Recurrence Rates of Hyperemesis Gravidarum In.11

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Recurrence rates of hyperemesis gravidarum in pregnancy:

a systematic review protocol
Caitlin Dean 1,2  Katrina Bannigan 1  Margaret O’Hara 2  Rebecca Painter 3  Jon Marsden 1
Plymouth University, School of Health Professions, Derriford Road, Plymouth, UK, 2Pregnancy Sickness Support, Dunmore Farm,
Par, UK, and 3Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Review question/objective: The quantitative objective of this review is to identify the recurrence rate
of hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) in subsequent pregnancies.
Keywords Hyperemesis gravidarum; recurrence; subsequent pregnancy; risk factors
JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep 2017; 15(11):2659–2665.

Background Epidemiology and complications of HG

Definition of hyperemesis gravidarum Unlike NVP, which affects up to 80% of pregnant
ausea and vomiting is an unpleasant yet com- women, HG only affects around 1–1.5% of women.
N mon symptom in early pregnancy.1 For most
women it does not cause significant morbidity;
Additionally, for around 30% of women, NVP
symptoms will be severe enough to impact normal
symptoms can be managed with self-help techniques life, require time off work and reduce food and fluid
and are self-limiting. However, nausea and vomiting intake, yet not warrant the diagnosis of HG.7 The
of pregnancy (NVP) appears on a spectrum of biopsychosocial impacts of both NVP and HG have
severity and, at the severe end, women may be been well documented in the literature.8-11 However,
diagnosed with the serious complication of preg- HG carries additional risks and potential complica-
nancy called hyperemesis gravidarum (HG).2 Diag- tions for both mother and fetus including Wernicke’s
nosis of NVP and HG requires excluding other encephalopathy, and low birth weight and prema-
potential causes of severe sickness, both pregnancy ture labor.12,13 Hyperemesis gravidarum is also asso-
related and non-pregnancy related.3 Although there ciated with perinatal death and accounts for
is currently no international consensus on the defi- significant levels of pregnancy loss through thera-
nition of HG, there are commonly used diagnostic peutic termination.14,15 Treating HG can be chal-
criteria. The Royal College of Obstetricians and lenging and costly. The single most frequent reason
Gynecologists (RCOG) published the first national for hospital admission in the first half of pregnancy is
guideline for NVP and HG in 2016, stating that HG HG, which is associated with significant health care
should be diagnosed when NVP symptoms are costs, and lacks an effective treatment supported by
protracted and include weight loss greater than high quality evidence.16,17
5%, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.4 How-
ever, other criteria have also been used such as the Etiology and recurrence rate
patient requiring hospital admission or the presence The etiology of HG in unclear, although it is likely to
of ketonuria.5 Both criteria have been criticized and be multifactorial and almost certainly contains a
the latter has recently been disputed as a systematic genetic element.18,19 It is well documented that
review found no association between ketonuria and daughters and siblings of affected women have a
HG severity.6 30% risk of experiencing HG compared to the
normal population,19 and some pilot studies have
identified possible target genes involved in HG heri-
tability.18 Unlike ‘‘normal’’ pregnancy sickness,
Correspondence: Caitlin Dean, many women report experiencing HG in multiple
There is no conflict of interest in this project. pregnancies and it has been found to limit family size
DOI: 10.11124/JBISRIR-2016-003271 as a result, although there is conflicting evidence on

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©2017 Joanna Briggs Institute. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


this topic.20,21 The risk of recurrence in subsequent with a history of HG can prepare for subsequent
pregnancies is currently reported as being from 15% pregnancy and describes the use of an holistic pre-
to 80%.20-23 emptive care plan which include:
 Physical preparation, such as establishing a
Relevance of evidence on recurrence rates of HG healthy pre-pregnancy weight and fitness level
Anecdotal reports, via the Pregnancy Sickness Sup-  Prophylactic medication
port (PSS) charity helpline for the condition, suggest  Criteria for assessing deterioration
women are being told by their healthcare provider  Further treatment options planned in advance
(HCP) that ‘‘every pregnancy is different’’ and their  Psychosocial management, such as arranging
risk of having HG in a subsequent pregnancy is as childcare and emotional support.
low as the general population, i.e. 1–1.5%. This is It is well documented that during such severe levels
despite published evidence to the contrary dating as of sickness, previously independently minded, auton-
far back as 1964.24 This is important for a number of omous women can feel disempowered and unable to
reasons – women need this information to make advocate effectively for themselves.14,32-34 With
important life decisions, pre-pregnancy planning and advanced planning women may feel more empowered
the impact on their relationship with their HCP – all to cope with the condition and therefore experience
of which need to be addressed. less associated trauma despite recurring physical
Firstly, there are reports of women seeking termi- symptoms.26
nation for an HG affected pregnancy under the A randomized control trial (RCT) in 2013 found
illusion that, in a future pregnancy, they are unlikely that starting treatment prior to symptom onset sig-
to experience it again.25 Even for those anticipating a nificantly reduced the overall severity and duration of
risk of recurrence, the discrepancy in the literature is symptoms for women with a previous history of
so large it is possible it could be a factor in a couple’s HG.35 Despite some methodological concerns, the
decision as to whether or not to conceive, maintain results are promising and further RCTS of prophylac-
or end a pregnancy. However, if the true recurrence tic interventions would be beneficial for women with
figure is not as high as reported in other literature, a history of HG but may only be warranted if, indeed,
such as 80þ%, then women may be limiting their recurrence is likely. Therefore it is vital that a defini-
family size based on incorrect information.20 It is tive recurrence risk is established and the information
essential therefore that a definitive answer is sought disseminated widely to the population it affects.
to this question to enable women to make life alter-
ing decisions based on an accurate evidence base. Anticipated methodological limitations
Secondly, there is a growing body of evidence that Through an initial review of the literature exploring
when subsequent pregnancies are planned in con- the recurrence of HG, it is striking that the discrep-
junction with the HCP, and treatment for HG is ancy in the estimates of recurrence may be due to the
started early, the pregnancy outcomes are improved definition of hyperemesis gravidarum used. For
for both mother and fetus.26 For women to make example, admission to hospital is commonly used
informed autonomous decisions about their repro- as an inclusion criteria, such as in the case of Trog-
ductive and family planning options, they must have stad et al.23 However, it is increasingly recognized
accurate and accessible information to assist them. that in subsequent pregnancies women may know
Recent research into the detrimental effects of mater- what to expect and access earlier intervention in the
nal malnutrition and weight loss in pregnancy shows community precluding the need for hospital admis-
potentially lifelong impacts for the infant,27-29 while sion, despite symptoms being as severe as the previ-
the risk for long-term morbidity for the mother is ous pregnancy.26 It could also be argued that women
also gaining increasing attention, particularly with subjected to poor hospital treatment in the first
the increased awareness of conditions such as post- pregnancy, such as the isolation and psychological
traumatic stress disorder.30,31 interrogation, that was still occurring as recently as
Multigravidas women, as previously described, 2004 in Paris, could deter women in subsequent
may have the opportunity to prepare and plan if a pregnancies from accessing medical treatment.36
reasonably accurate prediction of risk is available. This is supported by Sykes et al. who found that
Dean26 suggests a number of ways in which women some women avoided returning to their doctor for

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help after they had been met with ineffective com- definition and outcome measures, a definitive recur-
munication and dismissive attitudes while seeking rence rate based on current literature would have a
initial treatment.32 Furthermore Dean et al. found practical benefit to patients and their HCPs. Previous
that some of the women in their survey of termina- authors of systematic literature reviews have dealt with
tion for HG had not accessed hospital treatment this issue pragmatically by including all papers about
because of obstacles at the primary care level.14 HG regardless of how they have been defined and
We will discuss methodological steps necessary to assessing heterogeneity statistically as measured by
deal with these issues in the following section. I2.6,12,39 This review will take the same pragmatic
approach and wherever possible, we will stratify the
Rationale for conducting the review aggregated data according to the HG (recurrence)
Listening to the patient’s voice within clinical definition applied. By employing sensitivity analyses,
research processes is vital to ensuring that the ques- we will be able to test the hypothesis that differences in
tions asked are meaningful and relevant to those they reported recurrence HG rates are dependent on the
seek to benefit.37 Members of the patient advocacy method used to define HG recurrence.
group for HG, PSS, were invited to comment on the
review question. Support for the review question was Types of participants
strong and they felt that by establishing a definitive This review will consider studies that include women
recurrence risk for HG women, their families and who have had more than one pregnancy and who
their HCPs will be better placed to make life-altering have experienced hyperemesis gravidarum in at least
decisions and plans according to solid, evidence one of those pregnancies, regardless of pregnancy
based information. outcome, duration or treatment. Studies that include
An initial search of systematic review registers and women with NVP and not diagnosed with HG will
databases, including Cochrane Database of System- be excluded.
atic Reviews, PROSPERO International prospective
register of systematic reviews and JBI Database of Condition
Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports This review will consider studies that evaluate the
found that no previous systematic review of the recur- recurrence of hyperemesis gravidarum, regardless of
rence rate for Hyperemesis Gravidarum has been how it is defined. Studies which evaluate the recur-
undertaken or is underway currently. rence of NVP will be excluded.
Therefore the need to conduct a systematic review
to identify the recurrence rate of hyperemesis grav- Context
idarum (HG) in pregnancies subsequent to one This review will not limit inclusion by geography or
affected by HG is warranted. care setting, such as primary or secondary care.

Inclusion criteria Types of studies

Defining hyperemesis gravidarum This review will consider descriptive epidemiological
Grooten et al. highlight that the lack of clinical defini- study designs including case series, RCTs and
tion for HG is a serious barrier to all aspects of HG descriptive cross sectional studies for inclusion. Indi-
research on an international level and to that end are vidual case reports will be excluded. To address
undertaking a Delphi Study to develop an international issues regarding prevalence and incidence, epidemi-
consensus definition and set of core outcomes for HG ological studies, such as those classified under the
studies.5,38 However, until such a definition is estab- term ‘‘observational and descriptive’’ studies, are
lished we must work with those available. A number of required. These designs address questions such as:
experts, including the authors of the definition Delphi How many people have a disease? Who is getting the
study, two consultant obstetricians from the UK, one disease? Where is the disease occurring?40
midwife, one general practitioner, and seven patients
and trustees of the patient support group Pregnancy Search strategy
Sickness Support, were consulted about the challenges The search strategy aims to find both published and
of the definition in the context of this review. It was unpublished studies. A three-step search strategy will
agreed that, despite the challenges surrounding be utilized in this review. An initial limited search of

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MEDLINE and CINAHL will be undertaken fol- correct. Additionally the Medical Subject Headings
lowed by an analysis of the text words contained in (MeSH) terms will be checked to ensure all relevant
the title and abstract, and of the index terms used to terms are covered in the search. An example initial
describe articles. A second search using all identified search strategy is presented in Appendix I.
keywords and index terms will then be undertaken
across all included databases. Thirdly, the reference Assessment of methodological quality
list of all relevant reports and articles will be Titles and abstracts will be assessed for relevance
searched for additional studies. Studies will not and papers fitting the above inclusion criteria will be
be limited by publication date. Where possible for- retrieved. Papers selected for retrieval will be
eign language publications will be translated to assessed by two independent reviewers for method-
English for inclusion. ological validity prior to inclusion in the review
The databases to be searched include: Embase, using standardized critical appraisal instruments
British Nursing Index, CINAHL, MEDLINE, from the Joanna Briggs Institute System for the
AMED, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, Global Health, Unified Management, Assessment and Review of
Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth, Scopus. Information (JBI SUMARI), as available through
In addition to Google, the search for unpublished the JBI (2017) critical appraisal tool downloads.41
studies will include: Pregnancy Sickness Support Any disagreements that arise between the reviewers
website, Hyperemesis Education and Research will be resolved through discussion, or with a
Foundation website, Motherisk Website, Blogs third reviewer.
and parenting forums, NHS sites, British Library
Explore (for British Theses) and Google Scholar, Data extraction
Grey Literature Report and Open Grey for interna-
tional theses. Social media, such as Twitter, will be Qualitative and quantitative data will be extracted
used to request knowledge of any relevant grey from papers included in the review using the stan-
literature among active researchers and healthcare dardized data extraction tool from JBI SUMARI.
professionals. The data extracted will include specific details about
Additionally reference lists of key papers will be populations, study methods and outcomes of signifi-
hand searched for backward citations. cance to the review question and specific objectives.
Initial keywords to be used are summarized in
Table 1. Data synthesis
Initial searches will be limited to title and abstract Quantitative data will, where possible will be pooled in
only. Results will be checked to ensure key references statistical meta-analysis using JBI SUMARI. All results
are found in order to ensure the key words are will be subject to double data entry. Effect sizes

Table 1: Summary of keywords to be used in the search strategy

Population descriptors Disease descriptors Incidence descriptors

Pregnancy Hyperemesis Gravidarum Second
Combine with OR

Pregnan Nausea Subsequent

Gestation Vomiting Successive
Antenatal Emesis Recur
Gravid Vomit Repeat
Sickness Next

Combine with AND

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expressed as odds ratio (for categorical data) and 11. Poursharif B, Korst L, Fejzo M, MacGibbon K, Romero R,
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Roseboom T. Consequences of hyperemesis gravidarum for
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Where statistical pooling is not possible the findings 13. Chiossi G, Neri I, Cavazzuti M, Basso G, Facchinetti F. Hyper-
will be presented in narrative form including tables and emesis gravidarum complicated by Wernicke encephalop-
figures to aid in data presentation where appropriate. athy: background, case report, and review of the literature.
Obstet Gynecol Surv 2006;61(4):255–68.
Acknowledgements 14. Dean C, Murphy C. I could not survive another day: Improv-
We thank the volunteers for UK Charity Pregnancy ing treatment and tackling stigma: lessons from women’s
experiences of abortion for severe pregnancy sickness
Sickness Support for their input and the various
London: Pregnancy Sickness Support and BPAS; 2015.
experts who have advised on the review question,
15. Vandraas K, Vikanes A, Vangen S, Magnus P, Stoer N, Grji-
inclusion criteria and methods including Dr Roger bovski A. Hyperemesis gravidarum and birth outcomes-a
Gadsby, Miss Manjeet Shehmar, Dr Marjory population-based cohort study of 2.2 million births in the
MacLean, and Dr Iris Grooten. Norwegian Birth Registry. Bjog 2013;120(13):1654–60.
16. Boelig R, Barton S, Saccone G, Kelly A, Edwards S, Berghella
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Appendix I: Search strategy example

Ovid MEDLINE(R) in-process and other non-indexed citations and Ovid MEDLINE(R) (1946 to present)

Search Terms Hits

1 Pregnancy/ or or pregnan .mp. or Gestation .mp. or 982065 or
2 Hyperemesis or Hyperemesis Gravidarum/ or Nausea/ 127423
or or Vomiting/ or or
3 (Second or Subsequent or Successive or Recur or Repeat or Next).mp. 2118437
4 1 and 2 and 3 1345

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