China War Draft 2

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China war


This is the first campaign which will be use as a turtiol and also a very advance campaign.
This campaign is the rise of a civilations which will take you from the start of chinese culture
in 6000BC to the 18th and 19th centurys. This campagin take you from a commical of house to
giant kingdom.

Tier 0

You start as a small group of house or village with farms. There are a few family group and a
number of farm to feed your village in the start but this will be most like to much and so you
can trade and sell to nearby town for excerse supples and resources. You have differnet type
of farm to chosce like rice and grain but you can also grow and raise animal to kill for meat,
milk for drink and sell to over village and towns and feed your village. You start with a small
village whick is undevelop with a granies, hut, farm(rice and grain) and tool to work this
farms. To need to build and upgrade your farms to increase income and food supple. You
upgrade the village by building new granies and huts. You build the Graneny to hold food
and dried, salted meats. You build new graneny went you have no more room in your
graneny. The other ecomenic building in the village is the livestock pen to hold
animal( cow,nox and chickens). You can builded addon to your buildings like drying room on
the granery and hut. There is one other ecomenic building that can only be build in centre
area is the fishing wharf so you can builded fishing boat so you can add fish to your diet and
selling points. You build huts to house, poeple and supplies(materials and tools). There are
addon to the hut like drying room, extra room and storerooms. To build this thing you need
wood and nails to build building. Difference building requirer difference about of wood and
requier more poeple to use.

Tier 0 building with cost and add-on

Building- affect
Hut- 50wood

Salting room-10gold, 35wood

Extra rooms- 15gold, 30wood

Storerooms- 10gold, 30wood

Granary- 20gold, 90wood

Salting room- 10gold, 35wood

Extra supply room- 15gold, 30wood

Fishing wharf- 30gold, 70wood

Tier 1

As you build up your village and populations you will evelute into a town with a large
populations but then you may not be able to feed your population so need to start trade and
then bring in trade income from sreing villages who then can bring you food and materials.
At this point you will need a govermant or conical to lead your town, by regerlating the trade
income and tax. You upgrade by buying the meeting hall which requier a large amont of
wood, gold and other material to builded. After you have build the meeting hall you will get
new buildings(barracks, blacksmith, bowyer, horse tamer, common house, shrine- old gods,
storeyard, potter, stone mine – granite, copper and tin mine, clay pit, open cut gem and gold
mine, mill, clay and wood barracades) but there are some new add-on to building(barracks-
blacksmith, armourer, blacksmith- forge, supply rooms, bowyer- supply room, horse tamer-
supply rooms, larger paddock, potter- large oven, ,common house- baker, large oven, second
stores, storeyard-dry room, mill- large mill stones). There are new farm types(barley, hemp,
pig and horse) and there are new add-ons to the fishing wharf(crab pots, boat builder). The
meeting hall has the abletice to start a no tier farming commicael. This act as a teir 0 farming
commicety that can’t upgrade to a teir 1 town. The meeting hall has over abletices like is rise
to arms (this abletices is use to turn to local villager into man-at-arms), taxitions (this alwos
you to gain over income of gold and other resources) and diplomacy( give you the abletice to
created different type of agreement like trade, allicances, no-agreasing treatys,etc). As a tier 1
town you have ascect to the barracks, blacksmith, woodcrafter, horse tamer, leather worker,
armourer and all of this building are reguier to build an army. You require the barracks to
train your men. As a tier 1 town you have acese to training spearman, swordsman and
archers. There are more unit that can be train but they require the horse tamer and they are
mounted spearman and mounted archer. The addon to the barracks is the blacksmith and that
has the same effect as the building blacksmith but the addon is smaller, cheaper but is slower
and does make the same quile of the weapons as a normal blacksmith. The second building is
the blacksmith, the diference between the two blacksmith is the weapon are produced a faster
rate. The weapons produced at the black smith are the swords, arrow, spear heads and shields.
The blacksmith has weapon upgrade for the metal like bronze weapons and leather hides. The
building is the wood crafter and that created bow, spear and arrow staffs. The woodcrafter is
the building that has weapon upgrade for wooden crafting like oak craft, maple crafting and
also bamboo crafting. This stuff is taken to the blacksmith and the arrow are placed onto the
arrow stuff and the spear head are placed onto the spear stuff and they can use to equipped
your army. The next building is the leather armour and it create armour for your light
armoured troops. The leather armourer use cowhide to create leather armour. This armour can
take time to create but the armour is light but strong armour. The other armour building is the
armourer and this building can be use as a addon to the blacksmith or as a spre a building.
The armourer is use to create metal armour from copper, tin and bronze armour. If this
building is used as an addon it will decreas the building time of weapon at the blacksmith. To
created mounted solder you need the horse tamer and this will alwa you to mounted warrior
and archers. The horse tamer can be use to train house for your cart and other mility supple
trains. The horse tamer has upgrade you like pure breeding and handless riding training. As a
tier 1 town you have a acques to technology and you can now build a library. The library is a
very basic research centre and will give very few technology pre tier. The library allow you
you to gain a new resonrces and that is knowledge. Knowledge last of ever because it is store
in a library in the form of book but knowledge can be destroyed if the holding library is
destroyed or looted. You can gain knowledge went you loot a two or city. Technology is spit
into 3 different stranges(military- this strange of technology is use in war and affect the
technology the unit that can be builded and there strength of units, farming- this stange of
technology affect the resource gain from farm and animal grown, social- this strange of
technology affect your town growth and building avablie). The next research building is the
grand library and that is avaible at tier 3 and there is only one more research and that is the
unizerty. To upgrade to tier 2 you must build a town hall which requires a large amonts of
lumber and stone.

Tier 1- building with cost and add-ons

Building- cost effect

Meeting hall- 950gold, 60wood the meeting hall is the evolution building of tier 0 and
turn the village into a town. This building required you
to have a pollution of 200 people to builded it.

Barracks- 400gold, 150wood this building is the basic created of infantry and archers
and has basic military technology.

Blacksmith- 150gold, 50wood this add-on has the same effect as a normal blacksmith
but has 1/3 the production speed of a normal

Wood crafter- 150 gold, 60wood this add-on has the same effect as a bowyer but is
production rate of 1/3 of a normal bowyer
Supply room- 100gold, 40wood this add-on increase the storage space of the barrack
from 250 to 400 units of supplies, weapon and military

Blacksmith- 450gold, 100wood the blacksmith produced weapons at 1000 unit a turn. It
produced sword at 2unit, long sword at 3 units, spear
head at 1unit, arrowhead at 0.25 units and shield at
3units. The blacksmith can produces there in any

Forge- 100gold, 70wood this add-on increases to the blacksmith producing of
1000 to 1250 units.

Supply room- 100gold, 40wood this add-on increase the storage space of the blacksmith
from 300 to 450 units. This use to store weapon and

Bowyer- 425gold, 40wood this building produced wooden weapon at 1300 unit a
turn. It produced bow at 4turn, spear shaft at 2 units and
arrow shaft at 0.5unit. The bowyer can produced these
in any combination.

Supply room-100gold, 40wood this add-on increase the storage space of the bowyer
from 350 to 500. This is use to store weapon and

Horse tamer- 400gold, 125wood this producted horse at 30units a turn and can store up
to 120 horses.

Larger paddock- 100gold, 50wood. this add-on incresces the number of horse that can be
held from 120 to 150horse.

Supply room- 100gold, 40wood this add-on give the horse tamer a storage space of
150unit which can be used for weapons and supples for
feeding horses.
Store yard- 400gold, 200wood this building is use to hold materials, resources and
weapons. This building has a storage space of
2000units. Difference material, resources or weapon
have a difference amount of unit need to hold then.

Supply rooms- 130gold, 55wood this add-on increase the storage of the storeyard from
2000 to 2500unit

Drying rooms- 90gold, 35wood this add-on alawes you to turn meats and fish in salted
produceds. This increase the storage time form 3 turns
to 5 turns. It also has a storage space for 250units of salt

Grain tower- 150gold, 60wood this building gives you a free space that can only grain
produced and has a storage space of 2000 grain

Common house- 150gold, 75wood this building is needed to hold your pollution. This
building give you room for 16 people and has a storage
space of 100units

Baker-50gold, 25wood this add-on gives the house a increase in happiness with
then having hot food. The happiness increase will make
the people work hard. The baker increase the happiness
by 15 points

Large oven- 55gold, 30wood this add-on increase the happiness of the house but and
also the house that around it increase their happiness as
if they had a baker add-on. The large oven increases the
happiness by 25 points.

Second store-100gold, 40wood this add-on increase the amount of people that can be
house by 8 to 24 people and also increase storage space
by 50 to 150units.

Supply room- 80gold, 35wood this add-on increase the storage space by 100 to
Vegetable pat- 45gold, 30wood this add-on give the house a food producing rate of
40units a turn. This is only fruits and vegetables so you
still need to give then meat.

Mill- 200gold, 85wood This building is use to convert grain and hopes to their
powder form at a rate of 3/5 the amount place in. the
mill is require to sell bread to over towns. This building
also has storage space for 1000 units of flour or bread.

Larger mill stones- 25gold, 10stone. This add-on increases the production of the powder
from 3/5 to ¾.

Baking oven- 40gold, 30wood this add-on allow you to make bread at the mill at 1 for
every 5units of floured use.

Supply rooms- 80gold, 35wood this add-on increase the storage space of the mill from
1000units to 1250units.

Clay worker- 170gold, 250wood this building is used to turn clay into workable clay then
into pot and bricks. The clay worker can turn 500 units
of normal clay into 200 units of workable clay. That
200 units can be turn into brick and pot at any rate, pots
0.5 units and bricks 0.1 units. This building has a
storage space of 300 units, which is used for clay,
pottery and bricks.

Oven- 50gold, 40wood this add-on increase the producing from 200 to 300
units of 500units of clay.

Supply rooms- 80gold, 35wood this add-on increase the storage space from 300 units to

Tier 1- food and resource

Fishing wharf- add-on

Crab pots- 40gold, 90wood this add-on increase the amount of food gain per turn.
This add-on give you 150units of crab- food. There are
different types of crab and each type of crab is worth a
different amount in trade. E.g.- mud crab, solf shell crab
and king crab.

Stone mine-60gold, 90wood this building is your basic stone producing building.
This building produced 250 units of stone a turn.

Copper mine- 85gold, 100wood this building is your basic raw metal producing
building. This building produced 200 units of copper a

Tin mine- 85gold, 100wood this building is your other raw metal producing
building. This building produced 200 units of tin a turn.

Gem mine- 110gold, 130wood this building is your basic rare resources producing
mine. This building produced 150 units of gems a turn.
There are different types of gems and each is worth a
different amount. Eg. Ruby, opals, etc.

Gold mine- 115gold, 130wood this building is your basic income producing mine. This
building 125 units of gold a turn. Went gold is turn to
money your time the amount by 10 but this can increase
as your gain upgrades in strand.

Silver mine- 105gold, 110wood this building is your very basic income producing mine.
This building producing 100 units of silver a turn. Went
silver is turn to money you times amount by 5 but this
can increase as you gain upgrade in the social strand.

Clay pit-55gold, 80wood this building is used to produced clay which can be turn
into pots and bricks. This building produced 200 units
of clay a turn.

Tier 1- units
Units affect
Spearman-90gold, 110food spearman is a basic infantry unit which is also the bane
of mounted units. Spearmen are train in group of 25
men. They use spear and cloth or leather armour. The
have no upgrade at this tier.

Swordsman- 100gold, 120food swordsman are a light infantry unit is that they are
useful against spearman. Swordman are train in units of
20 men. They are equipped with sword and shield or
long swords and wear cloth, leather or metal armour.
They can gain the following upgrades close quarters
training and throwing weapons.

Archer- 95gold, 110food archers are a light infantry unit that is used to disrupt
enemy formantions. They are train in units of 30men.
They are equipped with bow and metal blades and cloth
or leather armour. They can gain the following upgrade
loosen vollage and close combat training.

House tamer
Cavally spearman-125gold, 160food mounted spearman are basic cavally unit that is used to
raid and arase the enemy. They are train in group of
20men. They are equipped with spear and cloth or
leather armour. They can gain the following upgrade hit
and run tactics and looting.

Mounted archer- 130gold, 170food mounted archer a basic raiding unit that is specialised to
raid and arase the enemy. They are train in units of
20men. They are equipped with bow and short sword
and cloth or leather armour. They can gain the
following upgrade hit and run tactics, loosen volley and

Tier 2
There is one new abletice that avaiblie to a tier 2 town you can created a upgraded able
village which can create into a mutli-tier town. As a tier 2 town you can created some new
buildings (stable, tax offices, siege shop, large mill, block house, town square, military
centre, shipyard and fishing port), there are some new resources buildings (shaft mine- this
building requerirs the shaft mining research’s- this mine is use to mine gold and gems), there
are new farm types (silk and beans) and there are some new addon for your buildings
(barracks- training dummy, supply rooms, large mill- multiple mill stones, water wheel,
blacksmith- large furnaces, shipyard- blacksmith, siege mounting, fishing port- salting room,
small boat builder, siege shop- blacksmith, cart builder). To advance to the next tier of
military technology you have to research military strategy at the barracks and then build a
military centre and this will give chance to research siege tactics and cavalry tactics. The
siege technology alwas the building of a siege shop and now you can build siege engines but
before you can builded siege engines you must research one of these siege technologies of
crossbow or counter –leaver. The crossbow technology is use to create gaint crossbow or bolt
throwers while the counter-leaver is use to created trebuchets and counter-leaver catapults.
The building of a siege shop also aloes the training of siege enginners at the military centre.
You then can research upgrade to give new abletice that help you attack fortified town and
city. The siege engineer can create ladder, siege towers and small pinpoint siege weapons. If
you research cavally tactics you can build a stable and that give you cavaly. You can now
created 5 new basic cavally (heavy horse archers, lancers, mounted swordman, mounted
scouts and mounted skrimeber). There are some cavally technology that can be research at
the stable (hit and run tactics, selective breeding, etc) and this technology can affect both the
rider and the horse. The over military building thet train solders is the barracks and you have
choice one of the following technology to researchs and that choice govern the path they take
in military technology, the first is line tactics and the over being guerrilla tactics. The first,
line tactic, give you 4 new units (crossbowman, heavy spearman, heavy swordsman, guard),
the second give you 5 new units (skrimeber, hunter, woodman, slinger and scout). Each of
these strand of military technology give you a difference set of technology, the line tactics
strand give you force marched, shield wall. The guerrilla tactics give the following
technology fake change, ambush, hit and run and looting. with ascese to the shipyard you can
now research pirate (you need Guerrilla tactics to research this tactic) and you can created
sailor and pirate. The shipyard basic creation is the transport junks. If you have build a siege
shop, you can builded a ‘siege mounter’ add-on the shipyard. If you have research the
‘crossbow’ technology you can created 2 new ships (light ship, siege ship-crossbow) while if
you have research ‘counter leaver’ technology you can created some new siege ( heavy ship,
siege shop- trebutchs). The research siege of siege technology at the siege shop will also
affect the siege weapon on the ship. As a tier 2 town you can build stone wall and towers but
you can also created garrison house. The garrison house is use to defence area which under
attack and the garrison house can hold 100 men and 50 horse without any add-on or
upgrades. As a tier 2 town can can created 2 new farm types (silk and bean) but now you can
research the plantation technology at the library. The plantation technology is the evolution of
the farm and this upgrade increase the food output. The down side of the plantations is that is
require more land and more people. There are some new upgrades for the farm strand of
technology like water wheel and mill stones. There is a new type of house and that is block
house. The block house is a large common house that is easier to fit into large block. The
block house can hold up to 16 people but if given the second store add-on they will increase
the people held to 24. This tier’s research building is the library; the library has 3 strand to
work with military, social and farming. There is add-on for the library and that is the
alchemist den, the alchemist den is use to created new compound and poisons to use. The
compound are used to help in two strand, farming and military. The compound can range
from compost to tar while poisons range from assonion toxic to mass production troop used
toxic. There are some new social technology with the library like land tax, water movement
and trade lines. There is a new aspect in the social strand and that is religion. The second
religion is the temple- old gods. Religion is use to bring your people into a frenzy, help in
your defence and builded up defences forces. The other new social building is the town
square, once you have builded the town square you can hold fevilet and cemorils. There two
event affect your happiness in different ways. For the next upgrade you can choice if you
want to upgrade to tier 3 town or tier 1 city. To upgrade to a tier 1 city you have to build a
palace or if you want a tier 3 town you build a grand hall. The difference is the teir 3 town is
cheap and give you more farming strand technology but less in military but not if you go
guerrilla tactics. The tier 1 city is more expense but give more technology in social and
military strand-line tactics.

Tier 2- building with cost and add-ons

Building- cost affect
Town hall- 1200gold, 120wood, 75 stone the town hall is the tier 2 evolution building.
This building has a number of new abletics like
create evolving commicel.

Stable- 600gold, 250wood, 50 stone this building produces at 40units a turn and the
stable can hold up 200 horses.

Outside paddocks- 150gold, 75wood this add-on increased the number of horse that
can be held from 200 to 260.

Feeding steles- 90gold, 30wood this add-on increases the number of horse each
turn from 40 to 45 units a turn.

Siege shop- 500gold, 125wood

Blacksmith- 150gold, 50wood

Supply room- 80gold, 35wood

Large mill- 350gold, 130wood this building has the same effect as a normal
mill but has a production speed of 4/5. The large
mill has a maxison producing amount of 100unit
of grain. The large mill has a storage space of

Multiple mill stones- 65gold, 30stone this add-on increase the production speed from
4/5 to 5/6.

Water wheel- 10gold, 50wood this add-on increase the maxion amount of grain
that can be produced from 1000units to 1500
Supply rooms- 80gold, 35wood this add-on increase the storage space from 1500
to 2000 units.

Library- 275gold, 300wood the library is the basic research building and is
required for most technology. The library
produces knowledge at a rate of 300 units a turn.

Alchemist den- 100gold, 70wood the alchemist den is need to created special
company, there conpan can have a use which
work in ant of the strand of technology. This
compand are like tar and compost and many
other things. The alchemist produced at a rate of
400unit a turn.

Tier 2- Units

Tier 3- city Tier 1

As a tier 1 city you gain the ablitice to created a tier 1 town which can upgrade into a higher
tier town. There are some new building that can be build (siege workshop, archer range,
grand library, temple-old gods, military academy, factory, large house, stone walls, guard
tower), there are new upgrade for existence buildings (siege workshop- blacksmith, supply
room, factory-blacksmith, supply room, archer range- tanner, woodcrafter, large house-
baker, second store, large ovan )

Tier 3- town Tier 3

If you choice the town, you are taking a path that many contras on guerrilla tactics, guerrilla
military technology and farming technology. There are many new buildings (raider camp,
archer camp, siege camp, supply camp, housing camp, military camp, large fishing port),
there are some new defences buildings (wood platiced, spider holes, underground complex
and spike pits) and there are some new building add-on (raider camp- blacksmith, supply
room, archer camp- woodcrafter, supply room, siege camp- blacksmith, supply room,
woodcrafter, supply camp- extra storage room, drying room, housing camp- ,underground
complex- barracks, store yard, granary, blacksmith, bowyer). As a tier 3 town you can
builded army camp, the army camp can act as a forward camp or raiding camp. The army
camp can have military building builded at it.

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