in it didn't work, and I W: l'm sorry to bother you with my problems Questions 65 through 67 reter to this
did everything that you told me to do when I but you are so much more experienced than me. conversation.
bought the DVD player this morning. They probably just think they are having tun but M: This is the living room.
M: Well, l'm sorry to hear that. I can't imagine they behave like wild animals sometimes and I W: lt's nicely decorated and quite big really.
what the problem can be. Can you bring it back teel like crying with trustration at times. M: Yes, and it has a nice view over the lovely
in and someone will have a look at it? M: You mustn't take it personally, they are a bad garden. Now l'm very happy for you to have
W: lt's very ditticult because I don't drive and ril class, everyone struggles with them. The head- triends staying but the neighbors are quite old so
have to pay for a taxi. If I do bring it in, l'd soon- master is alvvays telling one or other of that we ask people not to play music late at night
er have a replacement rather than have to wait class off. I keep them all behind atter lessons and wild parties aren't allowed.
for someone to repair ít. when they get too wild. That quietens them W: Oh don't worry, I am taking my tinal exams
M: I understand, Madam. Bring it back in and 1'H down for a while. this year so there won't be many late nights or
make sure that s done for you. 53. What mood is the woman in? parties. The rent is reasonable but l'm a bit wor-
41. Who ís the woman talking to? 54. What is her job? ried about the bus Service to the university. I
42. What is the man's attitude? 55. Who is the man? haven't seen a bus stop nearby.
43. What does the woman want? M: lt's about a tvventy-minute walk to the bus
Questions 56 through 58 refer to this stop l'm atraid.
Ọuestions 44 through 46 refer to this conversation. W: Oh that's a shame. I'm atraid it won't be suit-
conversation. M: Good morning Madam, l'd like to tell you able for me then.
W: Although they can still be tound in the Atrican about a vvondertul otter we have today. It's actu- 65. What does the woman do?
iungle and around some Coastal areas, they are ally a whole series which will teach you how to 66. What is the man vvorried about?
becoming more and more rare. eat more healthily and is particularly aimed at 67. Why doesn't the woman take the tlat?
M: But here, in captivity, you are trying hard to heart disease prevention which is something
breed them, aren't you? most people need to be aware of as they reach Ọuestions 68 through 70 refer to this
W: Yes, and we have had some success as three middle age. conversation.
cubs were born here last month and they are W: Well l'm not really interested in buying any- W: Come on, it's your turn to do it and l've got
doing well. thing today, thank you. lots of revision to do.
M: They must be a great visitor attraction. M: Oh, l'm not actually selling them today. You M: Well I need to clean my bedroom and I
W: They are, but we make sure visitors don't dis- can only buy them trom our website and there is cooked lunch.
turb them and they can only be seen from a dis- a series of six of which the tirst has just been W: Well it was your turn and you should have
tance as they are too young still. We don't want published. cleaned your room yesterday like Mum said,
it to be like a circus show. 56. What is being advertised? instead of playing tootball all atternoon.
44. What are you listening to? 57. Who is the product aimed at? M: OK, don't get angry. HI do it in a minute, but I
45. What is the issue? 58. How can you buy it? don't think it's fair as there are so many pots
46. VVhere are the speakers? and pans today.
Questions 59 through 61 refer to this 68. What is the relationship between
Ọuestions 47 through 49 reter to this conversation. the people?
conversation. M: l'm sorry Madam but this ticket isn't valid. 69. What are they arguing about?
M: Haven't you made your mind up yet Madam? W: What do you mean? Of course it is. 70. What happens in the end?
I've told you everything that we have today, and M: lt's gone through the machine twice. See, it
I do have other customers, you know. has two dates stamped on it. Part 4
W: I know, but I really tancy some cake or ice W: Oh, I hadn't noticed. Sorry, you aren't going to Ọuestions 71 through 73 refer to the fol-
cream but they are both so tattening and I don't tine me are you? It was a mistake, and this is my lovving radio program.
want to encourage my son to have too much stop Corning up outside the bank. Early people had no need for engineering works
sugar. Don't rush me, though. M: I should tine you but if you pay for a new tick- to supply their water. They camped near natural
M: But I don't have all day. Why don't you have et ni let you off this once, but don't do it again. resources and populations were so small that
the fish and then some íruit? 59. What are they travelling on? pollution of the water supply did not pose a
W: Ok, but not tish, salad instead, please. 60. Why isn't the ticket valid? problem. But as civilized societies developed and
47. What is the waiter's attitude? 61. What will happen to the woman? settlements grew into big cities, water manage-
48. What is the woman's problem? ment became a major concern, not only to sup-
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

49. What will the woman have? Ọuestions 62 through 64 refer to this ply the urban areas but to irrigate the tarms sur-
conversation. roundlng them. The solution was to find a way to
Questions 50 through 52 reter to this M: l've been doing this for over thirty years now raise water up trom the rivers.
conversation. and 1've certainly travelled around a bit and seen 71. Why did early people not have a water
W: The problem is that we have patients here some places. I know this City like the back of my supply problem?
who are getting cold and when it rains the water hand. 72. What happened when cities grew?
comes through the broken glass and onto the W: What do you think the most rewarding thing 73. What kind of radio program would
tloor. about your job is? Is it the money? this be on?
M: Well, there is no one tree at the moment as M: You must be joking and it's certainly not the Questions 74 through 76 refer to the fol-
everyone is busy until tomorrovv. lowing talk.

Many people travel from ttiis country in search I 85. What wfl happen next? be tok) when you can retim to yoư machnes
of the sun. The sun should be enjoyed, but over- 95. Where IS ttis arrxxncemerrt tatung place?
exposure can cause sunburn, leading to prema- Ọ uettiont 86 through 88 refer to the fol- 96. What IS 1130060^’
tcre skin agmg and an mcreased risk of skin can- lowíng ađvertisement. 97 What must al emptoyees do’
cer. Take care not to burn. It is particularly Are you good vvith peopte’ Oo you en(0y travet-
important to care tor your children, and babies ling to other countnes and organmng ttmgs? It Questions 98 through 100 reter to the
should not be placed in direct sunlight at all. stay yes, then why not join 0\J happy team of holiday followíng news report.
out of the sun for at least two hours around I representatives? Speaking a toreign language is Many people were lucky to escape witb ther
midday, use what shade there is at other times, ị an advantage and you must be able to get on kves today when a leakmg gas p<pe exploded n
and cover up with a hat and loose clothlng. : wlth people of all ages. We will provide a compa- a ma)Of »1 gakery. The hre that fo#owed
Protective creams suitable for your skin type ; ny car but you must be able to drive. If you think destroyed the gaiery and many cars parked out
can help to protect exposed parts of the body. I you would enịoy helping people, have a good stòe rt. Hundreds of rreplaceabte works of art
Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. ị time, and are conhdent that you can cope wlth wefe destroyed A spokesman (rom the tre
74. Which of the following is NOT mentioned : the stress of workìng in a toreign country, then bngade said that the biítdmg 1$ insate and w i
as a negative result of the sun? Ị give us a call now and arrange an interview. have to be demolished but it was a mracle that
75. What is recommended? 86 . What is the advertisement for? no one died in the incident. He satd it tooked kke
76. What is important about protective Ị 87. What must you have? the scene ot a bomb attack. Sady, the txỉkkng
creams? Ị 88. What will be the blggest challenge? had recently been restored and ttĩere are no
tunds lett to rebưld the gallery.
Questions 77 through 79 reter to the fol- ị Questions 89 through 91 reter to the fol- 98. What was the cause of the tragedy?
loMíing talk. ị lowing announcement. 99. What will happen to the bưking?
WeVe been very happy here but it's just too big ; We all know we should be doing more exercise 100. What was a good thing about the
tor us now that the chlldren have left home. ị and most of us want to, but somehovv, lite has a tragedy?
We've decided to move close to the sea so the Ị habit of spolllng our good intentions. Let's face it,
money from this should buy us a nice cottage, I there's always a reason not to start - too tlred,
The bedrooms have titted cupboards and lovely Ị too busy, too much work. But in our campaígn TEST 10
wooden íloors. Your fuel bills will be cheap I we have tound ten volunteers who have Part 1
thanks to the solar panels in the roof. You can ■ embarked on a walking program in a bid to Directions: For each question, you wìll see a
see the garden from here. Can you see we had a Ị improve their health and lose some vvelght. An picture and you will hear tour short state-
lovely brick barbecue built near the apple tree? I expert has designed a walking plan to get every- ments. The statements will be spoken just one
Oh and of course it's very convenient for you to Ị one moving and we are invíting all of you and time. They will not be printed in your test
get to the airport every day as the train station Ị your partners, triends and children to join us. As book so you must listen caretully to under-
is a five-minute walk. Ị an added incentive, each of our vvalkers is raising stand what thé speaker says. When you hear
77. What does the speaker want to do? • money for their tavorite charity which you can the tour statements, look at the picture and
78. How is the house environmentally-triendly? ; do, too. choose the statement that best describes
79. Who is the speaker shovving around ; 89. What does the speaker say about what you see in the picture. Choose the best
the house? getting fit? answer A, B, c or D.
Ị 90. What is the aim of thls campaign? EXAMPLE:
Questions 80 through 82 refer to the fol- I 91. What might encourage more people Now listen to the tour statements.
lovving review. to join this campaign? You w ill hear:
This is a stunning pertormance from one of our A. He is on the phone.
greatest actors who is recovering from some I Questions 92 through 94 reter to the fol- B. She is drivlng the car.
serious health problems. starting atter the news Ị lowing talk. c. She is typìng on the Computer.
at seven o'clock this evening, this beautitully Ị Part of the excitement and fear of any holiday is D. He is sitting next to her.
written story will have you sitting on the edge of I the moment when you discover how much the statement (D) best describes what you see In
your seat, waiting to see what happens next. It I reality matches the dream. Our hopes were hlgh the picture. Theretore, you should choose
is not really suitable for young children, hovvever, Ị as we caretully drove along the narrow lanes to answer (D).
due to some of the very angry scenes shouted • our villa. We were all relieved to see that our
out by the main actors in the more dramatic : villa was big and beautitul and very stylish. It had 1. A. A lot of the men aren't workmg.
parts of the storyline. I been years since we'd last been to Majorca and B. All the men are involved in the work.
80. What is the review for? I we were worried that it vvould be full of thou- c. They have tinished their work.
81. What is said about the main actor? Ị sands of drunk tourists. The opposite was true D. They will start working soon.
82. What warning is given? ; though, as it has developed as a resort but now 2. A. He's vvorkíng on the roof.
Ị otters music and art íestivals and attracts peo- B. He is climbing a ladder.
Questions 83 through 85 refer to the fol- Ị ple wtio want to have a lovely time mixing with c. He is sunbathlng.
lowing speech. Ị the locals in peacetul surroundings. D. He is throwing a ball.
A very warm welcome to Blackmore university. Ị 92. Where might this talk be trom? 3. A. He's talking in a phone booth.
Congratulations on being accepted into such a Ị 93. What was the speaker's worry? B. He's tixing his car.
fine uníversity. You will fìnd that there are many ; 94. How has Maịorca changed? c. He's drawing a map.
opportunities to join a number of societies and Questions 95 through 97 reter to the fol- D. He's leaning on his car.
clubs during your three years here. In order to ; lowing announcement. 4. A. He is buying some bread.

find out exactly what's on offer you are invited I Thls is an important announcement for all per- B. He's cooking the dinner.
to go to the gym atter lunch to meet the many ị sonnel. At approximately 330 this atternoon c. He works In a bakery.
societles and collect your Union cards. This I there wĩll be a fire drin to check that all alarm D. He's eating some bread.
evenmg there is a welcoming party for you all Ị Systems are vvorking properly and that all 5. A. He's tacing the crowd.
and atter you have seen a short film about the I employees know exactly what to do in case 0< B. The crowd is aggresslve.
university you will be treated to lunch in the stu- ; fire or a bomb scare. On hearìng the alarm, you c. He's ready for action.
dent canteea 1 should ìmmediately leave the warehouse and go D. He's tiring his gun.
83. What is the point ot this speech? I to the far end of the car park. Do not stop to 6. A. They are at a market.
84. Where can students get their student ị collect your personal belongings. The exercise
Union cards? ; should take about 10 minutes atter which you will

B. They are in a restaurant. 19. M: Have you decided which one? B. I've already bought it.
c. They are on a farm W: A. Yes, l'll deíinitely take one. c. I certainly hope so!
D. They are grovving vegetables. B. The blue one, there, on the left. 36. W: How did the interview go?
7. A. All the children are holding hands. c. Margaret won, clearly. M: A. I'm going on Tuesday.
B. The children are in the Street. 2 0 . M: You don't look well at áll. B. Fairly well I think.
c. The children are vvalking away. W: A. What, don't you like my coat? c. In the personnel office.
D. The children are sitting down. B. I'm sorry! I didn't notice it. 37. M: The Christmas party's tomorrow.
8. A. They are tishing. c. Yeah, I think l'll go home. W: A. How could you torget that?
B. They are buying their lunch. 21. W: Have a seat; l'll be with you in B. That's right; it is, isn't ít?
c. They are getting out of the river. a moment. c. Yes, it was yesterday too.
D. They are eating by the river. M: A. Thanks, I will. 38. M: When's your tlight?
9. A. She is riding a horse. B. I've got one, thanks. W: A. I havé to go to Gate 2.
B. She is running in the park. c. I preter modern turniture. B. On the twenty, sixth, at six pm.
c. She is cycling on the grass. 2 2 . M: Who usually does the recycling? c. To Berlin, vía London.
D. She has tallen off her bike. W: A. Yes, it's very important. 39. M: Where's my thumb drive?
10. A. They are teeding the birds. B. Every Tuesday atternoon. W: A. I thought you bought a laptop.
B. The birds are tlying away. c. Maria from administration. B. I'm not a contident driver either.
c. They are chasing the birds. 2 3 . W: This copy machine is really c. Doesn't Patricia have it?
D. She is teeding the baby. complicated! 40. W: Would you mind closing the window?
M: A. You'11 get used to it in no tlme. M: A. It's been on my mind too.
Part 2 B. I think it's the other way around. B. It gets hot in here.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will c. No, it always been like that. c. Not at all.
hear a question or statement spoken in English, 24. W: Don't you think it would be a good
followed by three responses, also spoken in idea to call ahead? Part 3
English. The question or statement and the M: A. Do you have the number? Directions: You will hear some conversations
responses will be spoken just one time. They B. Well, what are you going to call it? betvveen two people. You will be asked to
will not be printed in your test book, so you c. I'm atraid we're a bít behind, actually. answer three questions about what the speak-
must listen caretully. You are to choose the 2 5 . M: Did you book a tlight? ers say in each conversation. Select the best
best response to each question or statement. W: A. I'm reading a murder mystery. response to each question and mark the letter
Now listen to a sample question. B. We're going to France. (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The
You will hear: c. No, I can't make up my mind. conversations will not be printed in your test
Man: Why are you late? 26. W: Are you sure this bus goes to the book and will be spoken only one time.
Woman: (A) I hope I won't be. City centre?
(B) My car broke down. M: A. Yes, I used to take it to work. Questions 41 through 43 refer
(C) He alvvays is. B. Yes, l'm used to taking the bus. to the following conversation.
The best response is choice B, "My car broke c. No, I used to but not anymore. M: Morning, Beth.
down". Theretore, you should choose B. 2 7 . W: How was your weekend?
W: Hi! Gosh, it's a beautitul day, isn't it?
M: A. Well, thánks.
M: You can say that again!
11. W: Are you expecting them to arrive soon? B. Busy, but good.
W: Hey, what do you think; we could have the
M: A. I'm not expecting much, actually. c. In two more days. planning meeting across the Street in the park.
B. At any moment now. 2 8 . M: Who has the Johnston tiles - Jill or M: Uh... What?
c. Sue's not Corning. Maurice?
W: Let's have the meeting in the park - l'm
12. W: Have you considered outsourcing? W: A. Either of them, l'm sure.
serious! I read an article about creativity in
M: A. Yes, and it wouldn't work. B. Both of them are adequate.
business last week and apparently changing the
B. I believe you're mistaken. c. I think neither of them do. work environment can encourage Creative new
c. No; I think I see what you mean. 2 9 . M: Are you listening?
13. M: Do you have the time? W: A. At the moment, to Mozart.
M: Wouldn't it be distracting, though?
W: A. Sorry, l'm really busy. B. Sorry, what did you say?
W: I think the sunshine would do us all good.
B. It's a quarter to two. c. That's a loud voice. 41. What is the vveather probably like?
c. Yes, of course; here you are. 3 0 . M: Sure, I can help, but not till atter 4.
42. Where did the woman get her idea?
14. M: I would suggest changing the logo. W: A. But it's the tirst I need help with.
43. How does the man feel about her idea?
W: A. Do you think it's too plain? B. Actually, l'm not so sure myselt.
B. So where do you suggest? c. Never mind. NI have tinished by then.
c. But that was my tavorite gift! 31. W: Are you going to the post office? Ọuestions 44 through 46 refer to the
15. W: I think NI have the salmon. M: A. No, the bank. following conversation.
M: A. Don't you have any? B. No, the third ottice. M: Where's Daniel? He's over an hour late!
B. YouVe got to make up your mind. c. No thanks. W: Oh, sorry, I torgot to tell you. He called in
c. That's an excellent choice. 3 2 . M: Who's that, over there? sick.
16. M: Where's the Wilson building, please? W: A. You mean the girl in green? M: Again? This is ridiculous!
W: A. No thanks. B. I don't know what you're talking W: Well, l'm sure he didn't do it on purpose!
B. It's inside there, in tront of you. about. M: Yes, but it's the third time this month!
c. It's where the Science laboratories c. No, over there by the cottee machine.
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

W: Yes, well, he's trying to do the vvorkload of

are. 33. W: Did you book a conterence venue? at least two people; it's not surprising, is it?
17. W: You're not pulling your vveight, Josh. M: A. We're in negotiations. WeYe lucky he doesn't quít!
M: A. I'm on a diet. B. Yes, I tinished the book last week. 44. Why is the man angry?
B. I work as hard as anyone! c. I think it's overdue. 45. What is the woman's attitude tovvards
c. Wait? For how long? 3 4 . M: Have you met Ms. Pryce? Daniel?
18. W: Would you let Mr. Harlow know 1've W: A. Yes, we've been introduced. 46. Why does the woman think Daniel
arrived? B. I have an appointment on Thursday. gets sick?
M: A. Mr. Harlow can do what he likes. c. I wasn't at the meeting.
B. You should go right in. 35. W: Are they going to provide training?
c. I have; he'll be with you shortly. M: A. I thlnk they're tlying.
Questions 47 through 49 refer with Usa, I believe. Questions 68 through 70 reter
to the following conversation. M: But whose name did you draw? Mine? to the following conversation.
M: l’m going for a cottee run. Do you want W: I am (emphasis) not telling! M: Are you Corning for lunch?
anything? 56. How wíll they be giving gitts? W: Uh, l've got to tinísh thls spreadsheet. If I
W: Oh, yes, a cappuccino vvould be lovely. 57. How well does the woman know LeeAnn? stop now l'll virtually have to start over agaín.
M: Do you take that with sugar? 58. What can be Iníerred about the man? M: How long will it take you?
W: Um, yes, One. Are you going to Jimmy's W: l've no idea, really. You'd better go ahead.
Cafe by any chance? ĩ'd love a carrot cáke Questions 59 through 61 reter to the M: Do you want us to bring you back some-
too, if you are. following conversation. thing?
M: óh, 1 thought l'd go to the Starbucks, but I W: Hello, Christopher? This is Gina. W: No thanks; I need to stretch my legs and
could just as easily go to Jímmy's.... M: Hi Gina. How are you? get out of the ottice. I just need a quarter of
W: I know it's a little bit turther, but the cakesW: l'm fine, but my son is sick - that's why l'm an hour or so to tinish. You could order for
and breads there are so amazing, and it's nice calling. I've kept him home trom school and my me, though.
to support the local businesses, isn't it? husband has a deadline this Friday and couldn't M: Sure. What'd you want? Your usual chef's
M: Yes, yes, all good points. So, you want a stay home with him, so l'm not sure what to salad?
carrot cake? do. Would you mind if I don't come in today? Is W: You've got it. (laughing) l'm predictable,
W: Yes please. that really inconvenient? I could try to find a aren't I?
47. What does the man offer to do? sitter, but l'm at a bit of a loss. 68. Will the woman go for lunch?
48. If it's trom Starbucks, what does M: Don't worry, we've got everything under 69. What will the man do?
the woman want? control here. You can stay home with your 70. What can we understand about the
49. How does the man respond to the son. This stuff happens to all of us. It's fine. colleagues?
woman's suggestion? W: Thanks so much! Hopetully he'll be well
enough to go back to school tomorrovv.
Ọuestions 50 through 52 reter 59. What is implied about Gina's husband? Part 4
to the following conversation. 60. Why doesn't the woman call a sitter? Directions: You will hear some talks given by
W: I think l'm going to have to hire an account- 61. What will the woman tinally do? a single speaker. You will be asked to answer
ant to do our taxes this year. three questions about what the speaker says
M: They have books on that, you know. Questions 62 through 64 reter in each talk. Select the best response to each
W: Yes, I know. But it's just such a nightmare to the following conversation. question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or
to tigure out with both of us self-employed. M: I have to get to the office by 8 a.m. tomor- (D) on your answer sheet. The talks vvill not
It'll take me weeks and there's just so much l'd row, so we'll have to leave at 7.30. be printed in your test book and will be spoken
rather do with my time! W: Not again! I'm at work a whole hour early only one time.
M: But accountants aren't cheap... each time this happens; it's a whole hour I
W: Well, do you want to get a book and learn could be sleeping. I'd take a taxi, but it's too Questions 71 through 73 reter
how to do it? expensive. I think maybe ril take the bus. to the following message.
50. What is the problem? M: l'm not sure you're going to save time that Ok Jess, we've tentatively scheduled the con-
51. What can be interred about the woman? way. How long is the bus journey? terence for the twenty thlrd to the tvventy
52. Who does the man think ought to do W: About an hour. fifth of March. First, I need you to contact the
the taxes? M: So you'd have to catch the bus by eight. keynote speaker, Protessor Cartvvright, and
But they only come every 20 minutes or so, just make sure that he can attend on those
Questions 53 through 55 reter don't they? So you'd have to be at the bus days. Uh, next, if he agrees, can you make
to the following conversation. stop by seven torty, really. sure that the tentative dates, along with a
W: It seems really odd to me that theyVe hold- Woman: YouYe right. That's hardly worth it. tentative schedule for the talks, get e-mailed
ing interviews but haven't told any of us any- 62. What does the woman want to do? out to all the other speakers too, today, so
thing about it. I wonder: what's up? 63. How could you describe the man? that we have some time to juggle the talks
M: Yeah, I know what you mean. To be honest, 64. How will the woman probably get to work? around if anyone can't make it? Got that?
I feel like I need to start looking around for Please give me a call when you return, just to
another job. I really doubt the company is Questions 65 through 67 refer verity that everything's clear. Thanks.
looking to expand right now. to the following conversation. 71. VVhere would this message likely be heard?
W: Oh, so you think there'll be some layotts W: Oh, no, not again! 72. At the time of the message what has
Corning up? M: What's happened? been decided for sure?
M: l'd be willing to bet on it. W: l've just lost all my work! 73. What must Jess do right away when
53. How do they feel about their employers? M: The Computer crashed? she returns?
54. What does the man think will happen? Woman: Yeah. It's the third time today. I keep
55. Is the man sure there will be layotts? doing the same thing over and over and over! Questions 74 through 76 reter to the
It's getting really annoying! following announcement.
Questions 56 through 58 reter M: Aren't you backing up? Good morning, and vvelcome aboard tlight 533.
to the following conversation. W: I backup at the end of each day. I didn't Weather conditions this morning are fair, and
M: Debby, whose name did you draw for the realize I needed to do it every 10 minutes! we expect to land on schedule in Sydney in
secret Santa gíft exchange? I drew M: Not even atter the second time it crashed? approximately 12 hours. In the course of the
Ms. Clarke's secretary, LeeAnn. W: What are you saying? tlight we will be serving you lunch, dinner, and
a continental-style breaktast just betore our
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

W: But, it's (emphasis ) supposed to be secret! M: I just think it'd be a really good idea to
We're not allovved to tell! That spoils the whole back up trequently. It only takes a few sec- arrival. The duty-free cart will be passing
thing! onds. through the aisles shortly atter take-off and, if
M: Yes, well, you're not going to tell LeeAnn, W: Well, yeah. Now I know, don't I? you wish, you may take this opportunity to
are you? The problem is I don't know her at M: I hope so. make purchases. You will find the duty-free
all. I have no idea what to get her. I thought 65. Why is the woman upset? magazine in the Pocket of the Seat in tront of
you could help. You two are triends, aren't 6 6 . How can you best describe the man's you. I would like to remind you, as always,
you? tone? smoklng is not allovved anywhere on the plane.
W: I do see her socially occasionally, but I 67. What does the man imply about the Now, as we begin taxiing for takeott, please
don't know her that well. She's good triends woman? give your attention to our satety video.

74. How many meals will be served? Questions 86 through 88 refer Questions 95 through 97 refer
75. What are the listeners asked to pay to the following advertisement. to the following message.
attention to? Imagine a dining experience like no other. In Hi Theresa. We have, basically, two choices for
76. When was this announcement made? a pitch-black dining room, each tlavor and tex- the convention. The Miramar Hotel on the
ture greets enthusiastic senses hungry for an seatront has excellent meeting tacilities, and
Ọuestions 77 through 79 refer awareness once brought by sight. This is lots of restaurant options nearby, but it's the
to the following message. Opaque, the city's íirst dark dining restaurant. pricier of the two and parking might be a
Hello, Ben. How are you getting on with the A brilliant experimental dining concept, dark problem for the delegates. We were thinking
graphic designs for the magazine advertise- dining allovvs food to stir the senses in the of bringing in a caterer for meals, but the
ments for Anna's tlorist shop? Well, guess most unique way. Each burst of spice, each Miramar doesn't have space for us to do that.
what? Ms. Anna Tibbs just called me and said hint of sweetness, each touch of tang stands The Ritz, our other option, does. It's a bit out
she's in town and would like to come past to out, yielding an entirely new appreciation of of town, but it's in a beautitul, peacetul loca-
'see how we're getting on'. Ves, I know, I fine cuisine. Under the expert guidance of Chef tion and parking isn't an issue. Also, I don't
know, you were expecting to meet her next Mike Whang, the menu at Opaque cultivates a really like the seatront area at night; it's quite
Friday, not today, so you're probably not at all multi-sensory adventure! crovvded and noisy. I'm leaning tovvards the
prepáred. But I couldn't turn her away, now, 86. What kind of restaurant is being Ritz. Let me know your thoughts.
could I? She insisted. Anyway, just do the best advertized? 95. What is the purpose of this message?
you can to satisty her that the work is pro- 87. What is unique about dark dining? 96. Where can they have their meals
gressing and that it's going to be tantastic 88. What can you NOT experience about catered?
when it's done. Obviously, youVe got some the food at Opaque? 97. What does the speaker think they
preparation to do and the other tasks of the should choose?
morning will have to wait. Ok, l'm in the ottice Questions 89 through 91 refer
if you want a word. to the following news report. Questions 98 through 100 reter to the
77. What is this message about? Good morning. It's being reported that UK con- following message.
78. What does Ms. Tibbs want to know? sumers now believe broadband is as essential Hello, Ms. Kitching. I'm Mary Brown, and l'm
79. How does the speaker expect Ben a utility as electricity or water, according to a calling you from Great Western Hospital,
to feel when he gets the message? panel of government advisers. Some 73% of regarding your application for a nursing posi-
those questioned considered a high-speed con- tion. We would like to invite you for our tirst
Questions 80 through 82 refer nection very important. The Communications round of interviews. We'll be intervievving on
to the following announcement. Consumer Panel's research involved a face-to- the 24th and the 25th of September, and
Our 3-year International Hospitality and face survey with 2,000 people across the UK. we've had a huge response from applicants, so
Tourism Management program covers all the It is expected that the report will include a they will be very busy days. We have not yet
major theoretlcal and practical components of government commitment to provide universal allocated you a time but I wanted to let you
a hotel operation. It also enables the student broadband at a speed of 2 megabits per sec- know now so that you could keep both dáys
to acquire the business skills necessary to ond by 2014. The chair of the Communications open. We'll be contacting you again next week
manage a hotel operation protitably, while at Consumer Panel, Anna Bradley, said: "The key with your specitic interview date and time.
the same time adhering to world-class stan- message is that people think broadband is at Thank you for your interest in the position, and
dards. Two industry placements of 20 weeks a tipping point. It's tantastically usetul for I look forward to meetíng you!
each in the tirst two years of study are an everyone, essential for some now, but will be 98. Why did Mary Brown call Ms. Kitching?
integral part of the program. This degree pro- essential for everyone in the near tuture." 99. When will the interview be?
gram equips graduates with intellectual and 89. On vvhich news program would 100. What can we inter about the intervievv?
leadership capabillties, which will allow them to you expect to hear this report?
move into a range of International managerial 90. Broadband is very important for
positions within prestigious organizations. If how many?
you want an exciting career titled with enor- 9 1 . What has the government promised
mous opportunities, then all you have to do is to do?
submit your application now!
80. What is the purpose of this Questions 92 through 94 refer
announcement? to the following message.
81. Where mlght this announcement be heard? Hello, welcome to Cheetah Buses' automatic
82. What does the course prepare students answering Service. We regret to intorm you
for? that all bus Services for the weekend are can-
celled, due to the national bus drivers' strike. I
Questions 83 through 85 reter will repeat, all Services for the weekend are
to the following message. cancelled. We hope to resume Services on
Uh, yes, hello. I've just received my order of Monday morning, and will keep this recording
ottice supplies, and I must say l'm not at all updated with the latest developments. If you
satistied with the condition theyVe arrived in. have already purchased tickets to travel this
First of all, the white printer paper has been vveekend, you may call 1 800 454 4995, with
treated so roughly that the packet is ripped your ticket ready, and apply for a retund.
and the inner layers of paper are soiled. Even 92. Why are there no buses running?
w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

worse, the edges have all been bent; it will get 93. When should buses be back to normal?
stuck in the printer l'm sure. 1've been tryíng 94. You have a ticket to travel on Sunday.
to reach your customer Service department all What can you do?
day and I can't get an ansvver. This is just not
acceptable! I hope you will return this call
ASAP and suggest what action you wlll take to
rectity the situation.
83. What is the purpose of this message?
84. What is wrong with the paper?
85. What does the speaker want?

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