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European Journal of Pharmacology 756 (2015) 22–29

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Neuropharmacology and analgesia

Carvacrol modulates voltage-gated sodium channels

kinetics in dorsal root ganglia
Humberto Cavalcante Joca a, Daiana Cardoso Oliveira Vieira a,b, Aliny Perreira Vasconcelos c,
Demetrius Antônio Machado Araújo c, Jader Santos Cruz a,n
Laboratório de Membranas Excitáveis e Biologia Cardiovascular, Departamento de Bioquímica e Imunologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade
Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Laboratório de Eletrofisiologia, Instituto Superior de Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil
Laboratório de Biotecnologia Celular e Molecular, Centro de Biotecnologia, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recent studies have shown that many of plant-derived compounds interact with specific ion channels
Received 18 November 2014 and thereby modulate many sensing mechanisms, such as nociception. The monoterpenoid carvacrol
Received in revised form (5-isopropyl-2-methylphenol) has an anti-nociceptive effect related to a reduction in neuronal excit-
3 February 2015
ability and voltage-gated Na þ channels (NaV) inhibition in peripheral neurons. However, the detailed
Accepted 9 March 2015
Available online 17 March 2015
mechanisms of carvacrol-induced inhibition of neuronal NaV remain elusive. This study explores the
interaction between carvacrol and NaV in isolated dorsal root ganglia neurons. Carvacrol reduced the
Keywords: total voltage-gated Na þ current and tetrodotoxin-resistant (TTX-R) Na þ current component in a
Carvacrol concentration-dependent manner. Carvacrol accelerates current inactivation and induced a negative-
Peripheral neurons
shift in voltage-dependence of steady-state fast inactivation in total and TTX-R Na þ current. Further-
Dorsal root ganglia
more, carvacrol slowed the recovery from inactivation. Carvacrol provoked a leftward shift in both the
Voltage-gated sodium channels
Tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium current voltage-dependence of steady-state inactivation and activation of the TTX-R Na þ current component. In
addition, carvacrol-induced inhibition of TTX-R Na þ current was enhanced by an increase in stimulation
frequency and when neurons were pre-conditioned with long depolarization pulse (5 s at  50 mV).
Taken all results together, we herein demonstrated that carvacrol affects NaV gating properties. The
present findings would help to explain the mechanisms underlying the analgesic activity of carvacrol.
& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Importantly, Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons were chosen to pursue
this study because their cell bodies or afferent fibers are carriers of
Throughout human history, natural products have had an essen- sensory information. With regard to cell size, cultured mammalian
tial role in the treatment of a number of diseases (Chang and DRG neurons have been classified into two major groups (1) large
Keasling, 2006; Koehn and Carter, 2005). Although the benefits are neurons with short-lasting action potentials predominantly expressing
sometimes obvious, traditional or herbal medicine is regarded with fast tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na þ currents (TTX-S); and (2) small neu-
skepticism, because the mechanism through which plant compounds rons with long-lasting action potentials, expressing a combination of
exert their powers are largely elusive. Recent studies have shown fast TTX-S and slow TTX-resistant (TTX-R) Na þ currents (Cummins
however that many of these plant compounds interact with specific et al., 2007; Dib-Hajj et al., 2010; Roy and Narahashi, 1992). Recently,
ion channels and thereby modulate the sensing mechanism of the single-cell analysis of Na þ channel transcripts indicated that TTX-S
human body (Alvarez-Collazo et al., 2014; Santos-Nascimento et al., and TTX-R are differentially expressed in large and small sensory
2015; Straub et al., 2013). neurons and the authors provided evidence that NaV 1.8 is highly
Voltage-gated Na þ channels (NaV) underlie the generation of expressed in a subpopulation of large myelinated DRG neurons (Ho
action potentials that are extremely important for electrical commu- and O’Leary, 2011). These results support previous findings that have
nication between excitable cells. Modulation of NaV exerts important identified NaV 1.8 expression in large-diameter DRG neurons by
impact on the control of neuronal excitability (Ahn et al., 2007). immunolabelling (Amaya et al., 2000; Djouhri et al., 2003)
Bioprospection of new drugs that could be useful in the
treatment of pain is an increasingly active research field. Carvacrol,
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 55 31 3409 2668; fax: þ 55 31 3409 2613. 5-isopropyl-2-methylphenol, is an organic compound naturally
E-mail address: (J.S. Cruz). occurring in essential oils of many plants. It is well known for its
0014-2999/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H.C. Joca et al. / European Journal of Pharmacology 756 (2015) 22–29 23

wide pharmacological profile, especially analgesic (Guimarães the bath solution to block Ca2þ channels. Although sub-milimolar
et al., 2010). Previous studies have demonstrated that carvacrol concentrations of Cd2 þ have been reported to block tetrodotoxin-
elicited a significant inhibition of neuronal action potential resistant Na þ channels (Ikeda and Schofield, 1987), its use in the
(Gonçalves et al., 2010; Joca et al., 2012). present study does not affect our conclusions because even in the
Although previous results have indicated that carvacrol inhibits presence of Cd2 þ the size of tetrodotoxin-resistant Na þ currents were
voltage-dependent Na þ currents, the mechanisms underlying its sufficiently large to allow careful analysis (very large signal-to-noise
blocking effects remain elusive. In this study, we used whole-cell ratio). In a series of experiments, currents in DRG neurons were
patch-clamp to further investigate the effects of carvacrol on Na þ measured in the presence (300 nM) of tetrodotoxin.
channels. In addition, we studied the effects of carvacrol on TTX-R DRG neurons were held at  80 mV for 5 min before initiating the
Na þ currents carried by NaV 1.8 channels from DRG neurons. experimental stimulation protocols to allow cell dialysis to complete
(Pusch and Neher, 1988). The DRG neuron under examination was
continuously perfused via a large-bore perfusion pipette positioned
2. Materials and methods with a mechanical micromanipulator in its vicinity. External test
solutions without (control) or with carvacrol were changed by an
2.1. Isolation and cell culture of rat DRG neurons electric command to a micro-solenoid valve (The Lee Co., Essex, CT,
USA) that controlled the bath perfusion.
DRG neurons were obtained from the lumbar segments of 10 to Peak Na þ currents were measured using 100 ms pulses to
14-w old male Wistar rats (220–250 g body weight) using an between 120 mV and 50 mV every 5 s from a holding potential of
enzymatic dissociation procedure as described previously (Joca  80 mV. The peak current was normalized for cell capacitance and
et al., 2012; Moraes et al., 2011). Rats were rendered unconscious plotted against voltage to generate peak current density–voltage
by exposure to CO2 and decapitated. Lumbar DRG were rapidly relationships. Whole-cell conductance was calculated from the peak
dissected and placed in Ca2 þ - and Mg2 þ -free Hanks' balanced salt current amplitude using the equation ðEm  Erev ÞnGmax =ð1 þ e^ðððV m 
solution (HBSS). After carefully removing the surrounding connective Em Þ=ka Þ Þ Þ: Erev is the estimated Na þ current reversal potential, and
tissues, each ganglion was incubated for 75 min, in a water bath at then normalized to the maximal conductance recorded between 5
37 1C, in HBSS containing type 1 collagenase 1 mg/ml (Sigma and 25 mV. The normalized conductance as a function of voltage
Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO, United States) and further incubated curves was fit with the Boltzmann function, ðG  Gmax Þ=ð1 þ e^ðððEm 
for 15 min at 37 1C in HBSS containing 2.5 mg/ml trypsin (Sigma V a Þ=ka Þ Þ Þ determine the voltage for half-maximal channel activation
Chemical Co.). The enzyme digested ganglia were mechanically (Va) and slope factor (ka). The voltage dependence of channel avail-
agitated using a firepolished Pasteur pipette to disperse the neurons. ability was assessed after a 300 ms prepulse to various potentials
The dissociated neurons thus obtained were washed twice with followed by 100 ms pulse to 0 mV, the voltage at which peak Na þ
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (Sigma Chemical Co.) supple- currents was measured. The normalized current was plotted against
mented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% penicillin (Cultilab, the voltage, and steady-state channel availability curves were fit with
Brazil). The neurons were then plated onto poly-D-lysine (0,1%, Sigma Boltzmann function “1=ð1 þ e^ðððEm  V h Þ=kh Þ Þ Þ” , to determine the
Chemical Co.)-coated rectangular glass coverslips and were incubated voltage for half-maximal channel inactivation (Vh) and slope factor (kh).
at 37 1C for 12–48 h in a humidified atmosphere of 95% air plus 5%
CO2 prior to the experiments. DRG neurons that appeared practically 2.3. Chemicals and solutions
spherical without neuronal processes were used for experiments. All
experimental procedures were reviewed and approved by the Carvacrol was obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. A 10 mM stock
institutional ethics committee of Universidade Federal da Paraíba solution was made up in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). All solutions
(CEUA-UFPB). were prepared fresh daily. In a series of control experiments, 10 min
application of DMSO at 0.2% (v/v) had negligible effects on the
2.2. Electrophysiology functional properties of TTX-S and TTX-R Na þ currents (data not
Sodium currents were recorded at room temperature (24–28 1C) in
the whole-cell mode of the patch-clamp technique (Hamill et al., 1981) 2.4. Data analysis
using a HEKA EPC-9/2 amplifier (HEKA Instruments, Germany).
Whole-cell currents were acquired at 20 kHz and filtered at 3 kHz. All data are expressed as means 7S.E.M., where n indicates the
Pulse generation and data acquisition were performed on a Windows- number of experiments. The unpaired and paired Student's t-test
based computer using the Patchmaster program (version 2.7; HEKA, were used when appropriate, Po 0.05 is considered to indicate the
Lambrecht/Pfalz, Germany). Bath solution contained (in mM): NaCl statistically significant difference. Mathematical curve fitting was
140, KCl 5, CaCl2 1.8, MgCl2 0.5, 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineetha- accomplished using SigmaPlot (11.0, Systat Software). All curve
nesulfonic acid) (HEPES) 5, and glucose 5 with pH adjusted to 7.4. fitting routines were performed using non-linear regression ana-
Recording electrodes (1–2 MΩ) were fabricated from capillary glass lysis (Levenberg–Marquadt algorithm).
using a HEKA PIP6 pipette puller (HEKA, Lambrecht/Pfalz, Germany).
The standard pipette solution contained (in mM): NaCl 10, CsCl 100,
HEPES 10, ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid 11, tetraethylammonium-Cl 3. Results
10, MgCl2 5, and pH adjusted to 7.2 with CsOH. Series resistance errors
were compensated using 60–85% series resistance compensation. DRG To test the hypothesis that ion channel antagonism may
neurons on glass coverslips were transferred into a recording chamber underlie the anti-nociceptive effects of carvacrol we investigated
containing standard bathing solution. After establishing the whole-cell the blocking effect of carvacrol on voltage-gated Na þ channels in
configuration, the bath solution was changed to one containing (in isolated rat DRG neurons. We focused our attention on large DRG
mM): NaCl 40, KCl 3, HEPES 10, tetraethylammonium-Cl 20, CaCl2 1, neurons (estimated diameterZ30 μm based on membrane capa-
MgCl2 1, CdCl2 0.1, Choline-Cl 70, and glucose 10 with pH adjusted to citance measurements) that has been reported to express TTX-S
7.4. The extracellular Na þ concentration was maintained at 40 mM for and TTX-R voltage-dependent Na þ currents (Caffrey et al., 1992).
all experiments to reduce the size of Na þ current and thus improve Carvacrol blocks all voltage-dependent Na þ currents in a
voltage-clamp conditions. Cd2þ (100 μM) was routinely included in concentration-dependent fashion (10–2000 μM, n ¼50 cells) in
24 H.C. Joca et al. / European Journal of Pharmacology 756 (2015) 22–29

Fig. 1. Effects of carvacrol on total Na þ currents. (A) Na þ currents evoked by depolarization to potentials from  100 to þ 50 mV in 5 mV steps. Holding potential was set at
 100 mV. Control (Left panel); after addition of carvacrol 300 mM (Middle panel). Right panel illustrates carvacrol-sensitive Na þ currents obtained by digital subtraction of
the current with carvacrol from the control traces. (B) I–V relationship of total Na þ current in the presence of 300 mM carvacrol. Control (open circles) and carvacrol (filled
circles). Data are means 7 S.E.M. (n¼ 6 cells). (C) Means normalized fractional inhibition. Symbols represent means 7 S.E.M. (n¼ 6 cells). Data were obtained from (B).

rat DRG neurons (Supplemental Fig. 1), similar to previous report The reduction in peak current provoked by carvacrol without
(Joca et al., 2012). Hill plot giving an estimated IC50 of 267.7 μM, change in the steady-state activation indicated that the voltage
then all subsequent experiments were performed using 300 μM dependence of inactivation of Na þ channels might be negatively
carvacrol. shifted by carvacrol, thereby contributing to the significant
To elicit total voltage-gated Na þ currents, DRG neurons were decrease in peak Na þ current. After conditioning pre-pulses of
submitted to a holding potential of  80 mV and a 100 ms pre-pulse 300 ms duration to membrane potentials more positive than
to  120 mV was applied and then depolarized to membrane  90 mV, peak Na þ currents are progressively decreased by
potentials ranging from  100 mV to 50 mV in 5 mV increments steady-state inactivation (Fig. 2A). Exposure to carvacrol nega-
every 5 s. A family of typical current traces is shown in Fig. 1A in tively shifts the voltage dependence of inactivation from half-
control conditions (i), after 2 min treatment with carvacrol (ii), and inactivation voltage, Vh of  42.6 77.9 mV (n ¼6) in control to
after digital subtraction (iii) to unravel carvacrol-sensitive Na þ  53.8 77.5 mV in the presence of carvacrol (Po 0.05; n ¼6). The
currents (iii). Fig. 1B demonstrates the current–density vs. voltage slope factors for the steady-state inactivation curves were 8.1 for
relationships for the total Na þ currents of DRG neurons in the control and 6.9 in the presence of carvacrol, and the difference
absence or presence of 300 μM carvacrol (n¼6). The activation between these values was not significant (n ¼6; P4 0.05). Steady-
threshold potential was approximately  40 mV and carvacrol did state inactivation and activation curves intersect near  30 mV in
not change this parameter. The peak current density of total Na þ the control conditions (Fig. 2A).
current was  315.9745.7 A/F for control and 164.6728.4 A/F The intersection of these curves at voltage range from  40 mV to
after exposure to carvacrol. Carvacrol (300 μM at  10 mV) red-  10 mV predicts a substantial window current that could contribute
uced the peak Na þ currents by 47.876.7%. The reversal potential to control neuronal excitability. As carvacrol shifted the steady-state
was not affected by the presence of carvacrol which indicates that ion inactivation curve to more hyperpolarized membrane potentials the
selectivity was preserved. In addition, carvacrol (300 μM) produced window current was reduced which could account for the decrease
an inhibition of the Na þ currents that, at the conditioning pre-pulse in neuronal excitability reported by others (Gonçalves et al., 2010;
of  120 mV, was independent of the test potential (Fig. 1C). Joca et al., 2012).
After establishing that carvacrol blocks Na þ currents in DRG Fig. 2B shows voltage-gated Na þ current examples recorded
neurons, we proceeded with more detailed electrophysiological ana- from one DRG neuron in response to 0 mV test pulse. At this test
lysis to better characterize the interaction between carvacrol and Na þ pulse potential, Na þ channels activate and inactivate within
channels. To determine if the block of Na þ channels by carvacrol was several milliseconds. Carvacrol accelerates current inactivation,
due to a depolarizing shift in the voltage-dependence of activation the such that the duration of the Na þ currents is shorter. We also
kinetics of activation of Na þ currents was calculated and fit with a measured the inactivation time constants and determined that the
single Boltzmann equation as shown in Fig. 2A. current decay exhibited two exponential components with a
In contrast to the change in peak sodium current, normalized predominant fast ( 80%) and a smaller (  20%) slow component.
conductance as a function of membrane potential curves (Fig. 2A) Carvacrol (300 μM) did not change the contribution of each
shows that the voltage-dependence of activation was not changed in component for current decay but it caused a significant decrease
the presence of carvacrol (300 μM, n¼6). in fast (1.64 70.37 ms to 0.99 70.20 ms, n¼ 6; P o0.05) and
H.C. Joca et al. / European Journal of Pharmacology 756 (2015) 22–29 25

Fig. 2. Effects of carvacrol on functional properties of Na þ currents. (A) Overlay of steady-state activation (circles) and inactivation (squares) curves before (open symbols)
and after application of carvacrol (closed symbols). Continuous lines are representing the best fit to a Boltzmann distribution (see Section 2 for more details). (B) Normalized
Na þ currents at 0 mV (from  100 mV holding potential) recorded from the same cell in control conditions and after carvacrol addition to the bath. The current decay in
carvacrol is accelerated. Time constants for current inactivation were calculated by a fit with double exponential function (superimposed continuous lines). (C) Composite
data to compare fitting parameters of current inactivation in control and after carvacrol effect reaches steady-state. *Po 0.05. Paired Student's t-test. Bar graphs represent
means 7 S.E.M. (n ¼6 cells). (D) Recovery from inactivation. After a depolarizing test pulse, channels were allowed to recover from fast inactivation at  120 mV for varying
intervals before testing for fractional recovered current at 0 mV. Averaged data were fit with a double exponential function.

slow (6.61 70.66 ms to 4.37 70.87 ms, n ¼6; Po 0.05) time both the slow and fast exponential time constants were significantly
constants (Fig. 2C). decreased by the presence of carvacrol (300 μM, n¼7). There is no
To examine the effect of carvacrol on the repriming of Na þ significant change in the relative contributions for both components
currents from the inactivated state, a double-pulse protocol was used (Fig. 3C). These findings indicated that changes in the inactivation
by applying a test pulse to 0 mV for 100 ms and then a second test kinetics may be responsible for carvacrol inhibitory effects on TTX-
pulse followed by a recovery pulse (120 mV) to 0 mV for varying resistant Na þ currents.
durations. Recovery from inactivation (Fig. 2D) in the absence or To better investigate the effect of carvacrol on TTX-resistant
presence of carvacrol was well described by a sum of two exponential Na þ channels activation we recorded voltage-dependent inward
functions. The fast time constant was 3.4070.75 ms and the slow currents with slow inactivation by holding the membrane poten-
time constant 156.60719.89 ms in control, while after carvacrol tial at  80 mV and applying 100 ms test pulses to potentials
exposure these values increase to 4.3970.90 and 265.80720.36 ms, between  100 to þ55 mV in 5 mV increments. Typical whole-cell
respectively. currents are depicted in Fig. 4A (Top panels). When normalized for
Having demonstrated that exposure of DRG neurons to carva- cell capacitance the average peak TTX-resistant Na þ current
crol was capable of inhibiting voltage-gated Na þ currents, we next density of carvacrol at 300 μM (  63.00 78.12 A/F) was statisti-
asked the question whether carvacrol would preferentially block cally different from control (  93.37 716.58 A/F, n ¼7, Po 0.05).
TTX-resistant Na þ currents in rat DRG neurons. As represented in Fig. 4B, TTX-resistant current density–voltage
To do so, DRG neurons were incubated with tetrodotoxin curve in the presence of carvacrol was shifted by 10 mV more
(300 nM) which blocks TTX-sensitive Na þ currents and allowed hyperpolarized than control DRG neurons. The reversal potential is
TTX-resistant Na þ currents to be isolated. Fig. 3A shows TTX- unaffected by the presence of carvacrol.
resistant Na þ current examples recorded from DRG neurons in The voltage dependence of activation and steady-state inactivation
response to 0 mV test pulse. We found that TTX-resistant Na þ for control and in the presence of carvacrol is illustrated in Fig. 4C. As
currents were significantly inhibited by carvacrol at two different compared with control, the mid-point of activation was shifted 8.9 mV
concentrations (Top panels). Fig. 3B demonstrates the comparison of more negative for neurons exposed to 300 μM carvacrol (control:
current inhibition elicited by carvacrol at 300 μM ( 30%, n¼7) and  8.0170.6 mV, n¼7; carvacrol:  16.971.1 mV, n¼7; paired t-test,
at 1000 μM (82.4477.45%, n¼3) for TTX-resistant Na þ currents. Po0.05), confirming that carvacrol shifts activation of TTX-resistant
We further investigated the effects of carvacrol on TTX-resistant Na þ channels in a hyperpolarizing direction. There is no change in the
Na þ currents by looking at its effects on the time course of inactiva- slope factor.
tion. Specifically, the inactivation time-course determined at 0 mV Steady-state inactivation (Fig. 4C, squares) was assessed at
exhibited biexponential decay (Fig. 3C). At this membrane potential, 0 mV after applying a conditioning pre-pulse ranging from  100 to
26 H.C. Joca et al. / European Journal of Pharmacology 756 (2015) 22–29

Fig. 3. Carvacrol inhibits TTX-resistant voltage-gated Na þ current (TTX-R Na þ current) of dissociated dorsal root ganglia neurons. (A) Individual examples of TTX-R Na þ
current records for control (Left, black trace), after 120 s of exposure to 300 mM (Middle, dark gray trace) and 1000 mM of carvacrol (Middle, superimposed light gray trace).
Right panel depicts carvacrol-sensitive current traces. (B) The concentration-dependent effects of carvacrol on TTX-R Na þ current are shown for 300 μM (closed bar) and
1000 μM (open bar). Data are plotted as means 7S.E.M. (n ¼16 cells). (C) Composite data to compare fitting parameters of TTX-R Na þ current inactivation in control and after
carvacrol effect reaches steady-state. Amplitude and time constants (fast and slow components) for current inactivation were calculated by a fit with double exponential
function. *Po 0.05. Paired Student's t-test. Bar graphs represent means 7 S.E.M. (n¼7 cells).

Fig. 4. Effects of carvacrol on TTX-R Na þ currents. (A) TTX-R Na þ currents evoked by depolarization to potentials from  100 to þ 55 mV in 5 mV steps. Holding potential
was set at  100 mV. Control (Left panel); after addition of carvacrol 300 mM (Middle panel). Right panel illustrates carvacrol-sensitive TTX-R Na þ currents obtained by
obtained by digital subtraction of the current with carvacrol from the control traces. (B) I–V relationship of TTX-R Na þ current in the presence of 300 mM carvacrol. Control
(open circles) and carvacrol (filled circles). Data are means 7S.E.M. (n ¼7 cells). (C) Voltage-dependence for steady-state activation (circles) and inactivation (squares) of TTX-
R Na þ current in the absence (open symbols) and in presence of carvacrol at 300 μM (filled symbols). Carvacrol induced a negative-shift in steady-state activation and
inactivation. Continuous lines are representing the best fit to a Boltzmann distribution (see Section 2 for more details). (n¼ 7 cells in each experimental condition).

þ10 mV in 5 mV increments and maintaining the holding potential at to 300 μM carvacrol (control: –24.270.8 mV, n¼7; carvacrol: 40.4
80 mV. The mid-point of inactivation was shifted 16.1 mV towards 71.5 mV, n¼7; paired t-test, Po0.05). We did not observe any
more hyperpolarized membrane potentials for DRG neurons exposed significant difference in the slope factor.
H.C. Joca et al. / European Journal of Pharmacology 756 (2015) 22–29 27

Fig. 5. Recovery from inactivation, use-dependence, and state-dependence: effects of carvacrol. (A) The recovery time from inactivation. Neurons were depolarized by
paired-pulses with different time intervals (n¼ 10). (B) Expanded version of recovery graph to depict the early (first 3 ms) time points. (C) Increase in stimulation frequency
(from 0.2 Hz to 1 Hz) enhanced the carvacrol-induced inhibition of TTX-R Na þ current. (D) Carvacrol preferentially blocks TTX-R Na þ channels that are in the inactivated
state. *Po 0.05. One Way Anova followed by Tukey test was used for statistical analyses.

To further establish whether carvacrol altered TTX-resistant Na þ which could arise from voltage-dependent changes in the conforma-
channels repriming kinetics we decided to perform experiments to tion of the drug binding site (Hille, 1977). We, therefore, evaluated
evaluate the recovery from inactivation of the TTX-resistant Na þ carvacrol block at different membrane holding potentials. Fig. 5D
current in isolated DRG neurons. Fig. 5A illustrates the observed shows that greater block was observed when DRG neurons were held
changes in the recovery from inactivation that occur when TTX- at  50 mV than 120 mV. Also, total voltage-dependent Na þ current
resistant Na þ channels are exposed to carvacrol. The ratio of current shows similar pattern (Supplemental Fig. 2B).
amplitude was plotted against the repriming interval at  120 mV. The
repriming process was well described by the sum of two exponential
functions. For DRG control neurons (n¼6), recovery was biexponential 4. Discussion
and included a large fast component (contribution of  75%). This
initial phase represents Na þ channels recovering from fast-inactivated Our results demonstrate that carvacrol is a Na þ channel blocker.
states in sub-millisecond time scale (τfast ¼0.6770.05 ms) and, the We propose that carvacrol causes a decrease in membrane excit-
remaining channels are recovering from slow-inactivated states ability via inhibition of voltage-gated Na þ channels in DRG neurons.
(τslow ¼77.2715.3 ms). In the presence of carvacrol (n¼ 6), the con- Decreases in Na þ current density impairs action potential generation
tribution (75%) of the rapid component of recovery was not altered, by DRG neurons ultimately resulting in decrease in cell excitability.
but the rate of recovery from fast-inactivated states was significantly The major findings that support this conclusion are as follows:
delayed (τfast ¼ 1.3770.07 ms). The calculated time-constant (τslow) for (1) Carvacrol causes a robust decrease in voltage-dependent Na þ
the slow component of recovery was 298.8756.1 ms. These results currents; (2) Carvacrol elicits a leftward shift in the voltage depen-
support the notion that carvacrol by interacting with TTX-resistant dence of steady-state inactivation; (3) Carvacrol accelerates time-
Na þ channels elicits modifications in the repriming kinetics. The dependent inactivation; (4) Carvacrol blocks indistinctively TTX-R
average repriming kinetics at  120 mV for the first 3 ms of recovery and TTX-S Na þ currents; and (5) Carvacrol stabilizes inactivated
are illustrated in Fig. 5B. states of the TTX-resistant voltage-dependent Na þ channels. These
At this point we considered to be of interest to determine if the findings are consistent with results from previous studies implicating
stimulation frequency (use-dependent blocking) and the membrane carvacrol as an action potential blocker (Gonçalves et al., 2010; Joca
potential influence the effects of carvacrol on TTX-resistant Na þ et al., 2012).
channels. Fig. 5C depicts frequency-response of carvacrol at 300 μM. In a preceding study we have demonstrated that carvacrol inhibits
The data obtained in the presence of carvacrol revealed evidence of voltage-gated Na þ currents in isolated DRG neurons. However, the
frequency-dependent TTX-resistant Na þ channel block. Increasing detailed mechanism was not investigated. We made, therefore, an
stimulation frequency from 0.2 Hz to 1 Hz an approximately 20% attempt to characterize how carvacrol-induced changes in Na þ gating
additional TTX-resistant Na þ current is inhibited by the drug (Fig. 5C). could explain its pharmacological effects.
The same not occurs to total voltage-dependent Na þ current (Supple- Firstly, we will discuss the main results obtained by measuring
mental Fig. 2A). The use-dependence of carvacrol on TTX-resistant what we called total voltage-dependent Na þ current which represents
Na þ channels was indicative of state-dependent binding interactions the contribution of TTX-sensitive and TTX-resistant Na þ channels,
28 H.C. Joca et al. / European Journal of Pharmacology 756 (2015) 22–29

since large DRG neurons express TTX-S Na þ channels NaV 1.1, NaV factor of 5 (0.2–1.0 Hz) a 25% additional block could be achieved.
1.6 and NaV 1.7, and the TTX-R Na þ channels NaV 1.8 and NaV 1.9 Taken together these results suggest that NaV 1.8 channel states
(Dib-hajj et al., 2010). visited during high frequency stimulation uncovered higher affinity
Carvacrol had negligible effect on the voltage-dependent char- binding sites compared with the closed state in which channels stay at
acteristics of Na þ currents activation but produced a clear hyper- more negative potentials.
polarization shift in the steady-state inactivation relationship. This The phenomenon of use-dependence relies on the repetitive
profile is quite consistent with the possibility that carvacrol bind and brief membrane depolarizations that force Na þ channels to
selectively to the inactivated state of the channels. State depen- cycle through activated, inactivated and repriming (rate of recov-
dent affinity has been described previously for other Na þ channel ery from inactivation) states. The use-dependent block exerted by
blockers, notably the local anesthetics (like lidocaine, Balser et al., carvacrol is probably due to slow rate of dissociation from blocked
1996) and a variety of anticonvulsants (phenytoin, carbamazepine, NaV 1.8 channels during membrane repolarization.
and lamotrigine; Catterall, 1999). Furthermore, membrane depolarization increased carvacrol affi-
As suggested by the results shown in Fig. 2B, carvacrol enhanced nity by approximately 17-fold (to estimate the projected IC50 for
current inactivation indicating that carvacrol could be an open- both holding potentials,  120 mV (IC50  900 μM) and  50 mV
channel blocker. If we add this observation on top of the state- (IC50  53 μM), we used the equation as described by Sheets et al.
dependent inhibitory effect, carvacrol has basically all basic features (2008)). These data indicate that carvacrol is much more effective at
to be considered a local anesthetic. The slow dissociation observed inhibiting inactivated NaV 1.8 channels than resting channels. One
for carvacrol-induced block of total Na þ currents is likely because of would argue that carvacrol, as a potential analgesic drug, would
its high lipophilicity (octanol:water partition coefficient approxi- benefit from its higher affinity towards inactivated NaV 1.8 channels
mately 4,370). However, we cannot totally rule out the possibility because nociceptor hyperexcitability and increased pain sensations
that carvacrol-induced acceleration of Na þ current decay may be are likely to be associated with depolarized membrane potential in
related to drug-induced inactivation (Hille, 1977). neurons.
In the present study, we demonstrated that carvacrol blocked
total voltage-gated Na þ currents in DRG neurons with an IC50 of
300 μM at a holding potential of  100 mV. At this point, we may 5. Conclusion
conclude that carvacrol inhibits voltage-dependent Na þ channels in
the resting state in a way that is similar to the other essential oil In summary, the present data clearly demonstrate that carva-
constituents. Sheets et al., 2008 stated that possible side effects crol is capable of blocking NaV 1.8 channels in isolated DRG
related mainly to the central nervous system may significantly limit neurons at concentrations that may be useful as a pharmacological
the use of Na þ channel blockers in attenuating pain; therefore, they tool to further explore the actual role of NaV 1.8 current in
concluded that drugs which are better able to differentiate normal physiological and pathophysiological conditions.
and abnormal neuronal activity are desirable because these drugs
will present a much better safety profile and tolerability.
As we mentioned above two distinct types of TTX-resistant Na þ Acknowledgments
currents (NaV 1.8- and NaV 1.9-type) have been identified in DRG
neurons (Cummins et al., 1999; Dib-Hajj et al., 1999; Sheets et al., This work was supported by research grants from CNPq, Brazil
2008). Akopian et al. (1999) demonstrated that NaV 1.8 channels are (DAM Araújo, #479764/2012-3; JS Cruz, # 476411/2013-0 and
implicated in inflammatory pain. Lai et al. (2002) provided evidence 308007/2013-1) and FAPEMIG, Brazil (JS Cruz, #APQ-00460-12).
that NaV 1.8 channels are involved in neuropathic pain. The most HC Joca held a scholarship from CAPES. JS Cruz and DAM Araújo
important is the fact that selective block of NaV 1.8 currents allev- are CNPq research fellows.
iates both of these types of pain (Jarvis et al., 2007). Therefore, NaV
1.8 currents are an important target when investigating new anti-
nociceptive substances. Appendix A. Supporting information
Ho and O’Leary (2011) in a study using single-cell analysis of NaV
expression in DRG neurons came to the conclusion that NaV 1.8 chan- Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
nels actually underlie the TTX-R Na þ current as measured by whole- online version at
cell recordings. We decided to block TTX-sensitive Na þ current with
tetrodotoxin (300 nM) to isolate NaV 1.8 current and conduct a better References
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